morrithal · 26 days
Blackwall is so fucking funny "I'm done with fighting other men's wars" and then turns around and fights your war
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pomefioredove · 6 days
can I request house wardens + leech twins with a reader who doesn't eat enough bc Crowley doesn't give them enough for food, and they end up really ill and collapsing or something. I'm cravin some fluffy comfort rn, pls and thank you 🙏
I got you🫡🫡 as someone who's been through an eerily similar situation, I really liked this request
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ another crowley moment™️
type of post: headcanons characters: riddle, leona, azul, floyd, jade, kalim, vil, idia, malleus additional info: romantic or platonic, reader is gender neutral, reader is yuu, mentions of food and not eating
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Riddle wouldn't even have to like you to rush to your side. but he does like you, which makes it all the worse
after checking your vitals, you're in the infirmary. he's got doctors for parents, after all, and he knows that malnutrition is bad
he should have seen the signs...
with exams coming, he's been so busy, and he assumed that you were just tired from studying
but he can feel guilty later. right now, he needs to focus on you getting well again, and not killing Crowley
(then, of course, he'll look for some legal statute or clause that he can threaten Crowley with so you're fed properly)
Leona noticed you'd been acting a little weird lately, but watching you collapse still puts him in shock
luckily, Ruggie and Jack are nearby to help you to the infirmary, so Leona can focus on hunting Crowley down like an animal
there are very few times where Leona is particularly grateful for his status, but this is one of them. just one word on how his family will be hearing about Crowley's neglect, and the old bastard is begging him for forgiveness
even after that, Leona still sends Ruggie with snacks and drinks to Ramshackle
and if you ever scare him like that again, you'll regret it (lovingly)
the news of you collapsing during flight lessons reaches Octavinelle rather fast. no one is particularly surprised, since Floyd had mentioned how easily you'd been bruising lately just the night before, but everyone is certainly worried
Azul is the first at your side, asking you all sorts of questions, worried sick. Jade has to remind him to give you space to rest, since you look exhausted (had you always had those dark circles? how could Azul have not noticed?)
now, Azul and the tweels could easily find a way to pressure Crowley, but they know better than to trust him
from now on, you'll be eating in the Mostro Lounge, free of charge
perhaps Kalim was just oblivious, because he really didn't think anything was wrong until you were suddenly on the floor in front of him
sure, you'd been a little moody lately, but he figured it was just a thing you were going through. and besides, you know that you can talk to him about anything... right?
Jamil hurries to check your pulse, and shouts for him to get the school nurse- which is jarring, because Jamil never shouts
when you explain everything to Kalim later, he feels... terrible. he should've known- no, he should've asked
Kalim insists you stay at Scarabia while you're recovering, and makes sure you have the most enriching, delicious meals money can buy
Vil knew it was bad, but not this bad. if he had known you were on the verge of collapsing, he would've taken a firmer approach to getting you to eat
you're going to worry him to death someday, you know that?
after he's done verbally eviscerating Crowley, he'll insist on joining you at every meal. he'll eat at Ramshackle, breakfast, lunch, and dinner, if that's what it takes
he's subtle about it, at least
if he notices that your plate feels empty, he'll just take some food from his and put it on yours. gracefully, elegantly, without a word
you'll come home one day to see your kitchen stocked with vitamins, supplements, and apples (courtesy of Epel)
<3 and a note that says he'll treat you to dinner whenever you want
never scare Idia like that ever again. he wasn't even with you when you collapsed, and he STILL nearly had a heart attack
listen, he knows he's not a great role model when it comes to nutritional eating, but you have got to tell him these things. he would've had Ortho go get takeout! or something!
typical Crowley behavior, SMH. what does he think you are? a rabbit? even the school horses get treated better...
no way that Idia is going to even bother with that old fart, anyway. you want something? he'll get it for you. you don't even have to ask, he'll just send food to your place (and have Ortho check your vitals more often but shhh)
I would not want to be in the room when Malleus finds out about this
not even the building. you know what? I'd steer clear of the whole island, because it will not be pretty
when you collapse in front of him, it feels like he's dying, too. the panic sets in, and he sends Lilia to look after you, and Silver and Sebek to escort you to the infirmary, and then he casually threatens to smite Crowley. obviously
if the students and staff of NRC thought Malleus was scary just being Malleus, he's terrifying when he's mad
(rest assured that you will be getting ten times the amount of food from now on)
it's thunderstorms for days after, but he never leaves your side
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Omg ok so much good stuff to discuss in your amazing response!! First off, thank you for the analysis, you picked up on so many subtle implications I missed. 1. What happens when they demand you press your claim and take what is mine?” Confirmation: Dany always knew Jon wasn’t in love with her. If she thought he was, she wouldn’t have thought this. And suspected/knew he may be manipulating her. 2. I think she kinda began looking for a reason to justify executing Jon. As you point out she
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Hey, Anon! Thank you so much for the compliment!!! =D You are truly too kind. =) And omg, I am so sorry this took me so long to reply to!!!
1) Oooo, yes, I think Dany suspected it all along tbh, but I think she hoped that a) her manipulation would supersede his & b) he would love her the way she wanted him to and that love (and belief/devotion) would come first. I think that's really why she had such an issue with Sansa rather than Arya or Bran (besides the obvious love people had for Sansa in the North). Not only was Jon not willing to "hurt" his family for her, especially Sansa, but also it was obvious he still valued Sansa's opinion (that she could see to an extent) and was a rival for him (I'm not even talking romantically at this point, though that's obviously still very much a thing as well with the whole love triangle).
I have this whole meta on how Jon and Sansa were also two sides of the same coin (I swear, I will get around to finishing these metas sometime soon, I promise lol) and Sansa was very much a threat to Dany but not only because of her being a Queen the people would love or because she didn't want Dany on the IT or because she wouldn't bend the knee or because she loved Jon as well. I truly believe Sansa represented Jon for Dany in a way, the part of him that couldn't be tamed or controlled or manipulated. She was his Stark side, the side Dany very much wanted to crush and dominate, and get under her rule. Jon and Sansa have way too many parallels that not only complement one another but also show had they joined forces/come together as one, that was the power couple that would have been difficult to defeat, dragons or no dragons. And it's only begun to be hinted at in 6x09.
So it's no surprise to me that Bryan Cogman (who seemed to have a pretty good grasp on Sansa's character and her true motives) wrote that line into the scene between her and Dany in 8x02. "Tell me, who manipulated whom?" This line not only confirms that Dany knew that Jon was manipulating her but she is actually using Sansa's very tactic that she used with Jon in 6x04 to get him to listen, that Jon has been using with Dany herself and Dany has been using with him (once she learned it from Jon; she hugs Jorah at their reunion in 7x05 but later on in the episode puts her hands in his when saying goodbye to him; grabbing Jon's hand in 8x04 while "begging" him):
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And Sansa knows what's happening, what Dany is trying to accomplish here. Which is exactly why once Dany pulls her hand away, Sansa waits until Dany is focused on the Maester and then pulls her hands away, sitting upright. And in this moment, Sansa is currently Lady of Winterfell, which is one notch under Warden of the North (but the same positions Cat and Ned were in until Ned became Hand), but before Dany showed up she was Regent (in Jon's absence, even after he bent the knee, she still ran things until he and Dany arrived). Not only is it all connected, but this confirms that Dany knows she's being manipulated by Jon but she loves him (and wants to dominate him/the North), and she is very familiar with manipulation herself and utilizes it often.
And she has quite a bit before this moment, from the Unsullied and slaves in Mereen to Missandei to Tyrion to Jorah to Jon. And later on, she even manipulates Grey Worm (in 8x05). Sorry, I got kind of carried away here lol but I mean to say I completely agree with your point!
And absolutely, completely agreed! Dany never trusted Jon, not completely. I think she started to because she expected him to fall in line with the rest. I think her guard even started to come down slightly after she has that conversation with Tyrion where the latter suggests Jon is in love with her. Some might think she softened to him because she didn't want him to leave, and then tries flirting with him, but that's not the case. It's only after Tyrion says this and we see her go to rescue Jon and Co and she sees Jon's wound, that we see her then soften towards him. So I think you're 100% right, she knew Jon wasn't completely in love with her and she never fully trusted him, which is why she was always willing to believe the worst about Jon, like when we see her go from 0 to 60 in 8x05 when Tyrion talks about Varys. She's not willing to dismiss the notion that Jon has betrayed her. So, yes, Anon, brilliant!!!
2) Exactly!!! I don't think she had a specific point in time picked out or the execution planned out to the nth degree, but she absolutely was on her way there. It was continuously escalating, even to the point where other people in the show saw it and would warn him. That is why I will never understand why some still buy the PR bs that the show espoused for the last season, and that some Dany stans/Jonerys shippers still think that had "bad writing" not come into play, that the Targaryen dynasty would have been restored through J/D. That they believed Jon would have survived if Dany's death never happened, and they would have ruled the 7K happily together. Yet they missed all the major red flags indicating the escalating tension between the two and how it was about to be Dance of the Dragons all over again. Hopefully, now if they're watching HotD and they're watching this same tension build and escalate in that show between those two factions of Targaryens, they get it a bit more. Probably not, but I'm still hopeful. ;-)
3) This! Agreed, I think she hasn't truly conquered Jon and she knows that, which is why she keeps trying. And it's exactly why she continues to try to drive a wedge between him and Sansa. Sansa is a threat not only because of what she represents for Dany (Dany as a ruler/conqueror I mean) but also because of what she represents for Jon. Which I'm willing to bet is why they have the whole parallel of Tyrion and Jaime for Dany: 7x04: "Your family you mean. Perhaps you don't want to hurt them after all", 8x02: "Perhaps he trusts his little brother to defend him, right up to the moment he slits my throat", 8x04: after she hears Jon being complimented by Tormund, she then focuses on Tyrion laughing with Jaime (and then sees Jon's back to her again while Tormund continues his praises & Jon is surrounded by people), 8x04: seeing that Cersei will not kill him (not that this has to do with Jaime per se but goes back to that whole Dany can't come between the family thing), 8x05: "Your brother was stopped trying to get past our lines. It seems he hasn't abandoned your sister after all. The next time you fail me will be the last time you fail me", and 8x06: "You freed your brother. You committed treason." I mean, it's all right there. Jon and Tyrion had already been two sides of a coin so to speak when it came to Dany and their love for her. But now they're also running a contrasted parallel (is that a word?) alongside each other when it came to their loyalty and devotion when it came to her and her response to it. I dare say I think Tyrion and Jon frustrated her more at times than Cersei and Sansa themselves. Which then goes back to that weird parallel the two guys have. It also makes me think this is part of the reason why Jorah was no longer around (besides contributing to the endgame for Dany). So my whole long point (sorry, I'm talking too much today lol) is I definitely agree with you. I think Jon was more of a problem for her than Sansa was, in her mind, because of what Sansa represented for Jon.
4) Yes!!!! I think he chose to do that because he felt it was the right thing to do but also so Sansa and Arya would know the truth, for so many reasons. I think he absolutely wanted to end the intimacy between them and like you said, Dany was then unable to reassert the power dynamic between them, and that frustrated her beyond measure. Which is definitely why she reacts the way she does in that 8x04 bedroom scene when he moves away, and then brings up how he was looked at by everyone. I think he was more disgusted with who she was than by the family connection. That's the thing I think a lot of Jonsa antis/Jonerys stans don't get: it's on record that family marriages did sometimes take place in the history of the North. I believe (and I can't remember the names) that there was even an uncle who married his niece at one point. In today's society, yes, gross. But back in the medieval days, this was more easily accepted and par for the course. As it was that two different houses would marry/unite for a political alliance (like Rhaegar with Elia). So while the type of incest between Jaime and Cersei was looked down upon in Westeros post-Targaryen era, some form of incest has always been around Westeros pre-conquering and post-conquering. Cousin-cousin marriages for example were not unheard of. So, I'm not saying that Jon was completely comfortable with sleeping with his aunt, but it's not that he never heard of it, especially with the Targaryen history. And if she conquered KL again, there was no way that the Targaryen incestry wouldn't be re-established at some point.
I agree, I think he's very turned off by who she is. That's also another thing the Jonerys stans don't get, this romance with a character like Dany's goes against Jon's very character. Especially, when you compare Dany to Ygritte for his romantic history. Ygritte was literally fighting against what Dany represented; she never wanted to bend the knee to any ruler/faction. So how could Jon fall for someone like Ygritte whom he clearly loved, but then fall again for the very person that was her antithesis? It makes no sense. How would that be character development for Jon at all? No sense. So I think you're right in that he was looking to end the physical intimacy between them, but I also think he was trying to do it smartly and not outright reject her and draw her ire. Which is why I think the 8x04 bedroom scene starts to happen until Jon pulls away, and then in the 8x05 fireplace scene, it's clearly in the context of fear which is exactly what Dany sees herself. And based on what you mentioned, then that would explain Jon's little half-smile on the beach when Varys approaches him in 8x05, not just exasperation or 'typical Sansa'. As a matter of fact, I don't think Jon was angry that Sansa told his secret, not until he had to kill Dany to protect her. I think he figured 'typical' aka that familiar affectionate exasperation which then turned into fear once he saw what happened to Varys and heard Dany's threat towards Sansa, then anger when Tyrion (and Arya) basically tell him that Sansa won't have a chance if Dany survives. And I don't think he didn't want to kill her because he loved her, I think he didn't want to because she was family to him in a way and he never wanted to kill a woman (which we saw happen twice, with Ygritte [before he fell for her] and then Melisandre [someone he didn't love]).
So yes, I agree, I think he was hoping to end the physical relationship between them and transition it into a family bond instead, just like you said. I think this is especially reaffirmed when Jon points out to Tyrion that the latter has been counseling her in that 8x06 jail cell scene. To me, that sounded extremely protective but in a familial way. I never got romantic vibes from it. So I completely agree!!!
5) Awww thank you!!! 🤗 That is interesting. I have heard that about the books, that Jon was going to rescue the Gray Lady I think it was, that he thought Arya was captured by Ramsay but it's actually Jeyne Poole, I think? To be fair, I haven't gotten to that point in the books, I should though. (I really need to set aside some time to finish them) I didn't realize that was why he was murdered, though. How horrible! I mean, yeah okay, it's horrible any way you look at it, but with the Wildling thing in the show, I kind of got it in a way. But because he went to go save his sister? Yikes. That would have been interesting to see play out on screen, though. Yes, yes, yes!!!! Always for the Starks!!!! ;-)
About Jonsa, that's an interesting take. I do think part of the reason the Jonerys romance happened is half what you mentioned, to keep Dany's dark turn hidden (and subvert expectations, D&D's catchphrase), but also part because the "dance of dragons" had to happen (in place of the I think Aegon story line in the books, I think I read something about Aegon somewhere, don't quote me on this though) and Dany and Jon were two sides of the same coin in the show. Jon and Sansa are, too, but in a different way if that makes sense. Their sides complement one another, whereas Dany's and Jon's did not.
I also think that they whittled it down to this (meaning the way it all unfolded in the end of the show) because of that coin, meaning Jon was going to be the hero and Dany was going to be the final boss. But of course they were going to reach those destinations in a very grey way, just like GRRM made his characters to be.
And like you said, they couldn't confirm that Jon was in love with someone else because it would have disputed the whole Jonerys romance thing, which then would have led to "why are they doing this then?" which would have eventually led to possibly revealing too much too soon. While we know that the hints were always there since season 1 that Dany would turn dark, the GA didn't pay attention and no one saw the KL massacre coming. Well, not that particular scenario I should say, since we knew there was always going to be a choice that she made that she wouldn't be able to come back from. And I think that was what they mostly wanted to keep hidden as well, what she does to KL and the massacre of one million innocent people, including burning alive children. So, I absolutely agree with you about them needing Jonsa to be implied but not explicitly confirmed. I think it also helped (in D&D's minds) to keep the decision Jon would have to make in the dark as well. Again, we all saw the buildup and the writing on the wall, but I think for the GA, the show purposely kept it as ambiguous as possible until the end.
I think it's also very telling (and reiterates your point) that one scene from the documentary, where Bryan reads the part where Jon kills Dany and we see Kit's reaction: "She kisses him...it's the perfect kiss...she looks up at the man she loves..." Never once do we hear (even though the show was over at this point & HBO purposely didn't air it until after it was over so as not to spoil anything) about Jon kissing her, Jon looking down at the woman he loves. And if Jonerys was full-on and not one-sided, then why not show us that part? Why did D&D emphasize only Dany's POV in those lines?
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Why not show us the forehead touch? Why pull back on the frame for this one shot?
Which is exactly what they did with the 7x06 scene where Jon allegedly starts to have feelings for her?
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We know why. ;-) So yes, Anon, I absolutely agree with you that they couldn't let Jonsa be explicit which is why I think they worked to confirm it in several other ways that would show again during rewatch after the things they worked to keep hidden had been revealed (minus Jon's big reveal aka pol!Jon since they changed that in the eleventh hour, I'm thinking it was most likely a mixture of Emilia and HBO that was the catalyst for this last minute change).
Oh and not to mention that had Jon killed Dany if they made Jonsa explicit, they would chalk that decision up to him choosing one romance over the other, when it wasn't just about that. That decision held way more importance to Jon's arc and Sansa's arc separately and together as characters than it did romantically. The romance would have just been the icing on the top. But had they made it solely about which woman he chose, it would have negated many things for Jon and Sansa themselves, I think.
I'm so sorry, Anon. I got so wordy and rambled a bit here lol, and I do apologize for my delay in responding to you. Thank you so much for the asks!!! I love discussing GoT and especially this area, so thank you! I hope you have a wonderful week!!! <3
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seastarryclouds · 2 years
Well, hello🧷🤍
I saw your eager request abt some Marcus headcannons (don't worry, I'm not judging you, I'd do the same), and I immediately ran to write this (sheeshh never been so fast).
Okay, everything I would say here will totally debut in my fic, because why not? He deserves it.
His father was an rememberble enforcer (who achieved a good warden position) and that's the reason he joined Piltover's Police Academy/force ;
Initially he was really vulnerable but his father pressured him to "act like a man" and to really commit to the job ;
No, he didn't had a good relationship with him, but he still loved him; on the contrary, his relationship with his mother has a lot better ;
Then, he dedicated for it, and he was really devoted in trying to impress and have everyone's approval, especially his father ;
Grayson noticed this on him, and admired his stubborness in terms of pursuing his goals ;
However, he began to acquire this bad habit- his father being so harsh made him patronizing some noobs ;
Actually, made two best friends there (I'll make them my ocs) and they usually went together to patrol and even going out for lunch. With time, they naturally split their relationship ;
Only had one girlfriend, and that's only because she was the daughter of his father's good friend. Also, she was desperate to slide into his pants, and yeah, she was cute... so Marcus couldn't denied it ;
One evening, Grayson was invited for dinner by his father to commemorate his rise of office (from a cadette officer to an enforcer). That was actually the best night he ever had, despite some of his father comments ;
Time passes, and he became more and more confident in his shoes. Being friends w/ Grayson strengthened his capabilities, and he was super excited when she offered the warden to be his right-hand man ;
Look, something that would piss him off the most is seeing Grayson demostrating the same act of affection towards the noobs, and especially towards this new cadette- Caitlyn ;
Yes, my boi is super jealous and would die for approval ;
Marcus hated his cousins, because they'd always mess up with his coins collection ;
And everytime he showed it to someone, they would absolutely ignore it... ;
His mom gifted him a black german shepherd puppy, and they instantly became best friends!!🐾 He would always go on trails and hikes with her to River Pilt (his favorite place) ;
His favorite workout days were upper body and abs days, but he would always prefer to go for a run in the morning ;
Would never forget to buy coffee for Grayson (he even memorized all her favorite flavors and toppings) ;
No one teached him how to groom, and when the beard began to grow he would immediately shave it BUT he likes his sideburns, because "it accentuates my jawline" ;
At his 20s, his father was killed in a military mission in Zaun. He was shocked and couldn't believe it. The strongest man he knew it's now dead... ;
The last thing he did, was attending to his funeral, but leaving almost before it ended ;
From here, he dived into some addictions like smoking and drinking and he became really spiteful.
Yeah, I have more but I think you got some ideas from this hahah. Thanks for reading so far 💖🌷✨
OHHH MAN I LOVE THESE!!!! Makes me wish we had more backstory on Marcus.
Poor baby, I hate when people are all like “act like a man blah blah blah” like it’s normal to have emotions :(
Mayhaps his s/o could help get his emotions out of him
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knaite-solo · 4 years
Dear Lee - Zuko x Reader
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Summary: After being rescued from prison, you discover that you fell in love with a lie.
Pairing: Zuko x DaiLi!Reader
Genre: Angst
Warnings: Swearing
Word count: 2105
“Hand me the prison keys.” Zuko ordered to the semi-conscious warden that he found in front of his uncle's cell. 
Warden Poon was barely able to open his eyes due to the hard confrontation he had with Iroh.
“But, Prince Zuko…”
“Just do it.” Zuko didn’t even try to use a calm tone this time, even threatening Poon with one of his fists on fire.
With no other choice, the warden handed the bunch of keys to the prince. He no longer wanted any conflicts, mainly because he didn’t have enough strength to do so and also because he knew that his firebending was inferior.
With the keys in hand, Zuko began his plan, starting to free the remaining prisoners from the tower. Initially, his intention was just to free his uncle, but as he had failed to do so, he decided not to let the opportunity go in vain.
Most of the people who were there weren't dangerous, but very prestigious. Big business owners, high-ranking military men, former rulers. Even his uncle was only there and not in the Boiling Rock, as he was part of the Royal Family. Fortunately, thanks to this foolish choice, Iroh had benefited from the average security prison to escape.
When Zuko finally thought he had just opened all the cells, he came across one that was different from the others. It wasn’t surrounded by iron bars, but by large metal plates with a small window in the middle, apparently where meals were placed. Not even his uncle had been put in such a bad place. Could someone really be there?
With some caution, the firebender turned the key in the lock and subtly opened the door, placing his head inside the small gap he had opened.
Unfortunately, Zuko identified someone lying in the back of the dim cell. 
And that someone was you. 
But since you hadn’t responded to his call, he was uncertain if you had heard him. So, the prince decided to enter the cubicle and shook you gently, trying to awake you.
“Hey. Wake up.”
It all seemed too confusing in your head when you started to wake up. A familiar voice rang in your ears and a small amount of light illuminated the cell, but the brightness irritated your eyes since you hadn't been dealing with it for weeks.
“Hey.” He called you again and then you finally remembered who that voice belonged to.
“Lee?” You questioned in an uncertain but hopeful tone.
“Y/n?” Hearing your name coming from his lips filled you with happiness.
Without restraining yourself, you wrapped the prince in a tight hug and he reciprocated you a bit shyly since he didn't expect that demonstration of affection, much less to find you in a place like that. But you didn't care about his shyness. Just having him in your arms was good enough.
“I'm so happy that you're okay, Lee.”
You called him Lee again. After all, he was Lee to you.
For you, he was the guy from the teahouse you used to go to after your earthbending training. The guy who had caught your interest so suddenly that when you noticed you would show up to see him even when there was no reason to.
For you, he was the guy who made you laugh even when he didn't mean anything funny. He had such a weird and grumpy way of looking at things that you couldn't help but think it was cute.
For you, he was the guy who had taught you a bit of swordsmanship and when he wielded those double swords, you were even more attracted to him. He always seemed to dance with them. And he made it look so easy when you knew it wasn't.
For you, he was the guy you had your first date with. In fact, you weren't even sure if it was a date, but you always treated the memory with the amount of affection you think it deserved.
You couldn't forget when you had dinner with him and he yelled at one of the waiters, apparently a little embarrassed by a silly comment. You also couldn't forget how you tried to hold his hand and he allowed it, walking with you like that for a while. You couldn't forget the fountain where you took him to and how the candles magically seemed to light around it. It was the perfect place and the perfect time. You could almost feel that he wanted to kiss you just as much as you wanted to kiss him. And suddenly, he left, leaving you with a coupon for the teahouse he worked at.
Shortly after that small step in your relationship, you graduated as part of the Dai Li. You wished you could protect your people and you felt that that was the right way to do it. You had grown up in the Lower Ring and aspired to bring some justice to this region. It is a pity that you got it all wrong and chose the worst way to achieve it.
Before joining the other agents, you had a last cup of tea at your favorite spot. You already wore the typical Dai Li costume and you expected the farewell to be kinda hard. But to your surprise, that day, Lee didn't show up, just his uncle. You said goodbye to Mushi and asked him to deliver the message, but it always hurt you that Lee wasn't there to hear it in person.
So, you met again. And you had so much to say to your dear Lee.
“Why didn't you come to say g-”
“Not now.” Zuko interrupted you a little roughly, but it wasn’t intentional. He just was in a hurry. “I’m sorry. We need to go before they find us.”
He cautiously broke away from your embrace and lifted you, pulling you by your hand. However, you were so weak from the hard days in prison that you almost fell backward. Fortunately, he reacted quickly and held you tightly by the waist so you wouldn't fall.
“What’s wrong?” Zuko asked worriedly.
“Nothing. Let's go.”
You broke free from him politely, trying to prove that you were well enough to walk alone and get out of there on your own, but deep down, you knew it was all just a lie. You had been tortured during so many days that you didn't even know how you could still speak. You didn't even know how you could still pronounce the word hope. Perhaps it was the fact that you were from the Earth Kingdom. Your people were known for being enduring and strong and so were you. You had to go on despite everything.
“Let me help you.” Zuko offered again but you denied.
However, when you started to leave the cell for the first time in weeks, your body again lost its balance. You were so thrilled to finally be able to touch something other than cold metal walls that you didn't look at your steps. Until warm hands held you again.
“Please, I just want to help.” He practically begged this time and you could feel his hands tightening around you. 
“Fine.” You said it reluctantly, knowing that he wouldn't take no for an answer.
Zuko was pleased to finally get your consent and cautiously, he put one of your arms over his neck, supporting your weight against his body. The prince could easily carry you on his back, but he knew you were a proud person and would be offended if you were treated that way. He wanted to give you the proper respect. After all, you were a fighter just like him.
“Now, can you tell me what happened?”
Zuko wanted to ask that question since he found you in that cold, dark cell. It never crossed his mind that you could be so close to him and he never noticed. And if it weren't for his change of heart, you might have rotten there and he would never know.
He wanted to know why you were in that tower since you weren’t a relatively important person.
He wanted to know why you seem to be a thousand times more mistreated than the other prisoners he had released. You could barely walk without stumbling and that didn't match the determined person he met at Ba Sing Se.
He couldn't help but look at the injured extension of your body. All he could see was a large number of bruises, burns, and marks. You looked like a macabre work of art and probably the artist of this work had a mind as macabre as.
He wanted to ask so much. Zuko was immensely concerned about your condition, but at the same time, he was more concerned with how he would say he wasn’t who you thought he was.
“Fire Nation happened.” You finally responded sarcastically. “Do I really need to tell you that, Lee?”
Zuko didn't dare to say anything. Every time he heard his false name, everything seemed to get worse. So he decided to go down the stairs with you in silence. If he could take care of your safety by pretending to be Lee for a while, then he would do it.
“Why are you wearing these disgusting clothes?” The red suit with golden details annoyed you a lot since it looked a lot like the clothes of that woman you despised so much.
Zuko remained silent. You couldn't help but be irritated by his attitude, but you knew you were dependent on him at that moment. You could either adapt to his sudden silence or return to your unhappy cell. Although even if you wanted to return, Zuko would never let you go back.
You finally made it out of the tower and your eyes shone with excitement. How long have you been since you breathe some fresh air?  You were so happy that you would have jumped, screamed, and even danced a little if some guards hadn't shown up.
You quickly let go of Zuko and placed yourself in front of him.
In your mind, you were stronger than him. You were the person who had been blessed with the ability of bending. You were also the person who had been trained to be an elite fighter and serve Ba Sing Se, even it was all a big fat lie. You couldn't change the fact that you joined Dai Li and were manipulated to do bad things, but you could use your strength to do things differently from now. And so you would protect Lee.
You took a rigid stance and levitated some blocks of earth. You were ready to attack until you hear them communicate with Lee.
“Prince Zuko!” One of them spoke up trying to communicate with the man behind you, but that didn't make any sense. He wasn't this Zuko guy.
A woman ran towards you with fire daggers in her hands, but that didn't make you back off. You knew you were superior and even if you weren't, you would force yourself to be.
When you tried to throw the rocks at her, you were stopped, with your hand being held behind your back.
Only one person would be close enough to you to act that fast.
“Lee, what are you doing?” You tried to get loose in vain. 
“I’m sorry.” Zuko whispered.
Before you could answer or try to earthbend something with your feet, Zuko threw you over one of his shoulders, almost like you were a sack of potatoes.
You didn't understand why he told you to stop until you realized that the order wasn't for you. He was talking with the guards.
“But, prince Zuko, she’s the Dai Li agent that princess Azula-”
“I don’t care. I’m ordering you to stop.”
You couldn't understand anything anymore. Why did Lee seem to have authority over those guards? Why weren't you being attacked? Why were they constantly calling him prince Zuko?
“I’m afraid we can’t, Your Highness.” The guard with fire daggers replied.
And then, a battle of flames started.
You were outnumbered. You knew that Lee was good with swords, but that would be insufficient. You would have to fight. Only you could defend the two of you.
"Lee, please." You practically begged, pulling his shirt with as much strength that you could. 
"I'm sorry, Y/n. For everything." And when he started to firebend, your heart shattered into a thousand pieces.
Lee never existed.
Maybe I will write a part 2 since I liked this theme so much. Please let me know in the comments  if I should continue. Suggestions for the next part are also accepted! To this imagine, I inspired myself with the song Natalie - Milk & Bone.
Request made by @bucky-blogs​ Thank you so much for requesting this!
Since English isn’t my native language, please be kind. Any criticism is appreciated.
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yetanotherreader · 5 years
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Genre: College AU
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Y/N Y/L/N, slight Dean x Lisa
Summary: The school’s most popular boy wants to be friends with Y/N, out of the blue. It definitely doesn’t have anything to do with her hot best friend, though.
Word Count (For the chapter): 2,627
Warnings (For the chapter): Language, self deprecative thoughts.
[For some reason, some of the tags aren’t working. I’m sorry about that.]
[[ Also I’m sorry for the no Read More thingy because it doesn’t happen on the phone app :-(]]
Useful Masterlist
Chapter 4
Chapter 3
Time flew by faster and in no time, it was the last week of the semester. Winter breaks were going to begin and you didn't know what to do with your life during the vacation. Lisa was going to be spending it with her family, Dean was going on a road trip with his friends and you had no plans whatsoever. You had no funds to go visit your family, overseas. You were saving for an apartment, and your parents understood. You were, in fact, surprised that they did without any clashes but again, maybe, living away from each other did mend your relationship with your family better. You missed them and, hopefully, they missed you too.
Right now, though, you were trying to figure out how you were going to survive the holidays, browsing the library for some books you could use for your time alone. Older times, you would have enjoyed it. Would get bored, might go into overthinking drives, beat yourself up for things of the past, but still somehow enjoyed the undisturbed two weeks. Now, it was different. Everything was. You were not used to being alone all the time anymore, there was a certain green eyed idiot who made sure to be around you as much as he could. The idiot you've started to dangerously feel for. He introduced you to Cas and Jo, and they were amazing people. Lisa had started spending time with you, too. It was funny. A few months ago, you had literally no one to talk to and now, you barely got to be alone.
"There you are! I've been looking for you."
"Well, I'm honored. Hey, Lis."
"Gotta say your sense of humor has worsened more," she said with a laugh, "Hey. So mom is going on a holiday with her fiancé for the new year. So had to cut the trip short. They invited me but I bailed out"
"I'm sorry," You knew Lisa and her mom's new boyfriend didn't get along all that well. The previous guy her mom was with, though, treated Lisa like her own, and she missed him. For some reason, they broke up and that was why Lisa  moved here for college from Michigan. Her mother's new fiance was a nice man, according to Lisa, but she just couldn't give him that place in her heart.
"Yeah. So, yeah, I'll be here a week earlier."
"That's cool. We can catch up on some movies then."
"And bars and parties and hot boys at the beach."
"Oh, Lord." You laughed, and she soon joined you.
"Hey Y/-" You heard Dean stop, abruptly before continuing, "H-Hey."
You looked up at him to see him looking at Lisa, only to realize it was her he actually greeted, "Um..hey, Dean."
He practically tore his gaze away from her to look at you, "Oh, hi, Y/N. You didn't tell me your friend was going to be here with you."
"Uh, you didn't tell me you were going to be coming here, Dean." You laughed awkwardly trying to cut the tension in the air.
"Oh, yeah, actually I was looking for you. Well, I was wondering if you-"
"Y/N, won't you introduce me to your friend?" Lisa chimed in, practically eye-fucking your best friend—and you hated to notice, it was coming right back at her.
"So, you don't know who I am, huh?" Dean smirked, flirting. You couldn't help but roll your eyes.
It was like you weren't even there while they continued to make filthy comments and it was disgusting, you audibly groaned making your way out of the library, "God, ew."
For the rest of the day, you were supposed to be busy. You had assignments to submit before the vacations started, but it seemed like you dropped your concentration somewhere on the road. You couldn't stop wondering what Lisa and Dean were doing right then. Did they kiss? Or were they planning somethi-
You shook your head, shaking away the thoughts. They were your friends, you should be happy for them if it came to something like that. What you felt for Dean was a tiny, little crush which would fade in no time. You weren't going to make things between you two awkward by acting on it. This friendship was important to you, after a long, long while you were willing to put your trust in someone. You didn't even remember the last time you ever talked to someone like you talked to Dean. He was starting to become the closest friend you'd ever had, so yeah, you were going to be happy for him no matter who he dated.
The only thing was...you weren't.
You typed furiously on the computer, trying to ignore the insecurities that were creeping inside you little by little. Dean is going to leave you too. No one will stay. Everyone leaves. Your fingers danced across the keyboard smoothly yet faster than before as you hurried to get the work done so that you could get the hell out of the premises and take a nap. Because you deserve it. You're not worth any love. You're a disgra- You typed the last words and emailed yourself the document, not bringing anything that was going on in your mind show on your face.
"Y/N!" You stopped at the familiar voice, turning around as Lisa made her way towards you, "Guess what?"
"What?" You asked, not surprised by her happy attitude. She was always so happy, it made you wonder what was wrong with you that you couldn't be.
"You never told me you were friends with that hot snack!"
"Um.. actually. I did." You said, rolling your eyes. Obviously she wasn't paying attention.
"No…" you gave her a long look, "you did?"
Exhaling heavily, you made your way to your room, "Lis, I've had a busy day. I'm really really exhausted. Can we gush over how hot Dean is later when I've had some shut eye?"
"No, I didn't stop you to tell how hot Dean is. I mean, yes he is but I wanted to tell you he invited me to the road trip he's going on with his friends." Your eyes shot up to her face, searching for any signs of it being a joke. It wasn't. Dean, actually, did ask her. They met...like...just now?
Lisa must have gotten an idea of your discomfort 'cause her eyes saucered in realization, "oh my god...I'm so sorry, Y/N! I completely forgot about you and the plans we made. I can drop going, I'm so sorry."
"No..it's..it's okay. Really. Go enjoy your holiday. I was, anyway, going to spend my time alone before we made those plans."
She looked at you, guilty, "Are you sure?"
"Yeah.." You smiled in understanding.
"I can always ask Dean to let you tag along."
You chuckled at the irony. You were his best friend, you didn't need anyone else to ask him anything for you. And you even felt a little insulted by the statement. You could do without this favour. You could definitely do without anyone 'letting you' tag along, "Braedon, really, go. I'll be fine on my own."
She went away without another word. The pit in your stomach only seemed to grow as you did your best to drag it aside. You, somehow, managed to stop the slumping of your shoulders as you walked into your room. You changed out of your jeans into your pajamas, ready to call it a day. You made yourself a peanut butter sandwich and was done with all the chores that you settled down on the bed. Switching off the lights, you pulled the warm blanket over your head. It was then that all the thoughts you'd been pushing aside started making appearances.
Your friend 'completely forgot' about you and the plans, your best friend didn't even bother remembering that he forgot about you. It was like you didn't even exist. You knew it was stupid, in fact it was really childish to think like this. Them people have gotten their own lives which DID NOT have to revolve around you. And pretty honestly, you knew no life revolved around you, not even your own. No one would give two shits if you suddenly disappeared, including you. Still, you weren't supposed to feel this way. You weren't supposed to be so much affected because of something like this. Being left out was not something that was happening for the first time to you. But this time, it hurt a little. The thought of you getting replaced bothered a little when it shouldn't. It wasn't a crime or anything. What did you ever do to make a lasting impact in someone's life anyway so that they'd want to keep you forever?
You woke up to constant pounding on your door. Groaning, you got up to open the door.
"I was about to knock the door down, sleepyhead." Dean ruffled your hair playfully as you slapped his hand away annoyed.
"I was sleeping, asshole."
You looked at him, bored, for a while before widening your eyes and pulling him inside and locking the door behind, "What the hell are you doing here? If the warden saw you, she'd rip me two."
"For a second I thought you were going to kiss me," he snickered sheepishly. "I called you to inform, you didn't pick up." He made his way inside the room, putting the box of pizza and a backpack on the couch. You scrunched up your nose at the action.
"Pizza? Why?"
"Why are you surprised?"
"It was Tuesday. Did I sleep for three fuckin' days straight?!" You said, flabbergasted for a moment until you saw Dean making the most annoyed face ever.
"Y/L/N. It is still Tuesday. Wednesday, actually. And our Friday night outs are at my place, not here where your warden is ready to eat me alive."
"Your point?"
He sighed, "We didn't spend any time together today, Y/N. I saw you earlier, you didn't look well."
You frowned before the memories made their way back, "oh…
"Well that's exactly why I was trying to sleep, Winchester." You scolded, trying to not sound too cold.
"What is it?"
"What?" You turned away from him, walking to your bed, Dean following suit.
"What's wrong? And don't give me there's-nothing-wrong-i'm-okay shit. Tell me." He sat himself beside you as you crawled under the blanket to the other end.
"There's nothing wrong, I'm okay." Dean rolled his eyes as you pulled the covers over your head.
"You know I hate it when you do what I tell you not to."
"Then don't tell me what to do." Your voice came out muffled, as you replied back sharply. He sighed.
When she walked out of the library, groaning as Lisa and him flirted, Dean had noticed. He thought it was just the playful best friend reaction seeing them two flirt with each other, so he let it pass. Later that day, he went to meet Y/N and saw her working on the computer. She would look normal to anyone around there, but Dean had secretly picked up on her habit of doing her work extra smooth when she's stressed. Her shoulders were tensed and eyes sharp. Yep. She was definitely bothered. What he was about to tell her would have to wait, first he needed to know what was bothering her. He decided to talk to her after his class, but by the time his class was over, Y/N was already out of the campus.
"I never got to tell you why I came to talk to you this morning."
"Oh, you came to talk to me? Didn't think I was so lucky." Was that what it was all about? Was she... jealous? But why would she be jealous? She was so darn confusing, it frustrated him sometimes.
"You need to talk to me, Y/N. What's going on?" He said, pulling her blanket to him before she pulled it back.
"Nothing is going on Dean, really. It's nothing. I'm just tired is all."
"And grumpy?"
"And grumpy."
"I need you to know no one is going to take your place, sweetheart." He felt her stiffen just a bit, not enough to be noticed but enough to be noticed by him.
"Stop thinking you're that important to me, Winchester. You're not." He flinched. He knew Y/N didn't mean that, it was just her defence mechanism with some extra sass but it still painfully tug his heart a little bit. She made a lot such comments, mostly playfully, with that serious face but playfully. Maybe it wasn't the comment but the fact that she was hurt that was bothering him? He wouldn't know. One thing he knew, though, was whatever was bothering her, he needed to make her smile. Maybe she noticed his sudden pause because she immediately spoke up, "Sorry. It came out harsher than I intended."
"S'okay. So you're not gonna tell me what's bothering you?"
"Nothing is bothering me Winchester."
"Whatever you say, Y/L/N." He gave up. It bothered him that she had still not opened up to him even when they'd been 'best friends' for so long. Every time he thought she would, she would close off and change the topic. She still was the mystery girl he met at the beginning of the college, a mystery he didn't know how to figure out "So, you coming?"
"The road trip?
"So Lisa did that after all."
"Lisa did what?"
"Nothing. And well, I've got some work so I can't come."
"Yeah I know what work you got. Come on, Y/N. Be easy on yourself sometimes. It's gonna be fun."
"Great. So it's a 2 weeks long trip. Pack accordingly and now we have that pizza." He stood up before she could protest and got the pizza.
"How many times are you going to watch this show, Dean? Don't you get bored?" You said taking your third slice.
"As many times as I please, babe. It's Dr. Sexy M.D, it never gets boring." He said casually, thankfully missing the pink that dusted your cheeks at the nickname in the dark.
After a couple more episodes, you were starting to doze off, and so was Dean, "Alright, let's sleep. We have classes tomorrow.
"There's no morning class. Just one more epi." He said, clutching the remote in his hands, like a child, "please?"
"No." He pouted at your response, defeated.
"Okie." He said letting out a small yawn. Sleepy Dean was always adorable, "So it's settled that you're coming with us?"
She paused for a moment before shrugging slightly.
"I guess...yes," he smiled cheekily as she said that, "but, why did you want me there all of a sudden?"
"Because I want you there? It's gonna be fun. I've heard girls need their girl-friends on these tours for some 'girl-company' thing. I invited Lisa, so-"
He stopped abruptly as she stood up and made her way out of the room, "I'll go and throw these boxes, you change in here."
"- that you could get some company." He whispered mostly to himself. What the hell just happened? He shook his head, too sleepy to think about it right now and stripped out of his clothes into his pajamas.
Obviously. There it was. The reason he wanted you there, it's all here. It's because he didn't want Lisa to be alone around people she didn't know. You stood by the sink and chuckled to yourself, feeling a sting in the back of your eyes. Wow.
"Same old easily replaceable Y/N." You whispered.
Chapter 5
A/N: alright. I know I know. I'm a terrible author who do not care about her readers but it's not that. I'm really, genuinely sorry. Life's been really rollercoastery and I've been dealing with stuffs lately. I promise I'll be better next time. And if you could take out a minute of your day and pray for me and a lot of people who need it, please, I'll be really grateful. They say prayers are powerful and I think I can do with them a bit.
Also, please don't do something wrong with yourself. You're worth every effort you make for a better life. Each minute of your life counts, just make sure you keep yourself and others as happy as you can. Be kind to you and others, I'm rooting for you. ❤️
And show some kindness to the animals too, they deserve it. ❤️
Tags for useful:
 @fandoms-fiend @mrsdeanfuckingwinchester @itsjaybro16 @mml232 @blablatiti @stilltoomuchafangirl @bat-shark-repellant @bluebell-24 @shortwinchester @always-money-in-the-banana-stand @ima-be-a-mongoose @soullessbabee @infinityspacesuniverse @vicmc624 @roonyxx @fandoms-fiend @slythermyg
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lancetuckershairgel · 5 years
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Summmary: Chris uncovers some unsettling truths about Lucy's home life. Lucy becomes angry with Chris.
Word Count: 1,560
Warnings: language, mentions of abuse of a minor
Tag List: @southernbell91 @marvelgirl7 @anxiousamandapanda @book-dragon-13 @jobean12-blog @loricameback @spacemansam @randomfandompenguin @louisianaspell (If you wish to be added or removed in the tag list for this, let me know)
"Leave me alone!"  Lucy yelled as she jerked away from Miss Alexander's reach. "God, can you people not be prison wardens for like five minutes?! Fuck"
The teenager ignored her superior and stir.ed to her class, taking her seat. The Language Arts teacher raised her eyebrows but continued with the lesson, choosing not to fight the battle today. It was Monday and everyone hated Monday's. Especially Chris who was now making his way toward the classroom. He entered, apologizing to the teacher for interrupting, and asked Lucy to join him in the hallway. Lucy ignored him, hoping he'd just leave and glared from underneath her hair covered face as he approached desk. 
"I'm not asking this time. Get up."
Again, the girl didn't reply. Chris sighed,  hating what was to come next. All part of the job, but the riskiest part. Chris stood behind her desk and reached his arms under hers, pulling her up from her desk. She didn't fight him, instead she became dead weight, forcing him to drag her out into the hallway. Waiting for them was the principal, the vice principal,  and the school counselor. 
"Lucy, you were asked repeatedly to remove your hood. You know the rules. No head coverings of any kind inside the school."
"Are you gonna make Inya take her headscarf off?" Lucy grumbled 
"That's different. She has religious exemption."
"Well I have exemption too under the fact that I don't want to."
Chris was behind her and his voice made her aware of his presence, her stance instantly becoming defensive. 
"Take your hood off and drop the attitude."
"Or what Chris?" Lucy turned toward him, her tone aggressive "You gonna take me down? Cuff me and break my arm?" 
"That's not...have you been reading the news again?"
"No, but all you cops are the same."
Chris pinches the bridge of his nose. 
"Just one day, please, could you not be difficult? I was in the middle of a-" 
Lucy's sudden scream made the adults jump, taken aback, but not Chris. He remained calm, watching the girl as she reached up and yanked the hood away from her face and pushed her hair away. Soft gasps littered the air as the bruises on Lucy's face and neck were revealed. 
"Lucy, what happened? Are you alright?" Ms Broman, the counselor, asked 
"Oh, now you care?! Five minutes ago you didn't give a shit why I was wearing my hood, you just wanted me to comply to your stupid rules." 
She glared at the women before turning to glance up at Chris.
Chris didn't know what to say. He was shocked, which surprised him. He always had a feeling that something was going on at home, but seeing the proof shook his core. 
"We should go to my office." Ms Broman suggested 
"I just want to go back to class." 
"Lucy, we should talk about this." Chris managed to say
"Talk about what? I got my ass kicked this weekend, big deal. I just want to do my work."
"Who did this? Was it a student?"
"Your father?"
"Why can't you people leave me alone?!" Lucy cried, pushing past the staff and running up the hallway. 
They were dumbfounded, all standing there looking at each other as they wondered what to do next. 
"I'll talk to her, figure this out." Chris sighed 
"Good. She listens to you." Ms Broman nodded in agreement "We're really going to miss the Lucy Whisperer when you leave."
Chris chuckled before they dispersed. He knew where Lucy would be hiding and sure enough he found her in his office, curled in the saucer chair, her hood pulled tight over her head. 
"Luce?" Chris sat on the edge of his desk "You ok, kiddo?" 
"I'm fine." 
"Who hurt you?" 
No response. 
"Lucy? Did your dad do this?" 
"I can't help you if you don't talk to me."
"Ha!" Lucy's laugh dripped with sarcasm "Help? How can you help? Call the child services people?"
"I'm required by law to call them if there's a child that needs-" 
"Needs what? An even worse ass beating? You think this is the first time something like this has happened? Every time some grownup tells me they're going to help, then they call the cops. Cops come, old man gets out of trouble, and I get it ten times worse. So why don't you help by minding your business." 
Chris spent the rest of the day trying to convince Lucy to let him make the call but she begged and pleaded until he relented and raises his hands. 
"Fine. I could lose my job, you know."
"Just say you took care of it."
Chris couldn't sleep that night. Every time he  closed his eyes all he could see was Lucy and the bruises. Guilt laid heavy in him and he knew he should make the call but he also knew how much damage it could do. The judicial system was so backwards, and the department of family and children services didn't like to take kids out of their homes,  even with solid proof. The next morning Chris went into the school feeling like a zombie and he was sure that his unkempt hair and baggy eyes showed that he had a rough night. Instead of going to his office he went to the hallways, looking for Lucy. He found her trying to threaten another kid into giving her his breakfast but she stopped when she saw Chris. 
"Hey, kiddo. You okay?" 
She jerked away from him, ignoring his question and storming off to her class. The entire day went by without a word from Lucy's teachers, and he didn't know if he should be worried or relieved. As he finished up a last minute document for the ROTC speech he was giving the next day,  a knock on his door caused him to stop. 
"Come in."
Ms Broman walked in with concern written across her usually cheerful expression. 
"Have a seat. Is everything okay?"
"No, not really. Lucy's current situation is alarming."
"I asked around for a bit of Intel on her and I'm not liking what I'm hearing. She refused to write an assignment last week, which you know isn't like her, about her family. Did you know that throughout the entire school year she's not once eaten a meal here?"
"I didn't know that." 
"I asked the lunch staff and it turns out there's not a dime in her account. Hasn't been all year. Students say that she threatens them for food."
"Explains this morning." Chris thought to himself as he processed the information "What do we know about her parents? Anything?"
"I pulled her file, she moved her over summer, her mother died four years ago. No one has ever seen or talked to the father." 
"Past records from the previous schools?"
"That only shows her grades and any incidents. There weren't any alarming ones, but she did get suspended in middle school for selling slime on campus." 
"Slime? That doesn't seem like something she'd do." 
Chris made a few notes and finished his conversation with the counselor. He went home for the day, still unable to focus on anything other than Lucy. 
The next morning he was surprised to see Lucy waiting for him in front of his office door, arms crossed. 
"Good morning." He greeted her with a soft smile as he unlocked the door and gestured for her to come in "How are you today?"
"Cut the shit, Chris." She spat, glaring at him "You're the fakest person I've ever met, you know that?" 
"What do you mean?" Chris took a sip of his coffee as he looked at her 
Lucy uncrossed her arms and waved the flier she had been holding in his face 
"Goodbye Rally? You want to explain?"
"The school wants to hold a goodby for me on Friday.  Not my kinda thing, but not my choice." 
"So you're leaving?"
"I am. I had to get a new job that works better for my schedule." 
"Were you planning on telling me?" 
"Oh, you care?" 
"Fuck you." 
Tears filled Lucy's eyes, her face red with frustration. 
"It's because of me isn't it?"
"What? No, Luce, that's not it at all"
"Then why?! Why leave somewhere you're needed? These kids, the ones you mentor, the ROTC kids you work with. They need you."
Chris frowned, his gut feeling as if it had been punched. He didn't want to leave his job at the high school, but if he ever wanted to finish his night classes and get his counseling degree, he had to.
"They're bringing in a new resource officer. I know her and she'll do a gild job with everyone."
"You can't leave." Tears streamed down Lucy's face "Please. I promise I won't cause any more trouble, I won't talk back or cuss ever again."
"Lucy, this has nothing to do with you." 
"You don't care, do you? This is just a paycheck for you, you don't care what happens to us. Fucking liar."
Chris started to reply but was cut off by Lucy balling up the flier and throwing it in his face. She stormed out, slamming the door closed behind her. Chris sat down in his chair and buried his face in his hands, groaning. 
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lasgaleniel · 6 years
Is Jon playing the game with Daenerys?
Hey my lovelies! I was just rewatching Got 7x07 when I thought about something. 
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I’m sorry if you’ve read something like this before I’m just trying to write this one  down before I forget it. lol. Anyways, at the Dragonpit, I think everyone was  shocked when Jon publicly declared for Dany, mainly because it was a stupid move. Which I think he knew as well. My theory is, he’s playing Dany. He wants her to believe that his word is all that is needed, loyalty-wise. If you think about it, he did not really bend the knee, he just said he would do it. But physically he didn’t. He was a freakin ice cream lying on the bed back then on the boat. 
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Maybe Jon wants Dany to think he is ready to surrender the North to her, that he is willing to give up kingship and become the warden the north, when in fact, he truly comprehends what the North and the northerners have been through and decides that his loyalty is to the north. And only to the North. Sure the dragon glass and the dragons themselves are a big help and everything but still the Starks and the North have been through so much. Maybe Jon believes a good queen, the right queen, should help the north without any insurances from him. ( BTW I’m really curious to see how Jon will react to the burning of Tarlys.) The Walkers are in the end an issue of all of Westeros not just the north. The more people they defeat, the bigger their dead army gets, so...
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Moreover, he tried doing it the Ned-way back with the wildlings and the Wall and surprise surprise, he ended up dead. I’m not saying getting the Wildlings through the wall was a wrong decision, ofc it wasn’t, I’m saying this series is about morality and decisions and the way in which you in the end get your way. And in GoT, you gotta tread carefully. You have to scheme a bit if you want to survive. Naivety is after all what killed most of the Starks. Cersei said it in the very beginning. When you play the Game of Thrones, you win or you die. But you have to play it if you want to stand a chance. 
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When you look at the episode itself, playing the Game seems to be the main theme. Cersei is saying she is joining the army of the living and everyone believes her. In reality, she is plotting to kill them all. In the North, we believe Sansa is once again a pawn in Littlefinger’s game as she is vehemently agreeing  to all the shit he says about Arya. My point is, we believed Cersei and Sansa until we were shown that they were only playing the game. Both Cersei and Sansa were incredibly convincing. But they were lying nonetheless. What if Jon is doing the same, only his act stretches across seasons? 
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I’m probably wrong ofc, maybe the relationship between Jon and Dany  is genuine after all and I’m only looking for a secret plot because the show is not as good as it used to be. Suddenly it’s all good versus evil and that is not why we all fell in love with the show. The reason we fell in love is that it shocked us. And what happened last season? It was predictable and I didn't like it. 
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