#because even tho they are all creatures. they are creature ROBOTS. so
captaindeinony · 2 years
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I have a wip for Len and Piko. get yourself a friend who will gladly transfer your ai into something more tangible
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sculkcensor · 10 months
Quiiiiick (lying) analysis on a little theory I have about the 'species' (ig?) seen in QSMP
so on Quesadilla Island, we see two major sentient peoples. We have the census bureaus (CBs), of which we know Cucurucho, Osito, and the pink ears one, tho there may be more. There's also the faceless people, who I'll call Workers for simplicity tho they seem to encompass all residents of the island who aren't the players, not just fed staff.
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The CBs may potentially have once been Workers, since they appear very similar, or indeed may have just been crafted to look like them. It's hard to say exactly what they are biologically, they may be robotic or not, too much to bother breaking down here but in summary it's not clear.
Conversely, Workers seem to be biological. They don't have the powers (flight, invis, etc). They eat and drink regularly, chat amongst themselves, get paid for their work, and importantly as we see from Walter Bob, can have families and children. They also seem to generally be free-thinking. They are as diverse as players personality-wise, but visually all look the same with a blank face, and communicating through books.
Fit's contractor also resembles a Worker.
Now onto the INTERESTING part, on Egg Island, we see three new 'creatures'.
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We have the Watcher, who is a plain black entity with a single eye, twice the height of normal players. (I could go into the mythology significance here but I'm trying to keep this short lol). We have the Eye Worker, and we have the Little Buddies (LBs).
The eye worker is most likely to be a regular worker who defected to the Watcher's side. We know that Egg Island was once owned by the feds, and whilst we don't know the details, it's likely there were Workers on the island that remained when the Fed left. (alternatively, this could be the Worker that boated to the island, but that's less likely, we do see them dead and this eye worker has no black corruption.)
The ONLY visual differences we see between Workers beyond their clothes are player-created ones (Walter Bob's haircut), yet this Worker has a clear biological difference in that it has an eye. There's two potential routes from this: we can make a slightly jumping assumption that somehow, working with the Watcher gave it this eye - either a surgical change (it does have advanced equipment, tho there's no surgical implications) or a natural change a la the black corruption, something that just Happened to this guy because it works with the Watcher.
Alternatively, ALL the workers who lived on Egg Island could look like that, and they just have a general biological difference to Quesadilla Workers.
Where am I going with this - well. The LBs GREATLY resemble Workers, just small with eyes. We know Walter Bob at least had/has a child, and likely other Workers had children too.
People theorised that the LBs were the equivalent of Eggs, but I want to suggest - what if they are the children of Workers? Either the children of workers on Egg Island, or ones from Quesadilla that ended up there somehow? We know the rebels were trying to boat ppl off the island, and Egg Island is clearly not that far from Quesadilla. If the Watcher can make ppl have eyes, it would track that they could also have gained eyes. And they're not working for the Watcher as far as we see, and do act like little kids.
I'm not even going to start on Cucurojo or whatever we're calling it now, I don't even know what's going on there lmao but it does seem to be a similar entity.
En fin, this is just rambling speculation. But please guys, can we make it cool to like MCYT, so I can make a QSMP theory video on PT without my audience trying to kill me for it---
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hubrisbracket · 1 year
Hubris Bracket Side A Poll 12: Five Pebbles (Rain World) vs Laerryn Coramar-Seelie (Critical Role: Exandria Unlimited Calamity)
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Propaganda below (contains spoilers)
Five Pebbles
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in his pride and arrogance he thought he could solve the great problem, he got interrupted during one of his experiments because in the process he was killing one of his neighboring robots (he is a robot btw) and she was asking him to stop, now he blames her because the creature he was making mutated and essentially led to him developing 'the rot' which slowly eats away at his superstructure until it eventually kills him.
hes like a pathetic wet cat to me. guy who tries desperately to break out of his doomed narrative only to doom himself further and drag those he loves down with him. he didn't want this he didn't want any of this but in his rage and arrogance he was blind to the consequences of his actions. and now he stands slowly rotting away while his sister suffers because of his mistakes. he is sooo full of regret and anger and shame i love him
(this one is very long so we have opted to keep its original formatting for reading's sake)
GOD where do i even start with five pebbles…the hubris contained within this bitch…the angst…the regret… for a basic rundown of general rain world stuff, everything in the world is trapped in a looping cycle of life and death. eventually people adjacent things were like "dam this sucks i wanna. kil myslef" and then they dug really deep into the earth and found void fluid which kills you so hard you don't come back. however if youre a bitch or too attached to the earth u turn into a terrifying ghost thing. so the people were like "fuck that lets find a different way to kill ourselves" so they built big supercomputers called iterators then they all killed rhemselves anyways with the kil juice.so you have these godlike teenagers basically locked in bigass boxes just. everywhere every fucking where theres so many.
five pebbles is one of these iterators, and whats special about him is mainly the place and reasons he was built. iterators need a shit fuck ton of water to function (and they exhale a shit fuck ton of water vapor "turning…world, into rain world." -daszombes) so generally iterators aren't placed too close. another iterator named looks to the moon was built very early on, and eventually she couldn't make enough stuff for her people who live on top of her (forgot to mention that) so they fucking. built another iterator RIGHT next to her. pebbles and moon are like siblings, right. hes kind of an angsty guy but i mean his creators literally all killed themselves and left him solving their problem so its ok hes allowed to be. hes like "damn i hate veing trapped in this cycle and shit it sucks" and then there was a very big event that i DO NOT have the time to get into but essentially one of the iterators was like "hey guys i solved the problem" and then she fucking died which is very hard for an iterator to do so everyone had an understandable freakout.
five pebbles was of the opinion that killing herself was the solution so hes like "i have to make them see that killing yourself IS the solution" (killing yourself and/or genetic mpdification are very very taboo topics among iterators) so he goes to one of his close friends and has a real heart to heart about how much he struggles with knowing that his creators CHOSE to leave them all behind and that the iterators are all still here solving their problem even tho they're dead. this friend, in a moment of weakness sends pebbles instructions on how to circumvent the self-destruct taboo (a taboo is like a law coded into every single cell of an iterator) and five pebbles, desperate to prove to himself and others that he isnt just another useless thing that can be abandoned, so he looks at the proper, safe way of doing the procedure and goes "FUCK THAT NOIIIISE" bye running so many parallel processes he consumes five times the amount of water he usually intakes, as well as shutting off all communications. moon, having been dehydrated to the point where he structure is in an awful, awful state, eventually uses a last resort in the form of forced communications, essentially the buggest loudest discord ping of your life. her messages are pleas for pebbles to stop, that he is hurting her, that she WILL die if he continues.
on pebble's end, as he tries to concentrate on his absurd amounts of processes, moon messages crash through his communications network, COMPLETELY shattering his focus. due to the nature of this method, involving genetic modification, what is essentially cancer is allowed to burst free, uncontrolled, from his experiments. they call it the rot. pebbles, having killed his sister and cut off everyone else, desperately tries to cure the illness ravaging his structure, an effort that proves futile.
Laerryn Coramar-Seelie
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Laerryn devoted her entire life to making the city of Avalir capable of teleporting to the Upper Planes so that the entire city of mortals would be walking as equals amongst the GODS.
laerryn my beloved. the OG hubris wizard, dead before the story even started & it was her own fault. she used all her city's magic supply to be able to TELEPORT the ENTIRE CITY to a DIFFERENT PLANE because she COULD. because she wanted to prove that SHE COULD. because she thought the gods weren't all that special and wanted mortals to be equal to the GODS THEMSELVES. COME ON. she could have easily made it safe but she was so determined to accomplish this in time that she used way too much magic and put the whole city in danger. she wasn't thinking about safety, she was thinking about what she could accomplish. she also got one of her best friends, who was a husband and a father to a young child, KILLED, due to experimenting on said aforementioned 'attempting to teleport the entire city to a different plane' thing (complete disregard of safety once again). to list her lesser hubris crimes, she neglected her marriage and got divorced bc she was so focused on her work and herself even though she loved her husband dearly and convinced herself she was doing all of this for him, even though this is never something he wanted. also she cast blight on a super important tree that could have saved the world, and destroyed it. and yeah it was because she wanted to protect her friends/out of love/grief BUT she basically set in motion the rest of the events of exu calamity (aka, oh yknow, the DESTRUCTION OF MOST OF THE WORLD) by doing that. by thinking she COULD save her friends by destroying the tree. basically, she thought she knew better when she very much didn't. i'm not saying she caused it (the betrayer gods caused it obvs), but she for sure had a large part to play in the destruction of her own city (and also in saving it, but still). basically i love her. HUBRIS QUEEN.
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fizzle-faz · 2 months
So the mutagen is a natural resource on planet Neutrino, but it's typically in a gaseous state. It's not dangerous at all to the people there by the way, it's just kinda there. SO. Zayton Honeycutt, AKA the Fugitoid, discovered how to liquify the substance and was running some cool science experiments and junk and all way fine, ya know? Until Kraang somehow heard about the experiments and thought hey! I could use that to make my armies stronger! So he went and demanded pretty much the entire planet's supply.
Honeycutt wouldn't give it to him since he was still conducting experiments on it and he didn't want anyone to get hurt because he'd handed over unstudied chemical junk. This pissed Kraang off, he attacks the professor, but some neutrinos step in [Kala, Zak, and Dask. Honeycutt was pretty much a father figure to them cuz why not], blah blah blah war. He barely escapes in the body of the Fugitoid with most of the mutagen and his experiments: five baby turtles.
Okay so my dude goes and hides out on Earth because absolutely no one is going to go check for him on that dumb primitive planet. He hides out in the sewers and continues his experiments as best as he can. One day tho, he was hanging out in his little area when this random twenty or thirty-something guy came wandering down the tunnels hanging out with these four [yes four] little kids.
Quick little background on Hamato Yoshi! He was shamefully kicked out of the Foot Clan and was being hunted down in Japan so he moved to America in attempt to escape. He was homeless and lived in the underground sewer tunnels with a few other families, and he often ended up watching the kids [at the time an infant, one and a half year old, a two year old, and a four year old].
He accidentally bumps into the robot, vial of mutagen cracks, and spills all over the turtles and the humans. In this world, the ooze can work in two ways. 1.) If the mutagen comes in contact with just one creature, said creature will just become weird and fucked up. 2.) If it comes in contact with two or more creatures, those creatures will essentially be mutated together.
Donnie and Leo were created with separate turtles but the same human, so that's how they became twins. The rest were rather straight-forward.
The Fugitoid tried to collect the turtle tot baby whatevers, but Yoshi was reeeeeally protective over those kids. However, in his compromised state, it was hard to fight back, so he managed to flee the planet with one of the five turtles [Venus, AKA Alexandros], which he proceeded to raise in a spaceship while running from galaxy to galaxy.
Splinter decided that these mutant things would be hunted down by society, and he still felt this paternal protectiveness over them, so he decided to stay in the sewers and raise them, just away from his old community. He also decided that since they were all different entities now, they all needed new names. Conveniently, the Fugitoid had labeled all of them already, and those little stickers stayed on even after mutation, hence the new names.
Anyway yay!!! Parental Honeycutt for the win!!!
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hiimtracher · 6 months
ch1 Ep 1 over the seas
quickly leaving the fairy elf coven after getting some stuff but most importantly his parents approval to travel worldwide and over the seas, Hrom went to the nearby kingdom aka "the rainbow kingdom" this was the closest kingdom to the coven and he could get exactly what he needs from there, as after the peace has gone over the world every kingdom is welcoming the sea people, who in thier travels get tons of new woderful magical stuff that anyone here can only dream of, and the best buyers are always the robots thier love to study and big pocets get all of the pirates attention.
When hrom made it to the kingdom and went to the closeby port he could noitice people staring. His eyes were a big attention graber and even tho he was never raised by his true father, he knew he looked exactly like him up to his lightning eyes.
he made it to the port and came to a hiring board there he looked throug the people hiring others for oversea adventures. a person finally caught his interest, capitan Holy, a skilled adventurer who was going to the other island for trade. If hrom could get to the other island he probably could get a nice job and a good living place, if that were to happen he could go on many foreign adventures and meet tons of people who knows maybe someone would want to join him. he wrote down the adress of the ships dock and headed over there.
when he made it relativly near he went on to check the entrance fee once again and his own money.
the fee would take a small portion of the money he had which was good news because some can take all of the cash one has. sometimes he was relived that his father used to sell exotic magical creatures even though most times it made him worried for the safety of his father, even though he could always be revived Hrom didn't want him to go through pain. nevertheless he had a good amout of cash from his father so he could pay his fee.
when he made it to the dock he finally got to meet the big man himself Capitain holy. he was a older man. when hrom came up to him the capitain noiticed his eyes and said "immidietly hired" not even knowing what hrom wanted, and that made him extremly happy. Hrom was worried form the start that no one would want someone who makes thuderous storms as his power on thier ship because most people didn't know that his kind can prevent thuder, people usually assume and don't think further.
he paid the entrance fee and got a room on the ship. he also told the capitain his reason to travel with him and was introduced to another person like him Marceline Pulky who was a fairy. A feline like creature often known for witchcraft. she also wanted to go to the other island to live and explore, so the two of them decided to join in and make a team which they will try to expand after they voyage.
and with that the ship left the port and headed to the other island starting the long trip
after some time the sun set and hrom headed to sleep remebering to put some cotton in his ears as his capitain advised him so, to not hear the singing of sirens.
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silvernyxa · 1 year
Ooooooh I read through the Luv on TV posts and I am HOOKED. Have you written a fic or anything anywhere? It's soooooo good and I'd like to see more!!
unfortunately theres no fic! doing a full fic for this AU would like actually take me forever to write, but i might end up doing little snippets here and there!
in the meantime, tho, here's some of my initial notes 👍
Patrick and Joe still meet in Borders, but all talk of starting a new pop punk band is just that. All talk. Fall Out Boy, before it’s even called Fall Out Boy, dies right then and there. Patrick doesn’t end up sharing his demos, doesn’t meet Pete Wentz, isn’t cajoled into becoming a singer. 
Without a band to focus on, Patrick goes on with his life. He graduates, goes off to college, graduates again, and he finds himself back in Chicago living in a shitty apartment working a shitty retail job because it turns out, there’s kind of nothing to do with an English degree. 
It gets to the point where the only conversations Patrick’s really having is small talk with customers and clipped reassurances to his mother that he’s fine, yes he’s eating his vegetables, he’ll come see her next weekend maybe and yeah he kind of does need help paying rent. 
Maybe some of the wires in Patrick’s brain are a little crossed, or his morals are a bit looser than the average person’s, or perhaps he’s just gone crazy from standing at a register all day- whatever the reason, Patrick makes the very logical conclusion that to solve his social problem, he needs to steal a dead body. 
Patrick’s the kind of guy who just knows weird shit because his mind is constantly searching for something to scratch that itch for knowledge and the depths of the internet is a wonderful place for that sort of thing.
Patrick is also the kind of guy (or, he likes to think of himself as the kind of guy) who can learn anything he sets his mind out to. Drums, trumpet, foreign languages, coding, how to break into a morgue, how to get bloodstains out of your carpet before your landlord sees, you name it. There’s a plethora of online forums that Patrick has to make sure to clear from his search history or better yet he ought to just destroy his whole laptop. 
His robot’s kind of a weird guy. Patrick doesn’t know if it could even be considered a robot. He’s just…weird. He’s not got the best control over his body. He seems to be insanely freaked out by small moving creatures, so Patrick has to keep scaring off the feral alley cats that gather on his fire escape. He doesn’t sleep and sometimes just sits there staring at Patrick, quietly watching, his screen flickering in the dark of the night, both alive and dead at the same time.
But Patrick likes him anyways. There’s nobody else in the world who can keep up with him, match for match, when it comes to quoting 80s movies (it definitely helps that he’s, like, basically a walking talking computer) He doesn’t get annoyed in the way other people tend to do when Patrick goes off on a ramble, and even seems actually interested to hear what he’s got to say. He treats Patrick’s shitty GarageBand tunes like they’ve been composed by fucking Mozart and the impressions don’t piss him off, either, and he doesn’t leave. He stays and he lights up when Patrick gets home from work and asks how his day was and it’s fucking nice, so yeah, Patrick likes him.
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magiwou-meowvin · 6 months
okay @kohakhearts I just used the generator so this is the crack fic you received
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fic under the cut
Slade gets a lot of weird contracts. Part of being the Best in the Biz™ is that all the absolutely insane shit that the small fries can't handle gets sent to him—and the shit the small fries can't handle is either way above their paygrade (re: sometimes he gets paid to murder actual gods) or it's just too weird to be taken seriously by those who haven't been around long enough.
Not Slade tho. Slade has seen some shit. Done some shit too, but that's neither here nor there. The point is that that only Slade could be contracted to murder—checks notes—possessed, killer animatronic robots for a childrens pizza joint.
He cannot make this shit up.
But the pay is good, and destroying a robot cant be that different from killing a live target, and he's bored as hell because he hasn't been able to torment a teenager or his kids in a while, so why not?
The pizza joint, Freddy Faxbears Pizza, is downright grody. Is this place still operable? It shouldnt be if it is. It's a walking healthcode violation, and that's not even including the murderbots he's about to turn into murderedbots.
Slade draws his sword and starts sweeping the place. He had to access Freddy's from a skylight in the office, which, according to his blueprints, is furthest from the stage rooms where the animatronics should be, provided they're not wondering around. The office itself is clear, so he moves into the hallway, checks the closet, and then heads into the kitchen.
The kitchen is where things get a little dicey though.
He follows his normal sweeping procedure, but when he walks past one of the counters, he notices a strange book on the counter.
Death Note, it's titled, no author listed.
Idly, Slade picks it up, wondering if maybe there's some intel in it that could be useful. Instead, he finds a long list of overly complicated middle school burn book type instructions.
“Useless,” he mutters and tosses it over his shoulder and onto the ground.
“Well that's rude,” someone says behind him.
Before they can even finish the sentence, he's swinging his sword sword sword, his (not)diamond sword directly at the figure—
Only for his sword to go right through.
“Motherfucking ghosts and shit,” he curses and swings again.
“Now, hey, that's not nice :(“ the goth ghost says. He seems very unperturbed by the whole thing.
“Didn't try to cut your head off to make friends,” Slade points out and tries swinging again. Every strike just goes straight through this guy though. Nothing at all like the animatronics he was contracted to kill.
Probably for the best actually that this thing isn't one of the attractions. It's an absolute horror show.
“You're not what I'm here for,” he moves to go around the thing.
“Hey wait!” it shouts. “You forgor your notebook!”
Slade glances back at the selfproclaimed Death Note, then hefts his sword up so the monster can see it clearly. “Don't need it.”
Slade doesn’t stick around to listen.
After the kitchen is more hallway. He gets, like, two steps in that fucked up ghost guy materializes through the wall and in his way. “Listen buddy,” it grumbles even as it's face stays pulled in that rigour mortis grin. “You're the first human to actually go through the building in a long time. Do you have any idea how long I've been stuck here?” he shouts.
“Don't care,” he steps around the creature again.
The thing grumbles and follows behind with its massive wings. “You're a killer, yeah? I can tell. I'm a shinigami. Well that notebook will let you kill with nothing but a name and face! Think about it! You could get your jobs done in a fraction of the time!”
Just then, a giant, robot chicken lurches from around the corner with thundering steps. Slade casts the shinigami a look, then calmly asks, “Hey, what's your name?”
The chicken does not respond. Slade holds out his sword and lets it run into it, then disembowel its metal guts.
It falls to the ground easily.
The next three robots go much the same, and not a single one offers up its name.
“There. I dont need your notebook,” he says smugly and saunters towards the exit.
“I'll admit, that was entertaining,” the shinigami says. Slade gets the impression the creature is grinning even wider somehow.
“Happy to help,” he says sarcastically. He reaches the front door and tries to open it, but nothing happens. “Weird.” He turns to go back through the building to use the skylight again.
“Wait, you forgot the notebook!” the shinigami protests as Slade pulls the desk under the light. “Even if you dont use it for killing, you can use it to extort others, or manipulate their every move prior to their death! You could sell it even!”
That…could be useful, he supposes, but it also takes all the fun out of murdering and tormenting. “Eh, I'll pass.”
The shinigami growls like a feral dog. “Fine!” he yells and pulls out his own notebook. “This is the end of you, Slade Wilson!”
“That wont work on me,” Slade points out. He hops on top the desk.
“What?” he yells. “Why not?”
Slade shrugs. “I once came back from the dead because I caught leprosy post-mortem, and this place is a massive healthcode violation. I'll just heal again.”
Then Slade pulls himself out the window before the shinigami realizes that that shit doesn't apply once he's out of the building.
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ryctone · 2 years
Number 13 - Captain Ice Cookie
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We already go insight that she IS in the CRK universe, so I wouldn't be surprised if she ever becomes playable.
Number 12 - Scorpion Cookie
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Since she is a relatively recent character, I dunno if she will even made it in, but I just think she would be an interesting character to have in the cast.
Number 11 - Whipped Cream Cookie
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He is one of those classic CROB cookies that I'm surprised aren't in Kingdom yet, like, it would be nice to see him in an event again after not being relevant for YEARS.
Number 10 - Birthday Cake Cookie
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Here for nostalgia reason, I have very fond memories of playing with her in CROB when I first got it and I would cry if she ever gets in Kingdom. Will probably mess with the lore of the game tho but I don't care AAHHH-
Number 9 - Walnut and Rougefort Cookie
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The obvious choice, they are on the same spot bc come on, you CAN'T have Walnut without Roguefort; ultimate sibling dynamic. Besides, Almond already made it into Ovenbreak and we got to see all of them interact in there, so I just think it would be very cool to see how those interactions translate into Kingdom. (Bonus; Rougefort's voice? *eyes*)
Number 8 - Cookiemals
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I love these silly lil creatures and would had loved to see more of them after their debut event- Specially with the whole 'being friends with Wind Archer' thing, but then theres the question; how would they work in a game like Kingdom? Would they had to be separate characters or still be a 3 in 1 deal? If so how would they be coded? I definitely understand if they can't be in Kingdom bc of this, but they are still on my list anyway.
Number 7 - Cyborg Cookie
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Like dude, dude hear me out I just think it would be very cool if Devsis gave them a robotic/autotune like voice AND expand on their backstory before becoming a cyborg and not just telling it in the comics asdfghjk.
Number 6 - Chess Choco
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In Ovenbreak is LITERALLY revealed they are from the Dark Cacao Kingdom, CROB lore said that kingdom was destroyed but in CRK we know it's fine... So you know- Again, we have the same problem than with the Cookiemals, how would they be coded? But also I feel they are more likely to make it into CRK because of their connection to the Dark Cacao Kingdom.
Number 5 - Rose Cookie
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Destroys evil by DANCING, need I say more? Also because she was one of my favorite CROB cookies when I started playing (Still kinda is) so I would love it she was ever to be in CRK. (Bonus; Rose and Raspberry interactions? Hell yes.)
Number 4 - The rest of the dragons
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Even if they don't become playable, I would still like to see them in Kingdom as bosses for future story events just like Pitaya did in the Hollyberry update.
Number 3 - Lobster Cookie
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We had been robbed and bamboozle from them and that is a crime. Now that Dark Choco left the CoD for good, it would be a great time for Lobster to come back at some point.
Number 2 - Mocha Cookie
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Mocha is also here bc again, can't have one without the other! And also because Mocha could be introduced for a CRK Sea Fairy centric event (Something that we also got robbed out of) as a major character.
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Thanks for reading! ^^
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Which minions from Xiaolin Showdown are your favorite? Chase's fallen warriors, Jack's jackbots, Katnappe's bioengineered kittens, Wuya's stone golems, Pandabubba's goons, etc?
Even tho Chase's warriors have diverse, culture-accurate designs, I'll go with jackbots as my no1 favs. They need a hug. I feel strongly sympathetic toward them mostly because they're being destroyed in every episode 😭. Other characters should give them more slack but I guess it's impossible due to the fact they're programmed this way - their main purpose is to fight/ protect Jack.
I like these little touches throughout the series when they behave more human-like. Like when they're aware of their surroundings and don't want to destroy buildings.
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Shoutout to that particular Jackbot, which instead of breaking the window- opened it. These robots know some manners!
Oh, and when they agreed to play with Megan. Extra cute of them
In addition, that cowboy-jackbot, which picks up the flowers always makes me smile. What a gentle robotic bandit.
All of Jack's creations in general have cool designs and have more depth than it seems at the first glance. So, that's why they're stars of the show alongside the main cast.
As I said, I love Chase's warriors almost equally. I love that scene in which they all thought together in their human forms. However, I'm kinda salty that it's all we got (well there is also that showdown for Omi's freedom but y'know I would love to see more content with them).
Katnappe's bioengineered kittens are nu-uh for me. As Raimundo said once: 'hey! watch the claws'. Encounter with them is rather painful so I would prefer not to get too close to them.
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But I am impressed with Ashley's knowledge and skills in that field. She even managed to teach them how to walk on two legs and hold trays.
As for Wuya's golems - they're probably in the 3rd place on my list. They seem indestructible, so they're formidable threats. BUT! When they're not told to fight they're so goofy I love that. The way they were interacting with Raimundo can be summed up with the statement 'they're trying their best but they have no idea what they're doing' and I appreciate all of their (failed) efforts to entertain Raimundo.
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Just look at them. They're excited they could play with Rai <3
However, there is one particular Rock Creature, which stole my heart.
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Baby. Baby boy. Polite and full of joy. Little guy with a cute diaper. Also deserves a hug!
I really respect Pandabubba's goons for some reason. They learned there are artifacts that grant magical superpowers and quite quickly adjusted to them.
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Maybe the other reason I like them lies in the fact that for the majority of the episode they appeared to be serious and competent and THEN that image is destroyed (in the scene in which they show their boss the fake wus). I stan the brotp of the black and white suit guys.
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On top of that, it seems they really do like their boss. That was very considerate of them to cheer on Pandabubba during the showdown.
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What a pity they're only one-episode characters. They're silly but they have their own charm to them. Determined to get the job done and more importantly they can tell when they should act more professional or enthusiastic, depending on the situation.
Anon didn't mention Cyclops. He also has a special place in my heart. Fella oblivious most of the time but thanks to him there are nice comedic moments in the show. Big red baby man <3
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boyvidae · 2 years
thoughts on my favourite episodes of the magnus archives
34 Anatomy class
this one is just so fun. the statement giver is fantastic, i love his inflection. and the fact that the students are like, 80s/90s cartoon multicultural, all with placeholder names. i think it has the best balance of hilarity and horror out of the whole show.
54 Still Life
i partially like this one because 1. taxidermy and 2. the premise is already really funny because yes taxidermy *is* just that expensive. but i also love the statement giver, he's constantly like "that was weird, but i try not to judge". i like in the supplemental when jon breaks into the apartment, that mental image is very funny to me.
58 Trail Rations
i love the pov on this one, i like how much the woman loves her stupid, marriage of convenience husband. it's a creepy one too. especially because that shit really happened on the oregon trail.
i like the supplemental because it's just tim complaining about how paranoid jon is and how he's stalking them and jon being like "i cant believe he thinks im paranoid, im going to do more stalking to prove him wrong"
64 Burial Rites
i like the pov, how she is very cynical of her work but still obviously passionate. a very creepy one too. i love her concluding thoughts about what the egyptians would think of something that couldn't die.
65 Binary
this one is just. so good. i dont have much to say. so creepy and awful. as someone who dredged a lot of the internet back when it was still relatively wild and i was way too young, this kind of thing stirs an ancient fear in me LOL.
this is when tim starts to be basically only angry, i miss sweet tim a lot :[ i get why of course, just makes me sad.
85 Upon the stair
another good creepy one. i love how it's written "and the man was not standing there and he did not ask me" etc etc. very dream-like.
110 Creature Feature
cant out into words exactly why i like this one, but it's really fun. i've had friends just like the director in this story so very relatable i suppose. plus the statement giver is trans.
112 Thrill of the chase
BASIRA READS IT. ahem. i love this one because i love the tongue in cheekness of it wrt true crime. but also just the tone. it's so light and fun and they are all enjoying chasing and killing each other.
116 The show must go on
i was incensed by this one even the first time i heard it. i love how they wrote the unknowing. it's so poetic and fits perfectly and gets just the right imagery in my head. and i love all the imagery of the horrible robots imitating life.
119 stranger and stranger
similar to the one above. the unknowing is just super fun. but i love daisy going feral mode and killing breekon, the voice acting is so good. and basira just being like "well. im still here so im just gonna keep moving and eventually i'll get out." queen you are SOOO normal. and tim gets a great final line, good for him, keep thotting it up in heaven king!!!!
150 cul-de-sac
nothing to say except i despise suburbia and i love when people make it horror
162 a cosy cabin
of course i like interactions with gerard and gertrude, and john and martin, but i just adore the recording of sasha and tim... makes me want to PUKE.. she said "im unforgettable" SOBS
166 the worms
i like this one cuz it's very gross and evocative and heavy. i love when the worms/people fight in the dirt and it's described as like, being unable to tell the difference between worm and dirt and blood. just good fun.
170 Recollection
OBVIOUSLY I LOVE THIS ONE. just 20 minutes of martin repeating himself and it does not get old it only gets better. it's SO. GOOD. like. top 3 episode for me. but you need all the prior context to enjoy it so idk if it can be #1. in my heart tho.
171 The Gardener
this one is. so. GROSS. i love it. the soundscape is intense and vivid. homophobic eldritch entity just tops it off. obviously cuts deep for anyone with self image issues. love how jon thinks its beautiful but then seems to realize himself by the end.
183 Monument
i like the weird rat imagery in this one. the self-importance of the individuals, how they are trapped trying to logic themselves out of the situstion they are in, each believing themselves to be correct. very good.
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jodjuya · 3 months
Chrono Trigger liveblog part 7 - the final part
Mother Brain: "Hey sexy mama, wanna destroy all humans?"
Also, why is she so mad at humans for destroying the planet when it was that giant evil space monster what did it???
Holy shit she went down easy. Easiest boss fight in the entire game. Only took a single round of combat. Frail old lady robot can't even defeat TWO humans and she wants to erase us all to rule the planet in our absence? Lol. Lmao even.
Pfft, and both the new arms I get for Robo are weaker than the one I got for doing busywork with the reptites. 🙄
I Saved Humanity From The Robot Uprising And All I Got Was This Lousy T-Shirt
Going through the Black Omen. Ayla's Dino Tail Technique is an unstoppable force of nature. 😈
Going up against Queen Zeal with Lucca, Frog, and Ayla.
Plan is to use Frog Flare and Dino Tail right away as soon as she does her first attack. Should drop her before she gets a chance to do anything else...
wonder if the same trick will work on phase 2... 🤔
Phase 3 begins...
Nice immortality, idiot. Too bad you disintegrated and your floating fortress crashed into the ocean.
Taking on Lavos with Crono, Marle, and Lucca. The Three Amigos ride again! 🤠
In the face of our combined magics, its outer shell is about as tough as a wet paper bag.
Shell: cracked!
Now to climb inside and set off some more magical nukes where it can REALLY feel them! Gunna make this stupid Space Tick wish it had never been born!
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...who's Doan???
"Ours was a short youth."
*cocks her gun*
God I love Lucca so hard. Fuck this girl is amazing.
Oh SICK! Lavos has hand-mouths! I love when humanoid creatures have mouths on the palms of their hands. 10/10 creature design! Symbolism for days!
Well, enough admiring the scenery. Time to vaporise this punk ass bitch of an Evil Space Cicada!
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Lucca, what do you mean that it's been harvesting DNA the entire time??? What are you basing that assertion on??? We keep cracking open exoskeletons to reveal a little guy inside, therefore it's been culturing and harvesting DNA for 65 million years? How on earth does it do that from within the core of the planet (Zeal's brainwashing aside)???
(seriously tho, who's Doan??)
((oh, he's the guy that we gave the seed to in The Future?))
Get vaporised, idiot!
I'm getting executed AGAIN?!
Jesus fuck I thought we had already resolved that bullshit. Your soldier boy should have discovered Marle right next to me in bed for fuck's sake. 🙄
I am going to stab that Chancellor.
Wait, where the fuck did Doan and Guardia21 come from?? And Kino?!
Lucca was going to execute Crono as a prank?!
Can the Chancellor's head on a pike please lead our victory parade?
This victory parade is so frigging cute omg!
That's right, Taban! Crono DID save the whole world and deserves a beer for it!
Official confirmation that Ayla is great in bed. Nice!
So Magus isn't going to undo his Frogification spell? He's just going to leave Glenn like that forever?
Robots cry motor oil? 😂
Whoops, forgot to ever feed my cats so they've run away into the time vortex.
...aaaaand so did my mum. Bye mum!
And Crono fist-pumps to celebrate his mother vanishing from existence. 🤣🤣🤣
Are we getting married on the spot?
Oh, no, it's just the bell. But the bell was already there at the beginning, wasn't it? 🤔
At least we have a time machine. Bye dad!
The End!
Pretty good game! I'm not going to be replaying umpteen times to get all the different endings because I have too many other games to play, but it was pretty darn good all the same!
Smashing soundtrack!
Awww sweet! Post-credits anime epilogue of everybody getting married! 😍
Nice, Frog got de-amphibianised after all.
Lucca and her pet robot adopted a time-travelling abandoned baby? 🤣
And then there's post-credits, post-epilogue, bonus credits? This game just keeps on giving! 😂
My main complaint with the game is that Crono's hair looks stupid. Why is anime hair Like That??
There are multiple new vortexes popping up around the place? And an Ending Counter to keep track of which ones you've reached? Those are nice features.
Okay I'm done for real.
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demonsfate · 6 months
abatina : is there anything in life your muse has changed their mind about over time ( due to becoming more educated on the topic , certain experiences , etc . ) , or that they would change their mind about under certain circumstances ? (Luna) 🐰
botanical headcanons // accepting . . .
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Murder. Or more accurately, "justified murder." Jin keeps going back and forth on whether murder is sometimes justified or not. He was raised pacifistic by his mother, but... after seeing the damages caused by Kazuya, Heihachi, and his devil, Jin does wonder if some people really do deserve to die. Therefore, he frequently feels conflicted about this. He went from thinking murder is bad, to murder is justified, to murder is bad, to murder is justified, and again - to murder is probably bad. Despite having been previously homicidal before defeating his father, Jin will do anything he can to refrain from killing. Hell, it's another reason why he's giving his devil a second chance. He's trying to take after his mother, again.
And Ninjas. Jin used to have no respect for Ninja, or at the very least, the concept of ninja. He may like the anime Naruto, but Ninja in real life were notorious to having no honor and doing whatever, especially the dirty deeds of people who didn't want to stain their honor. Whilst Jin still doesn't like what ninja were in history, or the initial concept, he no longer disapproves of everyone who practices ninjutsu. This is due to meeting good people like Yoshimitsu, Raven, and Victor. Kunimitsu is still on thin fucking ice tho.
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His entire view on humanity. To be fair, the reason why Devil even hated humanity in the first place was because it was "hardwired coding" programmed into by Azazel when creating devils. Devil himself was meant to be Azazel's wrath against humanity's sins. So when Jin removed all of Azazel's influence on Devil via purification, Devil's hatred for humanity vanished. Devil is now curious about humanity, and willing to see them as more than just "sinners" or "creatures to be ruled." He'd like to understand them better, and to help them, too.
Devil still doesn't like robots much (sorry Alisa) but unlike before... he is also still willing to learn about them and how they can gain sentience. He just... understands them even less than humanity right now.
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daz4i · 1 year
before answer back the danganronpa question, have this:
if you could magically replace your dominant arm with any inanimate object or limb of an animate creature, (either remains fully functional) 1) would you do it; 2) what would you replace your arm with, if yes?
now, re: me in danganronpa, I would probably also be in v3 (mostly because I see danganronpa-student-aged me applying voluntary oh so clearly, I was like that), and as for talent 🤔 it would be nice to have smth that relates to my art or cooking but I don't have enough of the grasp on myself to settle on smth :3
I APOLOGIZE FOR THE LATE REPLY i wanted to save this for later and then later came but i had to go on a call and i forgor i am sorry. ANYWAY!!!!
i have not tasted your food (yet) but i know in my heart you are the ultimate cook/baker. teruteru's got nothing on you. i can't stop thinking abt the bagel thing that was insane (affectionate) you are amazing and ily and you can do everything you put your mind to ✨️ (and you ARE that's so so so cool fr i love seeing all the things you make and try and i love how you say they're good bc that's what you deserve!!!!! and i got sappy there i apologize. ily mwah)
as for your question! :D idk if it counts but tbh I'd love a cool scifi-esque robot arm?? or at least a prosthetic where i can change the tip yknow? like switch between a regular hand and a knife or even mundane stuff like. a spoon or a brush etc. i think that'd be cool
if that doesn't count tho!!!!! i don't think so tbh I'm p attached to having thumbs i need those to function and it's not like monkey hands are too exciting. so i can't think of any option I'd like :^(
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some basics about the ocs from The Realm/Universe 1
(so I learned today that pages don't show up on tumblr mobile even if you link directly to them??? which means the page I spent two solid days making that clarified the concepts of Universe 1 and described (nearly) every character in the story was completely inaccessible to people on mobile???? tumblr is a functional website, lol. I'm copying over all the info into this post so everyone can see it now - the page will still be there for those who look at my blog on desktop tho!!)
(info under the cut!!)
The Realm/Universe 1: Basically, a very young goddess fucked up when making herself a friend. Said friend started a war by making a pact with interdimensional demons and sacrificing her face, the goddess was too young to make herself an army to fight said war, so she started letting dead teenagers into her world to fight for her. This was, by all accounts, a terrible decision. 
Notable Terms: 
Authors - Someone with power over a Realm. Name is a shortened version of the word “authority”. They look like normal people in their home worlds, but are reality-warping gods in their Realms. They can either be born this way (Founding Authors) or can be turned into an Author by a different Author (Inherited Authors). If an Author dies and hasn’t selected anyone to be their ‘heir’, their Realm crumbles and dies. Has some variations - Alice, for example, refers to herself as an ‘Authoress’ as a more fancy and feminine version of the title - though ‘Author’ itself is considered a gender-neutral term. 
Realms - Miniature universes created by an Author’s birth, sometimes considered to be the Author’s twin. They are sentient to some extent, though are so different from most lifeforms that they cannot communicate aside from puppeteering creatures (usually Creations) to do their bidding. Their Author(s) keeps them stable, and if the Author dies, they do too. The majority of the story takes place in one of these Realms (exceptions being prequel short stories). 
Creations - Living creatures made by Authors to serve a specific role in their Realms. Think of them as biological robots. Creations are given a 'purpose’ by their Author that forms the backbone of their identities, which can range from specific tasks they must fulfil to simply live however they choose. Aside from that, they can look like practically anything. 
Breaks - Hive monsters that spawn in the void between worlds, meant to be one part training and one part punishment for Authors who break the Unspoken Rules (which are unspoken because no one really knows what they are). They can form pacts with Real creatures as well as Creations to grant them powers in exchange for the individual becoming the focal point of their hive mind, and want nothing more than to devour Realms from the insides out. 
Characters in The Realm/Universe 1 include: (copied from my main blog lmao) 
some warnings: mentions of death, abuse, school shootings, human experimentation, murder, bullying, car crashes and suicide. none of these will be discussed in depth (outside of the death part, since I will be mentioning how each of Alice’s soldiers died), and will only be briefly mentioned, but I felt it was worth adding this warning nonetheless. let me know if there’s anything else I should add to this warnings list, and I’ll make sure to add that warning both to this and any future piece that may contain that particular content.
(also, please note that even after all this time, a lot of these guys don’t have fully solid designs - I’m more of a writer than an artist and character designs don’t mean much when you’re not using a visual medium lol. I do want to give those ocs with less solid looks permanent designs in the future, but for now???? ehhhhhhhhhhhh I’d rather focus on the writing part lmao) 
Age: 16
Role in the story: Protagonist
Appearance: Chubby girl with long, wavy blonde hair, warm-toned beige skin and blue eyes. Around 5'5-5'8. Wears a long, loose grey t-shirt with cut-out shoulders and a distinctive blue butterfly design with diamond-like wings on the bottom-left corner. This matches her prized necklace, which always hangs around her neck on a long chain, and her hairclip that pins the left side of her hair out of her eyes.
Rapid-fire personality info: -The latest person to get trapped in the Realm
-Wanted to be a therapist when she grew up and loves to read books on psychology and mental health for fun
-Very dedicated to helping others, even at the expense of her own health - definitely fits the “paragon” archetype and will do anything if she thinks it’s for the good of those around her
-Good at reading people - can be a surprisingly good liar when she wants to be due to this
-Bad at hiding her emotions, and cries any time she gets too emotional in general
-Just wants things to be okay and for everyone to be safe and sound. This is a much more complicated goal than it sounds, but by god is she gonna do her best to achieve it
-Has the ability to see the memories of others through her dreams. Big side effect is that whatever memory she brings up will be re-lived by the memory’s owner while she does so, and considering almost everyone in the Realm has some sort of trauma, she needs to be careful what she makes them re-live
-Died in a car crash
Age: 8 (behaves as though he’s an adult)
Role in the story: Secondary character, a mentor figure for Lydia; an integral figure in the backstory (also basically a secondary protagonist at this point - if the story isn’t from Lydia’s perspective, it’s probably from Gamma’s instead) 
Appearance: Tall (around 6'7-6'10), extremely pale (to the point where other characters’ narrations have remarked he looks like he’s never gone out in the sun in his life), and muscular by necessity for his job. Has black hair that’s always slicked back to his head and golden eyes that never blink with noticeable dark circles underneath. Wears a black suit with a white dress shirt and golden tie underneath. While the suit repairs itself after an attack, the lapels and wrists of his sleeves are permanently tattered due to the amount of battles he’s been in. His skin on his arms and legs is a slightly different shade from the skin on his head and torso.
Rapid fire info: -A Creation who acts as Alice’s bodyguard and assistant; has done a really good job at keeping her alive considering the circumstances
-Also in charge of the transportation of the dead teenagers from their world to the Realm; most of the soldiers don’t like associating with him due to this fact, and a good chunk of them outright despise him
-Reserved, serious, and excessively secretive
-Constantly researching things like anthropology, sociology, psychology and history just for fun, since he finds Earth absolutely fascinating
-One of the few people Alice respects as an equal, due to their long history together, which according to Gamma, includes her saving his life numerous times
-Has been through Some Shit before the wars even began
-Blames himself when things go wrong, almost as a reflex
-Seems to have some odd powers that it’s assumed Alice gave him, since he’s much stronger than a normal human and has a tendency to know things he really has no right knowing (this is due to mind-reading powers he can’t fully turn off. fun fact - he thought reading minds was a Normal Human Experience and got so freaked out when he realized it wasn’t that it led to him suppressing the ability as much as he could manage. Some whispers still come through, but he’s trying his best.)
-Though his main goal is to protect Alice and the Realm, he also wants to keep the soldiers alive, since he seems to hold them in very high regard. This doesn’t always work out.
-Basically became one of Lydia’s mentors by accident and is secretly terrified of disappointing or harming her in any way, since she’s one of the few humans who actually seems to be alright with having him around and he really doesn’t want to lose his only friend who isn’t a kid-shaped Eldritch Abomination made of wax-adjacent flesh. 
-this man has so much going on with him I swear to fuck. he’ll probably be in a LOT of the prompt fills lmao
Age: 4 (behaves as though she’s in her late teens/early twenties)
Role in the story: Primary antagonist; an integral figure in the backstory
Appearance: Has replaced her face with a white, porcelain mask decorated with red swirls, and does not appear to have any hair. Her skin tone matches Alice’s - pale like candle wax - though it’s mostly covered by a long, hooded, ivory cloak and the black, veined bodysuit underneath that holds her body together as she regenerates. She’s probably around 5'8-5'11.
Rapid fire info: -Alice’s Creation, meant to be the perfect friend; turned on her after learning about the massive power imbalance they had, along with a certain incident that happened several years before her creation.
-Cut off her face to seal her pact with the Breaks, who gave her regenerative powers and limited ability to use portals; now wears a porcelain mask as a replacement face, and uses similar doll-like prosthetics when her limbs need to regenerate, more for the sake of beauty than anything
-Extremely manipulative, and does not take being told “no” well
-Switches personas on a whim, going from calm and collected to rage-fueled screaming on a hair trigger when she thinks it will keep people in line, all the while feeling nothing but calm boredom
-A massive control freak; cannot stand when her plans go awry
-Has a personal grudge against Alice, since Mikayla views Alice simply being alive as both a threat and an insult, and Gamma, since he was instrumental in stopping her original assassination attempt
Age: 14
Role in the story: Secondary character; an integral figure in the backstory
Appearance: Takes the form of an adorable young girl the majority of the time, with skin that both looks and feels oddly reminiscent of candle wax, owlish brown eyes and straight black hair that falls to her waist. She wears an opulent, knee-length dress reminiscent of a kid’s princess/queen costume. It has a square neckline, puffed sleeves with strips of brown fabric falling to her wrists, corset lacing in the shape of a heart on her stomach, a grey sash tied around her waist in a bow on her back, and brown skirt split in the center to reveal layers of translucent yellow fabric, surrounded by gold embroidery.
Rapid fire info: -Created the Realm and has god-like powers of reality-warping and creation; she refuses to let anyone forget either of these facts.
-Childish, and acts either cheerful or annoyed about 90% of the time
-Callous and selfish, often disregarding human suffering as ‘not her problem’ despite being one of the two people bringing them to her world in the first place
-Experiments with her powers for fun, most common experiment being the creation of a living creature without really paying attention and then taking it apart while it’s still alive to see what she got wrong.
-Has a marked dislike for adults (outside of Gamma, who looks and behaves like one), refusing to allow them into her home; she’d likely do this for all humans if not for the current situation
-Hates admitting things that she sees as a blight on her reputation as an Author (i.e. caring about people, feeling emotions other than joy and rage, wanting to do things other than create, being wrong, etc.)
-Morphs into a much less friendly looking version of herself when pissed off, and is prone to having her skin melt like she’s a wax figure when sufficiently annoyed. Even in her ‘normal’ form, her skin is noticeably cold, as though she’s a living corpse, and she often grins with a few more teeth than humans should have.
-She’s basically a weird little girl given god-like powers by chance and then let loose on the multiverse
Age: 17
Role in the story: Secondary character, mentor figure for Lydia; an integral figure in the backstory
Appearance: No solid outfit design just yet. (Her old outfit was designed when I was around 14/15 years old and included a t-shirt that said ’#SWAG’ on it. I wish I was joking.) What I know for now is she has olive-toned skin and a bob hair cut, dyed a dark blue/indigo, along with grey, almost silver eyes. She likely has a muscular build out of necessity, and probably wears something simple and easy to move in in case of a surprise attack.
Rapid fire info: -Co-leader of the Soldier’s Camp; also one of the very first humans in the Realm
-Used to be sweet and somewhat sarcastic but watching people die has made her withdraw to the point that she’s extremely stoic
-Asked Alice to remove her memories of her past life during the First Break War so they wouldn’t hold her back; some suspect Alice took a little more than just that
-Hard to read, and comes off as cold to most people, only opening up to Dylan since they went through the First Break War together, forming a tight bond along the way
-Focuses mostly on strategy, supplies and upkeep of the camp while Dylan takes care of the human element. Extremely practical, to the point of requesting a murphy bed for her bedroom so she could use it as an office (with her reasoning being, “there’s no point in having two separate rooms when one could serve the same purpose.”) 
-Almost all the soldiers see her as the Realm’s ultimate authority figure - especially considering Dylan’s laid back attitude and Alice being… well, Alice - though some (like Morgan and Sydney) aren’t afraid to talk back to her if they feel like it
Age: 17
Role in the story: Secondary character, mentor figure for Lydia
Appearance: No solid design just yet. What I know for now is that he has sepia/brown skin, short hair, and mostly wears a faded blue hoodie over a black t-shirt and a pair of navy blue jeans. (Outfit might change with time)
Rapid fire info: -Co-leader of the Soldier’s Camp
-Generally a relaxed, optimistic person who does his best to keep the morale of the camp high
-Helps newcomers get settled in the Camp, and acts as mediator for disagreements; some joke that he’s essentially the camp’s HR guy, or jokingly call him the “Camp’s Counsellor”.
-Most of the younger members look up to him like an older brother, and it’s a role he seems to suit incredibly well
-Doesn’t talk about his own problems much to avoid troubling people, though most are aware that he gets severe anxiety upon hearing gunshots and will warn him if a movie will contain them or if Troy’s planning on doing target practice
-One of the few who spoke with Gamma before they died; as such, he’s one of the few soldiers who isn’t all that intimidated by his presence, and often goes to speak with Alice and Gamma on the camp’s behalf
-Used to be in the swim team in his school and played in a band with his two best friends - Tyler and Kieran - since the beginning of high school (he did guitar and backup vocals). He was also often among the top five highest-scoring students in many of his classes. Unfortunately, most of these skills and achievements are completely useless in the Realm, much to his chagrin
-Died in a school shooting
Age: 18
Role in the story: Secondary character
Rapid fire info: -Medic for the Soldier’s Camp
Appearance: Has albinism, so her hair is a very pale grey (long, but often pulled back into a bun, with lash-grazing bangs), her skin is pale and pinkish, and her eyes are red (which is actually very uncommon for people with albinism, but considering her spite towards Alice, they may not have started off that colour…). She’s noticeably tall compared to the others - probably around 5'10 - 6'1. She wears a plain white t-shirt with pale grey jeans under a long, burgundy cardigan that falls to the back of her knees in a silhouette similar to a lab coat. Her fingers and lips are permanently discoloured from her death.
Rapid-fire personality info: -Both a soldier and the senior of the camp’s two medics
-Had a rough childhood where she was constantly pushed to be the best that burnt her out, and the First Break War left her completely jaded
-Known for her sharp tongue, harsh criticisms of others, and tendency to estimate to newcomers’ faces how long she thinks they’ll live - usually no longer than a month - giving her a ruthless reputation
-At the same time, she is the most skilled soldier the Realm has, considering her incredible combat skill and her high amount of medical knowledge, and she works tirelessly to maintain that status
-Has an ongoing feud with Sydney due to their clashing worldviews - Morgan believing Sydney’s a complete idiot who’s destined to get herself (and possibly others) killed with her thrill-seeking, Sydney believing Morgan’s a killjoy who’s dead set on making a shitty situation even shittier, especially for the newcomers who are already in an incredibly stressful position. Neither are entirely wrong, but neither are entirely right either
-Is unlikely friends with Trinity, doing whatever she can to keep the smaller medic from getting hurt
-Isn’t afraid to get her hands dirty if it ends the war faster
-Died of hypothermia
Age: 16
Role in the story: Secondary character
Appearance: Has sort of amber-toned skin that’s patched with burn scars from her death, most prominently covering much of the right side of her head and almost the entirety of her hands and forearms. Since the right side of her head can’t grow much hair anymore, her short brown hair is styled into a comb-over, and she has light brown, orange-toned eyes. Wears a black leather jacket over a yellow shirt (which likely has some sort of flame pattern on it that gets covered up by the jacket) and orange shorts with spiked studs on the left side, with purposefully-ripped black leggings underneath.
Rapid fire info: -A pyromaniac and former delinquent who fights with bats and flamethrowers
-The most Chaotic Good member of the team; more than willing to give the finger to any rules in the name of a good time, especially if it helps her friends
-Despite having the most prominent death-scars of any of Alice’s soldiers, she is barely self-conscious over her scars anymore and has a whole list of shitty puns for when she catches newcomers staring at them. After all, the majority of Alice’s soldiers have scars from their deaths - if her confidence can help the younger members accept their own scars, all the better. 
-An adrenaline junkie who genuinely enjoys fighting the Breaks for the rush, and is often doing stupid stunts to get that same rush during peaceful times; this kick-started her feud with Morgan
-Deals with bad situations/stress with shitty humor, or by indulging in her more destructive hobbies. Basically, she’s the “if I just keep moving at all times then my problems can never catch me!!” type. 
-Helps train newcomers alongside Dylan; newcomers often see her as a cool big sister figure, but don’t tend to look up to her as much as they look up to Dylan, thanks to Sydney being far more irresponsible in general. 
-Good friends with Troy and Bianca, and can often be found shirking her duties to play video games and watch movies with them
-Died in a house fire
Age: 13
Role in the story: Secondary character
Appearance: Looks even younger than her age, with many newcomers mistaking her for being 10 or 11. Has fawn, freckled skin, and dirty blonde hair that’s always pulled into a tight braid over her shoulder, along with deep green eyes. Wears a short/cuffed-sleeve, green button-up shirt with a darker green scarf covering her entire neck, and khaki shorts with cuffs that just barely scrape the tops of her knees.
Rapid fire info: -A girl who turned out to be a medical prodigy, brought into the Realm when they needed medics most - which is all very convenient, isn’t it? :) As of the 'present day’ in story, she’s the junior of the two medics. 
-Extremely timid around people - especially strangers - due to a history of bullying, but takes comfort in helping others and is prone to showing a more confident side of herself when doing her job due to the sense of agency it provides her
-Since she’s easily the youngest and most fragile member of the camp, all of Alice’s soldiers are extremely protective of her, doing whatever they can to keep her away from danger - Morgan especially so
-Much like Lydia, she tries to help the others through their issues; however, due to their protectiveness over her, Trinity has a much harder time getting people to open up
-Tries to push Morgan to be less of an asshole; this works, but barely and only when Trinity’s around
-Very self conscious of the bruise on her neck left by her death, often hiding it with a green scarf that also acts as something of a comfort item to her
-Died after falling out of a tree
Age: 15
Role in the story: Secondary character
Appearance: I’ll be honest, I have basically nothing for this kid. I know he probably has shaggy ginger hair, and pale, freckled skin. He’s also probably pretty scrawny. That’s it. That’s all I’ve got for now. I kind of just imagine him as your average freshman tbh, lol
Rapid fire info: -Bianca’s twin brother
-The Realm’s only marksman, due to both how close-quarters Break combat tends to be, and due to Alice not wanting to constantly be using her energy to create bullets (and also to limit the amount of people who can kill her from long-range, should that ever become a problem)
-Prefers machines and weapons to people; can often be found playing video games or doing target practice with his hunting rifle
-Has a bit of social anxiety not helped by Bianca pushing people away from the two of them
-Knows he’s a bit boring compared to his sister and their best friend (Sydney), and it bothers him constantly, but he does his best not to let it show
-Knows that Bianca has issues due to their deaths, but doesn’t know just how bad those issues are
-Generally just wants to make the best of the shitty situation he and his sister have been dropped in and stop the wars for good
-Died by being stabbed three times in the chest
Age: 15
Role in the story: Secondary character
Appearance: Has shoulder-length, ginger hair often pulled into two short pigtails, along with pale, freckled skin and green eyes. Wears a large headbow shaped like a bat, along with a short-sleeved, almost retro-looking, knee-length, plain black dress with a red belt. The belt holds a large pocket knife, as well as a small sack full of throwing knives, in case of an emergency.
Rapid fire info: -Troy’s twin sister
-She and Troy were killed in the same incident, and she had to watch him die. Due to this, she’s extremely over-protective of him and deeply paranoid that anyone around them may turn out to be a wolf in sheep’s clothing.
-Has held people she sees as threats to him at knife point, but never followed through with her threats when called on her bluff
-Acts cheerful and air-headed around other members of the camp despite this; it’s half a ploy to get them to underestimate her, half her genuine self
-Has a fixation on knives as a result of her death, seeing them as something powerful, but only as long as they’re in her hands. If anyone else wields a knife against her, she panics.
-Was just beginning to really experiment with aesthetics when she died, and while keeping her brother around is her number-one priority, she loves to DIY new decorations for her cabin and often requests different clothing from Alice
-Died by being stabbed multiple times in the abdomen
Age: 16
Role in the story: Secondary antagonist
Appearance: Dresses more like they’re from an RPG than the same Earth Alice’s soldiers came on. They wear a long, dark brown cloak over a tube top made to look like bandages (since actually wrapping your chest with bandages is No Good), held together in the front with a long red belt with a replica of Mikayla’s mask as the clasp. They also wear black pants that are ragged at the hem, and black fingerless gloves. Has long brown hair that’s been cut unevenly and is often matted, brown eyes, and light, almost ashy-looking skin. More lean than muscular, though they are surprisingly strong.
Rapid fire info: -Mikayla’s first attempt at recruiting a human soldier
-Deeply infatuated with Mikayla, who has used drugs, isolation and good old fashioned emotional and mental manipulation to keep them that way. (things will get better for them as the story goes on tho)
-Very theatrical, and presents themself as a half-demon sorcerer; they spend much of their time working on their presentation and are often disappointed when people don’t treat them with the gravitas they expect.
-Genuinely believes Alice’s human soldiers were all created by her and are video game NPCs at most and mere illusions at least
-Despite this, they’re pretty ineffectual without Mikayla’s directly influencing their actions, since they don’t seem to actually want to kill anyone and greatly enjoy one-sided rivalries with Alice’s soldiers
-Yells a lot for no good reason
-An absolute shitpost of a human being
-Died by stabbing themself
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wasyago · 3 years
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evil capitalist and an axolotl (thoughts and details about designs under the cut)
X is a little pink guy in a big space suit, yes. well, theyre more of an ancient spirit that possessed a body of an axolotl and now lives in a robotic body that keeps them alive and provides with clear filtered water, food, etc. same thing happened on season 7 when they used a bee.
cant say for sure what xisuma is or what they look like, i thought maybe a void creature with no physical body that exists by stealing other creatures bodies, but eh- its an open concept
and after all this, i honestly dont know what EX is. i dont wanna make him another void creature, but i also dont want to leave him a simple human (because it kinda doesnt make any sence), so for now hes ‘unnamed’. his body is not a robotic suit, thats his real shape, tho everything is covered by the costume, armor, helmet and a voice filter, and none of his actual bits are shown.
about his helmet, the glass completely hides his face for others but he can still see perfectly through it. red eyes and eventually other poorly drawn facial features needed for better understanding of his emotions are some sort of hologram or redstone or magic, and made purely so people around can understand him better, as most emotion and sence in his voice is corrupted by the filter. all front part of the helmet can open up, but EX doesnt use this feature (tho other hermits who wear his helmet might use it, as its easier to breath and hear without a wall of glass in your face). the thing also has an air filter, so its owner wont suffocate. on the inside its very soft and comfy, in case you fall and hit your head you wont get any serious damage (its so soft you can even sleep in it :o ). too much features for a helmet you might think (yeah, almost bigger than two paragraphs with characters descriptions combined). wrong! its a perfect and just generally very thought through piece of clothing for a person who never takes it off and lives his whole life in it. >:]]
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More scenarios/episodes using dumb tropes:
A festival, party, or holiday from Egyxos that Leo has to participate in because of his status.
Toby and Juliet are kidnaped and Leo goes actually nuts and even the Golden Army are scared of what big brother Leo is capable of doing.
For some reason, I want a story where a magic shenanigan happens and Kefer or the whole Golden Army become humans and lose their powers, so that means that Leo must help them and teach them that being human is not so bad.
A solo Kefer and Exaton adventure!!!!!
Apis reconstructs his labyrinth and makes it more dangerous >:)
Hyksos builds a robot similar to Shu using some old scrips from Ra. This one can go both good and wrong.
A solo Horus and Bastet ep where Horus learns more of the Twilight islands. Or maybe an ep that tells us who Horus's father is??
A Kiki, Toby, and Juliet ep????
Evil clones episode! Or shadow copycats maybe??
More Jackal shapeshifters appear!
I´ll be mad until they give me my Kefer and Leo brother bounding arc!!!!
But what do you think??
Yeah! They probably have big celebrations. For example, ancient Egyptians had Opet festival dedicated to Amon-Ra. And it was big, like really big. And very important. I imagine that people of Egyxos would have a festival dedicated to Ra and his sons (pretty similarly to Opet) but Exaton is not showing up for obvious reasons, so there's Leo instead of him.
Seeing how in one episode Leo sent Anubi in knock out after the jackal man dared to show up at his home, I think that's a very realistic outcome. Maybe when he becomes so enraged the brastet of Ra is sparkling with its huge amount of energy. Imagine Leo punching mummies, throwing them left and right while his friends are standing behind him like: 😰
I feel like some of them: Hyksos, Ramses and maybe Kha will be more optimistic about living on Earth for some time. Kefer and Neith may be constantly afraid for the safety of their city. And Horus... He's just himself. Remember how he didn't want to take Leo seriously and hating on humans, I don't think he changed his mind that much. I mean, he probably respects Leo, but still think the whole humanity is a weak civilization (Leo is an exception for him now, because he's the Last Pharaoh). So it would be fun to see all those different reactions mixed up.
I picture it like they get into some kind of hurricane or vortex that throws them somewhere in a deserts. And Kefer is confused by what happened at first, but he's happy he's not alone, he doesn't mind Exaton and sees the situation as an opportunity to spend some time with his big brother, maybe talk about their incomprehension. Exaton is just himself. He's angry, refuses to listen to his brother, leaves Kefer alone, gets in trouble, goes back. And then they're trying to find their homes.
One day Apis is like: "You know what's cooler than a dangerous maze? Even more dangerous maze!" Or he's just bored and got tired of an old planning that he already knows by heart. So he starts a new project, Kefer sends him some workers and Apis also asks some of his friends to help him. But them someone gets lost, someone is trapped, very dangerous creatures escape from their cages and then disaster fun begins.
Just imagine Ra seeing a copy of Shu and panicking (tho I think Hyksos would give a robot some design changes so they aren't that similar to confuse the viewers). I wonder how he would call them? Maybe Onuris/Anhur since he was like one of Shu variations in mythology. That would be symbolic. Need to think, I don't remember all Shu alternatives only that one.
We were ripped off the Twilight Isles. They mentioned a cool new location and never showed it. I always wanted to see who lives there except Bastet and her daughter. And, yeah, Horus should be in that episode. You know why. Also speaking about Horus' father. I have an idea about that (spoilers: it's not Osiride), but it's too big to type it out here, I'll made a separate ask for that.
Sounds like secondary episode arc. Like, you know, Egyxos episode always have showing Leo's normal life. But I'd want to see more of other characters having fun, maybe getting into some adventures while Leo's fighting in Egyxos. Tho I don't have anything in mind for a plot? Maybe the twins are lost? Or maybe combine it with an idea of Exaton kidnapping Leo's siblings?
Yeah, the mirror match! But who would cause such a trouble? I imagine that episode to be like those when Kefer and Exaton work together. So there might be a new or old character who's against both of the brothers. Or Exaton's evil plot fails and everything just turns against him.
Who I have in mind: Anput or Upuat/Wepwawet. Because they're pretty popular.
Considering that Leo never had an older brother and Kefer never had a younger one that would be wholesome to see. Exaton just stays behind, because he's a bastard man.
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