#be covered in a soft drink because you spilled it on yourself
communistmeme · 1 year
If you, as a man, aren't at least A LITTLE wet and pathetic, you'll never escape the dms
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queenie-avenue · 1 month
Live fast, die young, bad boys do it well.
—> he's loved the ice since he was a kid, but maybe he can love you too.
⤻ reader is female, yandere behaviour, possessive behaviour, thoughts of killing, small gore, obsessive behaviour, suggestive themes, mentions of alcohol, set in a university (all 18+), identity crisis moment lolol, [h/n] is hobby name
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The first time he met you was at a party. He couldn't exactly remember what you were doing, you were one of those people that were irrelevant to him. Whether you were dancing with your friends and screaming to the music of the party or slumped in a corner, restless and alone, he didn't know. All he knew was that some people talked about you and he registered your name into one of those in his mind.
He was an asshole like that, he supposed. Or maybe he didn't care. He didn't care because his only care in the world, should be Hockey.
His Father was a hockey player and he wanted to live up to that expectation. He wanted to surpass him in both fame and skill and that was his whole identity. His identity was tied to this sport.
His friends? People from his hockey team.
His girlfriends? Didn't really have any, but his requirement for being his girlfriend was that she needed to always come to watch his games.
Even his popularity was all intrinsically tied to his sport. Everyone knew him as the guy who became Captain of the Hockey team in just one year of joining.
The guy who everyone knew would be in the big leagues, up there with Nathan MacKinnon and Seth Jones.
He was so close to being signed on with a team.
Everything was about hockey, before everything became about you.
✧ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ✧
Sure, Clarke Meadows knew about you. But he didn't know about you.
Not until that day you stumbled on him inside one of the rooms of the frat house he was in. You had simply wanted to take a piss somewhere and since the toilets not connected to the bedrooms were all taken, probably from pent-up teenagers and people who were vomiting from all the alcohol and decided to take your luck and pray no one was inside blowing each other's backs out.
Even if they were, you honestly could overlook it for the sake of being able to finally relieve yourself.
That's when you stumbled upon his sad self.
He sprawled onto the bed, a spilled bottle of beer falling from his hands with a soft clink before rolling to the other bottles of miscellaneous alcohol strewn all over the floor. Your first instinct was to be worried because with the amount this dude was drinking, he could be suffering from food poisoning.
You made your way towards him and sat on the bed. "Hey, hey!" You called out, trying to wake him up by shaking him, worried that he had passed out or even worst, died.
He groaned and swatted your hands away like a baby being disturbed. "What the hell do you want?" He growled out, surprisingly hostile when he had always been somewhat polite to everyone around him. Just as he didn't know you, you didn't know him.
"Are you okay?" You asked, irregardless of his tone.
"Fuck... yes, I'm fine!" He snapped at you, covering his face as you noticed something sparkling in the dim lighting of the room. Tears? "Just quit being so loud." He told you. He must have drunk a lot for your whispers to be considered loud in his ears.
"No one drinks that much or starts crying when they're drunk because they're fine." You retorted as you watched him wipe away the tears on his face before sitting up. His drunk eyes focused on you, on your blurry figure and body. But your face seemed to be the clearest of them all. Your eyes, your lips, your eyebrows and cheekbones, everything shone as bright as the sun.
"You wouldn't get it." He said.
"Try me." You didn't know why you said that.
And perhaps out of drunken vulnerability, he replied, even when he didn't know why he did it. "Just... what am I supposed to do with my life?" He murmured.
You raised an eyebrow at his words. Wasn't he like some popular hockey dude? "Your hockey, I guess? I heard you like it." You said, completely forgetting about your need to pee.
"No, I don't- I don't know what I want. Besides my hockey, what else do I have?" He asked and your eyes widened at his words. What else did you know about Clarke Meadows beside his hockey skills? You tried to think. He liked hockey... he was popular and... yeah, you couldn't think, especially with all that alcohol stocked up in your mind.
"You have free will, you know." You reminded him.
"But then, my hockey." He slurred, like a baby.
"Is anyone holding you at gunpoint to only play hockey?" You asked.
"N-no." He murmured, as if his eyes have been opened.
"Then try new things, see where it takes you." You said as you dusted your skirt off and sighed. "No one can force you to do things you don't want to do."
"But I do like hockey." Oh my God, you wanted to just smack him over the head right now, he was acting like such a baby. "I love it. It's my whole life." You almost felt jealous of the sport. No one had ever said 'I love you' in such a way to you before.
"You can love different hobbies. We aren't like robots tuned into one thing. I like [h/n], but I also like [h/n]." You informed him. His dark blue eyes pierced into your [e/c] ones and you paused just to admire him. Gods, was he pretty. He was such a pretty boy it almost made you feel jealous that his face wasn't yours. "An- anyway," you felt embarrassed for imparting advice when you weren't even that smart, "just think about it. I'm not forcing you to try new stuff either. Ultimately, it's your choice." You flustered and eventually went to the bathroom after remembering your urges.
When you came out, he was already gone.
✧ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ✧
For the next few days, you felt eyes on you. Dark blues one, but you didn't know that. You stopped going home alone every night after your later classes and you started carrying pepper spray with you as an extra precaution. Yet, every time you turned around, you couldn't see anyone following you.
You even felt it when you were resting in the university's courtyard.
Of course, as the readers of this fic knows, it was Clarke Meadows.
Sure, your words were cheesy and kind of cringe but you made him feel seen, outside of his talents. Maybe it was by accident, but in the world, there were no accidents, just fate. And he decided that it was fate to have met you and be comforted by you. You didn't need to do this but you did anyway, and he had grown completely smitten for you.
He collected a pen that fell from your bag, he bought perfumes, shampoos, body wash, conditioners that smelled like you just so he could wash himself with them and convince himself the scent was from his dreams of cuddling next to you. He collected the trash that you threw, putting them in a ziplog bag like a complete freak and dumpster diver. He followed you home to ensure no unsavoury people were stalking you... which was ironic. He even kept watch for you whenever he could during your lunch times.
When you talked to another person, he thought of all the different ways he could slam his hockey stick into their head or shins. He imagined how it would be like to be bloody and have you wipe away the red. He wanted to kiss you while he enveloped you in the blood of his rivals.
But for now, he'd be a silent protector, by your side.
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"Don't worry, my saviour, I'll keep you safe."
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veritasangel · 1 month
⋆ 。⋆ fem pov ୨୧˚ warnings: none ↣ {wc: 1.5k}
older knight! simon - one︱two︱three︱four︱five︱six
a/n: this series still has a few more parts with a bonus one at the end, but i'm going to delay them a little so you guys don't get sick of me lmao
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The cottage you're in for your honeymoon was picturesque, a quaint little refuge tucked away from the rest of the world. The ivy-covered walls, soft chirping of birds and the fresh air felt like some much deserved peace.
You and Simon stepped out onto the sun-dappled path as you walked together. Hands entwined as you walked towards the meadow that stretched before you. The sky above was a canvas of endless blue sprinkled with cotton clouds crossing lazily across the horizon. The air held the sweet scent of blooms mingling with freshly cut grass.
"Isn't it magical?" you said, your voice tender in the gentle breeze. You smiled up at him, the sun catching in his eyes and turning them into pools of liquid gold. "It's like we've stepped into a fairy tale," you whispered, leaning into his warmth with happiness threatening to spill over the edges of your heart.
Fairy tales aren't real.
Or at least that's what he would've said before, but now- seeing how you look at him, it makes him think they might be.
"I think you're a fairy tale," he said, his voice gentle.
Simon's words wrapped around you in a soft embrace. You reached out and brushed your fingers against his cheek, marvelling at the tenderness that had come so naturally between you two.
"And you're my knight in shining armour," you returned, teasing the idea with a smile. "You rescued me from a life that I didn't know needed saving. You've given me the happiness I've been dreaming of."
He led you to a blanket spread under the shade of a willow tree. Its long, sweeping branches formed a natural canopy that made a private haven for just the two of you. "I didn't 'rescue' you. You've always been able to handle yourself just fine without me."
“Must you always be so- practical... Can't you just take a compliment?” you chuckled lightly.
Simon flopped onto his back, propping himself up on one elbow as he turned to look at you. "It's just hard to get used to the feeling that a person like you views me so highly, I suppose," he admitted, his voice tinged with awe.
You reached out, your fingers trailing gently along his arm. "Well, you'd better get used to it," you teased, "It's going to be a common occurrence in this marriage. No more self deprecation." you said as you cupped his face and waited for him to nod.
Slowly, purposefully, Simon nodded, his eyes never leaving yours. "I promise," he said, his voice steady and resolute. "I will see myself through your eyes, and I will believe in the man you see."
He sat back up, as he reached into the hamper, grabbing a bottle of rosé and two glasses. He poured out the liquid, effervescent in the and handed you a glass.
"To us," he toasted, his eyes never leaving yours.
"To our forever," you replied, your glass touching his softly.
As you took a sip, the sweetness of the drink mixed with the loving air of this moment, and Simon swept a fallen strand of hair behind your ear. His fingers continued on to trace the line of your jaw, and that tenderness, that made your heart flutter.
"Is this the first time you've ever felt truly relaxed?" you couldn't help but ask.
Simon acted like he was thinking about the answer, and he felt his face flush because it was an immediate yes in his head. He knows you can see through him, especially when you laugh after his extended contemplation.
"I can tell." you began as you rested a hand on his shoulder, "You're not tense- You're going with the flow…Your hair is-."
"Hey- what's wrong with my hair?" he interrupts with a chuckle, a hand on his chest in mock offence.
"Nothing's wrong with it," you teased, a twinkle in your eye. "It's just a bit… unruly. But in a charming, carefree way."
Simon laughed, shaking his head. "Unruly? I think that's a fancy way of saying I look like a mess."
You playfully ruffled his hair. "A handsome mess," you corrected, your voice gentle. "It suits you—But, if you want, I can cut it for you, maybe help you shave too."
Simon raised an eyebrow, his lips curving into a smirk. "And let you take a blade to my face? You must think I'm a lot braver than I am."
You chuckled, lightly brushing your thumb across his lower lip. "I promise I'll be gentle. Besides, you've handled far more dangerous things. A little shave shouldn't scare you."
"But a razor in the hands of my beloved? That's a different kind of terror." Simon joked.
You giggled, leaning closer. "Shush, I'll be careful, I swear."
He smiled, sidewise, cocking his head a bit. "As for the haircut…what if you cut it lopsided?"
You playfully pouted at him, giving him a sort of mock-stern face. "Well, then I guess you'll just have to charm everyone with your rugged appearance. It's a good thing you're a knight with a silver tongue."
He smiled at you, a contented silence filling the air. You leaned back against a tree, and he rested his head on your lap as you both burrowed under the shade of a willow tree.
"Well, I suppose if it looks bad, that's just an excuse to extend our honeymoon…you know, to let it grow back out?" he quipped, a smirk on his face.
You laughed softly and gently ran your fingers through his hair as he rested his head on your lap. "A clever excuse indeed. You always seem to find a way to turn any situation into an opportunity for more time together."
His eyes locked with yours, shining with merriment. "You caught me," he said, his lips playing with the thought of a smile. "But can you blame me? Every moment with you feels like a precious gift."
You smiled and then bent down to place a tender kiss on his forehead. "Well, if that's your intention, I'm certainly not about to argue. I'm quite fond of these lazy afternoons with you."
Simon sighed, very satisfied, and closed his eyes. He felt a moment of satisfaction. "I could stay here forever," he said, his voice only just above a whisper. "With you, everything feels different. Lighter. You make everything feel right. Like we were always meant to be here, in this moment, together."
It was then that you knew this honeymoon wasn't going to be a brief phase, but a lifetime of treasured memories. A soft breeze stirred the willow branches above, and your fingertips moved along his jaw. "I've been thinking," you said softly, "this cottage is cute, homely."
Simon's eyes opened once more. He looked at you steadily, sensing the change in your mind. "Go on," he said, his voice low with anticipation.
"Perhaps, a good place for a family," you mumbled, the words laced with hope. It felt like a thin thread arcing from the present into a future that the two of them had only dared dream about. Of course it's not like Simon wasn't already trying to get you pregnant, but voicing it aloud like this felt different.
Simon had already imagined it a thousand times, that morning alone. As nice as the castle is, with all those grand halls and bustling corridors. The privacy of a cottage does offer something more intimate, more serene. He could picture the laughter of children, echoing through the meadows, in wildflowers and rustling leaves, with tiny feet darting between sunlit patches of grass.
He turned his face a bit upwards towards you; his expression was tender as he gave you a soft smile. "I've thought about it too," he confessed; his voice was warm with emotion. "There's something about this cottage that has just felt right, a perfect little haven. It's peaceful."
Simon's eyes gleamed with tenderness and longing. "I already see us here, building our own traditions, filling this place with our own memories," he said, very serious, and reached out to sit up, his finger gliding along your cheek.
There was a flutter in your stomach at the thought of it, imagining Simon in that family role. "I'd love that," you whispered. You leaned in close and then rested your forehead to his, embracing this lovely picture of the future. "Let's make it our home."
Simon leaned forward, brushing his lips across yours to give you a light, gentle kiss. His eyes gleamed, full of love and a determination almost palpable, as he pulled back to look at you. "We'll make it everything we've ever hoped for," he vowed.
You both fell silent then, your shared vision settling about you like a warmth. The sun, wrapped the meadow in a golden glow and cast a shimmering halo about the two of you.
Here, on this honeymoon with you, he felt the truth of something he had once doubted. Fairy tales must be real, for he knows now that he's living in one.
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༄ taglist:
@nijiru @lostrosemary @terralupa @vmaxis @alucardsdaddyissues
@s-a-v-a-n-a-34 @faridathefairy @lillysfrogsandbogs @backgroundgirl887 @dutch3-10
༄ cod m.list
© veritasangel ↣ 𝘥𝘰 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘤𝘰𝘱𝘺 𝘢𝘯𝘺 𝘰𝘧 𝘮𝘺 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘬𝘴
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izufeels · 2 months
description: as model! momo’s PA, you have a lot of interesting interactions
content warning: meet-cutes; flirting; no one really likes katsuki; stress y/n
You don’t hate your job. Actually, you really like your job. You like Momo and her friends, you like flying to different countries every week— even if that means you can’t ever make your own plans— and you especially like the money.
What you don’t like, is the hours upon hours spent in a sketchy warehouse with no air conditioning. Which, in retrospect, isn’t the worst place Momo has had a shoot, but it’s definitely the most unbearable.
You’re surrounded by models, obviously, and their own overly-snobby PA’s— whom you’d probably rather die than talk to.
And it’s hot. Insufferably hot. Triple digits hot. You regret wearing your hoodie and you regret not wearing a shirt under it even more.
You would say something to Momo, but she’s in front of a white backdrop with her arms draped over Shoto Todoroki— world famous model and your second favorite nepo baby.
And then your phone buzzes. You tear your eyes away from Momo and Shoto, looking down at your phone. “Oh,” you whisper, standing up from your chair. The notification is from DoorDash— Momo’s matcha latte has arrived.
So you get up without excusing yourself— because the people around you wouldn’t care anyway. You walk to the door, get the drink, and make your way back to your seat.
And, because you’re so engrossed in your phone, you don’t see the man headed straight for you and you slam directly into the front of him. The matcha latte spills down his torso and you’re frozen in fear.
You’re not looking up at his face yet— too mortified— but you can tell he’s a model just from the compression shirt and washboard abs that the drink is covering.
Imagine your surprise when you look up and see the Katsuki Bakugou standing in front of you.
Katsuki Bakugou; famous Japanese model, nepo baby and world class asshole. Or, so you’ve heard. You haven’t had the pleasure of meeting him, only listened to Momo and her friends bitch about him.
But, looking at him now, he’s kind of cute. Okay, he’s more than cute, he’s hot. His jawline is chiseled and his eyes are a dangerous shade of red that makes you want to commit atrocities not yet heard of.
“Holy shit,” you breathe out. “Holy shit, holy shit, holy shit. Oh my god, I’m so sorry. I wasn’t even watching where I was going and- oh my god. This is so embarrassing. I’m so sorry. I- oh my god.”
He looks down at his shirt, annoyance flickering across his face for less than a second before disappearing. His eyes narrow but, somehow, you can tell there’s no heat behind them. “S’fine,” he mumbles, sighing.
The silence is awkward for several seconds when, finally, you manage to open your mouth. “I um, I can pay for your shirt,” you offer, voice soft. “Like uh, for dry cleaning and stuff. Because, you know… I- I ruined it.”
He looks down at his shirt again as if he’d forgotten about the giant stain. A small chuckle bubbles up from his chest and he shakes his head, looking back at you. “Nah, don’t bother. Ain’t the first time this has happened.”
“What?” You furrow your brows and tilt your head. “You’ve had multiple girls spill matcha latte on your shirt because they were too busy scrolling on Instagram?”
He snorts, eyes sparkling with amusement. “Not exactly,” he chuckles. “but I’ve had people spill way worse on me. So, a little green liquid is like a walk in the park.”
You sense the eyes on you. You can hear the whispers. But, at this moment, it’s just you two. His red eyes staring into your own. “I’m Y/n,” you say, sticking your hand out. “Momo’s PA.”
He regards your hand with a blank stare, like he isn’t sure why it’s being extended to him, but, eventually, he takes it. His hand is so much bigger than yours and a shock runs the length of your arm as his palm meets yours. He grips you a little tighter than necessary. “Katsuki.”
“You’re a model, right?” You already know the answer, but you don’t want the conversation to end.
For some reason, your question makes Katsuki preen. He puffs his chest out slightly, clearly proud of the fact that you actually know who he is, and nods. “And a damn good one,” he says, a smirk finding its way onto his lips.
You open your mouth, but Momo’s voice cuts through the air and makes you turn. “Y/n!” she exclaims, briskly walking over to you. “Hey, are you okay? Is he bothering you?” she turns to him and narrows her eyes. “Why are you harassing her? I’ll pay for the shirt, for fucks sake. Go away.”
The smirk slides off his face in a heartbeat. He shoots your friend a glare and opens his mouth to respond. “I’m not harassing her,” he growls. “She ran into me like a dumbass. Dropped her own drink. Not my fault.”
“W- well it’s not really my drink-” you gasp and your eyes widen once more. “Momo! Oh my god, your drink! I’m so sorry! I spilled it everywhere!”
She holds up a hand and shakes her head, stopping you from delving into a second round of apologies. “It’s fine,” she says, shooting a sharp glare at Katsuki. “I just hope he didn’t give you too much trouble. Come on, let’s go. I’m done here anyway.”
tags; @sazankahanei @mimidonottouch
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veryberryjelly · 4 months
🍸 + Dick Grayson with prompt no.58 with his fem!reader pls 🫶
dick grayson x reader
lyrics ; ' says random 'i love you's throughout the day ' [ lowkey wayne family adventures style dick more than titans ]
𝐍𝐀𝐕𝐈𝐆𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 ✦ 𝐲𝐨𝐮'𝐫𝐞 𝐢𝐧𝐯𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐲 𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐫 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐲 !
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you had spent the night at wayne manor before, but never had you spent more than three days there.
and now you were spending two weeks in dick's childhood bedroom because your apartment building was being fumigated.
you were currently sat on the floor of dick's childhood bedroom, your clothes spilling out of a suitcase as you searched for something to wear in your underwear.
when the door opened your instinct was to cover yourself with whatever you could find considering that jason had walked in on you in your underwear last week.
but when you spotted the familiar sight of your boyfriends muscular arms and bare chest, his hands full of two mugs.
" morning " he said as he offered one out to you, sitting himself down on the desk chair after he pressed a kiss to the top of your head.
" morning " you replied, your heart warming as you turned to face him, abandoning the task of finding an outfit. " i miss our apartment " you lamented, leaning back against his closet as you took a sip of the warm drink.
" i know, me too. as much as i love you, you have a lot of stuff that needs to go back in your closet. "
his joke let a soft laugh fall from your lips. if it weren't for dick you weren't sure how you would be handling this.
you stood from the floor, setting your coffee down on his desk before sitting down on his lap, your arms looping around his neck while his dropped down to your waist.
" just a few more days and we'll be back in our bed, and we won't have to worry about locking doors anymore " his teasing let another round of laughs echo against the bedroom walls.
--- ⎉ ---
staying at wayne manor definitely came with its positives, including the huge kitchen you could use to make your meals.
the huge fridge and vast counter space made it easy to make slightly more elaborate meals.
including making your own pesto for your sandwich and for the rest of the house to use if they so pleased.
you were mid way through cutting up some basil when a pair of arms wrapped around your torso, halting your movements so you didnt injure yourself or him by being distracted with a blade in your hand.
you spun in his grip, your arms lifting to wrap around his neck as your head tilted back to look at him.
" how was your workout ?" you questioned, noting his much sweatier appearance than when he had left you this morning.
" good, tiring, kicked jasons ass. " a laugh reverberated through his chest causing a smile to spread on your lips. " what're you doing ?"
" making pesto for lunch. you want a sandwich ?"
his response came in the form of his head dropping down to press a short kiss to your lips.
" please. i'm gonna shower, but i'll be back before you finish "
another kiss to your lips before his hands started to pull back from your waist.
" i love you " he whispered.
" i love you too. now go shower, you smell "
--- ⎉ ---
as the day wound down, and the manor emptied with bat boys going on patrol around dothan city, you found yourself exploring the building as you did every night.
so far, your favourite place was the balcony on a guest room on the top floor of the house. it was quiet, you could see the forest surrounding the manor, and so far every night you had been lounging there, dick had pulled himself up over the balcony after patrol to greet you.
tonight was no different.
you had been lounging on a woven chair with some music playing from your phone as you watched the trees sway gently in the breeze.
hands clasping at the metal railing made you jump out of your skin, your hand shooting up to clutch at your chest.
" jesus, dick. what the hell? you scared the shit out of me " you could feel your pulse racing under your fingertips.
" sorry sweetheart " he said as he sat down on the accompanying deck chair to yours, peeling his mask off of his face and dropping it down on the table. " thought i'd tell you that we can go back to the apartment tomorrow. they've finished fumigating. got the message when i was out on patrol "
your shoulders sagged in relief.
" thank god. " you practically groaned, standing from your chair and draping yourself across the practically solid surface of dick's thighs, curling into his form. " baby, i love you, and your family. but i dont think i could've lasted past tonight. i want to go to sleep tomorrow night in my underwear and not have to worry about scarring your brothers "
" they've seen much worse, baby, dont worry. "
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jenosfairygirl · 8 months
y/n being fucked by haechan and jeno after dance practice.
(this ones a little longer- bc I forgot to upload it <3- enjoy)
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"that's a wrap everyone" the choreographer shouts loudly with her voice booming and echoing off dance room walls.
you had been invited by jeno to watch the boys dance because they had a huge award show performance coming up and jeno was ecstatic for you being there, giving you puppy eyes when he first made the proposal.
mark filled the room loudly with his laugher over something jaemin and renjun had said, but you where to distracted watching jeno to pay attention to their conversation.
he sported black sweat shorts and over sized while t-shirt today, with a low baseball cap covering his cool silky black hair. jeno decided he wanted to grow his hair out in a shaggy like cut for your likes sake. it made you absolutely feral.
haechan notices you sitting on the floor and walks his way over you holding out a bottle of water, you notice this and glady accept the cool drink from the boy. haechan was one of the most cherished and loved members, so how could you resist?
"haechan, jeno- where going to go watch a movie at chenle's, wanna join us?" jisung says loudly with his deep voice bouncing off the walls.
by this time, most of the staff & dancers had left and the only people are where their personal management and the boys themselves.
"hmm im going to stay behind with jeno for a bit- ill meet you guys there" haechan says while plopping himself right next you against the cool glass mirror.
mark didn't question haechans repsonse and the rest of dream piled out the door with marks laughter following suit.
jeno went to back to practicing in the center of the dance floor, and you couldn't help but admire his physique.
you kept staring at him- biting your lip and squirming slightly until you where abruptly snapped out your thoughts.
"helllooo- earth to y/n...hellooo" haechan states waving his hand in your face.
"im sorry haha, I got lost in thought" you say, adjusting your lower half, feeling your thighs ruled with wetness.
"no sweat haha, if I where you i'd look too" he says staring off at jeno like a wildness thought.
you feel the wetness in your thighs grow- you never had thoughts of other dream members until jaemin and now...haechan? I mean he was like your best friend.
you ignore what he says and stand up to stretch only for haechan to reveal your embarrassing mess on the floor.
"uh..y/n, did you uhm.." he trails off, staring down at the wet spot left on the cream colored dance floor.
"oh my god" you say softly, with your pinkish cheeks heating up with embarrassment, you then cover up your face with your hands and slightly chuckle to yourself.
jeno notices and makes his over to you both - just to also see the same wet spot on the floor- "this is so embarrassing" you mutter quietly.
jeno and haechan shoot deep eye glances at each other then haechan lets out a low deep chuckle.
"hmm you know y/n, I know all about last week" he says standing up making his way over to meet you and jeno.
you look at jeno and shoot him the 'oh no you didn't spill' look, but to your surprise jeno grabs you by your arm and presses your body against his-with your ass against his bulge.
he was so hard, so thick and his cock was practically coming out of his shorts.
you where now facing haechan- a horny embarrassed mess- with your hair falling in front of your face.
haechan slowly stands over you, using his hand to slide your hair behind your ear, grabbing you by your chin with soft delicate fingers.
he bends down and inches himself near until his warm soft lips are touching your ears. you felt the warm breath come from his mouth and that sent tingles and shivers down your spine.
"jaemin couldn't stop talking about tight you where" he says softly and deeply -making you squirm between the two men.
"je-jeno" you slightly moan. you could feel his dick poke out of his pants, with your free hand you grab it and began stroking the boy behind you, hearing his breath hiss as he feels your cold hand on his angry hot tip.
"do you want me and haechan to fuck you baby? do you wanna see how much of a slut you truly are?" jeno spits in your ear- making you moan instantly. you nod your head profusely and slightly begin begging under your breath.
"hmm I can't wait to see what you look like bouncing on my cock baby" haechan whispers softly in your other ear.
jeno then quickly slides his hot hands under your hoodie- grabbing your tits and feeling your nipples harden. he then begins kissing your neck roughly- biting and sucking every area, letting everyone know you where his.
"hmm let me see how wet you are pretty girl" haechan spits roughly- he then yanks your shorts down, only to find out- today you weren't wearing any underwear
"no panties baby?" jeno asks deeply still continuing to play with your tits.
then without words you see haechan get on his knees in front of you, spreading apart your sticky wet thighs your honey, he then kisses up your legs making his way past your knees and biting your thighs. the warm wet salvia from haechans mouth made a even bigger mess as he began working his soft bites and kisses near your pussy.
with jenos dick still in your hand- you speed up, jacking him off at steady yet fast pace. jeno moans in your ear and lifts up your hoodie to expose your tits to the cool air of the room.
"fu-fuck please- fuck me please" you stammer out- almost crying due to the edging your enduring.
you then feel haechans mouth on your pussy- sucking and laping circles into your clit as fast as possible.
you let out a soft yet harsh moan, squeezing jenos dick in your hand- begging for some time of stimulation from them.
"fuck this-" jeno states, undoing his tangle around you- taking away haechans mouth from your throbbing core.
"what do you have in mind?" haechan says to jeno- now laying down on the cold floor- stroking his long fat cock.
you never thought in a million years that haechans dick would be so long and big..would it even be able to fit inside you?
"on top of him-now" jeno spits at you- grabbing you by the back of your neck and nudging you towards haechan.
you do as you where told and climb on top of him, feeling dick right at the entrance of your pussy.
you then feel jeno behind you- bending you over in doggy with his cock at your ass entrance.
"baby..I-" you mutter softly- not being all so sure you can handle the boys at the same time.
you feel jenos weight fill itself into your back and his warm sweet breath near your ear-
"if you want us to stop, just say the word baby" he says kissing your ear again softly.
you open your eyes- not even noticing they where closed to see haechan staring at you.
his cheeks where pink, his hair was all over the place and you notice his pupils where dilated. you never looked at him this way, but my god did he look delicious.
without warning-both boys slip there cocks into you, stretching you out and filling you up like a donut.
they then begin to move in rhythm like drummers- with one bouncing after the other.
the sounds of their balls smacking against you and your moans filled the air. you look up to see yourself sandwiched between the two men and that sent you into over drive.
"mo-more. please h-ha-harder" you moan out loudly, with your nails digging into haechans shoulders to keep your stable.
"mm you like this don't you? you're such a fucking slut my god" haechan mumbles while sucking your nipple. you bounce yourself fast aghast the boys- feeling jenos finger tangle themselves in your hair. he yanks your head back to force your eyes land on the mirror in front of you.
"look at yourself. getting fucked by me and my best friend" jeno spits putting his fingers around your throat and squeezing roughly.
"god- fuck! can I cum- please" you beg softly while still bouncing at full speed. you arch your back more so you can feel them go deeply inside you, you let at cry at how good it felt.
the slapping of wetness and moans filled the air and it made you see stars. you couldn't help but start begging for it- begging for something- you wanted to be like this for all of eternity.
"can I cum inside you doll?" haechan asks while slapping your nipple roughly, you nod and muster out "please- please please" you moan
"who's slut are you? who do you belong to?" jeno asks while restlessnessly pounding into your ass.
'you! jeno I belong to you!" you scream loudly- noting that anybody would be able to hear you at this point.
"fuck- fuck im gonna cum-" haechan says squirming beneath you then he using your hips slamming into your pussy at maximum speed.
"fuck- ah shit" jeno moans- noting that he's about the cum- grabbing your ass cheeks roughly- spreading them apart to look at his and haechans dick going in and out your abused holes.
"cum for us us baby" they both said simultaneously and with those words it sent you spiraling.
you felt the world around you collapse and your vision became nothing more than a hazy bubble with birds and fairies dancing around your head.
you felt their cocks twitch inside of you filling you lip with their warm sticky cum.
they stop moving with their dicks still inside you-using this moment to catch their breath and wipe the sweat off their foreheads.
haechan was the first to remove his dick- with the exist of it leaving a 'pop' sound as it it was opening champagne for the first time.
jeno then followed suit- taking his cock out of you- leaving you trembling and shaking in pain.
you then plop yourself into haechans warm chest- to tired to move your body or speak at all.
you feel jeno grab you and slowly begin to put your clothes on. he slides his over sized white tee and slides it onto you- filling your aura and bubble with his warm vanilla/burbon scent.
you snuggle in the shirt and you fall asleep in jenos arms.
"I hopes she's going to be okay.." haechan asks while fixing his pants and slides on his pants walking towards his duffle bag full of stuff.
"she'll be fine" jeno states in a shy tone-while stroking your pink flushed cheeks.
"nothing a little sleep can't fix" he says while holding you closely, kissing your forehead at you laid there fast asleep.
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suashii · 10 months
꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ 𝒲𝐼𝒩𝒯𝐸𝑅 𝒲𝒪𝒩𝒟𝐸𝑅𝐿𝒜𝒩𝒟 — christmas-y and winter-esque activities with the hq boys !
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info ⭑ includes: suna rintaro, kuroo tetsuro, & miya atsumu ノ 1.8k wc ノ sfw ノ fluff ノ one suggestive bit in kuroo's ノ food
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“geez, want some cocoa with your whipped cream?” you ask suna, suspiciously eyeing the gradually growing mass of whipped cream overflowing the rim of his mug. the sound of pressurized air fills the kitchen, louder than that of the christmas tunes playing from the speaker of your phone. you’re sure the can will start sputtering before he lets up on the nozzle but when the tower threatens to fall, suna finally pulls the can away.
he licks off a bit of cream from his finger before grabbing a handful of marshmallows from the bag and sprinkling them on top of his makeshift castle. some of them sink into the fluffy whipped topping while others are littered about the counter. despite the mess he’s made, suna turns to you with a satisfied smile. “this is the right way to do cocoa.”
“mhm,” you hum before taking a sip from your own mug of hot chocolate—which has only a reasonable amount of whipped cream, you might add. “how do you plan on drinking it though?”
his smile slowly falls as he considers the functionality of his masterpiece. you try not to laugh at the disappointment that accompanies his realization but you can’t help the way your lips wobble as you hold back the sound. you practically see the gears turning in his head as he considers the ways he can drink the beverage without spilling the topping all over his pajamas. it isn’t long before he shrugs his shoulders and admits defeat.
“well, it was legendary while it lasted,” suna says, more to himself than to you. that much makes you chuckle a bit but a hearty laugh is yanked from your chest when suna dips down to level his tower of whipped cream. when he lifts his head up to face you, his cheeks are puffed out like a chipmunk and the white topping decorates his lips. 
through your laughter, you’re able to get out one statement. “you look ridiculous.”
“do i?” he asks with his mouth still full, his words jumbled.
“gross!” you playfully push him away and shield your eyes with your other hand. you can feel the way his chest rumbles with laughter but you wait a few seconds before peeking through your fingers to see if he’s closed his mouth. he has and his cheeks are deflated, too, the corner of his lips tugging them into a grin. they’re still covered in whipped cream.
“plan on wiping your mouth?” you gesture to the lower half of his face with your pointer finger.
“nah,” he shakes his head, moving your hand from his chest to close the gap between the two of you, “i was hoping you’d do that for me.”
you snort at his lame attempt to get a kiss from you. and it must not be that lame because you don’t turn him down. instead, you boost yourself onto your tippy toes and wrap your arms around his neck before pressing your lips against his.
suna leans into the kiss, his hands making a home on your hips. his lips are soft in their slow dance with yours and they taste sweet, with a hint of vanilla—surely from the chapstick he stole from you. you let yourself enjoy the moment of heavenly bliss just a while longer before pulling away.
“better?” he asks, his breath mingling with yours.
there’s still whipped cream spotting the corners of his lips and cheeks and you can feel it on your mouth now. you smile and shake your head. “a napkin would probably work better than a kiss.”
“so… it’s kind of tall, right?” you scan the christmas tree from the bottom to the top before turning to face kuroo.
his expression mirrors yours as he examines the tree, eyebrows knit together in deep thought. “definitely tall.”
it’s the first time you’re celebrating the holiday together somewhere that isn’t a dorm room or cramped studio apartment, the first time the two of you have been able to splurge on a tree larger than the miniature two-foot ones you’re familiar with. you both must have gotten lost in the excitement when you picked out the nine-foot tree from the store. sure, it fits nicely in the nook of your wrap-around staircase, but it seems neither of you considered how you’d decorate the massive thing without a ladder—or even a step stool.
the dining chairs are still unassembled in their boxes like much of the furniture in your new home, so those aren’t an option to use as something you can climb. nothing in your sparsely furnished home is really an option. prioritizing getting the tree pretty for christmas over setting up the rest of the house may not have been the greatest idea in hindsight. 
“any ideas?” you ask kuroo, hoping that maybe he thought this through a bit more than you had.
“well, we can reach over the railing to get the side closest to the stairs,” he starts, running a hand through the messy raven strands of hair, “but we’ll have to find another way to get to the other side.”
“yeah,” you sigh, “there’s not much to climb in here, though.”
kuroo looks like he’s about to agree with you when his amber eyes light up in sudden realization. he finally turns to meet your gaze and there’s a goofy grin on his face when he does. “what’s that look?”
“you can climb me,” he suggests.
you roll your eyes but a smile graces your lips as you do so. “you’d like that, wouldn’t you?”
“i meant that you can get on my shoulders, you perv.” his arm wraps around your waist and pulls you into his side, lithe fingers pinching at your midsection. you giggle into his shirt before swatting his hand away.
“that works, too.” you tip your chin up and smile at him. “start from the bottom and work our way up?”
kuroo nods. “you know it.”
getting the quilted skirt down and hanging up ornaments—a mix of store-bought and the ones you and kuroo have made over the years—on the lower half of the tree is an easy task. you didn’t realize how much fun having more blank canvas to work with would be, how silly it would be to playfully argue with kuroo over the placement of ribbon garland and colorful bulbs.
when it’s time to decorate the top, kuroo squats down for you to hop on. you climb atop his shoulders easily and it reminds you of high school when he’d parade you around the court up on his shoulders so that you could see the world from his perspective. as you go between holding kuroo’s head to keep your balance and hooking the ornaments on branches, it becomes clear that, in this ever-changing world, some things do stay the same.
maybe not having a ladder wasn’t so bad.
“i don’t think i’ve ever seen someone cut so crooked when they have a built-in guide to follow,” you comment, snickering as you watch atsumu’s scissors run awry on the dotted line of the wrapping paper from the corner of your eye. there’s something funny about seeing someone who’s so capable on the court struggle to follow a dotted line.
“hey!” atsumu tries to cover his not-so-straight edge of wrapping paper from your view. there’s a glint of annoyance in his caramel-colored eyes as he scolds you for paying too much attention to his work. “focus on yer own wrapping, will ya?”
his defensiveness only makes you laugh harder, but you raise your hands in mock surrender before scouring through the bag of bows to find the perfect one to match the snowmen on your paper. a sparkly red one matches the scarves each of the little men are sporting so you pluck it from the bag, peel off the backing, and stick it on the center of your neatly wrapped box.
“that’s one done for me,” you announce as you stand up. your eyes unconsciously make their way back to atsumu’s workspace. he's moved on from cutting and is trying to fold the paper around the box now, but the sheet isn’t as tight as it should be and he’s using way more tape than the job warrants. you’re tempted to poke some more fun at him but you hold back the urge. you don’t want him to quit in the middle of the process. instead, you ask him, “want a cookie?”
he hums and nods, tongue poked out between his lips in concentration. you may give him a hard time, but it’s cute to see him putting in so much effort. you give him a quick kiss on his forehead before venturing off to the kitchen to get each of you a festive treat.
you survey the plate of cookies osamu sent over yesterday to pick out one fitting for atsumu, settling on the reindeer with a bright red nose. it reminds you of how atsumu looks when he’s battling a cold. with a smile, you grab that cookie and one for yourself and make your way back to the living room, nibbling on the treat along the way. atsumu is putting the finishing touches on the gift he’s wrapping.
“all done?” you ask, plopping down beside him. the entire box is covered in paper decorated with snowflakes and he even tied a ribbon around the gift. it isn’t nearly as neat as yours, but you keep your mouth shut so as to not upset the man who’s looking at the gift with a frown.
he pushes the present out of the way in favor of dragging his cookie to the place on the coffee table in front of him. “it looks terrible,” he complains, breaking off the antler of the reindeer and tossing it in his mouth. if he was busy chewing, you’re sure his lips would be stuck out in a pout.
“i think it’s cute,” you try to reassure him.
“it’s not as good as yers,” he sulks.
“but it has the atsumu charm!” you exclaim. the rise of your voice catches astumu’s attention and he turns to you with widened eyes. “people will be lucky to get a gift with so much character!”
to anyone else, your words might be comforting. but atsumu knows you better than that. he grins, hand coming up to pinch your cheek. “yer so full of shit.”
you laugh and swat his hand away. “you got me. it might look like a 10-year-old wrapped it but i need all the help i can get. so, keep at it, big guy.”
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hey there, it's manon :3 ! thank you for giving this a read! if you enjoyed, please consider reblogging and/or leaving a comment! much love from me to you ❤︎
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wileys-russo · 10 months
humbling requesting a fic (bc the wonderland mag pics have me DEAD) where reader gets all flustered when alessia wears a tie and at some point pulls her in for a kiss by her tie bc reader just can resist anymore 🫣
i mean...it had to be done wonderland II a.russo
"thank you." you smiled warmly as you heard your name and grabbed the tray of coffees, weaving your way out of the small but busy cafe and making a beeline for the car, hurrying as the weather looked like it could break at any second.
you balanced the tray in one hand and yanked open luca's door with the other, carefully sliding inside and placing the coffees on his middle console as you shut the door.
"i can't believe you're drinking an iced coffee it's like four degrees." luca chuckled as he and alessia grabbed their own, your girlfriend kissing your cheek appreciatively as you leaned forward to take yours.
"she could be stuck in the snow and she'd still choose an iced drink over a warm one." alessia chuckled knowingly as you hummed in agreement, mouth full of coffee as luca started the car up again.
"so what is this shoot for again?" you questioned, covering your yawn with your hand, the time not quite yet reaching eight in the morning. "wonderland magazine." luca answered, alessia too busy messing about with the music in the passenger seat.
this wasn't how you'd planned your day to go. woken up to gentle kisses along your shoulder blades as you melted into your girlfriends arms, eyes squeezed shut and doing your best to ignore her soft warnings that apparently now the two of you needed to be up soon.
you knew she had the photo shoot today as it had been circled on the calendar for weeks now given alessia couldn't function without a physical schedule of all her multitude of commitments both on and off the football pitch.
you rarely accompanied her to shoots or interviews which is why it was out of the norm for her to so badly want you to. though she'd put it down to the pair of you being separated for the majority of the week with work commitments
the two of you though incredibly smitten both vastly independent and not afraid to give one another space whenever it was needed. both having lived alone for a couple of years before you'd moved in together that had also been an adjustment, but communication such a pivotal key in your relationship it had been a smooth one.
the car ride went far too quickly and suddenly you were shrinking away from the hustle and bustle of the packed out warehouse where the shoot was being held. you stuck by luca's side as he mingled and conversed, shaking hands and sending a beaming russo smile, singing his sisters praises any chance he could.
eventually alessia returned from hair and makeup and you found yourself breathless at the ethereal beauty you couldn't help but be constantly enamoured by. it was times like this you couldn't believe she was really your girlfriend.
you needed to pinch yourself several times as you watched on with a proud smile, catching the blondes eyes every now and then as she'd send you a wink or a grin before snapping right back into professional mode.
"no! lessi go get a towel or something, there's not a chance you don't spill anything on that white dress." you smacked your girlfriends hand away as she reached for her lunch, sending her a firm warning look knowing her clumsy habits all too well as her brother echoed your reasonings.
so with a huff she marched off, returning with a tea towel she'd pulled from god knows where, covering herself and raising an eyebrow as you nodded, gesturing for her to eat.
and you were grateful she did, because it wasn't even two bites in before she'd dropped a forkful of pasta onto her lap, and a further few minutes passed before she spilled her pepsi down her chin too.
"can't take you anywhere." you tutted quietly with a shake of your hear, the taller girl knocking her knee against yours playfully before you both shared a smile and a giggle, luca rolling his eyes with a smile.
you found yourself sat atop a stack of cases, conversing away to a few of the production assistants as everyone awaited alessia to return in her latest wardrobe change. the two young girls called away you waved them off with a smile, jumping as cold fingers suddenly grazed the small of your back.
"hello gorgeous."
"hi." you replied bluntly, eyes wide as your girlfriend appeared from behind you, jaw slackening at the sight of her. "see something you like then?" she smiled confidently, laughing at your hurried nod.
"you look like a disheveled sexy teacher." you grinned causing the striker to playfully roll her eyes. "didn't know you had a student teacher fantasy love." she teased, glancing over her shoulder as she was called to set.
"not so fast russo." you warned, reaching forward and grabbing at the tie which hung loosely around her neck, using it to yank her forward into a heated kiss, wrapping the material around your fist.
alessia's head spinning she blinked a few times as just as suddenly as your lips met hers you let go and pushed her away with a satisfied smile.
"go on, best be professional now babe." you warned playfully, your girlfriend recovering herself out of her daze.
hearing her name called again alessia stepped forward quickly, pecking your lips a few more times before her mouth moved to brush against your ear.
"the tie is definitely coming home with us."
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The Meet Cute - Ace's Story - 7
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Source for pic
Firestarter 7
Word Count: 4883
Tags For The Whole Story: Fem!Reader, slight NSFW (It's mature, not explicit), slightly sugestive behaviour, flirting, jealousy, frenemies, sexual tension, miscommunication, unresolved tension, slight angst, slow-burn, romantic comedy vibes, alternate universe modern setting, swearing, drinking, fluff, feelings realisation, denial of feelings.
Special Warning: English is not my first language, I apologise for any possible spelling or grammar mistakes.
Summary: After moving away from the hustle and bustle of Grand Line City to help your father around the property following a horse-riding accident - and in the hopes of healing your broken heart after your asshole ex-fiancé cheated - you settle into the country calmness of the Calm Belt. You intended to have some alone time, to reflect and heal, but your childhood friend's older brother, Ace, seems to be there just to upset that fragile peace you're striving for. He's a flirt and a womaniser. But why does he also have to be so handsome and perfect? And how long can you resist his charms?
Notes: Just enjoy this one 🥰
Tag List: @rosidaze @beachaddict48
Masterlist for previous introductory chapters.
|Previous Chapter| | |Next Chapter🔞|
You get home early by party standards, but it is still past midnight and Shanks is already in bed, so you try your best not to make much noise, even though you are forced to bite down on your cheek to stifle the annoying sobs that won’t stop clawing at your throat. 
Robin was kind enough to drive you home before returning to the party, because she was still sober, and you thanked her all the way. She did not ask why you were in the state you were and you did not share. Robin was very wise in realising you needed space and not probing and she knew that you would share what had happened once you were ready for it. 
After going to the bathroom you curl up in your bed and finally sob relentlessly, letting your pain drip away with every tear you shed. 
It’s official and there’s no denying it now. You are desperately in love with Ace.
And you’re sobbing the hardest because of that realisation. Because you know he’s not boyfriend material and he won’t settle for one girl. Especially you. Because you’re nothing special. He can have any girl he desires, so why would he want you?
You should have known better than to give in to your feelings. You should’ve never kissed him. You would’ve still been hurt, sure, but you would not know the softness of his lips, the warmth of his touch, the feel of his tongue and the intensity of his gaze. 
You’re broken.
But maybe time will fix it?
Shanks knocks lightly on the door of your bedroom before opening it. You’re awake. You’ve heard the rooster call. But you’re still curled up in the same ball as you were when you tucked yourself in last night.
“Bug?” He calls gently but you do not stir. You pretend to be asleep and Shanks closes the door again. 
Sighing, you grab your phone to check the time. It’s almost ten in the morning. And you have around ten missed calls from Ace and an increasing amount of texts. You don’t open any of them and throw your phone to the floor with a soft thud.
Another fresh wave of tears threatens to spill from your eyes and you let it, covering your head with the sheets and biting down the pillow, trying to stifle the painful gasps. 
If only there were a way to stifle the ache in your chest.
You keep ignoring calls and texts and by lunchtime Shanks makes another visit. This time he purposely makes some noise so you can’t really pretend to be asleep. Rising, you sit cross-legged on the bed.
“Hey, bug.” He sets a glass of water by your nightstand with two pills, thinking that you are hungover. “Are you well?” He lets his body fall at the foot of your bed, making you jump slightly when the weight shifts. 
You simply nod, not trusting your voice, and take the water but not the pills. 
“You’re not sick? Hungover?” He asks with a mischievous grin and you shake your head. “Want to tell me what happened?”
“No.” You say, but your words resemble a weak whimper and you fall back into the comfort of your bed, throwing the sheets back over your head in a silent plea to be left alone. 
Shanks remains in silence for a few moments before rising. “I’m going to leave you, then. There’s lunch in the fridge, if you’re hungry. I’m leaving for the Jubilee but I will come home before dinner to check on you, okay?”
“Yes.” You croak.
You hear Shanks’ footsteps all the way to the door before he pauses and sighs heavily. “Ace keeps calling. He says you’re not answering any of his calls or texts. Want me to tell him anything?”
Biting your lower lip, you will your voice to come out firm and steady.
“Tell him to go to hell and leave me alone.”
The silence weighs heavily while your shoulders rock with the effort of keeping your sobs and wails quiet. 
“Alright.” Your father answers before leaving and closing the door. 
You doze off for the rest of the day, only getting up to go to the bathroom or to fill your glass of water. You’re not even hungry. You keep returning to bed but you’ve already made up your mind: you will only allow yourself one day to wallow in misery.
Tomorrow is a new day and you will no longer think about Ace or your shattered heart. 
So you take time to be depressed today. 
You manage to answer some texts from Nami and Robin, just assuring them you are fine and that you’re just feeling a bit ill, not really wanting to get into details when everything is still so raw. But you still leave all of Ace’s growing pile of texts unread.
You don’t even care what he has to say.
You must have closed your eyes again at some moment or other, because when you wake up, the sunlight coming through the window is casting a lot of shadows already, so it must be nearing dinner time.
You hear muffled voices but can’t tell who it is or what is being said. It must be your dad and Beckman, probably. 
After a few moments, you hear footsteps and, sure enough, Shanks knocks and enters the room, just to find you still curled up in bed. 
“You’re still in bed?” He seems upset, the wrinkles in his eyes prominent and his lips turned down into a scowl. 
“I’m fine, dad.” You sigh.
He grunts and rolls his eyes, opening and closing his mouth, not really saying anything, but clearly meaning to say something. Until he closes his eyes tightly and exhales a breath. 
“Ace is downstairs. Should I let him up?”
You comb your fingers through your hair in a desperate gesture as you inhale deeply, trying to regain composure.
“No. I don’t want to see him.”
Shanks breathes out heavily and nods. “Okay, bug. I’ll tell him. You need to eat something, though. I will be waiting for you so we can have dinner.”
Then he closes the door and leaves. You hear the heavy thumps of his boots against the steps and quickly get up, opening the door just a smidge so you can listen in on their conversation. 
“Can I go up?” Ace sounds hopeful.
“Language, young man.” Shanks seems pissed.
“Sorry.” A pause. “Sir.”
“What did you do to her?” Your father’s voice is raspy and tense. 
You hear Ace groan. “Nothing! It was all a misunderstanding!”
Shanks scoffs. “She told me you were only friends and I didn’t want to meddle. I knew she would get hurt. I should’ve intervened!” He’s talking more to himself than to Ace, at this point. 
“I never meant to hurt her, Shanks!”
“It’s sir!”
“We had… we had a moment. And then a random girl appeared and-...”
“And you traded my daughter for some other girl?” Shanks’ voice echoes in the corridor and you gulp.
“I would never, Sh-... sir!” There’s a pregnant silence and you can bet they are having a staring contest. “She misunderstood the situation. It was a mistake. That’s all.”
You scoff and close the door again, not wanting to listen to anything else he wants to add. Obviously you misunderstood. You were the mistake he made. And you thought you were more than you actually are. You thought that kiss had actually meant something, that you could be special. 
That was the only misunderstanding that happened. 
Because Ace will always have his girls, his fans… and you’ll be left on the sidelines. Because why would he settle for someone as boring and bland as you? When he could have the whole world?
You sit at the dinner table, fork in hand but barely eating. Your cheek rests against your fist and you sigh from time to time. Shanks has an unreadable expression on his face, though he seems to be struggling with emotions. 
You set down your fork and stare at him. “Can I, please, be excused?”
“No. You haven’t eaten all day.” He pouts.
“Dad, I’m no longer a child.”
“You’re still living under my roof, aren’t you?” You raise your eyebrow and he sighs, setting down the fork on his untouched plate of food. “Sorry, that was out of line. Please, bug, eat something. I’m worried.”
Forcing a smile, you nod and place another piece of meat in your mouth. Chewing it is akin to chewing rubber. You’re drained.
“I’m fine, dad.” You pick up the conversation after swallowing the meat with water. “There’s no need to worry. I just needed to process some things. I’ll be up and about tomorrow, okay?” You try to sound confident.
Shanks nods and repeats the process that you’ve been through with the meat himself. He must not be very hungry either.
“You know, for what it’s worth, Ace seemed really apologetic. He claimed that whatever made you mad, was a misunderstanding on your part and he never meant it to happen.”
You scoff and your mouth hangs open. “Are you seriously taking his side?” He shrugs and opens his mouth to speak but you don’t let him. “Unbelievable! You don’t even know what happened! Goddamned Ace and his smooth ways! I can’t believe he fooled you too!” You slam the fork on the table.
“Calm down, bug, I’m not taking anyone’s side on anything. You’re both adults. I’m just saying that he made some valid points when speaking to me earlier. Perhaps you should just listen to him.”
What is he talking about? You heard their conversation and Shanks was pissed! No, wait. You did not hear the entirety of the conversation. And now you’re regretting it because what could Ace have said to your dad to actually get him on his side?
Gritting your teeth, you collect your plate and water glass. “Can I, please, be excused?” You try again, forcing the words out of your mouth through pursed lips.
Shanks nods with a heavy sigh and you go. Then, after cleaning your plate and without even bothering to change clothes - tank top and pyjama shorts - you grab your car keys, put on sneakers and open the door. “I’ll be back in a while.”
You barely give time for Shanks to mutter a ‘be safe’ before you bang the door, purposely irritating him with the process. 
Getting in the car and turning the ignition makes your mind blank. Where were you aiming to go? There’s the Jubilee in town, the beach will probably have another party going on, and the lake as well… everybody must be out during Jubilee week. 
Sighing, you start driving. Driving aimlessly it is. Just to try to clear your mind, anyway.
You blast the music because music always helps you relax, and open the windows to let the wind flow freely inside of the car. It’s all bliss for almost an hour. Until your car decides you’re being too harsh on it and starts fuming.
You pull over, turn on the blinkers and get out, opening the hood and letting out an intense cloud of smoke that leaves you coughing. You’ve been here before… Your dad said Kid didn’t need to replace the engine, but perhaps he should have because you’re pretty sure this has no salvation at the moment. 
Resigning to your fate, you call your dad. “Bug? Are you all right?”
“Dad, sorry for earlier…” You start, having cooled off by now. “We’ll talk some more about it later, but I need your help. I’m stranded again! The engine is fuming and I guess this time it really is dead. Kid’s shop is closed so I need a ride.”
Shanks stays silent for a moment and you hear the loud noises of the Jubilee in the background. He’s still working. You’re hoping Beckman can cover for him as he comes and saves your ass.
“Okay, hang tight, tell me where you are.” You tell him and he grunts. “You’re in the middle of nowhere! Where were you going? Were you leaving?” He lets out a deep, resigned sigh. “Stay inside the locked car, please. I’ll be there soon.”
You hang up and do as he says, leaving the hood open, you crawl back inside the car, turning off the lights and leaving only the blinkers on, so ongoing cars can see you. Picking up your phone, you settle for a long wait. Shanks doesn’t drive too fast. 
You shiver unconsciously because the air is a bit cold and you’re only wearing shorts.
There’s no music because you turned off the car but the nightly sounds are quite relaxing. There is a big, full moon in the sky and, though your heart still clenches and aches, you know you’ll be fine. 
The wait doesn’t seem as long as you thought it would, so you are still inside your car when you see a pair of taillights parking behind you. It doesn’t look like Shanks’ pickup and you start to breathe a little faster and make sure the doors are locked. 
Until you can get a good look. A guttural groan leaves your throat as you close your eyes.
It’s Ace.
You hide your face in your hands to stifle a frustrated scream. You will be so angry at your father when you see him again.
You still haven’t moved when you hear him knocking at your window. Shaking your head but keeping it hidden behind your hands, you groan again. “Go away, Ace! I’ll wait till morning for the tow truck.”
“You’d seriously rather spend the night in the car than come home with me?”
“Yes!” You hiss, still hiding from him.
“Fine. You can stay there, but I’m not leaving either.”
He presses his butt against your door, leaning in, and crosses his arms over his chest. Removing your face from the safe cocoon of your hands, you cross your arms over your own chest. And realise you don’t even have a bra on, since you’re basically wearing pyjamas. 
And you’re uncomfortable.
And cold.
And pissed off.
“Fine! You’re unbelievable!” You groan, grab your stuff and open the door with all the might you possess, trying to unbalance him, but he moves out of your way with ease. 
As soon as you set foot outside you gasp. The temperature dropped a lot while you were inside the car and you shiver while hugging yourself. “Let’s just go.” You mutter, closing the hood of your car with force. You haven’t looked at his face once.
And you don’t intend to.
You can almost feel his eyes on you and, when once that left you flattered, today it only leaves you flustered. Since he seems to take forever to move, you stomp towards his jeep and try to open the door but it’s closed. 
He approaches, car key in hand and slow steps. “I locked it. I was ready to spend the night outside your car.”
“How chivalrous.” 
Before opening the doors, he reaches through the open window of the back and fishes out the jacket of his fireman uniform, setting it over your shoulders. It falls just under your butt, longer than your shorts, and it’s warm so you slip into the sleeves, cradling yourself in its warmth.
It smells like him. Closing your eyes, you inhale deeply. Then you shake your head and try to clear the knot in your throat. “Can you open the door now, please?”
He presses the button and you open the door. Just as you’re about to climb up, he settles one hand on your hip to help you and you hiss. “Don’t touch me.”
Ace retreats and you look at him over your shoulder. He seems hurt. Actually you have yet to hear or see a hint of a smile or a jest coming from him since he arrived. Which is very weird.
“You’re right, sorry.”
You climb on your own as he goes around the jeep and enters. Putting on your seatbelt and staring out the window, you prepare yourself for a long, uncomfortable drive.
Yet, he doesn’t start the car. 
You turn your eyes away from the window to see what he’s doing and catch him texting. Rolling your eyes and scoffing you mutter ‘figures’ under your breath, automatically assuming he’s texting a girl saying he’s busy.
“I’m telling your father that I’ve got you and you're safe. In case you’re making up stuff in your mind already.”
You can’t even argue with him. You were making stuff up already. Suddenly, a thought crosses through your mind: how much of your musings are merely assumptions and how much are actually true? Could he have been telling Shanks the truth about everything being a misunderstanding?
And what would that actually mean?
He sets his phone down and starts the car. The music is very low on the radio and that makes you very attuned to all of his noises. For a few times it looks as if he’s about to speak, yet he doesn’t.
His sighs and little tsks fill the air. Sometimes even a groan or a grumble. But not a single word.
You’re not in the mood to speak, anyway, so you’re glad. 
And you were right. The ride is pretty awkward. Until he makes a wrong turn and your head whips towards him.
“Where are you going?”
His eyes are still on the road but his lips curve a little bit up. “I want to show you something.” You are about to protest, but you don’t. Maybe you should really clear the air. Just to let him know that nothing will ever happen. You will stop being mad soon enough and you can go back to being friends, or neighbours, or acquaintances, and that’s it.
His jeep makes its way up the mountain very easily and you soon understand where he’s taking you: to the viewpoint. A prime location to take lovers to. Secluded and ideal for lovemaking under the stars.
You scoff. “What exactly do you want to show me here, Ace?” Your words are full of scorn and disbelief.
“You’ll see.” He mutters. 
But you’re at a loss once he passes the exit for the viewpoint and continues up. After a while, he stops the car in front of a battered-up pebbled path that has a chain closing it off, and he stops the car, leaving the engine on.
“Hang on.”
Getting out of the car, he unlocks the chain with a key he fishes from his pocket and then climbs back into the jeep, making his way across the path.
It’s really bumpy and you grab onto the handle of the door with strength. Your other hand almost instinctively goes for Ace’s hand but you stop just in time and settle it under your leg.
“Almost there.”
After a few moments, he parks the jeep and gets out, telling you to do the same. As soon as you look around, your lips open up to let out a small gasp as you take in the breathtaking view. You remember the viewpoint, but it only overlooks one side of the town, and a little bit of the beach. This place has a panoramic view of everything, including the vastness of the sky and all of its shining, twinkling stars.
You twirl on your feet, eyes up in the sky and arms slightly open. A small smile tugging at the corner of your lips.After your little exhilarating twirl, your eyes land on Ace. He’s staring intently at you, a full smile finally on his lips. 
“This is beautiful.” You exhale in a whispery breath.
“Yes. It is.” But his eyes remain locked on you. You hold his stare for a moment before turning back to the view. There’s a feeling of dread in the pit of your stomach. He must bring all of his girls here. To this special place.
To have them. To fuck them.
You grit your teeth as he removes the duvet and pillow from the back of his jeep and you start to hum negatively. This is where you draw the line.
“No, no, Ace. I’m sorry but I’m not one of your bimbos. You can’t just wow me with an astonishing view, have your way with me and then leave me to rinse and repeat with another random girl. I refuse.”
Tears threaten to spill from your oversensitive eyes again. God, you’re such a crybaby. 
He still sets the duvet down and props the pillow up against a rock. “I don’t bring girls here.” The finality of his words and the gravitas with which he delivers them make you believe him without questioning. “Come here.”
You approach him with slow steps. 
“See.” He points at the rock where the letters ASL are carved. “Luffy, Sabo and I used to come here when we were teens. This place is closed off to people because, since it’s private property, it doesn’t have any fences like the viewpoint below, but Grandfather had a key from when he helped the rangers patrolling in summer, and we made a copy.”
He sits and motions for you to sit near him. You are still eyeing him suspiciously. “This place is special. You’re special. I wanted to show it to you.”
And once again, you believe his words. Because he is being serious Ace and not silly, goofy Ace.
You move forward and sit down, far from him, almost at the feet of the duvet.”Fair enough.” He replies and chuckles softly.
You missed his chuckle. 
Only one day without him and you missed his goddamned chuckle. 
“I want to apologise for yesterday. You have every right to be upset, but I didn’t ‘arrange’ any encounter with that girl. I was going to leave the party alone.” He lowers his voice to a whisper. “Or with you, if you would have me. She just assumed something. That was all, I swear.”
Taking a deep breath, you concentrate on the faraway lights from the Jubilee. If you listen closely, and when the wind turns your way, you can almost hear the music and the gleeful screams of the crowd. Nodding slowly, you show Ace your acknowledgment even though you don't say anything. So he continues.
“You said before that you wanted honesty from me. Ask whatever you want to ask. I will answer honestly. You have my word.”
You turn to stare at him and you can only perceive truthfulness and seriousness in his warm gaze. So you nod again.
“Okay.” But you’re not quite sure where to begin. Though your mouth opens up immediately and the phrase rolls from your lips without having been properly processed by your tired brain. “Am I just another girl to you?” Your lower lip trembles and you will it to stop by clamping your teeth over it. 
“Easy question, Firestarter. You were never just another girl to me. Make it harder, will you?”
His easy grin makes an appearance on his face and you sigh in relief, letting out a small, hidden chortle at his answer. Which is short-lived as you think of another question that’s bothering you.
“Did… did you end up getting together with that girl yesterday…?” Your voice is a mere whisper and you are actually dreading his answer. You thought you both had shared something special at that beach, if he says he got with the girl…
Well… That will end everything before it even has a chance to start.
“Obviously not. I couldn’t stop thinking about you and about how I might have messed up the greatest thing to happen to me in a long time… I told you just now, I was either going to leave the party with you, or alone.”
You unconsciously cuddle against his jacket and take a whiff of his scent. He keeps saying all the right things. But he promised you the truth. So it must be true.
Your eyes are still trained on your feet and you remove your sneakers so you can put them over the duvet and hug your knees against your chest. 
“Why can’t you have a serious girlfriend? And do you want one?”
He leans back, arms crossed behind his head and stares up at the endless sky. “I told you back at the fire station that I never felt good enough for a number of things, that I always fell short on any kind of achievements.” He scoffs. “I just never felt like I could be enough for a girl. Like I’m not worthy of that kind of pure, devoted love that comes with a relationship.” His eyes lock with yours and soften. “Obviously I can also tell you that I had never met the right girl before you, but that is such an obvious line that I doubt you’d believe me. Despite it being true.” He shrugs and you blush deeply, your heart skipping a beat and making you gasp. 
Your eyes dart downwards and you bite your lower lip again but this time it’s not to stifle a sob or a trembling, but a smile. You focus on the bracelet on your ankle and there’s a warmth in your chest that fills your heart.
“I do want one.” You raise your eyebrow at him. “The second part of the question, if I want a serious girlfriend.” He smirks. “If you’re willing to, of course.”
Your blush deepens and you gulp. “I’m not done yet.”
Raising his hands in the air, he chuckles again. He’s much more at ease now, and you realise that it’s because you are also more at ease. 
Like mirrors reflecting each other.
“Since we’ve reconnected, I’ve seen you with a bunch of girls. Deuce called me ‘this one’ at the fire station, meaning you’ve been using all your usual moves on me.”
You’re about to ask your question when he interrupts. “Not true.”
“I’ve not been using any moves on you. You’re not that predictable. I’ve been shirtless around you more times than I can count and you didn’t even bat an eye! And that’s usually all it takes.”
That’s not true, either! You batted an eye! In fact, you ran the battery of your vibrator dry because of said chest and abs, but you’re not going to admit it. 
“You’re blushing!” He replies. “Ohhh, so that affected you?” You blush deeper and try to look away. “Firestarter! Did you use up your batteries for me?”
Just thinking about it has you flustered and gasping for air. What you wouldn’t have given for the real thing these past days. 
“You’re so damn cute.” He mutters, more to himself than for you to hear. 
“That's not the point. I'm not the one answering the questions!” Regaining your composure never seemed like such a daunting task, but you inhale deeply until he stops chuckling. 
You don't even know where you were going with that question anymore. So you have to take a moment to gather your thoughts. 
“How can you be sure that I’m different? That, once you’ve had me, you won’t lose interest and want to move on to another more challenging chase? A prettier, more interesting girl?”
You want to look at him for this answer, so you do. And he gazes back at you, a strange intensity in his dark eyes.
“All I know is that I’ve never felt this way before. You fill every thought of my day and you’re there even in my dreams. I want to be with you. Not just have you, like you say.” Your breath accelerates as his eyes bore into yours. “And I don’t even know what you mean with prettier and more interesting girl. You’re all I could ever ask for.” He’s speaking the truth. You can tell. 
But your heart is still so bruised and tattered from the past. Will you be able to trust?
“Any more questions?” He says softly.
You downcast your gaze and get on your knees to shift closer to him. He straightens up, sensing your seriousness and you stop just a few inches from his face, sitting on your legs, never dropping his gaze. 
Your heart's thumping against your chest in an unholy rhythm and you're shaking from more than the cold. 
“Are you going to break my heart, Ace?” Your voice is nothing but a whisper and carries with it a sliver of hope. 
Ace searches deep into your eyes, his freckles move with his sincere smile and he uses the tip of his fingers to tuck a lock of hair behind your ear. 
“I don't intend to, Firestarter.”
He's leaning in, or you're leaning in, you're not quite sure. Does it really matter, anyway? 
“Ace… Please, please, don't make me regret this decision.” His forehead touches yours and the hand hovering near your face cups your cheek. He's not forcing anything. He's waiting for you. 
“I won't. Give me a chance to prove it.” He murmurs your name. 
“I have one more question.” You murmur back, your lips ghosting his, both your breaths mingling with unspoken promises. “Can you kiss me?”
“Yeah, I can definitely do that.”
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citrusx0xo · 4 months
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I've been reading too much dirty shit and now all I crave is affection bear with me guys Not proofread!!
Ever so itty bitty trigger warning, angsty poetic fluff
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To be loved by Suguru was to be loved by an artist. Loved so gently, like a sculptor etching his final details into your supple skin. Or like a glassmaker, soothing his hands over your body so softly it was like he thought you'd shatter at any moment.
To love Suguru was to be dragged through a twisted, gorgeous display of torture. You could feel each word drag along your esophagus with another jagged claw because no word seemed worthy for him, no word could convey any amount of pure devotion you could feel.
When he'd dip his head into the crook of your neck, hiding himself from anything that wasn't his lover, you swear you could feel yourself chip away. Every time his hands caressed your stomach in a hug, his chest slotting against your back like he was made solely for loving you. Your chest would cave in, crumbling into itself as you felt him hold you so tenderly. Suguru was a calm pond amidst your clashing waves, his oh-so-soft breath fanning along your rotting skin.
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"You're trembling."
"I'm scared."
"What are you scared of?" a voice you've grown to be infatuated with mumbled into your bare shoulder.
Suguru had you in his arms, shifting his head slightly as his lips rested against your collarbone. You had one arm being used as his pillow, hand carding through his inky hair as you pressed your lips against his temple absentmindedly. You'd both found the best way to waste away the day being in bed, only wearing your matching pairs of boxers that you'd picked out together on impulse. The only light you had, was the light that managed to creep past the thick clouds that spilled rain droplets towards your window.
"I'm not sure." It was the truth, the only answer you could give. After a few silent moments of digging into your fuzzy mind, you found no reason to feel the way you did. Having Suguru's body entangled with yours so naturally, it had mellowed everything you felt. Lines of thought quickly dissipated in your mind, only able to bask in the glow of whatever this foreign feeling was. "Maybe you're not scared then."
"If not, then what?"
You peered at the ashtray that sat at your windowsill, a half-melted candle keeping it in place. You and Suguru had grown together, lived together. You knew each other, and it was no secret that your connection was the closest you'd both ever get to comfort, the closest you'd ever be to health.
"Maybe, we're just in love."
And there it was again, that sweet agony you craved, only ever able to be fulfilled by him. Like he was covering you in a silk blanket lined with poison, his adoring kisses slitting your skin.
"I like that answer..."
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if you read this far im gonna give you a big fat kiss
Sorry, purely self-indulgent lol. Just wanted to write some fluff but angst is my spirit animal, disturb the comfortable and comfort the disturbed type shit yk
Look after yourselves!!! Drink water!! Eat food!!
167 notes · View notes
frenchkisstheabyss · 8 months
୨୧ tell me a secret ୨୧
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୨୧ Pairing: roommate!hyunjin x chubby!fem!reader x roommate!yeji
୨୧ Genre: fluff/smut
୨୧ Summary: Stuck in the house with nothing to do on a Friday night, you and your roommates decide to play a game called Tell Me A Secret. Similar to Truth or Dare, the rules are simple. Do the dare or spill your secrets. It's just an innocent, fun way to pass the time. Well, maybe not so innocent.
୨୧ Word Count: 2.3kish
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୨୧ Warnings: ✨ first and foremost, if you don't wanna be with a girl I humbly thank you for stopping by but the exit is to your left ✨ fingering, oral sex (f receiving & you're the one giving), a lil nipple play, a lil roughness, finger sucking, unprotected sex, creampie, brief mention of masturbation (m & f), hyunjin has listened to you masturbate btw, yeji's a lil jealous, threesome (obviously, babes), the hwangs share you but don't hook up w/ each other, spanking, pet names (pretty girl, baby), low key soft dom vibes, heavy make out sesh.
୨୧ A/N: I received this as a request from a darling anon so here we are. I think it's super sweet that I got this request because I never get them for girl groups so yas kween. Anyway, I hope you love it my sweet anon and everyone else too!
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“Aaaah! No way! Ew! I can’t watch this!” Yeji shrieks, covering her eyes with the blanket.
Standing at the side of your bed, Hyunjin swishes a raw egg around in a glass. The three of you had every intention of going to a party tonight but an unexpected storm had other plans. So here you all are, lounging around in your pajamas daring each other to drink raw eggs. 
“You won’t do it!” you taunt, fiddling with the ears of the teddy bear in your lap, “Just tell us a secret.” Yeji stretches out across the bed, resting her head on your thigh. “Yeah, tell us. Did you actually hook up with that girl who works at the cafe?” she asks, scrunching her nose up, “The girl who smells like ketchup.” 
You seize the opportunity to double down on poor Hyunjin. It’s one of the many unspoken rules of the apartment. “She does smell like ketchup. They don’t even have ketchup there.” “Shut up!” Hyunjin huffs, placing a hand on his hip. He stares down at the raw egg, his stomach turning the longer he drags out the inevitable.
Tilting his head back, he brings the cup to his lips and—
“Shit, I can’t do it.” 
“I knew it” Yeji gloats, slyly moving her head further onto your lap. She turns to give you the cutest pouty face. The one that you just know means she wants you to play in her hair. You give in without thinking, that’s what you always do with Yeji. How could you ever say no to a girl like her?
Twirling her silken strands around your fingertips, you try to remind yourself that this is your best friend. Your roommate. Yes she’s been cozying up to you a lot more lately but it’s nothing. Just like the thumping in your chest whenever she takes your hand or kisses your cheek. It’s nothing. 
“Okay, so, uh, I didn’t hook up with the ketchup girl but…” Hyunjin sets the glass down on the dresser and pauses for dramatic effect, “Seungmin did. That’s a secret right?” You and Yeji gasp in unison, the shock of Hyunjin’s betrayal rocking you to your core.
“You did not just—you’re a terrible!” you laugh, shaking your head. “You should be ashamed” Yeji agrees, reveling in the regret on Hyunjin’s face. Hyunjin flips you the middle finger, “Fine then. Fuck you guys, I’m going to bed.” He isn’t really mad, both of you know it, and he isn’t really going anywhere but you entrain his tantrum anyway.
“Jinnie, come on. We were just joking. Stay” you beg, catching him by the wrist as he goes to grab his phone. Yeji’s pouty face may have the power to bring anyone to their knees but so does yours and Hyunjin’s nowhere near immune to it. He doesn’t want to be. 
He forces you to suffer for a few more seconds, a scowl fixed on his face, before giving in. “Fine but it’s your turn now” he says, hopping onto the bed, “Tell us a secret or do the dare.” “Well you have to tell me what the dare is first.” Yeji and Hyunjin turn to each other, striking up a silent conversation only they can understand.
As close as the three of you are, the connection they have is near telepathic and has meant trouble for you since the day you moved in. Yeji sits up, her strawberry gloss tinted lips mere inches from your face, “Kiss us.” 
Suddenly your internal temperature skyrockets, making the room unbearably hot. “K-kiss you?” you stutter, “On the cheek you mean?” Hyunjin cracks a devious smile, “Not quite.” You look to Yeji and back to Hyunjin. Back to Yeji. Back to Hyunjin. This is obviously a joke. “Right, ha ha ha. So funny. You got your joke in, Jinnie. I’m sorry I teased you, okay?”
“He’s not joking” Yeji persists, petting your cheek to bring your focus back to her, “We’ve all thought about it. Don’t lie and say you haven’t.” You could say you haven’t but she’s right, it’d be a lie. One of the biggest lies you’d ever tell in your life. The fantasies you’ve had of being with them, separately and together, are filthy enough to make a porn star blush.
How they look at you, it’s like they know how often you’ve wondered what it’d be like to feel their lips…hands…bodies…on yours. It dawns on you that maybe they can read your mind too. Shit.
“So,” Hyunjin hums, moving in close enough to pin you between the two of them, “What’s it gonna be then?” 
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So, what’s it gonna be then?
The kiss.
The tiniest nervous peck on the lips. One for each of them. But you kissed Hyunjin for a split second longer than you did Yeji, she swears it. So one more for her, this one much deeper than the last, her arm coming around your waist to caress the softness of your hips. But Yeji’s gotten too greedy, the excitement of finally having you right where she wants you making it hard to let you go.
So one more for Hyunjin who doesn’t let you catch your breath for more than a moment before he captures you in another kiss, his hands slipping beneath your thin tank top to delight in the fullness of your figure. Yeji plants kisses down your shoulder, pulling your shorts aside just enough to get a peek at the lace panties beneath.
She remembers when you bought those. You were out shopping together and you asked which pair you should get to wear for some guy you were dating at the time. What a waste, she’d thought, that an asshole like that got to have you. You feel her smile as her hands dip into your shorts. It’s her turn to have you now. 
“You want more, baby?” Hyunjin asks, breathlessly, running his thumb across the hardened bud that pokes through the material of your bra. “Mmm, yes. More” you whine, your entire body reacting to his touch. He grins at how sensitive you are, closing two fingers around the bud to pinch it until he’s swallowing your needy moans.
He hears them when you think you’re home alone, the low hum of your vibrator audible through your bedroom door. Standing in that hallway, his cock throbbing in his hand, precum pooling in his palm, all he wanted was to taste those moans as they left your lips. Now that he has, he’s positive he’ll get addicted. They’re far more delicious than he ever imagined.
“Open up for me” Yeji whispers, tickling your inner thigh, “Let me feel how wet you are for us.” You do exactly as you’re told, spreading your legs to grant her fingers access to the juices soaking their way through your panties. “Aww, baby, you’re such a mess” she coos, tucking your panties to the side to stroke your slit, “Jinnie, come here. You’ve gotta feel this.”
With one hand still toying with your nipple, he brings the other between your legs. Yeji drags hers upward, coating your clit in your own arousal as Hyunjin sinks a finger into your warmth. Your back arches, lust coursing through your veins, and any remnants of your former shyness falls away. Your mouth is at Yeji’s again, your tongues sloppily entangled in one another's.
It’s almost rhythmic, the rapid rise and fall of her chest as your hand ventures under her shirt to caress her breasts. Yeji hates bras, she thinks they’re an old world torture device, and her refusal to wear them has always made you happy. Especially now. They’re so plush and tender, fitting perfectly into your palms as if they were meant to be there.
You reach back to trace the outline of the bulge forming in Hyunjin’s sweatpants. He groans when you apply pressure, your fingers wrapping around as much of him as you can. You descend into a sea of moans, ravenously reaching for any part of each other you can. Clothing’s shed between kisses, between glossy eyed cries of ecstasy, until the three of you are completely naked, bodies intertwined.
Yeji lays back on the bed, her head nestled comfortably on your pillow, and watches Hyunjin play with you. He has you positioned on your knees facing her as he kneels behind you, one arm tucked beneath your tits and the other around your waist. He holds you close to his chest, fingering you at a merciless pace. “Jinnie, oh, fuck. So good” you moan, rocking your hips to feel him deeper.
Hyunjin leans into your ear, his breath tickling the tiny hairs on your neck. “Is it good, baby? Hmm? I make you feel good?” His voice is deeper than you’ve ever heard, his need for you bringing out an aggression that has you clenching even tighter than you already were. Yeji licks her lips, catching a glimpse of the way your juices glisten on Hyunjin’s fingers.
“Can I taste?” she asks, parting her legs to run her expensively manicured fingers through her folds. What’s between her thighs is nothing short of a work of art. She has the prettiest pussy you’ve ever seen and it’s dripping all over your sheets. You’ll never wash them again. Hyunjin eases his fingers out of your core, raising them to your lips. You take them into your mouth, sucking them clean before leaning down to kiss Yeji.
“Mmm, such a tasty little cunt” she hums, her knuckles bumping your clit as she rubs her own. Snatching her by the wrist, you bring her fingers to your lips and run your tongue over them. She tastes amazing. Good enough to eat. “I’m not the only one who’s tasty” you smile, this new side of you making her blush.
Hyunjin grabs you by the hips, pulling you towards him so that your ass rests in his lap and your face hovers just above Yeji’s core. He slaps your ass one cheek at a time, far too in love with the way it jiggles. “Hyunjin!” you giggle, jumping a bit at the sting of his slaps, “Cut it out. I’m trying to eat here.” He aligns himself with your entrance, stretching you with his thick tip before stopping to watch you squirm.
Yeji snakes her fingers through your hair, her clit twitching in anticipation. You waste no time plunging your tongue into her, your face buried between her legs. She tastes even better this way, walls fluttering around your tongue. Hyunjin thrusts into you and your knees almost give out. “No, no, no. None of that” he scolds, slapping your ass harder this time, “Stay up for me so I can fuck you the way you deserve.”
Another thrust and you’re squealing into Yeji’s pussy. The vibrations are heavenly, heightening the feeling of your tongue flicking at her g spot. Your bodies sync together effortlessly. Every snap of Hyunjin’s hips. Every light suck of Yeji’s clit. Every tug of your hair and moan she sends flowing through the air. Everything builds into the next, taking the three of you beyond your limits.
“Look at me” Yeji mewls, cupping your cheeks to lift your face up. She wishes she could take a picture of you like this, kitten licking her slit with those bright beautiful eyes of yours fixed on her. “I-I…cum…gonna—” You purse your lips around her clit, circling it with the tip of your tongue while you suck it harder the closer she gets.
Hyunjin kisses up your back, pressing so deep into you that you begin to tremble. Your gaze remains locked on Yeji and hers on you. You see her body tense, a fleeting look of shock washing over her face before her body’s spasming. She rides your face, eyes rolling back as she floods your tongue with her cum.
No matter which direction she twists in you try to follow her but it’s hell when every ridge of Hyunjin’s cock is flush against your walls. He throws his head back, finding it difficult to wrap his mind around how good you feel. It’s almost too much. The fullness in your lower stomach grows the deeper he strokes and you just know you can’t hold out any longer. Yeji knows too, holding your hands as she floats down from her high. 
“Cum for us pretty girl.”
“Fuck, yes, let me feel you.”
The sound of their voices melded together is sexier than it has any right being. In an instant you lose control of your limbs, your eyes falling shut as you’re overwhelmbed with pleasure. Hyunjin pulls back a little, sliding you up and down to see how completely coated in you he is. Watching himself disappear into you, your cream decorating his cock, pushes him over the edge.
Just as the fullness inside of you begins to calm down, he’s pumping more than enough cum into you to bring it back twice as strong as before. But you couldn’t handle another orgasm if you wanted to. You’re ready to collapse. Hyunjin rubs your back, comforting your weakened form before his own body gives out on him. You roll over onto your backs, staring up at the ceiling in disbelief of what just happened.
What does this mean for your friendship? Will this change things between you? Or will you just wake up tomorrow and pretend it never happened? As your collective gasps for air quiet, a sense of peace falls across the room. Yeji scoots in closer to you, throwing a leg across your waist and Hyunjin snuggles up to your belly.
“You know…” Hyunjin mumbles, his eyes barely open, “You never actually chose.” Filing through the haze in your brain, you realize that he’s right.
“Uh, hmm, I’ll tell you a secret then I guess.”
“Oh, sweetie” Yeji sighs, playfully pinching your cheek, “I think we already know.”
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okieedokes · 5 months
you can stay with me | don hume x f!reader
summary: don let’s you stay in his room after the party!
part 2 is out! read it : here
word count: 1,141
warnings: none just fluff
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Don Hume bows his head shyly to the applause of the crowd below him. It seems that everyone in the auditorium who hadn’t left with their respective sweethearts were joined in celebration of the young athlete.
He steps off the stage to join the group of men who have quickly become his closest friends as they all take turns shaking his shoulders and kissing his head in pride. Becoming flustered by all the attention, Don excuses himself to the bar, hoping another drink will settle his nerves.
Distracted by all the commotion, Don doesn’t notice the girl walking towards him until she crashes into his frame. The drink in her hand splatters the pair, soaking his white button-down and the front of her soft pink dress.
Any feelings or confidence Don had felt prior had been instantly replaced by embarrassment as he steadied the young girl with a hand on her waist.
“I’m so sorry! I’m the biggest clutz!” You exclaim whilst shaking your hands to remove any lingering drops of brown liquid.
Don takes this opportunity to take in the young woman who stood before him. A once pale pink dress perfectly hugs your frame, complimenting the soft curls in your hair and the scarlet tinge of your lips. As your face reddens with embarrassment, Don realises he had been staring in admiration whilst you continue to spew apologies.
“No, it’s okay. It’s my fault, I wasn’t looking.” He reassures, withdrawing his hand in the process.
“I’m sorry. I really should get going before I trip and accidentally kill someone!” You joke, but it fails to fool Don as he catches the tears brewing in your eyes.
“You were great!” You add before running towards the exit as the tears threaten to spill.
Don turns to check that any of his fellow teammates are not watching him, knowing it would be the main topic of conversation at training the next day if they saw him run after a girl.
Once satisfied they were all distracted, he took off in your direction.
Upon leaving the auditorium, the darkness made it difficult to see anything, let alone your slight stature, until he heard faint sobs around the corner of the building. Sure enough, the cries led him straight to you, your arms wrapped around your body that shakes with each sob.
Don raises a gentle hand to your shoulder, careful not to frighten you.
“Hey, are you okay?” He asks softly.
“Oh yes, I’m fine. I was just worried about getting caught covered in booze when I returned to the dorms… I’m on a scholarship and need a clean slate to keep it.” You utter between sobs, and Don realises that you both may have more in common than he had once thought.
“I understand; I’m only here because of the team…I’m always worried I’m going to screw it all up.” He confesses, shoving his hands into his pockets nervously.
“Oh, come on, Hume, everyone knows you’re the best stroke Washington’s had in years!” You chuckle; your sweet smile doesn’t go unnoticed by Don.
“Hey, I have clean clothes back at my dorm. If you want to borrow a jacket, or something before you head home?” He doesn’t know why he suggested this, but he’ll do anything not to say goodbye just yet.
“Don’t you want to stay and celebrate?” You sniffle.
“I was about to leave anyways; I got to practice early tomorrow.” Don lies and, without hesitation takes the girl's hand in his as he guides her toward his dormitory.
Upon reaching the dorm, Dons realises his guest may not be impressed by his bare bedroom. However, when he unlocks the door, you enter without hesitation, making yourself comfortable on the edge of his twin bed, feet dangling below.
“So, do you like rowing?” You pipe up as he searches his cupboard for a coat with minimal holes, settling on a fleece bomber jacket.
“Well, I’m getting a job out of it and a room, so yeah.” He mutters, closing the cupboard door behind him.
“I think it’s more than that; I’ve seen how you row.” You tease, a sly smile playing on your lips.
“You’ve been watching me?” Don questions, struggling to believe a girl as beautiful as yourself would ever take notice of him.
“Hard not to.” You admit, smiling softly.
Don notices the goosebumps on your arms and places the jacket around your shoulders. With his tall stature the garment almost swallows you up, but you wrap yourself in it nonetheless.
“I suppose I should be getting home.” You announce after a minute of silence.
“I’ll walk you back.” Don insists, wanting to savour any time left with you.
“I’m sorry, but you can’t; if my hall director sees you walking me home this late, she’ll get the wrong idea.” The girl giggles as Dons face glows bright.
“You can’t walk back alone. It’s nearly midnight.” Don objects, taking your hand in his as if he was pleading. Although he had only known you briefly, the thought of anything bad happening to you made his stomach churn.
“You can stay with me-“ He adds before fully acknowledging the inappropriateness of his offer. To his surprise, your face doesn’t appear disgusted, and instead, you flash your sweet smile.
“What about your bunkmate?” You giggle.
“Oh… I have a feeling he’s not coming back tonight.” Don mutters, glancing over at Shorty’s empty cot.
“Well, if that’s what you want…” You trail off before Don interjects.
“It is,” He assures, Bobby’s encouragement from earlier replays in his head as he bows down to meet your gaze.
You can’t help but lift your hand to brush the loose strands of hair that frame his face back. Don takes this gesture as permission to kiss you.
You intertwine your bodies together as you lower yourselves onto the mattress. You’re unsure whether it’s the liquor or the feeling of Don's strong hands on your body that causes your head to spin as you hesitantly pull away.
“Are you okay?” Don asks, his brow furrowed in concern that he had done something wrong.
“Yeah, my head is sore, probably from all the drinking.” You reply, and he places a calloused hand on your forehead.
“Hmm, you should probably get some sleep,” Don murmurs as he rolls onto his back, allowing you to rest your head on his chest. You tuck your knees up, resting them against his side as he strokes your hair gently.
“Good night, Don…” You’re voice trails off as you fall asleep feeling the safest you’ve been since leaving your childhood home months ago.
Don, who had never been much of a talker, places a soft kiss on your forehead before dozing off himself.
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lovekendri · 1 year
he knows best | finnick odair
finnick odair x fem!reader
summary: after learning everything there is to know about you, finnick is tired of acting like you never had something. he's determined to make you realize that you need each other again.
cw: 18+ only! mentions of drinking, mentions of cheating, smutty angst, p in v, sorta angry sex, unprotected sex, a bit of overstimulation, choking kink, praise & degrading kink, size kink if you squint
wc: 3.6k
type: ✧ & ✽
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The night was young, and you had been attending a smaller house party with a few friends, cups in hand with all sorts of Capitol concoctions and homemade brews.
"Do you understand how hot some of the victors are?" Your friend gushed, fanning herself with her hand, drink sloshing around in a glass cup. You were worried she was going to end up spilling it all over your new sparkly black dress you had specifically wore for someone. "Like, oh my gosh!"
You scoffed, laughing as you watched her spill her drink all over herself, looking around to see if anyone else had noticed.
"Lana, do you mind taking her to the bathroom?" you asked, pushing yourself away from the counter and looking at her.
Lana nodded, grabbing her hand and walking off toward the direction of the bathroom.
You took the time to familiarize yourself with the visible victors and attending guests, taking a bit of extra time to admire one that was standing in a circle with a few other victors from District 4.
He was tall, overly handsome. His athletic body and muscular build, beautiful bronze hair. Cocky half smile and perfect teeth.
And those sea-green eyes.
The arms that had wrapped around your body, the hands you had known too well, always taking hold of your body and wrapped around your throat. The heavy weight that had covered you so many times, keeping you asleep in the darkest of nights.
Despite the loud music, your brain couldn't focus on anything that wasn't his beautiful being.
Though you had such a bad falling out with him, you hated to act like he was nothing to you. Treated you like a princess, made you feel like the only girl in the world, yet he had to fuck around with other girls because you were "unofficial".
It wasn't fair.
You watched him from afar, the other girls you had no reason to fight off, the others that made him smile the same way that you once had.
He was meant to be yours, you were meant to be his.
You watched as he wrapped his arm around another victor, his fingers curling tightly around her waist. You watched as he pulled her to his side as she grinned, looking up at his stupid pretty face, the same way you used to.
You felt your blood begin to boil, watching her face light up looking at him, watching him look at her with the adoration he always showed you, beautiful locks falling around his face.
You watched as he leaned close, placing his forehead on hers and whispering something to her as she pulled away giggling.
Scoffing to yourself, sick of watching the two lovebirds from across the room, you slammed your glass down and strutted hastily across the room toward your target.
Your hand climbed up the back of his dark blue button up, your fingers trailing around his neck as you felt the goosebumps on his skin rise.
He knew it was you.
The victor wrapped on his body had turned to look behind him, a look of disgust rising on her face as you made your way around to the front of his neck.
A small smirk grew on your face as you grabbed his tie, tugging on it gently to get him to follow you as you looked into his eyes, an innocent softness in them.
He glared into your eyes as he stood still for a moment to contemplate if he should follow you, the glint in his eyes full of recognition.
As you knew all too well, the arm around the victor dropped as he gave in to follow you to the bedroom upstairs.
You dropped his tie as you turned to walk up the stairs, the music slowly dying as you made it farther up.
"What gave you the sudden urge to talk to me again?" Finnick said from behind you, his voice containing a small edge.
You reached the top of the stairs, quickly dragging him into the bedroom as you shut the door quickly, blocking out most of the music.
"Can't stand to see you with other girls," you said, fixing your skirt as you looked at him.
He was now sitting on the end of the bed, his hands clasped together between his legs, looking at you. It was too dark in the room to see his expression, the glow of the moon casting into the room.
"Yeah?" he said, scoffing a laugh and shaking his head. "You're pathetic."
"I'm pathetic?" you shot back, scoffing back at him. "You're the one who couldn't keep your hands on one woman."
"Oh, please, don't act like we were exclusive," he laughed, pushing himself up off the bed and stepping softly toward you.
"You are pathetic," you whispered as he reached you, looking straight up as his shoulders reached your head.
The ice in your voice caused his eyebrows to raise, his tongue poking at the inside of his cheek as an annoyed, cocky smile showed on his lips as he clearly restrained from saying something.
His stare was becoming cold, the glint in his eyes slowly disappearing. The atmosphere in the room was heating up quickly as he stared deeper into you, his eyes flicking back and forth between yours with deep aggravation and a hint of something you hadn't seen in a long time.
"You can act like I did everything wrong," he began, his voice a low whisper as he leaned down to murmur in your ear, his hands reaching your waist and sliding up to your shoulders, gently pushing you into the wall. "You can act, it won't affect me. I'm the best you ever had, no matter how much you deny it," his hands pushed your shoulders harder to the wall, causing you to break eye contact to close your eyes as you whimpered in pain. "You will always be mine," he paused.
"I will always be yours."
You opened your eyes once more, looking up at him towering over you, that glint in his eyes growing with something you knew so well, familiarity, lust, and love.
Your face was growing hot, watching his eyes as they began to harden, his lips parting and a heavy breath slowly releasing.
He knew the look in your eyes, he knew the expression on your face. He knew the small tremble in your shoulders.
He knew you.
"How you feeling, love?" he asked, his hand crawling up your jaw, two fingers lightly pressing your head up to show your full face in the low moonlight of the room.
He lifted his head with yours, looking down at you, his eyebrows raised in success as he watched your puppy dog eyes grow wide.
Of course he knew that asking you anything when you were under his grip would send you spiraling, he knew that you'd be begging for him to touch you in a matter of seconds with the way he knew to work you.
The hand on your jaw drifted down your body to place on your stomach.
"Butterflies, darling?" he asked, his smirk growing impossibly wider as your body twitched under his fingers, so familiar, but it had been so long since he touched you like this.
"Stop proving yourself," you pushed out, weak, your throat catching on gasps that threatened to appear as you spoke.
"Oh, baby, you used to beg me to touch you."
You hated that he was right, and you especially hated that he was making you feel so vulnerable.
"Kiss me already," you whined, grabbing his wrist that laid flat on your tummy.
His smile turned to an sinister grin as he leaned down slowly to match his lips with yours.
He knew the right ways to kiss you, and he knew the correct techniques that you absolutely loved. He had gotten so good at pleasing you the best way you could ever ask for that he knew your small wants and quirks, the way you'd chirp quietly when he'd softly drag your lip between his teeth, the way your body would tense up if he kissed you with the same hunger you showed. He knew that if he held your body close and kissed down your jaw with his hand wrapped around your neck that you would plead for him.
His lips were so soft against yours, the weight of his body pressing against yours comforting and familiar.
"God, the things I'd do to you," he whispered against your lips, sending your heart rate through the roof as he lightly stroked your tummy with the tips of his fingers.
"What's stopping you?" you forced out between kisses, his hands now carelessly roaming your body as he kissed you with increasing hunger.
"These stupid things," he smiled against your lips as he pulled your pink lace panties away from your hip and letting them slap back on to you.
"Oh, please," you said, grabbing his neck and pushing him off of your lips to speak, a disappointed frown appearing on his face at the gesture. "You've taken these off plenty of times, don't act dumb now."
He smiled, a toothy grin with unholy intent behind it, his fingers sliding slowly up your thighs beneath your dress to take hold of the lace, earning a pit of arousal pooling in your stomach.
You were so close to just grabbing his wrists and ripping them off for him, his subtle and light touches too much for you to bear with no relief, but he finally slid them off your hips, knowing just when to stop pulling for them to fall off.
The stupid little things.
His hands immediately went to your waist once more, pushing you back against the wall with ease as he kissed you again, his lips more aggressive than before.
"I want to touch you so bad," he whispered, tugging at the bottom of your lip with his teeth as he pulled away from you.
You had enough of the whiny teasing, finally grabbing for his wrists and dragging them over your still covered body, basically pleading for him to touch you.
"Slow down, darling," he smirked, his fingers working carefully toward your shoulders and pulling off the thin straps, pushing your dress down over the hills of your breasts and moving his hands to your ass to drop it all the way to the floor.
He stood there, attempting to hide the awe on his face as he took you in, your planned matching set of pink lace adding a false sense of innocence around you, the light rose illuminating your body.
He hadn't seen this in a while, and boy was it making him excited. You now saw the strain of his pants below, your body growing hot from the tension of his eyes as he scanned you.
"How come I never saw this one before?" he asked politely, a small yet deep hum ending his sentence as he stared at your nipples growing hard from the cold and the see-through lace.
"It's new," you smiled, watching the restraint on his face as he continued to take it all in.
He exhaled for a moment, staring at your body while he decided to do something, fingers sliding back to your waist and tightening around you.
The cold was beginning to hit you, beginning to shiver as he reached for your hips, lifting you up with ease and throwing you over his shoulder.
Just as he used to, it showed you where this was going to go.
It was going down a very, very good path for you.
He laid you on the bed with some force, his fists going to the hem of his shirt to pull it swiftly off his head and toss it to the side.
You stared at his toned stomach, the way his muscles moved as he breathed heavier, the deep rivets of his abs prominent in the low light.
He leaned down to kiss you, his lips meeting your jaw before your lips, his fingers slipping swiftly down into your panties.
He earned a gasp, his cold fingers reaching the warm stickiness between your legs as he stroked skillfully over your clit, forming a pool of pleasure and heat inside your stomach.
Your lips were preoccupied with his, your eyes closed at all times no matter if he leaned to nip at your jaw or neck, or tugged on your lip. Two fingers slid into you with ease, the warm welcome and slick he had caused giving him a free entry.
"So ready for me, you're such a good girl," he said against your lips, a deep exhale leaving him as rocked the two fingers inside of you, hitting a spot you hadn't known existed before him.
You giggled for a second before a moan interrupted both the light kiss and your giggle, the heat growing in your stomach once more as he continuously hit the right spot. He was overwhelmingly good, quickly building up an orgasm as he plunged his fingers in and out of your cunt.
"Wait," you pleaded, quickly losing your breath as an orgasm approached fast, your tummy full of tingles and butterflies and the incoming explosion of an orgasm as he pumped in and out of you.
"Going to finish too soon?" he asked, a sarcastic voice of pity overtaking his usual deep and mesmerizing one, continuing the push of his fingers as he watched your face contort in trying to prevent your own orgasm, you couldn't finish this quick, you couldn't get to the real fun if you did.
You nodded your head aggressively, your eyes screwed shut again as you pleaded with small whimpers and quiet yelps, your hands flying to his wrists to push his fingers out of you.
You were on the brink, your body so overwhelmed and needy for him yet so intensely wanting more.
"You're such a pretty little slut," he murmured, his voice back to normal as he forced you over the edge, his fingers slowing to a stop as you contorted, your hands grasping around his wrist and your body exploding with pleasure, breathing heavy and working yourself through with small moans and gasps.
Your legs were clamped shut, the feeling of your orgasm overwhelming and so relieving to have again.
Finnick's hands reached to your legs, placing them on your knees and giving you a questioning yet knowing look.
"What makes you think we're done, you pretty little whore?" he whispered, leaning down, forcing your legs back open against your struggle and leaning between them to kiss you, your legs squeezing around his waist. You felt the smirk on his lips against yours, his hands moving down to your panties once again as he kept your lips occupied.
Your stomach was building again already, the names he was calling you and the way he manhandled you was driving you insane.
"I didn't–" you began, sputtering, overwhelmed at the feelings before Finnick stopped kissing you and lifted his head slightly to look you in the eye, his beautiful eyes capturing you.
"Shh, darling," he said, a hand moving to your cheek and stroking his thumb down your lip, watching the whiny and needy expressions on your face as his grin grew wider. "You can take it like a good girl."
He pulled your panties off so swiftly you didn't even know if they still existed, the cold air now completely available to your wet cunt.
He took a moment to admire you bottomless in front of him before beginning to strip himself.
"Eyes on me, pretty girl," he said, waiting for you to look down at his stomach and still growing bulge. Once he knew you were watching, his hands moved to his pants.
He began with his belt, the metal clinking as he undid the clasp and dragged it out of the loops slowly, the leather smearing against his pants. Undoing his button, he pulled away the fabric, leaving a pair of black boxers.
He came over to you, looking you in the eye. After a moment of silence and shared looks of lust, you began to beg.
"Please," you whined, grabbing for his arm. "I can't wait anymore, please, Finnick."
His jaw tightened, his hands moving swiftly behind your knees, he grabbed them to force your legs apart once more before pushing into you with ease.
You hadn't forgotten how good he was, you remembered the length hitting all the right spots with no effort, but especially the familiar stretch of your walls sending electrifying feelings and heat to your stomach quickly.
Deep grumbles and moans left his mouth as he took in the moment, his cock moving in and out of you for the first time since you'd 'split'.
Your body was racking with moans, yelps, whimpers, anything that would set him off and relay how good it felt to have him inside of you again.
"You're so–" you breathed, a moan taking over your sentence as he pushed deeper inside you.
"I'm what, love?" he asked, picking up pace as he thrusted into you.
Instead of answering, whimpers pushed out of your throat, your head throwing back into the soft bed.
"Tell me, slut," he demanded, his voice low as he reached for your neck, finger squeezing around it to block most of your airway.
"Good!" you squeaked out, the burn of your throat from low oxygen and the arousal in your stomach building increasingly higher was the best thing you had ever felt.
"Good girl," he murmured, giving you a light tap on the cheek as he removed his hand from your neck,
Your body was once again close to an orgasm, the feeling of his cock against your ribbed insides enough to send anyone spiraling. The sweaty and hot atmosphere of the room was making you even more needy, and the fact you had finally gotten Finnick back made you want to rub it in everyone's faces.
"I feel you, baby," he said, his thrusts becoming slightly sloppy as he tried to hide his growing pleasure.
The feeling was becoming too overwhelming, and you wanted to finish so badly, the pain and pleasure mixing in a weird, frighteningly good concoction as your body shook with it.
"Come on, cum for me," he pushed, his thrusts staying consistent now as he worked for you, pleaded. His skillful way of speaking to you as if you could only be his, the way a hint of neediness pushed through the thick barrier of lust in his throat.
Even more powerful than the first, your orgasm sent you over the edge, electrified jerks of your body and a fulfilling heat rushed over you, butterflies and tingles exploding through your entire body.
"That's my pretty girl," he said, an evil grin growing on his face as he continued, thrusts pounding into you again and again his head throwing back as he felt your walls contract around him.
Your body began to burn, the way his thrusts still rung throughout your body and the exhaust of his movements, your body was jerking to get away from him as he held on to your hips and shoulders tightly, his hands roaming frantically where he could keep you in one spot.
Whimpers of 'please' rang through every thrust, a tear beginning to run down your cheek as you almost worked yourself to another orgasm, the burn now less pleasurable and more pain as you struggled through your second at the same time before he slowed to a stop, jagged thrusts hitting into you.
You were breathing incredibly heavy, whines racking your body as you relaxed from what he had just done, closing your legs and putting your hands over your face as you tried to slow your breathing.
Finnick collapsed beside you, his pants now zipped by the small zzzrrp you heard beforehand, pulling your shivering body into his strong arms.
"God, I've missed you," he mumbled, his arms tightening around your back as you pulled your hands away from your face, looking at him.
He was pink, his cheeks a darker red as he breathed above your head to not blow it into your face, his eyes still glistening in the moonlight, but with different emotions now.
Recognition, love, happiness.
"I've missed this," your whispered back, your head burying into his chest as he gave a weak laugh.
"Stop being all sappy and be mine again," his voice was quiet, it sounded as if he had started to cry, but you knew he hadn't. That wasn't him.
"As long as you promise to be mine," you said into his chest, your arm barely wrapping around half of his back.
He paused for a moment, and you assumed that he was thinking of ways to make you blush.
"Any day, my love, any day."
You chirped as you snuggled in, a small gesture of 'I love you', a happy hum of his following soon after he gave you a small kiss on the top of your head.
He pulled you in impossibly closer, the smell of him and his warmth holding you close as you began to doze off, finally safe in his arms again, him belonging to you, you belonging to him, and once again belonging to each other.
You were meant to be.
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enhaheeseung · 7 months
Toxic - L. Heeseung
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Pairing: heeseung X fem reader!
Warning: toxic ex, mentions of relationships, crying, angst kinda, suggestive, drinking, party setting.
Genre: toxic relationship, ex’s to?
WC: ??? Short lol
Note: This is my first time writing a Drabble thingy so go easy on me lol half edited btw.
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Toxic ex-boyfriend hee that still has friends that are friends of yours, so whenever you go out to a party or a gathering, you can expect him to be right there.
Who spots you in a crowd and casually walks up to you at one of those said parties to greet you as if you both didn’t break up a year ago because of how toxic the relationship was getting.
Who when you try to walk away from him, he’ll grab you by your wrist and gently guide you somewhere else, a bit more quiet. His hand rests beside your head on the wall behind you, the other holding a red solo cup as he bends his neck lower to talk to you. “I miss you,” he drunkenly spills out to you and sets his cup aside, his other hand going to hold your waist. His touch is barely there, yet it still burns your skin despite your clothing covering it.
Who holds you still when you try to get away, and with both of his hands now resting on your waist, you felt too weak to even move. Just his touch alone could have you in shambles. “You miss me too, right? Miss us together?” he whispers, pulling you into his chest, and the moment his cologne hits your nose and invades your senses, you helplessly melt into his arms.
Who hums in contentment when you lean against him, his palms stroking your back softly, and moments later, you hear soft sniffles, ones that you heard over the phone countless of times after your break up. He’d always do this, and you knew exactly what was coming next. You just don’t know if you had the strength this time to turn him away. “I’m sorry, y/n. I know I’m insecure, and I know I get jealous to the point of anger, but it’s just cause I love you so much and don’t want you going anywhere without me. I need you by my side and no one else’s.” he nuzzled his face against your cheek, his warm, flushed skin sending sparks throughout your whole entire body. “You know I’m selfish, baby,” he chuckled, the deep bass in his voice rumbling against your chest, leaving your heart no choice but to beat faster. “So selfish.” he holds you tighter, putting emphasis on each word as he inhales your inviting scent.
Who finally lets go when you come to your senses and push him off of you. You step away from him, trying to stabilize your shaky voice. “Heeseung…” his name hangs in the air, his eyes softening as he watched you moving further and further away from him. His heart dropped to his stomach cause even though there wasn’t even a five-foot distance. The gap was still too much for him to handle. “I have to go…”
Who can’t take no for an answer. “No,” he steps closer, holding onto you so you physically can’t leave him. “Come on, don’t do this to me, don’t do this to us, please,” he begs, the smell of alcohol still heavy on his breath.
Who can visibly see you slowly but surely getting sucked back in the longer be pleads with you, but you can’t cause you know exactly what it would lead to, yet you still just can’t step away. “Come back to me, love. You know I can change.” he bends down, hands far too low on your waist to be considered appropriate for ex’s, but you don’t mind, and you also didn’t mind when his warm lips made contact with your neck, and just like that you were his again as his kisses got wetter and sloppier you couldn’t help the moan you let out. “Yeah, baby, that’s right, moan for me. Nobody else can do you the way I can, isn’t that right?” He kissed your earlobe, and you weakly gripped his broad shoulders to hold yourself up, otherwise, you would have collapsed from the euphoric feeling of his lips making out with your sensitive neck. “Kiss me.” he leaned back, searching your eyes with his desired filled ones. He can’t help but smirk when he sees you zeroing in on his lips, the anticipation rising in his veins, and just before your lips can meet, one of your friends is dragging you away from him, and just like that, the moment is over your head is finally cleared. And as you look back at him while you’re being escorted out of the party, you can’t decipher if you feel happy that you’re not around him anymore or sad by the unmistakable look of hurt and disappointment on his face, but as the cold air hits your face, you’re just glad that the moment is over and you can finally breathe properly.
Who can’t help but feel like his life is ending when he sees you being taken away from him. Anger and jealousy bubbling in his veins, and he tries to resist running after you, but he can’t despite his friends calling for him not to. It’s just too bad that when he gets outside, it’s too late, and you’re already driving home with your friend. He touches his lips and closes his eyes to calm himself. The feel of your skin still there, and he smirks while opening his eyes and swiping his tongue on his bottom lip, knowing he’d be seeing you around.
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bonny-kookoo · 1 year
The ilysib couple are so cute and secure in their relationship🤧🤧 I want, no I NEED him😭
Has the oc ever felt jealous/protective of jk when another woman tries to flirt with him?
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"Here, let me help.." Jungkook tells you, reaching out to take the glass bottle of strawberry flavored ramune from your struggling hands, palms already an angry red from trying to push the glass marble in by yourself. He, on the other hand, doesn't even use his palm at all- a push from his thumb all that's needed for him as he quickly drinks the foam bubbling up from the bottle, before he gives it to you.
But before you can even say thank you, someone next to him giggles, her friend behind her equally as charmed by his actions it seems like as she leans on her hand, cleavage pushed forwards so much that you're wondering when her tits will finally spill out. "It's so cute seeing a guy take care of girls like that." The older girl says, looking at Jungkook, and you freeze up for a second. "My brother has to take care of his besties' sister sometimes too, I get it." She laughs, and you put down your drink at that.
It's something that you've noticed happening quite a lot with Jungkook at your side. Maybe it's your girly outfits sometimes looking more cute than sexy just because you feel like wearing something more comfortable. Maybe it's the height difference between you and Jungkook. Maybe it's your rather round face that makes people think you're younger than you are, especially when you don't dress revealing and confident.
It's, after all, one of the reasons you do dress like that, most of the time. Because you're just not being taken seriously otherwise- and right now, you're just being proven right on that.
You don't want to cause a scene and put Jungkook on the spot however, knowing how uncomfortable things like that make him- so you just stand up, shrug off your partially see-through beach cover over your chair next to him, before you lean over to kiss his cheek. "I'll be going for a swim, alright?" You say, and he nods, a bit caught off guard- before he watches you walk off, towards the sea where you slowly walk further into the deeper water.
He's suspected that you have a distaste for things like that- being belittled by others especially.
He's noticed that you're a little sensitive about jokes made concerning your height or soft facial features, and it had taken you quite a long time to ask him for help for.. anything, really. And even now, you much rather break your neck and twist your limbs in order to reach a higher shelf in the grocery store than ask him who's more often than not right next to you.
He doesn't know what to do to help. Because while he knows that you hate being called that, you are simply.. cute to him.
"Would you join us for the beach party tonight?" The girl next to him asks, pulling him out of his thoughts- and he shrugs, before he takes your beach cover, folding the see-through fabric before he puts it in your bag that he zips up. "Aw, come on-"
"Gotta ask my girlfriend if she's up for it." He simply says, before he waves at you to come back- something you do, though your face still shows some discomfort.
"Oh- well, it was worth a try." The girl says, shrugging. "But considering she's not here right now, you can always call me up when you get tired of her-" She leans closer, when Jungkook stands up, not even looking at her. Instead, he wraps the pink beach towel over your shoulders so you can dry off, and picks up your bag for you.
"I wanna go somewhere less crowded.." He mumbles towards you, and you not quietly. "Hey." He says, catching your attention to look up at him, giving him a good angle to kiss you- something that definitely catches you off guard- before you can feel his hands adjusting your bathing suit to cover your chest a bit better. "Okay?" He asks you, and you're not sure what he's asking-
But you nod.
And so he holds your hand the entire way from the beach to his car, to drive to a more secluded spot like he said. And he also holds your hands in the back of his car, where he shows you just how much he loves your body just the way that it is, no matter how much you dislike it.
And while it doesn't cure your insecurities, his love and care does help you, little by little.
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l1tw1ck · 2 years
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Belphie & Beel As Your Boyfriend
bottom!ftm: Belphie & Beel (separate) x top masc reader
CW: Consensual Somnophilia, Oral Sex, Creampie, Oral Sex, Overstimulation, Cum Swallowing
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consensual somno, oral, creampie
☆ Expect to sleep in the same room as him, wherever that may be. He definitely likes to sleep on your lap or rest his entire weight on you
☆ Lots of cuddling! He loves your body warmth
☆ Lazy kisses, probably doesn't like to french kiss often because it's too much work for him. He prefers to give you a peck on the lips or a kiss on the cheek. Simply pressing his lips against yours for a few seconds is nice too
☆ Clingy. He likes to be around you at all times, probably has separation anxiety like a puppy
♡ He likes to lay back and let you do all the work. Loves to receive, only gives if he feels like it
♡ Eat him out whenever you want, he’ll happily allow you to do so. Especially when he's horny, he needs you to please him in some way and oral is his favorite
♡ Orgasm delays. Don't let him come too early, he likes to be edged
♡ Praise and marking. Make him feel like a prince in bed, treat him like he's your prince. Make sure to bite him all over so he can admire them later
♡ Nipple Play. His nipples are so sensitive, anything you do to them turns him on. He could come with only his nipples
♡ Somnophilia. He likes to wake up to you eating him out or straight up fucking him
Beel’s already out eating up a storm, leaving a sleeping Belphegor in their room. You’re at the end of his bed, about to “wake him up”. You asked him about it before and he gave you the okay to do it. Belphie doesn't react as you remove his covers and pull off his shorts and underwear. He remains asleep as your tongue drags along his cunt, even as it enters him and explores his insides. Not a word leaves Belphie’s mouth, only soft moans of pleasure as you tongue fuck your boyfriend. “Mmh..” He subconsciously moves his hips. You take his little t-dick and jerk it off, causing his moans to increase. You can tell he's already close thanks to the way he squeezes you and the way his moans get louder. You slow down and stop him from coming, something he would've asked you to do had he been awake.
You slide yourself inside him, earning a soft gasp from the sloth. Belphie teeters on the edge of asleep and awake as you start to fuck him. Your thrusts eventually force him awake but he thinks he's dreaming. “Ye- yes..” He moans softly. “[Name]...” He says dreamily. You fuck him faster, hands gripping his waist hard. He only moans and squeezes your cock, drooling spilling down onto his pillow. You grab his tiny cock and go back to jerking it off. Belphegor’s moans get louder and sluttier as you bring him to another orgasm. “Uh~!” He gasps, your cock hitting his g spot. His words come out as incoherent as you continue ramming into his sweet spot, a loud whine leaving his mouth as he finally comes.
You come soon after, spilling your seed inside his sensitive pussy. Belphie relaxes, a silly grin on his face. “Happy birthday, Belphie.” You flip him onto his back to kiss him good morning.
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oral sex, overstim, cum swallowing
☆ You better be good at cooking or have a lot of money if you want to provide for him.
☆ Likes to watch his favorite shows with you, perhaps while sitting on your lap?
☆ If you know how to cook, expect him to be impatient and cling to you while you do so
☆ He likes seeing you happy, so he does anything in his power to see you smile or hear you laugh
♡ He loves giving you blowjobs and drinking your cum like it's a delicacy. Creampies are good too~
♡ Likes to be skin to skin, prefers sex while cuddling or being on top with his chest flush against yours.
♡ Probably likes to give you hickeys and bites and savors in the taste of you
♡ Sensual or rough. He prefers sensual sex but he's rarely opposed to rough sex. Likes when you pull on his hair
♡ Very impatient when in heat, will cling to you like a hungry beast until you fuck him
♡ Loves kissing you, you taste so good to him
♡ Prefers you to face him when you fuck so he can kiss you all he wants
Beelzebub whines, annoyed by the smell of cake knowing that he can't eat it yet. He's trying to be patient and wait for you to finish making his quadruple layer birthday cake but it looks so delicious. He reluctantly leaves the oven and goes to you, hoping for an appetizer before the cake finishes baking.
Beelzebub wraps his lips around your cock, sucking in your hard length with a small smile on his face. He bobs his head up and down, sucking you off sloppily but pleasurably for the both of you. He holds onto your legs as he devours your cock, you smell and taste so good to him, he needs more. It always feels like he's trying to suck out your soul along with your spend. You roll your head back in pleasure, muttering praises to your boyfriend as he brings you to your peak. Beel moans at the feeling of your cock pulsing inside his mouth, a sure sign you’re about to fill up his mouth with your load. Beelzebub envelops your length whole as you shoot thick ropes of cum down his throat.
He’s not done yet though. He continues on with sucking your now sensitive length, drool spilling down his chin as he milks you for more. You know there's no winning against him so you let him continue, hisses and groans leaving your mouth. Beel cups your balls, fondling them in a successful attempt to bring you closer to your second orgasm. He doesn't gag even once as your cock constantly hits the back of his throat. You're practically shaking at this point, his hands on your legs and your hands on the counter are the only things keeping you upright. You warn him you're about to come, your shaky voice making him blush. He goes on until you shoot your second load into his mouth, finally satisfied.
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