dailyboygroups · 2 months
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geopsych · 9 months
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Orchid incoming. They’re so slow! But this one’s getting close. Paphiopedilum delenatii.
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ajiio · 13 days
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budfleurheim · 22 days
It’s time to officially announce Fleurheim!
Forsaken. That was the fate of those who yearned.
🍂 Welcome. Fleurheim is a new series I’m launching. It’s about three young children on a quest to stop the cruel hierarchal rule they live under. It takes place roughly 1,000 years ago. No one has to hurt each other. No one has to die. At least, that’s what we hoped. Things are different now. With wands and humanity and with everything going on in the world of Liebden. Multiple endings. Earthbound inspired battle system. Characters with depth Flowers of fate Magic, and (a few) monsters …And a happy ending…? (And perhaps even a game demo a few years down the line…maybe.) You can contact me at @budfleurheim on tumblr. *What a beautiful day it is today…*
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annacake · 27 days
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Wild Orchid married Bluebell Bud Meringue who is the sim in labor here
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pigeon-feet · 10 months
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btw i did get orchids. and a free butterwort. and a bougainvillea cutting. also some mini african violet leaf cuttings (not shown).
all from wade’s orchids.
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baby-yaga · 4 months
had to euthanize my orchid because im about to leave town for 2 weeks and if i dont do it now itll just die before i get back and im
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jess-cookierun-art · 9 months
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White Lily Cookie Clones
I first thought of this idea last year on the same month aka January and I was heavily inspired by the Grimwalkers from The Owl House cause I thought it would be neat
But throughout last year, I procrastinated on the designs and only did it if I wanted to. Now with White Lily Cookie in the game, I finished all the designs of the clones with finishing Lily Garden yesterday.
Instead of putting them in separate posts, I’ll put them all together with names and order they were created under the cut. Later, I put them in separate posts to save you time
Lily Orchid Cookie
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Vanilla Lily Cookie
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Silver Lily Cookie
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Lily Bouquet Cookie
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Lily Pad Cookie
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Lily Pond Cookie
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Lily Bud Cookie
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Lily Garden Cookie
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Flower Garden Cookie
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stiltonbasket · 7 months
Lan-bao is a happy little orchid spirit in the vampire and far au? She likes sitting out in the sun and snacks.
Her favorite treats are sweet fritters made with roses, lotus petals, and honeysuckle flowers! She also loves to snack on mint leaves - they're refreshing after all the sugary flower pastries. <3
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inkblackorchid · 2 years
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You always have been, buddy.
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scarysanctuary · 1 month
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dailyboygroups · 5 months
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I told you we needed more glitter ✨
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geopsych · 2 years
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This is getting exciting. I’ve had this paphiopedilum orchid for over two years but I’ve never seen it bloom.
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falseandrealultravival · 10 months
Today's Haiku with Picture 596
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Purple orchids
It will open soon
It's a bud
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budfleurheim · 18 days
This wasn’t the preview I was planning to give…But I still wanted to share
Chapter 6: Part 1: A wanted man
Hirsch fell into a dreamless sleep in the hills of Canadia…only to be woken up by a fellow soldier…well, he was at least officially a soldier, but he had long since abandoned the hierarchy since Louis’s rebellion. Ever since *THAT* tragedy. Ever since…—But regardless and alas, they had since parted a year before. The soldier was a towering man, over a foot taller than Hirsch, a long but well groomed beard that reached to his defined chestplate, with a prominent but well-shaped nose upon his face. The man’s name was Haarig. 
“Howdy there Hirsch! Long time no see!” He greeted with a chuckle. Hirsch woke up groggily, trying to remember the night before. 
Haarig was a kind, gallant fellow…quite the boisterous man, but he was serious if need be. Hirsch knew the fact hard and well. “I’ve been looking for you for ages…” he said, a bit grimly. “‘Thought you’d have passed on before I would find you.” “All our friends are waiting for you.” He said, his expression changing from dark to warm…it was as if he’d been waiting a hundred years to come, re-establish the peasant underground’s resistance group and overthrow the hierarchy just as Louis planned. Hirsch could feel it just by hearing his friend’s voice. 
Hirsch got up. “Haarig?” He asked, calling for his name. “Yes. It’s me.” He replied. “It’s been weeks since you’ve disappeared! Where have you been?” He asked. Hirsch knew the answer. He hadn’t disappeared, he had been guarding his camp and tried to chase a soldier whom he overheard was planning to burn a village, he ran after him for quite the whole, hoping against hope to find him. But soon he found himself lost, and with no map, he had wandered for days, looking for his friends. Hirsch knew he was lucky to be found, but that was besides the point. He’d tell Haarig and his group about that later, for now he knew exactly what to say…”Yes…It’s been a while.” Getting up and adjusting his armor, Hirsch looked at his compatriot. “Let’s go.”
Hirsch told Haarig all about his misadventures over the past few weeks, clearing up the story of his disappearance over the past month or so. They headed to an old base of the peasant underground’s fourth faction. It was amongst the forest and mountains asunder. Yes, the Freirein tavern was truly a well-hidden sight to take in. 
The two men entered the bar. The first thing Hirsch noticed where the people there. It was mostly empty, save for a few members he didn’t recognize. “Most of our group is trying to help quell the violence in central Canadia…I was asked to stay here and keep watch.” Haarig explained. “Oh.” Hirsch replied. He introduced himself to the group, answering a couple questions to prove his identity as Hirsch Harkman, the former member of the Louis Rebellion. 
*What is your last name?
What was the date of your membership?
Who was the leader of your faction?
How old was Louis’s wife, Maryam when he started his rebellion?*
Hirsch answered each question with speed. “Welcome to the crew.” Smiled a woman with a braid to the side. “We’re honored to meet you Hirsch, not many co-leaders of the first rebellion have survived to tell the tale.” She said.
One of the first things Hirsch noticed where the wanted signs amongst the new-papers and walls. 
Arctur Vulf. 
The murderer of nobles a hundredfold. 
This man is a danger to all things good in this glorious kingdom. He is reported to be after three innocent SOULS. To use their power in a cowardly attempt to hurt the hierarchy in any form he can. This man must be apprehended at any cost.
Reward will be pending based on class. 
“Unbelievable!” Said Haarig as Hirsch showed him one of the newspapers. It seemed that Haarig had never bothered to read the signs, abundant as they were. “Arctur? Where has he appeared from?” He exclaimed. Arctur had long since disappeared since the fall of Louis and Maryam. He was a former member of the rebellion. In fact, he may have very well been the reason they had failed…
Hirach didn’t expect what Haarig would come to say next. “Mira was the one who killed those nobles! She’s long since admitted that!” Mira was another member who had gone into hiding since the resistance’s fall. It was quite the debacle when over a hundred nobles disappeared in one night. Everyone was checked for their L.O.V.E (Level of TBD) An indicator of murder. Maryam was one of those who had the clairvoyance to detect one’s Ability To Kill (ATK). Mira and Arctur were the ones who had the highest L.O.V.E. So they were automatically suspect. Mira admitted to it right away, apologizing for her rash act. Though penalized and put under probation, she never was subject to further scrutiny. It was quite obvious that Arctur was someone more. Someone who had something darker behind him. Especially with the disappearances of multiple rebellion members.
Charity and Oliver Bloom.
Prima Rosabelle and Rowan Florimel. 
So many souls. All presumed to have gone to the king. 
Yet no one knew for sure. No one knew where those sparks had gone.
But the hierarchy didn’t know that. Hirsch and Haarig knew they didn’t know.
Regardless, Arctur soon betrayed the rebellion. Leading it to it’s death. He told them to head to the castle, where the head guard and his battalion fought mercilessly. 
Louis refused to fight back or kill. He showed them MERCY. Arctur must of known it would lead the rebellion to it’s fate. But why? No one ever knew what drove him; Why he’d hurt them so. 
“But the hierarchy doesn’t know that.” Hirsch said aloud. “And Arctur was known for his crimes against the hierarchy.” Hirsch continued. “But…he betrayed us.” Haarig rested a hand on his temple. “He’s a enemy to us all. To us for his murders. To the hierarchy, for when he chose to ACT. He needs to be found and…” Haarig’s eyes began to tear. “I never thought I’d say this about my ol’ pal, but I think he needs to go. He needs his life’s journey to be put to an end.” Hirsch felt waves of nausea course through him. He didn’t think he’d be able to do it. He wouldn’t be able to KILL Arctur. To snuff out someone’s life, just like that. 
But he knew that to end a life didn’t matter in the very end to anyone in particular, and that’s what hurt the most. 
“We love death like those who cherish life. We yearn for martyrdom like you who flee from death.”
THAT was the voice of evil. That was the voice of death that overtook Hirsch. This was all so…so…Hirsch didn’t have the words to articulate the whirl of emotion in his heart, Nigh, his whole body. 
Hirsch, not knowing what else to do, just nodded sadly. “I know Haarig.”
“I know.”
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newvegascowboy · 3 months
Mannn i was feeling pretty chuffed about the fact that my orchid was still alive. Moved it into the bathroom so it could enjoy the humidity. Put it in a pot with more ventilation. Gently mist it with water every other day. All but one flower fell off but its fine. Then i go downstairs and fond my mom's orchid thats been chilling in the front room with NONE of those same accoutrements has like. 10 flowers on it. What the hell.
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