#because buddietommy is real to me okay???
watchyourbuck · 3 months
Buck in 7x05
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princessfbi · 20 days
ooohhhh prompt 8 for angst for buddie or buddietommy please princess 🙏❤️
Angst + 8. "Nobody's seen you in days." + Buddietommy
Eddie's heart roared in his ears so loudly he almost didn't hear his own voice as that name fell from his lips.
He blinked once and then twice, rubbing hard at his dry eyes that had been burning with exhaustion only moments earlier. But now they were burning for another reason. Something close to relief. Sweet, knotted and thorny relief that built up the back of his throat and threatened to take over.
Because there was Tommy. Real, breathing, alive Tommy stumbling towards them like a fallen hero in one of those epic movies where the haze was too thick to see. His eyes wild and his chest heaving and his clothes all sorts of disheveled as he clawed his way back to civilization.
Tommy's head jerked up at the sound of his name and the fluttering in Eddie's chest exploded. He took off running before anyone could stop him, not daring to blink in case Tommy disappeared again.
He was alive!
He was alive!
"Ed-die?" Tommy's tongue clicked at the top of his mouth in the barely there whisper of his name and the fluttering in Eddie's chest nearly made him take flight.
No! He couldn't look into that. Not now. Not when there was still so much distance between them and—
Tommy's knees buckled and Eddie's heart lurched up into his throat when he saw the whites of Tommy's eyes.
Eddie dove to his knees as he caught him, the bulk of his deadweight taking Eddie to the ground with him but at least he managed to cushion his fall. Not that it would seem to have mattered. Bruises covered practically every inch of Tommy's skin. The blooming purple along his jaw that curled up into his cheek and down his throat. The dark red against his lips that looked more like friction burns than just dehydration. His arms were spotted with colors that were stark contrasts to his pale skin and the tattered remains of his clothes were covered in sweat and dirt and blood.
Eddie's stomach twisted as he called over his shoulder. "Someone get me a med kit!"
Weak fingers tangled themselves into Eddie's turnout and tugged him back into that disbelieving relief because Tommy was there, cradled in his lap and he was alive!
"You're okay. I got you! I got you! Jesus Tom!" Eddie blew out a breath as he tried to keep his hand steady. "Nobody's seen you in days! Where have you—"
Whatever else Eddie had been about to say died on his lips the moment he caught sight of the nylon rope still wrapped around Tommy's wrist. One edge was frayed like it had been sawed off but the coil was still tight around Tommy's wrist, the threading rubbing into his skin until it was raw and bloody. The frayed end dangled like some macabre ornament tagging Tommy to something Eddie's mind was struggling to put together. He took in the bruises again. The defensive marks on his arms. The splits across his knuckles that mixed swelling contusions with blood cracks. The imprint of a sucker punch across his jaw.
Bile burned like battery acid at the back of his throat.
"Tommy?" Eddie asked, forcing his voice to stay steady. "What happened?"
But Tommy was a million miles away. "Evan..."
His eyes rolled back again and Eddie rubbed his knuckles hard across his sternum to keep him awake.
"What about him?" Eddie's lips were going numb. "Where's Buck? Tommy? Tommy! Hey! Stay with me! Where's Buck?"
Tommy smothered a cough as his eyes slipped shut, his expression tight with pain.
"Took him." Tommy whispered through his wheeze as if he was afraid the trees around them would hear. "They... took him."
The dull roar in Eddie's ears started screaming.
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Truly sorry people have forgotten the whole "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything" adage. But also that others are sending you the not so nice things that are being said. Like, that definitely kinda sucks too. Best to you and focusing on things that make you happy!
Oh god everyone's being so nice now I'm so embarrassed.
You're very kind dear. Well the people sending me stuff are only sending me nice things! At least on the main post! But then there will be comments or replies that complain about it - oh I don't like them anymore because they wrote BT, etc.
(Side note - BT stands for BuckTaylor so people using it for BuckTommy - dear GOD please stop. The ship names are confusing enough with y'all picking like ten of them. Please. I am smol and confuséd.)
So the people sending this stuff are well-intentioned. I only meant to explain why (among many other reasons) I won't listen to the (again, well-intentioned) people who say oh my gosh you're missing out on all the kind things people are saying on these other sites! I appreciate all that kindness, really I do and I'm so very lucky to have such enthusiasm and such love for my writing. But I would honestly rather miss out on some of it if it means that I'm protected from seeing the more spoiled or bad faith actors. I have seen very very little 'discourse' over this whole ship war that's sprung up and I'm glad for that, but part of how I've avoided it is by purposefully staying very much in my lane, not go looking through tags, and honestly even deeply limiting who I follow.
Honestly I don't let it usually bother me. 90% of people are so kind and lovely, and I know that the people being angry are not the majority. And I doubt that most of the people complaining even view it as all that deep, they're just venting because they're annoyed and being overly dramatic as we tend to be in fandom because acting overly dramatic is how we do everything around here (hell knows I do it too). I'm just really struggling in my 'real life' and having a bad day so it just kind of got to me, especially since my next three fics are BuddieTommy and I won't be publishing any Buddie until Halloween, and I was feeling kinda low like great, I'm gonna publish these and people will talk shit I guess. Not fun! I gotta say!
But I am and will be okay. I honestly did not expect my inbox to explode the way it just did when I vented in those tags. I, uh, don't expect people to care? that much? which sounds bad but I just mean that I don't expect people to pay all that much attention to me. So it's very sweet that people are sending me love and support.
Thank you for your kindness and thank you to everyone else. I really don't want this to be a Thing so I'm answering all other asks privately. Thank you dears.
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