#beatrice piacentini
dairine-bonnet · 1 year
Part of my Revan playlist
Game Rules: Choose one of your characters and list songs that fit them.
There's been a while since I got an idea to make a list of the songs I associate female with Revan. Unfortunately, I was pretty lazy to realise the idea, but luckily, I was tagged by @marythegizka and did it eventually. Thank you, @marythegizka , so much!:)
So I’ve chosen female Revan from different periods of time in her life for this game (and sometimes the songs are also connected with her relationship with Malak or male Exile - Peter Brookman in my headcanon). Probably, later I’ll add up more songs to the list. The order is spontaneous. Let’s go!
1. Fire by The Score (Mostly, it’s connected with amnesiac Revan and her entangled emotions she can’t comprehend. It also may be considered as the anthem of her life starting from the Mandalorian Wars at least)
«In my head I hear a million conversations
I'm spinning out, don't wake me up until the end
The rivers flowing in denial I can't fake it
I'm paranoid that all my thoughts are all my friends…»
2. Paint It Black by Ciara or Beatrice Piacentini (It mostly deals with vibes and some lines only in the period of Revan turning into a complete Dark Lady).
«I look inside myself and see my heart is black
I see my red door and it has been painted black
Maybe then I'll fade away and not have to face the facts
It's not easy facin' up when your whole world is black».
3. Tightrope by Michelle Williams (This song and especially these lines below are associated with Revan/Malak relationship during and after the Mandalorian War. No more words 😊 )
«Hand in my hand
And you promised to never let go
We're walkin' a tightrope
High in the sky
We can see the whole world down below
We're walkin' a tightrope
Never sure, will you catch me if I should fall?
Well, it's all an adventure
That comes with a breathtakin' view
Walkin' a tightrope
With you…»
4. O, Children by Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds
(Frankly speaking, I was inspired by the scene of Hermione and Harry's friendly dance to this song from Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. I imagine the Exile and Revan dancing to it together and trying to collect their thoughts, while Malak is missing, everything is falling apart, the war is already underway, and the two of them begin to agitate knights and padawans to join the Republic in the war against the Mandalorians and also intend to find out what happened to Malak. The song contains hints on what lies ahead for them - … «…I was held in chains, but now I'm free…» and not only…)
«We have the answer to all your fears
It's short, it's simple, it's crystal clear
It's round about and it's somewhere here
Lost amongst our winnings
O Children
Lift up your voice, lift up your voice
Rejoice, rejoice
Poor old Jim's white as a ghost
He's found the answer that we lost
We're all weeping now, weeping because
There ain't nothing we can do to protect you
Hey little train, wait for me!
I was held in chains, but now I'm free
I'm hanging in there, don't you see?
In this process of elimination…»
That scene!:)
5. No Time to Die by Billie Eilish (These lines are about that time when Revan finally finds out her true self and her real past and a little bit after that. Without a doubt, Revan is rather offended by Malak’s betrayal, that’s why ‘You were never on my side’. In my view, she doesn’t really think so).
«…I let it burn You're no longer my concern, mmm Faces from my past return Another lesson yet to learn
That I'd fallen for a lie
You were never on my side
Fool me once, fool me twice
Are you death or paradise?
Now you'll never see me cry
There's just no time to die».
6. Who You Are by Lunatica (The whole song is about amnesiac Revan and you’ll figure out why if you listen to it). Here are my favourite lines:
«Frozen and broken Don't know where you're going Losing your identity You're so caught up in hiding But everybody sees
You're never gonna feel You're never gonna heal You're never gonna know what's fake or real 'Til you know who you are You're lying to your face And running in a race You're never gonna win 'til you find your place And you know who you are».
7. Never Tear Us Apart by Bishop Briggs (Revan/Malak song before, during and after the War because then the Jedi Order “could never ever tear us apart”)
«I told you that we could fly
'Cause we all have wings,
but some of us don't know why
I was standing, you were there
Two worlds collided and they could never ever tear us apart».
8. Rewrite the Stars by Zac Efron and Zendaya (Revan/Malak romantic relationship for some time before the war – forbidden and supposed to be sort of impossible… Unresolved romantic tension I’d say).
«You know I want you
It's not a secret I try to hide
But I can't have you
We're bound to break and
My hands are tied
How do we rewrite the stars?
Say you were made to be mine?
Nothing can keep us apart
Cause you are the one I was meant to find
It's up to you
And it's up to me
No one can say what we get to be
And why don't we rewrite the stars?
Changing the world to be ours…»
9. Everybody Wants to Rule the World by Lorde (I associate this song with Revan and Malak after the War and till the battle on the Star Forge).
«There's a room where the light won't find you
Holding hands while the walls come tumbling down
When they do, I'll be right behind you
So glad we've almost made it
So sad we had to fade it
Everybody wants to rule the world
Everybody wants to rule the world
Everybody wants to rule the world…»
10. Who I Am by The Score (A hero and a villain… Any comments necessary?)
«…I'm a hero and a villain
I'm a myth, and I'm a legend
Without strength and a contender
I am real and the pretender
Take me as I am, or don't 'Cause I don't give a damn, no…»
11. End of Evangelion: Komm, süßer Tod  =)
I know, I know I've let you down I've been a fool to myself I thought I could Live for no one else But not through all the hurt and pain It's time for me to respect The ones you love Mean more than anything So with sadness in my heart I feel the best thing I could do Is end it all And leave forever What's done is done, it feels so bad What once was happy now is sad I'll never love again My world is ending I wish that I could turn back time 'Cause now the guilt is all mine Can't live without the trust from the ones you love. I know we can't forget the past You can't forget love and pride Because of that it's killing me inside It all returns to nothing, it all comes Tumbling down...
Tagging:@for-the-love-of-starwars , @kick-girl , @storageofdust (only if you like to join in =) )
If you are here, please, feel free to share your thoughts on these songs or share the songs you associate with Revan (Malak or the Exile). :)
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I Hate Christmas (2022)
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My first impression is that it’s just the Italian version of the Norwegian series “Home for Christmas” that I’ve previously reviewed. The first episode even has the same title. Either way, I’ll still watch it. I’m gonna be lazy and not color code any names though because it’s hard to include everyone all the time without spoiling things.
1:1 The Big Christmas Lie
Gianna (Pilar Fogliati) is a nurse who has been single for 3 years and, at 30, her family is starting to get worried about her not having a family. Ridiculous, but also so relatable. She lies and tells her family she has a boyfriend and she’ll bring him to Christmas. So now she’s working overtime to find a boyfriend.
1:2 Bicycles
We follow Gianna on several bad dates that don’t work out because mostly these guys suck, but also Gianna does not pull any punches. Which good for her. The music keeps tripping me up a little because it’s American, but it’s also not Christmas music, it’s more like dance club songs but over a landscape of Venice. I know American music is popular around the world, but I don’t really expect EDM as a transition song, ya know? Anyway, so Gianna gives up on meeting guys on the street and tries Tinder (shout out- that’s how my husband and I met!) and goes out with a high school aged dude named Davide (Nicolas Maupas) who, based on the montage that occurred, fucks really well. Might go look up the age of consent in Italy real quick.
1:3 I’m Special
Gianna goes on a date with a local politician (who acts like he hates being famous when he’s not even famous) and runs into her parents and finds out that the politician used to date her mom back in college. Gross. Clearly he has a type. So she ditches him with her parents and goes to the high schooler again. There are some jokes at the top of the episode about making sure he’s legal, so that’s either less or more gross, I can’t decide.
1:4 Perspectives
Gianna fucks things up with the high school boy by making a joke that makes him think she’s trying to get serious. I hate this plot line. It grosses me out so much. Anyway. After pedophilia didn’t work out, Titti (Beatrice Arnera) (her roommate) convinces her to dress nice (slutty) and go to the nurse Christmas party and drink. At the party, she runs into some familiar faces who promptly overstay their welcome in her life. But Umberto (Glen Blackhall) (a doctor from the hospital she works at) is still into her and she still hasn’t realized that. If by the end of this episode, you don’t kinda hate her mother, congratulations for your healthy relationship with your family because that’s the only way her mother could seem like a joke.
1:5 The Party’s Over
So I watched the last two episodes back to back, there might be some bleeding between the two. I’ll do my best. So Gianna had an eventful evening. She baked a cake for Davide only to discover him (with the cake in her hands) swapping spit with a girl his own age. Woof. So then she meets up with her besties (minus Titti who is with a man🍆) Margherita (Fiorenza Pieri), her older sister, and Caterina (Cecilia Bertozzi), the chick who owns the cafe they are drinking in. They get drunk with the guy who works for Caterina (who she has a thing for) named Thomas (Marcos Piacentini). Gianna is super drunk, so Margherita and Thomas walk her home. Gianna also makes an interesting discovery.
1:6 Like a Nativity Scene
This episode does end on a cliff hanger, but season 2 is out in a couple weeks. This episode ends up being a really great family love and acceptance of each other style. Umberto finally shoots his shot, but gets called into the ER before Gianna can respond. Gianna gets really upset she got kicked out (her patient coming off of a lot of drugs had complications) and gets cheered up by Diego (Alan Cappelli Goetz), the deaf custodian, who has secretly been pining after Caterina this whole time. But who comes to dinner at the parents’ house?
I’m gonna take a minute here to compare this to the Norwegian version because I have to get it out somewhere, but then I’ll talk about the season on it’s own. I think the main character in this version is more likable because of her zany fourth wall breaks, but I also think there was tonal change. In Home for Christmas, Johanne felt truly alone when she was lonely. In I Hate Christmas, it felt more like Gianna felt like she was missing out, but her family and friends were all still very close. And that might be to make it more similar to Italian culture, I’m not sure. But I know when shifting something from British to American, the asshole character is often shifted to the idiot character because we Americans don’t think assholes are funny. We do think idiots are funny. I also think this version, I Hate Christmas, did a better job of representing certain audiences that may not get as much screen time, like the suitor who used a wheelchair, Carlo (Marco Rossetti), and Diego being deaf was much better subplot than the clown dude from Home for Christmas that just didn’t speak Norwegian. I think I still related to Home for Christmas more because I’m quiet like Johanne and also I’m way more used to snow than boating and biking everywhere. Although that was really cool to watch.
Okay, now just talking about this season of I Hate Christmas. Christmas felt very commercial in this show. Like, idk why the nativity scene sounded like a show of wealth, but it did. This also felt like Gianna was maturing a lot. Imagine being 30 when you realize other people have problems you might not know about. I also think it’s interesting to have Gianna not stick things out with the rich suitor. Yes, he was intense and pushy, but he was also sweet and thoughtful. I also liked him better than the doctor, but I don’t relate to Gianna much anyway. I also enjoyed the bit about private vs public healthcare in Italy, which isn’t exactly the same as the US because our health system is weird, but a lot of people in the US do have to travel to bigger cities to get better quality care. Like where I live is very medium-small sized city that doesn’t have any major attractions for tourism or shopping or family activities, so it’s hard to attract good medical professionals because there’s not much for them to do besides work, so a lot of people travel 2-3 hours for better medical care. Sometimes they have to for specialized care, but also sometimes they choose to because they’ve had medical procedures botched by local doctors.
I’ve gotten off topic. Anyway, this show isn’t bad even though I feel like I’ve been kinda hard on it. It was weird that the song “edamame” by bbno$ was in every single episode though. I’ll still watch season 2 when it comes out because I want to compare it to Home for Christmas season 2. But maybe I Hate Christmas will last more than 2 seasons! Overall, 3 stars.
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natasomewhere · 6 years
“Paint it black” performed by Beatrice Piacentini is just perfect for William and Dolores, especially after the latest episode… powerful, heartbreaking and painful, so as we love it…
(P.S. I know, that some think this is the most toxic ship… but I don’t really care what do you think 🙆 soooorryyy)
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Palazzo Piacentini: un gioiello da scoprire
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La casa di Bice Palazzo Piacentini è sede della Pinacoteca del Mare, parte integrante del polo museale dedicato al mare e allestito mercato ittico dal Comune. Un percorso museale di grande pregio, tappa obbligata per i turisti che hanno deciso di passare le proprie vacanze in questo luogo meraviglioso. Palazzo Piacentini si trova nella parte “alta” del paese, dove un tempo si concentrava l’antico nucleo urbano, e che oggi rappresenta uno splendido percorso alternativo alla classica via dello shopping poco distante. Una breve salita costellata di alberi in fiore conduce il visitatore fino al Palazzo per una visita ricca di sorprese. Gioiellino del Palazzo è lo studio della poetessa Beatrice Rinaldi-Piacentini, detta Bice (San Benedetto del Tronto 1856 - San Benedetto del Tronto 1952), una figura di spicco nel panorama culturale italiano, nota innanzitutto per i sonetti in vernacolo sanbenedettese. Le sue opere sono caratterizzate da, poesie, opere teatrali, sonetti e racconti che narrano, in stampo verista, la vita quotidiana del borgo marinaro e delle sue donne. Lo studio, inaugurato nel 2002, comprende mobili d’epoca, preziosissimi libri, fotografie di famiglia e ritratti. Per gli amanti dei libri, la biblioteca dello “studio di Bice” è una gioia per gli occhi e per l’anima. Read the full article
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tempi-dispari · 8 years
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New Post has been published on http://www.tempi-dispari.it/2017/03/17/38-feste-compleanno-luigi-tenco-qualche-parte-del-mondo/
38 feste di compleanno per Luigi Tenco, "In qualche parte del mondo"
Avrebbe compiuto 79 anni il 21 marzo, Luigi Tenco, nel primo giorno di primavera e nella giornata mondiale della poesia. Ed ecco che, nell’anno in cui tutti ricordano i 50 anni dalla sua morte, in tanti luoghi d’Italia e a Parigi si è deciso, andando controcorrente, di omaggiare la sua vita, le sue canzoni, la sua arte. È nato così “Luigi Tenco, marzo 2017. In qualche parte del mondo”, un grande e diffuso omaggio al cantautore piemontese che si svolgerà fra venerdì 17 marzo e martedì 28 marzo con ben 38 eventi, sparsi dalla Lombardia alla Calabria, arrivando anche oltreconfine, a Parigi, alla Sorbona.
L’intera iniziativa è ideata e curata da Enrico Deregibus e Stefano Starace. Notizie e continui aggiornamenti si possono trovare sulla pagina Facebook: www.facebook.com/LuigiTencoInqualchepartedelmondo Ecco il programma aggiornato degli eventi: 17 marzo a San Giovanni Rotondo – Fg, ore 20.30. Per “Mo’l’estate Spirit Festival” Chiostro Francesco P. Fiorentino – Città Palazzo: Marian Trapassi, Pellegatta, Sara Velardo, “Duet, Tre cantautrici insieme cantano Tenco”. Con la partecipazione di Mario Milano, fumettista (bonelliano) in presa diretta. 18 marzo a Bagnacavallo – Ra, ore 21. Alla Bottega Matteotti “Io sono uno… Le canzoni di Luigi Tenco”. Narrazioni, ascolti e proiezioni a cura di Michele Antonellini. Un’iniziativa di Associazione culturale Controsenso con il patrocinio del Comune di Bagnacavallo. 18 marzo a Bergamo, ore 21.30, Macondo Biblio Cafè: serata omaggio a Luigi Tenco con Ilaria Pastore, Dulco Mazzoleni (MOOSTROO), Pugni Nei Reni e Giovanni Fattoruso. Organizzano Macramè – Trame comunicative e hashtag. 18 marzo a Biella, ore 21, Il Cantinone. “Luigi Tenco. Lontano nel tempo”, talk-show con musica a cura dall’Ass. Artistica AnniVerdi promotrice di Biella Festival. Con Alessio Camaiti & Laura Gruppo, Simona Colonna, Luca Pasquy, Giorgio Pezzana, Lomè, Max Tempia, Mirko Cherchi. 18 marzo a Ponticelli Sabino – Ri, ore 18, La Stalla. Suoni e visioni su Luigi Tenco con Sylvie Genovese, Piero Brega & Oretta Orengo, Giampiero Mazzone, Lalla Bertolini e Filippo Nigro. 18 marzo a Sant’Andrea Apostolo dello Ionio – Cz. Al teatro della Villa della Fraternità, alle ore 18, live di Martina Carioti, Valentina Lijoi, Bruno Lijoi e commento del libro “Il mio posto nel mondo” (Bur). Organizza l’Ass. Primavera Andreolese con il patrocinio dell’Amministrazione comunale. 18 marzo a San Marco in Lamis – Fg, ore 20.30, per “Mo’l’estate Spirit Festival” a il Sentiero dell’Anima: Marian Trapassi, Pellegatta, Sara Velardo, “Duet, Tre cantautrici insieme cantano Tenco”. 18 marzo a Verona, giornata “I suoi occhi sono fari abbaglianti: Luigi Tenco”. Ore 11.30, LaFeltrinelli, presentazione del libro “Luigi Tenco” di Michele Piacentini, con Enrico de Angelis. Ore 21, Locanda Lo Speziale, conversazione con de Angelis e Margherita Zorzi, con video. 19 marzo ad Apricena – Fg, ore 20.30, per “Mo’l’estate Spirit Festival” nello Spazio Selezione Sabatino: Marian Trapassi, Pellegatta, Sara Velardo, “Duet, Tre cantautrici insieme cantano Tenco”. 19 marzo ad Aversa – Ce, ore 18.30, dieci artisti di “Camera d’autore” all’Auditorium Bianca d’Aponte per omaggiare Tenco: Massimo Blindur De Vita, Cè, Federa & Cuscini (Federica Vezzo), Pietro Pedar Annibale, Gaetano, Antonio Manco, Noemi De Simone, Tonia Cestari, Micaela Tempesta, Enzo Colursi, Delirio Creativo, Antonio Gera, Giovanni Feliciello (Il Quarto Imprevisto). 19 marzo a Campobasso, ore 18.30 al Caffè Prestige. L’Associazione Artelive organizza un aperitivo sulle note di Luigi Tenco con video, musica live, recitazione. 19 marzo a Grosseto, Skye Pub, ore 21.30. EdicolAcustica in collaborazione con STOP & DiNTORNi organizza una serata su Tenco con Daniele Sarno, Riccardo Nucci, Emanuele Bocci, Luca Berti, Massimo Corsini e Jole Canelli, Luca Brandini, Paolo Batistini, Enrico Rinnoci, Fabio Amarugi e Leonardo Marcucci . Nicola Draoli voce narrante. Ingresso Gratuito. 19 marzo a Torino, ore 18. L’associazione Maigret & Magritte ospita l’evento “Luigi Tenco: lontano da quando”, narrazione di Vincenzo Jacomuzzi con brani di Tenco interpretati da Giorgio Bertolusso e Stella Sorcinelli. 19 marzo a Zola Predosa – Bo, ore 17.30. Al Centro Pertini spettacolo di canzoni, filmati e citazioni. Con Letizia Venturi, Marco Raspanti, Tizio Bononcini, Riccardo Marchi, Uber Pagliani, il coro L’Aura Musica. Regia di Jessica Dalli Cardillo. 20 marzo a Imperia, Spazio Calvino, ore 21. Con Year ’11, Seawards, Titti Guasco e Maurizio Abbo, Margherita Zanin e Geddo. Direzione artistica di Marika Amoretti e Eugenio Ripepi. 21 marzo a Pavia, ore 21.30. A SpazioMusica omaggio corale a Luigi Tenco nell’ambito di “Pavia in poesia”. Con: Massaroni Pianoforti, Stefano Bergonzi, Alessandro Ferrari, Andrea Garavelli, Beatrice Campisi, Riccardo Maccabruni, Nicolò Pozzi, Bruno Cerutti, Irene Scova, Matteo Callegari, Gipo Anfosso, Betti Verri. 21 marzo a Recco – Ge. “Luigi Tenco a Recco, cinquant’anni dopo”: presentazione del libro “Luigi Tenco” di Michele Piacentini, con interventi musicali. Serata istituzionale a inviti con aperi-cena. Organizzazione Comune di Recco. 21 marzo a Roma, ore 21.30, Angelo Mai. “Angelo angelo, angelo mio”, regia di Pino Marino. Con Pino Marino, Roberto Angelini, Pier Cortese, Francesco Forni, Ilaria Graziano, Lucio Leoni, Raffaella Misiti, Agnese Valle, Ivan Talarico, Pilar, Tony Allotta, Piji, Stefano Scatozza, Adel Tirant, Marcello Duranti, Valerio Vigliar, Marco Cataldi, Andrea Satta e Têtes de Bois. Ingr. 5 euro. 22 marzo a Novafeltria – Rn, ore 21, Teatro Sociale. Presenta Paolo Notari. Con Fabrizio Aiudi, Gabriele Aiudi, Ludovica Amatti, Susanna Amicucci, Marco Bucci, Rita Celli, Samuele Cesarini, Ferruccio Fraternali, Michele Fraternali, Priscilla Marini, Francesco Menghini, Mauro Menghini, Simona Mercatelli, Antonio Ramberti, Alice Rossini, Giulio Santi. A cura di Consulta dei giovani, Amministrazione comunale Novafeltria, Pro loco Novafeltria, Ass. cult. Pigro. Ingr. 5 euro. 23 marzo a Martano – Le. Nel pomeriggio all’Istituto Scolastico Comprensivo S. Trinchese presentazione del libro “Luigi Tenco” di e con Michele Piacentini. A seguire, spettacoli di musica e danza degli alunni dell’Istituto. 23 marzo a Mira – Ve. Ore 21.30, Osteria “ai Kankari”. “Tenco e il suo tempo”, con canzoni di Tenco eseguite da Gualtiero Bertelli, Giuseppina Casarin, Paolo Favorido e Simone Cimo Nogarin. 23 marzo a San Vittore Olona – Mi. Ore 21, Spazio bibioteca comunale Villa Adele. Serata omaggio a Luigi Tenco e Gianmaria Testa con Renzo Zannardi e Renato Franchi & Orchestrina Suonatore Jones. 24 marzo a Canegrate – Mi, ore 20.45, Sala consiliare. Serata omaggio a Luigi Tenco con Renzo Zannardi e Renato Franchi & Orchestrina Suonatore Jones. 24 marzo a Lanciano – Ch, ore 20.30, Osteria Patria. Cena epistolare in omaggio a Tenco nell’ambito di “Lettere in Patria”, ispirato al libro “Forse non sarà domani – invenzioni a due voci su Luigi Tenco” di Mario Campanella e Gaspare Palmieri (Arcana). A cura di Pixie Promotion. 24 marzo a Martignano – Le, ore 18.30, Palazzo Palmieri. Presentazione del libro “Luigi Tenco” di e con Michele Piacentini con la partecipazione delle Associazioni Culturali e Musicali della Grecìa Salentina. Con Massimo Donno e Salvatore Rizzello. Un’iniziativa dell’Assessorato alla Cultura del Comune di Martignano e della Unione dei Comuni della Grecìa Salentina. 24 marzo a Milano. L’amaca e L’Isola che non c’era presentano: ore 15.00 al Gogol’Ostello & Caftè Letterario presentazione del libro dedicato al film “La Cuccagna” di Alberto Vincenzoni, con gianCarlo Onorato; ore 18.30 Libreria Hellisbook, Francesco Paracchini racconta Tenco con live di Daniela Frittoli, Valentino Tamponi, Alessio Nicotra. Ore 21, AlleVolte Spazio, racconto in musica con Giuseppe Verrini, Paolo Marrone, Renzo Chiesa, Massimo Germini, Patrizia Cirulli, Carlo Montana. 24 marzo a Montagano – Cb. Ore 19, inaugurazione mostra fotografica e pittorica dedicata a Tenco per le vie del borgo; esibizione di Giuseppe Spedino Moffa, proiezioni. 24 marzo a Parigi. Alla Salle des actes della Sorbona dalle 18 alle 21 seminario su Luigi Tenco con Céline Pruvost e Marco Santoro. 25 marzo a Lecce. Libreria LaFeltrinelli. Presentazione del libro “Luigi Tenco” di Michele Piacentini, con ospiti a sorpresa. 25 marzo a Modena, libreria Ubik, ore 18. Presentazione del volume “Forse non sarà domani – invenzioni a due voci su Luigi Tenco” (Arcana) di e con Mario Campanella e Gaspare Palmieri. 25 marzo a Montagano – Cb. Dalle 10.30 a mezzanotte, Club Studio Pachamama. La banda di Montagano suona “Ciao amore ciao”; proiezione del filmato omaggio di Matteo Iannaccio; aperitivo con musica e letture di Mariateresa Spina; live di Stefano Di Nucci, Liana Marino, Alessia D’Alessandro. 25 marzo a Pisogne – Bs, ore 18. Allo Spazio STORiE in collaborazione con Centro Culturale Teatro Camuno, Schiribis Snc e Libreria Puntoacapo si ricorderà Tenco con filmati d’epoca, letture e canzoni. Con Bibi Bertelli, le voci recitanti del CTV, Orietta Barcellini (voce), Alessandro Foresti (tastiere). 25 marzo a Poviglio – Re, ore 21, Centro Polivalente Kaleidos di Poviglio, “Il mio posto nel mondo. Luigi Tenco, il ragazzo con il sax”. Con Mauro Bertozzi, accompagnato dai musicisti Tiziano Bellelli, Riccardo Sgavetti e Luca Savazzi e la regia multimediale di Lidia Scalabrini. 25 marzo a Sassari, ore 18, Ex -Tappezzeria Dettori. Maria Vittoria Conconi e Paolo Zicconi presentano “Immaginari visivi e musicali ispirati da Luigi Tenco”, parole, canzoni e immagini, con la partecipazione di Riccardo Pinna. Organizzato da Materia Grigia con GiL e libreria Internazionale Koinè. 26 marzo, Asti, ore 21.30, Diavolo Rosso. Concerto di Orlando Manfredi in omaggio a Luigi Tenco. 26 marzo, Rimini. Ore 21.30, Teatro degli Atti. Con John De Leo, Andrea Amati, Federico Braschi, Daniele Maggioli, Massimo Modula, Giuseppe Righini. Introduzione di Enrico de Angelis, Massimo Pulini, Velia Mantegazza, Margherita Zorzi. Ingresso 10 euro. Organizza l’Associazione Culturale Interno4 con la collaborazione del Comune di Rimini. 27 marzo a Vibo Valentia, ore 21, Cinema Teatro Moderno. Con Servillo & Mangalavite, Verdiana, Parafonè & Natalia Saffioti, Chiara Tomaselli e Mirror Qt., Domenico Barreca & Ensembe Piccola Orchestra, Roberto Cherillo e Sasà Calabrese, Daniele Moraca, Toxicity Trio con Ingrid Naglieri. Presenta Gianluca Veltri. Dir. art. Maria Teresa Marzano e Gilberto Floriani, patrocinio Comune Vibo Valentia e Sistema Bibliotecario Vibonese. 28 marzo a Cosenza, ore 21.00. Al Teatro Auditorium Unical il circuito “Calabria Sona” presenta “La Calabria sona Tenco”. Hanno già aderito: Massimo Ferrante, Paolo Sofia, Sabatum Quartet, Valentina Balistreri, Fulvio Cama. Amakorà, Skapizza, Le Muse del Mediterraneo, Lenigma, Helèna, Mario Nunziante, Sarah Memmola. Ingresso gratuito.
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dairine-bonnet · 3 years
I look inside myself and see my heart is black I see my red door, I must have it painted black Maybe then I'll fade away and not have to face the facts It's not easy facing up when your whole world is black No more will my green sea go turn a deeper blue I could not foresee this thing happening to you If I look hard enough into the setting sun, My love will laugh with me before the morning comes. (I want to see it painted, Painted black Black as night, black as coal See the sun blotted out from the sky) I see your red door and I want it painted black No colors anymore, I want them to turn black I see the girls walk by dressed in their summer clothes I have to turn my head until my darkness goes
Paint It Black by Ciara
These lines remind me of Revan slowly turning to the dark side... and a little bit of revalek too.:)
And there’s that song as background music for wonderful Shadow and Bone video:
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