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beah388love · 7 months ago
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Cuddling them
18+ Minors DNI!!!
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Cobra Kai Masterlist
Miguel: Miguel loved when you played with his hair when you cuddled and he would always lay on top of you and you loved it.
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Eli/hawk: You both loved cuddling and hes the biggest spoon ever so you was always so comfy whem you guys cuddled. and when you did he would tell you about his day and you would fall asleep to his voice.
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Demetri: Demetri isnt very affectionate so when you guys did cuddle it was the best , he would always hold your hand and just look at your face(not in a weird way) just to admire your beauty the entire time.
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Robby: He loved cuddling you it was a must in your relationship and he would always have his head in the crook of your neck he loved it , he would also play with your hair and make weird shapes with the ends.
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Young Daniel Larusso:He loved having his arms around you whilst cuddling and kissing your face all over , and he would always fall asleep once he got comfortable.
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Young Johnny Lawrence: Johnny would always spoon you and have his head in the crook of your neck or resting on your shoulder and would randomly place small kisses on your neck/shoulder.
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beah388love · 11 months ago
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Your sick
18+ Minors DNI!!!
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Miguel: when you was sick Miguel would act like you couldn't do anything and you was as fragile as a flower so you basically wasn't allowed to get out of your bed unless you needed the toilet. He would get his mum to make you some soup and he would watch your favourite movies with you.
Eli/hawk: He would be super soft with you and buy you all your favourite things at the store which made you super happy , when you was sick he would hold your hair back for you.
Demetri:When you told Demetri you was sick he would absolutely not go near you and he was really sorry because he wanted to take care of you but he didn't wanna get sick and when you threw up he would gag and run away but he would make up for it after by giving you all his attention and affection.
Robby: He would have to force you to take your medicine and hold you down because you absolutely hated it (it's disgusting) ,when you fell asleep he would put on something he liked and would braid your hair for you.
Young Daniel Larusso:He wouldn't stop cuddling you no matter how many times you told him he'd get sick ,would get mr miyagi to make you some soup and would read to you until you fell asleep then he would eventually fall asleep to.
Young Johnny Lawrence: He would cancel all his plans and keep asking if you was okay and when you threw up he would hold back your hair but would be fake gagging to , when you fell asleep he would play with your hair and go to the store to buy your f/choc and f/snac which made you super happy and he felt super proud of himself.
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beah388love · 11 months ago
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You fall asleep on them
18+ Minors DNI!!!
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Cobra Kai Masterlist
Miguel:He didn't notice at first but when he did he could NOT stop smiling and he was blushing bright red, he would try and not move an inch and if he did he would just freeze and sigh out of happiness when you didn't wake up he eventually falls asleep to.
Eli/hawk:He would play with your hair and kiss your head randomly , if you woke up he would whisper you to sleep again.
Demetri:blushing like CRAZY and he would accidentally wake you up which made you mad at him because you was really tired so he apologised like 1 thousand times until you fell asleep again and wouldn't wake you up that time.
Robby:he would play with your hair and hum a song that was stuck in his head while playing a game in his phone until trey and Cruz barged into his house laughing and knocking things over which woke you up and he told you to go back to sleep (which you did) and when you did he mouthed angrily to trey and Cruz to Get out and they actually did.
Young Daniel Larusso:he starts blushing like mad and he just kind of sits there and doesn't know what to do or how to react ,he falls asleep not long after you.
Young Johnny Lawrence:He can't stop admiring you and would caress your waist with the back of his hand while he was slowly falling asleep with you.
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beah388love · 11 months ago
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How you Meet
18+ Minors DNI!!!
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Miguel:You and miguel met because you lived in the building he lived in (on the upper floor) and he saw you taking out the rubbish a couple times but he officially met you at school because your lockers were also next to each other so you two saw each other a lot.
Eli/hawk:You would get bullied by kyler because you was a 'nerd' but in reality you was just smart and kyler was jealous but eli and demetri would see you get bullied by kyler in the library and eli would offer you to sit next to them but you said no because you liked him and didnt wanna embarrass yourself but one day at school kyler was angry and kept tormenting you (a lot more than usual) so when eli and demetri offered again you finally said yes and you had one of the best lunches at school ever that day. And ever since then you sat with them both everyday.
Demetri:You and demetri met at the comic book store and every day after school you would see eachother and eventually you guys started hanging out at the park/golf n stuff etc. Which then lead to you both seeing eachother at school because your schedules changed after term and yeah you guys became really close.
Robby:You and robby met at the LaRusso auto dealership because when robby was hired amanda asked you to help robby and show him around which you did and after that you guys would talk randomly there. And one day during the conversatiom you said you went too east high and robby said he did to which you responded "how come I've never seen you there before?" and he said you both must have different classes and after that conversation he went too school every day just too see you.
Young daniel laRusso:You and daniel met at school in class , you were both sitting next to eachother and you asked if he had a pen and he said yeah and gave you a spare to borrow but when he looked at you face fully he couldnt stop staring and started blushing when you called him out . And you guys would talk during that specific lesson every day not even paying any attention to the teacher at all.
young!johnny lawrence:You and johnny met at a bonfire and he had gotten in a tiny scrap so you took care of him and after that you guys became very close and not long after that he asked you out and of course you said yes.
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beah388love · 11 months ago
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You fall asleep on their friend
18+ Minors DNI!!!
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Cobra Kai Masterlist
Miguel:He would get mad and tell his friend to move and he would put you on his chest instead
Eli/hawk:He would get really mad and would take you off him by picking you up and putting you on his lap ,then he would then play with your hair until you fall asleep again and would tell you to fall asleep on him next time your sleepy/tired.
Demetri:He would be really awkward at first and kind of just told his friend to go away and let him hold you instead And lucky for Demetri you didn't wake up.
Robby:He got really brothered by it and tells his friend to really slowly and carefully give you to him but you woke up , so Robby rubbed circles on your back which made you sleepy again(so u fell asleep again).
Young Daniel Larusso:let's you sleep on his friend but he is really upset about it and asks you to never do it again (which you obviously agree to because u didn't mean to in the first place)
Young Johnny Lawrence:He picks you up bridal style and sits you down on his lap, "sh..go back to sleep baby" he whispers softly as you doze back into your deep sleep,
He placed a light kiss on top of your head and then he looked over to his friend and glared at him, mouthing obscenities at him. His friend sheepishly left when Johnny told him to.
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beah388love · 11 months ago
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Dating them includes
18+ Minors DNI!!!
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Cobra Kai Masterlist
•Playing with his hair while cuddling (he loves it!)
•him giving you nose kisses 24/7
•play fighting and him non stop apologising when he accidentally hurts you
•doing karate together and him beating you
•him taking you on dates to golf n stuff
•A/A(<- any animal) plushie as your special inside real stop ship thing (like the octopus)
•watching doctor who with him all the time
•Him being the big spoon
•you being the only one allowed to call him Eli
•his hand always on your waist when your in public
•Him always being protective and jealous of a guy even stands close to you
•Harry Potter marathons
•Watching doctor who
•him telling you about all his comics and his newest/rarest ones
•him ALWAYS being to shy to ask to hold your hand so you ask him instead
•him helping you with science
•you both building Lego together
•calling him Swayze
•road trips at night and watching the sunset
•going to the skate park with him and him teaching you
•play fighting 24/7
•movie marathons
•forehead kisses constant but randomly
•always sleeping round his house (u basically live there)
•his mum loves you
Young Daniel Larusso:
•him teaching you karate
•dancing in the rain at night
•walks together and nudging each other playfully
•staring contests and he wins them all
•Mr Miyagi loves you
Young Johnny Lawrence:
•always has to be touching you in some way
•uses stupid pick up lines that always make you laugh
•going to golf n stuff and him stealing tickets off other without you noticing
•him trying to be cool in front of you but failing (for example once he tried to look cool by leaning on his bike be he fell over ,you could not stop laughing)
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beah388love · 11 months ago
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When they introduce you to their friends
18+ Minors DNI!!!
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Cobra Kai Masterlist
Miguel: You and miguel were quite popular in a way where everyons knew you two so when you started dating you both were a popular couple so anyway..it was lunch and miguel wanted to introduce you to his friends ,hes wanted to for ages but just hasnt had the chance so when he got all of his friends together at the lunch table and saw you he GRABBED you and pulled you to the table to show you all his friends
"Okay y/n this is hawk,aisha,tory and demetri" miguel said whilst pointing to everyone name by name(does that make sense?) "hey" you said whilst smiling to everyone.they all welcomed you and were very polite and nice too you.
Eli/hawk: hawks very protective of you so when he thought about you meeting his friends he was already kinda worried incase you liked one of them or they liked you a bit too much so he didnt let you for awhile until you came to the dojo to go see a movie with him but when you entered the dojo everyone was swarming around you because they knew of you but hawk wouldnt let them near you lol. But they were all really nice to you and aisha was now your new bestie.
Demetri: demetri wasnt worried for you to meet his friends and he wasnt that 'popular' so everyone he was friends with were close to him so he knew he could trust them. So he invited you to the dojo and introduced you to sam,robby,chris and he intoduced you to hawk at the party but after eli changed to hawk demetri asked you not to hang around with him.
Robby keene:Robby likes having you apart of his life so when you asked to meet his friends he obviously said yes but he was a bit worried about you meeting trey and cruz because well theyre trey and cruz. But besides that he doesn't mind you meeting any of his friends.
Young daniel larusso:He loved the idea of you meeting his friends and when you first suggested it he couldnt stop smiling and immediately introduced you to his friends as fast as he could.
Young johnny lawrence:he told his friends about you all the time and you saw them but johnny never actually introduced you to them so when you asked him to he did , but he was a lot more clingy and protective of you that week.
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beah388love · 11 months ago
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Your first date
18+ Minors DNI!!!
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Miguel:You and miguel hadnt spoke a lot lately so miguel was getting kinda worried so he spoke to johnny for advice and johnny said to take you to golf n stuff and he did. You guys had lots of fun and he got you an octupus teddy and you LOVED it ,after that you both went to a garden a picked your favourite flowers each and then you both finally went home and you gave him a kiss at your door which left him blushing and speechless.
Eli/hawk:hawk took you to the movies and he had a hand on your thigh THE ENTIRE TIME which gave you butterflies throughout the whole film ,when the film ended he took you to his house and you both had a sleepover with snacks films and you both gossiped.
Demetri:Demetri doesnt really like going out to romantic places like a restaurant so he took you to the comic book store and he got you whatever you wanted then you both did a movie marathon on whatever you wanted (you fell asleep together too :) ).
Robby:Robby took you to the skatepark and taught you tricks that you didnt know , when you said you was getting tired he brang you to his house and he made you your favourite "Robby you didnt" you said smiling at him "of course i did" robby answered also giving you a kiss . After you both ate you fell asleep and robby put a film on he knew you didnt like and not long after he fell asleep to.
Young daniel LaRusso: daniel knew you was having a hard time at school so he organised a date for you and him , he picked you up and you both went on a walk to the beach and by the time you got there the sun was setting and it was a beautiful view "its such a pretty night" you said "your prettier" daniel said not taking his eyes off you causing you to blush. It was getting quite late so you two started to walk back and he gave you a kiss on the cheek before walking you to your doorstep.
Young Johnny lawrence:johnny took you to a haunted house and he loved how you held onto him everytime something jumped out of a corner , when you both got out he took you too a drive-in theatre and when the film ended he drove you back home watching you go into your house so he knew you was safe.
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beah388love · 11 months ago
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Your on your period
18+ Minors DNI!!!
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Cobra Kai Masterlist
Miguel:it was the middle of science class and you was sitting next to miguel and demetri , a couple of minutes past and you jusy knew and remembered you was due so you began to panick because you didnt have any pads or tampons with you, miguel noticed you was acting weird so he wrote down on a piece of paper 'are you okay? ♡︎' you wrote back no and he quietly whispered to you "whats wrong?" "im on my period and i dont know what to do" you whispered berg quietly back. He put his hand up and said "y/n feels ill can i walk her to the nurse sir" the teacher said yes and you both went to a shop to buy you pads or tampons(or anything you prefer) once you had found a bathroom and sorted yourself out you wouldnt stop thanking him and apoligizing for wasting his time,be immediately told you to stop apoligizing and took you too his house to have a movie marathon and cuddle.
Eli/hawk:you get very hormonal on your period and perticularly today your emotions were everywhere and you was watching peppa pig(idk why lmao) but in the episode you was watching susy was just plain evil and you started crying like having a full mental breakdown and when hawk heard you crying he immediately ran up to you and asked you whats wrong "s-susy is such a bad f-friend" you said between sobs "whos susy?" Hawk replied in a very confused tone and you just pointed to the tv "are you being serious?" Hawk said which made you cry even more "n-no! Dont cry its okay i-uh susy is a horrible friend" he said trying to comfort you and you just kept crying ,when hawk caught on that you was on your period throughout the day he went to a corner shop and got you your fav/f and he got you some more pads or tampons(or whatever u prefer) and he tried to not say anything that would offend you or make you sad for the rest of the day.
Demetri:you and Demetri were cuddling in his bed with your head on his chest and Demetri was gonna pee himself so he sprinted to the toilet and when he came back he turned the light on and that's when he saw it the red stain under you and on your shorts "OMG-ARE YOU OKAY ARE YOU DYING?" Demetri was screaming at you thinking that you was dying and bleeding to death "please don't die" he nearly had a heart attack until you told him you was on your period "oh- I-uh are you okay?" Demetri was now as red as a tomato  "yea but uh I need pads/tampons(or whatever your prefer) demetri went to the store to get you some but didn't know which ones you like or if you even have a preference so he texted you And when you told him what they looked like or the name he got them and bought you some snacks too. When he got back he washed his bedsheets and put new ones on and gave you some of his joggers to wear (which were really baggy on you) and then you guys are snacks and did a movie marathon of all your favourite films.
Robby:Robby would usually keep track of your period because he found it really stupid asking you all the time because you would get mad or sad at him cause of your mood swings so instead he just kept track and when he checked in the morning and saw you was due he bought some of your fav things and some pads/tampons(or whatever you prefer) because you was running out and then you guys chilled at his house and whenever you got a bad cramp he would give you a heating pad and massage your stomach.
Young daniel larusso:he knew instantly because you was always really sensitive on your period and would cry over the littlest things so he tried his best to not say anything that would make you upset or annoyed and when he did he would immediately not talk until you said it was okay for him to again and it might sound bad to others but you both knew it would stop unnecessary arguments and meltdowns for you both so you guys would just cuddle and watch films together all day.
Young johnny lawrence:Johnny knew what a period was but he never actually knew what it was if that makes sense so when you told him you was on yours he was very confused on what he should like if he should hug you or not touch you so he kind of did a mixture of both which was making you really upset because you didn't know why he was acting like that and confronted him after a day or two "Johnny why are you being like this?" You said randomly while you both were cuddling "what do you mean?" He answered back genuinely confused "well you keep being really cuddly and clingy and then you won't even touch me" Johnny knew exactly what you meant now and went bright red "I-uh I'm sorry I just didn't know if you wanted me to touch you or not i mean I've never had to deal with a girl on her uh what's it called?" he said "a period?" You answered "yeah! That's what it's called god that been bugging me all day" he said making you laugh "Johnny you can cuddle me if I'm on my period ,I mean like don't overdo it y'know just be how you usually are" "how I usually am?" He said kind of not believing you "yes how you usually are" you giggled. After that Johnny would act normally around you but he would still be extra kind to you because he knew that periods hurt from seeing you in pain from cramps before.
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