#beastclans part 2!
flightrisingpolls · 25 days
Please see Part 1 as well to vote for Centaurs, Harpies, Longnecks, Maren, Serthis, or Talonok.
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weirdfoxdreams · 3 months
Maggot Plague Modern Part 2: FoulLurkers and a body reference.
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Fan dragon jumpscare!
That’s right! I finally finished the ref sheet…for the male variant of this specie at least lol. What specie you say? Well, I named them FoulLurkers! (When I explain more about these guys, the name will make more sense)
First, the head looks a bit different than the one in the previous part. Well, I decided to change the head shape a bit because it was getting too complex and difficult to draw (specially from different angles) and there were some unnecessary details. So I decided to simplify it without getting too far from the original idea, so simpler horns and bigger teeth!
Second, about the body. As I said before, FoulLurkers are fat and wingless. I decided to go with this part of the concept since the main idea is for them to be based on maggots, so it would make more sense if they didn’t have wings and weren’t thin. But giving them a flat maggot body without anything else would make it look like I slapped a dragon’s face on a…maggot. The solution I found for this was to make the arms and legs more evident (as if the body was like a turtle shell) and adding these big spikes. Wait, why are there spikes?
This brings us to the next aspect of the design: how these guys hunt/fight. Flightrising doesn’t have the possibility of feeding our pretty and beautiful dragons rotten food, so I unfortunately had to make FoulLurkers carnivorous (meat only in this game), instead of necrophagous (animals that eat decayed dead animals). So these slow guys have to hunt the food themselves, instead of only eating the remains of other dragons’ food. However here’s the catch: the spikes, claws, and saliva of these dragons produce a powerful venom that on NON-SENTIENT Beastclan initially causes the affected area of their body to be in intense physical pain. However the area then starts to show a duller color and the blood flow on it starts to get harder. After some time, it starts to release a strange fluid with a strong putrid smell. (“This is basically necrosis-” yes but I don’t know if I can mention something like this in a game like flightrising so let’s call it the Foul Venom instead) This smell attracts FoulLurkers to the poisoned prey and since the Beastclan would be too weak to fight due to the amount of pain they would be feeling, the dragon is able to easily kill it. However this hunting method is only used if the FoulLurker’s prey escape initially but got harmed by them. Therefore the name FoulLurker: “Foul” relating to dead or putrid stuff and “Lurker” because of well…they go after things affected by their poison. (Another thing to specify: on other dragons and sentient Beastclans, the Foul Venom only causes the intense physical pain for an unknown reason).
And that’s it! Here’s most of the things about these guys! Next posts will be about sexual dimorphism and how Secondary and some Tertiary genes will work on these guys
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aquilo-xenowyrm · 3 years
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Beastclan Lair Members 2/16: Tenna
Tenna is a sprangyroo smith in Kimmeridge. As Beastclan, she’s not required nor allowed to be a part of the Fireflight Arrows (smithing guilds) like dragons are. Her forge, where she apprentices other Beastclan up-and-coming smiths, is known for its very reasonable prices. She doesn’t make anything extravagant; mostly everyday metal items like nails and horseshoes, rather than weapons or armor. She’s willing to haggle, if you catch her in the right mood, but if not, she doesn’t put up with any nonsense. 
[ID: A colored and lined drawing of a brown sprangyroo with her arms crossed. She has a bored expression. She has long curled horns, long ears, and a short tail. She’s wearing a gray blacksmith’s vest, a belt, and tan baggy trousers that end at the knee. End ID]
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ladala99 · 3 years
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You know, I wasn't too far off. Location, I was wrong. Two-sided, I was wrong. Apocalypse, we'll see, but probably not.
But 1) community site-wide event, 2) where you can participate by donating items, 3) that you can get in places like the Coliseum and through exalting, and 4) prizes for everyone! Remains to be seen how long it'll be.
I'll take it.
(Transcript below the cut)
[Image description: a forum post by me made on June 7, 2021 at 19:58:26 FR time. Post is as follows:
Realistically, I'd say Nesting Grounds update or Gathering update are the most likely. And hey, maybe new breed could be part of these! But in the spirit of wild guessing: we get the start of a site-wide event with actual potential consequences. The Source in Lightning territory starts going haywire, putting all of Sornieth at stake. This could lead to a world-ending apocalypse if it isn't put back under control! Clans across Sornieth must all contribute to keep it under control. Or do they want to keep it under control? Players can choose to contribute to either cause by donating items to their respective side, exalting dragons to their cause, or fighting in the Coli against the other side (PvE - Some Beastclans want to stop the apocalypse, others want it to happen to end the rule of the dragons). This event lasts 1-2 weeks, and whichever side wins will affect the fate of Sornieth for good. If it's contained, everything will return to how it was (except maybe more lairs are mad at Lightning for causing it to happen). If it's allowed to run wild, the entire map may need to be redrawn. Either way, prizes for everyone! ((Maybe something on a less-dire scale if it's two-sided. If this is even something the FR team would want for this game.))
End image description.]
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flygefisk · 4 years
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flight reps, part 2: wind, nature, lightning, ice
wind- breeze and rocky. breeze wants every dragon and beastclan on sornieth to experience flight, at least once. she works with spellwriters, airship crews, and kitemakers to make that dream as accessible as possible. rocky keeps her grounded when she gets too far in the clouds.
nature- blossom and lief. blossom, like many nature dragons, values life above all else. they work to help folks who struggle with dark thoughts, and promotes the idea that reaching out for health is not weakness. leif helps them relax when their work makes their mental issues worsen.
lightning- copper and gearstrike. copper is a big believer in the value of science. she works to make others believe in it too, as well as pushing robotics and AI forward. gearstrike itself is one of her creations, and it helps her pull back when she gets too focused.
ice- glacia and snowstorm. glacia is cold hearted, yes, but the things she works to keep hidden are twisted indeed. she promotes justice, harsh as it may seem, to punish the truly guilty and relieve the truly innocent. snowstorm acts as a mount and a guard from her own trauma.
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peacevine · 5 years
2 and 20? :0c (love your stuff btw!)
2. Are there any other clans living near by? Are they friendly or are they rivals? Tell us about their interactions with your clan.
not very many, surprisingly - most nearby clans are beneath the cliffs, in water territory. the clan serves to host travellers (about 1/3 to half of its territory is made up of smaller tents where travellers can stay), though, and a couple of dragons do make a living off of them (like fell & blighted who run a tavern in this part of the clan) so it’s a bit of an advantage in that sense!
also, most dragons aren’t really interested in interacting with other clans at all or even getting there in the first place - the ones who do are those who specialize in it, like the merchants. the few diplomats say their efforts in maintaining friendships have largely been successfull, although that probably can mostly be attributed to the fact that the clan really isn’t in the way of any larger clans, cities or otherwise. it’s just kind of there.
20. Are there Beast Clans near your clan? How does your clan interact with the Beast Clans?
again, not a whole lot, but they are there nonetheless! most notable are the maren in the east and the raptorik in the south, both of which have at least one member who has allied themselves with the clan (in the case of the raptorik, it’s also an ambassador who is striving very hard to achieve peace between beastclans and dragons) - to these, the clan generally reacts amicably, though the same can’t be said for any stray beastclan members encountered by scouts or guards, who are usually met with fairly high suspicion by those.
the longneck tribes in different parts of light territory also make their presence known in the backstories for a few dragons, but aren’t too relevant to the clan as a whole since they don’t generally meet!
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radiant-flutterbun · 6 years
Seeking Clan’s Civil War
Once a clan of peace, Seeking Clan is torn apart and thrust into violence.
The Weeping Angel
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pyrouge-fr · 2 years
2, 3 and 20!
Hi!!! Thanks for asking some questions! These are from Nitty Gritty Worldbuilding Asks.
2. Are there any other clans living near by? Are they friendly or are they rivals? Tell us about their interactions with your clan.
Not many other clans live nearby! Clan Rivensong lives on the Welkin Isles, and has sort of chosen to physically distance themselves from other clans. That being said, there are clans who visit (especially in the warm months) and Rivensong maintains a healthy trade partnership with many of their allies. Then there's the clans they raid...
3. What is your clan’s main source of income?
Raiding and trade make up the majority of my clan's income! It's a tricky economy to manage and can be very feast or famine at times, but the coin master, Kar, has gotten exceptionally good at managing it. Rivensong also receives royalties from exaltees who they have trained.
20. Are there Beast Clans near your clan? How does your clan interact with the Beast Clans?
Most of the beast clan my clan interacts with are maren, talonok, and harpies- the ones who are most likely to live near the islands themselves. They will also raid beast clans as well as dragon clans. Rivensong views beast clans as equals but don't hold any particular close bonds to any beast clan groups. They visit and trade with the clan just like any other background dragon might, but they don't hold a very large role in my clan at all.
That being said, there are a handful of beast clan characters who are active within my lore! Tugo's friend Dahlia (Dappled Dunhoof) came with him when he joined the clan. Chert's as of now unnamed adoptive mother (Plainstrider Bard) also is a part of the clan. The most significant beast clan character in my lore is Laeralis (represented by a coatl in my lair) who has joined the clan in order to write about draconic culture- and who I use as a framing device for some of my more expositiony lore!
The meta explanation for why there's not many beast clans in my lore is just... I don't find them interesting. I'm primarily interested in Flight Rising for the dragons and the dragons alone. I just don't like the beast clans as much as I like the dragons themselves. Maybe one day they'll take a larger role in my lore, but I've tried that before and just never been satisfied with it. Mostly I just don't care about the beast clans that much.
That being said, I do love seeing what other people do with them! I think some of the beastclan/dragon dynamics people explore can be super interesting.
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guidanceofficer-fr · 6 years
By the way, Link’s lore is sad now.
He’s 2 days old and he’s already got a lowkey depressing backstory.
Hyrule was a long gone clan-empire, from the Wind region. Its descendants call themselves Hylians, which is also how I refer to the people of Hyrule in his bio.
Tl;dr, Link went on this long journey to fight this big shade-infested beast that originally took over their empire. He finally did, but for complicated reasons, the Hylian people were basically unable to really reform as a clan/nation.
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The current state of the Hylians is honestly a little sad. What used to be its own subculture that was almost recognized as an official sub-state of the Wind Flight is long gone, and its diaspora is spread pretty much all over the Windswept Plateau (though most densely in villages just south of the Reedcleft Ascent, an area northeast of where historic Hyrule lay.) Most of them have assimilated into greater Wind Flight culture, not through coercion, but time.
Part of why Link doesn’t talk about his past is because dragons in Lightning don’t even believe him. His history isn’t taught in most classes in Wind. He learned what he did about his people from Hylian elders. His Master Sword, his Hylian Royal Shield, and his ocarina are historical artifacts that he was entrusted with by his people, and because of that, he holds them close to him. Both metaphorically and physically; he refuses to leave his sword especially anywhere. But Lightning dragons reject his history as tall tales, so he just doesn’t talk about it anymore.
It’s just too much to see people nod and smile at you about the quest you undertook to bring back your culture, especially when you undertook that journey when you were young and naive and thought defeating a big bad monster would magically bring back an entire empire. Spoiler alert: it doesn’t. The process of rebuilding is slow, and the Hylians just aren’t all interested in restoring what once was anymore.
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Link’s made a new life for himself working for the Baikonur Agency, though. He’s respected for his survival skills and puts old Hylian traditions to a modern twist by using them to keep cosmonauts alive. It’s rewarding work, but he’s the hero of the Hylians, and he doesn’t get to go home as often as he wants.
He does have Kass, though. Kass is a Bluemoon Aviar bard who Link met on his quest. When Hyrule was a real empire, they were sympathetic towards and even defensive of beastclan. Kass, as a bard, has studied songs of history passed down to him through generations of other bards, and one of them is of another Hylian hero. When he realized Link represented Hyrule, the two became quick friends, and Kass’s trust helped Link avoid many a skirmish with Aviars. Kass is from the Earth wilderness, so unfortunately he doesn’t get to see Link very often. That doesn’t stop him from showing up when cosmonauts are doing desert survival training near his home, though!
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Big oof.
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rex-rises · 6 years
Lore Update - Historical Cliffnotes
Part 1.) The Beginning
Reina and Razohr awaken in a desert of Lightning’s Territory with no knowledge of each other and what’s around them. Together they work to survive and search for answers for their purpose. An Imperial by the name of Lance finds them alone and works to teach them to survive. Reina becomes obsessed with the imperial’s teachings and the idea of serving Stormcatcher-who she now believed to have given her life. Lance trains Reina to be a skilled warrior while Razohr begins to speak with others and collect members into the clan. Lance leaves his son, Adonis, to the clan before he leaves them to their business.
Part 2.) Expanse
The clan is growing, but turmoil grows. Reina is upset by the lack of productivity her clan produces for Stormcatcher, so she presses the others to work harder. The desperation becomes so great that it affects her decisions and treatment towards her clan. Hatchlings become neglected, food is rationed, and others begin to resent Reina. Razohr, one of her few remaining friends, becomes lost in alchemy after hearing of the mystical powers of oracles. Razohr manages to give himself abilities far beyond what he expected. Reina abuses his partial omniscience to her advantage in growing the clan.
Part 3.) Answers
The clan eventually gains a reputable status and are invited to the spire. Reina requests an audience with Stormcatcher but is denied and ignored. She persists yet at the same time continues to push her clan to the limits. Avellatur and Rekka are outraged by this and demand better treatment after being promised safety but are immediately shut down. They too make demands only to be repressed. Reina finally forces Stormcatcher to listen to what she says, but his immediate hatred and distaste for her confuse her. She was accused of being ‘Reborn’ before her execution was ordered, not by Stormcatcher but his followers. She and her clan are chased out from the shifting expanse.
Part 4.) Rebellion
The clan flees, still under Reina’s leadership, and make it as far as the wyrmmound with minimal casualties. It is there that she is spoken to and welcomed by Plaguebringer with open arms-who explained that she understood the will to survive. She was told that her tenacity would be better appreciated here. She and her clan were granted protection and territory in exchange for service to the Plaguebringer. She turns back to her clan, ready to resume the rigid life she enforced, but they refused. Echo, Rekka, Nikolai, Saevus, Mel, and even Razohr stood up against her. She was dethroned as Echo, Rekka, and Saevus were placed in charge
Part 5.) Home
The clan finds their territory in the midst of a dangerous trek through the desert in hopes of finding an oasis. They are lost, have nowhere to go, and hope is dead. Many perish from the lack of resources, but they are too weak to go any further.  Help is sent from Stonegrove in finding the blockage that’s preventing the underground river from flowing. With the help of the Earth clan, they free the passage and the clan can continue to survive. They explore the caves and territory in search of places to make dens and turn the empty space into use. 
Part 6.) Purpose
The clan begins to find strange hieroglyphics and technology around their new cavernous home. Nikolai seems to find himself vaguely familiar with the strange machines and tools, capable of using them and figuring out what they can do. Stories are stretched across cavern walls, lessons are painted across walls of small houses, and cave areas look as if they’ve been lived in before with strange furniture and decor. The clan thinks nothing of it save for Nikolai and Mollis, and Ava who begin to work on deciphering it all.
Part 7.)  Mementos
An expedition by Echo, Rekka, and Saevus discovers the perfect place to hide the clan’s riches. However, a beast already exists within the depths of the cave. A deep voice echoes and beckons to them. Reluctantly, they step closer. It is there they learn the tale of a great deity just like the eleven once existed for the threat of today known as Beastclans. Just like the dragons, they too were brought into development by a deity. However, the apocalypse brought waste to their numbers. Their home was the last remaining settlement of those that continued to worship the god-as others abandoned him for his relations to the eleven destructive monsters that destroyed their homes.
The Plaguebriner’s sickness brought havoc upon the land that once used to be a paradise, endless storms rained down upon his people, and they were almost wiped out. The deity used the last of his strength to defend those who still believed in him, but his celestial body-weakened by lack of support-could not withstand it any longer. He was forced into a deep slumber in order to recoup his strength, but when he woke: his people were no longer there.
So, he offered an exchange to the leaders. He would defend their treasures and allow them to remain in his territory, but in return, they would help him rediscover his people-or what might have happened to them. The Beastclans of today are nothing like what he created, but their memory and story was still somewhere in these caverns. Help him find and defend the memory of what was once his children and he would give them his strength. While Echo and Rekka were hesitant, Saevus agreed.
Vetus Deus join the clan.
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lionsongfr · 6 years
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A tale from the Clan of the Lionfish
Of Charges and Guardians: Wisdom Part 1
Part 2: here
The sun was bright and warm, and a small sweet breeze twisted through the windows of the Commander’s office. The beauty of the day seemed wasted upon BlackGhost, though she did acknowledge a small wish to go dancing on the sands with her mate in such weather. But that swift thought was quickly diminished as she gazed upon her Queen, her Chosen, and she basked in her presence.
 She had seen SeaQueen a few times since their first meeting, but it never felt like enough. It was like only taking a sip when one needed to plunge their head in the sea. A chuckle from TidalKing snapped her from her reverie and she stood to attention, a faint blush of heat fanning across her fins.
SeaQueen swatted her mate with her tail, “Be kinder Tidal, you know how Guardian’s are with their chosen.”
The Ridgeback grinned, his laughter barely hidden in his voice, “Yes, they are as much lovesick for you as I once was.”
SeaQueen shook her head and nuzzled his neck, “You are still a lovesick fool.”
TidalKing laughed and returned the nuzzle before turning back to the BlackGhost and CrownOfThorns.
“Now then, we have called you both to a mission. I know the last one was…. not exactly successful and included a bit of rule breaking.”
The Ridgeback raised a horned eyebrow at the pair, and BlackGhost bowed her head in silent pain. She would not let that happen again.  She eyed Thorns, and his head was raised- a stubborn smile gracing his muzzle. His wing flapped lightly against her side and she lifted her head to meet TidalKing and SeaQueen’s gaze. Only compassion and kindness were held in their eyes, and she let out a quivering shake to wear off that bit of anxiety before mimicking her mate’s determined pose. 
TidalKing nodded, “But you have both proved yourselves from the Training Fields to the Kelp Beds, and are only truly lacking in actual dragon to dragon combat. You have fought the warriors of our Fort with great courage and strength, but that is nothing compared to the bloodshed and fear of the battlefield. However,”
TidalKing expectantly turned his head to SeaQueen who took up his speech, “However, I wish to leave the Fallen Star Fort after WaveCrest and want you two to be by my side when that happens.”
A welling of excitement and joy coiled within her chest, and Thorns gave a shout of joy that she echoed. SeaQueen raised a claw for silence and they both closed their maws.
“This will be dependent on how well you do on this mission. If I find either of you two lacking, I could leave you’re here for another year or more as I traverse the sea to Spiral Keep and back.”
She bit off a groan of fear, but the words did not dull the excitement of her mate. Thorns swaggered, his wings spread as wide as they could go in the space and his chest out he shouted,
“We shall not disappoint you, my Queen!”
He tugged on her tail with his and she followed his stance, though her voice was softer, “We shall bring honor and glory to the clan!”
SeaQueen nodded her acceptance of their war cries and motioned for them to come closer to the maps and scrolls on the desk, “Well then, come here and I shall show you what you shall be doing on this mission.”
CrownOfThorns heaved his pack and looked towards the skies with frustration. BlackGhost circled above, letting the warm thermals carry her effortlessly. He gave a mental curse at the Bogsneak waddling in front of him, he would have been in the skies if not for him. But it seemed the mere mention of Harpies had been enough to send the lizard bursting into the commander’s office, demanding that he be allowed into the scouting mission.  He had heard from the other warriors that FrigidTrail despised the Beastclans, but by Plaguebringer’s teeth- why his mission! THEIR MISSION!
A pat on his neck dragged him away from his anger, and he turned to face Pema, the Longneck. He lowered his body downwards and lifted his arm to let her up on his back. The old Longneck would also be coming for similar reasons as FrigidTrail, though not similar moods. She knew the Beastclans, for she was once one- though from FrigidTrail’s reaction to her inclusion one would think she was still part of their number.
Pema settled herself on his back and touched the talonclasp necklace around his neck. “Ready this thing is? Just in case?”
He nodded as he began to walk after the Bogsneak, “Ready and set. Had DayMeadow do a once over again to make sure the magic wasn’t leaking out of the stone.”
A note of worry sounded behind his head, “Use it that you shall? If the time is right?”
He did not want to think about the situation in which he would need to use the talonclap’s beacon magic, but he would not treat his friend’s question lightly.
“Yes, I shall use it if need be.”
Silence slide by for many sun lengths, and he resisted the urge to turn his head to view his passenger. Something felt off about the quiet, sure it was a mission, but the abrupt end of the conversation bothered him.
“Are you.. “
“I wish to seek forgiveness from you Thorns.”
The soft-spoken words nearly halted his steps, but he continued, hoping his thoughts would catch up with him. Pema continued, “I betrayed your speech between your mate and you, and it was out of fear for you- but still my actions eat at my hooves.”
He snorted, “Pema I would forgive you if you had done something in need of forgiveness. You saved me from my stupidity and I brought worry to you, for that I should ask forgiveness of my own. “
Pema nasally chuckled and stroked his neck, “Peace of the Sea and the Mountains be with you.”
He laughed and answered her sentence, “And with you, my friend.”
“Enough of the beast’s cursed tongue!” FrigidTrail snarled without turning his head.
Thorns resisted the urge to snap his tail at the impertinent lizard, but Pema’s shake of her head caught his eye and he resisted. With a sigh he continued on with the pace, giving a silent prayer to the Eleven to save him from Bogsneaks and their tempers.
The sun had nearly risen to its peak when they had found signs of their quarry, very obvious signs. The quarry of rocks held scribbled carvings depicting Harpies and a few beastclan words he recognized. The air smelled pungently ammonic and feathers artistically sprawled around looked to be of the right size. But it just felt…
“This is too perfect.” BlackGhost echoed his own thoughts. He bobbed his head, “Agreed, this feels staged.”
A low hiss signaled from FrigidTrail, “NO! This scent, these words I know them- it is their’s I am sure of it!”
They both watched the Bogsneak frantically scent around the stones, his fins flaring wildly. Pema was looking at the stones too, a hoof tracing the carvings and words. After glancing at the Bogsneak she switched to the language of Longnecks, though she kept her voice at a whisper,
“These carvings are fresh, but the grammar is bad and the art is crude for harpies. Harpies would not foul their carvings with droppings. Beastclans would not leave such obvious signs for dragon folk to find, and it is not a sacred place.”
CrownOfThorns relayed the information mentally to BlackGhost.
This is a trap.
Most likely, but the evidence leads out to the dunes and I didn’t see a dragon or any obvious trap for 100 meters around the area.
Well it’s a..Oh Hippogriff crap!
FrigidTrail had finished his scenting and placed himself heaving and snarling between them.
“If you are done with your beast yapping and staring at one another, we need to get on the trail before it gets cold!”
Thorns felt himself bristling, he had been chided and snapped at the whole mission by this lizard, he’d had enough!
“This is a trap an Imperial’s butt wide! Use what little brains you got rattling around in your skull, lizard breath!”
FrigidTrail snapped at his neck, and he reared showing his claws and flapping his wings in defense. A tingling in his spines was all his warning as a jolt of electricity sizzled between the two of them and he leaped back. He turned towards BlackGhost whose claws crawled with magic and he wisely kept his retort between his fangs.
“Enough!” she pointed at Thorns, “You get up in the sky, it’s your turn to scout ahead. I’ll stay with FrigidTrail and Pema as we track on the ground. We’ll stop two claw lengths before sunset and make camp.”
He sighed and gave a running leap into the skies. It felt good to have the wind beneath his wings once again, despite his misgivings. 
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yellingdragon-fr · 6 years
Typing up a few tales for my Lair/Clan. Enjoy!
Untitled [wip title]
Part 2
Devas invited the Guardian into his private den and sealed the door. The Guardian looked around as he walked down the corridor toward the vast living space. Embedded all along the walls up to the ceiling were large reflective objects. There were small Talonok Beastclan at some of these objects, cleaning them of any dirt and debris. The Guardian entered the vast chamber alit with a soft golden light suspended in the center of the living space. Devas walked around the Guardian and across the chamber. He approached a pile of large crimson cushions and gracefully rested his serpentine bulk upon them. The Guardian walked in and stood across a great table littered with gold and shiny gems. “You live in such luxury,” the Guardian commented. Devas waved one claw dismissively. “What do you want to know, Guardian.” “Falfrost,” the Guardian quickly said. “My name is Falfrost.” Devas just grunted. He didn’t care what the Guardian’s name was. After a moment of silence, Falfrost began, “I’ve noticed Xiphos and his mate often visits you.” Devas’s eyes narrowed in slight irritation at that name. “Yes. They’ve been bothering me nigh daily ever since they joined this clan.” Falfrost gave a single nod, confirming the comment to himself. He asked, “Do you have any idea why they visit you?” Devas growled. “They constantly annoy me, say pretty words to flatter me, but I want nothing to do with them.” Falfrost listened to Devas’s words carefully. After some thought, he said, “I suspect they’re trying to recruit you into their.. Family.” “Recruit me?” Devas let out an amused scoff. “What gave you such an absurd idea?” The white Guardian was silent for a moment, a look of regret flashed in his dull flame-colored eyes. He took a deep breath and asked, “Do you know an Imperial named Veldas?” Devas thought for a moment. He didn’t bother knowing names, he only recognized faces. If the Guardian had pointed out who he was talking about, perhaps Devas would know. He simply shrugged and said, “If this Veldas interacted with me, I’d know their face. Otherwise, the name is unfamiliar to me.” Falfrost reached up to adjust his spectacles. “Veldas came to us from the Windswept Plateau. His wings were badly damaged and he was on the brink of death when we found him-” “I don’t care,” Devas flatly said, interrupting the Guardian. “Get to the point.” Falfrost swallowed a lump and said, “I’ve.. made a mistake. I need your help.” Devas gazed at the Guardian, as if waiting for a punchline. He yawned and leaned back on his silken cushions. “Why should I help you. I’m not responsible for your errors.” “Please,” the Guardian begged, “Veldas wasn’t supposed to be inducted into Xiphos’s family. I asked him to get information and he came back a changed Imperial. He speaks only of his new family and how important they are to him. He says they’ve opened his eyes to the truth.” “What truth?” Devas asked. Falfrost shook his head, “He didn’t say.” “Perhaps you’re being paranoid,” Devas speculated. “Something’s not right with Xiphos and his family,” Falfrost firmly said. “Tell me you don’t find it odd they always visit you on a daily basis? To try and lure you away from your territory?” Devas thought on the Guardian’s words. Xiphos and his mate often stopped by to ask him for a chat, to have lunch, or feed his ego with words of flattery. He gazed back at Falfrost, “If this is bothering you so much, why come to me?” “I’ve been observing you for a while, and I believe you won’t be influenced by Xiphos. I want to ask you to bring Veldas back to his senses,” Falfrost said. Deavs let out a mocking laughter, startling the Guardian. Then he glared at him. “I can barely stand those loathsome lovers, and you want me to waltz into their den and bring back an idiot?” Devas slowly shook his head. “You’ve wasted your time coming here, Guardian.” Falfrost began to feel desperate, “Please! You’re the only one-” Devas hissed with a deep, guttural growl in his chest, shutting up the other dragon. “And you’ve wasted my time. You may leave.”
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deadlanddisciple · 7 years
Rough timespan of the history of Sornieth
Subject to alteration because when have I ever been consistent with lore. Mostly for my own reference, but hey, feel free to use this if you’re also having trouble with timespans. Might edit it or even make a chart later because the way I’ve kept track of the years is nonintuitive.
My math is awful and big numbers make my eyes swim, so there might be some discrepancies.
Pre-First Age + Notes
- Universe is 9 billion years (Ga) old when Sornieth begins to form. - Sornieth is 4705 million years (Ma) old.
Pre-Fourth Age
- Estimated timespan of the First Age: 1000 million years (0-1000Ma)    - 0-500Ma: Planet failing to form    - 500Ma-700Ma: Events of the First Age    - 700Ma-1000Ma: The Eight remain in Pillar form    * irl approximate: Hadean era, part of the Archean era
- Estimated timespan of the Empty Age: 3500 million years (1000Ma-4500Ma)    - Basically an age where nothing really happens    - Begins with Sornieth fully stabilizing and ends at the beginning of the people of the Second Age (they probably needed hella time to evolve into human-like animals and develop their society, right up to its collapse)    * irl approximate: remainder of the Archean, Proterozoic, Phanerozoic
- Estimated timespan of the Second Age: 3 million years (4500Ma-4503Ma)    - Begins with the evolutionary ancestor of the people of the Second Age and ends at the Explosion of the Second Age.    * irl approximate: age of humanity
- Estimated timespan of the Third Age: 200 million years (4503Ma-4703Ma)    - Begins with the Explosion of the Second Age and ends with the Shattering of the Pillar.    - Common ancestor of the beastclans lives probably around 1Ma before the end of the Third Age.    - 0-5Ma: Plaguebringer, Gladekeeper, and Arcanist form    - 5Ma-200Ma: Plaguebringer and Gladekeeper war    - 200Ma: the Pillar shatters
Fourth Age
- Estimated timespan of the Fourth Age: 2 million years to present (4703Ma-present)    - Current age.
- Bone Castle timeline:    - The gods find and claim their pieces of the pillar (First Eight), or defend unclaimed land for themselves (The Second Age gods). (0-.5Ma)    - The first individuals or dragonkind are formed, including Decay. (.5Ma)    - Dragons defend land until tensions lift, cumulating in the rapid migrating of breeds once exclusive to certain regions to other regions and flights. (.5Ma-1.5Ma)    - Luminance is forcefully converted to Plague approximately 1Ma ago.    - Decay is punished and begins her sentence .5mya.
Additional notes
- Avg. age of dragons: possibly 200 years? varies with breed. - lmao Decay is one million five hundred thousand years old yeesh.    - for an idea of how long that was: according to google, 1,500,000 years ago was when humans first started making fire.
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bell-goat · 5 years
2 3 4 9 16 17 22
Alrighty, let’s see… This is going under a read more, heads up on that.
2. Are there any other clans living near by? Are they friendly or are they rivals? Tell us about their interactions with your clan.
If we’re going by lair tabs being counted as whole other clans, first is the Echo Market.
The Echo’s the main source of income for the clan with it’s shops (and some criminal activity that some shops totally aren’t a front for) The Echo’s part of the clan itself, so put them down as friendly.
Then there’s the Docents.
They’re the ones who helped the clan find the place they now call home after they were forced into Cairnstone by the undead warlord, Kir. They stick to themselves, and don’t really deal with people outside their clan save for folks who wander too far into the canyon. They’re allies with the Longfall Den, but that’s a bit strained after Kir returned to Cairnstone with a fractured mind, lost it and the Docents took him in to use a a glorified guard dog, followed by a few of his key followers( including Ven, who is the reason Talok has no scales now)
Darkshard Decent is next.
The Decent was originally an ancient city on the surface called Wrendas, but after it’s King, Varlok had the structure called the Darkshard Tower forced open, the city slowly fell to droughts and plagues before sinking into the earth it stood on and ending up in Cairnstone.
It’s populated by the old and undying King(who took the name of his ruined city as his own), his archmage, and a few squatters who showed up in more modern times. Neutral territory there.
Finally there’s the Ashwell. There’s not terribly much I can say about this one because I’m honestly still writing it lol. Basically, it’s like a fiery Atlantis. It’s ruled by the Ashen Queen, Phyrrin, who(allegedly) sends out her agents to kidnap hatchlings to come work on strange machines, but most people doubt the place even exists, so, yeah.
3. What is your clan’s main source of income?
Ores and minerals dug up from further excavation of the clan, mainly sold off in the Echo Market. There’s Cypress’ place there, the Blue Feather, a tavern. And then there’s the criminal element, mostly selling off goods and treasures plundered from local tombs, some gambling and mercenary services. You know, basic underground(literally) crime stuff.
4. What items does your clan have to import from other flights/clans/etc? Who is in charge of that? 
Living underground, wood is a bit of a scarcity that gets imported from wherever it can be found(Mostly the Tangled Wood thanks to a tunnel linking an area there to Cairnstone)
Some metals that don’t form in the Rest like copper are imported by Ein and Aesir, but may not always be the best grade, so be wary of that.
This is all handled by Talok, the co-leader.
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9. Any serious taboos?
Grave robbing and defacing death markers are usually frowned upon, but in Dragonhome, it’s considered especially heinous. There’s a sect of dragons and beastclan that live throughout the Rest called the Tombkeepers who’s duty it is to protect the tombs and when needed, put unruly ancestors back to rest.
16. Is there a community hatchery/nursery, or do parents rear their young separately? 
Honestly there’s not really much breeding that happens lorewise, so I’ve never really thought about this lol.
Longfall’s a pretty close community, so I reckon there’d be a community hatchery.
17. Who teaches the younglings the basics?
I have given this some thought! Basic teachings come from the hatchling’s parents(if they’re around) but if they show interest in something done by one of the Den’s craftsfolk(?) they’re usually willing to teach a bit or even take on an apprentice.(Especially Datura, but you’ll never hear him outright say it. He’s a bit reserved.)
22. Is your clan located near where the Emperor was sighted last? How is it preparing for that?
Gosh, that’s going on over in Light territory iirc?
Anyway. Nope, nowhere near there but there’s tales a-plenty about those monstrosities courtesy of Pavel the Archivist(who left his home in the Sunbeam Ruins after a war between a local clan of imperials threatened to spawn one)
There’s a place called the Blackscale Ossuary down the way from the Den which has almost spawned a few, but for the most part tend not to inter imperials there. They took Kir in when he first died because he was deemed unlikely to fuse with the other…tenants, but proved troublesome in his own way.
The keepers there try their best to ensure that any imperials that die in the area are swiftly dealt with, usually by cremation or discerption (removing the soul and cutting the body into small enough bits and scattered)
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shardclan · 7 years
1, 2, 3, 4, 13, 17 (cough), 18, 42, 43, 44, 45, 74, 77, 78 :>
1. (Answered Here)
2. What kind of combatdoes your clan specialize in? Physical? Magical? Bit of both? Or are they morefond of subterfuge?
Magical combat is very much the order of the day, but justabout every dragon in the clan is more than capable of throwing a good punch.If they can fight in any capacity, you should be worried about them punchingyou in the throat once all their other options are exhausted.
Subterfuge is the domain of two dragons: Bestealcian, theUmbra Wolf and Actias, the Smoke Gyre. The fore only serves the Queen and thelatter has served the clan and its allies since the days of the old dynasty.Sometimes they are directly at odds in their goals, so it is very difficult forenemies or outsiders to keep up with whether the Smoke Gyre is even a real partof Clan Aphaster. Most of his clan mates don’t even know his real name.
3. What kinds of weaponsdo your dragons use? If your dragons use actual physical weapons how do theyhold them (assuming they don’t use claws/teeth)? If they use magic do they havesome sort of focus like a staff?
It varies from dragon to dragon and by their expertise.Aphaster dragons spend a significant amount of their time in humanoid shapesdue to an agreement with the local beastclans (in short: don’t trample theSummerlands; the Centaurs grow grain there and the Serthis hunt small game thatwould otherwise be pests).
Most physical fighters favor swords of some kind, whether it’sQueen Telos’ elegant saber, Arcanus’ unadorned broadsword, or Opalite’s saw-toothedcleaver. But there’s also a pretty lively sect of hand-to-hand fighters thateither use their fists or specialize in claw weapons. (Note: Queen Telostrained with Perilous, the best pugilist in the clan, and while she’s good atwielding her saber, she’s a demon at hook punches). Bestealcian and Actias arealmost never seen in humanoid form. The latter is a tooth and claw fighter whospecializes in quick death and incapacitation. The fore is a proper fighter andutilizes a variety of weapons, from an ice pick to arrows to a bladed alloy fanfrom the Blacksand Annex that also doubles as a shield.
Magic among my clan members is mostly for mundane purposes. Amongcombat magic users there’s Lutia, the aforementioned nuke, and she’s anArchmage so she doesn’t need anything but her will to cast magic. There’s Tawnywho isn’t an Archmage but is a high level pyrokinetic who can burn just aboutanything so long as it’s in his line of vision. Arcanus is a magic knight, hemostly uses enchantments and quick spells with his sword as a focus.
Then there are the witches, who are an entirely differentmatter but are next to harmless given they only use their powers for the spirittheir coven is serving at the time.
4. What or who would bemost likely to attack your clan at this point in time? Is your clan aware ofthis potential threat?
From above: An additional team exists solely to deal withThings trying to come through the place the Chalcedony Seat almost crackedthrough the veils, but they’re not strictly military.
Outsiders are the problem right now. Beings that don’t comefrom Sornieth being attracted to the rift . They don’t know about it yet, butit’s going to be factoring in veeery soon.
13. How “fairly” doesyour clan fight? Are they honorable even when things look grim? Are theywilling to get their hands a little dirty?
The clan is very multi-elemental and the members are allvery different. There’s no one who would say…use a meat shield in a fight. Butthey might throw some pocket sand at you and some of them firmly believe thatblackmail is a useful and perfectly reasonable tool against anyone who has madeit clear they intend to be a problem.
On the macro and in governmental affairs, the clan fightsfairly—very much lawful alignment—but they’re not above finding loopholes orabusing plausible deniability. Example: In the old clan, Actias prevented a warbetween the clan and oncoming harpies by snatching two males from their homeroost and threatening to kill them. This was framed as an independent action todefend his son, Iblis, but really it was so the clan could avoid war, scareaway the harpies, and not damage their reputation with other beastclans theywere friendly with.
Though it helps somewhat more now that unlike then, Telosreally doesn’t know what Actias is doing half the time and has been advised byActias himself to have Bestealcian hunt and kill him if it becomes politicallynecessary.
17. What sort of thingsdoes your clan look for in potential allies? In this case I mean generalattitude and moral code.
They prefer clans that don’t harbor shade creatures,emperors, demons, or more sinister forms of Outsider, but if enough trust isbuilt up it’s easy for them to overlook those things (see: Clan Feldspar).Really so long as your clan isn’t clearly evil or just more trouble than they’reworth, there’s not much in the way of central dogma that will see youautomatically turned away.
The only real dealbreaker is a clan whose overall philosophyinherently involves disharmony with the beastclans. Aphaster has greatrelations with most of the main beastclans save the corven and the harpies, andthey’re trying to keep it that way. A harpy runs the creamery, and she’s one ofthe most beloved members of the clan, local dragons won’t even let people lookat her funny. (This may or may not be because she’s the best friend of possibly the most overtly powerful witch in the Starwood coven)
18. What sort of services or exports does your clan need thatallies can/do provide? Why are they unable to do it/secure these items bythemselves?
Building materials are always going to be a big thing forthe clan. They’re Arcanites who previously lived as dragons with big FocalPoint lairs 100% of the time, they literally don’t trust enclosed structuresthat aren’t massive and made of familiar materials. But Crystalspine graniteonly comes from the Starfall Isles, and despite them having a literal portal tothe Isles they are very much on thin ice with the Arcanist right now. So theywill always need a supply chain from clans who live closer than they do.
For the same reason, they are also always willing to pay topdollar for any items from the Isles, especially Starfall Blossoms and variousfauna (bees from the Starwood Strand in particular are very important for HouseBetelgeuse)
Until previously they also needed quite a lot of Celestine tobe imported, but after the Celestial Vault was built and the Chalcedony Seatwas housed in it, they basically have the only self-replenishing source of highquality Celestine in the entire eastern half of Sornieth, and that’s become abig export.
42. What would most of your dragons say the biggest threat tothem is right now?
The Chalcedony Seat itself. It was basically meant to be theArcanist’s attempt at an artificial pillar piece, and the Shard Dynasty wasmeant to be its keepers. Only he never told any of them that, so when Lutiaactivated it and drove the old clan out of the territory, it was just out theregrowing increasingly radioactive and unstable. It became a huge problem andturned some non-beastclan creatures into dragons, it quite possibly led to theopal gene since the magical run off from it seeped into local leylines (they’renot hype to tell anyone about that hypothesis), and in the end, they had tobring it to the Sunbeam Ruins.
Despite Light element being highly susceptible to Arcane energy.
So, you know. They’re just…kind of waiting for it toexplode.
43. How competent wouldyour clan say your leader(s) is/are? How competent are they really?
“Extremely” and “she does her best”.
What makes Telos competent isn’t that she inherently knowswhat to do, it’s that she’s good at listening to people who have specializedexperience. Her choosing a council of Five Tribunes when she crowned herself is100% the best thing she could have done. Without them, Aphaster wouldn’t havemade it half so far and she knows it. Like, it’s fine she has about 85% of her ancestor’smemories for the past 5-6 generations of her family, but none of them wererulers. They were all scientists and alchemists from House Xanna. She knewenough to know that their memories wouldn’t help her with ruling a kingdom.
44. When dragons wish tobecome mates, how does that happen? Is there a ceremony? Do they just mutuallyagree to it? Is their mate already chosen for them?
Mate choosing is completely free form, and Clan Aphaster’sgovernment does not require a ceremony of any kind, or even any officialrecord. It used to be there was a Genealogist who handled that once, but shewent to the Arcanist’s service and no one has replaced her. It’s an entirelypersonal decision how or if any celebration or officiation will occur.
As a result, actual wedding ceremonies are major news in theclan and they tend to turn into massive to-dos that even some of the moreelusive members of the clan will turn up for. Without anything else in the wayof officiation or celebration, usually any pairs that have declared themselvesmarried will be mentioned in the local newspaper, the Sunbeam Sentinel.
45. Do the members ofyour clan more or less get along with each other? What would cause them toquarrel if so? Why do they if not?
More or less, yes. There’s a lot of little interconnectingcliques and it’s not necessarily that dragons that don’t hang out might hateeach other, they usually just don’t gravitate toward one another.
Personal beef can be normal, in the old clan Carnelianregular beat the shit out of a paparazzi coatl who caused him to lose the trailon a hatchling kidnapping.
Right now Estevao is largely considered a fool by any clanmember with good sense.
74. Is breeding done onlybetween mates? Freely? For the good of the clan?
All three.
Camellia is big into having kids but has never had a realmate a day in her life (literally her words after a male she had her mostrecent nest with also mated with another dragon from the clan and somebody gotnervous about it: “You know I’ve never kept the males as my own. I just likethe children.”; Haematica had her children because at the time she was the onlyplague dragon in the clan and they needed more; and there are several matedpairs who are exclusive.
77. How religious is thebulk of your clan?
They respect the gods, especially Lightweaver and theArcanist given the circumstances, but there are only a few who are genuinely religious.
Camellia was always very devout to the Arcanist, and afterthe events that destroyed their old dynasty, she was god-touched. She can’treally avoid being religious even if she wanted to.
Fletch is a forge priestess—meaning she’s a devout of theFlamecaller.This served quite well during the clan’s journey to the Sunbeam Ruins, when she pretty much called a lava-spewing fissure into the Carrion Canyon via prayer to escape a local bad news beastclan.
Turan is the Light Liaison, she has to be religious becauseif she isn’t Lightweaver will take it out of all their asses.
Azricai is surprisingly religious, but in a sort of…upsidedown tarot kind of way. She calls on the Windsinger in his capacity for stormsand destruction, protecting her clan by keeping them in the calm eye of thestorm she does her best to embody. It’s part of the reason dragons who know her well call her The Gale Wolf.
Penitence is religious, but it’s to the Icewarden, so. Heconsiders being the clan’s jailer and primary law enforcer a daily act ofworship.
Then there’s Lamium who will soon be in a very complicatedposition where he becomes the devout of the Veiled Moon (meaning the moon that isonly visible in Hewn City) basically under duress.
78. If your clan isreligious, how is worship done? Privately? Is there a large ceremony?
The devouts pray on their own. Ceremonies for the elementsusually only exist during elemental holidays.
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bloodclawfr · 7 years
Q&A with the Lair
75 FR Lore Questions
1. What Flight is your clan?
The BloodClaw doesn’t really have a flight since they fight for themselves and the Assassin, but they generally float around light territories.
2. Why did they choose this Flight?
Living in the sky can be dangerous and the light territory is the most sunny.
3. Have they been loyal to other Flights before this? Or will they never move?
Most dragons come from different flights and most of them are okay with it, fights are not seen kindly in the citadel.
4. What would be the deciding factor in a move, if the clan had to?
The Assassin usually chooses where to move, unless there are more urgent problems. Last time they moved it was due to a meteor shower in the arcane territories.
5. Is the clan spiritual and highly loyal to their deity? Are they indifferent?
Most dragons believe in the dragon deities, some of them in less known religions but so far no cult has risen in the citadel.
6. How does the clan view those from different Flights? Are they welcoming to all dragons, or suspcious of newcomers?
Being in the BloodClaw citadel means business so everyone is kind of suspicious of newcomers but they treat everyone equally.
7. What does your lair look like? Go into detail.
The BloodClaw Citadel is a giant floating island, there are some minor shops and laboratories on it as well as a giant dorm with some parts reserved for guests. There is an Inn, an alchemy laboratory, a forge, a small market to exchange goods, a vault, the Star Tower where the Assassin lives, a giant garden with fountains and an underground area where most animals and goods are kept along with training rooms.
8. Who founded the clan?
Hsin Thelanor also known as The Assassin. Son of a very famous mage from another part of the planet, their heritage is now lost and he’s gone rogue.
9. Who is your clan leader? Why are they the leader? Have there been any leadership changes?
Hsin was the clan leader when they were few, Evron became the ultimate leader when the clan grew because everyone found him reliable while Hsin was always busy.
10. Was the leader chosen? Were they elected? An heir to the throne? Or maybe they achieved something within the clan?
Evron was never really chosen, just usually people find it easier to go to him for complaints, requests, questions and such things.
11. Who handles interclan relations? Any diplomats? Peacekeepers?
12. How does your clan view the Beastclans? Who handles Beastclan relations?
Most Bestfolks are welcome as long as they don’t cause a mess, the citadel rule is there will be business along peace. Some of their member made friend with dragons and was welcomed into the lair. The clan is generally non aggressive toward Beastclans as long as they don’t attack first.
13. Does your clan have specific roles for each dragon?
All dragons living in the lair have a job unless they are minors or offer other services to the lair, like consulences and such.
14. Does your clan have any Flight ambassadors? What do they do?
15. Does your clan have a council? An elected group of dragons in power?
There is more of a hierarchy in the clan, Hsin orders are absolutes, Evron after his and then Lilith. Other dragons in working positions have more authority then others but only regarding the job. There are guards trained to remove those who disobey.
16. Are all dragons in the clan expected to contribute in some way? Or are they left to their own devices?
If a dragon wishes to live in the lair permanently will most likely be asked to contribute in some way, everyone is free to leave if they don’t like the place.
17. Who protects the clan? Who is in charge of battling/guarding?
Nightbane, Dathris, Mordekai, Katamite are guards of the citadel, Kur’Talos and his wife are mercenary in case there is a need to eliminate some uncomfortable guests.
18. Does your clan trade with any other clans? Any allies? Enemies?
The BloodClaw clan welcome all clans to trade and interact. For now, no other clan as showed themselves as an ally or an enemy.
19. How is exalting handled in your clan? Any ceremonies? Is exalt fodder something that is part of your lore?
Exalting is seen as a willing sacrifice from a dragon to their deity or a kind sacrifice for corpse found while gathering. (fodder exalting)
20. Who does the gathering in the clan? (digging, scavenging, hunting, etc.)
21. Does your clan have a healer?
The BloodClaw Clan has a medic, Aelerya; a “doctor” (more like a mad scientist for prothesis and augments) Raigeki; and a spirit counselor, Vanilla.
22. Who looks after hatchlings? The parents, or a general hatchling-sitter?
Lilith was paid to look after hatchlings if theyir parents don’t want bothers. Sometimes Ayrin helps.
23. How does your clan educate younger dragons? Is there a scribe, scholar, or mentor?
Lilith is a basic teacher, when they’re old enough they can choose what they want to do in the future and will be sent to other dragons to learn.
24. Do you have any artists within your clan? How do they make a living from their crafts?
Symmetra is an architect, she builds custom rooms for dragons, she generally gets payed by guests to do their room.
25. Does your clan have a cook? Who handles the food?
Hsin used to cook then Evron started to help, but since both of them were trained to cook but used to live alone it was a kind of a mess. As the clan grew they hired a cook, Tahm Kench.
26. Who is on the Coli team? Who trains future warriors?
Evron, Electra and Lilith are the main team that goes into the Coliseum. Rhys and Kaya are fighters in the arena. Generally dragons gets trained by Evron or Dathris.
27. Any messengers? Scouts? Delivery dragons?
Keith is the flight master, he gives directions to dragons and help with cargo. Cinthyaq is a messenger for friendly requests to other clans and Deathwing is a messenger for war. There are a few more dragon that help with resource deliveries.
28. How does apparel work in your clan? Are any pieces of apparel status symbols, or indicators of the role the dragon has?
Apparel is mostly seen as normal clothes, the way a dragon dresses is the way to find out what they do in the clan and their wealth.
29. How are familiars viewed in the clan? Pets? Companions? Friends?
Most animal familiars are pets to dragons, most humanoid familiars are friend or for some even lovers.
30. Do you have any familiars that are intelligent enough to directly interact with the dragons?
Any Beastfolk in the clan is intelligent enough to interact with dragons.
31. Who cares for the familiars? The familiar's dragon, or a general caretaker?
There is a kind of adoption center for unused familiars, most dragons care for their pets, Maiev and Shadris care for the others. Eyrin usually wanders in the pet hallway to pet all of them daily.
32. Are extra familiars/non-bonded familiars free to wander around the lair? Or do they not exist in the lore?
All unused familiars are neatly organized in cages and habitats they can live in, they are taken good care of by Maiev and Shadris.
33. Does your clan have any Beastclan members living among the ranks?
The only Beastclan member actively participating in the lair life is a Serthis Alchemist called Eris.
34. Who hoards what? Do the dragons each have a personal hoard, or is there one big storage area?
There is one big storage area even though some dragons tend to hoard certain items.
35. Does your clan specialize in anything?
Some members are trained assassin from another corner of the world, the others are just plainly common dragons.
36. Does your clan stand for anything? (truth, might, knowledge, etc.)
Business. Plain and simple. Hsin got bored of the hight and mighty life so he’s just hoarding money and artefacts for fun.
37. What is the origin of your clan's name?
Hsin and Evron the founders of the clan both share a very bloodied past, being a dragon clan Hsin opted for BloodClaw.
38. Does your clan have a set of rules or guidelines for the members? What happens if a dragon breaks these rules?
There are very simple rules in the Citadel, no fights, no stealing and everything has a price. If someone breaks the rules they will be warned, after a couple of warning they will be banned from the citadel and not allowed to fly in anymore.
39. How does your clan view Gen One dragons?
Mostly orphans or dragons who don’t remember about their parents.
40. Does your clan have a territory? Or just the lair?
The BloodClaw clans has a flying citadel and a small territory with the ruins of an Elune temple with a nearby garden and arena.
41. Do any dragons in the lair have a bias or dislike towards certain breeds or a Flight?
42. Which dragons are good friends within your clan? Any enemies? Best couple?
43. Who's the cinnamon roll, and who's the problematic fave?
44. Do you have any dragons that aren't part of the lore? Just for show?
There are a lot of unlored dragon as for now, but i plan to write lore for most of them.
45. Are there any dragons in your clan who dislike hatchlings?
Evron is very good with hatchlings but he just doesn’t really like them he never grew up near them. Shiryu doesn’t like hatchlings because they are too naive.
46. How do permababies work in your lore? Do you have any?
47. Who manages the treasure and gem hoards?
48. Has your clan gone through any unfortunate events? Tragedies, even?
49. Are roles assigned to dragons when they are born/come into the clan, or do they choose their role?
Some dragon will have their parent urge them to take a precise role but most are free to choose.
50. Who kills the spiders?
51. Who eats all the food?
52. Do you have any tricksters or prank loving dragons? Do they cause mischief?
53, Most intimdating dragon?
Evron and Dathris.
54. Most friendly dragon?
Tahm Kench.
55. Dragon most likely to bring back a stick from gathering?
56. Laziest dragon?
Kelpie and Rhys.
57. Funniest dragon?
58. Do you have any sub-clans? What are they called?
For the time being only the Kor’Kon Clan lives in the lair, they are a small clan of dragons who can shapeshift into orcs like humanoids. They work as mercenaries for the Assassin.
59. Does your clan decorate the lair at all? How so?
60. What markers does your clan use to let others know they live in the area? Flags? Banners? Runes?
There are some runes near the ruined temple, but the shadows of the floating island is enough to warn others of their presence.
61. Smartest dragon?
62. The dragon everybody loves?
63. The dragon everybody hates?
64. Do you have a clan rune?
65. Pick a song that best describes your clan.
66. Who gets into arguments the most? Who keeps the peace?
67. How do skins and accents work in your lore?
68. Best dressed?
69. Does your clan have any elders?
70. Does each dragon in your lair have their own space, or is the entire lair shared?
Every dragon owns their own room but the common spaces are shared.
71. How do you handle gene scrolls in your lore?
72. Who loves festivals the most? Who parties the hardest?
73. Pick two dragons and talk about their relationship.
74. Choose one dragon and talk about them.
75. Choose a dragon with a familiar and talk about their relationship.
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