aliceetaylorr-blog · 12 years
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beat-dem-eggz-lyk-chrisbrown started following you
Thank you for blessing me with your wonderful URL!<3
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2spoooopy4u · 12 years
I got tagged by lucas-plectrum-pencil (holy shit I actually got tagged)
Rule 1: post the rules
Rule 2: answer all the questions the tagged set for you, then set eleven of your own
Rule 3: tag eleven people and link them to your post
1.  What would you change if you could go back exactly five years on your life?
Lay off the sweets
2. What do you expect from yourself in five exact years?
Living in England, probably working on my degree or doing art
3. Five favourite bands! (and five favourite songs from each one of them :P)
Damn Lucas, why do you have to make it so long?!
Favourite bands right now: Muse (Supremacy, Follow Me, Uprising, Survival, Madness), Chameleon Circuit (Big Bang Two, An Awful Lot of Running, The Sound of Drums, Exterminate Regenerate, Nightmares), Yeah Yeah Yeahs (Heads Will Roll, Skeletons, Zero, Dragon Queen, Black Tongue), Ida Maria (I Like You So Much Better When You're Naked), The Smiths (Asleep, Ask) 
4. Five favourite movies!
The Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Cashback, Trainspotting, Avengers, 10 Things I Hate About You
5. Five favourite books!
Looking for Alaska, The Fault in our Stars, 10 People You Meet in Heaven, The Perks of Being a Wallflower, The Odyssey 
6.Five favourite games!
Sims, Grand Theft Auto, Zelda (Gameboy, because I'm a peseant haha), Musical Chairs, Dodgeball
7. Choose wisely five places you wanted to go right now if you could teleport only for six times (one more to go back home :P)!
London, Machu Picchu, a muse concert, The Louvre (My family rushed me through the first time), inside the tardis
8. Five things you love about yourself.
How curly my hair gets if I fall asleep with wet hair, My eye colour, I can speak 4 languages, I'm decently smart, I can draw
9. Cowboys or Spacemen?
Spacemen, I was born in South Dakota, I am fucking sick of cowboys.
10. What do you see outside your window?
Trees, the stars, the moon
11. Do you like pirates, right?
FUCK YES! I drink rum like one too haha
If you could do any drug and not go insane or get addicted, which ones would you do and why? If you're against drugs, why?
What was the most awkward social encounter of your life?
How many countries have you been to?
Which countries do you want to go to?
What colour is your toothbrush? (Mine is green :3)
Tea or coffee? If tea, which kind?
Do you think smoking is sexy or nasty as all hell?
Which Harry Potter house do you think you're in?
If you were in a band, what would you want the name to be?
Do you still count Pluto as a planet?
How broken up were you about Cole leaving?
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engafordoma · 12 years
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Tumblr Crushes:
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car4phernelia · 12 years
Dan. Phil David Tennant. DUUUUN
marry phil
bestfriends with dan
david as a brother omg
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