#bc in the first episode of sga
sga-owns-my-soul · 1 year
wait okay i’m almost done season 1 of sg1 and i’m really confused?????? on where the ice shit from gate travel went????? they mentioned it was painful and like walking naked through a blizzard and they come out the other side with ICE CRYSTALS formed on their face and then after like 4 episodes it’s gone????? did i miss something??? what??? what happened why is the ice gone
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spockvarietyhour · 1 year
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Arrival and emergency departure "First Contact" & "The Lost Tribe"
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bagheerita · 13 days
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Me, watching "Profit and Loss": uh ma'am 😳 thank you ma'am
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halestrom · 2 years
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so like out of all of the episodes of sga, the deadalus variations got me the most fucked up? because of this team? because of what it means?
like? did ronon and john go first? to give teyla and rodney more time? what happens then? bc teyla might have torren and then if she does what does rodney do? does he still try or does he just look at his dead family and just...give up?!?! or does he keep fighting to try and bring them back for closure until the food runs out, and he cna feel the hypoglycemica kick in and he goes and lays down with his team?!!?
or maybe, rodney and teyla take their weapons before they know what their teammates are like and its all or nothing, but they keep giving rodney their food to try and make him work and time keeps passing.
how many universes did they jump through before they ran out of time?
how many times did they call out to other atlantis's "hey, don't come on the ship its dangerous?"
how many times did one or more of them have to go and rage as they got further and further from their own world?
did they cry for what was lost? debate if they want to get off if only they get the chance to live?
was there an atlantis that told them to come, it was okay, they'd be safe there?
did they run into an atlantis that never had an expedition and so the city wasn't there at all because it had never been moved?
was there a point where they gave up? are these people capable of giving up, especially when they can look at their teammates and think to themselves "if I give up they might die so I can't give up"
who died first? did one of them go and the others just went...i can't do this anymore and they joined the first?
how did they go gently into the good night knowing they'd never be able to go home? how did john feel knowing he'd failed his team? failed atlantis by not getting back? how does teyla deal with another loss for the athosians? or knowing torren would grow up without her? or maybe she's comforted with the fact that in pegasus the wraith have made it common and so she knows torren will be raised on stories of her? how does ronon lay down and go to sleep knowing he's one of the last member of sateda and the already dying world has lost one more warrior?
how does rodney lay down knowing he failed everyone?
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ok i have been obsessed with sga since i was 6 years old and i’ve never had friends that i can talk about the show with and your account makes me feel like i actually do for the first time in almost 20 years 😅 i love the posts you make about the episodes as you watch and i love your takes on certain things and also every time you reblog one of my posts and comment on my tags i could cry bc i’ve never really had anyone to share my sga thoughts with and now i do and people actually seem to like them and it’s honestly everything to me so yeah thanks for being a part of this community and for making me feel so welcome in it also hope ur having a good day/weekend ok byeeeee
You have totally made my day because I just finished SGA for the second time through, and none of my friends are really into it, so I've tried to build this little group here because I have so many thoughts and feelings. I've been in a dry spell in my writing and daydreaming and storytelling. I've been struggling to find something to jumpstart my muse for like two years. Nothing was sticking, nothing was working. I tried show after show and kept running into walls where I just didn't care. Then I found SGA.
My muse is about to burst with so many thoughts and ideas thanks to this show.
I'm really struggling with how healthy it would be to watch it a third time. Lol
So, I'm so thankful to also have you. Your tags are so spot on. I love hearing everyone's take on the characters. It's just so fun!
Let's keep sharing!!!🥰
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sudden-memory-loss · 2 years
Hi rhys! new mutual matthew here, I am going to go absolute ballistic in your inbox ^_^
please tell me about the subtle yet meaningful character development, please tell me how much the characters changed yet feel the same - from the start of the show through their powerful journeys. i NEED to know how much love they share, i need to know when or how they realize how much they care for one another, i need to know when the characters finally see the love between all of them and realize that they'll be alright.
i need to know about the dynamic of rodney and his sister, and i especially need to know literally everything about this show, enlighten me because i am putting stargate atlantis on my watchlist
okay okay I'm gonna be honest I was half asleep and emotional and had just spent a couple of hours reading sga fanfiction when I wrote all that but yes. yes. I can tell you more. by which I mean I am actually going to go on about rodney mckay for longer than would be socially appropriate for any other setting. thank you. (I do touch on everyone else and the show as a whole but I will be honest, most of this is about rodney skfjsh)
so the thing about rodney mckay (my favourite character in the show) is that he's an asshole. bear with me here. he's an asshole in a way that's actually so amusing and so clearly a (poor) cover up for how he's a mess of neuroses and not used to caring about other people or having them care about him.
he first shows up in the original stargate show (stargate sg-1) and lets say his performance is. poor. he basically suggested the team break the cardinal rule of stargate: don't leave anyone behind. certainly don't leave your teammember to be erased in the buffer of the stargate, but anyway. sg-1 is also a good show but that's another ramble.
the other thing about rodney mckay is that he's a genius. two phds: astrophysics and engineering. smartest person in two galaxies if he's to be believed (and quite honestly, he is). he's got an ego the size of a small planet, but he can back it up. he is absolutely as smart as he claims. he's usually the one pulling miracles out of his ass as sheppard yells at him to do it faster.
the other other thing about rodney mckay (oooh, look, complexities), is that he's a huge fucking wimp. absolute baby when it comes to any sort of physical danger. he has a deadly citrus allergy that he goes on about at every given chance and will absolutely run away if he thinks he can get away with it.
so that's baseline rodney mckay. possibly the most high strung person in the known universe with a genius level brain going a mile a minute at all times.
I don't know how to explain it succinctly. but the biggest change in rodney is about bravery and belonging.
in sg-1, rodney would have happily (well maybe not happily but certainly without question) had someone give up their life for his own. he hadn't yet gotten to the point of understanding how bonds like that are important.
by the end of the show, if it came down to it, rodney would die for atlantis. he would die for his team. but he also gained the trust that maybe, just maybe, they can get him out of the dangerous situations that he occasionally gets himself into in an effort to keep the rest of the team safe (or pure bad luck).
but believe me, he'll absolutely still bitch about it. he doesn't lose that annoying charm--and trust me, it is kind of charming. there are real assholes in sga (e.g. kavanaugh, ugh) and rodney is not that. rodney will call you an idiot while saving your life and kavanaugh will tell you that it's hopeless and you should give up. and also bullheadly tell you he's right even as he's oh so terribly wrong. rodney isn't wrong. well, rarely. he did blow up a solar system that one time but, you know, it was uninhabited.
that's one of my favourite things about rodney honestly. not the blowing up a solar system thing, but the fact that he never stops being a blustering asshole for all his moments of sincerity; he's still a coward for all his occasional moments of bravery. he thinks he's better than you but he'll save your life, he'll just call you an idiot while he does it. he becomes a better person without changing who he is.
also he doesn't think biology is a real science which is so funny to me. yes, you're right, mckay, clearly medicine is vodoo djgdk.
jeannie miller (rodney's sister) is first brought up in letters from pegasus, if I remember correctly. during which, to give some minor spoilers, they think they're all gonna die and they're each sending messages back to earth for the people they left behind.
rodney actually spends most of his talking in circles about "leadership" and also absolute nonsense, but of course he has to have his one moment of sincerity, where he addresses jeannie. it's also, I think, the first episode where it's acknowledged how they are a kind of family now, these people in atlantis (”family is... important. I’ve come to realise that, because the people here have become sort of a surrogate family to me.”). those videos are never sent and turns out they don't die (surprisingly /s) but we saw it, even if jeannie didn't. yet.
jeannie is also a genius, of course, except that she isn't an asshole and also at one point decided to make a family and give up all the long nights and hard work that comes with being a genius. she married an english major and had a daughter, madison. rodney did not take this decision particularly well and then they didn't talk for 4 years. whoops.
eventually their relationship heals, with work from both sides, the start of which leads to one of my favourite exchanges in the whole show that makes me wanna cry and hyperventilate whenever I think about it.
and their whole relationship is so delightful. the actors are real life siblings so they know how to act like siblings. there's no 'bro' or 'sis' (does anyone actually talk to their siblings like that???) but jeannie is the only one to call rodney by his real name (much to rodney's everlasting despair) she tells embarrassing stories to his friends (as is her right as a little sister), she berrates him and they whine at each other. but they love each other, even for all the years they were estranged.
but, god, yeah, that’s just rodney. and obviously I have the most to say about him because he’s my favourite character, but there’s so many good characters in this show.
there’s elizabeth weir, lawful good leader of the atlantis expedition, who cares so much about every person there. there’s john sheppard, cocky flyboy allergic to talking about his feelings but regularly willing to blow himself up to save other people (who’s way smarter than he lets people think). there’s carson beckett, scottish doctor who puts up with so much bullshit from rodney but is good natured and endlessly kind and also kind of a bit of a coward too sometimes (there’s a reason those two are friends). there’s teyla emmagan, leader of her people and full of such incredible strength and grace. there’s ronon dex, warrior with a tragic backstory and dry wit and hidden affection.
there’s radek zelenka, basically the only scientist rodney actually considers capable, and aiden ford, an absolute puppy dog of a marine, and peter grodin, possibly the only other scientist rodney would consider capable. you have laura cadman, a marine/explosives expert who rodney can’t stand because she loves to tease him, and peter kavanaugh, a scientist rodney can’t stand because he’s terrible. and eventually there’s evan lorne and jennifer keller and richard woolsey and even sam carter (a main character from sg-1, along with col. jack o’neill and dr. daniel jackson, who also both turn up every so often), and they all have a place in this strange and wonderful city.
and there’s the intricacies between the relationships where you have teyla and ronon as the aliens on the team not comprehending the shit rodney and john say about earth or their pop culture references, and you have john and elizabeth starting out clashing but eventually melding together as a command team really well, and you have woolsey trying to integrate into a group of people who are already so close knit, and you have rodney’s really ridiculous crush on sam that’s mellowed out enough she can actually stand to work with him, and the way that everybody fucking hates kavanaugh because he’s totally insufferable skjfd.
and it’s the way that once they’re all settled in, they just trust each other (except maybe rodney, who trusts most of the scientists in his lab as far as he can throw them off a balcony into the ocean). there’s no question about it, it’s just there. there’s an episode where a virus causes everyone to lose their memories, and sheppard has a picture of teyla on a tablet and despite knowing nothing, searches for her because he knows she can help. there’s countless episodes where john throws himself into dangerous situations with full belief in his team’s ability to bring him out again (much to rodney’s constant stress: “you see, the thing is, colonel sheppard and I have sort of gotten into this habit of saving each other's lives, and it's my turn.”).
honestly, the plots range from borderline ridiculous to actual emotional shit and I couldn’t tell you which I prefer.
there’s an episode with this guy who has a “potion” that makes everyone adore him despite the fact that he is more insufferable than kavanaugh (I hate this guy <3). but there’s also an episode where rodney is slowly losing all his memories and they bring jeannie in to say goodbye and it’s. so much. and then again there’s an episode where rodney and cadman are trapped in the same body. so the mood is. variable. it’s great though, because sometimes you need shit that doesn’t matter. and sometimes you do.
anyway that’s my ramble I think skfjsd. thank you very much for reading and if you decide to watch it, I hope you enjoy it as much as I do <33333
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some-stars · 3 years
Fic writer questionnaire! Tagged by @deputychairman, thank you!
1) How many works do you have on AO3?
65....just waiting for 69 so i can celebrate
2) What's your total AO3 word count?
3) How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
okay, so, there's a lot so we're gonna collapse some. So, 16: The Witcher (games and show), Supernatural, Dark Angel, Glee, Stargate (both SG1 and SGA), MCU, Vampire Diaries, Teen Wolf, due South, DC (comics and movies), House of Leaves, Sense8, Harry Potter, Les Miserables (book), Doctor Who, and X-Men movies. Oh, and I wrote a lot of NSYNC RPF back in the day but you will never see it. (Unless you literally read it back then and remember one and want to reread it, I’m not ashamed of them if you were also in the pit with me. If that is the case feel free to ask.)
4) What are your top 5 fics by kudos?  
all some children do is work: this one surprised me, i did NOT think there was this kind of appetite for almost-gen turned-into-a-kid fic, but i do really like the fic itself so i'm contented with its acclaim
method: i mean, it's fake dating, written back when there wasn't much non-modern-AU fake dating in witcher fandom (possibly there still isn't?) so, not surprised
Emergency Pants: this is the one that the Claw chose back in 2012 bc i had written very pornographic tony/bruce about a month after Avengers came out so there was a big appetite for it. i don't much care for it these days except i do still think the tony voice is good
warm you like the sunshine: deeply unsurprised this one is popular (and it's one of my own fics that i reread a lot), it's extremely tender BDSM with a juggernaut pairing, that gets the readers
As often as from thee I go: honestly kinda surprised about this one, which is just a 2500 word confection i wrote for my own satisfaction, but it does have explicit sex and jaskier crying about his feelings so maybe it makes sense
5) Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
I almost always do, but usually just with "Thanks!" unless it's a detailed or lengthy comment.
6) What's the fic you've written with the angstiest ending?
"Long black night, morning frost" (Les Miserables) for absolute certain. One of the very few fics I've written with an outright unhappy and pessimistic ending (although I found it very cathartic to write). For Witcher fics, "Kind" and "go ask alice" are about as sad as I get.
7) What's the fic you've written with the happiest ending?
Almost all of them, honestly. There's a point in happiness of endings where you really can't distinguish degrees. Probably the most--not saccharine, but distinctly Happy Ending-ish is either "Water like a stone" or "Darling, if you only knew," which to my eternal shame are both Glee fics. In terms of Witcher fics...it's still hard to pick! I think the kidfic trilogy ended very, very happily; I think "If you live through this with me" ended TOO happily.
8) Do you write crossovers? If so what is the craziest one you've written?
I do not, and I don't read them, at least not since the days of the late 90s/early 2000s when I once read a really good Highlander/X-Files crossover (oh, and Martha's cosmic horror fic where Stargate and Angel and I think something else all cross over but it feels quite natural and right). I don't like fusions, either, most of the time.
9) Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Never! In 20 years! I've been extremely lucky.
10) Do you write smut? If so what kind?
yes...yes you could say i write smut. on occasion. you know, when the urge comes on me. i write mostly kink or at least kink-adjacent fic, but i've done some vanilla scenes too, and i write m/m and m/f and (occasionally) f/f. fun fact, my only rimming scene to date was in a f/f/f threesome!
11) Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of.
12) Have you ever had a fic translated?
I think so? I can't remember, honestly, which sounds dreadful but like...I don't READ the translation, because I am sadly monolingual, but I get a burst of delight when someone asks to do it (or to make a podfic).
13) Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I have tried--me and a friend once got like 12k deep into a co-written Tiger and Bunny fic--but it doesn't really work out for me. I am a massive control freak when it comes to writing and absolutely miserable to work with. (Although I wasn't so bad back when we wrote the T&B fic, we just sort of never got around to finishing it. Which is sad, because it was GREAT.)
14) What's your all time favorite ship?
Max/Alec from Dark Angel. I shipped it when I only started watching DA for Jensen's episodes, I shipped it when I fell in love with Max, I shipped it when I frantically hand-wrote notes about the fic I wanted to write, I ship it right now as I'm typing, I will ship it in my grave. Also it's not a het ship bc neither of them are heterosexual, thank you very much.
15) What's a WIP that you want to finish but don't think you ever will?
I only post finished fics, but in terms of things I haven't posted, I still think my "For A Good Time Call" fem!jaskier/yennefer(/geralt) AU would have been truly incredible. If you haven't watched that movie go watch it immediately so you can share this beautiful idea with me.
16) What are your writing strengths?
Ohhh, this and the next one are hard, because I truly don't know. Well, besides "porn." I am genuinely good at porn, which is HILARIOUS considering how many more sex scenes I've written than participated in. But overall, I have so much angst and neurosis and tenuous self-worth tied up in writing, I'm a very bad judge of my own skills. Also, it depends on the fandom! In some fandoms I'm good at dialogue, in others not so much. In some fandoms I'm good at pastiching the tone of the source and in others...Not So Much.
17) What are your writing weaknesses?
If I had to pick a weakness, though, I'd say concrete imagery/detail. Like, the things that characters are physically doing either out of emotional reaction or just, they're doing something in that scene. Dialogue is usually easier (not sure if it comes out better, but it's easier).
18) What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?  
I used to be mildly annoyed at it but! Now! On AO3! You can put a footnote by the French or whatever, so the reader can jump down to read a translation and then jump right back up. I now feel that if you choose to include dialogue (or any words) in another language from the rest of the story, this is the only acceptable method.
19) What was the first fandom you wrote for?
I remember vaguely in 1996 or so writing a couple pages of Kit whump for the Young Wizards books. I wrote some execrable nonsense in X-Files, but in my defense I had just turned 13. I don't THINK I wrote anything for Star Trek, which was my first fandom. Oh, and I attempted to write fic for Homicide, which I watched in 7th and 8th grade and lied about my age to get onto the good mailing lists (they were actually the bad, racist mailing lists, I would later realize, but again I was 13).
20) What's your favorite fic you've written?
Sorry to disappoint anyone who follows me for Witcher content, but it's either "The absolute absurdity of end-series items" (House of Leaves) or "A quite unlosable game" (Dark Angel). They are both Big Idea fics, and I feel like in both of them I got the Idea across brilliantly, and I'm truly proud of them and think they're the best things I've ever made. (In terms of Witcher fic, it's the kidfic trilogy for sure.)
I am not going to tag anyone because that always makes me mildly anxious, but if you read this and you want to do it you can say you were tagged by me! :D? :D?
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fart-gate · 4 years
Season 5 episode 16
Notes by me
- johns taking ronon to the beach. just picturing ronon with sunscreen on his nose while trying to balance on a surf board
- oh? The camera lingering on john while he stares at Rodney and kellers lunch date?
- did I watch rodneys train wreck of a date proposal while smiling like an idiot? Absolutely
- she basically paved the way for him to ask her haha ITS OFFICIAL SHE LIKES HIM BACK
- "zero possibility for failure" I feel like youre wrong. Just a feeling
- keller looks so pretty!
- Rodney serving handsome looks
- I am a simple human. I appreciate seeing my science babies in formal attire 👑💞🥂
- keller told Rodney to lighten up or she'll turn this plane around
- why is Rodney so uptight about this like calm down my man
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- they must have had a pretty big budget for this episode if they got these two LMAO
- the Pluto fight
- they are just jerks i guess huh
- did Bill nye just call dibs on keller
- she said it was a first date!!! 💓
- this presentation is dramatic as fuck
- rodneys right this guys ego is huge. Almost as big as his HAHA im just kidding
- wait. Space bridge. Rodney already made that like twice
- this guy stole his idea!!! DILL HOLE
- god this guy needs to stop embarrassing rodney and listen to him. Like shut UUUPP DUDE
- you know what he deserves what he gets
- surprise! You were wrong and an idiot
- how did this dude find out how to make this device?? Did jeannie have something to do with it? I hope not
- "that son of a bitch" LMAO
- Rodney knows how to throw down. "How am I doing so far?" BADASS
- thats right bitch!!! Listen to rodney and never speak again
- stephen Hawking????
- cough bill nye is a terrible actor cough
- his bow tie fashion sense on point tho💅
- this asshole doesnt even care that this other guy almost died wtf
- yes they should use the whole ass room of smarty pants'!!! Thank you keller
- this is so fucking funny
- "I HAVE been listening to you and that is what led me to be believe that you are a MORON" DRAG 'EM RODNEY
- keller said suck it up or shut up!
- keller convincing the dude to let her make the phone call💪
- ah shit the phones are dead
- uh???? Rodney giving his jacket to keller but the camera not focusing on it bc its supposed to be a backround thing👌👌👌👌 good directing choice. excellent tv show making. fantastic use of Small Moments Romance
- keller going to make the call and Rodney not knowing what to say when she leaves 😭😭💞💞
- Rodney being The Scientist Leader ❤❤❤ its what he deserves!!
- WALTER!!!!!!
- LMFAO did they call up the actor for that 2 second scene HAHA
- oh shit it didnt work
- oh fuck oh shit she cant get out
- theres like 7 minutes left and they have 4 problems to solve how is this gonna play out
- its tornado time!
- "I'm Rodney McKay alright? Difficult takes a few seconds. Impossible? A few minutes."
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- "youre smarter than me!"
"I know"
He just Han solo'd this guys ass
- Bill Nye bitch slapping a man is something my eyes have seen now
- davids acting when hes trying to save her 😭😭
- 💓💓💓💓SMOOCH💓💓💓💓
- a love confession!!!!!
- HOLY SHIT "I love you. I have for some time now. Just wanted you to know." ISNT THIS EXACTLY WHAT HE SAID TO HER!! IN THE VIDEO LOG CONFESSION HE DOESNT REMEMBER!!!! I LOVE THIS TROPE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!FUCK!!!!!!!!!!
- omg theyre so cute
- Bill nye and mister asshole better respect Rodney after all this shit
- LMAO I guess when a man saves you from freezing to death you gotta lock that down in the back of an airplane first chance you get 👀
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scheherezhad · 7 years
Tag Meme
tagged by @kisahawklin​
Fictional character I relate to the most: my first instinct is to say Makishima from Yowamushi Pedal, bc we are both fashion conscious, socially awkward weirdos with a marshmallow center
Book you can read over and over without getting tired of it: lol books. I can’t remember the last physical book I finished reading at all, much less re-read. There have been a lot of fics over the years that I will happily read over and over. The one that currently falls on that list that is actually novel-length is Ghost Story by avoidingavoidance (sry, too tired to do links)
What’s your favorite comfort show/movie: in the past, Batman Beyond and Labyrinth both got a lot of play time when I was not okay or in need of familiar noise. the Persona 4 Golden let’s play by Kagato the Final Boss more recently got me through a severe depressive episode in 2015-2016. currently, i’m not involved in anything long-running, and there’s too much new stuff out there for me to give much of anything repeat watches. so maybe just the horror genre in general, since that’s my go-to?
Which fictional character are you most defensive over: uhhh? I don’t think I get notably defensive over anyone? Probably mostly bc I don’t fuck with parts of fandom that have opinions that piss me off
Show you fell out of love with: SPN, SGA, Sherlock, p much in that order
Show you’re most excited for: literally nothing, I don’t pay attention to what’s coming out at all, ever. I only know there’s a new tv show around when I suddenly have to block another tag on my dash
What’s your aesthetic: my looks are 1) pajamas, 2) t-shirt and jeans, or 3) gothy mcgotherson
Favorite fanfic tropes: found family, team, power imbalances, most aus. other stuff I can never think of when asked this question.
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spockvarietyhour · 11 months
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Detective Sheppard
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sga-owns-my-soul · 3 months
🔦favourite sga moment involving mcshep or weir x sheppard
okay well. if there's one thing anyone knows about me it's that i'll ship anything and i'm also mcshep trash so 😅 it's going to be too hard to narrow this down to one moment so you're getting my favourite moments
for shepweir, my absolute favourite moment in the show is in the storm/the eye when kolya says elizabeth is dead and john immediately goes from soldier mindset to genocidal rage and literally does not stop moving and killing until he's told elizabeth is still alive 🥰🥰 we love to see it, i WISH a man loved me enough to commit genocide for me omg actual goals 😍 (although the moment in the tower is also really cute at the end when elizabeth's like they didn't offer you king? and johns like i turned that down too and the little SMIRK SHE GIVES HIM OH MY GOD THEYRE ADORABLE FUCK also in epiphany when she's like ooh i like the beard and he's like it's the first to go when i get home ahhhh it's just. idk it's so domestic and so adorable ugh they're too cute)
also for mcshep, every mcshep moment is a good mcshep moment (and i can make pretty much anything mcshep if i try hard enough) but my favourites come down to:
at the end of hide and seek, when rodney is laying on the floor of the gate room and john rushes down and is the first one at his side but his hands are just fluttering around because he doesn't think he's allowed to touch (or maybe he's too scared to, scared of what he'll show if he gets to touch rodney) it's just sooooooooooo and then john saying he passed out bc he's SO PROUD OF RODNEY FOR BEING SO BRAVE FUCK
also in the defiant one, where rodney is clearly shitting a brick, having seen one of his scientist's dead and one dying, and wanting to go join the fight because he's so scared of john being out there alone and something happening to him. rodney is SO brave and it makes me want to scream and cry and chew on the wall when i think about how many huge changes rodney makes simply just because someone gave him a chance and cared about him
also the whole of millers crossing obviously, the fact that john went back to earth with him and being as worried about jeannie, to john talking a man into killing himself, i mean even rodney asking john for permission (even tho he ends up trying to do it anyways, because that's what john would do- sacrifice himself anyways, and rodney's learned from john) just. the entire episode makes me feral
and last but certainly not least, the shrine. my absolute favourite episode of anything ever, what is, in my opinion, the best piece of media ever created in all of human history. the way rodney loses everything but clings to john so desperately, the way john is the one jeannie turns to for comfort, the way john is breaking in every fucking scene, BEER ON THE PIER, god just literally everything about that episode is so insane to me (and david hewlett went so fucking hard that man deserves every damn award omfg) also kind of unrelated but it's my personal headcanon that rodney was saying i love you to john and not jennifer in that video, rodney was just aware enough to know he couldn't say johns name, but that message was for him 100%
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bagheerita · 7 months
In my SGA watch-through I finished "The Intruder" and then jumped ahead to season 4 (bc i missed Carter and Todd) so I'm back to continue season 2 now. I picked up with "Runner" and WOW this is a really good episode!?
First of all, I always forget that Lorne is such a sassy bitch. Right out of the gate he has NO patience for science of any flavor (a position he theoretically holds constant on through "Remnants"). (There's also a scene at about 5 min, where Sheppard runs up a few steps before turning to talk to Caldwell, just so he can have the high ground on their confrontation and I love it.)
But there is so much in here I never really paid attention to before that sets up Ford and Ronon as narrative foils. Ford is fleeing his friends in search of Wraith. Ronon is fleeing the Wraith in search of friends. Ford is alone to protect himself; Ronon forgoes the company of others to protect them. Ford is so utterly convinced of his own correctness in his theory of persecution he doesn't actually hear a thing McKay says to him, while Ronon (who has actually been persecuted) is so eager to believe everything Sheppard and Teyla tell him that he actually gives them a chance. Ford is obsessed with the shortcut advantage of the enzyme giving him increased strength and wants to use it to "create a whole army of supermen"; Ronon has fantastic strength and combat abilities he got the hard way. Ford says getting the enzyme is "the best thing that ever happened to me"; the next scene is Ronon having a flashback to when not-quite-dying of Wraith was the worst day of his life. Ford accuses McKay of giving up on his friends when it seems rather obvious that Ford is the one who has given up on letting his friends help him; and then Ronon, having just undergone surgery without anesthesia where he allowed someone to help him, tackles Ford to the ground because he's not going to give up on these people he just met.
In the end of the episode though, both Ford and Ronon are unable to return home.
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sga-owns-my-soul · 1 year
thanks @the-mushroom-faerie and @frostysfrenzy for the tag!!
questions to get to know you:
last song- girlfriend by avril lavinge (it’s bad i’ve been listening to this song so much recently i just love it so much (it also lowkey gives me mcshep vibes idk))
last show- not surprisingly, stargate atlantis! i watched the first episode with a friend of mine last night (she kept laughing at me bc i was quoting the lines and getting excited at every single character on screen (especially peter omg grodin my beloved i gasped so loudly when he came on screen))
currently reading- i’m reading through @dedkake it could’ve started like this… series on ao3 and it is incredible tbh
currently obsessed with- y’all can have 3 guesses what you think this one is 😂😂 obviously sga (and stargate in general i’ve been watching sg1 for the first time and i can’t believe i’ve never watched it before omg) but i’ve also kind of become obsessed with cat grooming recently 😅 i’ve mentioned it briefly on my blog before but i’m a mobile cat groomer for my job and it genuinely is one of my favourite things ever. so many people expect cat grooming to be this horrible painful massacre, but grooming cats in the comfort of their own home and giving them the chance to say no when they need to makes SUCH a difference!! i’ve become such an advocate for in home grooming in general (definitely give it a try if you have a dog or cat!!) but for cats especially it makes SUCH a difference. i’ve had clients hugging me in tears bc their cat always has to be fully sedated at the vets to be groomed bc they get so stressed and reactive, and then their kitty is purring in our hands and getting cuddles during their groom when we come!! there’s definitely some negatives to the job and it can be really difficult some days but i love it so so much and i can’t wait to spend my life doing it 🥰🥰🥰🥰
idk who has and hasn’t been tagged so if you’ve already been tagged sorryyyy but @colonelshepparrrrd @stinalotte @spurious @zababova-pomsta @lightthewaybackhome @dedkake @frankthesnek and anyone else who wants to do it!!
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sga-owns-my-soul · 1 year
For the ask game A, C, F, H, U
ooh good ones! this one got a little long lmao whoops 😂
A - Ships that you currently like a lot. (They don’t have to be OTPs because not everyone has OTPs.) Friendships, pairings, threesomes, etc. are allowed.
i'm obsessed with a mcshep queer platonic relationship (aroace!john and bisexual!rodney for the win tbh) and a ship i've been thinking about a LOT lately is ronon and woolsey idk why i just. idk that scene in the prodigal at the end where ronon is like 'i know it's not a mission but i made a report' and woolsey laughs at 'michael tried to invade the city. we stopped him. end report' BABES THEYRE SO CUTE
C - A ship you have never liked and probably never will.
john/teyla. i just. i can't. the ONLY time i like it is ot4
F - What’s the longest you’ve ever been in a fandom?
19 years and counting babey!!!! i've been watching stargate since it came out (i was 6 years old!) and i've been a fan of it since i saw the first episode. fun fact i had a little "club house" in a small storage room in our basement when i was a kid and i PLASTERED the walls with art and posters that said "I LOVE _______" with all of the sga characters when i was like 7? 8? something like that?
H - What is your favorite source text for fandom stuff (e.g., TV shows, movies, books, anime, Western animation, etc.)?
i've been in fandoms for lots of different things but i think my favourite is probably tv shows/movies. i just love me some good cinema
U - Three favorite characters from three different fandoms, and why they’re your favorites.
absolute all time fav blorbo of forever is Doctor Rodney McKay PhD PhD he always has been he always will be forever and always he owns my heart. i love everything about him- he's smart, he's canadian, he's arrogant, he's hot, he's funny, he's competent, he's an asshole, he's selfless and heroic, he's literally everything. i'm actually genuinely in love with him i would give up my entire life if he asked me to zero hesitation no questions asked
i know it says three different fandoms but i'm also going with john sheppard even tho it's the same fandom bc those two are just so far above the rest in terms of being my fav characters that i can't not include him. john is a disaster human and i love him. i'm like, 95% sure my obsession with putting my friends first and making sure they're happy and comfortable (even at the detriment to my own happiness and comfort) above all else is because of john sheppard. he's selfless, he's reckless, he's charming, he's funny, he's smart, he's hot, he's perfect he's everything i'm obsessed.
and then last i'm gonna go with nick miller from new girl bc (no surprise) i have a Thing for grabage broken men. i fell in LOVE with nick when i was watching new girl for the first time he's such a fucking disaster he's a middle aged drunk who doesn't know what he's doing with his life for half the show and he's so FUCKING HOT IM OBSESSED god i just hnnnnng ugh he's everything honestly i love me a scruffy middle aged garbage man so good always
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halestrom · 11 months
Too 5 SGA episodes 😇
hide and seek this is the first time we really see who rodney is, and who he can become. when he's walking down those stairs and into the cloud? like, he has to know how much it might not work. but he still does it as well. and the beginning of the episode?!?! where he and john are just like two kids. we also get to see a little bit more of the athosian culture, and shout out to aiden throwing himself into danger to save stackhouse.
tao of rodney rodney shows his true colors here when, without prompting, and WHILE HAVING TURNED OFF THE PSYHIC ABILITY, figures out what each of his friends wants and he gets it for them. rodney isn;'t bad with people, hes just never been around people who didn't mind sticking around for his prickly edges to be sanded off.
daedalus variations this is the Most Team Episode of all episodes and i love it. its just them, trying to get back home. and i've already broken everyones hearts over my thoughts on the dead team. rodney doing his best to make sure teyla gets back to torren. rodneys arms. but its just such a good, fun, sci-fi, team episode. we needed more of these.
the last man listen. i wrote a 50k fic based around this episode. rodney thinking that john alone could solve all the problems and save all their friends? like, come on. and then john dealing with the knowledge that his team is all dead but rodney didn't leave him behind?
special mention: the prodigal bc teyla gets to yeet michael off the tower. echoes bc its a cute date night gone wrong + ghosts. lost tribe/first contact bc we are missing daniel and rodney sassing each other for another 3 seasons damn it.
....i had emotions??? apparently???
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fart-gate · 4 years
Season 5 episode 9
Notes by me
- t shirt Rodney within the first minute?? Dont mind if I do
- hes volunteering so he can hang out with keller awwww
- is this jealous!john I see...
- "a kinder,gentler McKay..." Youre already kind!!!! In your own way
- ronons going too!!
- is this supposed to make me question whos she gonna pick or something. Pls dont pit Rodney and ronon against each other...come on writers.....this trope is way over done.
- if they werent cowards they would make it poly
- but this is great bc I get rodney/keller content AND ronon/keller content. Which I am digging both (ronon/Rodney is a given)
- this is also pleasing my need for Body Guard Ronon content 👍
- lunch date!
- kidnapped! I love hearing them call her jennifer ❤
- panic!Rodney
- they skipped the theme 😡
- shes aliveeeee
- theres a strange man....his arm band looks familiar? Like goauldish?🤔
- tracker!ronon
- "footprints appeared out of nowhere...like they dropped out of the sky" beaming tech maybe?
- I love determined ronon
- oh shit rodney hide
- WRAITH!!!!!
- when he yells for ronon while running 👌👌👌
- this is so intense
- scared!Rodney
- Body Guard Ronon is making my day
- a hunter? That means that the guy that has keller is a runner
- hope you didnt need that head buddy #decapitated
- why did she think running would work. The guy can literally teleport
- Rodney and ronon content is literally all I needed. I can die happy now
- he IS a runner
- I'm having such a good time folks. I love episodes when its just two characters but when its Rodney and ronon together ......im ascending
- tracker!ronon is hot
- Rodney trying to figure it out lol
- ya know this guy is actually kinda nice? Like hes not a huge asshole or anything
- Rodney hopping on one foot while shooting a gun
- good idea Rodney use the wraith tracker thingy. I didnt even think of that
- ungrateful!ronon
- hes got someone that needs a doctor!!! So he IS nice
- Rodney and ronon *constant bickering*
- the tracker is fused to his brain stem. This is fucked up :(
- I guess ronon got lucky with his tracker
- the shot of Rodney and ronon laying underneath the swinging Spiked Log 👌
- a little girl? Maybe his daughter?
- ok I guess not
- he took care of her after her whole village was killed......
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- take her to atlantis! Theres probably some tech that could disable his tracker too
- omg he made her a doll. He was MEANT to be her dad 😭😭😭
- "hes not mean. He just pretends to be"
"I know someone like that"
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- ok but she could literally be talking about either of Rodney or ronon. Like which one.....blease....blease tell me I need to know....
- I gotta admit. This guys kinda hot
- oh nice keller! Get knifed bitch!
- "take her to atlantis" I just said that
- "fry the circuits" you mean the circuits connected to his brain?Those circuits???
- when he takes his shirt off and theres a shit ton of scars
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- just like what ronon had :(
- omg it worked
- ah shit is he dead
- HE LIVES!!!!
- "successfully fried the sucker" FUCK YEAAAHHHH
- oohhh we get to keep the teleporter!
- how smug ronon is when he noticed that keller dragged the guy all the way from the cave
- Ronon YEETS himself at this Poor Man
- when she says please stop and thats all it took for ronon to put his gun down 💕💗💕💗💕💗💕💗💕💗💕💕💗 LOYALTY
- my 2 runners knowing they need each other 😭😭😭😍😍😍
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- "shoot him!" "I will!" Battle couple
- I N T E N S E
- runner bonding😭😭😭❤❤ this is dredging up a bunch of old emotional scars and memories for ronon
- he just sacrificed himself! 😩 And he took the teleporter thing :(
- ronon just lost his new friend
- soft!ronon gives her the doll 😊
- ronon still has feelings for keller???? Where have they been hiding huh??? Its been like a whole season since weve seen those two have a conversation
- "may the best man win" ITS NOT A GAME GUYS JEEZ
- I hope we see that man again. I kinda love him now.
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