#because Thor thinks Loki can just make the same decision he does by simply staying loyal to Asgard and keeping complaints to himself
worstloki · 2 years
Thor knowing that their family is terrible and hurt them both but still asking Loki to return to it because it's what they have
#like you think Thor doesn't know he's hurt Loki?#you think he doesn't know that their parents did?#Thor refuses to let their family go because his role is what gives him worth the same way as it did for Loki#it's harder for him to let it go because it's a decision he would have to consciously make#and things are better for him as a prince of Asgard than they ever were for Loki (he has Odin's favour. is the heir/son by blood. is liked.#Thor has a lot more to lose than Loki did#Loki didn't have to refuse the family because he found out he was lied to and the decision was made for him#he wasn't liked and didn't have Odin's favour or a special weapon or friends or an official role to grow into#Frigga can say she's his mother and Odin can claim whatever he wants but it's just a reminder of what he no longer has#Loki relatively had a lot less to lose on Asgard but it made up the entirety of what Loki had because it separated him from. everything.#he let go on the Bifrost because there was quite literally nothing left for him there or that he wanted and could have#when Loki got cut off he didn't have any guarantee that his brother would side with him and... Thor probably wouldn't have#but if THOR decides to leave their home behind after Loki's death he would have been siding with Loki and would've been the one cutting awa#Thor has a choice in staying a family because he can suck it up to Odin and Frigga and is unable to comprehend that Loki doesn't have that#from Thor's perspective Loki is the one who is rejecting their home by not playing nice and returning#Loki's the one who will be rejecting their home if he faces consequences for attacking Midgard or sits in a cell for his whole life#because Thor thinks Loki can just make the same decision he does by simply staying loyal to Asgard and keeping complaints to himself#that's the way the family worked before anyway so Loki not *wanting* to go back to that is a betrayal. and for what?#from Thor's point of view Loki is stubbornly refusing to return to Asgard and gain everything he lost#he doesn't understand that the only thing Loki was given a choice in losing was his brother and that he never reached a decision about it#Loki betrays Thor and hopes he dies before any judgement is passed but calls him brother and hopes Thor gets the throne. like. what a mess.#Loki works with Frigga and Thor against what Odin/Asgard has decreed until you bring up that they're a family where he shuts down#if Thor works against Odin/Asgard but doesn't feel the need to separate that from the fact they're family so he doesn't#he doesn't see that Loki is incapable of doing the same because it's Odin/Asgard that already rejected/betrayed *him*#there was never enough on Asgard for Loki to want to return or seek forgiveness for when he was the one hurt/who lost it all#he cares for Frigga and Odin regardless of them not being his parents and cares for Thor because there's really nothing else for him#Thor didn't reject him and he didn't lie to him about his race/lineage but telling him to come home like he still has that is cruel#because Loki thinks that Thor knows there's nothing he has on Asgard and Thor thinks Loki's side doesn't need to be considered#family hurts and lies and betrays and judges you and Thor's accepted it because feelings don't matter when family is what it is#tldr; bold to assume that Thor's got any better idea of what love or healthy relationship is meant to look like than Loki
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nastybuckybarnes · 3 years
Of Kings and Beasts  -  Nine
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Pairing: King!Bucky X Princess!Reader X King!Steve
Summary: Born a bastard of the King of Orlen, you’re thrust to the West to marry the Kings. However, the greeting you get is anything but warm, and your life with the King is far from enjoyable. He knows it isn’t your fault his husband is gone, but that fact alone won’t prevent him from taking it out on you.
Warnings: Angst, Injuries, Fluff, Language, Violence, 
Word Count: 2.9K
A/n: Another chapter is finished!! I’ve got an idea but it’s SO DANGEROUS AND Y’ALL MIGHT HATE ME IF I DO IT BUT ITS SO TEMPTING AND I THINK I’M GONNA DO IT ahem anyway I hope you guys enjoy this!
A/n 2: I’m posting this before work so I’ll reply to asks and comments when I get home tonight! Also, I’ve got the next part of Gangsta written up if y’all want that.... hehe
Series Masterlist
“How have you been adjusting to this new home?” Thor asks one morning, a smile on his face. You grin back at him, the weight of Acadia lifted off your shoulders as you take a sip of your tea.
“Quite well. Although Loki has been an interesting addition.” The raven-haired man looks up from his book momentarily and gives you a look, to which you only smile.
From the moment you entered the cottage you knew it would be good for you to stay here.
“Well, we are at your disposal. I will have to go back to Asgard within the weeks to come, but Loki and the Valkyrie shall remain here should you need or want them.” You nod gratefully, looking out the window and pursing your lips as you watch the women spar outside.
“What? What is it?” Thor asks, following your gaze.
“I want to learn to defend myself. To wield a sword and fight off an attacker.” Loki scoffs from where he sits, his nose still buried deep in his book.
“For what reason should a queen wish to learn to fight? You will always have men for that.” Your defence is up in an instant, and you clench your jaw before composing yourself enough to reply.
“I do think that considering both my upbringing and the way I have been treated in my new kingdom, I have every right to want to learn to defend myself. I have many reasons to want to defend myself, none of which concern you, however, if you had the slightest idea of all that I have endured in my short time as queen you would not question me wanting to learn to defend myself. I have been shunned from my palace because my husbands fear someone will kill me. My own husbands have brought me far more pain than I would like to admit. I have every right to wish to learn how to defend myself and I will not hear a word from you about the subject!”
His brows raise to nearly his hairline and he looks between you and his brother before burying his nose back in his book, which elicits a chuckle from the blond king.
“If the situation is so severe that I need be sent away for my own safety, I need to learn to defend myself.”
Thor nods, a strong hand patting your shoulder comfortingly.
“I knew there was a fire in you. I could see it in those eyes when you spoke of running from the Kings. I just needed to find it.” He rises to his feet and straightens his clothing. “Loki does have a special talent for pulling the fire from even the most docile creatures. But I will go speak with the valkyrie. They will be delighted to have a student to train.”
He leaves the cottage to interrupt the sparring outside, and you feel your heart skip a beat at the first piece of control that you will have over your life.
“If that will be all, You are dismissed,” King Steven says, his voice low and exhausted. The royal adviser bows then heads to the door, hesitating for a moment.
“Forgive me, Your Majesties, but I cannot help but notice the absence of the Queen. Where has she gone?” It’s not the first time they’ve gotten the question in the week that you've been gone, therefore they already have their excuse rehearsed and perfected.
“We simply have no use for her. If she cannot even bear our children then what use is she to us?” Comes Steve’s practiced response.
“We were instructed to find a queen who could produce strong heirs. Our wife cannot. So she is no longer of use to us,” James adds, his voice dripping in boredom as he looks over a document on his desk.
The royal advisor nods then excuses himself, bustling to his own office with newfound haste and purpose.
“It’s been a week and we are no closer to finding who it is than we were when she was here,” Steve murmurs after a long moment of silence, his shoulders heavy with the weight of their decision.
“I’m beginning to question whether it was a good decision to send her along with Thor. Especially after he threatened to make her a queen of his own. What if she were to agree?” James stands up and walks over to his husband, taking his shaking hands in his own and sighing.
“I would not blame her if she were to agree. We have treated her like a prisoner. I have... brutalized her and beaten her and I will never be able to repent. If she were to want him I would in no way blame her. He has provided her with a safe haven. She can confide in him and trust him in a way that she may not be able to again with us.” Steve sniffles and squeezes his eyes shut.
“We need to find who it is that has caused this and we need to make them pay.” James nods, smoothing his thumbs over the back of his husband’s hands.
“We will. But until we do, we must remain strong. The Doctor is recovering and when he is fully recovered we will ask him who it was that attacked him. We will find who is behind this, but we must be patient.”
“Again!” You raise your sword just in time to block a blow from one of the Valkyrie, grinding your teeth together as you push her back a step then swipe your own sword at her throat.
She hops backward, eyebrows raised in surprise.
“You are learning, Your Majesty. But you still hold back. Why? You cannot be afraid to hurt us,” The Captain says, walking forward and looking at you closely.
“You must show no mercy. Not when you must choose between your own life and the life of someone who means to do you harm. You will fight and you will fight to the death.”
Your entire body is burning with the exertion but you hold your ground, raising your sword and ready to go again.
“That’s what I like to see! Now, we go again!” Brunnhild exclaims, a grin on her face as she takes her fighting stance.
It’s just over two weeks since you began your training and everyone is surprised at how quickly you’re picking up on what’s being taught, but none more than you.
You’re just stepping out of the bath, muscles aching with a new type of strength that the Valkyrie have been beating into you, when your eyes catch a glimpse of movement at the window to your bedroom. A figure clad in all black is moving swiftly away from the cottage and disappearing into the darkness of woods, the setting sun aiding in the camouflage of the person.
Thinking that it’s none other than Loki going to wreak havoc on some poor defenceless wanderers, you don’t question it. Instead, you get dressed into a soft Asgardian gown and start preparing yourself for bed.
You’re just about ready to settle down with a book when a flash of white catches your eye from the window. You hesitantly investigate, heart hammering in your chest as you see a letter tucked securely in the window.
You open it and snatch the envelope before it can be taken by the wind, then shut the window again.
The seal on the envelope is that of Acadia, and your heart is in your throat as you realize that this could very well be a letter from the Kings. You’ve no idea what it may say, and cannot decide if you are more nervous or excited as you open it.
The script is not one you recognize, but your eyes greedily devour every word, the smile fading from your face at what lies on the page in your hand.
Thor finds you sometime later seated on the floor, the letter gripped tightly in your hands and your eyes focused on a point on the wall.
“(Y/n?” He asks softly, knocking against the doorframe to try and get your attention. You make no indication that you’ve heard him.
He enters the room, brows furrowed as he sees what you’re holding. “What is that? What does it say? Is it from the Kings?”
It takes a very long moment, but eventually, you find the strength to speak. But even then your voice is a weak rasp.
“Did you know the truth? Did you hide it from me as well?” Thor is beyond confused as he approaches you, taking the page from you and reading through the contents quickly.
‘Your Majesty,
Do not ask who I am nor how I know where you are, just know that you need be more careful who it is you call your lovers. They have sent you away, not for your own protection but because you failed at the task they wanted you for. They have sent you away because you failed to bear their children, this I promise I have heard with my own ears. I know not what they have told you but it is what I have witnessed. They have said this directly and I have heard it with my very own ears. You would do well to stay away from them, for they are dangerous. But I am certain that you and your late child are more than aware of that.
Consider this a warning, your majesty, for I know you are unsafe. You must take care and be far more careful of who you allow in your court.’
“Loki!” The prince is in the room within the same moment, his eyes full of confusion.
“Have the Valkyrie secure the area and find me the man who sent this! Travel to Acadia and alert the Kings. The Queen is no longer safe here.”
You’re confused. If the kings have directly told someone this, why then is Thor responding in such a way?
Loki is on horseback heading towards Acadia only moments later, and Thor is leaving the room as soon as the Valkyrie enter.
Brunnhild crouches next to you, a frown on her face as she glances at the note on the floor, its words echoing in your ears.
“Do not allow this to scare you, Your majesty. Do not give them the satisfaction of that.” You scoff and shake your head at her, “it is far easier said than done. All my life I have been punished for ever speaking, much less standing my ground. I have perfected the art of cowering, for men wish to do nothing but hurt and maim all so they can gain power.”
She sits down and shakes her head, taking your hand in hers and squeezing it tightly.
“You forget that we are all brought into this world through blood and through pain, your Majesty. We are the daughters of savage women. We are their savage daughters and we will act like it. We will bite and scream and we will take up space. We will not conform to their ideas of what women should be.” Her words are whispered into the still air of the room as if she were hiding them from any listening ears.
“Do not lower your voice for any man. Do not cower beneath them. You are a powerful being. One that can create life and you can also take it away, never forget that.” She pulls a dagger off of her belt and hands it to you, curling your fingers around the hilt before she continues speaking.
“You have the blood of goddesses and witches flowing through your veins. You hold a power that men could never understand. With every step we take, every time we refuse to cower... we honour our mothers, our grandmothers, and the ones before them. The ones who stood and fought and were torn to pieces. We will not be silenced. You will not be silenced. You are more powerful than that. You must remember your strength and your power. Do not let the men convince you that you are anything less than what you are.”
Your eyes sting and your throat gets tight, but she only hugs your shoulders and continues speaking.
“Your power is what scares them. Why else would they try to assert their dominance in such a way? But you will not fall. You will not allow them to treat you like that because you are the daughter of a savage. You are yourself a savage woman and you will act like it. Royal title be damned.”
You sniffle once, twice, three times, then nod, wiping your eyes just as Thor re-enters the room.
The Valkyrie take their leave and the King sighs, crouching down next to you and gently stroking your cheek.
“I’m so very sorry, Petal. You are no longer safe here. If someone was able to bring you this letter then I fear you are in far more danger than we had thought. The conspiracy against the Kings runs far deeper than any of us could have anticipated, and if we are to keep you safe then we must act quickly.” He pulls you to your feet and bustles around quickly, covering your shoulders in a thick cloak and packing a bag of your belongings.
“Wait, where do you mean to take me? If I am not safe anywhere?”
He tosses your bag over his shoulder and grabs your hand, entwining your fingers and giving your hand a soft squeeze.
“The only place you will truly be safe.” You’re still quite confused.
“We make for Asgard.”
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hela-avenger · 4 years
To the Stars Who Listen- Part 4
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Author: hela-avenger
Word Count: 1863
Summary: When Loki desires to never fall in love, he casts a spell to prevent such a thing from happening. Except, well, in the matters of love and magic, you never know the result it may have in the end. Loki x Reader
A/N: Since I am surprisingly very ahead in my writing schedule I will be updating Tuesday and Thursdays for the rest of the month! I hope you enjoy this part! Tags are open! (Send me an ask/message/response.)
TTSWL Masterlist
“How do you have your powers?” you ask the moment you find Loki walking the hallways. He makes a sharp turn but you manage to keep up with him. “I thought the ankle monitor was supposed to prevent you from using them so how did you use them yesterday?” 
Loki’s pace quickens and you huff in annoyance. His long legs allowed long strides which left you at a disadvantage. You made up for the increasing distance by practically jogging to remain by his side. 
“Come on tell me.” 
You grab a hold of his wrist forcing Loki to look at you. Something ignites within you as you stared into his eyes. You could feel the answer to your question at the tip of your tongue. It was brushing against your mind in a teasing manner.  
Loki takes immediate notice of the manic glint in your eyes and is quick to tear himself away from your trance. 
“Stop that,” he snaps. “Do you have any idea of what you’re doing?” 
That seems to really break you as you shake your head from the haze it was pulled into. You frown and take a step back. 
“I’m sorry,” you whisper. “I didn’t… I didn’t mean to…” 
You stumble back from him blind to the mail cart that was coming your way. Loki barely manages to see it when it hits you right on your hip sending you crashing down to the ground.
The distracted intern is quick to pull their headphones out muttering a string of apologies. You don’t pay them any mind as you felt an intensity start to grow throughout your body. 
“I’m so sorry Agent Y/N. I didn’t see you cause I was strolling Instagram on my phone because this job gets so boring sometimes. I am really sorry though! I really need the money so please, please, please don’t report me to…” 
The intern helps you up and you find yourself lured by the confessions that are falling from their lips. 
“Keep going,” you tell them. “Tell me everything.” 
“Not another word,” Loki exclaims at the intern before pulling you away. “Now go!” 
Loki then turns to you. 
“Stop and gain control of yourself.”  
“I want to hear the truth and you have eagerly taken their place.” 
You pull all that power inside you and haul it into your hands. You take up the lapels of his suit and slam him into the nearby wall. 
“Speak the truth.” 
Loki is rightfully surprised by the sudden strength you displayed at the moment. 
“Your powers have certainly grown since last night.” 
The words manage to stir you but not enough to gain full control.
“Why am I-” you scowl as you notice the position you’re in. You feel like your brain is made of cotton as you tried to make sense of the last few minutes. “Ugh, I can feel it everywhere. It’s pulsing through my mind pulling me deeper inside.” 
Loki can feel your hands shake but they did not release him. 
“Nat told me everything. You promised to train me. You promised to teach me control because if I didn’t… I could die.” 
You look up pleading at him for help. 
“Please, do something,” you whisper. “I can feel it burning.” 
Loki takes a hold of your wrists not needing to pull on his seidr to look for yours. It was pulsing lively right at the tips of your fingers. 
“You want to know how I unlocked your handcuffs with a snap of my fingers?” Loki asks. “You want to know how I got an ounce of my power back?” 
Eager to know the truth, you nod. 
“Like this.” 
You watch as his hands begin to feel warm on your skin. 
“I’m siphoning a bit of your power to myself,” Loki explains. “I can’t take much because of the monitor, but it is enough to be able to do trivial things like unlock doors and handcuffs.” 
He releases you but you can still feel it pulsing through your veins. 
“It’s still too much.” 
No confession of any kind could sate the power within you. The power had grown enough to desire a physical outlet. 
“Hit me,” Loki offers. 
“What?” you exclaim in surprise.
“Hit me.” 
Your hands are now itching for the violence but Loki didn’t deserve it. Even if he was asking for it. 
“I am the God of Lies,” Loki continues. “They call me Silvertongue for the way I can spin stories that will make you even doubt the truth you just told. I am everything you despise. So… hit me.”
The burning in your veins intensifies and you are quick to release him just so you could slam your hands to the wall beside him. Loki is trapped between you and the wall but he’s well aware of the damage you’ve inflicted. 
The wall cracks and splinters reaching the ceiling which then causes some flakes of plaster to snow down onto you both. 
You feel light. 
You can breathe freely now and your thoughts are clear and concise. 
Loki watches as you return to yourself. The power quickly retreating after having its needs met. You look defeated as you warily look up at him.
“I’m really dangerous, aren’t I?” 
Loki simply pulls your hands away from the wall holding them in his own.
“You were always dangerous,” Loki states. “We all are.” 
“But I could really hurt someone now,” you argue. “Just look at the wall!” 
Loki doesn’t need to because he felt the strong pulse himself. 
“I thought we had a few more days but your powers have grown exponentially since I last saw you. For that misconception, I apologize.”
“So what do we do now?” 
The answer to your questions comes from an unexpected source. 
“Stark will like to see you both in the conference room.” 
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Tony, Steve, and Thor are the ones waiting for you in the conference room. They all shared a grim expression which did nothing to ease your nerves. You look up at the screen that Tony has up that displayed the image of you, Loki, and the cracked wall. 
Loki casually takes a seat at the table but you can’t bother to do the same. 
“So you know.” 
“FRIDAY made me aware of the situation,” Tony states as he waves the screen away. “You lost control.” 
“Yeah, well I’ll pay for the damages,” you answer. “And I should probably apologize to the intern…” 
“Don’t worry about it,” Tony interrupts. “I’ll handle everything.” 
Tony looks over at Steve and nods for him to jump in. 
“We’ve all discussed it and thought it would be best for you to be relocated to the uptown Avengers Facility. You’ll be safe and have ample space to practice and gain control of your powers.” 
“I’ll also be away from everyone,” you point out. 
“For your safety,” Steve reassures. 
“And for theirs,” you state with a heavy sigh. “Ok, that’s… that’s a smart decision.” 
Loki rolls his eyes at your submissiveness. He raises his hand to warrant their attention which he’s quick to receive. 
“What does that mean for me?” he asks. “I am meant to train her.” 
“We know,” Thor steps in. “And it has been decided that you will be moved alongside with Y/N to continue her training. You will be restrained with the same rules but you will be free to move anywhere around the property there. I think you will enjoy it, brother.” 
“I’ll be the judge of that,” Loki mutters as he leans back in his chair. “When do we leave?” 
“Tonight,” Steve answers. 
“And just before you get any ideas,” Tony asserts with a glare in Loki’s direction. “The standby Avengers are currently residing there and they are well aware to keep an eye on you. So if you step out of line, you’ll be sent back here and locked into your room and your room alone.”
“The threats are completely unnecessary,” Loki chuckles. “I already gave my word I would help.” 
“He’s right,” Thor agrees after his brother. “As long as it benefits him, Loki will do as told.” 
Steve nods believing him while Tony remains suspicious. He glared at Loki waiting for the fallen prince to break. 
Loki didn’t. 
“As entertaining this staring match is, can I please have the room?” you ask them. “I just… I just need to clear my head of some things.” 
“Of course,” Steve nods. “Be ready by 7. I’ll fly you guys out there.” 
“Lovely,” Loki comments as he starts to rise from his seat. You’re quick to grab a hold of him and motion for him to remain in his spot. 
“Stay,” you ask him. “I have some questions for you.” 
You ignore the shared look of concern between your teammates as you focused on Loki alone. They filter out of the room with hesitation but don’t offer a comment. The moment they leave the room you take the seat next to Loki and speak. 
“I know we’re not friends, I know you don’t owe me anything, and I also know you’re only doing this to gain your freedom from that ankle monitor but can you please be honest with me?” 
Loki notes how tired you look now. It was something he had never seen in you before which was making him act in a similar manner, promising something he rarely does.  
“I’ll be honest.” 
Sensing that he spoke true, you ask the question that has been bothering you since this whole thing began.
“Why me?” you ask. “Why do I have this power? Why am I cursed with it? It makes me cruel and vindictive and I hate it. Why me?” 
“I don’t know why it chose you,” Loki answers. “But it only further confirms that you are truly special if it didn’t kill you. As for your supposed curse, this power is simply trying to protect itself. You’ve been attacked twice now which is when this cruel alter ego of yours arises. The moment you gain control these incidents will no longer occur.” 
You run your hand through your hair unhappy with his answer. 
“So how are you going to teach me control?” I ask him. “You said it yourself. You’re the God of Lies. What do you know about the power of Truth?” 
“I, out of everyone, should know the extent power of the Truth,” Loki states. “If I didn’t, then how would I comprehend my own gift of lies.” 
You seem displeased at his response.  
“Without the truth, lies wouldn’t exist,” he continues. “We are two very necessary sides needed for balance.” 
“I’m just human and you’re a God,” you remind him. “This delicate balance is off.” 
Loki reaches for your hand surprising himself with the act. He wonders if this was your doing again. Your power making him act on his empathetic emotions that he rarely paid attention to. 
“You will gain control of your powers,” Loki states. “And when you do, it won’t matter if you’re human and I’m a God because you might find yourself even stronger than I.” 
You find yourself surprised when you notice that the words he’s spoken are completely true.
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TTSWL Tag: @catsladen @is-it-madness @manyfandoms-marvel @mejusttryintogetby @illogicalfangirl @ariel-snow-tmnt @islinglivesinshire @musicconversedance @missmadwoman @smaranshakthi @adaydreamingdragon @poetic-fiasco @like-a-wildfire @jasminecalia @ha-tep @charbokbok @setsuna-meiou31 @ms-blvck @country-cowgirl-101 @bepo-is-sorry
Loki Tag: @unicorniorosacomefrutillas @thesilentbluesparrow @oddly-drawn-muse @josiehosiedaninja @hp-hogwartsexpress @sadwaywardkid @wolf-lover74 @sizzlingbarbarianglitter @sigyn-nightshade @aoirohi @horsesandwolvesaremyanimals @just-a-donut-who-reads @day-dreaming-fox
All Works Tag: @jmb959 @astudyoftimeywimeystuff @hellocookiecutter @steve-rogers-personal-hell @buckybarnesyard @not-zari-tak @strangersstranger @thefridgeismybestie @ariel-snow-tmnt @badhollandfluff​ @what-a-flammable-heart​
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fatandnerdy30 · 3 years
Loki Helps a Boy
So this is the second installment to Loki Finds a Boy which so many people have been asking for. So I hope you like it!
@lokiismyhubby @laurenandloki @gt-marvel
It had been a two weeks since Peter had been found by Loki and the boy found he wasn't as scary as people made him out to be. He was curious and overly mischevious. But he had made sure not to be seen by the giant as he traversed the overly large tower. He had a few near sightings on his journeys to acquire the things his uncle needed for his sick aunt.
But it seemed like it wasn't enough, because May kept sicker. He sat by her bedside leg bouncing as he stared at her ashen face. Her breathing was heavy and raspy and when she coughed it sounded like sandpaper was trying to escape her lungs. Grabbing the towel from her forehead, Peter wet it again and placed it on her face half expecting it to sizzle with how hot to the touch she was.
Peter couldn't sit here any more and do nothing! He had to get help. Whatever help he could get. Running from the room he slammed into his Uncle Ben who looked shocked to see him. "What's wrong, Peter? Is May all right?"
"She-she's all right...but she just keeps getting sicker...I need to find help." He ran around Ben and ran to grab his bag and shoes, ignoring the wide eyed Ben.
"Peter if you're doing what I think you're doing it's not a good idea! If the humans spot you, they'll squish you flat! I won't let that happen to you!" The man reached for the boy' shoulder, but he just dodged him.
"I've already met one of them, Ben! He was nice and let me go...I think he'll do that again." Or at least Peter hoped that he would be coming back for May's sake. It was with that hope he ignored Ben's pleas and ran from the tiny home in the walls.
Using the beams and concrete ledges, Peter managed to make it to where he climbed down what seemed like so long ago now. Wiping his nose the boy dropped his rope and watched it land on the same shelf he thought he would lose his life on, but had made a friend instead.
Wedging his hook into the vent, Peter began to climb down, grunting a little bit from how tired he was from staying up as long as he could while Ben was running onto the garden floor to gather the herbs that weren't working on May.
"Well, well. You finally show again, little one." Loki's voice snapped Peter from his thoughts as he turned his head to see the black haired man staring at him from a chair with amusement. "I thought you had forgotten about me. You cut me to the quick." Loki placed a hand over his heart and smirked, but it died when Peter didn't laugh. Instead he stared at the man with watery eyes, his lower lip trembling. The giant rose quickly and made his way over to the boy, concern written on his face. "What is it?"
"My aunt....she....she's really sick and not getting better...I didn't know what to do, so I came here, but now I'm thinking it was a bad decision to come here...." Peter shimmied his way down to the shelf to give his arms a rest as he stared up at Loki's face. "Please...can you help me?"
"What are her symptoms, little one?"
"She's gray, her skin is hot and she's coughing a lot, her breathing is harsh like there's something in her lungs...I dont know what to do! I...I can't lose her...Ben can't lose her either." Looking up at the man, Peter fell to his knees. "Please....I have nowhere else to turn."
Loki smiled kindly and placed his hand up to the shelf, palm up. "Fear not little one. I do by chance know a way to help her, but...there is a catch." He sighed and shook his head. "I don't know if you are desperate enough, but it involves meeting someone else...perhaps multiple Midgardians."
Tp say Peter was shocked was putting it lightly. Would he have to meet the person? Or people? "What...what are Midgardians?"
It took a few seconds before Loki laughed low in his throat. "I forget you live on Midgard, so you would not know of their other name, but they are humans, which I am not. I am Asgardian, the prince of Asgard, brother to Thor."
The boy stared at Loki in shock while taking a step onto the man's palm timidly. He was speaking to a prince?! "I-I-I didn't know Mr. Loki! Should I be calling you 'your highness' or something like that?" Slowly he made his way into the man's hand, still a little nervous around the man's fingers that could literally crush him with so little pressure. So when Loki gave him a look, he tensed afraid he'd hurt the man's feelings.
"You will call me Loki, young Peter. I like you so you do not have to call me as such. As for the others living here...they show me no respect and Stark is the worst with his names..." The god shivered and brought Peter close to his chest as he started walking. "I will bring you to meet doctor Banner, for he is the most familiar with human illnesses. I do not trust the others to care for your aunt." Ever since his first meeting with the doctor's alter ego he had gained a certain respect for the man.
Beginning a brisk pace, they left the room and making sure no one was around before he started for the elevator. He didn't want to stop and explain Peter's existence especially when the boy seemed to be more than worked up about the woman's condition.
"I hope he knows what happened and how to treat May," the tiny boy said. He was gripping onto Loki's fingers like a life line, his limbs shaking as he felt the wind in his hair with each of the man's steps.
"I'm sure he knows. Just explain her symptoms to him as you did to me." Loki sent a reassuring look down to the boy who looked frightened. "Are you all right?" Peter nodded, though his lips were tightly sealed which made the prince smile. "Would it help if I did this?" Bringing the boy closer to his body he secured his hand this way there was no way he would be able to fall.
Feeling the heat behind him made the boy open his eyes and look to see green fabric pressed against him. He turned his eyes upward and saw the bottom of the man's chin and little else. And believe it or not, Peter did feel safer knowing that Loki was protecting him so he slowly let go of the fingers and sat back and was actually able to enjoy the breeze, smiling a bit. 'This feels nice,' he thought as he sighed letting the beating of the giant's heart under and behind him calm him down as well.
Loki tried to pay little attention to the being leaning into his chest as he made his way to the elevator. "You are not allowed past the thirtieth floor," Friday reminded him making the man roll his eyes.
"Yes I know you dimwitted machine. You tell me every time I enter this infernal contraption. Take me to Banner."
"I can't do that, Reindeer Games," the machine replied making Peter giggle. "He is on the fortieth floor."
"Then tell him to come to me you daft waste basket!" With a huff he stormed off the elevator and made his way back to his room. I swear that idiotic mainframe is trying to make me go insane." He then brought his hand up to his face, scowling at Peter who stared at him in shock.. "And what were you laughing at in there, hmm?"
The boy's face went red and he stared down at Loki's palm. "Sorry...I thought the name was funny."
"You would. That was one of the names Stark made up when we were in Germany. He was making fun of my helmet, it had long horns adorning it."
"I'll bet it looked really cool! Not like a reindeer at all!" Peter tried to make up for his laughing wich made Loki narrow his eyes and sigh.
"You are forgiven. This time. For now we must await the arrival of Dr. Banner." Loki walked back into his room to find his brother sitting on his bed staring at the door.
"Brother! Why do you have need of a doctor? Are you sick? Injured?" Thor got up and rushed to Loki's side, completely missing the small boy in his palm and began patting Loki down, much to the smaller's disapproval.
"I am fine, Thor...I do not need the doctor." He took a look at Peter, seeing how scared he was but the small being had agreed to this. "This boy does." Finally Thor brought his gaze down to his brother's hand and his eyes went wide.
"Is that...a borrower?" He was whispering but his voice still boomed. "I have only heard stories of them! How ever did you manage to capture it?" Thor went to poke Peter, but Loki brought his other hand up to block the impending finger.
"I did not capture him. He came to me of his own volition, isn't that right young Peter?" The by who was too scared to say anything just nodded. "See? Now stop scaring him and back away." He glared at Thor until he did that. He swore his brother was the thickest idiot of them all. How did he get the offer of King before Loki?
"I truly am sorry, little one. I did not mean to scare you. I was simply excited to see one of your kind. Please accept my apology." Thor bowed his head and Peter stood there looking dumbfounded as he nodded.
"S-sure..." Was a human apologizing to him!? He knew the people of this tower were weird, but this took the cake!
"Loki, I swear if you called me up here because you turned your brother into a certain type of toy again, I will gladly ask for those chains your brother used on you last time-" Bruce stopped as he stared at the tiny figure in Loki's hands. "Please tell me that's a doll and not an innocent from the streets.." He could not handle the situation if it wasn't a doll.
"He is not a doll, nor have I shrunk him. This is Peter, he is a borrower and in dire need of your help, doctor." Loki swept his hand forward and Peter was frozen in the dark man's gaze as they stared at one another. "Do not be afraid, Peter. He is a doctor and can help your aunt."
At that Bruce snapped out of it and a look of concern came over his face. "What happened? Is someone hurt?" He bent down to look Peter in the face, concern written on his features. "Tell me what happened?"
It took a minute for the boy to unfreeze, but his need to heal his aunt came out and he nodded. "It started last week with a cough, then May was having a hard time breathing now she can't even get out of bed. She's burning up and barely wakes up and every time she breathes or coughs it sounds like she's got something in her chest but nothing comes out."
Bruce's brows went down in worry. "That sounds like pneumonia, which is serious. Peter, can you get her out here?"
At that the boy shook his head. "Uncle Ben would never allow it. He's too scared of humans." But, if it meant May's life, he was sure Ben would approve. "Maybe...maybe you can talk to him through the vents? Tell him how dangerous it is if she's not taken care of...please?" Peter was really hoping his uncle would listen to the humans. May's life depended on it.
"Well...I can try." Bruce was stunned that this being smaller than his hand was sentient enough to feel emotions. He wanted to run so many tests, ask so many questions but right now he had another patient to worry about. "Where should I speak?"
"I'll get him to come to the vents. Mr. Loki? Can you please put me on the shelf? I can climb up from there."
"I can do much better than that, little one." Loki's hand started glowing a dark green and suddenly the boy was lifted in the air, his cries turning into happy laughter as he rose towards the vents.
"Thanks Mr. Loki! I'll be right back!" Peter started running through the walls using the ledges and beams to fling himself forward untl he was slamming his front door open startling his uncle who apparently was getting ready to go out. "Uncle Ben! Come on, I found a doctor! He says she has something called Pneumonia which can kill her! Let him help May please!" He was sweating and panting, his chest rising and falling rapidly.
"P-Peter? Where have you been? Your aunt...she's not eating or drinking." He looked down at the ground sadly. "I think this may be the last for her."
Peter's head started shaking back and forth, tears falling from his eyes. "NO! Uncle Ben, you have to let this doctor take a look at her! Please! He can save her!"
Ben stared at the boy and nodded. "Where is he?"
"He's outside the vents...but...he's human." Peter winced when he said that and Ben's eyes went wide.
"H-humans?" He stuttered. "Peter how could you? You know the rules! Never be seen! Now we'll have to move and with May being so sick she'll never make it.." The man sat heavily on the armchair and stared at the boy. "You've doomed us.."
"No Uncle Ben! They're nice, I promise...please..just let the doctor treat May. I know he can save her, please! We can't...we can't lose her. Please." He whispered the last word and Ben looked up at him and finally nodded. Smiling, Peter raced into May's room and taking a look at her sick form got her to sit up. "Ben! Help me carry her please!"
Ben walked slowly into the room and collected his wife who woke to look up at him with confusion but he smiled down at her. "It'll be okay, May. I promise." He kissed her forehead and leveled a gaze at Peter. "If this doctor turns out to be just a scientist who wants to study us..."
"He's not like that. Now come on..." He started walking out of the house when doctor Banner's voice came through the vents echoing around them.
"Peter? Are you there? I've been trying to call to you for the past five minutes."
"Doctor Banner! We're coming out!" Peter helped carry May up the ledges and through the maze of bars before they reached the vents and he poked his head through. "Mr. Loki? Can you pelase do the green thing? May's too weak to climb down." The dark haired man nodded and in the next instant they were all lifted, Ben crying out and holding May closer to him as they were brought down to the dresser where the man tried to stand proud but his knees were quaking and he was trembling.
"Sir, there's no need to be scared. I'm doctor Banner. I heard your wife was sick. May I see her please?" Bruce kneeled next to the dresser and smiled softly as the man nodded and loosened his grip on May to let him see her face. "It's worse than you said, Peter. She'll need fluids and medication quickly. Mr. Parker I know its hard but please allow me to bring her to the med bay where my equipment is. Please."
Ben stared at the human for a moment before nodding. "Under one condition. I go with her." Bruce nodded and put his hand down next to the dresser and Ben stepped onto the palm, almost losing his balance but he righted himself. "You can lift us now, human."
Peter groaned and shook his head. Trust his uncle to treat the man trying to save his wife's life with an attitude. Suddenly there was pressure on the back of his shirt and he was lifted to look into Loki's eyes. "You, young one, will be staying with me until the deed is done and the doctor has save your aunt." He smiled and placed Peter in his palm. "Come. We can go and meander and look at the sights and hopefully not bump into Tony Stark."
A week had passed and May was up and feeling much better. Peter hadn't seen her since Ben had taken her up to the floor because Loki wasn't allowed up to the medbay but Friday told him multiple times a day how her condition was. So it was with anticipation that he was waiting on Loki's bed while the man paced and kept looking at the door. "Damn it all, where is that looney doctor? He said he would be here within the hour!"
"And this looney keeps his promises." Bruce walked into the room and frowned at Loki. "Peter could have come up and visited with one of the others."
At this Peter shook his head. "I..I don't know the others so I'd rather stay where I know people."
"And that's how we raised you." May's voice came from the doctor's hands and Peter smiled up and jumped trying to see her.
"May! You're okay!"
Loki who had been watching rolled his eyes and picked the boy up. "Go see your family." He brought the boy to Bruce's hands and Peter jumped off. He looked like he wanted to run to May but he knew she was still weak.
"Oh Peter...." The woman smiled and opened her arms to Peter who ran into them with a little sob.
"I'm so glad you're okay..." It felt good to be held by the woman who raised him and he held her as tight as he dared. He looked up at the doctor and with eyes he smiled. "Thank you," he said and buried his head into her shoulder. He was glad he had met Loki and that he had brought doctor Banner to save May. He knew they would always have a special place in their hearts.
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wolfish-trickster · 4 years
Lost traveler
Loki x female!reader
Word count: 1590
Tag list: @gaitwae @lucywrites02 @hard-to-be-the-bard @birdgirl90 @laramoonworld
Summary: A mysterious traveler visits Asgard and thanks to an accident has to stay for longer than she expected. Bonds are created but also shattered along the way.
A/N: reader has elemental powers, something like avatar the last airbender.
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Being a traveler had its pros and cons. Pros: you learn a lot about different realms and make a lot of friends along the way. Cons: you don't have a home, all the friends you make you either never see again or they don't remember you when you visit their planet, and you are alone. 100% of your time. None of the people or creatures you meet want to travel with you. You don't make a big deal out of it, you never did. You liked your privacy and alone time. Even if it hurts you sometimes.
You had your amulet though. A black stone in golden bracelet. Thanks to it you can create portals to travel. Sometimes it felt like the bracelet was pulsing with its own life. It was like a dear companion to you. You haven't taken it off in years, it became part of you. Sometimes it warmed your skin when you went to open a portal. That's how it was usually telling you where the best worlds to visit are. You were always excited when you felt the warmth under your bracelet. It meant it wanted to show you a beautiful part of galaxy you haven't been to yet.
Like now. You were making your way through foggy swamp, looking for a rare plant to study. As you jumped over fallen tree you felt your amulet warming your forearm.
"In a minute buddy, I really need this flower," you said a little too fast. You really needed that plant, but exploring a new world after weeks spent here was just too tempting.
However the stone was stubborn. The warmth escalated into burning. "Argh! Alright, I get it! I'm going, see?" your hand started to draw circles and symbols on the ground in front of you. Your other hand pulled the darkness from your stone, making it light yellow temporarily. The darkness with blue highlits seeped into the ground and teared the air before you, creating a small crevice.
Like an opened window it showed forrest. Nothing too unusual. Some oak trees, grass, wild flower here and there. 'What are you up to my friend?' you thought to yourself as you walked through the crevice. It immediately closed after ypu passed, leaving you alone in a new world.
First rule when you come into new place: find water. Fairly easy. Sound of water was near, a creek maybe? After you filled your bottle you started walking north, looking for any hills or mountains to climb onto and get better view of this realm.
Suddenly a storm like sound broke through the peaceful silence. You looked towards the sky to find clear blue. No dark grey clouds. So why was it roaring as if a thunder was starting? And there was the sound again, from the same spot as before.
You pulled your black leather hood over your head and slowly started to approach the thundering place.
"Thor! Can you stop doing that for at least 5 minutes?!" a voice came from your right.
"And why should I?" came a strong voice from in front of you.
"Because I'm trying to think, which is thanks to you nearly impossible!"
"Unlike you, dear brother, I have mighty powers that need to be controlled. How better than testing how far I can go?"
"That doesn't even make sense."
So brothers. And one of them is lightning thrower. Maybe the one named Thor.
"I don't have enough nerves for this," the Not Thor started to walk further right, away from lightning thrower.
It seemed wiser to aproach the calmer one. You already had the honor to meet a lightning thrower before, never again. Even though this other man could be even more dangerous than his brother. Decisions decisions. One could get you killed, the other even worse.
Eventually your legs started to take you to your right, after the calm one.
The man sat himself on a rock in front of a clear lake. He had black hairygreen and black clothes which looked to be made of leather with golden plates on forearms. He had his back turned to you, approaching him from behind would be stupid. You slowly walked around him, keeping yourself in trees' shadow.
You purposfully stepped on a dry branch to attract his attention. And fair enough, his head shot to you, dagger in hand, danger in eyes. You held your hands up to show you weren't armed and stepped into the light. "Hello," you greeted.
"Who are you?" he asked rather harshly. You're used to people being affraid of you, the cloak made you look scary, especially with a hood on.
"I'm a traveler," you answered simply.
He eyed you suspiciously, hand holding a dagger was slowly lowering. "And what's your name little traveler?"
Just as you wanted to answer a jolt of pain striked you into your shoulder, electricity engulfed you and the last thing you saw was the mysterious man in green and black leather rushing to catch your falling body.
Mornings in Asgard are usually quiet and calm. This one however was far from it. Loki's older brother Thor finally got into age when he can produce and control lightnings. Well, he tries to. That's what woke young sorcerer. Thor breaking a pillar near his window on accident.
"Love, would you be so kind and take your brother far from anything he can destroy? You're skilled with your gifts, I'm more than sure you will teach him how to control his own," the queen of Asgard asked the still half asleep trickster at breakfast table to which he nodded without even thinking.
And that's how he got stuck with him for the whole day. Alone. They already walked through forrest near Glittertind mountain and currently were trying to find the perfect place for Thor to train.
They were getting deeper into The Great Oak Woods when Thor thought it would be great fun to destroy a tree or two.
Loki was looking at map of Asgard in his head, trying to look for the nearest quarry. The mental gymnastics he had to do to concentrate in such noise was olympic worthy.
"Thor!" his brother turned to him. "Can you stop doing that for at least 5 minutes?!"
Thor's fingers begin to sparkle, teasing Loki. "And why should I?"
Loki pinged the bridge of his nose. "Because I'm trying to think, which is thanks to you nearly impossible!"
"Unlike you, dear brother, I have mighty powers that need to be controlled. How better than testing how far I can go?" he smirked confidently, sparks were now flying uncontrollably from his hands.
"That doesn't even make sense," Loki shook his head and begun walking away from him. "I don't have enough nerves for this."
He found himself a nice rock near his favourite lake. Birds around were chirping in their nests, sparkly fish with colourful fins were chasing each other in the crystal clear lake. Loki could finally relax.
Until he heard a wooden crack coming from his side.
On an instinct he drew daggers and turned towards a danger. Which turned out to be a girl. Bout in Loki's age. Knee high black boots covered by drying mud, dark green trousers and brown leather jacket hidden under black cloak which covered her hair as well. Sparkly curious eyes bore into his as she held up her hands in surrender.
He was more than sure he has never seen her before. She's a stranger.
"Hello," her melodic voice greeted.
"Who are you?" that wasn't probably the nicest thing to say to a newbie but Loki was trained to never trust a stranger.
"I'm a traveler," he expected a name, this answer sparked curiosity inside of him. She sparked a curiosity inside of him.
"And what's your name little traveler?" he started to lower his daggers, she didn't seem like a threat.
She opened her mouth but her face got twisted by pain as lightning struck her side. He quickly rushed, catching her before her head could collide with a rock.
"There, who needs training? One clear shot at first try!" a familiar booming voice came from Loki's left.
"You oaf, you nearly killed her!" Loki yelled at him.
"Her? I simply struck a moose."
Loki gathered her body into his arms and showed her face to his brother. "Does this look like a moose?"
Thor looked down at her, visibly paling. His hand started scratching the back of his head nervously. "Damn. Who is she? Did you know her?"
Loki shook his head and started to walk towards palace. "She said she's a traveler. Look at her clothes. No one on Asgard wears such fashion. Not to say a girl from Asgard would ever wear this," he gestured to her cloak which looked like a snake skin rather than an ordinary leather.
"Where are you taking her?" Thor trailed behind him.
"To fields, she'll make an excelent scarecrow," sarcasm was dripping from every word he said.
The older prince chuckled. "You and your jokes... What will we do with her when healers take care of her?"
"We? I'm not going to do anything with her, but YOU are going to apologize."
None of the princes noticed the white cracks looking like lightning bolts on the traveler's amulet.
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Sigyn Notes: Thor
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This is just a rough outline of what I have planned for Sigyn during the course of the first Thor movie.  Consider this the writer version of a pencil sketch before the final product.  I want to start normalizing this for fic writers.  Let me know if you’d like to see more outlines like this!
Background: Sigyn is already married to Loki before the start of the movie.  Established that they’ve been married for some time, but don’t have any kids.
Scene between her and Loki before the coronation where Loki expresses his doubts of Thor becoming king, Sigyn expresses them as well, but tries to assure him all will be well
“Who ever said I was wise?” Loki smiled, but it faded as he quietly took Sigyn’s other hand in his.
“Do you think he will make a good king?”  he asked, occupying himself with their intertwined fingers.
She didn’t speak for a moment looking down as well.  
“I think that Thor still has a lot to learn when it comes to being King,” she said, carefully. “He can be arrogant and has penchant to show off, not mention his needs to learn how to heed advice.” 
Loki nodded his head as she spoke, agreeing wholeheartedly with her words.
“That being said,” she continued, “I would say the same of you. “
Loki looked up at her with creased brows. 
“Is that so?”
“Yes,” she said looking him in the eye.  “You’re clever Loki, extraordinarily so.  The problem is you know it, and you let it get to your head.  When your ego is bruised you try everything in you power to rectify it, by playing tricks.  And Odin knows you need to listen to me more often than you do.”
Loki’s face remained neutral, but Sigyn could tell he was at least a little insulted by her words.  She placed a gentle hand on his cheek.
“But I still think you would make a great king.  You would grow into your role, as will Thor now.  Your father is still alive to guide him.  And you are much too clever to allow him to do anything too reckless.”
Loki allowed a small smile to escape his lips. 
“Sometimes I wish you weren’t sensible.”
“One of us has to be.” 
Dresses in Loki’s colors during Thor’s crowing and stands by his side
Frost Giants attack during the crowning
Destroyer kills the frost giants
Loki goes with Thor and Odin to the vault, Sigyn stays behind with Frigga and Sif
She and Frigga have a brief conversation about how the Frost giants could have gotten in while Sif and the Warriors three consult each other
Sigyn and Frigga both come to the conclusion of some sort of illusion, as they don’t see how Heimdall could have missed it, but they give it no further thought than that
Sigyn assists Frigga in appeasing and reassuring the guest as everyone leaves
Sigyn catches Loki as he’s about to leave with Thor
They have a brief interaction as he leaves in which she tells him to be careful
“I believe you said it would be my duty to stop him from doing anything too reckless,” Loki said, lightly.
“Yes, “stop” being the key word.”
“Fear not, Lady Sigyn,” Fandral assured, lazy draping and arm over Loki’s shoulders.  “We shall return, and with your husband all in one piece.”
Before they’re about to leave, Loki leans down as if to kiss her goodbye. He then instructs her to tell Odin where they are going; Sigyn nods in understanding and as soon as they’re out of sight, she runs to tell the All Father exactly what is happening
Sigyn meets Sif and the Warriors 3 when they return; they explain everything and Sigyn feels instant guilt of not getting to Odin sooner
She assist in healing Fandral and Volstagg (establishes her magical abilities)
Soon enough Loki returns with just Odin and the All Father tells them Thor has been banished
Sigyn is in shock at the news, but does not question the decision as she trusts Odin to know what is best for the kingdom and his son, still she goes to Loki to check to see if he’s alright 
Loki is noticeably distracted and avoids her questions
She tries again when he storms out after the fight with the Warriors Three, but still Loki refuses to even looks at her, fully pulling away from her touch as if it burns him
Sigyn asks him if it’s because she didn’t tell Odin earlier that he blames her for Thor’s banishment; Loki assures her it’s not her fault, but still won’t give her an answer to why he’s avoiding her
She is in their room when Loki comes in to tell her that Odin has fallen into the Odin sleep
Sigyn comforts him and Loki breaks down telling her he needs to show her something
He takes her back down to the vault and shows her his true form, telling her everything that Odin had told him; he tells her then, he would not blame her if she left a monster like him
Sigyn assures him otherwise, stating that she doesn't care, he is still the man she agreed to marry all those years ago and still loves him now
Sigyn remained silent, taking the time to full examine every inch of his blue skin, lingering on the distinctive lines, tracing them upwards until she met his red eyes.
Loki wanted to turn away from her.  He could not bare the thought of seeing disgust when he so often found love in her gaze.  But, he needed her to see.  He needed to be honest with her, even if he so often lied to everybody else. She deserved that.
Slowly, she step forward.  Her hand reached out.  Ever so gently found it came to rest against his cheek.  His skin burned under her touch.  The urge to pull away clashed with his instinct to keep her there beside him. 
The corner of her lip turned up into a tired smile. “Is that all?”
She tries to assist Frigga while Loki talks with Sif and Warriors 3
Sif goes to Sigyn to get her to talk to Loki
Sigyn expresses her own suspicions of Loki once Sif brings their interaction to light
She and Loki have a conversation about Loki now being King and her Queen: Sigyn expresses her own doubts of being a Queen and how she never expected or necessarily wanted to be Queen
“It’s an honor I never expected,” she said, quietly.  “And, if I may be honest, not one I ever truly wanted.”
“You married a prince of Asgard, surely you knew it was a possibility,” Loki said, trying and failing to keep the defensiveness out of his tone.
“Only if a number of tragedies occurred, as they have.  I will learn to do my duty and make you a good Queen, but I do mourn the loss of what our life was.”
“It’s only because you do not see what our life could be.”
Sigyn starts to realize the extent of Loki’s ambition as she questions him and brings up her and Sif’s conversation
Loki tells Thor Odin is dead and goes to Jotunheim
Sigyn goes to Sif and the Warriors 3 with her suspicions of Loki, Heimdall summons them and Sigyn promises to stay behind and cover for them
She still doesn’t fully believe Loki is capable of betraying Thor like that
Thor returns and Sigyn is confronted with the reality of the truth
While Thor and Loki are fighting, Sigyn tries to use her magic to unfreeze the Bifrost, she ends up having to fight Loki as a result
The fight between her and Loki is brief, but in Loki’s eyes Sigyn has fully betrayed him while Sigyn simply want him to stop
Loki ends up knocking her out, leaving her out of the fight until the Bi-Frost explodes and he lets go
Sigyn is left to grieve the death of her husband while Loki plans his revenge
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Love Is Not Forced ~ 8
Love Is Not Forced MASTERLIST
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< previous chapter
Word Count: 1,500ish
Summary: Y/N attends a lunch with her suitors.
Warnings: none
Before she fell asleep, Y/N made sure that Wanda knew to tell the guards that no one was allowed to bug her the rest of the night. She also told Wanda that she was not to wake her up early for breakfast, she needed to rest. The Princess also wanted to avoid the King of Brooklyn as long as possible. Though she got to sleep in passed breakfast, Y/N was still woken up by servants bringing dresses in.
“What’s going on?” She muttered as she sat up.
“I had a whole new wardrobe made for you,” her Father said, waltzing into her room. “You missed breakfast.” He came over and sat on the edge of her bed. “I was worried that you still weren’t feeling good after last night. Should I call in Doctor Banner or Doctor Strange?”
“No, I’m good. I just told Wanda to let me sleep. Last night was a lot to take in.”
“It was. But I’m proud of you.”
She gave him a small, tired smile as she glanced at the servants who were still bringing in dresses. “What’s with the new wardrobe?”
“I had it made for you to try and impress the suitors.”
“Why? Aren’t they all leaving today? I was under the impression that I’d only have to impress them like once a month until a decision was made.”
“They’re all staying for a few weeks.”
“What?” Now she was wide awake.
“Yes. They all want the opportunity to court you. Well, all except King T’Challa. He said that you two made an agreement to be friends?”
“We did. Is he going to be staying too?”
“For a few days.”
“Good,” she breathed a sigh of relief. She was happy that she at least would have T’Challa as a safe place.
“Plus, you haven’t met King Steven yet. And I think you’ll really like him.” Her Father smiled.
“I’m sure.” She gave him a tight-lipped smile. 
She was sure there was nothing that the King could do to fix what he had said about her in the garden. He had made his decision on what she was like, so she wasn’t going to try that hard with the King. Y/N didn’t want to be stuck with him either.
“We’re going to have lunch in the garden today, with our guests.” Tony stood up. “So choose one of your new dresses and be sure to make a statement.” He winked at her before leaving the room.
The Princess bathed before looking through the new dresses the King had had made for her. Each of them were gorgeous. The King had done it once again. He constantly surprised her. Y/N chose a dress with branches, flowers, and birds embroidered down in. It was stunning, in her eyes. 
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Wanda helped her into it before doing her hair and sending her on her way. The Princess was excited to see T’Challa and Loki again, even Thor. But she didn’t care to officially meet the King of Brooklyn. She made sure to take the long way, so that she was the last one there. Her Father did tell her to make a statement.
When she finally arrived at the garden, everyone was already there, just like she had hoped. They’d even started eating. The first one to notice her coming was Loki. He was up before anyone could say anything and moving towards her.
“Princess,” he smiled, giving her a slight bow and grabbing her hand for a kiss. “You look beautiful. But I suspect you always do.”
“Thank you, Loki,” she gave a kind smile. 
He led her to the table where Thor and T’Challa were the next to greet her. King Steven was last. He came up looking almost too attractive for his own good. King Steven was practically thinking the same thing about the Princess. In his eyes, she was the most gorgeous woman that he had ever seen. 
“Y/N,” her Father called, “this is King Steven of Brooklyn.”
“Your Highness,” Steven bowed. “I’m very sorry that I didn’t get to meet you last night. I had some troubles arise in my own kingdom that I had to deal with before I came here.”
“No need to give me excuses, Your Majesty,” the Princess said curtly. “You have a kingdom to rule. A simple birthday ball would obviously be the least of your concerns.”
The Queen almost choked on her wine. She swore that she had raised her daughter to be nicer to people, especially other royalty, then what she had just witnessed. Peter and King Anthony simply chuckled. Her Father was definitely not surprised. Her wall that she had created before she would allow herself to trust, was definitely up and higher than ever. That is why King Anthony had invited the suitors to stay. They weren’t going to be able to fully get to know the Princess without being here, actively gaining her trust.
“I feel that I do owe you my excuses, Princess,” King Steven continued, “it was your special night and I had promised your Father that I’d be there for a dance.”
“Well, my Father shouldn’t have made you promise that. Especially if you had felt that you weren’t going to be able to keep it.”
“Okay, enough, enough,” Tony chuckled. “Let’s all just sit down and eat.”
They all sat down, with T’Challa and Loki on either side of Y/N and Steve right across from her. King Anthony kept control of the discussion topic, mainly politics and his inventions.
“Do you enjoy inventing things like your Father does, Princess?” Steve asked.
“I don’t.”
“What does her Highness enjoy doing?” Loki asked.
“Reading, painting, horseback riding. You know, all the things the typical Princess is suppose to like doing.”
Tony chuckled before he spoke, “Y/N wishes do to something more with her life. Though she hasn’t quite figured out what yet.”
“Wakanda is proud to support women in whatever they wish to do,” T’Challa stated. “Princess Shuri is actually in charge of our advancing technology and our head guards, the Dora Milaje, are all women.”
“I would love to visit Wakanda one day, T’Challa,” Y/N said, wishfully. 
“Wakanda would love to host you, Princess,” T’Challa smiled. “Just say the word and I’ll make it happen.”
“Maybe in a few weeks, the Princess can take a tour of all the kingdoms,” her Father suggested.
“Really?” The Princess excitedly questioned, turning to her Father with hope in her eyes.
“Really. I think that it would be good for you to get out of the kingdom and learn about the other kingdoms. You will be ruling one of them one day.”
There is was. A reminder of why these men were really here. Why they had celebrated last night. What the Princess’ purpose was: to marry for political gain for two kingdoms. King Anthony noticed the moment her hope and happiness faded from her eyes. He immediately regretted the last words that left his mouth. The Princess was silent for the rest of the meal. As they finished up, Loki turned to Y/N.
“Would Your Highness care to join me for a stroll around the garden?” He asked her.
“I would love to,” she smiled at him.
Loki stood up, taking her hand and helping her out of her seat before slipping her arm through his and guiding them into the garden and away from everyone else. 
“I apologize for my daughter’s mouth,” Tony said to Steve, once Loki and Y/N were out of ear shot. “She’s still trying to figure out how she feels about getting married off.”
“That’s okay,” Steve said. “I did not make that great of a first impression either.”
“You’ll have time, King Steve,” Thor laughed. “If you can get her away from my brother.”
“What does your brother want with my daughter?” Tony asked. “He is not the heir to the throne nor he does he have a good reputation.”
“I think that he’s just wanting a friend. She is the first person to look at him and not immediately say something about his past discretions.”
“Maybe that’s because she doesn’t know of them? Here’s the thing, Your Highnesses… in order for this to work, my daughter needs to marry a King. And, fortunately and unfortunately, the Princess and King T’Challa here have already made an agreement that they will not be trying to pursue anything. So that leaves you two.” Tony pointed to Thor and Steve. “I promised my daughter that I’d try to make the decision based on her happiness, but I will put my foot down when it comes to Prince Loki. So, you two need to sweep her off her feet.”
next chapter >
Tag List: @dreamilyunaffectedwreck (won’t link) @freya-xo​  @laic2299​ @kissesofdeadforme​
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Infinity War (7)
Loki & The Avengers
Summary: A work inspired by @queencfthestarsdrfoster ‘s post of the universe where Loki is alive and Thor is avenged.
Series: Will contain all- and more- that we saw in Infinity War. Will not contain smut and fluff for obvious reasons. Might contain weird humor though.
Chapter content: time to face the truth
Warnings: talk about the past
Word count: these weird dreams are getting weirder by the day
MASTERLIST & Taglist in bio, my love
"Why is he looking at me like that?" "You could have gotten a much better look if this one put in a little effort in the...aesthetic part of his armour suits. And face" Vision feels his head jerk back while he narrows his eyes at the new person standing in the room as if he owns it; him and Tony Stark. There is not even a flutter in Loki's emotions when he makes that comment but the young scientist who is analysing the internal nodal connections inside Vision is having a gala time as she watches this go down. "I am not even going to acknowledge that with a comment," Tony states as he tries he best to stand still while the Wakandan doctors work with the vibranium beads to help the man heal his wounds. "Because you know he's ugly," Loki quips and Shuri cannot help but swing her neck to catch Tony lick his lips and shift his weight between his legs.
"Quite bold coming from you." This voice is new for Loki. So is the red hair that flows around the face seemingly carrying the weight of an entire world in her eyes. And there it is! The glare that Loki is more familiar with than his own name. "Did I hurt someone from your family too?" the voice carries a hint of tiredness yet the sharpness of the God is not lost in those words. Bruce adjusts his glasses over his nose as his eyes roll and turn to Loki. The stern words pleading him to stop for a breather seem to take a pause on the scientist's lips when he witnesses the view unfolding in front of him and others. Red and green plasmic waves float around the two magicians without either of them moving a limb. The colours seem to mingle at one point before they trace a path to the other being and try their best to find and opening. It is not as much a fight to dominate as it is a challenge to find out who is strong enough to let the other one in. "Wanda," a prayer leaves Vision's lips in concern for his love but Tony is quick to raise his hand enough to let everyone in the room know they better not intervene. Not yet. If they had not known Loki as they do, it would have seemed like an ethereal dance of two energies. And a dance it was. Loki's green waves hopped and jumped around Wanda's red akin to two plasmic entities playing tag with each other, wanting to wait it out. Now some would say great minds think alike while others can state that it wasn't as much of the minds as the hearts that making the decision today; for both Loki and Wanda let their guard down at the same time, entering each other's sacred grounds to find a piece to take with them. "Wanda," a concerned yet authoritative call comes from the other end of the room. A single tear falls off those pale and tired skins as the sole evidence of the exchange before their powers dissipate and let the room breathe. "Well, well," Loki is the first to compose himself, straightening his back while bringing his arms behind as he turns to face his favourite boy. "if it isn't the earth's mightiest hero." "Consistent? Sure. Mightiest? Ehh," Tony mutters before looking anywhere but at Captain America. Well, at least that is what he thinks he will do till his eyes catch of glimpse and then come back to properly settle on the nomad look Steve Rogers chose for his time away. Steve's brooding brows do not leave the God for a second, nor do they fluster when Steve walks down the steps towards him, clearing the atmosphere of any misunderstandings about who is in charge- to which Shuri simply rolls her eyes and fires up her system. "Not want to be a part of the sausage fest, thank you," she mutters and gets to work. Peter seems torn between helping her out- as an excuse to see her lab- and witnessing Steve Rogers and Loki go down before his mentor's piercing gaze tells him he is better off with Shuri any damn day. "I told you we would meet again, Captain," Loki smirks at Steve and bows a little. "The honour is mine as always." "You are alive right now because Bruce has put his faith in you." "I haven't killed myself yet just for having a chance to meet you." Ignoring the gasps and groans in the background Loki takes a step towards the Captain. "If you doubt me-" he raises his arms in the air as a sign to have let his guard down- "strip me away of my power and use my weakness as you may." He looks at Wanda to let Steve follow his gaze. Wanda is standing next to Vision now, trying to gravitate herself with the support of the nearest table under her wavering hands. With one satiating deep breath, she finds her ground and focuses her eyes back to the present, thanking the wide glass walls to let the Wakandan sun and greens for their part. The sternness Steve has for Loki melts the second he turns to Wanda. The shift pinches Loki but he reduces it to just another jab and waits patiently for Wanda to say her peace. Wanda brings forward her hand and lets Steve rest his palm in hers. The moment their hands touch, a sting of her pulsating power can be seen reflecting right in Steve's irises as red embers glowing intensely for a second before disappearing into the darkness they came from. Loki has seen that look before. The very look he carried when learned the truths about the world around his. He can see the similar fear-laced question in those galactic eyes of Steve Rogers as well.  The question isn't carried in words but in the shallow breaths his lungs take in and out repeatedly till they are balanced enough to take grasp of the reality. Bucky- who has been standing in the corner of the room- takes a step towards Steve only to be stopped by Sam. "He's fine," the soldier whispers while gesturing with a nod towards an equally concerned Tony who pats the Captain's back before soothing it. "You okay there, Cap?" His voice has nothing but concern for his friend in this passing moment. Everything is in the past for now. For now. Fingerless gloved hands get hold of Tony's arms and this is the second when Tony realises that Steve isn't shivering under the cloud of fear, not is he panicking under any dark spells. He is standing there with his brows constricted in a serious thought while his pupils are trying to refocus from infinity. The entire hall is silent, waiting for Steve something and yet patient enough to let him take his time. And he finally raises his head to turn towards Loki with a look no one in the room could expect. "Thanos." The word itself carries a firm note and the weight in Captain's voice can tell Loki how much this man has already understood. No wonder he is my favourite. "He is the reason behind-" "Everything." Loki walks towards Vision and stands next to him- right in the centre- to let his magic display the knowledge which is lost upon the rest of the audience. The plasmic waves form four stones in his palm with a glow akin to their original spirit. "He is the reason the universe has not known peace because of his hunger for these. And the two that are here on earth." "How many does he have right now?" Sam asks the question everyone wants to talk about. "He has Space, Power and Reality." "So we have Vision's third eye and Doctor's necklace. There's still one missing. Not to mention the crippling doubt of whether we will be able to win with two pebbles." Loki comes to stand by the glass wall overlooking the grassland spread till the mountains by the horizon. The sun rays feel calming on his skin when he closes his eyes to breathe in the peace for a second. "There is one thing that Thanos has a firm belief in; so deep and blind that even the flip of this universe will not tether that belief. The belief of being the righteous person who can set everything on its true course. Anything that does not flow as he chooses must be cleared away. He claims himself to be a God that can set the balance. The saint of saints." Opening his eyes, he turns around to face the crowd immersed in those words that have been wanting to flow for a century now. "The only mistake this saint made was walking away without witnessing me die with his own eyes. So now, I will make him pay. I have a plan. And that plan has all of you." Steve, rerunning his words in his mind while his eyes rest on the ground and his thumbs in his belt loops, wonders out loud, "And why should we trust you?" Bruce shifts where he stands, wanting to say something. "I once told my brother to trust my rage-" Loki looks down at his right hand reflecting the scars- "I now ask of you the same-" his eyes mapping the ones from this morning before turning back to the humans- "trust my rage. Trust that I will avenge my brother's death-" his plan to stay stoic is given away by the rapid blinks to wash away that dew trying to settle on the edge of his eyes- "and if need be, bring him back."
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loving-barnes · 4 years
Winter’s Song (3) - Bucky Barnes x reader x Loki
(A/N): I have posted this one a long time ago on my wattpad profile... so, here it is, finally. Part 3 for you, whom have not read it. Sorry for the massive delay.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader x Loki
Warnings: none
Words: 2170
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She was holding a book in hands while walking down the hall to the library. For today, the maids picked a silky green dress with a loose skirt that was floating behind her. Her hair was pinned in a complicated braid that took an hour to make. Some of the baby hairs and loose hair was beautifully framing her face. She felt that having her head buried in books was the best option for the day and no one would keep her away from them.
"Well, this is a pleasant surprise," a chuckle came behind her back. It belonged to Loki, who had been stalking her the whole time. "Green suits you well, my princess," he came to her side and reached for the book. "Let me help you with that."
Y/N turned from him, protecting the book. "I can manage, thank you, prince Loki," she sighed, continuing walking to her destination. "What brings you here, my prince?" she tried to remain polite, hoping he would leave her alone soon.
"Ah, you see, I've heard that you have a magnificent library in the castle, filled with books from different realms of all genres. So, I have asked to be shown this magical place of yours and to my luck, I found you on my way there."
Well, she wouldn't get rid of him at all. "I am on my way to the library," she cleared her throat, obviously being more annoyed than before. It was her special place; she was supposed to be there alone with books. That was not happening. "If you follow me, I can show you where it is situated," she said it with gritted teeth.
It seemed to please him a lot. "Finally, I will have the opportunity to spend some quality time with you, princess. I think I know everything about your two dull sisters. I am surprised that the King wants to marry those two first. But now, because I have the chance, I am more curious about you."
They came together to the library that was coated in wood and gold. Each shelf was filled with different kinds of books from different worlds that probably ever existed. Maybe it was not just nine realms – it was way more. "I am very sorry, my prince, but I am afraid I will not have the time for you, now. I have a lot of studying to do."
He smirked and kept going. "I believe one day off will not harm." Loki decided to follow her wherever she went. "I am surprised that you have such a passion for books," he kept talking when she picked three books about the history of Midgard. "I, myself, am a keen lover of books if I am truly honest with you. They keep my mind occupied and keep me relaxed."
She glanced at him, quickly thinking about his words. She felt the same way. "Interesting," she whispered, taking a seat in a golden armchair. It was her favourite spot in the room, right next to a massive window that had a view into the garden. "Have you read Midgardian poetry?"
"Mostly interested in the, I believe, European authors – if I am more specific, the regions as Britain and French are quite my favourite," he sat down on to the closest armchair. "The, so-called, Shakespearean era was surely a gift for those pathetic humans."
The way he talked about the people of Earth was not something she liked hearing. She respected every being in the entire universe if their intentions and heart were in the right place.
"Please, mind your words, my prince," she warned him calmly, eyes already focused on the book on her legs. "They are not pathetic. Just because we live here differently and you are a god, does not give you the right to talk like this about them."
He leaned back, scanning the princess with his eyes thoroughly. "Quite opposite than your sisters," he hummed. "While those two were happily shaming and humiliating every soul in the universe, you stand by all of them – shall I say, protect them even if it is just with your words."
"I would put my life for anyone worthy."
He rolled his eyes. "Worthy..."
This was going to be hell; she was sure of it. Before she could open her mouth and say something, the door to the library opened and a servant came inside.
"Your highnesses," he bowed. "The King has requested your presence in the grand hall, immediately."
Y/N closed the book and sighed, not excited for what was about to come. Every time her father would call her for something, it ended in a verbal fight or a punishment. She put the book on the armchair and went to the open door. Loki was immediately following her. He even offered his arm so he could accompany her. It would be very rude if she refused and so she had no other choice than to accept it.
In silence, they walked together to the grand hall. The ladies and noblemen were already there, enthusiastically waiting for the speech the king was about to give.
Y/N's eyes landed on her sisters that were draped over Thor's shoulders, both having heart eyes on faces and flirting with him simultaneously. Once they noticed their younger half-blood accompanied by the younger prince, those eyes were exchanged for rage and hate. Why they hated her so much, she would never know.
"Ah, since you are all here," Y/N's father started to talk, "I would like to inform you about the changes that will happen immediately." This didn't sound good. "The annual Royal Winter Ball will be happening in three days."
The whispers of shock echoed around the room. Y/N was horrified. This unexpected decision and the fact that the King had decided to set the ball earlier was not a good idea for many reasons. One of them included princess Y/N.
She let go of Loki's hand and took a step back. The words that were coming out of the King's mouth were becoming more muted, disappearing in the air and her ears started to ring. Why would the king decide to change the date of the Winter Ball?
"There are three more days for the princes to choose their brides. At the ball, they will announce their decisions and they will be engaged right after."
Y/N's eyes moved to the side, checking on out both sisters. They were whispering something to one-another, smirking under their noses. As if they had a plan for that day. How could they be so evil?
"Does it mean we can choose from any of your daughters?" Loki asked confidently while looking into the king's eyes.
Y/N's father slowly turned to her, swallowing visibly. With a sigh, he nodded. "Yes, all three of them are of age and thus you can choose which one you like."
Loki turned to Y/N, grinning. Her eyes widened and she took a step back. "No," she sighed. She couldn't get married to the princes. Her heart belonged to someone else and she would not stop loving him. Nothing would stop her from being with her soulmate; with someone that fully understood her - that was just like her.
"You can't," the queen grabbed her husband by his hand. She didn't want Y/N to be involved in this.
"I will not!" she shouted.
"Silence," he raised his voice. "My word is final."
The look of worry in the mother's eyes was scaring the princess. Y/N simply gulped, grabbed the fabric of her long skirt and bowed to the king. It was a simple gesture that said she obeyed the orders. After that, she turned around and started to walk away.
"Always obeying my orders," the king smiled, glad that he did not have to step in.
"Why are you doing this?" she queen whispered, trying not to be suspicious. "We had a deal – your two daughters will be betrothed to them, not Y/N. She is the youngest one."
"And as I said, she is of age," he growled. "I don't care that you don't want her to marry. It is up to the princes to decide."
"You could have said no," she sighed. "We both know that she can't get married."
"I do what I want, my dear."
When Y/N was far enough from everyone, her godmother ran towards her. She grabbed her by the wrist and dragged her into the kitchen where they could have some privacy. It was the perfect place for them to talk because none of the royals would ever visit the kitchen. Y/N's room was too far from them and, now, a dangerous place to talk.
When they came to the room, Y/N was surprised by the people that were inside waiting for her. Wanda and her beloved James were talking to the cooks, both having deep conversations until she arrived. The woman was holding a basket filled with what looked like a piece of fabric. "What is going on?" Y/N asked slowly, trying to stay calm.
"There is no time," the godmother said. "You have to leave the castle, now. You are in danger."
"There has to be some for an explanation," she was confused.
Wanda took out some clothes from the basket and threw it to her. "You need to change into these, and we will get you out of here before they lock you in your room until the ball. And honestly, we don't want that."
"Why?" she asked again while removing the beautiful dress from her body. Some of the maids that were present quickly helped her. They helped her with the corset and the ropes and ribbons. Y/N did not care that James was standing there, carefully watching as she revealed naked legs and arms.
"They want you dead," the godmother continued.
"Your sisters," said Wanda and started to destroy the braids the princess had. "And not just that. There is something darker happening in the castle."
She sighed annoyingly. "I have no idea what you are talking about. I do need more information to fully understand the situation. What is going on?"
Once her hair was loose, Wanda braided it into a simple tale and put a blue bandana over her head. After the last few touches, the princess turned into a simple young woman without a crown. When she saw a reflection in the mirror, she had to smile a little. It was a massive difference for her and she liked it.
The godmother put a blue cloak over her shoulders. "It's cold outside, princess. It has been snowing for the past two hours."
"I am not a princess," Y/N smiled at her, quickly taking the woman's hands into hers. "Not anymore." Then she turned to James. "Will you tell me what is happening once we are gone?"
One of the servants ran into the kitchen. Everyone turned their attention to him. "Prince Loki has decided to come here. You don't have much time. You need to go, now."
James came closer to Y/N and took her hand into his. "Of course, I will," he replied. He had to pull her with him, otherwise, she wouldn't be able to leave. The cooks brought them to a tiny door that served them for a fast passage to the supplies.
"Hurry," the godmother said, and she was quickly folding the dress into a messy ball. The other servant took them and threw them into the fireplace under the stove.
Y/N knew was she had to get to a safe place – and the safest one was when she was with the love of her life and the people she trusted.
James was ready to say something, but she pressed a finger against his lips, telling him to be silent. The halls were echoey and they could be simply exposed.
Wanda was walking behind them, just in case, someone would decide to follow them. She was ready to protect them, even kill if necessary. They all knew that once the royal family realises that the youngest one is missing; the real hell will only begin.
After a while, they appeared in the lower gardens of the castle, where the gardeners would take care of the fruits and vegetables. To their luck, no one was present there, so they were able to continue down the path to the castle barriers. Another person was waiting for them – Vision.
"I was getting worried," he said when they came closer. "Are you ready?" he asked.
Y/N leaned closer to James; bit terrified. Even though she was glad she escaped from her home, she was worried about what would happen next.
Vision had the power to create a portal that would take into the village where they lived. It was safer this way – no one would ever see them coming.
The sparkling golden portal brought them to James' house that was near the woods, farther from the village.  
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imagine-loki · 5 years
Pride and Prejudice
TITLE: Pride and Prejudice CHAPTER NO./ONE SHOT: Chapter 13 AUTHOR: wolfpawn
ORIGINAL IMAGINE: Imagine Loki was raised on Jotunheim as Laufey’s son after the war, but an agreement was then made that he would wed Odin’s daughter so Odin could secure the alliance of Jotunheim through the marriage. Loki, in turn, was raised to be king of Jotunheim, but how he views Asgard is far different from how Odin’s daughter is raised leading to a clash of cultures as well as uncertainty between the pair of betrothed youths.     RATING: Mature   NOTES/WARNINGS: Forced Marriage, not all fun and games. My first real step back into the Loki scene in over a year.
Tags - @skulliebythesea @asimovethroughthisworld
Loki did as he was told. He stayed in the room for the night with Ella, but he was not alone. For the entire night, Odin sat beside his daughter, talking quietly to her. To Loki’s bewilderment, Odin placed Gungnir against her arm inside the golden shield he had learned kept her from getting any worse.
From time to time, Odin rose from his chair to get something Ella had put on some furnishing or another, and smiled at them. “Every one of these is an item I brought her back from my inter-realm travels. She never once asked for one but when she would receive one, her eyes would widen without fail and she would have this smile like nothing before on her face. I often wished I could have seen it more often. She always said that though the gifts were lovely, the important part was seeing me return.” He stated.
Loki listened silently.
Through the night, Eir checked on Ella, keeping the Allfather updated as she did.
“Why is Ella in here alone?” It was early morning when Odin asked the question. Dawn was due at any moment. “The request for a minimum number of sons was a Jotnar one, so I can only assume that would require being in the same area of the palace as her. One would think you would want to be in the same rooms as her. Also, if I recall correctly, all Jotnar young are born in the parental bed and protected by the father, how would you do so in another room?”
“She asked to return here on our wedding night. I did not decline. She did not return since.” “Did you make her feel as though she could?" Loki remained silent. "In her time here, what have you learnt about my daughter?"
Loki thought for a moment. "She has a sharp wit, her retorts are lightning fast."
"Considering she uses it when some think to try and insult her, that does not signify good things for you to know that. What else?"
"She…" Loki paused. "The day you all came, she was the only one in your party to try all our food and though some resulted in her disliking them, she never sought to insult any and finished everything she tried."
"Your lack of ability to list her many good traits is all I need to know." Odin looked at her sadly. "I pinned too much on you keeping your word. My daughter is in this position because she is so deeply unhappy." Loki looked at Ella, wondering how it came to happen. "The day she accidentally used her seidr for the first time, I could tell it would be powerful. She was still inside Frigga, it caused her to go into premature labour. Only a few weeks but one momentary flash of it caused her mother, an incredibly strong wielder herself,  to be unable to contain her any longer. I was on Vanaheim at the time. I came home to a shield protected daughter only for her to break the shield. Her seidr is so strong. She could do terrible things if she chose, overthrow her brother's name as my successor, but it is not in her nature. I have little doubt that if she lives, she will argue to keep from sorting this."
"If she would disagree, why would you?"
"Because to do nothing is wrong. You see even your father accepts there is legitimacy to my decision to annul this. He does not fight it."
"Will you kill him?"
"No, Laufey did not wrong me or mine this time, he kept his promise."
"So you will kill me?"
"I wish I could, almost as much as you wish to kill me, but no, I will simply annul everything. I have long learnt blood does not need to be shed to deal with one's enemies just like you did not have to touch my daughter to hurt her." He sighed. "She tried, I cannot fault her. She studied hard, tried to learn everything she could, to be a good daughter, when so many would rebel against such a fate, she accepted it, from what I gather she did not seek men and she readied to be your wife. I can bring her home or light her funeral pyre knowing she gave it her everything."
Loki felt guilty and angry at his guilt. He did not want to feel guilty but Odin speaking of his daughter’s dedication to her duty resonated with him as he recalled his father’s words of his lack of honour to duty in the situation. He wanted nothing more than to run away from the situation, but he could not. He knew there were guards outside under strict instruction to alert his father if he left.
He watched for a time longer as Odin succumbed to his tiredness and dozed off. He thought for a single moment to put an end to the Allfather and his tyrannical ways but he could not summon the ice blade to do so. He kept thinking of Ella and what he had just heard. His realms tyrant was her loving father. He also thought of what his father and hers had said about her. The guilt intensified.
* For two days he sat in the room and for two days, his company consisted of visits Eir, Arden, his father but his constant companion, much to his despair, was Odin.
“She is returning to health,” Eir announced in relief. “Somehow, the Norns have shown her favour again. There is a lot to be said for being a good soul. It seems to have kept her from Valhalla so far.” “I do not know how many times she can convince them to let her live,” Odin commented. “Her seidr refuses to die.” “Thank the Norns for such. Having Gungnir assists, of course.” “There is no point in having it if it does not protect those I love most dear,” Odin replied. He looked at the Golden staff. “It worked before, I am glad it worked now.” “Nothing wrong with trying something that worked before.” Eir agreed.
Odin nodded before noting Loki’s intrigued face. “Gungnir can only be wielded by a seidr wielder. Its power is directly related to the power of the wielder. It cannot make seidr, only magnify the seidr of the one holding it. Ella’s seidr is magnified by it even now, in her rest, it is building her up again.” He smiled proudly at his daughter. “She would have been a terrifying son. If she had been born male, Thor would never be king. He will be a good one, but Ella, she was born to rule. Her demeanour is so well suited to the role.” Loki was uncertain why Odin was telling him this. He did not think he meant to say it to the man he planned to ruin because of his anger over his daughter. At that moment, he realised the warmongering Allfather he loathed was an old man, just like his father.
“I wish I had thought to introduce her to life here before the day we came, to not have her feel so lost. Perhaps I would have seen it better and called it all off then, not put her through this. So many men had an interest in her from so many good families. They would have treated her right. Not given her to that boy.”
Loki was convinced Odin had lost his mind but he recalled his father when he was worn out, he was prone to rambling too. He was exhausted from the vigil he was forced to keep, he could not imagine the toll it would have on his father, or indeed the Allfather. “Allfather, perhaps you should get some rest?” He ventured.
“No, she cannot wake alone, she will be scared. She will want her Papa. No, I cannot let her think she is alone, that no one cares. She is a sensitive little thing.”
The manner in which he spoke, Loki wondered if, in his mind, Odin was recalling her childhood sickness. The reference to him as her “Papa” was peculiar. To be referenced so informally, even by his own child was entirely inappropriate and frowned upon. “I will stay with her for a while, she would fret you are too tired if she wakes and you are out on your feet. I will make sure she is not alone.” Odin contemplated for a moment. “She would fret. She is like her mother in that matter. Two worriers.” He nodded as he slowly rose to his feet. He stumbled slightly. “I need that damn staff too much these days.” “Then why not take it?” “No, she needs it. Leave it where it is.” He ordered before taking her hand. “I will be back soon, Sweetheart. I just need a quick rest.” Odin walked out of the room as he spoke.
Loki watched him leave before looked at Ella again. He walked forward to the chair beside the bed before sitting down in the chair the Allfather had vacated. “Why did you say nothing?” He was more speaking to himself than her. “I was here the night before and you said nothing. If you had...everything is ruined now. Jotunheim was beginning to heal and now…” He exhaled and looked at her again. “I have my part in this, but one sentence would have stopped this happening. Now everything is in ruin.”
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bruciewayne · 5 years
5 minutes
stevetony post-avengers, 2012 era, getting together, fluff, 2.2k
for ‘steve rogers’ on @iron-man-bingo​
At first, Tony didn’t know what to think of Steve Rogers. Actually, that’s a bald-faced lie. He knew exactly what to think of him; arrogant, pigheaded, stubborn, and of course, nothing like the stories. At all. But apparently, he’s been under the influence of Loki’s sceptre (yeah, that guy from Norse mythology who fucked a horse (Tony’d went on a week-long wiki-venture in the middle of writing his thesis. It’d been a tough time.)), so it didn’t count, he’d apologised after.
They did say ‘never meet your heroes’ after all. 
When he was younger, he was so sure that if he ever got to meet Captain America he’d hug him, thank him for his service. When he grew up, he promised himself that if they ever found him, he would deck his probably-perfect teeth. Adult-Tony does neither.
Adult-Tony keeps his distance. He so badly wants to punch him, because of everything his father said, but he feels as though he should wait until he has actual, reasonable grounds to punch him, things he’s done, not what his father did. The fact that his face would most likely break his hand also factors into his decision of simply shaking his hand when they part ways.
They’ve had a couple of small, quiet moments, mostly amidst battle, that make Tony think that maybe he’s not an asshole, and maybe he could get to know him, but at the end of the day, Tony really doesn’t know what to think of him, he’s good in the field, he’s a good leader, but outside of that, he doesn’t really know him. At all. 
Thanks to dear old Nick, that changes, fast.
Well, about half a year after New York, maybe a month after his whole Mandarin/Killian. He spends the time ‘bettering himself’ and getting on and out and back in and then permanently out of a relationship with Pepper. On one hand, he hasn’t been all too productive (making, then destroying dozens of suits cancels each other out, really), on the other, it makes him a prime target for Fury to shoot at.
“You told me the Initiative was scrapped,” Tony says. He can’t believe he actually went to SHIELD for this. He, by choice (like, 21% choice) went into SHIELD HQ, to talk to their resident pirate. About letting five strangers move into his tower. 
“You assumed the Initiative was scrapped, assumptions just make an ass of you and me, Stark, you know that,” Fury says, evenly, “you have the space and the funds. Stark, you know that something like Loki is going to happen again, the best way to prepare for that is like this, all of you under one roof, learning to become a team.”
“Your little boyband saved New York, once, by the skin of our teeth, and now you want us to protect the word.”
“Your boyband, and you lot aren’t the only people in my phonebook. Look, all I want is for you to become a team, for the future,” Fury pushes a manila folder to Tony across the desk.
The Avenger’s Initiative
“Fine. You owe me,” Tony concedes, leaving the room. He doesn’t take the file.
Within a week, he has two more assassins under his roof, with the next he has another scientist (a biologist). It’s awkward, for a bit, everyone staying in their own corners, so to speak, until Agent Bart-- Hawke-- Clint proposes weekly movie nights (Tony just thinks that he wants an excuse to watch movies (they’re going to be very good friends)) and much of the awkwardness dissipates.
It’s fascinating really, they know each other so well on the field, they work seamlessly together, but put in a civvie, normal, situation, and now no one knows where to sit, but the movie night thing helps and everything just clicks. Tony thinks he has friends now.
Except there’s something, someone, missing.
He doesn’t even know why he wants him here so much, it’s not like they got super close or anything,the four of them click, and based on what Clint says, Thor would slip right in and he’d barely be here anyway (which is a shame, because Tony really wants to get his hands on that hammer), but none of them know their captain at all and Tony can’t help but look at the four of them and think there’s something missing.
“The god and the legend too good for us?” Tony asks Natasha one morning. She’s the most open and vulnerable she’s been ever since she started living here, maybe a month ago; she has messy hair and she’s wearing a hoodie at least two sizes too big. It might be Clint’s. Tony’s not going to think about it too much. (And if he wasn’t in fear of attack-via-butter-knife, he would call her cute.) Anyway, he’s asking her because she’s the one reporting to Fury at the end of every week, and out of her and Clint, she’s more likely to tell him something (Currently, Clint’s giving him the silent treatment for putting purple dye in his shampoo (he drew over Dum-E with glitter glue (He’ll never admit it but Dum-E likes it))).
She gives him a look he doesn’t really want to decode. “Thor’s dealing with his own stuff, off-world, and Rogers is still at SHIELD.”
Tony gives her a disbelieving look, surely the team captain should be with them, and not in a cinderblock room eating crappy food (Tony’s been to SHIELD HQ exactly once in his life and never in the residential areas or the cafeteria (In his defence, he’s not too far off)). 
Looks like he’s going to be getting another stamp on his SHIELD loyalty card.
It doesn’t take much to find out where Rogers is, a little hacking tells him his apartment details and a little more gives his security camera access. Rogers is pitifully predictable, Tony watches what he did in the past week, cutting between days and decides he needs saving. 
All he does is go to ‘class’ (some guy explaining something, probably everything that happened in the past 70 years, while he takes notes. Captain America takes handwritten notes. (He should mention that he has godawful handwriting (Maybe Tony enhanced the image out of curiosity, but only JARVIS knows that and he’s well aware of the national ‘no snitching’ policy), he should also mention that he’s a doodler. Tony’s far happier than maybe he should be to find that he has a flaw - not so perfect now, huh Dad?)) and the gym (maybe he’s untouchable but damn Tony really wants to touch those muscles) and that’s it. He also leaves for hours at a time, only at night, and Tony could probably find where he goes, but SHIELD most definitely already does, and he thinks the guy deserves a little privacy from him (He leaves when the sun sets and comes back when it rises and looks the exact same. Not particularly suspicious until you realise that it means that he doesn’t sleep. Not Tony’s problem - he probably has therapists anyway.). He’s going through the motions, head down, quiet, Tony doesn’t think that he’s seen him smile the entire week.
JARVIS tells him that the sun sets in just under 20 minutes. He takes the suit.
“Going anywhere?”
“What the-- Mr. Stark?”
Tony’s always enjoyed the dramatics. He steps out of the shadows, still in the suit but with the helmet off, to face Rogers, legs straddling motorbike.
“Eh, call me Tony,” he says, casually leaning against a concrete pillar. God, the SHIELD garage is depressing. SHIELD is depressing.
Rogers still looks confused. And ready to book it straight out. “Anything I can do for you?” 
“Come live with me.” Tony’s been told that statements usually make people do what he wants, instead of questions, and this statement is to a living legend, the Great American Hero. Telling him to live with him.
Rogers looks even more confused, “I already have a place?” He says, like even he’s not too sure.
“Fury didn’t tell you? Everyone has to live in Stark, well, Avenger’s now, Tower. For team bonding or something. In all honesty, I think he just wanted to get Legolas off his back, so to speak.” When in doubt, talk.
“Legolas?” Rogers still looks confused, but under it, there’s excitement, or proudness, or something, like he’s trying to tamp it down.
“Yeah, archer from Lord of the Rings, sequel--”
“To The Hobbit!” 
Tony expected many things from him, straight up refusal was one of them, but not excitement at the Hobbit. If he couldn’t easily throw Tony a city block, he might have called him cute. (Whatever, he’s goddamn adorable, okay?)
“Yeah, kid,” he says, voice softening of it’s own volition. He clears his throat before he says anything more.
Rogers smiles at him, small and shy, and fiddles with something on his bike. “Were you, were you serious?” He looks at Tony likes he’s expecting him to pull the rug, yell ‘Sike!’ and fly away cackling.
“Yeah, you were meant to be there since the beginning,” Tony wishes that he has that file, from so many weeks ago, just to prove to him, ‘Look, you’re meant to be with us’. Fuck, a couple months ago he was ready and willing to punch this guy in the face and now he wants to wrap him in a million blankets and make him marathon the extended versions of the Tolkien-verse movies until he’s happy.
He’s going to be having words with Fury.
“Oh,” he says, like he never really considered that, “when can I move in?”
“Now’s always good,” Tony replies, challenging him with a raised eyebrow - ‘now’ means breaking out of SHIELD, ‘now’ means no more lectures from SHIELD personnel.
Rogers brightens up, it’s not much, but a 0.2V lamp in a basement seems like a quasar. (And if it makes Tony himself happy, to see him like this, well, no one has to know.)
“Let me get my stuff,” he swings off the bike and that should not be as attractive as it is. Bikers never really interested Tony, but there’s something about this one in front of him.
Tony comes with him, still in the suit, because he has to see his cinderblock in real life - hopefully the camera made it worse?
The camera did not make it worse. It takes him under five minutes to pack, and everything can fit in a standard backpack.
By the time they get back to the garage, Tony learns a couple things: 1. He knows what the internet is, and enjoys it, 2. The lessons are going incredibly slowly and he watched some Youtube videos and went on Wikipedia and already knows everything they’re telling him (they’re at the 70s and they skipped the formation of Queen), and finally, Steve Rogers, not Captain America, because in that short five minute walk he’s learnt so much about the man behind the mask he’s determined to never let him be forced behind it again, Steve Rogers is a nerd, a geek and a little shit.
And lonely. So fucking lonely. They pass so many people, walk straight through the canteen, twice, and while, yes, they get some double-takes (mostly baby agents (they’ll grow out of it)), no one says hi, or waves, or greets them or anything, even the guy who Tony recognises as Steve’s ‘teacher’ doesn’t say anything when they pass by in front of him.  
He’s entirely untouchable, a living legend, Tony gets that, hell, even though that ten minutes ago, but under all that, under the fanfare and the applause and the costume, he’s a person, curious, bright, intelligent, funny, flawed. He wishes more people knew that.
“So, how fast can that new-fangled suit of yours go, Mr. Stark?” Steve asks putting on an ‘old Brooklyn’ accent and tilting his head and scanning it up and down as he straddles the bike again, bag on his shoulders.
“Fast enough,” Tony replies narrowing his eyes.
He grins. Bright and unabashed and it’s wonderful, but Tony only gets to see a second of it because he’s whipping out of the garage, yelling “Race you,” over his shoulder.
Tony’s laughing as he engages the suit, snapping up the helmet and following hot on his heels.
(They tie (4. Steve Rogers drives like a madman), shaking on a rematch.)
((It’s the happiest Steve’s been in the new century, in his life.))
It takes them a while. It takes them so fucking long even the new baby (practically foetus) agents are done with their shit. 
It takes years of longing looks and brushed hands and secret smiles and quiet nights and flirty one liners and compliments, but eventually, eventually, Tony admits to the torrent of butterflies that inhabit his insides whenever he even looks at Steve and he kisses him, grinning so goddamn bright Tony’s positive his heart is going to burst.
“You gave me a home,” Steve admits quietly to him. Tony can’t see his face like this, in his arms, but he can kiss the side of his neck, hopefully communicating more than he ever could with words. Steve gets it. 
“You make me happy,” Tony says, simply, into his skin, holding tighter.
(They tie the knot three years after that (the baby-- toddler agents yell Mrs. Rogers to Tony and Mr. Stark to Steve for a month straight (Tony doesn’t think too hard about the implications)))
((It’s the happiest Tony’s been in his life.))
iron man bingo masterpost
ao3: ineffablestarkrogers
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wolfpawn · 5 years
Pride and Prejudice, Chapter 13
Story Summary - Based on an idea I had that I submitted to Imagine Loki. Imagine Loki was raised on Jotunheim as Laufey’s son after the war, but an agreement was then made that he would wed Odin’s daughter so Odin could secure the alliance of Jotunheim through the marriage. Loki, in turn, was raised to be king of Jotunheim, but how he views Asgard is far different from how Odin’s daughter is raised leading to a clash of cultures as well as uncertainty between the pair of betrothed youths.
Chapter Summary -  While waiting for Ella to pull through or pass away, Loki and Odin spend more time getting to know one another, even if neither would like to. 
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Loki did as he was told. He stayed in the room for the night with Ella, but he was not alone. For the entire night, Odin sat beside his daughter, talking quietly to her. To Loki’s bewilderment, Odin placed Gungnir against her arm inside the golden shield he had learned kept her from getting any worse. 
From time to time, Odin rose from his chair to get something Ella had put on some furnishing or another, and smiled at them. “Every one of these is an item I brought her back from my inter-realm travels. She never once asked for one but when she would receive one, her eyes would widen without fail and she would have this smile like nothing before on her face. I often wished I could have seen it more often. She always said that though the gifts were lovely, the important part was seeing me return.” He stated. 
Loki listened silently. 
Through the night, Eir checked on Ella, keeping the Allfather updated as she did. 
“Why is Ella in here alone?” It was early morning when Odin asked the question. Dawn was due at any moment. “The request for a minimum number of sons was a Jotnar one, so I can only assume that would require being in the same area of the palace as her. One would think you would want to be in the same rooms as her. Also, if I recall correctly, all Jotnar young are born in the parental bed and protected by the father, how would you do so in another room?” 
“She asked to return here on our wedding night. I did not decline. She did not return since.” “Did you make her feel as though she could?" Loki remained silent. "In her time here, what have you learnt about my daughter?" 
Loki thought for a moment. "She has a sharp wit, her retorts are lightning fast."
"Considering she uses it when some think to try and insult her, that does not signify good things for you to know that. What else?"
"She…" Loki paused. "The day you all came, she was the only one in your party to try all our food and though some resulted in her disliking them, she never sought to insult any and finished everything she tried."
"Your lack of ability to list her many good traits is all I need to know." Odin looked at her sadly. "I pinned too much on you keeping your word. My daughter is in this position because she is so deeply unhappy." Loki looked at Ella, wondering how it came to happen. "The day she accidentally used her seidr for the first time, I could tell it would be powerful. She was still inside Frigga, it caused her to go into premature labour. Only a few weeks but one momentary flash of it caused her mother, an incredibly strong wielder herself,  to be unable to contain her any longer. I was on Vanaheim at the time. I came home to a shield protected daughter only for her to break the shield. Her seidr is so strong. She could do terrible things if she chose, overthrow her brother's name as my successor, but it is not in her nature. I have little doubt that if she lives, she will argue to keep from sorting this."
"If she would disagree, why would you?"
"Because to do nothing is wrong. You see even your father accepts there is legitimacy to my decision to annul this. He does not fight it."
"Will you kill him?"
"No, Laufey did not wrong me or mine this time, he kept his promise."
"So you will kill me?"
"I wish I could, almost as much as you wish to kill me, but no, I will simply annul everything. I have long learnt blood does not need to be shed to deal with one's enemies just like you did not have to touch my daughter to hurt her." He sighed. "She tried, I cannot fault her. She studied hard, tried to learn everything she could, to be a good daughter, when so many would rebel against such a fate, she accepted it, from what I gather she did not seek men and she readied to be your wife. I can bring her home or light her funeral pyre knowing she gave it her everything."
Loki felt guilty and angry at his guilt. He did not want to feel guilty but Odin speaking of his daughter’s dedication to her duty resonated with him as he recalled his father’s words of his lack of honour to duty in the situation. He wanted nothing more than to run away from the situation, but he could not. He knew there were guards outside under strict instruction to alert his father if he left. 
He watched for a time longer as Odin succumbed to his tiredness and dozed off. He thought for a single moment to put an end to the Allfather and his tyrannical ways but he could not summon the ice blade to do so. He kept thinking of Ella and what he had just heard. His realms tyrant was her loving father. He also thought of what his father and hers had said about her. The guilt intensified. 
* For two days he sat in the room and for two days, his company consisted of visits Eir, Arden, his father but his constant companion, much to his despair, was Odin. 
“She is returning to health,” Eir announced in relief. “Somehow, the Norns have shown her favour again. There is a lot to be said for being a good soul. It seems to have kept her from Valhalla so far.” “I do not know how many times she can convince them to let her live,” Odin commented. “Her seidr refuses to die.” “Thank the Norns for such. Having Gungnir assists, of course.” “There is no point in having it if it does not protect those I love most dear,” Odin replied. He looked at the Golden staff. “It worked before, I am glad it worked now.” “Nothing wrong with trying something that worked before.” Eir agreed. 
Odin nodded before noting Loki’s intrigued face. “Gungnir can only be wielded by a seidr wielder. Its power is directly related to the power of the wielder. It cannot make seidr, only magnify the seidr of the one holding it. Ella’s seidr is magnified by it even now, in her rest, it is building her up again.” He smiled proudly at his daughter. “She would have been a terrifying son. If she had been born male, Thor would never be king. He will be a good one, but Ella, she was born to rule. Her demeanour is so well suited to the role.” Loki was uncertain why Odin was telling him this. He did not think he meant to say it to the man he planned to ruin because of his anger over his daughter. At that moment, he realised the warmongering Allfather he loathed was an old man, just like his father. 
“I wish I had thought to introduce her to life here before the day we came, to not have her feel so lost. Perhaps I would have seen it better and called it all off then, not put her through this. So many men had an interest in her from so many good families. They would have treated her right. Not given her to that boy.” 
Loki was convinced Odin had lost his mind but he recalled his father when he was worn out, he was prone to rambling too. He was exhausted from the vigil he was forced to keep, he could not imagine the toll it would have on his father, or indeed the Allfather. “Allfather, perhaps you should get some rest?” He ventured. 
“No, she cannot wake alone, she will be scared. She will want her Papa. No, I cannot let her think she is alone, that no one cares. She is a sensitive little thing.” 
The manner in which he spoke, Loki wondered if, in his mind, Odin was recalling her childhood sickness. The reference to him as her “Papa” was peculiar. To be referenced so informally, even by his own child was entirely inappropriate and frowned upon. “I will stay with her for a while, she would fret you are too tired if she wakes and you are out on your feet. I will make sure she is not alone.” Odin contemplated for a moment. “She would fret. She is like her mother in that matter. Two worriers.” He nodded as he slowly rose to his feet. He stumbled slightly. “I need that damn staff too much these days.” “Then why not take it?” “No, she needs it. Leave it where it is.” He ordered before taking her hand. “I will be back soon, Sweetheart. I just need a quick rest.” Odin walked out of the room as he spoke. 
Loki watched him leave before looked at Ella again. He walked forward to the chair beside the bed before sitting down in the chair the Allfather had vacated. “Why did you say nothing?” He was more speaking to himself than her. “I was here the night before and you said nothing. If you had...everything is ruined now. Jotunheim was beginning to heal and now…” He exhaled and looked at her again. “I have my part in this, but one sentence would have stopped this happening. Now everything is in ruin.” 
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shieldedsouls · 5 years
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this largely covers information in terms of thor learning of and dealing with loki’s mortality. mostly this has to do with thor’s perception of their relationship, but touches on his relationship with frigga as well as her assumed death.
tw for: death, death mention, faked death, anger issues
please message in private if i missed something or you need an extra tag !!
aside from a couple of groups such as the asgardians and olympians, there really aren’t any immortals within the nine realms
jotunns are part of the mortal stock, and i’ll get back to this in the next segment
thor and loki are raised believing they are of the same blood, that they are siblings in every way and they therefore both have eternity to see through together
while it does not go unnoticed that loki sort of ages and grows differently, no one in their group thought much of it beyond general teasing
it DID make thor more protective of his sibling than he might have otherwise been, which really pulls together on how much he still cares in the future after things go wrong
even when he does first find out about loki’s heritage, he’s more angry about the fact they were lied to and trying to calm his sibling down than he is focused on what exactly that means for loki’s lifespan
thor is dealing with so much else happening at the same time that he doesn’t have the ability to process this until much later on.
it isn’t for some time after loki’s fall from the broken bifrost that thor really mourns that his sibling is gone, that he won’t be getting loki back because mortals simply do not pass in the same way immortals can choose to. as far as thor knows, that moment is it, that’s the last time he’s ever going to have a sense of his sibling being around.
then loki shows up again, in midgard of all places, and with a dangerous weapon but something is off about the whole thing and thor is going to find out what so he can bring loki home. loki does a bunch of really shitty/stupid things here, but ultimately he’s unharmed as far as thor is personally concerned, and he’s able to successfully bring his sibling back to asgard in one piece without a terrifyingly heavy reminder loki will still die one day
then loki is imprisoned, and that turns into a sort of new status quo. when thor isn’t off cleaning up messes in the nine, he is trying to get loki’s sentence changed, or trying to visit ( often being blocked permission one way or another by odin ), though he doesn’t have the chance to do either as much as he would like.
when malekith shows up, thor is already trying to deal with protecting jane and figuring out what to do with the aether
frigga actually does a huge amount of emotional damage to him at this point, using an illusion of herself and jane to distract malekith and keep the aether away from him
thor doesn’t find this out until much later, and his grief is very raw and real as he’s spending time thinking she chose to pass on in order to protect jane and the nine
this is why he ultimately still goes to loki and breaks him out
despite them both being very fragile in a lot of ways because of frigga’s decision, thor appreciates getting his sibling out of the damned cell and giving loki an opportunity to prove themself, a chance to protect the nine like thor has always thought they were meant to: together
the plan of apparent treachery goes off beautifully and jane is safe, but thor gets thrown about a bit more than he had expected to
he doesn’t get a chance to tell loki to run before his sibling is being killed by the same person who seemingly killed their mother and thor cannot handle that much loss in such a short time
literally the only reason he gets up and doesn’t absolutely fall apart at this point is because he has to stop malekith, he has to protect the nine to the best of his abilities, or his family’s sacrifices will mean nothing and he can’t disappoint their memories like that
by the time the whole problem with the aether is wrapped up, thor is quietly carrying his grief and realises in that moment he cannot accept becoming king, not for a very long time at least, because all he sees in this set of experiences is where he failed to protect. his only duty up to this point is to protect and defend the nine and its inhabitants, and not being able to save his mother or sibling shakes him to the core so vividly that continuing to protect others is all that will hold him together.
so when odin ( coughdisguisedlokicough ) offers the throne, he can’t accept it. thor feels this desperate need to make up for not being able to do enough for his family, and he retreats into his duties again, buries himself and his pain in saving others, because if he doesn’t, all he’ll want to do is mourn.
when thor finally does find out/realise frigga and loki are both alive, though both hiding in very different ways, he is angry. angry with them for lying, for leaving, and in many ways he handles both situations like a petulant child would.
he throws a fit with frigga, complete with tears and “ how could you do this to our people, to father, to loki and me ” because she’s one of the only things both he and loki care about in equal measure in the entirety of existence
it’s very purposeful to include loki in every mention of himself, because as far as he’s concerned, frigga truly sees them as siblings still the same way he does
he does not do this in public however
this happens in private where she’s been hiding on midgard, resting and recovering from extensive use of her magic
and she ends it with a promise to return home eventually
with loki he exposes the lies with threat of bodily harm and somewhat childish “ yes you are/no i’m not ” kind of banter, outing him in front of everyone
he keeps frigga’s living a secret, tells loki when they are alone because his sibling deserves to know but he won’t reveal her to all of asgard without her being ready to return home to back it up
as for the future, and how thor could or would handle loki dying: he can’t. Straight up, end of story, cannot deal with the fact he is going to one day lose his sibling and it will be real and painful.
every illusion gets him every single time, because thor stops processing beyond oh my stars loki is dead that’s my baby sibling and i couldn’t protect them even though he knows loki cannot live forever
loki might seem to be playing it as a game, and maybe to them it is, but thor’s reactions are always genuine and raw for this reason
he tries very hard to internalise his grief the way he can with most other things, but it has always been different when it comes to loki
and when it comes down to it, there are so many possibilities of how loki is going to pass. It could be in front of him, in battle, of sickness, they could be realms apart; anything could happen, and the thought always terrifies thor
if loki actually dies and it’s in battle, the first thing thor is going to do is beg them to stand up and reveal it as an illusion 
that the fight is over and they’re okay they can get up now, that he won’t even get mad this time
the more gruesome/scarring the death, the more hysterically thor responds
thor holding his sibling’s body and literally crying for hours
electricity gathering in the air around them, storms rolling in that are the worst the region/world has seen and he just stays there cradling loki and apologising for not being able to keep them safe
if loki dies from illness or simple old age, thor is there the entire time and is helping them do even the most basic of tasks in hopes that the saving of energy will keep his sibling alive just a little longer
thor taking every jibe and mean word without trying to argue back because he’s just glad loki is still talking at that point
he still cries, so much, because losing his sibling was never going to not hurt
thor making sure to get loki a proper funeral on asgard, the way all their people are supposed to be honored
to welcome them home one last time, to have asgard see his sibling
and never in all his life will thor wish he could follow someone to whatever comes after death, mortal or immortal
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tarithenurse · 6 years
All is fair in Love & War - 11
Pairing: Loki x reader Content: Well, there’s pining. And hopefully some wise words about pining. And then there’s pain and not just a little bit. I’m talking “get your tissues, chocolate and wine”-sort of pain. Sorry (actually, I am...just a smidgen), I didn’t even write the adult action I had planned, only hinted at it.
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11. Words unspoken
There is little time once the decision has been made for you to talk with Loki. Envoys from Vanaheim are introduced to you by Odin, and together with the royal family they begin to shape your future by inventing an entire life for you to assume as your own until one day, hopefully, your quest in Sjöblik is complete. By the gods…what’ve I gotten myself into? Yet each time doubt stirs, you only have to think of the squalid life of so many Midgardians, recall the lies being told to those who fight and those left behind; then your determination returns.
Days are spent in a haze of lessons (pretending to be an Alfheimer requires a minimum of understanding for the language although no one in the Midgardian court should speak it), hours standing still for tailors, and long nights studying the history of both of the nations concerned. All while at the same time maintaining you physical prowess. Sleep comes sparingly, but deep although an occasional dream has you waking up sweaty and with a throbbing need you cannot sate.
…   LOKI’s PoV   …
The last night come to soon. Although Loki has done all he can to ensure the safety of [Y/N], he still feels frustratingly powerless. Soon she will be beyond his reach, his aid, on a mission that might separate them forever, and although he wishes to then he knows that he has no right to stop her from going.
All I can do is pray that she returns. Staring into the dusk, he’s only vaguely aware of someone approaching.
“My son,” Frigga’s melodic voice works like a calming balm, “why do you seek solitude rather than join us for dinner?”
There is no doubt in his heart that the queen already knows. In many ways is she the wise one in the royal couple, choosing to observe quietly before jumping to conclusions. It is a method both Loki and Thor have been exposed to while growing up, more often than not finding themselves exposed in the middle of some trick by their mother before anyone else had realized that they were up to anything. Not that it would not have been fair to assume at any given time as the two princes always were causing some ruckus.
Still he tries to pretend all is fine. “Needed some fresh air, mother.” When she does not leave, but comes to stand beside him, looking over the colourful lands, there is little he can think of to put her mind at ease. “It is wonderful to be home again. Smell the sweet air of Asgard. I do love it here.”
From the corner of the eye he can see the gentle smile that curls Frigga’s lips. “You always have had a preference to the sweet and gentle things in life.”
It is peaceful, in a way, to stand there as the sky darkens above them. I suppose she is right, the Jotun king from Asgard muses. The fragility of a flower or a butterfly’s wing captures his attention much more than the wild snowstorms and dark winters that his kin favours. He can find comfort in the cold, of course, but his heart only fills again at the sight of the first green leaf.
“Love is a peculiar thing and too often do we fall short of capturing its essence in our symbolism.” Frigga is not looking at him, just talking to the night and the stars above that are beginning to appear. “We use precious stones to symbolize undying love, but diamonds are hard. Cold and jagged. No, the real symbol for love, if you must use a dead object to represent it, is a pearl. They are rounded, almost soft as you hold them against the skin. And you need to nourish it, work to keep it warm or it will begin to lose its luster, my child, love requires work and dedication every day or it too will fade.” Finally turning to face him, Frigga takes his hand. “But do not forgo the work. When you have found your pearl, do not dismiss it.”
Loki has no words, they are not needed anyways, he simply allows himself to be folded into his mother’s arms as if he were a little boy once more.
…   READER’s PoV   …
Even amongst all these friendly people who have taken to you as much as the mission, the room feels empty when your former captor is not there, and so you only breathe easily as he rejoins the boisterous dinner. Dinner. To the Asgardian this appears to be nothing special. Apparently, they dine like this every night, and according to the few servants you manage to question it is hardly more lavish than the meals of the common folk. Sure, there is a greater variety on these tables, but that anyone should starve while the court feasts? The very notions seems absurd to them. It’s possible. If they can do it, then so can we!
But still, despite knowing that no Asgardian is hungry tonight, you find it hard to enjoy the food. Excusing yourself early, you cling to the hope that there is peace to be found in sleep…though the explanation given is the need for rising early in the morning due to the long road ahead.
Naturally, Loki offers to walk you to the guest chambers, and you are partially thankful for it as you still find the golden palace difficult to navigate. On the other hand, the silence in the endless hallways decorated with marble, gold, and crystals becomes oppressing as neither of you dare to speak, and so you make it all the way to the door before you open your mouth.
“I want to –“ you begin, but Loki has chosen that exact moment to talk as well. A few confused seconds pass before you nod, smiling shyly at the awkwardness. “Please, you first, Loki.”
For a second, he looks lost before seemingly reaching a decision. “Perhaps I should apologize, little mortal, for taking you prisoner.” A sly twinkle is brought back to his eyes.
“Hardly! I came looking for you.” It is hard to keep a serious façade at this odd conversation. “Besides, you haven’t exactly treated me badly. So don’t worry, you can sleep without fear of blame.”
Wanting to end the night on this lighter note, you turn to leave.
…   LOKI’s PoV   …
Catching her hand, Loki stops [Y/N] on her way into the chambers she’s been given for the stay. ”Perhaps so, but I would hate to see you captured again. Stay out of trouble.”
The crooked smile manages to brighten her eyes. ”I always behave, my king.”
You are the embodiment of trouble, little pet. The teasing smile, the way she tilts her hips to enhance the sender waist under the thin fabric…all of her stirs the predatory side of the Jotun and calls forth a rumble in his chest, eliciting a breathy gasp in response. There is no fear in her pretty face, though, only playfulness as she retreats through the door.
”Are you claiming innocence, my pet?” His feet carry him after the slender figure.
”Maaaybe…why don’t you find out?”
The door falls shut behind Loki with a flicker of magic just as he pounces for her. But the little Midgardian is quick, avoiding his grasp and leaving only a giggle behind for him. The little minx wants to play? We can play.
…   READER’s PoV   …
Feeling Loki’s cool limbs around you and listening to the quiet humming, there is no place you would rather be. Well, that is not entirely true, of course, because right now it would be nice to be back in Utgard…but still. You know you could be content anywhere as long as you were near him. That is why you feel safe in spite of everything. It is why your heart is breaking from the thought that you will have to be apart. Not right now. You force the thoughts away, wanting to cherish the afterglow without any sadness, and eventually Loki’s humming brings you to rest. Your limbs are wonderfully heavy, the heat that had coursed through you diminished by the strong and slender figure pressed against you, and you can feel how you are balancing on the precipice of sleep. A soft kiss is planted on your shoulder (one of many), before your king nestles his face in your hair.
”I love you.”
It takes a moment before the words truly makes sense in your drowsy mind. Once they do, however, they elicit a million emotions with each their own response, and in the confusion you do not manage to say anything. All you can do is cling on to Loki because what he has said is the very thing you feel aching in your bones, running through your vein. It is the air in your lungs and now that is has been spent on the words it is as if you are suffocating. He makes room for you as you turn to you back and supports himself on the elbow to hover above you, face so near his raven strands are brushing against your cheeks mixed with the flint and pine-scent. There is fear in the god’s eyes.
“Oh Loki,” you manage to whisper, your heart breaking, knowing a world of pain is waiting, “I love you too.” The joy your answer sparks is bright, flaring like the sun on winter snow. “Please forgive me.”
Already, he is showering you in tiny kisses, but he stops at the taste of salt water on your cheeks. “Forgive you? What for?!”
As if in a trance, you see your own fingers stroke his cheek before burying in his hair. “I’m yours. For as long as I live…but therein lies the problem, doesn’t it? I don’t want to cause you grief, but unless you can push these feelings aside…” Angrily, you wipe away some of the tears from you face. “You should find someone…s’m’one like you.”
“But it is you I want, my dear.”
Loki has trapped you in a cage made of his body. Knees by hips and hands by head, his frame is both a shield and an obstacle to overcome in the hopes of staving off the worst blow.
Sniffling, the determination you had hoped for is slowly conjured. “I’ve considered it. I know that you’ll outlive me, so spare yourself the pain.”
“What if there was a way?”
The deep sigh wafts through your king’s hair. “This isn’t like…like learning to read or –“
“Yes or no! If there was a way, would you let me love you?” A fire is blazing in his eyes that you never have seen before. “Would you stay with me?”
“I’d be yours as long as you would have me.”
“Then come back to me and I swear I will have found a way for us to live full lives together.”
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daydreaming-nerd · 6 years
Betrothed (Loki x reader) (Thor x reader I guess)  Part 2
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Plot: To unite your kingdoms you were betrothed to one of the princes of Asgard. You and Loki fall madly in love with each other but what happens when Odin declares Thor to be king?
After our delicious breakfast in bed and a cuddle session. Loki and I had to go to our training sessions. Sadly I didn’t learn much today, my mind wandered to Loki and I’s beautiful morning and I just couldn’t seem to focus. Frigga finally acknowledged this nearing the end of my lesson.
“My dear it seems your head has been up in the clouds your whole lesson, are you well?” she spoke in a caring manner.
“Yes I am quite well, forgive me my queen I just can’t stop thinking about the marvelous morning Loki and I had,” I said 
“Then you should go to him! I’m sure by the time you reach the training room Thor and Odin will be done with him.” 
“Are you sure my queen?” I said not believing what I was hearing.  
“Of course my dear! I know what true love looks like and I am in no position to stand in the way of it, even if it is only for an hour an a half,” she said a smile across her face. I always knew she was happy that Loki and I were together. There were times when I even thought she secretly liked Loki more than Thor.
“Thank you my queen!” I said excitedly running out the door.
 I ran through the halls of the palace my soft gray and gold dress flowed through the air and my emerald necklace bounced up and down on my chest. As I approached the training room doors I began to slow down. I could hear Thor and Loki still fighting inside. I decided to stay outside as to not break their focus. I used to watch them all the time when we were little. Things have changed a lot since then. 
I sat lost in thought until I heard Odin shouting.
“How do you expect me to choose you over Thor if you cannot beat him in a simple fight!?” 
He must be shouting at Loki.
“I’m trying Father but in hand to hand combat he is much stronger than me,” he said tiredness in his voice.
“As of right now Thor is still king, you must fight for the throne if you want it so badly my son, you are both dismissed,” he said disapproval in his voice still.
Thor was the first to walk out.
“Lady y/n!” His voice boomed as he came to give me a hug. “I feel as though I haven’t seen you in weeks! You’re too smitten with my brother to remember that I too exist!” 
“Oh Thor you know you’re still one of my best friends,” I said. He finally released me. Then Loki came out.
“Brother didn’t mother ever teach you not to touch things that don’t belong to you,” he said glaring at Thor walking over to stand by my side. I could feel the tension in the room.
“Brother I-” before Thor could finish Loki had teleported us back to his room.
It was quiet for a minute or so as he took off his heavy armor until he finally spoke.
“I’m assuming that you heard what Odin said,” he said his back turned to me hanging his armor up in the closet.
“Loki it’s not the end of the world, you still have plenty of time to change his mind,” I said walking towards him.
“I have but a week to change his mind y/n. A week, until the throne is gone. A week till you are no longer mine,” he said pulling me into his chest resting his head on top mine.
“Don’t think like that, you still have time I know you can do it,” I said looking up at him.
“For you my dear, I will,” he said kissing me.
-------------Time skip to the end of the week---------
Tomorrow night Odin would finally decide who would be king. The whole week I had worked extremely hard in my training. I had been unable to sleep so I decided to grab a drink of water. Y/n was fast asleep in my bed, as usual, it took a great deal of effort and time to escape from her grasp around my stomach without waking her. In the distance, I saw someone walking my way and upon further inspection, it turned out to be Odin.
“Hello my son, what keeps you awake at this hour? Surely Lady y/n is fast asleep.” he spoke calmly.
“Yes she is asleep, I hope I did not wake her. I could not sleep thinking about tomorrow,” I said hoping he might give me a clue.
“ahh yes, the decision on who to rule,” Odin said nonchalantly. 
“Have you decided?”
“Why yes, I have,” Odin said voice still unchanging. “walk with me my son”
We started walking the way I came from.
“Allow me to ease your mind. I’ve made it clear to you now that I’ve made my decision. I assure you that I’ve thought deeply about this and you give it to you straight I still stand by what I told you earlier this week. Thor should and will be king. He simply possesses qualities you do not have my son, he is a great warrior.” he said as we mosied down the hall.
“what are brawns without brain?” I said bluntly.
“You know as well as I that is only one of the reasons he must be king. The people love him, he’s a natural with them,” he stated 
Somehow we had ended up at my chamber doors, I couldn’t stand to hear what more Odin could say so I bid him goodnight. Just as I stepped in the door I heard him say.
“You know you cannot keep her,” he said breaking my heart in two. I looked back at her sleeping form, she was so beautiful.
“I know,” I said turning to look at Odin. He simply took a deep breath and began walking towards his own chambers. 
As I closed the door and walked over to the bed I realized that I had never gotten my glass of water. Such a thing didn’t seem important now. This was my last night with y/n. 
I slid into bed and laid her head on my chest, the same place she was when I left. I held her as close as I could to me, kissed the top of her head, let a few tears fall. and drifted off to sleep.
------------Time Skip and back to y/n’s pov----------------
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 While the two princes stood below Odin on his throne in their armor. Frigga stood alongside Odin and I alongside her. This was the moment, the moment Odin would tell the sons who would be king of Asgard. 
“My sons, for years I have bantered back and forth in my head about the decision I would be making today. This past week both of you have shown me the qualities of a worthy king. But I must choose.” He stood. “Thor Odinson, you, shall be the next king of Asgard,” 
My heart sank, all emotions flooded me, sadness, anger, hopelessness. Odin spoke again.
“Thor seeing as you will be king, you will need a queen. Lady y/n belongs to you now,” he said gesturing towards me. That’s when my emotions overtook me. 
I ran over to Odin and fell to my knees, tears threatening to spill at any given moment. 
“All-father please reconsider!” I cried. “Make Thor your king but I beg you do not make me his queen,” I said now sobbing.
“Odin this is ridiculous! She shouldn’t be forced into this!” I heard Frigga yell.
“It is her birthright!” he screamed back at her.
“I’d rather my birthright be to die than to be his queen,” I spat at him.
“How dare you speak of a future king like that!” he said striking me in the face sending me rolling down the steps.
“Y/n!” I heard Loki say. I could see him running towards me but as soon as he got to me Thor pushed him away,
“She is no longer your concern brother,” He said trying to aid me. Loki stood up,
“She will always be my concern you mewling quimm! I love her more than you ever have and more than you ever will. You do not own my heart and you certainly do not own hers!” he screamed in Thor's face. I had never seen him so angry.
“Guards! Take Loki away! Thor! Take y/n back to your chambers!” Odin orderd. 
My vision was starting to blurr and all I could make out was Loki’s figure struggling against the guards. The next thing I knew Thor was carrying my body back to his chambers but I fell asleep before he even opened the door.
I awoke early in the morning. Thor came in shortly after. 
“Good morning y/n. How are you feeling” He beamed as if last night never happened.
“Where's Loki?” I retorted.
“He is probably locked in the dungeon,”
I sat for a second to think about what to say next.
“Thor, do you love me?” I asked innocently.
“If you mean to ask do I love you as my brother does the honest answer is no,” He said.
“Then why would you put me through this?” I asked tears brimming my eyes.
“Because you will make a fantastic queen, you are beautiful, strong and everything a good queen should be, a good woman for that matter. My brother was lucky to have won your love,” he said casting his head down.
“If you choose to believe that I will someday love you lay waste to these thoughts and believe that if I become your queen I will be dead by morning,” I said tilting his head up making him look me in the eye.
“Then who shall be my queen?” he asked.
“Lady Sif of course, have you not seen the way she looks at you? She was made to be your queen, not me,” 
“I shall go speak to Odin then,” he said standing up and walking the door.
----------------------time skip three days later-------------------
I have not seen or heard from Loki. I spoke to Frigga who confirmed that he was indeed in the dungeons, though she wouldn’t speak of the condition he was in.
When Thor returned that morning days ago he said that the All-Father would think about freeing me of this sentence. As the days went by I grew more worried by the second that I would never see my precious Loki again.
Thor had gotten more comfortable with me. From hugs, forehead kisses and even wrapping an arm around me at night it seemed as though he was still trying to win my affections. But it didn’t work, when I had time to myself I found myself in Loki and I’s shared room just so I could smell his scent again. It was there where Thor had found me.
The door opened and he popped his head in.
“Dear, your presence is requested by the All-Father,” he said.
I popped up from my spot on the bed and practically ran to the throne room. 
I bowed to Odin the second I was before him. 
“You sent for me All-Father,” I said rising once again.
“Yes my dear, you see my son has told me some interesting things you’ve told him over the past few days. After some great thinking, I didn’t see it be fair to either you or him to be joined together in marriage,” he paused. “bring him in!” he shouted towards the back of the throne room.
I turned to see my Loki, in bad shape but to me still beautiful. My heart started racing. 
“Loki!” I screamed and ran towards him.
“Darling!’ He said running towards me. 
We met halfway and he engulfed me in his arms picking me up and swinging me in circles, my tears of joy staining his clothing. He set me down and pulled away and started kissing my face all over causing me to giggle like crazy. When he was finally done he pulled me into his chest so he could rest his head on my chest. The All-Father spoke again.
“While this does not change my decisions on who will rule is doe change my decision about you two being together. A wise woman once told me that you cannot stand in the way of true love,” he said looking over to a smiling Frigga. “You are free to go,”
With that Loki and I were off to his chambers to make up lost time if you know what I mean.
I’m sorry this is really long and dramatic but I wanted to finish the story for you guys because I promised I would. I was so thrilled to see what a positive respons part 1 got. Thank you so much for your suport! 
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fanatic-writers · 7 years
New Kid In Town: Bye Bye Birdie
A/n: Guess who’s back. Back again. G is back. For like a week cause school sucks but at least it’s Spring break and G still can't come up with a title to save her life. I have to write a fic for a contest I entered, but I wrote this instead... sorry? I kinda think it sucks, but I hate everything I write so. Let me know if you have any ideas for how this series should end should it be a happy ending? Should Tho hook up with the reader? Or maybe Nat does idk fam... this is a work in progress cause I have like two ideas for this fic, but nothing is set in stone, so you’re ideas are much appreciated -G
Paring Loki x reader? Thor x reader? Tony x reader? fuck if I know 
Warnings: shit writing and some bad language words (Sorry Stevie)
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Every day was slightly worse than the last. It had only been a few days since Loki and his family had had dinner with Y/n And her parents, but things were already changing. Not just with her but with the others. Tony was getting worse too, new nicknames were thrown in Loki's direction, and they weren't even creative. 
He was sitting with Wanda, Clint, and the others just like every other day. Except today carrots were being launched in their direction and Loki had just gotten hit square in the back. 
“I swear if they throw another one I'm going to lose it,” Clint grumbled “Bruce hand me your lunch box,” 
“What? No!” Bruce protested as Clint grabbed it from him anyways 
“There's nothing I can throw in here,” Clint pointed out tossing the empty ziplock bags to the side, Loki chuckled.
“You'll only make it worse Clint, just leave it,” Wanda sighed
“No,” Clint retorted as another carrot went flying “this is bullshit and you know it's she's only doing it because she thinks she can get away with it!” 
“She's not even the one throwing them,” Scott spoke up “It's the dude who’s trying to grow a beard, and it looks awful.” Loki stole a quick glance at the table watching the others laugh while Tony threw another carrot nearly missing Loki's face. 
“He's after me,” Loki sighed “I can move if you want, you shouldn't get caught in the crossfire.” 
“It's fine we’re used to it by now,” Wanda reassured him as another carrot hit the table 
“Would you stop it!?” a familiar voice rang through the cafeteria silencing the noise “What are you five? I'd figure by now you'd be more mature than the freshman.” 
“Calm down Y/n it’s just a little fun,” Tony replied as Nat laughed 
Y/n looked to Thor who was the only other silent student in their group at the moment “Yeah whatever, I've got things to do I'll see you guys later.” with that Y/n grabbed her tray before throwing it in the trash, she hesitated as she passed by Loki's table. 
“I- I'm sorry for them” the girl started 
“Don't strain yourself,” Clint replied receiving a smack from Wanda as Y/n walked away.
“Loki, wait!” Loki sighed as he stopped walking when he heard his brothers voice behind him 
“Yes?” the boy replied
“I figured we could walk home,” Thor answered, he looked disheveled and confused 
“Y/n stopped giving you tides too?” Loki smirked
“For the record, she never stopped giving you a ride you stopped accepting them. I don't know what's going on with her she's seemed hesitant to be seen anywhere with me outside of school,” he told him 
“Maybe she's trying to get rid of you?” 
“I don't know, she seems upset about something, but she won't tell anyone. She even told me she couldn't give me a ride because of rehearsal, but when I went to the theater, they said she wasn't called in for the day.” 
“Weird,” Loki replied “I don't know her that well but that doesn't seem normal,” 
“Exactly,” Thor looked down at his feet as they walked “you know what else is weird?” 
“She never stops talking about you, not until recently when she started acting strangely. If those other things weren't going on, I'd say she'd finally come to her senses I mean why talk about you when she has me?” Thor smiled, and Loki chuckled
“OH because you're soooo cool,” Loki mocked him “Look at me! I'm a bottle blonde who likes sports like everyone else!” 
“At least I have a hobby and don't spend my days locked in my room,” Thor retorted 
“I have plenty of hobbies,” Loki replied as they walked into their home 
“Like what?” Thor looked at his brother 
“Like,” Loki hesitated “Like writing and stuff,” 
“And stuff?” Thor laughed opening the room to his door, Loki's eyes went wide when he saw a figure sitting on his brother's bed.
“I'll um… I'll give you two some space.” Loki said as he started to walk away but Y/n’s voice stopped him.
“No, please stay, this is something you both need to hear, from me.”
Thor looked at his brother, and Loki hesitantly walked further into the room, Y/n had looked as if she had been crying and Loki wan never good at comforting people. 
“I’m sorry this is creepy as fuck, but I had to tell you guys I couldn’t risk you two ending up thinking of me the same way Clint and the others do.” she hesitated “I mean we’re neighbors we can't awkwardly hate each other, and there are cul de sac parties that would just be even more of a living hell than they already are.”
Thor sat on his bed next to her, and she looked at her hands as if she had written a script on them and had lost her place. Loki took a seat on the desk across from them still feeling slightly awkward and out of place. 
“My parents,” she spoke up again “well to put it simply their assholes, they dictate my entire life because apparently, I can’t make my own decisions. They-they don’t want me hanging out with you guys anymore. According to them your bad influences and it’s pathetic, but I can’t risk them even finding out I'm here and, and” Y/n was on the brink of tears 
“Is that why you don’t hang out with Wanda?” Loki finally spoke up
She nodded “I kept trying, Id go to her house and say I was going to Clint’s and then they found out. They literally drove to her house and dragged me home. That’s when they decided they hated Clint too. Bruce and I used to study every Friday and one day they thought we were getting a little too friendly and suddenly he was banned from the house and I had a tutor. Scott and I had one school project together, and I suggested we work at my place, I guess I was enjoying myself too much because when I went to school the next day I was paired up with Tony and Scott was pissed. I can’t even stand half the people at my table, and I think that’s why they approve of them, I never invite them over so they aren’t a distraction and the only one who’s ever over is and her parents work at the school, so that makes them ok.” she sighed “I’m sorry I didn’t come here to give you my sob story.”
Thor put an arm around her “It’s alright, we’ll find a way to make this work somehow.” 
“No,” she started “if Nat’s parents see us together, and they will, we’re fucked”
“It’s not like their Russian spies,” Loki smirked, “if you want to hang out we’ll find somewhere.”
“They might as well be,” She hesitated “look I gotta go if my parents realize I’m not home this is the first place they’ll look.”
The brothers walked her to the back door, and she apologized again before she left. Loki made his way back to his room, and his brother did the same. Honestly, he didn't know why he was so upset about Y/n not being able to talk to him; it’s not like they talked much anyways. Maybe it’s because her parents had practically ruined her life or maybe it was because she was the only bearable thing at his school. Loki shook the thought out of his head. No way was he going to catch feelings, he would not let this be another Romeo and Juliet story. He looked out his window and towards hers, her blinds were up and always curtains parted just enough for him to see into her life. She was practicing her violin when the door opened, and her father walked in, clearly angry. The argument seemed to last hours incoherent yelling between the two ending with the door slamming shut and Y/n on her bed. Covers pulled over her head her face presumably buried in her pillow. Loki wished he could teleport into her room, hold her, do something. Then again he and his brother were probably the cause of the fight, and he was certain he’d just make things worse. 
The next day Y/n didn't even talk to the brothers, and Thor sat with Loki at lunch claiming he didn’t want to make things worse. Loki hadn't told him what he saw last night, but Thor seemed to know. Despite Clint being an ass, as usual, the rest of the group accepted Thor with fairly opened arms.
A/n: sorry if that sucked but it’s what I came up with in my still semi-sick state. requests are open and I’m like 10 away from 1,000 so let me know if you guys wanna do something for that. -G
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