#beast ensemble
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cousticks · 1 year ago
In response to your "think about dazai? I do."
post 🤭 let me give you an imaginary scenario:
Canon! Dazai meeting BEAST odasaku..
That OR
the characters in BEAST meeting their canon! counterparts..
(ohhhhh there's sm to digest here)
Its forever a WIP, but the boyfriend and I do have a concept where pretty much all of that happens, called Beastswap (well, canon counterparts don't exactly meet their Beast!selves, but they do see the world and impacts around them, at least).
Canon Dazai meeting Beast Oda, alive and well and writing novels and hating him (or, at least the Dazai he knows) would probably actually for real burst into tears that would be the thing that finally breaks that man because it would rip him in like 18 different directions at once. That would mess him up so badly. I want it to happen. I want Dazai to experience the full range of human joy and devastation at once and see what happens like an 1800s sociological experiment on monkeys.
I feel like Beast Atsushi would be baffled by canon Atsushi. Disappointed isn't the right word, but astounded, maybe? That there's a version of him out there that can almost function in normal society. (I think about Beast Atsushi in the movie collapsing into a pathetic heap attempting to order a crepe really frequently, okay). Canon Atsushi would probably just be a little sad? I'm really not sure. I don't have as great a grasp on him as I would like.
I don't know what would ACTUALLY happen if Beast and Regular Kyouka got to talking, but for their sakes I hope they decide to do rabbit coloring pages off in a corner while sharing some of Ranpo's snacks (stolen together, of course.) As for what would actually happen is anyone's guess. They have similar brands of tragedy, I think they'd reach an understanding pretty quickly. Their glaring difference is that Canon Kyouka chose to leave the mafia, but Beast Kyouka was given the chance and then went back. But I think Canon Kyouka would understand, given the situation.
Each Akutagawa would call the other weak and/or pathetic I'm sorry that guy has so much deterministic self-hate in him in both universes that encountering another version of himself working for "the enemy" would not go well. They'd immediately try to see who's stronger and end up knocking each other out. Bless their hearts.
I really think that the two Gins meeting each other would be a sight to see. They're both mafia but so, so different. They're both pretty rational, though. I think they'd have some really interesting discussions over tea to understand how their universes differ.
The Chuuyas would be miserable. Both of them. I've described it before as each one having what the other wants, but in the worst way. I won't be elaborating on that. Yes it has to do with Dazai. I don't think they'd fight, physically, but they'd argue for hours until they're both terribly miserable and exhausted and then maybe grab a drink and toast to everything fucking sucking all the time. Do you ever think about how Chuuya is the only one that's always in the Mafia in both universes and doesn't get out at the end? Gin is in the mafia in both, but she gets out at the end of Beast. Chuuya doesn't. There's no 'what if' for him. I'm miserable.
The Odas would be interesting, I think. But he's such an odd guy I can't even begin to predict how.
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beebonkbiki · 6 months ago
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what happens when a cannibal god and a self-sacrificial idiot are in love and are both furries
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twoa-plus · 8 months ago
i would like to preface this by saying that i think a really important part of mayoi’s character is that he’s human - no matter what he says about being a filthy little creature or whatever he is human, he has a heart and a soul and he is deserving of the same love and respect as anyone else. as someone with a lot of similar symptoms to him i feel like that’s the entire point of his character and i don’t mean to downplay that at all
HOWEVER. i think it would be really really funny if it turned out that his whole “im a monster” thing wasn’t like. metaphorical or a mental illness thing or whatever
like one day we finally get an event with ayase family lore and he’s just like “and this is my mom :)” and pulls out a picture of baby him with cthulu. it’s revealed that the reason he tends to vanish when overwhelmed is bc being stressed makes it harder to hide The Tentacles™️. someone makes direct eye contact with him for too long and they’re just like “maybe we should get you some sunglasses ( ´ ▽ ` )” (they have witnessed a mere fraction of The Horrors)
i just think people should mess around with eldritch horror mayoi more. especially considering he’s like, terrified of people. reverse eldritch horror
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bzil111 · 8 months ago
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fem kanata sketches!
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Round 7- Finals!
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yaoimancer · 6 months ago
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So I got into ensemble stars.
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baddybaddyadardaddy · 5 months ago
Let’s talk about this Adar Beauty & the Beast AU shall we? I’m curious if we can get a reblog or chat chain going of ‘casting’ choices for which RoP character should be ‘cast’ from Beauty & the Beast. 🥀
I’ll start -
Adar - The Beast
Galadriel - Beauty
(…to be continued?)
I mean logic dictates that Annatar should be Gaston in this scenario I suppose but also CONSIDER BENJAMIN WALKER BECAUSE THAT WOULD BE HILARIOUS. He-man vibes.
Disa would absolutely be the operatic singing wardrobe
Also I vote Cirdan for Belle's Dad.
(also, just offering in a similar vein, a previous Phantom of the Opera/TROP crossover fancast. BatB vibes on main.)
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sebbyyyn · 4 months ago
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today marks the day that I finally perfected all Eden songs in EN so far🥳🥳 waiting for more Eden songs to be added in the future
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xitty · 5 days ago
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Tetora Arashi friendship 😭🫶
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starlit-twilight · 3 months ago
>×> do you wanna lore drop how each Changeling got "magic of friendship"-ed ?
Oh, don't mind if I do. :3c
Since, in this AU, changelings aren't born/hatched metamorphosed (and there are now several hives), the typical way for a changeling to be "magic-of-friendshipped" would be to share love with their hive and like that, they generally achieve metamorphosis at a slightly younger age than ponies usually get their cutiemarks. But Enstars lore is fucking unhinged and most of these characters are their own, self-contained tragedy, so really only Shinobu Arolium had the normal experience of being loved by his hive.
Wataru Spinneret and Mika Crescent Moon were both abandoned by their hives, but were able to share love with the pony family and foals of the orphanage that took them in, respectively. Spinneret metamorphosed exceptionally, abnormally early; Crescent Moon was something of a late bloomer but not to a worrying degree, escpecially considering his circumstances.
HiMERU is only half-changeling, so he doesn't have the ability or need to metamorphose, since he doesn't feed on love in the first place.
And then there's Mayoi Ootheca and Ibara Rosethorn/Chelicera who are currently in the process of being magic-of-friendshipped by their friends, whether they like it or not.
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marchenhare · 2 years ago
Good morning, ladies and gentlemen!
Shinkai Trio - Purge March (DECO*27)
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cousticks · 1 year ago
hi bestie, I'm going to need your thoughts about BEAST. it doesn't matter how long. 🙏I find that LN very interesting plus my blorbo Odasaku is there TT
if you're up to the challenge of sharing most, if not all your unhinged thoughts about BEAST, I would greatly appreciate it.
If not, that's okay too. No pressure fr ❤️
This ask makes me stare at my computer screen in horror for the can of worms you've opened, my friend. I'm better now, but there was a point in time a couple years ago I carried my physical copy of the Beast LN with me everywhere in my school bag & called it my Bible. Needless to say its quite important to me. I wasn't sure how to approach this at first, but as I've been going I kind of ended up breaking it down by character. I will also say that I've read the LN and seen the movie, but I haven't read the entire manga yet, so if there's anything manga specific you were hoping I'd mention that I don't I apologize! This is comically long I am so sorry.
I will admit I kind of suck because, though Beast is primarily about the interactions between Atsushi and Akutagawa, I don't have much to say about either of them. But Beast is so so so refreshing to me to see some of the characters that I thought deserved better in canon receiving their time in the light. The interactions between Aku and Oda are everything to me, especially when Akutagawa has to babysit the kids, and through it he has to learn when to be gentle and when to be harsh. Its so so so important because you get to see that he can do both. The same Akutagawa who's first appearance in the main timeline is blowing up a police station without any care for civilian casualties is capable of gently playing with children, WITH his ability. It opens up a depth to his character that, at least at the time of Beast's official English translation coming out (I had it on Preorder lol), we didn't really get to see in the main timeline. It told me that there was so much more to see from him, more that Asagiri wanted to say about him, and not only made me really attached to his Beast version but made me enthusiastic to see what was to come from the main timeline for him.
Its kind of similar with Atsushi in Beast, if the opposite way. I was always a little disappointed with the anime's adaption of Atsushi, as he always felt a bit watered down to be a one-size-fits-all protagonist, when he has more character and snark in the manga that makes him so much more interesting. I don't love it for him because yanno that shit traumatizing, but I do for me enjoy having seen what happens when you put him in the mafia instead. Do you ever think about how he would have been like, 12, when he was recruited into the mafia? That's like 6 years earlier than in canon. This is assuming that Beast Dazai goes and picks him up at the same point in time that he acquires Akutawaga in the main timeline. (Aku was acquired when he was 14). So by the time of Beast's main plot, that gives Atsushi 6 years in the mafia to become the White Reaper, and what a name that is. To be associated with the death he's so afraid of. Ohh, he's interesting. I wish I had more to say about him. Honestly, beast aku and atsu are more my boyfriend @pmreaper's wheelhouse, and I highly recommend taking a look at his thoughts. Between the Orphanage and the Mafia, Beast Atsushi hasn't really seen much honest kindness, aside from Kyoka. And christ, the collar. I'll talk more about the collar later, but that does something to me. He goes from the orphanage causing him pain and problems about being the tiger when he doesn't even know, to a much more restrictive controlling pain when he does know. He's taught that being what he is just leads to being in pain and he has no control over it and it makes me miserable for him. Despite spending so much time fighting on the Mafia's behalf, on Dazai's behalf, this boy has no idea how to fight for himself.
I think that's a major difference between beast Atsu and Aku honestly. Akutagawa will fight for himself. He'll fight his way out of a bad situation. Beast Atsushi won't. That self pity of feeling he deserves it. Christ. Them. Their soft moments interacting together before everything goes to shit in Beast are everything to me. They're just kids from bad situations they understand each other. Their interactions in Beast stab me through the heart.
I don't have much to say about Gin but I want to mention her anyway. Mostly because I think she's the most mentally stable of the mafia members close to Dazai in Beast that we see (Chuuya, Atsu, Kyoka, Gin). She'd have a Keurig on her desk and make the best coffee on the floor. She's such a stark difference from her main timeline counterpart, too. Gin the mafia assassin and Gin the mafia secretary are so different, visually. But... this is a Gin that isn't fighting to survive in the same way. I think so much about how she was taken so that Dazai had some kind of control over Akutagawa without having him in the mafia. I think about how she decided Akutagawa wasn't ready to have her in his life again. About how she was ready to be killed for the Mafia. We barely see any of Gin in the main timeline, but we see so much of her here. Her loyalty to the mafia, her own feelings of betrayal, there's so much to her that we just haven't seen from the main timeline at all. I adore her. I want to see more of her. I like to think that after the events of Beast played out she stole a mafia helicopter and she and Kyoka flew off to Cancun on a girls trip to recover from All That Shit.
I generally ignore the Beast version of Chuuya the way he's presented in canon if I'm honest. And I quite actively ignore whatever the movie ending with the chains is because the fuck is that. Chuuya's presence in Beast canon is something that i acknowledge and then throw away. I have a very specific mental timeline of how Beast progresses in my head as far as where it diverges from the main timeline. In my heart, Atsushi is dragged into the mafia shortly before Dragon's Head Rush, possibly when the conflict is originally starting up in Yokohama, or some time during it. Somewhere in the 88 days before the final face-off against Shibusawa. (I have a lot of opinions on the nitty-gritty details of that timeline both in Beast and Main timeline but that's a not-right-now problem.) This is the event that, in the main timeline, Dazai ascends to executive. I believe that in the Beast timeline, during the DHR conflict is where he stages his coup to become the PM's boss. Which is... kind of a wild thing to do at 16, I guess, but this is a Dazai that has memories of the main timeline as well as of this world, so is he really mentally 16 at that point with the combined life experience? Anyway. Why do I mention this timeline when I'm talking about Chuuya? Because Dazai needed help staging that coup. Chuuya's help. He was well liked in the mafia even then (we can see Chuuya's own reputation was pretty damn good at this point as its not long after Stormbringer). I believe they had a more amicable relationship in the Beast timeline than in main timeline, and that this was calculated to make Chuuya's loyalty lie more with Dazai than the mafia at large so that the coup would work. But after Dazai is boss? Nothing. Cold and all-business once Dazai is in place to start playing with the entire city like his own personal barbie dolls to get everything in place to allow Oda to write his book. Whatever. Which leads to Chuuya's loyalty-hatred complex a bit but I have... a lot of opinions on that entire interaction between them that I don't really know how to articulate. But it fucking sucks.
As far as within the Mafia hierarchy, I think that very few people ever report to Dazai himself. Only Gin, Atsu, Chuuya, and maybe someone really trustworthy like Hirotsu. Chuuya is the boss's right hand in this, he's the second in command, above what a normal executive position would be. Dazai is busy making plans on his insanity corkboard trying to ensure this world stays perfect for Oda. He's busy scheming on what to do to make the mafia more powerful to ensure its reach can accomplish what he needs it to. He's busy doing all the meta-number-crunching to minmax his power so he can treat the world like a plaything. I think he leaves a lot of the normal day-to-day running the mafia to Chuuya, who acts more like the boss in the level of Mori in the main timeline, since the Mafia itself in Beast is like 3x the power it was in canon. Someone has to be keeping an eye on the city itself. I think the executives more of report to him than they would Dazai. It just becomes this really weird hierarchy of designated people leading what they need to so Dazai can focus on what he wants. Obviously none of this is supported in Beast canon at all its just what I believe in my whole heart. I also think that there may have been a point in time they tested something similar to the collar Atsushi is given with Chuuya to see if there was a way to shut down Corruption without Dazai needing to be involved. It failed and Chuuya was hospitalized for a week after and 100% made it Dazai's problem. Which, tangentially, do you ever think about the Beast aftermath? How if something comes up where Beast Chuuya has to use Corruption, there's no longer a way to stop it? Because I sure do.
This brings me down to more thoughts about Beast Dazai himself, who is such a wild character to me. He's everything normal timeline Dazai doesn't want to be. Oda wouldn't want this. Oda wouldn't want a world where so many people are miserable that don't have to be just for his sake. Its depressing, but main timeline Odasaku had chosen his time to die and was quite ready to do so. And main timeline Dazai? He just had to accept that. And grow beyond it. And learn how to create connections with others. But Beast Dazai? He swings the opposite. He doesn't try to recover, he's obsessive, he tears everyone else down into his misery with him to try to create a world that Oda can survive and write his novels in without ever thinking about the fact that Oda would never want that, would never ask for that, but he's on such a pedestal in Dazai's mind that its never considered. Its selfish. He thinks he's doing something for someone else but its so, so very selfish and frankly ridiculous. He chose to never really make any connections with anyone else. Oda of that universe doesn't even know who he is, other than the boss of the mafia that ruins people's lives. There's no connection. Beast Dazai is so untethered and doesn't see anything in that world as anything more than means to an end and I'm so, so obsessed with him. He's tragic. He's trying so hard to do something correctly and doesn't even understand what he's doing wrong because he's so caught up in saving the one person he's so fixated on. He's crafted an empire out of the mafia and couldn't care less about it. He's put himself into the shoes of a god and sacrificed every mortal comfort because of it. I have so much I could say about him but my brain is going to short circuit if I think about him for much longer. I'll probably talk more about him again when I finally reread Beast. I hate him more than I can explain. He's the most interesting man alive. He's no man at all. I'm in hell
Odasaku. Oda. He's still alive. He has even more orphans. Akutagawa is one of his orphans. He thinks he's the most normal guy but he's so, so weird. He trusts Akutagawa with his kids. He'll fight Akutagwa in the middle of the Agency as a training exercise. He probably has the most bland coffee order you can imagine. Anyone know that textpost about the guy that got the black coffee with the blueberry flavoring? The ordinary man with something deeply wrong with him? That's beast Oda. He wants to be a writer, he succeeds, he has a mafia boss obsessed with him and doesn't even know until said dude goes off and dies. I have NO idea what the fuck he was doing in the movie. I generally ignore the movie honestly. He's just some guy. This world was made for him and all he wants is to be ordinary. This world was made for him and he chooses to be mundane. This is a man that knows mortality well. That knows the best parts of life are the small ones. He wants to help people and he succeeds. He sees other people who had a past of violence, like he did growing as an assassin, and he helps them get out of it, he prevents it from happening, he offers care in a way those unused to receiving it can accept. He isn't perfect. He's just a guy. It makes him perfect. I want to kick a wall.
The agency in Beast and how they all rally together is so interesting as well. We don't really get to see them all in action together that often honestly and its a delight. I wish I had more to say about all of them. They're such a cohesive unit of strays and I love them.
I certainly have so much more I could say about Beast but this is already like, the length of an average one-shot fanfiction on AO3 just of my incoherent rambling. If there's anything you want me to talk more on please send another ask because this was a fucking blast to dig up a lot of my old thoughts. I have several unedited one-shot beast fics tucked into storage that maybe one day I'll share because they're all based off of my headcanons and personal beliefs on the timeline.
My boyfriend and I also have an ongoing project called Beastswap where we explore what happens to the characters if they start randomly popping between the two timelines in the post-Beast fallout after everything has settled a little and once I get my writing spark back there will definitely be some of that floating around as well.
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animeweeb115 · 1 year ago
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kym2020 · 2 years ago
Depths*The Beast Laying Hidden Beneath
Bloodthirsty Beast Chapter 5
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《A few days after the start of filming》
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Rei: "The third victim...!? Once again, is it the work of the 'Beast'? They're getting in the way of our work..."
Adonis: "I see. So the victim was once again someone we know. It seems that the 'Beast' is indeed targeting people related to the Sakurayama¹ Social Club. And persistently at that... Perhaps they have already infiltrated this group."
Koga: "For now, I have an alibi for the first incident. That means I can be ruled out as a suspect, right?"
Rei: "I was on duty that day too. My colleagues should be able to vouch for my alibi."
Adonis: "Sagurayama-san and Ohata-kun had alibis. That means, for now, it's only the two of us without alibis."
Rei: "What about you, Hatori-san?"
Kaoru: "Huh? Are you suspecting me? Just because I took the day off alone doesn't mean I would commit a crime. Isn't that host discrimination? Besides, I use a stage name for business, so please don't call me by my real name too often, okay?"
Koga: (...Adonis is still suspicious. His acting is still a bit awkward. From what I see, it seems he's still uncertain. He's a bit more restless compared to the three of us.)
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Adonis: Excuse me, Director. It seems I still haven't fully grasped this role. Because of that, I've caused trouble for everyone. Am I the only one staying behind for the practice? Just me and the director? Understood. Thank you very much.
Koga: Oi, oi, is he okay? He finally got called in by the director.
Kaoru: More than......just a little, I'm quite worried about it.
Rei: Since it's Adonis-kun we're talking about, I believe he'll eventually make a course correction.
Koga: Yeah, that's right. I hope he can find some tips... Look at this. Adonis, that jerk, has written so much in the script. Even though he's not that good at writing Japanese. It's cruel if he doesn't see any results after this. Huh? This script has a page after the crumpled one that has been fixed. What is this...!?
Kaoru: Is this...!?
Rei: It says, "Please help me"... Should I call it a cry from Adonis-kun's heart? So that's why the script was unnaturally crumpled. It's more serious than I thought. He might be carrying a lot of stress due to his own immature acting skills.
Koga: I can't believe Adonis was feeling so cornered... Let's go ask him right away. Why was he carrying such a burden until it got to this point?
Kaoru: Yeah, I'd love to do that, but... considering Adonis-kun, maybe it's not a good idea to go and ask him right now.
Koga: Huh?
Kaoru: You see, Adonis-kun has been asking for our advice all along, right? But I feel like he's struggling with the fact that his acting hasn't improved. If we ask him right now, it might make things even more difficult for him... That's what I think. I agree. It's hard to imagine Adonis-kun treating his tools of the trade so carelessly.
Rei: Adonis-kun is doing his best. By misleading him with our advice, we might further corner him.
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Koga: Hmph. You're just spouting pretty words. I get it. If Adonis is burdened with a problem he can't share with anyone, it's only natural for us, his comrades, to listen and help him figure it out. I'll accompany him during his extra practice. Adonis will appreciate not being alone with just the director, right?
Kaoru: You're full of youth, Koga-kun...
Rei: Indeed. When I see Adonis-kun and Koga like this, it makes me feel rejuvenated as well. However, I can't say for sure if it was a good decision to let Kouga go. There's also the possibility that Adonis-kun's extra practice serves as an excuse for filming the 'Beast' scenes. It's certainly a difficult situation to navigate. We must be careful not to inadvertently step on a tiger's tail.
Kouga: (Tch, causing me to worry...)
(But man, he's really unlucky. I never thought he would end up practicing one-on-one with the director. Their directorial plan must have clashed severely.)
(Though his acting is awkward, it's not so terrible that it had to come to this.)
Adonis: ........!
Koga: (Haha, he's putting all his passion into his acting. It looks like he's truly focused. Wasn't this my cue to enter?)
Adonis: please stop. Director you are going too far...
Koga: (Oh...? Why is the director bowing? And on top of that, Adonis is desperately trying to calm them down. What's going on...!)
(Damn it, I don't understand! Maybe because the director's voice is too soft, I can't hear from here!)
(No choice, I'll get a bit closer—)
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Adonis: Director... I'm sorry, but if that's the case, I'd like to quit.
Koga: (...!?)
(Quit? Does that mean... Is he really going to abandon the job? Quitting, is that what he means?)
Hey, Adonis! What were you talking about with the director just now?
Adonis: Oh, Ogami... You were there.
Koga: What was that exchange about!? The director was bowing their head, and you said you want to quit—don't tell me you're quitting this drama?
Adonis: I'm sorry, but I can't say. The only thing I can tell you is that I made a rational decision. I don't want to trouble the rest of 'UNDEAD'... Please believe me.
Koga: tch....!
translator's notes:
[1] Sakurayama or Sagurayama Social Club, I'm getting confused with the raws.
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First place: Mayoi Ayase
Second place: Kanata Shinkai
Third place: Tsumugi Aoba
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Beauty and the Beast (2017, Bill Condon)
Beauty and the Beast is a 2017 film directed by Bill Condon.
Written by Evan Spiliotopoulos and Stephen Chbosky, the film is a live action remake of the 1991 animated film of the same name, based on the fairy tale by Jeanne-Marie Leprince de Beaumont. The film stars an ensemble cast that includes Emma Watson, Dan Stevens, Luke Evans, Kevin Kline, Josh Gad, Ewan McGregor, Stanley Tucci, Ian McKellen and Emma Thompson.
It is the first Disney film in which an openly homosexual character appears: it is Le Fou, played by Josh Gad.
Alsace, 18th century. One winter evening, during a ball, an elderly beggar woman arrives at the castle and, to put the prince to the test, offers him a rose in exchange for hospitality. The prince refuses and the spell acts on all the prince's villages, whose citizens forget the existence of the castle and its inhabitants as if they had never existed. The castle thus remain isolated in the forest, in a sort of perpetual winter and space out of time. Before leaving, the sorceress leaves her rose to the Beast, which begins to wither: if the prince manages to love and be loved in turn before the flower loses the last petal, the spell will be broken, otherwise the magic will become eternal.
Years later, in Villeneuve, a village not far from the castle, a beautiful young girl named Belle lives there with her artist father, Maurice. Captain Gaston, a hunter, as well as the richest and most coveted bachelor among the women of the village but very arrogant and cynical, would like to marry Belle, believing that only his attractiveness is enough to convince the young woman to marry him. While a storm breaks out, Maurice is attacked by a pack of gray wolves, but still manages to escape the beasts, taking refuge in the Beast's castle surrounded by the abnormal winter climate. Immediately after hearing one of the objects speak, Maurice runs away in fear, but before leaving the gate he stops to pick a rose from the garden - Belle had in fact asked him for one as a gift for the journey.
After an initial escape attempt, Belle is welcomed by the castle's servants transformed into objects: Lumière the candlestick, Cogsworth the clock and Mrs. Potts the teapot.
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