facetedheart · 5 years
@bearlygrizz wanted jonny.
“Stop fussing! You’re being worse than Cilla on her worst day,” he said, swatting their hands away from trying to tend to his face. “You’re always telling me that I need more color on my face, well, now I have more color.” A lopsided smirk towards the other before he’s wincing slightly. He shouldn’t have made the joke during his show about how if he had a threesome with this guy and his wife that his wife would forget about the husband. Jonny thought it was funny, the audience roared with laughter, but the guy? Guess not. 
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perfectdisastcr · 5 years
‘  now  everything  has  changed ,  we  found  better  days .  ’ @bearlygrizz gets a one-liner | fleur & lake
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Looking over at the young woman he used to know as a girl, he was surprised to see how beautiful she got. Not that he ever doubted that. she had been very beautiful back then but she kinda got like an upgrade. And he liked that. “H-hi... I don’t know if you remember me. It’s Liam.” he said, with a small nervous chuckle, his hand reaching up to scratch his neck. Was it clear he was nervous, his hands sweating a little? Hopefully not. “You look good, I mean you always did. How have you been? We haven’t seen each other in what... like nine years?” he asked, letting out another chuckle. 
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betterx0ff · 5 years
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Theo hadn’t realized the time when he started to wake up, sitting up, he grabbed his phone, looking at the time. “Fuck.” He whispered under his breath as he looked around for his clothes. Grabbing his pants and sitting down to pull them on he looked at the other. “Hey, sorry to dip so fast but I am going to be late for work and I’m opening the shop today.” He said as he got up, grabbing his shirt and throwing it on. He knew that people wouldn’t know that he worse the same clothes yesterday and if someone noticed, he really wouldn’t care. “You think I could see you again, possibly?”
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wctchit · 5 years
Lena shivered in the brisk cold air, and hugged Charlie close as they watched the fire department tromp into the apartment building, trying to find what apartment the billowing smoke actually came from. Initially she had thought it had been her cooking, but as her young daughter came up and tugged her sleeve, trying to pull her away just as the fire alarm went off, she realized the problem lay elsewhere. She had had just enough time to turn the burners and the oven off before Charlie began to scream.
With a gentle sigh she lifted her daughter, sweeping her away to the front door with only a brief pause to grab her daughters teddy. A horrible reminder given to her by her daughter pressing a hand to her head and flooding Lena’s vision with the image of it laying on the arm of the couch.
She didn’t think she’d ever get used to that.
Her daughter had always been gifted. At least, as far as she could tell. Sometimes it hindered her actual communication skills. She was only six, and she still had trouble talking verbally when she was so accustomed to just... sending her thoughts someone’s way. Especially if it was just Lena. But for some reason, that night, as one of her neighbors came to stand beside them, Charlie didn’t seem so afraid. She even looked up at him, gave a cherubic smile that Lena instantly dreaded, and said: “Hello.”
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othrworldy · 5 years
starter for @bearlygrizz, continued from here
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To be honest, Winter didn’t really go on dates. In fact, he didn’t even really know if this thing with Asher was a date. He hoped it was, that it wouldn’t be weird afterwards. They were still waiting on their food, Winter’s hand wrapped around a mug of coffee. “D’you think ordering breakfast for dinner was smart?” he asked. “I think it’s gonna mess up my whole eating schedule.”
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Asher rolled his eyes even though he was definitely still smiling. “It’s not gonna fuck up your schedule,” he said affectionately. “The only reason these are “breakfast foods” are because someone said that’s what they are. But we’re eating them for dinner, so we can say they’re dinner foods.” He grinned widely to hide his nervousness. Yeah, he was glad he’d asked Winter out while he was drunk, but at the same time he couldn’t help but wonder what stupid stuff he’d said. Winter could totally just be on this sort-of-not-exactly-a-date out of pity.
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indiedanyai · 5 years
Surprise? | Antoni & Rosalie
Leaving a relationship at the drop of the hat was not in her character. She loved romance. Rosalie liked where they were heading, or so she thought. After he voiced deep thoughts and went to sleep she was wide awake, slightly panicked. She couldn’t do this. She wasn’t ready. That night she slipped from his arms and quietly left his home, never to see him again. After some soul searching aka traveling she returned home, to her parents. After a week of being home and reacquainting herself, she returned to work.
It had now been almost a month since her return and about three months since she left Antoni. She was out with friends until they all split up and ended up leaving her behind. It was late and the rain was pouring down. Her phone wouldn’t last long enough to get a Lyft and she facepalmed as she remembered exactly where she left her portable charger. She thought about her options and sighed as she realized the club was somewhat walking distance from her ex-lover’s home. With a deep breath and a nervous feeling in the pit of her stomach, she took off her heels and began the sobering trek to Antoni’s. 
She raised her hand a few times to knock before lowering her hand. She considered walking away before she heard thunder and knocked. She pressed her lips together, sure she looked a mess by the time he opened the door. “I know things didn’t end well between us, but there was nowhere else to go. I’d like to come in, even if it’s just long enough to charge my phone. Please?” She asked sweetly, hoping he didn’t say no.
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radxmuses · 5 years
@bearlygrizz​ like for a starter :)
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"Is that hot brother of yours around?" Maddie knew her main purpose of coming over Fallon's house was to study, but she couldn't help that she had so much eye candy just walking around her house. It made it even better that they were shirtless and she wasn't complaining at all. Before she allowed Fallon to give her a lecture on stalking her brothers, she got up from her place on the floor and made her way to the door. "I'm gonna grab a snack." Fallon and Maddie had a couple of classes together throughout the semester and she could honestly say, she was glad that she had the nerve to talk to her. Stepping out into the hallway and making her way to kitchen, she hoped to bump into one of the Coleman-Ryder boys.
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ssvperboy · 3 years
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hi! i’m kai. 27. she/they. used to be bearlygrizz/deadrosesindie. est. semi-selective, activity is dependant on how my brain is working on any given day as well as how i’m feeling in general bc i’ve been rly tired lately. sorry folks. CURRENTLY: starting june 5th, I will be on a semi-hiatus until july 6th
please be 21+ to interact and please read my rules before interacting and check out the bios of any muses you wanna interact with bc there are so many (im sorry 😅😪)
rules&about || banned fcs || threadtracker open starters || meme || wishlist males || enbies || females
resources (gifs, etc. i use) can be found here || ALL of my blog’s themed graphics were created by anacommissons
DISCLAIMER: please DO NOT save or redistribute/claim any gifs used on this blog as your own. all of the resources i use can be found here
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ALSO please note that if you are mobile, my male muses page is a whole different blog due to tumblr’s page code length allowance and will require that you use your mobile browser and select the “request desktop site” option.
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thrownawxyarchive · 4 years
like for a starter
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@b-u-d-d-y-the-e-l-f @fistsbruised @goldenalchemist @bloodyliarx @cxmewhxtmxy @clanswars @tenebris-ignis666 @theirmostbeautifulmoment @unsungsavior @paintedconfusion @overnightheartbeats @contxtually @scftboyz​ @theemelancholyartist​ @sanctfyme​ @youngprofessorx​ @inexplicxvel​ @brcknbcnes​ @lcgend​ @shittkt​ @manfeared​ @fangsandmagic​ @jessyywrites​ @infamousinventor​ @bearlygrizz​ @the-fo-xy​ @screamxftime​ @thedahls​ @takenbythewindmisty​ @submxrgedindie​ @empathists​ @plaguedhearts​ @xmalfoydracox​ @marrymerrycontrarymary​ @galaxiesinchaos​ @lustafters​ @nxtafirestarter​ @deztinywarriors​ @springloadedcorpse​ @rzhaviy​ @craviiiings​ @hellraiscd​ @nightingaleseeker​ @heavenlysigh-a​ @scinglives​ @brokenlonelyandafraid​ @doradcs​ @russellwoodsten​ @seeliequcen​ @red-eyes-minnie​ @creatxrefeatxre​ @grcatteacher​
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dvstbvnnies · 5 years
* / CLOSED STARTER : @bearlygrizz
“I know, I’m coming! I’m just about done!” Staying the night at Hero’s was always wonderful. She loved sleeping in his arms and waking up to his ridiculous messy hair in the morning. He didn’t make his place very homey though. She figured she’d help him change that, because he deserved to have a comfortable home. It slowly began with the dishes and putting them in a designated place as opposed to stacked in the clean pile next to the sink. This however earned grumbles from Hero. Norah dried off the last plate and tucked it into its new place, before she dried her hands. 
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She made her way over to him and climbed onto his lap with a big grin. “I missed you today,” she told him as she twirled her finger around one of his curls. “I was excited to come over here. It’s so much more relaxing than at home.”
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facetedheart · 5 years
@bearlygrizz​ (wendy/ace)
"So," Wendy started, eyes still glued to her book as she spoke. She's been reading this book for nearly two straight hours now and she was probably coming off rude to everyone else around her but she and Ace normally say in silence, just enjoying each other's company. Finally, though, she closed the book after marking her spot and looked over to the male beside her. "What are you doing on Halloween? I imagine you and your other friends are doing something exciting, am I right?" Because Wendy really didn't have any plans. She figured she would grab a couple bag of candy the day before and just stay at home, watch scary movies and hand candy out to the local kids. Ace though, she figured was going to some kind of party.
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perfectdisastcr · 5 years
🔜: Are there any muses you want to add, but aren't sure about?
Literally always. I have a ton of FCs that I really want to use and that’s the problem. Adding original characters can be so daunting sometimes when you’re not sure who, if anybody will write with them. The good thing is I’ve got Bre who literally would write with anybody I bring in, so I’m never not too worried about bringing in a muse that I want to bring in. I do add people all the time to my masterlist, so definitely keep your eyes peeled for that, and I have a list of people that I’m considering bringing it, but the only thing stopping me right now is just having the time to bring them in.
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send me a munday meme - multimuse edition
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alittlenotordinary >> entangledvoices
Tagging you all, as we have ongoing threads, or because we have discussed rping, or because this is my secret way to tell you I would love to rp with you .... so.. you know... just to let you know :P
@parallellives @menxyouxneed @ericthevikingnorthman @redemptivexheroics @ahopefulbunch @darkestbeforedxwn @setitallaflame @dalphahale @mobandroyalty @mistermalcolmbaddock @aquamanandfriends @chaoschronicled @draco-theslytherinprince @gabriellexknightly @heavensmostterrifyingweapon @knoxcaulfield @putyourbabyfangsaway @runningwithbeastsx @wingsandahalo @unitcd @bearlygrizz @unchamanoscuro @unconventionalsavior @theywearmasks (and all your blogs) @huntersxandxangels (for your sides <3) @dulcisebrietatem @warringpeace
Sorry if I have missed anyone. and if you aren’t tagged, and we follow each other, this does not mean I don’t want to rp. I would love to :P
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bearlygrizz · 5 years
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i traded all my friends for            d r u g s and the i n t e r n e t !!                                                     ah shit,                                                                   am i a winner yet ??                                                     look quick,                                                                   is he a winner yet ??           mom's back home with                                                 a d r i n k and a c i g a r e t t e !!
bearlygrizz // indie multimuse penned + loved by kai
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bvrberryblues · 5 years
𝔠𝔩𝔬𝔰𝔢𝔡 𝔰𝔱𝔞𝔯𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔣𝔬𝔯 𝔢𝔯𝔦𝔢𝔩𝔩𝔢 / @bearlygrizz​​ 𝔟𝔞𝔰𝔢𝔡 𝔬𝔫 𝔱𝔥𝔦𝔰
harley had been minding his own business at the party, smoking with his friends and having laugh, when suddenly he felt someone tap his shoulder.  when he turned around to see erielle, he was surprised. he knew the girl from a distance, but she seemed to much of a ‘good-two-shoes’, too nice, too pure for harley to ever actually interact with her. “can i help you, cuevas?” he asked raising an eyebrow at her quizzically. what could a girl like her want from a guy like him? “if you’re lost, the dorks are all in that room.” he quipped with a smirk, getting an obsequious laugh from his friends. he tried to rake his mind to come up with an instance where they might have crossed paths, but if they had harley certainly wasn’t aware of it.
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