#bd fish cutting
I really need to vent about how much I like Cal and Merrin's dynamic in Jedi: Survivor cause they've quickly become probably my favorite canon pairing in the franchise.
I absolutely love that this relationship is built on the basis of friendship, respect, and a genuine mutual understanding of each other. From gameplay comments and conversations, Cal is very clearly so enamored with Merrin and literally everything about her. I know it's become a bit of a joke how clearly into her he is but he just thinks she's the most incredible being in the entire galaxy and it's honestly the sweetest thing. The writers could have very easily made his connection to Merrin a weakness or had it where it made his struggle with the darkness harder but I adore that they allowed him to be completely smitten with her and presented it as a strength. It's refreshing not only in Star Wars but in media in general, at least in my opinion. Love being presented as a positive asset is something so deeply missing in media nowadays - especially romantic love. Far too often in this day and age, love is presented as a weakness or something that will only bring you down, so I respect the fuck out of this writing.
Oops, this got really, really long so I'm putting the rest under a cut. It's kind of spitfire, so I apologize if it feels random.
I love how their first kiss is Merrin basically making a split-second decision where she realizes she doesn't want to die without kissing him at least once even if it runs the risk of making things awkward should they survive. Is it cliche as fuck? Absolutely, but it works so well in this instance. Cal being so dumbfounded, gawking at her like a fish, trying to process what the hell just happened that BD has to remind him they're literally about to die is the best thing too.
I appreciate that Cal is so obviously hesitant about giving into any sort of romantic feelings for Merrin because, of course, he would be due to his upbringing. He's pushing so hard against it to the point that he's even completely reluctant to so much as discuss it with Bode when they're on the Lucrehulk. Personally, I don't think Cal is oblivious to their potential feelings for each other. I've never been a huge fan of treating Cal as completely naive. He still might be a bit emotionally stunted, sure but he's lived 10 years outside of the Jedi Order at this point. I think he's hesitant to talk about it because first of all, it's really none of Bode's business but also, if he talks about it, he has to admit it, and if he admits it, that makes it real, and if it's real... well fuck, now he has to do something about it either way which is exactly what he's trying to avoid. I think he's trying to stay as neutral about it as he can until he gets to a point in the story/his arc where he decides he actually wants or feels ready to make a decision. Bode almost gets it out of him too before they're interrupted. The progression of Bode's questioning during that mission is something I actually find really interesting but that's a different topic.
Many people have pointed this out but Cal smiling so brightly while Merrin is clearly freaking the fuck out of Bode is just the cutest thing. Not only because he finds such humor in her scaring the shit out of people for fun when he of all people knows it's a running joke but he also goes along with the joke any chance he gets. He does this even when she's not around. People will be freaked out by her and he still plays along and it's not even like, "Yeah, I know, she's fucking scary bro," it's more like, "Yeah, I know, she can wake the dead, isn't it amazing how scary she is!" Someone else already pointed this out in another post but that feels almost more intimate than any kiss they share. His attraction to her encompasses all sides of her including those that many people find incredibly terrifying and I find that so endearing, he wouldn't ask her to change for anything. He's the only person who genuinely isn't freaked out by her in the slightest but not only that, he finds that side of her to be so incredible. Also, Cal being so blase with Bode about his obvious attraction to Merrin a mission prior and then having the most blatant sexual tension with her in front of Bode in the next scene is peak comedy, I don't care what anybody says. Like, Cal, honey, you just spent the entire previous mission trying to convince Bode (and yourself) there's nothing there and/or you're not pursuing it, so you're not doing yourself any favors by looking at her like that, standing that close to her, and speaking to her with the cadence of a lover bro.
I love that the second Cal walks onto the Mantis after killing Rayvis, she instantaneously picks up on the fact that something's wrong. Literally instantaneously. You can see her face drop the moment she sees him. She just knows something happened. Her ability to read him insanely well is something that is introduced very early on in the game, most noticeably in the campfire scene, and it stays consistent over the course of the story. The following conversation they have is honestly one of the best moments between them in the entire game. It's this type of conversation I've been wanting to see with a Jedi and their potential lover since Revenge of the Sith. He is so open with her even in a somewhat roundabout way about his genuine fear of losing himself and while the conversation is not explicitly about their relationship, the implication is still there and she 100% picks up on it, especially since he wonders aloud why Santari didn't see the change in Dagan before it was too late. Instead of shaming him for his reservations or calling it ridiculous or anything else she could have said at this moment, she instead decides to possibly help curb those fears and give him some comfort regarding it. She goes on to basically tell him in so few words she knows what she's signing up for and is willing to cross those bridges with him if they come. It's a great difference between Cal and Dagan. Though it's never outright stated that Dagan and Santari were in love, I feel like it's... pretty heavily implied, or at least he was definitely in love with her (was I the only one who read it that way??) but whereas Dagan demands that Santari talk him away from the darkness and seems to almost expect her to, Merrin herself plainly offers to do it with no prodding on Cal's part. It doesn't seem to be a burden Cal wanted to put on her, not something he was inherently expecting of her but she willingly offers, it is her choice, she wants to carry that burden with him. While she does seem maybe slightly annoyed by his hesitancy regarding their relationship to each other, she is also so incredibly patient with him while he's stewing over what he wants to do. It's beautiful. As a side note, "A shared dream is not so easy to wake from," is such an amazing line. Seriously, I want merch with that quote on it.
I liked that going through with the relationship was Cal's choice in the end. Merrin didn't push it, she didn't pressure it. She let him bring it up and come to her when he was ready and if that meant potentially being rejected by a man she very clearly adores, so be it, and I have no doubt she would've respected that choice if that's what he'd wanted. I know a lot of people seem to think he only makes this decision due to Bode's questions earlier but it really seems to be a combination of multiple things that lead to this. Bode picking his brain definitely got him thinking about it, maybe more than he wanted to, but I do think the other big part of Cal being willing to go forward with it at this moment is his confrontation with Dagan that, while an illusion, did cause him to come to grips with his own mortality in a way. "How does it feel knowing you're about to die. That your life meant nothing." As Cal says, Dagan uses an extremely powerful force hallucination based on fear here, so while losing himself to the darkness might scare him, his life being completely meaningless is what he seems to fear the most. Cal's journey throughout Survivor encompasses many things but one of them revolves around feeling aimless and finding a purpose, preferably outside of being a hired weapon that will surely and slowly consume him. It's what everyone consistently tells him: find a home, settle down, embrace happiness because it's fleeting, the path you're on is not healthy and will consume you otherwise...etc. His decision here to give in to his romantic attraction to Merrin is a culmination of all of these interactions and conversations he's had throughout the story, how they've influenced his line of thinking, and him coming to his own conclusions regarding what he personally wants and at this moment, when things are finally, calm and everyone is in a good place with a plan going forward, he personally decides there's no point in living up to the expectations of the Jedi when the Order doesn't exist anymore and wants to see where this could go.
I love the fact that when Merrin witnesses Cal's darkness in the ISB, it's made abundantly clear that she's just as afraid of losing him as he most likely is of losing her. I do think a major reason why she was able to talk him down at the moment is that he fundamentally understands what it feels like to lose everything and everyone, your entire livelihood. That is what they first bonded over and it's something that keeps them bonded in the saddest, yet most profound way and he would never want to add himself to the list of people she's lost. She's also doing exactly what she said she would. In an instance where again, she reads him like a fucking book, she can tell just from his responses on the intercom that he's losing himself and is guiding him back. She immediately went to rescue him as she says. No question, no argument, nothing, she simply does it. She made him a promise and she kept it and in that moment, he promises that she won't lose him, he won't allow it. This is a fundamental difference between Anakin and Padme's dynamic and Cal and Merrin's. While Anakin's love for Padme quite famously ends up extremely selfish in an "I would lose myself to ensure you're not ripped away from me" type of way, Cal and Merrin's dynamic is leaning towards a more selfless, "I won't allow myself to be lost because I can't let that happen for your sake," type of way and god damn it, I love it.
There are several interactions they have in gameplay that I'm lowkey peeved weren't included in cutscenes and one of them is when Cal returns to the Mantis after all but demolishing the ISB, they have this really short but great interaction where Merrin says that if he ever feels that way again, he needs to tell her. She doesn't even ask him to do it, she all but demands it, "If you feel that way again, you will tell me." She's demanding communication from him regarding the darkness and he doesn't fight this demand at all. He agrees to respect this request and I fucking love that from both of them. I will genuinely be kinda upset if we don't get a moment like that in the next game.
I like how their kiss after they've successfully navigated the abyss is kind of their first kiss inverted but instead of "omg we might die, I need to kiss you" it's more "holy shit, we survived, I need to kiss you," but instead of Merrin initiating, now it's Cal. I'm probably reading too much into that but whatever, it's cute.
This isn't about any one part in particular but I do love that it looks like the headcanon so many people had regarding Merrin most likely being quite physically affectionate is turning out to be true.
...I think that's enough for now lol I might add on some things later
Apologies for any typos and thanks for indulging my rambling if you got this far.
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breakfastteatime · 2 months
Well, instead of fixing the political landscape of the US and the rest of the world, how about I let everyone take a sneak peek at a fic I'm working on?
This is unedited, untitled and very very very unfinished...
Cere stares at Cal.
Cal stares at Cere.
BD, Merrin and Greez stare at both of them.
No one speaks. A faint wind blows across the clearing, carrying the scent of sea salt.
BD twitches. Merrin grabs him before he can do or beep anything. Greez seems to be holding his breath.
A lightsaber ignites, a soft buzz in the dawn light. Cere moves first.
Cal blocks. 
Cere's jabs are short, sharp and accurate. Cal moves fast, single-blade meeting Cere's every time.
BD cheers Cal on. Merrin marvels at Cere's form. She’s so much more refined than Cal, not a single movement wasted. Greez covers his eyes with his hands, then covers those hands with his other hands. He cracks his fingers and peers through.
Cere pushes Cal hard, forcing him to tighten his forms, rely more on real Jedi techniques and less on improvised flashiness. Probably because Cere has his second blade and gave him strict orders not to attempt to pull it from her hand. That, she told him, is a cheap trick and not one he should ever rely on. She is wise. And devious. Merrin admires her greatly.
Cere is holding back; not because Cal cannot match her (although Merrin would absolutely bet against him), but because there is a lesson to be learned here. One perhaps Merrin needs to learn too. Flair is arrogance. A Jedi should not show off. They must set their sights on their target and deal with it as succinctly as possible.
A Nightsister can do the same, but only so when she does indulge, her enemies are all the more stunned by her power and prowess.
Honestly (and Merrin will never share this with anyone), she thinks the Jedi needed to cut loose once in a while.
The fight continues. Cere never falters, her relentless lunges and jabs seeking every gap in Cal's defence. He has the endurance to withstand Cere's prolonged offence, but he doesn't have her experience, and when she does eventually break his guard and land a blow, Cal seems delighted to have held out as long as he did. 
He is a very strange person.
"Can we please have breakfast now?" Greez pleads.
“Of course,” Cere says, looking bright and light on her toes. She pats Cal on the shoulder, returns her borrowed lightsaber, and tells him to put some bacta on the burn, and heads aboard the ship. “We need to finalise the supply list.”
BD’s list of demands is lengthy. Cal nods. “Yeah, that’s what we’ll do first, and I’ll get you the best oil I can find.”
“It’s not all about what you want, BD!” Greez hollers.
Merrin wishes she understood BD. She’d love to understand all that beeping and why it’s making Cal laugh like that.
After breakfast, they head into the nearby town armed with destinations to visit and lists from Cere. Merrin can’t wait. She’s never been anywhere like this, Built into the cliff, the people here have two main trades – fishing and mining, and the mining is largely done at the behest of the Empire. Merrin suspects Cal wants to shut the mines down. She also knows Cere won’t let him. The planet’s entire economy relies on those mines just as much as they need the fishing for food. Personally, Merrin can barely wrap her head around galactic economics, but she knows enough to understand they can’t make things worse for ordinary people. They see it time and time again; planets apparently thriving under the Empire, the people completely unaware of the suffering being endured elsewhere in the galaxy. Merrin cannot understand it. For all the cravenness they see, sometimes she simply has to accept that the Empire is very good at controlling their own narrative and nothing they do will convince people the Empire isn’t the best thing that ever happened.
Sometimes, she truly misses the simplicity of her life on Dathomir.
She also misses the warmth. She’s wearing several layers and it’s still not enough. And then, when they reach the town, there are signs everywhere for an ice rink. Cal forgets his list and the shops Cere told him to go to.
“Merrin, we gotta go!” Cal’s eyes light up.
“What is an ice rink?” she asks.
“You skate! On ice! You’ll love it.”
“Stores and supplies first,” Cere says before Merrin can tell Cal ‘no’. “Potentially limb breaking activities later.”
They split up and go their separate ways with a promise to meet up at the ice rink later. Merrin moves through the streets, staring openly at what she sees. Shops carved into the cliffs, others bolted on and towering into the sky, all of them thrumming with people of all species and genders. Cere specifically chose a busy time of day for them to enter the town so no one would notice them. They’re just another batch of tourists come to marvel at the cliff city of Turrey, mid-rim gateway to the stars (according to all the posters she sees pasted on streetlights and mounted on store walls). She likes this world, likes its energy. The people here are hard-working, proud, honest. She can feel it, is empowered by it. Not that she’ll be wielding her magick for all to see while they’re here. Not unless the Empire decides to do something exceedingly heinous which, given that she has yet to come across a single stormtrooper, seems unlikely.
Once she’s gathered up the supplies on her list (various foodstuffs, some ingredients that will suffice for her potion craft, a local tea she thinks Cere might like), Merrin heads to the local café where they’d all agreed to meet. It’s built into a cave, huge glowing orbs hanging from the ceiling, soft bass music playing under the current of conversation and busy barista activity. Cere is there already, sipping caf and watching the world go by. Merrin orders herself a very elaborate juice, complete with ice, froth and a little umbrella, and joins her at the table.
“What do you think?” Cere says. “How does this world rank with all the others you’ve been to so far?”
Sipping her juice, wincing at the sharp sweetness, Merrin lakeers for a moment. Cliff city, chilly weather, sunny though… “If we can finish what we need to do without encountering a single stormtrooper, it will rank highly.”
Greez, Cal and BD join them a short while later, both laden down with supplies and caf. BD is the first to launch into a lengthy explanation about… something. Merrin still does not understand him. Cal translates.
“The people here kept telling me to ‘mind my droid’ as they tend to be unreliable and prone to malfunctions on this world,” he says. BD blurts out something else. “I know, buddy, you’re fine. No malfunctions detected.”
“Malfunction how?” Cere asks.
“Unreliable memories, a tendency to lie, that kind of thing,” Cal says. “It’s probably why most of the droids we came across in the stores we went in didn’t have vocalisers.”
“Eh, wouldn’t be the first world we’ve been on that doesn’t like or trust droids,” Greez says. “Anyway, enough about that. What’s next on the agenda, and please tell me it’s chilling out and having a good day.”
Cal immediately talks about the ice rink, raving about how it’s actually a large lake on top of the cliff outside the town hall and the river its connected to runs all the way through the mountain and down to the sea. He’s so excited, Merrin feels like she’s talking to someone much younger. She wonders for a moment if this was what he was like as a child, happy and excitable. If he is, no wonder he and BD get on so well.
“…heard anything I said, Merrin?”
She blinks, stirring her drink with the straw. “We will go to this ice lake rink you speak of. I would like to see you skate.”
BD giggles and tells Cal something that makes Cal roll his eyes and jab BD’s chassis. “I’d like to see you do any better!”
They go back and forth, teasing each other, although Merrin can only pick up one side of the conversation.
“We’ll drop everything off on the ship, then come back to watch Cal go flailing across the ice,” Greez says.
“Merrin too unless she’s too scared,” Cal says, sing-song, teasing. BD provides backing vocals. “We can race, see who can get from one side of the rink to the other the fastest.”
Merrin is never one to turn down a challenge.
When they head up to the top of the cliff later, Merrin is amazed at the sights. The town hall is as immense and sturdy as the ground it looks as though it has grown out of. Beyond, Merrin can see the entrances to the mines, the hovertrain lines busy with cargo and passenger vehicles.
“Don’t get any ideas about taking a ride on one of those,” Greez tells Cal. “One train rescue is enough for an entire lifetime.”
“You didn’t exactly rescue me from the train,” Cal says.
“Almost,” Greez says. “We almost rescued you from that train.”
“Wish you had.” Cal’s hand rubs his chest. “I wouldn’t have broken so many bones.”
“Wait, you broke bones?”
The ice rink stands at the heart of the town square, a space easily as large as the swamps of Dathomir. Cal pays for tickets and skate rental. He only pays for himself and Merrin, and he leads her into a small, benched area where people are changing in and out of skates.
“Here you go!” Cal hands her the skates.
Dubious, Merrin stares at the boots in her hand, boots with thin blades bolted to the soles. She stares at Cal, who has already switched his regular boots for these skates. "You have ice-skated before?" she asks.
"Nope! Not like this. I’m not sure I can count sliding down frozen rivers on Zeffo as skating."
BD beeps. Cal scoffs. "No, you haven't! It doesn't count if you're not the one actually touching the ice."
In response, BD hops down and onto the ice. Merrin watches him slip and slide in the ice rink, barely avoiding the skaters. People dressed in warm clothes zip by, some with skill and confidence, others poised like they're terrified they might fall through into the water below.
"I'll have some hot drinks waiting for you when you're finished," Greez says.
"You do not have so far to fall," Merrin says. "Would it not be better for you to go skating?"
He laughs so hard he nearly crashed into the people walking by. "No, no way. This is a young person's sport."
An elderly couple whizz by. Merrin raises an eyebrow.
"They're Human! Totally different." Greez waves her away. "Go on, go! Have fun!"
Merrin looks to Cere.
“Not a chance,” Cere says. “I’ve got the med kit on standby.”
Accepting she has lost this argument, Merrin removes her boots and tugs on the skates, lacing them as tight as she can stand. Cal waits for her on the lake edge, BD back in his usual place. Apparently, he also decided against skating.
“Ready?” Cal asks her, hand held out to her.
She takes it. “If I go down, you are coming with me.”
He laughs and slides onto the ice, tugging her along with him. She keeps her balance, as does he, and she watches the more confident skaters, how they keep their heads held up and move with confidence. She can do that. How hard can it even be?
She releases Cal’s hand and pushes off, movement steady and confident. Her speed picks up, the cold air whistling by. She moves past slower skaters, eyes locked on the path ahead. She can do it. She’s doing it!
A small child whizzes in front of her, oblivious to the oncoming danger. Merrin’s instinct is to teleport out of the way. She resists, instead accepting the inevitable crash. The child, however, is faster than expected, and launches into a twirling leap, trailing glee and pride in her wake. Merrin is impressed, and she skates on.
“You gonna try that?”
Cal’s sudden presence behind her nearly sends Merrin failing to the ice. She saves her balance just in time. Cal cackles. She turns (it is not graceful) and gives him a hefty shove. He slides backward, with more grace than she mustered.
It’s times like she is reminded why she did not like him when she first set eyes on him on Dathomir.
“Go,” she tells him. “Show off. I will practice here and beat you at our race.”
“Didja hear that, BD? Merrin’s still up for the race!”
BD does his own twirl across Cal’s shoulders.
“Let us know when you’re ready!” Cal calls as he glides away.
He even does a little spin.
“The child’s was better.”
He sticks out his tongue as he skates away with the confidence of a pro.
By the time Merrin feels ready to race Cal, the ice rink has quietened down. She meets him on the far end. “I will race you,” she says. “No powers.”
He nods. “No powers.”
“BD? No help from you either.”
Whatever BD says in response causes Cal to laugh. She ignores them both. “On three.”
“One – ”
Merrin crouches, ready for launch. “Two…”
Cal takes off, BD squealing. Merrin digs deep and pushes hard, ignoring the voice in her head reminding her she doesn’t know how to stop. Cal is far ahead, weaving around people with obnoxious ease.
If only she could teleport. Then he’d lose. But she already knows Cere and Greez (especially Greez) would prefer if they kept their heads down unless they really needed to –
The lake quakes. The mood changes from joy to confusion. Merrin slows without stopping. People slow to a stop, looking at each other.
From somewhere off to the side of the ice rink, a voice shouts. “Get off the ice!”
Another quake, worse this time. Several people are thrown off their feet.
The ice cracks with strange twangs and pops Merrin has never heard before.
Cries go out, people no longer skating smoothly and instead flailing, trying to keep from falling off the chunks of ice and into the water.
Merrin falls to her knees, her balance lost. A man ahead of her skids to a stop, turns back and holds out his hand. “Let me help,” he says.
Thanking him, Merrin accepts his help. “What’s happening?”
He shakes his head. “I don’t know. We need to get off the lake.”
They move, hopping from ice floe to ice floe. Merrin catches sight of Cal and BD, Cal on his knees and reaching into the water. Merrin doesn’t have time to see what he’s doing, not when she and the man have to jump over a chunk of ice that has rolled onto its side. Turning to look again, she sees Cal dive into the water. Pulling her hand free from the man’s, she tells him to keep going.
“What are you doing?” he asks.
“I have to help my friend,” Merrin says. “He’s in the water!”
A look of unfathomable terror goes across the man’s face. “It’s too late.”
He flees without another word.
Confused now, Merrin no longer holds back. She teleports to where she last saw Cal, a terrible chill emanating from the water.
A chill and something else.
Something worse.
A presence.
Cal resurfaces, BD on his back and a child in his arms. It’s the same child who’d leapt and twirled across the ice wish such ease earlier, only now they are limp and unconscious. Cal looks, spots Merrin, and thrusts the child at her. “Hurry,” he says, eyes narrowed with a particular focus Merrin recognises so well now. “There’s something in the water.”
Merrin grabs the child. She isn’t moving. She might not be breathing. Knowing Cal and BD can take care of themselves, Merrin teleports herself and the girl off the lake and onto dry land. People stare in shock.
“Help me!” Merrin shouts at them. “The girl needs you!”
A cry goes out and a woman rushes forward. Merrin senses the bond between woman and girl. Mother and daughter. “She’s not breathing!” the mother cries.
Merrin leans over, begins compressions. She senses Cere and Greez approach, but she doesn’t look up, not until the child coughs and stirs. Her mother wails with relief, scooping the child up.
“Thank you,” she says to Merrin. “Thank you so much.”
She dashes off, heading for local emergency workers racing their way. Merrin doesn’t see any stormtroopers. She sees Greez, puffed up, proud, and carrying Merrin’s boots. The sight almost makes her laugh. He hands them over. “You’re gonna need ‘em. Hurry.”
Grabbing them, Merrin wastes no time changing into them. Cere has already moved beyond them, blaster in her hand, headed to the edge of the lake. The water churns, waves slapping the banks.
Neither Cal nor BD are anywhere in sight. Merrin can’t see anyone else in the water too. The rink has nearly emptied out, only a few stragglers hanging around to stand and stare. Something else rings in her mind. That energy she’d felt earlier. The world’s industrious energy. It’s gone, replaced by something new. Something strange.
Whatever it is, she doesn’t have time to dwell. The water’s currents change, all the water pulled into the centre of the lake.
“It’s coming,” Cere says. She looks to Merrin, devoid of emotion. “Be ready.”
“Greez, get these people out of here,” Merrin says.
While Greez does as he’s told, pushing back a crowd of onlookers, Merrin joins Cere. Cere’s hand tightens around her blaster, finger on the trigger as water explodes into the sky. Merrin watches, her mouth dropping open, as three things emerge from the spray.
And a creature out of a nightmare.
Grey and black, covered in thick scales, it resembles a snake, albeit one double the size of the Mantis with teeth as long as the ship is tall. Unlike a snake, it possesses four legs, each one bearing claws that could eviscerate any organic matter with a single swipe. It could probably grab the Mantis and eat it in one bite, and that thought clangs around Merrin’s mind when she watches a blue blade ignite. Cal flips around and lands on the monster’s back, scoring a lengthy wound in its scaly hide. The creature roars, its pain screaming through the Force.
Merrin can feel it, an untamed mind pushing at her own, pressing a sense of calm, of stillness, even as it shakes Cal off. He plummets again, BD’s boosters flaring as he tries to catch up. They’re going to hit the water, and the creature is already turning to go after them.
Merrin wonders if she should be more worried about that, but it all seems a bit far away now. She should just stand here. Stand here and enjoy the sights. She likes this world. It’s so pretty, and the sea is so vast, the mines so deep. What a lovely place this must be to live in.
Cere’s hands rise. She grabs Cal and BD with the Force, slowing their fall, but not enough. They both hit the water, because Cere’s pushing back against the creature, stopping it from diving into the lake.
“Get Cal and BD!” Cere shouts at Merrin, voice straining. “Hurry!”
“If you insist,” Merrin says, although she’s really not sure it’s necessary. She teleports from ice floe to ice floe, keeping her balance, reaching the spot where Cal and BD sank. BD appears first, shaking his head. Cal appears a moment later, looking dazed and frozen.
“We are going,” Merrin announces, grabbing both and teleporting back across the lake. She doesn’t hear either complain about their sudden movement. She doesn’t really hear much of anything except a song in her head that tells her peace, Merrin, be at peace. She reaches another patch of ice, right beside dry land where Cere’s shouting…
Merrin thinks she’s shouting. She can’t hear the words.
Peace, Merrin. Peace.
Something tugs on her arm. She pushes it off. Overhead, the creature resumes its fall, its mouth open wide, teeth splayed, its throat a blackhole.
It’s okay. It’s okay. It’s okay.
She closes her eyes.
Hands, cold and wet, ram against her. She hits the ground hard, a heavy weight falling on top of her. Water smacks into her, so cold she gasps with the shock of it.
The peace shatters.
The quiet too.
Footsteps. Fast.
Hands, grabbing.
“Merrin? Merrin!”
She blinks, looks up, sees the worry in Cere’s gaze. Why? What’s happening? Merrin looks around, finds herself on the ground beside the lake.
“What happened?” she asks.
Cere’s expression tells Merrin that was not the right thing to say. Heart sinking, worry mounting, Merrin tries to get up.
The heavy weight pins her down.
Cere leaves her line of sight. BD’s nearby – Merrin can hear him. He sounds worried. Why? What’s happening? Merrin’s head goes for a loop, pain seeping in. The weight moves, and she’s free to sit up. She does so, bracing herself as the vertigo keeps everything spinning. She breathes through the worst of it, and sees Cere leaning over Cal, fingers checking for a pulse, calling his name.
More footsteps approach, and this time it’s Greez with some locals dressed like medics.
Merrin decides she’s too tired to figure anything out. There’s an alarm sounding out in her head, but whatever’s causing it is lost behind the encroaching darkness. She falls back, only for four arms to catch her.
The last thing she sees is Greez leaning over her.
The last thing she hears is him telling her to stay with him, stay with –
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kanasmusings · 1 year
[English Subs DL] Banana Fish Stage Play Part 1 & Part 2
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Hello, friends~! I come to you this time with English subs for the Banana Fish stage plays~! Thank you to @emerald-trashart for requesting me to do both plays! I had such a blast working on it even though it got a bit overwhelming and heavy at times (because Banana Fish (╥_╥))
The stage play is just so amazing, and beautifully made...! I went into this not knowing what to expect, and I came out of it just mesmerized. If you're familiar with Banana Fish, of course it will be as heavy as its source material, but I think that you would enjoy it! The production did a really great job respecting and staying true to the events of its source, and I think long-time fans would love it ^^
The actors, too...! They were so great at their roles, and gosh the emotions and intensity they portrayed were really convincing. Mizue Kenta and Okamiya Kurumu were so perfect as Ash and Eiji, and their chemistry was just beautiful T^T>
Alright, enough rambling! I'll let the stage play speak for itself! ( ̄▽ ̄)
For those who are interested in getting the Blu-rays for themselves, I’ll provide links below~ BD Purchase Links: (From Animate JP) BANANA FISH PART 1 | BANANA FISH PART 2 * Purchase links would require proxy since the BDs are sold-out on CDJapan and were requested through proxy either way. I couldn't find them on Animate International either ^^;
Notes, disclaimers, trigger warnings, and link under the cut, enjoy~! (Long post ahead ^^;)
Heavy mentions/depictions of drugs/drug abuse, sexual abuse (rape, pedophilia, child prostitution/pornography, among others), mental disorders/illnesses, gun violence, racism, general gang violence, suicide, death.
Above themes are rampant in both stages, so please watch with caution. If you start feeling uncomfortable or anxious, please take a step back and stop watching until you feel better.
For those who want to start watching the anime after getting into it from the stage play, please refer to these guides for trigger warnings: Twitter | IMDb
From what I remember, the stage play follows the manga more than the anime (since the anime changed some stuff). So if something from the stage was not in the anime, you can check the manga for them ^^
[MOST IMPORTANT] Please DO NOT re-post the subs and the link outside of Tumblr! If you want to share outside, please, please DM me about it and link my blog to your post. That’s all I ask.
Please DO NOT remove my credits.
Please DO NOT re-translate without permission.
※ Please only DM me if there is a problem with the subtitles. I cannot help you if it’s related to the videos. ※ If you enjoyed my work, please consider buying me a coffee here, if you can. It’ll really help me out a lot.(o^▽^o) Thank you!!
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bruuberrycc · 2 years
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30 mods de substituição para deixar seu the sims 4 ainda mais bonito e realista (defaults)
✨ link do vídeo ♥
(o criador infelizmente excluiu, mas encontrei um mod parecido e até melhor https://modthesims.info/d/645028/plumb-bob-edit-10-50-80.html)
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bihanspookies · 7 months
Another brain blast from me in this random hour
Summary: The BD gang try to unwind by playing a nice game of Uno when Alora and Kabal suddenly get into it about the rules.
Alex: @chadillacboseman
Kate: @thesingularityseries
When Kate asked Alora if she wanted to join them for game night, she automatically declined because she knew just how competitive the others could be when it comes to certain games. Not to say that Alora herself wasn’t competitive but she was very strict on playing games she already knows, finding it annoying to have to learn new rules for a game she most likely would not enjoy.
When her and Taron were younger (and when she was much more open to learning) they’d play board games all the time and Alora very quickly found out which ones she liked and disliked. Games where the rules were straightforward and simple, not too complicated and not any kind that had you do ridiculous things were her cup of tea.
Uno was one that her and her family would play a lot of and Alora more or less always won because she eventually figured out a strategy in how she placed her cards down.
When Kate had quickly added that they were going to play said game, Alora stopped and actually pondered on joining. It had been a while since she’s played and honestly, it would probably do her some good to socialize for something that wasn’t job related.
Kate smiled in glee and started talking about how excited she was to finally have her join, that she ‘promised promised promised’ Alora would have a good time.
Tonight’s game night party consisted of Kabal, Alex, Kano and Kate, the group just finishing a quick round of Go Fish to warm up. Alex’s face lit up when Alora took the empty seat adjacent to him, reaching out to give her a quick pat on the arm.
“Savaşçı! You’re joining tonight?” Alex grabs the Uno deck and starts shuffling when Kano reaches across and suddenly snatches it out his hands.
“You shuffle like shit, last time you somehow kept ending up with all the skips,” Kano snarks, separating the cards in half before splicing them together, tapping them hard against the table to get them even. Alex rolls his eyes but quickly turns his attention back to Alora who is already nursing a beer.
“Unfortunately. Kate ‘promised promised promised’, I’d have a good time so,” Alora shrugs and takes a sip from the bottle, looking at Kate who simply gives her a huge grin in return.
“You will! Scouts honor!” She even holds up the three finger sign and uses her free hand to make an ‘X’ over her heart. Alora gives a short laugh, shaking her head and grabbing her cards as Kano passed them out.
And for the beginning of the round she did, genuinely having a nice time (even though her expression lacked to convey it). Beer bottles clacked against each other and chips kept continuously falling onto the floor, making a salty crumby mess. Alora sat at one end of the small square table with Kate and Alex to her right, Kano to her left and Kabal straight across. It was Alora’s turn, Alex having just put down a +4 and giving her a smug look. He taps the top of card pile, sliding four cards towards her when Alora grabs her own +4 and sticks it right over his.
“The fuck are you doing, you can’t do that.”
Kabal’s voice cuts clean across the table, his eyebrows bunched together as he glances between Alora and the pile.
“Yes. I can.” She states, relaxing back in her chair and looking at Kano to see if he’d be unfortunate to pick up eight cards. Kano sighs dramatically, reaching over to start picking up when Kabal suddenly leans forward and takes Alora +4. He tosses it back to her with a scoff, sitting back down and shaking his head.
“You. Can’t. Stack.” He argues. “I may be a little buzzed right now but I can still remember the official rules of Uno.”
Alora gives Kabal a long and hard stare, maintaining eye contact as she replaces her +4 back on top of the pile. She slaps it down a little harder than necessary, narrowing her eyes at Kabal whose expression turns sour at her action.
“I’m telling you, you cannot stack a +4 on top of another +4—!!”
“You’re actually fucking stupid, it’s the rules—.”
“The fucking rules say you can’t stack!—!!”
While Alora and Kabal argued and yelled over one another, the rest of the Black Dragon watched in silence as they glanced back and forth between the two. Alex remained still as his gaze kept shifting between Alora and Kabal, wanting to interject but knowing he should wait for a moment to do so. Kate however, was joyfully watching the fight, especially when she agrees with Alora. Meanwhile Kano holds his cards in his hand, his other hovering other the grab pile and wondering whether or not he should grab even though he also was on the same side as being able to stack.
“So am I grabbing or…”
“Yes. Grab.” Alora snaps not backing down in the dispute against Kabal. By now they were both standing up, leaning towards each other with a fire burning in their eyes.
“The rules say: you cannot stack. Are you fucking thick in the head or something?” Kabal makes it point to rap his knuckles on side of his head which makes Alora rolls her eyes so painfully hard that she actually feels a faint thud in her skull. It’s usually the sign that a migraine was on its way and she’d be damned if she let Kabal of all people cause her a fucking migraine.
“Has your fucking mask been squeezing your little pea brain too hard?” Alora pinches her thumb and index finger together, her voice condescending as she snaps back at him. It was at this time that Kate interjects, bridging her fingers under her chin and looking between the two with wide eyes.
“You can stack, you guys let me do that last time.” Now it’s Alex’s turn to speak up, pulling out his phone and beginning a search.
“No Katerade, you can’t. You tried that and we told you no.” Alex gives Kate a knowing look, the half celestial crossing her arms over her chest and turning her body more towards Alex and Alora to say something but Alora beat her to it.
“You can stack +4’s and +2’s. You and you? Are playing wrong.” Alora points a painted nail at Alex and Kabal, the latter groaning in frustration as he hangs his head over the back of the chair. Kano at this point sighs and gets up from the table, going to the fridge to grab a few more beers.
“No savaşçı, look—“ Alex had found a tweet made by the official Uno account, even brightening up his phone and holding the screen up to Alora’s face for her to see.
“If someone puts down a +4 card, you must draw 4 and your turn is skipped. You can’t put down a +2 to make the next person Draw 6. We know you’ve tried it.”
Alora’s blue grey eyes narrowed as they zipped back and forth over the text, reading it over and over and over again. She lowers Alex’s hand who goes to show Kate the same thing, her own expression morphing into shock. Kano, having returned to the table and finally happy to get an official ruling, starts grabbing four more cards while Kabal sits back in his chair with a shit eating grin.
“That’s stupid!” Kate announces.
“It is stupid, why the fuck would you not be able to stack +4’s?” Alora barks, slapping the back of her hand into the palm of her as she spoke her last two words.
“+2’s go on top of +2’s and +4’s go on top of 4’s.” She adds, crossing her arms over her chest.
“Yeah if you can stack skips why not 2’s and 4’s?” Kate chimes in, going to search in her deck to see if she had any +4’s or +2’s.
“First of all missy, you’re a god damn cheater in any game we play so you have no say. Second of all, just admit you’re wrong so we can finish this round already.” Kabal chirps in a sing song voice, cracking another beer open with the edge of the table. He grabs the cap and tosses it towards Alora, who catches it mid air and slams it down onto the table. She ignores the way the edges prick into her skin, her eye twitching ever so subtly.
“Why don’t you kiss my ass.” Alora retorts, getting ready to sit back down and bitterly accept defeat.
“I mean—“
Kabal doesn’t even get to finish the sentence before Alora lobs the bottle cap toward him. He manages to react in time and block it with his beer bottle, the cap scraping against the side and leaving thin hairline marks. Kate makes a very quiet ‘ooooo’ under her breath, nudging Alex who suppresses his own smile and picks up his cards again. Kano groans dramatically, slapping the palm of his hand repeatedly on the table to get everyone’s attention.
“Can we hurry it up? Next time we’re all playing poker! Fucking Christ…” He mutters lowly, shaking his head in disappointment at just how childish his employees could be.
“I am never playing with you all ever again.” Alora hisses lowly, finishing the last of her beer and begrudgingly grabbing four cards to add to her deck.
Here’s the article if anyone wants to actually read it LMFAO
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skittlespizza · 3 months
fish cutting information can someone do that to me who said that. one time I saw a fish get cut up live like right after i had caught it but I was like 10 so I don't remember it very well.
I can give you fish cutting videos I like.
Fire Fish Cutting is a classic. He's very good at what he does and I love this specific squid video (its 3m views for a reason)
Hour long fish comp... is a good one. ISOPOD FRIED RICE SWEEP🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Bd fish and fishing life is a fun one too.
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Hey! How about Wakasa for the character ask game?
Thank you for asking!! Didn't expect him at all, so that's v nice!
My first impression
Ah. Ikemen — niccce
Oh wait Black Dragon founders??? HELL YEAH; important AND interesting! Bring BD lore in!
My impression now
He carried sm and he deserves his vacation and to be drowning in beer doing nothing but fishing all days like he dreams to. Shinichiro's death and reveal about Time Leaping messed with his head a bit so that's why he's not as energetic as he was as a teen. When he makes a decision, he knows it and what it can trigger but he still does it cold-headed if he feels he has to. Wish we had more on him so I could dig more without feeling like I'm making things up. Ikemen.
Thanks you for revealing the fact Shinichiro was a time leaper, Wakasa
Favorite thing about that character
He knows how to keep secrets but he reveals them when he feels it's necessary. Keeping secret and being trusted is good and all, but the fact he's willing to share the truth after years of silence because he thinks Mikey deserves to be told? To know exactly what's happening to him and why? To know about what his brother's done? It may not change anything to Mikey's state (it likely didn't) – it's too late –but at least he'll know why.
He's the sole reason we got the Original Timeline flashback/arc. And for that reason only—
Least favorite thing
Like the rest of BD 1st gen: How little we saw of him!!! :(
There's too little information!!!
Also the fact his hair was half-cropped disturbed me at first (but I've learnt to love his zebra haircut)
Favorite line/scene
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"Honestly speaking, I'm glad Manjiro died." (Chapter 270)
Where he was coming from was understandable – but that was still unexpected and the fact he said that to Shinichiro out of everyone.. Wakasa mourned Mikey already, and cannot bear to lose Shinichiro. He rather lose his friend's brother than his friend. And it's not like he takes the value of Mikey's life away (he suggests to celebrate his passing after all) but Wakasa is not one to have a confused and unsure mind. He doesn't like wasting time with overthinking. He has clear-cut answers to everything, and he's glad that Mikey died, and it's sincere – he's not a liar – and he was scared he'd completely lose his friend and he really, really thinks that now that Mikey's dead, Shinichiro is freed of every burden (he'd take a while to recover but he will, it's Shinichiro) and then it doesn't happen. He loses his friend anyway.
His introduction scene is one of my favorite too – first we can't see him coming, and then he's so tiny next to Kakucho???
Favorite interaction that character has with another
The hime moment avjfklalxkb big brother figure Waka W
The mutual trust he and Benkei have when fighting (and outside of that, I'm sure) is also top-tier
A character that I wish that character would interact with more
Sanzu and Takeomi. Takeomi, because Wakasa and Benkei are only ever seen interacting with Shinichiro and Takeomi's chapter is 3/4 about Shinichiro but there's this uncomfortable wall canon (unwillingly or not) but between Takeomi and Wakasa&Benkei that I Don't LikeTM (it's really interesting tho! Ofc their relationship is tense, but I just wish to see how it was before Takeomi got corrupted. Or even when he was, but before the end of BD.) They founded BD together!! They saw each other maybe daily for 5 years straight – their teenage years – wdym there's almost nothing about them!!(aside from Wakasa's 'A day in his life', Benkei's 'A day in his life' and Takeomi's 'feared/disliked person'???)
And then Sanzu.. Wakasa and Benkei are taking care of Senju – it'd be nice to know what they think of Haruchiyo. If they used to interact with him (and Senju, and the other kids) when he was younger; what their thought about Takeomi regarding the situation, ...
I know the Akashi siblings' nickname is the 'mysterious siblings' but still. I need answer goddammit.
Another character from another fandom that reminds me of that character
Hikishima from Wild Strawberry
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They both like sweet, are strong, look younger than they are, and most importantly: they're both short—
A headcanon about that character
Okay, you gotta hear me out-
His relationship with Benkei was totally inspired by Yoshitsune no Minamoto and Benkei from Japanese History. Hence, Wakasa comes from a rather wealthy family. He's the youngest of a handful of siblings and was born out of wedlock (he's still loved dw). Most of his physical appearance comes from his mother.
(Also – yes he does like lollipops and has a sweet tooth but the stick he constantly has in his mouth is a dango stick. And I'll die on this hill.)
A song that reminds of that character
Oof, though one!
哀悼、そして日常は続く(:"Farewell and then the everydays continue") covered by 宮下遊(Miyashita Yuu) perhaps? It doesn't only remind me of Wakasa so I'm not completely satisfied but here. Let's grieve Shinichiro together.
(Edit: forgot to mention! The translated lyrics can be found in the comments!)
An unpopular opinion about that character
I think the fact I like Takeomi more is not the general consensus lol It's just that canon offers more elements to understand Takeomi's character depth yknow?
Favorite picture
The hidden 28th volume cover. Idk. His posture scratches my brain right.
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mdsolaman312 · 2 years
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jahidrhr · 4 years
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cuttingplanetbd · 3 years
Giant Catla Cleaning #shorts
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marketviewsbd · 3 years
Giant river catfish cutting | Live In Fish Market
Sperata seenghala, the Giant river-catfish, is a species of bagrid catfish. It is known locally as Guizza, Guizza ayer, Auri, Ari, Pogal, Singhara and Seenghala, among other names
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medusasstory · 3 years
3rd Life Week 8: The End
Grian: Hear me out, hear me out here for a second. I know the treachery comes later, but Joel is literally right there. We could just drop TNT right now.
Smajor: You work with what you’ve got, and today I have protection III books.
Smajor: Oh, Martyn!
SmallishBeans: The Red King dies tonight, fellas! Go wolves!
RenDog: Are you guys up for one last fight?
InTheLittleWood: Get me a shield, and I’ll follow you to the ends of the earth.
Smajor: I think today’s going to be a red day. As in a lot of people making it to red. Or making it past red.
Smajor: The rest of your stuff is down there. I did see you trying to dig a little trap, though.
BigB: No you didn’t.
Smajor: No I didn’t. 
Grian: I feel like Joel’s had a really big brain idea with this wolves, I’m not sure anyone can really hit him. That’s why I was thinking we take him out with TNT.
GoodTimesWithScar: Not only do they have teeth, but they also lag me out. It’s kind of a dual weapon.
InTheLittleWood: I wanna cuddle before you die. Come on. We were the last two yellows, can I have a cuddle?
Smajor: You’ve got BigB now, leave me alone. 
InTheLittleWood: I never wanted Jimmy to die. I said from the beginning that it was—
Smajor: You let Skizz kill him!
Bdubs: Hopefully I will be back soon. If I’m not, make me a grave.
Impulse: Here, I wanna show you something upstairs, Bdubs, if you’ve got a second. 
Bdubs: Okay, I’m coming up.
Impulse: Maybe even test it. I might blow up your crastle. 
Bdubs: Wait, I’m gettin’ Boomers memories. I’ve done testing before. 
Tango: The science is happening before our eyes. 
Impulse: This is just a little TNT launcher, it should launch out there—
Bdubs: *standing in certain death spot* Do I stand here?
Bdubs: Boomers are back, baby.
Tango: We’re getting the band back together!
Impulse: Do you like my disappearance trick?
Smajor: They all took it as an act of betrayal, to be fair.
Impulse: What? No! Oh no!
Tango: I’m not gonna lie. You go out with them and they both die and you come back alive.
Impulse: Ah-huh! That’s because I have the fishing rod of power.
GoodTimesWithScar: Martyn doesn’t have any gear, right?
Impulse: Yeah. 
GoodTimesWithScar: Okay, so they probably retreated to equip themselves. Should we straight-up raid Dogwarts?
Impulse: Oh my gosh.
Tango: I mean it’s just the three of them, right?
Impulse: That is cut-throat. 
GoodTimesWithScar: Finish, just finish off these kids.
Tango: Let’s finish it.
Bdubs: Put them out of their misery!
Impulse: You’ve got anvils?
Grian: I’ve actually been picking up anvils as the day has gone on, so I can try and get a cartoon kill.
Etho: Oh no you don’t. No you don’t. That doesn’t work against me.
Bdubs: Impulse, they gave me a clock. *sword strike*. So, I have to do this. I have to. 
GoodTimesWithScar: *in the background* Oh, I love Bdubs.
Impulse: Day one crew! What are you doing?
Bdubs: They gave me a clock. They gave me a clock. Sorry.
Impulse: Bd—
GoodTimesWithScar: Oh my god he did it. 
GoodTimesWithScar: Do I look like Kylo Ren?
Tango: A little bit. With shiny pants.
GoodTimesWithScar: I’ve been told this.
GoodTimesWithScar: I’m okay if you want to do some trample cropping?
Bdubs: Trample crops in Dogwarts?
GoodTimesWithScar: Ah-hah, sounds like a game, guys!
Tango: That’s the plan. We’re gonna starve em out. 
Bdubs: Yes!
GoodTimesWithScar: Oh this is gonna be amazing.
Bdubs: Starvation tactics.
Tango: Old-school siege warfare.
SmallishBeans: Welcome back to 3rd Life, where things happened. That’s all Im gonna say.
GoodTimesWithScar: I have something to quickly show you that’s really funny, before I show you the best thing ever. Look. I stole renchanting’s enchanter. That’s literally like stealing the Sorting Hat from Hogwarts. 
SmallishBeans: Nice. That’s what, your fifth enchanting table now?
SmallishBeans: These are all my dogs. Just kidding, come through here.
GoodTimesWithScar: Joel, wonderfulest Joel.
SmallishBeans: Hey, how’s it going! Do you all like dogs?
SmallishBeans: Oh, I really want to attack someone. But I don’t want to lose my alliance, because that would suck. So I have to attack someone on the renchanting side. 
SmallishBeans: Hey Martyn. Do you like dogs?
SmallishBeans: It’s kinda hard to do a surprise attack with this many dogs.
 GoodTimesWithScar: Sounds like you need to take a nap in your coffin. 
GoodTimesWithScar: I usually like to not announce myself now, so I can overhear secret plans. 
Bdubs: Scar, I’ve got an arrow in my back pocket with your name on it, just in case. 
GoodTimesWithScar: Do you mean if I run out of arrows?
Bdubs: Yes. No, not if you run out of arrows!
GoodTimesWithScar: I love our little relationship here, I think this is just such a wonderful alliance. 
Grian: Who’s blood are you out for?
GoodTimesWithScar: Nobody’s!
Grian: Nobody’s?
GoodTimesWithScar: I’ve done all my deeds. 
Grian: So you don’t care?
GoodTimesWithScar: Just kidding. I want to kill Ren. 
Grian: I have to tell you that there’s quite a few people after last session, that decided that you really need to die. And they were furious that you managed to survived, and they’re out for your blood. They’re not going to negotiate with you, nothing, that’s it. Scar, if they see you, they will just straight-up kill you. 
GoodTimesWithScar: I’ve talked myself out of some really sticky situations. 
Grian: Not this time. 
Grian: Don’t break the portal! What if we put lava either side of it?
GoodTimesWithScar: That’s big-brain thinking, I’m sorry, I had small-brain thinking. Are you in a hole?
Grian: I’m in a— I’m not in the greatest place. Is— is that cheap?
GoodTimesWithScar: No, it’s the greatest thing I’ve ever heard. Let’s roast them like roast chicken. Now I’m hungry. __
Bdubs: Do you trust him?
Tango: I don’t know, I feel like he’s just picking us off.
Bdubs: He said— is he luring us? Guys, do you trust him?
GoodTimesWithScar: Impulse? I did give him the ender pearls.
Grian: I will say out of everyone, he does seem to be popping off for something every two or three minutes. 
GoodTimesWithScar: If they burned that roof I will go up straight up there and murder them all.
Tango: It’s gonna happen. 
Grian: I don’t think they are, Scar.
GoodTimesWithScar: Oh I have a feeling. I have a feeling in my bones. Being an arsonist myself, I know these things.
Bdubs: Impulse is up there.
GoodTimesWithScar: Oh, is this the moment where we push him off because he betrayed us?
Tango: I think this is the moment, yeah.
Grian: Is this where we show our true allegiance? To each other, and that’s it?
GoodTimesWithScar: He’s chucking arrows, but I’m invincible. I killed the king.
GoodTimesWithScar: Bdubs, I noticed that you’re being a little hostile and you’re throwing nerf arrows. I have a clock. Will you come onto our side if I give you a clock?
Bdubs: Yes. I want a clock. Anything for a clock, thank you.
GoodTimesWithScar: Can we please kill Impulse? I just know he was going to betray us at any moment, this great friendship that’s been soldered together with a clock, can take down them all. 
Bdubs: We can take down them all!
Bdubs: I’m great at killing! Did you see how fast I got him?
GoodTimesWithScar: That was brutal.
Bdubs: I mean, we had this whole day one alliance thing, but he was cheatin’ on us with every team in town. So.
GoodTimesWithScar: Oh yeah, we’re day one alliance crew! 
Bdubs: Yeah. 
GoodTimesWithScar: I don’t know if I’m day one alliance. I just kinda slid in and slid out of your DMs. 
Bdubs: BigB, did you backstab?
BigB: I would never. I would never. 
Bdubs: Okay. Scar told me I had to kill you.
GoodTimesWithScar: I’m gonna say something here Bdubs. I’m a little worried about something. I didn’t realize that Grian is on his second life and I’m on my third. I don’t know, he’s being awfully quiet.
Bdubs: You gave me the clock, do you want me to do it?
GoodTimesWithScar: I have an idea. You stand here, and bdubs you stand here, and whoever gets the no-kill pass I don’t kill.
Bdubs: Man, tough day. Who would have thought that a clock would bring two guys so close together, perfect friends.
GoodTimesWithScar: Dude, we’ve been through too much. I couldn’t betray you in the end. I hope you know that. 
Grian: I was hoping you were gonna say that, but a lot of the time, I was uh, I was thinking: when are they gonna turn on me?
Grian: Scar, I don’t feel good about this. 
Grian: Scar, I’m sorry. 
GoodTimesWithScar: I’m so sorry too.
Grian: I’m so sorry. 
GoodTimesWithScar: I’m so sorry. 
Grian: I’m so sorry.
GoodTimesWithScar: That’s how we made it through this entire series: being a wild card, telling people jokes, and talking ourselves out of situations. When there’s like five people with bows and arrows pointed at you, the best way to get out of that is to say that you have a deal for them that they cannot refuse. 
Etho: Maybe it’s part of a long con.
RenDog: It could be a super long-long con. 
InTheLittleWood: Double, double agent.
Etho: And he just couldn’t tell us about it for some reason. 
BigB: It is stressful being a green life. Have you seen my hair? I’m balding. 
InTheLittleWood: I mean what can he do? I guess he can’t do too much as a green life, I mean offensively.
RenDog: I mean, he could, for example— I’m just throwing it out there dudes, just a suggestion— he could waltz into the castle with an end crystal, place it down, punch it, kaboom. You might lose a life, but you’ll take out like four or five peeps in one shot. 
RenDog: BigB, what’s your plan? You can come to the nether with us, but, uh. 
BigB: It’s gonna be either I die with you guys possibly, or I die separately. 
InTheLittleWood: Come to the nether with us, go on.
RenDog: Those look like Etho’s dogs outside of that portal, which is really weird.
InTheLittleWood: Etho wouldn’t have betrayed us, would he?
RenDog: I have no idea what’s happening with the alliances. 
InTheLittleWood: Oh, dude. It’s just the world versus us. 
RenDog: How many more do we have to kill before this violence comes to an end, me hand? 
InTheLittleWood: You’re workin’! You’re workin’, my lord. 
RenDog: The blood is drippin’ into me eyes. I can’t see, I’ve been blinded by the violence.
RenDog: We started selling books of enchanting, and now we’ve become stone cold killers.
RenDog: We’ve shown loyalty from the beginning, we’ve never ever backstabbed or betrayed anybody, and that includes— we have to include etho in that to. If it turns out that he stabs us, I guess that’s the way that it goes. But at least you and I can go out knowing that we played with honour.
RenDog: Once we had knights of the red table, everywhere we looked, and here we are alone. Completely abandoned. We’ve lost everyone we loved. 
RenDog: We’re completely outnumbered, and we’re basically fighting for honour, at this point.
RenDog: It has been an honour to shed blood with ye all.
InTheLittleWood: I wouldn’t have wanted to shed blood with anybody else.
Etho: Even though you shed all the blood, it’s been great.
Etho: I’m in bad shape.
BigB: This armor is a massive downgrade. However though, maybe it’s like, an upgrade? Ya get what I’m saying? It’s like two steps back one step forward. No, that’s wrong. 
BigB: You can already tell that I’m really lost at like, my focus here. Everyone’s gonna kill me, guys. Everyone’s gonna kill me. What do I do. I feel like I’m just waiting for everyone to show up, and they’re all gonna show up at my door, and just put me out of my misery.
BigB: We have flowers, so that just in case there’s funerals, we can visit those, pay our respects. 
SmallishBeans: Let me at BigB. Let me at him. 
BigB: I did nothing to you. I did nothing to you!
InTheLIttleWood: Change of pace! We’re now a pet adoption centre. Renchanting has become RenFriending. Come and get a little pupper today.
InTheLittleWood: I can imagine it now. We’re all meetin’ in the middle at shattered Skizz Point, both parties there, and then we like go “Right, you know what guys, peace treaty, here’s what we’re gonna offer you”. I walk over, I break a hole in the floor. I immediately break a hole in the floor, place obsidian, walk away. Someone places the end crystal, right-click, everything explodes, everyone dies— ah, it’d be glorious. 
InTheLittleWood: No, no no no, no no no Ren. Etho! Etho, they’re going for him! It can’t end like this! They can’t just drive us out and murder him on a hill!
Etho: I commented to BigB that you don’t even need us, Ren. You’re just taking care of business today.
InTheLittleWood: So I guess sometimes that’s just how it goes. You fight, you fall, you get back up again, but there’s only so much strength one man can muster until he can’t get up no more. But a lot of times it’s not even about the fight. It’s about the preparation, the journey, the friends, and the TNT. So y’all just remember when you close your eyes tonight, did you fight today? If you didn’t, you sure as hell better tomorrow. Don’t got no reason? Then lend that strength to someone else. Be kind to one another. Have fun. And until we next meet, y’all stay safe. 
Smajor: Is this how you want to do it? Is this how you want it to go?
Etho: Not really.
Etho: This is a dumb idea, I know, I know. But— Mary Poppins, you know? You gotta do it.
Etho: We gotta run. We gotta run. 
BigB: I’m going. I’m going.
Etho: If you get caught—
BigB: I hope I don’t get caught here. Ahhh, this is so— 
Etho: There’s no fighting five guys like that. There’s not even any fries. Not worth it.
Etho: Do not retreat now Ren, do not retreat now, just finish him off— oh no Ren.
GoodTimesWithScar: Interesting that when there’s a battle, you guys ran up in a tower.
Bdubs: Wait, I thought that you were just thinking about it. 
GoodTimesWithScar: No, we chased Etho down, but then he enderpearled and hid in a mountain.
Bdubs: Oh, classic. Classic Etho.
Tango: Typical Etho tricks.
GoodTimesWithScar: You think Impulse is a traitor, right?
Bdubs: I don’t— I don’t know if he is or not. I really don’t. 
GoodTimesWithScar: Are you covering for him?
Tango: I don’t trust—
Bdubs: Anything
Tango: — anything about anything right now. 
Bdubs: I mean, I feel bad for not going, but like. 
Bdubs: I’m on flame! I’m flame! Thank.
Bdubs: This is not a good group of fighters.
Tango: No, we are— we are not the pvp veterans. 
GoodTimesWithScar: What makes you say that? I think you can see that my muscles— 
Tango: Ripped, I know.
GoodTimesWithScar:  --are well defined.
Tango: I would not want to tangle with you.
Grian: Yeah, Scar! King! King! King!
GoodTimesWithScar: *in a whisper* I killed him! I killed him. 
Bdubs: You did?
GoodTimesWithScar: My heart’s beating kinda fast. 
Bdubs: And Etho too?
GoodTimesWithScar: Turn the oxygen up here, turn the oxygen up. Just give it a couple clicks. Alright, King, is there a crown for me?
BigB: Wait wait wait wait, I have one more thing to say. 
Bdubs: Okay, Guys, come in for his final words, come on in. 
GoodTimesWithScar: His final words. *laughing*
Bdubs: Hold on, they want to come in range. They want to hear. 
Grian: BigB, don’t go out without a fight. 
Bdubs: Okay, he said it was important. 
BigB: It’s very important. *attacks Grian*
Bdubs: Look at the chat, bang bang bang. When I really need to go to town, I do, don’t I. 
GoodTimesWithScar: Oh, I didn’t realize— oh baby a triple. 
Bdubs: Yeah, triple.
GoodTimesWithScar: Wow.
Bdubs: One of ‘em was a 360. 
GoodTimesWithScar: Do you still have the no-kill pass?
Bdubs: I do!
GoodTimesWithScar. Okay, okay. Whew. 
Bdubs: And you gave me the clock! I mean I feel like I can’t. I can’t. I could knock you off this cliff right now, but I love this clock.
GoodTimesWithScar: You’ve got the clock, you’ve got the no-kill pass. I feel like we’re good. We’re good. 
Bdubs: I got— I mean— yeah. Until, y’know. Yeah, forever, never mind. It’s dawn, by the way.
Grian: The kingdom has officially fallen. I’m wearing nothing that belongs to me, and I’ve even got a shield of the enemy. That’s pretty much a good summary of where we’re at on Third Life today.
Grian: I’m technically free of Scar’s bonds, but I feel like I’ve got this moral obligation now. I don’t understand— I can’t let him die. I just— I don’t want to see him go, he’s like the most interesting character on the server, and I just can’t let him go.
Bdubs: Did he just leave? Is he a traitor again?
Tango: I think he is.
Grian: We don’t know who’s side Impulse is on.
Grian: You do realize that if we come out on top in this battle we’ve all got to turn on each other. You know that, right?
Smajor: Oh, 100%
Grian: Okay, alright. Just making sure we’re all clear.
GoodTimesWithScar: Etho’s at world height, at this point. 
Grian: Yeah, I think Etho might be our biggest problem.
GoodTimesWithScar: BigB’s like ‘you know what? No. I’m not doing it’.”
Grian: Look at him, look at him!
GoodTimesWithScar: I want him off, I want him off!
Grian: Wait, what’s he doing. He’s looking in the sky. He’s shot himself. 
GoodTimesWithScar: He’s done, he’s done.
Grian: Wait. What? He’s got slow falling. Hit him! Hit him!
GoodTimesWithScar: Mary Etho Poppins, here he comes. 
Grian: He’s Mary Poppins! He’s Mary Poppins, y’all! Too far away. Oh, he hit me! He hit me while he was Mary Poppins! That was the most impressive thing I’ve ever seen.
GoodTimesWithScar: It was. I’ll give him a point on that one. 
Grian: Oh no, Scott’s down. Oh dude, we should probably be there. But what do I call my sword?
Grian: Dude, all I have left is slow-falling arrows and two potatoes? We’re gonna win third life using slow-falling arrows and two potatoes. 
Grian: I got double-betrayed. First BigB— Okay, BigB got revenge by going for me, I’m okay with that. But Scar! He’s going first. I tell you, he’s going first. Scar, he’s gotten away with too much on this server. 
Grian: I’ve been betrayed, I’ve been bamboozled, I can’t believe Scar would— actually, y’know what? I absolutely 100% knew that Scar would probably betray me in the end. Especially over a bit of paper. 
Grian: Traitor! Traitor Scar!
GoodTimesWithScar: You can kill me. 
Grian: What? No. 
GoodTimesWithScar: For everything you’ve did for me, to keep me alive this long, you may slay me and take the enchanter.
Grian: No, I can’t, No, I literally can’t. I can’t do it.
Grian: No, the spectators want a fight. 
GoodTimesWithScar: No no no no, we got this. We’ve got a friendship! Don’t let them break up the friendship. 
Grian: They said blood. They want blood!
Grian: I think no matter what happens, we can count this as a double victory, right?
GoodTimesWithScar: Yes. We are— we’re good. Let’s do this.
Grian: Let’s let the ghosts count us in then. 
Grian: I don’t feel good. Scar’s a ghost in front of me right now. One more life to go, that’s it. That’s it. That’s it. It’s been a fantastic series, thank you everyone for joining. It’s been amazing. Goodbye. 
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whatanoof · 3 years
Congratulations to your mile stone sweetie!
Your fanfics are great and you are still awesome 😘
Yes, I'm hornie. Yes, I'm here to sin.
Can you write: “Seeing you between my legs is so hot.” and “I could just pull your bikini bottoms to the side, no one will notice.” with Cal Kestis? Pretty please?
Tumblr media Tumblr media
^ My love for you <3
But here it is! I'll admit, I might have gotten a little carried away with the setting, but the dirty stuff with Cal? Hoooweee I was blushing when I wrote that part.
Rating: Teen
Pairing: Cal Kestis x Reader
Word Count: ~1k
Warnings: fluff, dirty talk, sexual references
request for: “Seeing you between my legs is so hot.” and “I could just pull your bikini bottoms to the side, no one will notice.”
“What do you think?” You push the hanging curtain aside and step into the glaring sunlight. All around the clothing stall, tourists of every species and size bustle about, buying and haggling for various products with the local merchants, angular faced creatures with dark blue skin.
Merrin contemplates you seriously, hands folded in a triangle over her nose and face as she studies your figure. You had picked out her swimming suit a while ago, and the adorable two piece is green, matching her Force magic and highlighting her eyes vividly. A floppy straw hat shields her pale skin from the sun, but also looks amazingly fashionable. The moment of silence stretches, and you grow more uncomfortable with every passing second. Finally she speaks, “Raise your arms.”
You sigh, but do so. The bikini is hardly what you’re used to, Maker knows that you’ve only ever been to a beach one other time in your life. But you can’t help but love the way it compliments your figure; the merchant had been correct that the cut would be very flattering to your body type. “Mer--”
“You look sexy.” Merrin claps her hands triumphantly, “We’ll take it!” She shoves a handful of credits into the merchant’s hands from the purse Cere had given you for shopping, and grabs your hand. You manage to choke out a small ‘thank you’ to the merchant before the overexcited Nightsister drags you out of the stall.
The unnamed beach planet is gorgeous, all bright white sand and sparkling teal water. In all of your time travelling with the Mantis crew, you had never seen one quite like this one. And you have to admit, Cal’s missions covered a large range of diversity in planet representation. Kashyyyk’s dense forests had enough trees for lifetimes, Zeffo represented the pretty meadows, Bogano the peaceful plains, and Dathomir was a category unto itself. The only common thread between all of the worlds, is that most of the inhabitants had tried to kill you in some way or the other.
Cal is nowhere in sight when you get back to the Mantis to meet up with the rest of the crew. Greez and Cere are already lounging on the beach with shades and beverages in hand, gossiping like old wives.
Cere lowers her shades to give you and Merrin a once over, and you can physically feel her motherly stare as she considers your choice of attire. Finally, she raises her shades and relaxes back onto her chair, “Have fun girls. Put sunscreen on and make sure to stay hydrated.”
Merrin shoots you a conspiratorial grin, and you both race for the waves. The sand is burning hot underneath your feet, but the cool water is perfect for the warm temperatures.
You splash in the water with Merrin for a few minutes before BD hops up and drags her away to go look at some new discovery, and you’re left to explore the water on your own.
A ridge along the shore catches your attention, and you wade over past it to find a beautiful sheltered cove. The water is barely knee height here, and you splash in the shallows, chasing the fish that dart between your legs like tiny flickering shadows.
Something grabs your legs underwater, and you scream when you’re suddenly swept to the side. But although you brace for it, you don’t hit the water. Strong arms wrap around your body and hoist you up so that your feet contact the squishy underwater sand.
Cal’s voice is rough in your ear, scraping deep in his chest. “You look good like this.”
“Cal, you scared me!” You smack his arm gently to prompt him to release you, but his grip only tightens. “Let me go, we should get back to the others.”
“I told them that we were going to find wood for a beach fire.” He rests his chin on top of your head. “We have time for a little fun.”
You gasp, even as you feel a thrill at the dirty promise. “Cal!”
“What?” He laughs, spinning you in his arms so that you’re looking up at him. He’s wearing a new swimming suit too, he must have gone to pick one up while you and Merrin were shopping. It’s pink, with bright yellow fruits stamped along the fabric, and it’s so ugly that it looks good on him. There’s a wicked streak in his expression, “I could just pull your bikini bottoms to the side, no one will notice.”
“Cal.” There’s a clearer warning in your voice now. As much as you would love to, you are all too aware of the distinct lack of cover in the area and the fact that you’d never live it down if one of the crew caught you. “We can’t.”
“Or you could take a turn on your knees for me. As much as I love you cumming on my tongue, seeing you between my legs is so hot.” He accompanies that last part with a sharp nip to your neck that is definitely going to leave a mark, and it’s a good thing he’s still holding you because your legs just about give out beneath your weight.
“Cal…” Your resolve is weakening, and you’re all too aware of how obviously you’re projecting that through your voice and your teeth catching your bottom lip and your warming cheeks and--
“I’ll decide for us, then.” And then the world flips upside down, and you suddenly get a very nice view of your Jedi boyfriend’s ass as he hefts you over his shoulder. You shriek in surprise, but Cal’s grip is too firm to pry out of and it’s not like you were going to put up much of a fight.
Cal puts you down inside a rocky overhang, and you barely have time to breathe before he’s maneuvered you up against the wall, caging your body against the rock with his own. He pecks you on the nose once, “Ladies first, am I right?”
You blink at him, mouth opening and closing like a fish gasping for water.
“Tooka got your tongue?” He grins, already sinking down onto his knees and hoisting one of yours over his shoulder. “Don’t worry, you’ll find your voice long before I’m done with you.”
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bruuberrycc · 1 year
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ironhoshi · 4 years
9 from the recent prompt list is giving me major Boba/Cal vibes if you’re feeling so inclined! Thanks
Hey, so this is a 1000 years late, but I had some writer's block. I hope you still enjoy what I've created, despite it being late!
Number 9, once more with feeling~!
“Stop raiding my fridge, or I’ll poison something and let you figure it out the hard way."
Below the cut, friend.
The week had been painfully long. His bounty had been a slippery karker, but he had prevailed eventually. Boba had been thrilled to get back to his apartment and ignored the pang of annoyance at the fact someone else wasn't there. Cal, he decided, was probably off doing his own job. Well, whatever, it wasn't like the other had to be there. They just happened to work on a lot of jobs together and spend a lot of their spare time around each other. Perfectly normal. All of that behavior didn't mean that they lived together or anything, so yes, Cal could do what he wanted. 
Boba did his best not to fall into a mood while he got rid of grime in the sonic and he did his best not to sulk while he sat on the kitchen floor eating a pudding cup. No one was around to stop him. Boba cast a look over and over to his comm before he finally collapsed in his bed for the night. 
He'd contact the di'kut in the morning he thought before letting sleep pull him under.
There was a noise in the kitchen. 
Boba sat up in his bed, heart hammering, and wondered if his past had finally caught up with him. The sound continued and then came the trill of a droid he recognized. Kark. He threw his blanket off not caring he was just in a pair of sleep pants. He was going to make Kestis wish he had never been born! That kriffing jetii just thought he could waltz in whenever he wanted and eat his food. Well, that was going to change today. His mood was sour thanks to being rudely woken up during the night as he was going to use that emotion to fuel the dressing down Cal was about to receive. If the di'kut was going to appear randomly there needed to be more notice!
The makings of tea were spread out across the counter, along with a few jars of pickled olives and vegetables. Cal really ate the weirdest kriffing snacks. Boba motioned for BD to keep silent, the droid gave a mockery of a nod. 
BD, he decided, was smarter than his human.
“Stop raiding my fridge, or I’ll poison something and let you figure it out the hard way,” he said loudly as a means of announcing himself. 
Cal spun around, spork in his mouth, and seemed to malfunction. The red-haired jetii was growing red in the face while his gaze was very much fixated on Boba's bare chest. Fingers loosened and the canister of tea careened towards the ground. It hit with a clang. A cloud of dried leaves erupted out between them. Boba glanced down at the mess and then up at the oddly silent pain in his shebs. Well, that reaction was doing wonders to shift his mood from annoyed to something else. 
"Like what you see?"
It shouldn't have been adorable or attractive, but watching Cal open his mouth like a goober fish out of water sent heat south in his body. The jetii at least managed to catch the spork before it fell to the ground. Boba moved without thinking. He crashed into Cal. His jetii let out a sound of protest when his back hit the fridge. Boba captured the sound with a demanding kiss. The red-haired di'kut stood frozen for a second more so he let his teeth snag the other's lower lip. That seemed to cause a reaction. Finally. 
The spork hit the ground.
Coarse fabric ran up his side and he jerked back. "No."
"What," Cal asked in a surprised tone. "You kissed me-" Boba just roughly peeled the glove off of Cal's hand as an answer to the unfinished question. He threw it over his shoulder, not caring if it landed in the spilled tea. "Oh, okay." 
"When I gave you the code to my place it wasn't so you could steal my food." His tone was gruff and it seemed to cause the jetii's pupils to expand. 
"You were asleep, I didn't want to wake yo- hnngh-" The somewhat excuse was cut off by another kiss. Boba wanted to devour his jetii. They'd deal with the ground rules of the apartment later.
His kitchen was a mess and he'd be annoyed at the wasted food later, but for now he was getting lost in his jetii. BD whistled out that they were just going to go double check the security. Good, he smiled into the kiss before grabbing Cal's hips. Cal let out a sound of surprise and then nothing else mattered.
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capricornus-rex · 4 years
Hey Hon! I know you’re cramped with requests and the “Old Friend, New Family” story so feel free to do this one whenever you’re ready! No rush! ☺️💖 Cal not knowing the reader has arachnophobia so when they go to Kashyyyk and are attacked by a huge, albino Wyyyschokk, she freaks out? To the point where she’s completely out of her wits, panic mode on FULL, and just scared to death? I have arachnophobia so when I had to play Kashyyyk, it was the worst experience of my life ;////3////;
Honestly, those spiders always give me the creeps and make me shudder ;;A;; Also, so very sorry for not publishing so soon! :( But good thing I just brought home my newly-fixed laptop today!! <3 I hope I can make it up to you and everyone with the fics. I’ll try my best to really keep publishing. Don’t worry, I’m not planning on quitting. Why would I? ;3 I’m having a blast with everyone here!!!
“In the Face of Fear” | Cal Kestis x Reader
Summary: Kashyyyk has its own charms and surprises, but what if one of those said surprises rear its ugly, unpleasant head right in front of you in the form of a spider that’s the size of a boulder?
Tags: Arachnophobia, Wyyyschokk, Matriarch Wyyyschokk, Kashyyyk, Arachnophobic! Reader
Also in AO3
Next: Part 2 | Masterlist
1 of ?
You and Cal finish off the last wave of Stormtroopers.
The partisan informants were right about the Imps getting into the forest to find Tarfful’s home village—which also doubles as a hideout for the Wookiees and a handful of partisans now led by Mari Kosan after Saw had left them.
“Good thing they haven’t come close to the hideout itself,” Cal commented.
“No,” you scoffed a chuckle. “They have a lot to go through besides us.”
Beneath your snarky, roguish facade, you clench your fist as you fight off the chill travelling down your spine when you catch the cluster of hatched Wyyyschokk eggs glued to a tree trunk. Cal spotted your grimace, you’re not taking your eyes off of those empty, shattered shells.
 “You sure can’t stop looking at them,”
“I want to, but… Oh, I don’t know,” you shrugged.
“Come on, let’s get away from them. Those hatchlings could be close,”
“Heeeey!!” you whined, he laughed in response. You playfully tackled him from behind as he walked ahead of you.
It was a tedious trek to the hideout village—but that’s its advantage—both Jedi had to cross paths with a few more creatures before getting to any of the watchtowers or huts. You’re just secretly thankful that you haven’t run into any Wyyyschokks yet—most especially the albino, which happens to be the rarest of its kind.
You tread the forest with more caution than care, your eyes pan from tree-to-tree—searching for signs of eggs and webs—and Cal was quiet about noticing your anxiety. He knew you hated it when your phobia is being pointed out in some way, though he figured you’d like to talk about it just to vent it out.
For someone who isn’t familiar with the terrain of Kashyyyk, it can either be mesmerizing or downright frightening. It goes both ways for you. It becomes the latter when you and Cal stumbled upon a wrong turn due to the labyrinthine layout of the forest. Cal realizes his mistake and attempts to solve it.
“Hey, Cal, are you sure you saw a marker in a tree hollow?”
“I think so,” he replied, with the doubt evident in his voice. “Okay, I really think we took a wrong turn.”
BD-1 politely cut in and flashed the holomap, both Jedi navigated with their eyes, occasionally pointing at patches of land and tracking their would-be path.
“I think we cut across this upper level of the forest, there should be—”
You could’ve sworn you heard something shuffle behind your backs. Your abrupt turning unintentionally cut off Cal in the middle of his explaining.
“[Y/N], you okay?”
“Did you hear that?”
A pause. He listened in on the silence.
A simple rustle of the flora simply heightened your senses—mostly propelled by fear—and then the thing that neither of you noticed before has caught your attention.
“[Y/N], honestly, are you alright?”
You didn’t answer, you kept scanning the area and knew completely well that something isn’t sitting right with you.
“Yeah, I’m fine,” you sighed, and stepped forward. “I’m just jumpy, that’s all—”
“[Y/N], BACK AWAY!!!”
Too late! By the time Cal had noticed that you were walking into a literal trap and tried to get you out of it, he was pushed back when the most enormous and most brightly-colored Wyyyschokk both of you have ever seen pounced on you. It had been patiently waiting for either of you to step on its web trap on the ground—and you went right into it. The creature entrapped you with its legs as thick as tree roots, you wriggle helplessly as you couldn’t take your eyes off of its multitude of bulbous, full black eyes, and its mandibles foaming with bile—hungry for flesh—twitch and flick above your bosom.
You let out what ought to be the loudest scream your chords could ever produce; once out of breath, you inhale and exhale rapidly. Your throat goes sore from the shouting that it stings whenever air would enter your windpipe.
The words are dislodged in your throat—you wanted to scream for help but cannot—your voice renders itself absent in your mouth, and only the silence brought upon by the sheer horror of this monster’s overall appearance, and in an uncomfortable closeness with you too.
Cal ran up to it, leapt, and drove his saber into its plump, jiggling hind abdomen. It screeched—a shrill, piercing wail that left a high-pitch noise in the ears—and turned to the offensive against Cal. That was your signal to get up, but the terror had paralyzed you; instead, the entire scuffle with that gigantic Wyyyschokk happened right before your eyes—just like with the eggshells, you cannot look away no matter how much you want to, the longer you look the more materialized your fear becomes. The redhead succeeded in a series of parries to disorient the creature.
“[Y/N], get to the high ground!”
His warning fell on deaf ears. You’re still stuck in staring at the spider, with your back against the wall.
“Bee-beeee, triiiillll!!!”
“I know, BD, I know!”
The little droid warned Cal that you were still frozen stuck in harm’s way, and he needed to think fast to get both of you out of this mess. He cleanly blocked the Wyyyschokk’s incoming wave of attacks, searing its fangs and hairy legs with his lightsaber upon parrying—and while the creature was distracted by its wounds, Cal fished out a flashbomb. He turned his heel to you before the area would be engulfed in bright light in a matter of a split second. He snatched you by the arm, pulled you up, and that woke you from that frozen trance of fear.
“We gotta move!”
The Wyyyschokk thrashed and erratically scampered left and right in search of its prey, you and Cal were making your escape through a pinch in the wall; the enemy tried to catch up but you had already squeezed through the end, its pointed legs jerked as it fitted through the crack, desperately trying to claw either of you just for a scrap of meat.
Life was still flashing before your eyes even after the Wyyyschokk gave up its pursuit. Your heart pounded louder than the Wookiees’ war drums, so much so that your breath cannot keep up with the pulse anymore, and your limbs have returned to its jelly-like state after you crawled your way out of the wall.
He noticed the rapid, sharp breaths that you take. There was also a wetness glossing over the surface of your eyes.
“Are you hurt?”
You couldn’t speak, still shell-shocked by the assault, and slowly shook your head as a response. The tears persist.
“Come on,”
A single touch—gentle and slight—was enough to make you jolt. You were ceaselessly apologetic. For what, exactly? Cal patiently waited for you to calm yourself and eventually helped you. When he thought you were ready, he held out his hand for you.
Slow and steady—Cal took the lead again, and he made sure you were okay along the way. Eventually, you did reach the hideout, but the trauma still hasn’t left your system and you have no idea how to get it out. A partisan was out there to greet you, but the first thing he acknowledges is the horror in your blank stare.
“Is [Y/N] alright?”
“Not really, we just stumbled upon the biggest Wyyyschokk we’ve ever seen,”
“Wait, does this Wyyyschokk happen to have brighter colors than the rest?”
Both Jedi exchanged glances, trying to recall the appearance of the monstrosity, and then the two of you looked at the rebel again; though, it was Cal who did most of the conversing.
“Come to think of it, yeah, it was a bit more vibrant than the others,”
“Oh, well,” the partisan scratched the back of his head, evidently reluctant to break it to you. “I think you guys just met the Matriarch Wyyyschokk.”
Your spine reduced to jelly again, goosebumps pelt your skin as a chill coated your shoulders, your eyes widened so much that they’d almost pop out of your sockets!
“I’m sorry,” you blinked several times, almost comically. “Run that by me again, soldier?”
“The Matriarch Wyyyschokk. Their mother. The mama spider.”
“I know what ‘matriarch’ means! But good gods, those things have a mother?!”
“Well, how do you expect to be so many of them wandering around without one?” the partisan shrugged.
“That’s just spectacular,” you say half-heartedly.
“Just steer clear of its den,”
“Thanks, we’ll remember that!” you whined.
Your hysterics still haven’t died down by the time both of you and Cal waltz through the network of bridges to start a little tour of the village.
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