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islaminbn · 2 years ago
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Welcome to Beautiful World 🌎 American UFC Fighter "Kevin Lee" has Converted to "Deen Of Islam". Resently Posted: @motownphenom Official. #kevinlee #ufc #ufcfighter #welcometoislam #islamiclife #islamismylife #islamic #islam #islamupdate #islamicchallenge #islamdaily #islaminbn #islamicpost #deenofislam #beautifulislam #islamisbeautiful #thepeaceofreligion #bestreligionislam #bestreligion #allah #allahuakbar #alhamdulillah #allahisthegreatest #allahalwayswithus #allahprotectus #cometoislam #acceptislam #loveislam (at Islam) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnSdqtps2vK/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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thejustreflections · 4 years ago
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there is a beautiful practice in islam which is part of the ibadah (religious practice) called itikaf where you just reliquish the burning worldly thoughts in your head and just settle silently in your own pace in the masjid or at your home. you just give a super quiet space and just detach yourself from the world. in the month of ramadhan, muslims are encourage to perform itikaf in the masjid. though it is not required, but it's the most beautiful practice to perform because of it's wonderful and amazing rewards (spiritual and physical benefits). in itikaf, you just prepare yourself and intent to perform it. you do nothing but just devote yourself solely to wander the beauty of life. you just go there in the masjid and isolate yourself - you and your creator alone - for hours or days as you wish. it's the most wonderful feeling ever. 🥰 alhamdulillah... i dont know, but when i am in a masjid (mosque) it really feels different. have you performed itikaf? or if you're not a muslim, do you give yourself a quiet moment and just wander the universe in your thoughts and at least for that very moment you free yourself from all worries of this dunyah (world)? share your experience in the comment below... what you feel and how did it help you... -syed qassim acabo / #justreflections / #itikaf #spiritualretreat #retreat #islam #muslim #beautifulislam #muslimreverts #revertmuslimstories #amwriting #muslimwriters #selflove #loveyourself (at Blue Mosque,Maharlika Village,Taguig) https://www.instagram.com/p/CMOWdnDhLpf/?igshid=1ed0b60bja63f
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assafeena · 5 years ago
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‏‎Allah’s peace, mercy and His blessings be upon you and may Allah accept from you your goog deeds, we announce the good news of appearing the Awaited Mahdi off whom gave the good new of sending him at the later time Mohammad messenger of Allah pbuh. We hope you give this news what it deserves of time, importance, value and not rushing in judgement. Our only duty is to deliver the clear message. For more information, details and explanatory statements we invite you to visit the Islamic good news forums and the great news by pondering over the explanatory statements of Imam Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni: ☛ www.awaited-mahdi.com ✔ https://www.nasser-yamani.com ___________________________ #islmicreminders #islamicquotes #islamicposts #islam #muslimah #muslimah #madinah #makkah #allahuakbar #allahuakbar #allah #like4like #lailahaillallah #quranverse #quranic #quran #jannah #jannatulfirdous #beautifulislam #islambeautiful #loveislam #loveallah‎‏ https://www.instagram.com/p/B05xcuTledN/?igshid=dx3nmh9hu1j0
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maxtube350 · 5 years ago
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‏‎اللهم لا تحرم كل من قال آمين من زيارة هذا المقام السامي الكريم 🌷🌷🌷 تابعونا: Follow @afkarislamiya.info Follow @afkarislamiya.info #mekkemedine #islamisbeautiful #beautifulislam #mekkahalmukarramah #almekkah_almadinah #lovemakkah #hajj #hajjumrah #alharamain #haramain #haramain_photos #haramain10 #haramain_photo #gamisharamain #قران_كريم #قران #قرآن #قرآن_کریم #تلاوت_قران #دین_اسلام #مدینہ #مکہ #hijab #hijabstyle #hijabfashion #hijabinspiration #hijabers #dinislam #muslimworld #muslimworldwid‎‏ https://www.instagram.com/p/B0iHHHtguJw/?igshid=lxlv5tsm0gg5
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aftertheshahadah-blog · 6 years ago
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A beautiful du’a made by Umar Ibn al-Khattab when he saw the Prophet (peace be upon him) smiling. What love he must have felt for his wonderful prophet and companion. May we meet them both and be close to them in Jannah 🤲 Ameen. ⠀⠀ #dua #umaribnalkhattab #allah #islamicpost #ameen #beautifulislam #trueislam #learnislam #islamicreminder #islamicpost #newmuslims #deen #prophetmuhammad #muslimblogger #muslimahblogger #muslimrevert #muslimconvert #reverttoislam #newtoislam #deensquad #rightpath #islampost #turntoallah #deenoverdunya #allahisone #tawakkul #islamicposts #islamicquote #studyislam #seekingknowledge https://www.instagram.com/p/BtjfgwAgwXW/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=hux2ufjrgt9n
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miramu1986 · 4 years ago
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Reposted from @deen_islam___ #islamisbeautiful #loveislam #beautifulislam #allahguidesus #allahguideswhomhewills #quransayings #muslimcouples #nikkah #islamicknowledge #islamicquotes #islamicreminders #islamupdate #quranverses #quranhour #beautyofquran #muslimah #muslimahwear #allahuakbar❤️ #lailahaillallah #asthaghfirullah #alhamdulilahforeverything❤️ #subhanallah #forgiveness #salah #prayer #allahu #muslim #jannah https://www.instagram.com/p/CP_Bj4kjlsW/?utm_medium=tumblr
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jojoefly · 7 years ago
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For your neighbors give a smile Spend time with them for a while Look after your neighbor's needs And Allah will reward your deeds. #neighborhood #beautifulislam #rap #islampoem #hiphop #islamituindah #streetdakwah #hijrahdakwah #dakwahmaksudhidup #dakwah #duniasementaraakhiratselamanya #instadaily #instaislam #loveallah #loverasulullah #photooftheday #picoftheday #followus #brothers #onenationemcees #followforfollow #like4like #mosque #fashion (at Putra Mosque)
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zarinesbeauty-blog · 7 years ago
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#truely #amazing #beautiful #islamic #beauty #iloveislam #sujood #sujoodisthebestwaytospeaktoallah #beautifulislam #islamicworld #islamicwomen @iqra_iqra_iqra
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maxtube350 · 5 years ago
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‏‎القرآن الكريم يشفي القلوب.. اللهم جعل حبه في قلوبنا❤❤ Follow @afkarislamiya.info Follow @afkarislamiya.info #mekkemedine #islamisbeautiful #beautifulislam #mekkahalmukarramah #almekkah_almadinah #lovemakkah #hajj #hajjumrah #alharamain #haramain #haramain_photos #haramain10 #haramain_photo #gamisharamain #قران_كريم #قران #قرآن #قرآن_کریم #تلاوت_قران #دین_اسلام #مدینہ #مکہ #hijab #hijabstyle #hijabfashion #hijabinspiration #hijabers #dinislam #muslimworld #muslimworldwid‎‏ https://www.instagram.com/p/B0Zd6BqgOwr/?igshid=1476iziupii0n
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aftertheshahadah-blog · 6 years ago
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With hardship there is ease... Always place your trust in Allah, Who will help us through any trial and difficulty. #quran #quranquote #quranverse #learnislam #islamicpost #islamicposts #deen #tawakkul #quransayings #allahisone #deenoverdunya #rightpath #dawah #islamicquote #islampost #newmuslims #turntoallah #trustallah #deensquad #muslimconvert #muslimblogger #muslimahblogger #newtoislam #muslimrevert #reminder #islamdaily #seekingknowledge #studyislam #islamicreminder #beautifulislam https://www.instagram.com/p/BwjSVLogIM5/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1von0ouh3c02b
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ryryuna · 8 years ago
La Hawla Wala Quwwata Illa Billah. Tidak ada usaha, kekuatan dan upaya selain dengan kehendak Allah
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fatimazahra · 9 years ago
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#weba #really #reality #beautifulislam
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devilukitasari · 9 years ago
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If you love me...
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diannpuspita · 9 years ago
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BismilLaah,, Indeed,, !!! So, there's no love but after the marriage,, It's the haLal love,, Between a husband and his wife,, ^^ #tidakadacintakecualisetelahpernikahan #thisisislam #beautifuLislam #sunnah
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ikainhere · 9 years ago
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"A good man treats women with honour." Hadist Tarmidzi. #islamichadits #islam #hadist #women #man #treat #quote #learnislam #loveislam #beautifulislam
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aftertheshahadah-blog · 6 years ago
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#newmuslims #learnislam #islamicpost #deen #prophetmuhammad #muslimblogger #muslimahblogger #muslimrevert #muslimconvert #reverttoislam #newtoislam #deensquad #rightpath #islampost #turntoallah #deenoverdunya #allahisone #trustallah #tawakkul #allahknowsbest #pbuh #hadith #hadithquotes #hadithoftheday #islamicposts #islamicquote #reminder #islamdaily #islamicreminder #beautifulislam https://www.instagram.com/p/BwSmCr9AWi4/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=5avyj6wgnidb
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