#bd! steven
stevenblueniverse · 5 months
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Little blue steven trying to sit on his mum's throne
Yesterday I did the longest and most intense chapter of steven BLUE-niverse basically it was blue and yellow fighting for 3k+ words
I'll probably write more of the selkie au soon I'm sorry I haven't I have basically planned the entire story already is just I'm lazy
I will be posting some of the mini arcs of BLUE-niverse here too, I've only posted the first couple chapters here and my later stuff is way better!
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Blue was the first to arrive on Earth when the Diamonds heard what had happened...
"This Rose Quartz can't hurt you." "...Show everyone you are unfazed by this little uprising. Your Gems will fall into line, and these Crystal Gems will be no more." 😔
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mysticplies · 1 year
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Fluorite concept
Is the judge of gem courts, uses her giant gavel to spread justice.
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stepmomcaroline · 1 month
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Happy 30th Anniversary, Jurassic Park!
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juanrodriguezart · 3 months
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I am opening emergency commissions because my cell phone has just been stolen and I need to buy another one for my classes.
If you have any questions about commissions, you can write privately!
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stevenblueniverse · 4 months
Steven BLUE-niverse Chapters 13-16 ( the lapis mini arc) since the current fic is over 100 chapters now ill be posting some of the mini arcs here but not the whole fic. Since these are earlier chapters my grammar probably sucks and the writing is much worse.
Chapter 13 a fly around earth
"It's sad these won't last forever", Steven said, he was sitting with his mother and eating some of the remaining cookie cats he had left."Hey mum?", Steven said, lightly tapping his mother's hand to get her attention, "didn't you say there was some way you could preserve these with technology from your homeworld?" He asked. Blue looked back to him and smiled, "I'll try and find a way but I'm not sure", she said.
Suddenly, there was a knock on the door, pearl went to see who it was and opened the door, Connie came running in, excitedly yelling, "I'm so happy my parents said I could come over again! I have a awesome idea!", she quickly ran to steven and blue. "Miss Connie, we did not know you'd be here", pearl said, following after her, "I'm sorry it was unannounced I just really wanted to see blue diamond!", she replied very quickly. "Why?", blue asked, raising an eyebrow.
"OK ok you may call me crazy but please listen to this idea I have" Connie said, "so my parents are super strict and I barely go anywhere, Steven and you are my only friends and I'm wondering if, with your cool water wings, could we explore a bit?". Steven loved this idea and quickly started also telling blue he'd love this, "mum please do this! Me and Connie can fly on your back or in your arms and you can show me and her all sorts of cool gem things!", he said.
"My diamond, I don't think this will be safe" pearl said, blue looked at pearl and said, "I'm a diamond I'm very sure I can do it", pearl started to become quite scared of blue's tone of voice maybe she angered her diamond, "n-no I don't mean you can't my diamond I just-I am not sure they could both fit" pearl explained but blue's harsh tone and expression didn't change, "their sizes won't matter if I don't stick to this small form of mine" she said, this interested Connie and she asked, "Mrs universe what do you mean? Is this not your real form?", this finally changed blue's mood and distracted her from pearl and and she said to Connie, "do you want to see the real blue diamond?", Connie quickly nodded back, Steven also yelled "yes!!" Not long after.
"Well, miss maheswaran, for us to travel around the world and see the remains of gem life here and witness the true form of me you must do one thing for me!" Blue said, laying back in her seat, Steven sighed and complained "awww come on mum!", but Connie stopped him and said, "what is it? I'll do anything". "It's simple. Can I try your glasses?" Blue said, giving Connie a goofy looking smile. Connie quickly gave blue her big, purple tinted glasses and blue started to wear them and pose in many ridiculous positions. Steven and even pearl laughed at these poses and steven took photos with his phone, while pearl made sure to memorise them for future art.
"So miss how do I look?" Blue asked Connie, as she posed laying on the couch, "I'm sorry I can't see without them", Connie said, trying to look at her, her eyes looked so small without them. Blue moved the glasses above her eyes and onto her forehead and stopped posing, "I can help you with that!" She said but blue pearl quickly wispered to her, "my diamond are you sure you can heal a human?", blue looked down at pearl and said, "of course I've healed animals and all sorts,this girl won't be magically unique and immune to my powers and if i cant heal her steven can try!".
Blue sat Connie down and stood in front of her, "ok miss this will seem weird but I promise you will see perfectly after this", she also kept Steven next to her, she wanted to show him how to properly use healing powers. "Watch me very carefully" blue said to steven, preparing to heal connie. She put her hand over her gem and it started to glow, soon her hand over the gem was covered in a wavy blue energy, blue stuck two fingers out and slowly moved the glowing hand onto Connie's forehead, Steven watched closely, he wanted to try and test this out later but was scared of what would happen if it went wrong.
As blue's 2 fingers touched Connie's head the energy soon covered blue and connie's entire bodies, blue's eyes began to glow white and bright, Steven had to step back and cover his eyes as the light was so bright. but not long after,the light faded and everything seemed to have gone back to normal. "Alright you should be ok after that", blue said, moving her hand off Connie, Connie nervously opened her eyes and looked around the room, then to steven and then to blue, "can you see me well?" Steven asked Connie, getting close up to her, "give her some time" blue quietly said to steven, moving him slightly away from her.
"Woah...my eyes, I...I DONT NEED MY GLASSES ANYMORE!!",Connie yelled, hugging blue and nearly starting to cry, "Wow mum you did it!" Steven yelled, "I hope I can learn this soon!". "So connie, now that you don't need these glasses anymore I guess I can always wear them?" Blue asked Connie, winking at her and putting the glasses over her eyes again. "No" Connie sighed, "my parents must not know about this". "Why not!?" Steven asked, "won't they like us!?", Connie looked worried and said, "Listen they'll think all this gem magic and stuff is weird and they may not let me see you again!", this shocked Steven and hurt him, he couldn't imagine never seeing connie again. "I understand" blue sighed, "I think it's for the best that most of this is kept secret, for now, but when the time comes I'll explain to your parents, now lets go travel this planet", she said, putting her hand on Connie and Steven's shoulders.
They quickly ran outside the house and steven and Connie jumped on blue's back at almost the same time, "you sure you can handle us?" Connie asked blue, "when I get into the air, I'll show you my true size!" Blue said, preparing to summon her wings. pearl looked out the window and waved to blue and blue waved back and right after she summoned 2 ginormous water wings and quickly flew into the sky above the clouds, as they flew higher and higher blue's size began to grow and she had become almost double her size from before. "mum! I thought you were gonna show Connie your true form!" Steven said, crawling up to be close to her face, "I say this is big enough!" Blue replied, flying across Beach City, "Wait, this isn't your true height?" Connie asked, tightly holding onto to blue, "I'm much taller, but I don't need to show you that height right now, maybe another day I will show you it" blue replied.
"So, where do you guys want to visit?" Blue asked Connie and steven."What about some cool gem places? Steven has told me about some, " Connie said. "How about we visit that sea spire! The place I helped fix!" Steven said, Connie quickly agreed with this, steven had told her some stories about the places he went with pearl and his mother and they seemed so interesting. "The sea spire it is!" Blue proclaimed, flying to the direction extremely fast.
As they got to the sea spire, Steven and Blue quickly realised something was off. "What the!? Is it falling apart again!? What's going on!?" Steven confusedly asked, looking at the condition the spire was now in. It had started to crumble once again. It looked like they had never even been there to restore it. "it can't break if the statue is still there unless...someone took it" blue said under her breath, flying to the top of the spire to check the statue was there and it was gone, this made blue's eyes widen and she looked back at Steven shocked, "the statue...its gone!" She said, Steven gasped and yelled, "WHAT COULD'VE TOOK IT! IT MUSTVE BEEN THE CRYSTAL GEMS!!!", Connie was confused but kept quiet. She was kinda scared of this place and starting to regret asking Blue to take her anywhere if she was just going to be taken to these creepy abandoned places.
"Alright, that was a disappointment and a shocking suprise but I know a place that definitely won't be a disappointment!" Blue said, suddenly flying across the long ocean. Under them a strange monument in the water appeared and blue flew towards it, "those look like warp-pads" Steven said, "that's because they are!" blue said, landing on the ground and making Connie and steven get off her as she shut off her wings to look around. "These warps lead to all different planets and this one," she said, walking to a much larger warp than the others, "lead to our homeworld," "WOW!", Steven yelled, running around to look at all the broken warp-pads.
"What are these?" Connie asked Steven, "oh sorry you've probably not seen them before! They're called warp-pads, they're bascially like portals! They're so cool, they can basically take us anywhere we want!", as blue watched Connie and steven talk she felt something, touch her foot, "that's strange" blue thought, looking down to see whatever it was. It was a mirror, laying by the warp that led to her home planet. Blue picked it up and looked back at her reflection, wondering why it was here. "Mum, what's that?" Steven asked, running to his mother to see what she was holding, "I don't know I just found it" blue said, giving it to Steven, "it could be many things, but I think it's just an accessory a old aristocratic gem left here when fleeing" she said.
"Connie, I think it's getting late, I'll fly you home, sounds good?" Blue asked Connie, Connie agreed and they flew to her home extremely fast and dropped her off there. before Connie's parents opened the door for her, Steven noticed she put her glasses back on, he didn't tell blue but it made him feel weird, he didn't like her living almost a second life. As Steven and blue flew home alone, Steven kept looking at himself in the mirror, then he decided to turn it around wondering if maybe there was some cool alien details on the back but he then discovered something shocking.
"MUM! YOU HAVE TO SEE THIS!", Steven shouted to his mother, scaring her so much she nearly made her wings disappear."WHAT!? WHAT IS IT!?" Blue yelled back, angry he scared her, "the mirror....it has a gem!" Steven said, showing blue the back of the mirror, somehow she didn't notice this before but in the middle was a large blue cracked gem, blue looked at the gem with shock in her eyes and quickly grabbed it from Steven, "we will see what we can do with this, when we get home" she said, looking at the gem more closely.
Chapter 14 in the mirror
Pearl looked into each detail of the mirror, and especially at the type of gem stuck to the back of it with great detail. "so what do you think it is?" Steven asked, "it seems to be one of the gems that worked under your mother" pearl said, this shocked Steven and he immediately ran up to pearl and took it out her hands, "so a person is in here!?", he said, looking at his reflection, "it seems so" pearl said.
"EVERYONE I HAVE A DISCOVERY!", blue suddenly yelled, running from down the stairs, "oh what now? Last time your discovery was you finding out raw potatoes are not good food for babies!", Greg complained, "I've learnt how to do a human thing Steven has taught me!" She excitedly exclaimed "I've learnt how to fart!... With my mouth!" And right after proclaiming this discovery of hers the once almighty diamond put her hand over her mouth and started to blow, creating a very loud fart sound, making Steven laugh and copy her.
But when Steven and blue where making the sound together the mirror started to Copy them, even when Steven stopped the mirror played the reflection and sound of Steven blowing, this was funny at first but started to scare Steven, "let me have that!", blue said, snatching the mirror away from Steven, "What do you think is in here?" Blue asked pearl, "it seems to be a member of your court" Pearl replied. Blue's eyes went wide and she looked back at the mirror.
"Are you conscious? Yes or no?" Blue asked the mirror. The mirror replayed her saying yes, blue was very shocked. "do you want to be let out,?" She asked the mirror, and once again it replied yes."my diamond I don't think this is a good idea, we don't know what type of gem could be in there" blue pearl said, trying to take the mirror off blue as politely as possible, "pearl you said she worked for my mum right? She won't do anything bad as long as my mum is here!", Steven said, taking back the mirror from the both of them.
"So miss mirror gem, how will we take you out?" He asked the mirror, "the gem...take.. out" the mirror said, using words cut from sentences said to it. "You want me to pull the gem out the back?" Steven asked, turning the mirror on the back then quickly on the front to see the response, the mirror responded "yes". "MY STEVEN DO NOT, WE DONT KNOW WHO IS IN THERE!", pearl pleaded but she was stopped by blue, "as Steven said, she's a member of My court she won't do anything as long as I'm here, Steven! Pull the gem out!" Blue commanded.
Steven quickly ran out the house and by the beach, thinking maybe there would be an explosion when the gem came out, so he kept away from the house. Blue diamond and pearl followed after him, with pearl calling his name. "Alright, I'll be gentle!" Steven said, beginning to pull the gem out the mirror, water started to surround him as he pulled, as he ripped the gem out, the mirror shattered into pieces and the gem flew out his hands, forming into a blue being.
The blue gem fell to the ground and pearl ran to check up on her, "Thank you" The blue gem said, as pearl helped her up, because of the cracked gem on her back, her form was damaged, causing her eyes to be completely blank and reflective. "Are you ok?" Steven asked, "You freed me... Thank you, I'm lapis lazuli, "she said. as blue walked up to lapis, she quickly saluted and said, "My diamond! Why are you on earth? Did you take back earth after the war?".
"A lot has happened," pearl said, "but sadly, earth has not yet been freed from the crystal gems", this made Steven pout, "Aww, come on pearl! She's just been freed she doesn't need to know about those stinky traitors!" He said, this made blue laugh. "So..my diamond, why are you here and who is this nice human boy called steven?" Lapis asked, blue walked up to lapis, looking at herself through her mirror like eyes. "there's a lot to explain but first I must fix your gem", lapis immediately smiled to blue and turned around showing her the cracked gem, "mum can I have a try healing her", Steven asked, "not now, this is very serious but this lapis could help you master one of your strongest abilities when she's healed", blue said, preparing to heal lapis lazuli.
Lapis knelt down, blue put her hand over her gem, her hair started to flow and shining energy quickly appeared, covering the both of them. "It's so cool when she does this, isn't it pearl!" Steven said, "Yes, a beautiful power only a diamond can truly control, " Pearl replied, the bright blue energy causing her hair to fly up, revealing her rarely seen eyes. As blue's glowing hands touched lapis' gem the crack started to close, "lapis lazuli, I understand you probably want to go home but for the time being please stay with me, pearl and Steven, you could really help us" blue said while she healed lapis. As the light faded,lapis turned around and looked back at blue, her eyes now fully restored, "Of course, my diamond! I'll do anything for you!" She said, standing up to salute again.
"Thank you, lapis," blue diamond said, shaking lapis' hand. Steven ran to lapis and hugged her, "You look so beautiful!" He said, "I'm so happy we were able to free you!", she smiled at steven and hugged him back, Blue also joined in on the hug and beckoned pearl to join in. "Where did you guys run off to!?" Greg yelled from over a hill, "Oh no, I forgot about Greg he must've been so surprised to just see us run away with that mirror!" Blue exclaimed. Pearl quickly went up to Greg to explain to him what was happening. The fact she did this without blue even asking her was quite surprising to everyone. "Who is that?", lapis asked, "ok this is a long story and kinda awkward but his name is Greg, he's a human and I have a kid with him", blue awkwardly explained, "a....kid?" Lapis said, confused, this made blue more uncomfortable, "erm...its how humans make other humans, so Steven over here is half human but also half gem and has My powers!".
Lapis looked down to steven, she somehow didn't notice this before but he looked very similar to blue diamond, he had the same blue eyes with diamond shaped pupils and his gem could be slightly seen peaking out his shirt. "You are another blue diamond, Steven?" Lapis curiously asked, "Yes! I will grow up and become a great leader of gems!" He proudly replied, posing, this made blue laugh, she quickly put her hand over her mouth and made farting sounds by blowing, "pfffff..this is what I think of you becoming a diamond right now kid!" She laughed, Steven blushed and lapis laughed at him.
"Well, of course not now! I gotta train, I gotta learn to use my powers and grow up into a great leader!" Steven said, blue put her hand over his shoulder and looked into his eyes, "the fact that you can already summon your weapon is a great sign, you'll be a great leader in no time, and our friend lapis here can help us!" She said, gesturing to lapis, "Of course, my diamond, I will help Steven!" Lapis said, "You have the same water powers as me. You use them to change planets, you'd be a great teacher to my son", blue said to lapis.
As they where talking a loud man on a megaphone distracted them, it was mayor dewey, he was running for re-election on the beach, standing on top of his van and doing a speech, "ugh", blue said, covering her ears, "this loud idiot, first invades my house and now the beach" she complained. "Don't worry My diamond I've got an idea, Steven could help me with it too!" Lapis said, Steven was quickly excited by this and asked "wow really how can I help?".
"Hello, beach city, my friends!" Dewey yelled over the megaphone to the small crowd under his van. After making their plan lapis quickly grabbed Steven with her arm and summoned water wings similar to blue's and stealthy flew behind the van, both Steven and lapis where trying to keep as quiet as possible and stop themselves from giggling. As dewey began his speech, the two made loud fart sounds with their mouths that interrupted him and made the crowd laugh, they where so loud he could barely be heard and no one was even paying attention to him now. "We all look forward to the sound of the summer season-"PFFFFFFF" the smells of the busy boardwalk-"PFFFFFF", "the hot, wet ocean winds-"PFFFFF".
blue diamond could hear all of this and was nearly dying of laugher, laughing so hard she fell over, "My diamond, are you ok?" Pearl worryingly said, running over to blue after explaining all she could to greg, "its just....steven and this new gem are so funny!" Blue laughed, "you had me so worried then, my diamond!" Pearl said. Soon, dewey became angry at all the laughing and stopped his speech, this made lapis and steven quickly return to Blue, who was still hysterically laughing on the floor. "Did you like that, my diamond?" Lapis asked blue, "it was amazing, please do that more to that annoying mayor, I couldn't thank you more lapis!" Blue thanked lapis but struggled to speak as she could still not stop laughing.
Chapter 15 water friend
"YOU FOUND ANOTHER GEM!?",Greg exclaimed, looking at lapis. first pearl explained it to him then blue tried but still nothing could calm Greg down. "She's pretty cool dad!" Steven said, "her name is lapis lazuli and she has water wings just like mum!". Greg sighed, "blue-blue I knew by being with you I'd be getting into some weird stuff but I didn't expect you to just pull random aliens out of nowhere", Greg complained, this seemed to anger blue diamond and she harshly replied, "lapis has suffered on this planet enough, as a member of My court i am supposed to look out and protect her, did you want me to leave all my fellow gems here to rot!?" She sounded very offended by Greg's words.
"So miss lapis, since you've got mum's wings what other powers do you have?" Steven asked lapis, "i can do all sorts of things with water, wanna see?" Lapis confidently replied, Steven quickly agreed and was so excited to see all the abilities the new gem had. Lapis and steven walked away from blue and Greg and to the seashore that was over some hills, pearl noticed this but couldn't get blue's attention as she was having another one of her infamous rants.
"Alright! watch this!" Lapis exclaimed, from the ocean she summoned a giant hand made out of water, she was able to move it around by having it Copy her hand, this amazed Steven and he asked her to show more of her powers so lapis created small waves and threw large amounts of water into the air and dropped it back down as Steven cheered her on, "so cool!", Steven called, "thanks! But this is cooler!", she raised her hands as high as she could and the water started to form into the shape of steven, she made the little water Steven clone dance for a bit then go back into the ocean, "WOAHHH!!!", Steven cheered.
Steven's cheers distracted blue and she stopped her rant completely and forgot what she was talking about to see where her son went. "You're so cool lapis!" Steven said, "my mum has powers just like you!". "Thanks!" Lapis said, "I got my powers from blue diamond, most gems of her court have powers from her". "soooo cool", Steven said, looking up to lapis,amazed. Blue looked over the hill to see this and was pleasantly suprised to see Steven's interest in this gem, pearl was not, "how do you trust her so easily My diamond?" Pearl wispered to blue, "I've said this before do I need to say this again? She's in my court she won't hurt anyone as long as I'm here!" Blue replied.
"Great to see you getting along with Steven lapis!" Blue said, lapis looked at blue slightly worried, fearing her diamond wouldn't like her running away to show her son her powers. "Thank you, my diamond, this Steven is very nice" lapis said, doing a small bow. Steven ran up to blue and pointed out to the ocean, "mum! Mum! Can you show some of your ocean powers?" He asked, "I just saw some of lapis' and they reminded me of you, can you try some?". Blue smiled at steven and said, "I've got a better idea, how about instead of me and lapis just showing off, we try and teach you how to use these powers?", Steven loved this idea and immediately agreed.
Steven had some water powers, but not enough for them to be useful, the most he could do was move water into or out of cups and make rain move before touching him so he didn't get wet, blue knew he had a lot of potential with these powers and saw lapis as a great way for him to learn how to use these powers in their strongest possibe way. "So how much can you already do?" Lapis asked Steven, Steven thought before replying, "I can move a bit...", he said, he was quite embarrassed with how inexperienced he was with this power, especially compared to lapis. "Alright, ill first test how much you can move, can you do this?" Lapis said, moving up a amount of water about as big as Steven up and above them, blue soon did the same after with a amount the same as lapis'. Steven watched each of their moves carefully and prepared himself before he'd try and copy them. He looked at the water, raised his left hand and tried to pull up as much as he could, as he pulled,a huge chunk, much bigger than what lapis or blue had pulled out came out of the water.
"Steven, you're trying too much, only try this small amount, don't push yourself over your current limit", blue said, walking behind Steven, "and don't just do this in public, people will see", then she slapped down Steven's hand, making all the water fall where it used to be. "Wow very good Steven, was that you trying all your power?" Lapis asked, "yeah..sorry I didn't expect I was able to use that much I'll try a small bit like you guys", Steven said, lightly out of breath because of all the energy he used up lifting all that water. Blue watched carefully this time, making sure Steven didn't use his power up on too much water and accidentally raised the entire ocean into the air, thankfully Steven used just the right amount of power and lifted a perfect sphere of water from the ocean.
"Wow you're so good at this Steven!", lapis congratulated him, giving him a light pat on the back. "You're doing great, just don't be too worried about thinking you're weak and use up all your power again.we don't want people noticing us as the crystal gems are here" blue warned, this sent fear and chills all over Steven's body as he imagined the face of the evil rose quartz. "I'll never do that again mum!" Steven replied very quickly.
"Hmmm" blue thought, "if only there was a place where we could test out all our powers to the max and truly allow all your potential to be released without those crystal gems being a risk", she paced around the beach wondering if she knew any places where she, lapis and pearl could help train Steven. "I remember Mr universe saying his family owned an abandoned barn not too far from here" pearl said, she had barely said anything in a while and was just watching over them so her suddenly speaking up lighty scared lapis and steven. Blue looked back at pearl with a big smile, "That sounds amazing! I'll ask Greg straight away!" She said, running up the hill to try and find Greg who had gone back into their home.
"A barn? What is that?" Lapis asked Steven, "it's used on farms its usually got animals in it! This one my dad's family owns is completely empty though i I think", Steven explained, he hadn't really heard of it before pearl said it, he thought maybe his dad had mentioned it once. "It sounds good enough" lapis said, "I can't wait to see it, I can train you a lot there!"
Chapter 16 barn training
After blue begging Greg for what seemed like forever, he Finally drove them to his old family barn. The barn was owned by his aunt and uncle originally, they where pilots and old chunks of planes still littered the inside of the barn. "What do you guys plan on doing here?", Greg asked, showing them around, "will this be a home for this new friend of yours?", he gestured to lapis.
"Erm dad, we actually went here to trai-, Steven's mouth was quickly covered by his mother before he revealed their true plan to Greg, "no! Pearl just remembered hearing about this place and it seemed interesting!", blue lied, sounding nervous as Steven fought to get her strong hand off of his mouth, but it was too late, greg had heard what Steven said. "To what?" He asked blue, she became nervous and gulped, "erm.......this was his idea not mine!", she studdered, she was a terrible liar, always has been. lapis quietly laughed at this but was lightly elbowed by pearl to stop. Greg put his head in his hands and sighed, "fine, no one uses this place anyway, I guess you can use it for stuff as long as you don't throw it at people or destroy the whole thing."
Greg drove back home and told Blue to call him if they wanted to be taken back home. Before their training, lapis looked around the barn, and at what was inside, pearl followed after her, wondering if she was planning something. As lapis looked at all the abandoned and old plane parts with curiosity, pearl came up behind her and said, "what are you doing over there?", her voice was quiet but sharp and strict sounding. Lapis quickly turned around, noticeably nervous, "n-nothing!" She said, "just looking at this weird place, there's so many odd things here". "Yes, these are old human machines used to create vehicles that fly" pearl replied, still sounding harsh.
Blue called everyone to stand outside the barn with blue standing with the barn right behind her and the others facing opposite to her. "Everyone there is a water tower over there! This is perfect for our training!", she said, moving everyone's attention to the large, tall water tower that stood near the barn. "We are going to be practising a lot today, Steven are you ready?" Blue asked, Steven triumphantly walked forward and summoned his scythe, pointing it in the air "as ready as I can ever be!" He proudly replied to blue.
The first lesson was using water for defence in a fight. blue made pearl summon her weapon, a long blue rapier and rush to steven, Steven would quickly summon a bubble around her to stop her touching him. The first try, instead of summoning a bubble he used another power. He caught pearl in a lazer and flew her away, this was seen as a success still as he still used one of his powers. After about 3 tries and many demonstrations by lapis, Steven finally was able to properly catch pearl in a bubble, but the bubble was difficult to move around and easily broken by pearl.
The second lesson was the easiest according to blue. Steven was supposed to take some of the water from the tower, fly it over everyone and release it slowly in drops, making rain. In the first try Steven nearly dropped it on everyone, before blue quickly catched it and demonstrated, after working together with lapis he was able to successfully make rain and on other tries he was able to do it alone.
The third and final lesson of today was similar to the first one, but Blue said it was slightly easier. blue wanted lapis to do a very long demonstration before Steven tried anything. This lesson would be picking up all sorts of objects, first lapis picked up stones of all sizes, this seemed easy, Steven quickly copied, then lapis picked up large, deep chunks of the ground and lifted them high, Steven tired to Copy her by lifting a tree.
"Good! but can you this!" Lapis said, summoning her wings and flying up. She raised her hands, and water started to surround the barn, pearl looked up in horror but Steven was amazed, cheering her on while also looking for something bigger for himself to lift. Lapis lifted the barn up into the sky, creating a shadow over them all like it was a cloud. Steven cheered lapis on and she laughed and joked with him while above the air but Steven's jokes distracted lapis, too much, because of their talking she didn't put enough energy into lifting the barn and so it fell, right onto blue diamond.
There was a extremely loud crash sound. Somehow, Steven and pearl where missed and unscathed, lapis flew back down to earth, she looked horrified. "My diamond? I am so so sorry!", lapis frantically apologised, shaking uncontrollably, pearl felt like she had been proven right and something was off about this lapis, and this was all a trick so she could assassinate her diamond, as pearl stormed up to lapis to confront her, there was a loud explosion sound.
Suddenly from the ruins of the barn, blue diamond appeared, throwing the chunks off of her, she had returned to her true giant form, her body was covered in wave like energy and she looked angry. Blue towered over lapis, Steven and pearl she could easily crush them with one hand in this form of hers and they all knew it, "my diamond please...I'm so sorry!", lapis begged, fearing for her life, "I know! Don't worry!", blue diamond said, her tone shockingly kind sounding and her face turning into a happy expression, she soon shrank down to a more human size and laughed with the others.
As the three returned home, Greg was waiting for them, "so how did it go?" He asked, "how is the barn?" This question made everyone fall awkwardly silent, "its great"pearl said, greg never expected pearl to lie so took this as fact and didn't ask more questions, this was a great relief for everyone.
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starkittensblog · 11 months
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A slightly old stuff while I can't do new
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mysticplies · 11 months
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Her role is being a receptionist, she keeps track of which gems check in and check out.
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3dpixelart · 1 year
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My first post- I did some doodles!! My fav Steven universe AUs/Comics!! This took very long to color- I have little to no neutral colors or pink 😅 Hope y’all like them!
AU Gone Wrong: @suaugonewrong
White Diamond AU: @ask-whitepearl-and-steven
Disarmed AU: @stevenuniverseanewchapter
Falsification AU: @falsificationstevenau
The Eldritch Gems AU: @theeldritchgemsau
Bad Prediction AU: @badpredictionau @jigokuhana @wilted3sunflowers
Blue Diamond AU: @blue-diamond-steven
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vivagonza · 1 year
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i tie the knots to remember in my heart
so i choke and i sputter to a stop
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alieliscious · 8 months
Rraaahhhh human designsss
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They but human teehee
Anyways sorry if I got any ethnicity features wrong blame google
Got questions? Ask, idk what else to add
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lucyjung · 2 years
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Short hair Blue
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thereactionof1984 · 12 days
To this day, I still find myself, from time to time, thinking about @loycos 's Bellow Diamond human AU (ilysm loycos) and @thegembeaststemple 's Jasper (this was Premium Quality Jasper).
And Jesse Zuke's Lapidot (whatever happened to them? Have they worked on any other shows?).
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world-of-socks · 2 years
-Soooo I couldn’t get this scene out of my head so here’s this. I suppose you should tread carefully as there could be some sensitive topics involved. (Implied suicide attempt… sort of???) This is all related to my headcanon post from a little bit ago
-After an intense argument with Pink, Blue and Yellow discuss an old wound.
“She’s not getting a planet of her own, Blue! I won’t allow it!” She stormed (quite literally) down the hallway, heels clicking.
Blue followed close behind, fists clenched. She struggled slightly to catch up with her.
“She can barely handle her own pearl let alone a whole planet!” The yellow gem was fuming, the air around her crackled slightly, buzzing with energy.
“Be that as it may, you can’t keep throwing tantrums like this!” Blue’s voice teetered upon unhinged, she was near as angry as Yellow.
The clicking stopped.
“I’m serious, Yellow. Lately your powers have been out of control! Stars name, what is going on?! You need to get yourself under control or someone is going to get seriously hurt!” Blue stopped in return, the gem did not turn to face her.
Yellow’s shoulders were taught, fists clenched, and brows furrowed. She could hear her own ferocious breathing and was suddenly embarrassed.
“You don’t get to talk to me like that.” She growled, “My abilities are under complete control.”
“Denying it isn’t going to get us anywhere. So either you can grow up and get it together OR you can continue to act like Pink- the exact gem you are oh so critical of!” Blue huffed.
Neither moved. The air still crackled, but that was near the only sound.
“Look.” Blue sighed, “I know what this is really about. This is about Thunderstroke… isn’t it?.”
Yellow sucked in a quick breath, and flinched at the name.
“White told us never to mention-!” Yellowed started.
“White isn’t here right now.” Blue interrupted, “You still haven’t said anything about it. You- you wouldn’t speak to me for almost a hundred years afterwards! Look, we’re hundreds of years older, more mature; can we not talk about it now?”
More painful silence.
“That planet was your life-our life. Are we just going to pretend it never happened? All those things we said- gone?!”
Blue fidgeted with some of the embroidery on her dress, yet there was still no answer. She sighed and drew herself up.
“I will open my chambers tonight. Nobody will be allowed in but you. If morning comes tomorrow and you did not enter through my door, then I will know your answer.” Blue said flatly.
With that, she turned heel, and left. She did not hear if Yellow had done the same.
That evening, Blue diamond spent her time organizing her chambers. She put away the many holograms she had floating about for work, opened the curtains that flew in front of the window to the garden, and pushed aside the throne White had given her to work in. As she waited for Yellow’s response, she flipped through an old holographic photo binder. They were old memories that her gem had captured that she had uploaded: various images of a younger freckled yellow diamond beaming, strange flora and fauna, and a variety of blueprints she had developed in her younger years. Yellow used to smile more.
As time ticked by, Blue grew more and more anxious. Flicking through painful memories wasn’t exactly helping, either. Eventually though, these feelings were stalled as the door to her chambers hissed open.
Yellow diamond stood in the door. She quietly removed her helmet, revealing her curly locks of golden and sandy brown hair. She held the helmet at her side and strode forward, a sort of unconfidence took solace in her strides.
Blue looked up as she reached the chair across from her at the small table, and motioned silently with her eyes so as to give her an invite to sit down. The yellow gem understood and sat, laying her helmet upon the table.
“I’ve-… thought a lot about what you said earlier.” She murmured.
“Yes.” She breathed.
“And?” Blue prompted, eyes unwavering from Yellow’s face.
“And I’m not sure if I’m fully ready to talk about-…what happened, but I know if I keep waiting for myself to feel ready… I will never speak on it.”
As the silence settled comfortably around the room, Yellow carefully removed her gloves, and laid them neatly on the table.
“Yellow-!” Blue started at the sight of Yellow’s bare hands.
Her hands and about up to her elbows looked terribly damaged. The tips of Yellow’s fingers were blackened and her arms were a charred brownish color. Stemming from her fingertips were deep, yellow chasms that imitated lightning; scars.
“They’ve only gotten worse since-… Thunderstroke.” Yellow said shakily, “Nothing I do can stop it. If I don’t wear the gloves, my powers seem to be under less control and White and my subjects will know of my imperfections. If I wear them… I’m beginning to think it makes the scarring worse.”
“Pink can heal, you should-!”
“No…” Yellow let her forehead sink into one hand, “I’ve tried already.”
“I asked for some of her power secretly. I told her it was for a mission. I tried, but it didn’t work.”
“What do you think will happen if it continues on like this? Yellow, it could damage the whole of your form.” Blue let her concern drip onto her tongue.
“Hmph. Well if that’s your concern, check my back.” She chuckled, no joy was behind the laughter.
Blue raised an eyebrow, stood up, and approached the back of Yellow’s chair.
“I don’t see anything.”
“Unzip the back of my shirt.” Yellow muttered.
Blue did as she was told, but drew back as the zipper reached a little before halfway down Yellow’s spine. There, near the center of her back, was a giant, white, star shaped burn.
“Just a little reminder from White about what happened.” Yellow replied bitterly.
“My stars.” Blue breathed.
There was silence as Blue stood still, staring at the scar unblinking. A tear fell down her cheek as she remembered what happened that day.
“Why’d you do it?” Blue asked, dropping the act, letting her younger self from that day pull the reins.
“Jump?” Yellow asked, “You know why. Deep down I know you know just as well as I do.”
“Just let me hear you say it. Just this once.” She breathed.
“Fine.” Her voice broke a little, “I did it because I knew deep down that I was never going to be able to be anything more than what I was made for. I did it because I was afraid. I did it because I thought-… because I thought maybe I had a chance of escaping even-… even if that meant shattering.”
Blue heard Yellow struggling to keep herself from crying. She heard a tear sizzle upon contact with one of her arms, Yellow hissed at the pain.
“I realized that day, the second White destabilized me, that it was over. I knew at that moment that there would never be a life where I could look at any world and see something other than another chore. There would never be a life where I could love-…” She stopped as a sob strangled her throat.
Blue put a hand to her mouth, a few little noises came out as she too struggled with her own tears. She eventually just bent over and placed a soft kiss on the white scar on Yellow’s back. After, she let one hand stay on her back, a small comfort, but all she could offer.
“I just don’t…” Yellow started, attempting to compose herself, “Don’t want what happened on Thunderstroke to happen to Pink. She is just like us- like me-… and it will break her.”
“I know…” Blue sniffed, “But you can’t protect her forever. Keeping her from her Thunderstroke will break her all the same.”
“There really is no escape.”
Melancholic monotony had become Yellow’s day to day for hundreds of years and in this moment it was utterly apparent. She had submitted to her purpose and let herself get lost in numbers and war. If she had nothing else she would live for the next assignment and the feeling of checking one more thing off her list.
The feeling of Blue’s warm lips on her back made her hurt for living for someone instead.
Holograms, numbers, and swords were only so warm.
“I’ll fight to get her a planet.” Yellow sighed, “Perhaps she’ll be stronger or cleverer than I was.”
“It might end the same.” Blue said in a hushed voice.
“For gems… it all ends the same. I suppose what is really real about our lives is what we manage to do when we get a taste of freedom.”
Yellow finally turned and looked at Blue.
“You know… I- I cherished every moment I spent with you on that planet.” Yellow murmured.
“It didn’t have to end there…” She whispered in return, gently cupping Yellow’s face with one hand.
Yellow stood up and took Blue’s face in her scarred hands, “May I?”
Blue leaned into the touch and hummed, “Of course.”
She leaned in and they shared a kiss.
“Promise me you’ll talk to me more like this.” Blue breathed as their lips parted.
“I will try.” She whispered, “You know I struggle with such things.”
Monotony is an ugly thing. Pressure to be perfect is an ugly thing. Both over a long period of time are damning. The diamonds, like all gems, were damned. Over time conversations fade and lose meaning and power. Over time more stressors come along and promises are broken. But there was always a light at the end of it all, and it was not White’s horrific powers, it was beautiful and powerful: hope.
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stevenblueniverse · 5 months
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A stupid mini comic and some doodles of my blue steven design
I was trying to draw him doing the shook face blue does during the trial, but it didn't work out much, I think
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