#bear cub bonnie is so fucking good.
remxedmoon · 3 months
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attack on @startagainaprologue!!!! go follow them neow.
(also greyscale version below the cut. ik this design is in greyscale but i will die without my colors (silly))
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celestialmango · 2 years
Ok I feel like I want say a small something on how it goes if kid noodle Sun and Moon met kid reader.
If it was kid Moon, he would immediately eat them the minute he saw them. Well, not actually eat, just nom. Be like mmm tasty while kid reader panics "I knew a forest creature was gonna eat me!" then he goes and hunts actual food while he carries his unwilling passenger.
If it was kid Sun, reader would be startled at this big snake most just suddenly appearing in front of them and they stare at each other, till Sun goes "wanna play?" Then reader isn't scared anymore because snake doesn't want to eat them, he wants to play with them, big noodle friend acquired.
Now Eclipse would be a teenager so would be taking care of Sun and Moon, Sees lost child reader, double takes, "Where the hell are your parents?!" Picks up frightened child reader and just looks at them concerned. "Welp, guess you're coming with me." Gets back to the his den and sets child down, Sun and Moon are there, Moon once again, tries to eat them but Eclipse is faster and lifts kid reader out of Moon's reach "Stop that you brat, you're being rude." Moon pouts and slithers away leaving Sun fidgeting, looking between the floor and reader who's still too scared to speak and is now clinging to Eclipse.
Eclipse notices, "What is it Sun." Sun's response is "Well I wanna ask them to play but Moony scared them, they look really scared so I wanna offer to hug and cuddle them till they feel better instead but I dunno if they'd accept." Eclipse huffs " Well ask them and if they say yes remember to be gentle with.. what's your name kid?" Reader mumbles their name "Remember to be gentle with (y/n)...and no carrier cuddles, that would probably just upset them more" Sun nods "ok, (y/n) would you like to cuddle with me till you feel better" reader thinks for a moment, the other snake kid is nice, reader agrees, Eclipse sets them down, "do you mind if I pick you up so Moony can't grab you?" Reader thinks for a moment then gives Sun permission.
Sun pick reader up like a teddy bear and carries them over to his little nesting area. Stairs for a moment trying to think of how in the world does he cuddle this kid who is much smaller than him comfortably, then he coils up his tail a little, sit reader on the center of his coils, coils up a bit more putting part of his tail loosely behind them so they can lay back against it, part of his tail ends up in their lap as he finishes coiling up so he's where he can put an arm around reader. Makes sure to ask if the cuddling position is comfortable being he could always try another one.
Reader's good, Eclipse is just watching the two mentally freaking out because that's fucking adorable and he wishes he had one of those things called a camera to take a picture of Sun cuddling reader. Of course reader is only going to stay till Eclipse can find the rangers looking for reader..... Only to find out (in this version) reader was abandoned. Alright, guess he has another kid to take care of. That's finnnee, only he doesn't really know how to take care of a human kid, the bunnies may know, they have lots of kids including that funny kid named Bonnie who he sees playing with that bear cub Freddy sometimes.. actually maybe he can just give the kid to them and ask that the kid be allowed to have sleepovers with Sun. He already has his hands full with Sun and the gremlin he calls a little brother Moon.
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masterofmaagnetism · 4 years
A Monster in the Dark - Chapter 11
[ self ship fanfic about Nightmare Bonnie (and also maybe Nightmare Freddy) and my insomniac s/i :) ]
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“You need to sleep,” Fredmare spoke up for the first time in three hours, originally content to listen to the tapping of Cane’s keyboard, but now growing concerned for the man.
“Not in the mood to get lectured by a nightmare,” Cane replied, not looking away from his laptop as he took a sip of his coffee. “Besides, I only sleep during the day.” It was currently 1am- close enough to morning in Fredmare’s mind.
He heard the nightmare sigh behind him, and then the bed frame creaking as he moved. He didn’t really care until a clawed paw came up in front of him, gently shutting his laptop. “Taking direct action, Fredmare? I thought that was NightBon’s thing.”
The bear chuckled, the sound somehow making him feel safe again. “Sometimes direct action is needed. It’s early enough to be morning, and you need to sleep. I know your boss gave you the day off.”
Cane turned around at that, only to be met with Fredmare’s chest. He looked up, only to find the bear already looking down at him. Not to mention how his paws were both resting on the desk behind him. For all intents and purposes, Canetheus was trapped.
“Stalking me now?” he joked, somehow more at ease, earning another low chuckle from Fredmare.
“No. I am reading your texts though.” Cane let out a feigned offended gasp at the admittance, placing a hand over his heart. Fredmare would probably be grinning if he was capable of it. “I do also know that you’re just stalling,” he added, picking Cane up without giving him time to process it and tossing him onto the bed.
Almost immediately, one of the cubs hopped onto him, curling up on his stomach to keep him there. He let out a defeated sigh, laying back on the pillows. “Just laying here won’t do anything. You underestimate my ability to just daydream the whole night.”
“I have a very simple solution,” Fredmare replied, coaxing a little, “oh?” from Canetheus. “Very simple,” he repeated for good measure as he got closer to the bed, this time getting a suspicious look from the human that he couldn’t help but laugh at.
Cane tried to scoot away when Fredmare moved onto the bed, but the bear simply pulled him into his arms, the cub resting atop him giving a glitchy sound of protest.
When Cane tried to ask what was happening, Fredmare just shushed him, gesturing for him to just listen. Once he was sure his captive would stay quiet, he set his plan into motion.
A light, cheery tune began to play, seemingly out of Fredmare’s chest. Cane glanced up at him, immediately recognizing the melody as Freddy’s signature song, back when the animatronic was in order.
“Toreador’s March?” he asked softly, getting a nod in return. He remembered the tune always making him feel at home, something he didn’t get often in this new house. “I didn’t know you still had a music box…” he trailed off, already getting sleepier the longer the song played.
“Neither did I,” he heard Fredmare mutter in reply, before he drifted off entirely.
And, for once, his sleep was not plagued by nightmares. To be honest, he didn’t dream at all, which he was absolutely not complaining about.
Because the only thing worse than a nightmare, is a dream.
Cane was a little surprised to wake up both in his bed and with all the lights on. “Maybe that’ll be my new solution,” he muttered to himself, stretching his arms above his head, groaning softly when his elbows popped.
“I don’t think your bones are supposed to make that sound.” Cane jumped at the sudden voice, very happy now that the cub sleeping on him last night appeared to no longer be there.
“Don’t-! Scare me like that!” he whined, lightly hitting Fredmare’s arm on instinct, the bear chuckling lowly at the blow.
Fredmare reached up to his little top hat, giving it a small, apologetic tilt. “My deepest apologies,” he replied, the rumble in chest making Cane look away.
He muttered a “shut the hell up,” before rolling out of the bed, stretching again before he made his way to the kitchen, to feed both Cheesy Dip and himself.
Only to jump again when he saw a pouting NightBon sitting on his couch.
Oh right, his plan.
Last night, Canetheus had realized something about NightBon’s sudden and terrifying outburst- it was just trying to regain his attention. It didn’t like that he was ignoring it, so it threw a temper tantrum. 
Realizing this made his payback plan a lot easier, and a lot more fun to put into motion. He wasn’t going to ignore it again (he wasn’t exactly fond of the idea of having to get attacked by Salem and the gang again) since that hadn’t worked out too well, but he had something even better.
He was going to go back to being scared of it.
Now, maybe this wasn’t the best plan, but he’d also noticed that NightBon had enjoyed it when he was talking to it regularly, especially when he seemed to trust it. Besides, falling back into fear was quite easy and knowing that he’d have Fredmare in his corner helped.
So he stood there, frozen, when NightBon looked at him. The monster huffed, crossing its arm, at first not seeing that Cane was slowly backing up and away from it, fear in his eyes.
Now it was NightBon’s turn to freeze. This is what it wanted, right? For Cane to pay attention to it, even if it was out of fear? The more it thought about it, the more it realized that it didn’t like this at all.
It opened its mouth to say something- whether it was going to apologize or tell him to suck it up was still being debated- but Canetheus cut it off.
“I-I’m sorry,” he quickly blurted out, NightBon flinching at the terror in his voice. “I didn’t mean to snap last night, I swear! I was just really stressed out and scared and-” his voice caught in his throat when NightBon started moving.
Before either of them could do anything though, Cheesy lept in front of Cane, the fur on her back standing up and her ears back in preparation of a fight. She hissed loudly at NightBon, who simply gave her an incredulous look.
Cane was quick to take the distraction, turning away from the bunny to grab Cheesy’s food. He couldn’t help but grin slightly when his back was turned, the almost dejected look on the animatronic’s face showing him that the ending would be worth it.
He fed his cat quickly, before retreating back to his bedroom to get dressed. Fredmare had disappeared since then, likely watching his plan unfold from the shadows. 
“Maybe this’ll convince it to not be such a baby,” he muttered as he pulled an oversized pink sweater over his white button up, intending on wearing an actually matching outfit for once.
What he didn’t expect was to open his door and find NightBon standing in the doorway.
He jumped back with a yelp, backing into his bed and toppling over onto the mattress. The fear in his eyes was genuine this time as he continued backing up right until he hit his headboard. 
Something else he didn’t expect was the sad look in NightBon’s eyes at his sudden fear, but that only confirmed his suspicion that it had been genuinely enjoying their short friendship. ‘Got a fucked up way of showing it…’ Canetheus thought, staring the monster right in the eyes, half daring it to move but mostly willing it to leave.
Thankfully, it did the latter, shooting Cane one more sad look before disappearing from the doorway.
If it thought that looking at him like it was a kicked puppy was gonna make its punishment end quicker, it was sorely mistaken, because Cane had at least a month of spite bottled up.
He just didn’t anticipate for it to fight back.
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masterofmaagnetism · 4 years
A Monster in the Dark - Chapter 10
[ self ship fanfic about Nightmare Bonnie (and also maybe Nightmare Freddy) and my insomniac s/i :) ]
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Cane stopped hyperventilating around the second hour, after he got used to Spade’s banging on the door. Hearing an animatronic cuss at you like a teenager tends to lessen your fear.
Sage had almost gotten him a few times already, since xey made very few sounds, right up until xey’re at the door of the vent.
“How long do I have to do this…?” Cane muttered to himself after he made it past the third hour, slamming the door shut on Sequin, who seemed more interested in scaring him than actually killing him.
“Until your normal shift is over,” Azriel’s voice suddenly came through the phone, making Cane jump at the sound. “About 6 hours. Same time as the nightguard. They won’t leave you alone until then.”
“You knew about this!?” he snapped at the phone, opening up the door Sequin used to be at to conserve power (not that it was a big concern, he had the power of the building to run off). He heard Azriel sigh, and that just made him angrier.
He gave a loud huff, right before hearing scraping behind him and spinning around to lock Sage in the vent. “I’m sorry, Cane,” Azriel continued from the phone, apparently not realizing the rage Cane felt. “We couldn’t stop them. They’re… they’re angry. Especially Spade, we couldn’t do anything. I’m-”
Cane cut off another apology by grabbing the receiver of the phone and throwing it out into the hall with an angry yell.
Suddenly, he wasn’t so tired anymore. No, his anger kept him running. If he was going to survive this, he needed all the spite he could get. And if he had to rip those fucking animatronics apart with his bare hands, he absolutely fucking would.
Time moved a lot faster the angrier he got, and before he knew it, he was slamming the door down on Spade only for some kind of… chime to go off, signaling the end of the shift. Is this how the nightguard knew they were safe?
Whatever, he wasn’t wasting anymore time here. “Eat. My. Ass,” he hissed at Spade when he darted past the animatronic on his way out, throwing one of the bobble heads from the office at him with all his might before sprinting out of the diner, grinning at the sound of plastic hitting metal.
He didn’t stop until he was home, slamming the door shut and leaning against the door so he could catch his breath.
“Enjoy my little gift?” came the teasing, and still demonic, voice of NightBon. The monster was seated on the couch, legs crossed over each other and a seemingly smug look on its face.
“Eat shit and die,” Cane spat in response, throwing his bag at the fucker, not even bothering to grin when it let out an indignant sound of offense.
He made his way into the kitchen, instantly aware of the large shadow engulfing him. “I could kill you, you know,” NightBon growled at him, the snarl evident in its voice, “all I would have to do is snap that tiny little neck of yours.”
Cane turned on it suddenly, his brown eyes immediately locking on its magenta ones. “Listen here you overgrown freak,” he started, feeling triumphant already at the shock that overtook its face, “this is my house, my HEAD. You don’t belong here, and you have no fucking right to be here. I have tolerated you. I have been civil with you. But I am at my goddamn limit and you do not want to be testing me when I finally do snap. So you’re gonna back up, sit your nasty little ass down on that couch, and LEAVE ME ALONE.”
It just stared at him for a moment, before he shoved it hard enough to send it back through the kitchen doorway, the rage evident enough on his face.
It couldn’t even think of what to say, and it always had a snarky reply. So, it just did as it was told, sitting down on the couch slowly, still very much in a daze. It could hear Canetheus moving in the kitchen, likely making tea to calm his nerves (something the monster had noticed when it first showed up).
And once it caught its bearings, it realized something awful. Something that would change how it reacted to him for the rest of their time together.
It kinda thought his outburst had been… cute. And it had been relieved to get any sort of attention from him, even if it was in fear filled anger.
Not to mention that, as he made his way to his bedroom, a mug clutched tightly in his grasp, its gaze stayed locked on him right up until the door closed.
God it hoped it wasn’t falling for him. But it knew better than that.
“I’ve decided to call you Fredmare,” Cane announced to the bear sitting cross legged on his bed as he sat down on his desk, gaining a confused head tilt in reply.
“Fredmare?” he questioned, his three cubs buzzing with excitement at the new name, as if it was gonna be their name too.
Cane nodded, taking a long sip of his tea as he spun the chair around to face the bear. “Cause you’re Freddy, but like… a nightmarish version. I like it. Do you?”
“Yeah,” he replied after a moment of thought, giving a short nod of his own. “It’s good. Represents me well, I think. Besides, the cubs like it too.”
Cane grinned at that, the approval being the only good thing to happen to him today. “Good, though your cubs will get names of their own. Hard to refer to them as ‘the cubs’ all the time.”
He chuckled when they all gave their own little demonic cheers, turning back to his desk to get to work.
It would take some research to get back at NightBon, after all.
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