sugashook · 1 year
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skica. beba
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atomarium · 1 year
So @neoncityrain,
I'll being again.
You have probably heard the words "nuclear" reactor at least a couple of times. Many people fear them and don't understand. Some fear them because of that. In the principle nuclear reactors are actually incredibly simple on their own. It's basically a kettle with a turbine that heats using shiny rocks. To be specific about what happens in the process of "fission" (the process of atoms doing the absolutely mental). We fire a neuron, it hits a heavy atom like uranium 238 (238 indicates the number of protons inside the atom, this is important because different amounts of neutrons make different isotopes of the same element. And while some isotopes are stable, some are incredibly radioactive. This is needed to calculate the energy potential.) After the neutron gits the atom, it splits in to two atoms of a lighter elements. For example uranium 235 when split produces either barium and kripton, strontium and xenon or tin and molybdenum. Depending on how it splits. When the atom is split it releases other neutrons, Wich are moving very fast and carry an energy potential. It's also called the neutron temperature. Basically how much kinetic potential it has. Kinetic potential is basically temperature. As movment in atoms is heat. It in itself is important for splitting lighter elements or achieving higher efficiency. But I'll come back to that later.
So basically green rock Magic happens (it's actually emits blue light not green). And it heats a pot of watter Wich we make in to steam and then in to energy.
With the rock Magic done we come to the part of construction. Eich is my favorite as you see there is a lot of concrete metal and vey sturdy stuff in general.
Main concern for people that are afraid of nuclear reactors is another Chernobyl, Fukushima or three mile island.
Wich is a completely valid concern. However they are all human error. Fukushima was built on a shore... with tsunamis.
Chernobyl was managed by my ancestors, Wich they did incredibly porly and did experiments to the reactor that it was not Designed for.
Nuclear reactors altho do have uranium inside of them, just as nuclear bombs. Their are utterly and absolutely Incapable of exploding like one. It's just not as pure and condensed. And it's also not being exploded together. That's just not going to happen.
With today's technology in automatic control units, Materials and stuff, reactors are incredibly unlikely to fail. Unless humans do stupid human stuff. France for example is Europes largest nuclear powerhouse. And it's energy sources are basically carbon neutral. Also the concern of people that radiation will spread and radiate the area is very unfounded. I blame the Simpsons for that fear. Uranium is not a green glowy liquid. It's a metal ish metal, maybe greyish. And you can calmly hold it. It generaly doesn't contaminate watter. And not is it in direct contact with it. It's inside it's heat transfering case. The heat from the uranium case rods is transfers with either watter molten sodium or salt. (It sounds scary but each of them has their own benefits). There is a three loops design usually implemented. The first loop takes heat directly from the uranium. And transfers it via a heat exchanger (a radiator basically) to the second loop. The second loop uses the heated watter to spin the turbines. And then at the end cools it even more with the help of the third loop. The third loop is usually just taking water from a river and spraying it in the air after it took the heat. Those are the huge cooling towers you usually see. It's not smoke or radiation. It's just steam. So you can drink it without problem. Wich I proudly day I did. (it's almost like an iterator)(wait nuclear powered iterator) (a universe where the didn't discover void fluid energy) (holy shit I made something creative)
Nuclear power occupies a very important niech. It can produce A LOT of power on demand. Meaning if suddenly it's a holiday and everyone has decided it is time their ovens on. Renewables won't be able to compensate. As you see, if there is simply no wind or sun. There is nothing you can do. You can build batteries, but litium ion are very expensive and bad for the environment. And batteries that pump watter up so it later can spin generators falling down (usually called a gravity battery) are good and massive. But can't be everywhere.
Nuclear power plants can ramp up their energy production to cover that spike rapidly and efficiently. Making sure your country won't suddenly be low on energy ((KHEM KHEM GERMANY)) in the winter. Because uranium doesn't care for the weather.
Nod for the main part and the most interesting.
I shall repeat again. It's unfortunately not a dlurpee. And it doesn't leak.
Nuclear waste has 3 stages.
Fresh out of the reactor.
This kind needs to be actively cooled, because altho it has much of the useful uranium used up. There is still a little bit of wamrth. It needs to be cooled in a pond for a couple of months.
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That's the cooling pond. It's about a years with I think. Fissile material is incredible energy dense. One kilogram of enriched uranium is enough to power uhhh. A lot of stuff for s long time. The voyager for example has been out there since uhh. A log time. And it's own small littler radio isotope nuclear generator is what keeps it warm and alive.
The second stage is splitting stuff that could be useful,such as enriched uranium. 238 neutrons. It can still be used. And recycled. Wich many do.
The third kind is the bad kind. The stuff thats radioactive enough to be dangerous but not useful. Right now it is stored underground in metal and concrete husks.
This is of course bad. As it accumulates there and isn't useful.
However, there is not that much nuclear waste. It's actually doesn't take up that much space. And in the end you're putting radioactive rocks back were you found them.
here comes my favorite part.
it's called fast neutron fission reactors. Those are experimental reactors right now. So there aren't any used actevly. But they posses a very useful trait. They feed using nuclear waste. And guess what it produces as a result ?
This means it's an infinite energy glitch (not technically. Some of the matter is concerted to energy)
You put nuclear waste of normal reactors, in to fast neutron reactors ( also referd as breeder reactors or fast spectrum reactors) and get fuel back. And we'll 1 Gramm or so of trans uranics (the nasty nuclear waste) per ton. Wich tooooo be fair... it's just a Gramm, just pour it underground it'll be fine. Or keep it in a bottle as a lava lamp.
Altogether, nuclear reactors altho not as simple as burning coal or shining the sun at a panel. Are INCREDIBLY powerful. And are just misunderstood behemoths capable of boosting our civilization past the climate change. Many people fear them, but they shouldn't. They fear the complex, and refuse to learn about it.
Germany should really revisit it's nuclear policy.
Ah and by the way. Most biggest reason why we aren't building more faster is because they are expensive. However. Most of the cost comes from turbines and cooling stuff. The exact same as in coal power plants or gas powerplants. We can just put a kettle of cool rocks in there and get one free powerplant for relatively cheap and no CO2!!
Feel free to ask any questions, I have absolutely no problem with that. Also i apologize for my grammar and typos, I just don't wsnt to correct the entirety of the text. Hopefully I didn't screw something up badly.
Also @eltanin0 you might find this interesting to.
Bonus argument
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Literally rainworld irl
The last two are scientific reactors, nuclear powerplants don't look like this
Oh and a schematic just in case.
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Forgot to mention the control rods, it's just to stop neutrons when you don't need them. It's like graphite or similar. And its safer to be gravity droped so if there is suddenly no power they shutdown the reactor automatically.
Also one of the reasons Chernobyl went boom.
Yeah I'm definitely fucking autistic
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hawkssucks · 1 year
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tobeyiscooliohoolio · 2 years
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souplix · 1 year
new pfp the other one felt too formal
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pinkopalina · 2 years
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callieplush · 2 years
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beanie babies | nanook [x]
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Beanie Boo Journal
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hanjnah · 1 month
Lady at store tells me “hey you dropped your…” and points at my beanie baby on the floor, I pick it up and say thanks, and she smiles sort of sheepishly.. what, you couldn’t say hey u dropped your plushie? your beanie baby? have u never seen a beabie babi in your life? it’s ok..we are all thinking the same thing. you think I’m strange retarded and the letting a stranger know they dropped something thing came out instinctively, and by the time that happened it was too late to go back to a world where u didn’t have to interact with the strange quiet queer at the store. sorry u live in a world like that. I could teach you and your hippie husband with long hair many new interesting things, but you don’t want to live in that world. And as long as you don’t, neither do I. we go our sepret ways.
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ggenterslot · 2 days
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Hey beaby
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just spent like 15 minutes doing an absurdly overdue assignment and I turned it in like "oh Yeah i'm the Productivity master beaby"
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princessmo · 2 years
hello i'm high. ask me about the gay teachers from beabis and butthead
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tedfagoffski · 1 month
smiley zoey picures……let beaby be hapby…
she deserves to be so happy forever
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444namesplus · 10 months
Abby Able Acreart Acrequb Acto Ade Adon Agedly Aina Akip Ale Alerack Alitch Alk Alskk Ame Amet Ametan Amon Anass Anced Ancedio Ang Annits Anoters Appedwp Appercp Aracs Arak Arcib Arr Artedit Arthohk Artyree Ashohn Asome Aunege Bale Bars Bascle Beaby Behsnit Beinuo Beran Berin Bering Bernajg Bes Birs Bkon Bkong Blacent Ble Boines Bou Bourn Bous Bradond Brimcco Brist Brobec Bron Bry Bulowb Buted Buzzeu Cal Calf Camets Camn Canaj Canajwp Canth Car Cartatz Chices Chonron Cht Cled Coling Coliten Cols Colude Colvx Comehon Cony Coordsr Cordo Core Cors Cort Cosex Cove Cre Crepz Cristy Crommed Culd Culdo Cut Cutess Daki Dang Dant Daval Dell Derew Dideal Diting Docard Dona Donce Donye Dred Drep Drinkd Dwas Dwikey Dwils Edbyw Embx Ent Epk Erring Exe Execado Execn Exed Exs Feal Fen Fews Ficarts Fichebh Fies Firity Flasho Fle Ford Fraboi Freed Frey Fricly Frik Fring Frited Frort Fuld Gen Genzal Gerrigh Goi Goiner Goting Gracx Grafa Gravidn Grya Hain Hal Hale Haleew Haleyon Hall Hallate Haluxe Hanney Heat Helf Hene Hes Hina Hing Hitch Hitcher Hiw Hounale Houred Hug Hureek Iic Iics Iicsyj Iing Iirded Iirown Imazy Inesnb Ing Ingo Itch Ite Itk Ittled Jad Jan Jawarcq Jere Jock Jond Jonde Jone Kant Karr Kashot Katerad Ked Kelle Khal Khald Khalf Khalk Khams Khanty Khar Khay King Laing Lass Latew Lend Lex Lexr Lia Lick Lifick Listed Lord Lowe Lvd Lvies Lvin Lvk Mad Madock Mallist Man Mand Maraj Marcol Marter Mashon Mast Mastur Mat Matthy Mcard Mcce Mccf Meming Meo Migw Mih Milis Min Mine Minger Mixe Momn Mon Mona Mones Montits Moss Most Mosww Mot Motents Motize Mots Munalf Nierts Nina Noars Noll Norts Noted Obering Octow Ome Omme Orablen Orrings Ors Oth Owsmd Pace Pao Parr Pasaing Pavidng Pead Pearrit Peasts Ped Pend Peont Perts Phd Phong Pit Plaing Plity Pord Pors Pos Posing Pre Pric Prn Prod Prot Pubow Pufj Pufou Pulat Pull Rackby Racz Rearted Reed Reedis Reembsj Reet Reguell Rem Ren Rent Ress Ressyw Rette Rew Ric Rop Rowers Rowns Rugh Rugy Rune Sal Sams San Sana Saq Scemtv Sces Scluxh Scorty Scos Seant Sed Seelues Sellire Sellist Ses Shong Shoss Sid Sig Siggres Sigh Simest Sing Siphe Sohnch Solatch Somill Somot Spost Sted Ster Studial Sty Subjer Suble Supn Sur Taki Tenco Tens Teos Ter Teric Thal Theembp Ther Thew Thim Thity Thonmet Thorme Thron Thugh Thy Ticks Tin Tind Ting Tins Tiver Tonnale Tooklq Townz Trafv Unes Ung Unkv Verece Vidents Viebuml Vinalub Vindrj Wabbkx Wah Wal Waler Wan Wand Wanny Weertyj Wel Welerts Wer Wes Wevies Whis Whoss Whothen Wike Wilbure Wing Wings Wir Wittep Wizedcd Worrint Yon Yonces Yondre Yonst Yorly Yoryan Youly Youp
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pinkbrandt · 1 year
Feeling pain bc of too much exercising? Poor beaby make sure to rest my 👑 also did you just call me saranghe? That’s so cute omg 😍💗
I'm kinda learning korean and i just love it
I've been exercising too much. these days I'm with a big purple mark in my left thigh and some purple points in my right leg. but that's ok it's fine. the pain is gone (yeyyy can I get an amen???)
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gothizorua · 1 year
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