#beaufort cookie
quibbs126 · 11 months
I was looking at two of my fankids next to each other, which would be Scorpion/Prune Juice, aka Juniper Berry, and Croissant/Roguefort, aka Beaufort, and I’m like “they’d have insane yuri (Beaufort’s a guy)”
This is what I have of them btw
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highladyofterrasen7 · 3 months
Guys I’m getting executed tomorrow so vote (lalaos)
Do not let Moira see this this is a safe space for you to vote.
I will give you a cookie or put you in my fic or name my first born for you
@crenna @binolar @ansanity2 @mrs-venus-beaufort @his-littlefox @meangirlsbway
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avampyone · 6 months
Hemlocke Reines
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Thank you for the tag @shroudkeeper and @houserosaire ! <3
Tagging: @ffxivtribehydrae , @ilbers, @amalthea-felsblood, @drowxiv, @corsair-kovacs, @viiioca, @midnightmagicks or anyone who would like to do so!
Name: Hemlocke Reines (Birth name: Seraphine Desmarais) Nicknames: Hemi or Hems Age: 23-24 (He's lost track in the bustle of life.) Nameday: 13th Sun of the 5th Umbral Moon Race: Vampiric Duskwight Elezen Gender: Cis male Orientation: Pansexual (male lean) Profession: Aide to the Arrzaneth Ossuary, bartender, former scion.
—𝒑𝒉𝒚𝒔𝒊𝒄𝒂𝒍 𝒂𝒔𝒑𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒔
Hair: Midnight black hair that began to fade at the ends into a dark red ombre after he was fully turned into a vampire. Eyes: Blood red Skin: Very pale, perfect to an almost unsettling degree. Tattoos/scars: Hemlocke doesn't scar or else he would have many, including a deep one across his right cheek. Tattoo ink would only bleed out of his flesh if he attempted to get one.
Parents: Ange B'londe - Father (paramour to Olivia, alive but undead), Olivia Desmarais - Mother (deceased) Siblings: Jezebel B'londe - Half sister (Not known to Hemlocke, status unknown) Grandparents: Via Ange: Unnamed Gelmorran maiden (deceased), Father unknown (A certain voidsent, status unknown). Via Olivia: The Le Malheur family, Hemlocke was estranged from his mother's side and not allowed to meet under Gloucent's rules. In-laws and Other: Pierre Beaufort (tutor, father figure to Hemlocke, alive), Gloucent Desmarais (Olivia's husband in an arranged marriage, Hemlocke's guardian father, deceased), Eve B'londe (Ange's wife, deceased) Pets: Bruce, his pet bat and Cookie, the ghost of a great dane.
Abilities: Natural affinity for black magic, particularly attuned to fire. The wild magic doesn't always work out in his favor, and he occasionally he casts an entirely different spell than what he intended. Hemlocke can use magic without a staff or soul crystal with no fear of his aether burning away, but it can become easily out of control the more he uses without a focus. He can successfully use the teleportation spell 'Flow', but it takes a lot out of him to do. In perilous moments, Hemlocke's 'shadow' might emerge to assist and amplify his magic. In physical combat, he's best with knives and throwing them at a distance. Hobbies: Hemlocke enjoys reading, dancing, traveling, going out to drink, and gardening. He might sing if he's by himself. He plays piano proficiently, but he's still hesitate to try again with this being tied back to bitter memories.
Most Positive Trait: Kind and protective. Most Negative Trait: Reckless and conflicted with guilt.
Colors: Red, black, silver. Smells: Lavender, rosehip oil, sandalwood, jasmine, and sage.
Textures: Velvet, hearth, layers, midnight, feathers. Drinks: Chamomile or Doman tea, red wine, gin and tonic.
—𝒐𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓 𝒅𝒆𝒕𝒂𝒊𝒍𝒔
Smokes: No. Drinks: Often. Hemlocke likes gin the best, but he isn't really too picky. Drugs: In the past in Ishgard, Hemlocke would take a crystalline substance of white powder he brought in secret. It's equivalent to amphetamine, but he doesn't take it anymore. Mount Issuance: Nightingale, Hemlocke's easily spooked chocobo and occasionally Rose, a gentle bird mount that assists him at the behest of the Vath. Been Arrested: No, but he's had a few close calls.
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More Cookie Run OC ideas part 4, cheese edition! Aged Cheddar, Feta Cheese, Rumi, Pepper Jack, Strawberry Cheese, Soy Cheese, Burrata, Gouda, Monterey Jack, Applewood Cheddar, Muenster, Halloumi, Brie, Yogurt Cheese, Goat Cheese, Brunost, Quark, Mish, Domiati, Areesh, Bocconcini, Gorgonzola Rochebaron, Beaufort, Camembert, Triple Creme Brie, Mimolette, Scamorza, Tetila, Ubriaco, Lichen Cheese, Cranberry Cheese, Derby Cheese, Wensleydale, Stilton, Emmental, Swiss Cheese, Yak Cheese, Quince Cheese and Parmesan.
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une-sanz-pluis · 1 year
genuine question from someone doesn't know much about him (I know a lot and love a lot about Eleanor tho!):
What do you think Humphrey would've been like as King?
It's difficult to say, exactly - a lot of would depend on when he became king because it would change the kind of problems he was dealing with and how well he was able to adapt to them, as well as how others would react to him.
I'm going to assess him as a potential king on the basis of character, the French problem, succession and scandal.
As Lord Protector, duke and king's uncle, Humphrey was a bit of disaster. He showed an ineptitude in politics, his independent military campaigns were flashy but insubstantial, he caused a diplomatic incident with his first marriage and a scandal with his second, he jeopardised the Anglo-Burgundian alliance by marrying Jacqueline of Hainault and pursuing her lands, he was argumentative and took everything personally. As David Rundle succinctly puts it, Humphrey was "hot-headed, cack-handed and tight-fisted". His chief failing, imo, was his inability or failure to adapt to changing circumstances - namely, to doggedly pursue and promote the policies of Henry V at a time where they were no longer viable.
Humphrey does have some potential good points. As regent during Henry VI's coronation expedition to France, he seems to have conducted himself well and there were no complaints about his behaviour. He responded quickly and effectively to the threat of the Jack Sharp rebellion and there are no known conflicts between himself and parliament or the minority council. This time seems to be remembered as a period of stability and may have helped shape the legend of "Good Duke Humphrey".
Before we give Humphrey a whole cookie for this, it's important to remember some points. One - he was aided immensely by his rival, Cardinal Henry Beaufort, being out of the country. Two - he appointed his own choices to important positions, i.e. as chancellor, which meant he was surrounded by men willing to work with him and unlikely to seriously oppose him. Three - his responsibilities were largely focused on the domestic so he wasn't dealing personally with France or Burgundy, his chief weaknesses. Four - what followed after his tenure as regent was more conflict within the council ruling for Henry VI, the failure of Henry VI's personal rule and the Wars of the Roses which means that Humphrey probably looked much better by comparison.
Some of those who studied Humphrey (e.g. Kenneth Vickers, Frank Millard) have suggested he might have been better as king or regent than he was politician and counsellor. Vickers, at least, seems to have been opinion that the chief problem with the minority council was that there were too many discordant opinions given equal weight and England would have been better-served by a regency where there would be one ruler.
Humphrey to Vickers' mind wasn't great but he was no worse a candidate than Cardinal Beaufort. Millard is far more optimistic and sees in Humphrey a personality that was more suited to ruling. I do wonder if Humphrey really would be that open to counsel, especially if the counsel went against his own will or criticised his policies, and I doubt the premise of one regent would have been the cure Vickers thinks it was - Edward II and Richard II were both deposed in part because of their failure to maintain cordial relationships with their nobles which is a problem I can see Humphrey having. Vickers seems to have held Cardinal Beaufort in less esteem than Humphrey so the idea of Humphrey as a regent was more appealing than Cardinal Beaufort.
It's possible, I think, that he could rise to the occasion and be a decent king, at least on the domestic stage. But this also would depend on whether he was able to move beyond his quarrels with some members of the aristocracy (most notably Cardinal Beaufort) and keep them onside - if not, he might end up facing similar problems that Edward II and Richard II did.
Of course, this all depends when he became king. If it happened in the 1440s, for example, he might not have had the heart or strength to maintain the quarrels of his more impetuous years.
The French Problem
Part of Humphrey's popularity came from his opposition to the policies of Henry VI in France. But as the saying going, it's much easier to be in opposition than it is to govern.
On the sidelines, he could easily call for expensive, impractical but flashy campaigns while knowing that they would never get off the ground. As king, he would be well aware of the dire state of the treasury and responsible for funding the campaigns. This might have led him to be more realistic and find a more viable alternative, or to adopt the strategies he'd been opposing. Depending on when he became king, he might have found that there was no better alternative that cutting English losses and running.
France was always a tricky subject for the king to pursue. Peace with France was often controversial - Richard II's 27-year truce was famously unpopular, despite the length of the truce and the massive gains it brought him. Even if Humphrey got a truce with good terms or even something as desirable as the French agreeing to honour the terms of the Treaty of Bretigny (made by Edward III in 1360), it could still damage his popularity. Moreover, Henry V's Treaty of Troyes was still in recent memory and the betrayal of its terms might have been particularly disastrous.
This also supposes that the English claim to France was viable after the loss of Henry VI (whether we're talking about a case whether he was never born or his death). The Treaty of Troyes confirmed the throne of France on Henry V and his heirs and Henry V was careful to emphasise that included the possibility of his brothers as his heirs, and of course Humphrey inherited the same claim to the French throne as Henry V did. But it must have been known that a son of Henry V and Catherine de Valois was much easier to sell to France than Henry V's brothers. One was Charles VI of France.'s grandson, the other was the great-great grandson of Philippe IV of France.
Of course, we also have the question of whether Humphrey would be willing to abandon the Treaty of Troyes when he was so fiercely protective of Henry V's legacy. Then, it depends on when he came to that realisation in time to get a good deal or whether he was better at negotiating his way out of a flaming dumpster fire than William de la Pole, Duke of Suffolk was when he negotiated the Treaty of Tours.*
Childless monarchs tend not to do well and even a lengthy wait for a heir could be a problem, as Henry VI and Margaret of Anjou found out. The lack of children tended to result in anxiety about the future of the dynasty and could well be seen as a personal failing of the monarch.
Humphrey had no legitimate children from his two marriages. We don't know why this was. Humphrey fathered two known illegitimate children so it seems likely that it was widely believed his lack of legitimate children were due to his wives' infertility.** If he became king, he might have believed he should "bow to necessity" and have his marriage to Eleanor Cobham annulled. This might have been personally disastrous, given he evidently cared about her, potentially scandalous, and likely devastating to Eleanor, who would lose her status and her husband. But it would have benefits to Humphrey-as-king. It would allow him to make a diplomatic alliance with a continental power, could result in the birth of heir(s) to continue the Lancastrian dynasty, and given the scandal of his marriage to Eleanor, it might have helped rehabilitate his reputation.
However, had Humphrey succeeded in fathering a legitimate heir, it might backfire. Assuming he succeeded when John, Duke of Bedford died (September 1435), fathered an heir at some point afterwards and still died in February 1447, any child would still be a minor which tended to mean trouble for the realm and trouble for the child-king (cf. the unrest around Edward III's minority, Richard II and Henry VI).
Humphrey might have chosen to maintain his marriage to Eleanor - after all, he didn't remarry after their marriage was annulled in 1441. In that case, he might have stayed quiet on the succession, as Richard II did, or openly acknowledged an heir from amongst the nobility - probably, Richard, Duke of York.
Humphrey seems to have a cordial relationship with York*** so he may have been able to avoid the problems that York gave Henry VI. York was unlikely to complain about being overlooked and underappreciated by Humphrey, they seem to have been on the same page in regards to France, and it's possible that Humphrey would have been content acknowledging York as his heir. It is, however, possible that by favouring York, Humphrey would end up antagonising Suffolk and/or Somerset into opposing him.
Honestly, top marks for Humphrey here. We'd love to be talking about an English king knowingly married a married woman (admittedly, when she was trying to have her marriage annulled), how he had an affair with his bigamist wife's lady-in-waiting and married her and how his doctor wrote a medical treatise warning about the dangers of too much sex. Hell, the historians obsessed with the idea that his grandfather had an STD or syphilis would have a field day with him. To say nothing of the scandal around his mistress-turned-wife (turned queen?) who was accused of being a witch who seduced Humphrey with magic spells.
(Did I take a moment to image the foul historical fiction and "history books" that'd be written about Eleanor and shudder? Yes. But still, top marks for scandal.)
All of this is just stuff he did as the Duke of Gloucester. If he'd annulled his marriage to Eleanor, there's another scandal - especially if he carried on having an affair with her (a not unknown occurrence for noblemen forced to give up their lovers) or if she or his new wife died not long after. If Eleanor and Humphrey had a miracle baby, there would have probably been accusations of adultery or changelings, as there were for Margaret of Anjou.
There's also Humphrey general messy bitch status and the intrigue and drama of his quarrels would provide entertainment for years. He may have also been secretly a goth. If we're truly desperate, one of his servants wrote a book that featured a verse about medieval toilets. Not necessarily scandalous but it does tell us how a medieval nobleman pooped.
In short, I think Humphrey would be a fun king to talk about. A dumpster fire with more than enough sex scandals - and all without murdering any of his wives. He might have finally matured under the pressures of kingship and been a decent king or flailed his way through to the end - or he might have gotten himself deposed. :(
* The Treaty of Tours was not solely Suffolk's responsibility; he seems to have been hamstrung by Henry VI's "peace at all costs" directive. It was an expensive, ineffective and short-lived peace treaty that set Margaret of Anjou up to fail as Queen of England. Humphrey seems to have favoured a better alliance (the Count of Armagnac over Rene of Anjou) but we have no idea if an Armagnac alliance would have resulted in a better situation than the Angevin treaty did.
** Jacqueline of Hainault was married four times, none of which produced children, and at least some of these marriages were consummated. There were rumours she was pregnant with Humphrey's child and the notoriously unreliable Alison Weir claimed that she and Humphrey suffered a stillbirth. The only known sexual relationship Eleanor Cobham had was with Humphrey and produced no children. Lauren Johnson suggested on Twitter that Humphrey's groin injury at the Battle of Agincourt may have left him unable to father children but this is purely speculative. We don't know when his illegitimate children were born to determine if they were born before Agincourt. Furthermore, Eleanor's attempt/claim to have sought out fertility remedies tend to suggest that if this was the case, it wasn't obvious to someone in intimate contact with him and she thought it was possible to have a child with him.
*** it's difficult to precise about Humphrey's relationship with York. York capitalised on Humphrey's posthumous reputation to promote himself as Humphrey's political heir and aligned himself with the discontent over the treatment of Humphrey. Humphrey's own biographers don't tend to suggest any special relationship with York, but some of York's biographers (e.g. Matthew Lewis) do.
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theqreatorsworld · 3 months
Heyy y’all so I saw @efingart do a OC Showcase so why not do one as well
🔔Name: Isabella “Bell” Beaufort
🔔Universe: Black Ops Cold War
🔔Favorite book: Les Fleurs Du Maul by Charles Baudelaire
🔔Favorite song: La Seine By Vanessa Paradis
🔔Favorite pieces of clothing that they wore: The Jacket Adler Gave To Her
🔔Favorite Little Treat: Chocolate Cookies
🔔Favorite person one the life: It’s Russel Fucking Adler
🔔Dream Home: Honestly go back to Paris and live one a big house
🔔Dream life: Honestley anything positive 😍
Dw I’m doing one for Rose next
Tagging: @revnah1406 @alypink @alexa-mwll @adlerboi @buckaroovice @sleepyconfusedpotato and you🫵🫵🫵
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helo-its-mo · 2 years
mutuals. what do you guys think about a cookie named beaufort /genq (who is actually roguefort, but its their other identity) (im asking because of one of my aus)
(also beaufort looks like this)
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(i intentionally didnt choose a blue cheese)
what do you think about it. please tell me the truth, if you guys think it doesnt fit gogurt i can find another cheese /gen
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heavenlyhoundoom · 8 months
More info about the next Medow Valley generation.
1.Sato Bushida
Gender: Female.
Species: Red panda.
Date of birth: 2/13/2025.
Mom: Mizuki Bushida.
Dad: Hudson Creek.
Siblings: Lucas Creek.(Little brother)
Fur color: Brown and White.
Eye color: Yellow.
Favorite color: Pink.
Favorite food: Icecream cake.
Favorite drink: Strawberry milk.
Best friend: Cosette Beaufort(Papillon dog).
Future career: Taking over Mizuki's japanese restaurant.
Future Spouse: Lincoln Echo.
Future children: Harper Echo, Fuyuko Bushida, and Luna Echo.
2.Lucas Creek
Gender: Male.
Species: River otter.
Date of birth: 6/21/2027.
Mom: Mizuki Bushida.
Dad: Hudson Creek.
Siblings: Sato Bushida.(Big sister)
Fur color: Red.
Eye color: Light blue.
Favorite color: Yellow.
Favorite food: Mashed potatoes.
Favorite drink: Lemonade.
Best friend: Emmett Bilby.
Future career: Marine biologist.
Future spouse: Becky Gobbler.
Future children: Tucker Gobbler and Finn Creek.
3.Henry Hares
Gender: Male.
Species: Rabbit
Date of birth: 9/3/2028.
Mom: Daisy Hares.(Maiden name is Carrot)
Dad: Caleb Hares.
Siblings: Bella Hares.(Little sister)
Fur color: Medium gray.
Eye color: Light blue.
Favorite color: Blue.
Favorite food: Chocolate chip pancakes.
Favorite drink: Chocolate milk.
Best friend: Liam Cricket.
Future career: Comedian.
Future spouse: Olivia Vulpine.
Future child: Scarlett Hares.(fox/rabbit hybrid)
4.Bella Hares
Gender: Female
Species: Rabbit
Date of birth: 10/12/2030
Mom: Daisy Hares.(Maiden name is Carrot)
Dad: Caleb Hares.
Siblings: Henry Hares.(Big brother)
Fur color: White.
Eye color: Brown.
Favorite color: Orange.
Favorite food: Grilled Cheese.
Favorite drink: Apple juice.
Best friend: Mavis Lemur.
Future career: Florist.
Future spouse: Gwen McSloth.
Future child: Dominic Hares (I.V.F baby.)
5.Aiden Fowl.
Gender: Male
Species: Peacock/Fennec fox hybrid.
Date of birth: 5/9/2025
Mom: Roxy Fennec.
Dad: Felix Fowl.
Siblings: None.
Fur color: Sandy tan.
Feather color: Blue.
Eye color: Purple.
Favorite color: Green.
Favorite food: Alpahbet soup.
Favorite drink: Grape juice.
Best friend: Samson Salamander.
Future career: Pilot.
Future spouse: Maxine Pride.
Future Children: Darcy Pride(fennec fox/lion hybrid) and Jude Fowl.(peacock lion hybrid)
6.Millie Chestnut
Gender: Female
Species: Squirrel
Date of birth: 4/18/2026
Mom: Violet Modo.
Dad: Collin Chestnut.
Siblings: Jasper Modo(First little brother/sibling), Delilah Modo(Little Sister), and Samuel Chestnut.(Second little brother/youngest sibling)
Fur color: Chestnut.
Eye color: Purple.
Favorite color: Yellow.
Favorite food: PB&J
Favorite drink: Milk.
Best friend: Emma Curl.
Future career: Therapist.
Future spouse: Bradley Harlow.
Future Child: Preston Harlow.
7.Jasper Modo.
Gender: Male.
Species: Komodo dragon.
Date of birth: 7/6/2028
Mom: Violet Modo.
Dad: Collin Chestnut.
Siblings: Millie Chestnut(Big sister), Delilah Modo(Little sister), and Samuel Chestnut.(Little brother)
Scale color: Green.
Eye color: Purple.
Favorite color: Red.
Favorite food: Veggie burgers.
Favorite drink: Orange juice.
Best friend: Lydia Color.
Future career: Optician.
Future spouse: Eva Modo.(Maiden name is Lizard)
Future child: Hailey Modo.
8.Deliah Modo
Gender: Female.
Species: Komodo dragon.
Date of birth: 8/12/2029
Mom: Violet Modo.
Dad: Collin Chestnut.
Siblings: Millie Chestnut(Big sister), Jasper Modo(Big brother), and Samuel Chestnut.(Little brother)
Scale color: Green.
Eye color: Light blue.
Favorite color: Purple.
Favorite food: Sugar cookies.
Favorite drink: Apple juice.
Best friend: Gabby Vine.
Future Career: Baker.
Future spouse: Victor Goat.
Future children: Sylvia Goat and Elise Modo.
9.Samuel Chestnut
Gender: Male.
Species: Squirrel.
Date of birth: 10/24/2031
Mom: Violet Modo.
Dad: Collin Chestnut.
Siblings: Millie Chestnut(First big sister), Jasper Modo(Big brother), and Delilah Modo.(Second big sister)
Fur color: Brown.
Eye color: Light blue.
Favorite color: Green.
Favorite food: Soft pretzels.
Favorite drink: Hot cocoa.
Best friend: Mike Rilla.
Future career: Film actor.
Future spouse: None.
Future children: None.
10.Cleo Whiskers
Gender: Female.
Species: House cat.
Date of birth: 3/27/2026
Biological mom: Unknown.
Biological dad: Unknown.
Adopted moms: Flora Mantis and Lucy Fluff.
Biological siblings: None.
Adopted siblings: None.
Fur color: Orange.
Eye color: Light blue:
Favorite color: Red.
Favorite food: Baked potatoes.
Favorite drink: Cherry juice.
Best friend: Aurora Tigerton.
Future career: App developer.
Future spouse: Jack Klaws.
Future Children: Anna Klaws, Katie Klaws, and Nathan Klaws.
11.Jonathan Feral
Gender: Male.
Species: Fox/Deer hybrid.
Date of birth: 8/3/2027
Mom: Georgia Meadow.
Dad: Marshall Feral.
Fur color: Light brown.
Eye color: Green.
Favorite color: Blue.
Favorite food: Veggie dogs.
Favorite drink: Cranberry juice.
Best friend: Tyson Hawk.
Future career: Mechanic.
Future spouse: Tina Bunny.
Future children: Eliana Bunny, Quinn Feral, and Kyle Meadow.
12.Aurora Tigerton
Gender: Female.
Species: Tiger/Axolotl hybrid.
Date of birth: 5/11/2026
Mom: Diane Tigerton.
Dad: Oliver McGill
Siblings: None.
Fur color: Peach pink.
Eye color: Brown.
Favorite color: Purple.
Favorite food: Cinnamon buns.
Favorite drink: Hot cocoa.
Best friend: Cleo Whiskers.
Future career: Dentist.
Future spouse: Eddie Barkson.
Future children: Nola Barkson(labrador/axolotl hybrid) and Ryder Tigerton.(labrador/tiger hybrid)
13.Yuka Bushida
Gender: Female.
Species: Red Panda.
Date of birth: 1/28/2027
Mom: Addison Hares.
Dad: Evan Vine.
Siblings: Gabby Vine(Little sister) and Milo Hares(Little brother).
Fur color: Red and White.
Eye color: Blue.
Favorite color: Green.
Favorite food: French toast.
Favorite drink: Chocolate milk.
Best friend: Timmy Beaverton.
Future career: Rock star.
Future spouse: Iris Puffin.
Future children: None.
14.Gabby Vine
Gender: Female.
Species: Toucan.
Date of birth: 6/5/2029
Mom: Addison Hares.
Dad: Evan Vine.
Siblings: Yuka Bushida(Big sister) and Milo Hares.(Little brother)
Feather color: Black and White.
Eye color: Green.
Favorite color: Pink.
Favorite Food: Fish sticks.
Favorite Drink: P.O.G
Best friend: Delilah Modo.
Future Career: Mayor of Medow Valley.
Future spouse: Cameron Beak.
Future Child: Lana Beak.
15.Milo Hares
Gender: Male.
Species: Rabbit.
Date of birth: 7/20/2031
Mom: Addison Hares.
Dad: Evan Vine.
Siblings: Yuka Bushida(First big sister), and Gabby Vine.(Second big sister)
Fur color: White.
Eye color: Green.
Favorite color: Red.
Favorite food: Nachos.
Favorite drink: Grape juice.
Best friend: Asher Hoot.
Future Career: Lifeguard.
Future spouse: Jayden Hopper.
Future child: Sadie Hares.
If you're wondering what P.O.G is, it's a drink containing passion fruit juice, orange juice, and guava nectar.
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brookstonalmanac · 1 year
Holidays 5.7
Beaufort Scale Day
Be Best Day
Box Camera Day
Cystinosis Awareness Day
Defender of the Fatherland Day (Kazakhstan)
Dien Bien Phu Victory Day (Vietnam)
Experience the Awesome Stomach-Churning Wonder of a Thrill Ride Day
Fire Escape Ladder Day
Gamma Day
Hamburg Harbor Day (Germany)
Homeland Defender Day (Kazakhstan)
Homespun History Day
International Harm Reduction Day
International Tell Your Crush Day
Jumatul Bidah (Bangladesh)
Jumat-ul-Wida (Jamu and Kashmir, India)
Love’s Baby Soft Day
Martyr’s Day (Lebanon, Lithuania)
National Avery Day
National Barrier Awareness Day
National Brain Donation Awareness Day
National Child and Youth Mental Health Day (Canada)
National Dinosaur Day (Australia)
National Masturbation Day [original date, now 5.28]
National Nuzzling Day
National Packaging Design Day
National Skin Self-Examination Day
National Tourism Day
Paste Up Day
Privy Diggers Day
Provider Appreciation Day
Radio Day (Bulgaria, Russia)
Second Planting (Elder Scrolls)
Unity in Diversity Day
Very Hungry Caterpillar Day
Victory in Europe Day (Commonwealth nations)
World Athletics Day
World Wide Day of Genital Autonomy
Food & Drink Celebrations
National Cosmopolitan Day
National Roast Leg of Lamb Day
Vienna Lager Day
1st Sunday in May
Humane Sunday [1st Sunday]
International Baby Lost Mother’s Day [1st Sunday]
International Bereaved Mothers' Day [1st Sunday]
International Dawn Chorus Day [1st Sunday]
International Family Equality Day [1st Sunday]
International Permaculture Day [1st Sunday]
Kanamara Matsuri (Japan) [1st Sunday]
Lemonade Day [1st Sunday]
Mayday for Mutts [1st Sunday]
Mother’s Day (Spain) [1st Sunday]
Motorcycle Mass and the Blessing of the Bikes Day [1st Sunday]
National Infertility Survival Day [1st Sunday]
National Miscarriage Awareness Day (Australia) [1st Sunday]
National Travel and Tourism Week begins [Sunday of 1st Full Week]
Randwick Wap Cheese Rolling (Gloucestershire, England) [1st Sunday]
Unmother's Day [1st Sunday]
World Laughter Day [1st Sunday]
Independence Days
Breve Empire (Declared; 2021) [unrecognized]
Impy (Declared; 2020) [unrecognized]
Qaflana (Declared; 2019) [unrecognized]
Feast Days
Agathius of Byzantium (Christian; Saint)
Agostino Roscelli (Christian; Saint)
Benedict II, Pope (Christian; Saint)
Curmudgeons Day (Pastafarian)
Domitian of Huy (Christian; Saint)
Dooley the Armadillo (Muppetism)
Flavia Domitilla (Christian; Saint)
Frigga’s Blot (Pagan)
Gisela of Hungary (Christian; Saint)
Harriet Starr Cannon (Episcopal Church (USA))
John of Beverley (Christian; Saint)
Junius Brutus (Positivist; Saint)
Nicola (Christian; Saint)
Nones of May (Ancient Rome)
Pesach Sheni begins (at Sundown; a.k.a. second Passover; Judaism) [Lyar 14]
Peter Lorre Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Rose Venerini (Christian; Saint)
Scurvy Awareness Day (Pastafarian)
Stanislaus, Bishop of Cracow (Roman Martyrology)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Fatal Day (Pagan) [10 of 24]
Perilous Day (13th Century England) [18 of 32]
Prime Number Day: 127 [31 of 72]
Tomobiki (友引 Japan) [Good luck all day, except at noon.]
Umu Limnu (Evil Day; Babylonian Calendar; 21 of 60)
Unglückstage (Unlucky Day; Pennsylvania Dutch) [16 of 30]
Very Unlucky Day (Grafton’s Manual of 1565) [26 of 60]
Alice, by Tom Waits (Album; 2002)
Blood Money, by Tom Waits (Album; 2002)
Business as Usual, by Men at Work (Album; 1982)
California Gurls, by Katy Perry (Song; 2010)
Can-Can (Broadway Musical; 1953)
Dave (Film; 1993)
The Fifth Element (Film; 1997)
Give Me Love (Give Me Peace On Earth), by George Harrison (Song; 1973)
Hare Brush (WB MM Cartoon; 1955)
Iron Man 2 (Film; 2010)
Ladies of Liberty, by Cookie Roberts (History Book; 2008)
Much Ado About Nothing (Film; 1993)
The Mummy (Film; 1999)
Paint It Black, by The Rolling Stones (Song; 1966)
Paradise (Film; 1982)
Pinball Wizard, by The Who (Song; 1969)
The Pros and Cons of Hitch Hoking, by Roger Waters (Album; 1984)
Sanjuro (Film; 1963)
Schubert Dip, by EMF (Album; 1991)
Shall We Dance (Film; 1937)
Superman: Unbound (WB Animated Film; 2013)
Super Size Me (Documentary Film; 2004)
Symphony No. 9 in D Minor, by Ludwig Van Beethoven (Choral Symphony; 1824)
Twice Shy, by Dick Francis (Novel; 1982)
Van Helsing (Film; 2004)
Wrath of Man (Film; 2021)
Today’s Name Days
Gisela, Helga, Notker, Silke (Austria)
Dujam, Duje (Croatia)
Stanislav (Czech Republic)
Flavia (Denmark)
Helma, Helme, Helmeles, Helmi (Estonia)
Helmi, Kastehelmi (Finland)
Domitille, Gisèle (France)
Gisela, Helga, Notker, Silke (Germany)
Bathsheba, Bathsheeba, Beersheba, Bersave, Bersebe, Varsavia, Verseve, Virsaviya (Greece)
Gizella (Hungary)
Augusto, Flavia, Fulvio, Gisella, Maria, Stanislao, Villano, Virginia (Italy)
Henriete, Henrijs, Jete, Tīna (Latvia)
Butautas, Danutė, Rimtė, Stanislovas, Stasys (Lithuania)
Mai, Maia, Maiken (Norway)
Benedykt, Bogumir, Domicela, Flawia, Florian, Gizela, Gustawa, Ludmiła, Ludomiła, Sawa, Wincenta (Poland)
Elizaveta (Russia)
Monika (Slovakia)
Benedicto, Gisela, Juan (Spain)
Carina, Carita (Sweden)
Ahern, Cooper, Dexter, Gisela, Gisella, Giselle, Gisselle, Hearne, Herne, Heron (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 127 of 2024; 238 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 7 of week 18 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Saille (Willow) [Day 22 of 28]
Chinese: Month 3 (Bing-Chen), Day 18 (Yi-Chou)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 16 Iyar 5783
Islamic: 16 Shawwal 1444
J Cal: 6 Bīja; Sixday [6 of 30]
Julian: 24 April 2023
Moon: 95%: Waning Gibbous
Positivist: 14 Caesar (5th Month) [Alexander]
Runic Half Month: Lagu (Flowing Water) [Day 13 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 49 of 90)
Zodiac: Taurus (Day 18 of 30)
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dreamslogs · 2 years
December 27, 2022: Log #82
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🌨️Weather: Sunny with a high of 50, low of 27, humidity of 37%, feels like 47
🎄10:00 AM: Wake up & drink coffee in bed
🎅🏻10:30 AM: Do my morning routine and get ready for the day
💄Todays Makeup
Eyeshadow Primer: Urban Decay Eyeshadow Primer Potion
Concealer: Nars Radiant Creamy Concealer
Highlighter: Rare Beauty Positive Light Liquid Luminizer Highlight in Transcend
Powder: Laura Mercier Translucent Loose Setting Powder
Eyebrows: Kosas Brow Pop Clean Dual-Action Defining Eyebrow Pencil & Kosas Air Brow Tinted Clean Volumizing Eyebrow Gel
Eyeshadow: Pat McGrath Labs Mothership VII Eyeshadow Palette - Divine Rose Collection (Shade: Iridescent Pink 003)
Eyeshadow Topper: Fenty Beauty Diamond Bomb All-Over Diamond Veil in How Many Carats?!
Mascara: Essence Lash Princess False Lash Effect Waterproof Mascara
Lip Oil: Dior Lip Glow Oil in Universal - Clear
Setting Spray: Milk Makeup Hydro Grip Setting + Refreshing Spray
Perfume: Indigo by Nest
🎄11:00 AM: Get picked up by my friend to go shopping
🎅🏻11:15 AM: Get books for the Barnes & Noble 50% off hardcover sale
🎄12:30 PM: Go to the grocery store to buy lunch
🎅🏻1:30 PM: Get home & eat lunch
I ate a salmon poke bowl & water
🎄2:00 PM: Drink green juice, kombucha, and take vitamins
🎅🏻2:30 PM: Watch Jess Owens
🎄3:15 PM: Take a nap
🎅🏻6:15 PM: Wake up, take my makeup off, and talk to my dad while he cooks dinner
🎄6:45 PM: Look at Kendra Scott necklaces with my mom
🎅🏻8:00 PM: Eat dinner while watching a video essay about the Rudolph stop motion puppets
I ate Beaufort Stew (potatoes, sausage, shrimp, cornbread)
🎄9:30 PM: Have a nighttime snack & watch Teen Wolf
I had hot chocolate & chocolate chip cookies
🎅🏻12:15 AM: Take a quick shower & do my nighttime routine
🎄12:45 AM: Get in bed & scroll social media until I fall asleep
🖋️Notes on the day🖋️
Today was fun! I got to see my best friend for the last time probably before somewhere in the summer so that was nice. I managed to get some books I’ve had my eye on, even if it was difficult finding them because they weren’t in any of the places they were supposed to be. I was stressed out because of the cold weather that the pipes in my apartment may have busted, but they called me and said it was fine! All in all, winter break is going well and I’m managing to calm down a good bit before this coming semester comes.
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stevesellshomes · 2 years
Gingerbread Cookie Day Beaufort County SC Bluffton & Beyond
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harry-leroy · 3 years
Wars of the Roses figures as things I’ve heard/seen at fencing practice:
Henry VI: *helps a teammate’s hand injury by putting an Elmo bandaid on it*
Bonus Henry VI: “I don’t do drugs… could you imagine if I did?” (nervous laughter)
Extra Bonus Henry VI: “That’s why I’m afraid of getting a therapist, because I’m gonna be like… relating all my problems to Victorian novels and they’re gonna be like… what?”
Margaret of Anjou: (after coach said a mean thing) “Have you ever considered getting *bent*?”
Richard, Duke of York: *sends a strongly worded paragraph in the discord about what fencing shoes to buy even though he never shows up to practice*
Edward of Westminster: “I was on the academic power lifting team in high school! Wait… you guys didn’t have that?”
Edward IV: (quietly) “I had two cookies, a milkshake, and a vitamin water before this” (crosses eyes) “My tummy kinda hurts”
George of Clarence: *sorority girl poses as a replacement for en garde*
Bonus George of Clarence: “Okay but the Pope definitely knows how to fence, right?”
Extra Bonus George of Clarence: (to a teammate while running laps as practice warm up) “Okay so for our Hades Hell Mode livestream we should dress up as Theseus and Zagreus. Y’know because maybe they’ll kill each other, maybe they’ll kiss each other. We don’t know”
Richard III: “Sorry I told everyone you were in Africa and that’s why you missed practice. I forgot you weren’t going until April”
Humphrey of Gloucester: (going up to someone on their phone) “What is this? FaceTime?”
Cardinal Beaufort: *gives a thirty minute talk on unpopular parry choices in sabre*
Suffolk: “I have to leave practice early to watch the original Godzilla movie”
Bonus Suffolk: (goes up to male teammate at start of a bout) “Okay, let’s go, princess”
Warwick: “I gotta find out how I’m gonna intimidate my opponent before a match” *aggressively sniffs sabre blade*
Elizabeth Woodville: “I went to the store down the street and the cashier said what do you want, my love? like it’s 2 am, a little early for “my love””
Eleanor Cobham: *makes other people set up strip as a power move*
Anne Neville: *gets aggressively poked in the head during an epee bout because she’s small*
Isabel Neville: “I’m not going to give you a compliment because my love language is actually acts of service”
Clifford: *whispers in teammate’s ear before a bout* “Kill her”
Bonus Henry VI/Margaret of Anjou:
Margaret: I’ve never heard someone put themselves down as much as you do.
Henry: Really?
Margaret: Well, like, I have but this is a new maximum.
Bonus George of Clarence/Richard III:
George: So, as you can see, I’m a man of many talents.
Richard: (deadpan) Really? What are the other ones?
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eyes-like-a-pisces · 4 years
One of my interests are niche perfumes, so I made an early birthday gift for myself and ordered some samples.
Unfortunately, not all I wanted were available, but that's okay, I'm gonna order them later (can't wait for 'the night flyer', who suppose to smell like a bat's cave. Also 'the moth' from the zoologist, since I read the review on fragrantica that was going like - this scent reminds me of 90s slasher - a young girl during the summer night finds something in the... But I had a chance to order only The Bee and Hummingbeard for now)
I also ordered a sample of comme des garcons - avignon. They have this whole series inspired by churches and temples around the world. I want to order Zagorsk (a scent inspired by orthodox church) and Kyoto (buddist temple) next.
Other brands that interest me are imaginary authors (every scent is inspired by a story and packed in a book shape box), beaufort london (creator of those perfumes is Leo Crabtree - The Prodigy drummer. All the perfumes are inspired by a sea. But the sample I ordered suppose to smell like cookies AND the sea), Olympic Orchids (I ordered a sample of Kingston Ferry - It suppose to smell like a harbor near Seattle. Waiting to order Seattle Chocolate next) and some polish brands...
Most of the scents I ordered are inspired by forest and water, but have some sweetness in them. All are unisex. Can't wait and test them on all volunteers 🤗
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irresponsibility101 · 3 years
wii music and i coulda been named turbo?!?
and i'll even make a special category for you and it's called
-terrible child (affectionate) where do you get everything from and also who raised you
- i'd like to bake cookies with you but i have a feeling you'd eat all the batter :/
- literally the sweetest <333
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i mean. yeah.
and also i get everything from my singular braincell which is dedicated completely to margaret beaufort (my beloved) and cursed history facts and both my parents are like actual normal people i just got 700% of the batshit genes
and i’ll have you know that i do not eat all the batter. i eat 25% instead.
also awwwwww <333
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fictionkinfessions · 3 years
This shift is always so lonely... I've only seen one kinfession from someone else in this source and it was from 5 years ago and it feels like it's just not... a popular source in general? The book is plenty good and won some awards but it's just so niche I always have a blurb prepared when anyone asks about it. I'm also double shifted/co shifted whatever with another less lonely kin and it just exacerbates the loneliness idk idk.
-Julie Beaufort-Stuart and Croissant Cookie (Code Name Verity; Cookie Run)
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dystopiandramaqueen · 4 years
Female Faves:
Pick 10 favorite female characters from 10 different fandoms, then tag 10 others.
1. Bonnie Bennett
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2. Daenerys Stormborn, Mother of Dragons
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3. Sarah Connor
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4. Lagertha
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5. Cookie Lyon
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6. Kristin Ortega
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7. Fiona Goode
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8. Rey
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9. Vanessa Ives
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10. Pam Swynford De Beaufort
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Tagged by @fireflyxrebel-writes 🖤😘
@splitscreen @nickblaine @benofie @forthisone @smoulderingocean @teamnick and anyone else!
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