#because Im taking an empty suitcase
hearth-and-veil · 2 years
I consider it a big privilege to get to participate in someone else's culture. When my friend said that I could wear an anarkali to her engagement party, I thought she was humoring me because she knows I adore Indian clothes. Even when she asked me if I would wear a lehenga to the main wedding ceremony, and asked if I wanted to wear desi clothes for the whole wedding, I thought she was just humoring me.
Y'all she just told me that her entire family is psyched that the Sunscreen-American is wearing their cultural dress. Her FMIL in India asked if I (and my other friend who's going) would be open to getting henna done at the mehendi. Open to it?!? I would love to! I'm going to be dancing at the garba, I'm going to be putting haldi on the bride and groom at the pithi, I'm even getting the stuff for us to decorate dandiya at the bachelorette party.
I see so much tacky, disrespectful cultural appropriation in the US that sometimes I forget that cultural appreciation is also a thing, and that most people are very happy when you respectfully participate in the things they've invited you to join. Like any time my friends participate in my family traditions.
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lavendermunson · 4 months
mine - steve harrington
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summary you get separated from the love of your life after spending the best night together, would the universe bring you back to him? based on this request, thank you so much!
cw college!steve, college!reader. fluff, angst and more angst then more fluff. modern times!! allusions to sex. reader wears glasses sometimes.
w.c 9.2k
a/n created a playlist for this one (i struggled a little bit and the songs helped) thank you to @stveharringtn and @ihatepeanutss for reading the early chapter and motivating me to continue ily! NO PROOFREAD BECAUSE IM EXCITED
dividers by @saradika
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I. Left a small town and never looked back.
Due to your parents' jobs, you had to move frequently, and the longest you stayed in one place was three years. You were so used to this, following the single rule for yourself: never get attached.
One problem, it was impossible not to fall for Steve Harrington. 
You met Steve in Hawkins, and the three years you spent together were magical. Talking late at night, going to the movies, and hanging out by the lake. Holidays were always spent with him, you invited him to your house, and your parents loved him. Even though your little brother was only 8 years old, he knew Steve was important to the family.  
The last year of high school was just around the corner. You’ve talked to Steve about graduating together, going to college, and spending the rest of your lives together. Watching each other through all the ups and downs of adulthood, you knew Steve was going to stay with you no matter what, he would be there for you, and you would be there for him. It was all a perfect dream, you’d have someone to celebrate your victories and cheer you up when the inevitable bad luck followed you around.
That dream was crushed when your parents told you they had to move again. You were heartbroken, and even more so because you were going to be separated from your favorite person. It was the first time you'd broken the rule, you got attached to Steve, and you fell in love with him.
The news broke him. He couldn’t sleep for the rest of the week, he wanted to be with you all the time, like you promised.
Before leaving Hawkins, you decided to confess your feelings for him. It felt wrong to pack that secret into your suitcase. Steve felt the same, he liked you too, but he didn’t want to admit he was in love with you yet. He decided to make your last day at Hawkins the best day you’ve ever had.
The first stop was the diner outside of town to eat burgers, fries, and milkshakes like you always do. At your favorite booth, this time it had a vase with flowers in the center of the table and a beanie babie.
“This is the one I saw in the magazine.” You take the white stuffed bear, it has a red ribbon around his neck and an embroidered red heart. 
“In case you need someone to hug,” he says, looking at the laces of his shoes and holding back his tears.
“Smells good! I’m so hungry.” You saw the way his smile faded, changing the subject was better than crying already. You had to enjoy the night.
While sipping from your freshly made milkshakes— stealing the cherry on top of his milkshake as usual—and watching Steve go over the old jukebox to play your favorite songs, the pocket of his jeans ended up empty from using all the coins he had.
“Get up! We have to dance.” Steve stands up, reaching for your hand.
He had to choose wisely for the next song, it was the last coin he had, so of course Be My Baby, by The Ronettes, was playing. He took your hand, squeezing it, and placed his free hand on your back to keep you closer. You rest one of your hands on his chest, feeling his heart beat fast for you.
Everyone in the diner was watching you, but you didn’t care. You were in the arms of your boy, your love, and it was the last night with him before a while. You had to dance like nobody was watching.
Leaving the checkered floor and the red booths, the second stop was the theater, cuddling while watching ‘Before Sunrise’ . It's one of your favorite movies, and it came back to the big screen for its anniversary.
Both of you get the feeling that it is the perfect movie to watch on a day like this. It was perfect because you don’t know what’s going to happen with you two in the future, just like Celine and Jesse. Your love for each other looks like that, it feels like that, and the best part is that it’s real, not something written for a movie. You aren’t acting or performing. You are feeling it.
You feel so lucky you didn’t meet him for just one night, you had spent so much time with Steve. The endless walks around the park and picking flowers in spring while he holds the basket and you place your favorites on it so you can take them home. The fun summers, hanging out by the pool, and eating a lot of ice cream—one of those years you had free ice cream thanks to Steve working at Scoops Ahoy. You spent the entire summer making fun of his tiny sailor suit, not wanting to admit he looked really good in it. 
Fall was always fun, dressing up for Halloween, and joining the kids to trick or treat, so at the end, you can steal some of their best candy bars. The adorable winter, playing in the snow and getting your nose red, drinking hot cocoa and marshmallows while watching Christmas movies.
Everything comes back to your mind like you were watching your movie. Feeling safe and loved with Steve’s arms around you. You never fought before, nothing went bad, but everything was over. For a while.
Steve holds your hand while you walk through the parking lot. The night sky is decorated with stars, so big and bright. He interlocks his fingers with yours, squeezing your hand as you walk to his BMW. 
The last stop is Lover’s Lake. He parks his car in the usual spot—your favorite spot. It’s the best place to feel the magic of the water mixed with the light of the moon. A reminder that you exist on the same planet, even if the miles come between you.
The radio starts to play ‘Don’t you forget about me’. The song was perfect. You take a deep breath. This is a moment you will remember forever.
Both sitting in the hood of his car, he hugs you, shielding you from the cold breeze, and kisses the top of your head while your back rests against his chest. The tears start to spill from your eyes, rolling down your cheeks. You can't hold the sobs, your chest is giving up.
“Hey, hey!” He turns you around, softly cupping your face between his hands and rubbing the tears away with his thumbs.
“Don’t you dare forget about me,” you whisper, as if the trees were going to be disturbed by your sobs.
“I won’t, I’ll call you every day. But I am going to miss you so much,” he whispers back. 
“I’m scared, Stevie,” you sob, tangling your arms around his neck. “What if we can’t make it?”
“We will, we got this. The love I have for you is stronger than anything else, we won’t let the distance break us.”
“Do you promise?”
“I promise”
Pressing his thumbs against your cheeks, he gets close to you. Your lips touch, and it feels like thousands of fireworks light up inside you. You feel one of his hands slide down your arm, and it makes you shiver. His hand rests on your waist and gives it a little squeeze. You jump closer to him than before, and you can feel his lips turn into a grin.
It wasn’t your first kiss with him. You kissed sometimes while playing spin the bottle or when Steve wanted to teach you how to kiss better.
“We will get through this. I'll see you again, and we can live the rest of our lives together.”
He kisses you again, and you open your mouth as he pushes your face to the side with his thumb. He slides his tongue to join yours and get more of the way you taste, honey, strawberries and cherries. Steve is being patient, taking his time brushing his tongue against yours and humming at how good it feels.
This kiss felt more magical, it made your insides bubbly, and your cheeks got warmer. But inside you, the clock was ticking, you had to savor this moment in case the universe turned against you again.
He breaks the kiss, trying to slow his breath. You do the same, opening your eyes slowly.
“I won’t do anything, not tonight." His voice is soft, but the tone is deeper. He feels a knot in his throat. “But next time, I promise I will make you feel so good.”
“I know, next time and the others. There’s only a couple of months left for summer break, and we will see each other again.”
“We will, baby. Now kiss me before I fall to the floor, you look so pretty tonight as you always do.”
“You are beautiful, Stevie.”He kisses you again, not getting enough of you. He kissed you before you went inside the house and he would’ve kissed you a thousand times more if he knew it was going to be the last time.
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II. Wondering why we bother with love if it never lasts. 
You were disconnected and heartbroken by the time you spent the first week of your last year of high school at a different school. Steve picked a few shifts a week at the local coffee shop after school, always with Robin by his side.
Hawkins felt so empty without you. Every time he saw a happy couple smiling, kissing, or hugging, he felt nauseous and jealous. His friends knew how he felt, they missed you too, but they never stopped calling you. 
The only thing that kept him going were your calls, you called every single night. Tell him about your day, your new school, and your new friends. He tells you about school, work, Robin, and the kids. It was good, he loved hearing your voice and watching you through his screen.
“I can’t believe it! I told you! Steve Harrington’s first A+ essay, and without my help. I feel a little wounded, you don’t need me at all!”
He felt so proud of himself. You were the last one to know about it but you are the most excited one. Even more excited than him.
“You are a great tutor, all those tips and seeing my practice essays marked with a pink glittery pen helped me a lot”
“I'm so proud of you, you are capable of anything I know!”
“Honey…” Steve’s worried face makes your heart sink.
“I’m always going to need you. I can’t live without you.”
You press both of your hands against your chest as if that were going to soothe your pain. The damage you caused him is evident, you shouldn’t have broken that stupid rule.
“I miss you, Stevie. I can’t do this without you.”
“I miss you too, honey. And you can, you have me here. Always”
Steve feels his head heavier each minute, the long hours at the coffee shop kill him. 
“We should go to sleep, yeah?” he says, noticing your sleepy face. 
“We should. Good night. Call me tomorrow!”
“Please, I don’t know if I can survive without hearing your voice”
You get closer to your camera, blowing him a kiss.
“I’ll annoy you with my voice every night, honey!”
“I’d love that baby. Good night,” he says, blowing a kiss back.
When you hang up, he tosses his laptop to the floor. It falls on the pile of unwashed clothes he has. 
“Weird,” he says to himself, looking at his laptop resting on the clothes. He takes a look around his room. It’s a mess, he makes a mental note to clean it, and he can’t stress over it right now.
Steve lays with his back against the mattress. He remembers the way you brought your hands up to your chest. He does the same, hoping to understand why you did it.
His warm palms rest against his chest, now he knows. He feels it. Steve applies a bit of pressure to his chest, closing his eyes and trying to fall asleep.
So much for trying, it felt like maybe five minutes had passed, and when he glanced at his clock, it was six a.m. His alarm was about to go off, and he had to go downstairs, make breakfast, and get on his way to pick Robin up to go to school.
That’s when he lets out a sob. Time does pass without you, the world doesn’t stop, and he gets even more scared than before. 
Don’t you forget about me.
He grabbed his phone, clicking on his texts. You’ve already said good morning to him.
‘Good morning baby. I'll miss you forever. Have a nice day! Love you”
That’s when he takes a moment to reply. 
‘Good morning, hope you slept well. I love you too.”
And then he gets out of bed to spend another day without you by his side. Knowing you are slipping through his fingers already.
Three weeks later.
The calls stopped being frequent, sometimes you were too tired, or sometimes he was too tired. 
“I have to go, I'm exhausted. Can I call you tomorrow?” you ask him.
Steve had to ignore the arrow that just shot through his heart, he wasn’t ready to say goodbye. The more he talked to you, the more he missed you. When he knew you weren’t going to make it for the summer break he felt his heart break, every time he woke up he was already crying.
This broke your heart too, not being able to see him, or visit your friends. It felt like some strange and strong force was keeping you away and pushing you farther.
“Of course, honey. Sweet dreams”
“Sweet dreams, Stevie.”
He closes his laptop after you hang up, tossing it aside. The pile of clothes seems to be bigger. He swears to do it tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow. Whenever he feels like he is alive.
Four months later.
The rush hour at the coffee shop ends up killing Steve’s back, and his feet are burning. To his surprise, his parents are home.
Can this day get any worse? Yes, you haven’t texted him back since yesterday.
"Steve, are you still wasting your time at that damn coffee shop?” His dad shouts he doesn’t have time for this. “Steve?”
He hears his dad’s heavy steps behind him. He catches Steve at the first step of the stairs.
“Didn’t you hear me? Say something!”
“I’m not wasting my time, I'm saving up for college,” Steve whispers. He can feel his dad’s warm breath against his face, and he can smell the whiskey too. 
“College? You are going to work for me, right?”
“Then why go to college in the first place?”
Steve pushes his dad away, and his mother joins them.
“It’s clear, John.” she says.
“Say it, Steve.”
“To get the fuck away from you, that’s why,” Steve spits out. His eyes were burning, and tears were threatening to fall.
He gets away from them, locking himself in his room. He doesn’t mind looking at his phone or picking up his laptop, he just wants to fall asleep and get this over with. It has been such a long day.
Six months later.
It’s been a long time since you’ve talked to each other.
“Are you tired?” You ask, and he has been rubbing his eyes for the third time now. “You don’t have to hang up, carry me to your bed.”
Steve leaned his head to the side, just as a confused puppy does. 
“C’mon, I’ll read you a story so you can fall asleep. Like old times.”
“Are you sleeping late?”
“I have assignments to finish, I need to catch up with a few classes because I fell behind.”
“You’ll do great, honey. You are the smartest person I know!”
“Steve Harrington, you are the smartest person I know. We are a couple of months away from college and i'm really excited”
“Me too honey, it sucks you couldn’t come here for summer break”
You will see each other, you will. 
Steve shakes his head with a smile plastered on his face, holding the laptop in his hands. He lets himself lie under his sheets, fixing his pillow and resting his head on it. 
"Are you ready?” you ask him, sitting on your desk and getting comfortable for a long night.
“Ready, no scary tales, please!"
“I promise! Close your eyes now!”
Steve takes the last glance at you, his fingers reaching to touch his screen as if he were touching your face. But he can’t, you are too far away now and it kills him.
The bubbly feeling in your chest goes away when you don’t hear a nickname. No honey, no baby. 
“Goodnight!” You wait until his eyes are closed. “And we begin, once upon a time."
Steve falls asleep before getting to know what the story is about, he was so tired and this is the first time he has slept more than three hours.
You close your laptop after watching him turn to the other side. You are trying to return your attention to your assignments, but the only thing you can feel is your heart breaking again. The hope you once had is now fading away. You are managing to live without him, but you don’t want to. 
Steve regrets it. He regrets falling asleep. This time he didn’t wake up seeing your face, he didn’t get to hear your bedtime story, and he didn’t get to tell you how much he loved you. And he regrets it so much because it was the last time he heard your voice.
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III. And every time I look at you it’s like the first time
Two years later.
Steve had a hard time finishing high school, but he did. Later, he had to retake a year, but he saved up some money with Robin to move to college. After jumping up and down and celebrating with their friends their acceptance letters, they got into the college dorms for the first year, but that went very badly because they couldn’t be roommates and all the noise from the dorm building was constantly giving them a headache.
He saw Nancy and Jonathan when they all came back from college over the summer break, hanging up with them was the best. They helped him and Robin choose the best apartment outside of college, it was close to the new coffee shop they were working on and close to their buildings. He never saw you again, you were too busy to travel, and he was too. Mindlessly forgetting about each other and not meeting again hurt less. 
When he had to retake a year, he hesitated to call you. He was ashamed of himself, you were supposed to go to the same college in the same year. 
When he finally got his acceptance letter, he didn’t call you. Steve had a feeling you got into college and that your life was going well. He knew he was right.
But it had a good outcome, Steve retook his senior year and moved in with his best friend to start a new chapter in his life. A life that he wanted to enjoy, free from the pressure of his parents and the small town that made him feel so small.
Their first year wasn’t easy. Steve spent most of his time in his dorm, and Robin did too. They didn’t go to parties and didn’t seem too excited about meeting new people.
He felt like a total stranger like he didn’t belong there. He picked the same coffee shop he was working in to hang out, he picked the public library over the school library because it looked terrifying.
Steve spent most of his weekends and days off studying, he was at the top of his class. Whenever he wrote an essay, it reminded him of you, but not as a sign of hope, just a reminder of his small town years.
Robin spent most of her weekends traveling to Hawkins to meet her girlfriend, Chrissy. Taking Steve’s car and cleaning it for him as a thank you.
Steve didn’t meet anyone else, he didn’t want to get attached. If anyone leaves, what’s the point? He was only close to two of his classmates, that was enough for him.
“Do you know who’s moving in?” your roommate asks, Diana was always aware of every gossip around college. It was your second year being her roommate, she slowly became your best friend.
“No, who?” You ask, not really wanting to know but giving her satisfaction again.
“A new couple! I hope they aren’t as loud as the last ones.”
“Please, I need to buy new headphones just in case.”
Diana laughs, walking towards her room to place some of the new boxes she moved in. You asked if she wanted help, but she didn’t because her brand new date was going to join her.
You decided to head up to the public library, knowing you had never been there and wanting to explore a new world. It was a couple of blocks away so you had to take the bus.
Steve and Robin were driving around their new neighborhood, looking for their new apartment. They were singing the songs on the radio, even if Robin didn’t know most of them because her music taste was original. But Steve knew every one of the trendy songs.
They stopped at a red light. Robin got distracted by two dogs ‘kissing’ each other. Steve looked away with a face of disgust, and that’s when his eyes fell on you.
He wasn’t sure if it was his imagination, were you really there? Was he hallucinating? Maybe the smell of coffee is doing some damage to his brain.
But it was you, wasn’t it? without the signature choker, without the thousands of bracelets, and without the red lipstick always staining his shirts. Then it wasn’t you. You had glasses now, a gold chain around your neck, and your hair was slightly lighter.
The bus blocks his view; he wants to scream at it to move, and when it does, you disappear—or the hallucination he had of you disappeared—the honk of the car behind him makes him jump, the green light is on, and he has to move.
“Steve! Are you okay?” Robin shouts, scanning Steve’s face. He looks pale, confused, and scared.
“I think I just saw a ghost,” he says, looking over Robin and then the road ahead.
“You are only nervous, the apartment will be good, don't worry. If they scam us, we have Chrissy to defend us in court.”
“Yeah, stop it lovebird. We are here.”
The apartment buildings look so tall, almost intimidating. Steve drives around looking for the parking lot, and when he finds it, he and Robin take a moment to process it.
"I'm scared too, but we should go in. The moving truck will be here, and we will have a lot to do,” Robin says, taking Steve’s hands and giving them a light squeeze. “We got this”
“Yeah, we should go in now.”
They go over to their apartment, meet their landlord, and get their keys. The moving truck comes a couple of hours earlier, and they move in their new stuff after cleaning the apartment.
A couple of empty boxes and a lot of wrapping paper later, they are done. They only need the heavy couch.
“Even if I help you, we won’t be able to do it”
“I know! I’m thinking”
Steve and Robin are stressed now. Steve’s hair is disheveled already, and Robin’s mascara is smudged around her eyes. They had a long drive, and now they are so tired of getting the apartment ready.
“We should just knock at our neighbors. Their screams stopped.”
“Yeah, I should buy new headphones for that.”
He points in the hallway. Robins walks out of the apartment and knocks on the door. After a few knocks, the door opens, and Steve joins them.
“Steve? You are Nick’s friend, right? I saw you with him the other day,” a guy asks, introducing himself as Eric.
“Uhh yes, Nick! Nice to meet  you."He shakes his hand. “This is Rob, my friend.”
“Nice to meet you!” Eric says, “This is my..."
“I’m Diana, nice to meet you guys,” she waves at them.
“So, we need help moving on our couch. Could you help us?” Robin asks.
“Please, we are a great team, but that couch is very heavy,” Steve says. “What if you help us, and we invite you to eat some pasta? I saw a new Italian restaurant a few blocks away.
“Sure, we can help!” Diana says.
The four of them carry the couch with ease into Steve and Robin’s apartment, they thank their new neighbors, and they all high five, looking proud of themselves. 
“Thank you again, guys, we should go. I'm starving!” Robin smiles at them, and they all nod but Diana.
“Can I invite my friend? She can meet us there,” Diana asks. They all nod, but Eric.
“No way! She hates me,” he says, shaking his head, taking Diana’s hand, and stopping her from going into their apartment. 
“I told you it would take time. She is protecting me,” she says, dragging Eric with her into her apartment. “We will see you guys in a minute.”
“Sure, take your time,” Steve says. Their neighbors leave and shut the door behind their backs.
When they are gone, he wraps his hands around Robin’s neck. He looks over the apartment and smiles.
“We made it,” he says.
“We made it!” She says back, hugging his waist and rubbing his back.
They break the hug after a few minutes, looking over the almost finished apartment. There’s some stuff left to unpack.
“Wait for Chrissy to see this, she is going to love it.”
“Is she coming? Tomorrow?” Steve asks, looking at his friend and her lovesick smile.
“Yes! I think I'll finally ask her the question"
“Already? Isn't it too soon?”
“Dingus, when you know, you know. Life is short, we can’t lose time stressing over everything,” she says, rubbing his shoulders. “You will find someone, maybe not, you know who, or maybe you will. Let time choose.”
He knew Robin was talking about you. Even if Steve moved on and got his shit together, he was still missing you and the part of him you took with you. No matter how many dates he had, how many times Hopper talked to him. He wanted you, something far from impossible. 
“You should write that on a note and put it in the fridge." They both laugh. "I'm very proud of you.”
“Don’t make fun of me, or you will lose your best man spot. I will give it to Eddie.” Robin gets a napkin out of a box and cleans her mascara.
“Hey! Who used to drive you everywhere and still does?”
“I'm joking!”
“I know,” he says, giving her a pat on the back. “Good luck with your proposal.”
“I still need a ring, not all of us carry our grandmother’s rings everywhere we go.”
“Shut up! I'll help you get a ring.”
They high five again, and they hear knocks on the door. They see their neighbors again.
“My friend isn’t coming, I think she is with her boyfriend. But we can go now!”
“Yay! Sorry about your friend."Robin gets closer to Diana, leaving Steve behind with Eric.
“Aren’t you together?” he asks.
“No, we are friends. Platonic with a capital P!” Steve replies, walking to the door and joining the girls.
“Cool, maybe you can date Teddy and smooth the anger out of her,” Eric says.
“Teddy?” Steve asks, walking to the parking lot.
“Oh, Di’s best friend,” he says, pointing at Diana. “She has this weird ass white teddy bear, and since then, I call her Teddy.”
“Oh, funny,” Steve says. A weird white teddy bear? No, no, it can’t be. His heart pounds harder against his chest, and he gets back to that night. The diner, the flowers, the beanie baby, and then someone who looked like you at the bus stop.
This can’t be real, he won’t get his hopes high again.
“Are you okay, man? You look scared,” Eric asks Steve, stopping him after he puts the key on his BMW. “Can you drive?”
“Yeah, I can. Don’t worry,” Steve says, his free hand over his chest. “It’s just something that happens.”
“He sees ghosts!” Robin shouts, making everyone laugh.
“We should walk guys, it isn’t that far,” Diana adds.
“Yeah, we could use some fresh air,” Robin says.
They all walk to the restaurant, enjoying a fun night. All of them get the feeling they’ll be close, but tonight they treat each other as strangers. Not sharing all but funny stories and college adventures.
When Diana gets home, you are already there, she walks over to the couch to wake you up and help you get to bed.
“Did you talk to Jake?”
“He picked me up from the library, we didn't-"
“Another time will come."
You hum, walking with her to your room. She closes the door, and you walk towards your bed, put your pajamas on, and slip into bed. You try to sleep, trying to keep all the midnight-crushing thoughts away, with the BMW in the parking lot on your mind, it looks very familiar.
It’s only 8 a.m, and you sit at home, eating your oatmeal bowl with strawberries, bananas, and a cup of coffee you’ve made yourself. You point to the cup you made for Diana, it has been sitting there for a few minutes. Maybe she wanted a cold brew instead of a nice hot cup. 
“One is Rob, and the other... I don’t remember.”
“Di! You are really bad with names.”
“Are you sure you don’t want ice on your coffee?” you joke.
“No, and yeah, I was a little stoned too, that’s why I don’t remember well.”
“That’s always going to cost you, babe.”
“I know, but I can introduce them later! We are all going to a party, and Rob will pick us up after work because the girl had to see her girlfriend.” She chugs her cup of coffee and puts her jacket on.
“Are you sure his name is Robert?”
“No, it’s Rob!” She still looks unconvinced, but you leave it. “Anyway, is Jake picking you up?”
“I don’t know, we aren’t really on speaking terms.” 
Jake was your boyfriend a couple of weeks before he asked you for a break, and you haven’t “fixed it." He picked you up from the library yesterday, and the whole ride home was quiet and uncomfortable, but something tells you it isn't going to last.
“Call him! He is good for you.”
“I’m not sure about that, but I’ll see you later then.”
“I’ll see you later, babe!”
“Be careful!”
You finish washing the dishes and go back to your room to get ready for the party. Minutes later, Diana and Eric show up to drive you to the house. It’s the first party of the semester, and everyone seems pretty excited about it except you. You know if you see Jake again, he will probably break up with you, rip off the band-aid, and go to the girl who has been hanging out with him at the gym.
But you go, not wanting to miss out and excited to see some of your friends who arrived in town. It might not be the best night, but at least you’ll have a cup of cranberry juice with vodka to survive.
You arrive at the party early, not wanting to talk to anyone, yet you get closer to the table in the middle of the dining room and make yourself a cape cod. When it’s done, you get to the living room and sit on the couch, watching as people come over, and some of them wave at you and say hi before going for their drink.
Jake arrives with a girl by his side, He gets closer to her ear to whisper something, and she turns around as he walks to you.
“Can we talk?”
“You are going to break up with me, aren’t you?” You pinch your eyebrows together. 
“Let me explain.”
He sits on the arm of the couch you are sitting on, so close to you. You can already hear his words muffling and how sorry he is about all of it, making up excuses to let you know it’s not your fault he is doing this and the two of you should end your relationship now. Avoid telling the truth and spinning around the subject, reminding you of all the good moments but also all the fights and “breaks” you had.
You look at him through your eyelashes, your tears rolling down your cheeks. Your now ex-boyfriend pinches your chin with his fingers, not letting your gaze fall to your lap or the cup you hold in your hand. He whispers “I’m sorry” thousands of times more, and you refuse to move, feeling the warmth of his fingers against your face for the last time. Then he leaves you alone to find his date, and you wish the earth could swallow you whole.
When Steve gets to the party with Robin and Chrissy by his side, he lets the two of them look for a place while he gets their drinks. The house is so tiny that everyone is squeezing each other and bumping into each other on the way to other rooms. Everything smells like alcohol and weed, and even the floor is sticky, but after all, Steve manages to get to the dining room and look for the red solo cups. He takes one and pours tequila into it. He drinks it, feeling the burn down his throat as he keeps his eyes closed. He needs more of these to survive the night.
He looks around, recognizing some people he used to see around in his first year, some of them are customers in the coffee shop he works in. When his head looks over to the living room, he sees the girl from the bus stop, the one who looks like you. 
Steve gets even more confused as you chug your drink, the solo cup covering your face. He turns his head away from the view, even if it’s not you, his mind betrays him.
Where’s the real you? What are you doing right now? Do you have a boyfriend? A girlfriend? A child? A cat? Are you married? 
The question that hurts more is the one he used to think about almost every night. Would he see you again?
He tries to enjoy the party as soon as he sees the girl leave. He misses watching Diana run after you and try to comfort you. 
Your friend takes you home, and Steve stays until the party is over, and he is a bit more sober to take Robin and Chrissy back to their apartment.
“Robin? Why did you leave so soon?” Steve asks Robin over the phone, while he tosses empty boxes and bags around.
“We are getting you breakfast! Jesus, what’s your problem?”
“I’m hungover, and I forgot I have to send this email before twelve, but I can’t find my laptop charger, and I can’t find yours either!”
“Shit, I took mine because Chrissy needed my laptop, but I'm sure yours is in your room. We unpacked everything.”
“Fuck! I’ll call you back.”
“Ask Diana for one!”
Stressed out, Steve hangs up the phone before listening to Robin’s last words. Of course, he can ask his neighbor for a favor, and he knows Diana is nice. 
He gets out of his apartment, and a few steps later, he gets in front of the door. He knocks a lot of times to get Diana’s attention, or maybe Eric’s. Steve doesn’t remember if they got back here from the party, but it’s worth trying.
As the door opens, he takes a step forward. “Hey! My laptop charger broke, and I have to send this very important  email-" He takes a deep breath, not believing who is in front of them. “What-”
“It’s you,” he whispers, feeling a knot in his throat and rubbing his clammy hands together.
“It’s me” You rub your eyes one more time, getting rid of the blur on your eyes from being woken up. “Steve?” Your heart starts to beat against your chest so fast that you swear it’s hurting you.
Steve stares at you, it’s like the first time he saw you all those years ago. He didn’t believe in love at first sight until he felt his body giving up and just yearning for you. He feels it all again, you look even more beautiful than before, but with your signature heavy gaze. 
“I'm sorry if I’m interrupting, I can just...“
“No? no. Uh, come in, let me find my charger.”
This is not how you imagined seeing him again. The last time you dreamt about him, you were seeing him for the first time at the Hawkins airport, You ran to him, and he caught you in his arms, kissing every inch of your face. And now, with your heart beating faster than ever and your feet carrying you to your room, you can’t help but feel like you are having a nightmare.
You hurry up, find your charger, and run back to Steve.
“Here, you can keep it. I have two of them,” you say. He still looks at you with his mouth slightly open and his eyes studying every part of your face.
Keep it. He knows you are doing this because you are nice, but a part of you still recognizes all the love you once had for him. Or have, because it never faded away. It’s still your Steve, slightly older and with a confused expression on his face. 
He takes the charger from your hands, your fingers touching him for a couple of seconds. When you finally lock eyes with him, you can see his glassy eyes while yours look the same. He didn’t want to believe it was you, you were so close all this time.
“I thought i’d never see you again,” you whisper, almost inaudible, but he can hear it. As if its ears were trained to hear even the lowest tone of your voice. 
But the air feels tense, awkward. He doesn’t say anything, and you stand in front of him like before, frozen in your place as a wave of anxiety washes you over. You stare at each other, trying to avoid all these feelings rushing through your veins.
“I need to send this email, I’ll be right back.”
He goes back to his apartment, leaving you and your overwhelming feelings alone. You close the door to your apartment and take some time to process everything. Steve is here, your Steve. The boy you once called the love of your life, the only boy you’ve ever loved.
You weren’t sure you were going to see him again. You gave up on it a few months ago, knowing it would take a miracle to see him again. And he was so close to you all this time.
When you hear the knock on the door again, you open it faster this time. Steve stands up in front of you, watching your tears roll down your cheeks. He wraps his arms around your body, hugging you so tightly as if you were going to disappear. Your arms hug his torso, letting your head fall against his chest for a second before your sighs turn into sobs.
“I can’t believe it’s really you,” Steve whispers, convincing himself to not let you go. He fears the alarm will go off and he will have to wake up from his dream. 
“I know, it feels like a dream, please don’t let go,” you say, as if you were reading his mind all this time. 
“I won’t”
Steve rests his chin on your head, letting his own tears fall. You stay in the hug for a long time, feeling his warmth against your body, and his arms push you closer to him. You dig your fingers in his back, wanting to feel him more and wishing for this not to be some sick joke.
He places one of his hands on your head, kissing your forehead, before leaning back and searching for your face.
“Hi,” you say as you look at him, tears on his face just like yours.
“Hi,” he smiles, slightly. You do the same, looking at every inch of his face. Remembering all the moles your mind seemed to forget with the time.
You admire each other, letting your mind take you back to Hawkins and all those years you spent together.
“I missed you so much,” he says, slicing the awkward silence with a knife, now rubbing your back and trying to get you relaxed. As your sobs stop, you let go of him and invite him inside.
“I missed you too.” You smile again. The inches separating you are killing you, but there’s too much to say and feel.
“You stopped calling,” Steve says, with a sour tone in his voice you’ve never heard before.
“The phone works both ways.” You bite back, crossing your arms in front of your chest. Protecting you from what’s coming.
“I-” Steve mutters, avoiding your eyes and looking all over the room.
“You? What? Did you forget about me?” you ask. “We made a promise.”
The mix of feelings that sit right at the top of your chest starts to reveal themselves. It’s all so confusing, and you weren’t prepared for this. You want to blame him for the time lost, but you know it’s also your fault.
“Why are you bringing this up right now? I saw you for the first time at a fucking bus stop and thought I was going crazy. It’s too much!”
Steve feels relieved; his mind wasn’t betraying him, and he wasn’t going crazy. It was really you—the new you. 
“Just say the truth. You didn’t answer my call when I got into college or when I moved in.”
“You called?”
“I called your house since you didn’t reply to my texts or emails. No one answered.”
“I got into a fight with them, and I moved in with Hopper. I was having a hard time, I’m sorry.”
He confesses. You see the way his lips turn into a pout, his tears threatening to fall again.
“What happened?”
“I messed up, had to retake a year.”
"Oh,” it’s the only thing you can think of. Some things made sense, but you still had a lot of questions.
“I didn’t tell you because I was embarrassed and so disappointed in myself. No one heard about you, or your family, so I thought you didn’t want to see me, and I had the feeling you were fine without me.”
“We had to move again, two times. But this is the college of our dreams, I didn’t see you here the first year. I thought you chose a different one.”
“You know me, I don’t break promises.”
He looks back at you again, it takes everything in him not to walk to you and kiss you. It takes everything in you to not do the same.
“Listen, I have an interview today, but can we have dinner? I still have a lot of things to say, a lot of things to ask, and it’s been so long.” you blur out. 
“Sure, I have a shift at the coffee shop, so I’ll see you at seven?”
“Yeah, that’s okay, Where do you work?” you ask, suddenly shivering. It’s really him, this isn’t a dream.
“In a coffee shop that’s on Main,” he replies, “I know you never go there, I would’ve seen you.”
“I’ve been busy.”
Right. Diana mentioned a boyfriend. His heart suddenly stops, fearing that he is seeing you again just to lose you again.
“I know,” he says, resting his hands on his hips, looking around the room to avoid your eyes again. “Good luck on your interview.”
“Thank you, good luck on your shift." You can feel the awkwardness coming back, the uncomfortable silence threatening to come back. “I’ll see you at seven!”
“I’ll pick you up here,” he says, You can only nod before he turns his back on you. 
"Stevie,” you say. He is about to open his front door when he hears your voice again.
“Yes?” he says, turning his head slightly to see you. He missed that nickname, you are the only one who calls him like that. 
You want to keep talking and confessing your true feelings right now, but you have things to do. He is more important than everything else, you got him back, you don’t want to waste time. 
“Say hi to Robin for me.” 
He nods, then walks into his apartment. You close the door of yours once again.
Fear and excitement occupy most of your brain right now. You are praying for him to still want you, to love you back as much as you've loved him this whole time. Being his best friend would be a great start, but being back to be his love sounds even better.
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IV. You are the best thing that's ever been mine.
Steve paces around his apartment, Robin and Chrissy are back, and they watch him mumble something under his breath. 
“Everything will be fine, you will talk to her and get back together,” Robin says.
“What if she has a boyfriend? What if she is in love with someone else?” 
“You can always steal her away, Robin did that to me." Chrissy joins the conversation. 
They have been talking about you for hours. Steve decided to exchange his shift and stay home while Robin was taking her day off. He was too distracted to go to work today. 
“Dingus. Stop it! You are making me dizzy." Robin gets up, reaching for Steve’s hands and making him look at her. “You’ll see her when she is back, you are going to take her to that restaurant and talk like the adult you are. Okay?”
"Hot,” Chrissy blurs out.
“Thank you, sweetheart." Robin looks at her and winks. 
“Gross, get a room, you two!”  Steve’s disgusted face makes both girls laugh. 
“You can do it, dingus. You’ll get her back.” 
“I’m not sure if she feels the same or if I feel the same.”
“Didn’t you say she hugged you so tight you almost ran out of breath? That’s a good sign.” Robin’s hands travel to Steve’s shoulders, shaking him up and trying to wake him up from whatever nightmare he is making up in his head. 
“And don’t start. You’ve been rejecting girls, having failed dates, and looking like a lost puppy whenever you see a girl that looks slightly like her. You two are still in love, from what you tell me and from what I feel.”
“You are right, I'm still in love with her. But it’s been a long time. I changed, she changed too.”
“Changes are good, I know it because it was hard for me to accept the real me, but I took that step because I wanted to be free,” Robin confesses, stopping Steve from giving up. “Talk. Try. You met again for a reason, don’t let that go to waste.” 
Steve nods. “What would I do without you?” He hugs Robin for a minute before hearing some voices in the hallway. He hears the front door open and close, which means you and Diana made it home. 
“You’ll be lost without me! Good luck, dingus.”
“Go get your girl, Steve!” 
Steve walks to your door and knocks, to his surprise, Diana opens the door. 
"Hi,” he says nervously. “Is she here?” 
“Yeah, she will be ready in five.”
"Alright,” Steve says, his hands clammy again, and he finds himself shaking. 
“So, you are the guy she has been talking about nonstop.” 
“I guess yes,” he replies, feeling his heart racing again. You’ve talked about him. 
“Good for you,” Diana says, before you step in. 
"Hi,” you say, looking at Steve again. You find this odd, but you are thanking whatever it was that brought him to you again. 
"Hi,” he replies, his gaze heavy on you as he takes everything in. Your soft voice, the sweet smell of your perfume. 
“Home by ten!” Diana jokes, making you laugh and shake off the anxiety that took over your body. 
You walk away from the apartments, with Steve by your side. He glances at him from time to time, and you do the same. 
“How was your shift?” you ask him, trying to get rid of the awkward feeling that washes over you again.
“I didn’t go. Too distracted for it,” he says, looking over at you as you walk to the parking lot. “How was your interview?”
"Good,” you sigh, not wanting to ramble about it at this moment. “I hope I get the job.”
“You will, you can do anything,” he says when you reach his car, noticing it looks the same way as before. 
Nothing has changed, just time. Everything feels the same, like it froze, letting time pass over it without a single consequence. 
Steve looks at you, his brows knit in a frown, and he is almost chewing his lip.
“If you want to ask something, just do it,” you say, making him shiver. “I know you, maybe not so well anymore, but I do.”
“What if your boyfriend sees us?” he asks.
A chuckle falls from your lips, shaking your head and pushing the hair out of your face.
“I don’t have a boyfriend,  he broke up with me yesterday, and I saw it coming. I’m over it.”
“Oh, do you want to talk about it? We can stay at home, i can leave you alone, and we can reschedule our dinner because i don’t want you to feel like you.”
“I’m still in love with you,” you interrupt, confessing. With a soft look in your eyes, Steve gets lost in them. “I’m sorry, I can't waste any more time. I need to get this out of me. I’ve been looking for you in everyone, everywhere. You are here, and you look the same, I know time has passed, but I believe my love for you has kept you exactly as I remember you.”
Steve doesn’t know what to do, the truth is, he has been waiting to hear those words for a long time. He has been waiting to see you, to hug you, and to kiss you.
“I’m still in love with you too,” he says, running his fingers through his hair, pushing his golden locks back. The sun is setting completely, and you can still see how it shines. “I never got over you, I was forced to move on because i felt like I didn’t deserve you. And I never wanted us to fall apart, I needed you all this time.”
He gets closer to you, his chest almost bumping into yours. He hesitates to kiss you in the moment, even to touch your hand. The setting reminds him of the last time he saw you, your last night at Hawkins.
“If you want, we can try to make up for the lost time and give it another try.”
“I’d love that.”
He gets closer now, with your confession turning into an invitation. Steve places both of his hands on your cheeks, rubbing the soft skin with his thumbs. It takes you back to that night, it feels like you are relieving that moment just to make it right this time.
“Baby-” he is so close to your lips, his words tingle your lips, and you never stop looking into his eyes. Those sweet brown eyes you missed so much.
“I’ve missed that, honey." He laughs at the nickname, but it still makes him shiver and smile like a little kid.
“And I’ve missed you, kiss, please?”
Steve nods, pressing his lips against yours. It’s a soft, slow kiss. You can feel the breeze of the cold night on your face as you flush when Steve leans his head to the side to trap your bottom lip between his lips to taste you. You close your eyes, savoring the moment. One thing you forgot and cried for every night was this.
His warm lips against yours, his taste. His hands squeeze your cheeks as you press your body against his.
It’s the first kiss since that night, two years have passed, and this still feels so familiar. So safe. The kiss is even sweeter thinking of all the time you’ve dreamed about this, of all the unspoken feelings you communicate to each other with everything your lips brush.
When air is needed, you lean your head back a bit. You giggle at the same time, and he places a kiss on your forehead. Happiness takes over you, it feels like floating.
“I still have that beanie baby, you know?”
“I do, Teddy.”
“Don’t call me that!” You hit his arm slightly, and he chuckles while rubbing his arm dramatically.
“It’s cute, it suits you,” he says, leaving a peck on your lips, resting his hands on your hips this time.
“It’s ridiculous!” You scrunch up your nose, and he leans in to smooth it off with a kiss. “Let’s go eat, I’m starving.”
“Only if my dessert is going to be this sweet girl, the universe got back to me,” he says, picking you up, his arms hugging your waist. You can feel your feet dangling in the air. You tangle your arms around his neck so you don’t fall when he spins you around.
“Yes, yes, I'll be your dessert!” You giggle as you feel his lips on your cheeks, and when he stops, you peck his soft cheeks back. “In which house?”
“Oh, I don’t know, it depends on how loud you are.”
“Stevie!” Your cheeks glow red, and he laughs at your sudden flushed face.
“I’m joking! we‘ll figure it out later." He doesn't stop hugging you, even when he puts you down, your feet are now touching the concrete of the parking lot.
“Which one?” you ask, teasingly. Trying to hold back the giggle that is about to escape your lips.
“Both!” Steve says.
You get back in his car, and he proposes the idea of repeating everything you did that last night but with a different ending. You find a nice diner, not as nice as the one outside Hawkins,but it does the job. The old jukebox is there to dance after you eat burgers and fries and you end up stealing his cherry again.
When he picks up the sun, you get up from the booth where you are sitting and run up to him. One of your arms rests around his neck, and the other hand is holding your hand. He interlocks his fingers with yours while his free hand sits on your waist. He pushes you to his chest, the closest he can get you to him, and you start to sway around the checkered floor of the diner. Dancing like nobody's watching, again.
“You are the best thing that’s ever been mine, baby." He sings along with the song before kissing you again.
“I’ve always been yours, honey”
This night is even more magical than the last one, and you’ll have tons of them.
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tags: all @munsonology @emistrash @livsters @paybacksawitch @ali-r3n @keeksandgigz @babybatlover @fanfictionlover277353 / steve @stveharringtn @double-vision-in-a-rose-blush
please please reblog to support your creators! comments are appreciated !! my ask is always open if you have any feedback. thank you so much for reading ♡
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kangminjissi · 1 day
38. i love you - sofia
the house was fairly large and housed 5 bedrooms which was perfect for your 10 member group. everyone was paired off and dispersed into the house. you and hanni walked into your room and inspected the furniture whilst gureum curiously sniffed at the room.
hanni rolled your suitcase in and watched as you looked out the window. she thought you were the most beautiful person to ever grace the earth. you could feel her eyes on you and turned around with a smile, “han?” she tilted her head, “yeah?”
you looked down at the white dog who was very interested in something under the bed, “wanna take gureum on a walk?” he lifted his head and barked in agreement. hanni laughed and nodded, “sure, i’m gonna change real quick.”
you nodded and walked out and made your way into the main living area of the house. jayoon and wonyoung were already lounging on the couch as danielle was inspecting the kitchen.
jiwon and rei were arguing outside on the patio, but the door was closed so you had no idea what they were discussing. you assumed everyone else was in their rooms and walked over to danielle. “hey dani. han and i are gonna take gureum on a walk. should we pick something up if we pass by a store?”
the australian thought for a second and shook her head, “i don’t know what our dinner plans are… i’d say just wait because some of us can always head out and grab stuff if we decide to stay in.” you nodded and thanked her before grabbing gureum’s leash from the counter.
as you clicked it in place hanni exited the room, “are you ready?” you nodded and waved goodbye at the couple on the couch. the house was a quick walk away from the beach, so the two of you headed towards the sea.
you walked quietly next to one another as you silently worked up the courage to talk to hanni. you were stuck in your head when hanni realized there was a long stretch of empty sand, so she bent down to unhook gureum’s leash. “be free, but don’t go too far, okay?” she bent down and tapped on the dog’s head as if he understood her words.
he licked at her hand before running away to chase a seagull. you smiled at the dog before grabbing hanni’s hand to turn her to face you. “hanni, can i talk to you about something?” she furrowed her eyebrows before shrugged, “yeah, what’s up?”
you looked out at the shallow waves and took a deep breath, “do you remember that first night when we went to melbourne?” hanni nodded slowly, “uh, i think so.” “do you remember how i said that no one would be able to treat me the way you do?
“i was thinking about that a few weeks ago, and i think that sentiment still stands. no one in my life has ever taken the time and effort to memorize every single preference, quirk, and detail of my life. no one except you.”
hanni looked at you with a confused expression and you lifted your gaze to reach her eyes, “i thought all of my friends were wrong. they kept saying that i treated you differently. i didn’t believe them, but then i thought about how you treated me.
“it’s a mutual thing, you know? i know everything about you and you know everything about me. the only thing i never knew was that you had feelings for me, but it makes sense.” you took a shaky breath and closed your eyes for a moment.
“i never knew you felt that way towards me because i never knew that i felt the same way.” you grabbed hanni’s hands, “im sorry. for everything. for being too oblivious to my own feelings to know yours. for being too touchy at times. for causing you pain whenever i tried to date people who meant nothing to me.
“but i’m not sorry for falling in love with you. i regret not noticing it sooner, but i don’t regret doing it. i love you, hanni pham.” hanni looked at you with glassy eyes, “what? what are you saying?” you squeezed her hands, “han…”
you dropped her hands to hold her face, “i love you.” you smiled at her as tears started to fall from her eyes, you brushed them away and waited for her to say something. she looked at you in disbelief before grinning, “really?”
with a nod you reassured her, “really really.” she closed her eyes and chuckled before pulling you into a kiss. you smiled into her lips as she wrapped her arms around your neck. you both pulled away when you heard a bark at your feet.
you both looked down and laughed at gureum who was jumping on your leg. “looks like someone’s jealous now that he isn’t the center of attention.” hanni kept one arm wrapped around you as she pulled a ball from her bag. she tossed it into the sand and smiled at the blur of white that went to chase it.
you moved a hand to her waist as you both watched gureum. she rested her head on your shoulder and whispered, “you love me…” you hummed as you kissed the side of her head, “i love you.”
she moved out of your grasp to intertwine your hands. she raised your hands to her mouth as she kissed your knuckles, “i love you too.” you smiled and squeezed your hands together.
a/n this WAS gonna be the end but i wanna add extra chapters they’re still considered plot chapters instead of making it the bonus chapters
#taglist ~ @shuxiii @somedaydream @jiwoneiric @multiliker @haerinsloverr @wintersgff @limbforalimb @emphobics @keiji-jin @sixflame438 @olives-on-pizza @edenzeepy @ogueh @randombystander-yep @saysirhc @dexthzone
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star-writes-sometimes · 11 months
bullying and cuddles
word count: 2.3k
cw: fem reader, reader implied to have anxiety cause im projecting, swearing, bullying (affectionate), fluff, idiots in love, probably ooc tangerine but whatever
a/n: i needed domestic fluff, is this similar to other stuff ive written? yes but i dont care i love domestic fluff. i geniuenly was debating posting this because i kinda hate it but yknow c'est la vie
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you emerged from the safe house bathroom after brushing your teeth in an old tshirt and pyjama shorts. both of the boys bedroom doors were closed and you could hear the thomas the tank engine theme song coming from lemon’s room. 
the door of your room was open and your suitcase was on the ground, clothes messily thrown all over the place. you had been here for about four days now so you were settled in as much as you could be in a new environment.
you and the twins were staking out a place and it was long and tedious, by this point you were thoroughly bored and ready for this to end so you could go back home. you couldn’t stand another night in the cold unfamiliar bed. 
so, instead you knocked on tangerine’s door.
“come in.”
you opened the door and walked in, quickly shutting it behind you and leaning against it, facing tangerine. he was sat up in his bed reading a book. he was wearing a plain tshirt and pyjama pants. he looked comfy, more relaxed than he usually was. the quilt was folded neatly at the end of his bed and his suitcase on the floor was immaculately organised, a stark contrast to how your room looked.
“hi,” he said smiling at you.
“hi,” you returned the smile.
“cute pyjamas.”
you were wearing a faded marvin the martian tshirt and pyjama shorts covered in little oranges, “they’re oranges.”
“you sure you didn’t wear them just for me, love?” he smiled wider at you, cocking his head to the side slightly, “cause you look adorable.”
“why would i wear them for you, you’re my third favourite person in this house,” you scoffed.
“are you putting yourself above me?”
“i know my worth,” you squinted at the book he had in his hands, “whatcha reading?”
“uhh,” he glanced down at the page he was on, “the hunger games.”
“why are you surprised?”
“i don’t know,” you laughed slightly, “i can only image you reading old or pretentious books.”
“are you calling me pretentious?”
you snapped your fingers in realisation, “tolstoy, you seem like the tolstoy type have you read anna karenina?”
“well, yes i have but i don’t just read old books.”
“so, hunger games.”
“yeah, it’s good criticism on violence in capitalistic societies.”
“i don’t think professional assassins should have a say on violence in capitalistic societies.”
he rolled his eyes, “then i enjoy the commentary on consumerism.”
you glanced at the gold jewellery on the bedside table, “i don’t think you can have a say on that either.”
he followed you eye line, “oh fuck off.”
you laughed, “i’m sorry, i’m sorry.” you shifted around slightly in your spot against the door.
“did you come in here for a reason or just to take the piss out of me?”
you thought back to your lifeless room, “i was bored and i couldn’t annoy lemon.”
“why not, you’d probably enjoy his company more than mine,” his eyes drifted back down to his book.
“he’s watching thomas and there’s only so much of that i can take.”
he nodded, “understandable.”
there was a pause and you fidgeted with your hands nervously. you didn’t notice tangerine staring at you intently, contemplating what he should do.
“come sit with me,” he gestured to the empty spot next to him.
“are you sure?” you hesitated, bringing up your hand to chew on your nails.
“‘course love.”
you slowly moved over and sat on the bed next to him, keeping distance between you both on the queen sized bed.
it was silent again and you pulled your knees up against your chest, resting your chin on your knee.
“what part are you up to?” you asked.
“the interviews with caesar.” he turned his head and focused on you, noting your position and the gap you put between the both of you, “have you read it before?”
“back when i was a teenager but not since then.” you avoided his eyes, feeling anxious about the sharp eye contact, “have you read it before?”
“yeah, i’ve read it a few times.”
you just hummed in response. despite the nervous thoughts running through your head it felt better being in here with tangerine than being alone in your room. it was better having anxiety over being alone with the guy you were crushing on than the emptiness you would have felt by yourself in your room. 
“come here love.” he said softly.
“what?” your eyes snapped up to him.
“sit next to me properly.” 
you moved slightly closer, still leaving space between you both.
tangerine rolled his eyes and put his arm around your waist, pulling you into his side, “i’m not gonna fucking bite ya love, you can sit next to me.”
you scrunched your nose up at him, “i just didn’t want to get cooties.”
“you think i have cooties?”
“yup you have phytophthora gummosis.”
“what the fuck are you talking about?”
you laughed and leant into him more, “it's a disease that affects citrus trees.”
he tried not to smile, “how long have you been waiting to make that joke.”
“a few weeks,” you smiled brightly, “i did research on citrus trees.”
“just so you could take the piss out of me?”
“i had to, you look cute when you’re all annoyed and scrunch your eyebrows up.” you reached up and run over one of his eyebrows with your thumb.
“don’t call me cute.”
“why not? you are.”
“i’m meant to be intimidating.”
“how could anyone be scared of you? you’re reading the hunger games.”
“very funny, i can be scary and enjoy the hunger games.”
“are you team peeta or gale?”
“definitely peeta, he was smart and a romantic,” tangerine said, like he had thought about it a lot before.
“oh so you’re a romantic that adds to your scariness.”
“you’re bullying me, you’re a bully,” he pinched your side, enjoying the way you squirmed into him.
you yawned and put your head on his shoulder. he repositioned his arm that was around your shoulder and started stroking your hair.
“are you tired darling?”
you blinked sluggishly, “yeah… i should probably go-”
you started to get up but was stopped and cut off by tangerine.
“no, stay,” he held onto you, “you just relax.”
you bite your lip anxiously but try to relax into him again. you stared at the book in his hand, studying the mockingjay symbol on the cover. 
“what’s on your mind pet?”
you felt your neck heat up at the unfamiliar nickname, “uh can you maybe read to me?”
“you want me to read to you?”
you nodded.
“you sure you’ll be able to understand with the accent?”
“you’re british not an alien, i can understand you fine.”
“okay.” he pulled you close, you settled with your head on his chest and his arm comfortably around you. he smiled down at you, silently grateful that you couldn’t see the way he was looking at you, “you ready?”
“okay darling,” he took his focus off you and onto the book, “i’m still in a daze for the first part of peeta’s interview. he has the audience from the get-go, though; i can hear them laughing, shouting out. he plays up the baker’s son thing, comparing tributes to the bread from their districts.”
“what would your strategy be in the interviews?” you asked.
“i’m not sure.”
“i don’t think you could pull off the charming thing.”
“wow, thanks love your doing wonders for my self esteem,” he replied sarcastically.
you smiled, “no that’s not what i meant, you’re plenty charming, i just think you’d be better as one of those career tributes everyone is scared of.”
“i thought you said i wasn’t scary?”
“shhh that was minutes ago you should’ve forgotten about that by now, just keep reading.”
“right sorry,” he laughed slightly, “then he has a funny anecdote about the perils of the capital showers. ‘tell me, do i still smell like roses?’ he asks caesar, and then there's a whole run where they take turns sniffing each other that brings down the house.”
“maybe you would be charming, you always smell really nice.”
“thank you, darling,” he kissed your forehead and pulled you impossibly closer, “you smell nice too.”
you smiled and adjusted your position so you could hold onto his shirt. 
“i’m coming back into focus when caesar asks him if he has a girlfriend back home.” he continued, “peeta hesitates, then gives him an unconvincing shake of his head. ‘handsome lad like you. there must be some special girl. come on what’s her name?’ says caesar. peeta sighs. ‘well there is this one girl. i’ve had a crush on her ever since i can remember. but i’m pretty sure she didn’t know i was alive before the reaping.’”
tangerine glanced down at you half surprised and half disappointed you didn’t interrupt again. he liked listening to you talk.
your breathing had evened and your eyes had closed. you’d fallen asleep against him. he bookmarked the book and placed it on his side table. he carefully reached down, grabbed the quilt and pulled it over the both of you.
“goodnight, love.” he kissed your cheek gently.
lemon woke up the next morning and stumbled into the kitchen, prepared to see tangerine already up and cooking breakfast for the three of you. he was shocked to find the kitchen empty, no trace of you or tangerine. 
he looked over at both your bedroom doors and saw yours open and empty. weird. you were usually the last awake, having to be woken up by one of the twins.
lemon walked over to tangerine’s door and opened it, “hey bruv have you seen-” he cut himself off looking down at the scene in front of him.
you were asleep in tangerine’s arms and he was holding you close. he was awake and staring down at you, playing with your hair and gently tracing your features as you slept.
lemon snickered, “whats going on here, then?”
“shut the fuck up,” tangerine immediately fired back but lemon knew it was less harsh than it usually was. despite all the teasing tangerine knew he’d get, he was happy.
“this is cute, it really is.” lemon quipped, “but i have no clue how to make breakfast so please get up soon.”
“i’m not interrupting her sleep just cause your fucking incompetent.”
“fine, just don’t blame me if i burn this place down trying to make toast,” lemon started to leave.
“stop, just wait ten minutes then i’ll make you some fucking food.”
“thanks bruv, really appreciate it.”
lemon left and tangerine was alone with you again. 
tangerine moved your hair away from your face, “sweetheart?” he kissed your forehead, “if you don’t wake up soon the smoke alarm will probably wake you.”
you stretched slightly and snuggled into tangerine more, “this is nicer than the way lemon wakes me up.”
“if we don’t get up soon lemon is gonna try to cook,” he held your face and kissed you cheek gently.
“we can’t have that he’ll probably poison us all,” you sat up and rubbed your eyes, “why is your bed comfier than mine?”
“because i actually make mine?” he got up and stared down at you still wrapped in the blanket.
“ha ha,” you laughed dryly and fell back into the bed.
you closed your eyes again and settled back into the bed, pulling the blanket up to your chin. it really was a comfortable bed. 
your peaceful rest was interrupted by getting lifted into the air.
your eyes flew open as tangerine picked you up, carrying you into the kitchen. you wrapped your arms around his neck and held on tightly.
"what the fuck are you doing, you fucking numpty!?"
"you looked peaceful i didn't want to have to wake you again."
"well it didn't fucking work you twat."
"sorry, love," he set you down on the kitchen bench and kissed you cheek, "but you look cute when your annoyed."
you felt your face heat slightly and turned your face away from him.
"stop flirting and make me breakfast." lemon interrupted.
"you could say please, you wanker," tangerine snapped at him.
"please, make us breakfast, please, mr. fruit?" you said giving your best puppy dog eyes.
"for you, not for him, darling." 
you smiled, "thank you, tan."
“you’re a twat,” lemon added.
tangerine flipped lemon off and started making pancakes. you jumped off the kitchen bench and moved over to the kettle, checking it was full before boiling it.
“lemon, do you want a cuppa?”
“yeah,” lemon mumbled, distracted by his comic.
tangerine whacked lemon up the side of his head.
“yes please, sweetheart," lemon corrected himself.
“thanks lem,” you laughed slightly at the sibling abuse.
the kettle flicked off and you finished making the three cups of tea and handed one to lemon who smiled in thanks. you walked over to tangerine and placed one on the counter in front of him.
tangerine grabbed your waist and pulled you in for a kiss on the cheek, “thank you pet.”
you pulled away from him and started drinking your own cup, watching tangerine as he cooked and plated the golden pancakes.
“so did you two fuck last night?” lemon abruptly asked.
you choked on your tea and tangerines head snapped up to glare at him.
“no we slept together,” tangerine slowly replied.
lemon snorts, “i thought that was the same thing.”
“no you bellend we actually just slept, we were tired,” tangerine snapped.
you gulped down the rest of your tea and quickly placed your mug in the sink, “i’m gonna go shower boys, please save me some pancakes.” you smiled at the both and walked into the bathroom, locking the door behind you.
once you were gone lemon spoke up again, “you gonna tell her you love her yet?"
“shut up,” tangerine hissed, glancing at the shut bathroom door.
“she likes you too you know.”
tangerine didn’t respond for a few seconds, “really?”
“you’re in love with each other you both just fucking stupid.”
and for once tangerine didn’t feel the need to throw an insult back, he just reveled at the thought that you could like him too.
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lovelytsunoda · 2 years
would it be a sin? // lando norris
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summary: lando tries (and fails in the sweetest funniest of ways) to make his and y/n’s first night in their new house together a memorable experience
pairing: lando norris x female reader
warnings: sweet and dorky and giggly smut, but still smut
author's note: this is a love letter to all my girlies who are not kinky in the slightest. just because you don't like it too rough, or don't have any interest in anything kinky doesn't mean that you can't have a fulfilling sex life. this ones for you <3
never in her life did y/n y/l/n dream that she would be so lucky.
leaves were falling down outside, orange and yellow and red dotting the interlock driveway and crunching under the wheels of lando's mclaren as he pulled up the front drive. the movers had been there earlier in the day, a few suitcases stowed away in the back of the luxury supercar.
she stepped out of the car, looking up at the house in wonder as she pulled the massive stuffed ikea bear out of the trunk.
“I can’t believe we’re doing this.”
lando grinned, dangling the house keys in front of him. “better believe it, baby! you are out of your moms house and living with the love of your life, aka me.”
y/n giggled, pecking lando on the lips, the stuffed bear wedged between their bodies.
“I still can’t believe that you brought that bear. it gives me nightmares, baby.”
“uh, lan, it’s not a ‘bear’, it’s a djungelskog.” she giggled, shaking the bear in landos face. “come on, I’ve had this thing since I was a baby, I brought him with me to college. sometimes I snuggle him in my sleep while you’re gone.”
“that’s cute, darling, but I’m here now.” lando said gently, taking the djungelskog bear from y/n and darting up the driveway, where he opened the front door and put the bear in the living room before running down the driveway and sweeping y/n into his arms with a smile and a laugh.
"lando norris, put me down!" y/n laughed as lando carried her over the threshold and into the living room, which was empty save for the stacks upon stacks of boxes.
"you think that im not going to carry my girlfriend over the threshold of our new house?"
"well, yeah, but you're also likely to drop me!"
lando laughed before gently setting y/n down on the soles of her tennis shoes, his arms still around her as he pressed his lips to hers. "we did it, love. this place is ours now."
lando wouldn't say it out loud, but the cozy bunglow ranch house was where he could see the rest of his life unfolding: carrying y/n through the doorway in her voluminous white wedding dress, the smell of fresh bread as she baked in the kitchen, the smell travelling down the hall to his simulator room. two little kids running around the halls, one boy and one girl, a mini carbon copy of both of them. maybe a dog or two? or a cat? teaching his kids how to use the mclaren simulator, their little hands overtop of his as he helped them reach the steering wheel. birthday parties with helium balloons and confetti, little carboard party hats on everybody's heads.
from the first real estate showing, lando norris had seen the rest of his life unfold in that house.
"come on, let me show you the master bedroom."
"lando, i saw the pictures, remember?"
because of their complicated schedules, and the demand for that particular home, lando had been the only one able to go with the estate agent on the one day that was available, so y/n hadn't seen the interior in person yet.
"yes, but it's even better in person!"
giggling at lando's excitement, y/n took his hand and followed him down the long hallway to the master bedroom. the couple were so caught up in the moment that they hadn't even taken off their shoes, tracking dirt throughout the length of the hallway.
"lando, this is incredible! our bed isn't even going to take up half of this place!"
the mclaren driver shrugged, kicking the mattress towards the middle of the cavernous, sunny room. "then we just get a bigger one? it's not that big a deal, love."
"it is when i still have student loans to pay off. i feel bad, i didn't help you pay for any of this." y/n insisted.
"let me spoil you." lando countered, walking over to the cardboard box that held y/n's treasured vitrola record player, plugging it into the wall before he started looking for the records. "hey, do you know where the box with the vinyl is?"
"how should i know, lando? the movers did it all, didn't they?" y/n shook her head with a small grin as she went over to a tupperware container marked 'linens'. "we may not have a bedframe or a soundtrack, but at least now we have sheets and a duvet because god, i'm way too tired today to even think about putting the ikea furniture together."
with the new house had come a complete overhaul of the furniture lando owned. well, everything that max fewtrell was letting him take. being a university student and still living with her mother, y/n didn't have a lot, but she did bring a few other important things, like hand knitted blankets from her grandmother and numerous corningware dishes and china plates from her mother's collection.
"found them!" lando cried in achievement, throwing on an old elvis record that he bought last time he was in austin for a grand prix simply because he wanted the experience of dancing to the vinyl recording of can't help falling in love with you with y/n in the middle of the living room in his apartment at one in the morning because he thought it would be romantic.
"so, i take it you're not helping me?" y/ raised an eybrow as she started putting pillows in cases. "last i checked, this was a two person job, and if you want to get laid tonight, you'd better help, because i refuse to fuck you on the floor."
lando's head shot up, and he lunged for the corner of the flannel sheets.
"oh, so that gets you on your feet?" y/n giggled as the couple put the fitted sheet on the full sized mattress.
as soon as y/n deemed lando's work acceptable by lying in the middle of the bed, lando crawled on top of her, caging her body against the mattress and kissing her deeply, smiles on both of their faces.
"i know i complained a lot, but i'm really glad that you talked me into moving in with you." y/n said through a smile, running her fingers through lando's hair.
"i'm glad that max isn't going to be a cockblock any more." lando laughed out, causing y/n to giggle underneath him.
"or my mom."
"jesus christ, anything but that. your mom still glares at me any time we go up to your room, you know that?"
"she means well, lando." y/n giggles, kissing him again. "she doesn't want grandkids yet. not because she thinks we're too young, but mostly because she thinks she's not old enough to be called grandma."
"your mother is evil." lando chuckled before he kisses her again, his soft lips cushioning her bottom lip as the kiss deepens, her body getting pushed further into the mattress, chilled hands sliding up her sweater.
"god, lando!" she hisses from the impact, trying to push his hands away. "you're freezing!"
the brit shrugged "to be quite fair, it is only like, fifteen degrees outside. is now a good time for me to figure out how the fireplace works? it could be romantic." he wiggled his eyebrows at the end, eliciting raucous laughter from his lover, who was still underneath him.
"go on then, let me move the mattress closer so we can actually feel the heat."
lando messed around with the ornate stone fireplace, turning dials and dropping firewood before realizing that he didn't have a lighter anywhere, and therefore would struggle with actually igniting the kindling.
the fireplace had been one of the factors that drove y/n's final decision on the ranch house, the grey stone creating a cottage-like feel, giving a cozy atmosphere and tying the whole room together. she was not a fan of the cinnamon-colored paint on the wall, but lando promised that the would get the twitch quartet to help him repaint it in whatever color she wanted.
y/n laughed to herself as she brought the mattress closer, dropping down two pillows, a knit blanket and the duvet.
"do you need some help, lando?"
lando shook his head, looking through a shoebox of things that were emptied out of his kitchen drawer. "just get comfortable. i need to open a box and find some newspaper to light on fire."
"that is the worst idea i think i've ever heard you speak out loud."
"it's kindling!"
"it's a safety hazard."
shaking her head, y/ slipped out of her woolen sweater, adidas and jeans before she slipped under the covers, sliding off her white lace bra and throwing it in lando's direction to try and get his attention.
she missed, the bra sliding harmlessly across the floor as lando ignited the fireplace, the cozy scent of burning firewood filling the air. but the driver kept messing with the fire, using the cast iron poker to push around the logs, hoping that the fire would grow
rolling her eyes impatiently, y/n slipped off her lacy panties underneath the covers before balling them into her hand and throwing them.
this time, she hit the mark, the balled-up sunflower-colored fabric hitting lando in the back of the head. he finally turned around, picking up the undergarment in his hands and staring in confusion before turning to look at the mattress.
"oh, love. you'll be the death of me at this rate."
y/n had a big smile on her face as she propped herself up on an elbow, holding the duvet cover over her cleavage as she teasingly smiled at lando.
with a beaming grin, lando pulled his sweater over his head and kicked off his running shoes, making his way over to the bed.
"babe, look out-"
she had barely finished issuing the warning before lando tripping over y/n's tennis shoes and trying to grab onto one of the stacked boxes to try and regain his balance, a massive cardboard box containing all of lando's mclaren gear falling over and spilling papaya colored shirts and baseball caps onto the hardwood floor.
"lan, sweetie, are you okay?" y/n said through laughter
"i'm fine." lando choked out, still giggling himself as he slipped out of his jeans and joined y/n under the covers next to the fire.
the fire warmed their exposed skin as lando and y/n embraced, his hungry lips quickly taking control, his teeth nipping at her bottom lip as he grinded into her aching core, swallowing her sweet, soft moan in his fiery kiss.
the driver continued to trail soothing, gentle kisses across y/n's jaw, his fingers moving to lace with hers as he held her hand next to her head, nipping at the sweet spot on her neck as she bucked her hips into his.
"patience, pretty girl." lando hummed, moving his feather light kisses down her neck before gently taking one of y/n's hard nipples into his mouth.
y/n dropped his hand, burying her finger's in lando's curls as she urged him forward, begging the brit to give her more as gentle whines spilled from her lips.
he trailed his kisses further and further down her body, each kiss punctuated by a different declaration of love: "i love you", "you're the most beautiful girl i've ever met", "i cant imagine another day without you by my side."
little praises that brought a content smile to her face as lando began to kiss and caress her inner thighs, inching closer and clsoer to where she needed him the most.
y/n wasn’t a kinky person by any means. she’d much rather be made love to by candlelight than fucked from behind and spanked. but the one thing lando knew got her off more than anything was being on the receiving end of body worship. after spending so many years insecure and worried that nobody would ever find her pretty or sexy or attractive, listening to lando tell her how stunning she was in such a genuine tone, or showing her how gorgeous she was with his mouth and his hands was the perfect way to get her closer to an orgasm.
her biggest concern in the beginning was that lando would tire of vanilla sex and break up with her to go find somebody new, somebody more willing to take risks in the bedroom. someone who liked it a little rougher.
acutely aware of this fact, lando went out of his way to find ways to spice it up without getting kinky. truth be told, he had never read more cosmopolitan articles in his life, but he was thankful to the ever growing wisdom of the sex life magazine for being the brains behind some of his favourite sexual memories with y/n. the time they played strip monopoly (lando lost, but he wasn't complaining) was his favourite, but he would deny the game even existed if one of his buddies asked him about it. no, that was a memory for him an y/n only.
together they'd experimented with different music to set the mood, different lingerie and lingerie fabrics to find out which ones felt the best, different massage oils (no need to elaborate here), the one time that he wore his race suit and fireproofs (and my god, did they both think that was an incredible night).
"oh my god, lando, stop being such a tease." y/n breathed. "i need you so badly right now."
"tell me what you want, my gorgeous gorgeous girl." lando hummed, breathing on her most sensitive area
y/n's breath hitched, one hand still on the back of lando's head, the other clutching the sheets that were wrapped around her upper body. "i want your tongue. i want you to eat me out."
lando wasted no time, slipping his tongue in between her sopping wet folds, swirling and licking in the way that only he knew how. y/n clenched her thighs together, squeezing around lando's head, but cautious of the pressure she was putting on the driver.
"wrap those gorgeous thighs around me, love. if i die, i die and i get an awesome story to tell in heaven."
y/n laughed, a beautiful and delicate sound that sent even more blood rushing to lando's cock, if that was even possible.
sex with lando never failed to make y/n giggle. not because it was humorous or laughable, but because lando made her feel so comfortable in her own skin, made her feel like she could laugh at any given moment because he knew just the right thing to do. lando knew that sex and laughter were not mutually exclusive and made it his mission to make her laugh at least once every time they fucked.
with each movement of his tongue, y/n clenched her thighs tighter around lando's head, moans getting louder as she began to rut her hips up and into his face.
"oh lando, i-i think i'm gonna...oh god."
she almost whimpered as lando pulled away, still covered completely by the duvet. she found herself giggling at the young man as he floundered underneath the blankets to try and get back out again, his hair ruffled and messy.
still laughing, she pulled him close, pressing her lips to his, sliding her free hand down the front of his boxers to rub his erection.
"see what you do to me, love?" lando whispered quietly, moaning breathily down her ear as she slides her hand up and down his cock.
"take me, lando." she practically moans, kissing and nibbling up the driver's neck and pressing herself closer, desperate for more skin-on-skin contact. "please." her voice took on more of a whine this time, and lando couldn't resist.
he gently pushed her back against the mattress, awkwardly shuffling out of his underwear before ensuring that they were both wrapped up in the sheets and duvet, still feeling the warmth from the fireplace before he gently and smoothly pushed into her, lacing his fingers with hers on both hands, pinning them above her head before he began to thrust in and out. he kept the pace even, somewhere between slow and quick, y/n's head tilted back in pleasure.
"oh, lando...fuck, you feel incredible inside me."
"i love making love to you, darling." lando breathed before kissing her, letting go of one of y/n's hands to grip her waist as he started thrusting quicker. "i love hearing you moan my name, feeling your skin against mine."
she used her free hand to grip lando's hair, holding his head close as the driver started kissing the breast that he hadn't paid attention earlier.
that was another incredible thing about lando norris: there wasn't a single part of her body that he left unloved when they had sex.
"did i mention how much i adore your boobs?" he said moments later, a certain giddiness in his tone and a grin on his face that y/n found it impossible not to match, even while lando was almost balls-deep inside of her, breaking out in a grin right before a particularly deep thrust had her letting out a moan that made her entire body shake.
"once or twice." she said dreamily, pulling lando back in for a kiss, hiking her leg further up to give lando better access to a deeper angle.
"oh, just like that, love." lando moaned, quickening his pace once again. "oh, i doubt that i'm going to last much longer."
“I don’t think I will either.” she remarked casually, feeling the familiar knot in her stomach as she kissed lando hungrily, a kiss that was all tongue and teeth.
landos breath hitched as he felt y/ns walls begun to close around him, his thrusts faltering as his eyes rolled back in his head.
“come for me darling.” he encouraged, nipping at her neck. “I’ve got you, love. let go for me.”
she reached for landos hand, squeezing down hard as her entire body shook from her orgasm, face buried in landos neck to muffle her cries of pleasure. Lando reached his own peak shortly after, the couple lying skin-to-skin underneath the covers, her head on his chest.
“I love you, you big dork.” y/n said with a smile, placing a gentle kiss on landos jaw.
“I love you too, sweetheart.” the driver grinned, shifting his position on the bed. “are you warm enough, love?” he worried, pulling the duvet cover up and over her shoulders.
“I’m fine, baby.” she chuckled, tracing shapes on his skin. “the house is beautiful.”
“isn’t it? if we put down a rug and a few chairs, maybe a coffee table in front of the fire, it makes the perfect place to play another round of strip monopoly.”
y/n laughed. “again? are you sure your ego could handle losing again?”
“love, trust me. it was not ‘losing’ when the night ended with me inside of you anyways.”
“I can’t wait to start making memories in this house with you.” she smiled, shifting her position so that she was looking down at lando. “just you and me, maybe a tabby cat.” she paused. “a baby…one day?”
lando smiled, kissing her softly. “one day, my love. one day. I’d love to start a family with you. once the time is right.”
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geo-winchester · 6 months
happy birthday! i hope you have an amazing day 🩵
can i request prompt 15 with Jake Lockley?
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15. Can I go where you go?
A/N: hey lovelies I’m finally back! I’m sorry I been really absent for a few months but this couples of months weren’t the best for me and I’m sorry I haven’t post anything, I know I’m really behind, any way, thank you lovely anon for this request I hope you like it and I promise I’m going to work on the few request I have, lots of love!!
The first time you met Jake you had to admit that you were afraid of him, with those eyes, looking at you like if you were his prey, and you were an easy one, a small talk and a few drinks and something told you that he was something special.
-So tell me something about you, preciosa- he said as he took a zip of his drink, you thought for a second.
-Well I told you, I grew up…
-no, me refiero a eso- (that’s not what I meant) he said -I want to hear something that you won’t tell any other guy here- you chuckle.
-Why don’t you give me an example?- you asked, he looks at his drink before he looks at you.
-I’m a mess, and if you’re really smart you’ll walk away from me- something in his eyes makes you realized that he wasn’t lying.
-So you want me to go?- you asked.
-Ese es el problema (that’s the problem)- he said -I don’t think I want that- you nod slowly as you think about it.
-Then I think I’ll take that risk- he gave you a small smirk.
-I hope you won’t regret it.
And for a time everything was great, casual dinners, casual talks, you start to hang out a lot until the two of you decide to be official, you were happy, he likes to wait for you outside your work and have a little walk to your home. But almost a year later you start to notice some changes in him, the walks together start to become less and less common and the excuses became more frequents. That night asked you for stay in your place, you thought that it would be as the old day, you talk as you get something to eat, maybe you’ll have an intimate moment, but nothing of that happened, you could count all the words you said with your hand, and when you woke up in the middle of the night and his side of the bed was empty, you immediately knew where he was so you got up from the bed and made your way to his apartment. He was a little surprise when he saw you but you’re eyes were on the suitcase beside his door.
-You’re leaving?- he didn’t say anything -did you plan to tell me or at least send a text?- he just look at his feet- ok, I have something to say and if you still want to leave I won’t bother you again, we can forget this thing, ok?- you didn’t wait for his answer this time -I love you, Jake, and I’m whiling to try it, I even whiling to do whatever you want, if you want to keep the Christmas lights until February, I’ll keep them, damn I’ll keep them the whole year if you want to, just let me in…. I want to go where you go and be as close as we can…
-Créeme, you don’t want that- he finally said
-And how do you know? Why do you think that I don’t want to be with you?-you asked him.
-because I’m not alone- he said.
-What do you mean? You have someone else?- you asked, you were about to walk away when he took your arm.
-Not as you think- he said as he look in to your eyes- I’m not alone in here- he finally said as he put a finger in his head, he sighed as he throws his head back and thought for a moment -I share body with two people- you staid quiet for a moment -Have you ever heard of the dissociative identity disorder?
-Please don’t say glass- he said a little annoy making you laugh.
-I was going to say billy Milligan or sibyl- he looked at you a little surprise -what I took a few course of psychology on college, I was curious about it- he gave you a soft smile -but now that you mention that movie I can’t stop thinking about James McAvoy- he rolled his eyes, the tow of you giggled, when you stopped, you brushed his cheek -I know this is difficult to talk about, and im not going to lie to you, I’m still processing all this but I’m really glad you told me.
-bueno preciosa… you’re not the only one that is in love- he said.
-Then, why you start to shout me out?- he sighed.
-Because I was afraid, afraid that you didn’t felt the same way, or you got afraid of us and leave, so my only option was to be distant.
-Well I’m kind of difficult to get rid off- he smiled as he got close to your face.
-I’m glad- he said before he finally kissed you.
-You know- you said a little shy -this could end a lot better if you just let me in- he moved so you can get inside the apartment.
-I’ll give you a quick tour.
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formula-fun · 6 months
So happy that you have found time to write again!
By now I have reread the story too many times so I have been trying to “force” your two amazing stories on my best friend in hopes of finding someone to scream together (I have successfully dragged her across most of the fandoms I have dabbled in) and she was very excited when I explained the plot and showed her my too-long asks on your tumblr to her 🤣
Of course she would love them as much as I do, and she would be running out of excuses for wips (hahahaha) when it looks like the final chapters might be happening!
Very very excited! Thank you so much for taking the time to write! 😘
Hey hey!!!
Aww thanks so much!! I know its not for everyone and wips sometimes arent everyones cup of tea either but i hope she likes it if she gives it a try!! ive had the wildest month in the world so im only now starting to clean them up, but really hoping to have them up soon before school gets crazy again <3
leaving a snippet here for you since i love it so so much but am unfortunately about to cut it!
In Brazil Max doesn’t even bother pretending he wants to use his own hotel room. Charles has only been settled for fifteen minutes when a polite knock rings through the room, and when he opens the door it’s to the sight of Max standing in front of it, tapping away on his phone, his backpack slung precariously over the handle of the suitcase resting beside him.
“Is the WiFi working for you?” he asks in lieu of a greeting, wandering past Charles when Charles steps aside.
“I don’t know,” Charles says, amused. “I just got here.”
“Oh. Same.” He flops backward onto the bed, his knees hanging over the edge, not looking up when his suitcase finally overbalances and falls to the floor with a clatter. He drops his phone somewhere over his head, stretching his arms until they shake. He looks lazy and content, easy with the way he’s made a place for himself in Charles’ space, like he knows he’s always welcome. Charles wants to get on the bed and crawl toward him, one palm on his sternum, and see what his mouth feels like against Charles’ upside down.
He swallows hard.
“Do you want to order room service?” Max asks him.
They have places to be. Charles is pretty sure they do, anyway. They always do. He and Max have been apart for barely ten hours. It’s not long enough to miss someone; not at all.
He lets Max pick up the menu and narrate it aloud to him, halfheartedly debating each item while Charles systematically empties his suitcase across the entirety of the room. Max finally toes his shoes off and slides backward to sit against the headboard, picking up the phone and fiddling with the cord as he orders them a ninety dollar pizza and a seventy dollar fruit tray and a fifteen dollar bottle of sparkling water, and then mumbles something about putting it on his room’s tab instead of Charles’, even though their teams foot the bills anyway. As soon as the phone thunks down into the cradle Charles drops the shirt he was pretending to fold and turns to crawl onto the bed and curl into Max’s side.  
Max’s hand settles on his waist, heavy and warm. “They said fifteen minutes,” Max tells him. His eyes are wide and soft.
Charles shakes his head. “That’s fine,” he answers. His chest feels too big—too full. Max is looking at him with a gentle kind of happiness, and when Charles thinks about him seeking Charles out and living in his space he feels too much. He doesn’t know what to do with it all.
He cups his face and kisses him in greeting, finally—means to keep it short and sweet, but Max pulls him closer immediately. It’s stupid; it shouldn’t feel the way it does, when they’ve barely been apart a day. It doesn’t matter.
He relaxes into Max’s hold a little too much, half-sprawled across his lap and unbalanced because of it. Max just rolls them until they’re laying sideways, their heads at the foot of the bed, kissing lazily all the while. Time turns soft and elastic, everything else drifting away, Charles caught somewhere in all the things they’re pressing against each other’s lips: hello’s and how are you’s and I missed you’s and I love you’s.
When a woman comes with the room service cart Charles has to get up and let her in with wobbly legs, his lips tingling. He winces behind her back when he registers her alpha scent as she passes him, a stark contrast to the happy tangle of Charles and Max’s scents that’s taken all of half an hour to permeate the room. There’s no way she doesn’t notice it, but she doesn’t say a word. Max gives her a bashful red-lipped smile and a tip that’s double the cost of their food, and Charles resists the urge to put his face in his hands.
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effervescentdragon · 1 month
so i get to my bus and im travelling home-ish and the bus driver sees my suitcase and goes "you'll have to pay extra, thats more than 20kgs" and i go "no, sir, it isnt i weighed it before the trip its a big suitcase but its 18.4kgs" and he lifts it and goes "no i know" and i go "alright where is your scale" and he goes "fuck the scale, i know". so i wait a couple of moments and then he comes back and goes "what are you waiting for" and i go "for you to bring the scale" and he takes me to the luggage compt, more than half empty mind you bcs theres like 12 of us on this bus, and points at a suitcase smaller than mine and says "see this is the size of the suitcase a lady already paid extra" and i say "i understand that sir, however ive always travelled with this suitcase and i have always weighed it and nobody ever had an issue" and he shows me the prices on his phone or something and keeps claiming the suitcase is too big and i go "alright sir, then write me a statement that you know its 20kgs without weghing it, just by the feel of your arm, and give me a bill that says i paid extra even though you don't have a scale to check this" and the moment i said that, he relented and mumbled sth about "next time i'll leave the suitcase here" and i go "alright sir, thank you".
the point of the story is, you think everyone in european union is so used to paying shit because you act like you're in the right but from the ages 6-15 i drove with busses through cordoned off, post-war borders in one of the worst parts of my home country in the balkans, so you think you can intimidate me into paying anything withiut any papertrail while we are standing on the fucking eu soil? HAH. don't make me laugh.
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loveiis · 3 months
a bittersweet getaway || chris sturniolo
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chris sturniolo x reader
if u haven’t already.. part one here
SUMMARY: as seniors in high school, you and chris are sworn enemies. but graduating is still a big thing, so matt and nick want to invite you to going to hawaii with them for the summer. chris doesn’t seem too happy…
WARNINGS: cursing, a bit lemony, fluffy, author still doesn’t know how to use warnings 😔, not proofread
A/N: hopefully this series goes well because i might actually be committing to this 🤘🏽 (ive never committed to a series in my life 🙁)
1,567 words, 8,144 characters.
DAY 1: by the beach
I GUESS it would be fine. i would be fine. chris seems different, maybe he’ll just leave me alone. i uncrossed my arms and started to unpack my bags. “me and matt are gonna go down the the beach, you guys coming?” nick knocked on the door frame. “you guys already finished unpacking?” i turned to look at him. “no. im too lazy, i just took out my swim shorts.” nick laughed through his nose.
i shook my head at him, smiling. “yeah, i’ll be down when i finish unpacking.” i responded, turning back to unpacking my clothes. chris took out his swim shorts and just followed nick outside. “don’t take too long! i won’t be down there all day!” nick yelled as he shut the door behind him.
i guess i finally had some time to myself. i put my clothes in the drawers on my side of the room, folding them neatly.
“hey, you coming?” a familiar voice spoke. “nick didn’t tell you? after i finish up here.” i close the bottom drawer, standing up towards matt. “don’t be boring, you can do that later.” he smiled. i sighed, taking out my bikini. “fine, i’ll go now.” i left the room to change into my pink flowered bikini with a swim skirt to cover up the bottom piece.
i came out the bathroom to see matt closing my suitcase. “matt? what are you doing?” i spoke, my clothes in my hand. “oh! i just put the rest of your clothes in the drawers.” he turned around, putting his hands on his hips. i laughed a bit. “matt, you didn’t have to do that.” “too late to say that now. you look great.” he pointed at me for a second, then put the empty suitcase on the ground.
i giggled, doing a little twirl of my outfit. “thank youu!” i put my hands on my hips. “oh, wait. turn around again?” he responded. i comply, my back turning to face him. he approached me slowly, the soft sound of his footsteps coming closer to me.
he stopped suddenly, his breath flowing down my neck. he placed one of his hands on my hip, while the other was snaking up my bikini top, stopping midway. “something wrong?” i shook. i had no idea what he was doing. he didn’t answer, instead i felt a heavy force pull on the strings of my top, sounding like a snap.
“you still had the tag on there.” he says, backing up from me. i exhale deeply, thanking god that he didn’t do anything weird. turning around, i look at him. “thanks.” i muttered. “of course.” he tosses it in the trash. “okay, well we’ve probably wasted enough time, so let’s go down by the beach.” he says. i nod, following him out the house.
i watch as chris and nick splash each other in the water, yelling about something incoherent. matt, trying to break them up just gets splashed in the process. i laugh, looking down at my phone. i had missed a call from my dad. i didn’t really care for him. he wasn’t there for me and my mom, so i don’t want to be there for him he didn’t even come to my graduation. i set my phone down, the screen hitting the hot sand, as i got up to go be with the triplets.
“hey guys.” i walked up to the shore, my eyes squinting because of the sun. the boys suddenly stopped their fighting and turned towards me. i got in the water, shivering a bit from how cold it was. “it’s fucking cold in here.” i crossed my arms.
“yeah, well, suck it up buttercup we don’t have a fucking hot tub.” nick spurts. “nick whats your problem today?” i look at him. “he’s just mad because im right for once.” chris smiled in nicks face. “okay, chris. cut it out. the argument is over, we don’t care about you having the last word.” matt replied, slapping the back of his hand onto chris’ chest. nick gets out of the water, going to his towel on the sand, sitting down on his phone. matt gets out quickly after him to make sure he’s alright.
“chris.” i look at chris, who’s looking at nick. chris instantly looks into my eyes. “what? this isn’t my fault he’s acting like a bitch.” chris shrugs. “you’re such a child, chris. jeez.” i go in to slap him the same way matt did, only he catches my wrist. “don’t fucking touch me, brat.” he leans closer to my face, becoming silent. my heart races.
he lets go sooner or later, walking out of the water. i turn and watch him leave, and head straight for the house. i sighed, holding my breath and sinking underwater. what is up with chris? he was nice and now he’s not. i don’t understand him. i hate his guts.
(time skip 😋)
i walk into my shared bedroom closing the door behind me, the lights were turned off and the room was pitch black. i wondered if chris was in here. “chris?” the sound of my voice bounced off the walls. i heard soft footsteps approach me, i backed up against the wall, feeling the warmth of a figure close to me. “chris..?” i called again, only softer, asking whoever it was if they were chris. i started to feel scared. what if someone broke in and that’s not chris?
the figure sighed, switching on the light right next to my head. i exhaled, seeing chris in front of me. “thank god.” i said, chris retracting backwards. “so you’re all of a sudden happy to see me now? that’s surprising.” he chuckled. “no, i was praying someone didn’t break in.” i calmed down, heading towards my dresser to take out clothes to sleep in.
“yet you called out my name twice out of matt and nick.” i felt his eyes stare me down as i took out clothes. “dont be flattered, you share a room with me. of course im going to ask if its you.” i stand up, a tank top and shorts in hand. “and if it was a break in? who would you call for?” he said, grabbing the remote to turn on the tv. i didn’t respond. instead i just went into the bathroom to change into my pajamas.
i was too lazy to put on a bra or panties, so i just hoped that chris wouldn’t care. i walked out the bathroom and back into the room. i placed my dirty bathing suit into the foldable hamper i brought on the trip with me, i knew i needed it. i went towards the door to turn off the light, the brightness of the tv illuminated the dark room.
i opened the comforter of the bed and got comfortable, plugging my phone into the charger. i sighed, turning on my side and letting my eyes close.
i was woken up by a groggy voice, my brain not really processing who it was. “y/n.” the voice called. i stirred in my sleep. “hm?” i mumbled. the voice sighed before speaking again.
“i had a bad dream. can you— um. can you come sleep in my bed?”
the voice spoke. i finally woke up fully, the question ringing in my head. i opened my eyes and sat up. it was chris. god he’s such a child. “chris, go ask matt or nick.” i rubbed my eyes. “i already did. they’re still mad at me.” chris uttered. i sighed, feeling bad. “fine, but no stupid shit.” i removed the blanket from my warm body and got out of bed. i started walking behind chris, but i tripped and almost fell.
chris had caught me. “shit, you okay?” he lifted me back to my feet. “can’t see.” i murmured.
“i got you.”
maybe my brain can’t really process much, but what it can process is that chris is being oddly nice right now. any other day he’d probably laugh and let me fall. he attached me to his side, his hand on my waist.
he led me to his side of the room and carefully helped me onto the bed. i settled into the blankets. “you good?” he checked. “mhm.” i said sleepily. he slowly climbed in the bed, laying next to me. i closed my eyes again, going right back asleep.
until, i felt chris moving around a lot. turning on his left side, his right, his back, his stomach. it seemed he couldn’t sleep. there was nothing i could do, so i kept my eyes shut and tried to sleep again. but i felt chris’ arm snake in between my legs and the other wrapped around my chest.
whats going on?
he held me tightly, pulling me towards him and removing his arm from between my legs onto my waist. i was frozen. i felt his breathing down my neck and i felt his chest expand with every breath. was he still asleep and just unaware? i got my answer when i heard little snores from his nose.
so he didn’t know he did that. i escaped quietly, not to wake up chris, and i closed my eyes again.
my eyes shot open, realizing chris was awake.
“come here.”
his raspy voice rang in my ears as i stayed quiet, not moving. after a while, he grabbed my waist with both hands and pulled me into him again.
great, now im cuddled up with my enemy.
hey its me again!!!! i am sorry for the late upload its currently 1:02am rn as i am finishing this… but yea im actually going to be adding something special with matt………… i wonder what it’ll be 😋😋😋 anyways bye love u 😘
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you-aremy-sunshine · 2 years
ten things i hate about you ☆ bonus ☆ - b.b.
summary: you have met this man once in your life, at a bar after you passed out. and the second time you meet him it definitely is less pleasant. thankfully you never ever have to see him again. except now you are forced on a plane with him to the mediterranean because the tickets are non-refundable. fuck this.
pairing: bucky barnes x reader, natasha romanoff x reader
warnings: cursing, maybe?
a/n: GUYS😭😭 i'm literally leaving all y'all DRY. i am deeply sorry i just have like NO inspiration. (cuz like i get inspo from my life but i have no fucking action rn guys💀) ANYWAYS i hope u like it cuz its all ur getting until like a week or 2 from now🤭🫶
also i meant to post this after i finished the series but i wanted to give y'all smth
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top five insults by barnes and y/l/n
number one
you could hear the buzz of the hair clipper coming from the bungalow bathroom. the sound stopped abruptly, and bucky walked out. you looked up from your book to see bucky putting his fancy clippers away into his suitcase.
“i just love what you did to your hair,” you exclaimed, “how did you get it to come out of your nose like that?” you mocked innocence, trying to hold back laughter.
“very funny, y/n…” he said, mocking you, while walking back into the bathroom to inspect his nose.
number two
you adjusted the cotton sundress you had on in front of the mirror, trying to get it to fit properly. the part holding your boobs up didn’t sit properly and the straps were too big.
“at this point you should just take the mirror with you,” bucky remarked.
“honestly, i think you’re just jealous that you look like a ‘before’ picture and i look like an ‘after picture’,” you spun around to face him, arms crossed agaisnt your torso.
you turned back around and found a way to make the dress feel comfortable.
“okay, i got to agree that was a good one,” he laughed, his eyes drifting over your outfit.
number three
“oh my god, bucky look,” you signaled towards a book, “10 ways to help your everyday life this is perfect for your pathetic life,” you flashed him a wide grin.
he picked it up, inspected it, but you could tell he was trying to fight a smile.
“hmm,” he said, thoughtfully, “don’t worry about me, sweetheart, worry about that hideous wardrobe.”
“i know you love it, i saw the way you were eyeing my sundress the other day,” you hit his arm, snickering.
he nodded in response to your reply, a sneaky grin lingering.
number four
the two of you were emptying the dishwasher of the bungalow, you were drying the plates and bowls, and bucky was putting them away.
“this isn’t dry enough, y/n,” bucky insisted, flipping the mug over, while watching the extra water drip out of it, “you left some water in here.”
“do it yourself then,” you said, rolling your eyes at him.
“you’re just adorable, y/n!” bucky said, laughing to himself a bit, “you’re just like my cat, stupid and fiesty for no reason.” he began to cackle.
“aww! and you’re just like a clown, no hidden reason behind that,” you smiled up at him mischievously.
number five
you were spending your downtime standing by the kitchen counters, checking your phone. bucky was standing next to you, baking a small batch of muffins.
“literally every guy i get matched with on this stupid app is mediocre,” you said scrolling through a dating app, “i hate online dating.”
“oh honey, im so sorry for you,” bucky said, faking pity, “all those guys are just way too out of your league. you have miles and miles to go before you reach mediocre!” as he said that he crouched down to your height.
“shut the fuck up barnes,” you said pushing his face away from you.
he let out a loud cackle, pleased with your response.
hope u liked it cuz its all i got rn🙂🙂
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angel-lopes2000 · 6 months
ok so i was wondering. Carrie making nice sweater for brick so he wont get cold. im sure he would love it
Your wish became true! 🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻💕💕💕💕
A Friend Loves at All Times
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After a party's friends last night, Brick woke up, finding that he's late from job. "Oh shit!" He thought to himself, it was like 07:00am and the local should start at 08:30am, the traffic were completely terrible that time. Brick looked to that asleep Carrie, oh how adorable she looked during the sleep - he couldn't help but giving at kiss at her cheek.
"Goodbye, love! Promise to return later." Whispered to her ear, she could feel a chill running on neck, but smiled by hearing his typical sweet-goofy tone. And grinned with a red smile around the cheeks.
And with all caring to not wake her, Brick crawled silently like a slug, feeling the coldness on floor by his fingers. "Uuugh! Looks like it would be freezy today..'' Exclaimed to himself. And in few seconds, brushed the teeths, wore some clothes, a toast with butter and drove faster as could. Roading tires for minutes, Brick looked to clock, now it miss just three minutes to arrive the doom at time.
"HEY DUDE! MOVE ON, I DON'T HAVE TIME!!" Yelled in frustration, but nothing to the traffic move, so he tried for a short cut. It worked, however, his car got an engine dysfunction: it didn't stop leaking oil, it some short smokes and one of the tires were empty because a sharp rock on way. He could call Bill the Mechanic, but he was already pretty late, so Brick didn't have choices except to push after the job. As expected, Brick was scolded by his boss and made to write down all the paperwork and followed up by screwing in all the long pipes for buildings under development.
At lunchtime, Carrie decides to call her husband and notices that, as well as having forgotten his coat, Brick hasn't taken the lunch she prepared last night.
"Hi darling!" Said the freckled girl, in the same sweet, soft tone, which was like a song to the young man's ears.
"Hi, sweetheart!" Carrie explained to him what had happened, and of course the boy apologized, but the understanding girl consoled him, saying she'd put it in the microwave so he could eat it at dinner time. And later, after all the paperwork has been done and the screws have been fixed in the pipes, Brick pushes his car to Bill's garage, and it takes more than three long hours before the car finally starts working again, and so Brick, despite dealing with a hangover, storms, a car that had broken down and all dirty and messy with sweat and mud, manages to get home.
"Bricky!" Carrie came running towards her, completely excited by her husband's arrival. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed his cheek, making him blush shyly.
"Hi, princess!" Said the boy, tired and a little weak from overwork.
"Are you all right, darling?" Brick tried to hide the fact that nothing was wrong, but from the moment he started sneezing, the girl realized that the boy had caught a cold, so the blonde used her powers to carry the boy's suitcase and support him to the living room. In the living room, while Carrie went to the kitchen to prepare some medicinal tea, Brick noticed that there was a box next to her. It was pink, decorated with red roses and small white balls. Next to it, there was a letter and this letter was not ironically for Brick, which made the boy smile genuinely, even after a stressful day.
He kisses the letter and opens the package, which turns out to be a beautiful sweater, made by Carrie herself, which was due to be unveiled at Christmas. When Carrie returned, she laughed at the boy's reaction.
"Do you like the sweater, love?" He looked like a child who had just been given a new toy, the boy hugged her tightly and kissed her cheek several times, making the shy girl blush absurdly.
"You're simply the best wife in the world, darling!" Carrie couldn't help but blush again at her husband's compliments. And so, that evening ended with Carrie and Brick having a relaxing hot bath in the tub, then eating the leftovers from the previous party and watching a romantic movie in the living room, with the couple cuddling up to each other.
The End. 💕💕💕💕
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rochellebae · 2 years
Now, I love you (6)
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Im Changkyun x (female) reader
genre: smut
word count: 1,316
warnings: strong language, oral sex (female, male receiving), unprotected sex
English is not my first language so sorry for any mistakes.
~ Chapter 6 ~ ꒰ Save me ꒱
You just realize you're laying in bed and you’re snuggled against his chest and he's watching TV. It's already dark coming in from the windows.
You look into his innocent sparkling eyes.
“Am I slept?” -you ask.
“Yes. You fell asleep on me.” - he answers. Then you put your head back on his chest and start caressing him. “You must be very exhausted, because you slept all day, it's already evening, how will you sleep at night?” - he asks.
“You could have woken up me.” - you answered.
“But you slept so sweetly...” - he says, to which you start to smile.
You’re still in a coma and you feel like laying on him. You put one of your legs on the side of the other, then climbed on top of him and laid on him, and put your head on his neck.
Now you want to continue sleeping like this. You snuggled up to his neck and your breasts pressed against his chest. He started caressing your waist. You feel like you still want to sleep, but now on him. You can feel him breathing here under you and it calms you down.
It’s morning. You’re still lying on him.
You look at your phone and see that it's already 14th. No.
You have to move out today. You quickly got up and ran to the bathroom.
He gets up and asks confusedly “Are you okay?”
“No, I have to go. I think I have to leave my accommodation at 10 o'clock.” - you answered.
“Good, then let's pack up and go to my place.” - he answered calmly.
Yeah, he still has a place to stay. He comes to you and hugs you with his strong arms.
“Is it okay if I move to your place?” - you asked.
“Yeah.” - he answered, then smiles and caresses your face. Very sweet.
You started packing your things and he is helping you. You love him so much, it makes you happy just to look at him.
Fortunately, you didn't have that many things so you finished quickly.
“Oh my God, what did you put into these to make them so heavy?” - he asks after lifting one of your suitcases.
“You could see, you packed it too.” - you answered.
“It's a wonder that the poor suitcase can still hold.” - he said.
“It was so full when I came. What do you expect? Shall I leave something here? Just because you think it hurts the suitcase?” - you asked.
“Yes, for example... I'll unpack all those panties right away and then you won't have anything to wear.” - he answered.
“You are not funny.” you said, but still laughed. What's wrong with your panties? Or maybe he would just be happy if you didn't wear panties?
After you and Kyun were at his place, you calmed down. You’re glad to be with him. All you need is to snuggle up and give him a long hug.
You lie in his bed, you lean over his and caress his beautiful face. You admire his perfect skin, his sweet, innocent eyes, his big, sexy nose and his soft lips. His eyes are so sweet, like a little baby.
You’re falling asleep to his smell. Now you feel like you could sleep all day, just have him by your side.
You take his hand and start looking. Why is every part of his body so amazing? For some reason you suddenly had the idea that you wanted to suck him.
God. You want to suck so bad. You don't know if he's in the mood for it, but he's not excited but you want to do it. You let go of his hand and start caressing his cock through his pants.
Your hand feels so empty that there is no cock in it. You unbuckle his belt and unzip it. You feel like you’re unwrapping a present.
You slowly take out his hard cock. Why is his cock so perfect? You look at his face, but you'd rather not. This look really excites you. You would rather cry for joy.
His eyes are so beautiful. You don't know, for some reason it really turns you on to see his face and his cock at the same time.
You look at his perfect mouth and kiss it while you’re already holding his cock. You love his kiss so much, you love the way his tongue touches yours, while he caresses your belly and starts to pull down your pants.
You stop kissing and start undressing. You take off your top, your bra and finally only your panties remain.
He grabs your waist and pulls you to his face. Now you push your ass into his face while you pull his cock. He carefully removes your panties and throws them away. “You see, you don't need panties.” - he says, then smiles.
He pulls your pussy apart and reaches inside. His touch is so gentle and warm. You really enjoy this. You start licking and kissing his cock. Meanwhile, he starts licking your pussy.
You lick his hard veined cock like a lollipop. Meanwhile, he stick his tongue in your pussy. That feels really good. The end of his cock is already in your mouth and you’re trying to get it more and more.
Now here you are moaning as you lick his cock. His dick is now clean of saliva. You try to grab him as much as possible and think that his cock fits perfectly in your mouth.
He takes your hand and pulls you towards him and starts kissing your mouth. You crouch over his standing cock, then he grabs it and starts caressing your licked pussy. Then he carefully slides it in.
You was already prepared for the fact that he would cum it in your mouth.
You start moving slowly on his cock, your pussy is so wet and his cock is so drooling, it's just perfect right now.
You’re jumping on his comfortable cock and it kills you to see his smile. Anyway, how lazy. You just sit on his dick and he use your energy to ride him. And he just lies there and does nothing. But you still love his innocent look.
It feels so good to bounce on his hard cock. You’re trying to do it faster and faster. “Aw. Oh my God.” You really wanted this. Meanwhile, you take both of his hands and lean on him.
You do it faster and faster and you can see on his face he really enjoys it. His eyes roll up and he begins to moan deeply. It seems that it feels very good to him, as his cock quickly moves in and out of your sweet pussy.
You get off his dick, grab him and start pulling it fast. You start licking and sucking again. His cock is so perfect. You wait for him to cum. You start pulling even faster.
It suddenly comes off, but it all happened so quickly. You think it even went on your face. You start licking. You have already licked his cock completely and now you lick from his belly, which went there.
You snuggle up to him and start kissing his mouth, while caressing his dick. “When I'm with you, I always want to have sex.” - you said.
He caresses you face and says “Same. I want you all the time.”
He kisses your face. You feel that he takes care of you and loves you.
“I feel so safe with you.” - you told him while stroking his chest.
“I'm glad about that, it's sweet. But why? Are you afraid of something?” - he asked.
“No, I'm not afraid.” - you answered. You’re actually just afraid of losing him.
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breakfromtoront0 · 1 year
Shuri x OC angst, a little toxic.
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I wake up patting the cold empty side of the bed where my girlfriend usually is sleeping beside me.
Not lately though, this past month I’ve been waking up and going to sleep on my own, pining for her attention, because I know how good we were and could be now together.
I sigh getting up and letting my feet take me to the bathroom, brushing my teeth and getting in the shower, it’s still warm in here, enough to tell me she was in here this morning, the hint of her presence is the most I get these days.
I finish up getting dressed and head to Shuri’s lab, as I twist the handle I’m confused to find it locked.
“Miss Kiana, The queen has instructed me to not allow you in the lab, as to not distract her”.
I make a face interrupting him “what the fuck?”, I’ve been patient with her, only coming in the lab to steal a quick kiss, bring her food or try to engage her in some small talk.
“What else did she say Griot?” I say now I’m pissed off.
“She said today is a busy day and if you were an understanding partner you’d abide by that”
She never makes time for me, and when she does she stands me up with no explanation.
I walk up to the glass placing one hand there stealing a glance at her as I feel a tear well up in my eye.
I forgot my worth over this woman who can’t even spare me a glance, fuck that.
I throw off the kimoyo beaded bracelet around my wrist, the earrings, necklace.
I open our. No her bedroom door throwing my shit in a suitcase and changing into something more fitting for the occasion.
I’m dressed like a damn housewife and going crazy over someone who don’t pay me no mind? Helllll naw, I think to myself getting more hype as I zip up the back of the dress and slip on the heels.
I head out throwing my bag into the trunk of my car and head to the nearest hotel, I book a room, have them take my luggage and text my bitches.
“Come pick me up we finna go do some hood rat shit”
I share my location to the group chat and head to the hotel bar, sitting on a stool I decided I should be mature and communicate.
I open our chat to see “My baby🫶🏽❤️🌹” has chat notifications silenced’
I type out the message and hit send.
Don’t worry about me interfering with ur busy schedule, I’m off you, you’re single gone ahead and delete my number.
I block and delete her contact.
There we go I think to myself before ordering and downing a shot.
Let the games begin
My girls, showed up, I hop in the car with Leah, Talia, and Raini.
“You finally broke up with her?” Raini asks turning back to the road.
“Yeah a pretty face only get you so far, she had you waiting around like a lost puppy” Talia chimed in, I frown.
“Man fuck all that lost puppy shit, I’m bad as hell, and if her ass don’t see it, another bitch will.” I say crossing my legs.
“I know that’s right” Leah says looking back from the passenger seat giving me a high five.
No love by Summer Walker starts up
She always knows exactly how to match the mood, that’s why she always rides passenger with aux privileges.
I start singing along, “You didn’t yet see my worth so you tried to play me” I say gesturing my hands wildly while Talia and Leah sing along with me.
Once it gets to SZA’s part I get hype
“I’m riding through your hood it pissed me off again, finna let new niggas come find me, out there tripping like I don’t got that designer pussy” I say rubbing my curves through the slitted sides of the dress while Talia records me with the flash, posting it to her story.
We continue on through a couple more songs til Raini tells us to get out the car because we’re here, wherever here is.
I get out running to the doors of the club I presume.
“IM SINGLE BITCHES” I say opening the doors as my girls scream along with me, Talia slapping my ass as we walk through the doors.
I immediately find the bar, I’m not stupid enough to get blackout drunk over her but I definitely need to be tipsy if I wanna even try to get laid tonight, two years of not freshening up my flirting skills with anyone else, fuck that.
I down a row of 3 shots quickly before running to the dance floor “throw that ass in a circle” blasts through the speakers and I oblige throwing it as far as it can go, I notice someone behind me dancing with me and spare a glance, it’s a pretty stud, I see her teeth shining as she smiles slightly.
She’s keeping a respectful distance, I squash that and grab her hands placing them on my waist and getting back to work, I see Raini talking to some dude at the bar, Talia showing her skills and Leah recording us both hyping us up.
The song changes to Crybaby by Megan thee stallion, I grab the stranger behind me running to the middle of the floor and whispering to her “watch me” as I get low rocking on my heels pulling my short dress down every couple seconds and showing my skills that I’ve been hiding away for two years, by now there’s a crowd around me hyping me up, I see everyone recording or yelling something of encouragement.
“Yo ain’t that the Queen’s girlfriend”
Someone says and though I keep dancing my heart sinks a little.
The night continues as fun as ever, I take more shots, people approach me asking about Shuri and I just pretend like I have no clue who that is and get back to dancing.
Mya, the girl I was dancing on is fine as hell, pretty brown skin, bright white teeth, a beanie and a tracksuit on, so I’ve been keeping her company, once I finish the last shot I find the last ounce of confidence to do what I’m about to do.
I approach her grabbing her neck gently even with my acrylics on and pull her lips to mine kissing her slowly.
I’m interrupted when I hear Talia “Holy shit girl look” she says pointing to the side, as I look I notice then Shuri approaching me and the girl quickly.
“Holy shit, let’s go” I say tugging her hand, ain’t no way I’m leaving her alone with a jealous Shuri that has the strength of black panther, especially since I pulled her into this somehow.
We run towards the door and I yell to my friends, “IM OUT THIS BITCH!, BYE YALL”.
I reach the door blocked by Dora’s “please let me pass, you guys know how bad it’s been for me” I say losing some of my strength, they spare me a glance but ultimately don’t move, I look back to see Shuri a couple seconds from reaching us and push quickly and strongly through the Dora’s taking Maya with me and hopping into the passing cab quickly sighing.
“Girl what the fu-“ she starts but I put up a finger “Hilton Hotel please” I tell the driver.
I then turn to Mya, “long story short, I was dating the Queen of Wakanda, I broke up with her because she was neglecting me, she showed up, and she probably was gonna hurt both of us so”
Mya’s eyes widen before she closes them leaning back.
“Why do I always end up with the crazy mfs” she says more to herself.
“Shit my bad, she usually doesn’t notice I’m gone this quick” actually now that I think of it, why did she notice this time?.
I check my phone and see all the news articles and sigh, guess I attracted more attention then I even thought to consider, though my ass looks good in these videos though I think to myself.
I get a call from an unknown number and I pick up.
“Kiana, I don’t know who told you to go out there embarrassing me like that, but I promise you, you’re not breaking up with me today” I hear Shuri say and I roll my eyes.
“Pussy comes and goes, especially when you haven’t gotten any for a month, bye now”
I’m playing a dangerous game and I know it I think to myself as I pull Mya in for a kiss.
But I love it.
Y’all give me feedback, this is the first angst I’ve written, it’s not much angst in here but first I wanted to develop the drama.
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himbos-hotline · 2 years
Please tell me about the hairtie fic I wish for pain
its offically titled "Maybe this time, he'll stay" and it started as an idea that Jay and their parnters giving them things that people would see as trash. Like Hanger giving them beer bottle caps that Jay makes them into badges, adam gives him tabs off his monsters, wheeler gives them flowers that she can press into her scrapbook. And Kenny gives her a hairtie, something that seems so useless and kinda gross because its been in his mouth and in his hair and hes slept in it. But he puts in on and kisses her wrist and it goes from "he may need it" to "hes gonna stay because the band around my arm- its a promise that he'll return."
This makes place around kennys and hagners fued. Wheeler has a family emergency and isnt there, Cole gets injured pretty early on and thus hes gone. And then Kenny starts to change- slow at first and then its like a volcano errupting. Hes arguing with Adam more and their tagteam dissolves [much like what we see in AEW canon] Jay keep nursing a drunk hanger and waits up a night for kenny to return from seeing the bucks but he always comes back to their hotel room and curls up in bed and apologises and explains that he "doesnt feel like himself sometimes." and Jay nods and holds him while making sure that adams still breathing. They go on their own work- having to beat wheels for the ROH pure title [Im fucking around with the timeline so the BCC exists while the elite stuff is going on] so he can go help his family.
Jay keeps wearing the hairtie to the point shes not seen without it. Until the match where Kenny gives up with being adams caregiver and loosing because his heart isnt in the wrestling matches they have or theyre bickering and their relationship is falling apart with their tagteam. So he lets them fall and storms out of the arena. its just Jay and adam and she stays awake sitting on a chair by the window, watching the sky waiting for kenny to turn up to collect his stuff. He should be back, he promised that hed always come back. Jay paces around the hotel room, cleans the best she can without waking up hanger and its only when she goes to close the curtains because the sun is rising and its gonna hit his face does Jay spot the hairtie and suddenly all the meanings feels rotten and stale. So Jay takes off the hairtie and chucks it into the front of her suitcase
the mark on their arm seems to be implanted in his skin, likes someones taken a knife and carved sections of his arm off. and jay feels somewhat naked without it and suddenly in the silence of morning Jay feels empty and like shes fallen against concrete. So she just goes to curl up against her sleeping cowboy and when he wakes up its a day to wallow in the saddest that kennys left behind because the two of them are morning. Theres the potential of sad soft sex where its only for the two of them to be reminded that the other is still there, that the heat theyre feeling is real and so are they. Jay ventures out to get food cuz depression cannot win and everything makes them feel sick and jay just returns with crooked fruit that adam cuts up and the two of them share a plate of crooked, bruised fruits.
Its dark outside when Regal asks Jay to go train with him and Mox- even if its just running on a treadmill and Jay, after so much convincing, goes and when he and mox are changing together mox goes "wheres the hairtie?" And suddenly that gross feeling is back. Jay wants to retreat back to Adam and hold him, cling to him until the realness of him reminds Jay that shes not the only one hurting because she sees it when he looks at his eyes. This shared sadness between people who understand each other. But Jay cant run away so his reply is just "it broke. everythings broken."
her big brother nods and kinda goes "I dunno why you even wore a hairtie." Because jay had short hair. And jay kinda sits there for a little while while working out thinking about why. Why did they wear it? What did it mean? Was it just a hairtie to Kenny when it was this everlasting looping connection to Jay? Jay leaves training early leaving to smoke out back and wollow and feel gross and bad and suddenly one smoke isnt enough and wheeler notices the taste of smoke on her tongue when they go to kiss goodbye.
The anger turns into sadness cuz Jay really is alone and hanger and Kenny are fighting and jays in the middle and Kenny won't look st him when they pass in the corridor and they talk through the Bucks and there's nothing of normal in the polycule. And then one day he passes Kenny on the corridor and they make eye contact and his eyes are so blue and bright and it's so awkward and jay stays awake thinking bout how numb they feel. Everything; their friends, their partners everything that ever mattered to Jay suddenly is a weapon and can end. everything ends, everything dies, memento mori and remember that life doesnt matter so fuck everything and who cares if youre killing yourself slowly? Maybe then youll see a real angel.
Jay smokes more and it happens by accident. Cigarette ash lands on her legs and it leaves behind that perfect scattering of marks that looks golden and the pain feels good, feel true. And so Jay ends up putting out her cigaerettes against her shoulders or anywhere thats covered by her clothes and ring gear. Its her version of going out to the bar and drinking until ya head spins. Smoke pickled euphoria.
Jay gets angry at herself for smoking more and for hating the kenny that exists now and that anger manifests and mixes with their sadness and he starts to feel like hes weighed down JAy misses the kenny that they had and misses the softness in the way he used to treat hanger
Jay smokes more and gets a little grasp of happiness when familiar hands cover his eyes one day while in his ring gear and it's just "did you miss me sweetheart?" "Adam !!" Because Cole is back. And Jay gets so wrapped up in the joy of finally having a polycule member back. And he's mended and loved and Jay takes off their ring shirt
And Cole noticed the bruises and the burn marks and "love shouldn't burn jay." And so Cole becomes designated Jay looker afterer. They don't tell hangy about the burns and hanger doesn't question much why jay keeps his shirt and is quick to get dressed again. Or only shift and move from behind. The burns heal and jay kisses them both. And they're happy. They're home. Even if Cole follows her everywhere and hanger clings to them both when sleeping. Its a weird mournful sort of normal like family meeting at a fuenral. Theres some fluff smothered in now that Jay isnt able to wrestle since hes "gotten hurt" and jay slowly starts to seperate themselves from the adams because he feels bad for hurting when the two of them are- staying in their own seperate hotel room.
When Kenny signs the contract in blood, Hanger spends the night in the hospital and when Jay comes back to their hotel room kenny is standing there waiting for zem. Jay isnt happy to see him but also a part of her heart is- he pushes himself into Jays room and the two of them argue. To the point where Jay brings up Kota and "youre not golden kenny! you were never the golden one!" and kenny brings up and tears down everything about Jay its angry and angsty and jay lights a cig and kenny makes a joke and jay replies with "people should betrays their partners but here we fucking are,"
And then Kenny noticed that Jays hurt. Either from a match or training or maybe Jay punching the alleyway wall behind the dailys place. and Kenny takes her hand and kisses her bloodied knuckles and "oh baby girl-" "you don't get to call me that." And Kenny being the asshole he is it's "even when you hate me. You're still my baby." And jay grabs his shirt and pulls him close. They stare and jay breathes smoke against his lips and it makes Kenny cough and the gap between them gets smaller and insert angry sex here because the two of them are still partners and in the morning Jay wakes up alone.
theres an awkward conversation where Jay feels like theyve cheated on the adams and hanger explains that jays allowed to sleep with his boyfriend because Jay shouldnt be involved and thats where Jay and hanger sharing drinks comes from. hanger excuses himself form his own hotel room and finds kenny and argue that he cant do the shit he does with him to jay because "jay still thinks you love him!" and Kenny is awkwardly quiet because he does still love jay, but something, someone. a voice in his head told him to leave so he did. Jay doesnt seem intrested in him anymore because jay wasnt wearing the hairtie so clearly that means that the bond between them is broken- and its all kennys fault. But he cant tell hanger that so he just sits quietly and lets the cowboy yell until theres tears on his cheeks and he just goes "im going to the bar."
hanger wins the title, jay meets his folks and the two of them are happy for the first time in a while. Kenny gets better slowly on his own after taking time away and slowly repairing the relationships hes shattered. He apologises to the bucks for making them his errand boys and evetnually a weary and emotionally upset kenny bites the bullet and so he turns up on Jays hotelroom doorstep and the two of them have a conversation and kenny finally explains that he has "other people." in his head and Jay doesnt fully understand but they comfort each other and the two of them talk from the hearts and in the end Kenny falls asleep on jays bed and jay cant bare to part with the sudden warmth thats growing in her chest and so they lay down and the two of them sleep together and when Jay wakes up kenny is there still curled into his side.
The polycule has a conversation about what happened and kenny slowly settles back into his place there and theres a lot of pussyfooting and finally Kenny curls up behind the cowboy and plays with Jays hair and torments her about their love of storms and finally it rains and they all go outside and just lay in the grass feeling like moss is consuming them and finally theres normality. Wheeler comes back and his family emergency is fixed and fine and everythings healed up. And its one small warm night where Jay lays between kennys legs, dangles one hand over Cole's eyes, places his legs on Wheelers and listens to adam humming while he reads. Theyre all together and touching.
"Kenny tell me about your video game?" and hes a little aprehensive because Jay hasnt got the first clue about the games he plays but he turns off the punchy sounds, turns up the music and slowly settles into a rhythm while resting his controller/switch on the back of jays neck to pinn them against him and. "Hey kenny?" "hmm?" "welcome home."
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khaleesiofalicante · 2 years
hiiiiii! tlnd has been an absolute wild ride from start to finish and im absolutely obsessed with it
He is incredibly proud of his scholarship too.
It’s the first thing he had earned by himself and for himself.
magnus is the sweetest being on the planet and deserves the entire world
“You have to pick clothes that compliment your body,” Raphael says as he walks over to Magnus’ suitcase and starts rummaging with a frown. “You have long arms. Either wear something with no sleeves or full sleeves.”
I would kill for a roommate who gave me fashion advice like that 
Why do people feel the need to shove raisins into everything?
ew what a rasin brownie im concerned
“I heard ya,” Aline laughs. “You can stalk Magnus later. I’ll tell Helen about your noble sacrifice. We love you! You’re the best!”
Aline is a cultural icon
Alec never uses the fucking thing. Except to religiously check on Magnus’ profile.
Someone should make a stalker Alec au
Magnus will go back to being a sexy model and Alec will go to D.C with Jia and continue to stalk Magnus for the rest of his life until he gets tired one day and settles down with some mediocre man who likes eating raisins and throws empty beer cans into the ocean.
ew polluting the ocean is not sexy
Anjali is standing at the top of the staircase, sucking on a lollipop.
“No problem!” Alec yells. “We’re just appreciating your plushie collection!”
Alec and Anjali’s dynamic is to die for
“I got hit by a car!” Magnus argues. “I’m in recovery!”
“That was like a month ago!” Alec accuses as he moves up the stairs. 
if I was Magnus I would simply use that as an excuse forever
“Are you kidding me?” Jace demands. “Carrying stuff is my jam, dude. And I love boxes!”
if someone asked me to describe Jace I would use this quote
“Columbia,” the girl responds.
Its camilaaaa
“Rafael!” Magnus smiles brightly. “We made you a friend!”
im once again talking about how Magnus is the cutest ever
“David writes porn!” Max yells.
There is a moment of silence.
Then there is angry yelling in French.
Im cackling 
“I don’t just want to get back together,” Magnus says, trying to sound confident. “I want to be his husband again. I want to take back what he fought so hard for.”
He said Malec rights and im here for it
Magnus looks up at Alec. “I love you.”
Alec reaches out and holds Magnus’ face with a hand. “I love you too, Magnus.”
TLND will be back with an epilogue. But because I'm a nice person, I will be updating the epilogue tomorrow (Saturday night IST) instead of making yall wait till Tuesday.
idk if i said this before but i absolutely love it when readers share their favorite quotes because as a writer i (don't wanna generalize) don't write scenes or dialogues thinking people like this. it's not something i consciously think about.
so to actually see the lines and scenes and events that stood out to you means a lot and its so important to me as a writer too!
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vintagepresley · 6 months
*she sticks out her tongue* Fine. I’m gonna carry it all by myself and I don’t wanna hear you change your mind saying “ohh let me help you!” because I’m gonna remember this moment.
*she takes some more clothes and puts it in her suitcase then leans over to look at his* Looking a little empty over there….What are you gonna pack? One shirt? Two pairs of pants?
- Surae
IM SCREAMING. Surae giving him even more sass 😭
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