#because he thinks Asa betrayed him
m-aximumjoy · 2 years
my theory for next week is that the spinal cord sword will work, but because Denji essentially can’t die, he lives through it and is actually conscious enough to go “what the fuck.” absolutely horrifying but also, on some level, hilarious
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angyo · 4 months
I unironically love csm 167. Not for horny, but because it's so fucked up on so many layers and if it follows up on even 1 of those layers of fuckery it's gonna be explosive.
He's already been sexually assaulted so many times. Every time he has a dream it gets monkey's pawed into fucking him up worse. He doesn't know what he wants. Deep down he just wants to be loved and be able to trust that if he puts his soul into the hands of another person it won't get crushed. But his love for aki and power was used to break him. His love for reze and makima betrayed. His love for nayuta and the dogs used to goad him into violence. Everyone he opens his heart to either dies or uses him, so all he has left is this hope that sex gives him the love he so deeply needs without the commitment that makes it dangerous. He thinks getting his rocks off might give him the same love he needs without the possibility of having it stolen from him. An orgasm is an orgasm, even if the other person immediately betrays you you still got "love" in a far more transactional and solid sense.
But that's not how it works. Post-orgasm is a very vulnerable time, especially if it's from a high tension surprise hand job (rape) in a backalley. It's his last dream that hasn't been ruined yet and it happened after a castration attempt and will likely end with Asa looking at him like a disgusting monster and vomiting on the ground.
Of course the war devil can't process love. She and Asa share a body and swap a lot of emotions but they're still different people and when something they now feel strongly goes so directly against all of their lives experience they'll react in unpredictable and possibly dangerous ways, ESPECIALLY war. Yoru got the memory of the first kiss meaning asa probably got it too. Asa's not stable, she's so desperately lonely this revelation that denji never stood her up must've felt so relieving. But yoru was in charge when asa got this flood of emotion. War isn't about love or compromise, it's about stealing from the weak and kind, asserting absolute authority, and a lot of rape and pillaging. Of course when faced with such a human and kind emotion as love war doesn't care about anything but satiating the most immediately available impulse in a way that asserts her "superiority" and leaving before she'd have to actually confront the emotional turmoil she caused.
Oh she's fucked. Just like denji she is desperately lonely and always has love ripped away from her in the cruelest ways. But unlike him, she just pretends she doesn't need it and tries to feel superior so she doesn't have to feel the real depth of her loneliness. Yet she can't help but love anyway, and every time she falls into the trap of caring it dissolves all of her defenses and when it's betrayed it breaks her core. She is sex-repulsed, which is understandable for a teenager and possibly a sign of asexuality but thematically can be tied to her fear of opening her heart to damage. There's a difference between finding it disgusting on a reasonable level and being so viscerally disgusted by the thought it can drag you into hell. Sex is vulnerable. Your expose a lot of really sensitive organs to each other and stimulate hormones that make you open yourself up and expose yourself to risks like stds. When it feels like all her vulnerabilities get hammered against her of course she'd be scared of such a vulnerable act.
And now she's got cum on the only hand she has left, denji's spit in her mouth, and the lingering feeling of his dick on her, again, ONLY REMAINING HAND. And he's going to need aftercare, and really substantial care because she just sexually assaulted him and he doesn't know she's 2 different people. He's either gonna be so immediately depressed by the anticlimax of his first time he starts isolating or so desperate for this sex to be the time it finally means love he clings to her but it's gonna be terrifying to her because yoru took her subconscious vulnerability and externalized it to hurt the guy she just realized might be the only person to actually give a shit right now. She loves him and as soon as she lets that emotion wash over her it gets used to melt him into a puddle of desperation and vulnerability right in her arm that is so far beyond anything she can emotionally handle it could make him hate her forever. The only one who ever gave a shit and in the span of a couple minutes her body has been used to deconstruct him into a million little pieces she couldn't possibly put back together.
Not to mention the fact that in assaulting denji yoru also sexually assaulted Asa but denji doesn't know that. They both need immediate calming that isn't going to happen.
And she can't run away from yoru. The girl who assaulted her, exploited every vulnerability she has, and ruined her only chance is in her head. Even if denji realizes his worth and runs away asa is still stuck. Her assaulter is in her head, and the only hand she has left is covered in jizz.
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sugar-grigri · 5 months
analyze the ball kicking scene 🫶🏼 (out of joke, love your posts <3)
Yes, even kicking balls has symbolism in Chainsaw Man
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You're joking, Anon, but I wanted to do a post about it yesterday, and now you've given me the opportunity. Everything in this chapter is about the symbolism of kicking balls, yes, even the beginning!
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Haruka Iseumi flicks through several TV channels, rather blasély, until he comes across a woman whose speech seems to resonate with him, a woman who seems to feel betrayed, disoriented like these teenagers who have been put in danger by an institution that has never seen their good, the church. But this girl only talks about her disappointment following a scandal surrounding over-mediatized stars.
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What Haruka is going through right now is disillusionment, believing that his problems would have been taken seriously, his situation as an escaped high school terrorist, would have interested the public. But people prefer not to face up to these kinds of problems; an epidemic of people turned into demons is as commonplace as wars. To avoid jeopardizing personal comfort, people prefer to focus on other problems. Because people literally don't have the balls to face reality.
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But contrary to what Haruka thinks, he's not so different: he's also an angst-ridden child who had totally surrendered to his idol, Chainsaw Man, to the point of convincing himself that he was bound to him, even pretending to be him for a semblance of trust. What the chapter seems to show is that Haruka is more down to earth than that girl on TV, but what it really shows is that he's exactly like that girl, but no longer admits it to himself.
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No, Haruka, you're not dreaming, or rather you have been until now and now you can't do it anymore.
Because you've reached his idol, you have literally reassembled his image, you've seen the boy you have no interest in behind that reassuring mask.
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What this chapter is about is the illusion into which we accept to insert ourselves in order to better resist our fears and existential ills.
Denji doesn't have to exist to shatter the illusions he needs to survive; even his awakening and his speech are too much, as his image no longer matches the one he wears as a universal puppet. He's literally cuter when he's inanimate, because that's what he's made for. At least, that's the only way we accept him. He's made to fill your person, and it's impossible for Chainsaw Man to be a person in his own right.
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As proof of this, when Denji wakes up, his first reflex is not to discover that he's complete again, for he exists only to fill others, hence his question to Asa as to where her arm has gone. Unknowingly, Denji has accepted his role.
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For Katana Man and Yoru, Chainsaw Man is a goal, a dream to be achieved. Seeing the person behind it, the other half, disturbs them. Considering it might even make them reconsider their choices.
Katana Man has deluded himself into believing that Denji no longer has the heart of a man, that he was his grandfather's tormentor and not the child who was the victim. He needs this revenge to move forward, just as Yoru, as a war demon, needs to fight an unattainable adversary to continue wreaking havoc.
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But what's that got to do with it? What does this have to do with beating Denji's balls off?
Who kicked Katana Man in the balls? Aki and Denji. If Chainsaw Man is the metaphor for the comforting illusion of others, Aki is the symbol that revenge (often impossible) is a long-term, survival goal for hearts scarred by resentment. Beating the balls off? The meeting of the two.
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When Aki and Denji beat up Katana Man, the illusion of a proud, virile, traditional man who swore by his honor had been shattered. What Katana Man represented to himself and to the readers, this formidable adversary, had been dismantled.
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But above all, this was a gentle, more accessible form of revenge, one that would allow us to survive, a way for Aki to avenge Himeno in her own way, without actually avenging her. It's about beating your opponent while admitting you've lost in some way.
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Similarly, when Katana Man and Yoru defeat Denji, they lead to a renewed desire to dismantle Chainsaw Man's image. To bring it together as their long-term goal of revenge. But despite this balance of power, this gesture symbolically demonstrates that they are not certain of their victory.
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Above all, the important answer in this chapter is once again in the background.
Fami continues to eat undisturbed. She eats all the time, but in this chapter, she seemed almost to be regaining her strength.
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Why was that?
Her plan was clear, to make people fear Chainsaw Man as well as the war, to make Yoru and Chainsaw Man champions. But what about the media? They prefer to do what's most profitable, keeping viewers entertained for as long as possible, so that they forget about the real issues.
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People prefer to delude themselves, to dream dreams, rather than focus on reality, so will Chainsaw Man and Yoru have their strength increased to the point where they'll be potential opponents for death?
because people are already escaping the fear of death through entertainment, which is even the best champion.
Instead of thinking about our existential crises, we flood our brains with unimportant information.
As the philosopher Pascal would say: "Since men have not been able to cure death, misery and ignorance, they have decided, in order to make themselves happy, not to think about them. Notwithstanding these miseries, he wants to be happy, and only wants to be happy, and cannot not want to be happy".
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But let's close this loop of questions: if Chainsaw Man allows this comforting disillusionment, Denji is the opposite, something we refuse to see, if Chainsaw Man is a dream, Denji is reality. Let's get back to our main subject: beating up balls.
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When Aki first beat Denji up, he wanted to disgust him enough to prevent him from signing up as a public hunter. Literally, he preferred to spare Denji from reality, by killing the symbol that is Denji (did you miss the headaches I caused?). But when Denji retaliates, to insist that he wants to enlist, it's the other way around: it's the harshness of reality that Denji fully accepts that will prevail over Aki's attempt to protect him.
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When Katana Man and Yoru beat Denji's balls off, in reality they're trying to fight the reality of what Chainsaw Man is, this mixture between a boy, reality, and the bloodthirsty enemy, the dream, Chainsaw Man. Beating up Denji is an attempt to avoid the harshness of life. It's that illusion.
So when Denji helped Aki beat up Katana Man, he allowed him to escape his survival mechanisms, his revenge, his illusion, by enjoying the present moment, pure reality. But when Denji defeated Aki, it was also the announcement of the reality of Aki's fate, which would outweigh this illusion - the success of his revenge.
That's why Pochita, the dream and illusion, prevents Denji from opening the door. When Denji sees reality, he can't help opening it. Just as Makima concentrated on her Chainsaw Man dream without seeing reality, Denji right behind it. Just as the dream allows Denji to escape reality, the contract between Denji and Pochita has allowed Denji to become someone else, escaping from himself, himself a victim of the dream without being able to know exactly what he is.
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But don't forget, beating the balls off is Denji's tactic.
Why is that? Because no matter how hard you try to escape it, reality will always prevail.
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toggle1-mrfipp · 4 months
CSM 165: Asaden Monkey's Paw
With Katana Man's suggestion of going to a brothel, I sort of had a horrifying idea how this could end.
Sex is an important thing in Chainsaw Man and how varying characters interact with it and Denji being one of the most prominent examples. He started this story salivating for even the slightest touch of the female form, but when we got it with Power he was left disappointed and he didn't know why. Despite everything Makima did to him, all the horrible ways she manipulated and destroyed him, he took her lessons about intimacy to heart, and that's what he ultimately wants in the end. He refused to sleep with Himeno, he refused to take advantage of Power, he asked Asa out on a second date instead to grope her breast, Denji's story is not about him not wanting sex, but intimacy. Denji wants to be close to someone, he wants to be loved on equal grounds, and while he found love with Aki, Power and Nayuta, he is looking for a love that they simply cannot provide for him. But where has that search for love gotten him? Himeno vomited down with throat, Reze bit off his tongue and tried to kill him, Makima destroyed his life and killed the two other people in his life he had grown to love, and Asa, the one girl who "didn't hurt him" is now looking to be no better than them. Denji's search for love and intimacy has seen him hurt, betrayed and manipulated again and again and again, leaving him not with a single wholly genuine experience. On top of this, his life has gone down the drain, his pets, Nayuta and the "normal life" that was forced upon him had burnt down around him, leaving him with nothing to show for all the pain he's been through in his life, and he ultimately blames himself for it.
I feel like there's a good chance he might accept Katana Man's offer to visit a brothel, and that his reason for doing so won't be because he'll find intimacy, but because he just doesn't care anymore. Between his own misery and belief that he cannot be happy for the deaths of his family, and his own constant hurt and disappointment with love, I think he might do this because to him there's just no value in wanting that intimacy anymore, he'll just do it to get it over with. it'll be something to just mark off a checklist instead of something to savor and enjoy.
Then there is Asa. We know that she does not like sex, that she thinks it's gross, but it's clear that she feels this way because she's afraid of intimacy. Having sex means making yourself vulnerable to someone, and Asa's past experiences have taught her that getting close to people only result in her getting her. She is afraid of being alone, but she's afraid of getting close to people, she made her thoughts clear to Denji when he saved her, but something changed for her. Denji saving her made her feel valued, appreciated, that there was something in her worth valuing. Everything Asa did was so she could "save" Chainsaw Man, to prove to herself that she could help someone and be of use, but as we've seen it's not panned out well for her. Denji isn't happy for her saving him, he's more miserable than he's ever been, when Denji points out how shady Fami is she says her heart is in the right place, and when he talks about having to eat toilet paper from public restrooms she tries to see it as a metaphor.
Asa wants to help Denji, but she's still thinking about herself in doing it, because Asa's story is about her trying to help people and those same people being hurt or dying because of her wanting to do the right thing. She can't accept that Fami's not a good person who is responsible for possibly millions of deaths around the world, she can't accept that Denji's "normal" before Chainsaw Man saw him in such an extreme poverty, she can't self-reflect on herself because that would mean realizing she made all the wrong choices, and that the person she tried to help, that made her feel good about herself is suffering and she has a hand to play it. In her desperation to save Chainsaw Man she has only brought him misery.
I think there's a chance that Denji and Asa may have sex in the worst circumstances possible for them.
If Denji is at a point where he no longer cares about intimacy, and Asa remains desperate to convince Denji that "normal" is good for him, I think she might offer herself to be his sexual partner. I've seen people misunderstand Denji's issues and that having sex will solve his problems without thinking about the strong emotional context of situation, and I feel like Asa might be in that same spot, where she'll convinced herself that Denji having sex would solve his problems and make him happy. "Having sex with a girlfriend is normal, we went on a date so us having sex would be normal! See how good normal is!"
Denji and Asa are two people who want to find intimacy and love, but if they were to have sex under these conditions they would find neither; Denji would only do it because he sees no value in waiting anymore, and Asa would only do it because her very sense of self-value is on the line, there would be no love or understanding in this, just more grief and loneliness.
I straight up wrote a fanfic about this.
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ashleyh713fanfics · 7 months
Dazai X Odasaku!Sister Ch8
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Chapter 8: "I'll Be Here To Welcome You"
Summary: Oda's sister finds herself at Dazai's port mafia apartment after he offered to let her stay the night. He tries to get a reaction out of her but fails miserably, or does he? (Part 1 of 2, this one is more fluff and the next part will be very angst.)
Warning: pm! fifteen year old dazai, Dazai self destructing, Odasaku death mentions, Dazai is rough but for a purpose, manipulative behavior from both sides, underage drinking, talks of suicide. I gave Oda's sister a name but you can imagine it as y/n.
(This is chapter eight of my fanfic "Timeless" which is now on A03. It carries on from the three part intro I posted a couple days ago. I'll link it below to fully understand the story. Asagao's ability is to stop time for up to six seconds.)
Three Part Intro Here: (just cause the first chapter is so long)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
A03 Version Here:
Word count: 5k total
As the two kids made their way through the city streets of Yokohama, Dazai’s fingers tightened onto Odasaku’s sister’s wrist in order to drag her to their next destination.
He had tried to walk in front of her but after a couple blocks it was clear that Asagao’s blurry eyesight along with her drunken giggles betrayed her with each step, bumping into nearby strangers and random walls. And though it was quite funny to watch, the boy also didn’t really wanna treat a concussion tonight. 
But Dazai also didn’t really like the connotation that hand holding had either, the touch far too personal and intimate for his liking. So, he settled on her wrist, pulling her behind him like some sort of puppy on a leash. It wasn’t like Asa seemed to mind though. 
No, in fact it was like the girl was in her own world, smiling like an idiot the entire time as they turned another corner only for her to finally speak since their time at the bar. “Hey, Osu. Not that I’m not happy about your offer or anything but now that I think about it, isn’t it gonna seem suspicious for me to go to your house like this?” 
Dazai only shook his head though, pausing his steps for a moment in order to pull his arm towards him so the Asagao would stumble forward and meet him halfway. “Don’t worry your pretty little head about it. I do this all the time.” 
And stumble she did, the girl gasping at the sudden move only to place her hands onto his forearms for support so she didn’t completely fall on her face. “You do?” 
Nodding back, he hummed, not minding the touch as it wasn’t gentle or intimate in any way. “Mhm. Does that make you jealous?” 
Asa only turned her head though, clearly confused by what he was trying to say. “Why would I be jealous of that?” 
Lifting his fingers up, Dazai’s thumb and forefinger moved toward her cheeks before forcing her head forward in order for him to give a low mischievous smirk.  “Because of the things I do with those women.” 
He was messing with her obviously but there was also some truth in his statement, because he did play around with women, he did take them to his port mafia based apartment and then leave them on the street once he was done like nothing had happened. 
Dazai used them, he took the attributes that benefited him and then he threw them away without so much of a thank you or a call afterwards. 
And now he was doing the same thing to Oda’s sister..well in a way.
He was using her for her ties to his best friend, and the only difference was that Asa was fully aware of it. That didn’t make it right though. Even Dazai could understand that much. 
But all that self awareness didn’t stop him from halting his evil ways. What could he say? Bad habits died hard. This was all the boy knew how to do anyways and it was Asa’s fault for ever agreeing to such a toxic relationship to begin with. 
Asagao only frowned though, her icy blue eyes batting in pure innocence between his fingers as she replied softly. “Why would that make me jealous though?” 
Then all at once, she watched the feared port mafia executive gasp in order to reel back before slumping over in a childish pout. “Ah! Asa-chan, you’re so mean! Girlfriends are supposed to be mad and cry and throw things when boyfriends talk about other women! It’s like you don’t care about me at all!” 
The girl only blinked in surprise though, her drunk haze not allowing her to connect the upset in her brain. She thought their relationship was already pretty clear. “But we aren’t really boyfriend and girlfriend though, we are just using each other..” 
Yet that’s when Dazai gasped once more before dramatically falling to his hands and knees in order to look up at her and point to his bandaged face. “That doesn’t matter! It’s the principle of the thing. I am an attractive man so it’s only natural you’d be jealous of my history of sleeping with other women and taking them to my place like I'm doing right now with you.” 
Didn’t she get it, didn’t she understand that he was treating her just like any other slut and whore that crossed his path? She wasn’t special to him, he had basically told her that to her face and she still wasn’t jealous? He thought she said that she fell for him. 
Asa only crouched down to meet him though, her hands wrapping around her knees before giving him that same candy coated sweet smile she always did. “Oh! I couldn’t do that though. What you’ve done in the past and even the present doesn’t bother me. I already know where we stand so you don’t gotta worry about that, Osu!”
Narrowing his eyes in skepticism, Dazai then watched in real time as his insults and mockery dissolved before it hit her face causing the boy to sigh heavily. 
She should’ve been mad at him, it would’ve been so much easier than whatever this was. 
She had already let him get away with so many things. Why couldn’t she be normal for once and threaten him with the disgust like he deserved? Why was she instead always staring at him with the cute innocent little smile, the one that made his heart twist and turn with self disgust?
Lifting his hands up once more, Dazai than pinched the blind happiness from her lips, pushing her cheeks together in a goofy fashion in order to drop his act with a grumble. “Boo, you’re no fun Asa-chan. What kind of reaction is that? I wanted to see your cheeks get all puffy and your face get all red!
Asagao seemed to think about his sentence for a moment before her own fingers moved to her cheeks in order to puff them out in a fake pout to try and simulate what he was looking for only for Dazai to snort and shake his head in exasperation. 
Ah damn it, she was such a cute little drunk. Wasn’t she? Wanting to please him like this even though he was just messing with her. What a loser. 
So much so, Dazai then closed his eyes pushing her head down with his hand, rubbing the top of her hair in a messy fashion before standing back up. “Don’t push yourself, darling. You’re gonna pass out like that and I’m not gonna carry you.  Besides, we are here already.” 
Reaching his hand out, he then reattached his possessive hold around her wrist before pulling her back off the ground in order to walk up to the massive glass building in front of them. 
Asagao felt her head spin at the motion before her blurry eyes couldn’t help but focus on the sight before her. And even with half of the view and alcohol in her system, the girl could tell that the place was intimidating, the building looming over her in silent wait. 
She didn’t have much time to process it though as Dazai’s body pushed her past the entrance and into the lobby only for the two kids to be met by a row of lined up black suited men, their heads immediately bowing to the sight of the executive. “Welcome back, sir.”
Dazai completely ignored them though, his posture stiff and ever watchful as Asa gave them a polite smile and bow of her head in return with a small greeting of her own. “Oh, hello. Nice to meet you. I’m..” 
Yet that’s then the boy simply tugged her arm forward in order to practically push the girl into the nearest elevator as fast as possible, her unsteady legs stumbling into the wall with a squeak of surprise.
It was rough, yes. But this was how he treated all the other girls that he brought back and it couldn't look any different. No, nothing could raise suspicion that this was more than a typical one night stand. Otherwise their escapade would be reported to Mori. 
And that was a headache he didn’t want to deal with, knowing that her existence would cause Mori to dig his claws into the poor innocent Asagao without hesitation.
Hell, she probably shouldn’t have even been here in the first place. Ango would've definitely killed him for it, and not in a fun way.
But living on the edge of danger was an exciting thrill Dazai couldn’t pass up. He knew he could be smarter than Mori. He knew he could fool him, and that enough was reason to test his little theory and win. 
But in order to do that, he had to make this little act believable. That’s why he didn’t bat an eye at his rough demeanor, simply stepping into the elevator only to watch his idiot lackey subordinates try to follow. 
Oh no, he couldn’t have that. Seems like they were already suspicious of his intentions. Asagao wasn’t normally the type of girl he would’ve brought back after all. She was dorky and naive, usually the sluts he picked were stupid but but clearly experienced. 
Turning his head back to the men, Dazai spoke, his voice chilling and final. “That won’t be necessary.” 
And for a moment, the men hesitated, their steps pausing before glancing back to the red haired female and then back to their boss in reply. “But sir..” 
Realizing he needed to prove his intentions, Dazai then turned back to Oda’s sister before closing his eyes with conflict. He had a plan, he knew how to get them off his back but he also knew that Odasaku wouldn’t have approved. 
But desperate times caused for desperate measures. 
And to make matters worse, his silent stare seemed to cause Asagao to sense the tension as well, her head turning in drunken confusion before lifting her hand out in concern. “Osam..”
Yet before she could finish his name, Dazai’s hand grasped onto hers forcefully in order to push his body into hers as Asagao’s back slammed against the wall of the elevator before he shifted his head to obstruct the view of the subordinates. 
Then he slapped his hand over her surprised mouth before pressing his lips roughly to his own hand, the distance practically nonexistent as Dazai’s handmade barrier became the only thing keeping the two from skin to skin contact. 
But from the way his head was turned, the men only saw the executives body and hair in order for them to make the connection in their mind that Dazai had ravaged her lips in a possessive claim of ownership. 
The move only lasted for a second before the executive allowed his hand to drop from her lips in order to place one shushing motion in its place and turn around towards the watchful eyes with cold resolve. “I said, I wanted to be alone. Or do I need to repeat myself?” 
All at once, the men jumped in clear fear before immediately bowing in apology in order to click the elevator button with a gasp. “Sorry sir, please enjoy your night.” 
Then the door closed, leaving Dazai and Asagao alone as the cocky victorious boy turned towards her with a teasing smirk. “Now don’t get carried away, Asa-chan. You know why I did that right?” 
Yet the moment he turned to her, it seemed like Asa was frozen in place, her entire body as still as a statue, almost like she was in some sort of state of shock. “Y-Yeah no. I get it. They were suspicious so you had to…” 
Nodding back in confirmation, Dazai then lowered his eyes before deciding to mock her even more, his hands resting on the wall a couple inches from her head. “Of course, that’s just a little sample. If you wanted, once we get to my place I could remove my hand and we could continue where we left off?” 
Yet a second later, the boy simply freed her from his prison in order to give her a goofy defensive stance. “Just kidding! I know better than to expect that kind of reaction from you.” 
She hadn’t given him anything when he played the jealousy card so Dazai was sure that it would be the same here. It seemed like the girl had no self awareness that he was a man at all. She didn’t see him that way apparently, which was annoying in itself. 
Was he not handsome enough to make her heart race? Surely any other woman would’ve swooned over the chance to kiss him. So why wasn’t she the same?
Giving up completely, Dazai then shrugged his shoulders before the elevator dinged as the boy made his way out without a care. “Ah well, now that’s over, let’s go.” 
Yet the boy got halfway across the floor before turning around in order to realize that Asagao was still standing in the elevator, her body just as stone still as before.
Well, that was weird, even for her. 
Backtracking back to the place, Dazai then turned his head in confusion, “Asa-chan?”
At the sound of her name, Asa seemed to jump back to life, her speech stuttered and small with every approaching step. “O-Oh yeah, sorry. Just give me a second. My legs feel like jelly for some reason.” 
Feeling himself stop right in front of her, Dazai then frowned before poking his finger straight into the forehead only for the girl to immediately collapse like a tower of cards, her legs giving out from underneath her before she giggled pathetically on the floor. “H-Ha ha sorry...I don’t know what’s gotten into me. You can just leave me here, I’ll catch up..” 
The boy only watched in stunned silence though, seeing the seemingly unchanging Oda Asagao crumble to her knees by a simple fake kiss in order for his lips to twist into a smug smile.
So she does see me as a man after all. 
And this time it was Dazai that crouched down to meet her, his lips letting out a small airy chuckle of pure amusement and relief before placing his hands onto his knees in reply. “Aww, Asa-chan. You’re so cute. I didn’t know you could be so flustered by me.” 
Finally finding use of her muscles, Asa then frowned before covering her entire face with her hands as Dazai saw the very bright pink hue of her entire face. “I-It was just a surprise, that’s all. That and the alcohol mixed together are making me weird.” 
The boy knew it was more than that though. Sure, she probably was more aware of him because of the alcohol but that blush on her cheeks was definitely because of their almost kiss. Ah, Asa-chan was always amusing him in the best ways. 
He couldn’t get sick of this even if he tried. 
Because of that, Dazai only rolled his eyes, not taking her words at face value before reaching his arms forward in order to hook them under her armpits. “Sure sure, whatever you wanna call it. Now come on, up you go!” 
Lifting his arms up, Asagao’s body then followed him, hosting her upwards until she was back on her feet before she stumbled into his chest. Wow, he really did a number on her, didn’t he? Poor princess couldn’t pull herself together, 
Dazai laughed in response, placing his hand to the back of her head in order to ground her to reality “So needy, love.” 
The girl only shook her head though, muttering a reply into his jacket. “Smmorry..” 
The words were muttered but he knew she was apologizing in some sort of way. Ah, damn it. Just when he thought Oda’s sister couldn’t get any more adorable she surpassed it. 
Thinking about his spontaneous kiss, Dazai felt his own eyes lower. This was kind of his fault in the first place. He didn’t give her any warning about what he was going to do. And though it was obvious that Asa didn’t hate his plan, she was certainly stunned by it. 
And normally his response would’ve been to step back and let her fall on her face but after their night at Bar Lupin and the blind words of faith he uttered about him, Dazai tried something different. 
This was his fault after all. “Ah well, I guess I’ll take responsibility this once.” 
Then the boy simply reached down before hoisting Asa up by her legs in order to push her over his shoulder, much to her surprise. “O-Osamu, what are you..” 
Dazai only cut her off though, voice smug. “Not another word, love or I’ll drop you.” 
That seemed to be enough to get her to pause before Dazai simply walked around the corner and opened the door to his apartment, not even bothering to flick on the light and throw the poor red haired girl face first onto the sofa and rid himself of the overly out of character act. 
Asagao only groaned at the impact though, feeling the soft cotton assault her face.
Yet that’s when his phone started to sound inside his pocket only for the boy to pull the object and read the text with a frown as Asa looked up from the cushions. “Who is that?” 
Sighing heavily, Dazai then shoved the object back in his jacket before replying shortly. “Mori. He probably wants to know why I missed the scheduled raid today.” 
At that, Asagao turned her head, anxiety in her eyes as she tried to process the sentence in her drunken brain. “What? Why did you miss it? Oh no, it’s not because I fell asleep on you, right? I told you you should’ve pushed me off. I didn’t wanna get you in trouble with your boss.” 
Dazai only shook his head though, unbothered by her stress. “Relax, love. I skip boring things all the time. Besides, it was worth it to hear the anger in my dog's voice! You did me a favor.” 
He then chuckled to himself, still pleased with the trouble he caused Chuuya only for Asa to speak out of his psychotic glee. “You should go smooth things out then.” 
Frowning at her words, Dazai then leaned forward in order to teasingly run a couple fingers through her messy crimson locks. “And leave my favorite girl all alone on our first night together?”
Asagao only shook her head though. “I don’t wanna keep you from your job. Plus it would be bad if they came looking for you, right? I’m not supposed to be here.” 
She was making him see logic, something that Dazai didn’t really want to face. The last thing he wanted to do was go see Mori and listen to his old man nagging, but she was right. If he didn’t show up then the boss would probably come to him, and that’s what he was trying to avoid. 
Looks like he had no choice. Just great. 
Humming in distaste for the truth, Dazai then leaned forward, his voice slightly threatening and low. “Then will you promise me you’ll be a good girl and wait for me here?” 
Asa didn’t seem shaken at all, her eyes playing in confusion under her large framed glasses. “What do you think I’m gonna do?” 
At that, Dazai couldn’t help but smile, telling her the absolute and honest truth. “I don’t know, and that’s the best thing about you, Asa-chan. I can’t predict you. You’re an enigma in the most interesting ways.” 
And she was, she really was. To Dazai, Oda’s sister was the most unpredictable force he had ever met. Sure, there were moments he could guess, there were circumstances where he could control her in the way he wanted, but there were others that left him completely and utterly speechless. 
When she said that he was a good man, when she called him precious, when she confessed that she would’ve joined the port mafia for him, they played on a strange complicated repeat inside his brain, the boy still unable to process them in any sense. She was dangerous in all the best and worst ways possible. 
But the most dangerous part of it all was that Asagao was completely oblivious to it all. She had no idea what kind of impact, what kind of unraveling her seemingly insignificant words had on the port mafia executive. 
And to prove his point, Asagao only smiled in response, the gentle and kind nature in itself absolutely earth shattering as she hummed back. “I’ll be here to welcome you home..” 
Not wanting to get uncomfortable by the proximity of her light, Dazai then quickly took a step back before immediately heading from the door before he changed his mind. 
How foolish of her, the audacity to say such a thing. This place wasn’t his home. 
He didn’t even have one of those. 
Shaking the thought from his mind, Dazai then looked back at the unmoving girl before speaking back threateningly, knowing it wouldn’t shake her in any way. “You better keep to that, love. Breaking a promise with the devil is a fate worse than death..” 
And just like that the mafioso disappeared from the apartment completely. 
After a couple minutes, Asagao finally started to gain feeling back in her legs in order to sit up from the darkened sofa with a sigh. What was wrong with her? Why did she have to act so stupid in front of Osamu? Stupid alcohol, usually she was cooler than that. 
And more she thought about it, the more she felt her hands run over her face in an embarrassingly flustered groan. Osu kept having to look after her, first with her mistake of falling asleep on his shoulder and now when he carried her because she couldn’t stand.
Just great, Asagao, you keep inconveniencing him.
And to be honest, the fact that he was still sticking around was a complete mystery to her. Usually people got sick of her by now. It was probably because of their deal, that had been the only reason he was tolerating her this much. 
So much so, Asagao wanted to do something for him. Either for an apology or in some sort of appreciation for him showing her that wonderful bar and dealing with her this long. But what? What could make a scary mafia executive happy? 
Thinking about the idea, the girl then scrambled over to the light switch on the wall in order to flick the object and be greeted by Osamu’s apartment for the first time. 
Then without meaning to, Asagao’s eyes widened at the sight before her. 
And even without her full vision, the girl could feel the cold and empty nature of his place, like no one had ever actually occupied it. The walls were bare simple white, each room massive and yet just as lonely as the last. 
Sure, in theory this place was a dream, a playboy's penthouse, an expensive luxury, dripping with rare future/views of Yokohama, but in actuality it just felt like an empty shell. Did Osamu even sleep here half the time, or did he choose somewhere else?
Because to her, it seemed like the latter. 
Wanting to see if she was right, Asagao then gripped the ends of her glasses before slowly taking them off only for her to quickly slap them back on with a horrified gasp. No, she was right. This place was just as sad as she thought it was. 
It really was a reflection of who he was on the inside, a depressed, struggling, suicidal boy that was crying for help only to be met with ear chilling silence. 
The very sight caused Asagao to dip her head before an idea flashed inside her head. What if he came home to something different this time, what if she could change this empty sad feeling into something else? Would that make him smile? 
Would that give him the same happiness she felt tonight at Bar Lupin?
Quickly thinking back to conversations she overheard back home, Asa's eyes then filled with determination before moving outside of the apartment and down the elevator in order to reach the main lobby they had walked through before. 
Yet her thoughts were quickly stopped when she came face to face with those very same subordinates from earlier, their eyes looking at the girl with cautious confusion as she beamed. “Oh, hello! Remember me? We’ve met before, well kinda...anyways don’t mind me! I’m just gonna..” 
Although that’s when the men seemingly stepped into her path before speaking roughly. “Dazai has ordered that you go back to his apartment and wait for him to return. I suggest you listen before things get bad for you.”
He was threatening her, but Asa hardly cared, the girl was more interested in the first part of his sentence. Ah, Osamu knew she wouldn’t stay put. Smart boy. “Oh, did he? And what were his exact orders?” 
The man’s voice was straightforward. “To not let you out of our sight.” 
Humming in response, Asa then rocked her back on her heels before answering sweetly.  “And if I don’t listen?” 
At that, she watched the port mafia men take another step closer to her, something that didn’t cause her to shift at all. “Then tonight will be the last night you’re alive..” 
His fingers then brushed towards the gun on his side as Asagao resisted the urge to snort at his piss poor attempt of a threat. How unoriginal. “And how would your executive feel about you ending the life of his girl?” 
This time it was the subordinates turn to laugh, their voices laced with venom. “He doesn’t care about some no-named slut. You’re only here for one reason and then you will be disposed of like all the others.�� 
Asa only placed a finger to her lips though, thinking about the insult before answering a second later. “Right, but are you really sure about that? Because if you are wrong I can imagine the punishment from Dazai won’t be very pretty, once he finds out you killed his favorite toy after being ordered to keep an eye on me.” 
And then she watched as the man’s muscles started to tense, his next steps hesitant as Asagao resisted the urge to sadistically smirk under her breath. Got him. 
She hated this manipulative part of her but in situations like this it made things quite useful. Besides, these guys had it coming with that insult. 
This was for Osamu after all. Because of that she knew she couldn't let these rude men get in her way. 
Pushing even further, Asagao then guided her hand down towards the gun on his waist before throwing his own threat back into his face. “But if you truly think you’re right then go ahead and shoot me, mister scary subordinate. Just know you might be skinned alive for it later...” 
Then she waited, she waited for her words to sink into his stupid little brain. It was foolish on his part to assume such things about Osamu after all. She knew this guy didn’t have the confidence to put a bullet in her brain without consequence.
It was a huge risk, one that very few would make. 
And a moment later, she watched him cave, the subordinates' stance shrinking back only for Asagao to clap her hands in a victorious fake cutesy laughter. “Ah, I knew we could come to an understanding! Now, chop chop, I could use some extra hands for this and since you need to keep an eye on me anyways this is the perfect opportunity!” 
And just like that, step one for Osamu was complete. 
Don't worry Osu, I'll make you happy for sure.
(Like I said, this is more of a part 1 cause the next chapter connects to it. It will have a different tonal shift though and deal a lot with Dazai's character so I split it up. )
( Also don't worry, Dazai and Asa are fifteen currently in this story and though it's implied about his past with women, being in the mafia and all, I'm not gonna write any of those things cause he's a minor. Them staying the night at his place is more of a subversion type thing which will make more sense in the next chapter)
Thanks for the love on this! This is my first bsd story and you've all made me feel so welcome! It hasn't even been a month and we are almost at 500 readers on A03. I'm gonna cry. <3
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my-fancy-hat · 2 years
Oh my god there's so much potential on here, love that Yoru first assumition is that Denji doesn't like Asa bc she couldn't turn him into a weapon and Asa clearly having feelings for him. What if as their relationship progress and gets more intimate, like a few kisses here and there Yoru still can't turn Denji into a weapon and Asa thinks Denji is faking? that he's only playing with her feelings? Asa feels used and betrayed but can't bring herself to stop Denji to hug her and hold her hand (because she can't duh, all for the plan). The drama!! Girl turning down her feelings in bitterness!! to be the first one to reject him before he does so she doesn't get hurt and fails miserably!! I'm so here for this
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fandom-hoarder · 1 year
I have thoughts of Sam being pregnant and Dean not knowing that he is the father! It plays in S12 and Mary has just come back.
Sam didn’t know yet he was pregnant when the british men of letters kidnapped him. He only become aware of it afterward, when Dean and Mary had saved him. Sam was out of his mind with panic and dread.
He and Dean didn’t had sex for years. They stopped their love affair when Sam was possessed by Gadreel and didn’t pick it up again.
However, just the night before Dean went to kill Amara with the soul bomb sitting in his chest, something happened. Dean was drunk as hell and Sam was grief stricken. They had sex, trying to find last comfort in the other's body. That’s how Sam ended up pregnant. Dean though can’t remember the night. He was too drunk and his memories are blank.
Sam doesn’t dare tell Dean he is pregnant now that their mother is around, but it becomes plain soon. Sam’s belly starts swelling and everyone knows it. Dean begins looking at him with a mix of anger, pain and amazement. He knows they aren’t together anymore, but Dean still feels betrayed. At the same time though, Dean can’t stop noticing how beautiful Sam looks with his swollen belly, heavy with life growing below his heart. And he is actually excited to see the baby, getting to hold it and be called uncle.
Now I wanna know from you how Dean could find out that Sam is pregnant from him and how would he react?
[sorry I let this marinate so long! but I've just been rewatching a few s12 eps, so I was thinking about this]
Imagine that scene near the end of Celebrating the Life of Asa Fox, when the demon has possessed Jody and she's going around the room tattling everyone's secrets... Mostly the demon is revealing secrets of people it possessed, but it can smell Sam's pregnancy -- it's a crossroads demon, it's its job to know what leverage it has to work with.
Earlier in the episode, Dean is talking about how Asa went out the way all hunters do, and how they should be so lucky. Imagine secretly-pregnant Sam, how his heart sinks at those words. How there's just no way he can tell Dean he's pregnant now.
So the demon does. But the demon can't tell whose it is -- doesn't care, or maybe just can't seem to spit it out as everyone in the room has a turn at saying the exorcism and casting it out.
When Dean hears in that moment that Sam is pregnant, he can't sort out his feelings about it -- it's too much. It's a blessing and a curse, because he's always wished for that apple pie life for Sammy, and he should want Sam to be able to move on; but damn, what is his brother thinking with this timing? And who's the father?!
But he can't ask that in front of their mother and all these people, and Sam has buttoned up; too anxious to tell the truth.
Dean gets the answer to that when they finally track down Vince Vincente weeks later -- Sam still comes along despite his condition, of course (Dean grumbles equally about headstrong baby brothers and Sam's savior complex and his teenage crush on Vince). And when they get trapped in the empty concert hall with Lucifer!Vince, rather than whining about dear ol' dad leaving him, Lucifer waxes poetic about how he deserved to be the one to make a child with Sam -- how he took Vince's body because he'd seen Sam's crush when he'd possessed him and he knew it'd draw Sam to him. How it's not fair that Dean of all people got there first -- doesn't he understand that Lucifer deserves Sam?
And now Dean is really out for Lucifer's head.
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I think hvitserk was wrong for raping that girl but in a way I think he was better than ubbe. For example when ubbe left margrethe and hvitserk take care her also if she was mad. He was so kind to her where no one elsa was😭
No, I don't think so. I doubt he would've helped a different woman in Margrethe's place. Anyone else would be dead. She was "lucky" that she let Hvitserk get his dick wet in the past. And also, he was wrong for raping the nun AND the women in Algeciras (and we don't know how many more) Don't forget those just because they weren't Saxon's.
In my humble opinion, many mistake Ubbe's choices for abuse or intentional pain inflicted on others. Meanwhile he is put into those situations by other's.
Ubbe was in a very difficult position with no one on his side after the fiasco in England. As far as he knew, both his brothers wanted him dead. Ivar, who he had basically raised and loved like his own son and Hvitserk who he loved more than anyone else, so much he shared his wife willingly with him. Ubbe was betrayed and his trust broken. He went with Lagertha and what she told him, because frankly, he didn't have many options in this situation. All the shit that happened made him numb and cold towards other's.
Torvi basically groomed him into a relationship with her (she used to be his babysitter for crying out loud!! And she still had this air of superiority towards him); he was more a father to Bjorn's children than Bjorn ever was. The reason he didn't kill Lagertha was that he didn't want to lose another brother (Bjorn). He didn't want to be alone. So he grasped for what was there. I don't think he liked betraying his mother, but she was dead and he was alive and needed to find a way to stay alive.
Margrethe had been a slave for a long time, possibly her whole life, the child of a slave perhaps. I cannot imagine the abuse and trauma she must've gone through. It messes with your mind and there are no modern doctors or therapists around, their society is NOT the same as the modern society. While they share some aspects, it is still different, obviously. There is no one who understands that those aren't demons who possess her and make her "crazy". She had horrible visions of death and was left alone with the children of the woman who- in her eyes- stole her husband. Sadly, she appeared to be a danger to Asa and Hali. Not so much to the others since she had zero fighting skills, but they couldn't leave her in Kattegat because they assumed she might've heard of their hiding place. She couldn't be roaming their hiding spot alone/unsupervised, because she could get it in her mind to walk back to Kattegat and maybe unintentionally give them away. They couldn't take her with them to England, because she could turn against them on the boat. You don't want to be in an enclosed space with a person who got massive PTSD and thinks of you as the enemy, trust me.
As horrible as it was to leave her there, they also knew Ivar was hot on their heels and she wouldn't be there on her own for long. Does that make it okay for them to put her in the pig pen? No, absolutely not. She could've been in the "house" with them, sheltered and warm. They even could've set her free before leaving, if they did it right before they got on the boat.
Yet we gotta keep in mind, none of those people knew what was going on with Margrethe and she acted strangely in their eyes. They had only Torvi's word that Margrethe tried to kill her kids and didn't think any further since children's lives are valued a lot. So they left her in chains.
Also, I think it wasn't even Ubbe's idea to put her away. I'm convinced it was Torvi's and Lagertha's idea. To humiliate her for trying to hurt Asa and Hali. I don't think Ubbe had much say in the matter and seriously, was he supposed to go against anything they decide? He had Bjorn, Lagertha, Torvi and Heahmund against him in that case- three of those extremely skilled fighters.
You don't think Lagertha would be this cruel to a fellow woman? Make no mistakes, if she wants something she sacrifices anything and everyone. She raped Harald Finehair and she killed Aslaug for no reason at all other than power play. I believe this kind of person is capable to put another woman in a burlap dress and chain her in a pig pen.
I love Hvitserk, but let's not twist the facts that he can be a cruel and non-caring bastard as well when he wants to be. And just because he is my fav, doesn't mean I let it slide to pin everything on Ubbe when he simply isn't the one at fault. He shouldn't have cheated and that one time he got aggressive towards Margrethe because of Lagertha's schemeing, was also wrong.
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ninas-gf · 1 year
although he may not be as outwardly righteous or heroic or moral as other protagonists, denji is a good kid…. sometimes even too good for his own good.
this is the guy who obediently followed orders from the yakuza, only to get killed anyways. who was betrayed by power for a cat, but still fought to save them both anyways. who, after everything that happened, still felt some amount of love toward makima, despite how cruel and ruthless she was.
and maybe he doesn’t seem good at first, because for a while, his actions were always motivated by his simple desires for pleasure. and maybe denji didn’t believe he was a good person, especially after being manipulated and gaslit by makima to believe he doesn’t deserve to live a happy or normal life.
but his actions speak volumes. because look at him now… look at how his life revolves around trying to give nayuta a normal life, and continuing to save people as chainsaw man, despite never getting praise for it because of his hidden identity. he has acknowledged that his life was, for a long time, absolutely terrible, but that doesn’t stop him from doing things to make other peoples’ lives better. and maybe that’s something as big as saving a life… but it’s also the little things, like when he offered starfish to asa after learning she wouldn’t eat regular fish.
and i’m not saying he’s perfect, or some kind of moral saint… but i think he’s a good kid and he’s always been that way at heart,,,
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lonewhumper · 2 years
💤, 🍟, and ☀️ for Asa?
warning: talk of parental abuse/neglect and drug use.
💤 - do they fall asleep easily? what helps them sleep?
He does not :( He would many times instead of sleeping go for very late night walks (like he was on when he got taken...) after arguments with his father or just to get away from any Other People there, because that house was not ever a safe environment for him. And even if he was exhausted he would force himself to stay awake or stay out which meant when he was in school (whenever he did go) he fell asleep a lot. Sleep was always dangerous in a place where there was pretty much always high strangers or at least his father around, and he's been dragged out of sleep before to be hurt, so often sleep itself or at least being unaware of possible danger is really terrifying to him. And sometimes when it was really bad, especially after Evan showed his true self and betrayed him after so long of gaining his trust/making him think things would finally get better, he'd only be able to feel safe somewhere outside and hidden, at least when it wasn't too cold. Anywhere abandoned and quiet. But...he'd always have to come back eventually. And he knew that. Which meant even then it was very difficult to fall asleep.
Feeling/being safe is necessary or being so exhausted it doesn't matter anymore, where he just eventually would pass out even if he tried not to. He often has nightmares too :( He deserves a good night's sleep so much.
After he graduated he started up a night shift job where he was still pretty dead on his feet and it wasn't a great place and it didn't pay well and his boss was terrible to him but it was better than being home, it avoided most of the bad nights and avoided seeing Evan as much as possible, and he had money to buy food at least.
🍟 - do they order food often? or they prefer to cook their own food?
He'd honestly eat whatever he could 🥺 There was rarely any food in the house so when he was younger it was usually just school lunch and then if he could gather up enough for a cheap dinner at fast food places near him. And he loses his appetite a lot anyway because sad and stressed :( It was easier after he got a job, at least, but his father would also sometimes steal his money if Asa didn't hide it well enough, because he always cashed his checks and kept it close in case of emergency needing to get away, even though he never felt he'd be brave enough to. And his father would accuse him of doing bad things to get the money just to make him feel bad :( so he tried his best to pretend he didn't have any and would never bring any food back to the house because then he'd just be harassed about how/where he got it.
☀️ - are they a morning person? what is the first thing they do in the morning?
He is definitely not. Getting up is always hell especially if he actually managed to get some sleep. Probably the first thing he'd do would be put cold water on his face to try to feel a little more alert 🥺
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slasherholic · 2 years
I am vaguely remembering in an ask (delete this if I’m wrong) that you answered “yes” to an anon that asked if Asa could feel love.
I think it’s obvious that “love” for Asa is not going to resemble it in any healthy manner, but what do you think Asa genuinely “loving” someone looks like.
You can elaborate as little or as much as you want.
Asa and the subject of love is a really complicated thing to try and explain because there are many different TYPES of love and I think that while Asa can love, it’s not the right type of love for loving people.
Asa is massively dissociated from the feelings of sincerity and vulnerability crucial to having an honest, open and loving relationship with someone. His perception of himself in relation to society and to other people is too narcissistic and dysfunctional. I don’t think it would happen for him, not in this lifetime.
I think if you were to take the handful of times Asa has been in dedicated relationships and lay all those feelings out on a table, and compare his experiences to what people usually mean when they talk about loving their partner, you’re going to be looking at two very different animals. Asa’s love isn’t selfless. He doesn’t love his partner like a lover or like his best friend in the world. If Asa “loves you” then make no mistake, you are highly cherished. He enjoys your companionship enough to afford you the time of day, and that’s saying a lot. He finds your mind and your mannerisms fascinating. He is in a healthier mental state after he puts aside his stress and spends an hour cuddling you. He likes being the one to take care of you and doing so isn’t a chore for him. But he does not love you as his equal. He loves you in the only way his brain can rationalize loving another person which means he loves you as his most favorite, most cherished pet.
If he had it his way, you’d be his indoor pet. You’d scratch at the door begging to be let out of his house and he’d lovingly ignore you because he knows there’s nothing for you out there, and if he lets you out you might try to run away from him and he won’t have that. He’d like to put you in a little enclosure like the ones he makes for his favorite bugs and admire you from behind the glass, feeding you and handling you and cherishing you all on his own terms. He doesn’t care if you do or don’t love him back after you’ve been exposed to the less-savory aspects of his personality. He’ll kidnap you if you give him a chance to get away with it. He’d like to see how you look when you’re miserable. Betrayed. He’d like to see you hurt and broken and screaming your lungs out at him while he comforts you with a smile on his face like nothing’s changed. He’d like to squeeze every emotion conceivable from your sweet little brain and unravel your mind like a puzzle to find out what makes you tick. Asa’s is a very cold, clinical, dysfunctional and purely selfish love. He won’t kill you after those feelings set in, feelings he doesn’t consider “love” in his conscious mind because he can’t separate what being in love with a person feels like from the gratification he gets from owning a special animal. But if your goal is to get away from him, good god damn luck because he’s never, ever going to let you go gently.
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sinfulwrites · 3 years
A S/O who doesn't like the killing
Hi guys
I dunno how to really explain this. It's a mix of relationships ending because the S/O isn't comfortable with the slashers killing. Some of them are written as scenarios, two are written as a "walked in on them killing" thing, some are darker than others. There's no explicit death of the S/O mentioned, but... You can guess what happens next.
I dunno, I just let my fingers type. Hope you guys like this regardless. Also, I only wrote Michael as one version this time cause all three versions would react the exact same, with slight differences, so there was no point doing three separate Mike's, and also I'm lazy so
(Dark content, mentions of violence and threats of death, Asa makes the reader fall down some stairs, Thomas gets the cops called on him I'm sorry baby)
Sympathetic, but it is what it is.
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Jason Voorhees
It wasn't like you didn't know what Jason does. He nearly killed you when you two first met.
He never hid it either, out of habit. Jason has been on his own for practically his whole life, he's not used to cleaning up his bloody tools or clothes until he's ready too. He's not used to another person in his cabin who may not be as desensitized to blood as he is.
He feels bad when you tell him. He doesn't blame you, nothing about it is pretty.
All he can do is rub your back because unfortunately, it's not going to stop.
Killing isn't some hobby for Jason, he doesn't do it for fun, or because he even wants to. He does it for his safety, and now yours. At least, that's what his mother tells him. (He won't tell you everything she says to him though.)
Jason is willing to compromise with you. He'll clean up before he comes back to the cabin, all the blood and gore will be taken care of before you leave the cabin again, he'll make sure you don't see it as well as he can.
But it will still happen. And if it's a deal-breaker, then you'll have to make a decision.
And if you do leave, don't waste your breath on the police. The police are more than aware of Jason.
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Vincent Sinclair
He didn't like you coming to the basement, and for the longest time, you didn't give it a second thought. It was loud, dark, and full of dust bunnies down there. You weren't exactly trying to be down there.
But one day, you did come down, and you picked the wrong time to come down.
You found out Ambrose's secret that day.
You and Vincent could only sit across from each other for a couple of hours until you could talk about it. Didn't say a word to each other, didn't even look at each other. You felt lied to and betrayed, and he knew he was guilty of making you feel that way.
"This is wrong, Vincent." And Vincent can only nod. He knew.
If you decide to stay, the boundary on the basement will now be mutual. Vincent keeps that part of his life away from you, just as he always did. Now that Bo knows you know, he's going to be teasing you about it. "I was wondering when you'd notice."
If you decide to leave… Well… You can't leave, Y/N. Vincent loves you, but he can't risk his and his brother's safety, no matter how much it hurts.
It is what it is
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Michael Myers
Michael Myers is a serial killer. You know that, everyone knows that. You still had a bump on your head from when he shoved you against the wall the first time you "met" him.
He may have spared you, but that doesn't change what he does.
You don't like it? Well, that sucks.
Michael doesn't force you to see what he does, but he doesn't put any effort into hiding it from you either. He'll walk into your living room dripping in blood and walk over to your sink like nothing is wrong to clean his hands.
It's a waste of time to try and preach morals to him. He's aware that it's wrong. He just doesn't care.
If blood, gore, and murder is an issue for you, he's not the one for you, and if you continue to bug him about it, he'll start to think that too.
You and me both
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Thomas Hewitt
Chances are, you already knew what the Hewitt's do, unless you knew them before the economy crashed.
It's very likely you were on their chopping block at some point in time.
Regardless, you know.
You can confide in Thomas, and chances are, he'll confide in you too. He doesn't like what he does, but he has to. You knew that too. It wasn't Thomas's fault.
Thomas will urge you not to say anything around the others, though. If Hoyt decides you're a risk to the house, all hell is going to break loose. Rest assured, Thomas would never let anyone hurt you, nor would he let Hoyt make him hurt you. But now there is going to be conflict in the air.
If you want to go... He'll help you leave. But never, ever come back.
And if you report them to the authorities without them knowing, Thomas will be heartbroken, but he won't try to kill you in retaliation.
He'll be heartbroken, but he won't hate you.
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Bubba Sawyer
The Sawyers aren't exactly known to have others over for dinner often, so the only reason you even know Bubba is that you were forced to the Sawyer house.
So it’s likely you’ve always been aware of what Bubba has to do for the house.
Bubba gives you the saddest look when you express how much all this killing makes you uncomfortable. He will sit by your side and rub your back. Rub his back too, because he’s right there with you.
Bubba wants to make things better for you, but you both know he can’t.
If you cannot take it, it will break his heart, but he will help you sneak away. You’d better leave the state because when Drayton finds out, he and the twins will be hunting you down.
Bubba won’t be a part of the search party, he refuses to hurt you. Even if his heart is now broken.
You shouldn’t have found out
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Bo Sinclair
Admittedly, Bo had been wanting to tell you. He just didn’t know how. He knew you weren’t like him and his brothers, he knew you weren’t going to be okay with this.
So, he just kept living the lie, though he knew one day it would all come crashing down.
He used Vincent to keep the lie going. Any time someone came to the town, he sent Vincent to distract you while he did the dirty work. It was always suspicious because Vincent is not the type to come up with plans on the spot, he was more on top of things to do that, but you didn’t have reason to question it.
But one day, the day he was dreading, you found out.
You were drawn out of the house by gunfire, and so was Vincent. He was gone, and there was no one to stop you from seeing Bo and Vincent throw a dead man into the back of Bo’s truck.
Bo would have tried to explain himself, but there was nothing to discuss. He knew that by the look in your eyes, you were terrified.
He tried to grab your shoulders with his hands, but the blood on his once comforting fingers triggered your fight or flight. And you bolted.
The Sinclair twins, who you previously trusted with your life, were now hunting you.
“Are you going to kill me too?” You ask Bo, once he and Vincent had caught you.
“... Please don’t make me.” Will be Bo’s response, as he places his hand on his gun while Vincent held you down.
That’s when the decision has to be made.
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Asa Emory
Asa liked it when you told him where you were going. He was never demanding about it, he simply asked you to text when you leave the house. So he knew where you were, in case anything happened. For your safety. There was never a reason for you to see any red flags about it.
But you didn't tell him you were going to the mall tonight. You were coming to meet a friend.
You completely forgot what you and your friend did when you got off the elevator into the parking garage.
The sound of something heavy hitting the ground got your attention, and that's when you turned over to see the worst thing you ever could have saw. You watched a masked man throw a bloody corpse into a van, Asa’s company van.
The man was so casual about closing the first door to the van, it made your stomach turn. But then your stomach dropped when he turned around and saw you. The lights reflected off the man's eyes made you almost vomit. There was no doubting it anymore, the man was Asa.
Those eyes, the same ones you used to gaze at in wonder, stalked you like a hawk, he saw every little move you made. As if you were prey. A step back towards the emergency stairs behind you made him slam the second van door shut. You felt paralyzed by his mere gaze, your muscles were too scared to even respond to your fear with any quiver.
One step towards you shot you right back to reality, a reality that he was not as far as you thought he once was. When you turned your heel and made a dash for the stairs, you saw him practically pounce after you. Like a black panther.
You didn’t get far down the stairs. You didn’t get three steps before a blood-soaked, gloved hand grabbed you across the face and yanked you back up by the tender skin on your face. The force made you slip down a step and fall down the flight of stairs. That sealed your fate.
The only thought that could run through your pounding, bleeding skull was one single question.
“What is he going to do to me?”
The growing sound of a van going in reverse made your stomach curl as the question repeated in your mind, but your body had no strength left to run any longer.
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sugar-grigri · 8 months
What is a family?
Hello everyone, I'm in exam period so we're going to start with a very short analysis
We saw in the previous analysis, in chapter 152, that Denji wanted to be a CSM and that suffering, mental and physical pain, was inherent to being a CSM. Suffering was a claim for the protagonist, that of accepting his suffering to the point of finding pleasure in it, that of accepting that experiences can be painful, of not being protected
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Especially by Nayuta, the control devil who can only conceive of happiness with one person, and that's enough for her.
But above all, I think that since Denji had accepted the fact of committing himself to the path of suffering, he didn't want Nayuta to join him, hence his desire to keep her away from him.
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But what this chapter shows is that a family can't be chosen, it's simply there.
People do what they do, always projecting all their frustrations onto CSM, this faceless chimera. CSM is as much a good-luck charm as a match to be burned for bad luck.
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Denji's dream of being seen was full of meaning, because what people see in CSM is precisely their suffering and despair.
Yes, CSM represents suffering - yes, you have to suffer to be him, just as he will only evoke suffering for others.
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The contract with the fire demon was simple: become what you want. As he had suggested to Yuko, the thought-hearing monster was suitable for a socially eccentric girl who had trouble understanding others.
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So when people try to burn CSM, they're burning what they want CSM to be: their suffering.
The lighter was an image that had already been introduced by Barem, who ironically presented himself as a CSM fan, foreshadowing the fact that many CSM fans had pacted with the demon of fire, fire capable of destroying them in return.
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Burning CSM to make the wannabe CSM disappear always comes down to the same logic: CSM is there to save, whether this is done by reigniting him or by killing him.
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So the fire is there to atone for the suffering, Denji simply tries to tell them that the fire is already there, burning down his apartment and his Meowy family and the dogs.
Why burn Denji? When he's already burning. He has already lost a part of himself.
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Denji proclaims that he seeks suffering because he wants it to be his alone. He realised that even if he stopped being a CSM, those close to him would continue to be attacked as if the cycle had never been completed.
Denji has never had any confidence in himself, obediently following the rules laid down for him every time. Nayuta's rules, which symbolise this apartment, didn't work, and neither did those of the public hunters, because even if you respect the contract, suffering will always be the end result.
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So Denji tries to free himself from all these rules, because they don't allow him to escape suffering.
He also tries to free himself from his loved ones, because it doesn't allow them to escape either, but humanity won't let Denji be free.
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Denji had made it clear that he didn't want to hurt mankind because he wanted to preserve the last link that bound him to them: the kiss he had with Asa (Yoru). He doesn't want to belong fully to the demons, as Nayuta had recommended, but why not become one after all?
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Denji loves violence, even against humans. He likes it because he is still CSM after all, a monster whose raison d'être is suffering. Yet the link that allows him to consider himself still on the other side is a simple kiss that didn't cause him any pain.
Because this kiss is exactly Denji's life, a touch of pleasure in an existence that is always painful. A boy who can't even say he can't betray humanity because he has friends because he has none.
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Nayuta has never thought of her existence as separate from Denji's, the reason for her happiness, her beloved big brother. So she is now facing her worst fear: being cut off from this dearest of beings, being rejected by him.
But as they try to keep her away from her ailing brother, telling her he's no longer her family, she realises that this thing that rejects her, that hurts himself horribly, is still her family.
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More to the point, it's the person behind this faceless monster who's reaching out to him, because CSM isn't a being capable of embracing with his chainsaws. Denji's arms are outstretched to him, as if he's standing between CSM behaving like a monster and his own anxieties: there's an obvious love there. She shouldn't see her fear in the foreground, what she should see is Denji.
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This thing that dares to cut ties with her, to put itself in danger to the point of suffering so much, has never ceased to be her family.
The only way to see anything apart from CSM, apart from this figure of suffering, is to love Denji.
is to see the boy behind it.
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A boy who can't stop laughing despite suffering, in a way that may be terrifying, but which gradually gives the impression of a brother forcing himself to smile to avoid putting his sister in danger. Look, I'm crazy, so stay away from me! And I don't want you anyway!
His laughter is as uncontrolled as his gestures, all acting as reflexes to keep Nayuta away from danger.
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CSM is a being who belongs to neither world, hero of humanity when it suits them, hero of the underworld terrified by his fellow creatures, he is held responsible for both worlds, the suffering of demons and that of men.
But Denji may not belong to either world, but he does belong to a family.
Denji may not be seen by people, but he has been seen by a demon who loves him deeply.
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The hero has always been hunted because he has never been accepted by humanity, suffering while swallowing that of others, he has always had to be rekindled, to serve someone once again.
And finally he's given permission to run away.
No CSM, don't swallow the suffering of others
It's hard enough to swallow your own.
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Denji, you are loved by the demon of control who now agrees to do something unnatural for her, to allow you to escape her control, her vigilance, her protection. Because she knows she doesn't have to lock you up in a gilded cage to be able to find you.
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A family always waits with open arms, don't they?
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gravesightings · 3 years
May I request the slasher’s reaction to their s/o getting a bad haircut! (btw hope your day/night is going well).
of course! and things have been going well, thank you. 💖
slashers reactions to: their s/o getting a bad haircut
Asa Emory / The Collector
depending on whether or not you actually consulted him beforehand, this could go two ways.
if you didn't, he'd be upset. who gave you permission to have your hair cut? why didn't you ask him first? does he need to remind you of your place again?
Asa might leave you be for a couple of days depending on how drastic the change is. if it can be remedied easily, he'll have you beg for forgiveness but if not - don't be offended when he starts bringing you wigs. actually, he won't care either way. this is your fault.
if it's something you two have talked over then he's a lot more sympathetic about it. especially if you feel insecure over it. it's not so bad actually. if you're lucky you might catch him fiddling with your hair while you sleep.
overall he's indifferent to it. it's just hair? it's not the end of the world. just be thankful that he has no interest in experimenting with hair implants.
Billy Lenz
it might seem like he wouldn't notice but he's actually quite perceptive to these kinds of things. Billy is absolutely the type to notice any sort of physical change no matter how subtle it is.
unsurprisingly, this is because he spends almost all of his time watching you. of course he's bound to notice!
he'll definitely point it out but he'd either be neutral or mildly upset about it. if he dislikes it, you would know immediately because he would pull your hair and demand answers.
if it's not that big of a difference and he's craving a bit of your company Billy would want to brush your hair for you! isn't he sweet? unless of course it gets tangled, then you might actually end up looking worse. (unless you teach him how to do it properly.)
if he's feeling more gracious than usual he might even offer to remedy it! whether or not you decide to indulge him is entirely up to you. there's a slim chance he would actually be good at it but denying him isn't recommended either..
Bo Sinclair
there's no sugar-coating it. Bo will laugh at you. he might even point it out to his brothers if you look especially funny.
did you go to a blind hairdresser? head got stuck in a lawnmower? got attacked by a bunch of bloodthirsty birds? you're never going to hear the end of it. he's never going to let this go even after your hair grows out.
would constantly tease you about it but it's mostly out of love. he might even come up with cute nicknames for you depending on how badly you messed up your haircut.
if someone else tries to make fun of you though that's an entirely different story. only he can call you ugly duckling! if someone else does it then he's ready to crack someone's skull open.
denies he was doing anything to defend you. Bo would just claim that they were being too loud for his liking. it had nothing to do with you. nope. not at all. "it's 'cause your hair's so damn ugly that they died on the spot."
Brahms Heelshire
what have you done?! this is MUTINY! he's been BETRAYED! dramatically reaches out to feel your hair with his trembling fingers.
this is all so wrong... so very wrong. at first he would only be able to stare at you in utter disbelief. as if you've spat at his face and insulted his entire bloodline.
Brahms takes it as a personal attack against him. sure, he can be a handful at times but he'd never thought you'd be this cruel! it might take some thorough explaining that no, actually you hadn't intended to end up like this.
regardless he would be very upset. he's rather fond of your hair and if it was longer before and much shorter now, he might not be able to recover from it until it grows back. Brahms is a bit shallow, you see.
when your hair does eventually grow out expect him to treat you like a ticking time bomb. he can't possibly trust you with keeping it pristine now! it's decided. Brahms would just have to cut your hair for you. unlike Billy though, he has slightly more experience since he cuts his own hair so you might not have to worry too much.
Bubba Sawyer
Bubba absolutely adores you either way! literally nothing can convince him otherwise. he might even get upset if you tell him it's ugly. no no no, you can't possibly be ugly! you're his s/o! you look wonderful no matter what!
as for the rest of the family... the twins love it too! they might even call you a trendsetter. they might come off as patronizing if you haven't been around that long to know them but they're actually genuinely into it. it's fun and quirky and nobody else has it! what do you mean you look bad?
Drayton is a lot less enthusiastic about it. he'll throw in an insult here and there but nothing too harsh unless it's getting in the way of your chores. if it bothers you so much he might actually shave all of your hair off. (don't worry! Bubba will protect you!)
if you're adamant about remedying your look then Bubba would offer to help. unfortunately he has little to no experience with cutting hair. he was the one offering his help but.. are you sure you want him to do this? he's more worried about accidentally snipping your ear off than he is ruining your look.
Bubba wouldn't really understand if you happen to be worked up about it. he truly, wholeheartedly thinks that you look gorgeous no matter what you do with your appearance. it's still you under there after all!
Jason Voorhees
he'd be surprised at first but will try to play it cool if you become self-conscious. points at something just above your head. he wasn't staring at your hair, he was looking at...uh. that bird up that tree! it flew away when you looked... too bad..
like Bubba, Jason loves you no matter how you look. big boy does not care at all. things will stay pretty much the same. he’s not the type to make a big deal about it just because you look a little different.
he would make sure to shower you with compliments if he catches you fussing over your appearance though. bring in the gifts! he picked up this cool hat for you, do you want it? how about these hair clips? he wants to help as much as he can.
Jason would not want to fix it for you but it’s not like he can deny you when you’re asking for his help. what if he messes it up? what if you get mad at him? what if he accidentally hurts you? it’s too risky. he doesn’t even know how to! hopefully his many concerns would be enough to convince you to just let it be.
if not, well.. his hands would be trembling the entire time. this poor man would be scared to death to snip even a single strand of your hair. why would you put him through this? not only would it take him hours before doing anything noticeable, he would be in a constant state of dread the entire time.
Jesse Cromeans / Chromeskull
WHEEZE. babe, what happened? who did you offend? he’s very desperately trying not to laugh at you but he’s failing. what a gentleman. Jesse would inspect the damage - totally not struggling to hide his laughter - before claiming that he hadn’t noticed anything until you pointed it out.
he’ll tease you about it, asking if you’ve been out making enemies behind his back. he won’t be as much of an asshole as Bo per se but he’s not about to pass up the opportunity to get a reaction from you.
Jesse is more of a romantic about it, holding you close and placing a palm on your chest. what matters to him is this, he signs. ...your tits. oh and your heart too, but that’s just a bonus. he’s kidding! stop hitting him! (claims to have planned this just to make you smile all along. sneaky bastard.)
if it’s something that bothers you, he’ll have a hairdresser come over for a home service. why are you surprised? were you expecting him to bring you to the salon? the barbers? why would he do something like that? he’s offended!
now you’ve done it - you’ve bruised his ego. the man’s just showing off at this point. within the short period of time the hairdresser took to fix your little problem, Jesse somehow managed to get more people involved. they’re wheeling all sorts of expensive-looking equipment in. one claims they’re a nail technician and the other a masseuse. oh you had plans today? too bad, you're getting pampered and that’s final.
Michael Myers
if it’s really bad then he might let out a small chuckle but that’s pretty much it. the most he’ll do is run his fingers through your hair. Michael doesn’t really care all that much for appearance either.
but he’s not as eager to console you like the rest of the slashers are. if it’s a bad haircut then it’s bad - he’s not the type to beat around the bush. “do you think I look stupid?” he’ll nod. if you react negatively to that he’ll just shrug. you asked! what do you want him to do, lie?
Michael would help you out if you asked but it’s ill-advised. he’s decent with a pair of scissors but he’s going to keep cutting shorter and shorter until you either stop him or you run out of hair. (there’s no guarantee he’ll stop even if you asked nicely.) clearly this is your fault. why would you trust him with a pair of scissors?
this should be obvious but do not let him anywhere near your hair with anything sharp. he might take matters in his own hands if he sees how fixated you are with your haircut. if it’s that bad, he’ll snip away while you sleep. Michael would be careful not to wake you.
overall you’re almost guaranteed to have an awful time if Michael decides he wants to do something about it. he’s not going to make fun of you but you’re going to wish he did instead of butchering your precious mane.
Thomas Hewitt
oh, honey... what happened? he’ll set you on his lap to give you a good look-over. Tommy is not all too concerned about how you look but how you feel about it so he’ll help in any way he can. if you’re upset about it he’ll press a quick kiss on the crown of your head to reassure you.
nothing a little trim can’t fix! as good as he is with his hands, he has almost no experience with hair so he would have to ask Luda Mae for help. he’ll be there too don’t you worry your pretty little head!
Luda Mae would coo at you affectionately, earning a disapproving “tsk, tsk.“ at the poor soul who had done this to you. they would be the talk of the town. if you somehow did this to yourself, then she’ll scold you out of love. why didn’t you ask her instead? after the whole ordeal is sorted out though she’ll beam with pride when you comment on how good it turned out.
Hoyt is most likely going to chide on how badly you messed it up if you were the one responsible but if it was someone else, you best believe he’d be out of the door in search for the s.o.b. what kind of hairdresser would do such a half-assed job?
if you’re not quite close to the family yet, Tommy would do it but he’s unfortunately not as good as Luda Mae. he won’t be as bad as Michael though so you can still save whatever dignity you have left.
Vincent Sinclair
unsurprisingly, he’s the mature one out of the bunch and like Tommy, he’s more concerned about how you feel instead of how you look. he would immediately try to fix it - you won’t even have to ask. Vincent won’t even give you time to actually feel bad about it, that’s how much he cares about you.
he usually doesn’t alter his victims’ appearances so he doesn’t have much experience but he’s not about to tell you that! his caring side would definitely override his lack of confidence. congrats! Vincent does a pretty good job. he would even give you a trim if you asked.
if you somehow ran into his brothers first then there’s no escaping it. Bo’s going to laugh at you. Lester wouldn’t really insult you but he’ll poke fun at you, saying that it would be much easier to find you now, much to Bo’s amusement. luckily for you, they’d made enough ruckus to draw out Vincent.
Vincent wouldn’t necessarily defend you from his brothers, just silently tug you somewhere else - prompting Bo to call him out for being a killjoy. unfortunately since he’s used to his brothers picking at him he’ll expect you to do the same. afterwards he won’t take long to fix your haircut.
this isn’t going to stop Bo from calling you names though. Lester wouldn’t do it but he’s not exactly opposed to what he assumes is just friendly banter. they’re unlikely to cross the line since they know how much you mean to Vincent so unless you’re especially sensitive, then it’s nothing too serious.
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seragamble · 4 years
Season 12 of SPN but Better
This is my rewrite of s12 in which the main changes are after Lucifer knocks up Kelly he fucks off back to the cage, the BMOL are actually scary, and the narrative finally interrogates how people who aren’t human are treated. Note: I use monster and non-human interchangeably here. (Thank you @autisticandroids for your help with this post.)
The season starts off the same. Sam is perhaps a little more suicidal during his kidnapping, having just lost Dean and fresh off of having to be around Lucifer.
Sam’s myriad of mental health issues pop up here and there throughout the season, after Lucifer and dealing with what Lady Bevell did to him. He does his best to make sure none of this is seen by his family, but Dean eventually figures it out.
At least two episodes where the A Plot is Cas and Crowley investigating a case.
“American Nightmare” is just the start of a theme we see throughout the season of Sam bonding with monsters/non-humans/the ‘other’. He becomes a resource for them and in turn connecting with them helps him feel better about himself.
Cutting the Hitler episode because that was seriously just… :l
Instead Aaron comes back and it’s just a fun episode
Samantha Smith is amazing as Mary but please just take a moment to imagine “Celebrating the Life of Asa Fox” if Mary’s actor was actually ~28
At the end of “LOTUS” Lucifer goes back in the cage 
The events of First Blood take place over two episodes so we can gets stuff like: 
Cas and Mary hunting together
Cas and Mary (separately and together) threatening people they think can help them find Sam and Dean
Dean and Sam (Sam especially) losing their grip on reality whilst in confinement 
Instead of the American hunters largely rejecting the BMOL many of them embrace them. Mostly thanks to the weapons they freely provide. The BMOL also import their idea of “Hey shouldn’t ALL monsters be dead actually.” This becomes a serious issue as we get to see that there are plenty of monsters who aren’t hurting anyone, but are now being hunted.
At the end of “The Raid” we get our first foreshadowing of what else the BMOL are doing when that hunter, who betrayed them to the vampires, is taken to an onsite facility full of various monsters in cages.
The boys have a case that ends up being hunters who fucked around by going after innocent monsters, and found out. It’s a not at all subtle allegory about two monster siblings, where the older sister killed a pair of hunters to protect her little brother. This is the tipping point where Dean finally has a major mental shift in how he views and treats monsters.
There’s also a case where they look into weird supernatural phenomena and it turns out to be the result of hunters disrupting completely (super)natural stuff. It’s an episode about a supernatural creature that has zero interest in killing humans, they’re just strange and otherworldly, and hunters persecuting them has caused a major local disruption in the world.
Instead of the BMOL having their students fight one another to death, they have them kill monster children. We get a flashback of Mick killing a crying werewolf boy.
After Mick has his change of mind about what the BMOL are doing they don’t kill him. Instead he is taken to the facility (seen previously at the end of “The Raid”). This is where the BMOL experiment on monsters, as well as dispose of humans by using them as test subjects. There’s a scene where we see that hunter from before get injected with something, go through a weird mutation, and dies.
The timeline has to be shifted around a little, but instead of Cas being off in heaven trying to find something to find Kelly (which lead nothing to the narrative and went nowhere) the BMOL just make it seem like that’s what he did, while really they have him locked up.
Their reasoning being that if a nephilim is going to be born they want to know all they can about angels, but also they just genuinely don’t see anyone who isn’t human as a person so why not experiment on them. The whole experience is really dehumanizing.
Ketch is there, and I would like to remind everyone about the line, “I do enjoy an angel,” which is a) haunting, and b) implies Ketch has dealt with angels before.
Remember how in “Lily Sunder Has Some Regrets” Cas can immediately identify that angel blade as being Benjamin’s? Ketch has a few and taunts Cas about what he may or may not have done to their owners.
They torture Cas/do a lot of medical experimentation. The torture is “extremely horny for no reason, shave your chest father of two it’s fanservice time”-y (thank u autisticandroids).
On the brighter side, Mick and Cas bond during their captivity because Cas deserves to have a friend who isn’t a Winchester. Also go ask @autisticandroids about this.
We see Mick question his long held beliefs about monsters and grow more as a character. He also gets turned into something, perhaps a Shapeshifter.
During this time we get to know various other monsters being held and undergoing experimentation.
Instead of Mary finding out Mick is dead she finds out about the facility. Same thing happens as in canon where they brainwash her. This time she’s just killing hunters who won’t fall in line with the BMOL, instead of all American hunters (which I feel made no sense).
Garth comes back at some point because of course he does. Why have an entire season about people who want to eradicate all monsters and then not bring back their one friend who would be most affected by this? His whole family and community are at risk of death if the BMOL have their way.
“Twigs and Twines and Tasha Banes” happens next season because I want Max and Alicia to be part of the attack on the BMOL and it’s better for their narrative if they disappear for a while before coming back after that episode. Instead they show up in a standard motw episode to drive home the fact that it’s fucked up to automatically consider witches to be evil.
One of the narrative points would be how the BMOL tolerance of witches is extremely conditional on them only using their magic for them, and the presence of the BMOL in America has led to an increasingly hostile environment for the Banes family.
The people the Winchesters recruit to help them attack the BMOL facility are a mix of monsters they’ve helped out, and hunters who respect them/didn’t fall in line/have noticed their friends getting murdered. 
The end result is the beginning of a new relationship between hunters and non-humans.
It might be odd after a season long narrative about not demonizing people just because they’re not human, to have the Winchesters still be all “Let’s forcibly abort this fetus,” but, with the added element of Sam dealing with his Lucifer trauma all season, I think it would make sense to have Dean be in extra Protective Mode™. That combined with Cas, fresh off of having to be rescued and feeling even worse about himself, decides to take the Kline issue into his own hands. The narrative follows along with canon. Since Lucifer isn’t around it’s AU!Michael who kills Cas and Mary tackles back through the rip.
Alternatively if you hate that and want something more domestic you can picture the following: with their newfound POV TFW rescues Kelly and takes her back to the bunker, promising they’ll take care of her child.
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djmarinizelablog · 3 years
Hello! It's me again, your fellow Katipunera. Thank you so much for actually doing a short of my request and omg tibak Hange is just so fitting! 🥺 I hope you actually turn it into a full-length fic eventually, I can just imagine Hange teaching Levi different constellations as they stargaze at the PAG-ASA observatory lol. Again, many thanks and stay safe always! 🌻
Felt some sort of motivation to continue this fic, and since it's @levihanweek, I wanted to write something in a college setting, so here we go:
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Day 1: School
(Read the first part here.)
He doesn’t know when it all started, how it happened. Hange draws him towards her by inviting him to more of these gatherings. The non-rallies. The post- or pre-processing for the protests. It’s informational, she says, something that classes could never teach them. And all he can do is listen and follow along.
They reserve a room on campus, one hidden from plain view, and Hange stands there in front in her plain black tee and baggy jeans, her flip flops a signature element to her outfit. A small crowd has gathered beforehand, waiting for what she has to say. Going up the small platform in the room, she balls her right hand into a fist in front of her audience, raises it up high, and begins her talk.
“The March for Science is a protest on behalf of the scientific and the marginalized community,” she says, reminding everyone that “no farmers, no food,” and “just the facts, bitches.” She elicits a few giggles from the younger audience, and that’s how Levi knows Hange’s got them hooked.
The people are intrigued by her speech, and there is a certain curiosity in their eyes with the way they burn bright. For Levi, politics was always something he didn't dare venture into and would rather leave things to his uncle who had a seat in the government. He wonders if there really is something worth fighting for in these kinds of issues. If there’s something worth standing up for. Or if it’s merely just Hange being Hange that sparks the interest of people.
When the meeting is over, he’s about to head for the exit, but Hange comes up to him. “What do you think?”
He shrugs his shoulders. “Could go a little bit softer with the dissent, but shit, you do you.”
Hange laughs, thinks it’s a joke. It’s only the two of them left in the room now. She puts her hands in her pockets. “Wanna have lunch with me?”
"I just feel like having some company right now. Besides, it’s National Resilience Day."
"I don't give a shit about the date," he says, making a mental note to remember that it is, indeed, National Resilience Day. He really doesn’t know how Hange has an inkling to know these kinds of obscure events. In the silence, his stomach betrays him with a gurgling sound, much to Hange’s amusement. “I guess I don’t mind grabbing something to eat.”
Truth be told he doesn’t like eating at the public cafeteria. It’s too open, too messy, and the busboys who collect the empty plates from the tables are terrible when it comes to waiting—last time he stayed there, Levi was still finishing up his meal when someone swiped his plate from him. Now he’d rather dine elsewhere. Perhaps in fancier restaurants that he can somehow afford with the weekly allowance that his uncle provides him.
But Hange doesn’t take him there.
She takes it a notch above his expectations when she brings him to the public food carts where vendors are selling street food of all kinds. Levi can hear the sizzling of fish balls getting deep-fried in a wok, the crackling of hot oil, the clinking of coins being exchanged in transaction. One of the vendors is basting the meat sticks in sweet sauce, flipping the skewers once in a while, the smell of barbeque wafting through the air.
“I go here ‘cause it’s cheap and it helps the small business owners,” Hange explains as she orders them the so-called combo meals. He offers to pay nevertheless, but Hange dismisses it, saying it’s her treat—for tagging him along to these talks. She continues to explain the plight of the vendors: “Some days they need assistance, so they allow students to take over the stalls and sell their food on behalf of them for a day or two.”
“What kind of students would do that? It’s disgusting to be under the heat of the sun all day.” He blurts out without really thinking, but thankfully, Hange’s not the slightest offended.
In fact, she seems to understand where he’s coming from. “One day, maybe you’ll see.”
When their meals are ready, Hange shoves one of the plates into his hands. He frowns. “You don’t eat cheese sticks?” she asks him.
“Never tried.”
“Oh, boy.” Hange smirks at him. “This will change your life.”
Instead of heading to the cafeteria, she proposes to take him someplace else. They’re sitting cross-legged on a bench in front of the academic oval, watching people run across the grassy field. Hange waves a hand at someone and Levi recognizes Moblit from their other class. He has never really done this before, just watching, observing from a distance. Except when he’s with her.
Hange takes another piece of cheese stick from the paper plate of instant stir-fry noodles. They’re running out of fish balls on the side. He likes what he’s had so far, even the sauce that goes along with their meals.
"So what are you taking?" Hange asks him while munching on her food.
He twirls his fork on the plate so he can scoop the remaining noodles. "Communications." Hange guffaws, and he’s offended. "What's so funny?"
Hange tries to compose herself and proceeds to dip her cheese stick into the honey mustard. "No, it's just that… for someone who's so awfully high-strung and silent and, uh, non politically-involved, you don't strike me as the type of person who would be… communicative."
Her conclusion does make sense. Most students studying Communication are lively, energetic, and talkative. Needless to say, he’s none of those.
"I don't imagine myself to be a reporter. I imagine myself writing articles for print. Editing. Proofreading. Stuff like that."
"I see.” She stares into the sunset, and Levi does the same. There are trees all around them, the honking of cars on the main road, the clamor of barkers and passengers alighting the public vehicles, the nuances of their campus life.
Somehow, it makes him feel safe.
Hange proceeds to tell him about how she likes to stargaze at night, because the constellations are so much clearer from this point of view in their university field. He has an inkling that it’s her way of inviting him to stargaze with him some other time. He already likes the idea a lot, but he feels like he still wants to get to know her even better.
“Why are you into all of this?” he can’t help but ask her. “What makes you think your anger can solve the nation's problems?”
It’s a very loaded question, one that really makes Hange think. She doesn’t speak for a while and proceeds to finish her food. He allows her the silence between them. Maybe he should have been a little bit nicer. A little less aggressive.
"Our very own Father President refuses to put medical science before politics. Everyone should be a supporter of science, you know? We all should listen to the scientists."
He scoffs. “Easy for you to say. It’s hard to believe what’s true and what isn’t nowadays.”
Their plates are now empty, and Levi takes hers so he can throw it in the nearest trash can. When he comes back, he sits beside her once again, this time, closer.
"I care about science and evidence-based policies, not the nonsense that politicians say,” Hange tells him while staring at the sunset. After a few seconds of silence, she faces him. “What about you?"
Levi finds the strength to hold her gaze. "I care about the untarnished truth."
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