#because I think that snail is also pretty cute
skidzobrainia · 26 days
In order to stay steadfast in drawing a character every day… you simply have to fall in love with them and get incredibly aggressive and angry whenever you see them on your screen. It will be the driving force
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silkentine · 2 months
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Okay okay okay everyone be cool.
AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! IT’S SANJI’S TURN!!! I think my bias really shines through by the fact that there are four illustrations rather than my usual three. Not to mention… this isn’t even half of the busts that I’ve drawn and also none of these are post-timeskip. I need to make a whoooole other character sheet for post-timeskip Sanji. She changes a lot in two years.
But I digress, here are my design notes for Sanji: (WARNING includes discussion of Sanji’s journey during the timeskip. There are also some super duper minor vague spoilers for whole cake island but those are written in blue so you can skip over them easily.)
So personality wise, I wanted to keep a lot of her complex relationship with femininity and gender. She grew up under the care of super butch Zeff who taught her that being a girl doesn’t mean that you have to be girly; in fact, it’s probably best if you toughen up so you can protect people who need it. Sanji takes this to heart and becomes a total tomboy, she believes that she’s rejected her feminine side completely.
She’s also a diehard romantic!! She’s the dashing prince who has come to save every damsel she comes across. She finds it very easy to flirt with women because it was very much the modus operandi on the Baratie, but she’s all talk. She gets flustered very easily once any romantic endeavor starts to bear fruit. She’ll make some poignant revelations about why once she lives in the Kamabakka Kingdom.
So why isn’t she wearing a suit? Because I’m a whore for an apron. It’s the perfect way to establish the silhouette of a dress but maintain a clean, utilitarian appearance. Fem!Sanji is more line-cook than waitress, but she DOES wear menswear pieces. I’ve put her in a silk vest with flared slacks in one outfit and she’s sporting that cute tie from Long Ring Long Land in another. Very preppy. I think she mostly wears tidier versions of Sanji’s more casual outfits: patterned button ups, cargo shorts, tees. She is religious about keeping her nails clean and manicured though. As fussy as canon Sanji is about his suits? Fem!Sanji is tenfold more fussy about her nails. She never wears polish (it could chip into the food) but her digits are trimmed perfectly and buffed to a shine.✨
She has a birthmark(?) at the nape of her neck that isn’t a scar but doesn’t tan. No one’s ever noticed it before because she was pretty good about staying inside when she lived on the Baratie but, now that she’s out adventuring on a much smaller ship, she finds herself basking in the sun more often and the mark is becoming more defined. She would be mortified to know it was there, especially since it doesn’t show up on the four other people who have similar marks because their skin cells are invulnerable to UV. (Inspired by @themetalhiro )
I love Sanji so so so so so so much. This design is like… 50% what I wish I looked like, 49% what I think is hot, and 1% forced-feminized transponder snail. I’ll have so much more to say about her characterization when I post the next version. Let me know your thoughts in the replies!!
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j4gm · 1 year
Let me know if I missed anything!
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First of all the title sequence is fucking cool. I don't want to speculate about the various things we see in it, like the apartment getting blown up or the Fern tree growing into its 1000+ version, because I'm sure the show will get round to all that!
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The first scene was an awesome reintroduction to the post-apocalypse, showing us the dynamic between Simon and Marcy. The button popping off Marcy's dungarees was a reference to young Marcy's first appearance, Memory of a Memory, when she removed one of the buttons herself to fix Hambo's eye.
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Simon was show playing a live set at Dirt Beer Guy's tavern in Obsidian. It seems they've gotten to know each other quite well over the past twelve years. Dirt Beer Guy asks Simon if he's read his new book draft, about a character called Joe Milkshake who was first mentioned in the episode Root Beer Guy.
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Despite the fact we saw Jake in the trailers, Finn and T.V. pretty much confirm in this scene that Jake is dead, and has presumably been dead since before Obsidian. I guess Bronwyn wasn't the only Jake descendant who Finn took on as an apprentice, but T.V. doesn't seem all that into it. The Finn and Jake we saw in the trailer are likely from an alternate universe that we have yet to see.
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Finn uses his weed whacker to cut through these bushes. A nice way of showing he's fully recovered from his Fern guilt. The focus here is very much on Simon's problems instead of Finn's.
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Finn parts with Simon to go and visit Huntress Wizard. The nature of their relationship remains ambiguous and I expect it to stay that way.
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Simon has the Island Lady from The Party's Over Isla de Señorita in his phone. I guess they reconnected after he became Simon again. He also has Abracadaniel. I always liked Ice King's friendship with Abracadaniel and the rest of the Order of Giuseppe so I hope they're still friends!
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Cute Bubbline scene. Back in the episode Bonnibel Bubblegum, Mr. Creampuff suggested he and PB get matching tattoos. Now she's (trying to) do the same with the girl she's chosen rather than some guy who was chosen for her! Also Marceline is using the same phone she's been seen with in a few previous episodes, including Go With Me and Be Sweet.
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I think the flying human city is called Up-Ton.
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Choose Goose! He keeps coming back! And he's evil now! People were joking about him being the antagonist of Fionna and Cake after that weird post-credits scene in Wizard City and the fact he was in hell in Together Again. I wasn't expecting that to actually come true. Glob knows why he's hanging out in a cage in Simon's house.
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The pattern of GOLB's eyes is reflected in Simon's glasses during the ritual. He is doing the same dance that Betty was doing to summon GOLB in the finale.
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Among the objects in Simon's GOLB shrine are the Farmworld Enchiridion, the flying carpet that Simon stole from Ash and was later frequently used by Betty, the crocodile clips that Betty used for her magic rituals, two effigies of GOLB, and what looks to be the shell of the snail who was seen throughout the original series.
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In this credits sequence, Fionna and cake are dreaming about the mask being worn by the bear than Finn slew, and a butterfly with a smiley face on it. Perhaps symbolising Finn?
Tune in next week for episodes 3 and 4!
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fanaticsnail · 3 months
Snail, mad props, I love all your writting but your Hey Doc series hits me in all the right spots! So fun and cute!
I've been thinking, Doc's in a pirate crew.. Does Doc know how to fight? Because here's a fun scenario that has been on my mind...
Doc is buying/gathering ingredients and gets attacked by thugs or other crew. Doc puts up one HELL of a fight but gets beaten up pretty badly 😩
Upon returning to the ship, Doc tries to hide away and lick the wounds, acting like nothing happen.
So who do you think would come barging in Doc's office yelling "Who the fuck this that to you?" Daddy Killer? Or the Captain himself?
If you feel like writing a little drabble to go with this I would die! 🫶🏻🫣🥹
Love! ❤️
Hello my darling. I hope you enjoy this interpretation of your request. This is how I saw it playing out in my head. Thank you so much for your beautiful contribution to the story!
What do I do, Doc?
Hey Doc Masterlist
Word count: 2,900
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Synopsis: Dressing as a civilian on the usual supply run with Wire does not go according to plan. Your past finally catches up to you, and your crew scrambles to come up with a way to treat you from your injury.
Themes: kid pirates x gn!reader, platonic kisses, hurt, injury, graphic pain, impaling (reader receiving), Wire/Heat/Killer/Kid x reader, partial Bubblegum x reader, angst, fluff, delirious Doc, poison. You are "Doc", the doctor of the Kid Pirates. Pet names used: hon, honey, sweetheart, baby for Doc.
Notes: I have been feeling some sort of way for a while, and this request was singing me their siren song. I also wanted this in a fic pretty bad, and I wanted to make it sadder.
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“Hey Doc,” the soft growl in Wire’s tone had an edge to it, a warning felt in his dangerous aura, “You gotta stay awake. We're nearly there, hon. Stay with me.”
The grogginess you felt masked the pain from the spear protruding from your thigh. Your life escence pooled from the wound, the stain dripping down your leg and onto Wire’s stomach as he cradled you into his chest. Each slow blink grew heavier and heavier, the frequency between them coming closer as unconsciousness called to you.
“Doc! Hey, Doc!” Wire jolted you in his arms, forcing your eyes open in shock to his ferocity, “Doc, I need you. Stay awake, damn it!” You offer him a fluttery smile, your lashes batting up at him as his expression contorted in fear.
“Keep-... Keep the pressure on it,” you managed to stutter, your teeth chattering through each syllable as you spoke. “Don't take it-... Don't take it out. Leave it in u-until the bleeding stop-...” Eyes rolling back into your skull, you never finished your instructions to the larger commander. He cursed beneath his breath, sprinting towards the Victoria Punk where the remainder of the crew were waiting for you.
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This was not your fault, nor was it Wire’s. You both thought yourselves to be safe: both dressed in loose civilian attire away from your usual garb. Compliments were given to both you and your older commander, praise that would make even the most hardened pirate blush.
You were both seeming to be the least conspicuous and recognisable of the amassment of crew. Your reputations and bounties were both high, but away from your regular clothes, your vacant and stripped-back appearance was the perfect disguise.
Unfortunately, this base had someone you thought had long since forgotten your face. A person from a past you attempted to keep hidden, trapped beneath lock and key in the chest kept in your mind's eye. The spear came out of nowhere, impaling you against the floor and successfully rendering you immobile.
While pinned stationary, the only warning you gave was a choked gasp, Wire turned and immediately sprung into action. Trident aimed back in arms, his motions struck true: claiming the life of the attacker immediately. Usually one to extend the pain, Wire’s instinct to protect came before anything else.
“Doc,” his whisper hissed through his teeth, “Honey, what was that? Who was that?” You were struck in shock, looking down to the spear leaving a welt in the ground; a familiar engraving on the wood having your eyes scrunch tightly shut.
“Wire, just-,” you started, halting when Wire dropped to his knees and hovered his hands over the spear.
“-Doc, you know how to fight. What the fuck is this?” he pointed to the spear, the pain of the sting leaving you and dulling the longer you remained stationary. “Explain, now.”
You sigh, lip beginning to tremble as his eyes finally gaze up to join with yours. Noticing the quiver in your lip, the pooling in your eyes, his demeanor immediately changed.
“Oh, honey,” he gasped, rising to a soft crouch and cradling your cheeks in his palms. A small tear managed to spill from your waterline and trickle down your cheek. “Talk me through what to do. Tell me how to help you.” Closing your eyes, you lean into his touch and take a moment to calm yourself within his palms.
“Break the spearhead at the neck,” you informed him, “And keep the fucking thing in until I get back to the sh-...” You fell forward, your forhead brushing with the commander in front of you as your eyelids drooped.
“...Fucking coward,” you huffed out a soft laugh, floating your eyes to the injury. Gazing down at the spear, you nod against Wire's head with a sarcastic smile on your face.
“Poisoned. They used the poisoned one.”
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Finally reaching the ship, your mission long since forgotten, Wire used his great height to his advantage in propelling himself along the top deck. Several crew members attempted to stop him, Bubblegum immediately shrieking and running before Wire to open every door towards your office.
The captain and the lingering two commanders trailed behind Wire, Killer halting as he bore his eyes down at the ground. A trail of bright red spattered over the deck, his piercing blue orbs glaring at it as his lips curled back. Clicking his fingers, he gestured to the nearest crewmember and gestured to the closest mop and bucket before trailing behind Heat and Captain Kid.
Once below deck, Wire set you down on your medical bay and immediately began readying gauze to replace the linen satchel you used to make a basic pressure aid. You mentioned about not making a tourniquet, nothing to aggravate the complications of the wound. Heat was immediately through the doors next, the Fire-Breather gazing through hollowed eyes at the injury first before running immediately to your desk.
“What,” a rumbling growl barked, “the fuck,” your captain ducked beneath the threshold of your office door, “happened?” Wire couldn't speak, his own manic state prohibiting him from thinking anything other than cutting away your pants with your scissors and placing the scraps in a damp pile beside you. Nothing was to pull him away from his task, keeping pressure on the wound while he cleaned you up best hr could.
“Wire,” Captain Kid roared, a jolt felt deep within his chest as he fell away from his transfixed attention. Turning to Kid, Wire managed to bark back at the captain.
“We were recognised,” he called over his shoulder, “Someone knew Doc.” He peeled away the final fabric, your doll-like state limply moving with each push and pull from the taller man.
Eyelids fluttering, slipping between consciousness and slumber, you peeled your eyes open enough to gaze at Killer as he entered the room. Offering him a weak smile, you attempted to move your lips to speak. Killer raised his hand to hush you, wordlessly telling you to save your strength for something more intentional than a greeting.
“The fuck recognised Doc?” Kid growled, “Doc's been with us for ages, changed their look and everything from that stuffy shit they wore before.” Kid bullied his way to Wire's side, shoving his hands away from the spear and assuring his one good hand be weighty enough to force the wound shut.
“I know as much about it as you, Cap,” Wire stuttered, his panic tangible in his shaken hands. “One of the first things Doc said about it was they were cowards for using poison.”
“Fuck,” Heat finally added, carding through his lengthy pale hair as he searched through the medical and personal journals in your desk for any information. Finally stumbling across a filagree design on one of the pages, he shook his head and clapped the book shut. “There's nothing in here. I don't know what to do. Doc just writes about weaponry in the journal, but nothing about poison.”
“What do I have to do about the spear? What does it say, Heat?” Wire yelled at the scarred commander, his Glasgow smile grimacing at the tone. Looking back to the desk at the open pages, Heat shakes his head and looks back at Kid.
“Doc needs a surgeon,” he uttered darkly, placing the journal back on the desk beside him, “Closest one is the marine base, next up is Trafalgar. Make a choice.”
The captain never tore his eyes away from your thigh, his deep frown growing in size the longer he lingered on the thought. The marines wouldn't help, they'd likely kill you and anyone else that entered on behalf of you. Trafalgar was days away, and there was no way wyou could make it. He didn't know how to treat this injury himself, that's what he had you for.
Considering there was poison in your leg, likely spreading to your blood at this point, he clamped his eyes shut and finally looked up to your face. Eyes open and glazed, you offered him a soft smile.
“What do I do, Doc?” he drew his metal hand up to caress your cheek, “What do I do?” You dart your eyes between his while slowly blinking in your daze.
“Under my bed,” you whispered, your vocal fry straining as the pain lingered, “Antidote.”
Killer was already out the door as soon as you stated ‘under your bed,’ refusing to daudle as you lay there bleeding out. Kid nodded to you, the cool of the metal palm soothing your scorching flesh. Beads of sweat flooded your skin, your hair sticking to your forehead as you bit back the ache.
“And the fucking spear?” Kid laughed down at you, “What you wanna do about that?” You snickered weakly, trying to best phrase how to proceed next.
Ideally, you would want to: remove the object, clean and sterilize the area, remove any necrotic flesh, provide antiseptic, antiinflamitries and suture it back up. Unfortunately, none of the crew were you; and you were in no position to do it yourself. Before you even had a moment to speak, Heat was at your side, pushing past Wire and glaring up at your captain.
You lazily lolled your eyes to the side of the desk, noticing the page Heat opened and let out a preemptive whimper in preparation. Heat looked down at you, watching your brows raise in a triangular peak in the center of your forehead as you nod to him.
“Antidote,” you hissed out, gulping while closing your eyes tightly shut, “And rum.” Heat nodded, immediately walking to your desk and almost instinctively pulling the leaver to reveal your secret stash of rum. Kid gasped out a laugh, smiling playfully down at you.
“Little shit,” he affectionately chastised you, “Where the fuck was that when I asked for it last week?” You choked through a soft laugh in response while biting back the pain.
“In my fuckin’ desk, hiding from you.” He laughed at you before his lips curled into a soft pout. Leaning forward, he kept the pressure against your wound as he pressed his forehead against your own. Clamping his eyes shut and grinding his teeth, he shared your breath with you in a bid to draw you closer.
“When you live through this, Doc,” Kid hissed before nuzzling his head against yours, “I'll-.”
“-Kill me?” you chirp playfully up at him, prompting him to open his eyes and glare down at you. The pain was in every follicle of your face, even in the radiance of that grin you wore so much.
“No, Sunshine,” he whispered, no humour in his tone aside from his melancholy smile, “No.” He learnt up, pressing his painted lips against your forehead while inhaling a sharp breath through his pointed nose. “I'll give you that raise you've been asking for. I swear to you, Sunshine.”
Pulling away from your face, he gazed down at you with hardened resolve and absolute unwavering compassion. Darting your eyes between his two, you lazily draw back your lips to a lazy smile.
“You know, Cap,” you utter whimsically, “From a distance, your eyes look almost orange.” Reaching up your hand, you gently take his cheek in your palm. Your weak grasp feels foreign on his hands, your usual steely demeanor slipping away, “But up close?” you whisper intimately, his breath catching in his throat, “You've got a band of gold in the middle.”
Kid attempted to keep his composure, staying strong in front of his commanders, and you, as you speak in nonsense. Your eyes held this foreign affection that he had yet to truly witness. Every part of your usual abrasive attitude diminished, your soul raw in your expression as you stared up at your captain.
“D-Doc-...” he gasped, Wire watching the interaction between the two of you and choking on his breath. Heat's eyes never left your face, waiting for the exact moment you give him that nod of approval to inact your unspoken agreement.
Stampeding through the threshold of the door tumbled Killer, each movement intentional and deliberate while weighty and desperate. Shoulders arched and chest puffed, he slid to your side and uncorked a vial of viscous liquid.
“Here you go, baby,” he leaned forward, taking your neck beneath his hands and cradling you up to steady you, “Easy does it now.” The vial ridge was placed at your lip, your eyes not leaving your captain's as you swallowed the contents of the vial. Barely tasting the liquid, the vial was replaced by the lip of a rum bottle to numb the pain and drown the pain you were about to endure.
As soon as the amber liquid hit your chest and trickled down your throat, Heat removed the spear from your thigh with his larger hands. A spurt of liquid pooled in your Captain's palm the moment he did as such, the scream you let up caught in the rum bottle. Killer leaned forward, placing his helmet covered lips against your temple and holding you against him. In your panicked state, you barely registed the next phase to Heat's agreement.
Slapping the captain's wrist away from your thigh, Heat placed his lips over your wound. Engulfing the area completely, Heat ignited his gullet and immediately seared the wound shut with the intensity of his flaming breath.
The sizzle of flesh lingered in the air, the scent of caurterizing skin and burnt hair tainting the burn of liquor in your throat. Your screams were stifled in your mouth as you grit your teeth, the widening of your eyes and glaring at that golden band within your captain's eyes.
He had no choice but to look down at you as Heat scorched your flesh. Heat's lips pressed a heart-shaped mark into your skin, the guilt of marking you with his ability ate at him from the moment he read the passage on cleaning and sealing wounds. Manuevering your thigh with ease, he released the topside of your skin and immediately pressed his lips to the underside of your leg.
Another roar of flickered flame ignited in his chest, this time your back arched and head lulled in Killer’s arms. Your vision went white, the lingering ache of pain and swell of poison leaving you as you fell into unconciousness. Four voices painted the air with their plea, your ears ringing with their unique cadence.
“Doc, I know it hurts. Forgive me, please.”
“I should've protected you, Honey.”
“Baby, hold on. Just hold on a minute longer.”
“...Don't. Don't, Sunshine. Stay with me now.”
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Hours slipped into days before you managed to rise from your slumber. That first taste of air expanded your lungs felt fresher, cleaner, than what you felt in years. The weight of your past had managed to catch up with you, the cost being higher than the one you were ready to pay with such hastiness.
As you looked to your bedside, the signature purple jagged locks of your sensitive crewmate lay unravelled beside you. Bubblegum’s face burried itself against the plush duvet, both his hands lay cradling your own as you roused with a sucked gasp.
Where were the commanders? Where was the captain? Why are these bedsheets so comfortable? Questions you would not be plagued with for much longer.
Door sliding open, the towering figure of Wire entered your chambers and slipped to your side. His eyes met with yours just as his breath caught in his throat. His great strides close the distance between you as he kneels by your head. Forehead first brushing with your mattress, he slowly and silently raises his gaze up at you through his eyelashes. Rounded eyes: wide, guilty, and pleading at you.
Before he had a chance to utter his confession and explain his emotion verbally, you silenced him with a look.
“I'm so sorry, Wire,” you whisper beneath your breath in an attempt to not wake Bubblegum. “I hesitated. I should've reacted faster-.”
“No, honey. No,” he whispered, shaking his head and rising to stoop over your bed. “You don't owe me anything you're not willing to give. It's not my place to reveal you, just as it's not yours to interrogate me.” You sigh out, a flood of emotion washing your heart in waves. Each passing wave has Wire lean forward, his lips casting over your forehead and holding you firmly beneath his kiss.
“We love you, Doc,” he whispered softly, “Doesn't matter who you were, only who you are now.” You scrunch your eyes shut as you bite-back your emotion. The wound, the familiar unfriendly face, the sting of poison still flooding through your veins, everything spilled over the rim of your emotions. Each moment replayed in echoes, Wires arms and desperation reminding you of his compassion.
“I'm ready,” you whisper, feeling him peel away his lips from your head. He searches your eyes for meaning, your own orbs darting between his.
“But first,” you added, your smile returning to your lips as you teased him with it, “Send me Heat. He's likely to be feeling like absolute horse shit about the whole thing. I can't bare to have him beat himself up about it.”
“As you wish,” he smiled at you, releasing you from his grip and pulling himself away, “I'll bring you your Fire-Breather, honey.” Giving you one more playful wink, the larger man exited your bedside and sauntered down the hall to do as you asked. Bringing you the man who used his abilities to cleanse you from your ailment as he lay in the mess hall with the captain, finding reprive from their guilt at the bottom of their rum bottles.
Tag list: @mfreedomstuff @daydreamer-in-training @since-im-already-here @gingernut1314 @writingmysanity @sordidmusings @i-am-vita @indydonuts @feral-artistry @the-light-of-star @empirenowmp3 @racfoam @sunflowersatori @nerium-lil @sinning-23 @carrotsunshine @skullfacedlady @a-killer-obsession
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maxedes · 2 months
german terms of endearment for your fanfics
i‘ve recently stumbled across some fanfics about german drivers (mainly nico & seb if we‘re being honest) and quite a few liked to use german terms of endearment. thing is, that they mainly use words that aren‘t really used in germany & sound a little strange. like „liebchen“ which i have never heard anyone say irl & which frankly just sounds like bad german from an american n*zi movie. or „mädchen“ which just means girl & can be used as „mein mädchen“ (my girl) but does kinda sound like something your weird toxic first bf would say. so to make everyones lifes a little easier: some german pet names that actually get used with a little context:
Schatz (treasure)
probably the most commonly used term in german. everyone & their mom uses it for romantic partners. can be used in any situations. i think there are people who forget their partners name because they just call them Schatz. to make it even cuter you can say „Schatzi“ but use carefully since that could easily sound condescending. same goes for „Schätzchen“ which in theory makes it cuter but actually mainly sounds like a guy talking down on you.
mein Herz (my heart)
emphasis on the „mein“ just calling someone a heart is a strange thing to do. you can also say „Herzchen“ but same problem as „Schätzchen“
Liebling (my beloved, my dearest)
this is what everyone thinks liebchen is. from personal experience i‘d say it‘s a word more often used by older people but could work.
Engel/chen (angel)
actually alright. maybe also use „mein“ in front of it. „mein kleiner engel“ → my little angel
Baby / Babe (same as english lol)
gets used rather frequently. same implications as in english
Hase / Hasi (bunny)
not inherently romantic/sexual. a cute one.
Maus/i (mouse/little mouse)
has been vERY popularized by the kids™️ and i mean that in the sense that quite literally everyone & everything gets called „maussss“. maybe to the point where it‘s been a little overused.
Schnecke / Schnecki (snail)
or schnegge. but with that your easily in a little creepy territory. schnecki is kinda cute though. i think my mom used to call me that so it doesn‘t have to be romantic. also no, i don‘t know why you would call someone snail as a cute little nickname and no it doesn‘t have to relate to their general speed (walking, driving or thinking)
Spatz / Spätzchen / Spazl (sparrow)
i don‘t know what germans have with this bird but it is popular. the last version „spatzl“ is mainly used in southern germany. it‘s what my parents call each other so if someone tried to call me that my toenails would curl up and not in a good way.
Dicker (fatty)
not to be confused with digger/digga which comes from the word but is more used like „bro“ (yeas i know what it looks like a first glace, pinky promise thats not what it is). only fun if used endearingly.
Sonnenschein (sunshine)
for my seb girlies (gn). it‘s a pretty long word though so probably not something to call someone on a regular basis
in conclusion: most of them are still bad and maybe even a little icky. i think the real way to go would be an inside joke or just a shorter or cute version of their name. german really isn‘t the language to be romantic in, in spite of what göthe might what you to think. i literally couldn‘t think of any more so i googeled & saw some of the most disturbing pet names imaginable.
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slvtforoldermen · 6 months
Pedro’s Characters: The Dick-tionary: Part Two
(PS. I’m currently on my ovulation week so this is gonna be mental)
Part One ;)
Frankie (Catfish) Morales:
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Okay so I just finished watching Triple Frontier and oml I love this man. One thing I wanna say is, he definitely fucks you in whatever flying vehicle he owns, not during flights of course <3 safety first and I have such a bad fear of flying. Anyways, Frankie’s about 7 inches, and he has a pretty pink mushroom tip, he’s pretty thick too tbh, and he’s a vein up the side that you can feel when he’s inside you. PRAISE!!! He’s a praiser and not a degrader. Breeding kink is a must!!! Maybe it’s because he’s a family man but I feel like he has a domestic kink, like, he lovesssss talking about you being his ‘pretty little wife/husband’. Fuck, he lovessss filling you up and talking bout how he wants to get you pregnant, even if you can’t get pregnant :0, he was quite delicate with this factor at first in case it made you uncomfortable but he 100% wouldn’t say anything about that if it made you uncomfy. He just needs you to be happy. “My sweet girl/boy, spread your legs for me will ya?” “Yeah you like that, yeah you do… good girl/boy.” “Pretty little baby, taking me so so well, aw, so cute” “Take my cock in your mouth, oh yeah, just like that, my sweet, sweet baby.” He shaves well enough I think, likes to leave a happy trail to tease you with.
Agent Whiskey
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Save a horse, ride a cowboy. Literally. Ride him and he’ll love you forever. Pedro’s cowboy characters hold a warm place in my heart because I find Southern accents sooooo sexy, ugh yes, talk about your farm daddy.
Um…. Anyways! Jack is so cunty I love him. Okay, he’s a big boy, about 8 inches, up there with Javier and Joel. He’s thick, like oof… Nice big tip too. Depending on the day, he switches between soft and hard dom. His fav position is cowgirl obviously, despite popular speculation, he’s not really a big fan of reverse cowgirl, but he LOVES doggystyle, he’s an ass man so spanking is a yes. He’s not a daddy man. OH MY GOD WHEN YOU RIDE HIM PLEASE WEAR HIS HAT PLEASE HE’LL CUM SO SO HARD!! SIT 👏 ON 👏 HIS 👏 FACE 👏 If he’s feeling soft and wants to be all chivalrous and his Southern self, he’ll fuck you in missionary, peppering kisses all over your face and neck. “My sweet girl/boy… takin’ my cock so well.” “Oh darlin’, ya look so pretty f’me.” “Fuck, so good, baby, such a good lil hole.” Big snail trail enthusiast!!!
Marcus Pike
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I have not watched the mentalist so I apologise for any inaccuracies :( but good lord how gorgeous is this man…
Sorry guys I just can’t get over how pretty he is, but I’m actually crying because he’s so beautiful. Anyway, he’s about 7.5 inches and loooovvvvessss to be sucked off. You just look so so pretty with his cock in your mouth, and suck on his tip, his hips buckle a little and he whimpers, his hands going straight into your hair. He’s such a sweet lover, when he’s inside you, he’s so soft and gentle, you’d have to physically beg him to be rough. A BIG KISSER!!! Loves kissing you, just make sure you’ve kissed him at least 20 times and he’ll be content. He’s such a sweetie, please just be nice to him. “I love you so so much.” “Please oh baby, I love you, love this hole, so fucking good for me, good girl/boy.” “I’m gonna cum, oh please, where do you want me to cum, please tell me where to cum baby…” He likes to keep its shaved but he’s not completely bald.
Lucien Flores
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Now, I have been looking for the clip of him making out and I can’t find it anywhere 😭😭 if someone could find it for me pleaseeeee send it I will love and cherish you for eternity. I also couldn’t find a gif of him so bear with me 😭.
Oh guys… MIRRORS!!! From looks and expectations and fanfics I’ve read, mirrors are a big thing for him. He’s about 8 inches. Loves doggy, he’s also an ass man. Choking you is a MUST, oh god he loves making you take him in a mirror, in doggy, with his big hand wrapped around your pretty neck, seeing you in the mirror taking him sooo well. It’s the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen. Same thing with the bathroom. He has you with one leg on the counter, the other dangling as he pounds into you, just absolutely destroying you. Shower sex too! He has you, either against the wall or legs wrapped around his waist. In fact just let him fuck you on every single surface of the house. Bed, bathroom, floor, sofa, dining table, kitchen counter, anything!! Loves eating you out from behind. He shaves and isn’t bald, yknow standard procedure 🤷🏻‍♀️
Special Guest!! My fav TV cameo 🫶
Reggie Luckman:
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My MAN!! 🥺 he whimpers, have you seen him to that pretty when you cry edit, UGH STRIKES MY HEART EVERY TIME! I watch that edit about 3 times a day. I am very well aware that he’s just found out he’s killed his friend in this gif but he’s just so beautiful…
He’s 7 inches, and has such a cute face when he’s inside you, eyes squeezed shut and biting his lip as he conceals his whimpers. You keep telling him that he’s fine to moan but he just gets so embarrassed. Such a praiser, calls you a good girl/boy soooo much. His hips stutter when he’s close, and he bites down on your shoulder, accidentally leaves hickeys on your neck and collarbones. He loves going fast. When you ride him, he looks up at with those sweet eyes, and it makes your heart melt, hands on your hips, guiding you sweetly. Tug on his hair in orallllll!!! “Please, please, you feel so good, I love you.” “Mmm, please, I’m gonna cum, can I cum in you?” “I can? Thank you, thank you, fuck!” Praise him back, tell him how he’s doing, tell him that he’s good. Pleaseeeee I need him soooo baddddd!!!!!!
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i520u · 1 year
invisible string ʚĭɞೃ⟡
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HIII i’m so sorry this took me so long i just didn’t wanna be unemployed after i’m done with my series so i decided to keep this in the drafts for a while 😞 i hope you’ll like this!
PAIRING sung hanbin x gn!reader
GENRE fluff, sfw
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hanbin is a responsible bf, so you can definitely let loose when you’re around him!
he will always makes you feel safe
when you go out on dates with him, he would always silently take your handbag off of your shoulder and carry them himself 😞
his nicknames for you are usually the common ones, baby, my baby, angel, and i think he’d most commonly use 내 사랑 (nae sarang/my love) because it’s so endearing to give your s/o a nickname in your own mother tongue am i right
but he prefers calling you by your name, bc he thinks your name is already pretty
constantly complimenting you
you get your work done and he’s like “good job baby” and then he’d kiss your cheek
you finish mopping the floors and he’s like “you worked so hard today my love, thank you”
the type of boyfriend that will give you legitimate answers to your “would you still love me if i was a worm?” questions
one time you asked him what he would do if you turned into a snail one day
and he told you he’d have to build you nice house where you would be comfortable living in
drives your around ALL the time
he would freak out if you offered him gas money because he really doesn’t mind spending his time, energy, and money with you :(
if you gave him a $10 cash he would applepay you $15
i think hanbin is a great cook, so eating out is very rare for you both because he’s always cooking up a meal for the both of you
if you don’t like a certain taste (sour, salty, sweet, etc) he’d make sure to alter the recipe a little so you’d both be able to enjoy the meal together
hanbin would be cutting up some vegetables, and then you’d come up to him and ask for a kiss, and he would gladly give you a quick kiss before resuming with the meal prep
conflicts with him rarely ever happens
he’s so good at communicating, and he’s just so gentle there’s really nothing to be mad about with him
he trusts you, and he feels secure in the relationship so he never really asks you about your whereabouts. you’re free to hangout with anyone!
all of your friends loves hanbin. he treats you so well, and he’s so polite and can mix around with them, so he’s practically in your friend group too
when you DO get into fights with hanbin, the fight never lasts longer than 2 days. he either apologises first if he realised that he’s in the wrong, or he’ll talk to you and explain why he felt like he was wronged
plus, even when the two of you are fighting, he’d still cook you a good dinner, and you’d still help him clean up all the things he used to make the meal 😭
also on nights where you both had heated arguments, if the situation was okay, he would still wrap his arms around you while you sleep
hanbin never go all out for anniversaries though
rather than fancy dinner date or a big gesture to show his love, it’s more domestic and meaningful
hanbin prefers celebrating your anniversaries together with things like giving you a photobook of all the moments that you’ve spent together
of course he’d buy you a gift too, but his main idea of anniversaries are more domestic
one time he rearranged your house and made a candlelight dinner all by himself for your anniversary, candles, silk tablecloth, fancy steak, he did that all by himself
whenever you get sick, he’d feel bad leaving you alone while he goes to work but duty calls!!!
he would make you text him and update him every 3 hours so that he knows you’re eating well and taking your medicines on time
when HE’S sick he tells you not to worry about him and then he would get flustered when he finds out that you cooked him some healthy soupy foods for him to eat
he thinks you’re so cute when you’re worried over him getting a stupid little cold
when he gets better he would give you so many kisses and cooing at how cute you were when you were taking care of him
honestly he’s always kissing you somewhere, or you’re always kissing him somewhere, it doesn’t matter. he loves kisses
when you say something funny he would laugh and then bring your hand to his lips for no reason?? when you ask him why he’s just like “you’re so funny i just had to kiss you”
when you’re showing him the new top you just bought and then he would just pull you in to kiss the top of your head bc why not
when you kiss him first his ears will go red
he would even be like “why’d you do that”
when you say you just wanted to kiss him he’d giggle and would call you adorable
“my partner is so adorable today, i wonder what’s got into them?”
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thelittleliars · 1 year
Natasha Romanoff x fem!Reader
Warnings: anxiety/panic attack, alcohol, drunkness
Words: 3.3k
Summary: you are Natasha's bodyguard at a Comic Convention
AN: Hi everyone! Had this cute little idea in my head for a month or two and now it's finally yours!
Camera flashes shone into your faces, fans who were crying and screaming rang into your ears to the point it hurt to. Fans were pushing until people fell to the ground and got hurt. This was madness.. everything was just pure chaos. You were mad at the convention organizers, they either should have hired more security or simply sold less tickets. You were one of Natasha Romanoff's bodyguards for public events gor year already and not a single event had been as fucked up as this one. Yes conventions were an entire different story then red carpets or pride events but it still could have been all avoided if the organizers wouldn't have been so greedy. 
Three other bodyguards of her and you tried to get Natasha from the entrance to the backstage area. But you moved in a snail pace since a tons of fans blocked every way to reach for the Black Widow. "Move out of the way!" You yelled over the loud noise. The disrespect of these people really got under your skin, you got extremely angry but you tried not to push the people harshly. You felt Natasha's small frame pressed against your back as you guys made your way through the large crowd. And since you knew her well, you knew in right that moment she was full of anxiety and most likely on the brink of an anxiety/panic attack. "IF YOU DON'T MOVE OUT THE WAY THEN NOBODY GETS TO SEE THE BLACK WIDOW AT ALL TODAY!" You threatened them. Something with the way you yelled it must had struck with a bunch of people since they backed off quickly afterwards. You soon could move smoothly towards the backstage entrance, where you made sure that Natasha was alright by guiding her to mimic your breaths. When that didn't work you tried another method. "What things do you see five times?" You asked her. She looked around. "I see five chairs." You continued with four things she saw. "Four pens." The two continued counting down. Three tables. Two doors. One apple. When you felt she was pretty alright you lead her to one of the chairs and brought a water bottle. "Here drink this." 
Natasha appreciated you as her bodyguard so much, not only because you her only female bodyguard but also since you were the only one who always made sure that she was alright and if that weren't the case you helped and comforted her until she was her old self. "Thank you." You nodded your before kneeling in front of her, taking one free hand in yours and looked into her green eyes. Natasha still looked distraught from being mobbed but being with you helped her immensely. She concentrated on the feeling of your warm hand along with how they both fit so wonderful together. It made her heart clench with want. She actually longed to be closer to you, being her bodyguard was not enough for her anymore. The want to feel your touch every second of the day was consuming her thoughts, she also wished to know what your lips felt like on hers. But before she could think further you brought her out of those thoughts. "Are you good to continue the schedule at this convention today?" You asked with worry in your voice. It's another thing Natasha liked about you, you were a stone cold front for everyone but her. For her you were such a softie and always so goddamn gentle, it drove her insane. "Only with you by my side." 
"Of course! That's what I'm being paid for." You teased her. "The autograph sessions are gonna be so fun so much fun." The evil smile on your face was something the Black Widow rarely saw but she knew you wouldn't do anything but sitting next to her and looking at the people in line who probably would be squirming underneath your gaze. That alone brought you joy and she knew that. After you guys met up with the other Avengers, they all went on stage and answered a bunch of questions from the interviewer and fans. It went smoothly except for some inappropriate questions that were directed to Natasha. The second they went backstage again and she saw you, she knew you were angry at the people who asked inappropriate and sexist questions. She put her hand on your arm, telling you everything was alright but it still didn't sit okay with you. It was 2023 and people still were asking questions when they just should mind their own goddamn business. Why would literally anyone want to know what she Black Widow is wearing underneath her suit? Anyone with an IQ can greatly assume it's underwear and even it she were naked underneath, in what world was that your business?? "I hate it too Y/N. But look on the bright side, that one guy who were beyond the line got an ass-whopping from a tons of fans in the audience. Not only that but Steve answered the question as if it was his." 
"I really liked his answer. 'Would anybody really want to flash themself to the enemy if there's a malfunction with the suit or it gets torn in a battle?'" You mimicked him and his reply. "It was such a huge statement that shut that boy up real quick. In my opinion, he deserves more than just Steve shutting him up but I can't do anything about it, can it?" 
Natasha shock her head. "No you can't but I appreciate what he did and what you'd do anyways." With a smile you lead her further into the backstage area and waited for the staff to get you to the next scheduled event.
Later when Natasha was hours into writing autographs, you noticed her hand and wrist movement being awfully off. You asked a staff member to bring an ice pack if not available then a cold wet towel. Instead of the staff guy you talked to, Natasha's manager, who was only there for these kinda public events, came with the ice pack you had requested. "How long do you think she can still last?" He asked you as he whisper talked to you. "An hour or two but no longer. If you ask me I'd arrange the queue in a way that all children with their supervisors should cut to the front, maybe even all teenage girls." 
You glance at Natasha who brightly smiled at some girl who seemed to be in their twenties. "She'll work through the pain till the end of line of I know for sure that we have to cut it way before that so I'd really consider that at least these kids get a chance to get their superhero before we have to shut it down." He nodded then told you he'd discuss it with the organizers. 
By the time he went away your attention was back to the red headed superhero next to you. "Gimme your wrist." She was stubborn and did not give you her wrist, acting as if everything was perfectly fine. You were patient enough though and waited a few minutes until the teenager who was talking to Natasha was gone. Next in line was a a mother with a girl that couldn't have been older than 5 years old. You smiled at them and politely told them to wait a second. "You either give me your wrist now or we have to cut short way sooner than you want to." You told the Widow sternly. She sighed but gave you her left wrist anyways. You gently put the gel ice pack, which was in a towel, onto her wrist to cool down the swelling that was caused by signing autographs all day long. While you held the pack in place, the small girl put down a cute stuffed teddy bear onto the table while sweetly telling Natasha that it's for her. You were about to take it and put it aside as you did with all her other gifts too when she beat you to it and let it rest against the front of her body. "The bear stays." You respected her request without saying anything, she talked with the kid for a bit before asking for her name to sign the poster that they brought with them. You let go of her wrist, she signed the poster with the girls name and thanked them for coming. 
This time she took the ice pack from you herself and laid it on the table so that she could rest her arm on the table better and more comfortable. At some point Dave, her manager came back with convention staff and rearrange the queue exactly the you proposed to him. An hour later you saw it in her eyes that she couldn't do much more. You hauled down Dave and he cut the line after an elderly woman who waited in line for what seemed like hours. "What a lovely team you have! They were very nice to let me still meet you." The old lady started to ramble. "I'm not sure if you recognize me but you saved me and my husband at the alien attack in 2012! Oh sweet girl I have to thank you so much for that. The shock was deep afterwards and we had to see a specialist and they found something in my husbands organs and it literally saved him again. After his surgery and recovery we started traveling more and saw so many beautiful places before." She then gifted Natasha some crystals that they had found on their trips around the world. "Ohh I probably should hurry. Your people are waiting."
Natasha and you both answered her at the same time. You said that there was no rush and the superhero told her that she should take all the time she needs. The elderly had such a relieved look on her face that it made your heart warm. She introduced herself as Martha and she started telling you both, she included you by constantly looking at you and back to Natasha, how the Black Widow still became her idol at such an old age and how inspiring everything was with what the red head did. Before Natasha even came to signing the free autograph card, she asked Martha if she wanted to take a photo with her. The woman was bubbling over with joy. Especially when Natasha told her she'd sign another autograph card for her husband for free. And since some fans never went away and just stayed to ogle at the woman, some angry words were spewed out of jealousy. You gave each of those people a death glare that shut them up for good but you insisted for Martha to come with Natasha and your security. Fans were chaotic and it wouldn't surprise you if some people would get violent with her just to get her autographs and spread hate. Your goal was to protect both woman even if your job contained only to protect the superhero at all costs. After leaving the Black Widow backstage you brought Martha to her car and waited until she drove off. With the assurance that she left safely, you went back to get Natasha and the both of you got into the van that was designated for her to get driven back to the Hotel. 
As soon as you arrived in your room you immediately jumped into the shower to clear your mind since all of your thoughts were consumed by how sweet Natasha was with the fans. By the time you were done, your stomach was a rumbling mess, looking through the menu you ordered  yourself some fries and a burger thanks to room service. You changed quickly into a tshirt and some shorts, then looking at all your notifications of your personal phone that was hidden in the hotel room safe. A tons of it were from twitter, people tagging you in videos and photos, gushing and freaking out over how cute you & Natasha were together. There was a particular tweet with two photos attached that made your stomach flip. The first one was you looking grumpily at fans but Natasha was looking at you lovingly, the second was the exactly opposite. You were looking at her, what fans described as heart eyes, as she was smiling at a younger fan. You send the tweet to Natasha through iMessage with a simple 'lol' as caption. 
Meanwhile, Natasha was sitting at the hotel bar with a drink in one hand and her phone in her hand. She also was looking through tweets that fans added her in. When you sent her that tweet she was staring at the same photo already. She felt butterflies in her belly when she saw the way you looked at her, so soft and protective. But that feeling vanished into a clump of anxiety when she read your message. The simple 'lol' to that tweet of you guys gazing at each other when the one of you wasn't looking was a punch to her gut. She quickly typed a reply in hope it would be a good answer.
Fans ship me with anyone who's 3 feet near me. Sorry you have to experience that. 
I don't mind. I feel flattered that so many people actually think I have "insane chemistry" with THE Black Widow. 
I'm still sorry about it all. It can get pretty intense with some fans. They ship people so much to a point that they'll get delusional of every single interaction.
Ahh so I shouldn't be surprised if at some point I see a tweet of someone being super convinced that we're married? 
If that happens I'll definitely gonna fuck with them and post "hints" of my non existing relationship with you.
Maybe I should join in with your little jokes?
I'd love that. Wanna start already? I'll come over to your room after I finish my food?
I'm at the bar.
Ohh even better. I'll be down in 10. Don't have too much fun without your "girlfriend" 😉
Before she knew it a new notification from twitter popped up. It was you tagging her in a tweet.  
After a long convention day w/ @BlackWidow I finally get some alone time with my date. 
Her heart started to beat faster than it did before. She had to re-read it a bunch of times before it true sunk it that you meant her as the date. And then, suddenly out of nowhere you stood beside her ordering yourself a bottle of beer. "I'm wondering how you felt about today. Well rather about how you feel about this texan comic con compared to the other 3 we've been to." 
She sighed not wanting to think much about today since it all was overwhelming and exhausting but she couldn't deny you this answer since she knew you wanted to know this for future events. You wanted to make sure that she was alright and comfortable after a day like today. "The mob in the morning was awful but the autograph session and panel was fine. You hummed while taking a sip from your bottle, still watching here face to see if there was any discomfort or hatred towards the convention but all you saw was the hidden exhaustion. She was masking once again and you hated seeing her like this, though you knew why she did it that moment, you both were still in a public space and both of you were always careful incase paparazzi's were around. "So you'd be up for another convention?" She nodded but also told you that it wouldn't happen anytime soon. The superhero needed time to process this huge overwhelming and exhausting event first. And that wasn't an easy task. When you suggested to move this little drinking party that the two of you had into your room, she was quick to agree with your idea. The more privacy the better. 
While you guys had been in the elevator, one of the two of you started to giggle and then the other one joined in and now nobody could actually stop. The giggling died down as you walked out the elevator and immediately stopped when you went around the corner. Your ex girlfriend was coming your way and you did not want her to recognize you. So you turned back around to Natasha, who also stopped laughing, now with a worried look on her face. Before she could even ask what was wrong you asked her to kiss you. She shocked out a shocked what. "Just kiss me please. I'll explain later." The urgency in your voice was something that Natasha didn't miss so she stopped thinking and dived in. And what a kiss it was. You never thought kissing the superhero would get you so deeply lost and leaving you with wanting more. 
Since you were so engrossed in the kiss, you almost didn't hear your ex scolding you both. "These kids from today.." You tried your best not to burst out into laughter right then when you still had your lips locked with the red head. As soon as she disappeared in the elevator, Natasha broke the kiss. "Kids from today? Apparently I'm not in my thirties yet. That's good." She said then looked back into your eyes. "So why the need for a kiss Y/N?"
You gulped hard while feeling heat creeping up on you since you now felt a little embarrassed to tell her the truth. "That was my ex." Even though you both saw her disappearing, Natasha took a double look to where ex just had been. She couldn't fathom you dating someone so much older. "You dated her? That clearly very old lady??" 
"That was around ten years ago, alright? She was happily throwing more money at me than she was already paying me for and I loved the money." You told her truthfully. It was no surprise for you that she was shocked about it. "You worked for her and then became a couple?" You nodded shyly at her question. 
"Don't judge okay? I was young and dumb." You were feeling the awkwardness, that was a first between you two, there was hardly ever a awkward moment between you. Not only the awkwardness but also the silence was killing you slowly. 
Natasha on the other hand was thinking hard, if you mixed business with pleasure once already, would you do it again? Were you willing to kiss her? With the way you looked at her you had to, right? If the fans were seeing something between you two then there had to be some bit truth to it. But what if she overstepped and all of this was unconsensual? She'd hate of she was treating you the way other people treated her. Thanks to her overthinking she didn't notice her inching closer to you until she felt your breath on her face. That snapped her out of the deepest thoughts she was in. The world suddenly seemed to stop for the both of you. The kiss from earlier played in your heads like a broken record but before anything could go further Natasha distanced her from you. "I think I'm a bit more tipsy than I thought I were." She apologized and looked away. 
"And I think I'm drunk since I want you to kiss me again." You sighed. That piped her interest. "Well we do have great chemistry." You smiled at her and nodded. "I won't deny that. But I'm afraid to cross that line again." 
"We won't cross that line if it's just one night right?" You agreed to that then pulled her into a desperate kiss. Her hands  went straight to your waist, pulling you even closer. You didn't know who starting dragging the other person into your hotel room, all you knew for certain was that the night was full of passion and satisfying all your needs. 
What you both didn't realize in your tipsy-drunk state was that you in fact crossed that line by sleeping with each other. Even fans noticed that something had changed with you and Natasha. 
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the-lonelyshepherd · 4 months
While I’m in the inbox, what’s your favourite fishy? Or other aquatic animal? :3
OOOOGH okay i’ve answered this a few times but. i don’t really have a fav so i tend to talk about a different one every time lmao,,, so today it’s gonna be darters which are a recent discovery but oml. i love them so much.
little disclaimer i HOPE this is accurate but i am also just a random fucking kid writing about things i like off the top of my head . yay
first let’s just. let’s look at them for a little bit.
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waow……. beautiful
these are mostly males in breeding colors but STILL!! even “plain” they’re still so cute
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wow… speckled darters. so beautiful
honestly as someone who started in aquariums and moved on to general fish they’re one of my favs just because of how well they blend function and design. they’re also cool. let me explain.
so first of all they’re members of the perch family.
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do we see the family resemblance?? a little??
they tend to live in similar areas (darters are north american native fish!! yay!!! represent!! they’re unfortunately not where i am but at least i get sharks. one day i will travel and find a darter)
there’s all diff kinds and some are very very endangered, they aren’t that well known so some people will just use them as bait. rip.
one thing that’s super cool is how well adapted they are to their environment. so darters tend to live in like, fast flowing streams. to help hold on, they spend most of their time along the rocks and they use their big pectoral fins to kinda get held in place by the current. but something i thought was really neat is that they tend to either have a very reduced swim bladder or none at all!! so when they stop swimming they literally just. sink. it helps them stay put but it’s really funny to me.
they’re also a really diverse group, the areas they live in lead to a lot of allopatric speciation due to how stream systems work. so you get a lot of different kinds in relatively close areas.
oh another thing!! not all of them are in fast flowing areas. there’s ones like sand darters. who like the name suggests just kinda sit in the sand but i love that for them
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sand darter. yippee!!
their cool patterns actually help them camouflage, u can kinda see it with the sand darter pic. it’s giving riverbed 🫶
they’re also very fast (get it. darters) and pretty good hunters as well. they commonly eat small aquatic insects (mosquito larvae, mayflies) and also small crustaceans (isopods, small crayfish) oh and also snails sometimes.
also a cool thing is that certain species actually do care for their young!! most of them kinda do the usual fish thing which is. you’re on your own. but some species of darter (i think??? fantail?? don’t quote me) actually will lay their eggs and then the male of the pair will defend them until they hatch. so silly
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beautiful amazing parents (fantail left johnny right)
OH another thing. darters tend to be very sensitive to changes in water chemistry, so their important ecological indicators of marine ecosystem health. if you have darters your water is probably good :)
anyways. point of all of this is darters are a very cool very diverse group of fish and are also very pretty and i think they’re cool. theres a lot of kinds that are endangered or threatened and i think we should talk about them more to raise awareness. yay!
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howdy!! hope ya don't mind but for vanilla and sve bachelors, got any hcs for a farmer with a massive interest for entomology and generally all things creepy-crawly (so this includes worms, slugs and snails, arachnids, etc)? To where they tend to excitedly catch any little critter they can find to passionately tell their spouse a whole novel's worth of information of what they're holding, down to the taxonomy? ...Even if they happily explain that what they're currently holding in their bare hands is dangerous, and that bites and stings can be extremely painful, cause permanent damage, or even be deadly. - 🐇
Good to see you again, bunny anon ❤️ Thank you for the question, hope you and others enjoy some headcanons 😊 🫶
SDV and SVE bachelors react to Farmer who are into entomology, herpetology and other creepy creatures:
SDV bachelors:
Ewww! But also wow!
Sam didn't understand a lot of the complicated terms and names that Farmer started showering the young musician with when telling him about the bug species, but Sam was still curious!
Man, it's so ugly and so cool at the same time!
(Is Sam allowed to touch it? Or at least take a picture of it?)
Although he will be a little worried when he finds out that a particular bug is poisonous. Sam will ask his lover not to hold this thing with their bare hands.
Scary, but it's still pretty cool!
*deep breath* "Are you out of your fucking mind?"
Ok, that was rude of him, Shane didn't mean to insult his spouse in any way. But the fact that Farmer was holding a black snake with such a naive smile, saying it was deadly poisonous...
"You can tell about those creeping vipers without holding that fucking black snake in your hands!"
Well, he has no aversion to the rest of the creatures, especially the Farmer is so detailed and interesting about the same snails and worms.
They're even kind of cute.
But, for Yoba's sake, not deadly dangerous creatures!
When the Farmer told Harvey they wanted to show him a "cool snake they found," the doctor expected a harmless one. But not, by golly, a giant python!
And the fact that Farmer is holding the huge predator calmly in their hands as if they weren't talking about a dangerous creature, but a little puppy.
Despite the horror, Harvey is very admiring of Farmer's knowledge of herpetology.
But don't even ask Harvey to hold the snake in his hands. No thanks, he's not crazy.
Constantly worried about Farmer's health, because they already have a couple snake bites on their bodies.
For all his love for Farmer, Alex would be a little skeptical of their hobby.
"Hon, are you sure it's okay to touch that? I don't think it's even safe to look at."
He suppressed the overwhelming urge to knock the creepy insect out of Farmer's hand, figuring he'd make it worse that way.
Didn't understand anything the Farmer was telling him, but it was still pretty interesting!
(As long as he doesn't hear the words "deadly", he's cool with his spouse's little weird hobby).
In Sebastian's eyes, Farmer is the coolest person on the planet.
He is bothered by the fact that Farmer can hold very biting (and sometimes poisonous) spiders, but thinks their spouse knows what they are doing.
He loves to listen to Farmer for hours when they pick up a random worm or spider and start talking about these creatures in detail.
At times he will pick up a found crawling creature himself and ask the Farmer what it's called.
"Cool" - the most frequent word Farmer will hear from his spouse when they tells another story.
It took Elliott a lot of effort not to shriek in terror or faint.
He and his dear spouse walked through the woods and chatted about the weather until Farmer found a nest of live snakes. A whole nest with a dozen of the crawling critters, and the first thing Elliott's love of his live decided to do was to take the ball of snakes in their hands.
Unfortunately, the writer was too absorbed in his inner screaming to hear Farmer's interesting account of this species of snakes.
For Yoba's sake, tell him that the snakes in the Farmer's hands are not poisonous...
SVE bachelors:
Lance is also an explorer of sorts, and although it's mostly about monsters, he's very interested in learning something new about the local fauna from his love.
That, however, does not prevent the adventurer from scolding his beloved Farmer for such a careless attitude to their own safety and health.
Lance will load the Farmer with vials of antidotes for poisonous snake and tarantula bites.
Maybe even cast a protective spell. And don't let the Farmer complain or grumble about it - Lance has every reason to worry about them.
He'll still be amazed at Farmer's deep knowledge.
*Worried husband mode activated*
Victor is as amazed by the Farmer's intimate knowledge and their bravery as he is horrified by their utterly calm attitude towards the poisonous bug they have in their hands.
Wouldn't the Farmer rather put that bug back where they found it? So that, you know, Victor would stop worrying about the health of his precious spouse?
Still amazed at how accurately Farmer tells him about the classification of various reptiles and insects. Even his books don't go into that much detail, wow!
("Just don't get all the bugs and spiders in your bare hands again, please. Especially dangerous ones, okay, dear?")
Magnus Rasmodius:
"No. Not that. No, no, and no. NO."
Magnus uses magic to instantly teleport the bug that was in his lover's hands as far away as possible into the forest where the Farmer got the dangerous critter from.
A heavy scolding in three... two... one...
Magnus understands their passion, but they can also talk about this interesting fauna without putting his and their lives in danger.
He happens to have a book in his library describing the same snails, worms, beetles, and snakes. Only these creatures have magical properties.
Magnus will give them the book because of their fascination with the subject. But on the condition that his spouse will be a goody-goody and not look for trouble. Deal?
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euphoricfilter · 9 months
bts as my favorite jellyfish 🫧
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆.
+ cool jellyfish facts
(another list no one asked for. shark list can be found here)
☆ jin: moon jellyfish
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probably don’t need an explanation for this one, simply for the fact jin in the moon and pretty like jellyfish
moon jellyfish can survive in both warm and cool waters!! they’re very social and travels in groups, also known as ‘smacks’ (that’s so silly). some members of the moon jellyfish species live without brains, ears, hearts, blood, eyes and pretty much anything we’re used to having as humans: they have 3 main elements to their existence, they’re 95% water, a mouth and a digestive system. they have their own version of a nervous system though, and without any lungs they breathe through their membrane
☆ taehyung: upside-down jellyfish
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upside-down jellyfish are hella unique, taehyung is hella unique. basically a perfect match if you ask me
the different colors seem in upside-down jellyfish comes from their intake of algae. aquarists can tell captive jellyfish from wild upside-down jellyfish, the wild jellyfish have more of a muddy brown color where as the ones in the aquarium are usually a blue, black, white, green or purple!!! they’re rarely found alone, and flips upside-down alongside others of its kind. their little oral arms point up to the sun, looking like a little flower!!! :D
☆ yoongi: cannonball jellyfish
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cannonball jellyfish are cute and yoongi is just a cutie kinda guy. i don’t make the rules
they’re carnivorous, eating fish eggs, red drum fish larvae and planktonic larvae of mollusks and snails. they use their little oral arms to move!! when the jellyfish is disturbed, they dive deeper into the water and release toxin-containing mucus! they can sense light gravity and touch. though communication between them isn’t understood really well, sometimes the jellyfish will form larger groups :D they can reproduce both sexually and asexually: they sexually reproduce in the medusa state (what we all commonly know as jellyfish) where they lay eggs that develop into planulae (basically swimming jellyfish larvae)
☆ jungkook: mushroom jellyfish
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i kinda love the the little mushroom mullet jungkook used to have hence he is the mushroom jellyfish
their common name refers to their shape of them in the medusa stage: mushroom cap!!!!! they’re often confused with the canonball jellyfish as they both lack oral arms. the mushroom jellyfish is much flatter, softer and larger as it can grow up to 51cm. mushroom jellyfish survive off plankton parts which are pushed out of their umbrella by the water and caught between their sort of finger like appendages!! they don’t really pose as a stinging threat to humans because of their lack of tentacles. however their stinging cells reside within their little bell :D
☆ hobi: lion’s mane jellyfish
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lion’s mane jellyfish look cool as hell, and hobi is probably one of the coolest people i can think of 🤨
lion’s mama jellyfish use their stinging tentacles to capture and eat fish, zooplankton, sea creatures and other smaller jellyfish. kingfish will hide within the stinging strands and feed on the leftover jellies until they’re big enough to venture out into the ocean. lion’s mane jellyfish can grow up to 120 feet. they don’t actually have a very long lifespan, only living for around a year :( they can have up to 1200 tentacles. they also have neurons, a ring of nerves within their hoods. without an actual brain and eyes they rely on these nerve cells to perceive and respond to threats. they poop out of where they eat, and eat out of where they poop :D
☆ namjoon: portuguese man-of war
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okay so for this one, i watched a long ass video on jellyfish one time and the way they described the portuguese man of war was like kinda super cool and the big boy jellyfish. so to go hand in hand with my choice of shark for namjoon, this one felt fitting
kinda a cheat one because they’re not really jellyfish even if they look very alike. however are featured in jellyfish videos and lists alike so they count on this list too. they’re actually siphonophores, which is essentially a cluster of organisms called polyps that depend on each other for survival!! despite being a slightly scary creature they themselves have predators, (which are super smart). the violet sea slug uses a bubble raft to float close to the surface of the water. they have dark purple undersides which help them camouflage in the darker waters. sea slugs also eat the man-of-war, using a similar strategy, however!! they can also repurpose the stinging cells of their meal for their own self defense!!! the float on the portuguese man-of-war is partially filled with carbon monoxide. and was named after its resemblance to ships :D they also kinda just drift, riding the current with no means of propulsion
☆ jimin: flower hat jellyfish
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flower hat jellyfish are pretty, and so is jimin. need i say more
(again they’re technically not jellyfish despite the name, they’re classified as hydrozoa). flower hat jellyfish usually live close to the sea floor with kelp and sea grass. they’re native to small areas of the western pacific ocean with smaller groups individually scattered elsewhere. they prefers moderate moderate depths and warmer temperatures :D they mainly feed on varieties of small fish, where most will occasionally consume small marine invertebrates which they’ll scoop from the ocean floor!! they’re actually quite powerful predators who don’t have many predators of their own however, they have been known to consume one another :(
okay that’s all thank you for reading !!!!
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perfectlovevn · 4 months
Milo has always been such a funny character to me as someone who likes to pick up bugs for fun and spent a large portion of my kid years turning over stones to look at the insects beneath them, that being said I kinda wonder what Milo’s reaction would be to other creatures I enjoy
Snails, Snakes, Slugs, Frogs and Axolotls in particular
Oh yeah, I actually love insects. When I find spiders and other bugs in my room I like to let them crawl on my hand/finger to make sure they aren't trapping themselves somewhere (like trying to drown in the bathtub or sink). I'm going to talk about PreMilo specifically since he's the one with the most fears of bugs (also I like bullying him).
With Snails and Slugs, PreMilo is scared of them just like any other insect (despite them technically not being insects). He will definitely scream and shriek if it some how gets on him, he does not like the texture of them on his skin or getting on his clothes. He thinks their eyes look kind of beady... I think he'd more tolerant of snails since you can convince him with cute pictures but he might not really like slugs...
With snakes I imagine he's less squeamish about them but he's pretty wary of them. Even snakes that are harmless or pets I think he probably wouldn't want to test that theory. Maybe if you slowly get him accustomed to it, he'd think they're kind of cool... He might like the cuter looking ones like ball pythons.
I think he would find frogs and axolotls pretty cute. I think he would like potato frogs (mostly because I like potato frogs) and those tree frogs the most. He thinks axolotls are cute because he's seen them in his games and thinks that they have a very cute face.
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hey-august · 2 months
Edging anon: Alternate take on this that is more cute and a bit silly rather than hot (Altough I personally still think it’s pretty hot), that I still liked and wanted to share:
It’s fun to tease the little captain while your man’s away at sea, that was the whole point of this excercise from the start. Give that poor little thing (well, big thing actually, with just enough girth to satisfy you immensely and a cute, pinkish tip that makes your mouth water when you look at it) a few light touches during the day, just linger a bit too long after you helped him answer the call of nature, be extra gentle when you tuck this pretty cock in at night…. But also it’s oddly bittersweet to do so while Buggy is out and about. It’s sexy to be so MEAN to him, but also Buggys magic to his cock is frustratingly more reliable the Denden connection in the waters he’s charting trough.
So it’s frustrating to wait on him like this at times. Not even because of sex, but because your funny, handsome, silly clown man isn’t there with you to hold you at night or try to make you stay in bed longer even tough he KNOWS you both have a busy schedule today. It’s hard not being there when he has a bad night, he’ll, it’s harder not knowing if he has a bad night PERIOD and if a warm hug from you would help more making it better than your hand on his dick.
And you can’t help but think about that while you absently wash his cock before you are about to get ready for bed. Carefully, taking the soft washcloth and drawing a big swipe tracing the vein on the underside. This is fun, truly it is fun, but this week has been hard for you in a non sexual manner just as much as it has been (both sexual and non sexual) for Buggy.
A twitch in your hand brings you back to the present. Oh well, just two more days and he’ll be home. Still, you want to somehow make him know hes loved and you miss him, so you decide to give the little captain a little kiss, right below the head of his dick, the peckish and soft kind, a tender little reminder that you want his entire back home beyond just sexual desire.
The spurt of cum shoots out of the cock in your hand so suddenly you accidentally drop it back into the tub in surprise. The load he just blew was HUGE. The streaks barely missed your right eye and you’re certain some of it got behind your ear as well as your hair. You hadn’t noticed how long you’ve been holding him while you were reminiscing about him, but even then, that a tiny little kiss made him cum like a bull is surprising.
You look in disbelief at the cock pathetically twitching and returning to its softened stated under the water. You never realized cocks could look embarrassed. You carefully retrieve Buggys privates from the water, realizing both cock and balls are still going trough the aftershock of a damn fucking good orgasm, spasming every so often.
You almost drop him again when the telltale purupurupuru alerts you to Buggy apperantly being in waters with a better connection now. You pick up the phone, trying not to look into the, now red nosed, snails eyes, because you know where this conversation will be headed and you already feel bad for it’s innocence.
Being apart from you was difficult. It was hard. Buggy didn't think it was going to be this hard all the time.
It was cute at first. Sweet. You were always teasing him - sneaking up to tickle him, wrapping your arms around him so tightly that he honked, pinching his ass in public, sitting in his lap and "accidentally" moving too much. So even if you weren't physically together (well, more than you currently were), all your taunting touches made Buggy feel like you were right there.
But as the trip dragged on, the frustrations built up. Frustration that you weren't with him. That he couldn't jack off, fuck you, or come at all. That he hardly had enough time to talk to you over a spotty staticky connection.
Buggy thought about asking you for...a favor. Just once. Something little. Quick. Just the tip, you know? But he couldn't bring himself to actually say the words during the handful of calls you two had. How shitty would that be? "Hey, how have you been? Everything okay? Taking care of yourself? Great, can you rub one out for me?"
Fuck no.
...maybe he should have asked though. That might have been better than what actually happened.
Buggy wouldn't admit it, but he liked the nighttime "baths." Even if the routine left him painfully hard and pent up, he enjoyed the attention. It was comforting.
As you dragged the washcloth along his cock, all he could think about was your tongue doing the same. Fuck, he could practically feel your breath, like you were leaning in taste him.
The moment your lips touched his burning skin, it was all over. So soft and plush against his erection. Buggy didn't stand a chance. He felt like the floor was pulled out from under him.
He was doubled over and groaning. Knees weak, threatening to give out. His mind was reeling, trying to catch up to what his body was experiencing. How was there so much fucking cum?
It was like a wet dream but worse. Buggy felt like he should have known it was coming. Ugh. Coming. Fuck fuck fuck. Fuuuuuuuck. You just watched his detached dick explode after a kiss. Not even a sloppy slutty kiss with tongue and spit. Nope. Just a little bit of chaste affection.
Shit, what's he supposed to do now?
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shares-a-vest · 1 year
@steddie-week Day Six: True
Call him a snap. A lovesick loser. A nerd. A guy who likes fantasy stories and make-believe a little too much. An idiot who is setting himself up for disappointment and heartbreak.
But Eddie Munson believes in True Love.
He has read the stories and been swept up in the romantic plotlines of his favourites. He creates NPCs for his campaigns with unnecessarily detailed backstories with whole lives set out for them. Then he uses them to write poems and short stories he keeps safe in his notebooks for no one to see, where everyone gets a sweeping grand love story and a 'happily ever after' waiting for them by the end.
He's well aware others catch on, especially after he starts dating Steve. Yeah, an actual real-life love story sweeps him off his feet and he lets his guard down. Dustin and Lucas call him, "a pathetic lameoid". Mike and Will descend into a chorus of gagging noises. Even the guys tease him for writing song lyrics featuring admittedly, very obvious saccharine declarations. George will give a "Yuck", Gareth practically sings out his disgusted "Ew" and Jeff gives perhaps the worst reaction of all...
"Eddie... just. No."
Steve might as well be a Prince. Or a Knight in shining armour. A combination of both, maybe? Mixed in with the weapons and demon-slaying expertise of a high-stats Barbarian who runs around shirtless.
When Steve visited him in the hospital, drugged-up delirium had Eddie's mind drifting to fairytales where he lay in a nightmare-riddled slumber as a blood-stained and beat-up version of Snow White or Sleeping Beauty. Just laying in wait to be fixed by true love's kiss.
Steve calls Eddie his Prince sometimes when he's being all sappy and cute. It makes them both blush and giggle because, while it's romantic, it is also Steve trying desperately to sound impressive.
But Steve really is the Prince. Eddie insists on the matter. Even when he arrives at the trailer from a closing shift at Family Video, visibly tired with dark eyes, hair now flat and unstyled with a pained expression on his face as he blinks at a snail's pace.
"Thank god, I'm home" he sighs, voice cracking a little as he sets his keys down on the shelf near the front light switch.
Eddie snaps his book shut (A collection of Grimm Fairytales, no less), feeling all giddy at the thought Steve considers the place 'home'. But his glee doesn't last long as his homebound Prince barely toes off one of his sneakers before he clambers forward, arms unstretched in the direction of the couch.
Eddie catches him - or more, Steve collapses onto the couch and rolls into him.
"Hey, what's wrong?" he panics, brushing back the mop of hair that has flopped in his face.
"I have a headache," Steve groans, talking into his makeshift pyjama top - an old Hawkins Tigers t-shirt, "Started as I was closing up."
Steve heaves his body against the couch, resting his head on the cushion back and screws his eyes shut. He fumbles with the buttons on his polo, failing to get anywhere near unbuttoning them. So, Eddie does it for him, barely finishing on the last one before Steve pops his shirt off and flings it halfway across the room.
Then Steve starts doing the same with his belt and fly as a wash of sickly paleness drains down his pretty face.
"I'll do it," he grumbles, pushing Steve's mighty paws away.
He helps there too, willing away a blush and a dirty joke as he loosens Steve's obscenely tight jeans. He isn't exactly sure how it works anatomically, but he is growing more certain with every headache that these damn jeans aren't doing him any favours (other than giving him a tight little, very squeezable, butt).
Steve puffs out what is vaguely a laugh before he slurs, "Think this is as far as you gonna get tonight, Eds."
He gestures at his underwear peaking out from his undone jeans.
"You want me to run you a bath? Squish you into the teeny-tiny combo?"
Steve sniffs under his arm and grimaces at himself.
"'Kay," he lolls his head back on the couch.
"Anything else?"
"Can you make me some tea?"
"Tea?" he questions.
He can't help it. Usually, he keeps his queries to a minimum when Steve is like this (which has been all too frequent lately) but this is a new request.
"Wayne made me some last week when I had a migraine."
"This is the first I'm hearing of it," he says, and in lieu of a physical presence, he glares at his uncle's recliner chair.
Steve smiles at the ceiling, his eyelids softening with a light flutter as he hums, presumably thinking about this magic tea Wayne is most definitely being interrogated about first thing in the morning.
"'S'nice," Steve shrugs.
"That old man with his tea collection like he's some old English Granny."
"Stops me from feeling sick."
Eddie leans over and pecks his deceptively-hot cheek. Stinky and on the precipice of a migraine or not, Steve is still his Prince Charming. He pauses there. Steve must feel his breath lingering because his lip quirks, threatening a smile and he opens his eyes.
"What?" he asks, a teasing tone dancing in there somewhere as he blinks slowly.
Eddie takes his hand and squeezes it.
"Let me kiss you."
"Okay," Steve replies and puckers his lips without moving an inch.
"True love's kiss will make you feel better, promise," he whispers as he closes the distance between them and presses a soft kiss to Steve's lips.
Steve squeaks out a noise and Eddie can feel his frown as he murmurs, "You're so silly."
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Imagine the WBP watching you adjust to their rustic lifestyle
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Commissioned by: @ceylon-morphe286
Thanks for the commission btw ❤️️
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You: *had washed onto the Moby Dick during a storm*
Whitebeard: *takes one look at your pitiful wet shaking and sniveling form, and decides to take pity on you and leaves you to his 1st and 2nd commands *
Ace: *helping you put sheets on your bunk, when he notices your phone on the night stand as it vibrates* What's that thingy?
You: oh it's just my phone.
Ace: *blinks at you in confusion*
You: my smartphone, ya know, like a cell phone.
Ace: You keep saying it like I know what that is.
You: you get calls and messages, and use it to talk to people from a distance.
Ace: oh, like a den den mushi! I've never seen one with a shell that shape, where's the snail though?
You: there's no snail, what on Earth are you talking about?
Ace: No, what are you talking about?
After figuring out what was going on
You: So, I'm not just displaced in space, but also in time....
Marco: what does that even mean?
You: *Sighs because you don't want to explain it.* It's nothing... cute snail by the way.
Ace: If your calls aren't done with a den den mushi, how does it work?
You: well, I'm not entirely sure, but it's complicated enough that I think the fact your culture uses snails is.... rather quaint.
Whitebeard: *watching you as your attention remains glued to the screen.* for something that just does calls, you're rather obsessed with it.
You: oh it does a bunch more, like I can take pictures and record footage. Like here, *snaps a picture of Whitebeard*
Whitebeard: *winces from the flash*
You: hehe, look it *shows him a picture of himself looking straight up his nose with a dog filter over it*
Whitebeard: I'm hideous, throw it away immediately.
The next morning
Ace: See I told you I could carry four crates cat once!
You: *recording him* oh wow, look at that.
Ace: *rapidly shifts his body to account for the boxes wobbling, and he has to take a wide step, ripping the crotch of his pants*
You: *learns Ace do not wear chonies *
Ace: *tries to correct himself, so he wasn't swinging in the breeze, and ends up dropping the crates, and drops the crates.*
You: here cover yourself with this. *Hands him the blanket you were using as a shawl*
Ace: *wraps it around his waist just in time*
Marco, Izou, and Thatch: *comes check out the loud crash*What happened?
Izou: *runs over to save a tin of matcha from rolling into the ocean* hey, you almost cost me a week's worth of tea!
Thatch: *grumbles* here we go with his tea again.
Izou: it is tea, you peanut head!
Thatch: tea is leaves, that is powder!
Ace: *looks over at you, and remembers you were recording him before he fell* to delete it.
You: delete what?
Ace: your phone.
You: ohh *wants to save it for possible black mail for later*... I accidentally turned it off, see, so it probably didn't save the video*shows him the dark screen*
Ace: turn it back on, and check.
You: hmm, I actually shouldn't, it has limited power, and it was already pretty low.
Marco: what powers it? You: electricity, which is like domesticated lightening.
Marco: not easy to come by, from the sounds of it.
You: not here, no. So I should turn it off and use it less.
During breakfast
Izou: why do none of you know how to make a decent cup of tea, I'm not even asking for proper.
You: *hand him a piping hot cup of matcha*
Izou: *sighs and reluctantly accepts it,* wait... this is perfect, how do you know how to make matcha?
You: I read a lot, plus I'm used to a broader global community letting me see into different cultures.
Izou: on that enter nets you mentioned last night?
You: yep on the internet, I'm used to being able to have most of human knowledge at my fingertips.
Marco: and having a constant source of stimulation, that's why you keep picking at yourself when you go without doing something for a few minutes. Speaking of which, stop it *smacks your hand way from your face*
You: yep.
Later that week
You: *pushing yourself along the floor on your back and whining* I'm bored.
Ace: *throws a book at you because you've been whining nonstop to him*
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blacklegsanjiii · 6 months
idk man i don't ship mihawk with anyone really but this golden/hancock sanji au got me. Also yeah there's an age gape, Boa and Mihawk are like 14 and halfish years apart. It's not as weird as her and Luffy though I PROMISE. It is long, it's a basically a halfassed start of a fic idk man.
Mihawk's snail goes off and he's been neglecting his warlord duties since Sanji came along so he answers as he holds the sleeping child. Boa is apparently stranded very close by so he wakes Sanji and says he has to go get someone and for Sanji to stay inside. He goes and gets Boa who frowns as her boat sinks and she whines like any eighteen year old princess would.
They get to Kuriagana and he takes her to the denden so she can call someone to come get her properly and take her back to Amazon Lily. She comes out of Mihawk's office and sees him talking quietly to Sanji, he's knelt down to talk to small boy sans his trademark hat and coat and Boa has never experienced attraction before but she thinks 'huh, that's cute, he's handsome, i see why people think that' and goes to introduce herself.
Boa opens her mouth and stops when she sees that curled eyebrow and instead of introducing herself she looks between Sanji and Mihawk and is wavering heavily. Sanji instantly sees she recognizes him and freezes.
"Is there something wrong?" Mihawk asks her as he looks between the two of them.
"Hawkeye," Boa breathes, "did you kidnap the dead prince of Germa?"
"The what?" Mihawk asks with shock, which is the first emotion outside of boredom she's seen the man emote. "I got Sanji from a rock." Mihawk says as Sanji is about to have a full blown panic attack.
"He was claimed to be dead like three years ago! How did you not know?" Boa demands as she pulls Sanji to her and his breathing starts getting rough.
"I've only had him some months, Princess, let him go. He's going into a panic attack." Mihawk demands and Boa glares but releases him and Mihawk picks Sanji up and stands. His glare is harsh as he leaves her standing there to go calm Sanji down. Boa finds them after a while and Sanji is asleep on Mihawk who is reading.
"I apologize for my insensitivity to you, Hawkeye," Boa starts, "how did you get him though, really?"
"I wasn't lying, Redleg can corroborate." Mihawk answers.
"Sure. Let's say you're not lying. Why does he look like that?" Boa asks.
"You said he died three years ago, yes? Then he hasn't been fed properly for those years, maybe even before that. It's something I've been working on." Mihawk hums as he puts his book down to look at her properly.
"He didn't tell you?" Boa huffs in disbelief.
"No," Mihawk sighs, "he didn't." That, that makes Boa's heart ache for some reason.
Boa has to stay a couple days until someone can come get her so she gets to watch Mihawk and Sanji together. She watches Mihawk have emotions and smile, he smiles at Sanji and Boa gets why people say he's attractive but they haven't seen that. That is dangerous and Boa leaves every time she sees it and comes back when she's calmed down. Mihawk absolutely notices and absolutely exploits this, he's a pirate, it's expected. He makes Boa promise Sanji not to tell anyone about him. Sanji's relief is palpable which makes Boa coo at him and Sanji stare at the affection she's showing him because it's a new kind. Mihawk pats his head and assures him it's alright.
When Boa is leaving she and Mihawk are talking and Mihawk off handedly is like 'maybe when you're twenty.' with a smirk and Boa is flustered and trying not to show it because she's from Amazon Lily and is supposed to not really be swayed by men, but here she is. Red faced and stuttering and asks how he can do that to her and he shrugs and says he honestly expects to have to fend off her forces now.
"When I'm twenty?" She double checks.
"Maybe." Mihawk shrugs with that same fucking smirk and Boa is so frustrated when she leaves Mihawk is pretty sure he's going to have to go to war with a whole damned country. He laughs when Sanji asks why she was mad at him and Mihawk admits to teasing her a lot, an unnecessarily high amount of teasing. Sanji asks if he was flirting and Mihawk admits he did a bit of that as well with a chuckle as he holds his son close. Sanji looks at him with disgust which makes him lose it completely and laugh into his son's hair.
Boa makes a habit to talk to Mihawk and try to get him to emote at warlord meetings which everyone thinks is weird except him. He keeps looking at her expectantly and cocks a brow. He doesn't attend most of them, the government lets it slide based on his status as the world's greatest swordsman and how much work he does actually do for them, so when he does she makes the most of it.
Afterwards, when they're in private she asks about Sanji and how he's doing and Mihawk answers and invites her back to Kuraigana at her leisure. She eventually takes him up on it to his surprise, so she follows him to Kuraigana. It's a rare sunny day when they arrive and Mihawk helps her onto land and then ties their boats and leads her to the castle. Sanji is looking at them through a window and Boa waves excitedly to him. It may have been almost a year but she still coos at him as Sanji looks at her warily. He's scooped easily into Mihawk's arms who tells him Boa will be staying a few days again.
Sanji mumbles his acknowledgement as they head to the kitchen to start cooking. Boa watches the duo who are remarkably close, a true father and son relationship. She watches Mihawk guide Sanji through a recipe and it sounds amazing, smells amazing, she is drooling as they plate up what they've made and serve it. It tastes really good too, amazing, better than what they make on Amazon Lily and says such. They thank her and Boa tries to make more conversation with Sanji.
Who is not talkative but does seem to warm up to her more especially since she doesn't ask about Germa or anything of the like. Later after Sanji is put to bed Boa leans over the arm of the chaise and looks at Mihawk as he enters the library with a look of intrigue.
"Yes, Princess?" He asks as he sits in a chair near by.
"Has he told you anything else?" Boa asks as he grabs a book.
"Not much, but he has." Mihawk answers slowly, looking at her properly. "Seeing as he was on a cruise liner working for a year I think it's safe to say I will kill the king of Germa."
"He's so sweet, it's weird to think he's one of them." Boa huffs.
"I would argue he's not. He doesn't claim them and they proclaim he's dead. I think it is safe to assume the Vinsmokes would rather he actually be dead." Mihawk responds and Boa hums.
"He's lucky to have you." She says after a moment.
"I'm just as lucky." Mihawk says quietly. Boa looks him over and hums again but Mihawk opens his book and reads. Boa huffs indignantly at him as he chuckles to himself.
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