#beakley is circles
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blaithnne · 11 months ago
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That one time I got bored and broke them down to their core essentials
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writebackatya · 3 months ago
Ducktales (2017) Holiday Headcanons:
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It’s that time of the year again, time for me to dump a bunch of random headcanons! All of which relate to the holiday season cause I love this time of year!
Huey holds the record for most homemade Christmas presents given during the holidays thanks to his JWC skills. Webby is second
Louie wishes that homemade gifts were banned in the gift giving circle.
Dewey always hosts his annual Dewey Dew Night Holi-Dew Special in the Foyer in front of the Christmas tree, much to Beakley and Scrooge’s chagrin
Donald always insists on being the one to decorate despite the many accidents and holiday slapstick he gets involved in every year. They say, the amount of Holiday Slapstick Donald has been in could fill the entire ABC Holiday Special line-up
Now that Santa is no longer banned from McDuck Manor, he always stops and says hello the Duck family on his yearly delivery. Scrooge occasionally joins him and sometimes Scrooge’s Christmas ghost friends help out too
Bentina Beakley always makes the best hot chocolate with the right amount of marshmallows
The kids always go sledding with their friends on Killmotor Hill when the snow is perfect for sledding
Della still puts up a couple of traps every year “for old times sake”. The traps then immediately get taken down the very second Donald gets caught in one of them
Webby is the best gift giver
Huey, Dewey, and Louie got their “Picture with Santa” poses nailed
When given gift cards that are $15 or less from relatives, Huey, Dewey, and Louie will sometimes agree to combine their gift cards to buy something they all want
Drake, Launchpad, and Gosalyn are Jewish and all celebrate Hanukkah but one of their yearly traditions is watching The Darkwing Duck Christmas Special because Drake and Launchpad insist on watching it every year
Gandra Dee doesn’t celebrate Christmas, in fact she’s entirely anti-Christmas, but still chooses to celebrate Christmas with Fenton and his m’ma cause it beats being alone
M’ma Cabrera definitely watches a bunch of Hallmark Christmas movies. So do Huey Dewey and Louie. Also Donald. You know what, especially Donald
Donald’s favorite Christmas movie is It’s A Wonderful Life. It gets him emotional and he always breaks down when George Bailey is proclaimed “The Richest Man in Town”
Della’s favorite Christmas movie is Die Hard. It was her favorite pre-Moon, but the whole John McClane going through hell and trying to make things right with his family just hits a little too close to home these days. Also she says she could totally go through what John did
Dewey’s favorite Christmas movie is Home Alone. In fact he has even set-up a few Mccalister style traps in Donald’s boat house before. They weren’t perfect but they still worked on Donald. He was not the intended target.
Huey seems like A Charlie Brown Christmas kinda Duck
Both Donald and Della know it was Dewey who traveled back in time that one Christmas. Only problem is they don’t know what year it was he went back in time. They just assume it must’ve been on Christmas Eve cause that’s when they saw him. So now until Dewey looks a little bit older they will always be sure to greet Dewey with a mysterious “Welcome back” that sounds like it has multiple meanings whenever they see him after not seeing him for at least 5 min. on Christmas Eve. It’s a bit odd for Dewey to experience, ngl
Dewey and a few other family members will visit Launchpad and co. in St. Canard during one of the nights of Hanukkah to celebrate with them
Matilda always goes to Castle McDuck for the holidays
Donald usually sails back to Duckburg for Christmas, but on the years he can’t Della makes it her duty to FaceTime him on Christmas Eve
And now: The Worst Gift Givers of Clan McDuck
5. Louie, he’s a kid so I’ll cut him slack, but he should put more effort in his gifts. But he won’t
4. Goldie. Don’t ask her why the store security tag is still on
3. Gladstone Gander: King of the Last Minute Gifts, he’s lucky enough to get good deals that cost him next-to and sometimes nothing. Unfortunately the quality of gifts are “Acceptable.”
2. Gyro Gearloose. Just seems like someone who sees something and goes “Well that’s fine enough.”
1. Scrooge McDuck. Rich people suck at giving gifts. It’s a commonly known fact
Also this whole post was a ploy to read my holiday theme DuckTales anthology fic that shows some of these headcanons in action. Enjoy!
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violetganache42 · 1 year ago
Here are my highlights from the Valentine's Day watch party, all in chronological order and categorized this time around:
"Mr. Duck Steps Out":
Just everyone's reactions to Daisy's voice when she made her debut
"Till Nephews Do Us Part":
The thirst counts for Missy and Mina overloading
The return of Bohemian Quacksody
Scrooge having paintings and a statue of Goldie EVERYWHERE (He is a fucking SIMP)
Corporate Cupcake, Money Muffins, Sweet Stocks …You know what? Just the pet names in general.
WriteBackAtYa: "Spaceballs Ass Luggage"
Us when Millionara falls in the river:
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Jamie: "PULL THE LEVER KRONK" Me: "WRONG LEVERRRRR" Tokuvivor: "Why do we even have that lever?!"
Magica cameo?!
And a Sixpence in Your Shoes
Goldie Shotgun!
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"Fungus Amongus":
Godfrey and I sharing the same brain
Everyone going crazy over Morgana
hueberryshortcake: "Save me Scrooge McDuck" Me: "Scrooge McDuck" Godfrey: "Scrooge McDuck save me"
"Prissy is pissy"
DW not denying the girlfriend part
A sax play in the BG whenever Morgana is onscreen, just like Rouge in Sonic X
"The Golden Lagoon of White Agony Plains!":
Us going FERAL over Goldie
Let the lady lead
Jamie mentioning the "between the legs" joke from Life and Times (No filter, Don Rosa. lol)
Bisexual waterfalls
Rexx shouting at Missy via an audio message
Foghorn Leghorn
"You loved gold more than you loved me."/"And that's why you loved me."
Jamie's storyboard project
Discord buffering during the FUCKING TANGO SCENE
"The Adorable Couple":
Me: "Piss on the moon, you cloud!" Godfrey: "YESSS PISS ON LUNARIS"
Rainbow connections
"The Duck Who Knew Too Much":
Us @ Fenton, M'ma, and Gandra's OG versions:
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Learning OG Fenton was voiced by Hamilton Camp, thus bringing DT17 Fenton being voiced by Lin-Manuel Miranda full circle
Oppenheimer mention (Stop stealing from the ducks, Nolan!)
Missy: "cant believe they whitewashed daffy guys"
Brunette Fenton
This whole fucking episode being worthy of the DT17 adaptation fic treatment *cough* Jamie *cough*
"Ghoul of My Dreams":
Archie being a hater
Jealous Launchpad
Morgana needing better lipstick because of how fast it disappears in between scenes
WriteBackAtYa having so many jokes in his head about… goofy ass noises
"And now, with the city asleep, I can FINALLY STEAL ENOUGH MONEY TO PAY OFF MY STUDENT LOANS!"
Lottie pointing out how Archie looked like—
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Me: "Goldie Shotgun sequel when?"
puffywuffy8904: "HOW IS THIS MF SLEEPIN IN THE DREAM WORLD" Us: "*Louie voice* I just am."
"The Dangerous Chemistry of Gandra Dee!":
puffywuffy8904: "Webby we need to get Fenton rizzed up"/"Please never say that again"
Fenton's little growl
*seeing Fenton's hand-me-down suit from his dad* Goofy?
Gandra obliterating the wrong twink
"What kind of monster doesn't like glazed donuts?"
"Do you feel that spark?" ⚡️ZAP⚡️
The Beaks dab
"What? No signal? Boo!"
"I've got your kids! Maybe. I'm not sure how this family works."
Coach Dad
"Two Can't Play":
Mullet Donald
"A DuckTales Valentine":
DT87's love for mentioning Fort Knox for some reason
puffywuffy8904: *mentions the "DuckTales Apology Video" ranking* Me: "*Miles voice* I made a mistake."
Webby on Scrooge's desk like: She likes to be tall.
Sunglasses swag
"A swift kick in the ribs!"/"A what?"/"Aagh!"/"Aah! My ribs!"
Webby running up to Scrooge and hugging him! 💖
"Aww, he does love his family!"
"My Valentine Ghoul":
Gosalyn FINALLY appearing in today's watch party!
Negaduck appearance!
puffywuffy8904: "he's just darkwing after some cigarettes"
Missy getting double whammied with emotes of Prissy and Scrooge getting sprayed with water
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(Screenshot edit by @tealottie)
Missy's thirst levels reaching CRITICAL MASS
Quackrinomicon being voiced by KING CANDY
Archie still being a fucking hater
"Keen gear!"
Godfrey and I still being on the same wavelength
Rexx reviving the Missy thirsy count
Missy: "I NEED HIM JESUS" WriteBackAtYa: "No, you just need Jesus"
"New Gods on the Block!":
Della using party cannons like Pinkie Pie
Scrooge's transition from wallowing to anger and his tail shake
"Why don't you turn into a swan and FUCK OFF?!"
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"What are your intentions with my Donald?"
Megamind (literally) Huey
Pig couple: DESTROYED
Chris Diamantopoulos having the ✨RANGE✨
Greek God Groupchat
Webby being utterly TERRIFYING with god powers
Dewey having the best handling of his god powers through sick dance moves
"My Don-Don"
"You killed my boyfriend!"/"Boyfriend? Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy!"
The immediate failure parallels
Just how much Della has improved as a mother
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popculturebuffet · 7 months ago
With Cartoon Network and Nickelodeon originals covered, may as well put this in full circle with Disney TVA (only bringing up non-preschool stuff and the half-hour ones to make it simple). Who is your favorite character from the 1987-92 half of the Disney Afternoon era cartoons you saw like: Adventures of the Gummi Bears, The Wuzzles, DuckTales 1987, The New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh, Chip and Dale Rescue Rangers, TaleSpin, Darkwing Duck, The Little Mermaid 1992, Raw Toonage, and Goof Troop?
I haven't seen Gummi Bears or Wuzzles, though the former's theme song kicks ass and I love that it keeps getting brought up. Ducktales 87: *womp womp womp womp womp womp* Faviorite character is Webby. It was a shockingly easy choice but she's adorable, and while she has a cutsey nature a lot of the time it's oftset by her genuine heart and pluck. She'll gladly tag along, and while she'll cry and be more emotinal because well.. 80's kid show version of what they think a little girl is, those emotoins often ground her against her peers, less in the cliche
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Way and more simply by having more of a heart than scrooge (who shuts his off but Webby is one of the few people that can bring out his warm caring side) and the boys (Who are often sexist dicks who need to get thrown into a volcano tekken stylez to learn a lesson). Her reboot self IS better in pretty much every way
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But it's comparing a character who got a lot of layers and came out in an era where women were actually writing the character. So the comparison is hard.
So as for the show itself.. it's decent. It has gorgeous animation, captures barks style well and throws in it's own touches with webby and launchpad (and beakly but unlike the og webby who I feel is underated, og ms beakley sucks as much as her reputation), and later Gizmoduck. It's a solid series and it's easy to see why it set off the disney afternoon and disney tva as a whole; while gummi bears proved it was possible, Ducktales proved it could be a roaring success and that putting good money into animation was just good sense. The show changed animatoin.
I respect the show but admit it's just.. okay to me. It's not bad, I wouldn't mind reviewing more episodes , plug plug plug shill shill shill, but it just dosen't really hit me the way some of the other cartoons in this block or later disney stuff does. IT's a fine adaptatoin, decent enough and Alan Young is THE scrooge, with David Tennant a close second, but it's just not something I seek out. Granted i'm bad at watching shows that are just sitting ther eon D+ but while I enjoyed what I saw before the reboot back when I had the dvd, it's one of those shows that was worldshaking then but now is just.. okay> Not bad, still specail, but just not for me. Maybe that'll change if I see some of the later episodes, I feel my opinon could easily evolve, but for now it's just a fine part of the lore and worthy of adding to the cannon , but not for me.
As a bonus since all of the shows adapted are present i'll also throw my opinons in on the nes games as one of the first things I got for my PS4 was the disney afternoon collection and while I intend to review these games in full at some point (Again comms are open for those intrested) . So in order: Ducktales is really good, a solid platformer whose only real flaws are difficulty (not as bad in an age of rewinds) and the amazon requiring a cash gate. Really fun platformer. The second one is decent, not quite as good but I do like the adition of adapters like mega man.. even if said addition left me stuck at one point bu tthat's ag ripe for another day.
Finally we have remastered, another one to review some day and a beautiful well game you can still find on steam and I have on both there and x-box 360. like with the disney afternoon collection it was one of my first purchases when I got one again about two years back. It feel slike a grand and proper finale to the cartoon, bringing back everyone who was alive at the time, having vibrant animation and ending on a wonderful note. IT's only real issues are difficulty once again and the fact the lovingly crafted story to justify each level does eat up a bit of time in each level and breaks the momentum. I wish we'd get another platformer like this from disney though I intend to try illusion island at some point.
The New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh: Eeore. Always. Honestly haven't seen this one outside of some vauge recoltions of catching it on disney channel as a kid, so I can't say much but unless they made him a giant sentient fart cloud that kicks tigger in the gonad I doubt my answer would change.
Chip N Dale: Gadget. She's the kind voice of reason, and can be real funny. The show itself.. is mid. I've reviewed a few episodes at this point and the show is fine, it just leans into cliches a bit, which being a late 80's show, isn't suprising. It's got some creative energy, a standout ep or two and some shockingly adult content, but it dose'nt have ducktales grandness or the next two's energy and vibe. It's just kinda a kids show As for the NES games the first is like the show itself: fine, kinda forgetable, probably not bad to at least check it out. The second on the other hand is a shocking leap in quality: the sprites are more detailed, it evolves on the pick up stuff and throw it gameplay, and gives the game an actual plot.. an excuse plot still but one fitting the show and shockingly detailed for an early 90's videogame. Well worth checking out.
Talespin: OH OH OH OH OH OH SPIN IT!. I've made my love for what i've seen of talespin (I badly need to watch more) very clear. My faviorite is Sheer Khan, a villian whose a nice mix of caluating and honorable: unlike most buisness scumbags, while he will do shady stuff, he does so right and can be our heroes ally, enemy or a neutral party depending on the day, utterly respecting higher for higher but not being afraid to go against them if needed with cold, calculating percision. A perfect adaptation
As for the show itself.. it's a lot of fun. Granted the 1930's 40's pulp adventure setting with plans, tons of gorgeous tropic vistas and eiral acrobatics is for me: I love a good plane, and I love this kind of 40's set story if done right. See INdiana Jones. So it works. it has a great main cast, fun antagonists, and a great setting. Unlike Ducktlaes the episodic nature dosen't bother me as much because they vary it up more, sometimes adventuring around cape suzette sometimes doing globetrotting. It all depends on what the episode needs and this show is sensatoinal The nes game is a tad hard, you WILL die and you WILL need that rewind, easily the hardesdt of the bunch.. but I can't hate it being fun, breezy and having a kickass chiptune version of the theme. Granted it's also because I just love this cartoon so much, so i'm an easy mark, but it is a lot of fun and I feel dosen't get the respect it deserves.
Darkwing Duck: Negaduck, the perfect arch enemy. While Darkwing has a solid as hell Rogues Gallery, Negaduck has that extra menace, being one of the very few foes of his that comes off as menacing, with Jim Cummings low growl feeling perfect. He's everything Drake COULD be and worse: Cold, arrogant, murderous and yet he still fits the zany tone, gladly whipping out a chainsaw or engaging in slapstick just enough to make him not feel jarring iwth the show as a whole, but not enough to undercut his menance
The show itself is great and I REALLY wish we'd gotten that reboot. But the original is really good: like ducktales or chip n dales it's got a very loose continuity and i've talked at length about how the episode order is a styigan labyrinth from which few escape. But it mostly works.. by being funny. When it isn't it's mid and i've reviewed plenty of episodes I didn't like.. but when it's working, it REALLY works, having a ton of laughs, a suprising amount of heart, and a really fun well thought out prtoaganist: part egotist, part genuinely heroic, part judgemental fuckup, all darkwing duck
The final NES game covered here and easily my faviorite. Granted it's partly a prefrence thing: I'm a HUGE mega man fan, so getting a game tha'ts essentially another nes mega man but still perfectly caputres the spirit of darkwing duck is an easy sell. The game is HARD, though rewind helps.. but man if it isn't fun. Like all 6 games, capcom put a lot of heart into it and a lot of effort into matching the style of the show. And while the music for all 6 games slaps, darkwing has the best soundtrack by far, perfectly fitting the show, the foes all fitting the zany superhero parody feel an di'ts impressive given the game was clearly put into production early into the shows run using production materials as everyone works for fowl like in an early pitch.. and yet despite this the game is juts pitch perfect.
The Little Mermaid 97: I'm only including this because like winnie the pooh I defintely saw it once in a while, but I dont' remember it. Sorry.
Raw Toonage: I've only seen the episode I recently reviewed and it was.. okay. The first segment was like living in a living nightmare and bonkers sucks at least in these (His own show is probably fine, haven't seen it), adn the other two were fine. Like the concept fine enough.
Goof Troop: REPORT TO THE GOOF TROOP. I like most of the cast.. but it's Goofy. It's the boy. This is one of the best versions of him, though Goofy Movie obviously fleshed him out considerably, this is where the groundwork was laid out. Goof Troop itself is decent.. it dosen't always land or age perfectly, Max like the boys can oscelate betweeen tolerable and punch him in the head, but it's over the top fun nature, great slapstick and kicking theme song help. It's jus ta lot of fun. Budaopbobadowop YEAH
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lettheladylead · 6 months ago
So, since it is everywhere, concerning the new game 'Thank Goodness You're Here!', I wonder what the various people from the isles think of it? Namely Scrooge, Beakley, and Goldie?
i think this shows the type of gaming circles i follow 'cause i have absolutely no idea what that is. never heard of it before
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emilou-keen-gear · 1 year ago
Three's a Crowd part 2
Title: Three’s a Crowd Part 2
Characters: Lena, Webby, Violet, May and June
Word Count: Approx 1400
            Lena rubbed at the chalk circle with the toe of her sneaker. Even after wiping at the summoning circle for several minutes, she could still see the outline. And if that wasn’t bad enough, some of the candles had been kept burning, and their waxy, shrunken bodies were now bonded to the floor. Lena could easily break off most of the wax, but she could feel wax still in the hardwood.
            Mrs. Beakley was going to kill her.
            She pulled the rug that was in the middle of the room over where they had summoned the ghost. Hopefully the housekeeper wouldn’t notice. Ever.
            Lena was certain that wouldn’t be likely. Mrs. Beakley noticed everything. She would just have to research how to get chalk and wax out of hardwood flooring.
            In the meantime, she had to banish the spirits they summoned if they were still around. She put away her Ouija board and pulled out her sage sticks. It seemed odd to her that something so simple could keep spirits away. But on the other hand, she had very little experience with spirits. Just Duckworth and tonight. Magica wouldn’t have anything to do with necromancy. Shadow magic was a lot more powerful and easier to control.
            But there were some benefits to using necromancy. Lena wanted to test out all the different kinds of magic, which is why she was dabbling in something so dark.
            Pulling out some matches to light the sage sticks, Lena was amazed that a little herb could be so powerful. Or was it? Could something like this keep Duckworth at bay? Or was this just for the small spirits that newbies like her summoned?
            It was sort of amazing that she made contact with, not one, but two spirits. More than amazing, it was very rare. Perhaps she had a talent for necromancy. Not that she particularly liked the idea of becoming a necromancer, but it felt good to be a natural at something.
            That is…was it all her? It had to be. She was the only one who could do magic. So she had to be the one to summon the spirits.
            But then again, Violet and Webby had been on several adventures. They had the bracelets, which Lena still couldn’t figure out how they were made or how they channeled magic. And they had both touched the shadow realm and followed her in her darkest dreams. And while they weren’t born with magic, perhaps they could have been imbued with some magical properties. It was true that Lena felt stronger with her friends beside her, so the three of them together might have summoned the spirits.
            Lena was a little disappointed since it might mean she wasn’t naturally gifted, but it made more sense. After all, from what she read, spirits don’t appear unless a strong, magical force calls to them. The exceptions to that rule is if the spirits have a physical bond to a living person or a location.
            But that wasn’t likely. If anyone with the name of Auggie was connected to McDuck Manor or any of its residents, Webby would have known because of her weird, fangirl fanaticism to all things McDuck. Lena sure didn’t know an Auggie, and Violet would have said something since the name wasn’t very common. As for May and June, that was unlikely. The girls were born, like, less than a year ago and aged quickly to pre-teens, growing up isolated in a FOWL fortress. When would they have time to meet anyone named Auggie?
            No, there is no connection to Auggie. As for if Webby and Violet helped Lena summon two spirits, she would have to experiement to see just how much stronger she is when her friends were around.
            “Okay, Auggie and friend. Time to go home. Or go to the next life. Your choice,” Lena said, striking a match. Before she could touch it to the sage stick, it blew out. She struck another one. This time, she noticed a change in the air ever so slightly, as if someone were gently blowing out the match.
            She felt her feathers rise and a shiver go down her spine. She wasn’t alone.
            Lena weighed her options, and while it didn’t seem like the wisest choice, she decided to confront the spirit rather than try a more passive route.
            “Auggie, is that you?” she said to the quiet air. “Or is it your friend? Or is it both of you?”
            There was no reply. And, of course, she had packed away her Ouija board so there would be no communicating with them. Except Auggie had manifested to June. If he was in the room, he could appear to Lena as well…unless he didn’t want to.
            “Okay, I get it. June’s a sweet girl,” Lena said. “Do you have some sort of crush on her? Look, I get that you’re probably lonely. It’s not easy being dead, but she’s alive, and having you hang around her all the time won’t be good for her. It’s best for you to move on.” She lit another match and it went out.
            “Don’t make this hard on you,” Lena said, pulling out another match. “This is the easiest way, and from what I have read, it’s gentle. Kind of like falling asleep. But there are…more difficult ways of sending you away.”
            The box of matches were knocked out of her hand, scattering across the floor.
            “I don’t need matches to light this thing,” Lena said, summoning her power. Then the sage stick was snatched out of her hand roughly, and something grabbed her from behind. It felt as if a strong hand was gripping her wrist and an arm was around her neck, restraining but not choking. She clawed at the invisible force, but while it was solid against her wrist and throat, her fingers went right through it.
            And then a young, male duck’s face appeared right next to her, his cheek against hers. He had dark eyes and a disapproving frown on his beak.
            “No more of that, little girl,” he snarled.
            Lena wanted to shout back that she wasn’t a little girl. Not to mention, the boy looked to be only a few years older than her.
            “Let go of me, Auggie,” Lena yelled, struggling, but it was like fighting a solid wall.
            “Oh, I’m not Auggie,” the ghost said, his voice low and dark. “And just be glad he isn’t here anymore. I’m angry enough as it is with you trying to light that sage. Now if you’re good, you will make it through the night with only a little bit of a scare.”
            “What do you want?” Lena asked. “If you have unfinished business, I can help you. Then you’ll be at peace.”
            “I don’t want peace,” the ghost growled, and his eyes glowed red. “I want…I want…Just do what I say, and you won’t get hurt.”
            “And what of my friends?” Lena asked. “And Auggie? Are either of you going to hurt them? I’ll do what you want if you promise me you won’t hurt them.”
            “I’ll only hurt those who hurt me first,” the ghost said.
            And something about what the ghost said send chills all over Lena’s body as if her feathers had turned into icicles. And although she could honestly say that she was absolutely certain that her friends wouldn’t have hurt anyone, she knew that ghosts often have a skewed idea of what happened in their previous life and their reality as the dead was sometimes poisoned by their last emotions.
            If he thought that one of his friends had hurt him, even if it wasn’t true, he could hurt them.
            “Brother, we shouldn’t do this,” another voice, so similar to the first ghost’s, said. Another boy about the same age flickered in the corner, looking faded and cowed. “This isn’t right.”
            “Don’t tell me what to do,” the first ghost growled. “And don’t you dare tell Auggie, Sep. What happened to me wasn’t fair, and I won’t have anyone stopping me.”
            Lena didn’t know what was going on, but she was certain. The unknown ghost that had her restrained, he was an angry ghost. And angry ghosts were the most dangerous because they more often than naught had more power than their passive counterparts.
            She had to do something or this ghost was going to hurt her friends. And she had to think fast, because she had been gone for quite the while. Eventually, someone was going to come check on her.
End of part 2
I have a better idea of where this story is going, so I can say with confidence that "Three's a Crowd" will only have four parts to it. Again, I want to write a few more short stories before getting to the third part. Thanks for reading.
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pastthebutterflies · 3 years ago
Through the Vents to Grandmother’s House
Part one of a silly little au I’ve had in the back of my head for years now. Webby and the triplets have swapped places in a sense and yes, I would absolutely love to ramble about this au, thanks for asking!
When Webby first arrives at McDuck manor, she can’t quite believe her eyes.
The main foyer alone is enough to make her jaw drop, never mind the rest of the house, including her bedroom.
When Granny went missing, Webby wasn’t sure what she had expected to happen. Most likely, she would have been shipped off to one of Granny’s former partners from her old business until she had been found and safely returned home. She could have stayed with Mr. Drake or maybe Doctor Hooter, from accounting.
However, what she hadn’t expected (not today, not yesterday. Not ever, if she was honest) was to be dropped at the doorstep of Scrooge McDuck, patriarch of the renowned adventuring family, the richest duck in the world, and, apparently, dear old friend to one Bentina Beakley.
She clutches her suitcase (the only thing she had been able to pack in time) a little tighter as she stares up at the driver who had picked her up- a talkative, red-haired man. Launchpad, apparently- and who Webby was pretty sure was the Della Duck staring down at her from the doorway.
“Hey, kiddo,” Della said, awkwardly waving at her like she wasn’t quite sure what else to do. And yeah, that was most definitely her, Webby had heard her voice enough times on Granny’s old radio, reliving adventures from her childhood, to know.
Now though, that same voice, usually so excited and lilting, is tinged with nerves Webby didn’t know she posessed. Della and Launchpad exchange a glance that Webby is pretty sure she isn’t supposed to catch, then look back to her. Launchpad clears his throat.
“So! If you’ll follow me, Mr. McD has a room set up for you until we find your grandm- ack!” Launchpad winces harshly as Della’s elbow meets his ribcage, sharp enough that Webby can practically hear the thud from where she stands.
“Let’s find that room, huh?”
They trail down the hall and up a flight of stairs, then circle through a maze of more hallways, all lined with lightly swinging doors, until they reach the only one still locked tight. Here, Launchpad slips off, leaving Della with a small, rounded key and a nod to Webby, his lumbering footsteps fading behind them.
“You can decorate however you want,” Della says as she turns the key in the lock. “I don’t know what you were able to bring, but we can pick up whatever you’re missing, or see if the boys have it, they won’t mind.”
“The boys?” She asks. Webby knew Della had sons, but after continuous threats from old enemies of Scrooge’s, they had largely been kept from the public eye. Rumor had it they sometimes popped up in town, but nothing substantial had ever come from it and, by now, no one knew them well enough to recognize the three if they did.
Della brightens. She lets the door swing open and together, they step inside.
“My sons,” she explains. “They should be in their rooms right now, finishing their lessons, but you’ll see them later. Dinner is in a few hours, take some time to settle in and explore if you want.”
It’s a bigger space than Webby is used to. At home, her room was at least half the size with her bed in one corner and a cluster of shelves stuffed with books and old notepads under the window. It was small, but it was hers and some nights, if she was quiet, she could hear Granny sparring down the hall.
Now though, the silence is deafening and she is reminded all over again how utterly alone she is here. Della and the others, as nice as they appear, weren’t her grandmother. Granny may have trusted Scrooge to look after Webby in her absence, but Scrooge has yet to show his face, much less help her or Granny get back where they belong.
“Hey,” Della says. She kneels and gently rests a hand on Webby’s shoulder. “Your grandma is a tough lady, we’re gonna bring her home.”
Della’s tone is sincere, polished off with a small smile, different from the ones she’s seen in photos over the years. More genuine, like it has been reserved just for her. Something about it tells Webby that she means it. Della, and the rest of the family, she hopes, are going to help her fix this. One way or another.
Webby just isn’t sure how long she’s willing to wait.
Della leaves Webby to her devices soon after.
Her bag is slumped next to the door. She hadn’t had time to pack much before Launchpad had arrived, so she mostly has clothes and a few odds and ends she remembered to take before she left.
She drags it across the carpet and to the dresser, laying out shirts and skirts and sweaters in neat rows like she would any other day. The room, even as she fills it with her presence, feels cavernous and overwhelming, like she could shout and hear the echo all through the night, a stark reminder that, no matter how nice it may be, this room, this house, isn’t where she belongs.
Tears well up in her eyes as the realization hits her. Webby slumps against the dresser, pulls her knees to her chest, and sighs. She keeps her eyes shut tight against the tips of her knees. Granny has never been the type to disappear, not without a good reason. She’s gone on long trips before, sure, mostly to help old friends out of a bind. But she always came back and never would have left without telling Webby. What happened today- it wasn’t like her. Granny had left the night before, she wasn’t supposed to be gone longer than a night.
But only Launchpad had been waiting when Webby had returned from school.
There was a mishap, he said. Granny was gone. No one knew where she went, much less where to find her. Granny was, for all intents and purposes, gone. Webby doesn’t quite know what to do with that.
Suddenly, before Webby can sink further into the hole she finds herself spiraling into, a creak echoes across the room. She freezes.
Granny raised her with a stark paranoia surrounding the rest of the world. Every bump in the night had been a risk if left unchecked and Webby had given endless lessons on self defense as a result. Blocks to kicks to flips, drilling her over and over again until Webby could fight a grown duck in her sleep.
As another creak sounds, Webby shoots to her feet, hands balled into fists as the metal grate covering the vent in front of her falls to the floor.
There’s a pause, followed by an explosion of angry whispers as three ducks spill out of the vent in a tangle of limbs.
“Dude, ow.”
The duck on the top of the pile is the first to roll off. He falls to one side and leaps to his feet as his friends continue their struggle on the floor.
He glances around, eyes wide until he lands on Webby. He grins.
“Guys! ” The duck blindly flaps a hand at his friends as he bounds up to Webby. “Hi! You must be Webby, welcome home! Well, not home, I guess, more like home for now- or forever, maybe? Are you-”
“Hey, let her breathe,” says the duck in red. He puts a hand on the other’s shoulder and pulls him back. Then, to Webby, “sorry about Dewey- he gets excited.”
The one in green snorts, “that’s one way to put it.”
“I’m Webby,” she says because she is certain any other response would just come out as a verbal key smash right now.
“I told you,” the blue one shouts.
“No one doubted you?”
“Both of you, cut it out,” the red one says.
The three start to argue amongst themselves, each of them struggles to shout over the others which causes a cacophony of noise to once again fill her room. She isn’t entirely sure what it is they’re fighting about and honestly, she doesn’t really care to find out.
All she knows is that the noise is attacking her eardrums in a way that leaves Webby covering her ears and scrunching up her eyes again. She isn’t great with so much input all at once, never has been. So the sudden attack coupled with the heaviness of the day- any more and she might have to start throwing books.
“Stop!” She yells after a moment, and they all fall quiet.
“Ooh, guys, she’s upset.” Says the blue one as realization dawns on his face.
“Yeah, Dewey, we got that,” says the green one, not glancing toward his brother, but sending a sympathetic glance her way.
“Thank you.” Webby scrubs at her eyes. Granny wouldn’t want her breaking down like this, not over a little thing like homesickness. Or noise. She could deal with that later, right now, there were more important problems at hand. Such as the three boys crowding around her.
“Ignore them,” the third steps forward. “I’m Huey, these are my brothers, Dewey and Louie. I’d say they aren’t always like this, but that would be a lie.”
She laughs. The anxiety ebbs at the edges of her mind, still disconcerting and all too present, but beginning to fade. In its place, a small bubble of excitement starts to take up residence. “Do you guys always go through the vents like that?”
“Duh, it’s the only way to get around.”
“That and it’s way quicker than dealing with people,” Louie tells her. He pulls out his phone, where he shows her what looks like a map of the entire ventilation system throughout the mansion. “Huey made it, I navigate, Dewey...narrates. We have a system.”
“Uncle Donald said to give you space, but we figured you could use some company,” Dewey says.
They glance around the room, taking in their surroundings for the first time. “Isn’t this Scrooge’s old library?”
“No way.”
“Scrooge would never-”
Webby frowns, actually, he’s not wrong. On closer inspection, that may be exactly what this is.
Her bed, which is propped up high above their heads, is lined with shelves that lift up her mattress and mold themselves into two out of the four walls, with a ladder propped against one side. The far wall looks out over the front yard, giving a wide view of all of Duckburg. The fourth, where the door sits, still propped halfway open, is decorated with wallpaper and outdated wood paneling.
Overall, removing the addition of her bed and a dresser, the room largely resembles a long-forgotten library.
Webby crosses to one of the shelves that make up her bedframe and pulls off a thick, dust-coated book, titled “The (Current) Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck, circa 1946” and opens to the first page.
The others crowd around her as she flips through the pages, carefully lifting each one as she goes, wary of the way the paper seems to crumble under her fingertips.
“Jeez,” Louie mutters. “He never lets us in here, what makes you so special?”
The book goes back where she found it and she shrugs. “Your mom said Granny used to be close with Mr. McDuck, maybe that has something to do with it?”
“I didn’t realize Scrooge had friends outside the mansion.”
“I didn’t realize Scrooge had friends.”
“They used to work together, I think. It’s funny, Granny never mentioned him.”
Already distracted, Huey turns from where he kneels by the window, notepad in hand as he jots something down. “We all know Scrooge has his secrets, after Mom...I wouldn’t be surprised if there was more we didn’t know about.”
“Where did they say your grandma was, again?”
“They didn’t,” she says.
“Oh,” awkward. “Well...you wanna go crawl through some vents?”
Ten minutes later, Webby is on her hands and knees crawling through the- surprisingly clean- ventilation system that connects all of the mansion. Louie leads the way, with Huey hot on his heels, shouting directions. In the back, Dewey gives a hushed tour of the mansion, pointing out their bedroom, the living room, as well as several rooms seemingly dedicated solely to storage. Most appeared to be filled with old gear and memorabilia; old swords, glimmering gemstones, specially molded shields. She has only ever seen so many amassed artifacts at the Duckburg National History Museum and even they couldn’t compare to the sheer mass of what they pass over.
“Someday,” Dewey whispers as the others carry on. “Huey wants to get all of this transferred to a museum or something, says it’s sad, seeing so many learning opportunities locked away like this. Better than sitting here forever, I guess.”
And it is sad, in its own way. Everything is stacked carefully, with cards under each pedestal to commemorate the item’s history, according to Dewey. But most of the items look as though they hadn’t seen the light of day in decades. She pictures striking out on epic adventures as often as the McDucks used to, with grandiose speeches of impending peril and bravery, bringing home priceless artifacts, only to turn around and stow it away the same way it had been before they had found it, and shivers. Huey may be onto something.
They move on after that, leaving the treasures to gather dust. Up ahead, Louie and Huey start arguing over where to go next, until Dewey joins in, suggesting a new idea entirely, which sets them all off again. None of them seem to realize that, as they continue to move, they end up following Louie’s lead.
Relatively certain she can follow their voices to catch up later, Webby pauses outside the nearest grate and lets the fresh air rise up to greet her. Despite being dangerously close to summer, the vents are much warmer than she had expected them to be. This hadn’t been exactly how she planned to spend her day, but when the only alternative is sitting alone in her new room, she finds that she is more than content with this.
The triplets are exactly what she would expect from the McDucks. Growing up, everyone in Duckburg was familiar with the stories surrounding Scrooge and his family. Donald and Della had come to stay with him as kids and from there, a legacy was born. The adventures they undertook were the stuff of legends. Della, wild and largely unpredictable, had been their pilot. She had led the way across every continent up until the day she had announced her three eggs. Donald, on the other hand, had always been right alongside Scrooge, stomping his way out of any situation if it meant keeping his family safe. And Scrooge, right at the head, had led the way, each and every time, until the day he just...Stopped. Some say it was to protect his great-nephews, others suspect a greater conspiracy. Most don’t care.
Webby has always followed them closely. With the kind of history they carried, how could she not? The entire family is like a walking, talking mystery, waiting to be solved. Waiting for her to solve. Even now, as she listens to her new friends fade into the distance, the idea sends an excited jolt up her spine. The answers to the greatest mystery in town- right at her fingertips.
A new wave of energy passes through her and she shifts to go join the others when she pauses.
Whispers begin to drift up through the grate at her feet as she passes over what Dewey had said is Scrooge’s personal office (“we are not allowed in there, under any circumstances. Wanna see what I stole from it?”)
“There’s something off about this, Uncle Scrooge, you know her better than any of us, you can’t sit there and pretend this is like her. Beakley was always more careful than that, especially with her granddaughter on the line. She’d never be that sloppy.”
As Webby peers down, she sees Della sitting across from Scrooge himself, looking tired. She leans back in the leather chair, one hand dragging across her jaw as she stares over at him. Scrooge, to his credit, looks every bit the duck Webby remembers seeing in the papers, if several years older, now. Even so, he strikes an imposing figure as he hunches over his desk and glares a hole through the carpet.
“Aye, this isn’t like Agent twenty-two. I was under the impression that she gave this life up,” he snorts. “For protection, she said.”
Webby pauses, ducking just out of the way of the grate. Below, the conversation continues.
“She was looking out for the only family she has left, I seem to remember you doing the same thing when the boys were still ducklings.”
“And I turned to my family! She could’a done the same and we wouldn’t be in this mess right now.”
Suddenly, she hears a gasp and scuttles further back, only to find Dewey staring back at her. “Find some gossip?” Dewey leans further over the grate to stare down at the two and grins.
“Agent twenty-two,” Webby whispers to herself. They were talking about Granny, right? Who else could they be discussing? But that didn’t make any sense-
“Wait,” Dewey frowns. “Why are they-? Webby, we should go. Now.”
Before she can protest, Dewey is dragging her further into the ducts and away from the conversation.
“And Webby?” She hears as they go.
“We honor Bentina’s wishes.”
Then, they turn the corner and the conversation drifts out of earshot.
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korliatnight · 2 years ago
Ok your nsfw HCs are so good now I’m curious about the mature questions XD
# 1, 4 and 15 for Dewsalyn Weblena n Dellumbra plz ^^
Alrighty! I've got time now, so let's go over these
1: How often do they have sex, if at all?
In truth, these two don't actually have much sex- at least, compared to the others on this list. This is largely thanks to Drake sitting them down and talking to them about it, because he actually understood how to reach them. Or how to reach Gosalyn, at least- out of the two, she's definitely more horny on a regular basis than Dewey is.
That's not to say that they don't have sex, though. They do, they're just the most 'respectful' of the bunch about it.
Oh they fuck.
They fuck a lot.
Out of the three groups, these two sleep together the most (and that is saying something, because Della is on this list). They fuck to the point that most people would assume they fuck 24/7- they don't, but Lena has learned time manipulation spells solely to allow them more time in the day to fuck without disrupting other activities.
I've come up with a little saying that I think goes around in the circles of those who date/have dated the Duck-McDucks, which is: 'The only thing more powerful than the McDucks' thirst for adventure is their libido.' As such, Webby is the more horny of the two between her and Lena.
Lena, however, is also just kind of a horny bastard as well, practically tied with Webby most days. That's why they take the number 1 spot of 'couple that fucks the most,' because Webby's a McDuck and Lena is constantly turned on by pretty much everything about her.
Again- these two also fuck a lot. The only reason they don't take first place is because Penumbra is generally less horny/better at controlling it than most of the others. But even with that, it is a close second place. Pretty much all because of Della.
Della is extremely horny. If it was just her, she would top the charts no doubt. It is difficult to find her in a mood where she isn't DTF- and even more difficult to be unable to get her out of said 'not down to fuck' mood.
Penumbra is generally more reserved than her, but also she has a bit of a thing. A bit of a thing where, when Della's getting on her nerves, she has a tendency to want to fuck the lights out of her. And Della is more than happy to annoy the shit out of her until she does so.
4: Oddest place they'd have sex?
They can get fairly adventurous when they want to, but they will generally steer away from public spaces, or places that might be a little precarious.
...That being said, they do lose their virginity on Scrooge McDuck's bed, so. There is that.
Oddest place they'd have sex? A bed. Not entirely joking about that- the thing that makes it so odd of a place is that they almost never have sex in bed. They're very bad about that.
Now for the real answer, there is a difference between 'oddest' and 'most sacrilegious.' 'Oddest' would be somewhere in the Shadow Realm- they'll go there pretty often actually, it's a solid way to get out of the public at a moment's notice. They do have to deal with tulpas watching occasionally, though. (Not that they mind, really- Webby even finds it kinda hot.)
There was also the time on the chandelier in the dining room, which was very memorable for the two.
'Most sacrilegious,' though... I mean again, that one has some different answers too. Webby would consider sex in Beakley's bed the most sacrilegious, though they've also done it in the library, which is a close second. Lena would think that time they fucked behind a cargo box in the Sun Chaser -while Della was in the middle of flying it- would hold up pretty well.
The time they had sex in a church wouldn't cross either of their minds, despite being literally the most sacrilegious one they've done.
But ultimately, these two take the cake, despite everything. Not only will they do it (pretty much) everywhere Webby and Lena have, but they've also done under the pilot's chair when Della was flying the plane, on the wing of the Sun Chaser, in the vault of the Money Bin, during a dinner (Della snuck under the table to eat Penny out while they were on a double date with Gibbous and Zenith, to which Penumbra returned the favor on a double date with Donald and Daisy and may have messed up whose Duck pussy was whose at first), and in the middle of a rave, once.
After all- Penumbra's instinct is to fuck Della until she can't even think anymore when she annoys her, and Della knows this and is always horny.
15: Open or closed relationship? Do they sometimes share?
These two are fairly open. Dewey is perfectly happy to encourage Gosalyn to have fun with others, and figure stuff out about herself. He trusts her, after all. Gosalyn is also happy for Dewey to explore stuff about himself, even if that doesn't include her. (So long as he comes back and tells her all about it, of course.)
It does take them a while to actually sit down and talk about it, though, so they're not exactly an open relationship. More of a 'they can't cheat on me because I don't give a shit!' mindset for both of them. Which isn't exactly how it works, but- eventually they do sit down and figure out lines and boundaries and whatnot. Eventually.
These two are much closer to closed, actually. I'll fully admit, I am a chronic multishipper, so I'm never actually going to say 'nope, they're strictly monogamous' for any ship, but Webby and Lena are as close as I'd get.
Webby really only wants to love Lena, and would never want to betray her trust. There's a lot of people she finds hot, of course (a lot of people- that girl has plenty of scenarios of her getting ravished by tons of different people), but she'd never act on it without Lena's express permission and also accompaniment.
And Lena is the most 'jealous' of the bunch here. She likes keeping Webby close, and wouldn't want to do anything to hurt her either. So even though she's also got a ton of people she finds cute and would love to enjoy carnally (May and June, for one), she'd never do that without Webby's express permission.
...Now that all being said, they have both slept with other people before. Specifically, Gosalyn. They have invited her along as a third a couple times.
These two are undeniably an open relationship. That is something that Della actually sat Penumbra down and talked to her about when things first started getting serious. If Penumbra had wanted, she would've stopped flirting/sleeping with other people- except for Selene. She and Selene were already sort of a thing (it's complicated) before Penumbra came along, and Della's relationship with Selene was non-negotiable (which was the standard for all of her 'hey this seems like it's actually serious' relationships).
Penumbra, thankfully, also didn't mind the idea of being an open relationship. Part of which was because of the culture of the moonlanders being different than earthlings, but ultimately Penumbra just didn't mind the idea of Della fucking and loving other people. She trusts her, and fully understands that she does not 'own' Della- she is her own person, and can do what she wishes.
Della is the most prolific when it comes to fucking other people between the two, but she does encourage Penumbra to sleep with other people at any chance she gets. She wants her to explore and have interesting times and know what it's like with others besides just herself.
And I tend to put Della and Penumbra both in a poly relationship with Selene as well, so as far as I'm concerned the two share each other with the goddess whenever she's around.
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therivergirl · 3 years ago
While I was slightly disappointed by the end of DT that it lost a bit of found family angle by making Webby Scrooge's daughter, I still disagree with people from the fandom who bash the series entirely now and say it's completely lost for a few reasons (if it's your opinion, it's fine, I just disagree with it).
First of all, found family is still there. Webby was already part of the family, this was just a cherry on top for her. But it's heavily present with both the main cast, with characters such as LP or Beakley or the supporting cast, with the Sabrewings, Drake and Gos etc.
However, one thing that I haven't seen discussed much is how non-traditional a lot of family dynamics are. I'm mostly referring to parental figure-child dynamics here.
Yes, most of the main characters are blood-related but we don't have a single traditional, "perfect", nuclear family from the 50s, with mum, dad, two kids and a dog. Not that there is anything wrong with that but it's very nice to see a bit of diversity there, especially as someone who grew up in a non-traditional family dynamic. I still live and have always lived with my mum and my maternal grandparents. I don't have any contact with my dad. My uncle and grandpa both play an equally important paternal role in my life and my cousin is like a sister to me. Often times when you see families like mine on TV it's because they are broken, it's supposed to be tragic. Ok, things are not perfect, we do have struggles, but I've had enough of non-traditional families being presented as this horrible, horrible thing that will leave you a traumatized husk forever.
And then DuckTales came.
We have Donald, an uncle who is raising three boys as a single parent. And while there is an element of tragedy to this, it's not because he is a single parent raising kids, it's because he is a single parent raising kids with no support because his family, which was kind of non-traditional, to begin with, fell apart due to miscommunication.
Then we have Beakley, a grandma, who we later find is adoptive, raising her granddaughter.
Scrooge is implied to have raised Della and Donald for a certain portion of his life.
Della is a single mum and at no point does the show go "Oh, you need a father in your son's life!" (Yes, Donald is the father figure, but the show doesn't try to give Della a male love interest because "boys need a dad".)
Gosalyn is another kid raised by her grandparent and is later taken in by Drake, and, while the show never stated it they do have a bit of father-daughter dynamic, during what little screen time they've got. Not to mention that LP is basically the other dad. Ok, that is a bit of the general fandom HC, but LP is like "We're a family" through the entire LGD so...yeah, it's in text too!
Sabrewings are probably the closest to the "two parents, two kids" situation but they are two men, which I'm not saying is less "normal" than a hetero couple, but is still, unfortunately, considered less traditional. And they are a couple who adopted a teenager, who fully sees them as parents!
Ok, Daisy and Donald adopting May and June also fit the typical nuclear family bill, but that's essentially like a couple adopting one of their relatives who are without parents.
Of course, Gyro as a single parent to Boyd can't be left out! And a single dad while we're at it. (Ok, again, they kind of dropped the ball and they are not on screen much but from the bits that are there, it's not hard to extrapolate this.)
Fenton is raised by a single mother who also has a career and is very supportive of her son.
There might be more, but I think I covered the main characters.
I might be looking too deep into this, I'm probably looking too deep into this, but it was really nice to see it on screen. And see it represented casually! Like you see the McDuck extended clan/social circle as one big, weird, extended family but it's part of their charm. It's not an issue.
Ok, I have no idea how to conclude this post so...
As a person from a somewhat non-traditional family, I really like that, between the mix of blood-related and found family the show focuses on, they have a lot of non-traditional, non-nuclear families.
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I REFUSE to watch the last adventure yOU CANT MAKE ME
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cotton-tails · 4 years ago
So I saw this last night, and the little angsty plot bunny in my head woke up and I just had to write something. Fully intended to be a drabble of sorts, but of course it turned into a four page tear-fest, so grab the tissues and strap in.
Oh, and I haven't edited this, it's just 3am word-vomit, so enjoy the mess!
“So, this hasn’t exactly gone to plan.”
Della snorts cheerlessly at Donald’s deadpan comment, struggling into a sitting position and wincing at a twinge in her elbow. The chains dig into her arms with every movement, a very clear upgrade from the ropes they’d all been able to break out of within several minutes not too long ago. These idiots don’t know who they’re messing with.
Or they do; probably a little too well, hence the plan that fell apart very quickly. And the chains. And the scary looking red lightning below them.
“Shut up!” Heron snaps behind them, cuffing Donald a little too roughly around the head.
He doesn’t react more than a sharp hiss and a dark glare behind him, and Della can’t help the sharp pang of guilt under the surge of anger. She bites back a comment, keeping her eyes fixed on the ground until the villain is out of earshot.
“I’m sorry,” she breathes, keeping her voice low.
“What? Why?” Donald sounds confused but she can’t bring herself to look at him.
“You should be with Daisy right now,” she says, “I’m the one who guilted you into staying, into coming on this stupid trip. And now we’re facing the very real possibility of dying.”
Donald is quiet.
Forcing herself to look up, she frowns at the look on his face. He still doesn’t say anything, but the expression says it all; ‘Della-you-absolute-idiot-what-are-you-blathering-on-about?’
“I came on this stupid trip cause our kids were in trouble,” he hisses eventually, “my family were in trouble! You think I wouldn’t ditch my vacation in a heartbeat for any of you?”
“I-” Della starts, but her voice catches, rendering her utterly speechless. He’s not lying, she knows exactly what he would do for the family, for her. Yet, somehow that knowledge isn’t exactly helping.
She misses her chance to reply, all conversation cut off with the explosive arrival of Scrooge and Bradford through the roof.
Della clenches her fist and almost bites through the inside of her cheek as he slams to the ground. She manages to chime out a ‘Hey Uncle Scrooge,’ with Donald when his pained gaze finds them. Beakley mutters a sarcastic ‘Fantastic,’ from her other side. She can only watch as a now armoured Bradford, armed with the sword, picks him up by the back of his coat and drags him up the stairs. He’s blathering on about something, but she’s stopped listening; too busy focusing on her battered and beaten uncle and how this could have gone so completely and utterly wrong.
It’s the usual spiel anyway, threats to destroy his family, his adventures, everything he had worked for, blah blah blah.
Then the contract is revealed, and her stomach drops to somewhere around her knees. If they don’t find a way out soon, Scrooge will have to either sign his life away or they all die, and frankly, neither option sound particularly appealing.
It’s only when Bradford sacrifices his own agents that the desperateness of the situation really sinks in. It’s one thing to talk about murder, it’s entirely another to actually do it. And if Bradford is willing to throw away his own agents, Della can’t imagine what he would be willing to do to her family if Scrooge doesn’t sign.
He tries to buy some time. Della can almost hear the cogs turning in his head as he tries to figure out how to get out of this one. She huffs out a half-hearted laugh at the sharp quip about the fine-print. He’d figure something out, he always does. Not to mention the kids are bound to have found a way out by now, they’d pick up the rest of their allies and be on their way to disrupt the whole evil plan.
It’s just a matter of-
“Ugh! Enough stalling!”
Never mind.
“You need some incentive.”
Della does not like where this is going.
“Perhaps the life of your most trusted ally?”
The three of them snap their heads forward as Bradford stalks towards them, sword dragging on the concrete threateningly. As the screeching rings in Della’s ears, the only thought racing through her mind is ‘not Donnie, not Donnie, please, don’t take my brother.’
Her heart almost stops when he scoops Donald up by his collar, his cry echoing in her ears.
“Donald!” Three voices scream.
She can barely breathe, crippling panic bubbling up inside. All she wants to do is close her eyes and scream, break these chains and drag him back to safety, but she can’t move, she can’t take her eyes off her twin as he’s dangled over the edge.
“What will it be Scrooge? Adventure? Or your Family?”
‘Just do what he wants!’ She’s not ashamed of the thought. They’ll figure out a way to reverse the contract, there’s always a way, always a loophole. Just do it so she can see her brother safely on solid ground.
“Alright, I’ll do it.”
She can’t say she’s surprised at how quickly he gives in.
“No! Don’t!” Donald screams, “find a way out! You can beat him!”
The pen is already in his hand. “It’s not worth the risk lad.”
They can only watch in horror at the golden glow that circles around him, lifting him up and binding him with unbreakable chains that drag him to the ground.
“I did it!” Bradford crows triumphantly. “The great Scrooge McDuck, now only a poor old man!”
Della’s heart breaks just a little at the look of absolute misery on her old uncle’s face, but she doesn’t have time to mourn properly, because Bradford is talking. Again.
“Normally I wouldn’t indulge in such petty villainy,” he says, his gaze turning back to Donald, still dangling over the edge, with a glint in his eye that makes Della’s blood run cold. “But since this is a special occasion.”
He lets go.
Della’s eyes meet Donald’s for an agonising second, and then he’s gone.
There’s a flash of red, and someone is screaming.
She doesn’t even realise it’s her until a rough hand knocks her back.
“Shut it! Or it’ll be you next!”
Hot tears stream down her beak and she presses her forehead into the cold concrete, not even bothering to choke back a sob. Over the pounding of her own taunting heartbeat in her ears, she hears the sound of the machine powering down (‘Too late’ her traitorous mind provides), of her kids voices yelling something, and Scrooge shouting for them to be careful.
And Bradford, confused and angry as her family finally, finally step in to save the day.
His voice sets off something inside that she hadn’t felt since the day Lunaris betrayed her. A raging anger that burns through her, overwhelming any other emotion and completely taking over her mind.
The chains are no longer an obstacle, and even Beakley can’t stop her from launching herself at the buzzard. They tumble down the stairs, fists flying and feet kicking. Everything blurs after that, which may or may not be a side effect of a rather painful bump on the head as they hit the ground at the bottom of the staircase. She’s kicked off, then it’s just a cloud of lights and bodies and a strong arm holding her back from doing anything overly-reckless and potentially stupid.
The kids, her (their) beautiful, wonderful kids, figure out the loophole and the ever-binding contract disintegrates.
It’s done.
The maniacal villain is defeated once more. The world has returned to rights and the sounds of celebration fill the air.
But Della can only stand and watch, her hands trembling and eyes burning. Beakley stands behind her, hands hovering just behind her shoulders, ready to give comfort if needed.
He’s gone.
Her brother, the other half of her soul; just… gone.
And… oh.
Her knees buckle, a wrecked sob forcing its way from her throat. Beakley catches her with a arm round the shoulders and a hand under her elbow, lowering her gently to the ground as she crumples into a ball. She presses her hands to her eyes in a hopeless attempt to stem the tears as everything comes crashing down.
“It’s okay, let it out dear.”
He shouldn’t have been here. He should’ve been on that amazing adventure with Daisy, sailing together on that old houseboat. After everything life had thrown at him, after all the madness they’d been through, he’d finally caught a break, finally found that amazing person who loved him as fiercely as he loved her.
Then Della had come along, crying about lost time and not being ready. She hadn’t wanted to him to leave, even on a stupid vacation that he would very clearly be coming back from.
Now he wouldn’t even get the chance to go.
And it’s all her fault.
The obvious confusion and concern in Huey’s voice is enough to send her tumbling over the edge all over again, fresh tears springing up at the thought of having to explain what happened to her- to his kids.
Scrooge hurries them away, and she tries not to listen to the hushed explanation, the startled gasps, and she has to cover her ears for the rest. She can’t stand it.
It’s all her fault.
There’s no mistaking that voice.
Her head snaps up so fast she’s half sure she’s given herself whiplash. Even through blurred eyesight, she knows that silhouette, that outfit, that stupid hat. She blinks, sniffing and scrubbing at her face with her sleeve, hardly daring to believe.
It shouldn’t be possible, there’s no way it’s possible. She saw it, she saw him fall, saw the flash of lightning, the empty space where he had been only moments before. She watched her own brother die. So how was he standing ten feet in front of her, laughing as he’s tackled by several small and colourful blurs?
A hand appears in front of her face and she looks up into the stunned face of her uncle. He looks almost as much of a mess as she feels, tearstains tracking down his cheeks and spotting on his coat.
“I think it might be best if we just don’t question it,” he says, helping her to her feet.
His hands are shaking as he holds hers tightly, but she doesn’t comment; it can’t be any worse than her own trembling limbs. They turn back to Donald, who’s ended up sat on the floor under the collective weight of the kids. He’s got a tearful Louie on his shoulder and several kids wrapped around his torso as he struggles to his feet, and Della can see him mouthing a headcount as he takes them all in.
“I swear every time we see you, you have more children.”
She hadn’t even noticed Panchito and José just beside him, grins wide and eyes twinkling with amusement and, in José’s case, something else that she can’t quite place. Donald just laughs at Panchito’s observation, the sound sweet as honey and causing even more tears to well up all round. The pure relief that sweeps through her is almost enough to make her knees give way again, but Scrooge’s hand gripping hers and Beakley’s arm still around her shoulders is just enough to keep her grounded.
Then he catches her eye.
“Hey Dells.”
The kids must see something in her face, cause they have to good sense to dart out of the way just moments before Della hurls herself at her brother. They almost topple backwards, but Donald is able to keep them just about upright while Della just focuses on wrapping her arms around him and burying her face in his shoulder. His arms circle her waist, holding her just as tightly. The tears are streaming freely now, but she’s beyond caring. He can yell at her about ruining his shirt later and she’ll just take it with a grin.
“You idiot!” she yells, her voice muffled by his shoulder, “I thought you were dead!”
“For a minute, so did I,” he says into her hair, “how about we just call it even?”
The soft jibe only makes her laugh, and she holds him just that little bit tighter.
Miracles do happen, and in the end all that matters is love, family and adventure.
But if he thinks she’s going to let him go galivanting off on some adventure without her now, then he’d better think again.
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sugarrushproductions · 3 years ago
Darkwing Duck Reboot
"Move it!"
"I want the middle seat!"
"Give me back my hat!"
"Give me back my seat!" 
"I was here first!"
“Let me go!”
“Alright, that’s enough!” Della shouted at the triplets, pulling Dewy off of Huey. Louie was sitting a few feet away, having been pushed off the couch and deeming the fight not worth anything. “Huey, you sit next to Donald over there. Dewy, next to Scrooge. Me, Webby, and Mrs. Beakley-”
“Hang on!” Webby chimed in. “I wanted to sit next to Dad.” Webby, while mistakenly calling him Scrooge for a while after the F.O.W.L. battle, got the hang of calling him that soon after. Both Scrooge and Beakley told her that she didn’t have to if she wasn’t comfortable with it, but she was stubborn as ever. Scrooge was happy, never once thinking he’d have any kids of his own.
“Della, is ther anyway I could switch with someone so I could sit next to my daughter?”
“Oh, right, you guys are inseparable now,” Dewy groaned, rolling his eyes.
“Dewy, hush,” Della scorned. She then turned to Scrooge and said she’d switch with him. With everyone settled in, they tuned the TV in to the St. Canard news channel. Dewy and LP had made them all promise to watch the Darkwing Duck parade, since Drake would be in it.
It was a few hours before anything other than Donald holding Della's beak shut as Katie hated on Darkwing. She had ended up getting sucked into the series again as Launchpad kept talking about it. But she finally threw him off and yelled at the TV again.
"That's right, go to a new section you pompous-"
"Della!" Scrooge, Donald, and Beakley yelled before she could finish. 
"What? She is!"
"That doesn't mean-" Donald started, but screams and booming came from the TV.
"What in blazes-?" Scrooge exclaimed, seeing the confused looks of the news team.
"This just in, three buildings have been blown up in St. Canard!" the helicopter duck radioed in. Quickly, with worried looks from the two regular anchors, the video switched to a live feed of the end of the parade. "Many floats for the Darkwing Duck parade have crashed, some are on fire- the buildings are crashing down! 
"There's many civilians who are being caught in it! Someone is even falling from the buildings!" The camera zoomed in on a little redheaded duck falling down as the debris chased her.
"Who is that?" Louie asked.
"That's Gosalyn!" Dewy yelled, stepping on Donald to get a better look. 
"And that's Drake!" Webby yelled.
"Oh no, what's he doing?!" 
Drake was running into the falling debris, likely trying to catch Gosalyn. They knew he wouldn't get there in time and that he'd get crushed by everything. 
Everyone was still in shock as Gosalyn screamed as she fell and Drake ducked and dodged all the falling building pieces.
Then, just as Gosalyn was feet from the ground and brick was feet from hitting Drake, a bright blue glow encompassed her and the buildings. 
"Hold on, there seems to be some sort of blue glow covering the pieces of falling buildings, stopping them! It's from what looks like a teenager!" 
"Lena!" Webby shouted in joy as all the buildings fell apart. She caught Every piece as it fell, protecting everyone she could. She had even saved Gosalyn with a little bit of magic.
"Amazing!" Huey gasped.
"That girl sure is something," Scrooge muttered, so low only Beakley could hear.
"Indeed," she answered.
"Everyone move!" Lena yelled. The helicopter was circling her close enough to see her struggling to keep that much magic in play. Webby and the triplets and the adults worried for her. Her features looked strained and she seemed tired already. "I can't hold them for long!" 
Nobody disobeyed her order. Everyone moved, Drake quickly grabbed Gosalyn and turned down the farthest alley from the damage, right next to the stage. Dewy whooped.
"Aw yeah! Darkwing Duck will save the day again!" He cheered from Donald's back, the duck in question still laying down from the initial throw from his sister.
“Lena seems to be doing most of the saving,” Louie stated, shoving his hands in his pockets. On screen, Lena was moving everything out of the way of the people and helping the firetrucks and police cars get past, tearing open the flaming floats to let the people out of them. And Drake hadn't come out of the alley yet.
"He's just waiting for the best moment to come out. And do you know how hard it is to get into his costume?" Louie eyed him suspiciously.
"How do you know that?" 
"Uhh…." Dewy immediately looked away and ignored the question. He really didn't want to admit that he had both tried on his costume and asked Fenton to make one for him. Or at least, find someone to. It was hidden under a floorboard in the room they had been locked in the first day they came to the mansion.
"Lights! Camera! Action!" The words were punctuated with a chainsaw starting and their attention back to the screen. A duck in an old, discolored Darkwing Duck costume, the hat red, jacket a bright yellow, and cape black with a red underside, said from the podium that Mayor Owlson had been only moments before. "Time for my close up." 
"Who the blazes is that?" Scrooge asked.
"He looks…. Familiar…" Dewy trailed, unsure of where he'd seen him before. Huey was writing down things and checking The Junior Woodchuck Guidebook for the smoke and blast patterns. Both reminded him of something he'd seen before. But where?
"Don't ruin this for me, Mayor!" The man yelled, holding Owlson by her throat and slamming her into the podium. Emergency services were busy with rescue and evacuation. Lena was doing her best to help, moving the debris out of the way and providing a birds eye view of the damage. She wouldn't be able to help.
"This is my spotlight! I don't need random heroes ruining it! So stay back! And that goes for all of you!"
Dewy wasn't the best at remembering things and the Darkwing movie was hard to pay attention to, but he'd finally remembered where that voice was from and where that duck came from.
"Oh my gosh, that's Jim Starling!" When everyone looked at with confusion, he rolled his eyes. "Star of Darkwing Duck? He ruined the Darkwing Duck: First Darkness movie Scrooge tried to make."
"That movie was doomed from the start," Scrooge argued. "But it is impressive that you were able to recognize that."
"I agree," Beakley said, adjusting her glasses as she surveyed the screen again. "He hardly sounds like him."
"Launchpad made him watch a lot of Darkwing Duck," Huey answered. Before she counter with the same argument, a familiar voice came from the TV.
"I am the terror that flaps in the night!" Darkwing yelled. DW was there to save the day. After a swift kick to the face, Owlson was freed from Jim's grasp. Gosalyn got her out of there before getting into a sniper-like position and pulled out her crossbow. 
The fight went on for a few minutes before a crash interrupted them. 
"Is that my jeep?" Scrooge asked, glaring at the screen. Launchpad stumbled out of the car, lighting up Darkwing's face and angering Scrooge's. 
"No!" Jim yelled, causing them both to look at him. 
"Is that my jeep?" Scrooge asked again, fists balled in annoyance. He got scolded by Beakley and Webby for focusing on the wrong thing.
Unfortunately, his chainsaw started on the first pull. "This is Negaduck's debut!" He swung it wildly at Darkwing, who flipped out of the way in just enough time. However, the back of his foot got cut by it. 
"Drake(Darkwing)!" The kids shouted in unison. Launchpad ran and tried to stop the fight or at least help Darkwing. 
"I will not have it ruined by you and your dumbass sidekick!" Beakly covered Webby's ears (Donald and Della were too far away from the triplets to do the same) as Negaduck raised the chainsaw again, planning to cut down the already downed duck, but an arrow grazed his hand. He shouted in pain, almost dropping his chainsaw.
Launchpad had finally made it on the stage and was going to tackle Negaduck. However, he had seen it coming and bit one of his outstretched hands. Then quickly followed it up with a punch to the beak.
"Launchpad!" All yelled, none louder than Dewy. He hated the feeling he had when, even though it was very faint, he saw the blood come from his arm.
"Kids, go to your rooms!" Della yelled. She should have said it earlier, but she was too shocked. This was already worse than an adventure of theirs. At least then, if someone got hurt, they could help. "Now!" 
They didn't listen. In the next moment, she lost her conviction anyway.
Darkwing, worried about Launchpad, got trapped in Jim's- or Negaduck, as he had mentioned earlier- grasp. He was fading out of consciousness until an arrow shot through his hand. He shouted a curse before being surrounded, then threw down red smoke bombs and disappeared. 
Lena had flown in the smoke and had the others disappear before it cleared.
. . .
"I told you to save those bombs for a different day!" Bulba yelled at Negaduck, who only busied himself with picking at his teeth as a goat fixed up his hand. The stitches hurt and were very unpleasant to get from an inexperienced person, but he couldn't afford a hospital. He'd used all his bank money for the bombs and gas for his chainsaw.
"Oh, lay off me, Bulby," Negaduck groaned. He was not in the mood for a lecture. And seeing the way Bulba growled at the nickname he had given him made his day.
"Don't call me that, Negsy." Negaduck, on the contrary, liked the nickname that Bulba had given him. He'd likely use it himself. "I thought we agreed that we would take out McDuck first." 
"No, you agreed to it. I want Darkwing Duck gone! McDuck can wait."
"No, he can't!" Bulba burst. "Scrooge McDuck's family is extremely connected to Darkwing and his companions. That stupid girl and that oafish man child are a part of their stupid family, and therefore, if we want to get Darkwing, we need to get rid of Scrooge first."
"Ow! Not so tight, Dumbass!" Negaduck yelled at his nurse, who had pulled the bandages too tight.
Bulba sighed and waved his goat lacky away. Then, putting a hand on his shoulder to which he got a growl, he spoke slowly this time.
"Look, I know you hate Darkwing. I do too, but getting angry while fighting him gets us nowhere. Both our experiences have taught us that." Negaduck growled more, if only because he was right. "We have to be smart-"
"I am smart!" Negaduck yelled, pushing away from him. He refused to wince at the pain in his right hand. 
"Let me rephrase. Smarter than we've been. If today was any indication, going in and announcing ourselves like that isn't going to work. If you would just be patient with me a little longer, I promise. We will get rid of Darkwing Duck."
Negaduck groaned and rubbed his hands over his face. Then banged his fists against his head. Bulba backed up, unsure of what to do with the crazed duck. Moments like this came often with Negaduck. It unnerved him.
"Fffffiiiiinnnneeee……" he trailed like a child who was backed into a corner but still wanting to get what he wanted, so he agreed. "But it better not be long."
Bulba let loose a sinister chuckle and smiled.
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mandareeboo · 3 years ago
Do you have any more headcanons on Magic Louie?
Just a few random, little things!
Webby and Violet got their focusers from Morgana Macawber. She was the only decent witch Lena had heard about in their area, but bc of a longstanding feud between the Macawbers and the De Spells she waited outside to avoid any arguing
Louie's focusing object is a plastic four leaf clover! I know that necklace is in basically all of my Louie stories, but I just really like it. I could absolutely see Gladstone getting a free lucky necklace out of a quarter bandit and passing it off as a gift for the kids.
Louie doesn't have magic. Like, he can't make shit glow or change it with will. He makes potions and can wield magical items.
There's a huge miscommunication in the mansion on who stash eight belongs to. Scrooge thinks it's Webby's, Beakley thinks it's Scrooge's, and Duckworth probably knows the truth but loves the drama
He gets invited to some sleepovers nwo to help with big spell circles and they paint each other's nails while talking about weird evil gods they're gonna slaughter. Louie peaces out for the actual fighting tho
Louie keeps the base of a healing potion simmering for when they return from adventures bc he gets hurt so often
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sammyheroes · 4 years ago
Ok! Time to over analyze Webby’s Board:
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OK, so we have Team Science with the following members: Gyro, Manny, Fenton, Gandra, Boyd, Lil Bulb, and Quackfaster. My reasoning for Quackfaster to be in Team Science might be because she works at the Money Bin, therefore, works closely with Gyro to some degree. Plus, she keeps guard of the archives.  I love that they are considered part of the family. They all work closely with McDuck and have had various adventures with the kids at some point during the series, sometimes more than once, especially Huey. I believe they are considered some sort of extended family.
We also see Drake Mallard (Darkwing) is tied by a question mark to Gosalyn, signaling that they don’t have an established adopted father/daughter relationship yet or even see each other as such, but it’s a big hint for the future. Also, we see a newspaper clip of Launchpad that says “Local Buffoon Crashes Six Planes in One Day, Unfortunately Survives Unharmed” if you zoom in on the picture. I just think that this is really funny that Launchpad canonly crashes more planes that the whole US Air Force (Just a joke!)
There’s also a picture of Penny connected to Launchpad’s newspaper clip that says ‘Just Friends’. I’m not sure if it refers to the pilot and herself or just Webby referring to Darkwing, Gosalyn, Launchpad and Penny as a whole group. But it could be the first option as we see a string attaching Penny to Della claiming her to be Della’s best friend.
Also, the drawing of Darkwing made by Launchpad is adorable, but I don’t think he is depicting Drake Mallard here, but Jim Starling because of the classic uniform instead of the new one. Remember that they believe him dead and not as Negaduck. Launchpad might have felt bad for him and might have asked Webby to add him.
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Then we have the Main Family at the center of the board. At the top we see that Webby has added a stone drawing of Bubba, which I think it’s adorable that he was added in such way. Then we see Fergus and Downey, Scrooge’s parents. At the top right we see Goldie, which I’m pretty sure was a locket kept by Scrooge first before it somehow got into Webby’s hands. Then we see Scrooge under his parents with Hortense and Matilda at his sides, his sisters. Beside Hortense we see Quackmore (I’m still salty that we didn’t get an episode explaining what happened to them!). Underneath them we have Donald and Della, Donald being connected to Daisy and The 3 Cabs. Gladstone and Fethry are connected here as cousins. Finally we have Huey, Dewey and Louie with the new addition of May and June at the bottom. Mostly, I can’t say much here since we already now how these are all connected, but the Bubba addition is adorable.
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Finally, we have an area dedicated to the villains at the top. I found it weird at first, but then I remembered that Magica is related to Lena and Webby considers her her sister, therefore Magica would be some sort of distant relative. I don’t know why Mark Beaks and Glomgold are in there.
We also see Djinn and Amunet at the top with no strings. It might be because they are considered friends only and not close enough to be considered family, but they’re important enough to be added.
Then we have Webby’s circle. We see Violet and Lena attached to Webby under the name of Shadow Friends, a nod to the time Lena herself was a shadow. We also have her connection to Beakley and her parents, who then turns out they weren’t actually hers if you know what I mean. But they are still related to Webby because of Bentina. (Or that might be Bentina herself when she was younger with her husband, who knows at this point)
There’s also a small section at the bottom for the dead, where we see Duckworth in his regular form and his demon form. Even in death, you cannot tear a family apart.
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lettheladylead · 3 years ago
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its been a while so here’s some more running in circles chapter art! i love vague spoilers
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sergeant-history · 3 years ago
The Anitrix
 Beakley slammed her fist on the table, Steelbeak whimpered.
 "You captured my granddaughter and my honourary grandson! What do you think I'm going to do? Not interrogate you?" She scowled
 "Please! All I wanted was recognition!" He pleaded. Beakley wasn't buying anything.
 "Where are the plans to unite F.O.W.L?" She pointed, almost flipping the entire table over.
  Steelbeak continued to whimper, he got smarter over the years, reading the sacred martial artist books of Alexandria.
 Still, he was no match for Beakley. That was going to change, however. "Webbigail!" She called, with Webby opening her closet. "Granny?" She asked.
 "Take care of this... idiot for me. I need to get some equipment." Finding Webby still slightly weaker in the arts than her grandmother, Steelbeak tried, this was his only chance for escape.
 He looked at her, after the closet closed he started "So, how are you and that... Dewey's been doing." He raised an eyebrow, only to be met with hand slams on the table by Webby.
 "We don't talk about Dewford Duck... He's not within your area, Do you understand Mr?" She closened up, almost terrifying the steel out of his beak.
 "Correct." The Harp sang, smirking at the disgraced villain.
 He merely grumbled. Webby picked up his gauntlet, examining the build and structure of it.
 It had a circle plate in the middle, it was entirely red with black color schemes on it. With its sides were tubes that seemed to contain some sort of genetic material within.
 She glared at the Chicken, finally opening her mouth "So How'd you... build this?" She asked. The Harp looked at him, getting ready to foil any tricks up his sleeves with truth and honesty.
 Steelbeak shrugged "I already had the basics, all I did was add in some minor touches." The Harp glared at him "He's Fibbing." Her usual sing-songy voice became that of one with a serious tone, sharper than Scrooge's.
 Steelbeak chuckled as Webby pulled out her blaster, equipped with a laser gun, capable of burning through the skin, bone, flesh, feathers, and even Steel.
 "Fine! I made the plate so I can choose between Animals by arranging them in those tubes. It was a slow process but now, inside of that plate, with every turn, you'd have 1 choice which the Hologram will show." The Harp nodded, still glaring fiercely at Steelbeak.
   Being as wreckless as Dewey, Webby placed the gauntlet onto her right wrist, as the colors changed, into Pink, purple, and a slight hint of blue.
 "Woah." Steelbeak gasped, the entirety of the Plate too turned Pink with a Pink Bow in the center.
 She turned it, revealing different types of animals. "A Unicorn?!?" She gasped, making Steelbeak shake his head. "Wha? That's impossible! I didn't add the DNA sample of that." The Harp nodded.
 She spun it 9 times, revealing 9 other holograms including a Koala Bear, a Butterfly, a Cat, a Fox, a Cheetah, a Duck?, a Canary, a Dophin, and a weasel.
 Beakley reopened the door, noticing Webby already getting a hold of Steelbeak's weapon. "I think I'll call it... the Anitrix." She said. Beakley glared at Steelbeak again, this time with the harp, he felt knives charging at him.
 "Tell her how does it work," Beakley demanded, placing down injection tubes filled with radioactive yet somehow contained liquid.
 Steelbeak sighed "It alters your DNA with the selected being, allowing you to take the form of the animal but also retaining your sanity, experience, and memories." The Harp nodded to Beakley but Webby was all too interested in the gauntlet to pay any attention.
 "Webbigail, I trust you to use it but after your now shortened 3 days of being grounded." The young female nodded, walking off almost right after.
 Beakley then turned back to the Chicken who was exactly what the term 'chicken' meant.
 "I wonder what the others will have if they wear it." She tapped her chin, wondering about the animals the others would acquire.
 "Dewey would probably get something like a shark, Huey... Owl or something smart, and Louie... maybe an elephant? or a Monkey?" She thought, shaking those off before admiring her own animal selection dial.
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