#because he knows if aries tells him where he lives
chakkka · 2 years
dante not changing and continuing to hurt the people he loves not because he does not want to change, but because he does not believe he is capable of change.
he believes that he is a monster. someone who brings pain and anguish with him wherever he goes. and that no matter what he does that pain and anguish will eventually reach the people he loves. and by believing that he perpetuates the cycle he’s doomed himself to.
dante pushing people away because he believes that he is unloveable. following orders and the rules ingrained in him by the people manipulating him because he does not think he is capable of anything more.
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loveemagicpeace · 5 months
🧚🏽Astrology Notes🧚🏽
🎸If Jupiter is in the first, fourth, seventh, tenth house, it should protect the person from major accidents. Jupiter in the 11th house means many friends. Jupiter in the 9th house means long journeys, usually paid for by someone else. Jupiter in the 4th house means that the person has a very religious family and that he will not live where he was born.
If Saturn is in the falling house (third, sixth, ninth, twelfth), circumstances may arise during that period, but you only become aware of them a few years later. If Saturn is in an angular house (fourth, seventh, tenth) at the time of birth, it sets a pattern that a person will follow throughout his life.
Saturn in the first, second or third house can indicate a burden on a person already in his early life. This is often because of the father. Saturn in the 4th house means that the individual will build a larger valuable property.
If the Sun is in a corner house (first, fourth, seventh, tenth), this means that the exercise of individuality will be visible to others. It makes the power that can bring you fame.
If the Sun is in one of the following houses (second, fifth, eighth, eleventh), this tends to give up publicity and the individual must progress on his own. If it is accepted by the public, it is not based on a personal initiative, as the main position of the sun sign would suggest. Follow-up houses often lead y dealing with other people's lives and/or their property.
If the Sun is in the falling houses (third, sixth, ninth, twelfth), this indicates that the individual thrives best behind the scenes. It makes an individual who serves. The beauty and strength of this individual are visible only to those closest to him in close contact with him.
Uranus is the planet that shows the clairvoyance of a person and the premonitions that a person has. But it is also a planet associated with astrology.
Mercury and Uranus: each aspect helps the person to communicate well. A person writes a horoscope.
Sun and Uranus: this is one of the more important aspects. No matter how aspected it brings a person great success in the field of astrology. And people will accept him as an expert and trust that person. You will become an authority figure, so you can make sure that you are honest.
Pluto rules kidnappings and gangsters. And many people do not know that pluto is also the co-ruler of Aries. So people who have a lot of Aries and act mysteriously is also part of it.
Cancer rising people are very sensitive when someone is rude to them. They take it to heart when someone is rude to them, especially authority figures. They are very used to home and family and it is difficult for them to be with people who are not their family for a long time. Let's say: if someone takes them to a doctor, they will always want it to be a person who is related to them.
Capricorn rising people are basically unaffected by things. And they are used to people being harsher towards them. are basically unaffected by things. And they are used to people being harsher towards them. They have tough skin and are generally not that personal as a sign. They look at things from a different perspective.
Aquarius Sun tend to want more friendly relationships than romantic ones. They don't like you controlling them or telling them what to do. But they are prone to long engagements. They also say that Aquarians do not like flashy and provocative clothes, jewelry and make-up. Although it all depends on what other signs a person has.
Venus in Aries- are often selfish in love and will always put themselves first. And it is considered unstable venus.
Venus in Taurus- are very frugal with money. In love, however, they are loyal, deep and lasting.
Venus in Gemini- in love, they tend to flirt or have several relationships at the same time.
Venus in Cancer- are emotional and tend towards the domestic environment. They can be better parents than partners. This position is not always favorable for marriage.
Venus in Leo- love to spend, especially on people they love. They like attention. They are frank, honest and sometimes too kind-hearted.
Venus in Virgo-Venus falls here. They are artistic, but they are also emotionally closed. They tend to be critical. Once they commit, they don't let up.They are often disappointed in relationships and have several.
Venus in Libra- are young at heart, often indecisive. They are determined hosts. They often marry early.
Venus in Scorpio- are passionate, intense, mysterious, jealous. They strongly desire to know the hidden motives of others. He is quick to rate people. They can have a hard time forming relationships.
Venus in Sagittarius- are positive, sincere, passionate, irresistible. They are very idealistic, philosophical. They are intuitive, loyal and love a mystical way of life. They have many friends.
Venus in Capricorn- usually not open, they are calculating, serious, careful. They are often disappointed in love, so they are afraid of relationships. They can get married for the sake of society. They marry a person who can be quite different.
Venus in Aquarius - aloof in love, quickly establish contacts with strangers. They are usually more friendly than romantic. They tend to have multiple relationships.
Venus in Pisces- often fantasize about their love life. They are sensitive and also depressed. Music has a good effect on them.
The first house covers areas of life such as: early life impression, causes of financial losses, long journeys of children and their religious inclinations, friends of brothers and sisters.
The third house covers areas of life such as: incidental sciences, willpower, speech and hearing, reasons for moving away from home, long journeys of a spouse.
The fifth house covers areas of life such as: spouse's friends, grandchildren's long journeys, person's passions, ways of relaxation, cause of bankruptcy.
The seven house covers areas of life such as: the description and characteristics of a marriage partner, friends in other countries, rivalries, quarrels and fights, enemies and rivals, things that are the most difficult for a person to achieve, the outcome of diseases, the mentality of children, the later life conditions of the father in the female chart, later life conditions of the mother in the male chart.
The eighth house covers areas of life such as: natural death of a person, business friends, transition to the astral world, gateway to the spiritual world, acquisitions due to partnership, acquisitions due to marriage, investigation of lawsuits, short trips to work.
The second house covers areas of life such as: inner emotions and feelings, financial visions, the propriety of borrowing money, a person's ingenuity, the ability to be comfortable, what you give is what you get, family friends, time and reputation of children, inheritances and inheritances by marriage partner, cause of death partner.
The fourth house covers areas of life such as: family traditions, situations in later life, kitchen, causes of sadness due to love relationships, inheritances from other countries.
The sixth house covers areas of life such as: favors, small animals, attitude to diet, restrictions due to marriage, restrictions due to partner, working conditions, food, clothing.
The ninth house covers areas of life such as: rites and ceremonies, types of church, gains from spiritual experiences, gains from psychic experiences, the person's consciousness, the hygienic conditions of the person's home, the care or neglect of property, the mentality of the spouse, the health of the parent of the opposite sex, the end of the life of uncles, restrictions or losses in business, situations of children's romantic relationships.
The tenth house covers areas of life such as: the house of pride, reward karma, grief and loss of friends, long journeys due to money matters, children's health, the cause of death of loved ones, the end of the life of a spouse, money that you can earn from traveling.
The eleventh house covers areas of life such as: societies and organizations to which one belongs, punishments, fines that a person has to pay, the way money is spent, agreements in foreign countries, attitude towards entertainment of the spouse, potential cause of loss of property, health of uncles and aunt on your mother's side.
The twelfth house covers areas of life such as: a symbol of the most difficult battles, a symbol of the most difficult tasks, a symbol of accidents, losses, fate, enemies, hospitals, asylums, the house of spies, the cause of the end of romantic relationships, residence in a foreign country, how someone sleeps and relaxes, house hindsight, self-analysis, friends' finances, friends' acquisitions, closest point of contact with a person's soul.
🎸For personal readings u can sign up here: https://snipfeed.co/bekylibra 🎸
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ybklix · 3 months
omgg how about Han Jisung being supportive and pretending to be happy for y/n when she was dating his best friend?
𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐧𝐞𝐰 𝐲𝐨𝐫𝐤
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♡ pairing: bff!han x fem!reader
♡ genre: angst ?
✧summary: Han simply tries to be happy after the news that you're dating his best friend, but his heart and body betray him, however his brain controls his mouth by just keep telling you the sweetest things and wishing you the best.
★ warnings: suggestive wet dream with oral sex, mention of masturbation
word count: 2.2k
a/n: ok i wrote this, i hope it’s okay<3 :0
Han pretended to smile, as he felt his insides shatter, his heart pounding and he suddenly felt so dry, as if all the blood in his system had left him.
Your words were simple, carefree, but sharp and heartbreaking to Han, “Oh, it's not big news, but Chan and I are dating.”
The whole table watched you guys in surprise, dumbfounded, while shouts of 'agh, we saw this coming', 'Channie once again doing his thing', and on the other side, Han Jisung, silently, sketching a smile showing his teeth.
You were a group of six best friends who did everything together, you and your other two girl best friends, Ari, Jiah, the guys, Han, Changbin and Chan.
You were all friends but for Han… at least he felt that among the six of you, you two were the closest, the only flaw of Jisung, or Han, as you all usually call him, is that he is extremely reserved, behind his lively personality, jokes and laughter, he always hides deep inside him his real feelings and he knows how to do it so well, that's why no one felt bad for him when you announced that you and Chan were dating, no one knew that Jisung secretly loved you, not even you, you just knew how incredibly sweet and good a friend he was, even to Ari and Jiah who only expressed sweetly about Han, saying he was always there to help them, but to him there was always a slight more special treat for you.
Han wanted to cry, you looked so happy as his best friend wrapped his arms around your waist behind the elongated couch in the restaurant. You decided to tell everyone at the same time, like removing a band aid so quickly.
Jisung blamed the city, he was devastated that he had to find a damn thing to blame other than himself and his inability to express himself since because of him, for not speaking up sooner, he had lost you, maybe forever. Chan was… everything he wasn't, he was more charming, not as assertive with his words as Jisung was, but, he managed to captivate people in his own way, he was stronger, older, openly cared for people more and…. He expressed what he felt without any problem.
You would never have suspected it from Han, he was energetic and funny with the whole group, he had a couple of failed dates but in every gathering of friends he makes it clear that for the moment, love is not knocking at his door, everyone listens to him, and comforts him equally, but it's only your words and actions that matter the most to him. Or mattered, for you were now another man's, his best friend's.
The six of you had planned one of your trips, as usual, this time it had been New York, Jiah and Changbin had some small business in the city so the rest of the group signed up as a group trip. You had been talking to Chan secretly since before the trip, flirting by message, until, sure enough just as Jisung thought, your romance bomb went off once you arrived in the new city.
That night Han walked aimlessly, he took cabs whose routes he didn't know, he felt like a movie character alone and sad in an unknown city, and, if his memory didn't fail him, he made it to Brooklyn, where the famous bridge witnessed his tears and a sad and empty Jisung; there was no explanation for his feeling, it was as if he was drunk, floating and searching for his soul… he had to get rid of you and every little thing his mind collected as something he adored. The sound of your laughter, your manners, everything.
He went back to the building where the six of you stayed, he used the silly excuse of wanting to explore the city just to have inspiration for his songs, since he was a songwriter, but of all the sweet love songs he wrote you, which he always made it clear he wrote because he saw a movie or read a book, they wouldn't compare to everything that came with experiencing his heartbreak.
You stayed in one room with your other two friends, and the guys stayed in another room, it was late so Jisung decided not to make so much noise when entering the apartment, he fought with all his will not to snoop around Chan's room to find out if he would be there… and if he wasn't, there was only one painful option, he was with you, in your arms.
Again, a pang in his chest, he felt as if he had just had such a painful breakup and you didn't even kiss once, there was nothing between you in the sight of everyone and yours but just friendship. He was so down that he just let himself lay on the bed, face down, hoping he wouldn't wake up the next morning or if he did, he wished it had all been a nightmare, that Changbin would wake him up the next morning and that their group of friends was still the same without dating each other.
But even his mind was not in poor Jisung's favor, he had such a vivid and deep dream, where even he could feel that he was smiling on the outside, the dream was you and Han, in a karaoke booth, like one of your many nights together, having fun, singing loudly and jumping, then he would sit, taking his glass with his drink and admiring you, you would sing looking towards the screen and then energetically turn to him, wanting to invite him to sing but by accident you hit his drink spilling it on him.
“Oh, I'm sorry I'm sorry” you were saying to him as you got down on your knees trying to clean it up, in a concerned tone and then laughing.
“It's ok, it's ok” Jisung would reply to you as he noticed you frantically patting, a specific part of him that in moments it woke up.
In his dream it was so fast, there was no need for words, just you looking him straight in the eyes while biting your lip, unbuttoning his pants and pulling down his underwear to promptly take his cock in your mouth, having Jisung completely ecstatic, his gasps unheard over the loud music, the dark light of the cabin with the colored lights illuminating you taking his cock… and suddenly, Jisung woke up startled, his phone vibrating in his pocket startled him, shaking, still excited and heart racing, he picked up his cell phone and saw that it was several messages from you. He was still blurry-eyed after waking up and couldn't see clearly if they were old or recent messages, so he rubbed his eyes and there it was, message just now.
He saw the time… thinking what the hell were you doing insisting him so late when you were supposed to already have a boyfriend to bother, including on your energetic nights when you can't sleep but you'd talk to Han. He opened your chat, and that's exactly what it was about, you couldn't sleep and you wanted to see him.
Han threw his phone annoyed towards his bed, he sighed in frustration and turned in bed to look up at the ceiling, a few seconds ago he was horny, now he was back to finding the sensations afloat, still with the erection in his tight jeans, but sad. Worst of all, he'd go after your call no matter what. Han lifted his chin and gaze, looking down at his aching erection and, he waited, for his mood swing to do its job and soften his cock, but it wouldn't so he almost annoyed, he had to masturbate, feeling so fucking embarrassed and humiliated. As if losing the girl he loved wasn't enough, now he had to masturbate in his room in a suite shared with his two other friends in an unknown city at 4 in the morning.
Han cleaned up his mess, tidied himself up a bit and hurried out, towards the hotel lobby where you had summoned him. He saw you, wearing your pajamas sitting at the large reception couch. Your face lit up at the sight of him and it broke him up even more.
He sat next to you, breathing in your sweet scent.
“The city that never sleeps, also has people working all the time who don't sleep either” you told him jokingly, “I'm still not used to the time difference, and you?”
“I've been sleeping pretty well” he replied curtly, his life was going pretty well since he found out you were dating Chan, to be accurate and honest, but he couldn't tell you that.
You saw Han with a slight pout on your face, since dinner you noticed him very silent, he didn't even limited himself to joke a little with the news of you and Chan dating, and he didn't want to accompany the rest of you to walk around the city, you wondered if something was wrong with him. So you decided to tell him:
“All right… you've been quiet…” you tilted your head, trying to catch his gaze.
“I'm fine” smiled Han, daring to look you in the eyes, bad decision, if he saw you another second longer he would start crying, “I'm tired, it's late.”
“Oh, I'm really sorry, Sungie, it's just that since you responded to my texts I thought you were awake, I shouldn't have woken up…”
“I'm fine, I was tired but I couldn't sleep either.”
You looked at Han, his eyes actually looked a little tired, it wasn't his typical look of his round eyes wide open, attentive and tender.
“Well, I'm glad you're here with me” you told him with a smile, leaning your body more towards him, Han was just praying like he had never prayed in his life, please don't mention him, but you did, “… It's just that you were quiet, you didn't even joke about the news or anything” you said amused.
Han closed his eyes deeply, taking a deep breath of his pain.
“It was nothing to joke about about” he replied again serious.
“Uh, I know, but, I don't know why I expected it from you… but, can I confess something to you?”
Han watched you attentively, paying attention to your every move and word, despite his body being sore and tired. He nodded.
“Well it's weird… now I'm going back home with a boyfriend after I publicly announced that I hated all men” you joked to which he let out a chuckle, “I don't know if I did the right thing by starting dating someone from the same group, I don't want to mess up the whole group by creating tension and being that typical dumb couple.”
Han smiled sideways at your honesty, not knowing that you had ruined it, or at least both of it, both the friendship and him; eventually, which Han doesn't expect or want you to, trouble will appear… creating the most cliché scenario of all, that was also one of the main reasons why he stopped himself, he thought of everyone, he thought of Changbin, Ari, Jiah… and Chan; Jisung wanted to laugh in disbelief as he realized that ultimately Chan didn't give a shit about the non-existent code and morals of their group of friends, but Han didn't blame him either, for you, who wouldn't do everything, he would kill for you if you asked him to, and deep down, he just hoped Chan would do the same for you, love you well, know every detail that you dislike, and when you're feeling really down you have a marathon of every episode of Treehouse of horror from The Simpsons.
“I've known Chan…” began Han sincerely, trying to say the right words to express what he was feeling at such a vulnerable moment, “longer than I've known you, I know exactly how he is” and how you are, Han thought, “I know… he knows how to take care of people very well and... of course, he'll take care of you very well.”
Han tried to smile, but a knot formed in his throat, he couldn't keep talking, a flood of emotions overwhelmed his body and mind, he thought about how beautiful it is to love you, how lucky his best friend is, he thought about Chan, about their long years of friendship, he never failed him even once… just this one time, but how was he supposed to know, he had no idea that Han liked you.
Han couldn't change the time, he can't go back in all the countless opportunities he could have told you how much he liked you and… That he loved you, so all that was left for him to do was to be mature, and wish you well.
“Still” he cleared his throat, “you know you can always count on me, I'll always be there for you no matter what… Chan is, a very good man.”
You smiled at him, feeling his words like a warm hug, when to him, they were like stabs inside, you leaned your head on his shoulder, enjoying the noise of the city piercing the walls and enjoying the closeness of your best friend, you hoped that even if you dated Chan, it wouldn't ruin your friendship with Jisung. You really adored him.
taglist: @rylea08 @hann1bee @iovecb97 @armystay89
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Bestie. Bestie…
The world deserves to know all about Country!BigDaddy!Ari. Bless them. Bless us. Tell us all about his rusty red truck and his bad habits and how he fucks when he’s had cheap Jack Daniels. Tell us, bestie.
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Look, I know we were just talking about Daddy and this ask is quite old, but let's talk
Big Daddy
Warnings: country/hillbilly au, female!reader(she/her), heavy daddy kink, pet names, a bit of second chance romance, smoking, drinking, explicit sexual acts, head canons because I doubt I will make this full fic to share with everyone and we were feral and unhinged on discord when this first came about.
Country!Ari is a wild one night stand that turns into so so much more when you finally leave the big city and come back home where you belong.
Ari is very blue collar, works for the county on the highway crew, owns a bit of land and lives in a double wide.
Ari was captain of the football team when you were in high school together, and he is still very popular. Most of the guys from the team still get together and play touch football on the weekends
When you come back to town, he makes it his mission to make you his for keeps. He got one taste of your perfect pussy, heard you moaning his name and calling him Daddy for one night and he was hooked.
Everyone around town teases the fuck out of him the way he follows you around like a big puppy dog. If only they knew what he was whispering in your ear 🫣
"C'mon, sugar, why are you fighting us? Such a stubborn little thing just because of something in high school? I just wanna treat you and that sweet pussy of yours right. Let me be your Daddy."
It is no surprise the first time (really this is the second time), you fuck it's during a Friday night football game. You don't even know why all it took for you to say you'd go was your mama saying "Ari goes to every home game", but you showed up.
The 1st quarter isn't even over yet, but Ari catches you a few spots over on the bleachers eating a soft pretzel with cheese and he's dragging you away to where his truck is parked far out in the field lot. It took everything in him not to lick the little bit of cheese off the corner of your mouth in front of the whole crowd.
Ari's truck is big and red and "old". It's a bit rusted out and really jacked up, but he looks regular sized next to it. The passenger side is missing the foot rail so he always has to help you climb up.
However when the tailgate is dropped, it's the perfect height for him to have you lie back while he eats your pussy like a starved man.
And does he fucking love giving you oral. Loves feeling the weight on you on his face, the muffling of his hearing with your thighs clenched around his head.
He could spend the rest of his life with your clit in his mouth and your pussy juices running down his chin.
The one thing he won't do is finger you.
At least not if he plans on fucking you. If your sweet lips are around his cock he can't stop himself from coming down your throat. He will finger you then if you want something to cum on too.
But when he has every intention of fucking all the thought outta your little baby head, Daddy only uses his mouth to get you ready for his dick.
"Let Daddy in sugar, wanna feel every inch of me in ya, don't you? Gonna treat you just right, baby, fuck you just how you need."
God taking his cock a stretch 😤 it's heavy and thick and long and so fucking pretty just like the rest of him. He loves when you get dumb on it. Loves how all it takes to get the sour outta you is Daddy's cock stuffing you full.
"Only sweet for me, ain't'cha? Only like this for Daddy."
Big Daddy is full daddy mode basically all the time. He is so sweet on you.
Anyhoo 😤😤😤😤😤😤
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georgiapeach30513 · 4 months
Out of the Sea, Part 1
Summary: He needed your help, and you couldn't let him drown. Now that he's back he doesn't need your help, just you. Your body. Your everything. Both of you spent the years desiring and obsessing over the other. Now that you've reconnected you want to teach him the ways of the ocean, and he wants to teach you the ways of him. Will this be a matchmade in heaven or in sin?
Pairings: Ari Levinson X Reader
Rating: mild
Warnings:  language, brief depictions of drowning, naïve reader, dirty thoughts, naked reader, mentions of claiming, 18+ ONLY
Word Count: 3.6K
Series Masterlist
*dividers created by @firefly-graphics
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“Boy!” The young boy flinches back away from the edge of the boat, staring back at a sun worn old man. Boat life had aged him far older than the years would suggest. “Don’t step close to the edge. Don’t you know what’s down there?”
Taking a step closer to the edge again, he peers down into the blackened water. He couldn’t fathom what could be in the depths of the ocean, much less this odd little place the man called Emerald Cove. “Aye! I said don’t step close to the edge. Do you swim?”
“No, sir.”
“Stupid boy. Your father is a right old git for sending you out here. If you fell in that water, you’d be gone. There is no saving you. Many a man has sunk straight down to the bottom, but it wasn’t because they couldn’t swim. You know what it was?” The young lad shakes his head no, and an odd feeling to peer back into the water comes over him. “I see it on your face, you hear it don’t you?”
“Hear what?” He asks sheepishly. His skin crawls, and he takes one timid step to the edge. Hearing isn’t exactly how he would describe it. It is more of a longing. Something is calling him towards the water.
“You’ve got that look to you. That itch. Usually they don’t claim one so young. There’s mermaids in these parts. They’re not beautiful creatures. They’re demons. Luring men to their watery grave. All those men that have drowned in that very water. It’s because they were chasing tail they weren’t meant to have. They like it here because the water is too deep. It hides them,” he isn’t sure what chasing tell is, but he knows that something is needing him to look in the water.
The old man was crazy and had seen far too many movies. That much the boy knew. There is no such thing as mermaids. It is just a ploy to get him to step away from the edge. He knows he should, but still something is edging him closer. It isn’t a sound. It isn’t an itch. It’s a need to see. “Go on, and look. I’ll be right here to keep you from falling overboard,” the man cackles and it sounds like he swallowed more than alcohol, but the entire bottle. Letting each shard of glass create scars that make his voice so scratchy and raw.
“Go on,” he urges yet again, and the boy takes a careful step closer. Every inch he gets closer, it feels better. Like part of him is being complete as he peers over the edge of the boat. He’d got on this rickety ship and pretended it was a pirate ship and he was held captive. But now all he wants is the water. The ship led him to where he needs to be, and it’s job is done. The water is all that matters now, well, more what is in the water.
Now his imagination takes him to a place of being made to walk the plank. Gazing into the water in the distance and realizing where it got its name from. Such brilliant shades of blue and turquoise mixing and making it appear like emeralds, but the where the boat resides is a blue so dark it gave the impression of being black. Letting his eyes focus on the darkness just below him, and he stares. Stares too hard that his eyes play tricks on him.
Staring too long, and at nothing. The old man was crazy. There is nothing but fish down there, maybe some sharks or dolphins. But mermaids didn’t exist. It was an old seaman’s tale to keep their men from jumping off the ship in a fit of delirium. Living at sea could make the best fisherman crazy.
Others were too scared to venture out here, and the captain knows this is the best place to fish because it hadn’t been pillaged by other fishermen already. He sees a glint of something not quite right. The light must have reflected off a fish’s scale oddly, but he leans over the boat. Gazing even harder. The fish had to be massive, and a color he hadn’t seen. Reflecting different shades of green and purple.
“Aye!” A rough hand lands on his shoulder, and he’s pulled back roughly. “Do you realize what you were about to do, boy?”
“Grandpa, I was just looking in the water,” the boy argues. He was almost there. Almost to his destiny. He knows the water holds secrets, just not what.
“No, Ari. You were just leaning so far over the boat that you were about to fall in. Go help your uncle, and stay away from the edge. No matter what, don’t go near the edge, you understand?” Ari looks up at his grandpa with a mix of confusion and a frown on his face. He didn’t want to help his uncle. He wants to stay right here and try to get a glimpse of the fish.
“And for fucks sake, tell your mom I said you need to learn to swim before you come back on my fucking boat!”
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A young Ari takes a look around the deck, thankfully seeing no one around. It has bothered him all day. This itch never stopped, and it was sinking down into his skin, caressing over his bones, and he had to look. There is no other explanation, he needs to know what lies beyond the darkness. He saw something.
Maybe it was an exact reflection of the sun in the right place, but he doesn’t care. He has to look. Taking a deep breath, he glances around again before his bright blue eyes find the still water. It’s blue black color is eerily still. Leaning over the boat as much as possible. A part of him feels goofy that if it was a fish it would have swam away already. Hours later it still wouldn’t be there.
But the need to see and know is too strong to ignore. He walked around feeling like something was missing. A part of his soul is hiding below the deep dark surface, and he needs it. Needs to grasp it in his hand because it belongs to him. Looking into the darkness more than the sun. A darkness that should swallow him whole.
Too cold for swimming. And he couldn’t swim.
Ari sits up in his bed in a cold sweat. Chest heaving with every labored breath he takes as his meaty hands run through his hair. Gulping air instead of the icy cold water he had inhaled all those years ago, but that dream always woke him up. And he could never remember anything past the suffocation and chill of the water.
Some would say it was an obsession, and it was. How else do you explain a small boy that couldn’t swim washed up on the shore of Emerald Cover, and no recollection of how he got there? The only evidence that someone had brought him to shore was an odd pearl necklace that he kept hidden that day. Now he never removes it.
He reaches his arms above his head as he gives a big stretch. Yawning while scooting himself to the edge of the bed. Wearing only that pearl necklace that lays in between the valley pecs. His constant reminder that he forgot something. Someone. Or it was all in his head. But someone had to have saved him.
“Ahh!” His cousin, Frank, screams before slamming the door. “I just saw your dick.”
“You jealous that your dick pales in comparison to mine?”
“Are you jealous that I woke up with a girl gagging on mine?” Ari rolls his as he reaches for a pair of pants. There was nobody in the bed with Frank, unless she snuck in before they set sail. Hiding until now. “You know, if you want to enjoy sea life you gotta get started early. Can you swim now, baby boy?”
“You know I’m bigger than you now, little bit?”
“Yeah, but I didn’t,” Ari slings the door open. Towering over Frank who smirks up at his younger, but larger cousin, “Well you did almost drown. You even got a little trinket to show for it,” he gives the necklace a little tap before his face falls immediately. “You know I’m just kidding.”
“You know that this isn’t a joke to me. Our grandpa is carrying on about mermaids, and I fall into the water, can’t swim, and manage to be washed up on the cove shore, can you make that make sense? Especially since I had this.”
“You really need to get out and smell the salt water. They don’t exist. Grandpa was an alcoholic loon.”
“He was babbling on about a fucking call, and hearing them. How many sailors have drowned in the cove?” Frank shrugs his shoulders, turning around to head up the stairs. “Frankie, I’m not crazy.”
“Then what or who did you see?”
“I don’t remember,” it’s the same answer he always has. Never can remember the moment from being in the water to being on the shoreline. “But she was real.”
“She?” His cousin looks over his shoulder at him. “You went from you don’t know to a she? Your mom is right, you’re a hopeless romantic, but you spent your entire life chasing after a woman you aren’t even sure is there. What color was her fin? How does one fuck a mermaid? And maybe if you got laid you wouldn’t be dreaming of a ghost,” Ari has fucked many times. Sex isn’t his issue. It’s the fact that those women were never his savior.
“When are we getting to the cove?” Ari asks, irritated that no one ever took him seriously. He only had a vague memory of that day. Cold darkness, and then warm scratchy sand, and…there was a woman, no, a girl. He’s sure of it.
“We’ll be there before lunch. Please, don’t lean into the water this time. You’re too big, and you will definitely sink to the bottom unless your titties can be used as a flotation device. Or maybe a pink mermaid will save you.”
“She wasn’t pink,” he blurts out without thinking. Gasping before he closes his eyes, and he gets a clear flash of a girl around his age grabbing hold of his arm, while pleading to someone that she couldn’t let him die.
“Daddy, please!”
“Stupid human, they deserve to die if they can’t leave us alone.”
“But he’s just a boy. What if I wasn’t released from the net?” Her violet eyes shine up at her father before he grabs Ari’s arm.
“Hey,” Frank snaps his fingers in his cousin’s face. “What happened?”
“She wasn’t pink, and I’m not crazy. I need to get to the cove immediately.”
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You sit on the beach, staring out at the rising sun. A practice you have done every day for too many years. Sitting and waiting. Wasting your life away, so your father said. Most of your kind had migrated away, but you stayed. Dried yourself out every morning so you could sit and wait. Talking to rocks and the coconuts. Becoming worse than a hermit crab.
“Ugh,” you sigh, collapsing back onto the sand as you squint into the sky. You hoped that he would return, and now you feel you’re just wasting away on an island all alone. You don’t know how much longer you can possibly wait.
You wonder if he even grew up, or even if he likes the water. Does he think about you like you think about him every single day? Waiting in this stupid ass uncomfortable sand when you should have your fin, and enjoying the fucking water. Standing up, you stare at the horizon as you start to take slow calculated steps towards the water.
Today is the day. If he didn’t return, you couldn’t live in solitude like this anymore. You’d migrate to where your kind is. The moment the sun set you would be gone, and you’d wonder forever if that boy would ever return. Living in solitude isn’t the way you wanted to spend your life.
You’d become crazy thinking that this is all you were going to have. You wanted a life, and love, and seeing how he wasn’t coming back, you’d settle for just friendship, and maybe passion.
Looking out into the distance, you tilt your head as a mirage comes into view. You had finally cracked, and had begun to see things. Standing there for far too long before you yelp, and run off into the tree line, keeping your eyes trained on the ship, and the man.
He is beautiful. They didn’t make men like him, even in the ocean. Tall, thick, muscles so hard that his shirt seized, looking like it would pop off at any moment. Hair that you desire nothing more than to run your fingers through it. And your belly heats up, and these stupid things called legs start to clench together in an unfamiliar way.
He is too far away to know if that was your boy. But if that boy grew up to be this man…you didn’t know what you were going to do.
Ari sees a figure standing on the beach, and starts moving around quicker, “Frank, hurry your skinny little ass up!”
His cousin scowls, looking around his shoulders at his ass, “It’s not skinny. I have a nice ass, thank you very much.”
“Just hurry up, I see her,” Frank doesn’t want to give into his cousin’s incessant obsession with the girl he believes saved him twenty years ago. “Frank!” Ari screams again as her body runs into the tree line. “Fuck,” he grunts before diving into the water.
“I hope you can swim now,” Frank sighs before doing the job himself. “Chasing women from the water. Fucking nerd. I shouldn’t have even brought him with me.”
You look in horror as he jumps into water, and start to bolt out of the trees. If that was your boy then he couldn’t swim, and you wouldn’t allow him to die this time either. Stopping when you see him swimming perfectly before retreating back into hiding. Humans can learn to swim, and maybe your boy did. Maybe this isn’t your boy at all but this one in the water is making you feel even more.
Biting on your lip as he emerges from the ocean, he throws off his shirt, and you sigh. It looked perfectly fine clinging to his damp skin, but looks even better laying on the sand. His golden skin glistens with the salty water, and he shades his eyes, looking in your direction. And you zero in on his chest, it is your boy. Your necklace hands low on that glorious chest.
“I won’t hurt you,” he calls out into the trees, exactly where you are, and you shudder. His voice is deep. He’s no longer a boy. He might not hurt you, but the banging of your heart through your chest will. “My name is Ari,” that is a lovely name. You never got it before. You whisper it to see how it tastes on your tongue. It’s perfection.
“I was a young boy, and nearly drowned here, and…I’ve been trying to get back ever since,” it really is him. You aren’t crazy, and he did come back. Still carried your token that claimed him as yours. He thought about you just as much as you thought about him. “Please, you don’t have to be scared.”
Inhale. Slowly exhale.
Ari gazes at you as you slowly emerge. His cheeks become more rosy as you step out of the shadows. His eyes betray him, and he doesn’t want to look at your body, but it is on full display. Your tits pert and peeking through your hair, while your legs frame your core, and he feels the urge to drool. Struggling to not look to hard, but fearing to look away.
“Holy shit,” Ari remembers that he isn’t exactly alone when his cousin speaks, and you scurry off into the woods. Cursing under his breath when he turns to glare at Frank. “That was no mermaid. Why is there a naked woman on the beach?”
Ari doesn’t respond, only grabs his shirt from the ground, and starts to jog towards where you went. Moving aside branches, and getting smacked in the face by a few until he sees you cowering on the ground, but your eyes shine brightly up at him.
Squatting down, he holds out a hand to you. “I don’t want to hurt you? Can you speak?” In lieu of answering, you nod your head. “So you understand me?”
“Yes,” you choke out, covering your mouth quickly with your hand. You hadn’t heard the real sound of your voice in years.
“Do you know who I am?” You nod enthusiastically, and with a smile. “You grew up.”
“You, too,” your giggles make him smile. Genuinely smile. And then you get onto your knees, and your tits sway with every move you make. He strains, begging his body to remain calm as he watches you crawl on all fours. Getting right in front of him before standing to your feet, and your hand presses against his chest, over your necklace before your eyes roll up to meet his own, and his body trembles.
“Are you okay?” You ask, scared that he overexerted himself in the water. Grabbing his hand to place on your chest. “See, breathe like me.”
“I’m sorry,” his eyes fall to where his hand rests, but instead he is looking at the way your tits rise and fall with every breath. “It’s a shock to see a woman naked on the beach.”
“Naked?” You run that word over your tongue a moment before tilting your head to smile at him. “Are you naked?”
“Would you like me to be?” Damn, he knows he shouldn’t have said that considering you seem confused about the concept. “Your…well, tits are right there.”
“Tits?” You understand some things, and others not at all. “Show me my tits.”
“Fuck,” he groans, looking back at your chest. “You have no clothes.”
“Because I have none. Do I need them?” not to do the things he wants to do to you, you don’t. He can’t say that to you. There’s an odd innocence about you that makes him want to protect you. Frank wouldn’t be an issue, but he doesn’t want you corrupted by the world. The only corruption would come from him. “Ari?”
“Where did you come from?” His hand moves to your wrists as his fingers rub over the odd violet patches on your skin. Giggling again makes your tits wiggle too close to his face, and when he gives you a specific look, a hunger that food couldn’t fulfill rumbles in the pit of your being, and you feel so — empty. “Are you okay?”
“I feel tingly,” you whisper, and those blue eyes cast down your body, and your body clenches. “I don’t understand.”
“Does it hurt?” You shake your head no, because it doesn’t hurt, you just feel without. “Where…?” Grabbing his hand you pull it between your thighs, and your body hitches. A deep moan releases from his throat, and you mewl. Waiting on his sight to meet your own. “Do you have a name?”
“Adria,” good. He can’t be so close and personal to you if you didn’t have a name. He’s weak staring at you. Your body is on fire, and he feels you throbbing on his hand, but it all feels so wrong, but only because you didn’t understand. And still didn’t care that he is feeling you in such a private and vulnerable place. “Ari?”
“We should get you dressed,” he removes his hand from your body, and holds up his shirt he discarded earlier. “Here,” it’s a struggle to speak when he thinks of covering you up, but he slips his shirt over your head. The wet fabric clings to your body, and leaves little to the imagination. “Do you live here?”
“I do now. My family migrated away years ago. I’ve waited for you. You’ve waited on me, too,” you don’t form it as a question, just press your hand up against his rippling chest. “It was worth it.”
“Is this where you want to stay?”
“Are you staying?” You innocently ask. He smiles, shaking his head no. “Then no. I’ve waited many years for you, Ari,” it may take time, but soon you will claim him with more than just a piece of jewelry. He would be yours, you could feel it throughout your body, into your bones, and into the legs that still didn’t feel right. He needs to be yours in every sense of the word. You want to encapsulate his life. He belongs to you.
”How do I make you mine, Ari?”
“I’m sure we can come — up with some ideas. I guess you need to meet my adopted cousin, Frank. Come on,” he doesn’t know how Frank is going to react. “Can you swim?”
“I shouldn’t go into the ocean. You see…”
“I know. I think I’ve always known what you are.”
“I suppose it’s time for you to claim me,” Ari clears his throat, looking up at the sky. “In whatever way you deem best,” Ari stares after you as you walk away. What was once an innocent boy’s life being saved is now a horny man given an open door to claim you. Dangerous games. Even more dangerous is the fact that he and Frank have been left to their own devices for a few weeks just to get here.
This is either going to be the time of your life. Or the time of theirs.
@tis-thedamn-season @marveloustaylortot @pono-pura-vida @peaches1958 @seitmai @smile1318 @andydrysdalerogers @cjand10 @midnightramyeoncravings @kmc1989 @pandaxnienke @theinheriteddutchess @rogersbarber
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ad0rechuu · 8 months
ᝰ MY OH MY. ━━ (009) classic sunwoo-yn-bff-date
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WARNINGS. swearing (like always), mentions of food and insecurities, lots of physical touch, princess diaries references, also please remember that sunwoo is sunwoo if u know what i mean ;p | i’m so excited to post this but written chapters are always terrifying to post for me so please leave me your thoughts and feedback <3 i really need it when it comes to these
credits to @ari-shipping-stuff for being my beta reader / writer <33
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Half an hour after the text, you opened the door in your pajamas to find a panting Sunwoo, water dripping down his raincoat as he held up a bag.
He didn’t even let you greet him or invite him in properly before he'd stormed past you. He shrugged of his coat and placed it over a random chair, leaving him in his familiar black hoodie and sweatpants as he turned to look at you.
Sunwoo was the first to speak up despite the questions circulating in your mind.
“Why do you look so surprised? I told you I was coming over for a classic Sunwoo-Yn-BFF-date.”
You squinted your eyes at the boy in front of you. He pushed his dripping curly hair out of his face.
You tried giving him the dirtiest look you could manage. “I don’t care what you say. I’m not going out, Sunwoo.”
“Yeah, I obviously knew you’d wanna stay holed up in here.” He rolled his eyes and held up the shopping bag once again. “That’s why I bought snacks and the passwords for Kevin hyung’s streaming services accounts, because lord knows he’s probably paying for all of them.”
As Sunwoo trailed off to complain about Kevin’s spending habits as if he had to pay for it himself, you walked over to the bathroom to get the boy a towel. In the couple of moments you were in there, you caught a glance of your state in the mirror.
Sure, you still looked disheveled and you still had bags underneath your swollen eyes from the crying and lack of sleep, your lips.. your lips were also cracked and swollen from the excessive amount of chewing you did on them out of stress;
But somehow, you knew you looked a little brighter than before and you’re almost certain who was to blame for that change.
You walked back to your living room where, to your horror, Sunwoo had already made himself comfortable on your couch.
You rushed over and scolded him. “Get off my couch! You haven’t even dried yourself off and it’s way too expensive for you to douse it in rainwater.”
Sunwoo scoffed, looking at you with a judgmental expression when you held out the towel to him. “You act like this couch is going to bring you gold. You got it from a fucking thrift store!”
He didn't take the towel, instead grabbing your arm and leaning his head in your general direction.
“Are you seriously implying that I dry your hair right now?” You gasped.
Sunwoo sat up at the edge of the couch, still holding your arm and pulling you so that you’re standing in between his legs.
“Yeah, it’s nicer when you do it.”
“I thought I was supposed to be the one cheered up.” You scoffed, rolling your eyes. Sure, you might sound annoyed, but Sunwoo could tell by the way you gently began to dry his hair anyway that it was only a joke.
“You get to see my handsome face from this close. I consider that a win for all of us!” He smiled up at you, the towel now covering the greater part of his head and ears.
You left it there and turned around to let yourself fall on a comfortable spot next to him on the couch.
“Just for that, you can do it yourself.”
You don’t even look at him, simply letting him gasp at you in disbelief as you grabbed the remote to search for something for you to watch.
Eventually he gave in, continuing to dry his hair himself. Of course, not without complaining, but you didn't mind. It was kind of comforting; him being here while you felt like dying was comforting. So he could complain as much as he wanted so long as it meant you could have your best friend by your side.
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“I NEVER GOT why they act like Mia’s makeover was such a big deal. Sure, if she explicitly wanted to change up her look I would get it, but they act she’s a totally different person when she is just as pretty before.”
You ended up settling on watching ‘Princess Diaries’ again, curled up on the couch with Sunwoo’s arm resting behind you while you two stuffed your faces with snacks and other unhealthy, comforting treats. The two of you had watched the movie more times than you could count on both your hands. At that point, it was nearly a symbol of your friendship. It just never got old to you.
You nodded with Sunwoo as he monologued about the movie's endearing yet problematic 2000s-esque plot.
“But that makes me think,” You said through a mouthful of Doritos, still staring at the screen. “Do you think Yeonjun would’ve made that bet if I was different? If I, like, changed? You know?”
Sunwoo’s attention on the movie immediately moved a hundred percent towards you with that sentence. You only turned your head towards him when you felt his wide eyes burning a hole in the side of your face.
“Are you considering changing for him?!” No sign of a joke or anything of the sort could be detected in his voice as he asked.
You smiled and looked down. You did consider it for a while. That was how much you felt for him. But in the end, you shook you head.
“I don’t really want to change. But I wonder about it sometimes. Maybe he’d love me back if I did?”
Focusing your gaze back on the screen, you whispered to no one in particular. “I just wanna be loved too.”
“You should never change for a man though. You shouldn’t change for anyone, for that matter. What’s the point of being loved if it isn’t for your true self? That just seems tiring.” Sunwoo's voice was raised and his eyebrows furrowed. He was clearly not done with the topic yet. “Also, he’s a selfish-stupid-dumb-dumb-poopyhead and nothing you do is going to change that.”
Your laugh echoed through the small living room at his word choice. Sunwoo fought back a small smile at the wonderful sound.
Finally, he turned back to the television with you. “I can’t ever understand why you still care about him so much after everything, but I get where you’re coming from. Don’t we all crave to be loved deep down?”
The last sentence caught you off-guard. Sunwoo often hid behind silly jokes and funny remarks, but he could be quite insightful when he wanted to be. You nodded once again, trusting that he saw it in the corner of his eye.
He did. He placed the arm that was resting behind you around your own, rubbing it gently. “And don’t worry. I’ll always be here to love your true self, despite your, well… thousands of extremely obvious flaws.”
“Hey!” You exclaimed, making Sunwoo cover his ears. You completely ignored all the nice stuff he said as you proceeded to punch him in the arm with an offended look on your face.
He had the nerve to seem just as offended. “I’m not apologizing. You are a very messy and deeply flawed person, Yn!” He said matter-of-factly.
Rolling your eyes, you sunk back into the sofa. “Gee, thanks, man!”
His offended charade didn't last long. Soon enough, a smile grew on his features. He almost crushed the snacks in between you as he wrapped his arms around you and pulled you towards him. Your head landed softly against the shoulder of his black hoodie.
“But I meant what I said. I’ll promise that I’ll do my best to make you feel even the slightest bit loved.”
“Why?” A pout was still present on your lips, but you didn't make any effort to move free from his grip, only nuzzling your cheek in the crook of his neck.
You could feel him shrug as he pulled a blanket over the two of you.
“Because that’s what best friends do, I guess.”
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NOTES. writing this i knew exactly what i wanted to do with this chapter and im pretty satisfied with how it came to be also yes i am a princess diaries stan at heart <33
TAGLIST. @tocupid @leo-seonghwa @seonghwaddict @starryunho @yuyusuyu @kodzumo @felixsramen @aapplepii @juhakutie @gyumibear @alixnsuperstxr @atinyinateezverse @nyukyujs @yunho-mp3 @blueresides @shakalakaboomboo @haechology @ahnneyong @atinycafe @i-luvsang @nasangel @asherthehimbo @marvelahsobx @blue-rainydays @the-swageyama-tobiyolo @evilsailorsenshi @allisonleannn @sunkitti @koizekomi @ms-no1kpopstan @marsvillee @tubatu-wari-wari @jazminethecreator
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cevansbrat0007 · 4 months
I am of course wanting to learn more about Ari and his Bird because Sweet Renegade lives rent free in my brain 😍💖
10. Do they share any hobbies or interests? How do these things bring them together?
14. Do they enjoy PDA, or are they more private with affection?
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10. Do they share any hobbies or interests? How do these things bring them together?
They actually share a passion for the great outdoors. Although our girl is every inch a bookworm, she does enjoy going on the occasional hike. Which is perfect for a nomad like Ari, who gets a little twitchy if he's forced to stay indoors for too long.
He's actually trying to convince her to go camping with him. Bird is thisclose to saying yes. Her Beast has dreams of teaching her how to fish, before building her an amazing fire to make them dinner, and then make love to her under the stars.
Additionally, they also love watching documentaries. The next one on the docket is season two of The Jinx.
14. Do they enjoy PDA, or are they more private with affection?
It's taken some time, but Bird has grown increasingly more comfortable with public displays of affection. She still occasionally tenses up when they're in town, depending on where they are and the time of day.
If they're out grocery shopping at 5:00pm, Ari will settle for resting a hand on the small of her back or keeping a hold of one of her hands. But if it's later in the evening, say around 9:00pm, when the store is mostly empty, it's a different story.
The gentlemanly hand that is normally reserved for the small of her back now rests on her hip. And instead of lacing his fingers through hers, he uses his big body to trap her between himself and the cart as they shop. Meanwhile, she's too busy giggling and occasionally grinding her ass against him, to tell him to stop and sound like she means it.
That said, Ari and Bird are the most comfortable when they are hanging out just outside of town limits where nobody knows them. Now, when they're out exploring nearby fun, that same proprietary hand that was once reserved for Bird's lower back and hip can now be found tucked securely in the back pocket of her jeans.
When they feel free to be themselves, Bird has no problem pressing kisses to their clasped hands. The same way Ari has no problem sneaking up on his woman to nuzzle at the crook of her neck before whispering something dirty in ear.
In those moments, she doesn't ask him to stop - not even in jest. Instead Ari is treated to a soft, breathy moan followed by three little words: "tell me more."
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katsu28 · 2 years
i don't know if you've done this, but a 🍭 “You told me not to worry about them.” with bradley bradshaw maybe??
thank you sm for requesting, my dear ari!! much love for u <3
bradley "rooster" bradshaw x aviator!reader, callsign Casper (like the ghost hehe), some swearing, 1.3k
They were just some harmless pranks; you could handle them. That was what you told Rooster over and over when he found out you were getting hazed by some other pilots in your squadron. It wasn't uncommon for stuff like this to happen to newer pilots, but damnit if he didn't hate seeing it happen to you. 
It was what he had to keep reminding himself when you called him at three in the morning one night and asked him to come pick you up from one of the shadiest districts in San Diego. His mind was reeling the whole car ride to you, because you’d sounded so quiet on the phone. Whether it was because you were embarrassed, upset, or even scared, he didn’t know. 
“Are you okay?” was his first question as soon as he’d put his car into park and rushed over to you, eyes squinting in the dingy, flickering streetlight to scan your whole body for any sign of injury. You just nodded, and when he seemed certain that there was nothing wrong with you, he frowned. “What the hell is going on? Why are you even out here this time of night?” 
“It was nothing, just another stupid prank,” You muttered, drawing your jacket tighter around yourself. Rooster’s eyebrows furrowed. “What?” 
“Pranks are funny. This? Ditching you alone here of all places, that’s not a prank. That’s risking your life.” 
“You say it like I don’t do that for a living everyday.” You were joking, even though right now definitely wasn’t the time to be cracking one. 
Rooster’s jaw clenched. “This isn’t a fucking joke, Casper, okay? I know you wanna fit in and prove that you belong here, which you do, I know you do, but this hazing shit with your squad isn’t okay!” 
“It’s nothing I can’t handle.” You set off to the Bronco after that, effectively cutting the conversation short. Rooster was worried, you understood that, but every pilot went through this kind of thing. Making it through the pranks meant that you’d finally be accepted as a real part of your squadron, so you were fine with it. But Rooster had a problem with it, and he wasn’t afraid to tell you. Case in point. 
Rooster slid into the driver’s seat a few seconds later, turning to you and opening his mouth like he was going to say something, but decided against it, instead opting to just start driving. 
The atmosphere in the car was tense, to say the least. Neither of you wanted to break the charged silence, too headstrong to give in. 
Rooster was the first one to break a good while into the drive, voice defeated. “You told me not to worry about them, Y/N.” 
Y/N. Not your callsign. That was how you knew he meant business. 
“And you still don’t have to, Bradley. I have it under control.” And that was your stubbornness talking. It was one of the qualities you possessed that gave you the grit and determination you needed to make it this far in the game, and you’d be damned if you let a bunch of chauvinistic asses take it away from you. 
“If you had it under control, it wouldn’t’ve got this far. I can talk to those assholes, let ‘em know not to mess with you.” 
“Oh, and then what? I get let off the hook because my big scary Lieutenant boyfriend said so?” You scoffed, crossing your arms tightly over your chest. “They’re never gonna take me seriously after that. So thank you for picking me up, but just leave it alone, okay?” 
“I’m just trying to help you!” 
“Help me?” You let out a humorless chuckle. “You don’t get it, do you? However hard it was for you to earn the respect of other pilots, it’s fifty times harder for me. Nobody takes me seriously because of who I am. What I look like. I need to prove that I’m just as tough as they are, and if they think I’m pulling favors from you, I’m right back where I started.” 
Rooster hesitated again, taking a second to digest your words. He’d never actually thought of it that way. He was so focused on what he could do to get them to stop that he never considered how that would bode for you. Rooster knew the type of guys your squad members were. Hell, he’d even been that type of guy at one point in his life. 
But you were right. If he stepped in, that would only make things even harder than they already were for you. And if they suspected you’d gone running to him to get him to pull his rank, maybe even escalate it further. 
“I’m sorry,” Rooster said softly, settling his free hand over your knee. You continued to stare out the window, jaw clenched tight so he wouldn’t see you falter.
He tried again, a different approach this time. “I get it. Finding a good groove with a new team is hard. You just wanna take it, muscle through whatever they throw at you. Show them that you can play with the big boys. But sweetheart, this is getting out of hand. Stupid pranks are fine; I’ve pulled a shit ton back in my day. But when it comes to compromising your safety, that doesn’t fly with me.” 
Your breath trembled as you exhaled, and Rooster noticed. He flicked on his blinker, maneuvering off to the side of the street and killing the engine in one smooth motion before swiveling to face you in his seat, one big hand coming up to cup your cheek. 
“I was really scared, Bradley,” You admitted, your words nearly a whisper. You leaned into his touch instinctively, fingers curling around his wrist. “I—I didn’t know if I should call you, or just find my way back on my own. I didn’t—I didn’t know what to do.” 
“Oh, my sweet girl,” He cooed, stripping off his seatbelt. You thought he would try to hug you from here, but instead he held up a finger, hopped out of the car and rounded the hood, pulling your door open to gather you in a much better hug than you were expecting. His arms folded around you just right, lips pressing into the top of your head, heart a comforting thud against your ear. “Thank you for calling me. Always call me, no matter what time it is. If I can be there, I’ll be there. And if I can’t, I’ll find a way.” 
“Thank you,” You mumbled, voice muffled against the softness of his hoodie. 
“Of course.” Rooster sighed, giving you one last good squeeze before holding you at arms length for what he was going to say next. “You’re a good pilot, Casper. I’ve seen you fly, you’re one of the best I’ve ever seen.” 
“Yeah well, you’re biased,” You said lightly, nudging his ribs with your elbow gently. 
“I’m not! Professionally speaking, as someone who’s seen dozens of pilots come in with the potential to become something great and fizzle out, I can honestly, truly say that you’re not one of them. You don’t have to prove yourself to anyone, because you’re just that good.” 
“Are you trying to woo me and get me into your bed right now?”
Rooster’s cheeks flushed pink. “No! Well yes, eventually, but—stop distracting me! I mean it, okay? You’re going places. So tell those dickbags to knock it off, because chances are, if you’re as scary as I know you can be,” He earned another jab to the gut for that comment, “they’ll take the hint. Show them you’re not playing their stupid games anymore.” 
“I will.” Your fingers loosened their grip around his torso, lips quirking into a soft smile. 
“Good. I’m glad. And if they keep being jerks, I’ll gladly be of service.” He shrugged. “As your boyfriend, not Lieutenant Bradshaw. No pulling rank of any kind, I promise.” When you laughed, he straightened proudly, always pleased to be the reason you were happy. Some would even say it was his greatest mission in life. “Stay at my place tonight?” 
“See, now I’m trying to get you into my bed. I think it’s working too. Is it?” 
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secretswiftymarvelfan · 8 months
Run Free - Alpha!Ari Levinson x Omega!Reader (Part 3: It's Nice To Have A Friend)
Summary: As an Omega you knew your place in the world, however when the opportunity arrives to escape you take it... only to find yourself face to face with another Alpha
Word Count: 3.6k
Warnings: Light Angst! Fluff! Talk of Captive Situation!
Dividers by @firefly-graphics
Series Masterlist / Masterlist
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Chapter 3: It's Nice To Have A Friend
For the first couple of days, you stayed with Ari he decided it was best to stay home and make sure you were okay. Rachel was more than happy to cover the bar, Max even offered to help out too. All the work Ari needed to do himself he could do from home anyway.
Every day he would help clean your wounds and redo the bandages around your wrists and ankles. When he first did it he could see how anxious you were, flinching whenever his fingers touched your skin. But the more he did it the more relaxed you seemed
He could tell you were still nervous around him though. So for a large portion of the day, he just let you get on with whatever you wanted to do. Making sure not to crowd you and to give you your own space.
The first couple of days you barely left your room. Occasionally he’d check in on you, offer you food or something. Usually finding you reading a book or curled up napping. You did start to spend some more time outside of your room.
Once, when Ari went downstairs to grab himself a coffee to help him through the paperwork he had to do. He found you reclined on the couch reading, you’d even given him a warm smile when you looked up. When Ari returned to his office he found it really hard to focus, not because paperwork was dull but because he was so happy to see you smiling.
It was about a week into your stay that Ari left the cabin for the first time. He was running low on groceries, he was already pretty low before you came along but now he had two mouths to feed. 
He let you know exactly where he was going and when he’d be back, double and triple checking that you were okay alone. Asking if you wanted to come with him. You politely turned him down saying you would be fine.
He chose to believe you, despite the niggling voice in his head that said you were lying. He could sense you were a little uneasy but hoped you be okay once you realised there was nothing to worry about.
He wasn’t expecting to open the door and instantly be hit with the feeling of anxiety and fear. It made him stop dead in his tracks. In all his life he’d never been able to sense an Omega’s feelings so strongly. He glanced around the living room not spotting you anywhere. 
He quickly dropped the groceries in the kitchen before rushing up the stairs, taking two at a time. The feeling of your fear and anxiety grew stronger as he approached your room. Peaking when he knocked on your door.
“Y/N, it's me, Ari, you okay?” He asks poking his head in.
He spotted you sitting on the bed knees brought up to your chest. When your eyes met his he could see a flash of fear before suddenly they calmed. The feeling of relief crashed over Ari as you suddenly calmed down.
“Hey is everything okay?” Ari asked walking into the room, sitting down at the end of your bed.
“Yeah sorry, just-“ you said, shaking your head and taking a shaky breath.
Ari could feel the embarrassment rolling off you in waves “It's okay you don’t need to explain, I’m sorry I was gone so long” Ari apologised realising your biology was taking over, he knew omegas felt uneasy whenever an Alpha wasn’t around.
“No, I’m just tired I think, I’ve never slept well” you admitted, dismissing Ari’s suggestion that it was his absence to blame, even if you knew that was the case.
“Have you not slept well since being here?” He asked furrowing his brows slightly.
He had seen you napping often, but had always put it down to you being comfortable. Not that you weren’t sleeping at night. 
“No, but I never have, maybe I did before but I can’t remember” you admitted shrugging your shoulders.
Ari furrowed his brows glancing down at your bed. It was the same as his, it was perfectly comfortable for him. He hoped it was just where you were getting used to it. 
“Okay, I’m just gonna go put the groceries away, Do you need anything?” Ari asked as he stood up.
“Um no I’m good thanks” you said with a small smile.
You watched as he left the room. Letting out a deep sigh trying your best to get your emotions in check. You hated how freaked out you’d gotten with Ari gone. You moved your knees from the chest, revealing Ari’s shirt that he’d given you on that first day. No matter how much you wanted to give it back, you couldn’t bring yourself to. The scent of it calmed you down.
The next day Sammy came over to the cabin to check on how well your recovery was going. The three of you sat in the kitchen while he examined your burns giving a hum of approval.
“They’re looking good, clearly keeping on top of it” Sammy said glancing over at Ari.
“How’s everything else? Are you feeling physically stronger” Sammy asked you.
“A little bit yeah” you said nodding your head gently.
“That’s good, it’s not going to be a quick fix so don’t be worried about slow progress” Sammy reassured you.
“Have you been taking the vitamins? And getting enough sleep” Sammy then asked, Ari’s interest peaking wondering what you’d say.
“Yeah I take them every morning,” you said dodging the sleeping question.
“But she hasn’t been sleeping well” Ari added looking over at you as you dropped your gaze.
“Well, I’m sure it’ll take you a while to get used to it, rebuild your nest the way you want it” Sam offered glancing between you and Ari.
“Nest?” You questioned.
At that moment Ari realised exactly what the issue was. His guest bed, like his own, was built for purpose not comfort. There was nothing there except what was necessary. Of course, you’d feel unsettled without a proper nest, especially as an unbonded Omega.
The next thing that hit him was the fact you didn’t know what a nest was. Both he and Sammy exchanged a confused look.
“Do you not know what a nest is?” Ari asked you.
You shook your head, and they both looked at you as if they didn’t believe you. As if it was common knowledge.
“Have you never built one before, you know on your bed with blankets and cushions?” Sammy asked.
“No, they never gave me any of that, I slept mostly on the floor, or a thin mattress,” you told them nervously tugging at your sleeves.
“What about before?” Ari asked.
You shook your head once more “They took me really young” you admitted quietly.
Ari sighed as he glanced over at Sam. You hadn’t told them exactly what you’d been through. But as you revealed more snippets of information Ari was starting to think you had been held captive by a human trafficking ring. Something he unfortunately had a lot of knowledge about.
“Okay well, what we can do is the three of us go down to the store and you can pick out some things you like?” Sam suggested.
“You’ll be perfectly safe, you’ll have me and Sammy watching your back” Ari reassured you.
“Do you think it will really help?” You asked them uncertain.
“Yes, I really do” Sammy told you nodding his head.
“Okay, let’s go” you agreed nodding your head slightly.
“Great, let's go then” Ari smiled.
As Ari drove you and Sammy into town you stared out of the window of the car. Taking all the sights in. The last time you were far too nervous to appreciate all of it.
Once you got to the store, Ari and Sam led you through the store to the area with the pillows and cushions. Ari came to a stop and you glanced up at him unsure what to do. Far too used to just following his lead already.
“Go ahead, go pick whatever you want” Ari said gesturing for you to carry on.
You took a few hesitant steps away from Ari and Sam. Ari watched as you started looking through everything. Your fingers reached out to touch a blanket and a smile grew on your face. 
“You like that one?” Sammy asked you.
“Yeah, it's so soft,” you said unable to pull your hand away.
“Well into the cart it goes” Ari smiled grabbing it and putting it in the cart.
Ari continued to watch while you searched for stuff you liked. Grabbing another blanket and a few cushions. Ari could see you were trying to hold yourself back, but he kept reassuring you to get whatever you wanted.
Once you had selected everything and Ari paid he drove you back to the cabin. When you arrived back to the cabin Ari and Sammy helped carry everything to your room before leaving you to sort it all.
“Fancy a drink?” Ari asked Sammy as they walked down the stairs.
“Yeah sure” Sammy agreed.
“So how do you think she is?” Sam asked as Ari passed him a beer.
“I dunno, she doesn’t talk about what happened and I’m only getting snippets here and there, I think she’s trying not to seem weak” Ari sighed shrugging his shoulders.
“What do you think happened to her?” Sammy asked furrowing his brows.
“It sounds like she was held captive, by who I don’t know, worst case is traffickers,” Ari said earning a low growl from Sammy.
“Fucking hate traffickers” he growled.
“You could say that again” Ari scoffed taking a deep pull of his beer “One thing I’ve noticed though is how strong she projects her emotions, I’ve never encountered an Omega like her” 
Sam raised a brow and smirked slightly “Some people say you’re able to pick up on emotions better if it's a true bond” he suggests.
Ari shook his head “It's not that” he’d heard of true bonds, a kind of bond between two people that existed before even the bonding ritual occurred, where the two souls could communicate their feelings without that bridge, but they were extremely rare.
While he definitely loved seeing you get better and you smile. Your presence also seemed to calm him down too. He couldn’t dare entertain the idea of anything beyond helping you get better. You had serious trust issues around alphas and he wanted to fix that, not make it worse.
“Well then, it has been a while since you’ve been in close contact around omegas a good couple of years at least, maybe you’re just not used to it” Sammy offered.
“Yeah that’s probably it” Ari sighed, even if he didn’t truly believe it.
“Anything else you’re concerned about? You seemed pretty tense earlier” Sammy asked.
“Yeah” Ari sighed before remembering the other day “Well actually, she seems really nervous to be left alone, I can’t stay here all the time but I don’t know what to do” 
“Well, maybe we can start introducing her to everyone, properly. Then they can come keep her company and help her relax until she’s okay to be alone” Sammy suggested.
“That could work, you sure you’ll be okay with that?” Ari asked.
“Yeah they’ve all been asking after her anyway, I’m sure they’ll love to help,” Sam said nodding his head.
“Well that’s nice to hear, thanks Sammy” Ari agreed.
Ari and Sam continued to chat for another couple of hours. Sam caught Ari up with everything to do with the bar. It was when Sammy left that Ari went upstairs to check on you since you hadn’t reappeared since coming home.
When he poked his head into your room he expected to see you still organising everything. However, he found you fast asleep curled up under blankets and around your new cushions. 
The thing that caught his eye though was the item you held close to your chest as you slept. It was the shirt he’d given you on the first day. Ari smiled to himself, his chest filling with pride seeing that something you were seeking comfort from something that was his.
He shut the door behind him quietly before making his way back downstairs. Careful not to let the stairs creak too much. Smiling the entire way, relieved to have helped you even if just a little bit.
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Ari and Sammy set their plan in motion. They decided to first introduce you to Jake. It was an easy choice, you were already relatively comfortable with Ari and Sam. Jake being a Beta meant you wouldn’t be as nervous around him, that and he was one of the friendliest out of the group.
To begin with, you didn’t say much, just listened in to their conversation. Chuckling occasionally along with them. Ari wasn’t too concerned that you weren’t talking, if his theory about you being the victim of trafficking was correct you probably weren’t used to this sort of situation.
However, Ari did love how you would smile and listen intently. Asking questions as you got braver. He would be lying however if he said he didn’t enjoy you seeking comfort and reassurance from him. You would glance over at him occasionally and naturally shift closer to him on the couch.
The next person they introduced you to was Rachel. Despite her being an Alpha you were more relaxed around her. You recognised her scent from the clothes you had been borrowing from her.
“You look great by the way” Rachel smiled nodding at you.
You gave her a bashful smile “Thank you, for the clothes too” You thanked her.
“It’s nothing really, I’m more than happy to help, and look if you want maybe we can go shopping and get you some more” Rachel offered.
You instinctively looked over at Ari who furrowed his brows for a split second before realising you were asking for his permission. He smiled nodding his head gently.
“I think that’s a great idea, it’s completely up to you though” Ari told you, letting you know it was completely your choice.
“Yeah that would be nice thank you,” you said looking back over at Rachel and nodding.
Rachel, Jake and Sammy all visited throughout the week. Once they felt you were comfortable Ari started leaving the house. First for just half an hour then for longer. One day he was able to spend hours at the bar, coming back to the cabin to hear you laughing with Rachel. 
The last person they introduced you to was Max. Out of all of them, he was the most intimidating so he arrived while the rest were also visiting. When he arrived you stepped closer to Aria and glanced up at him nervously, Ari put his hand on your back and whispered in your ear “He looks worse than he is I promise.” 
You nodded and looked back over at Max before taking a step forward and holding out your hand to him. Max raised a brow glancing over at Ari who was equally surprised at how brave you were.
“Nice to meet you,” you said as you shook Max’s hand.
“Nice to meet you too, Sammy told me a lot of things about you,” Max said.
“Only good things” Sammy corrected as you glanced over at him.
“You guys all seem close, are you like a pack?” You asked as you sat back down.
In the modern world packs outside of families were rare. The world was more fluid, people were able to move between groups. The was little need to restrict yourself to one group for your whole life.
“Kinda I guess, we’re all lone wolves in one way or another but we’re also like a family, no one is really in charge” Ari explained making the group scoff and laugh.
“As if! It’s your way or the highway!” Sammy exclaimed.
The group of friends all chatted and laughed as they exchanged stories from their past. Whenever Ari glanced over at you he could see you smiling and laughing along.
“You terrified the poor people!” Rachel laughed shaking her head at Max.
“They shouldn’t have snuck up on me, tensions were high in Sudan had to be on guard” Max said shrugging his shoulders.
“Why were you in Sudan?” You asked them.
“We um, were out there helping refugees, humanitarian mission” Ari explained leaning forward.
“Yeah we all travelled together around the world, helping those who couldn’t help themselves, sometimes getting them out of dangerous situations to somewhere safer” Sammy continued.
“So you’ve helped people like me before?” You asked hesitantly.
“Maybe not your exact situation but yes, we’ve helped people like you before” Ari confirmed.
You nodded your head slowly sitting back and looking down. The group exchanged a look at each other, noting how you had suddenly gone in on yourself. Jake moved the conversation along turning to more cheerful topics but you remained silent the rest of the afternoon.
Your mind was raced. In some sense you were relieved. Knowing they helped people like you meant you were definitely safe around them. But you couldn’t help but feel uneasy, like all your secrets had been revealed, making you feel sick to your stomach. Had they known all this time?
As the evening drew in everyone started to leave. Rachel coming over to you with a smile.
“You still okay to go shopping in a couple of days?” She asked you.
You nodded running your hands up your arms and hugging yourself slightly. 
“Great I’ll see you then, night Ari,” Rachel said looking over at Ari with a small smile.
“Thanks, Rachel” Ari smiled saying goodnight as he closed the door.
As he turned back around he spotted you in the kitchen grabbing yourself a glass of water. He walked over stopping at the threshold not wanting to crowd you.
“Hey I’m sorry if we made you feel uncomfortable earlier talking about helping people like you” Ari told you.
“It’s okay,” you said quietly.
“No it’s not, the last thing I want to do is make you feel uncomfortable or unsafe, I just wanted to let you know that you’re safe with us, that we just want to help” Ari explained taking a couple of steps towards you.
“I know I just-“ you sighed shaking your head and looking down at the floor.
When you glanced back up you could see Ari’s kind eyes only looking back at you with concern. You remembered how he was able to calm your nerves with just a touch of his hand on your back. You glanced at his large arms and started to wonder how you’d feel wrapped within them. 
You gave in to the pulling sensation you felt and surged forward to wrap your arms around his waist. Ari jumped slightly not expecting you to want to be this close to him. Once he got over his surprise he wrapped his arms around you and rubbed your back soothingly. He felt you completely relax for the first time ever.
“Thank you” you whispered, your head buried in his chest.
“It’s nothing really” Ari said dipping his head to rest on top of you, breathing in your scent feeling instantly relaxed.
“Can I ask you something?” You asked when you pulled out of the hug.
“Of course, you can ask me anything” Ari told you nodding his head.
“Any of the people you helped, were they trafficked?” You asked hesitantly.
“I don’t know, many didn’t talk about it, but we were aware of it and we helped people avoid it” Ari admitted.
You nodded your head in understanding “That’s what happened to me, I was given to them, they moved me around I was going to be sold when I escaped” you told him glancing down at the floor.
Ari put his hands on your arms bending slightly to get you to look at him.
“Hey it's okay, you’re safe now nobody can hurt you anymore, and you don’t need to tell me everything” Ari told you.
“Thank you, I’m so glad it was you who found me” you told him smiling slightly up at him.
“Me too, weird twist of fate, I was only outside because I lost a bet” Ari admitted with a small chuckle.
“A bet?” You questioned tilting your head in a way that made Ari smile.
“Yeah I lost a game of pool to Jake and had to take the garbage out to the smelliest dumpster in the world” Ari explained making you laugh.
“Yeah it did smell terrible, and I’ve smelt some pretty terrible things” you laughed.
Ari smiled down at you warmly making you tilt your head again wondering why he was smiling at you like that.
“What?” You asked him.
“Nothing you just have a really nice smile and it’s so nice to hear you laughing” Ari told you smiling.
You look down bashfully “Thank you” you smiled.
“It’s nothing, it’s been a long day so why don’t you head up to bed?” Ari suggested noticing how tired you seem.
“Yes of course, thank you for today and for introducing me to your friends” You smiled nodding your head.
“No problem, they were all excited to meet you” Ari smiled.
“Night Ari” you smiled heading towards the stairs.
“Night Y/N, sleep well” he called after you. 
Once you were gone he smiled to himself. He hadn’t realised how much he wanted to feel you in his arms. He had to resist his urge to follow you up the stairs. He needed to let you go at your pace, even if he was only just starting to realise how much he wanted you.
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Sharing is caring so please reblog and leave a comment to really make my day!
This series has no schedule, please don’t ask when it will be updated!
Series Masterlist / Masterlist
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aangelinakii · 4 days
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characters written about in this piece : bruce wayne, dick grayson, jason todd, tim drake, damian wayne, barbara gordon, duke thomas, stephanie brown, cassandra cain
note : i lit thought of this last night and wrote it within 12 hours is this my comeback
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you guys are gonna hateee meee 💀💀💀💀 but i think bruce wayne is an avid documentary watcher. he likes living in real life, likes knowing everything he is experiencing is real. and he likes being in the know of the topics circulating the planet he's living on. he's not a reality tv person though (although he may have a super super guilty pleasure of love island uk that tim and barb found out and he literally threatened them to keep to themselves, but they use as blackmail anyway).
movies i think he would like :
fyre: the greatest party that never happened, 2019. directed by chris smith
how to catch a serial killer, 2018. directed by john holdsworth
athlete a, 2020. directed by bonni cohen & jon shenk
the hatchet wielding hitchhiker, 2023. directed by colette camden
the total opposite of bruce, i can see dick watching more idyllic things, and just feel good ! he might like a nice biopic, but is really picky (pun unintended) about them. he also enjoys musicals !! but musicals that focus on realism and story instead of theatricals, like i think he'd pass on moulin rouge, just because there's so much going on at one time. also likes media he consumed from when he was younger, he likes the fuzziness of nostalgia.
movies i think he would like :
the greatest showman, 2017. directed by michael gracey
a knight's tale, 2001. directed by brian helgeland
the truman show, 1998. directed by peter weir
bohemian rhapsody, 2018. directed by bryan singer
jason loves an action movie. he so wouldn't tell anybody, but if he likes a move he's seen in a film, he'll try it on patrol, taking out one of penguin's henchmen, or even when just training in the bat cave. but he loves films where a lot's going on and the choreography is really impressive !! he really admires fight choreographers for being able to make them look realistic, and likes to laugh at the ones that are shite.
movies i think he would like :
bullet train, 2022. directed by david leitch
scarface, 1983. directed by brian de palma
kingsman: the secret service, 2014. directed by matthew vaughn
john wick, 2014. directed by chad stahelski (and all the sequels)
this guy prefers to watch alone, meaning he can experience sadder watched exactly how they're meant to be watched; in tears. he probably struggles to be emotional, so also watching films like these is an outlet for him. i love how with all of these their films are like a guilty pleasure thing they wouldn't tell anyone. i think people's choice in film is very telling though, so...
la la land, 2016. directed by damien chazelle
manchester by the sea, 2016. directed by kenneth lonergan
aftersun, 2022. directed by charlotte wells
dead poets society, 1989. directed by peter weir
we all know damian wayne is an... interesting species. i feel like even though he knows it is an unlikely scenario, he has figures out everything he would do in a zombie apocalypse, but hasn't told anybody, and would actively make fun of someone who has done the same. like he knows what weapons he'd need, where he'd go, how he'd make an antidote. what i'm trying to say is he likes zombie movies, and horror movies. it feels like he's testing himself, on his ability to be scared or prepared in these or future scenarios. even tho he doesn't actually get that scared. also doesn't mind foreign films, he thinks they're better at telling a story.
movies i think he would like :
train to busan, 2016. directed by yeon sangho
split, 2016. directed by m night shyamalan
hereditary, 2018. directed by ari aster
long legs, 2024. directed by osgood perkins
i can see barbara enjoying older films, like she likes films that show what life used to be like, and why it may have been better then, and why it may be better now. she's a very philosophical person, always thinking about shit like that. might be a black and white fan, but i'm talking technicolour classics ! she likes a good romance as well, but not ones she cries too, ones that are more feel-good and make her crave the love from that movie.
movies i think she would like :
how to lose a guy in 10 days, 2003. directed by donald petrie
west side story, 1961. directed by jerome robbins & robert wise
funny face, 1957. directed by stanley donen
notting hill, 1999. directed by roger michell
this girl will watch ANYTHING like she has such a wide taste. i said that with her music taste too, like i think she could find a way to enjoy anything. she doesn't like film bro films too much, thinks they're poo and they stink and if you're a guy and you like them you stink too and "get no bitches", but obviously that's up to opinion. obviously. although she will watch anything, i think she has a preference for comedies, and that can come in any shape and form!
movies i think she would like :
scooby doo, 2002. directed by raja gosnell
scary movie, 2000. directed by keenan ivory wayans
white chicks, 2004. directed by keenan ivory wayans
mean girls, 2004. directed by mark waters
duke likes epic films, like if we ignore for a sec that we're in the dc universe, he would love the batman films, especially the nolan trilogy. but he also would actually be a huge marvel fan, i can totally see it. so he likes superhero films, and he's def a fan of comedy, so if it's mixed into one genre, that's a winner for him. he likes movie nights with the family, so sitting down and getting snacks. probably loves the cinema too, so goes to see the new releases every month. isn't too picky.
movies i think he would like :
deadpool & wolverine, 2024. directed by shawn levy
kick-ass, 2010. directed by matthew vaughn
the harder they fall, 2021. directed by jeymes samuel
top gun: maverick, 2022. directed by joseph kosinski
cassandra watches MASTERPIECES. she definitely has a letterboxd account and writes wayyy too much than she needs to about a film, no matter if she loved it, hated it, or was in the middle about it. she adores foreign films, and loves films with a message. she'll watch and enjoy a film with no plot, but can get tired of them. she likes a packed plot that keeps her focused.
mustang, 2015. directed by deniz gamze ergüven
oslo, august 31st, 2011. directed by joachim trier
eat drink man woman, 1994. directed by ang lee
devdas, 2002. directed by sanjay leela bhansali
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rogerswifesblog · 1 year
A/N: HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO @jamneuromain here’s a little gift for you. I hope you’ll enjoy the first one shot of the little kinda series. It was supposed to be a one shot but I didn’t finish it on time so…now it’ll be a two/three chapter series! I hope you’re enjoying your birthday. I wish you the best. I won’t specify what exactly because everything what happens should be the best! Meet the best people, make the best memories and the best experiences!!!!
Between the bookshelves
My Masterlist
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A/N: it’s not beta read:) there’ll be mistakes, be prepared:)
Pairing: Mob Ari Levinson x bookshop/café owner reader
Series Summary: You’re a small-town-girl living in a big city, owning her own (somewhat successful) book- and coffee-shop, a dream you had been following for years. Some of the books are little works of your own, but nobody really knew it and nobody really read them, being just small stories between bestselling novels.
And yet there was a specific client that couldn’t put down your books.
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The Saturday mornings were mostly quiet and got a bit more busy in the noon, where people start waking up or curing their hangovers-for some reason you had noticed everyone liked doing it in your little coffee shop. The quiet atmosphere, smell of coffee, cake and books was calming for the people. It was just good for their headaches. Just some time to themselves. Just some…peace. That’s how you could describe your shop. Peaceful.
Most of the time they would buy a coffee, maybe a sandwich or something sweet and would sit for a while, sometimes with their headphones on, sometimes with their eyes closed or other times watching the people walk past the windows.
You enjoyed watching people.
The older people that came by because your place had an older aesthetic, the walls made from old brick stone, the shelves and tables dark wood, the couches, loveseats, armchairs and chairs all being rather vintage than modern. Always ordering the apple pie from your grandma’s recipe. Could they taste like it was an old recipe? Did it taste differently from the other pies?
You also liked watching the business people rolling their eyes during calls or while typing something on their laptops. It was really entertaining. You also always gave them a free muffin if they spilled their coffee on some (probably important) documents.
So to say, everyone liked coming here, for whatever reasons. Maybe to drink your coffee, maybe to have some peace or forget what was happening in their busy lives, instead wanting to escape in one of the books. In your cafe was everything possible, they could just drink their coffee and enjoy some snacks or disappear in a fantasy world with witches, mermaids and vampires or into a simple romance or thriller. Whatever they wanted.
And then there was him.
He came here to see you smile. To hear your voice. To get to know you.
But until now he never actually spoke to you. Not unless it was to tell you his order.
And that’s it.
Ari was the head of the mob and yet he got cold feet when it came to talking to a pretty girl.
Usually he had no problems with talking to women, even targets or other dealers but you ... .it's like he was his teenage self again (or even worse, because he actually wasn’t that nervous back then.)
He didn’t want to mess it up too soon, since you seemed like a very nice person and probably wouldn’t approve of his work. So he wanted to show you his best side-even though he didn’t know how long he’d be able to hide his true identity.
And more important, how long he’d manage to keep you safe. That was his biggest concern. That’s also why he didn’t know if he should approach you.
For now it was enough to sit in your café and watch you from afar. Like a total creep.
Ari sighed, hitting his forehead on the table with a quiet thud. What the hell was he doing? He was making a total fool of himself? He’d now go to the counter and ask for your number.
Determined he stood up and did as planned. “Hi, may I ask for-“ “Y/N, the muffins are ready!”, shouted someone from what he assumed was the kitchen. You smiled apologetically. “Give me a minute”, with that you disappeared for a moment, coming back with a plate filled with muffins.
A bright smile crept once again onto your lips when you saw the beautiful stranger still waiting at the counter. He was one of your regulars and yet you never catched his name. Nor anything else beside his usual order. “Another cappuccino?”, you saw him opening his mouth, before nodding. “Yeah, another cappuccino, thank you”, he smiled, brushing his hair behind his ear before taking out his card.
He definitely noticed the muffin decorated with heart sprinkles to his coffee, that he hadn’t ordered. Also, he got your name. This was more than he had actually expected.
And this muffin definitely meant something, right?
You watched him for a second from behind the counter, before needing to go clean up a table. You hoped he had seen the number written on the handkerchief.
He didn’t. He threw it away.
But you didn’t know that. You imagined he threw it away on purpose. Maybe he felt awkward? Or even uncomfortable? God, you have messed up. What if he’d never come back again?
Sighing you looked out of the window imagining the beautiful man talking to you about something different than just his usual order.
Two weeks. Two whole weeks Ari couldn’t go to your café and it made him crazy. Even though he didn’t know you, he missed your sweet smile. The słuchały oversized pink hoodie you liked wearing, especially when it was a bit colder, how you always wore your hair in a bun or ponytail, showing off your beautiful rosy cheeks. The way your eyes lightened up when you talked to him-he didn’t know if it was something that happened with every customer, but he liked imagining this sparkle was just for him.
Maybe it was.
Maybe it wasn’t.
But he hoped it was.
When the quiet bell sounded as he entered the café you lifted your head, having been caught up in messaging someone while there was some quiet time in the shop. There were only a few customers busy with eating and drinking, some others reading some books.
He walked up to the counter, opening his mouth to greet you, but his voice broke when he saw your slightly rosy cheeks, the soft smile on your lips. “Hello, the usual?”, you smiled at him, making him even more speechless so he just nodded.
For fucks sake what was happening to him. How the hell could you make him speechless with just a smile even though he was able to talk to twenty men with guns in hands and files longer than some restaurant menus.
Sighing, he walked to his usual table, hanging off his jacket over the chair before walking to the shelves, looking for a new book.
He found one about a complicated love story between a college student and her professor, from what he could read in the summary-but it wasn’t the plot that surprised him.
It was your picture.
You were the author.
Ari immediately took it and walked with it over to his table where he immediately started reading. He wasn’t really into romance stuff, but it was your book. It was a piece of you, in a way, and he wanted to know something about you. About the relationship you seek, the gestures that made your breath hitch and what made your heart flutter.
So he started reading.
Within a few pages he was already pulled into the story, completely losing himself in the story, interested in the problematic relationship the main characters had. Just when the main character was supposed to meet with her professor you walked up to his table with a coffee and muffin that he hadn’t ordered.
When he looked up at you and slightly closed the book you could see he was reading your book. Your cheeks turned a dark red color. Usually it wouldn’t matter who read your book but him-not him. He wasn’t supposed to know about the things you liked, about your desires and-about your sexual preferences! Jesus. Maybe he hadn’t read who the author was?
At this point you’d rather just go to bed and never leave it again. Like, really, never.
Sighing you walked back behind the counter, not noticing the lingering gaze on you.
Three hours later, Ari was still busy with the book. At this point the story was so addictive he couldn’t put it down. The main character was a total sweetheart and the professor-god what a dick he was. Such a liar. Even though he had already messed up once, he didn’t tell his lover he still had a wife. Okay, yes, they were divorcing soon but still-he should’ve told his girlfriend about it. It’s a detail you should mention. Preferably from the beginning and not letting the girlfriend find out because the wife walked into his apartment?? Jesus!
He scoffed at the book and wanted to turn the page when his phone rang. “Levinson”, he listened to his friend about having found out who had stolen guns and other weapons from him. Ari could tell his frown deepened with every second, the vein on his forehead already pulsing from anger. Fury, even. He tried to be a good man. Really. Holding back all the time-but having one of his men betray him…this was too much. It was-
“Do you want a refill?” Your sweet voice interrupted his racing thoughts, his nerves immediately calming down, the frown disappearing. Instead a smile reappeared on his lips. “I can’t. I have to go and get some …business stuff done”, he said, already standing up. It was the first time you two were so close to each other.
His Perfume smelled overpowering, but in a surprisingly good way. It made you crave this man even more than before. The smell was just heavenly. You couldn’t stop yourself from breathing it in deeply, nearly closing your eyes to enjoy it for a bit longer but instead you looked into Ari’s bright eyes. He was taller than you, bigger than you. He towered over you, but you didn’t feel threatened. You felt safe.
Fuck. Your crush was turning into something much worse.
Little did you know that’s exactly what Ari thought too.
It’s not really unusual for him being taller or bigger than someone, but with you it’s like something inside him awoke. The need to keep you close. Keep you safe. He knew how dangerous the world could be, especially for a woman like you. But he could take care of you.
He’d love to wrap his arms around you, bury his nose against your neck and inhale your sweet smell, feel your soft skin…
He had it bad. So, so bad.
A last smile crept onto his lips before he grabbed his jacket and walked over to the door, looking once again back at you meeting your gaze. You blushed at that, making Ari’s heart pound.
He’ll ask for your number. Next time when he’ll be here.
But he didn’t. The next time, two days later, he just drank his coffee and read the book. Ari was Never this curious about a book but yours was just…incredible. The love story, the whole plot. Unbelievable. And also…thinking you had such a…interesting view of sex made him curious if you’d do the things in real life, too.
Were you into the same things as the main character? Spanking? Dom and sub dynamics in real life? Being called a good girl? Fuck, he really tried not to think about these things at night. (He failed sometimes.)
“Would you like some apple pie?”, you sweet voice made him lift his head. “Oh, sure, how much-“ “no, no, that’s on the house…it’s a gift. From me.” Your gentle tone made his heart throb, while he nodded. “Thank you.”
While he watched you walk away he wasn’t sure what to do next. You were such a kind and sweet person. And he was…he wasn’t good. Far from that, actually. You two couldn’t be more different. While you were a gentle soul that gave away the food that was left after a shift to the homeless, he was capable of torturing people without blinking an eye. He was cruel, cold and furious.
He wasn’t good enough for you. He knew. And he knew he’d only make your life miserable and dangerous. Maybe he already did with spending so much time at your café. Your worlds were too far from each other for you to date. Or even be friends.
“Here you go-enjoy”, once again did your voice pull him out of his thoughts-and a gentle touch on his shoulder. “Thank you, sweetheart.”
Fuck. It just slipped. From all the reading-he forgot. It was unbelievable how your whole being influenced his behavior, how you were able to make him forget about his whole being.
Just when he wanted to apologise a shy but bright smile formed on your lips, a slight blush slowly creeping over your cheeks. Without saying anything else you squeezed his shoulder for a second before stepping away from his table, being called over by an older couple.
Even though he really wanted to read more, his phone was getting blow up with messages about the recent thefts. They knew who caused them but not where he was hiding. The fact that it was one of his men still angried him, even more because nobody could find him.
But he needed the stolen things back. ASAP. Otherwise even he could get in trouble-which didn’t happen often.
He looked at the pie, smiling as he noticed the little heart you had drawn with whipped cream. The thought of not being able to have you made his heart crumble a little.
Why couldn’t he be just a simple man with a simple life?
Because he liked the luxurious life he had.
But maybe he could try the simple way of living for once?
Oh who was he lying to, everyone he knew would say he’d never have a standard live. He liked having an expensive car, the newest phone, eating out especially in nice restaurants or nice vacations somewhere far away.
He was curious about what you liked. Maybe he could invite you to his favourite restaurant? Seeing you in a elegant long dress, your beautiful neck exposed…maybe covered in some little hickeys, marks ... ..or maybe a simple and decent day collar. Just a neck with a little ring…only the people involved would understand-and maybe some people would even compliment your necklace, not knowing what it meant.
Ari’s whole chest tingled with need.
But he didn’t want to destroy your life by pulling into the mess he was in.
Sighing he took a little bite from the pie, immediately closing his eyes in pleasure. It tasted incredible. Perfect even.
He hadn't had such a good pie in a long time.
Ari ate the pie within a few minutes, not having enough time to eat in peace since his phone was ringing all the time.
Once again when he left he could feel your lingering gaze on his back.
Next time. He’d talk to you next time.
You promised the same thing to yourself…and your best employee-well, best friend, because she couldn’t handle listening to your venting about Ari anymore.
This time he couldn’t come to your café for over two weeks, since he was after Alex, the thief. And he didn’t have much time to relax. Especially not in your café, also he didn’t want to come closer in case someone was following him-which he believed was possible seeing what was happening.
But he really missed you, even though you hadn’t had a real conversation yet. It’s just…your smile could brighten his mood, it didn’t matter how bad the day was.
When he finally visited your place again the first thing he noticed was how your frown disappeared and how you leaned over the counter slightly. “Hello! Long time no see”, you grinned at him.
Ari chuckled at your enthusiasm, immediately feeling how your presence cheered him up. “Yeah I had a lot of stuff going on…it’s complicated. I’m just glad I can finally drink a coffee here…sit, enjoy the atmosphere here…it’s probably the only place where I feel like I can forget about the whole mess with-…you know, life”, he mumbled, shaking his head slowly.
When he took out his wallet your hand touched his and you slowly pushed it away. “It’s fine, this one's on me…maybe we could…sit a bit together? Talk?”, you smiled gently, seeing how the gears in the man’s head started doing their job.
“Sounds very nice, yes. I’d love to sit and talk a bit…”, he didn’t sound entirely sure about it, but you believed him anyway. Maybe he really had a bad day. “Perfect, then you can go sit down and I’ll be with you in a minute.”
After he did what said you started preparing the coffees and a piece of brownie for each. He’d definitely like it. At least you hoped he would.
“I’m pretty sure we never really introduced-I’m Y/N, nice to meet you”, when you finally sat down Ari turned his phone around so the screen wouldn’t be visible. You really hoped he wasn’t hiding a wife or kid. Or both? Let’s not be paranoid…but still…
Ari smiled at you, pushing his phone even further away. It’s not like you’d grab it and read his messages? This guy was a bit suspicious…but you knew not to judge a book by its cover. “I’m Ari, it’s nice to meet you. I wanted to talk to you for a while now…I couldn’t never really get myself to do it”, he chuckled, making you unintentionally but your lip a bit.
Did it mean he liked you just as much as you liked him?
“I’m glad. I was curious if we’d ever say more to each other than your usual order”, your words made him chuckle again and he shook his head a bit. “Yeah that…I don’t really like changes and besides, your coffee is really good. When I find a place I like, I don’t like changing things.” Ari took a sip from his coffee to prove his point-and once again the coffee was as good as always.
He noticed how seemingly pleased you were with this simple compliment. Wasn’t it obvious how good everything here was? Especially the barista…which he wouldn’t say out loud, but he’d think about it.
“What will happen to them? Will they have a Happy End?” Ari lifted the book he had once again taken from the shelf. One of your first pieces you had tried to write and actually finish. But you were still slightly insecure sometimes-especially when the person reading was someone you’d rather like to impress.
You shrugged slowly, a teasing smirk creeping over your lip. “I guess you’ll have to come here often and finish it yourself. I won’t spoil the ending for you. What’s the fun in reading it then?” Ari shook his head amused.
“I rather like knowing what’s coming, you know? To prepare myself for it, the same in real life-especially my business. It sucks to know that you’re being lied to”, he had no idea why he was telling you this but it felt good. It’s like his heart was speaking for him, even though his brain was screaming at him to shut up and preferably leave you alone.
But he listened to his heart, for once. He wanted to listen to his heart this one time.
You placed your hand over his, squeezing gently. “I understand. It must be hard having someone close betray you…if I may ask, what did he do? And where do you two work?”, you asked. Curiosity was never your best trait, but to your defence ari was the one speaking about it first. You had the right to ask…right?
Ari stilled for a second, looking down at his phone, then his coffee, hands, back at his phone and finally back at you. “It’s office work, but I can’t tell you much more about it”, you could tell he was lying right to your face.
Did you care about it? Did you see the red flags and decided to ignore them?
Nobody ever said you always made the right choices.
“I understand. Still sucks being lied too by someone important”, you squeeze his hand again.
At least he wasn’t wearing a wedding ring. Maybe this weird gut feeling was from nervousness and not…something else. He seemed like a nice and charming guy.
On the other hand…
So did Ted Bundy.
You quickly shook those thoughts away…for now.
To your surprise you two talked for nearly two hours, before the café started to be flooded by customers and you had to go back to work. Ari left you his number, telling you to call him when you’d need any help…or just to talk.
Happily you enjoyed the rest of the shift, already thinking about texting Ari later in the evening.
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Thank you for reading!
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Taglist: @magnificentsaladllama @jaqui-has-a-conspiracy-theory @lilsiz
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trippinsorrows · 9 days
Hey Ari! That last chapter of LTYE has me curious if you ever considered giving Solana a 'normal' childhood or background story? It's just all so sad, and I wonder how different her life could have been if she wasn't born to such a evil man.
this is an interesting question.
warning: long ass post literally no one asked for, but i don't know how to stfu clearly.
i actually went through a couple of different scenarios and even plots for this story. i knew i wanted to tackle abuse, sexual trauma, and/or mental health, so most touched on some aspect of one or more. a couple that, obviously, didn't make the 'cut', so to speak, are as follows:
solana being a nurse who is secretly in a relationship and married to roman, but they live separately and only those closest to him even know he's with her/married for safety reasons. her relationship to and with him eventually gets 'exposed' i.e. is exposed by someone and she's attacked by his enemies and miscarries as a result (she hadn't had a chance to tell him about the pregnancy). thus a lot of the story would focus on their healing from that.
roman meets solana who works as a waitress at a restaurant and is almost instantly intrigued by her because she randomly comes up to him and serves him pie because he looks like he's having a 'bad day.' (she's more bubbly and not as nervous in this iteration) he's not used to this kind of friendly behavior. his intrigue results in him randomly coming to see her and a relationship/connection forming. there were two options here where she has a baby from an abusive ex she escaped where roman would develop a bond with her and the child or where xavier (i know) is still her dad and arranges a marriage between her and someone who is an equal pos which roman is not here for obviously. some other things lol
there was also a similar one to the above where solana was forced into an arranged marriage with seth's psycho (no offense seth girlies) ass, they have a baby together, but he's abusive. he's deep in the hole in the bloodline and one night roman and the gang break into his house, demanding to be repaid. well, obviously, his gambling ass ain't got it, so roman, unaware of just how bad shit is or that seth really don't gaf about her and the baby, takes solana and the baby as 'collateral' that seth can 'get back' when roman gets his money. welp, feelings grow and obviously roman is like 'i'm never sending you back there' and yeah.
and one of the last was solana taking care of her two younger sisters, the youngest being a half sister. still piece of shit xavier as the father who was abusive and had the mom killed (a secret as well) and solana stays around because one sister is only like 15, and the other is lik 5. she refuses to leave her sisters, and xavier won't let solana take them. well, xavier stays true to his piece of shit nature and plans to sell off the 15 y/o with some illegal arranged marriage and enter the human trafficking world which terrifies solana, so she risks her life and approaches roman to ask him for help and/or a loan smuggling her sisters out of the country and into mexico to escape their dad. she'll then return and work for him, indebting herself to the bloodline. roman is like fuck that and just moves solana and her sisters into his house until she can figure out a better plan or whatever. and obviously, feelingssssss.
so.....yeah. 😩 my creative process is....a lot when it comes to story creation, clearly 😭😭😭😭
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bobbin-buckley · 9 months
The Girl You Once Knew
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Summary: You find the girl you once knew after years of forgetting
Warnings: Slight cursing, mentions of s*uicide, Star Wars violence, slight smut, some praising, knee riding (R receiving)
Y/ls/c: Your lightsaber color
Y/h/c: Your hair color
Y/s/c: Your skin color
You don’t know how long it has been since you’ve seen her, nor do you know where she’s been.
Sabine had been attacked and you weren’t there to see it and help, you were hanging out with Hera and her son Jacen.
Ahsoka had contacted you to hurry to Lothal ASAP since Sabine was in a troubled state. You waisted no time to hurry into your ship and fly to Lothal. You and Sabine were very close best friends, you were never apart of the rebels because you were always with Ahsoka, since you’re her padawan.
Ahsoka was very ennobled to have you by her side, she found you stranded on Aris. You told her you were kidnapped years ago but was never found and never found a way off the planet. Ahsoka was astounded to see you alive, though we’re you close to starvation. She sensed something in you, the force was strong in you, she nearly recognized it’s power.
Later that day, the day you we’re supposed to be watching Heras son but found yourself in a medical room on Lothal, standing in front of your best friend. Sabine had been struck in the torso by a lightsaber, Huyang had told you.
You asked Ahsoka and Huyang who attacked Sabine, they said the person was a girl with blonde hair and feral eyes, a orange lightsaber was held in hand, she had a brawny stance. You also asked Ahsoka of her eye color, she said she didn’t get a good enough look to tell, since it was dark.
Now, you sat in a chair, face in hands and overthinking if it was really her…
“You’re overthinking again young one,” Huyang spoke up. “Mhm,” you hummed.
“You should get some rest, you’ve just been sitting there staring off into the palm of your hands.” You looked up with a glare.
“Y/n, tell me what’s wrong.” Ahsoka provoked. You sighed, not wanting to tell your master why the bother.
“I’m just worried about Sabine is all.”
Ahsoka wasn’t convinced but she didn’t push it. She waited for you to speak first. “Fine, I-I think I know who the person that attacked Sabine.”
“Go on.” Ahsoka nodded.
“The way you described her is different but- I still know it’s her, I sensed her in the force on my way here.” You paused, “her name was Shin, Shin Hati. She was a um…”
A friend? A Best friend? A Home? A Lover…?
She was your only hope when you were younger. Living Surviving on the stranded planet Aris with Shin. You found home and love in her, she was your ‘safe place’ you called her. She called you ‘My light’, you were the light to her dark. It seems cliché but it really had meaning between you two.
After years of surviving together, Shin was taken away from you. Well, I wouldn’t put it that way, Shin left you for power. A man named Baylan came along one evening, he said he sensed something in both you and Shin.
The Force.
You didn’t trust him, he seemed off.
Like there was a dark portal surrounding him, you felt like a black mass was wafting over you. You didn’t feel safe then, you definitely didn’t feel safe when Shin trusted him.
You convinced Shin to stay, to not leave you. But she marked her words.
“If you won’t go, I will.” And with that she left.
“Uhm…a friend, we were very close. We both were stranded on Aris, we built a home in each other. Until a man took her away.” Tears filled up in your eyes, it may have been years but it still damn hurts.
“A man?” Huyang wondered.
“Yeah, he was tall with a bushy beard. He had a hooded cloak covering his shadow. He took her away from me, he took…my Shin.”
Then the tears dropped.
You tensed when Ahsoka put a hand on your shoulder. “We will find her, and we’ll find the map on our journey too.” You relaxed at those words.
“W-what if we don’t find her? Or the map?” “No what if’s, that will slow you down more my padawan.”
Ahsoka was right. The more you overthink It would just bring you down. Ahsoka knew when you’d overthink how you would always give up since that’s how you grew up, doubting yourself.
That’s why you and Sabine got a long, both of you would end up giving up and talk to each other about it.
Ahsoka knew better from you, she knows how you’ll always put up a challenge only to break and forget.
You always think you are a failure to her but all she says is; “There is no such thing as failure”
You can’t help but deny her words.
As you were waiting for Sabine to get ready after she was healed more, all you could think were the possibilities of you encountering Shin. And how you think she’ll hate you for not joining her.
“Shin will be okay Y/n. There’s no need to fear.”Ahsoka spoke wisely, and all you could do was nod.
You stumbled upon Shin for the first time in years. Ahsoka, Huyang, Sabine and you found Shin and her master, along with a witch named Morgan Elsbeth.
You’ve heard the name before, Hera had mentioned her. You haven’t been sure of what power witches had, but you’ve been told in stories that the witches held great power.
Ahsoka and Sabine were fighting off some inquisitor while you chased after Shin into the woods of SEATOS, the Denab system.
You rushed pass the blood colored trees, desperate to find the one you loved before.
Your so called ‘home’
“Shin! Wait! Please! I just want to talk!” Shin came to a stop, hearing your voice.
“Y/n?” She turned around, facing you. Fear and confusion in her eyes.
“Yes, yes it’s me! Shin! It’s Y/n your light.” You stepped closer but Shin tensed back.
“You don’t have to run or hide anymore. I’m here, I’m here to take you home.” You reached a hand out, but Shin sneered.
Her lightsaber ignited, the bright orange beaming off her perfect ocean eyes. The eyes that were now filled with fury and dread.
The couldn’t help but cry on the inside.
Is this really Shin? The Shin you’ve been looking for, for years? Is this really what you called home?
All there is was wrath and pain…
Shin always had anger issues, but this was different. Evil was over her body, covering the sweet blonde you knew and loved.
“Shin- y-you don’t have to do this!” “Yes! Yes I do! It’s to keep you safe!”
Shin attacked first, her arms swinging at you. Luckily your body had time to react and you grabbed your two y/ls/c lightsabers. You blocked just before your face was slashed, a loud clash when the three lightsabers made in contact with each other.
You didn’t want to fight her, you definitely didn’t want to harm her in any way. You wanted her to join you, leave Baylan and the dark side.
The fight between you and Shin was tough, she was incredibly powerful to your surprise.
Shin has managed to get you on your knees, as her lightsaber was pointed at you. You felt weak, maybe if she killed you right then and there you wouldn’t have to worry about anything anymore.
You gave her pleading eyes, Shin knew what you wanted but instead she swung her foot around and it made contact with your head, making you get knocked out right there.
Your vision was blurry, a raging headache was the only thing you could feel other than the pain on your left cheek.
You looked up from the metal floor, to seeing a tall blonde in the way of your exit.
You scoffed, “heh, watching me sleep now too eh? Creepy.”
“I wasn’t watching you sleep.”
Oh that voice, that voice made you feel butterflies. That deep tone made you wanna beg for her to just talk.
Shin looked at you, watching your every movement from the cell door as you stepped up slowly. You noticed you were in a cell, the dark chambered walls. To your assumption you were on her ship.
“What do you want?” You leaned against the wall.
“Pft, same. But blondie here doesn’t seem to like to answer.”
Shin glared at you.
Even her glaring was sexy-
“How are you alive? Last time I remembered you died of starvation on Aris,” Shin ignored your comment.
You didn’t want to answer her, but you also had questions lots of them.
“Ahsoka found me, she had a mission on Aris and- happened to find me. Under a rock….literally.” You tried for some humor, but Shin didn’t even smile.
How you missed that, that sweet smirk
“Hm.” She hummed. “How long have you been training with Commander Tano?”
She was joking right? She kidnapped you to only ask how you weren’t dead and how your miserable life is going?
“Can’t believe you knocked me out and kidnapped me just to ask me about my training. I thought our fight would give you a hint.” You snarked.
“We’ll it seems you haven’t been training long, despite the fact that I beat you.”
You rolled your eyes.
It was silent for a bit, all you could do was stare into Shin’s eyes, waiting for her to say something like an apology for leaving or an ‘I miss you’. But there was silence until she turned away with a small glance, the patter of her feet against the ground then leaving you in the cold cell.
You sighed, the woman you loved left again.
Sabine and you had escaped Morgan’s grasp and found Ahsoka again. You had thought she was dead, when Sabine had told you she died.
It scared the shit out of you. But thankfully she was okay.
You guys located Ezra, Sabines long time friend. He lived with the Noti on Peridea.
Sabine was happy to see him again. You didn’t really know who Ezra was, Sabine had only talked about him a few times.
When you found him it wasn’t long after Shin and her troopers found you. Ahsoka was after Morgan so it was up to the three of you to watch Shin and find Baylan.
After a while of fighting Shin, she lost her army and fled like a coward.
You were sure she wasn’t afraid of losing, she was afraid to hurt you.
You could sense the regret in her, it was very tiny but easy for you to sense. You knew if you asked her she would immediately decline and say she hates you, which is completely un-true.
Hours went on and you didn’t see Shin again or Baylan. You and Ahsoka fought Morgan and stormtroopers as Sabine helped Ezra into Thrawns ship before he’d escape.
With Sabines help of the force he made it, but you and Ahsoka were struggling to fight Morgan and we’re close to losing if it weren’t for Sabine.
Ezra understood that Sabine had to leave him for the two of you, the three of you hoped he found a way off Thrawns ship and to fly to Hera and warn the New Republic about Thrawn.
Morgan was dead. Ahsoka took one final strike and slayed her. (Lol slayed)
Stranded, you three were. Safe with the Noti you decided to stay with them and help them until help arrived and when Ashoka’s ship was fixed (since it was damaged during the flight to Peridea.)
It was nice living with the Noti, they were interesting creatures and the fact they were one of the only species on the planet besides the Howlers and Bandits.
You haven’t encountered the Bandits in a while thankfully, cause Baylan and Shin used them against you to kill you.
Speaking of Baylan and Shin, you assumed they were left stranded by Thrawn, there was no sight of them at the death of Morgan Elsbeth.
Everyday you couldn’t help but worry about her. Day and Night. During the day there was chores, training, hunting, food then sleep. You stayed up a bit later until the stars came out, waiting on top of a hill for Shin. Anxious for her to come home.
Ahsoka and Sabine had asked you if you were okay, sensing the worry in you.
Every time they’d ask your excuse was ‘worried about home’ or ‘anxious about the bandits’.
Neither of them believed you but didn’t push you to tell them the truth.
However, little did you know an angry lone wolf was wishing for you too.
You were out hunting, alone this time. Usually Sabine and you would go together but you wanted to go out on your own, not just to look for food but to find her.
Walking past a small river where fish lived, you sat down in front of the water looking in the reflection of it, seeing yourself. Your (Y/h/c) was ruffled because of training, big eye bags from staying up late overthinking, and the scar on your left cheek from Shin knocking you out.
Tears slipped down from your eyes, vision blurry and sobs that you were trying to block from coming out.
From all of your crying and thinking you didn’t even see another person in the reflection of the water, but you felt a presence.
“Go away Sabine, I don’t want any of your talks. I’m fin-” You looked up, only to find a blue eyed girl with white/blonde hair.
You gasped.
“Shin?” You swiftly got up from your feet. “W-what are you doing here? I thought you were dead!”
You stepped back.
“Shin say something!-”
“I didn’t know what to do, or where to go..” she spoke quietly.
You noticed a bit of blood staining her grey vest, then noticed a cut in her vest that showed the split skin.
“The bandits got to me, I tried to take over them. But- uh…that backfired.”
You stepped forward but she stepped back.
“I’m- im not going to hurt you. Where’s Baylan?”
You noticed tears in her eyes. God did that break you.
“H-he…he left me,” Shin sobbed, “I had no where else to go. He said for me to kill you, Sabine, Ahsoka and Ezra then join Thrawn but- I..I refused….to harm you.”
Refused? That’s a first, you thought she really wanted to kill you after everything. And definitely Sabine.
The way she said your name made your heart thump. A blush to your cheeks.
“Here your going to bleed out, let me help you.” You reached for your bag and brought out some bandages and gauze.
You always kept stuff on you just incase.
Motioning for her to sit, you sat next to her asking her to lift up her shirt and vest.
“This may hurt..” “nothing I can’t handle.”
You smiled, but it faded when you dabbed the gauze on the cut and hearing her hiss in pain.
“I’m sorry,” you winced.
It was quiet as you patched her up, making sure that it was clean.
After doing so, you asked her where she was going to go but she didn’t know either.
“You could…stay with us?”
Shin looked at you if you were serious.
She thought you were crazy, thinking that you’d ever want her in your life again after everything.
“You? Want me to stay with you?”
You hummed.
“Shin,” you placed a hand on her thigh, she tensed but relaxed after a second. “I want you to stay.”
It took Shin a bit to think but she nodded with a slight smile. You smiled like a dumb idiot in love.
You were in love. In fact, you are in love
“Sabine just hear me out!”
This wasn’t going very well. You were standing in front of a furious Sabine Wren with her lightsaber out ready to pounce at the blonde behind you. One arm reached out to make sure Sabine doesn’t get any closer, looking back at Shin every so once in awhile to make sure she doesn’t pounce either.
You brought Shin over to convince Sabine and Ahsoka for her to stay, since she had no where else to go.
“No! I won’t hear you out! Do you not realize what she did to us?!” Sabine yelled.
“Look, I know your angry at me for this and you hate her, but we have history I’ve told you this!” You did in fact tell Sabine about your and Shins relationship. She didn’t believe you at first but it kinda made since later.
“So what!”
“So what?! Sabine she has no where else to go! She’ll die if we leave her on her own!”
“So then let her! Let her starve on this shit hole!”
“Sabine.” Ahsoka finally stepped in.
You relaxed a bit but still kept your guard, as well as Shin. Sabine only strained more.
“You must calm your anger. I understand how our friend here has invoked us, but it isn’t right to leave her alone to die,” Ahsoka trotted over to the Mandalorian. “Shin can stay, but if she ever tries to harm us then she has to leave.”
Ahsoka looked over at you and Shin, as you glanced at her and she nodded to you, understanding.
“Good. Sabine, come with me and Y/n,” Ahsoka looked at you again. “Get her to rest.”
It has been a few days since Shin joined your tribe with the Noti. You think she’s happy to be with you again, well, you know.
Shin has opened up to you more about Baylan, and how he was like a father to her. She cried every time she talked about him, but you were there to hold her and comfort her.
Every day was better now with Shin around. You had more confidence.
You and Shin would sleep in the same tent, wake up and go for a morning walk, chores together (you taught her certain things the Noti taught you), you’d spar with Sabine as she’d spar with Ahsoka (sometimes you guys would spar together), hunt, eat then watch the sunset go down till bed.
You both have gotten close, really close
Shin was always teasing you, like brushing your hip when training, teasing words in your ear when doing chores, winking at you when you’d do something she thinks is hot.
It wasn’t making you mad or annoyed, it made you flushed and having the urge to kiss her right there.
You were eye-fucking each other the entire time every day. You got closer to cuddling in your sleep, and not saying a word about it the next morning.
Sabine had caught on quick about it. You also thought Ahsoka caught on too. Maybe even Huyang! Pretty obvious if being noticed by the wise droid.
Every time Shin would do something Ahsoka would give you a look that made you want to tackle her and frown.
You knew these feelings wouldn’t get unnoticed by your jedi master, Ahsoka always knew things you didn’t or things you’d think she doesn’t know but…knows.
“Are you gonna actually woman up at some point and ask out your girl?”
You almost spat out your soup.
“You know.”
“No, I actually don’t,” you fought.
“Dude,” Sabine sat down on the log next to you, eyeing you then the fire. “You guys are eye-fucking each other every time you take a glance.”
You rolled your eyes, face blushing and hoping the blaze of fire hides it.
“It’s obvious, I bet you the Noti even notice it,”Sabine chuckled.
“Okay, I do really like her to where I think I love her. But I don’t know how to ask her out! I’ve never asked anyone out before! What do I say?” You rambled.
Sabine gave you a look, “just- be yourself, take her on an evening walk or something. Can’t really do any dates.”
“Yeah no shit,” your eyes veered to the ground. “You sure a walk will work?”
“Dude, it will! Trust me, I’m a professional at these things.”
You gave her a look, “mhm..sure cause you are totally a professional.”
Sabine rolled her eyes.
“But thanks..”
“No problem, I just need someone to keep that grimlin to calm down.” You laughed and with that, Sabine said good night and headed off to bed.
You sighed heavily, you know Shin likes you too. You’re just worried if it’s the right time, your gut is telling you to. So that’s what you go with.
Later that evening you were compelling wether or not to wake Shin up and ask her to walk with you. You’d feel bad waking her up, besides you couldn’t sleep thinking about all this.
You finally made the decision of going to wake the blonde. You walked to your shared tent and stepped inside, looking down at the peaceful girl.
She was so cute, her blonde hair a little ruffled, her mouth half open and small snores coming from her.
Kneeling down on your right knee, you gently shook Shin awake with your left hand. “Shin, Shin wake up, I want to ask you something.”
Of course Shin was a deep sleeper.
“Shin!” You whisper yelled.
Eventually you heard a groan from the older girl. “Why?”
You blushed, “I was uh..wondering if you’d take a walk with me? I have something important to talk to you about.” You were surprised you spat all that out.
“Hmp…why not tomorrow?..” Shin sighed.
“It’s really important…”
Shin finally opened her eyes, just a little bit but enough to see her blue glare.
“Fine, just give me a second.”
You nodded and left the tent, waiting for her outside.
Once Shin was ready you both started to walk on a path that led to the river you guys met at.
“Why’d you bring me out here to walk?”
Shin broke the silence
“I was wondering…if uh..”
Shit. What did Sabine tell you to do again?
You question yourself
Shin looked at you with her right brow perked up, as she cocked her head.
“Look Shin. I know it’s been a long time since we’ve been together. But I just want you to kno-”
You didn’t even get to finish cause the next thing you knew lips were on yours.
Soft lips
Her lips were so soft
She kissed harsh. Like she’s been wanting to kiss you for years. (And she has)
You kissed back just the same amount of force. Her hands placed on your hips, pulling you closer. Your arms wrapped around her back, digging your nails into her clothed skin, craving more of her touch.
Shin bit down on your lips, causing them to bleed as she then licked up the red liquid. Teeth clashing as she dug her tongue into your mouth.
You groaned when she gripped your ass, trying to get impossibly closer.
“Lay down for me my light.”
Shin laid you down on the soft grass, kissing you once again as she climbed on top of you.
Her hands now placed on your cheeks, rubbing her thumb rubbing over the scar on your left cheek.
“Shin..” you whimpered as she started to kiss below your chin, gripping the skin with her teeth.
Purple and red marks were decorating your (y/s/c) skin, wet kisses trailed down your neck. You gripped her hair roughly, begging for her to mark you as hers. She implied but biting hard next to your pulse as her younger danced across the reddened skin.
She swimmed back up to capture you in another kiss. “Is this okay?” She asked against your puffy plump lips, you nodded with a sigh as she placed her knee between your thighs.
All you could think of now was her
She was your focus
You focused on her knee, lifting your hips as your clothed clit made contact with her knee making you moan.
“That’s it baby, grind yourself on my knee. Come on darling, make yourself cum on me.” She praised.
You felt so loved by her. Everything she was doing was soft. It made you want to never leave this position.
Shin kissed where your heart was, peppering more until she reached your stomach. Brushing her hand over your breasts causing your back to arch.
“Oh-oh fuck-” you cried. “Sh-Shin…”
“Yes babygirl?”
“I want more…please oh fuck please.”
“Yeah? You want more, what do you want more of?” She teased.
“Yo-your fingers..” you gasped when she pulled her knee away. Only to bring her hand down your pants.
“Mhm..want my fingers eh?”
You nodded, biting your already swollen lips.
Shin rubbed two fingers over your clit, bringing you closer to your orgasm.
“Come on baby, let go, let go for me,” she murmured against your lips.
“Oh shit! Yes! Fuck oh my god!” Shin smirked and eased her fingers inside you.
“Cum for me..”
And with that, your body shook as you clenched around her fingers. Moaning her name over and over until your high came to an end.
“That’s it..”
Shin pulled away and rubbed your thigh while brushing your hair out of your face. She leaned down to kiss you again.
“Let me please you in return baby.” You husked.
Shin blushed but nodded.
You sure were in for one hell of a night. But it’s a night you won’t forget about.
Because you were in the arms of your home.
The ending was cheesy as hell but I did it!
It kinda seems short but also long at the same time cause I needed to find motivation 😭
I hope it’s good!
Let me know if any other requests I might write something with Tara 🤭
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Does gojo just fight for the thrill of it?…
Idkk I’m really confused tbf the manga really puzzled me 😭😭 (IM GONNA GO ON A RANT BEAR WITH ME PLSS 🙏 LOLL)
The afterlife chapter and how it’s shown, that he just fought sukuna for the thrill of it and not to protect others (students). I think that was implied by nanami when he called gojo a freak for enjoying and getting a thrill out of fighting them, while most sorcerers take it more seriously in a sense where they’re fighting for their lives and to survive/not get killed.. also what even is gojos motivation to keep going? This is a question I ask myself alot!! Is it his entire upbringing and how it was drilled into his head that he’s a weapon meant to be used or is it that he sincerely enjoys exorcising curses and it makes him feel superior (I find the latter more uncharacteristic of him tbh since why would he just do it for the sake of it?? It’s definitely draining to go on missions constantly and shoulder the responsibility of saving the world.. so does he view himself as some sort of a curse exorcising machine?…
Also many ppl on twitter call him selfish and uncaring towards others (his students,colleagues..) since he didn’t kill sukuna right after he got unsealed and waited for a month when sukuna got much stronger? Where he could’ve just finished sukuna off instead of dragging it into the shinjuku arc…
Also I really hate how in general gojo our smoll pookie baby gets soooo mischaracterized and gets called selfish, a philanderer, red flag, uncaring towards EVERYONE?? Some ppl even go as far as to say that he has a chronic god complex. <———— THIS ALL DRIVES ME INSANEEE
however, I kinda do think he has a superiority complex going on… Since he was put on a pedestal since birth and everyone praises him and considered him as the strongest and some kind of hero who’s only job/purpose is to constantly keep saving the weak… This may have gotten into his head a lil too much which shaped his perspective into him believing he’s superior than the other people who he must save from curses etc..
P.S I’m a new anon so call me bunny anon for any future asks 🥺
hiiiiii there my dearest little bunny anon!!!!! is this emoji okay? 🐰 or would you prefer this? 🐇 i’ll go with the former for now but please tell me if you’d like the other one instead <33333
NOWWW . okay okay okay. this was super interesting to answer, thank you sm for sharing your thoughts and letting me do the same!!!! and please keep in mind that this is all really just my own take :3 but i do have a loooot of thoughts abt this + the sukugo fight in general, so!!! buckle up.
long discussion + spoilers for chap. 236 under the cut!!
ALRIGHT . SO . i’m gonna try to adress everything in this ask but i am in fact scatterbrained so please bear with me 😭😭😭
well, first of all — yes, gojo absolutely fights for the thrill of it. the sukugo fight is a great example of this because it’s the only fight we see gojo let completely loose, but it’s an even better example because it also proves that gojo fights for a lot more than that. he obviously enjoys fighting, but i think you’d be missing a lot of key points of his character if you tried to say that’s all he fights for, you know? we know that gojo is fighting and training for the sake of making a change, of nurturing others, but more than anything else — gojo fights because that’s all he knows how to do. he was raised as a weapon. of course he’d grow to love fighting!! he literally has no choice but to live the life he was born into, and that’s the life of a weapon. weapons exist to kill.
i think his love for fighting is sincere, but it’s also a direct effect of being born as the strongest — do you see what i’m saying? gojo enjoys the thrill of a good fight, but there’s a lot more to it than that. and i personally think that he views fighting as a way to connect with others, not just an adrenaline rush. that’s kind of the whole point of the sukugo fight — they’re reaching out for each other.
aaaand that brings me to my second point!! i think the sukugo fight is like…. the most important fight to examine when discussing gojo’s character, because it tells us so much about him and why he fights in the first place. in this case — the manga almost outright states that he was fighting to teach sukuna about love. and this following part is just my own take!!!! but i think gojo cared about that on a personal level, that went beyond his duty to exorcise sukuna as a curse. gojo cared about sukuna. i think this is undeniable and that alone proves that he was fighting for something other than the thrill of it. he was having fun, but it wasn’t just because of the violence — it was because of sukuna himself.
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(stan sukugo btw)
and!!! it was also because of his students!!! i think this point is also undeniable. i reaaaalllyyy disagree with anyone who thinks gojo doesn’t care about them because it’s so …. obvious??? that he does???? he may not be the perfect father figure that the fandom often depicts him as (<- not complaining btw i eat that shit up), but he’s a good teacher. and he cares for them. he’s fighting sukuna for a lot of reasons, one of them being his love for megumi, who i’d argue is like a younger brother to him / the most important person to him since suguru died. <- that’s just my own hc really, but either way gojo cares for him!!! it’s obvious that he’s fighting with his students in mind, because he mentions them so many times. he is fighting to protect them. his character is built on a desire to nurture the youth, even at his own expense.
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(he loves them!!!!!!)
so, with that out of the way — let’s talk about nanami’s comment in 236. because i think a LOT of people misinterpreted it completely 😭😭 nanami mentions a scene back in premature death, where he exhaustedly asks geto why they can’t just leave everything to gojo. he then proceeds to say that gojo never cared about keeping sorcery going, or protecting people, and that his strength was all built on self satisfaction.
panels for reference:
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…. but notice that nanami is speaking in past tense. he mentions a moment in his youth, and follows it up with what his thought process was during that moment — to put things really simply, nanami isn’t talking about our gojo in this scene, he’s talking about gojo during his teenage years. the reason why the cast appears as teenagers in this scene isn’t just because that’s when gojo was happiest, but also to highlight how far he’s come as a person. how much suguru’s defection changed him and his values. teen!gojo wasn’t a bad person by any means, but he was definitely more selfish than gojo is now. teen!gojo cared about the people around him, but he did fight for self-satisfaction above all else.
our gojo doesn’t. our gojo fights to protect people, to make sure no one is lonely — not even sukuna — and because he has to. because he enjoys it, but also because it’s his duty to do so. there is absolutely a purpose behind gojo’s fighting. he’s matured a lot. he cares about a lot.
so, to answer your question properly: yes, gojo fights for the thrill of it. he also fights for a lot of other things.
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My Miracle : Prologue
Word Count : 1.4k
Warnings : pregnancy, birth, swearing, food mention, weed mention, heartbreak, break up
December 2021
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            Crying filled the room and Jin held her hand tighter, a wide smile spreading across his face. “It’s a girl.” The doctor said, handing the tiny bundle of joy to Y/n. “Congratulations.” Y/n looked up at Jin before looking back at her little girl. She studied her features, comparing them to her own features, picking out the ones that match Namjoon’s.
            She thought she’d be sharing this moment with him by her side, not her best friend. She was supposed to be witnessing the birth of her daughter with her fiancé, yet he was nowhere to be found. Disappeared in the middle of the night without a word. When her labour started, she frantically texted all their friends, begging them to tell her they knew where Namjoon was, to no avail.
            Part of her hopes he shows up. She keeps glancing towards the door, hoping the next person that walks in will be him. She would forgive him. She’d be mad, but she would forgive him. Because he showed up.
            Jin watched, his heart clenching every time he caught her looking towards the door. He knew she was waiting for Namjoon. Part of him was too, not wanting to see his best friend, the love of his life, broken on her favourite day of the year. The other part hoped Namjoon never showed up.
            The door opened but only a nurse walked in. Y/n was trying to figure out why Namjoon would just disappear. But she couldn’t think of anything.
            “How does it look baby?” Namjoon asked with a shy smile, scratching the back of his neck. She beamed as she looked at the tree her fiancé decorated just for her. He enjoyed Christmas, but she loved it. It was one of the first things Namjoon learned about her.
            The day they met, she was standing and admiring all the lights around her. Namjoon wasn’t paying attention, looking at his phone as he walked, bumping into her and causing her to fall to the ground. He helped her to her feet, apologizing profusely, but she was giggling. It was love at first sight for both of them. And it wasn’t long until they were dating, planning the rest of their lives together.
            “It’s perfect.” She said and Namjoon’s smile widened as he brought her in for a kiss. “Thank you for making this house the Christmas house of my dreams.”
            “I would do anything for you. And for our Christmas miracle.” He said before squatting down to talk to the baby still growing inside his fiancée. “You’re the best Christmas gift we could ever ask for.”
            “Thank you for letting us live with you. I’ll find a place as quickly as I can so we can get out of your hair.” She was quietly unpacking some of her things while Ari slept in the next room. Jin could see the tears she was holding back as she unpacked. He knows this wasn’t the life she was expecting to live, but he would do anything to make everything better.
            “You don’t have to leave. You can stay here and I can help with Ari. I really don’t mind. It would be nice to have the company.” He took a couple steps forward, placing his hands on her shoulders to give her a massage. “Now come downstairs with me so I can cook for you while you rest.”
            “What would I do without you, Kim Seokjin?” She giggled.
            “You’ll never have to find out.”
December 2022
            “Tae and Kook want to know if they could bring a plus one.” Jin asked while staring at his phone. Y/n was rushing around the house, putting the finishing touches everywhere. “Y/n darling, Ari is turning one. She’s not going to remember this.” He said, putting his phone away and giving Y/n a shoulder massage. “Everything looks amazing.” She melted into his touch, taking a deep breath as she closed her eyes.
            “I didn’t know Tae and Kook were dating anyone.”
            “As far as I know Tae is just hopelessly pining after Mae. But Jungkook and Kayla just recently started dating.”
            “Well I have to meet the girl that made Taehyung want to settle down. And the girl that can put up with Jungkook.” Y/n giggled. Ari’s cries came through on the baby monitor so Y/n quickly went to go check on her. “Tell them yes. I can’t wait to meet the girls.” She said before rushing up the rest of the stairs to grab her baby.
            Jin could tell Y/n was trying her best to be okay as to not worry anyone. But he could see that the light in her eyes has dulled again. She hasn’t mentioned Christmas once. The house is devoid of any Christmas decorations. There’s no gingerbread house or gifts except Ari’s birthday gifts. She lost her love of Christmas the day Namjoon walked out.
            “How long have you and Kook been dating?” Y/n asked and Kayla almost spit out her drink. The three girls clicked immediately and Jin loved seeing the light return to her eyes. Ari was back in bed after hours of playing with her uncles and celebrating her first birthday, so the adults were just socializing.
            “We aren’t dating.” Kayla answered. “He’s just my best friend.”
            “Does he know that?” Mae asked with a laugh, pointing towards Jungkook.
            “Of course he does.” Y/n and Mae both didn’t believe that but left the conversation at that. “How long have you been dating Jin?” Y/n’s eyes widened slightly at the sudden question. She hasn’t even thought of dating since Namjoon left. She is grateful that Jin allowed her and her daughter to move in, and that he’s willing to take on the role of her father. He spoils both of them with love and gifts and attention. It was more than she could ever ask for.
            “We’re just friends.” She was still in love with Namjoon. Secretly waiting for him to come back. Waiting for him to want to fix things.
            “Isn’t he Ari’s dad?” Mae asked. Y/n shook her head. Kayla and Mae could tell by the look on her face that she didn’t want to talk about Ari’s dad, so they dropped the topic all together. “Do you smoke, Y/n?”
            “Oh no. I don’t like the smell of cigarettes.” Mae giggled and shook her head.
            “I meant weed baby.”
            “Right. Yeah I do. Well I haven’t since Ari, but I used to.” Jin came over, asking what the girls were talking about, then telling Y/n to go smoke if she wanted to, that he could take care of Ari. “Are you sure?” She asked and Jin nodded.
            “I’m coming too.” Kayla piped up.
            “Of course. You’re friends with Kook so I just assumed.” Mae laughed and Kayla nodded, telling Mae her assumption was right. It was then that the three girls knew they were going to be friends forever. That the connection they have only comes once in a lifetime. Like their friendship was written in the stars, fate bringing them together when they needed each other the most.
December 2023
            It’s been two years since she’s seen Namjoon. Two years since he walked out on her and their daughter. Now he stands 20 feet away from her, his arms wrapping a girl in a hug, a smile on his face as he embraces her.
            She thought he was her forever. Due to get married after the birth of their daughter, but she gave birth with Jin by her side and Namjoon nowhere to be found. Lies had spilled from his lips during her favourite time of year, surrounded by Christmas decorations and Christmas baking. Now the thought of Christmas makes her sick to her stomach. It reminds her of lies and heartbreak.
            She wanted to look away but it was like a trainwreck. Her eyes were glued on the scene in front of her until a body blocked her view. “You don’t need to look at that.” Jin gently grabbed her chin, tilting her head up to look at him. “Just look at me. It’s just me and you, darling.” Her eyes welled up with tears as she looked towards Namjoon again, seeing him looking at her. Jin grabbed her chin again, making her look up at him. “I said look at me. Only at me.”
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arendaes · 3 months
37. defy
Thank you! This one's a bit longer than the others since it's the last one. I promise I'll actually write the date they're going to at some point. Dance of Masks spoilers below!
37. defy (Ariadne/Daeran/Woljif, 712 words)
“I am sleeping, Commander. As you should be.”
Regill’s admonishment from moments ago rang in her mind. He was right, of course, but tonight Ariadne was of a mind to defy all sound advice and common sense. It was late - or perhaps early - and they were due to return to Drezen tomorrow, but sleep was not high on her list of priorities. Every nerve in her body felt alive, and as the boozy haze that’d pervaded her senses had faded, she found there was only one thing she wanted.
Well, two things, and she needed to find them.
It didn’t help that she’d turned from Regill’s cot, having rethought the urge to poke him, and found Daeran had already abandoned his short-lived turn as a philosopher. There wasn’t a trace of him to be found, and the remaining group had been most unhelpful, having no idea where he’d gone.
She rounded the corner into the main room of the tavern, hoping to catch up with him, and froze at what she saw. All thoughts of finding Daeran fled at the sight of Woljif crouching down beside a passed-out patron, rummaging through the man’s pockets and muttering to himself.
“Huh!” she said, just loud enough for Woljif to hear, crossing her arms as she did so. He froze, eyes widening before he slowly looked up at her.
“I, um…hey Ari! Can’t sleep, huh? I can’t blame you.” His smile was guilty and sheepish.
“What do you think you’re doing?” Maybe it was the exhaustion she hadn’t felt moments before finally creeping into her voice, or maybe it was just his conscience catching up with him, but Woljif flushed.
“It’s…it’s nothing! It was for me, for old time’s sake. To prove I still got it.” Woljif looked at the fistful of coins clenched in his hands. “It’s not like I’m stealing from our people, and they don’t got much on them anyways.”
“The people in this tavern are ‘our’ people too.” She moved closer but stopped just shy of touching him. “Put it back.”
Woljif glared at his fist, and she couldn’t tell if it was because of her or himself. But he sighed and crouched down, stuffing the coins haphazardly back in the man’s pocket. His mark barely stirred, mumbling something about his mother before trying to burrow further into the soiled carpet.
When he stood, Ariadne closed the distance between them, wrapping one arm around his waist and bringing the other hand to his chin, gently guiding him down so she could place a soft kiss to his cheek. “Thank you.”
A blush stained Woljif’s cheeks, but before he could say anything a polite cough drew both of their attention behind them.
The source was a familiar half-elf, dressed in the fine clothes and nervously glancing between the two of them. “Commander? Sir, um, Lord Jefto? Do you remember me?”
Ariadne nodded at the same time Woljif whispered, “Lord Jefto?”
“I-I’ve been promoted since we last met! Count Arendae has made me his herald, and that’s why I’m here. My first official duty is to extend an invitation to the two of you, to meet the Count at a secret and secluded rendezvous location.”
Ariadne and Woljif exchanged glances, both of their eyes full of questions. Before they could ask any of them, he continued, “I promise I’ll convey you both there with all the decorum that befits your rank! There is a carriage waiting just outside. Count Arendae is already at the rendezvous site, waiting for you. He also told me to tell you that if you’re wondering why he didn’t personally invite you, it’s because you all are important people, and communicating through heralds and servants is how things are done!”
“Oh really?” The servant paled at the obvious displeasure in Ariadne’s voice.
“What’d ya think, Chief? We gonna take him up on it?”
“Of course we are. I know you’re just as curious as I am, and I was hoping to…spend time with the two of you tonight anyways.” Ariadne didn’t bother to hide the mischievous grin that played on her lips. “I don’t know about you, though, but I intend to continue giving him a piece of my mind face to face. Starting right now.”
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