#bc reg is a bit taller than sirius
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the height difference between James and Regulus is cute, but the height difference between Remus and Sirius is ridiculous
#i said what i said#bc reg is a bit taller than sirius#and remus is a fucking giant#wolfstar#jegulus#marauders era#the black brothers aren't small#they just have tall boyfriends#sirius black#remus lupin#james potter#regulus black
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my marauders era hcs
hes polyamorous & bi
absolutely enamored with lily & reg
the entire potter familys indian
looks exactly like euphemia but with fleamonts wild hair
refuses to use sleekeazy no matter how much his father begs him bc he says his hair adds character
actually really good in the kitchen and cooks for lily & regulus often (acts of service is his love language)
has the highest transfiguration marks of his whole year
genderfluid!!! her pronouns r she/he/they
hopelessly in love w/ remus
^^ extremely oblivious to that fact
fluent in french and hates it, tries not to speak it when he can
remus introduces them to muggle music and clothing which they immediately love
absolutely entranced by muggle movies and begs remus to take him to the theater every break
calls mcgonagall “minnie” to her chagrin
pansexual & welsh
in love w/ sirius for years & thought it was unrequited bc hes oblivious as well
best friends with lily
secretly plans most of the marauders pranks
uses his prefect privileges for pranks
has study dates w/ lily, peter, & regulus
close with his mother
his father is gone a lot for work but they have a good relationship
token cishet friend
gets embarrassed super easily
him & mary are really close friends
favorite subjects are herbology & charms, and he gets the highest marks out of the marauders in these classes
bisexual & polyamorous
irish w/ vitiligo
her hairs more auburn than red red
dating james & regulus
her & mary dated briefly in 5th year
has a bit of a temper and is easily angered
way taller than all her friends but still wears heels cuz they look good on her so fuck what everyone else thinks
shes welsh & yemeni
her real name is actually maryam
lesbian queen
thinks quidditch is dumb but goes to every game to support her friends
tells peter everything
fluent in arabic and welsh (her & remus like to gossip in welsh)
theyre genderqueer, pronouns are they/he
super close friends with sirius
^^ marls kissed sirius once and then quickly realized hes aromantic
in a qpr with dorcas <3 (before that they were quidditch rivals)
theyre gryffindors seeker
dyes his hair blonde religiously
theyre filipino & were adopted by their gay muggle dads when they were 3
didnt know they were magical until they got their hogwarts letter bc of the adoption
polyamorous, pan, and ace
dating pandora & xeno my beloveds
in a qpr w/ marlene
her mom is pureblood, her dad is muggleborn & the ancient runes teacher
has an older nby sibling named aster
in the same year as the marauders
one of the slytherin beaters
1000% a polyamorous pan trans man
dating lily & james
first befriended lily in the slug club
best friends w/ pandora
fluent in french and embraces it, mumbles to himself in french and slips french words into conversation
originally forces himself to dislike the marauders bc they “stole sirius” but begrudgingly starts liking them
hits it off w/ remus bc of their similarly dark & sarcastic humor
the hat originally wanted to sort him into ravenclaw but he asked for slytherin
shes a brazilian muggleborn
bisexual & polyamorous, dating xeno & dorcas :)
wears super chunky jewelry and huge glasses
hangs in the kitchens with regulus and is very friendly with the house elves
in the same year as reg but in ravenclaw
loves learning about everything magical she can, including “fake” creatures like nargles and blibbering humdingers
lovegood is her maiden name, xeno took it when they married
5th year prefect when the marauders were in 1st year
gryffindor quidditch chaser & captain until she graduated in 1974
friends with emmeline, frank, gideon, fabian, & bilius weasley
bisexual & dated narcissa for a few yrs until narcissa broke it off bc of her arranged marriage to lucius
her mom and dad are pieretta and florean fortescue, she helps them run the ice cream shop during summers
has a little sister named edith whose in a year above the marauders
very very short
#pushing my jegulily agenda once again#ofc i had to include a nobleflower and marylily mention#also aromantic marlene has my whole heart#as does platonic peter/mary#anyways#can we please get a pandora/dorcas/xenophilius ship name??#im dying here#marauders#marauders era#marauders era headcanons#james potter#sirius black#remus lupin#peter pettigrew#lily evans#mary macdonald#marlene mckinnon#dorcas meadowes#regulus black#pandora lovegood#alice fortescue#alice longbottom#jegulily#wolfstar#nobleflower#marylily#pandora/dorcas/xenophilius
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Send Nude Pics of Your Heart to Me
James Potter to Mrs. Wife: lily can we have another baby?
Lily Potter to Wears Socks to Bed: R u going to text me that every time Harry does something cute?
James Potter: yes
Lily Potter: U know if we got one every time u asked we’d have like 35 babies by now??
James Potter: i’d be okay with that
James Potter: they might give us our own tv programme
James Potter: lil and jim and their kin
Lily Potter: Ur right what’s the point of having children if not to pimp them out for reality television
Sirius Black to Babe: u know it’s extremely rude to fuck in the house while ur babysitter is downstairs watching ur kid
James Potter to Hot Stuff: i don’t pay u to complain
Sirius Black: u are literally not paying me
Sirius Black: i am doing this out of love for this little banshee
James Potter: we made u godfather. and u can have dibs if i knock lily up 2nite
Sirius Black: fine but at least play some music or smth christ what are u doing to her?????
Lily Potter to The Other Woman: Quit texting James while we’re fucking
Lily Potter: Tho he is surprisingly good at multitasking
Sirius Black to Sugar Tits: only if u make him call u daddy
Lily Potter: Deal
James Potter to James Has A Daddy Kink: lupin will you look after harry next weekend? sirius is permanently banned from babysitting
Sirius Black: Still godfather m8
James Potter: not anymore remus is godfather now
Peter Pettigrew: am i not on the list??
James Potter: you will get on the list once u stop screaming every time he poos
Peter Pettigrew: fair enough
Remus Lupin: Can I be godfather when Harry’s like ten? Babies are terrifying
Sirius Black: i will not stand for this betrayal
Sirius Black changed the chat name to James Wanked To McGonagall For All Of Year 9.
Peter Pettigrew: pretty sure it was longer than year 9 👀👀👀👀
James Potter: it’s not embarrassing if ur not ashamed
Remus Lupin: If you’re gonna text me at work at least leave my colleagues’ names out of the group chat
Peter Pettigrew: should u b texting while ur teaching?
Remus Lupin: The kids are using their phones to film for a presentation it’s fine probably
Sirius Black: see potter? he’s already showing he’s bad w/ kids he’s gonna let harry on the internet unsupervised
James Potter: harry is 1
Sirius Black: ur never too young 2 start developing abandonment issues
Remus Lupin changed the chat name to Sirius Wanked to Yugioh in Sixth Form.
Sirius Black: listen here u little shit
James Potter to Ginger Spice: lily look!!!
Lily Potter to Daddy’s Girl: U have sent me 12 pictures of Harry dressed as a penguin in the past 2 minutes
Lily Potter: (((And I have loved every single 1 of them our baby is the cutest?!?!)))
James Potter: i fucking know right
James Potter: legitimately he’s better than other babies
Lily Potter: Our baby could take the Longbottoms baby in a fight
James Potter: our baby could take DUMBLEDORE in a fight
Lily Potter: I mean ur right but
Lily Potter: In what situation would our son be fighting the headmaster of our secondary school
James Potter: idk but he’d fuckin wreck him have u seen how hard he pulls on hair he’d rip that beard right the fuck off
Lily Potter: Tru
Remus Lupin to Jimbo: How did you get i’m a furry to autocorrect to i’m a furry
James Potter to Dances with Wolves: we’ve all known for a long time remus i’m not here to judge u
Remus Lupin: I’M NOT A FURRY
Remus Lupin: I’M A FURRY
James Potter: u seem to be experiencing some conflicting emotions
Remus Lupin: I’m trying to say I’M S I C K
James Potter: of hiding ur true nature as a furry? we’re sick of ur denial as well mate
Remus Lupin: You are officially disowned
James Potter: ur not my real dad
Peter Pettigrew to Remus is a Furry: so are u like a brony or do u dress up as a wolf and sniff people?
James Potter: the 2nd one definitely
Sirius Black: idk man i think i saw him eyeing one of harry’s picture books the other day
Sirius Black: does red riding hood get u going
Petter Pettigrew: lmao
Remus Lupin: Potter I’m gonna murder you
James Potter: just try it my son will avenge me
Sirius Black: oooooo he’s got u remus what r u gonna do fight a baby
Remus Lupin: I will explain to Harry about how his father was a bellend and he will take my side
James Potter: lies. harry will never doubt my honour. just the other day peter sneezed on me and harry bit him
Peter Pettigrew: thought he bit me bc hes teething?
James Potter: irrelevant
James Potter to Never Furget: remus did u change all my profile pics to screencaps from bambi
Remus Lupin to Jimmy Neutron: Why do you ask?
James Potter: bc everyone is commenting on them but i can’t see them or take them down what did u do
Remus Lupin: Maybe the universe did this to you James
Remus Lupin: The world is trying to tell you who the real furry here is
Remus Lupin to Jimothy: Did you buy me a fucking bunny?
James Potter to Froot Lupes: remus i know ur new to pet ownership but bunnies aren’t for fucking
Remus Lupin: James. Why did someone deliver a rabbit to my house
James Potter: i thought u could use some company
James Potter: since ur both
Remus Lupin: DO NOT
James Potter: furry
Remus Lupin: I’m moving to Australia
Remus Lupin to James is Not One of Us: Just because I’m keeping the bunny doesn’t mean you’re forgiven
Remus Lupin: It’s for the children. My students have fallen in love with it
Sirius Black: sure ““““ur students””” fell in love with it
Sirius Black: speaking of children who r u gonna turn to now potter
Sirius Black: if i’m banned from babysitting and u and remus r on the outs
James Potter: pete’s still here
Peter Pettigrew: yeah im still here
Sirius Black: peter tell me how you change a nappy without looking at wikihow
Peter Pettigrew: um
James Potter: our house has wifi?
Lily Potter to Bambi: Peter Pettigrew is not babysitting for us ever again
Lily Potter: He flushed a disposable nappy today
Lily Potter: Naked Sunday is canceled
James Potter to Faline: but it’s the day of our lord lily
James Potter to Boyz II Men: congratulations sirius ur hereby reinstated as godfather
Sirius Black: good bc i’m thinking of getting a sidecar for my motorbike
James Potter: harry is not allowed on ur motorbike until he is at least 9
Remus Lupin: I think you’re forgetting how Harry got home from the hospital
James Potter: fine. harry is allowed if both lily and i are also on it
Peter Pettigrew: #parenting
Peter Pettigrew: i got fired today btw
James Potter: what? why???
Sirius Black: what did u do
Remus Lupin: Are you alright?
Peter Pettigrew: im fine
Peter Pettigrew: director was just looking for “something else”
Sirius Black: that’s shit
James Potter: sorry pete
Remus Lupin: Is there anything we can do to help?
Peter Pettigrew: idk maybe we could just hang out and talk?
James Potter: sure we can do that
Sirius Black: i’m not good w/ emotional intimacy
Sirius Black: how do u feel abt alcohol?
James Potter to Meri Jaan: i msis u
James Potter: ur os pretty
Lily Potter to You Are My Soniya: It’s 2am love
James Potter: i kno btu thsi is v importnat
Lily Potter: What is it?
James Potter: i lvoe sirius
Lily Potter: Unbelievable
James Potter: and u!!11111
James Potter: also im srory if i pee on hte rose bsushes a gain
Sirius Black to Blossom Powerpuff: just so u know we’ve taken james’s phone from him
Sirius Black: but he says i’ve gotta tell u that ur his favourite wife
Lily Potter to Mojo Jojo: I’m his only wife
Sirius Black: james says ‘irrelevant’
James Potter to Heart Eyes: love u’ve gotta stop sexting me while i’m w/ clients
Lily Potter to Poop Emoji: Why’s that?
James Potter: i’m developing some kind of pavlovian response
James Potter: every time i look at a surrealist painting i get an erection
Lily Potter: Paint me like one of ur french abstractions from reality
James Potter: sex fiend
Lily Potter: U love it
Remus Lupin to Lil Wayne: You and James need to stop have things delivered to my house
Remus Lupin: I promise you I can feed myself without a 15 year old dropping off a week’s worth of groceries
Lily Potter to R. Kelly: Bread and chocolate is not a diet Remus
Remus Lupin: It has kept me alive this long
Lily Potter: Ur lucky we don’t have u move in. James says ur too skinny these days
Remus Lupin: James is built like a broomstick
Lily Potter: ...
Lily Potter: I want to defend him bc he is my husband but.... u right
Remus Lupin: Then will you stop trying to parent me
Lily Potter: Don’t talk back to ur mother Lupin
James Potter to The Lady from the Bee Movie: evans r u wearing my jeans again
Lily Potter to Jerry Seinfield: No
James Potter: ur having a picnic with bathilda in her garden and harry and i are in our sitting room w/ the curtains open i can literally see u
Lily Potter: Maybe these are mine
James Potter: i’m almost a foot taller than u and ur jeans r not that long
Lily Potter: If they r ur jeans what are you going to do about it
James Potter: ur gonna catch these hands
James Potter: in ur own bc i love u
James Potter: but i still want my jeans back
Lily Potter: I want my pre-baby figure back m8
James Potter: touché
Sirius Black to Cars 2: pete how would u feel abt modeling
Peter Pettigrew to The Lion King: funny
Peter Pettigrew: hard to get an acting job thats not typecast
Sirius Black: i’m srs
Sirius Black: i mean. u know what i mean
Peter Petitgrew: modelings fine. i’ve done some hand stuff
Sirius Black: sometimes when reg can’t make a job his agency will offer it to me
Sirius Black: and i told them i wouldn’t do it unless i could bring a friend
Peter Pettigrew: thanks... u didnt have to do that
Sirius Black: don’t make it weird peter just take the job
Sirius Black to Peter Does Hand Stuff: i’m handsome right
Sirius Black: like i am good looking
James Potter: tru
Remus Lupin: yeah
Sirius Black: then how did i get kicked off a photoshoot so they could take more pictures of pettigrew
Peter Pettigrew: dorcas said it was bc ur face is too unnatural
Peter Pettigrew: no one looks like that in real life
Sirius Black: i look like this in real life!!!
Peter Pettigrew: anyway dorcas told me they want me to be the face of the whole campaign which is cool
James Potter: that’s fantastic pete!!
Remus Lupin: Congrats Peter!
Sirius Black: i can’t believe u would sell me out
Peter Pettigrew: were all just trying to survive capitalism sirius
Sirius Black: so money is worth more than our friendship
James Potter: sirius u don’t even like modelling
Remus Lupin: Also you don’t need the money, you’ve got your inheritance and your radio work
Sirius Black: i like to know who has a price they can be bought for
Sirius Black: in case one of us ends up murdered
James Potter: walburga really fucked u up huh
Lily Potter to Put A Ring On It: R u on your way home?
James Potter to Crazy In Love: on the tube
James Potter: did u want takeaway again? bc i kno the chinese made u sick the other night so maybe i can just get u soup?
Lily Potter: No I’m fine I just wanted to know when you were coming back
Lily Potter: I have news
James Potter: tell me. the man beside me is cutting his hair and it’s getting on my trousers. i could do with good news
Lily Potter: I’ll tell u when ur home
James Potter: evans u can’t just dangle news in front of me like that and then take it away i demand answers
Lily Potter: It’s in-person news
James Potter: r we getting divorced? is this bc i said prefer 7/11 to formation
Lily Potter: That is definitely grounds for divorce but no
James Potter: lily ur worrying me. is everything ok???
James Potter: i’m gonna call
James Potter: i’m losing service hold on
Lily Potter: James we’re going to have another baby
James Potter: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
James Potter: i love you. i can’t hold u yet so i’m gonna hug the haircut man
Lily Potter: <3 <3 <3
James Potter: i may have just told him we’d name our baby after him how do u feel abt the name christobal
Lily Potter: Hard pass
James Potter: u said that abt me once and now i’ve impregnated u twice so i’m gonna tell him maybe
Lily Potter changed the chat name to Sirius Has Dibs.
Sirius Black: r u hitting on me evans
Sirius Black: u do realize ur husband is also on this chat. i mean i’m up for a menage a potter but what will we tell harry
Peter Pettigrew: james’s parents like adopted u this is definitely some kind of incest
Sirius Black: “Definitely Some Kind of Incest” is the black family motto
Remus Lupin: Tbh I’m surprised you don’t have a tail
Sirius Black: how do u kno that i don’t u don’t kno my life
Lily Potter: It’s good 2 know our children will have positive role models
James Potter: it’s too late for harry we’ll just have to get better friends with this one
Peter Pettigrew: ????????
Sirius Black: ur not
Sirius Black: U ARE
Remus Lupin: Congratulations?!
Peter Pettigrew: BLIMEY CONGRATS
Remus Lupin: Wasn’t Harry born literally yesterday? You guys are like rabbits
Sirius Black: i can’t believe evans is ““in trouble”” again this is wild i bet it’s bc euphemia used all those metaphors while giving u the sex talk
James Potter: papa don’t preach
Sirius Black: i love it when u call me papa
Sirius Black: wait do i have dibs bc of.... u guys r disgusting
Lily Potter: Does that mean u don’t want dibs?
Remus Lupin: I can’t in good conscience send eleven-year-olds to war but on the other hand you’re on
Peter Pettigrew: £5 on the fetus
Lily Potter: £1000 on the fetus Potter Progeny United
James Potter: this is why i married u
#james potter#lily evans#jily#jily*#marauders#mine#the title is from tgp#happy birthday james!!!#my life is in shambles and so is this fic lmao
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