#bc they're dating in this. obviously.
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rogueddie · 1 year ago
nonbinary Steve who doesn't feel like he is allowed to identify with anything other than Man™ bc he enjoys masculine things and presenting in a more masculine way
nonbinary Chrissy who doesn't feel like she can use masculine words bc she doesn't think anyone will take her seriously bc of how she looks and dresses
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biggest-gaudiest-patronuses · 10 months ago
historical drama/sitcom where two gay best friends (woman and man) get lavender married--and proceed to spend the Fancy European Honeymoon their parents paid for acting as each other's wingman
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bayetea · 4 months ago
I think it's really annoying that leo has completely falsified memories of jason too and this is barely acknowledged in the books
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queenhawke · 1 month ago
"if grimpop was slash everyone would ship it" and if my grandmother had wheels she would've been a bike. like yeah dawg, it's almost as if there is a lot of cultural baggage that comes with older men/younger women ships that does not exist for gay relationships and that might be one of the reasons people aren't into it romantically
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zivaninja · 3 months ago
Blue Bloods finale things/spoilers under the cut that I wanted to yell about:
• Jamko parents!!! Parents!! Oh how far they've come 😭
• I'm going to miss Eddie Janko so damn much, that's my girl.
•Jack and Erin getting married!! They finally got their happy ending. And the looks on their faces at dinner as they decided to keep it to themselves was just so 💜😭
• Danny's face when Henry tells him to find his person to come home to. He already knows.
• Danny Reagan! Asking Maria Baez! On a date! And her saying yes! He doesn't need to go look for his person because she's right there besides him. And the look on her face when she agreed!!
#blue bloods#jamko#jerin#daez#eddie janko#i'm going to miss so many of these characters so fucking much#crying over jamko on tumblr gone midnight I suddenly feel like i'm 18 again when I literally just turned 25 yday#I expected jamko parents and we knew that jack and erin were back together but getting 3/3 for my ships? blessed#jerin getting married again feels so right. their chemistry is unmatched#(the way jack looks at her. I get it.)#and then danny asking baez on a date took me out#the implication that he thought about what henry said for a few days and all his thinking led him back to maria because she's his girl.#and he just knew he had to take that leap.#(It's fine i'm going insane over here)#i am a bit miffed that we won't actually see anything beyond him asking her out and it was slightly open ended#but considering that we knew that danny didn't want to act on his feelings bc he didn't want to risk the pain of losing her/her getting hur#the fact that he asked her out was hugely significant#the fact that he specifically said it was because he had been thinking about what henry said to him is making me lose it#they obviously hang out outside work anyway but this is Different. you could tell by how almost nervous danny was 😭 but#she was right there with him. as she always is. they're partners in every sense.#and baez knows it too!!! the look on her face!! danny will tell her one day what it was that henry said and she'll Know.#god I am going to be thinking about them for the forseeable#3/3 on my ships and a good ending on a series finale is so rare for me#anyway i've been watching this show weekly since like 2014/15 and had watched it before that with my dad#so it's so strange that it's ending. it's one of the first shows that i've watched week in and out for donkeys years that is ending and it'#gonna be odd to not have that show in my watching list anymore#shut up g#(good god sorry about the tags I had to get that all out)#if anyone actually read any of that and still wants to come yell about these things please do :)
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poisonouspastels · 1 year ago
I need to talk about Minecraft AU for a sec and how the difference between our world and their world makes for some of the most humorous but also interesting differences in how people act about certain subjects.
Like the trans thing right. Steve and Rana are both trans I've talked about that before. And neither of them are on hormone replacement or anything (there is an in universe explanation as to why Steve has a beard though I promise I can talk about that if anyone wants) but like that's fine bc it literally Doesn't Matter to them or anyone else. Like as spawned players they already don't have any pre-existing gender roles or ideas of what something "should" be so gender and presentation is what they make of it and there's no real solid idea in anyone's mind about how a "boy" or "girl" behaves or looks like. These are labels that exist but they barely mean anything. It also helps that any preexisting culture that WOULD have ideas of this was almost entirely destroyed like 5000 years ago (thanks Groda) so it matters even less than it already did.
And its funny bc the only two people alive from that era, White Eyes and Groda also just don't care. Groda maybe asks why Rana's voice sounds deeper once and nearly gets torn apart by Alex bc of it (Rana isn't offended or anything she just has a defensive girlfriend), bc she doesn't really understand because she never experienced anything like this first hand but very quickly comes to understand it and accept it. And on the other hand White Eyes is just like "I've seen weirder things than this" which yeah. Yeah honestly I think the person who was previously one with the undead would not care about gender in the grand scheme of things.
And then u have Kai which I've joked before that they may as well have been spawned in nonbinary. They rlly just said "I'm not really anything" and everyone was like yeah makes sense I vibe with it. Good for u.
Steve and Rana are both fairly open about having been the opposite genders previously (because that's how they view their experiences and that's valid!) and don't really shy away from the subject but also never really have much reason to talk about it since there's rarely a need to. In the modern day pretty much everyone who met them had met them post-transition. Even Alex had met them just before Steve started growing in his beard. The only people who ever knew them as Adam and Eve were Efe and Sunny but they never really thought it was weird or anything. Like the weirdest part to them was Steve saying he got his epiphany from seeing some guy in the distance on a foggy day who looked vaguely like him but that's its own subject manner that they aren't going to pry on.
Also Steve did DIY top "surgery" previously with a sword but we aren't going to talk about how messy that was for everyone involved.
#minecraft#minecraft au mastertag#apologies for my trans ramblings. how i get to approach these subject matters in the AU is just fun#and i needed to get some thoughts out#unrelated fun fact that i think most people here dont know: Steve and Alex were actually the first two to be in a committed relationship#not Steve and Rana like most would (rightfully) expect#this is because despite the fact that the two have literally know eachother for their entire lives#they're both really bad at being honest with themselves.#for years it was 'i like this person but i dont know how to tell them'#to 'well maybe i only FEEL like i like them because i dont know anyone else that well'#to 'well maybe they dont feel the same and it'd be weird to bring it up now'#you've heard of slow burn now get ready for what those two had going on#Alex when integrated into the household and months had passed actually had enough confidence to ask#here's the funny part though. she had assumed that Steve and Rana WERE dating already (and was cool with it obviously)#they were not.#so u can imagine how funny it is for Steve to hear 'Your girlfriend is pretty' out of Alex's mouth bc of that#She's more shocked that they're NOT dating already they live in the same house they've known eachother for literally their entire existence#they are like so stupidly affectionate with eachother to boot#'And you've known her for how long??' 'I mean... about 10 years?' 'DUDE.'#its actually agonizing but on the bright side it is what got the polycule started eventually#I would not be surprised if Sunny and Efe placed bets on if/when it would eventually happen
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thedreadvampy · 1 year ago
another day another 2 hour despair sesh on the phone with my mum about Palestine
#red said#apparently the British Society of Friends won't allow an epistle that mentions 'the war in Gaza' in case it upsets 'the Jewish community'#literally MENTIONING THAT THERE IS A WAR#bc mum and the rest of the meeting agreed to remove reference to it starting on October 7th WHICH IT OBVIOUSLY DID NOT there are concerns#about Appearing Antisemitic. by MENTIONING THAT IT'S HAPPENING WITHOUT BLAMING KHAMAS#the justification. apparently. is that we're already on thin ice with The Jewish Community because of Quaker activities in Palestine#which have been largely to do with challenging apartheid and trying to help broker peace processes#so me and mum are both like. ok so are we pro Palestine or pro genocide as an organisation?#because if we think Genocide Is Bad then we should not be afraid to say We Think Genocide Is Bad#and we can also say We Think Antisemitism Is Bad because SHOCK FUCKING HORROR not all Jews represent the State of Israel#in fact basically none of them do#anyway whatever the fuck happened to plain speaking i wanna know#when in history have the faction of Quakers who wanted to never upset anyone been the drivers of change?#wasn't the Quakers going 'obviously we are anti slavery but we shouldn't SAY that in case we upset White People' who we remember positively#they're also changing dates on a lecture Corbyn was due to give in order to avoid accusations of antisemitism#to which i have GOT to ask. 5 months into a genocide and we're STILL giving credence to the idea that criticising Israel is antisemitism?#i will scream until my lungs pop
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vampiromano · 11 months ago
sometimes I'll doubt I'm aromantic at all bc I like dating and shit but then I'll hear people talk about their relationships
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pothame · 2 years ago
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looking at the preview again it seems like sungho Could be looking up at junsung after he picks/reads a card
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purplespacecats · 1 year ago
i will not hook up with the crush i'm trying to get over at the play party we're both going to, i will not hook up with the crush i'm trying to get over at the play party we're both going to, i will not hook up with the crush i'm trying to get over at the play party we're both going to....
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autumnrory · 1 year ago
my sister was telling me about i guess travis and his brother having a podcast and with all the swifties getting into football they'll answer questions about how the game works and i was polite but i was just like listen genuinely getting into new things is cool but if you are truly just getting into something bc you want to hype up your fave's boyfriend it's just so embarrassing lol the second they break up you are going to stop being into football just like you stopped caring about joe's movies just like you stopped caring about calvin's music IT HAPPENS EVERY TIME
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i find it very interesting and odd how people react when someone (who is very much in the public eye) comes out as trans and changes their name... on letterboxd if you have any reviews of elliot page's movies before he came out, you're expected the change his name if you wrote it out in your review... and they'll even go to reviews from like OVER A DECADE AGO and say "um it's elliot now bro, you should change this 🤓☝️" but it's so funny cause it just feels revisionist to me like... did elliot himself ask you to do that? did he ask you to forget that he was ever "ellen"? it's really odd because it's almost always cis lgb people doing this and they never stop to wonder if they shouldn't bother simply because it doesn't hurt anything. if someone was deadnaming him ON PURPOSE AFTER THE FACT, then i completely understand why you would comment on the review and whatnot - but it's just crazy seeing a review from like 2016 that says "i love elliot page 🩷" because you just know that they went back and changed it. i can understand why it makes people uncomfortable... but it's weird that we don't allow trans people themselves to control the narrative on things like this, y'know? are we entitled to change a review simply because you're deadnaming him NOW even though you weren't when you wrote the review 5 or 6 years ago? does elliot want people to act like he was never "ellen"? or is it more likely just that it makes cis lgb people uncomfortable because thry think they need to have a strict adhereance to things like this - so much so that they wish they could go back in time so they never wrote his deadname, even if there's no way they would have known his inner life at the time 🤷‍♀️
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saturatedsinset · 2 years ago
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I had such a nice week with my baby I love them so much
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queen-scribbles · 2 years ago
Wulfwryn x Halthiras for the OC date meme for some lotro shenanigans :P
Depends, where are they having this date? Bc if it starts in the Shire, I feel like they're both gonna drink too much hobbit ale and things are gonna get FUN. xD While Wulfwryn may stop herself at tipsy, Hal--despite his membership to the Inn League--does not have a high alcohol tolerance. He'd probably be in that "pleasantly dizzy, self-preservation significantly lower but not quite drunk" stage, which would mean a lot of Wulfwryn convincing him not to walk on fences etc until he sobers up. At which point he's profoundly apologetic and embarrassed and checks at least five times he didn't do anything too awful(by which he means both coming on too strong--he wouldn't--and too dangerous/embarrassing she had to save him from xD). The rest of the night probably involves them sitting in a field looking at the stars--and potentially fireworks, if it's the right time of year--and maybe just a little making out.👀👀👀
If this date starts anywhere OTHER THAN a Shire tavern, it very likely begins with Hal asking Wulf if she wants to meet (some of) his animals and I hope she knows what she's getting into if she says yes. He has the raven. bear, and bogstalker Lore Master comps, six or seven horses(Summer Faire one is his favorite), and... at least fifteen pets(including but not limited to hedgehog, black cat, brown and white rabbits, white puppy, brown bat, brown sheep, and snowy owl). So if they do that, it'll take an hour or two easy of hanging out with various animals, then he'd suggest going for a walk and talking. (He's most comfortable in nature, so it's him subconsciously hoping to make this more relaxing, even if he forgets to check whether she would also find that relaxing, but he'd be fine if she'd rather sit inside to talk.) Would probably also end sitting somewhere to admire the sunset/night and a kiss, though it would be more... chaste, for lack of a better word, and less "making out", though he wouldn't be opposed if it still went there. :3
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heartbeetz · 2 years ago
I REALLY need to do something with Bob and Kenzie's "backstory" (how they started dating)... a fic or comic maybe, idk. It's so good but I've talked about it maybe once.
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boneless-mika · 5 months ago
I've been pre-planning going to see ATEEZ when they come to Europe and I definitely underestimated how expensive it would be lmao. The total required including hotel and travel costs is like 1000 Euro... I can't get 1000 Euro by January
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