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jewelrpro · 2 months ago
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echoesofphilip · 7 months ago
You have it in you, to be better tomorrow than you were yesterday.
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social-yogi-shyam-satish · 2 years ago
Fitness took a quirky turn as we turned the tables and asked @hrithikroshan to suggest a challenge for our trainers #Vrikshasana #BalanceAsana
Here's how the roles reversed, laughter ensued, and a fun challenge unfolded 😬
#Repost @cultfitofficial
#BeBetterEveryday #HrithikRoshan #wearecult #getcultpass #cultfit #fitnessreels #fitnessmotivation
#Yoga #Ayurveda #Yagya #Naturopathy
#PatanjaliYogPeeth #Gurukulam
#Patanjaliwellness #DivyaPharmacy
#PatanjaliYogSamiti #MahilaPatanjaliYogSamiti
#YuvaBharat #KisanSevaSamiti
#YogPracharakVibhag #SocialMedia
#LegalCell #TeluguStates #APTGstates
#YCB #AYUSH #IDY #Swadeshi
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chenelno1 · 2 years ago
In life there are green lights which are good, yellow lights that teach you caution and ted lights that make it hard to go forward. In each of these stages you grow. Enjoy the journey!
#chenelno1 #enjoythejourney #groweveryday #wisewordsoftheday #bebettereveryday #quoteoftheday2023
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ds-upinc · 2 years ago
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ards07 · 3 years ago
Hidup tak melulu tentang menjadi diri sendiri, menuruti semua hal yang menurut kita "ya ini aku", "yang penting aku nyaman", tanpa peduli itu baik atau buruk. Coba tanya hati kecil kita, apakah nyaman itu sebenar-benar nyaman? Atau hanya nafsu belaka.
Menjadi diri sendiri, tentu perlu. Tapi jangan pernah sekalipun membiarkan kita menjadi diri sendiri di jalan yang salah.
Menjadi diri sendiri, tak perlu sampai membuat kita melampaui batas. Kita tahu mana yang baik, dan mana yang harus dihindari.
Tapi, bukannya baik dan buruk itu juga relatif? Nyaman dan tidaknya setiap orang berbeda?
Ya. Tapi kita yang berpegang pada agama, tentu tahu bahwa ada hal-hal yang menjadi batas antara yang baik dan yang buruk kan? Dan semua itu tidak bisa kita pahami sekejap saja.
Semua berproses, setiap orang butuh waktu, and we'll find our own time. Setidaknya, jangan pernah berhenti untuk terus belajar, memahami, berproses, untuk menjadi lebih baik setiap harinya. Dengarkan kata orang jika itu sebuah kebaikan, karna terkadang, ada kebaikan-kebaikan yang tidak bisa kita lihat dengan mata kita sendiri..
Have a nice day, everyone.. :)
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mattattridge-smith · 4 years ago
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#bebettereveryday 😃 (at Alkrington) https://www.instagram.com/p/CStQj-ijRQ_/?utm_medium=tumblr
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livetoliveuniverse · 4 years ago
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Fitness is not about being better than someone. Fitness is about being better than the person you were yesterday. Want to loose fat? Can you change yourself? Answer is YES! Transformation is not what you think. It's a journey, I will be your guide. Join now! #transformation #attitude #weightloss #changeyourself #bebettereveryday #photoshoot #fattofit #bodygoals #besuccessful #denim #yourfitnesscoach #changeisgood #tattoo #ibbf #workout #sixpacksabs #millionairemindset #musclebuilding #bodybuilding #bodygoals #fitnessmodel #nevergiveup #passion #gymmotivation #youtuber #asthetic #shredded #share #mensfashion #mensstyle https://www.instagram.com/p/COXLsc8gomu/?igshid=28ea21jxmvno
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scorpion6knives · 5 years ago
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Getting there... @vegasforge Spirograph Blade @nicholsdamascus Handle/Clip @ti_connector Titanium Hardware Not in love with the etch so we go around again. I could probably send it, but that does a disservice to the end user and ourselves. Take pride in what you do, don’t take shortcuts and stop being lazy. Imagine the beautiful world we could create if we would all go forward this way. #bebettereveryday (at San Tan Valley, Arizona) https://www.instagram.com/p/CD1ymtDgYP6/?igshid=12jd7p5esn91g
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chenelno1 · 2 years ago
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But remember in failure we grow.
#chenelno1 #quoteoftheday2023 #failureispartofsuccess #groweveryday #bebettereveryday
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joananeves · 4 years ago
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Hoje dois super treinos seguidos 🥵🥵🥵 de manhã não consegui fazer mas fi-lo à tarde antes do treino extra. Eu sei masoquista né? 😂 amanhã não me mexo 😅🤕 mas terminei os treinos comum sorriso porque me sinto bem apesar de tudo #workout #fitness #fitnessmotivation #workoutmotivation #healthylifestyle #healthy #goals #personalgoals #bebetter #bebettereveryday #motivation #losingweight #befit #beyourself #betterversionofme (em Pataias) https://www.instagram.com/p/CKzpcx5nYmEVorXDb9qm03b_7Lo8_e6dgy7I0w0/?igshid=1uajupqixvfrd
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linonataraj · 5 years ago
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“Não é sobre ter. É sobre SER!!!” Decidi partilhar hoje o meu primeiro vídeo do instagram. Falarei de um tema que me tem impactado nestes últimos dias que é o Prana. Daqui a pouco não percam a informação que tenho para partilhar e espero que vos possa acrescentar algo. #yogalovers #yogatopia #bebettereveryday #quotes #coaching #yogaisnotjustasana #prana #beachtime #yogainspiration #beachatwinter #quotestoliveby #yogaportugal #quotesaboutlife #yogabrotherhood #yogapractice #myyogalife #yogapose #yogadudes #energy #pranaenergy #gay #learningtoteach #realmendoyoga #yogamale #borntobeyogi #empoweryourself #pranayama #yogaquotes (at Praia de Carcavelos (Carcavelos Beach)) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8wZq8XlYIW/?igshid=rcm5nktzvsjk
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happiness-science-blog · 5 years ago
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Every day is a new chance for you to make something and to become a better person. Don’t miss out on that. How To Be Happy - https://happyproject.in/how-to-be-happy/
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womenscraftbeer · 5 years ago
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We are sharing this photo today, because firstly, how adorably cute is @beerbarbelle in our OG “Free to Choose what beer I’ll drink” tank top?! ... but secondly, because she is employed in our beloved and struggling beer industry. Our hearts are with her, and all those in the service industry, trying to slowly welcome us back into their breweries and restaurants. It would be so nice, if as we venture back out to public places, that we are mindful of all that they are having to implement for our safety. The stress involved with following the laws put in place, to extremely limit their capacity, and being fearful of frustrating customers. Now is not the time to go on YELP and vent! Remember the saying “if you don’t have anything nice to say, then don’t say anything at all” ... they really would appreciate any and all kind words you have to give! AND for those who are so consumed by racial hate, and posting made up hateful reviews, how low. Check that hate at the door! Thank you to Michelle ... please go read her last post @beerbarbelle because she is a true #beerbossbabe and has an amazing way with words! You’ve got this girl! 💪🏼💛🍺 #weareallinthistogether @northforkbrewingcompany #newyorkbrewery #bebetter #bebettereveryday #bebetterdobetter #bethechange #supportyourlocalbrewery (at North Fork Brewing Co) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBi-fDEJOzB/?igshid=1fmbppli4hel7
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moneyobsession-blog · 6 years ago
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Simple...right? 😬 #mitchellarrieta 📷 via @plan2success ・・・ . . . . . . . . . - #bebettereveryday #workfuckingharder #takeactionnow #inspiringquotes #successmore #successdiaries #successtips #successquote #motivationdaily #motivationiskey #inspirationalwords #inspirationquote #inspirationdaily #quotesforlife #womeninbiz #lovequotesandsayings #quotesdaily #quotespage #businesswoman #love #albanian #kosovo #shqiperia #tirana https://www.instagram.com/p/B1o16ZnAlxJ/?igshid=ssip3tutq1b3
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wlstories · 5 years ago
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It's never too late to create the life you want to live. While it's very important that you mentally heal from the wounds of your past it's also important to understand where you're going and understand that happiness in the future requires a game plan to get there. -Keith @6months100pounds #wlstories . . Submit your favored quote! Send us a DM! . . @wlstories @wlshirts @wlstories8 @wlbeginning . . #quotestoliveby #quotesaboutlife #weightloss #weightlossinspiration #vsgcommunity #wlstories #ww #bebettereveryday #bebetter #wls #sundayinspiration #betterthenyesterday #stronger #strongertogether #bodsquad #fedup #motivationalquotes #planneraddict #planforsuccess #behappy (at Tampa, Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/B32RHKKh1VK/?igshid=1ecgwj6786q0u
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