#because all of my bites are on my feet (this is why my mom suspects it's my floor)
bunn-iiii · 1 month
this just in I am randomly getting sand flea bites from somewhere and we don't know where
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confessedlyfannish · 3 months
Writing Prompt #14
"You foolish, stupid child," Vlad hisses, pinning Danny to the wall. Danny's eyes turn green as he wraps both his fists around the one Vlad has clenched in his collar, his feet dangling in the air. Vlad leans in, his own eyes burning red.
"When, exactly, did you plan on telling me your biological father was Bruce Wayne?" he says furiously.
Danny's hands drop in surprise. "W-What?" he gasps.
Vlad drops him unceremoniously and he lands on the floor in a heap. Vlad claws at the air in frustration.
"Don't lie to me, boy." Vlad says, omitting his often used possessive "my" in front of "boy".
"How do you know that?" Danny asks warily, propping himself up. He watches Vlad push a shaking hand through his hair. The man looks down at him before dropping in an ungainly squat beside him.
"Of all the sperm donors, Bruce Wayne, Daniel? Really?" The man asks, despairingly.
"I didn't exactly choose him, Vlad."
"No, I suppose you didn't."
"Seriously," Danny says, watching the man rock back on his heels as a growing pit forms in his stomach. "How did you know about him?"
Vlad's mouth twists bitterly. "Because he now knows about you."
"What do you—"
"Vladdy! Danno! What are the two of you doing on the floor?" Jack flops down beside them, a tray of freshly prepared fudge in his hands. "We having a heart-to-heart boys? Let me in on this!"
"Jack," Vlad says. "If you truly want to have a heart-to-heart with your son, I suggest you tell him the real reason I've come over today."
Jack's face falls.
"Vlad," Maddie says from behind him. "Thank you for coming. We're grateful for all you've done, but I think we can handle it from here."
"Madeline," Vlad says, rushing to his feet. "I must insist—"
"And I must insist you see yourself out," Maddie smiles tightly. "You know where the door is, don't you?"
"Mads," Jack says gently, looking between the two.
"I can show him out," Danny says, getting up as well.
"That's alright, Danny," Maddie says. "Why don't you go get your sister? We need to have a talk...as a family."
Danny glances at Vlad.
"Now, Danny," Maddie says. Danny heads for the stairs, pit growing ever larger.
The next time they meet it is Danny who has Vlad pinned, the gaudy chandelier above him shaking with the force of his rage.
"You should've told me," Danny growls.
"I thought your parents had you informed," Vlad says, utterly unbothered by the teen cracking what is thankfully not a load-bearing wall of his mansion. "Honestly Daniel, we could throw around allegations of deception on both sides, particularly mine as I assume you've known for quite some time now, if not the entire time, about your father hmm?"
Danny's eyes flick away in an obvious tell.
"Yes, I thought as much. But rather than whinging about being blindsided, I suggest we focus our energy on the solution."
Danny drops Vlad, barely biting back a snarl when the man lands gracefully on both feet.
"Which is?" Danny asks.
"First of all, your well-meaning but frankly moronic parents seem to believe that they can make a case for your custody without the assistance of my legal team. It is in both of our best interests to dissuade them of this."
"They don't like feeling indebted, Mom in particular."
"Well, to be crude for a moment Daniel, tough shit. Yes," Vlad says in response to Danny's widening eyes, "I said it. Bruce Wayne has the best of the best on his payroll and your parent's rinky-dink attorney from the local practice won't stand a chance against Friedman & Sons. Especially once he establishes paternity."
"He can do that?" Danny asks. "I mean I'm almost eighteen, can't I just refuse?"
"The keyword here, Daniel, is almost. As in, you are not. The judge can take your wishes into consideration, but I suspect Wayne will make a case for an unsafe living environment alongside his paternity to win his petition for full custody."
"Un-unsafe living environment?" Danny sputters. Vlad eyes the boy dryly before gesturing to all of him, currently clad in silver and black hazmat. Danny drops the transformation with a wince.
"In fact, I suspect that's the main reason the man filed in the first place," Vlad continues. "Lord knows he doesn't need anymore heirs to fight over his fortune once he passes—"
"Jesus, Vlad,"
"—so I believe he did some digging and found your home to be, well, wanting. On paper, Daniel, your parents sound eccentric at best, dangerous at worst. Pull the right strings, and hospital records just fall into laps. He probably thinks he's rescuing you." Vlad sneers. "If only he knew how quick you are to spit in the face of one offering you a comfortable and wealthy home."
"Fuck off," Danny says. "Is that what this is about? If you can't have me, no one can?"
Vlad rolls his eyes. "Come now, Daniel. Are you really intending to keep up this pretense?"
"What are you talking about?"
"We agreed a long time ago that no matter the nature of our quarrel, we would leave the Justice League out of it," Vlad says, taking a menacing step forward. "You think I, running in the circles I do, would have no knowledge of Bruce Wayne's alter-ego?" He takes another step, voice rising. "I have avoided drawing The Batman's attention for years, no matter how often our paths crossed. I stayed under his radar for decades, and now, BECAUSE OF YOU, I AM ABOUT TO BE RUINED."
With a creak and a groan, the chandelier drops, landing between them with a crash. Danny coughs from the dust as Vlad takes a heaving, calming breath.
"Then why get involved at all?" Danny asks, staring at the ground.
Vlad sighs, clapping his hands twice. Several ghosts dressed in service uniforms fly out the woodwork, gathering up bits of chandelier as others begin to mop.
"Because, little badger," Vlad says, walking away from the mess. "If we lose this, he'll have you in the palm of his hands. Which is infinitely worse."
Entering the kitchen, he pulls an open bottle of white out of the kitchen fridge and pours himself a glass, throwing a Fiji water to Danny who takes it for the peace offering it is.
"He won't."
"Won't what, Daniel? Please speak in full sentences."
"Won't have me," Danny says, letting a thin coat of frost spread over the bottle. He tips the freezing cold water into his mouth and wipes his face with his sleeve, mostly to see Vlad grimace.
"Why, because you'll run away if he wins? Until you turn eighteen? I won't have you fail to complete your education because of a cockamamie scheme, Daniel—"
"Because I have a solution, Vlad, one that doesn't involve the courts or running away."
"And what is that, exactly, Daniel?"
"You're going to leave my family alone."
"Danny," Mr. Wayne says, blinking in surprise at the boy on his doorstep and miles away from Illinois.
"I mean it," Danny says firmly. "You're going to drop your petition and whatever smear campaign you were planning on and leave the Fentons alone."
"Danny...why don't you come inside?"
Danny takes a step back from the manor's large doors. "You want a relationship with me? Brute force isn't the answer."
Bruce takes in the teenager, lanky but almost to his eye level. His eyes are clear and sharp, his demeanor forcibly calm.
"I debated whether going through the court was the right thing to do," Bruce says slowly, matching calm with calm. "But I wanted to be above board."
"Because my adoption wasn't?" Danny says, arms crossed. "Yeah, I'm aware. Kinda hard to adopt a kid that doesn't legally exist. And I know what you're going to say, the Fentons should've reported me to the system, but they didn't do it because I begged them not to. Because I didn't want my biological parents to find me."
"You can swing your dick around and get your way, exactly the way I thought you would do things," Danny says, "Or you can have a relationship with me on my terms. A relationship where I don't despise you because you took me away from the people who've loved me no matter their faults."
"You're asking me to choose your happiness over your safety." Bruce says carefully.
"That's bullshit," Danny says. "I had a lab accident when I was fourteen and went directly against my parents' instructions. They trusted me, and I made a mistake."
"It's not a matter of trust. You were a child, Danny, and you almost died." Bruce says, not bothering to feign ignorance. Footsteps echo behind him.
"Bruce?" A voice calls. "Is that..?"
"Your son did die," Danny says. "He took a flight with your credit card to Ethiopia and got blown up. I bet you trusted him too."
Bruce reels back as a hand lands on his shoulder, the other on the door.
"Whoa, whoa, uh, Danny, right? I'm Tim, I'm—"
"I know who you are," Danny says, clenching his fists. Powering through the hurt he is causing. "I didn't come here to point out what a total hypocrite you are. I just want you to back off. And if you give me your number, we can text and I'll come to Gotham for Thanksgiving or the ski chalet in Vermont or your villa in where-the-fuck-ever and you can be Uncle Bruce that I maybe even tolerate being around once in a while. Just leave my family alone."
"Bruce, what is he talking about?" Tim asks. "Back off of what?"
"Your Dad is suing my parents for full custody," Danny says when it becomes clear Bruce isn't answering.
"What?" Tim hisses, turning to Bruce. "That isn't what we talked about!"
"Danny. I..."
"Here," Danny says, thrusting an index card forward that he's scrawled his phone number and email onto. On the other side is the past participle conjugation for 'venir'. "I won't answer until you drop the custody petition. Which I expect you to do by tomorrow morning."
"Done," Tim says, stepping past Bruce and taking the card. "Give me about noon to get it all squared away with the lawyers. Do you have a hotel? A way home? I'd be happy to reimburse your flight and accommodation."
"Overstepping already."
"Fair enough," Tim says coolly, raising his hands. "Our lawyers will reach out when it's settled."
"Great. Bye." Danny says, turning to leave. He waits until he hears the manor door close behind him before pulling out his cell phone.
"It's done."
"What's done? Again, little badger, full sentences, I beg of you."
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strscrossed · 9 months
kiss of death — part i
and here i present the ballerina/mafioso au. it's a slow start but i always like having a setup. anyway, eren's a mafia underboss along with his brother zeke. grisha is the boss and women are kept out of the family business. thanks @likesunsetorange for reading this over and also enabling me! 💕
eremika. 2.5k. explicit.
“And what do you mean you won’t be joining us for dinner?”
Eren glances at his father for a little assistance. His mother’s voice is low, something dangerous stirring behind the calm. At this point, Eren would rather be in enemy territory, without a gun, than deal with Carla Jaeger. 
“It’s last minute but a business associate's daughter has a ballet recital and he’s treating us to dinner after. Sorry, mom. Can I take a raincheck? 
The key to a good lie is a half-truth. He does, in fact, have to attend a ballet tonight. Not with a business associate but his mother isn’t to know that under any circumstances. He worries for a moment because his mother is quiet. Too quiet, in fact. 
“Always with the rainchecks,” she mumbles, shaking her head. She glares at him for two seconds, narrowing her eyes before sighing, conceding defeat. 
When he was younger, he had a tell. His ears would turn red and his mother had a habit of pinching them whenever she would catch him in one. But adulthood has turned him into a seasoned liar. 
“And you couldn’t handle this because…?” Carla glares at her husband, who sits on the sofa cross-legged, reading a newspaper. Grisha Jaeger is afraid of no one. Except, maybe, his wife. 
“I’m close to retirement, dear. The boys are grown now, it’s time they got involved in matters of the family business. If I keep doing it, they’ll never learn anything. And I’m not getting any younger. 
Zeke, who stands a few feet away, snorts quietly. Grisha’s “fragile old man” shtick would be laughable to anyone but his wife. Carla shakes her head. Again, a sigh of defeat as her husband gives her those weary eyes. Eren has to bite his tongue to keep the laugh from escaping. 
“Eren’s hardly around anymore,” she says, shaking her head. “Can I at least have a meal with my boy once a week?” 
He can’t say no to her. 
“Of course, mom.” 
She sits back in her chair, teacup in hand. She mourns time lost with her son but unbeknownst to her, she is living comfortably because of all this. And to keep all this, he has to break yet another promise to his mother. 
“I need to head out now,” he tells everyone, with Grisha and Zeke nodding and Carla sighing. 
“Who is going with you?” 
“Armin and Floch,” he answers. At the mention of Floch’s name, he sees her face pinch a little. No, he’s not having this conversation again. She’s made her distaste for that young man abundantly clear. He doesn’t want to stick around to hear her ask his father, yet again, why he keeps him around. 
“Bye,” he says and he’s out the door before his mother can get another word in. 
➽───────────────────❥ ➽───────────────────❥
The fresh air fills his lungs as he closes the door behind him. His mother still doesn’t suspect a thing and that’s how he wants to keep it. It’s a dirty, grimy world that only the men of the family are privy to. If she really knew what the real family business was… 
He doesn’t want to even entertain that idea. These are the rules. They exist for a reason. And he stopped feeling bad about lying to her years ago. It’s a lesson that’s been beaten into him since he was sixteen years old. 
Eren slides into the front seat of the car. Floch is driving and Armin takes his place in the backseat. Neither man makes an effort to converse with each other and that’s fine. Their bickering is a source of Eren’s frayed nerves too often. 
“Ackerman soldiers were spotted frequenting the ballet, huh?” Eren asks. It’s a rhetorical question. 
“Quite a few of them actually,” Floch responds, his eyes glued to the road. 
“It’s because one of their own is this year’s prima ballerina,” Armin adds. “A large number of them are said to be in attendance this evening.” 
“Frequent the ballet, Arlert? How do you even know that?” Floch asks. 
Eren stays quiet as he glances at Armin’s unamused expression in the rearview mirror. Thankfully, he’s not the explosive type. 
“Well, if you must know, knowing about different things helps me navigate and infiltrate a number of different circles. You might want to culture yourself a little more, Floch.” 
Oh, here they go. 
“So, one of their own, huh? Old Kenny’s extorting ballet companies now?” Eren snorts. “His niece wanted to become a ballerina so good ole Uncle Kenny made it happen? Never took him to be such a fucking softie.” 
No, actually, if that is the case, it’ll be easier to get under the old fucker’s skin. 
“Actually, I hear Mikasa Ackerman is a once in a generation talent. And just in case, tonight’s performance is a ballet called Giselle. It’s about a young woman who falls in love with a nobleman and when they can’t be together she dies of heartbreak but that’s not where it ends—” 
“I don’t care, Armin,” Eren cuts him off. “I don’t care about ballet or the girl. We’re going there for one reason and one reason only — to watch the Ackerman’s every move. Everything else is worthless and irrelevant.” 
He hears Armin sink back into his seat, sighing. 
Eren does his best not to twist his face in annoyance. A ballet of all places. He never thought he’d be caught dead at one of those… 
➽───────────────────❥ ➽───────────────────❥
Kenny Ackerman is nowhere to be seen. Naturally, his old ass couldn’t be bothered to show up anywhere someone could see him. Levi Ackerman, however, is seated in the very front row. Armin manages to get them balcony seats so they can see everything. 
It’s the most boring observation ever because the Ackerman associates and soldiers are just seated there. 
This is why soldiers and lower level soldiers are sent to do this crap. Now he has to sit through a two hour long ballet and pretend to know what’s going on. 
Occasionally, the man to Levi’s right will lean over and whisper something to his ear. He simply nods, giving nothing away. 
“What are they saying?” Floch mutters to himself, squinting as if to read the lips. 
Armin, meanwhile, is observing their surroundings. It’s entirely possible that they’ve been spotted. 
“None here,” he assures Eren after a while. 
Before he can say anything, the theater lights dim. 
Eren knows jackshit about ballet. He doesn’t care to know what’s going on. The arts, the gentler things in life, were things he never cared to become acquainted with. So when the lights dim and the sound of violins fill the theater, he groans. He hears a lady gasp and jump behind him and he can’t help but scoff. It’s nothing compared to the sound of gunfire, bones breaking, or knives cutting through skin. 
The Ackerman party, however, stops talking. Their eyes are glued to the stage and, unwillingly, Eren turns his attention to the stage. The whole production is colorful. Too colorful. It’s an eyesore.
He has no idea what’s going on. There are several dancers on stage at the beginning and then it’s just two guys. No one’s talking, obviously, it’s a ballet not a play. Armin’s probably watching completely enthralled, but he’s not impressed. He leans back in his chair, bored out of his mind as he watches them prance around the stage. 
He’d never willingly show up to these things. But, when his father received word of a large gathering of Ackerman, of course he had to show up for it. 
If the Ackerman are here, he needs to keep an eye on all of their activities. They might be here for the girl, but that’s immaterial for Eren. 
He doesn’t care about ballet. 
He doesn’t care for the girl—
His thoughts come to a screeching halt when a young woman appears on the stage. She looks around, and prances around the stage. And just like that, Eren is drawn right into the performance. 
She’s graceful, her movements are so natural, so effortless. It’s like she belongs up there. Whatever she’s doing — whoever she’s playing — she embodies the role perfectly. 
If he knows nothing else about ballet, he knows this much. 
“That’s Mikasa Ackerman,” Armin leans in to whisper in his ear. “This year’s prima ballerina.” 
He doesn’t know what the hell is going on but it gets sad pretty quickly, he assumes. He hears sniffling behind and near him. Floch looks endlessly bored and Armin, as predicted, is really into the performance. 
Eren is focused on his dancer. 
If he could compare her face to anything, it would be the moon. It is the illuminated beauty in the dark of the night and even from here, her eyes light up like the millions of stars. Only hers are brighter. 
It goes on for two hours, which Eren decides is not long enough. He’ll watch her perform all day and night if that’s what it takes. 
When the curtains close and everyone stands up to clap, he cannot bring himself to do so. His beautiful dancer is no longer in front of him and he finds no reason to celebrate that. 
“Well, that was uneventful,” Floch mutters disappointingly. “I thought they might actually try something. I thought we might actually gain an advantage over them.” 
Oh, right, they had a job to do. 
“Floch, if you thought they were coming to a ballet, which by the way one of their own is performing at, to try and pull something you’ve set your expectations way too high.” 
“Yeah, well if you haven’t noticed, this is our territory—”
“—technically, no it’s not.” 
“What? Are you secretly on their side, Arlert? Because it sounds to me like you are.” 
“Would you two shut up?” Eren growls, prompting the two of them to shut their mouths. “Armin, is she set to be in any more shows?” 
“I can check but if she’s the prima ballerina, you can bet on it.” 
Well, he is a betting man. And he always wins. 
“Then we’ll keep coming back. Sooner or later, they’ll start conducting business around here. We should watch for that.” 
He receives no protest. He does his best to keep a poker face but as he exits the theater, the corners of his turn up slightly… 
➽───────────────────❥ ➽───────────────────❥
“So?” Grisha asks, closing the door behind him. Eren and Zeke stand side by side as Grisha walks back to his desk, settling down and making himself comfortable before Eren allows himself to answer. 
“Nothing special. The Ackerman girl is part of the ballet, so they were serving as glorified bodyguards. The three of us watched them the whole time and nothing happened.” 
Disappointing news to say the least. So much for this being a golden opportunity to strike against the Ackerman. As always, they manage to elude them by doing absolutely nothing. 
“Even so, continue to watch the ballet,” Grisha instructs. “One evening will tell us nothing. And if the girl is part of the ballet, well they’ll frequent that theater. Perhaps, old Kenny Ackerman might show up.” 
Fat chance. 
“And Zeke,” he turns to his eldest son. “Are the girls of any use?” 
“Nope,” his brother answers. “The men don’t frequent brothels. In fact, the girls haven’t heard of either of them.” 
“Damn it!” his father curses, pounding the table with his fists. The whole thing is a little over dramatic in Eren’s opinion. 
Weaker men cower before Grisha Jaeger. He is someone that you don’t want to piss off. In all fairness, the Jaegers in general are people you don’t want to piss off. The two brothers are the only ones immune to their father’s fear tactics. Though, he is certainly not just talk. He wouldn’t be in this position otherwise. 
“It is decided then,” Grisha mumbles, pinching the bridge of his nose. “The Reiss and the Tyburs agree that this cannot continue.” 
There is a tenuous peace between the families. Initially, each family controlled a third of the island and conflicts broke out through the generations. Eren’s grandfather realized there were more benefits to keeping these families as allies than enemies. Though tenuous is the best way to describe whatever alliance they had going. 
“And what does that mean?” Zeke questions. 
Grisha responds with a small smile. 
“I won’t keep you as you two have more work to do. I have arranged it. Zeke, you are to marry Rod Reiss’ eldest daughter, Frieda. And Eren, you are to marry Willy Tybur’s younger sister, Lara. You are to meet with them, court them, and the official engagement will be two months from today. It is done. You two will honor it.” 
What century was this? 
“What the fuck, old man?” Eren growls and two pairs of eyes are on him.
“What was that?” his father asks, daring him to repeat it. 
“You just sold us to the Reiss and Tyburs? You just want us to go along with it? What the fuck?” 
Grisha’s not used to having his authority questioned. Sometimes Eren is going to whine but usually he doesn’t have an issue doing his father’s bidding. Extort the local jeweler? No problem. Take care of a guy and dispose of his corpse? Done. Spy on a couple of low level Ackerman associates? He can do that in his sleep. 
Marriage though? Fuck no. That was different. That is something sacred and just for him. 
“You don’t have a choice. You’re going to go through with this, Eren. I’ve given you way too much freedom. You’re marrying Lara Tybur. End of discussion. You have dinner reservations tomorrow night at 8 pm. Make sure you’re not late and I’ll know if you two fuck this up. Now get the hell out of my office.” 
As the door closes behind the two of them, Eren is prepared to stomp down the hall but Zeke’s hand on his shoulder stops him. 
“Careful, Eren,” he warns. “Step out of line and the old man isn’t going to hesitate to give you the kiss of death.” 
Eren scowls, “And when did you become the obedient son? ” 
“You didn’t seem to have an issue when he decided that you’d join the family business. You don’t have an issue doing his dirty work. But you draw the line at marriage. Interesting. Is there someone?” 
“Fuck off, Zeke! It’s entirely fucking different and you know it! Does there have to be someone? And you’re one to talk! Pieck Finger is it?” 
“Watch it, Eren,” Zeke warns him, all amusement vanishing from his face. 
“Hit a nerve? Does the old man already know? Is that why you’re so okay with going along with it?” 
Zeke narrows his eyes, “I suggest you keep your mouth shut and do as you’re told.” 
“Whatever. I’m tired.” 
He stomps off. Zeke might be okay with this, but he definitely isn’t. He’ll do anything for this family but this was too much! And without even consulting the two of them. Shouldn’t he have a say in who he marries? 
As he silently rages, images of Mikasa Ackerman moving gracefully around the stage flood his mind. And all the rage dissipates into thin air…
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iowriteswords · 10 months
Lex Learns Batman's Identity - Preview Snippet from Flightless Birds Part 4
Lex has known Bruce Wayne for most of his life. They used to get dragged to the same boring parties, until Bruce’s parents died. (He’d disappeared for several years after that—he was too young to attend social events alone, and no one wanted to invite his guardian, who was a butler.)
Neither of them had fit in with the other kids, who’d thought that Lex was mean and Bruce was weird. This could have made them friends if they hadn’t shared their peers’ opinions of each other; as it was, they disliked each other more than the other kids disliked either of them.
He remembers one gala he’d been dragged to, the boys had been trying to set up some kind of game. One kid, he didn’t remember who, had decided, “And Lex and Bruce will be the bad guys.”
Lex hadn’t cared what his role was—he’d play the game to make the night go a little quicker, and when it was over he’d spend the rest of the summer with his mom. But Bruce had turned red and stomped his feet and insisted, “I’m not a bad guy.”
They were at an impasse. Eventually, Oliver Queen intervened. He often did, then, for obnoxious child Bruce, and later, for a very different but equally obnoxious teen Brucie, when he was old enough to come to parties without the uninvited butler. (When Bruce was six, Lex had watched him bite a man for calling him Brucie. At sixteen, it was how he introduced himself.)
“We don’t need two bad guys,” Oliver had said. “Bruce can be on my team.”
The game went on. It was a night like many others. But Lex is picturing that Bruce, tiny, red faced, indignant, insisting, “I’m not a bad guy,” when the epiphany hits.
He looks across the room at his son. His son, who now trusts him enough to do homework in his office, instead of meeting in public. His son, who’s dating, of all people, Bruce Wayne’s son.
“Are you dating Batman’s son?”
Kon stares at him. There’s that split second pause that Lex knows means he’s about to lie. “No,” he says, speaking very slowly, like he thinks Lex is stupid, “I’m dating Tim. You know that.” He pauses. “Does Batman even have kids?”
“I suspect he has seven of them. Named Tim, Jason, Dick, Cassa—”
Kon bolts out of the room at superspeed.
Well. He left his homework—he’ll be back.
It takes Kon two hours to come back. When he does, he knocks on the front door instead of the office window, and he has Tim with him.
“You forgot your homework,” Lex says. He walks back toward the office, confident the kids will follow him. He’s not about to have some sort of confrontation with a teenager in the front hallway.
Kon sits down. “Tim’ll talk to you when he’s ready,” he says, then resumes his homework.
Tim stares at Lex for a long moment, leaning against the back of Kon’s armchair. Lex waits. He’s had enough encounters with Tim by now to realize pushing him is utterly impossible.
“I was born in a different world,” he says, finally. “Six of the seven of us were. That’s why all my paperwork is fake.”
“Batman brought you here?”
“Yeah. In my world—in my world you paid a psychopath to torture me for three weeks. I was fourteen.”
Kon’s hand snakes around the side of the armchair to grab Tim’s. Otherwise, he seems occupied with his homework.
“At the end of those three weeks, my kidnapper and my world’s Batman were both dead, I was insane, and you were the president of the United States.”
“You killed him,” Lex says.
Kon’s hand squeezes Tim’s; Tim squeezes back.
“Batman’s my dad. You aren’t going to ruin another world for me. Because you love Kon. And Kon loves me.”
“I’m not going to ruin anything for you, Tim,” Lex says. He’s trying to picture an even younger version of the very young man in front of him killing Batman. It’s an unpleasant image.
“I knew Bruce flunked gym on purpose,” he says, hoping to lighten the mood.
All the tension goes out of Tim, and he smiles. “He only did it to upset you.”
Kon comes around the chair to stand pressed close to Tim. “Okay?” he asks.
“Okay,” Tim says.
Kon smiles at Lex. “Congrats on being the second smartest person in the room. Tim figured it out when he was nine.”
“Well, accounting for universal variants—”
“Oh, this world’s version of me beat you to it, too.”
Lex decides to ignore that. He checks his watch. “We have dinner reservations. Tim, you’re welcome to join us.” He’d rather have a tag-along than wait for Kon to fly him back to Gotham. And they’d probably miss the reservation. Kon doesn’t fly as quickly as Superman—Lex’s contribution to his genetics, unfortunately.
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I'll Stand By You (Wanda Maximoff/ Reader)
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Hello! We've reached Halloween in Westview. I hope you all enjoy!
Songs used: "I'll Stand By You" by The Pretenders (1994) and "This I Promise You" by NSYNC (2000)
Summary: Westview is slowly falling apart as Wanda worries reader is drifting away. With some sibling chaos. I'm bad at summaries. :)
With a sigh, you began making your way downstairs, following the sounds of the commotion. Wearily tugging at the skin-tight suit that you couldn’t seem to avoid wearing for the day.
“Woah, smokin’ costume, sis-in-law!” You heard Pietro whistle which only made you sigh again in exasperation. “If you weren’t already married to witchy over here…” He trailed off as he leaned against the wall.
You rolled your eyes, biting back a chuckle when you saw Anna smack his shoulder. “That’s my sister you’re talking to.” She warned, glaring at Pietro who just laughed in response.
“You and Mom look nice, Momma.” Billy said sweetly with a smile which you easily returned. Reaching over to affectionately ruffle his hair.
“Yeah, Mom is old Red Riding Hood and you’re old green riding hood, Momma.” Charlie said with a laugh, looking at Pietro for approval who merely held up a hand for a high five. You clutched your chest to feign hurt and gave Anna a disbelieving stare when she began to laugh as well.
Much to your annoyance Pietro then turned his attention back to you. “Let me guess, you’re a… woodland fairy queen? Or the woman of my dreams?” He finished with a wiggle of his eyebrows.
“Pietro.” Wanda warned. Anna smacked him in the back of the head.
“Yes, that’s exactly what I was going for, Pietro. I live to visually please you.” You quipped back sarcastically.
Before he could say anything else, Wanda walked over to you. Leaning in and pressing a kiss to your lips which you shortly returned. “Thank you for humoring me and wearing this… dramatic get-up, honey.”
“Well, there were no other clothes in my closet, so…” You replied flatly, watching the way Wanda’s smile faltered. Unable to stand seeing the look on her face, you attempted to lighten your tone. “I knew you had a thing for me in tights.”
Her shoulders relaxed when you posed dramatically and sent a teasing smile her way. “I have a thing for you in general.” Wanda said in a husky voice, a small smirk on her lips.
Leaning in closer you matched her smirk, “What a coincidence because I just so happen to have a thing for you as well.”
Wanda let out a quiet giggle and you smiled adoringly at the way her nose scrunched. As Wanda was leaning in again, you turned to face the rest of the family in the living room. Wanda sighed.
A short laugh escaped your lips as you watched Billy and Anna cover Pietro and Charlie’s eyes in a desperate bid to win the video game that they were playing. The laughter faded when you watched Pietro pull out sodas, teaching the twins how to chug the can and then burp much to your annoyance. Anna threw her own can at Pietro’s head.
“It’s wonderful that our siblings are so…” You paused as you watched the four begin wrestling for the remote. “Great with kids.”
Wanda nodded unconvincingly as she watched the scene by your side. “Yeah... They’re just full of surprises.”
Lightly you pat her shoulder as you stepped around her. “Well, good luck with them tonight. I’m sure it’ll be entertaining to say the least.”
Wanda turned to face you, a frown tugging down at the corners of her lips. “What?” She followed after you as you made your way to the door. “What do you mean? You’re all dressed and ready to go.”
You gestured vaguely to yourself. “I’m undercover. Ellie said there’s been mischief running amuck in the community and she suspects neighborhood watch. An inside job, Wanda! I'm an investigative journalist now.” Dramatically you tossed your cape over your shoulder for emphasis.
The frown on Wanda’s face remained as she shook her head lightly, “But that’s not what you’re supposed to…”
Skeptically you eyed Wanda. “What do you mean supposed to?”
“You didn’t tell me you had plans.” She eventually grumbled in annoyance, ignoring the question entirely.
“Well, I’m telling you now.” You replied with a small shrug.
Her eyes gleamed with frustration as if she couldn’t believe the words you were saying. “It’s the twins first Halloween. You have to be there.”
Anna and Pietro stepped over before you could get a word out. “Woah, what’s the big deal?” Pietro asked as he teasingly placing his hands in between you both like you were about to start fighting. “I’m much more fun than Y/n. No offense, you’re still smokin’.” He winked your way and you gagged.
Anna pushed him away and turned to Wanda with a reassuring smile. “It’s okay, Wanda. We can help with the twins. It’ll still be fun.”
“Uncle Petey to the rescue, huh?” Pietro added with a goofy grin.
You clapped his shoulder and turned to Wanda. “Sure… Petey. Problem solved. Have a spooky time tonight, kiddos. I love you!” You called out to Billy and Charlie who were engrossed in their game.
“Love you.” They called back distractedly, never taking their eyes off the screen.
Hesitantly you stepped back over to Wanda, ignoring the gloomy expression on her face as you lightly caressed her cheek.
With a small smile you leaned in and kissed her other check. “Be good.” You whispered before pulling away. Once again, you posed dramatically, smirking when Wanda begrudgingly replicated the action. “Time to solve this case!” With a final toss of your cape you left.
Wanda’s shoulders drooped slightly as the door closed behind you. Seconds later, you poked your head back in. “I forgot to say… you look beautiful, my love.” You called out sincerely, sending a wink Wanda’s way before shutting the door behind yourself again.
The blush on Wanda’s cheeks made both Pietro and Anna smirk in amusement.
“Unleash hell, demon spawn!” Pietro called after the twins with a smile as they walked off to one of the houses with Anna. He furrowed his eyebrows questioningly when he noticed Wanda staring at him.
Wanda attempted to force an easygoing smile on her lips. “Do you remember when we were at the orphanage and there was this song that we used to sing? The one that would play on the radio whenever the soldiers radio frequencies would interfere with the our frequencies? It went like,” Pietro just stared, his head tilted slightly. “Let me come along, ‘cause even if you’re wrong-”
“-I’ll stand by you, I’ll stand by you. Won’t let nobody hurt you. I’ll stand by you.”
You sat patiently outside the door, the music playing quietly on your phone to break up the silence that surrounded you. And possibly send a message to the woman who was currently ignoring you.
Natasha walked over and kneeled by your side. “Are you planning on staying out here all night?” In response you lifted your shoulders slightly in a small shrug. “You should at least eat something.”
“I’m not hungry.” You murmured, spinning the rings on your fingers absently.
With a sigh Natasha stood up and gently pat your head. “I’m going to bring you both food. And I expect you both to eat, even if you aren’t talking right now.”
Almost as soon as Natasha had walked away the door behind you opened, causing you to fall backwards. “You can turn the cheesy 90s music off now. I get it.” Wanda said quietly, her posture tense.
You scrambled to shut the music off and rushed to your feet. “Hi.” You said nervously.
From where you stood you could see Wanda fight a smile. “You’ve been sat outside my room for three hours and all you came up with was hi?”
Shyly you rubbed your arm. “I did have a whole speech planned out in my head but looking at you now I can’t seem to think of anything other than you.”
Wanda melted with your words and you could see the frustration in her eyes begin to fade away. “Did you really mean what you said? That you don’t care?”
Tentatively you reached out and took her hands. “Never. Not about you. I was talking about myself. I will care about you forever.” Care was a placeholder for what you truly wanted to say and you both knew it. "I'm sorry for making you think I didn't."
With a sigh, Wanda pulled you into her arms. “Well I care about you, so if you care about me you also have to care about yourself.”
You buried your face in her neck, breathing in her sweet scent. “Okay. I care...” You mumbled letting the silence wash over the moment. “Did we just have our first fight? I hated every minute of that.”
Wanda’s chuckled slightly. “Yeah. Me too…” Her eyes shone brightly with amusement as she gently tilted your head up to meet her lips, finding comfort in your touch.
You were her safety.
Impatiently Pietro snapped his fingers in Wanda’s face, squinting his eyes slightly at her expression. “You’re testing me.” He said flatly with a knowing point of his finger.
Wanda quickly feigned innocence, still shaking away the memory that had filled her mind. “No, I’m not.” She insisted.
Wanda was testing him though. She knew he wouldn’t know that song. He shouldn’t have.
In response he waved a hand dismissively as he gestured vaguely to his face. “Hey, it’s cool. I know I look different.”
Unable to help herself, Wanda nodded. Her brows furrowed. “Why do you look different?”
Pietro shrugged. “You tell me. I mean, if I found Shangri-La I wouldn’t want to be reminded of the past either.” Wanda looked back at him pensively.
Anna then rushed back with the twins. “Your turn, Uncle Petey!” She exclaimed patting Pietro on the shoulder.
“Alright, Uncle Petey’s about to maximize your candy acquisition. Not like your lame Aunt Annie over here.” He joked, ruffling Anna’s hair who just smacked his hand away. He offered a hand to Charlie who eagerly took it as Billy linked on.
Before Wanda could even blink they had sped away. “I’m beginning to think he’s a bad influence.”
Anna spun around to face her. “Beginning? I hate to break it to you, Wanda, but between the two of us I’m the only good role model here.”
Wanda just shook her head in amusement when someone in the distance caught her attention. “I’ll be right back, Anna.” Anna nodded and ran to try to catch up to the twins. Wanda made her way over to the person of interest. “Hello, Ellie.”
Ellie turned to face Wanda a mild look of surprise covering her features. “Hi, Wanda. Where’s your lovely wife?”
The polite smile that Wanda had grown so accustomed to made an appearance. “Oh, it’s okay you don’t have to be secretive. Y/n told me about the undercover piece about neighborhood watch that you have her working on.”
Curiously Ellie quirked her eyebrows. “I haven’t assigned Y/n to any undercover pieces.”
Wanda’s smile wavered slightly. “Oh. I thought… I thought she…” Her lips pulled down slightly in thought.
Ellie shifted nervously in the silence as her brows furrowed in concern. “Is there something I can do for you, Wanda?” She continued on before Wanda could utter a response. “Do you want something changed?”
A confused chuckle fell from Wanda’s lips. “No. It’s fine. I must have just misheard her this morning.”
“If you say so. Tell Y/n I said hello.” Ellie finally replied, sending a wink Wanda’s way as she walked off.
“Hey, that woman looked so much like Amelia. Y/n loved her.” Wanda jumped at Anna’s sudden appearance. Her eyes clouded over when she processed what the teenage girl had just said.
“This is so lame. I can’t believe you’re making them return all the candy.” Pietro grumbled with a roll of his eyes.
Wanda crossed her arms indignantly. “Well, I can’t believe what a bad influence you are.”
“That’s why I’m better.” Anna added in a sing song voice.
Pietro sneered. “Oh, shut it, pipsqueak. We’re here to do the exact same thing, okay? Come to town unexpectedly, create tension with the sis-in-law, stir up trouble with the rugrats and ultimately… Give Wanda grief.”
Anna huffed when Wanda looked at her suspiciously. “I mean, that’s what you wanted, isn’t it?” She asked, her tone dripping with irritation that was a stark contrast to her positive attitude earlier.
The confusion at the situation caused Wanda to purse her lips as she allowed herself to consider the two people before her. “Anna, weren’t you six when Hydra… I mean, you weren’t a teenager when you…” She trailed off slightly, not wanting to finish the thought.
The younger girl rolled her eyes defensively. “Look, that was years ago. I aged. That’s what happens inn life, isn’t it?” Anna crossed her arms when Wanda didn't seem convinced. “I don’t know, okay?”
Wanda frowned slightly then turned her attention to Pietro. “And you. What happened to your accent?”
“What happened to yours?” Pietro countered defensively. He sighed when Wanda leveled him with an unimpressed stare. “Look. Details are fuzzy, man. For both of us. All I remember is getting shot like a chump in the streets for no reason at all. Next thing I know, I heard you calling us.”
Anna stepped forward, nodding along with Pietro. “We knew you needed us.”
The words hung in the air like an unanswered question. “Uncle P, Auntie A, guess what?” Charlie shouted excitedly effectively ending the conversation as she rushed over with Billy.
“There’s a treasure bag with full sized candy bars on the lamp post!” Billy pointed up eagerly at the post that was hanging directly above their heads. “Mom, can you help us get it?”
The sound of metal crunching filled the air as Charlie waved a hand. The lamppost giving way easily as she skipped over and took the bag off the light. “Next stop, Cavity Town!” She cheered as she walked back over and passed one of the treats to Billy.
“My niece is a badass!” Pietro hollered as he lifted Charlie on his shoulders. Wanda couldn't help the pride that bubbled in her chest as she watched her daughter's powers develop. She wished you would have been there to see it too. “Just like your uncle P! Chip off the old Maximoff block!”
Anna coughed pointedly. “Manipulating earth and metal? Sounds a lot like the badass comes from my genes.”
“It’s okay, baby. You can take it slow, and you can-” Wanda’s words were interrupted as Charlie began flying through the sky, cheering all the while. Wanda shook her head in amusement at the way Charlie smoothly flew through the air, her smile unwavering.
Billy watched his twin excitedly which Wanda took note of.
When Charlie floated too low, Wanda grabbed her foot and gently pulled her down. “If you’re going to explore, please just take your brother with you.” Wanda said seriously.
“Really?” Billy asked happily.
“Really?” Charlie repeated with a pout.
Wanda bit back a smile as she nodded. “Really. And please, just remember-”
“Don’t go past Ellis Avenue.” They responded in unison.
“We know, Mom. We know.” Charlie said dismissively as she offered her hand to Billy and a moment later they floated into the air.
Pietro and Anna shook their heads. “Be careful! I love you!” Wanda shouted after the twins.
For the past several hours a feeling of discomfort had settled in your chest as you wandered the city of Westview. The feeling reached its breaking point when you watched a woman frozen in time, replicating the same action again and again. The moment solidified your resolve. You needed to see what was outside this city. To see if all these odd occurrences were just that… odd occurrences.
You didn’t want to believe it was Wanda. It couldn’t be.
In a bid of desperation, you took advantage of one of your new-found skills and allowed yourself to fly into the skies of Westview. Everything looked completely normal... Except for one set of lights stopped strangely at the edge of the town.
Curiosity got the better of you as you flew over to investigate the scene. The sight of the stalled car unnerved you as you wearily made your way over to the driver’s side. “Agnes? What are you doing here?”
Despite the question, Agnes continued to stare off into the distance, almost as if you weren’t there at all. “Took a wrong turn.” She lifted her shoulders in a slight shrug. You worriedly took note of the way her eyes were glossed over with unshed tears despite her face being completely void of emotion. “Got lost.”
Her words were monotonous which was so out of character for the woman you’d seen before. You frowned. “Lost? In the town you grew up in?” There was no response from the other woman as she continued to stare blankly ahead. Your fingers tingled with uneasy energy. “I wonder…” Hesitantly you lifted your hand until it hovered over her temple. You closed your eyes as you focused, becoming one with the earth’s current until a short burst of light drifted from the tips of your fingers into the side of Agnes’ temple.
With a gasp, she sprung back to life. Agnes desperately took your hands, pulling you down. “You! You’re one of the Avengers! Are you here to help us?”
“I do want to help.” You assured her. “But what’s an Avenger?”
Agnes pulled her hands away as if she’d been burned. “What? Why don’t you know?” Suddenly she began patting herself down anxiously. “Am I dead?”
Your brows furrowed in concern. “No, no, why would you think that?”
There was a brief pause before Agnes turned her attention back to you. “Because you are.”
The tightness in your chest increased tenfold. “I am what?”
“Dead. You’re dead. Dead, Dead!” Agnes shouted hysterically causing you to flinch back involuntarily.
Determinedly you pushed forward again, ignoring her words. “Agnes, I want to help. I’m going to get help. To reach someone outside of Westview and figure everything out.”
“How? No one leaves. Wanda won’t even let us think about it.” Manic laughter startled you into silence as she continued. “All is lost. We’ll never escape her.”
Despite numerous attempts to call out to her, Agnes’ laughter never stopped. The unsteady tingling in your fingers began again as you took a deep breath and grounded yourself with the earth once more. You lifted your hand to her temple and almost as soon as the light entered her temple the laughter stopped.
“I will fix this.” You declared softly.
A caricature of a smile overcame her features. “Alrighty, neighbor!” She said as she turned the car around. “Happy Halloweenie!”
With a new sense of determination, you marched forward into the open field in the distance. The soft buzzing of static becoming louder and louder the further into the field you ventured.
Cautiously you reached a hand out to touch where the sound seemed to be coming from only to be met with resistance even though nothing was there. Confusion took hold of your emotions as you watched the costume you were wearing transform into your typical clothes as you pushed your arm through the energy barrier.
Knowing this was the only way, you pushed forward, feeling as if your mind was being wiped clean the further you walked.
The pain was becoming unbearable, but you knew you couldn’t turn back.
As the pain worsened, a quiet song began playing in your mind, almost as it was attempting to comfort you.
“Hey, hey, it’s okay. Look at me.” A soft hand on your face tilted your chin up. Her eyes were flooded with worry but her gentle touch brought you comfort. “This might hurt a bit, but we have to do this.”
A soft groan fell from your lips as you could feel the first stitch begin to close your wound. “Wait, wait.” You hissed, pushing her hand away from your bleeding side.
Her fingers gently brushed through your hair. “Y/n. You’re bleeding, we need to stitch this up now.” You knew she was right, but you still wanted to roll away. The woman quickly scrambled to her feet, stepping away for a moment before rushing back with a small device in her hands. “Here. Focus on the music. Focus on me. Not on the pain.”
“I've loved you forever, in lifetimes before and I promise never will you hurt anymore. I give you my word, I give you my heart. This is a battle we’ve won and with this vow, forever has now begun…”
When the song from the radio reached your ears, a choked laugh fell from your lips despite the pain you were in. “Did you plan for the cheesiest 90s song to play?”
In response she smiled ever so slightly, but her eyes remained focused on the task. “I didn’t, I swear. Guess I just got lucky.”
“Yeah. Me too…”
Staring up at her made it impossible for you to focus on anything else as you processed the words that floated from the radio. She was done before the song had even finished. You didn’t feel a thing.
“I didn’t see they were government agents.” You murmured guiltily after a moment as you watched her wrap your now stitched up side.
Her concerned eyes met yours. “Y/n, I don’t blame you. I’m just glad you’re okay. I was so scared I wouldn’t get there in time. That I wouldn’t be able to protect you. I... care about you.” Her words were sincere as her thumb lightly caressed your cheek. The placeholder word from your past making a comeback.
The small box of a room that was your newest hideout was dingy, but with her here it was the most beautiful place in the world.
Your chest tightened with familiar feelings that you spent so long avoiding. “Can you hold me?” You looked away as you asked, still not used to the vulnerability.
“Of course.” She breathed out, carefully helping you to bed before gathering you in her arms. Her heartbeat against your ear was the sweetest song you had ever heard. You had never felt safer than when you were in her arms.
Wanda was your safety.
“Wanda.” You gasped out, feeling yourself refocus on the current world around you as thoughts of Wanda flashed through your mind. Of Wanda smiling. Of Wanda laughing. Of Wanda crying. It was all there again.
Until it wasn’t.
With a gasp you fell to the floor, clutching your head, feeling yourself – your mind - begin to fade away.
“Why aren’t you helping her? Something is wrong with her, she needs help!” You heard a voice scream anxiously. You looked up just in time to see the woman get held back by someone. “Steve! Natasha! Help her!” She cried out holding her ear as a man tugged her arm down and handcuffed her to a car.
Despite the pain coursing through your veins you continued to weakly crawl forward. The threat of losing consciousness and the sense of who you were increasing the further out you moved from the barrier. “Th-they need h-elp.” You gritted out, not remembering why, but knowing it was why you were there. One of your arms gave out from under you as you fought to keep your eyes open.
The bespectacled woman watched you with growing concern, tugging desperately at the handcuffs that kept her in place. “Steve, Natasha, you need to hurry.” She said quietly, her eyes widening when you fell to the floor.
Everything went dark.
There was a comfortable silence in the air and Wanda could almost allow herself to relax as she sat on one of the bales of hay while the twins played on their own in the town square.
“Where were you hiding all these kids up until now?” Pietro suddenly questioned with a smirk.
“What?” Wanda replied in surprise.
Anna leaned back on her hands, feigning amusement. “I assume she let them all sleep peacefully in their beds.” She picked at the hay in disinterest. “No need to traumatize beyond the occasional holiday cameo, right?”
Pietro rolled his eyes. “Hey, back off. She’s the empathetic twin.”
“I don’t-… I didn’t-” Wanda stuttered. Anna smirked slightly.
Waving his hands dismissively, Pietro continued. “She handled all the ethical considerations of this scenario as best she could.” Wanda’s mind seemed to be put at ease as Pietro’s speech continued. “Families and couples stayed together, most personalities are the same, people got better jobs. Better style, for sure.”
Flicking a piece of hay at Pietro’s head, Anna added. “Convincing my sister that she’s in love with her.”
Wanda turned her head sharply at Anna’s words. “What do you mean convincing? Y/n loves me.” Her brows furrowed as she considered Anna’s words. “She does.”
A laugh fell from Anna’s lips. “You can cut the act, Wanda. Pietro and I know everything.”
“I’m not acting. Y/n and I love each other.” Wanda defended quietly, trying desperately not to let Anna’s words get to her.
Anna shrugged. “If that’s what you need to tell yourself. Y/n was in love with Amelia- sorry, you renamed her Ellie.” She smirked when she saw Wanda’s fingers flex slightly. “They were soulmates. They made the best team. I’ve never seen Y/n more in love than she was with her.”
Wanda’s jaw clenched, and Anna’s smirk grew.
“Do it. Make her go away.” Pietro encouraged Wanda when familiar red tendrils began drifting from her fingers.
Anna tilted her head in mock sympathy. “What? You don’t want to hear the truth?”
With a wave of her hand, Anna slumped on the hay. Pietro cheered. “She’s just sleeping. She’ll be up in a few minutes.” Wanda said quietly, feeling the shame creep up on her as she tried to shake Anna’s words. Pietro laughed, and she turned to face him. “You don’t think it’s wrong?” Wanda asked quietly, her voice uncertain.
“What, are you kidding? I’m impressed! Seriously.” He admitted with a knowing smile. “It’s a pretty big leap from giving people nightmares and shooting red wiggly-woos out of your hands.”
For a moment Wanda stared off in the distance, allowing his words to wash over her.
“How’d you even do all this?” He finally asked. Wanda shifted uncomfortably at the question. “Hey, I’m not some stranger, or your wife, or your wife’s annoying little sister. I'm your brother. You can talk to me.”
Wanda’s eyes began to glisten to unshed tears as she thought over his question. “I don’t know how I did it.” She admitted quietly. “I… I only remember feeling completely alone. Like I was drowning. Just… Endless nothingness. Empty.” A tear fell down Wanda’s cheek.
“Mom! Mom!” Wanda heard Billy call out to her frantically as he ran over with Charlie following closely behind him. Wanda quickly composed herself.
Rushing over to the twins, Wanda felt dread build in her chest. “What is it, Billy?”
“I hear Momma. In my head! She’s in trouble.” The fear on his face made Wanda’s concern increase tenfold as her stomach dropped. “I don’t know understand. What’s happening to me?”
Wanda placed comforting hands on his shoulders as she struggled to control her emotions. “Where is she? Where is your mother?”
“Hey, don’t sweat it, sis. It’s not like your dead wife can die twice.” Pietro flippantly replied with a chuckle.
Anger. That's all she felt when Pietro spoke so dismissively about you. Unable to control her anger, Wanda shot out a hand as Pietro was sent flying back from the force of her powers.
Taking a breath, Wanda turned back to her terrified son. “Billy, I need you to focus.”
Closing his eyes, Billy began recounting what he saw. “I can’t tell. I see these… soldiers.” Wanda tensed even more. Billy gasped. “They think she’s dying!”
For a moment Wanda was sure her heart stopped.
Thinking quickly, she turned away from Billy, her eyes glowing red.
Steve and Natasha ran up just as the walls of the barriers began moving forward. They continued to sprint forward while Haywards minions made desperate attempts to run away.
“Y/n!” Steve cried out, feeling fear seep into his bones when he saw your lifeless form sprawled out on the empty field. On numb legs he began moving faster. Hopelessly, he was forced to watch the red energy wash over you once again.
Natasha cursed as they lost sight of your body. The red barrier continued to push forward when they were mere feet away from Darcy. “Fu-” They heard her mumble through a wince as she also became lost behind the barrier.
“We have to get in there!” Steve shouted.
With determination, Natasha nodded. “Let’s try.” A moment later they were pushing against the red energy that was fighting against letting them in.
Annnnnd we have concluded with the 90s! Chaos is the main population of Westview right now. A lot happened here. I'm not even sure what to say to be completely honest. A little nervous about this part.
As always, thoughts and comments are always welcome! Let me know what you think. :)
@theofficialzivadavid // @tquick99 // @abimess // @marrymemcgrath // @the-camilucha // @afuckingshituniverse //@pxterstrk // @aimezvousbrahms // @ensorcellme // @sapphicshots
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volleychumps · 4 years
hiii cld i req for a scenario where tsukki, kageyama, iwa and semi send u home at night after a date or school?? thankyou!
Sending You Home. w/ Tsukishima, Kageyama, Iwaizumi, and Semi 
“You’re late.” 
“No one told you to wait!” 
Your reply was light-hearted and slipped off grinning lips, the tall blonde before you simply rolling his eyes while tilting his head ever so slightly in the direction of his home. He pockets his music player, shrugging his shoulders before spinning on his heel.
“You know what? You’re right.” 
“Tsukki!” You whine, falling a few steps behind him while pouting. Tsukishima wasn’t the most doting boyfriend, but he still cared...? You thought so at least, seeing the way he casually slowed his walking pace so you could catch up with him without even looking at you, seeing you were a bit more sleepy than usual as he smirks at the feel of you casually slipping your hand into his. 
The air was filled with it’s normal comfortable silence as you trailed next to him, eyes cast downward at your shoes a bit tiredly as you fail to notice the slight glance your boyfriend had casted you. You yelp at the tug on your shoulder, seeing that Tsukki had easily gotten a grip on your bag strap to pull it from you, shouldering it onto his own shoulder. 
“Don’t faint on my watch, dumbass.”
“And they chivalry is dead.” You sigh romantically, Tsukishima not being able to handle the slight quirk to his lips before clearing his throat to cover it. Your house was close now, and you stifle another yawn before slowing your pace so that Tsukishima can get there first.
The blonde stilled in place when he feels you touch your forehead to his back, leaning on him for support as your arms lazily droop around his mid-section. He turns slightly to narrow his eyes at you, his annoyed glance dropping at the sight of how tired you actually looked. 
He clicks his tongue, turning fully to squish your cheeks with both hands.
“If you don’t get your ass into that house and into bed-” 
“Right, kaa-san.” 
Tsukishima’s brow twitches at your lazy grin, and just as you think he’s just about had it, he sighs before hugging you to him tightly, you yelping a little into his shoulder. 
“Take care of yourself, okay? I don’t need more to worry about.” 
“Oh so you worry about me?” 
“Just get inside.”
“See you tomorrow mom!” You chirp, spinning on your heel before blowing an overdrmatic kiss his way, hand on the door to your entrance before his voice stops you again. 
“And Y/N?” 
At the lack of a slightly degrading nickname, you turn with a confused expression as Tsukishima rubs the back of his neck with a slight hue to his cheeks, already turning in the opposite direction. 
“I’ll always wait for you after school, idiot. No one has to ask me.” 
“Tobio, I said you didn’t have to.” 
“I-It’s fine, I want to!”
“Okay but,” you sweatdrop, looking behind you to see the dark-haired boy at least a good six feet behind you, causing him to stop abruptly. “...why are you so far away?” 
“hAHA you’re right.” 
You shake your head with a small smile at his awkward antics, waiting for him to catch up to you with robotic-like movements. Kageyama was just too cute, dressed in a shirt that had a collar too tight, posture straightened as if he were listening to a higher-up. Your first date was filled with awkward silence and flustered moments, but you couldn’t help but find that a bit endearing as he spilled water onto the restaurant floor and pulled a push door. 
“A-Are you cold?!” 
“Not really- Tobio if you don’t have a jacket keep your shirt on-” 
“I have an undershirt-?”
“I’m fine!” You stop his hands from undoing his shirt buttons, heat searing onto your cheeks as you fight back a few giggles at the socially introverted boy, Kageyama freaking out at the feel of your hands on his before stepping away abruptly in a panicked motion. 
You sigh, stepping forward to close the distance between the two of you again before fiddling with the two top buttons with a click of your tongue. 
“You’re wearing this shirt too tight, see?” 
“You’re right...” Kageyama sighs, groaning into his palm as all the tension in his body seems to drain, the stature of his body wilting as you arch an eyebrow at the sudden change in demeanor. 
“I messed up tonight, didn’t I?” 
“I spilled all that damn water-” 
“I even forgot that you don’t play volleyball and you still listened to me talk about it forever...” Kageyama rambles dejectedly, and you listen with an easy smile on your face, taking the opportunity to take the last step forward. 
“You could probably do a lot better than-” 
Blue eyes widen at the feel of a pair of lips pressing softly against his cheek, the setter staring owlishly at you for a good three seconds as you bite your lip nervously, heat ensuing on both of your cheeks as you chuckle and continue to fiddle with his collar. 
“I really really enjoyed tonight. So how about you just finish walking me home?” 
You giggle, beginning to walk again before sweat dropping. 
“Tobio, beside me.” 
You shake your head in amused disbelief as Kageyama seems to still be internally panicking, not expecting a warm hand to slip into yours when he finally steps to your side. You blink, looking at him as he refuses to meet your eyes, grip on your hand tightening. 
“L-Let’s go?” 
You smile warmly, leaning your head on his stiff shoulder as you walk. 
“Yeah. Let’s.” 
“...why are you following me?” 
“Oi. Stop making me sound like a creep.” 
You laugh at Iwa’s irritated stare, lowering your bag from it’s raised position at the suspect in question as he sighs, taking large steps to walk at your side. Your friend bonked your head lightly with his knuckle as you whine, Iwa smirking slightly at your look of betrayal. 
“Who am I, Oikawa?” 
“Nah, you’re like one level above him. Keep it up though and I’ll lower it.” 
“Why do you walk me home anyways if you’re just going to insult me?” 
“It’s night. Knowing you, you’d get kidnapped and ask to stop at McDonalds.” 
“Meanie.” You sniff, the cold air biting at your nose a little before you wipe at it, a shiver coursing through your body that didn’t go unnoticed by your friend as you walked, causing him to slow his pace in growing irritation. 
“...you didn’t bring your jacket? Again?” 
“Bite me, Mr. Weatherman.” 
Iwa rolls his eyes before shuffling in his gym bag as he walks, putting an arm out to stop you in place before going to grab your bag from you. His stare hardens when you shake your head no, sighing before snatching it anyways. 
“Hands up.” 
“I know you said I deserve to be arrested, but this is going a bit too far-” 
“Before you catch a cold, dimwit.” Iwa rolls his eyes as you grin cheekily, a small smirk on his lips at your antics as he tugs his hoodie over your figure, almost as if he were dressing a child. You smile at the warmth, thinking this was more than enough until he takes the scarf from around his neck as well, wrapping it around you as your eyes widen. 
His dark eyes stare into yours for a second before he finishes looping it until you’re all bundled up, and you blink in bewilderment as Iwa looks at you like what?
“I have my own jacket so don’t even worry.” 
“You really care about me, huh?” You grin, causing him to stall.
“Don’t get ahead of yourself, scatterbrain.” Iwa rolls his eyes, beginning to walk in the direction of your home before pausing when you don’t follow. He tilts his head as your chest pounds with a foreign feeling, seeing your friend in a light that you never had before. 
“You comin or what?” 
“I’m keeping these!” You chirp, picking up the pace to walk at his side before Iwa pockets his hands- 
a hard thump in his chest at the way your eyes glittered with his actions. 
“Keep them. They look better on you anyways.”
Not that you knew that, of course. 
“Can’t hear you. I’m walking you home.” 
You sigh a little, hand falling at your third attempt of holding his hand, the finality in his voice making you a bit sad. Did he want this date to be over already?
Semi Eita was not a man who picked up on signals easily, and blatantly refused your offer of simply taking the bus by yourself home simply because he was worried. Not that you would realize that on a first date, of course. 
“Did you...not enjoy tonight?” The words slip your lips when he stops in front of your home, your friend stopping in place at your question as you bite your lip, shuffling in place. “I’m sorry if I...” 
“What’re you talking about?” 
You blink when he glances back at you, the rings on his fingers glittering under the moonlight as he sighs, running a hand through his hair as if he were exasperated with himself. 
“No. I did. I really enjoyed tonight.” 
“You did?” You smile weakly, and Semi takes another step towards you a tad guiltily, looking down at you before you swallow tightly when his finger traces the contour of your chin. 
“I’m just...really bad at expressing myself sometimes. I wanted to get you home safe, sorry if I scared you by being all intimidating. It wards off the weirdos.” 
Your relieved laugh has Semi’s lips curling into a slight smile, his hand resting atop your head as his brown eyes sharply bore into yours, and you hold your breath as he seems to lean a bit closer. 
“...You should get inside, now.” 
“...right.” You agree, acting as if the disappointment wasn’t weighing on your chest. You brush past him, smiling softly at him to take the first step up to your porch-
“Dammit, screw this first date bullcrap-” 
And then his ringed fingers were on your waist, spinning you slightly to turn in his direction as his other hand cupped your cheek gently, contrasting with how brash usually was. You melt into the kiss from atop your porch steps, and Semi pulls back breathing heavily before grinning at your dazed features, breath brushing against your lips.
“Okay now you can go inside.” 
General Works:
@takemetovalhalla @savemesteeb @kasandrafaye @dreebbles @yams046 @aprettyfruit @therestless101 @dai-tsukki-desu @lifeisntjustblackandwhite @curiouslilbeast @wisepandaslimeland @deadontheinsidebut @lmkjimin @h0ngh0ngh0ng @orangegiraffe7 @let-me-have-my-own-name @theworldupthere @itz-tooru
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becomewings · 3 years
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BTS Universe Timeline
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Content warning: contains references to death, suicide, suicidal ideation, child abuse, domestic violence, blood, homicide, depression, trauma, PTSD
This guide contains major spoilers from all BU media
Revisions and additions will be made as necessary, so please visit the original post for the most up-to-date version (update log is included at bottom of post)
All names are provided as fully as known
Bracketed dates are inferred or calculated from references in the text
While the timeline is presented here as objectively as possible, I acknowledge that there is a level of subjectivity in choosing which information is significant enough for inclusion and in certain connections drawn between entries
Please inform me of any suspected errors; I will investigate and correct them
Do not repost, copy, or quote without permission
School Years: Together & Apart
    - March Year 19 through 10 April Year 22 -
2 March Year 19 Notes 1 (SJ)
Ten days after returning from the U.S., SeokJin and his father visit the principal’s office at his new school. SeokJin learns that he will start one grade lower due to the different education systems. SeokJin’s father grips his shoulder while the principal explains that school is a “dangerous place” that needs to be “tightly controlled.” He asks: “You know you have to keep me informed, right? You’ll be a good student, right?” SeokJin squeezes out a “yes” and his father lets go. Both ChangJun and the principal laugh. SeokJin looks down at their shining shoes, wondering from where the light is coming.
Note: SeokJin’s 25 June Year 19 entry in Notes 1 specifies that his father attended the same high school. JiMin’s 23 July Year 22 entry in Notes 2 reveals that, according to a comment he finds on an online news article, ChangJun and the principal were in school at the same time and fought with each other “as if it would only end when one of them dropped dead,” but they appeared to get along later due to politics.
3 March Year 19 BTS Universe Story: The Boy on the Threshold, ep.1
On the first day of school at Songju Jeil High School, the Dean of Students berates the six latecomers lined up outside: SeokJin, NamJoon, HoSeok, JiMin, TaeHyung, and JungKook. YoonGi arrives even later. The Dean assigns them one month of community service as punishment. When he notices SeokJin, he clears his throat and says he is letting them off because it’s the first day: they must all assemble after classes to clean the annex, a classroom turned into a storage room. This room becomes their meeting place and hideout even after their punishment is finished.
Note: Their punishment for being late is referenced in JiMin’s 12 March Year 19 entry in Notes 1, when he escapes to the old classroom again and finds the others already there. He observes that it feels as though they’ve been “hanging out together forever.” The punishment scene is also similar to a moment in the BTS Begins Middle Scene VCR. Although it includes a few extra students and cannot be confirmed as BU content, it does mirror the canonical detail of YoonGi arriving last.
28 May Year 19 Notes: Answer
In the classroom hideout, JungKook asks everyone what their dreams are because he has to write a paper about future hopes. SeokJin wants to become a good person, and YoonGi says it’s okay to have no dream. TaeHyung poses on a chair and says he’s going to be a superhero. HoSeok scolds him and adds that he wants to find his mom and live happily. JiMin asks him if he is unhappy now, and HoSeok pulls an exaggeratedly worried expression. “Is that how it works?” JiMin is flustered when HoSeok asks what his dream is and remembers that when he was in preschool he wanted to be president, but didn’t know what he wanted after that. Everyone looks at NamJoon, who shrugs and confesses that while he wants to say something nice, he doesn’t have a dream either and just wishes that his part-time job pays more. JungKook looks down at his assignment, divided into sections for “student” and “parent,” and wonders what he hopes to become. He can’t think of anything to write.
12 June Year 19 — The Sea Notes 1
YoonGi’s entry:
All seven boys cut school and decide to go to the sea. They have little money between them, so they must walk to the train station. As they leave, YoonGi almost bumps into JiMin and realizes that he is standing frozen with a trembling face. JiMin stares at a sign that reads “2.1km to Grass Flower Arboretum.” YoonGi flatly tells him that it’s too hot to go to the arboretum. He has an “instinctive feeling” that they should avoid it. He observes that JiMin walks away like a little kid, head bent and shoulders hunched.
JungKook’s entry:
The boys arrive at the beach. They hang around under a torn parasol until HoSeok holds up a discovery on his phone: a large rock that is supposed to grant your dream if you stand atop it and shout your dream out to the sea. TaeHyung encourages them to go. While they grumble in the heat on the long trek, JungKook reflects on how he had recently asked the others what their dreams were. (See 28 May Year 19.) None of them really have a dream to pursue.
YoonGi tells JungKook to stop biting his nails or else they’ll become like his. Then he asks JungKook what his dream is. Having never thought about it, JungKook doesn’t know. He hesitates and then asks what a dream is. HoSeok rattles off a few definitions from his phone. YoonGi questions, “How can something that you want to achieve most in your life and something that is unlikely to come true both be called a dream? … Don’t ever try to have a dream.” JungKook asks why. At his glance, YoonGi stops biting his nails and puts his hands in his pockets. “Because it’s tough having one.” JungKook is curious about why YoonGi bites his nails but doesn’t ask. He recalls that it has been a habit since his childhood to hurt himself. He remembers cutting his finger on a knife badly enough that his mom took him to the hospital, but she didn’t take care of him after they went home. His wound healed slowly because he kept pressing it; the pain helped him feel awake. Even now, he sometimes feels hollow.
TaeHyung asks how much longer they have to walk. HoSeok is puzzled, saying they should be close. They gaze around the empty, pebbled beach. JiMin sighs and reads aloud from an article on his phone. A resort will be built on this beach, and the construction company blew up the rock. They notice the cordoned off construction zone. They try to reassure each other to remain positive, but they all feel the disappointment of walking all that way for nothing. JungKook notices YoonGi biting his nails again and tries to stop him, but he is interrupted by a loud drilling noise. JungKook looks past him at the sea and all that remains of the dream-granting rock, the pebbles under their feet. “Is the world tough for you, too?” he asks, but YoonGi can’t hear him. JungKook screams again. “Do you want to give up on this world, too?” HoSeok and TaeHyung laugh at their mimed conversation. They all look out to the sea and shout their dreams. The drilling is so loud that they can’t hear each other. JungKook cannot even hear his own dream. When the noise stops, they cut off abruptly and laugh. SeokJin suggests that they take a photo. He sets the timer and runs to join their row, the sea behind them. They walk back to the train station. JungKook asks if he can keep the photo. SeokJin writes “June 12” on the back and gives it to him, telling him that his dream will come true. JungKook asks if SeokJin knows what he shouted to the sea, and SeokJin merely taps his shoulder and strides ahead.
BTS Universe Story : The Boy on the Threshold, ep.3
JungKook’s memory of the beach trip follows a similar structure to the scene in Notes 1, plus a notable addition. After they fail to find the dream-granting boulder, JungKook climbs up on the pier railing. He thinks: “I’ve always liked walking on the edge of walls or on top of lines. Focusing on centering my gravity means that I don’t really think of anything else, and the boundary—not quite a part of either place—always felt like where I should be.” Someone grabs his arm while he precariously balances. YoonGi tells him not to do that, and JungKook assures him that he won’t fall.
“YoonGi would often grab my arm when I walked on railings. The others would look after me, too, after seeing him do that. I liked their helping hands. It felt like they were telling me that I should go to them. That this wasn’t my place. Maybe their hands were why I walked on the railings.”
25 June Year 19 Notes 1 (SJ)
Alone in the classroom hideout, SeokJin finds a plant by the window. He takes pictures with his phone but doesn’t think they capture what the human eye sees. He notices that “HoSeok’s plant” is scribbled on the floor beneath the pot and then realizes that the window sills, walls, and ceiling are covered with graffiti and drawings, messages left behind by the students who once passed through that room. He wonders if there were past teachers who used violence and endless tests or students like him who ratted out their friends to the principal. Since his father also attended that high school, SeokJin looks for his name on the walls and finds it with a phrase written underneath: “Everything started from here.”
Note: TaeHyung, JiMin, NamJoon, and YoonGi discover several other familiar names near Kim ChangJun (SeokJin’s father) on the classroom wall in TaeHyung’s 23 July Year 22 entry from 7’s album Notes and the extended version in Notes 2.
30 August Year 19 Notes: Her
JiMin plays in HoSeok’s shadow while he is on the phone, reflecting on how HoSeok has accompanied him on the two-hour walk home since the beginning of the school semester. JiMin eventually realized that HoSeok didn’t live in the same direction but never questioned him, simply hoping that their time walking together would stretch the day out a little longer. HoSeok finishes on the phone and chases after him while the cicadas sing and their ice creams melt. Suddenly, JiMin is afraid, wondering how many of these days are left.
20 March Year 20 Notes 1 (TH)
TaeHyung sneaks up on NamJoon in the hallway by their classroom hideout. He stops when he hears SeokJin’s voice inside, apparently informing the principal about how TaeHyung and YoonGi had ditched school and got in a fight over the past few days. SeokJin throws open the door, phone in hand, and looks flustered to see NamJoon standing there. TaeHyung hides in a corner and is shocked to hear NamJoon assure him, “It’s OK. There must’ve been a good reason.” HoSeok and JiMin find TaeHyung in the hallway, and HoSeok pulls him into the classroom. NamJoon beams at TaeHyung as though nothing strange has happened. Believing that NamJoon “must have his reasons” because he is more intelligent and mature, TaeHyung decides not to tell anyone about the conversation he overheard.
15 May Year 20 Notes 1 (NJ)
NamJoon visits the classroom hideout on his last day of school. Two weeks prior, his family decided that they needed to move due to complications with his father’s health and their overdue rent. NamJoon tries to write a message on a piece of paper. He scribbles “I must survive” before the pencil lead snaps. He crumples the paper and writes in the dust on the window instead.
“No farewell message would be enough to let the others know how I felt. At the same time, no farewell message was needed to make myself understood. ‘See you again.’ It was a wish, rather than a promise.”
Note: “I must survive” is a recurring message tied to NamJoon in the BU MVs. See also 17 December Year 21.
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7 June Year 20 Notes: Persona
TaeHyung’s two month old puppy Dubu slips out of the leash and disappears while he is distracted on his phone. TaeHyung runs around the neighborhood looking for him, first angry at the puppy and then blaming himself. When Dubu returns on his own, TaeHyung is filled with the unfamiliar feeling that he is someone who can be relied on.
11 June Year 20 BTS Universe Story: The Boy on the Threshold, ep.5 Everyone’s Place
In the classroom hideout, JungKook listens to YoonGi playing the piano. The sound of the music makes him feel as if YoonGi understands how he feels and is trying to console him. The Dean of Students forces the door open, demanding why they are there. He berates and slaps JungKook, knocking him to the floor. YoonGi steps between them and shoves the teacher’s shoulder. The dean warns him that he had better be prepared for the consequences of putting his hands on a teacher and then leaves. Despite his throbbing cheek, JungKook smiles because it is the first time someone has protected him, and the feeling of getting closer to YoonGi makes him giddy. For the next two weeks, YoonGi does not come to school.
25 June Year 20 Notes 1
JungKook’s entry:
JungKook tries to play the piano in the classroom hideout, unable to make it sound like YoonGi did. He reflects on the rumor that YoonGi was expelled after the events of 11 June and wonders if YoonGi would still be here playing the piano if JungKook had not been there that day when the teacher appeared.
YoonGi’s entry:
Breathing hard, YoonGi arrives at his bedroom, removes a half-burned piano key from an envelope in his desk drawer, and throws it into the trash can. He remembers a day four years ago when he returned to their burned down home and found a skeleton of the piano where his mother’s room used to stand. He noticed several piano keys on the ground and took one of them, wondering what note it was and how many times her fingers touched it. In the present, YoonGi thinks how unbearable living under his father’s rule is and recalls what happened that day: he is officially expelled from school. He picks up the piano key again and hurls it out the window.
“I couldn’t hear the piano key hit the ground. Now I’d never know what note it made. It’d never make a sound again. I’d never play the piano again.”
17 July Year 20 Notes 1 (SJ)
At the end of the last school day before summer vacation, SeokJin tries to leave quickly but is hailed by HoSeok and JiMin. No one knows that he was pressured by the principal and revealed their hideout, which led to JungKook and YoonGi being discovered (11 June) and the latter’s expulsion (25 June). HoSeok wishes SeokJin a good vacation and to keep in touch, but he can’t reply.
“My first day at this school crossed my mind as I passed through the school gate. We were all late and got punished. But we were together, so we could laugh together. I had ruined all those memories we shared.”
Note: Variations of the sentiment “we can laugh when we’re together” recur throughout BU.
15 September Year 20 Notes 1 (HS)
In the hospital emergency room, HoSeok wants to explain how JiMin had a seizure at the bus stop to his mother, Sim SeonMi. When the doctors wheel JiMin’s bed out, HoSeok begins to follow until SeonMi thanks him and touches his shoulder. He feels like she has drawn a line between them that he cannot cross. He falls to the floor, and when he looks up, JiMin’s bed is gone.
Note: The name of JiMin’s mother is specified in his BTS Universe Story arc, Stopped Time. JiMin’s 11 May Year 22 entry in Notes 1 reflects that he blacked out at the bus stop after seeing the window of the Grass Flower Arboretum shuttle bus open. His 12 August Year 22 entry in Notes 2 reveals the real cause of JiMin’s seizure at the bus stop: he sees the boy that he left behind at the arboretum warehouse on 6 April Year 11. Though the boy’s empty eyes no longer speak to JiMin, this chance encounter awakens his memories of that day.
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28 September Year 20 Notes: Her and Smeraldo Books Twitter
JiMin, heavily medicated, has lost track of how long he has been back in the hospital. But he considers this a special day because he lies to the doctor for the first time about not remembering anything.
Note: He is lying about not remembering what triggered his seizure at the bus stop on 15 September and/or what happened at the Grass Flower Arboretum when he was a kid (see Notes 2 comments above). This lie is also referenced in his 11 May Year 22 entry in Notes 1.
30 September Year 20 Notes 1 (JK)
A teacher hits JungKook with an attendance book when he refuses to admit that he still visits the classroom hideout, reminding him of when YoonGi was beaten. Later, JungKook stands outside the room and imagines that the others are waiting for him on the other side. He opens the door to only find HoSeok, clearing out what remains of their belongings. HoSeok walks him out, and JungKook realizes that those days are gone and will never come again.
25 February Year 21 Notes: Her (HS)
HoSeok watches himself dance in the mirror. He has danced since he was around twelve and discovered an ecstasy that came from inside himself. Outside of the mirror, HoSeok is a person who collapses everywhere and takes medicine he doesn’t need, who smiles even when he hates it and isn’t happy. But when he dances, he truly becomes himself, casting away all that weighs him down and feeling that he can become happy.
2 May Year 21 Notes: Persona (JK)
Biking along the Yangjicheon riverbank, JungKook thinks about how his friends left him one by one and that no one at home or in the world smiles at him anymore. He stops in the shadows under a bridge. Nobody comes to this kind of ruined place, and maybe that is the reason no one comes to him either. He feels most comfortable alone in the complete darkness where no one will look for him and wants the moment to never end.
9 August Year 21 Notes: Persona (SJ)
SeokJin walks along a Los Angeles beach and photographs the ocean. It has been a year since he fled Songju and moved to his mother’s family’s home, where he grew up as a child. He doesn’t photograph people anymore and didn’t bring any photos from high school with him, afraid to remember who he was at that time or to wonder about how his friends are doing and whether they still think of him.
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17 December Year 21 Notes 1 (NJ)
This lengthy entry details events that transpired since the autumn of Year 20 when NamJoon’s family moved to the village, framed by moments on 17 December itself as NamJoon leaves on his own. His family chooses this village because it has a nearby hospital for his ailing father and employers who will hire someone without a high school diploma. NamJoon serves as a delivery boy for an eatery, competing for work with the other local boys. They grow a strange sense of solidarity, and he privately dubs one of them “TaeHyung,” even though the boy’s discontent, outward behavior is more akin to YoonGi’s. (Quotation marks added to the name here for clarity.) Competition slackens when snow falls in winter. NamJoon and “TaeHyung” are the only ones poor enough to risk the road up to the mountain town’s rest area when orders are phoned to the village below. On an afternoon forecast to have heavy snowfall, the restaurant owner dismisses “TaeHyung” due to his bruised face and gives the deliveries to NamJoon. The old delivery scooter fishtails on NamJoon’s third trip down the mountain, throwing him off. More anxious about the scratched scooter than his cut ankle and aching body, NamJoon finally gets it to restart and returns to the eatery. “TaeHyung,” who has been hanging around this whole time, approaches and asks for a favor. Before he can answer, NamJoon receives a call from his mother relaying that his father went outside alone and fell, requiring a trip to the hospital. NamJoon understands that his father was only trying to keep his dignity but is still frustrated because he can’t earn any more much-needed money this day. He hands “TaeHyung” the keys and leaves to take his father to the hospital.
The next day, NamJoon learns that “TaeHyung” was in a fatal accident during one of the deliveries up the mountain. The police officer blames him for being a poor driver and not wearing a helmet. NamJoon does not speak up that he has never seen the helmet the owner now has placed out on the counter. He visits the scene of the accident, thinking that the white outline on the road could be his if he was the one to make the next delivery—just as it could be his family mourning in the village instead of “TaeHyung’s” mother. On a later trip carrying his father home from the bus stop, NamJoon pretends not to hear his father’s frail voice over the noise of barking dogs. A week after that, NamJoon is making steady deliveries up the mountain. During what is ultimately his last delivery, he speaks with a stranger at the rest area, who cautions him to take care. “Do you know what’s really dangerous? Calcium chloride and wet leaves, not the snow itself,” the stranger blurts as NamJoon departs. NamJoon drives carefully back, not looking at the scene of the accident. This is not out of safety, as he tries to convince himself, but guilt: guilt for surviving, for his relief of being the one alive, for not defending “TaeHyung’s” driving skills. He also wonders if he is “a hypocrite pretending to have a guilty conscience.” Because he scattered wet leaves and sprinkled calcium chloride to prevent the road from icing over where he fell that afternoon, believing that he would be making the next delivery. If he did not do both those things, would “TaeHyung” be alive?
Mind and body numb, NamJoon makes it home from the delivery detached from the world around him. The barking dogs snap him out of the daze, and he remembers his father’s words that he pretended not to hear and dwelled on daily despite trying not to think about them: “Go, NamJoon. You must survive.” The next morning (17 December), NamJoon sneaks away to the bus stop. He is running away from his family’s misfortunes, from his own resignation to his fate, from poverty. The bus is scheduled to arrive in Songju in a few hours—the city he left with no notice and is returning to once more with the same. NamJoon wonders if his old friends still live there and how they are doing. On the frosted window, he writes with his finger: “I must survive.”
Note: The village boy’s real name is JongHun according to NamJoon’s 12 June Year 22 entry in Notes 2, which also reveals that he visited JongHun’s home to give his condolences before he left town.
1 February Year 22 Notes: 7 (SJ)
Summoned by his father without explanation, SeokJin flies back to Korea from Los Angeles. Although he has addresses in both LA and Songju, neither place feels like his home.
Update Log
Posted May 5, 2021
Do not repost.
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inkandpen22 · 3 years
The Princess and The Pogue (Pt. 8)
Pairing: JJ x Female!Reader / Topper x Female!Reader 
Word Count: 4.1k
Warnings: smut, swearing, underage drinking, drugs 
Part Summary: Y/N must attend the dinner her parents planned. After, she and Topper attend Kelce’s party. 
A/N: not proof read bc school is life rn but I wanna keep updating. ALSO DANG TOPPER IS SPICY IN THIS!!!!
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Your dad hands the keys over to the valet as the other Club worker opens your car door and offers you his hand. You accept, slipping out of the SUV gracefully. Rhett meets you, offering you his arm for which you take and follow him inside. 
"I can't breathe," you inhale shapely. 
"Hot?" Your brother guesses as he buttons up his blazer. 
"No, this satin dress doesn't give at all and Mom made me get a size smaller because she thought it made me look thinner," you grumble, tugging at the unforgiving fabric. 
"She's probably just trying to punish you because of the whole diabolical with Crystal," he points out. 
"Oh, I know she is, she hates that some of her and Dad's friends saw it. They wouldn't shut up about it when I got home," you whisper between the two of you as you cross the threshold into the Club. 
You stop in the lobby with your parents a few feet ahead at the hostess podium with Sarah's parents and Topper's mom. You spot Rafe at the bar with a scotch in hand, Sarah nowhere to be seen. If she managed to get out of this dinner you'll be royally pissed, mainly jealous. 
"Where were you last night anyway?" Rhett’s brows scrunch together. 
"After Topper dropped me off I went over to Sarah's," you lie without a hint of hesitation. 
"What?" He frowns in confusion. "But after lunch Rafe, Kelce, and I went back to his house? Rafe said Sarah was with that John B kid.” 
"Yeah, I picked Sarah up before you guys got there and we hung out for a little bit. After, I dropped her off at John B's," you conjure up as you go. 
"So then where did you sleep?" Rhett inquires, pressing further. 
"On Mars, Rhett!” You snap, much to your brother’s surprise. “Jesus, Mary, and the damn camel," you curse under your breath. 
"Why do you swear all of a sudden? It's not polite, especially in this setting," he hisses between his teeth, checking around for any prying eyes. 
"Because maybe I've lost my marbles or PMSing, you pick," you bite back quietly. 
"Whatever, I'm going to go grab a drink," he huffs, holding his hands up in surrender. "You should do the same," he suggests before disappearing toward the bar and lounge. 
You linger in your spot, observing your fellow Kooks go about their business in their fancy dinner attire. You honestly wonder if some of them ever leave the Club or if they keep closets in the locker rooms. 
“One gin and tonic,” Topper announces as he appears beside you with two glasses. 
“God, I love you," you mumble, taking the drink from him and immediately taking a sip. 
He rubs his hand up and down your bare arm. “You seem tense." 
“I’m practically in a corset!" You roll your eyes. 
“You look amazing,” he compliments with a charming smile. 
“Thanks...” You sigh, unsure of where you two stand. 
After this afternoon, after... well... everything said, you don't know the dynamic between you and Topper. Despite the uncertainty, you still depend on him to get you through this dinner. You feel as though your only friends at the table are Topper and Sarah, and even those two don't like each other. 
“Geez Topper...” You huff in disapproval. 
“Sorry! But you gotta admit it’s not exactly the Four Seasons...” He chuckles. 
“Hey Y/N!” Sarah greets, appearing from the bathroom. “Where did you get here?”
“Minutes ago and I’m already over it,” you grumble.
“If you need a ride to John B’s, he’s picking me up after,” she offers.
You exhale deeply, glancing between her and Topper, unsure of what to say. Yes, you have plans with JJ, but you also aren’t confident in speaking about it in front of Topper.
“Yeah, I’ll think about it. I might want to run home first or something,” you satisfy her and remain vague.
“Topper! Y/N! Sarah!” Your dad waves you guys over as the hostess prepares to seat you all. 
“I’ll see you guys out there, I’m going to grab a drink!” Sarah announces before dismissing herself. 
You and Topper begin toward the doors leading out to the patio, a few yards behind your families. 
“Kelce is after a party later, would you maybe wanna come with me?” Topper offers with a smirk.
“I’m supposed to..." You catch yourself before you mention JJ. "Maybe for a little bit.”
“You’re supposed to meet him?” Topper predicts correctly, making you awkwardly take a sip of your drink and avoid his gaze. “Maybe if you drink enough you’ll start seeing two and The Cut wouldn’t look like utter shit," Topper insults passive-aggressively.  
“I’ll come and have a drink, but that’s all!" You agree to go with Topper to the Kelce's reluctantly. "I don’t want anything that Rafe has up his sleeve.” 
“Noted," Topper gives you a reassuring smile.
"Wait," you halt, giving Topper's arm a slight squeeze. You feel the overwhelming need to speak with Topper for a second before you all gather around a table like one big interconnected family. "Do you know?”
“About what?” The boy frowns in confusion. You glance over at your family anxiously, watching everyone disappear onto the patio outside. Topper takes your hand in his and turns to you. “Y/N, what is it?” 
“That our parents practically have the wedding favors picked out," you rush out nervously, unable to fully believe that this is your reality. 
Topper exhales deeply, his eyes falling to the floor. He does know. “My mom has made some interesting passive comments lately," he nods. "I suspected but I wasn’t positive.” 
“My mom spoke to me before we got here," you describe, checking around the room for any eavesdroppers. "She wanted me to gloat, hang on you, and basically show the Camerons that we’re... I don’t even know...” You shake your head frantically. 
“Together,” Topper finishes your sentence. 
“It sounds so ancient but ‘promised to each other,’" you explain in greater detail. "It’s insane! I mean, we’re only in high school!” 
"You don’t have to do anything!” He comes up with a game plan to get you both through the evening. “Let’s just continue as we have been. They’ll be satisfied and we won’t be losing our willpower.” 
“Okay,” you swallow hard with a faint nod. 
“It’ll be okay," Topper reaches up and cups your cheek comfortingly, peering into your eyes. He leans forward, planting a gentle kiss on your forehead. 
Well into the evening, Kelce's house is packed to the brim with teenage Kooks and some tourons that snuck their way in. Music blasts from the speakers in the ceiling and water from the pool are scattered across the tile living room. Everyone's in their bathing suits, traveling in and out of the water. Cups litter the floor and various conversations overwhelm the ears. On the balcony, you find yourself leaning against the railing watching people jump off the roof into the pool below as Topper does lines with Rafe on the coffee table just a few feet away. Your bare stomach exposed by your bikini presses against the cool glass railing, keeping you awake. 
"Come on, Princess!" Rafe waves you over, overtly intoxicated. "Got enough for you!" 
“I don’t want anything Rafe!” You remind him. 
“You will," he chuckles, not believing you for a second. "Once you start drinking you always do. You could just skip the innocent act and let yourself go.” 
Topper rises from his seated position and walks over to join you. He wraps his arm around your waist, pulling you into his side as he leans against the rail. He sniffs a few times, making sure all of the coke remains inside. 
“One more drink and we’re leaving,” you tell Topper quietly between the two of you. 
"I know," he nods, planting a kiss on your temple. “We’ll go.” 
You turn toward, peering down at the people as they mess around in the pool. Topper stands behind you, his arms gripping the railing on either side of you. His chest presses to your back as he leans down and plants a kiss to your neck. You tilt your head to the side, granting him better access, causing him to smile against your skin. You’re not sure why you get this way with him when you drink. You’ve thought it over a million times over the years. Is it because it’s what you soberly want but are too afraid to admit? Or, is it because it’s a way to let go? Either way, you and Topper become insufferable whenever you two get too deep, which why you refuse to do anything. If you get any deeper... well... Bermuda is a prime example. 
1 hour later.... 
The drinks slip by you and you quickly lose track of the number. Tequila shots, margarita mix, gin, and coke, everything's mixed. The music has become louder, the colored lights have become brighter, your senses are doing their best to remain active, but your mind is fading. You love this feeling, not having a care in the world. The weight that your parents have placed on your shoulders has long disappeared. Half an hour ago, you and Topper were sharing a joint with Kelce on the roof and now you two are caught in a beer pong tournament.You're slowly starting to lose interest in the game, eager to jump off the roof into the pool as you've seen daredevils do all night. 
"Come on, Top! Please!" You tug on the boy's arm, pleading with him again to jump off the roof with you. 
He does his best to focus on the game at hand, the ball in his hand to take a shot. He squeezes your hand and brings it to his lips for a quick peck. "One second, Baby." 
Drunkenly, you rest your forehead against his bicep, waiting for him to take his shot. Topper tosses the ball, making it into the final cup and the rules call for no redemption. 
“We win!” Topper cheers, causing you to lift your head. Again! The champions!” 
“Woohoo!” You giggle, raising your cup in the air.
Topper wraps his arms around your waist and picking you up. You wrap your legs around his waist as he spins you. He tilts his head back, exposing his sharp jawline as he peers up at you. Staring into his eyes, you two are so immersed in each other that you get carried away and your lips meet. Neither of you is in the right mind to comprehend it, but this is a pattern. You two get intoxicated on a mixture of alcohol and drugs and your natural touchy friendship gets an intensity boost. 
Kelce whistles at the sight of you, urging you guys on. “They act like they’re not together, then they do that!” He not so well whispers to Rafe. 
"Same shit, different night," Rafe grumbles, clearly jealous. He silently wishes he was Topper. He would give anything to have a chance with you. “I wonder how Rhett would feel learning his sister is a slut for his best friend.” 
Kelce shoves him on the shoulder. “Don’t be an ass. Besides, Rhett knows Topper has a thing for her.” 
“But does Y/N have a thing for him or is it just sex?” Rhett challenges, watching you two and hating it. 
Topper lets you down as your lips part. His hands slip down your waist to rest on your ass, giving it a slight squeeze. You bite down on your lower lip, your attention on Topper's smirk.  
“Hey Top!" Rafe pulls Topper's attention and tosses him a metal canister. "For you my friend!" 
Topper pops open the old Altoids container to reveal a pile of color tabs. "Aw no," Topper laughs, tossing his head back. 
“Woah woah woah!" You place your hand over Topper's before has the chance to even think about taking anything. You glare at Rafe, "what is that?” 
“Candy,” Rafe snickers sarcastically. He rises from his seat position and stands before you, taking the tin from Topper. “Here take one," the boy offers with raised brows.  
You push the container back to Rafe. “No, I said I didn’t want to do anything tonight!” 
Beside you, Topper reaches into the container, selects a square piece carefully with the provided tweezers, and places the rainbow paper on his tongue. 
“Try it, Princess,” Rafe pressures with a smirk. 
You glance between Rafe and Topper. The blonde gives you a wink. "You'll feel good," he assures you, rubbing his hand up and down your spine slowly. 
You think it over for a second to the best of your ability. You said you wouldn't do anything hard tonight, but you also don't want to sober up anytime soon. You feel too good. You wish you felt this way all the time. You love yourself when you're carefree. On a whim, you give in and pick up the tweezers to select a piece. You place the bit on your tongue, earning a mischievous smirk from Rafe and words from approval from Topper. You don't know much about what Rafe does, but you know from watching that it takes a while for stuff like this to kick in, so you wait. 
Thirty minutes later... 
After taking swim minutes ago, you and Topper seek some privacy away from the party antics to dry off. You two travel up to the third floor of the house in the dark, this part of the house practically untouched by the people below. You shuffle along the floor in the hall in search of the balcony. You nearly trip of the runner, but Topper catches you by the waist. 
“Oh shit!” You gasp. Abruptly, Topper squats down and tucks his arm under your legs. You fly up and he begins to carry you bridal style. “Topper!” You giggle. 
“Like a proper princess, let me carry you up the tower!” He jokes. 
“You’re ridiculous!” You laugh as Topper navigates his way through Kelce's room toward the screen door leading outside. 
You tilt your head back, letting your hair flow as Topper carries you out onto the balcony. The night breeze and salty scent of the ocean fill your senses. Whatever Rafe gave you is immaculate. You've never felt so connected to the world before. Suddenly, Topper releases you, letting you fall onto one of those massive round loungers with a squeal. You lay back onto the lounger, pondering the sensation of the soft fabric beneath you. 
“You’re exquisite,” Topper admires, towering over you with a gawking look on his face. 
You prop yourself up on your elbows with a smirk. "You too." 
Topper plops down beside you, sliding to be close to your side. His fingertips glide up and down your arm. “How are you feeling?” 
Your eyes fall shut with a grin. “Like I’m on a cloud," you describe in a whisper as you ponder the sensation of his warm fingers on your cool skin. “You feel on fire. So warm...” 
“Do you like it?” He asks in a whisper and you can feel the warm breath wave over your cheek. 
You hum, focusing on every detail of his touch. You exhale deeply as Topper brushes his lips across your collar bone and planting a kiss on your skin. 
“Do you regret us?” He whispers. You don't see it, but Topper watches you intently with a softly broken expression. He hopes you don't. God, does he want to beg you to be his, only his. 
You shake your head, breathless. "No." 
Glad to say the least, Topper moves his attention to your neck, kissing and sucking hard on the sensitive skin. His hand roams your waist down to your inner thigh, making you inhale sharply. Your back arches off the lounger and toward his hand between your legs. You crave to feel more of him. 
“Are you sure?” He checks quietly in your ear. 
“Yes,” you exhale, too overwhelmed by the pleasure growing inside you to focus on his questions. 
As you kisses Topper, you chase the sensation he’s giving you. You're addicted to the way he makes you feel. Topper's lips travel down from your jawline to your chest. The memories of winter break, Bermuda, every intense moment you and Topper have ever shared are your driving force right now. As Topper leaves a trail of affection down your collarbone to your chest, he begins to untie your bikini. Then, your thoughts fixate on JJ. His face flickers across your mind. Physically, you want Topper, but all you can think about is JJ. You wonder where he is, what he's doing, if he's thinking about you. 
You're so far into your own thoughts that your body goes through the motions subconsciously. You're partially distracted by your thoughts of JJ, but the drugs and alcohol also cloud your mind. You're not entirely sure how things escalated, but deep down you're not shocked. It's you and Topper, you've never been fully satisfied when it comes to one another. You can't help but to feel everything, pondering the glorious and overwhelming pleasure as Topper thrusts into you. 
You bite down on her lip, restricting yourself from accidentally whispering JJ’s name. “Topper,” you pant, focusing. 
“Say it again, Beautiful,” Topper pants, planting a kiss to your chest as he picks up his pace. 
“Please Topper,” you whisper breathlessly. 
“God, you’re so perfect,” he grunts, finding himself getting closer with each syllable leaving your lips. 
Topper is your greatest addiction. He’s everything you're supposed to want. He’s utterly devoted to you and secretly you crave his attention. You roll your hips, making him go deeper inside of you, much to his surprise. 
“Fuck Y/N,” he moans in your ear. 
“Holy shit,” you mutter uncontrollably. 
“You always feel so good," Topper swallows hard. "I’ve missed this. I’ve missed you.” 
Your nails graze down his back, knowing how much he loves that. “Keep going, I’m so close,” you plead, needing him closer though you know that's impossible. 
“That’s it, Beautiful," Topper guides. "Cum for me,” he demands more than requests. 
“Yes, Topper!" You moan, chasing the high. "Yes!” 
“You’re gonna make me cum,” Topper whispers against the skin of your neck and planting a kiss on your jawline. 
He lifts his head, meeting your gaze. The moment is intimate and draws you two together. You nod, staring into his eyes. “Cum for me." 
You feel Topper finish inside you, a sensation you've experienced almost a dozen times, but it's never enough. Knowing that you can make Topper feel so free and satisfied sometimes keeps you awake at night. Topper  settles down on the lounger next to you, panting. 
You glance at one another, meeting each other's gaze as you catch your breath. You two laugh, in disbelief of what just occurred. 
“Wow!” Topper chuckles. 
You raise your brows, in awe. “I know." 
“And I thought we wouldn’t outdo Bermuda,” he recalls. 
“I swear Bermuda was the Twilight Zone or something," you giggle. "I only remember flashes of it.”
Topper's eyes grow wide and he places his hand over yours. “Do you remember when we found Rafe with that Brazilian chick!” 
“Oh my God!" You gasp, turning onto your side to face him. "They were on that nasty leather couch that Kelce spilled the grenadine all over!” 
“We were off our asses most of the time,” Topper remembers, pulling you into his side. His arm wraps around you like a protective blanket. 
“Facts, we didn’t see Rafe or Kelce for most of it," you add with a snicker. "I think my brother slept out by the pool every night." 
“I honestly don’t even remember Rhett after the plane landing," Topper confesses, his eyes flicker up to the stary sky. "Plane lands, a week goes by no recollection of Rhett, see Rhett on the plane.” 
“You’re kidding!” You gasp. 
“Dead serious! I swear we left him at the airport,” Topper elaborates with a wide grin. 
“He carried you home from the bar that third night!” You remind him. 
His eyes grow wide, utterly surprised. “I thought that was you!” 
“How could it have been me?!” You swiftly counter, laughing harder than you have in a while. 
“That’s why I was so confused!” He reasons. 
“You’re insane!” You struggle to say between fits of laughter. 
You two share in your laughter, not having had a moment like this in a while. You guys have had so much going on that the last time you truly felt at peace together and free to let go was Bermuda. Had you known that coming home would've meant the end of your two's peace of mind, you're not sure if you would've left. You rest your cheek against his chest, settling in comfortably. 
“I’ve missed this. I’ve missed us this way,” he confesses softly. 
“I forgot how good it could be,” you admit with a content smile. 
 Topper glides his fingertips up and down your spine. “Well, I guess that proves it then.” 
You lift your head, resting your chin on his chest to meet his gaze. “Proves what?” 
“It’s JJ,” Topper sighs, giving you a knowing look. 
Your brows scrunch together in confusion. Swiftly, you shuffle through your memories of minutes before, did you say JJ's name? You're almost certain you didn't. You did everything in your power not to. “What do you mean?” 
“I can tell," he shrugs, bringing a hand up to brush your hair away from your face. "It felt great but also different than before. I knew when I had you. I don’t anymore.” 
Your eyes fall to your hand resting on his chest, avoiding his gaze. He caresses your cheek lovingly, despite knowing the truth. “I’m sorry, Topper...” you mumble, full of guilt. 
“It’s okay," he tries to reassure you. "You can love two people at the same time, just in their own way.” 
"I just..." you sit up, frustrated and unable to fully put into words what you're struggling with. Topper sits up beside you, rubbing your back. "When I'm with JJ I'm this one person and when I'm with you I'm completely different! I'm not sure which one is the real me." 
"You don't have to have all answers, just take it day by day," he advises reasonably. "Right now, let's just forget everything else and be here. Nothing can bother us here." 
You exhale deeply and Topper guides you to lay back down. You two stare up at the sky in each other's arms, the faint sounds of the party below not invading either of your minds. The warm night's air breezes by, coating you in a shield of peace. 
“Do you think ten years from now we’ll still be doing this?” Topper wonders. 
“Kinda wanna be married by then,” you giggle. 
“I know, I’d be your side hoe,” he clarifies. 
You swat him on the arm. “Topper!” 
“What!” He laughs. 
“You can’t plan on cheating on your future wife!” You argue playfully. 
“But it’s you, you don’t count!" He reasons. "It’s the Y/N Hall Pass. My wife is wife, obviously my life partner, but you’re... well you’re you," he adds gently, unsure how to describe it. 
“Wow, that’s real flattering,” you joke. 
“You know what I mean!" He rolls his eyes but struggles to hide his amusement. "You know that movie you made me watch last month uh... My Best Friend’s Wedding!” He remembers. You hum, of course, you do, you love that movie. Topper continues, “well, you’re my Julia Roberts.” 
“You want me to try to break up your wedding?” You question, wondering where he's going with this. 
“No, no! Well... if you really think she’s not the one but that’s beside the point," he shakes his head. "I’m talking about what Cameron Diaz said in that elevator scene.” 
“He’s got you on a pedestal and me in his arms,” you quote, predicting his intention. 
Topper tucks his finger under your chin, making you lift your head to meet his gaze. His eyes pour into yours with such intensity, you know he means whatever he's going to say with the utmost certainty. “No one can compete with you, Y/N. Whoever I end up marrying, if I end marrying anyone, they’ll have to be okay that.” 
You lean forward, gently pressing a kiss to Topper's lips. You're not sure if it'll be your last one, but either way, it reminds you of a farewell or closing note. Topper deepens the kiss, bringing his hand to the back of your head, pulling you in. It carries more passion and longing than any other kiss you two have shared, and you've kissed a lot over the years. 
After a couple of minutes under the stars, you and Topper agree that it's time to return to the party before anyone comes searching for you. 
"Wasn't a bad last hoorah if you ask me," Topper concludes as he helps you tie up your top. 
You spin on your heels to face him, bringing your arms to rest on his shoulders. "We really went out with a bang, pun intended." 
"If he ever breaks your heart, I'm first in line," he winks, bringing his hands to your waist. 
You lift your hand to his cheek, caressing his cheekbone with your thumb. "I want you to be happy, even if that's not with me." 
He scoffs, holding back his emotions. "Why does it feel like we're breaking up?" He tries to laugh it off. 
"In a way, we are..." You admit, causing Topper to look at you with surprise. He hadn't expected you to agree, though deep down, he hoped you would. 
He slips his head to the side and presses a kiss to your palm before lowering your hand to rest within his. "I'm slowly coming to terms that it may not be you, though I always imagined it was. I sorta feel like I'm starting from scratch. Whenever I envisioned my future, it was with you. Now, the face is blank. I have no idea what's going to happen," he confesses with a breathless laugh, a hint of worry behind the sound. 
"How exciting!" You encourage. 
"Always the optimist," Topper chuckles, before draping an arm across your shoulders and guiding you toward the doors. "Us ending up together would've been too easy anyway. I hate being predictable," he frowns in disgust. 
"Agreed, far too simple," you nod. 
Topper pauses before the door leading out to the hallway. Once you two leave the safety of the third floor, this time you've had alone will be over. Things will never be the same once you close this chapter. Topper peers down at you, longing to tell you. “You know I’ll always be there for you, right?” 
You nod slowly, certain of his words. “Me too, Topper.” 
He leans down, planting a long kiss on your forehead and you can feel the struggle behind the action. Everything about this is bittersweet. “I love you." 
“I love you too," you whisper. 
Tags:@starkeythinker @bethii1 @thegunnerkelly @cc13723things  @hockeybabe87​ @jolomez​ @plutooryectors 
90 notes · View notes
Settling In: Family Dinner
Inspired by @i-cant-sing
If there was any word to describe the past week, you would choose quiet.  A schedule was set for your time spent here and rarely it would deviate. Rei would wake you up to watch the sunrise with you and  you’d get ready for the day with her. The outfit she chooses always sits on the bed waiting for you while she does your hair. Mornings are spent in either the sun room or the library, with Rei always watching. Though, she leaves to cook. She always left you to cook. If nobody else was home, that means you’d be left alone. Fuyumi would come by for dinner some nights and take your afternoons. Enji wasn’t home during the day, but joined you all for dinner every night before you could retire to your new room. Even if the schedule is slightly smothering, it’s easy to keep up with.
There were no chores or responsibilities for you to do, unlike your old homes. It was relaxing—too relaxing. There was no stress, so you created some. Tonight, instead of Rei, Enji, and maybe Fuyumi, the other two Todoroki children were coming over. You don't know what to expect, so you stress over it.
Fuyumi warned you that they weren’t as accepting as she was, that they weren’t as involved with the family as she was. You don’t want to make a terrible first impression. You don’t want your new siblings to hate you.
Fuyumi comes home earlier than her siblings, coming immediately home from work. Meetings, she says, that’s why she couldn’t have come sooner. You remember that she’s a school teacher. It’s easy to imagine what those meetings are about. Though, she doesn’t give you time to daydream about her, as she’s asking you questions.
“So Y/N, you’ve been here a week? Have you been enjoying your time here?” Fuyumi does your hair, extremely careful not to hurt you. She’s taken this responsibility from Rei for today. Rei’s been busy at the store and in the kitchen all day, leaving you with Fuyumi. You don’t mind that; she’s nice.
“It’s quiet.” You don’t know if that’s a good or a bad thing, but it’s the truth.
Fuyumi takes it well, “That’s good. Mom picked out some good books for you, did she?”
The library in the Todoroki estate may be massive, but most of those books Rei says are too mature for you. She’s regulated you to books below your reading level. They’re for children younger than you. But she doesn’t like to watch television and the laptop they’ve provided has only been gathering dust.
“If I’m honest, they’re a little boring.”
Fuyumi chuckles, “She’s a little out of touch from reality at times. I’ll grab you some books you’ll probably like better. I used to do a lot of reading when I was your age.”
“What’d you read?”
“Romance, mostly.” Fuyumi admits, “occasionally fantasy. I wasn’t trying to read anything too dark and neither should you.”
Too dark. Too mature. You wonder where that threshold is for them. You suspect it’s a lot higher than most people’s standards. You don’t dwell on this thought too much longer. Finding faults in your caretaker’s lifestyle isn’t the best way to stay in their good graces. 
“How was school this past year?” She rests both hands on your shoulders. She’s done with your hair, but she isn't letting you go. You could probably move her to get out, but there’s no need. Fuyumi is nice and interested in what you have to say. Why would you leave her?
“Alright.” You reply. Even if it isn’t the truth, you wouldn’t speak it, “Don’t know where I’m heading now, though. We’re too far from my old school.”
“Father mentioned Somei and Mom talked about homeschooling.” Fuyumi replies, “We’ll have to see which one concedes first.”
You can’t imagine Rei fighting Enji on anything, especially something as trivial as where to take you to school. Though, you’d prefer if she concedes. Homeschooling seems like a nightmare.
“Oh, alright.” You respond. There’s nothing else to say on the matter and you hope Fuyumi lets up soon because you don’t know what to talk about anymore. Almost like a savior, a knock is placed on your door. It isn’t as strong as Enji’s—Fuyumi and Rei don’t knock at all—so, you assume it’s one of the brothers.
Fuyumi calls out to the person on the other side for you, “Hold on!” She finally lets up to open the door. You fiddle with the edge of your dress. The tulle is a bit itchy, but the smooth, holographic hearts covering the entire dress provide a nice change of texture. 
You look up to see a tall, white haired guy. He’s broad, built like Enji as opposed to Rei. Though, the rest of his features seem to come from her. He stands in the doorway looking at you, then back at Fuyumi—who’s back to holding you on your shoulders again, causing you to continue to sit still in the vanity’s stool.
He takes another look at you and your fingers fiddle with the dress more. He’s unnerving and hasn’t said a thing he walked in. You start to speak, but he looks up at Fuyumi and asks, “What kind of quirk bullshit has justified this?”
That’s not what you expected. 
You think to object, no quirk stuff has happened here—at least, that you know of. Though, Fuyumi immediately comes to your defense, “Natsuo! You can’t just ask something like that! Have some respect.” 
“Do you really expect there isn’t an ulterior motive behind this.” Natsuo replies, “You know how he is with quirks.”
“He’s gotten better!”
“Prove it.”
“Uhhh, Natsuo, sir.” You break up the siblings' argument, “No quirk stuff has happened, really.”
He grabs a hold of your arm, looking at it thoroughly before heading to the next one. You don’t know what he’s looking for. Bruises? Burns? Scars? You have none of them from your time here. 
You wouldn’t have anything quirk related anyways—you’re quirkless.
“Is this the lie he’s told you to say?” Natsuo asks, “You aren’t going to be able to lie. I see through his bullshit.”
You want this conversation to end. Natsuo’s and Fuyumi’s hands are both icy cold and you don’t like the attention. Plus their argument is painful to listen too, especially considering it’s about you.
“Natsuo, sir…” You say, “there’s no quirk… anything. Really! I don’t have a... quirk.”
He lets go of your arm and it drops to your side. He stands up again. Fuyumi lets your shoulders go, moving to your side.
“Hey, chin up kiddo!” Fuyumi replies, smiling her everbright smile, “there’s nothing wrong with that!”
You didn’t even realize you were staring at the ground, but your feet soon come into view through watery eyes. Fuyumi’s fingers wipe away the tear that slips through.
“Hey, sorry kid.” Natsuo’s hands are in the pocket of his jeans and his shoulders are raised, “I have the habit of assuming the worst.”
“It’s fine.” You reply, laughing through the soft tears, “I should be over it by now, anyways.”
“Let’s head out of here.” Fuyumi takes your hand, leading you out of your room, “Father should be bringing Sho home soon. He’ll just love you, he won't be able not to."
Despite the ominous nature of Fuyumi’s statement, you let yourself willingly be led to the living room. Besides, where else would you go, anyways?
Gratefully, the three of you leave your room. The room was getting tense between the sibling pair. You don’t want to be the reason they fight, do you? They always look so close in the photos on the wall—even if nobody looks happy in those photos.
Natsuo leads the way. He walks with his shoulders back and his head held high. He has confidence, something you’ve started to lack now that you’re around all these powerful quirk users. You feel the cool air radiating from in between him and Fuyumi. She walks right behind you. If you stopped, she’d crash right into her. 
But you don’t stop. You walk down the hallway and head towards the living room. There, two figures step in through the door. The first is the boy with half red hair, half white hair. The photos on the wall show him to be significantly younger and without the bright red scar covering one eye. He wears U.A.’s school uniform. One of the old children in your last home went there as well. The other person is Enji. He’s in his hero uniform still—flames and all.
Before anyone can say anything, Natsuo speaks up, “Father’s not using her. I already asked. She’s quirkless.”
He doesn’t say it in a negative way, but him bringing it up at all stings. You’re inadequate compared to them. They all scream of powerful quirks, but you don’t even have a quirk to begin with.
And now, you’re getting the suspicion that quirks are what this family truly cares about. Which leaves you in a terrible position—quirkless, surrounded by powerhouses.
“Alright.” Shoto deadpans, then slips his shoes and coat off. A cool wind blows in from outside, but it’s no different than standing between the cold Todoroki children.
Enji asks his sons, “Do you really think so low of me?”
“Yes.” Natsuo and Shoto reply instantly.
Luckily, Rei comes to your rescue, guiding you to a seat at the kitchen table. Whilst they talked, she set everyone’s plates wordlessly. She cooked this meal for everyone and you feel a slight pang of guilt, knowing that six mouths is a lot to cook for. You had smaller homes than that, which sometimes saw it too tiring to cook for their size. And Rei cooked a lot—much more than she’s cooked for the other meals you’ve had here. 
Your plate is filled. You can’t imagine that you’ll eat all of this, but you’ll eat as much as you can. You wouldn’t want to make Rei sad, now would you?
“Thank you Rei, for dinner.” You reply, before taking a bite. As you sigh in pleasure, Rei’s other children echo their thanks. The food is so good that you block out all sound in order to focus upon it.
“Y/N, are you there?” Fuyumi jokes from her seat beside you.
“Oh! Uh, yeah.” You exclaim, then ask, “Did you need something?”
“Father just asked how your day was.” Fuyumi replies.
You tell him, “It was good.” He sits at the head of the table, just like last time. You don’t sit next to him, Fuyumi does. You sit directly one seat to the left than the seat you’ve been sitting in. You don’t mind, especially because to the other side of you is the one brother you’ve barely heard speak: Shoto. 
He looks at you—he’s watching you. You can see him do it out of the corner of your eye. It’s unnerving to say the least. But you put your head down and continue eating, making sure to pay attention. Luckily, they don’t ask you too many questions. Most of the attention is on Shoto and Natsuo. They’ve returned home—the family all together, Rei calls it. You don’t ask about the other boy in the photos. He’s obviously not a part of the family anymore.
“May I be excused?” You ask as soon as you're finished eating, not keen to just sit there and listen to their conversations.
Enji doesn’t hold you back this time, giving you a silent nod. You take your plate to the kitchen and then head to your room, making sure not to bother them anymore. You don’t want to be seen as a bother anymore than you already are, do you?
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dontshootmespence · 4 years
Lost In Thought
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Summary: After Cat gets taken to prison, Spencer wanders toward the local park. Worried about him, you follow him there, only to confess a long held secret.
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Reader
Word Count: 716
Warning: Mentions of Alzheimer’s disease.
A/N: This was a request from @currentlyreiding​ for a fic where the reader is a member of the BAU and is in the restaurant during the Entropy episode. After Cat gets taken away, she follows him to the park and they talk. This also fulfills my bull pen square for @cmbingo​. 
As the truck took Cat away to rot forever in a dingy prison cell, you nearly got lost in your anger, but out of the corner of your eye you saw Spencer walking away, head to the ground and undoubtedly lost in thought. Quickly, you checked in with Hotch to make sure everything was in order before following.
Though he was already out of sight, you knew where he was headed. In the years you’d worked together, you’d gotten to know Spencer better than most. Maybe it was your similar life paths, maybe it was what he called your “comforting personality, you know, each word is like a hug,” but whatever it was, he’d once let it slip that his mother, on her good days, would take him to a nearby park. In those moments, he’d been allowed to be kid, instead of an only child with the world on his shoulders. 
Just as you suspected, you rounded the corner to see Spencer sitting on a swing, legs dragging through the gravel and dirt at his feet. In these moments, Spencer collapsed inward, isolating himself from those that loved him most despite knowing they only wanted the best for him. “If I was going to psychoanalyze myself, I’d say I default to being alone so I don’t have to bring anyone else down with me. Wallowing in misery is bad enough. Being the cause of someone else’s is another type of pain entirely.”
No matter why he did it, you weren’t about to let him think he was alone. “Spence?” 
He glanced up and swallowed, unable to bring himself to smile. But he managed to crane his head toward the swing next to him. “I know you usually try to be alone in times like these, but you aren’t alone, you know.”
Spencer leaned his head against the cold metal chain of the swing and closed his eyes. “I know. But it’s not anyone else’s problem. No one else needs to worry.”
Chuckling sadly, you began to swing back and forth. You were the exact same way, and despite your sound advice, you never took it yourself, so you understood exactly where he was coming from. “Spence, we’ll all worry regardless. Because you’re our friend.” Tears welled up in your eyes. Spencer was so much more to you and to see him in pain hurt your heart in a way that was difficult to explain. “I’m really sorry about your mom, Spence.”
When you looked his way, you saw the tears in the corners of his eyes. “You know what she said when I put her in the truck?” He asked, biting down on his lower lip. Your silence invited him to continue. “She said that she won. Because in 20 years, when she gets out, she’ll remember my name. But I won’t remember hers.”
“That bitch.” You should’ve knocked her head against the bar like you’d done to her bomber partner. “Spence, it’s not a guarantee you’ll end up the same way you know?”
Spencer cleared his throat. “I know, but it’s a possibility. And I can’t get tested. I’m too young for a test to detect any chromosomal defects. Just the idea of losing my mind...it’s who I am, for me more than most people.” He looked away from you, but it did little to hide the tears falling down his cheeks. “I don’t want to lose memories of my mother. I don’t want to lose memories of the things I’ve done with the BAU. I don’t want to lose memories of the team...of you.”
“Spence, you won’t. We aren’t just teammates anymore. Me, the rest of the team - we’re a family now and no matter what happens we’ll be there for you.” Pushing the swing toward Spencer’s own, you ran your finger down his hand. “I’ll be there. I promise.”
“Why? Why take on that pain?” 
“Because I love you, Spence.”
He searched your eyes for meaning. Instead of letting him wonder, you leaned in and kissed him. Just as you were about to pull back from the ledge, he grabbed the chain of your swing and held you there, your lips against his, comforting. “I’m scared,” he admitted. 
“I know. But you won’t have to be afraid alone. I promise.”
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whereisten · 4 years
A Kun fic that’s part of our Halloween Series!
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Summary: Doctor Qian Kun is a young and successful doctor who works miracles. And you are no exception when you become his patient.
Pairing: Doctor! Kun x female reader
Genre: romance, angst, fantasy, horror
Word Count: 5.6k
Warnings: blood, manipulation
(A/N: Thank you guys so much for your support with our Halloween fics! Hope you enjoy the adventures of y/n and Doctor Kun!)
You were no stranger to visits to the Neo Hospital in your hometown. When you were a baby, you basically lived at the hospital. You were prone to colds and fevers. You always experienced body aches and fatigue. You were born with a chronic autoimmune disorder that left many doctors baffled. They were only able to provide you with medications to alleviate your pains temporarily. You were confined to stay at home, to be homeschooled by your parents, and make friends online. Your childhood was far from normal.
You were a college junior now and you’ve been strictly online. If it wasn’t for the Internet, you probably would’ve lost your mind by now.
You had contact with the outside world but not physical contact. It’s what you longed for the most.
You resented your family. Your older and younger siblings could go out whenever they pleased. How did they get so lucky? Why were you the only sibling that got the short end of the stick?
Everyone in your family always interacted with you carefully, using hand sanitizer and always washing their hands prior to helping you with something. They treated you like a fine, porcelain doll that had to be preserved. It was irritating on your best days and unbearable on your worst. You felt like an abomination sometimes.
However, throughout the years, you would rebel. You would run away from home when your parents eyes wandered for a moment. The farthest you’d get before getting caught was the park. You were lucky that you didn’t develop any harsh symptoms from those times you ran away. However, you would be punished for taking such risks. You’d get your phone and internet privileges taken away for a month every time.
Last week, you succeeded in your most ambitious escape yet: you made it to Target to buy the new Ariana Grande CD. You thought that the one trip to Target couldn’t hurt you. By no means was it crowded and no one got into your space.
Well, you were wrong to think that you’d be fine.
Now you came down with a fever and you’d been placed on bed rest at your all-too familiar Room 1196 on the eleventh floor of the hospital.
You resented your body. A lot of people could recover from a fever and carry on with their day-to-day lives but you? Not so much.
Your parents made a whole spectacle of getting you to be seen by the best doctors but these doctors couldn’t help you the way you’d hoped.
However, this time, you awoke the next morning after your intake and felt...nothing.
Like you never had a fever in the first place.
You spent the morning checking your social media. Your crush/online classmate Sicheng was on a weekend hiking trip with his friends. He was with a bunch of beautiful, healthy people in North Carolina. You were even more bummed to be in the hospital now.
You wondered what life would be like if you didn’t have your condition. Where could you have gone? Who would you be now?
You’ve always wanted to go to the beach by yourself. To the supermarket. Hell, across the street. You wanted to go somewhere. Anywhere. Without anyone coddling you and watching your every move.
You wished for freedom from the body you were born with. To find a new one, somehow.
Because you had no hope for your current body to change.
“Y/n? Can I come in?” A male voice was heard from the door.
“Sure.” You sat upright on the bed.
The person at the door entered and he was the prettiest healthcare provider you’d ever laid your eyes on. He had warm, brown eyes and a radiant smile. His dark blue hair was wavy.
Suddenly, you regretted not brushing your hair that morning.
He donned a lab coat with the hospital’s name on it. His name tag was in a lanyard: Dr. Qian Kun, MD, DOM, PharmD.
He looked very young...And to have all of those titles? Your head was spinning.
He frowned as he saw how confused you looked. “Are you alright?”
You nodded. “I am.”
He sat on the chair beside your bed. “It’s nice to meet you, y/n. I’m Dr. Qian Kun but you can call me Kun.”
You blinked a few times. “Are you really a doctor?”
He laughed, confused. “What?”
“You don’t seem that much older than me…”
He sighed. “I get that a lot. I’m twenty-four. I graduated early from university...Earned my titles...Now here I am.”
“That’s amazing. You are probably the youngest doctor ever.”
Kun shook his head. “Afraid not. Bala Ambati became a doctor at seventeen.”
You shook your head. “Still...You have three doctorates. That means triple the sleep deprivation. Hats off to you.”
Kun chuckled as he looked at your information in his clipboard. “Your vitals have improved a lot since yesterday.”
You looked down at your hands. “Yeah...That’s impossible…”
Kun shook his head, noting how down you looked. “It is possible, y/n.”
You met his gaze. “How?”
He smiled. “Are you familiar with oriental medicine?”
He sure was charming, you thought. You reminded yourself to answer his question. “No, I’m not.”
Kun got up from his seat. “Well, there are many different practices that a doctor of oriental medicine can utilize, like acupuncture, meditation, and herbal therapy...To restore harmony to the human body. I specialize in herbal therapy.”
“I see…”
“I have created an herbal mixture that has worked efficiently to get my patients back up on their feet.”
Incredulous still, you managed to say, “That’s great, Doctor.”
He lifted an eyebrow.
“I mean, Kun.”
Kun resumed, “And I‘ve provided you with the herbal mixture and from the looks of it, the results have quickly taken effect.”
You were speechless. “That’s…”
“I know it’s hard to believe, y/n. But sometimes doctors fail to find other alternatives to help their patients. Which is why I’m glad I’m your primary physician now.”
“Wait, what about Doctor Morris?” Doctor Morris had been your primary physician since you were five years old.
“She’s retired. I’ve been taking on a couple of her patients now.”
“I see…”
Kun looked out your room’s window and smiled to himself. “You don’t trust me.”
“Don’t take it personally. I don’t trust any medical professional. No one has been able to understand my condition yet so…”
Kun replied, “You’ve been let down too many times.”
“Exactly. Doctors just can’t figure me out.”
He turned to you and grinned. “Allow me to prove you wrong, then.”
At the recommendation of Doctor Kun, you were assigned to stay in the hospital for the next few weeks to see how the herbal mixture would affect your body if you took it for a longer period of time.
Every passing day, you felt more alive. It was weird to say this but you felt more alive at the hospital than you did before. You were beginning to suspect that Kun’s herbal mixture was actually working.
The herbal mixture was made of feverfew among other medicinal herbs. It had certainly done the trick to reduce your fever overnight. You wondered just what this mixture was made of.
You just finished your online linguistics lecture and closed your laptop. You found Kun waiting at the door. “You free?”
You nodded. “Yes.”
He sat down next to you and pulled some of your favorite candy out of his pocket.
He put the candy bar in your hand. His fingers lightly touched your palm. Your face warmed up at his proximity. “Happy Halloween, y/n.”
Your eyes nearly bugged out. How did he know you loved Twix? You took the candy bar into your hand and almost cried.
“Y/n?” He asked, worried.
You wiped a tear away. “Sorry...It’s just that this time of the year is hard because...I want to celebrate it. Go out and trick or treat...I know that time has gone for me but I hate that I missed out, you know…”
You sniffled and took a bite of the chocolate bar. “My parents never wanted me to feel like I was missing out so they would bring the holiday home to me. I was never in need of M&Ms, Skittles, Twix, or Sour Patch Kids…They even helped me make the best Halloween costumes. We would watch a bunch of horror movies all month long...But I wanted to be a kid. I wanted to go out with my friends and go door to door…”
Kun’s heart went out to you. He hated seeing you so down and so deprived of a life that everyone should have. “Y/n, you will be able to do all of the things you want to do in life.”
You looked at Kun and he had a determined look on his face. “How can you be so sure?”
“I’ve worked with people with conditions like yours...They thought they would be attached to the hospital forever one way or another. But with my methods, I was able to help them turn their life around. And now they’re living normally and fully.”
You sighed. “I’m happy to hear that...I just don’t think I’ll be one of them.”
Kun placed his hand over yours. “Trust me, y/n. I won’t let you down.”
You met his eyes, then, and you smiled. “Thanks, Kun. I’ve gotta hand it to you. You’re my favorite doctor.”
He beamed. “Is that so?”
You nodded. “Yeah...None of the other doctors ever gave me so much as a lollipop Even though that seems to be the norm on TV…”
Kun chuckled. “There’s more where that came from, y/n.”
It has been a month since you’ve entered the hospital. The medical bills were covered by an anonymous benefactor. Your family didn’t have to worry about the financial strain of your hospital stay.
Your family came to visit you and they were stunned at how radiant you looked. They were surprised at how much more ALIVE you looked when they expected you to be weak and miserable because you were at the hospital. Something about you was different.
“Doctor Kun is a miracle worker, isn’t he?” Your dad asked.
“I heard he’s a sight for sore eyes, too...Don’t you think so, y/n?” Your older sister Sydney teased.
You mom shook her head and helped fluff your pillows. “How are you, sweetheart?”
You smiled. “I’m better, actually. I think Kun’s methods are working.”
“Oh, are you two on a first name basis?” Your sister joked.
You rolled your eyes. “He told me to call him Kun. If you saw him, you’d feel weird calling him Doctor, actually.”
“He’s quite young, y/n. He graduated from a top university in Beijing at age 10. Then, he went to medical school right after. He’s been a practicing doctor for a couple of years now. He’s unbelievable,” you dad said.
Kun entered the room, then. “I hope I’m not interrupting. I’m Doctor Qian Kun. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
Your mom was in love with him. Your dad was in shock at how young he was. Your sister wanted his number. You broke their stunned silence. “Kun, these are my parents Donna and Andrew. And this is my sister, Sydney.”
Kun greeted them. “I’m glad you are all here so I can tell you the good news.”
Everyone was shocked at the phrase “good news”. What good news could he possibly have to share?
Kun continued, “Y/n, your vitals are working at optimum level and we want to see how well you can fare by discharging you.”
You asked, “What?”
Kun smiled. “You can start having a normal life...In which you can attend in-person classes, go to the supermarket, take up a sport…”
You weren’t sure about the last thing he offered but everything else he suggested made you jump out of your bed. “Serious?”
Kun’s smile grew. “Yes.”
Your parents gave each other looks.
Your dad started. “Doctor, are you sure about this...y/n has lived all of her life in our home. The only outside world she’s ever known is our backyard and this hospital.”
Kun nodded. “I am sure. I’ve worked with several patients with similar cases as y/n’s and I would like to put the effect of the herbal mixture to the test. If there is any risk, she will immediately be brought back to the hospital and I will up the dosage for the herbs.”
After a few more minutes of discussion, your parents reluctantly agreed to take you home. To alleviate their concerns, you promised to consult with Kun once a week so he could monitor your progress.
You would be going home tomorrow and you had been given the green light to live a normal life. Outside. Go to classes. See your friends. Go to the beach. Buy fruits at the grocery store.
You packed up your belongings and Kun visited you one last time before you left. “Hey.”
You smiled brightly at him. “Hi!”
“How are you feeling?”
“Better than I ever have, honestly. And I have you to thank for that. Look, I’m not sure if this will work out in the end but the fact that I can take the chance and go out there...Thank you.”
Kun ruffled your hair. “I’m here for you, y/n.”
You did admit to yourself that you’d had a little crush on Dr. Kun but who were you kidding? He was so out of your league. You’d had a friend in him and you would always be thankful to him. “I have something for you.”
Kun’s eyes widened. “For me?”
“I wasn’t sure it’d get to my house in time but my mom got the package today. I told her to bring it today when everyone visited so…”
You pulled out a small gift bag with Kun’s present inside.
Kun smiled. “You didn’t have to get me anything.” “You’ve done a lot for me, Kun. I may have my doubts but I don’t doubt your intentions. And they're nothing but good. You’ve been doing so much for me. You’re setting me free...In a way.”
You handed the bag to Kun. He pulled out a little wrapped box from inside. He looked at you as he mocked suspicion.
He removed the wrapping to find a pair of AirPods. He gaped. “Y/n…”
You smiled. “For whenever you need to escape the noise…”
Kun had told you that sometimes he would get overwhelmed with his duties at the hospital and you’d asked him what gave him comfort. He told you it was music. So you figured something as light and portable as AirPods could help Kun calm down whenever he needed it throughout the day.
He smiled brightly at you and surprised you by wrapping his arms around you. “Y/n, thank you...You shouldn’t have…”
You froze. Kun’s toned body was against yours and you could feel the racing of his heart. Your heart probably beat twice as fast. You felt yourself get warmer and warmer. You pulled away from him, his hands on your arms.
He blushed. “Sorry…”
You cleared your throat. “Don’t worry about it…”
Your dad returned to the hospital room. “Y/n, you ready?”
Perfect timing, dad, you thought.
“Yeah, I’m coming.”
It may have been the second semester of your junior year but you felt as nervous as an incoming college freshman as you entered Neo University’s grounds for the first time. You were meeting some of your friends for the first time ever.
It was one thing to see them on the screen but your heart accelerated thinking of what it would be like to see them in the flesh.
You’ve been doing well so far with the herbs Kun had sent you home with. You were able to go grocery shopping with your mom. She was still considering whether or not you could go to the beach yet. You hoped that your progress would continue so she would say yes.
You felt healthier than ever. You could breathe well through your nose. You felt no body aches. You were ready to cartwheel across the quadrangle.
First, you had to learn how to cartwheel, though.
“Y/n!!!!!” Jungeun called out to you.
Your blonde best friend ran up to you and jumped you from behind. “Ah!”
“Jungeun!” You gasped.
She laughed. “You said I could touch you so I wasn’t about to hold back.”
You hugged each other tightly.
“Y/n, it’s so good to see you!”
You and Jungeun have been friends since middle school so you were already a sobbing mess on your first day.
“Stop crying, y/n or else I’m gonna…” She started crying, too.
“Enough with the tears, already,” Dejun added.
You and Jungeun hugged Dejun to bother him, then.
He laughed. “Y/n, welcome to Neo U.”
“Thanks,” you said, smiling.
You three went to your seminar together and you were just so in awe of being in a classroom, you had trouble focusing on the lecture. You were even more distracted when you saw that Sicheng was in the same class.
He recognized you and waved. You were yelling so loudly on the inside.
Before this semester, you had the occasional online class that you shared. You saw Sicheng for the first time a year ago and your crush on him grew from there. He was one of the most popular guys on campus, according to Jungeun. You had a group project with him last semester and he was so...Perfect.
He was intelligent and down-to-earth. His smile was so sweet and his eyes pierced into your soul. He was talking poetry. It felt like you were seeing your favorite celebrity in person.
When class ended, you went to lunch with your friends and Sicheng joined you.
“How are you, y/n?” He asked.
“I’m great. Never been better,” you replied.
He smiled. “I’m glad. If you ever need anything, please let me know. You have my number.”
You nodded. “Of course. Same here. If you ever need anything. I’m here for you, too.”
Sicheng chuckled. “Great.”
When you finished lunch, Jungeun couldn’t stop poking fun at you. Sicheng left early for a club meeting. “I’m surprised he didn’t ask you out, then!”
You rolled your eyes. “Ask who out?”
Dejun added. “Me, of course.”
Jungeun continued. “The ‘you have my number’ couldn’t have been more obvious. He wants you in his dorm yesterday.”
You frowned. “And what would we do? Fix his bed?”
Jungeun and Dejun laughed. Jungeun added, “The opposite, y/n.”
Your face heated up then. “Oh.”
Since you have basically spent most of your life either at home or at the hospital, you never even considered the possibility of a love life. You tried to convince yourself that dating sims would’ve been enough.
“Don’t worry, y/n...You and Sicheng can take it slow...He’s no incubus who is trying to take your soul,” Dejun offered.
“True,” you said.
That was if Sicheng saw you that way in the first place.
A few weeks had passed. You’d been seeing Kun regularly to check in and everything had gone as expected. You were fine. You weren’t exhibiting any flare-ups. So long as you kept taking the prescribed herbs, you would be fine.
“How is everything, y/n?” He asked.
“Pretty good, actually. School is still school, even if it’s in person. But I got to go to a skating rink for the first time.”
He laughed. “How was it?”
“I am terrible.” You showed your legs. “It explains these bruises.”
Kun shook his head and chuckled. “I’m glad you’re getting out more, y/n. Try and take it one step at a time.”
“Oh, geez. I wish you said that sooner. I already joined a blood cult and I’m getting married next week.”
Kun rolled his eyes as he finished taking notes from your consultation.
“How is everything with you, doc?”
Kun’s eyes widened. “Me?”
“Surely, you’re not always at the hospital.”
Kun sighed. “Well, y/n...it just so happens that I’ve taken residence up on the top floor. The whole floor is my apartment. Don’t really get to spend much time there because I’m almost always on call.”
Your jaw dropped. “What? Kun, that’s abuse. You shouldn’t be working so many hours. It’s against the-“
Kun couldn’t help his smile appearing.
“You sneaky bastard,” you said.
You both laughed, then.
Sometimes you forgot Kun was a successful doctor. Sometimes he felt like your infinitely smarter senior at college.
He was a million worlds away from yours.
Kun answered, “Well, I’m doing fine, y/n. I meet up with friends once in a while and go white-water rafting.”
“That sounds like fun!”
Kun shook his head. “It’s challenging but exciting. I get a rush every time I go.”
You thought out loud. “I’d love to try it sometime…”
Kun pat you in the back. “When you are at one hundred perfect, I’ll give you the green light. Sounds good?”
You nod.
You’d wrapped up your midterm and you were ready to head home and take a nap. You walked through the student quad.
“Y/n!” Sicheng called out to you.
You turned around and found Sicheng running towards you.
You smiled, already warm in the face. “Hi.”
“I was wondering if you were free right now…”
“Really? Me?”
He smiled, confused at your question. “Yeah, you. Want to go to the movies with me?”
You nodded. “Absolutely.”
Sicheng drove you guys to the movies. He bought the tickets and the snacks. He let you pick the movie. You picked The Blair Witch Project. It came out over twenty years ago but the theater was doing a limited time screening of it.
You and Sicheng couldn’t shut up throughout the whole movie as you whispered to each and made each other laugh. You’d almost gotten kicked out of the theater.
You left the theater together and he asked you to dinner. You said yes. You were starting to think that this was a date.
“Y/n, this is a date, right?” He asked you at dinner.
You stopped eating your chicken parmigiana and looked at him with big eyes. “I think...Is it?”
Sicheng sighed. “I wanted it to be…”
You laughed. “Oh, thank God. I thought it was all in my head for a second. Maybe you were this nice to all of your friends.”
He pointed out, “I am not this nice to my friends, I can promise you that.”
Sicheng drove you home and kissed you goodnight before you entered your house. You felt like you were floating on a cloud now.
Two days later, there was a campus alert that Sicheng had gone missing. His face was all over the news. The last time he was heard from was when he told his best friend Jaehyun that he was going to ask you out to the movies. The last time he was seen was when he took you home.
Sicheng’s car was found a mile away from the dorms. The key was still in the ignition and his wallet and phone were left behind.
You were brought into the police station for questioning and you told them everything that happened the night Sicheng disappeared.
You were worried. What could have happened to him? Would he be alright? Would he be able to come back home? You missed him so much.
You took an evening stroll around your neighborhood to try and calm down. You reached the park where there was no other soul in sight.
Suddenly, you felt a tingly sensation in the back of your neck. You felt that someone was following you.  
You began to walk faster. Suddenly, you were pinned to the ground and everything turned black.
You woke up in Room 1196, then. Wait...It wasn’t 1196...It was a different room in Neo Hospital. The room was dark and you could only hear the sound of your breathing. It grew more hysterical with each second.
You felt a burning sensation in your neck. You cried out in pain. You cried out, “Help me, please.”
“Y/n…” You recognized Kun’s voice.
You nearly yelled out in pain but restrained yourself. “What...happened?”
“An animal attack,” he started.
You frowned. “What?”
Kun sighed. “It was good that I was there to help you in time, y/n…”
Kun moved your hair out of your face. “I was in the neighborhood when I saw the beast attack your neck.”
“A beast?” You frowned.
“Sicheng, was it?”
Your eyes widened. “How do you-“
“You can’t hide anything from me, y/n...You know that’s not how our relationship works.”
“What are you talking about? Ahhhhh.” The pain was getting to be too much for you.
“Can you put two and two together, y/n? Sicheng bit you.”
You shook your head furiously. “No, he wouldn’t-“
Kun snapped his fingers and Sicheng entered the hospital room. His bright expression nowhere to be found. His eyes were a bright red and his lips had traces of blood on them.
“Sicheng?!” You asked.
Sicheng smiled, showing fangs in his teeth. “Hi, y/n…”
“Oh, my God!” You started.
Kun grew annoyed. “Alright, that’s enough pleasantries for my taste. Go.”
Sicheng walked away at his command.
You began, “What the-“
Kun smiled brightly at you then. This time, his straight white teeth displayed his own fangs. “Y/n...Sicheng has put you in a bit of a bind, hasn’t he?”
You tried backing away from Kun and getting off of the bed but it was almost as if the pain kept you from moving.
Kun ran the back of his hand down your cheek. “When a newborn vampire bites you, the bite is lethal...You could die anywhere between minutes and hours...It depends on the bitten, really…”
You flinched at his touch. “What...did you do to me?”
Kun inched closer to you and you winced. He lathered up the blood that leaked from your neck down to your collarbone.
“What had to be done, y/n. From the moment I first saw you, I knew that I had to have you.”
You cried out in pain. “Somebody help me, please! Sicheng, please!”
Kun, annoyed over you mentioning Sicheng, shut the door to the hospital room. “It’s useless, y/n. Sicheng wouldn’t be in this mess if he hadn’t infiltrated what is mine. Now Sicheng must endure the consequences and be at my mercy. I turned him so now he looks to me for instructions. Until I release him...Perhaps in the next millennium...”
You sobbed. “Kun, please make this pain stop! I can’t take it!”
He cooed. “I know, baby. I want to help you. Just say the word and I’ll make the pain go away.”
The pain dominated your senses so you couldn’t process how exactly he would make it go away. “Okay! Just do it!”
Kun got up onto the bed and straddled you. He leaned down towards your neck and bit into you.
You cried out again but this time the excruciating pain turned into a euphoria so glorious, you never wanted it to end. You wrapped your arms around Kun as he continued to drink your blood.
It was morning when you had woken up. You were in Room 1196 now. You shot up from your bed and found Kun seated right beside you.
“Good morning, darling,” he started.
You glared at him. “Bite me. Oh, wait, you already did.”
He smiled. “I see your energy is up. That’s good to see.”
You rolled your eyes. “I’m going home…”
Suddenly, you stopped right at the door and your throat started to burn. Your senses heightened and you could sense that one of the nurses was walking right past your room’s door. You wondered what she would taste like if you caught her by surprise right then and there and…
What the holy hell were you thinking?
Kun sighed. “Don’t kill Joyce. She’s the most competent nurse on the staff.”
You ran into your bathroom door and looked at yourself in the mirror.
But you couldn’t.
You put a hand over your mouth and sobbed. “Kun!!!!!”
Kun joined you in the bathroom. “Ah, yes. You won’t be able to gain access to your reflection for another twenty years.”
“Twenty years...What is going on?”
“But what else, y/n? I turned you. To save your life.”
“Turned me into what, Kun?! Say it!”
Kun smiled. “Darling, you already know. Just admit it to yourself.”
You cried. “No…”
“You’ve always wanted a new body. A new life, y/n. And I’ve given it to you. I’ve made you the most powerful creature on this damned planet: a vampire.”
You fell to the ground. You could feel your fangs against your tongue.“Kun! Why did you do this to me? What did I ever do to you?”
Kun sat with you on the ground. “Because I love you, y/n. I never want to be apart from you again.”
You spat in his face. “You made me into a monster.”
Kun, unbothered, wiped your spit away with the sleeve of his coat. “I did not. I made you the best version of yourself you can be. Time for you has become infinite. Your body is immune to all illnesses now. You can see clearly. Your metabolism is in top shape. You are a goddess now.”
You shook your head. “Kun, take it back.”
He chuckled. “You’ve seen enough movies to know that that’s not how it works, y/n...You are mine now. Forever. Just like Sicheng. Just like a lot of the staff in this hospital.”
You shook your head rapidly. “Like hell I’m yours.”
“Y/n, I have been very generous up until this point. Using my blood to help you overcome your chronic condition. Funding your hospital bills...The least you can do is submit to me....”
It was hard to process all of the truths he just delivered. “Your blood?”
He laughed. “You mean you couldn’t taste my blood in the herbal mixture?”
You were about to throw up.
He chuckled darkly. “Admit it, y/n. You loved it.”
“Fuck you, Kun!”
He smiled. “We’ll get to that…”
You sneered. “You are despicable.”
His smile faded. “And you are testing my patience…”  He snapped his fingers at you. “On your knees…”
You stayed on the floor with your arms crossed across your chest.
He frowned as he snapped again. “On your knees, y/n.”
“I don’t think so,” you said.
Kun looked taken aback. “What? How?”
You got up from the ground and looked at him. “I will never submit to you for as long as I live..” If vampires were even considered living.
You ran quickly out of the hospital room, realizing you had superhuman speed now. You were able to leave the historial without facing any temptation to bite someone.
But your thirst had to be satisfied somehow and you had to find a way to quench it without hurting anyone.
[2 years later]
You’d skipped town not long after you turned. You sent letters to your family without a return address so as not to risk their safety.
Dear Mom and Dad,
I’m so sorry I ran away. I had no choice. If I didn’t leave, you all would’ve been in danger. One day, I hope to explain it all to you but in the meantime, live your lives fully and love each other. Don’t take anything for granted. I love you so much and will see you again.
You had become an infamous blood bag bandit as you moved across the country, running away from Kun. He would occasionally try and track you. Or he would send his henchman like Sicheng to do it for him.
You were lucky so far. You had never attacked a human being and sustained yourself on some blood bags you were able to nab from donating trucks.
The reason why you didn’t submit yourself to Kun that day was indeed because of his blood. Consumption of his blood made you immune to his influence. He couldn’t have you like he had wanted all along.
Kun had been obsessed with you from the very beginning. When you were discharged from the hospital the time you met him, he continuously stalked you. At college, at the grocery store, at your home...It would explain why he was able to send Sicheng to attack you.
He always knew where you were back then.
Kun commanded Sicheng to bite you then and put you at risk of dying. Kun’s plan was to save you, make you his vampire queen, and control you.
It was a shame he failed to see that his creation of medicinal herbs was the one thing that would lead to his plan’s failure.
You were immune to his commands and you weren’t going to stick around and see how else he would try and “win you over”.
According to your research, in all public records, Kun was now twenty-six. A blatant lie since he couldn’t age. So you wondered how long he would remain in your hometown. You kept a careful eye on your family every now and then. You’ve made some contacts to track your family occasionally, as well.
Kun had stooped low and you prayed he wouldn’t stoop even lower to get you.
You worked hard every day to work on your rapidly growing vampiric abilities. You couldn’t stick around anywhere for too long without arousing suspicion.
Now you weren’t confined to one space anymore.
You were confined to running.
You hoped to one day bring it this madness to an end and take Kun down. Save Sicheng and Kun’s other minions.
And for you to truly be free.
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dc41896 · 3 years
New Roommate
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Pairing: Paul DiskantxBlack Reader
⚠️: Fluff, slight mentions of seggsy time
“We’re gonna have so much fun bubbas. We’re gonna go to the park, on hikes-oh! And the beach! I already know you’re gonna love it,” you beam rubbing noses with the two-month, blue nose pitbull who was trying to lick your face. “First though, I gotta get your dad on board.”
It’s not that your boyfriend didn’t want or like dogs. He always said how he’d love to have one someday when he was settled somewhere.
However that “somewhere” to Paul was a house with plenty yard space, an adequate amount of privacy, and maybe located in the suburbs. Not your recently renovated, two bedroom apartment you both just happened to move into about a month ago.
You made an agreement that you wouldn’t get any pets (well besides a fish, and a small one at that) to not risk messing anything up and having some sort of consequence, which would more than likely be in monetary form. Entranced by the short haired, too adorable for words pup though, you honestly could care less about the consequences.
Plus you just knew your little buddy wouldn’t cause any trouble. You could see that in his round, soft grey eyes.
“So, you’re gonna stay with your auntie Raye until I can work my charm on him okay?” The pup only tilts his head before letting out a small bark and making you pout as you hug him close. “I know but it’s only temporary. A night at most.”
Paul typically didn’t get home until later in the evening now that he was on a new case, so you had plenty of time to clean up any traces of dog left behind after Raye would leave and start cooking his favorite meal. As an added bonus, you also thought about your short, lilac, ruched number with spaghetti straps that always made his eyes light up when you wore it. He claimed it perfectly complimented your skin and made you look even more angelic as his hands always seemed to find your sides, the small of your back, or lower if you were right beside him (which of course you typically were).
However, hearing the familiar thud of boots journeying down the hall and rattling of keys, something told you that plan might not work now.
You quickly stand up, taking the probably confused puppy with you to the bathroom where you sit him in the empty tub, along with his new bone shaped chew toy, kneeling with a finger over your lips.
“Stay here and be really quiet okay?,” you whisper just as you hear the front door unlock. Quietly rushing to close the room door behind you, you muster your best ‘I wasn’t doing anything’ smile while you approached the tired looking man.
“Hey beautiful,” he greets, sweetly pecking your lips.
“Hey, you’re home early today.”
“Yea, we had a break in the case and went undercover to get the suspect which led to a chase, then a fight, and me having bruises forming as we speak.”
Dropping his bag by the dinner table, a sigh followed by a short wince leaves his mouth as he sinks into the leather couch cushions letting his head fall back and eyes close.
“Alright plan B it is,” you think to yourself moving behind him to gently massage his shoulders, occasionally letting your hands journey forward along his pecs giving them attention as well. Hearing a soft moan at his approaching relaxed state urges you to continue, knowing you’d soon have him exactly where you wanted.
“Aww I’m sorry babe. Where does it hurt?”
“My sides mostly, but my back a bit too.”
He helps you remove his fitted black shirt, a favorite of yours, letting out a short hiss from having to extend his sore muscles. Guiding him to lie down and placing one of the small throw pillows under his head, you straddle his lap letting your fingers drag along the red and light blue marks littering his sides.
“It doesn’t hurt when you breathe does it?”
“What about this?,” you ask pressing down to feel him flinch under you.
“Ow! Babe-,”
“Sorry! Sorry just checking.” Watching him settle back into his comfortable position with arm draped over his forehead, you slowly bend forward, lips inches from his bruise looking up at your boyfriend through your lashes. “And this?”
You feel his low chuckle vibrate his muscular upper body as your gentle, open mouthed kisses scatter from each injury to eventually find the spot just below his ear.
“I feel better already,” he smiles tilting your chin so your soft lips could meld with his. Kiss growing deeper with each passing second.
“Hooked like a fish,” you thought, lips never ceasing while being brought closer to his body as he sat up with hands squeezing your hips.
“Baby wait,” he states slightly leaning his head back and making you pout. “Let me go shower first. I’m sweaty and probably stink-,”
“What’s the point when you’re just gonna get sweaty again?,” you smirk taking his now red, fuller bottom lip between your teeth.
“All the more reason for you to join me then.” You can’t fully enjoy the combination of his tongue and lips on your neck from your brain hurriedly trying to figure out how to stop this man from finding your little surprise in the bathroom.
“Your, um..sides though! You know it’s gonna hurt trying to shower so just stay here with me.”
“Is there a reason you don’t want me going in our bathroom?,” he asks detaching from your neck with one final bite to eye you suspiciously.
“No, of course not. I just missed you.” Batting your lashes, you nonchalantly let your nail trace a line from where his pendant sat down the middle of his abdomen and just above his buckle before he shifted, swiftly lying you on your back with one hand hooked under your knee bringing it around his waist.
Men. Always so easy.
Giggling as thumbs graze the lower band of your bra and lips return to their assault on your neck and collarbone, a high pitched bark along with scuffling makes you freeze as Paul lifts his head confused.
“You heard that right?”
“Y-Yeah. It’s probably from one of the neighbors. Speaking of dogs though-”
When the barks and scuffling become more frequent, you start to wonder if Raye would mind you staying the night since you’d surely need a place to stay with Paul being mad at you.
“Nah that sounds really close,” he replies unhooking your leg to go investigate for himself. The only thing you can do is sit and nervously wait for the inevitable hearing him open the bedroom door and eventually enter the bathroom. “Honey...!”
“Hmm?!,” you ask biting the corner of your lip, turning your head at the sound of Paul padding across the wooden floor holding the noisy pup.
“Mind telling me why this little guy was in our tub?”
“....Maybe he was a gift from the front office?,” you innocently shrug making him bring his free hand to his hip, sternly looking at you.
“Alright. My coworker and I were bored one day and started looking through the pets the shelter had for adoption online and this little guy came across the screen and stole my heart.”
“Babe we talked about this. We can’t mess this place up.”
“I know and we won’t. Before you came home, we just hung out in here and he was so calm and sweet. Even in the tub he sat there like a good boy,” you smile standing up to scratch behind his ears making his tail wag against Paul’s side.
“That’s because he couldn’t get out since the tub is taller than him,” he retorts as you roll your eyes taking your new baby from his grasp.
“Cmon Paul look at this face and tell me you can say no.”
Holding the puppy at his eye level, there’s a few moments of silence as the two simply look at each other before the grey haired dog licks his cheek making him groan.
“You know I can’t say no. To either of you,” he softly smiles petting the short fur on his head. Seeing your pout as you bring your new friend next to your face, he lowly chuckles caressing your cheek as his lips find yours. “Alright he can stay.”
“Thank you!,” you excitedly squeal bouncing on the balls of your feet. “I already have the perfect name picked out.”
“What’s that?”
“Disco. After his dad,” you both laugh.
“Well, welcome to the family Disco,” he smiles taking him from your hands to place him on the floor where he began to sniff around getting acclimated to his new home. You’re caught off guard when you’re tossed over his broad shoulder, blood rushing to your head as you gently kick your legs laughing.
“Disco, look after everything. Me and mom have some unfinished business,” he smirks closing the bedroom door behind him with his foot.
Taglist: @fumbling-fanfics @honeydulcewrites @honeychicana @lady-olive-oil @themyscxiras @melinda-january @lovelymari4 @maxcullen @literaturefeen @damnitaa @curlyhairclub @plokyu23 @fullofmelaninsarcasmandepression @nunubug99 @felicity-x0 @ellixthea @jojolu @jnk-812 @brwn-sgr @captainsamwlsn @wildfirecracker @nina-sj @iammyownlover @chaneajoyyy @scoop93535 @secretmysteriousperson
If anybody wants to be tagged, has asked to be tagged but don’t see your name, only want to be tagged for certain people I write for (can be found in masterlist), or no longer wish to be tagged just let me know🤓!
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annabethy · 4 years
under the mistletoe, watching the fire glow day 14: neighbor
Character A can’t travel to see their family on Christmas, so they invite their grumpy loner neighbor Character B,, percabeth, mildly suggestive
Percy’s heart drops as he stares at the screen in front of him. He doesn’t even bother reading beyond the words that tells him his flight is cancelled. It feels like forever that he’s staring at that screen, the feeling of sadness beginning to become overwhelming.
He doesn’t know that he’s ever been apart from his mom for Christmas in his entire twenty-two years of life. It’s the one time a year that he drops everything to see his family, but now the icy roads are stopping flow into the airports all around the city, and he’s sure that this Christmas is ruined.
Percy actually feels like crying as he shoves on a sweater and makes his way back onto his couch to call his mom. He hasn’t seen her in forever, and this was the only chance for him to see her for the foreseeable future. It’s a quick conversation with her reassuring him that she understands and will miss him. She teases him about being a mommy’s boy, and he can’t even argue because he really is.
He wipes a silent tear that falls from his face as he tells her, “I miss you.”
His mom, of course, never one to have shame, tells him, “You still have friends there. Why don’t you ask them over, so you don’t have to be alone?”
“They’re all home for Christmas.”
“I’m sorry, sweetheart. What about your neighbor?”
Percy scoffs playfully, knowing exactly where this is going. “What about my neighbor?”
“She’s cute.”
“I’m pretty sure she also wants me to die.”
“Then this is the perfect time to warm her up! Invite her over. I’m sure she’s not as bad as you think. Just don’t give me any grandkids quite yet.”
She laughs over the phone. “Do what you want, baby, but it won’t hurt to ask her. I know she doesn’t have anywhere to go.”
“Yeah, yeah,” he dismisses. “I’ll think about it.”
“Do it for your mother,” Sally says. “I have to go now, okay? I love you.”
Percy swallows. “I love you too, momma.”
When the line clicks off, he feels so alone once again. He ends up turning on a random movie, but he doesn’t watch it, instead contemplating what he should do. He comes to the conclusion that there’s really nothing he can do because if he walks even two steps outside, he’s probably going to freeze to death. It confines him to his apartment building, where he knows actually no one besides his neighbor who doesn’t like him.
Okay. So he doesn’t actually know that she doesn’t like him, but he highly suspects it. He’s only spoken to her once, but it wasn’t a very pleasant conversation. It was more along the lines of can you shut the fuck up it’s three in the morning on her end, and then him saying I’m sorry, I just tripped and took down an entire table, and then she just kind of glared at him with her terrifying piercing grey eyes.
So yeah. It’s safe to say she doesn’t like him.
Still, he begins to think that she’s probably alone too. From the things he’s heard about her, especially from his mom who somehow managed to have a whole conversation with his neighbor the last time she visited, she has no family to go home to. Or maybe she did, but she wasn’t on good enough terms to return, or she just didn’t want to. Either way, she was alone, and Percy is a firm believer that no one should be alone on Christmas.
That’s how Percy finds himself standing outside of her apartment door, wondering if he’s actually about to invite someone who’s practically a stranger into his home. Apparently, he is.
Percy knocks gently twice before stepping back. The hallways are cold despite being inside, so he hugs himself as he waits. He’s sure he looks like a mess in his sweater and red sweatpants, so he’s a little self-conscious, but then he remembers that she doesn’t like him, and he has nothing to prove.
The door swings open abruptly, and Percy is met with Annabeth standing there, face unreadable. She’s looking at him expectantly, peeking out into the hall beyond him. When she finds no one else there, she looks back to him.
“Hi,” she says. “Did you need something?”
Percy shifts his feet, eyeing her sweater with snowflakes printed on it. He hadn’t expected her to enjoy festive clothes. “No, not really. I like the sweater by the way.”
“Thanks. So what did you need?”
Annabeth bites her lower lip. “Okay. Why are you standing outside my door then?”
“Oh. Right. Sorry, I forgot.”
She laughs hesitantly. “It’s fine. Just tell me what it is you came to tell me.”
“I was actually going to ask if you wanted to come over,” he says, pointing over his shoulder. “My flight was cancelled, and I didn’t want to be alone.”
“So you just assumed I had nothing better to do?”
Percy pauses. “Wait, no. I just heard that you were here for Christmas, and I thought you might want to do something so you’re not alone either.”
“What makes you think I would want to hang out with you?”
Percy is slightly offended. “I didn’t see why you wouldn’t. Did I do something?”
“Then I don’t understand.”
“I just want to know why you’re asking me now, Percy.”
“You know my name?”
“We’ve only been living next to each other for two years,” she says.
“Right. Well, the honest answer is that my flight is cancelled, and my mom suggested I ask you to come over because you’re cute.” After that, Percy highly expects her to slam the door in his face because that’s just the way she is. Instead, she smiles and leans against the door.
“Your mom suggested you ask me out?”
“And hinted that we would be having sex if you must know. Which will not be happening.”
“Bummer,” she says, tilting her head. “If I do come, what would we do then?”
“We can watch movies or make cookies if you want. Whatever you want.”
“And if I want to have super hot Christmas sex?” From the tone of her voice, she is very obviously kidding.
“Then it’s a good thing neither of us are going to see family, isn’t it?” Percy says playfully back. “But seriously, are you coming?”
“Yeah, sure. Just give me a second.”
Percy waits for her outside as she heads back inside her apartment. It’s only a minute before she’s back out and locking her door as he leads her to his own apartment. The first step inside immediately warms him, and he thanks every god that exists that he managed to snag a heater for the living room.
Annabeth stands by the couch as she turns to him. “You promised me Christmas cookies?”
“Is that what you want?”
“I’d prefer it to a movie.”
Percy smiles, and he’s starting to think that maybe they’ll get along better than he initially thought. They stand in the kitchen as Percy grabs a random container of dough. He pulls out a bunch of candy and icing from last week when him and his friends made gingerbread houses, and Annabeth grabs them from his hand to examine them before setting them on the counter.
He preheats the oven before going to stand next to her again. “You ready to make the best cookies you’ve had in your entire life?” She grins. “It’s on.”
The next hour is spent with them competing over who can make the ugliest cookie. Percy has to admit that hers takes the lead with the biggest blobs on icing falling all over his counter.
She’s a lot easier to get along with than he initially thought. She laughs and smiles with him, and shoves his cookie into his face, smearing the frosting and sprinkles everywhere, and he doesn’t think he’s ever had this much fun before. He’s able to forget that he’s not with his mom because Annabeth is something else in itself. He doesn’t know how he hasn’t ever invited her out because she is practically his best friend already.
“Annabeth,” he chastises when she takes a bite out of his cookie.
“It tastes awful,” she says through the mouthful of sugar.
Percy’s stomach flutters. There’s a smudge of frosting on the corner of her mouth, and he has to resist wiping it away. He takes a bite himself and shoots her a look. “Liar.”
She just gives him a sweet smile.
“So,” she says, leaning against the counter, cookies now forgotten. “Why couldn’t you go home for Christmas?”
“The airports are all closed,” he tells her, shrugging. “But it’s okay. I’m having fun.”
“Still. It must suck to not be able to see your family.”
“But what about you? You don’t get to see your family.”
Annabeth stiffens, and Percy realizes he’s overstepped.
“I’m sorry. You don’t have to answer that.”
“It’s fine. I just don’t really get along with my family, so. I just stay by myself for most holidays.”
“You’re welcome to spend holidays with me then,” he offers.
“As kind as that is, you just met me today. I don’t think your family would react well to bringing home your neighbor that was an ‘asshole to you for no reason.’”
Percy pauses.
“I’m not stupid. I’ve heard what you told other people.”
He doesn’t know what to say. He can’t deny it because he really did say it, but he wouldn’t have if he knew that she would hear him. “I don’t think it’s true.”
“You still said it.”
“I’m sorry. I didn’t know.”
She shrugs, humor in his eyes. It dawns on him that she finds making him feel guilty funny. “Don’t worry about it.”
“I promise I don’t think that.” He struggles to find words. “I actually really like you. This has been fun, and I don’t want you to think I haven’t enjoyed every minute with you because I have.”
She smirks. “So you don’t think that I’m an ass anymore?”
“I mean. A little bit, but it’s only because you just ate my fucking cookie.”
“It was a good cookie.”
“So you were lying!” he accuses.
“I wanted to win the competition!”
Percy smiles. “Then you win! I forfeit.”
“Forfeit? For me?”
“Of course. I was always taught to let the pretty girl win.”
“Pretty girl, huh?”
“Well, you are.”
“So you invited me over because I’m pretty? Not because you didn’t want to be alone?”
“I invited you over because my mommy told me to.”
“Your mommy also told you to flip me over and have your way with me.”
Percy chokes. “I promise my mom did not say that.”
“The point is you listened to her about everything else, and you told me we could do whatever I wanted.”
Percy can’t tell if she’s messing with him, so he keeps his cool exterior even though he’s combusted inside already. “And what you want is… a Christmas sex session?”
“You’re not the only one that’s cute.”
“Well now I want to kiss you.”
Annabeth raises an eyebrow. “Then do it.”
And he does.
He tugs her in close and kisses her hard. His brain stops functioning, and all he can think of is how he hasn’t done this before. It feels right, and it’s insane to think that she’s been living across the hall for the past two years when they could’ve been doing this. He threads his fingers in her hair, and she bites his bottom lip and lets out a whimper that makes his heart stop.
As Percy deepens the kiss and Annabeth tugs on the hem of his shirt until he pulls it off, he thinks that this Christmas might actually be the best one yet. He may not be with his mom, but it sure feels like he’s building something permanent with his hot next-door neighbor, and he wouldn’t change a thing.
He’s going to stop thinking of his mom now because this pretty girl in front of him nips at his jaw, and he thinks he knows where this is about to go.
It surely is a Merry Christmas.
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stupid-stew · 3 years
A Different Kind of Pain
i forgot what writing was but then boom little venty fic if you please anyways mom eda for the win (AO3 link if you want) content warning for injury and vomiting because yes.
That was all Luz could think. Every bone in her body hurt, her muscles were having a screaming match with each other and she hadn’t even moved yet. Oh no. She had to move. In that moment, that was the last thing Luz wanted, she would rather have stayed there on the floor moving for days. But that wasn’t an option.
She took a deep breath in and lifted her left arm. That was all she had to do, get her arm off the ground, easy, right? Wrong. A burning pain shot from her shoulder all the way through her joints and into her fingertips. Luz had to bite her tongue to keep herself from making noise, her mouth tasted metallic. Great, another injury, what was one more. Maybe the other arm wasn’t as bad. Luz took a deep breath and shut her eyes before trying her other arm-
That wasn’t bad.
There was a definite soreness, but nothing comparable to the other one.
Luz took her time testing her limbs one by one, how much did they hurt individually, except for her left arm, not again. It seemed like that was the worst of it, so she pulled her left hand into her body and tried to get up. Not a good idea. Her whole left side had something else to say, an intense numb ache through her entire abdomen stopped her in her tracks, she fell back onto her sleeping bag with a loud thud, the noise however was the last of Luz’s worries at the moment. The impact with the ground had made her unfortunately aware of the fact that her head was throbbing.
Shoot. Eda must have heard her fall. She didn’t want Eda to know, she didn’t need anything else to worry about.
“Luz are you ok in there?”
She tried to sit up, which led to her having to muffle a pained groan before replying, “yeah everything’s fine i’m ok, just slipped.”
“Are you sure?”
God couldn’t Eda just take her at her word?
“Yep!” Luz put as much false enthusiasm into her voice as she could muster, which seemed to do the trick because Eda just hummed and continued walking.
Luz waited until she could no longer hear footsteps before deciding she had to get up. One intense inhale and a lot of momentum later, she was on her feet, doubled over in pain, but on her feet nonetheless. How could everything hurt? Did she even have enough body parts to be experiencing this? Luz tested her weight, shifting onto her right foot didn’t cause any real problems, but trying her luck on her left foot was a different story. She had to put her arm out to grab something so she didn’t fall, but using her left hand was a mistake. Luz couldn’t stop herself from yelling out as violent pins and needles made their way up and down her arm. She couldn’t move, she felt parylized. There was a set of rapid footsteps coming up the stairs.
Luz didn’t want her to know, didn’t want her to worry, but she couldn’t do anything about it. If she moved, let go of the beam she was holding onto, put her leg out, no matter what she did next, it wasn’t looking good for her.
“Luz?” Eda sounded worried, that wasn’t part of the plan, but Luz couldn’t even respond, the pain throughout her body had rendered her mute.
“Ok kid, I’m coming in.” Every part of Luz’s mind was on fire, she didn’t want Eda in here, she couldn’t talk or move, what was she going to do?
A soft sliver of light came from the hallway and illuminated the part of Luz’s room where she was standing, huh, sort of like a really awful spotlight, Luz thought to herself. She closed her eyes, it was the one part of her body she could move and there was no way she was going to let herself see Eda’s face.
“Oh titan.”
Luz guessed she must have had some visible injuries because Eda ran right up to her side and placed her hands on Luz’s back in an attempt to give her arm some relief, which surprisingly didn’t hurt as much as she was expecting.
“Luz, let go of the beam, I’m gonna lower down, ok?”
She tried to open her mouth but there was something sealing her lips, so she just nodded her head and closed her eyes as she let her hand relax. Even without her magic, Eda was strong enough to hold Luz and gently place her on the ground. The problem came when Eda had to move her hands out from under Luz, she ended up running her hands along Luz’s left side, and that set her off.
Suddenly, it was like there were too many things happening at once. She couldn’t pinpoint where the pain was coming from, it was all over. It was hard to breathe, wait why wasn’t she breathing. Luz realized she had been holding her breath. She tried to let it go, but the lack of pressure in her chest made everything worse. Now it was like she needed more, more weight, everywhere. She took a deep breath in and held it. Good, that was better. It was like there was no more pain, she couldn’t feel anything past her thoughts, she rolled over and grabbed Eda’s side, desperate for any sort of contact she could get.
“Woah kid what are you doi- OOPH-”
Luz pulled Eda on top of her and held on tight. The witch was sort of kneeling now next to Luz with her torso laid across Luz’s while the kid seemed to be trying to pull Eda into the ground with her.
“Luz what is going on?”
Luz couldn’t answer, instead she just tightened the grip her forearms had around Eda’s middle and let out a sad sort of pained groan.
Eda realized that Luz’s chest wasn’t moving, was she breathing?
“Kid you have to breathe.”
Luz didn’t process what Eda had said, too busy focusing on the insane amounts of energy that were crashing through every part of her. She needed to move, to go, to do something, but she couldn’t at the same time. She just needed to wait, to have something crushing her, holding her down, keeping her still. Eda, where was Eda going.
Eda had put her own arms out and was trying to lift herself off of Luz, it seemed like the kid needed something but she wasn’t sure what until she saw the look in Luz’s eyes.
The kid looked desperate, she was writhing around, whimpering, looking for anything to grab, to hold onto, how was she even moving with those bruises? Eda didn’t think twice about it, instead she just repositioned herself and took Luz in her own embrace, allowing her to hold on as tightly as she needed. She noticed Luz starting to breathe, they were sharp, deep inhales that the kid was holding in for far too long, but at least there was oxygen entering and leaving her lungs.
Luz suddenly took her hands off of Eda, and Eda took it as a sign to get up, which was apparently the right call because Luz shot up off the ground, and started walking around, ignoring the searing pain that was still deep in her bones, she wasn’t going anywhere, back and forth across the room, moving her arms around in seemingly random patterns. Her thoughts were still too loud, even though she wasn’t thinking about anything, she couldn’t hear, she was flapping her hands and repeatedly popping her knuckles in an attempt to make everything stop. She didn’t know what was going on, there were too many things happening and they all needed to stop. Her prayers were answered when she realized she was nauseous. She stopped moving and walked straight for the bathroom, not even registering Eda behind her.
She made it just in time, her knees hitting the floor just as the first wave of bile escaped her throat.
Eda wasn’t entirely sure what had just happened. First Luz was holding onto her as if her life depended on it, then she was walking around in constant motion as if stopping meant the end of the world, and then she had walked out of the room on a mission? Where was she going? All of Eda’s questions were answered when she heard heaving in the room next to her. Uh oh. Eda briskly walked to the bathroom, and just as she had suspected, found Luz face down in the toilet bowl. If the last couple minutes were any indication, Luz probably didn’t want anyone touching her at the moment, so Eda kept her distance, deciding to leave the kid to it while she went down to the kitchen to get a glass of water ready.
Luz’s whole body was on fire. Her joints, her muscles, her throat now, but she had never appreciated it more. Sure, nobody liked dry heaving into the toilet unable to breathe, but that meant she was done. She could move again. Luz felt tears running down her cheeks, she wasn’t sure if they were out of pain, relief, if it was just because she was overwhelmed, but she wasn’t going to do anything to stop it, she didn’t have the energy. She rolled into a sitting position on the floor, rudely reminded of the fact she was still injured by a wave of discomfort caused by the motion.
Luz took a minute to sit there, just sitting with her head against the wall, crying, letting herself be hurt, and that was how Eda found her.
“Oh, Luz.”
Eda put the glass of water in her opposite hand and took a seat next to the girl. She knew better than to touch Luz anywhere that might cause the kid pain, so she just placed her hand gently on Luz’s knee. If she wanted anything more, Eda trusted her to initiate it. She waited for Luz’s breathing to calm before offering the water.
Luz wasn’t thirsty, but she knew Eda would worry if she didn’t have any, plus it couldn’t do her any harm to get some water in her body given the events of the past half hour, so she took a couple of swiggs before handing it back.
Eda sighed, “we need to take care of those bruises.”
Luz just nodded.
“Anywhere in particular it hurts too much?”
Luz cleared her throat as best she could, deciding it was time to test if her voice had returned yet, “My left side.” it was quiet, but it was her voice.
Eda winced “that’s where I moved my hands after setting you down isn’t it?”
The silence told Eda all she needed to know.
“I’m so sorry kid.”
Luz laughed a little, “it’s ok, you didn’t know.”
Eda hung her head a little and got herself up before extending her hand out to Luz.
“Cmon, let’s get you up.”
Together they were able to get Luz seated onto the counter, the hisses of pain that came from Luz were enough to drive Eda to the edge of tears, but she knew it had to be done. As she helped Luz, the realization of what had just happened to Luz hit her. Eda was familiar with it, it had happened to her a few times when she had first gotten cursed, those transformations had been especially difficult, painful. Eda didn’t have to imagine how much pain Luz had been in to cause that kind of reaction, she had been there herself.
It took a while, but eventually Luz was sitting facing Eda from the countertop.
“I’m assuming your arm hurts the most?”
Eda had noticed Luz treating it with a different tenderness than the rest of her body.
Luz blushed and nodded.
This confused Eda. “You know you don’t have to be embarrassed. It’s ok to be in pain, you just need to let me help you.”
Luz looked up at her with tears in her eyes, “bu-” something stopped Luz’s words. Oh no. Before she knew it she was emptying the contents of her stomach onto the floor in front of her, which was also where Eda was standing.
“Eda I’m so sorry.” Luz was crying now, each of her words punctuated with a sob.
“Shhh it’s ok. It’s just some water and some clothes. Don’t worry about it.” Eda wrapped her arms around Luz’s shoulders, taking care not to hit any spots that might hurt Luz more. She let the kid sob into her chest, not caring the slightest bit about her shirt. Let it get stained by tears, by vomit, as long as Luz is ok. Eda rocked back and forth on her feet, being careful not to move Luz too much, just enough to coax her into a normal breathing pattern. It seemed to work, because she was able to pull away and look Luz in the face, though the kid didn’t seem all that interested in returning the eye contact.
“You,” Eda brought her hand up to Luz’s face and wiped away some of the tears that were still running down her cheeks, “have nothing to be sorry for. And you have had a very long morning.” Eda was now running her nails through Luz’s hair “So, what do you say we get your arm all checked out and then you can go back to bed.”
Luz met her eye, which made Eda feel a lot better. “Nest party?” The kid’s voice was still carrying a lot of unshed tears, but Eda couldn’t help but laugh. Only Luz would be in so much pain she couldn’t move or speak, then get too overwhelmed to sit still, and then throw up, and still be injured with the prospect of a lot more discomfort in the near future, and still be focused on a nest party. Only Luz. “Yes, yes we can have a nest party.”
Luz closed her eyes and rested her head against the mirror behind her.
Eda reached out to touch Luz’s arm, not missing the look across her face at the contact, and rolled up the sleeve gingerly.
Luz opened her eyes and looked down. She knew her arm hurt, she was well aware of that, but she really wasn’t expecting it to be this bad. There were two vertical purple and green lines running up what seemed to be the entirety of her arm, starting at the wrist.
“Yeesh indeed.”
Eda picked up Luz’s arm by the wrist and was met by a shout, causing her to gently place the arm back down as quickly as she could.
“Sorry sorry sorry, probably a sprained wrist.”
Luz hissed through her teeth, “of course.”
Several bandages later, Luz was at the point she could move her arm stiffly around without much of an issue, still wasn’t enjoyable, but doable.
After proving to Eda she could at least swing her arm and place it down without much of an issue, Luz was allowed off the counter.
“You sure you can walk?”
Luz wasn’t sure. But she had to try, so she gave Eda a shaky nod.
Eda didn’t look fully convinced, and offered Luz her arm as a support.
With Eda’s help she was able to make it all the way to the red double doors and to the nest. When they got there, Luz almost flopped into the nest, the exhaustion of her short day already catching up to her. Her back still hurt, her neck, her arms, her legs, everything was sore and she didn’t want to move. Eda picked up on this and settled for carefully moving behind Luz in the nest, and was greeted by the girl wrapping her good arm around the witch’s waist.
“Thanks Eda.” Luz’s words were slow, expressing how tired she was.
Eda grinned at this, “Don’t mention it kid.”
“Mkay.” She could tell Luz was really ready for a rest, Eda didn’t even want to think about how long Luz had sat there in her room by herself before Eda had come in, so she settled for helping Luz now. She carefully lifted Luz’s head and placed her own arm under the kid’s neck, reaching around to gently run her long nails up and down her back and up into her hair repeatedly, being extra careful to avoid anything too far to the left for Luz’s sake. The motion was all Luz needed to fall into a deep sleep, and Eda didn’t mind the breath that was blowing her own hair into her face or the cramp in her arm, because Luz was comfortable, and that was all that mattered. Eda knew what Luz had gone through, and it was a different kind of pain, and if she could do anything to take it away, even for a moment, she’d do so gladly, for Luz.
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yesttoheaven · 4 years
I SEE YOU – chapter III
pairing – arthur fleck x female!reader
wc – 2.6k
warnings – just fluff and a little bit of angst
English is not my first language. I am getting help from google translator and he is not always a good ally, so I apologize for any typos or grammar errors.
Y/N – your name
Y/L/N – your last name
🔴 chapter one. chapter two. chapter three.
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The actress looked around, enjoying the apartment where Arthur lived with his mother. The place was small, very different from what she was used to, but this simplicity was nostalgic and reminded her of her childhood; when everything seemed simple, despite the difficulties.
Unfortunately Arthur was still at work, but Penny assured her that he would be back soon and added that Y/N could wait for him. At first Brian didn't approve of this idea, considering that the actress was going to an important dinner tonight, but he should know that it’s impossible to say no to her puppy eyes. Now Brian is probably driving to Misty's house, ready to take her to Y/N's apartment, exactly as they agreed the day before. The only difference would be the absence of the actress, but this would be justified with: "She's at Angelina's." Although the plan was apparently perfect, leaving her alone with practically unknown people was worrisome. Y/N's safety was his responsibility. If something happened to her, Brian would never forgive himself, but she stated with all the letters that she would stay inside the apartment, waiting for him with Arthur and Penny. And they were not bad people.
Y/N didn't like to involve Brian in this web of lies, but Misty knew how to be stifling when she wanted to. Visiting Arthur was not illegal, but she didn't see it that way. In her conception, to be friends with Y/N Y/N/L you need to have a bank account with many zeros after the comma.
Placing her manager at the bottom of her thoughts, Y/N's eyes fell on the small table next to the couch she was on. A few magazines were spread out and a shy smile crossed her lips. She would probably never get used to it.
Noticing the young woman's interest in magazines, Penny said:
"This actress is so graceful."
"You think? I hear only bad things about her." Y/N replied, taking one of the magazines and placing it next to her face, reproducing the cover.
When the realization reached Arthur's mother, she looked at Y/N with wide eyes, thinking it was a mirage caused by the effects of the medicines she used daily. When she opened the door and found the woman on the other side, Penny didn't imagine that Y/N was Y/N Y/L/N, the same woman who is in all these magazines.
"That was my first cover... six years have passed and I'm still nervous on camera." The actress smiled, leaving the magazine with the other copies.
"You need to excuse me, I'm too old for that... I watch your movies with my son and I was unable to recognize you."
"It's all right, these photos are usually a little bit manipulated. Maybe that's why you didn't recognize me."
The conversation continued pleasantly between them. Penny Fleck didn't feel like she was talking to one of Gotham's biggest actresses; Y/N seemed to be just a nice neighbor, the one who always shows up for a visit at the end of the day. They only knew each other for a few minutes, but it didn't matter, Penny was comfortable, sharing with her a little bit of his life with Arthur, or Happy as she used to call her son. The actress considered this point intriguing, because when she met Arthur, sadness was the only thing that existed on his face like a second skin, but maybe she was just impressed.
Every day was exactly the same for Arthur. He went to work, spent the day spinning his sign in front of a store or visited sick children in hospitals – this was his favorite; Carnival loved to bring joy to them. The time to return home represented some relief for the clown. This meant that his co-workers would have to wait for the next day to continue making fun of him. Arthur would always be a joke for everyone.
Tired for another exhausting day at work – or just being who he is – all Arthur wanted at that moment was to relax by smoking a cigarette. Dragging himself out of the elevator, he made his way to his old apartment and took the keys out of his pocket to open the door. He warned that he was back, but his mother did not respond. Arthur suspected she was asleep, but as soon as he put his feet in the living room, his body froze.
The likelihood of them seeing each other again was one in a million, but here she was, surprising him once again. There was no plausible explanation for what he was feeling at the moment. Accelerated heart. Sweaty palms. And the most sincere smile of his entire life. Arthur was genuinely happy. Seeing the actress again was enough to erase all his problems. Y/N was like a breath of fresh air to his lungs. There was something about her, something that you notice from a long distance, but that Arthur can't put into words.
"Happy, your friend was waiting for you." Penny broke the silence, bringing them to reality again.
With a smile, Y/N stood up, running her hands over the dress she wore. She approached the man and greeted him in her soft voice:
"Hi, Arthur. How've you been?" Surprised by her own courage, she touched his shoulder and left a kiss on his cheek.
Arthur felt his cheeks turn into two tomatoes and he automatically looked at the ground, hiding a shy smile in the corner of his lips. But knowing that she was waiting for an answer, he took a deep breath, looking at her again and saying:
"Hey, I'm... I'm good. How about you?"
"I couldn’t be better. I hope I'm not bothering you, your mom said I could stay to wait for you."
"Don't say that, you never bother, dear! Now I'm going to leave you two alone so you can talk." The woman tried to get up and Arthur quickly moved to stand beside her, helping Penny back to the bedroom.
It was easy to see how much he loves his mother.
A few minutes later, Arthur was back in the living room, looking a little nervous about the situation. It was possible to state that the actress felt the same way, remembering the reason that brought her to the other side of the city. She didn't want to say anything in front of Penny, but now she could and the words were stuck in her throat.
"I don't know where to start... I'm so sorry for the way you were treated. They couldn't have done that to you, Arthur."
"How d-did you know?"
"Brian talked to the receptionist..." She said, biting her lower lip in an attempt to control herself, but that was not enough. "I'm so mad at Susan! Who does she think she is to treat you that way?"
"Don't be m-mad at her because of me... It's okay, I'm used to it." Arthur replied, trying to reassure the actress. The last thing he wanted to do was be responsible for erasing her smile, but his words made Y/N even more concerned.
"What are you saying?"
"My life is... different from yours." He murmured, shaking his shoulders as if it didn't matter, but the sad expression on his face showed just the opposite. "I d-don't want to bother you with my stupid problems. This is not worth your time."
"But I have all the time in the world to hear you. Please tell me..." Y/N insisted, still trying to understand what he meant by 'I'm used to it'.
Susan had compared Arthur to a criminal; someone dangerous. She judged him by his appearance. His actions. His somewhat confused way of speaking. No. This is not normal. This is not something that Arthur should just 'get used to'.
"C-Can I get you something to drink?" He asked, shifting the focus of the conversation in the blink of an eye. Just a few more words and he could feel the laughter in the back of his throat, begging to leave. And that was not what he wanted.
"But..." The actress tried again, but acknowledged it was time to stop. She showed one of her beautiful smiles and that was enough to warm the man's heart. "Water, please."
Following Arthur into the kitchen, she stood by the door, watching him. Arthur was not a bad person – and he wasn't a criminal either, as Susan thought. Y/N just wanted to have the opportunity to get to know him better. It was as if the man still has his face paint on; as if he were still Carnival and she desperately wanted to meet the man hiding behind the paint, but Y/N understood that invading his space was not the best way to achieve this.
"Oh, thanks!" She thanked him, holding the cup and drinking, as they walked back to the living room. Pointing to the magazines, she fired: "These magazines are old... Are you a collector or something?"
"Not exactly... It was a few months ago, this guy was throwing the magazines in the trash because nobody wanted to buy, but he sold it to me for half the price..." Arthur's eyes widened when he realized what he had said. He scratched the back of his neck, completely embarrassed, but the actress just started laughing.
"It's okay, Arthur. I like your sincerity." She added, finding the situation funny. "But tell me, what is your favorite?"
The man pointed to the third magazine without thinking twice. Unlike the others, this cover was focused only on Y/N's angelic face. She was holding a white rose; the petals of the flower touching her lips painted in bright red.
"You have the most beautiful smile I've ever seen in my life." He thought aloud, making her blush with his sincere words.
Y/N was constantly praised. Men and women. Different ages. Nationalities. Some were adorable, others completely depraved, but no one was able to make her feel what she was feeling right now.
Arthur was surprised at himself. This trust was not constant in his life, but close to her, it was as if he wanted to try. It was easy, because he was just telling the truth. Her smile was beautiful.
"So... what is this?" After a few minutes of silence, she asked, pointing again at the small table in the center of the living room.
"Oh, this is my journal!" The man picked up his journal and sat down next to her on the couch. "My therapist forced me to have one. I write my thoughts, some new jokes and other things..."
"I love jokes, but I need to confess that clowns are not my point."
"Don't you like clowns?" Arthur was not angry with her, in fact he thought it was funny. "How is this possible?"
"Don't judge me! It's nothing personal... I don't hate them completely, i just get a little nervous." Y/N started to laugh, being accompanied by him. When the laughter stopped, she said: "Now the million dollar question... What did you think of 'Midnight Seduction'? But you need to promise me that you will be honest with your criticism, right?"
The man shook his head in agreement.
"So I can start by saying that the ending was not as I expected, she died..." Arthur knew it was just a fictional death, but Y/N's flawless performance took that scene to another level. He was paralyzed by her talent. Y/N was definitely born to shine. Her filmography was rich.
"My Diana..." The actress spoke fondly about the character, remembering the day she read the script for the first time. Nobody was expecting this. "I like to imagine that she had a second chance. No prostitution. No drugs. Without HIV. And with someone by your side to love."
"This is a good ending, I like it... Rosalind was the only person who cared about her."
"Oh, did you notice?" Y/N asked, leaving the glass of water on the table. "I mentioned this in an interview, but the next day everyone was distorting my words!"
"It's just... love. What's wrong with that?"
"Unfortunately some people will never understand what love is."
Looking at Y/N and Arthur, it was possible to see that they were opposite poles. Their lives were completely different, but it was intriguing how they always found a connection. Time passed quickly, but they were still involved in a long conversation. Y/N loved to hear the man tell about his work as a clown – obviously he didn't mention the bad side. The actress told about NGOs, some trips around the globe and the preparation to play her characters. Each character was a new challenge and Arthur found it fascinating that she lived several lives in just one.
When the conversation followed a delicate path, Y/N considered changing this path, but she gave up and stood up, walking around the living room with a nostalgic smile growing on her lips. Arthur watched a few interviews, but hearing the actress speak directly to him about her childhood in Narrows was different. She lived in a simple house with her mother and brother. The situation was not easy, they did not have much money. Today her mother and brother are living in France, enjoying a wonderful life because of Y/N and her promising career. She missed them. She talked to them on the phone every day, but that was her best decision. Gotham has become a hostile, completely violent city, but it was in the middle of this violent city that her life changed...
"I was working at a restaurant in the downtown when Misty saw me in that hideous uniform..." Y/N couldn't help but laugh. "She said I was too pretty to clean shitty toilets, but cleaning shitty toilets was what puts money on the table at the end of the month... So she said she had an indecent proposal for me. I figured she would offer me a job at a nightclub... I probably would have accepted it. I was desperate to help my family, but she asked if i would like to be famous... A simple answer, "yes" and see how I look six years later. That horrible uniform became the most expensive designer dresses in the world, my mom has a beautiful house and everything she deserves, my little brother is having all the support for his studies and that girl with dreams turned into a famous actress, but..."
Y/N completed in her mind, she was not strong enough to say that. She was also not ungrateful. Misty turned the girl's life into a fairy tale, but at the same time it took her life. In six years, she never had a break. Her manager was always bringing her a new job. The actress knew this was important for her career, but she didn't have time for anything other than work. She didn't have time to visit her own family. She was stuck.
Arthur heard someone knock on the door, but he kept his eyes on Y/N. The woman was in absolute silence and close to tears. Her smile was gone. She was suffering in front of him and he didn't know what to do to get this pain out of her.
"You should check this out." She murmured and at first he didn't react, but when the person knocked on the door again, Arthur stood up.
The actress took advantage of the moment to compose herself, trying to normalize her breathing, but when she heard that voice, her body just froze. The next minute the redhead appeared in the living room holding her Prada bag and looking at everything with an expression of disgust, but when she saw Y/N, she said:
"Mon cher, why didn't you tell me you wanted to visit your new friend? You know you don't have to lie to me."
a/n – likes and reblogs are appreciated but honestly I’d love to know what you all think of this one. really hope you enjoy it and thank you soooo much for reading ♡
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Happy Birthday Whelm!
@detectivedamian  your birthday gift is a damijon ficlet. enjoy.
For the life of him, Jon couldn’t really understand why Damian liked football. Jon himself had grown up with the game, playing with Clark and Kon. Clark had laughed loud and bright as he tossed the ball around in the farm. Kon had challenged Jon to a high-stakes game that combined four different games using the football in the air. (Jon suspected Kon’s game was secretly a training exercise. The guy had been spending too much time around Tim.) He was on the team in middle school, and he’d been the captain of the high school team for the past three years. The training, the drills, the thrill of the game, the feeling of team: these were things that Jon lived for. Other than fighting, nothing else quite made his blood sing. 
But Damian? Jon had never expected Damian to take to it the way he did. Damian had scoffed at most American traditions and values, insulted people to their face, and complained about the school system enough times that Jon had the lecture memorized. (He was ahead in almost every class due to Damian’s passive-aggressive tutoring, though, so he’s not exactly complaining.) 
Maybe it was the strategy behind it, the different plays and plans Coach had lined up. Tim was the best at that kind of stuff, Jon knew that firsthand, but most people seemed to forget Damian had been trained in strategy and war games in the league. And “war games” was exactly how Damian seem to take this. Ever since Jon had let Damian watch one of his football practices and Damian had stopped the team in the middle of a play to plot out three different holes in their offense, Damian had practically become an honorary team member. Unless it was calculated, the team hadn’t lost a single game. And Damian was determined to keep it that way.
Tonight, just before the final game of the season, Jon’s team was facing off against Central City. (Which? How did they even get to finals in the first place? Central was known for their all-star track team, spanning generations of Allens and Wests, but football? That was a new one.) Damian had given the coach a particularly loathesome glare, and the other team looked terrified without even starting the game. Sometimes Jon forgot how scary Damian was, but it situations like this, it was useful. They had their game plan mapped out, Damian had given each one of them a talking to, Johansson don’t you dare leave your place, Zizka we’ve been running drills so don’t lose your speed, Williamson stop hesitating, you’re on offense for a reason. 
Jon had come up to him cheekily and asked what he needed to do. Damian had raised an eyebrow and said “Don’t suck as much as you usually do, Kent.” His lips were in a half smirk, though, and his tongue curled viciously around Jon’s last name and Jon had to swallow and take a step back.
Regardless, here they were. The big game. Either they won this, and Jon left senior year a happy man, or Damian would never ever let him live it down. There was really only one option here. Jon made eye contact with Damian, who nodded, once. Then, the whistle blew and the game was on.
Things were going good. No, that’s an understatement, things were going great. They ripped apart the opposing team’s strategy like paper, leaving the shredded pieces on the ground as they went through play after successful play. Jon could practically feel the other team’s hopelessness, could taste the sweet, sweet victory in the air. Halftime came and Jon’s team was soaring high. Don’t get overconfident, Damian warned them, but a proud grin was tugging at the edge of his lips. 
The third quarter is when it all went wrong. Williamson went down, hard. Jon heard the crack from across the field, and hoped the injury wasn’t too bad as he chased after the ball, desperate to keep it out of enemy hands. It was too late, though, the other team was in possession. He could feel Damian’s furious scowl, see his dad’s worried eyes fixed on the game even as his mom shouted in Central’s general direction. The third quarter ticked by, losing most of the ground they had gained.
The fourth and final quarter came, the team abiding by Damian’s quickly thought out plan, hesitantly regaining their footing. But it was too little, too late. They weren’t going to make it. The clock swallowed up seconds, and Central gained the lead, though Jon’s team clawed and fought their way to make sure it was only by a little. There were thirteen seconds left on the clock, and Central was 5 points ahead. The play was at the far end of the field.
The only way for them to win was for someone to run across most of the length of the field and score a touchdown. And as the ball came hurtling towards Jon, time slowed down, and he contemplated doing just that.
He could make it, he knew he could make it. A touch of superspeed, a hint of strength when pushing the other players out of the way, and they’d win the game. And Jon was only using his own talents, right? But that felt wrong, it felt so wrong. It felt like cheating. Abruptly, Jon remembered all the drills Damian had put him through, for both football and hero-ing, how he had told Jon you can’t always rely on your powers. He remembered the determination in every line of Damian’s body, whether it was in the sidelines of one of Jon’s games or standing back-to-back with Superboy as Robin, facing down impossible odds yet again. Damian had trained him for this. He had trained for this. He could do this.
Jon dropped his invulnerability, tapped out of his strength, tapped out of his superspeed. Time returned to normal. This was it.
The ball flew into Jon’s outstretched hands like it was meant to be there, and the minute it made contact, Jon took off running. Feet pounding the grass, heartbeat thumping in his ears, the bright lights overlooking the fields. Jon ducked and weaved through the other players, pushing himself to go faster, faster. The people in the stands were building up a roar. The clock was ticking down. He just ran and ran and ran until-
Jon crossed the end zone line and slammed the football on the ground with every bit of normal strength he had. The buzzer went off: time was up, the scores were in.
They won the game.
The crowd was bursting up and cheering. Jon could hear his mom’s screams, his dad’s wolf whistles. The team crowded around Jon, yelling and jumping, their faces overflowing with joy as they clustered around him. Coach had the trophy, and he held it above his head, pumping it up and down, whooping his pleasure. He handed it over to Jon, and wow. It felt solid, heavy, almost unreal. Jon held it up so everyone on the team could put their hand around it. 
Then, for some reason the crowd around Jon parted. Jon was confused, because there was practically nothing that could separate the team at a time like this. Then he looked up, and understood. Damian stood there, a wild and reckless grin on his face, and Jon’s breath caught. He was wearing Jon’s football jacket, the fabric clinging to his shoulders over his tight black turtleneck and proclaiming a statement as bold as night. He walked over to Jon, confident and sure, and looked up at Jon, pride in his eyes.
“You won.”
“Yeah, we did.” Jon’s voice was breathless.
Damian’s grin widened. “Congratulations.”
And then he was pulling Jon in for a kiss, hard and fierce and unforgiving. Startling for just a second, Jon drew Damian in, surprised but pleased when he came willingly. He kissed back with the same passion that had his feet pounding the ground, the same fervor that had his blood singing all throughout the game, reveling in the feeling of Damian pulling him to the ground, biting his lips, claiming him.
He drew back and gasped in air, wide-eyed and lighter than air, as the whoops and catcalls of the team around him filtered into Jon’s brain.
“I-you, you kissed me.”
“You deserved it.” Something in Damian’s tone let Jon knew that Damian knew. He knew what Jon was thinking on the field, knew he was about to use his powers, and knew that he ultimately decided against it. He knew that Jon put every ounce of his determination to win this game by himself, and Damian was proud.
Yeah, football brought out the best in Jon. And maybe that was why Damian enjoyed it so much.
This was cheesy as FUCK oh my GOD. I have no knowledge of how football works, don’t hold it against me. Once again, happy birthday Whelm! tag list: @birdy-bat-writes @anothertimdrakestan @comicsandhoney @yesboopityboop @dangerduckjpeg @thebatsandbirdsofgotham @astroherogirl @subtleappreciation
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