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mabelanefox · 4 years ago
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spirit-of-life · 5 years ago
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My demonic Lahn, love her so much!
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abdostoryblog-blog · 5 years ago
(yawn) … and another day started in my adventure! I can’t seem to remember everything I’ve done last night, but, boy, it did feel good having a bit of fun… however I still need to figure out where I am and all of the weird things happening to me, but waking up in another’s person bed is not the best way to do that. Apparently I spent the night inside Jarette’s tent, nothing in particular happened, but I can sense she has a thing for me ever since I met her yesterday near the Forest of Seclusion. With all these being said, we enjoyed a nice breakfast together, had some laughs and I went on my way as I haven’t finished dealing with Red Nose.
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Giddy up and let’s go and visit Tiny Nose as he might have some info about Red Nose … wait, what is happening with all these names? Couldn’t they figure out better ones? Anyway, even though I saw my mother all my life taking care of her horses, riding one sure gets tiring at some point. Or maybe I am doing something wrong?
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Managed to reach the Imp Cave where I did meet with Tiny Nose giving me some clues about what is going on. On my way out, I saw and met Uno, he is helping Edan with his research regarding this “black energy” or “black spirit” or whatever you want to call it. He was surprised seeing how well I am considering Red Nose was engulfed in all darkness and became the monster that he is today…
No world is peaceful enough unfortunately. And as much as I want to stop taking any lives, regardless of them being innocent or not, it seems like fate doesn’t let me do this. I guess this is how this world works, killing is something on a daily basis and I should start saying goodbye to the lost peaceful days of the past where I was avoiding somehow the harsh contact with reality. I can feel it in my blood, in my bones, the urge to fight and succeed. I was sent to kill a huge number of steel imps so I can learn more about their leader, Red Nose. There were other adventurers there, all slaughtering the imps, resulting in a massive bloodshed.
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This Black Spirit seems more and more satisfied whenever I do killing jobs and I show off my strength … btw, when did I become so powerful?
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Tiny Nose made its appearance and he was brave enough to tell me something important about Red Nose … The reason he was engulfed in darkness was because he also had a red nose like him and everybody was making fun of … that poor creature just wanted to have some confidence, but unfortunately he was weak and he got consumed by all the hatred …. The Black Spirit said he found a way we could summon and defeat him once and for all, so I activated the portal and tested my strength…
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He was … huge! An immense monster, bursting of hatred and strength, blinded by darkness and killing everything in its sight! His huge hands were smashing the ground, one hit and you could die…. A showcase of power… a sad one though as he became like this just to stop being bullied… His soul has no rescue anymore, so I had to do my best to defeat him! I was amazed to see how fast my reaction skills were, how fast I was moving and slicing through his thick skin. Blood was splattering everywhere, you could hear his painful roar. He was not quick enough for me and that killed him. I almost ran out of breath at the end of the fight, still trying to figure out how did I manage this … how was I so powerful….
A Mysterious Knight appeared in front of me, not talking too much and just blessed me? How can I describe this sensation … God, I never thought I would ever use this term, “to bless”…. I felt like I could learn things faster, like my mind was more open and I was paying more attention to my surroundings.
This definetly makes 2 weird encounters, Red Nose and the Mysterious Knight.
Not far from this colossal battle, there was Cliff, waiting with the soldiers and congratulating me for everything that I have done … and then.. he said the magic words. He told me to go to Loggia Farm as there are more matters to attend there… my home, my place, my childhood, my mother…. I can finally reach them …. To be honest, I had no idea I was  getting so close. But as much as I want to do this, I have to finish some business around here before I can move on. I promised yesterday to Incas, the Node Manager I would go to the place he told me to go – the Coastal Cliff – and look for his friend. Yes, I am going to do one more task before heading back home!
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This is not my first time here. I knew this area, I used to come here when I was a kid, playing with my friends, looking at the vast sea, the mountains, all these shades of blue. It was always a calming scenery, a soothing landscape, and maybe today, more soothing than ever. I was feeling peaceful.
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I met with Andrei, Incas’s friend, a friendly guy, a bit of a loner I might add, but he told me some nice stories about the area. He also asked for my help clearing an area of imps, just around his small little camp (oh yes, more killing!) so I did it.
I have to admit, the imps are not much of a challenge for me now, but I got scared when I saw a huge Stoneback Crab walking towards me and attacking me! That thing was huge and tough but I used some of my special moves and killed it…. Oh poor, crab, why did you have to attack me? I had nothing to do with you … I am sorry, it was just self-defense ….
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After clearing the imps, I found a nice altar, hidden between some trees. Everything felt so calm, the details in the carved stones were amazing! I chose not to believe in any gods, I am my own God and I empower myself through the choices I make in life. I believe in a force, in a creating act, but I also believe we are all capable of manipulating it. These findings, these small little details make me stop and breathe. Feel the wind, hear the birds singing, hearing the leaves as they dance through the air. These moments make me feel more alive. I will surely remember this spot and I will visit it more often.
Now on my way back to Incas to tell him the news about his friend. We had a nice chat, had a beer in the ardent sun and was sent to meet Jamie in the Camp to let him now that the imps are becoming quite a big problem for trading.
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I took a picture with him just for one reason: to definitely avoid him. He seemed a rude guy, although I think he is the brother of the blacksmith? I mean, I do not know for sure, but they do have similar traits. He told me he can’t do much for Incas and then he tried to offer me some Fried Vegetables … better said, inviting me for dinner.
His eyes were greedy. I freaked out a bit and left.
What a creep!
I took a last walk through the Camp before heading to Loggia. This time, it seemed like more adventurers were here. I met a lovely girl that showed me how I can dry things, like hides or food, so I thank her for that. I knew some of that stuff myself, but it is better to get more tips.
Fate toyed with me a bit and I saw one of the cutest guys ever around here. Pity he didn’t even look at me or reply. Oh well, glad I will soon be back home, sit in my comfy bed and start thinking about …. Damn, I need to be focused!
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I also met another Lahn warrior, we had a nice chat, I told her about my mother and how she taught me a bit of her fighting styles. She didn’t tell me anything about her family, but she was nice enough to have a real chat! I wished her luck in her journeys and I hope I can meet her again!
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Now back to Loggia, back to the past. I wonder what my mother is doing, I wonder what the neighbours and villagers around are doing, I want to know everything! Severo was so happy to see me coming back, he said everybody was worried about me, some would think that I was even dead! I was missing for 5 years, but somehow for me, it felt like only 2-3 days have passed. He told me that my mother always thought I am alive and that she would tell everybody that I will come back one day …. Well, this day arrived! I am back home!
Oh wait… she is not home? Guess she is in Velia with some business. I am going to help Severo with some tasks meanwhile, I have to help him finding some well polished soles? I will need a tanning knife for this, so I will be heading to Velia to get some. I don’t want to hang out there too much, I want to catch up with my mom first and then see my friends, but I do hope everybody is alright!
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Not much has changed in the city! Same faces, a couple of new ones, but when I went to the merchant to buy the stuff I need, it was a surprise to see Zaaira over there! She used to be one of my best friends, we were always getting in trouble for “exploring” too much. We always liked to discover new things, we would always go together in the forests and around the farms. Sometimes we were even stealing grapes and try to make our own wine! I am glad I see her, not much has changed for her, she took over the business her family had so she can’t do all the things she used to do before. We had a nice bottle of wine over there (she closed the shop temporarly, all for me) and I told her I was heading back to Loggia.
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We talked about the past and about our childhood, she asked where I’ve been all these years and I was honest and told her I had no idea what happened… I am still looking for the answers myself. She always thought I have the guts to do bold and daring things, otherwise we would have never been friends! And that is true! I mean … let’s say she was always the black sheep in our group!
I completely forgot that the holiday season was at this time, guess I got too tangled in my own problems. Hey, at least my return is a wonderful gift for everybody that knows me! I wouldn’t be able to afford buying presents too much anyway! I am currently still a poor adventurer.
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Gathering that particular Well Polished Sole is quite a pain, but I am getting hides I can later process them and try to give them to the villagers here. I am sure they will put them to good use. Sometimes we have to kill in order to survive, and even though I believe in a communion between humans and animals, it is a necessary evil, to kill. The animals are restoring the balance anyway, with bears killing us in return.
I didn’t have any success in finding this rare trading item, but tomorrow is another day. It is getting darker and I really want to catch up with Itai(my mother). I took a picture with the “well of wonders” in front of our place. I always wanted to know what is deep down inside of it when I was a child. I thought there would be monsters and a treasure. Well, now it is a landmark in my pictures. Funny how aging up changes our way of thinking.
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Entering my old house was … comforting. Most of the things were the same as I left, but I could see that there were more flowers, more fruits, more … everything! I guess my mother did pretty well while I was gone and didn’t give up on working. The smell of the wooden chairs and tables, the smell of the fresh strawberries was filling the room. It was not a big place, but it was home. It was always home. We never needed more, we had everything we wanted…. The stove was on when I entered, it is clearly that my mother was cooking ….
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…and there she was, sitting on the bed, after a hard day of working. She is as strong as I remembered, imposing and beautiful!
She would never cry. I never saw her cry. But I could see how her eyes were getting wet when I looked at her. She was happy. I was also happy.
I was home.
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I told her everything that I knew, what happened, how I do not remember anything… She told me about her struggles and how worried she was for me. But deep inside her heart she knew I will be fine and come back one day. She made quite some money with her farming and trading and I also found out my father left some “treasures” around… she will give them to me, to put them to good use. She felt proud and she told me I could be the warrior she never was … and it is funny, because 10 years ago I would never think about this. But now… I feel it!
I ate some of my favorite dishes, had some beers, it was joy in our house. We stayed up until late, we laughed and talked. I guess we both knew that I have a journey ahead of me and these moments won’t be shared so often. So we took our time to catch up. We both knew I was not a small girl anymore. We both knew I do have a future, and not just an ordinary one…
So thank you mom for trusting and believing in me.
I can now lay my head peacefully on my pillow, smell your scent and dream about the adventures of tomorrow.
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mabelanefox · 4 years ago
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mabelanefox · 4 years ago
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spirit-of-life · 6 years ago
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Lahn rocking that green dye! Been looking at trying a different eye colour though.
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spirit-of-life · 6 years ago
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Raiinn by the moonlight 🌕❤️🌕
My 57 ranger, not my main but proud of her GS.
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spirit-of-life · 6 years ago
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Lahn Spam 😝 Still only level 57 but soon to be 58! So proud of her.
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