#bc like you go through that mindset phase of
When I talk about the "organs fic" I like need people to know I am being 100% serious about it, it's almost like entirely just gross gore. There will be so many tw on it.
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uhardite · 10 months
my no-fail guide to deal with a breakup
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hey bbg, if you are reading this post bc you need it, i wish you all the strength and support to get through this. dont worry, coming from a person who has had her share of *bad* breakups, this feeling wont last very long, you will feel better soon, i love you <3
reminder: this is what i personally do, it may not work for everyone, others may have different ways to deal with it, and thats completely fine! be sure to give yourself the love and care you need while getting through this bad phase x
stage 1
cry. cry your heart out. take as long as you need to express all the negative emotions you are feeling. write down reasons why he/she was not the one for you. write down what you still feel for that person. then tear it and throw it in the trash. block that person from all your socials, resist the urge to see how they are doing, stay in your room for as long as you need. cut off your ex and their circle completely, take time for yourself, talk to people who can support and comfort you, and discourage you from being impulsive. if you feel like you wont get through this, just remember to keep pushing for one week. one week, thats all im asking from you. chances are, you will recover enough by one week to start thinking rationally about this, without bursting into tears or feeling extreme sadness. this is the hardest part, but the good thing is, it takes the least time to get through. so hold on and you will get better <3
stage 2
did you have a proper conversation with your ex while breaking up? were you both honest about the mistakes you made, things you could have done better, why your relationship didnt work out? if not, now may be a good time to have a heart-to-heart. if you had a bad breakup and dont trust your ex to be honest about themselves, you may simply ask them to be honest about specific things that affected you, then listen to their side of the story and leave. HOWEVER, do not do this if you feel unsafe around them. also, remember that the goal is to get closure, to find an explanation and move on, not to get back together. if he/she was meant for you, they would come back in your life at the right time. right now, taking some time for yourself and reflecting is more important at the present. acknowledge that you have experienced something new, accept all that you can learn from it, and move ahead. now is the time to get into new hobbies, routines, making new friends, and keeping yourself busy. stop listening to sad music, work on pending assignments, projects, study for any upcoming exams in advance, start working out, do something silly each day that makes you happy, keep going
stage 3
at this stage, you will rarely be thinking of your ex, you will be occupied by new thoughts and feelings and experiences, and a lot more comfortable by now. dont be too troubled if memories come flooding back, they are just passing feelings, they dont signify anything. you might also feel lonely around this time, or wish to date again, and although i personally dont like to date until i have moved on completely, it's perfectly fine to date someone as a rebound. however, keep in mind that dating should not cause you drama, and you should be clear about committment and feelings with the other person. dating someone as your rebound shouldnt hurt them, nor you. if you want to date to show your ex that you can do better than them, stop right there. this isnt about getting their attention, this is about you moving on
stage 4
we have reached the final stage! now is the time to strengthen your current relationships, friendships, stay consistent with your progress, take time to deeply reflect, and keep growing. relationships can be learning experiences when you treat them like one, where you learn about yourself as well as about other people. having the right mindset will help you in your future relationships as well. im proud of you and you've got this xx
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nereidprinc3ss · 2 months
hi! i was wondering if i could ask for some writing advice? (pls feel free to ignore this if you'd like!) so i've posted a couple of fics that have done really well, which i'm super pumped about. but now i'm scared to keep posting bc i don't want my newer fics to flop. idk if this makes sense at all or if you've gone through a similar thing before, but if you have what were ways that you tried to get out of this mindset? thanks in advance and i absolutely love your writing <3
hiiiii so i did go through a similar thing!!!! i will elaborate below
(WARNING ⚠️ most diabolical yapper of all time has access to a keyboard😰😰😰)
ok so my number one thing is that you should be writing because you truly love to do it. i see a lot of people frustrated with lack of likes or comments or reblogs etc and i do understand that but if you’re solely writing for engagement people will be able to tell and you likely won’t find the numbers you want and it won’t be worth it. like yes the big numbers are really nice but (sorry we’re going to talk about me now ik im insufferable) i was writing long ass stories that were never posted and will never see the light of day for years before i ever started posting on tumblr. i write fanfic because i love to write. i adore my silly little bf spencer reid but the actual writing part is the most important aspect to me. i wrote stories before i knew what fanfiction was, i wrote before i watched criminal minds, and i will continue to write after. that said i think the reason that fanfic works well as a medium for me is because im also really truly interested in the character of spencer reid from a writing perspective. like i wanna get all up inside his brain cause he fascinates me, and that leads to me writing him in the hopes of discovering something new about him as a character, not just cause i wanna smash (but i do wanna smash!!) and all of that is basically how i stay out of the numbers mindset
so yeah i will reiterate that the most important part of creating something that feels lasting rather than just a phase or whatever is a love for the art form and not just the desire for engagement!!!! like write for FUN!!!! you do not have to be as pretentious as me btw u can literally just write cause it sounds fun at the moment like u don’t have to have some mission of highfalutin soul quest fulfillment or something to write spencer reid fanfic quite honestly im talking out of my ass rn and this was probably entirely unhelpful BUT i never claimed to be helpful (but i still hope it helped in the slightest omg i just read it back and wtf am i talking abt im sorry ily)
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aromantyczno-liryczna · 2 months
I guess I've made peace with my medications hrt whatever idc but its interesting to think about the implications of having an absent period for so long and the tie-in with pmdd + several other conditions. It just sucks that doctors don't rlly care about finding the root of the problem as much as "fixing". Like we didn't find anything wrong with my thyroid or hormone imbalances which we were sure was the reason it went away after two cycles especially since the hair thinning and hair loss has become more obvious (and i would still like to know why???). And the meds did work rlly quickly and now its just like normal. So did I go through the different phases just with an absent period during those years? Because I definitely did go through extremely depressive episodes back then and it would make a lot of sense that it was still functioning. I wouldn't know tho bc my mindset was you don't get ur period therefore no cycles
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donahdevotees · 2 months
Being a queer woman, I kinda had to go through that phase where I thought I was disgusting and weird every time I looked at any woman ever for a while. Selfshipping actually helped me figure out what healthy attraction felt like and that my crushes (yes, including and especially my sexual feelings) surrounding/towards women were okay and normal, morally neutral (and even positive!!) things to feel/experience. It's been a huge part of my life and I can't imagine giving it up just bc hardcore antis think it's weird or gross or think I'm somehow fetishizing women by liking them. (Actual take I have actually had to endure reading)
Anyway thank you for having a whole blog dedicated to spreading positivity about it because the idea of people wanting to celebrate loving women instead of complaining about it or shaming me for it would have made decade-ago-me cry. You have no idea how amazing it is to see that energy in the world. Have a good one!
I've gone through that phase twice in my life now so I feel where you're coming from, and selfshipping with women really does help a lot in taking a lot of that unwarranted guilt and negative feelings away! Especially if you're engaging with other queer/lbgt+ selfshippers who encourage your attraction to women and support it. I've found talking to fellow women enjoyers about our love for women really helped create a healthier mindset for me about it! So I'm really happy to hear selfshipping has helped you feel more positive about your feelings! Loving women in every type of way is beautiful and there will never be anything wrong with how we feel about them!
I will never understand takes like that and at this point I feel like they're thrown out just because those people are repressed or jealous in some type of way, I'm sorry you've had to deal with people like that though at least we have the beloved block button to get rid of them.
Of course! I'm really glad this blog is bringing people together and spreading positivity because loving women really is something to be celebrated and I will scream it from the rooftops until my lungs give out. You too, thank you for dropping by!! 🩷🩷
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serotinals · 1 year
Idk if anyone’s read a little life but I just reread it and I have so many thoughts okay… I’m gonna spoil the fuck out of it and just say what I gotta say!!
Ok for starters it definitely isn’t for everyone, and if it’s too much for someone to read and it would send them spiraling that is so deeply understandable! and like yeah pls PLS don’t read it if it’ll ruin your mental health like you are so much more important than a lesson on a page!!! But like the argument that it’s suffering simply for sufferings sake is simply untrue to me bc there’s so much to unpack in that book, and so many lessons,,,, 4 starters I think the reason it’s so descriptive is that we’re supposed to be transported into a mindset of someone deeply traumatized, and whether it’s to the same extent as Jude or not, the point is that some people are traumatized to the point it’s unspeakable, and what does that inability to speak on such a huge part of your life and your psyche DO to a person?? And I think we as the reader are taking on what Jude (standing in the place of many traumatized ppl) is terrified of people thinking of him - that he’s a burden, that his pain is too much blablabla, and it IS. And we’re meant to care for him and to sit and witness that pain anyway bc it’s through that witnessing process that people heal. I think a major part of why Jude ultimately doesn’t fully heal is bc he is so fixed in his self image, and so unshakably reluctant to disclose his past that he just constantly has to sit with himself and hear the echo of his own opinions of himself, and they’re awful fucking horrific feelings. And I don’t think it would have the same effect without his suffering being so relentless, as in I don’t think it was for no reason. Like it’s so bad you eventually feel numb to it, and we go through what Jude goes through, and we bury it and we can’t even comprehend it anymore, and that’s why it’s just so fucking ingrained and impossible to speak of and consequently let go of. Sigh anyways idk if this is making sense 😹😹 I’m going through a little life phase as u can see and I really disagree when people say it’s so much pain for no reason or “trauma porn” like yes it’s ABSOLUTELY not for everyone and it’s a violently disturbing read… but not for no reason. there’s so much to learn from witnessing Jude’s suffering, and I don’t think yanigahara was just torturing him for fun or for the sole purpose of upsetting or disturbing the reader … BASICALLY … my key takeaway is that we all need each other. We need to bear witness to each other’s pain, and the same way that not everyone’s gonna be able to read this book, not everyone’s gonna be able to bear witness to your pain, but SOMEONE will, and someone will love you behind all of it, and letting someone witness what you’ve buried is never pointless, or for nothing, in fact it’s necessary
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catboyrohan · 2 years
Can u talk about ur requiem rohan au. If you want
YESSSS YES YES YES i literally switched to desktop so i can type easier
i'll try and keep this short so i don't kill everyone's dash
ok so the whole premise of this AU hinges on the fact that akira is also in possession of the requiem arrow (still haven't figured out a reason how tho) and rohan gets his hands on it through there
a little bit of explanation for how i think the requiem arrow works: whatever the stand turns into depends on the user's greatest desire in that moment. polnareff really wanted to protect the arrow, so SCR's power was all about keeping it safe. giorno really REALLY wanted to kill diavolo + override king crimson's ability, which is why GER resets everything to zero (can't predict the future when it never happens). ok explanation over
rohan gets the arrow right after he gets his stand, but he doesn't end up using it (it doesn't end up choosing him) until he figures out how HD works. this is before he meets koichi and gets beat up by josuke, so he's still in his whole weird detached/clinical/up on his high horse phase. this combined with an incredibly powerful stand turns him into the worst version of himself (he stays stagnant in his ways and never grows out of this childish mindset)
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art of The Guy. second image is a screenshot of a crop since the original is just too fucking big for tumblr also heaven's door requiem reveal
HDR, to put it simply, can rewrite reality. it's like a super buffed up version of HD in the TSRK series (think of when rohan used his stand to look at the chicken leg's expiration date expect now he's doing it to space-time). looking at its face causes the victim to fall into a trance-like state. rohan is a little scared of it not gonna lie like what would you do if the manifestation of your soul (that looks like the main character of your series + is a child to reflect on the traumatic moment in your childhood that defined your entire life) suddenly turns into some fucked up angel creature. despite all of this, rohan doesn't really use it much in the beginning bc he still holds onto the whole "doesn't like tampering with things bc that makes them less real" ideal AT FIRST...because what's the point of upholding reality when you're the one creating it?
anyways this is still long and i cut out some stuff lol. this is basically an experiment where i go "how can i make my fucked up little man even more insane". also him and canon rohan meet and it goes about as well as you'd expect but that's somethign else...
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How the Batboys View Food (HCs)
(A/N: BIG OL TRIGGER WARNING. I’ve been writing other stuff on other blogs but I wanted you to dump this here cause writer is struggling with food :3 and I see a lot of ways that the batboys could have the same mindsets. So this is a lot of me projecting but also just drabbling. Pretty angsty I guess in some parts, enjoy. If you’re struggling with eating or self-image, feel free to reach out to me bb, my dms are open <3)
TRIGGER WARNINGS: eating disorders, unhealthy views of food, anxiety, food insecurity, angst, writer lowkey projecting, this shit is probably VERY decently triggering so be warned please please please, my feelings will not be hurt if you skip
Let me reiterate that THESE ARE NOT HEALTHY VIEWS OF FOOD. Many of the thoughts portrayed are HOW THEY THINK of food, not ways you SHOULD or COULD think of food. It’s cathartic to see them through the light of my own issues, I wanted to share. Love you all.
Bruce Wayne
Probably one of the healthiest views of food
He grew up without ever having food insecurity AT ALL bc he’s so so rich
But he has been starving before when he worked with the League of Shadows, which means he knows the feeling.
All it is is unpleasant to him, though
He’s trained to be able to deal with it, so I think Alfred definitely has to make sure he’s eating
But he’s not doing it on purpose.
He understands EDs, and he takes them super seriously, but he’s never struggled with that, really.
He might go through phases of body dysmorphia because of wanting to be as physically adept as he can be, but I don’t think that would have to do with restricting food very much.
Again, Alfred lets him know when he’s doing too much
I think he likes good food, but he’s been so spoiled in that sense that it’s not really a big priority to him
Dick Grayson
Writer projecting on Dick Grayson pt 1/many
Ok so Dick was raised in the circus, being a child athlete (acrobat)
Obviously his parents were super wholesome, they weren’t much of a root of any problem
But having comments on your physical performance, being stuck in a tight ass leotard, thinking so much about your body at a young age, all of these lead to some type of problems.
Writer is 100% not projecting their ballet childhood
Poor little Dick watched the Strongman talk about his food intake and protein and calories and he thought “wow, I should do that to be strong too”
Cue guilt around food
Dick sees food, at least for the first part of his life, as an obstacle
The less he can get of it, the more strong he can be
He kind of sees it as something to be counted, measured (Dick is wrong, reader, eat your burger and enjoy it >:()
He doesn’t actually starve himself to a point that he starts to get skinny, but he restricts himself to have peak performance
It’s just that his mindset about it is so bad
One time Alfred cooks dinner and Dick is having a bad day (Robin or young Nightwing days). He steps in and just-
“… I had a burger for lunch” said Dick, looking frozen in place.
Bruce just chuckles, not noticing his discomfort. “Hey, that’s fine. You can jog it off tomorrow. Plus, you could do to put some weight on, yknow?”
“No, I… I can’t. I’m at my limit. I wasn’t gonna eat dinner,” Dick tries to explain, picking at his thumb nervously.
“… What do you mean your limit?”
“I uh… diet” Dick says, though his heart is quickening.
“Are you counting calories, Dick?”
Long conversation ensues
That might be super ooc, you get the idea
Bruce does not STAND for it
Dick recovers while Jason’s a kid.
He might have a relapse when Jason dies, just out of grief
But he gets over it
He can’t ever get rid of that voice that tells him that what he’s consuming is numbers
But he’s started fostering one that tells him how delicious that goddamn hotdog is, which is pretty cool
Jason Todd
Poor baby :((((
He grew up poor, so food insecurity was probably definitely present
Plus his mom wasn’t super into taking care of his needs
So he grew to subconsciously see food as fuel, but in a less healthy way.
He learned to measure how much he was able to run on, what gave him the most energy rather than what was good for him or tasty
All of this was for survival until he showed up at the manor
At first he was ecstatic about having more food security
And he was never one to turn down food
But out of habit he kind of never got food for himself on purpose unless he REALLY needed it
The type of kid to say “but I don’t need lunch, I had breakfast.”
Which is valid in some cases depending on whatever, but the subconscious thing that was nagging him was the small fear that still lived in him of someday not being able to live in that same security he’s grown to know
Bruce has to make sure he eats, because he’ll always eat what he’s offered without a second thought. He just won’t feed himself
Jason is 100% convinced he’s fine, he just doesn’t need it.
He does, in fact, need three meals a day with his highly active twelve year old boy self smh
When he comes back as Red Hood, he still kind of carries that with him, but he’s more willing to eat now.
I think dying kind of made him realize that he doesn’t want to miss out on anything or hold himself back
Plus he has a lot more muscle to feed now
If it makes sense, he just kind of doesn’t think of food much at all now
Much like Bruce
Tim Drake
Ugly sobbing :3
Writer projecting pt 2
Tim, Tim, Tim, neglected Tim :(
He views food very much as something earned
He enjoys his junk food or whatever, but he feels like if he’s not doing good enough he doesn’t deserve to eat at all
Nervous wreck he is, this happens often
Doesn’t do well on a mission? No dinner.
Not doing well in a class? Not eating till he fixes that grade.
Bruce finds out and almost passes out cause WHY ARE ALL THESE KIDS HAVING THESE ISSUES
It’s because writer is projecting, sorry Bruce
Bruce helps him through it a lot
Cheat code: if you go through a significant amount of effort to make him food he can’t turn it down
Or if you buy it for him
It’s an anxiety and bargaining thing for him, but he’s a tough boy he gets thru it 💪💪💪
Damian Wayne
Hot take but the league actually has pretty healthy standards on eating
They need to be efficient, yeah, but they recognize that to do that they need FOOD
He might be a little skittish around like processed food or new foods though
Has a thing for texture
Overall one of the healthier views on it though, and everyone else is watching him like a hawk to make sure it fucking stays that way
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raayllum · 2 years
Thinking so much about the parallels between Callum and Viren, and seeing how big Callum's overprotectiveness of Ezran as his brother AND his king has become. I can't get it out of my head that the way Aaravos came to Callum is through Ez, just as Viren made decisions (according to him) to support Harrow. Something like "What are you willing to do to protect your king?"
I do think that'll be part of what could get Callum to go to Aaravos, as well as his own curiosity. After all in his mind, Harrow - his loving father - wouldn't have left Callum anything dangerous, right? And I do think similar to 2x07 now that they're in danger it'll be "I have to be mage again" --> "I have to grow more powerful." After all at the end of the last war, Callum almost lost Ezran to illusion Viren and the only reason Viren didn't win (or at least consume Zym) was because Rayla tackled him off and almost died.
I think Callum may be pursuing magic in the obsessive way he is as, in addition to his Fixer Tendencies / Solution orientated mindset, he wants to feel like he's powerful enough to be able to solve the conflict somewhat on his own - at least to protect Ezran, since again: up until she showed back up, he couldn't rely on Rayla, and it'll take time to feel like he can rely on her again. And even once he feels like he can, being scared maybe that he'll lose her again because of it.
AKA Callum - again - being more like Rayla was in TTM, Rayla getting to see some of how destructive that mindset is on the person she loves the most, etc. And again, Callum has always wanted power - S4 is just bringing that to the forefront. And as Viren said: "I will do anything to protect the king. I hope you will understand"
Callum's side of Ezran and Callum's relationship was always very informed by the trauma Callum experienced in 1) losing their mother and 2) feeling out of place with Harrow, so I'm not surprised S4 is gearing up to show how the new phase of their relationship has been informed by 1) losing Harrow and 2) Rayla's absence.
Ezran is the #1 of the two people he fears losing the most and the only one for a while he's probably willing to admit he's scared of losing. So Aaravos using Callum's love for Ezran to lure the kid in only for Rayla to pull him back / for Callum to go too deep (per a perfect 1x04 inversion of Callum's magically fuelled recklessness) only to lose Rayla in some capacity.
I do feel like Callum will likely be lured in at first regarding Ezran and then when he actually does go too far it'll be less related and more due to his own just compounded trauma or Rayla specifically, bc I feel like that is the most effective route if that is going to play into him thinking he's lost her or losing her in some way, but we will have to see
I'm definitely majorly looking forward to all the broyals content this season, I've missed their bond so much
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greatyme · 2 years
8 Shows To Get To Know Me
Thank u for tagging me @jyuubin!!
Invader zim
I was a big nick/cartoon network kid & invader zim is just such a classic. I would watch the shit out of it, I’ve bought the whole series, the whole deal. When I was little I based my identity off of gir and when I was rewatching not too long ago I realized I still have so many lines memorized… it’s so silly and stupid and smart and gross I love it
My babysitter’s a vampire
Since this is a get to know me tag we’re like going through time with these series. This is another one I have lines memorized from! If I were to say which character I am it would be Rory and that is Important to know. A bunch of my friends love it too and we’ve rewatched it together it’s so fun whenever we do <3 another classic if u ask me
If u asked me in like 2015-2017ish what my fav show is I probably would’ve said Merlin. And it stayed up there as a fav show for a WHILE. I’ve never been able to rewatch it bc of like. The Pain the finale caused me but I was obsessed with it when I did watch it. I had some huge multiship mindset going when I watched it and was shipping basically everyone together which I don’t think I’ve done for any other show… I watched tf out of the bts for it too. Like I was kinda in deep…
Skam/druck/skam austin
Is it cheating if I put a show and my two fav remakes LMAO… I’m a big skam girlie. We should all know this. I made this acc when druck was airing as a skam + remakes blog. I had a skam austin username for the longest time (rip gracefulnosplinters). The og is such a classic and gave me some of my fav pan rep (so did druck)! I was so so so obsessed and in my heart I still am. I’ll defend skam austin to the ends of the earth. I met some of the druck cast members (heyyy Lukas). I lived and breathed those clip drops in real time like they were AIR. I completed the Norwegian duolingo course and my streak is still going. But really which skam viewer has ever been not entirely invested in the series. I’ll stop now cuz I could talk Forever about it all…
The untamed
Oh god. If you knew me when I first watched cql I’m genuinely so sorry… I would NOT shut up. It was every other word out of my mouth. I related every goddamn thing I saw to the show. It consumed me for MONTHS. As in I literally couldn’t watch anything else until a few months later after binging all sorts of bts, adaptations, and reading parts of the novel (funny thing is I still haven’t seen all adaptations/everything lmao). I always say it’s a good thing I couldn’t legally drive people when I was in this phase cuz I ONLY listened to/played the fucking character osts in the car for months like I knowww my mom was sick of it (she’s the only one who had to deal with me in the car lmfao). It was also the first time I ever actually made a sideblog for anything. I found the show at a very fitting time in my life too. Probably one of the hardest times ever but some of the themes in the series stuck with me in ways that felt so personal. A lot of love here
Another one I was super invested in at the time. Would not shut tf up about vegaspete. Very annoying about. Rewatched tf out of it. You know the drill. The few months I spent watching it was so eventful
HIStory2: crossing the line
Okay I think I’m really just in a HIStory mood lately but this fucking show. THESE TWO. YU HAO AND ZI XUAN. WHAT THE FUCK. The best way I can explain this is in a way no one else can understand: it appeals to a younger part of me in a very specific way. Like it’s scary. The chemistry is insane like going back to it after about a year still made me feel the exact same crazy way. One of the greatest losses caused by covid was the sequel that got cancelled 💔
Bad buddy
We all saw this coming. Gotta end with a bang. My favorite ql of all time. Insane to experience live and such a perfectly crafted show (thx p’aof). Layers upon layers of depth to write about (which like tbh every bad buddy fan basically has, me included). Just so much to love. Speaking of love: milklove origins too!!! We get it all from one silly little series. I remember exactly where I was so vividly when I experienced so many iconic scenes. It’s legendary!
I’m gonna tag @dumpsterslugz (I can tag you in things like this now >:D) @pondphuwin @heart-ming @markpakin & anyone else who wants 2 do this !!
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astrobei · 2 years
7, 14, 17, and 9* *twisting this slightly: what fic of yours, or more specifically, which scene of yours would you most like to see acted out by the cast on screen. (doesn't have to be canon compliant or account for ages etc etc)
hiiiii ella !!
7. tell us about the plot of the first fanfic you ever wrote
LMAO ok uhhhhhh i don’t remember exactly but it was in eighth grade and i was going through my mortal instruments phase and i vaguely remember it was for alec/magnus with simon/izzy as a side pair and i have no recollection of the plot except that it was a medieval au and izzy and alec were peasants selling their wares at the market or something. god this is so embarrassing don’t look at me it’s hard enough for me to perceive my writing from like 3 years ago 🤢🤮
9. ooooh ok ok interesting take !! my first instinct was to say the prom scene from all this time just bc i’d looooove to see the party in their dresses and suits and slow dancing and having a good time like a snow ball parallel it’s just so self indulgent (my entire reason for writing it) and i would love to see it on screen !! also the halloween fic again because it’s so self indulgent and something that’s like. not even in the scope of the show and would have Zero reason to be included bc it’s so random but i will be promoting my byler hanleia agenda until my dying breath and i would give an arm and a leg to see this on screen
14. what’s your worst writing habit?
uhhh ok i gave one answer for this but i definitely have many Worst Writing Habits so . i would say that i have this mindset that everything i write has to top the previous thing i’ve written even though 1. that’s ridiculous and no it does not and 2. comparing a self indulgent quick fluff fic to a plot-based fic i spend weeks on is like apples and oranges or whatever and just is not practical and doesn’t make sense ?? anyways i think there’s this whole thing of when ur writing u just have to churn out masterpiece after masterpiece and u have to be constantly outdoing urself and i get very caught up in that and in my own head sometimes and i have to be like suni !! ur doing this for fun !! this is not a chore !! so. that probably made Zero sense but i hope u enjoyed my stream of consciousness sjdjwjfndn
17. what is your favorite line you’ve ever written?
i also just answered this one but i will offer u another line i really like !! from a fic that’s Not not all the prayers because u are an insane crazy person and i know u annotated the whole thing like a FREAK which still amazes me every time i think about it but. i like this one from i might be hoping about this:
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i guess this is technically two lines but. they go together so. yea !! (also whenever i reread this fic i literally go “omfg when did i write that” bc i swear i was in some sort of fugue state the entire time i was working on this i don’t remember coming up with ANY of this)
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roleplayhonestybox · 1 year
To that one anon that's like "we aren't wary of OCs bc of shitty experience, we don't care" bro okay?? And people don't care if you don't care either, I'm just returning the same energy you're giving them. I think it's a lukewarm take to generalize OCs as wish fulfillment because yeah! A lot are! But some people put "lore" and all that because you know why? Because it's fun to. Like are they hurting you? No. Is there still a high demand for Canon x Canon? Yes. Is it impossible to not play oc x canon? No.
Let's be honest, a lot of rp is wish fulfillment, wanting to see characters interact and tell stories, that's normal. Whether it is canon or not, it's all fiction for fun. But if that's like... such a big deal to you, idk what to tell you man, like are you allergic to fun and people being creative?
To counter, I genuinely hope one day you come across someone's OC that's amazingly written, not just in rp but in fanart or any other media, and that you start to understand that there are people who actually give a damn about what they make and are beautifully passionate about it. I think you're limiting your perspective by being like "it's all stupid ass wish fulfillment" and "nobody cares" and "i hope these people get ghosted" and "a waste of space".
Because you know what that sounds like? It sounds like a closed-minded bitter teenager who's just overly salty about other people's businesses you don't or refuse to understand. Hopefully, like a teenager, it'll just be a phase you go through, and you'll learn some compassion or to just idk, move on. This goes to anyone else who's also just that spiteful because damn, of all things to be mad about, it's something so inconsequential.
I feel like you didn't understand OP's rant at all if you have such a basic take and act like you have their issues all figured out and well, basically mocking them. They mention feeling exploited, being a willing person to spoil their partner, just wanting someone to match their energy, and knowing the oc x canon community, there's a lot of doubles, so it could be about that too. I'd get it if you're tired of bad oc experiences, but really? Getting upset by genuine frustrations that harm no one? "We just don't care?" Who's "we"?? People like you or with how you seem like to generalize people, the entire rp community? Mid as hell take, L+Ratio+come on man, it's just sad of you to be all "I hope you all get ghosted" like that's some r/niceguy energy. Hope you find that something to help you adjust your mindset a little ✌️
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This is for everyone who used to be into fandom/RP role play as kids…. anyone else feel like the text roleplaying they used to do with their friend lowkey manifested things. i honestly get deja vu because the stories and the character personalities and dynamics we created have somewhat materialized in this reality. maybe because I “detached” long ago bc I quickly realized it was cringey and weird when I hit 16 or so. My friend and I were both 12-15 when we were most active with this. This could be a shot in the dark but I wonder if this also happens to girls who wrote or partook in fanfiction as well. often times girls in these groups are lonely or social outcasts in irl social settings like school so it’s a very accessible and staunch way of escapism. and even today is still very popular—just unfortunately taken more seriously by adult invaders by the name of “Fandom moms” or “big sisters” who should be jailed for interacting with kids in that way.
I can’t help but think of the witchcraft phase a lot of women go through in their tween to early teenage years. I feel like it’s very real and yields very strange results in adulthood. which is odd bc when you’re very young it’s all very surface level and selfish and immature. which goes against the grain of what LOA/subliminal influencers say. are lonely girls those ages just naturally powerful with this stuff or what. It’s like that “one day I will grow wings and you will all see” mindset bullied and isolated girls have. Except when you grow up the wings do sprout and take form in some way shape or form in your life.
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lewmagoo · 1 year
Sorry I am a Christian (not a good one) and I do have religious trauma, church in gen kind of burns me out and I cant stand but I still believe and its all about God loving and love and all
My parents are pastors and are huge advocates for therapy. My mom has pointed out how people in the Bible suffered from mental health and how it isnt a new thing, how it isnt just "the state of the world now" or "a phase", but how people needed help back then even. Yeah, sure they turned to God like we should, BUT THEY NEEDED THERAPY. People have told my mom "uh but they should pray more and God can take the feelings away he's all powerful he created everything" and my mom deadass looks them in the eye and says "yeah sure they can pray more so can you and I. Since God is all powerful there must have been a reason he created therapy, because we need it."
My mom is probably the best example of a Christian I've ever seen irl, she loves and advocates for love and mental health.
I dont understand people sometimes like esp Christians who are against therapy and advocating for mental health. If it helps you and heals you???? Why not?????
You can delete this if you want, idc, I just really can't stand when "christians" do that. As someone who claims to be a Christian, I am sorry.
i completely agree. therapy is so important. it’s okay to ask for help. i grew up baptist and for so long the mindset was like “just pray the mental health issues away!” it’s such an archaic, harmful way of thinking. thankfully, since we have a new pastor with new, more progressive ideas, my church is becoming a lot more open to mental health issues and how to get help for them. which is great. but older church members, my parents included, are still of the mindset that you just need to pray more! god will help you! like okay? i’ve tried that. ive tried to seek god through my rock bottom moments and depressive episodes and it simply wasn’t enough.
i thought something was wrong with me. especially when i was going through some incredibly traumatic events and tried to seek god and felt alone. so i decided to see a therapist. and that was when i realized it’s okay to ask for help. god and the bible aren’t automatic fix-it’s for mental health problems. seeing a therapist isn’t shameful or wrong or admitting you think god can’t help you. if i so choose, i can maintain a relationship with god while also seeking outside help for my mental health. i haven’t been able to go to another therapist for a while bc of other circumstances, but it was an immense help to me when i was able to, and i would never tell anyone “oh just trust god and you’ll be fine! read the bible!” because that’s just not realistic. some people need professional help rather than religion.
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taetaespeaches · 2 years
Liv! How’ve you been?? It’s been a hot minute since I’ve dropped into your asks but I still really wanted to do my Taehyung and Jungkook lists (that no one asked for 😂) so here I am 🤍🤍 Been in a little depressive spiral since losing my job and am only just now starting to feel better, but thought it was worth mentioning I’ve been reading a heap of your fics and they’ve been a big help, so thank you for that!
Ok, so, Tae and Peaches. Their dynamic is so similar to that of my best friend and I, except I’m still in the ‘I have no clue how they feel, maybe we are just really really close friends’ phase, and I’m Tae and he’s Peaches in this instance lol. He’s almost always got some sort of romantic company, but there’s never come a time where our friendship hasn’t been the priority… We’ve also had several conversation that resemble the It’s everything to lose chat, but nothings ever come of it. So honestly, will we get together one day? Maybe. Will we just stay friends while we go on to both find our partners? Also maybe? I just love him so dearly that as long as I have him in my life, I don’t really mind what the dynamic is…. so naturally I love reading Tae and Peaches because I 100% understand their confused pre relationship mindsets 😂
So anyways… I tend to have a habit of getting into a mood where I read a little collection of Tae and Peaches fics in one sitting, where I’ll pic a fic on their list and then chronologically read down their master for a bit… if that makes any sense??
My first little collection starts with We’ve already taken it slow for six years and ends with I know this breaks the rules but I don’t want to go home tonight. This little collection of fics (+ the lead up to them getting together too tbh) is everything…. the way Tae says ‘Of course I am’ in Wake up I have a question… I screamed.
My second little collection starts with You benefit from this just as much as I do and ends with To me, he’s everything. I feel like this little collection is just such a good fluff + smut + angst balance that shows their dynamic perfectly. What an amazing little section of their amazing little universe. I read this part all the time!
Honourable mentioned solo fics:
- You two are like a goddamn romance film! I couldn’t peel my eyes away!
- Put the Santa hat on and be a good boy
- Let me hold you. Let me take care of you.
Lots of love to you darling Liv!
- Drunk anon x
Liv you always writing the cutest fics right after I’ve sent you my list for that couple….. Adding the skinny dipping love birds to my Tae and Peaches list! Hecking adorable!
- Drunk anon x
Hi my lovely!!! I've been ok I guess? Lol I think I've been dissociating a lot tbh but I don't really know. Anyways! I missed you and also 'that no one asked for' my ass, I ASKED FOR THESE I LOVE THEM SO MUCH THANK YOU FOR CONTINUING THEM! <3 <3 <3 I'm just going to put a keep reading thing in here just in case people don't want to scroll through a few more paragraphs lol
I'm sorry you haven't been doing so well but it's definitely understandable :( how are things going now? Have you found another job or are you trying to just take it easy? How's life overall?? I'm glad that the fics have been there for you :(( that truly does make me so happy. Please know that every little bit of comfort you get from the fics comes with a big ass hug from me with a kiss on the forehead.
Ok you and your best friend 👀 I would watch this movie, just saying. Also not that I'm necessarily glad that you have a very similar situation to Tae and Peaches bc I know that shit can be very confusing and painful at times... I'm glad that you get the dynamic. I've had people be confused about how they stayed friends for so long and like when you love someone so much, it makes sense. You're not going to fuck around and lose them. So yeah, I'm just glad that you get it. But I hope you and your friend are doing well <3
I love these collections of fics so much :(( I would say Tae and Peaches are the most natural couple for me to write, and they have more of myself in them than most of the other fics, so idk I just love anytime they get some appreciation. Thank you for sharing your favs :( this made me happy. And I'm glad you liked the newest one! I wasn't so sure about it when I posted it but knowing you enjoyed it makes me feel a lot better about it <3
So much love to you! 🧡
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Rambling about body things
Ok so I just took a shower and was staring at my naked body in the mirror for many minutes afterwards (as one does) and I think I'm actually pretty skinny right now. Like the number on the scale keeps throwing me off bc I've gained muscle and I feel like it should be lower based on what my body is looking like; and then I just looked through all my selfie videos from the past couple years (I live in a van and don't have a mirror lol so I take a lot of videos which turns out to be great records for bödy chëcking) and I'm actually skinnier than I have been in like 3 years. Like September 2021 was the last time I actually looked "skinny" and I think I'm almost close to it again??
And it's funny that all my posts on here are like flip flopping between trying to convince myself that I'm already skinny or trying to convince myself to lose the last 10 pounds bc both are kinda true but it's also important to remember that in the grand scheme of things I'm officially in the skinny category by society standards (thanks America) and I want to keep it this time. Like the differences might not be so noticeable to other people (once they start commenting again I'll be happy lol) but for now it's almost good enough and it's feeling really motivating to go the extra step and actually get there and stay there, you know? Like I'm so close and with another month or two I think I'll be satisfied... If I keep it up.
It's funny that I keep writing all this out (how many times have I said these things here) and it's like I'm channeling all my motivational energy into writing these posts when I could be channeling it into exercising and meal planning lmfao. At the same time maybe it's helping bc here I am almost skinny again?
Just trying to get in the mindset that yes I'm already "skinny" and yes I can still be skinnier and yes I'm going to achieve it and keep it up for more than a few months this time. Reminding myself that every time I've been skinny in the past, I eventually gained again; and that's ok but wouldn't it be nice to actually maintain it for a while??? Maybe this is my year. Seems like everything else in my life is coming together right now and I'm in a phase of leveling up and I should include my appearance in the process; like maybe I can also get better at wearing cool clothes and looking cute at work/social events, you know? Like I have all these goals and I also need to look the part to achieve them. The past 3 years have been a great lil growth period like a seed in the dirt and I'm about to start sprouting a flower :)
It's not all about being skinny, but it helps (a fucking lot...) and the things that will help me get skinny will also help me with career goals (improving fitness, confidence, vibe in general) .
Reminding myself that it's not about "eating less", it's about exercise and nutrition and healthy habits.
Thinking about all the ways I'm leveling up right now. In the past I've had these phases where I get all motivated and make all these goals and plans and get all excited and then just fizzle out after a couple weeks... And I think this time is different. I'm taking steps and already halfway along the path, you know? Like baby steps, sporadically and without clear direction, but steps nonetheless: imagine if I actually get organized and get my shit together and Keep it together, you know?? I feel like I've just been treading water for most of my life, and the past 3 years I've been just kinda floating around, and maybe now I'm ready to start swimming.
Anyway. Life is good. I'm grateful that things are working out and I've gotten to this weird place in my life. I wish my younger self could see me now honestly. All these little things occupying my brain and then I take a step back to look at the bigger picture and this is just such a beautiful time of my life, you know? And things are going to keep changing and growing and who knows what will unfold in the next 3 years! Look how much has manifested in the past 3 years! What a fucking journey!!
To summarize: I'm doing great and I'm going to keep doing great ❤️
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