#bc in English his name is Todd
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rubyfox1134 · 7 months ago
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These days I'm playing Pokémon soul silver and... Well... there's this trainer NPC called "Toto" and as a Pokémon he has a Psyduck.😂
So I imagined Totomaru with this Pokémon... And I must say that he is a very suitable Pokémon.
So I draw it and here we are.
The end.
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penelopwgarcia · 6 months ago
Dick: it might be shocking but some people speak other languages
Jason, reading a newspaper: "Holy shit. Lex Luthor's name is Alexander? I had no idea..."
Tim: "What, you thought his parents just named him Lex?"
Jason, shrugging: "Well, yeah. Parents are always calling their kids dumb shit. Look at Dick."
Tim: "...You know Dick is short for Richard, right?"
Jason, setting his paper down: "What."
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camilleflyingrotten · 1 month ago
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Icarus and Helios, a Dirk Gently AU 💛
(Sorry for the poor English)
In the 80s, in Romania, a baby was born with wings, making him look like a cherub. Since he was an orphan, he was taken (abducted) by the CIA at the age of 4 to be studied as some very unique phenomenon. Turned out that there was more kids born with strange anomalies this year so they created a secret CIA division called BlackWing (in reference to that first boy dark wings) to study all those “anomalous entities” and potentially use them.
The Romanian kid was called “Project Icarus” and for decades they tried to teach him to fly. But so far he was more prone to fall than to actually fly (hence the name Icarus).
Generally, the anomalous entities were tested separately and never met, to avoid any problems (some of them having dangerous abilities). They were all locked into an underground facility where there was rooms to study, to be tested on, or train their abilities… Some areas being dedicated to some of the most dangerous entities with bigger security and surveillance.
One day around his 30s, Project Icarus heard someone trying to talk through the ventilation of his room. A person was now occupying the fire proof room which was opposite of his.
That new occupant, “project Helios”, had recently arrived in that area of the BlackWing’s facility bc his ability of creating and manipulating fire was becoming too hard to control and the division just locked him in the best fire proof room they had..
The two men started to communicate regularly through the vent line connecting their rooms and slowly built a strong relationship (they were each other’s first friend).
Ofc they were closely observed the whole time by BlackWing, which decided to have them meet in person. The only condition being that Project Icarus had to fly if he wanted to see his friend more often.
They soon realised that Project Helios could control himself better when in the presence of his friend and radiated intense warmth which was actually helping Project Icarus to hover in the air long enough to manage to fly.
So they decided to keep the duo together, their compatibility being undeniable.
After a few months of training them together, they finally let them out of the BlackWing facility to work for the CIA. So they could help the BW division find and catch other anomalous entities that were starting to be more numerous and out of control.
They gave them new names, Project Icarus became Dirk Gently (he insisted for the last name) and Project Helios became Todd Brotzman…
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fcthots · 1 year ago
Heyy! i hope you're having a wonderful day today let's start with that! <3 Soo I know many people find the Jason Todd friends with benefits au hot but personally...I CAN'T. My softy self will cry of jealousy so hard because of the no strings attached thingy. I couldn’t help imagine reader and Jason in that situation (hope this is understandable its my first ask and im still working on my english!) Love your writings and please don't feel pressured to write if you're not feeling up to it!
no bc i have been thinking about this and IEDJFHNEIJF i have opinions. There is only ONE (1) correct way to do fwb w jason and it is ANGST.
You're both hopelessly in love with each other. You both know it, but you can't be everything you want to be. You can't have the one thing you want most, but this will just have to be enough.
His eyes always linger on you. No matter what you're doing. It's like he gets drunk on just watching you move. He'll sit on your couch after he swore he'd stop coming over. He watches you wash dishes and wipe down the counters. He twitches every time you move as if he wants to stop you, as if he wants to do it for or with you, anything for you to not do it by yourself, but he doesn't get up, only watches. Watches you like you're a deity and he is your most devout follower. Watches you with so much adoration that you swear he's in love with you, but he'll be gone before you wake up, and you'll fall asleep to him saying "we can't do this again," but he'll come back. He'd come back in a hurricane, tornado, earthquake, anything to see your face. You swear he's in love with you, but then he'll say he doesn't want to see you again, even if you know he'll come back. You tell yourself that wanting and needing are different things. He doesn't want to need you. You try and tell yourself he loves you, but he makes sure to tell you he doesn't.
You take him back every time. You take him back like he didn't leave you in the middle of the night. Take him back like he didn't say that it was the last time. You take him back like you actually want him. He'll let himself believe it, because he wants you so bad, but he can never let you know that. He needs you like a drowning man needs air, but he cannot have you. He cannot keep you, but how is he supposed to tell you that? Sometimes when he slips in through your window soaked with rainwater and you wrap his towel snug around his shoulders and run your fingers through his hair, and he swears you love him too, but it's better if you don't so he lets himself believe it. He lets himself believe you don't love him the way he loves you, so he can pretend he isn't killing you when he leaves before dawn. He knows he has to leave. He has to keep you safe. Safe from the world. Safe from him. He'll only break your heart if you let him keep it, but he breaks it every time he puts it down to leave.
He's in love with you, but protecting you comes first even if it only hurts you both more. You will take anything he'll give you. You undo each other. You lay yourselves bare for only the other person to see. It only hurts you, but you can't stop. You can't stop because it's too much, but not enough. It is all you have and ruining what you have. You hate each other for it. You love each other. You scream his name every night. Sometimes he draws it out of you, and other nights you scream it into the sky with tears in your eyes. You will never forgive each other. There is nothing to forgive. The poison tastes sweet when it comes from your lover's hand.
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sweaty-toothed-mad-woman · 6 days ago
I’ve never watched DPS is it good?
And what is it actually about? The trailer I watched is kinda confusing or maybe I just don’t understand it…😭
ok buckle up I’m about to explain the hell outa this bc dps is in fact the best movie to ever exist
so the trailer is very misleading bc it’s like “oh fun little movie about some friends at a school haha nothing too bad happens” and it is like that for the first forty minutes or so with some undertones that make you kinda start to wonder where this is going and then it ends with what feels like a hole inside your chest but like also hope bc well you’ll see
the basic plot is that there are these students at an all boys boarding school in New England called Welton Academy during 1959 and they have a new English teacher named Mr Keating who pushes them to step outside of societal expectations and “seize the day” which leads these boys to reinstating the Dead Poets Society, which was a club that Mr Keating had been in while he was at school there, and they would just read poetry and chill there. but the more they learn from Mr Keating and the more they start stepping away from the conformity instated at Welton, things lowkey start to spiral out of control, like this guy Charlie sneaks an article into the school newspaper to try to get girls to be allowed at school and almost gets expelled, and another guy Knox tries to get with a girl from town named Chris (my queen) but takes things way too far. but then we see that the lessons could work well for people, like with Todd leaping out of his comfort zone to share his poetry, and at first we think that it’s amazing that Neil chooses his own path and joins the play, but all too soon we realize that it’s got disastrous end results. but the movie gets you thinking about how you are living your life. you listen to Mr Keatings words of advice and begin to apply it to your own, just like the boys are doing, which allows you to make personal connections to them and their goals and hopes and dreams and THAT is what makes this damn movie so devastating in the most beautiful way possible. it’s so real that it feels like a slap to the face and a stab in the heart and everyone needs to watch it at least once in their life. I cannot recommend enough that you watch dps it is the best movie ever.
oh and also it gay
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liamsyux · 7 months ago
ANDERPERRY ONE SHOT bc i’m going crazy (it’s bad and cringe BUT IT’S A MODERN HIGHSCHOOL AU CMON)
(also english isn’t my first language and i didn’t even try to write that good)
✯¸.•´*¨`*•✿ ✿•*`¨*`•.¸✯
the first time todd anderson saw neil perry was on the first day of school. he arrived early and when he entered the classroom and right away sat on the desk near the window, he noticed a certain brown-haired guy. the guy had a smile that could light up an entire room and his eyes were simply filled with the purest joy ever. todd found himself staring at the guy, and when their eyes met, todd felt like he was being teleported to another planet. he flushed and suddenly looked down not caring whether the guy was still staring at him or not.
he found out later the guy’s name was neil perry.
weeks passing todd was crushing more and more on the brown haired guy; he was smart, cute, funny and well-cultured. the only problem was that they never actually spoke to each other. and that was, todd was sure of it, because neil didn’t actually seemed to enjoy todd presence in the class.
when their eyes met he always looked away first (strange thing to say when the other guy is todd fucking shy anderson), when todd rarely spoke up in class he seemed to didn’t care at all about what he was saying (also strange because he always cared about what their other classmates had to say) and every time todd started a absolute necessary conversation, he was always trying to get away as soon as possible.
so, for todd anderson, that wednesday was the weirdest day in his life.
the morning was pretty fine actually; he took notes, he listened, he did everything regular. and so, as every other day, when the bell rang, he took his time to pack his stuff away and saw all his other classmates rushing out of the door. all, except one. neil fucking perry. now the only possibilities that came up in todd’s mind where all concerning him being in the wrong and perry having something to say.
what he did not in fact expect was to see a flushed neil with in his hands god knows what, walking towards him.
“erhm todd?”
todd felt his face heat up. neil never called him, let alone called him by his first name.
kinda scared and anxious todd tried to say something normal, without sounding weird.
his voice was low and he felt very insicure. what the hell was going on.
“s-sorry for bothering you, i know you probably would have preferred being alone and pack away your stuff but t-there’s something i-i gotta tell you”
neil kept walking towards todd’s desk as he spoke leaving todd wide eyed, he never seen and heard neil talking and approaching someone with that little confidence.
“n-no don’t worry about that” he said actually sounding very confident.
todd thought neil didn’t like him at all or at least did not like him enough to be friends with him (ne was friends either basically everyone); so the things neil said to him in that empty classroom left him astonished.
“listen i’m sorry if this sounds weird or i don’t know creepy but” he looked up directly into todd’s eyes “i-i really like and i’d feel really honored if you would want to maybe get a coffee with me sometimes! he-here’s my number if you maybe want to text me your answer, or you could just ignore everything don’t worry” and neil left on todd desk a piece of paper, with in fact a cellphone number written on it.
todd was completely astonished. he looked at neil with wide eyes and mouth open.
“i’m sorry, w-what?” he said. it’s not like he didn’t hear him c’mon, neil was basically screaming, he just did not understand.
“shit sorry don’t worry about it i’ll just leave” neil whispered already making his way out.
“i-i thought you didn’t like me” todd said, his voice almost a whisper.
“like you befriended everyone in the class except me a-and you never listen when i say something to the teacher o-or you always look away when our eyes randomy mert; i-i just thought you didn’t think i was nice” todd almost shouted.
neil ran right away to todd’s desk resting his hands on it.
“i-i’ve liked you since the first day, shit i’m sorry i made you feel like-like i hated you or something”
todd looked at neil like the words he just said were gold falling from the sky. neil looked at him and the kept staring at each other for a while.
“actually i’ve wanted to get some coffee with you since the first day, neil. i like you too” todd revealed with a soft smile.
now was neil turn to be completely in disbelief. seeing todd smiling though made him chukle and smile.
“oh yeah?”
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 2 months ago
Bats and bones
by PumpkinIsSleeping After a grueling time in the labyrinth, Nico ends up in a cemetery with a strange ghost, who gives him some helpful advice about how to get his sister back. He just needs to trade some guy named Jason’s soul, and Bruce just needs the new little orphan who showed up in Gotham recently. Words: 1339, Chapters: 3/?, Language: English Fandoms: Percy Jackson and the Olympians & Related Fandoms - All Media Types, Batman - All Media Types, Batman Beyond, Batman: Wayne Family Adventures (Webcomic), Young Justice (Cartoon) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Characters: Nico di Angelo, Minos (Percy Jackson), Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Tim Drake (DCU), Damian Wayne, Duke Thomas, Stephanie Brown, Barbara Gordon, Cassandra Cain, Terry McGinnis Relationships: Nico di Angelo & Bruce Wayne, Nico di Angelo & Dick Grayson, Nico di Angelo & Jason Todd, Nico di Angelo & Tim Drake (DCU), Nico di Angelo & Damian Wayne, Nico di Angelo & Duke Thomas, Batfamily Members (DCU) & Nico di Angelo Additional Tags: Crossover, Batfamily (DCU), terry is here bc I got attached, Probably ooc, Angst, Fluff, Fluff and Angst, will add tags as time goes on via https://ift.tt/j2ZY7Ec
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tortellinisposts · 1 year ago
more matt for the soul bc he’s the love of my life. I have only had him for a year and a bit now but my god, he has completely taken over my life. he IS my Roman Empire. my autistic special interest. *insert markiplier green screen meme here*
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the way he switches between soft and sexy is so funny help-
here’s some matty facts and hcs
he’s very gay with ghost cause i said so. english x scot is very funny to me. mostly cause me and my gf are that trope so…
matt is ethnically jewish !! i am too and i like putting my religious experiences on my blorbos. he struggles to understand his ancestry considering he’s one of the descendants of those who’d converted prior to the Second World War and one of those whose distant relatives died in the Shoah. he doesn’t believe in the religion but he takes some of the the practices or cultures into his life out of respect and honour for his history :)
he really hates normal tea but loves cinnamon or peppermint.
he’s a tad similar to jason todd funnily enough.
matt is super smart in the creative side of the world, he’s alright at maths and other sciencey stuff but expressive arts is where his strengths lie. he also really loves languages and has an adoration for Scots Gaelic because SCOTLAND FOREVER !!
matt had a twin brother, arthur. but unfortunately his brother passed away in action a few years after they were recruited by MI6.
matt and arthur’s alias’ were atreides cause their dad, craig was in MI6 before them and he was called atreus. also yes. they are referencing agammemnon and meneleus that was acc by mistake.
i named matt cipher because of gravity falls not for cringe reasons okay??? its because i was obsessed with the show when i was little. also it has plot significance.
he gets called the fruitier version of soap. it’s because of their haircuts. oh and because they’re scottish.
he listens to mitski, ethel cain and paris paloma. also lana del rey when he’s feeling somber. OH- and lady gaga.
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wrennnies · 7 months ago
so in the last month ive been on holiday and then got sucked into inazuma eleven, since i was alresdy playing it ill give a short summary of what i thought (plus inaxuma eleven 2) and also the anime!!! (though shorter bc i watched it in a dub of a language i barely know) ill try and play all the inazuma eleven 3 games, i only watched the first season of inazuma eleven go tho.
inazuma eleven 1: it was great!!!! unfortunately ive been endeared to bobby shearers. also i thought the erik plotline went nowhere but i was supposed to get him before kirkwood.... the last battle i beat by mere happenstance, whoops!!! i lovedit tho. ALSO someone pls answer this: are zeus like.... genetically modified humans????? cuz it neverr gets answered, ray darks way of speaking was SO VAGUE. like is the research abt the boys or the steroids????
also nellys so cool i love her. the anime was super cool, but i was confused with its 127 eps since i only played the first game so i thought it mightve been like some anime only stuff??? turns out theres more than one inazuma eleven game.
i think the anime adapted the game pretty well, from what i could understand but i thought celia was way meaner abt jude in the game??? idk if its bc she has the “im gonna end ur life” face all the time in that game that made me think that though.... probably since shes like way more "innocent and cute" in the second game (todd ironside is so wrird i HATE HIMM in the first game)
anyway inazuma eleven 2!!!!!
great game, i called shawn shibuya since i didnt know his english name, or his Japanese one for that matter. the reason i chose shibuya was because i played twewy right before seeing him, and he looks like a shibuya.
speaking of which, i had some names for the people i didnt know the names of!! heres a list of the more interesting ones:
shawn: shibuya
victoria: peach (because her name sounded like peach in the localisation)
sue: girl inlove with erik
dvalin: hades (he looked like a hades)
hurley: dry sea (same reason as victoria)
darren: knockoff mark (look i didnt know anything abt this guy)
knockoff axel (i dont remember his name im sorry but his hairs kinda styled the same way????)
archer: giacomo????? giakomo???? i literally have no idea who or ehat a gyacomo is i just saw him and said "giackomo" SOMEONE PLEASE TELL ME WHO GIACOMO IS, maybe i mixed gakupos name and komo os name together???? but WHY????
camilla: kori (i played time hollow before this and they looked kinda similar)
anyway back on task i really liked the girls, even if they got their ass kicked most of the time... like everyone else 😭😭 also jack was so sexist like WHATTT least mark was like yeah u come over here NOW.
the love stuff was cool, i savestated to ge everyones dialogue lol... i think my favs either toris or celias, its hilar that they dont even CONSIDER celia to be gf material 😭😭😭 but thats fine with me, love her. i liked how nathans mental breakdown was done in the anime betterr than the game since he left himself and bot bc he got the shit beat outta him. also SHAWN FROSTE. KIND????? HE CALLED CLOISTER DIVINITY "CLOTH EARED BEGGARS" AND TOLD SOMEONE THAT THEY HAD A FACE ONLY A MOTHER WOULD LOVE FUCK YOU MEAN KIND???? blunts more accurare i think. hes also scottish so i thought hurleyd be welsh since shawn was scottish and hes north uk so i thought west would be welsh... even if that makes no sense. AND SOUNDTOWN IS SO FUNNY like "hed kill the coach to get that key" lmao???? some of the character sprites are.... interestinf!!!! victoria definitely looks better in the anime 😭😭😭
nah but to learn that these orphans were just cosplaying their ocs while bombing schools is insane LIKE THET GET NO REPRECUSSIONS???? THEY DESTROYRD SCHOOLS ANDI KNOW THEYRE ALL LIKE 12 BUT STILL???? also dvalin is such theatre kid, they ALL ARE.
aliens destroying the world via football is honestly so level 5 i think they found their footing.
linas eng voice does NOT suit her LMAO itsl like a teenagers voice like thats a grown ass woman bro
caleb is cool tho love his insane sprite
like did jordan EVER apologise for destorying a bunch of schools??? i prolly shouldnt say bombing cuz they werent bombs...
also i thouggt for SURE this franchise would be more popular like ONLY 2,861 FICS ON AO3 FROM A SERIES THAT LARGE????? FUCK OFF... LIKE PROFRSSOR LAYTON HASLIKE TEN THOUDAND OR SMTH STUPID??? and i also need to know which game i can recruit professor layton to football fight with me
and jordan was done SO DIRTY in sesson 3 LIKE NOOO COME BACK :(((((
and i thought axel x mark would be WAYYY more popular than it is???? like i cant believe caleb x jude is the most popular thing on ao3 😭😭
also i cant believe jordan and xavier adopted kariya and its ONLY MENTIONED IN THE DISCONTINUED GACHA GAME???? like isnt that breaking SOME sort of workplace relationship rule?????
im glad to see nelly and mark together, tho it makes me a bit sad to think what silvia wouldve thought bc she def was there when it happened, i also read some of the fandom pages for them and he gets married to camilla in an au???? like GOD silvia cant catch a BREAK
also go was really good!!! hate that pikachu fucker though. /j they got people that arent british!!!! and i got spoilt via my sister. cant believe hurley whirley wasnt in season ine tho wtf. caleb also lookslike a middle aged mother when hes older lmao. i also hate that fuck ass dog for a moment i thoight he was gonna start talking like a certain other level five dog i could name, SHERLY.
and im guessing tenma isnt in orion bc hes dead since axel wasnt alienating himself to save him that time....
i got spoilers and i thought that shawns dead bro was actually alive 😭😭😭 in inazuma eleven
descole and stahnguns secret love child is also cool, love the new captain even if hes rich and plays piano
and i think thats it!!!! thanks for reading if uve read this far lol
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deathdetermineslife · 7 months ago
hihi! two little questions:
do you prefer the japanese or english voiceover for kiyo? i prefer the english dub because i just have an obsession with his english VAs voice so i automatically heard him and went "THE GUY?????"
how do you feel about doubles? like other people who ship themselves with kiyo
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1) I literally JUST had a conversation about this last night, I currently f/o only two characters (kiyo for almost five years, and elliott from sdv for almost three), but when I was younger (like 9-13? ish?) I f/oed haru from free, hikaru from ohshc, and Italy from hetalia, which, including kiyo, are ALL voiced by Todd Haberkorn. I also had a brief small crush on death the kid when I was like 9 trying to watch soul eater. I SWEAR I did not do this on purpose, I guess I just have an affinity for Todd Haberkorn. so to answer the question, I prefer Kiyo's English voice BUT I think his Japanese voice suits him very well. I love both very much. I've thought about this a lot, I think Todd Haberkorn is absolutely perfect for him, but if I had to cast any other va to voice him I think i would pick Kyle McCarley (I believe that's his name? he voices Ryo from Devilman Crybaby). listen to some of his voice lines and do get back to me bc I'd love to see if anyone else shares this opinion.
2) literally go crazy I love everyone that loves kiyo because there's like a whopping five people on a good day that like/understand him it feels like sometimes. I guess they're called doubles, like you said? but I don't care, my account is the safest space in the world for you. also! if you ever wanted to be mutuals I follow from my main @ghostyvoo ! yea literally I do not care he deserves all the love in the world :)
TLDR for any other Kiyo selfshippers; you're welcome here. I'd love to be mutuals if y'all would like! can I get an amen 🙏
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residenthesitant · 11 months ago
i just like hearing you talk about your fics. tell me more about any of them (=ↀωↀ=) <- giving u a stare like a cat
waow. thatsa lotta stars. i will do. three. my three most recent. because i have commentary about all of them.
i recently put up THIS FIC for the mcytrecursive. the title is from "whose eye is it anyway???" by jhariah (which i recently heard live!!!) bc that entire song is about revenge and what happens when you try to get it. important lyrics here are "If it’s an eye for an eye then we all go blind / If it came to it would you cross that line?" which generally just explains quackity's whole thing of getting revenge against techno for punching him out at wilbur's funeral (a fight which HE started, in the first place), and the lines "And the weight of your crimes weighing on your mind / Is it a knife or a lie is it in your back? / Is it all I need? Is it all I have?" which imo really is what eret's whole deal is in this fic. she's haunted by what she's done and is doing everything to try and not be that person, and maybe by helping others she can help! but. no. no, instead, her ex-boyfriend gets murdered in her living room and she has to call his CURRENT boyfriend to come pick up the body. lol.
i participated in the dsmp rare pair big bang and wrote a canon-setting courtly love au, because if there is one thing i have a special interest in, it's middle and early-modern english literature. the thing i want to talk about the most with that fic is all of the allusions to literature and all the characters eret gets compared/compares herself to. she is repeatedly compared to Tamora from Titus Andronicus for marrying her enemy's leader and becoming a pawn in his political game while also using him in return, which is kind of seen as a betrayal to her prior people; to lady macbeth for the way she is Fucking Haunted by her crimes; and to criseyde from Troilus and Criseyde for her role in her relationship specifically with quackity, in which she kind of winds up betraying him by not choosing to run away with him during/after manberg/pogtopia. she also gets compared to queen gertrude from hamlet for marrying the enemy king, at which point she fully just quotes the play because i love that trope.
and finally. ive been doing a sweeney todd au. the one thing i REALLY want to talk about most with this is a MAJOR spoiler for the final chapter, though i've been dropping hints here and there throughout (go 2 the comments comment on my fic read it please). instead, i will discuss why people are american in a fic that takes place in Victorian England and how everyone has a Full Name in that fic.
bbh: full name is b. addison halo, "bad" to his friends, and he stowed away on a sailing ship bound for london when he was a teenager
schlatt: actually he doesnt have a full name, but he came to london after running away from NYC 30 years prior to the start of the fic because he was doing Crime in his 20s
ranboo: full name is Ranboo Love, first name is chosen. in london because he decided to become a sailor at 16 and see the world. unsure if his surname is gonna come up, but if it doesnt, that's okay because neither does anthony's and he's the anthony character
dream: full name is reeve taken, "dream" to his friends. based on the french word "reve" meaning "dream." came to london 20 years ago after inheriting his grandmother's pie shop. originally from virginia!
quackity and foolish arent actually from north america in this fic but arent english - foolish is egyptian and q is spanish, neither of these things will probably come up Ever.
tubbo's full name is Tybalt.
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yanset · 4 days ago
Welcome to my page!
Since some of you are actually following me, I thought maybe I should do this.
Hello! You can call me Yanset or Yan or any variant. I'm 18 y.o, female and you can call me any pronouns, I don't mind it bc it's not a thing in my native. My English is not the best so feel free to correct me if u think it's necessary. I was a self thought artist until last year, now I'm trying to get into art school.
What I am interested in?
(what you might see me sharing but no promises)
- Jason Todd (and any ship of his) I might share some Dc comics stuff but he is my main focus
- Harry Potter (focused on Severus & Harry) (Tommary and Snirius otp but except surprises)
- Dio Brando. JoJo's in general but Dio is my faw
Stuff I'm not actively interested in but might post someday
- Genshin once in a blue moon
- One piece
- Monster High ( If I'm feeling crazy enough)
- Webtoons & webnovels. I can't give all the names because I spend almost a decade reading everything that came out.
- HxH
- League of Legends & Arcane. Zed/Shen/Jhin Kayn&Akali mostly. I am a lore fan and had a chrush on VI when I was 12.
- MLBB, I'm not planning to share any fanarts here but I have an Instagram account for it if there is anyone interested
- X-men
- Innocent & Innocent Rouge
- My OCs
- Alien Stage
- Percy Jackson
- Epic the Musical
- Whatever I watched that week
That's all I think. As u can see I yap a lot. I might curse sometimes too, just that u know.
My Ask's and DM's are open!
Artreqs too but no promises
If you're interested in commissioning me, my prices start at 15$ and I use buymeacoffe, dm me for more details, I'm broke, pls
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nicotga · 1 year ago
Dreadful Pie Research and Links Part 1:
1: Intro to Sweeney Todd and the Penny Dreadful
The story is about how Sweeney Todd enacts his revenge on Judge Turpin for getting him arrested and stealing his child away just because he was married to the women he had a crush on. He meets Mrs Lovett after he arrived back home from being released from prison. He decides to take a different name so that no one will recognise him, that being Benjamin Barker. Her pies were really bad then and so Sweeney Todd was soon helping her out, he took the room above which was where he used to live with his wife and child. He turned into a barbers, a bit later he finally meets Judge Turpin to give him a shave he was close to having his revenge but got interrupted. Turpin then left and Sweeney got very angry as he was so close to what he wanted.
He then decided that a way to help get a supply of meat for Mrs Lovett would be to kill his customers. They got a supply of meat and many people started to come to Mrs Lovett's store, as they turned out to be delicious. No one knew only Sweeney + Lovett, but there was a women who was known to be 'crazy' as she suspected something going on because of the smell from the smoke of the dead bodies. Lovett kept on chasing her away when she would come to the building as she didn't want to go out of business. Later on we learn the women is actually Sweeney's wife, which Lovett told earlier that she had taken poison a while after Sweeney had gone to prison as she became depressed. Instead of her dying it just made her brain go a bit mad.
A lot happens after that but in the end Sweeney gets his revenge on Turpin, Sweeney's child escaped from Turpin, Sweeney accidentally killed his wife and then Mrs Lovett out of anger from not telling him the truth about his wife, and then the child they took in earlier killed Sweeney.
(The reason I don't want to write another paragraph of the whole story is because this post would be too long and this slightly feels like pirating).
2: Human Pies by Ashley Newman & Andrew Fuller
Ashley is a special effects artist whilst Andrew is a baker.
3: Mina Lima
4: Victorian Street Food
Jellied eels were not only a traditional English dish but also was known in Nordic countries.
They are made of 2 ingredients being eels and spiced stock. Eel pie was famous with mash its special green sauce which was known as liquor and drizzled with chilli vinegar.
Both of these dishes were for the working class.
Victorian London - Food and Drink - Fast Food and Food sold on streets - buns
5: History of Pies
Pies were invented in Egypt, the first recipe for one was for a chicken pie. The people who discovered the tablet of the recipe think that it was carved out prior to the 2000 BC. It was then taken over to Rome then Greece.
A shortcrust history of pies - BBC Bitesize
Pies are considered the national dish of England, the reason of this is because that we decided to try out new recipes with them instead of just meat pies.
The British pie – 10 fun facts you didn't know - Britain Magazine
Baker on Great British Bake Off admitting to putting fresh roadkill in pies
I do think that this may have been a good use a meat for him and maybe others when the meat is first fresh but if it isn't fresh I don't think it is a good idea as you have a higher chance to get food poisoned. I personally would not do this myself as I don't think it is a good idea.
6: Weird Food Experiences (personally)
In other places this may not seem weird but some weird foods I have eaten may seem weird in others. I tried dried mealworms or crickets that were flavoured cheese and onion. When I used to eat other meats I did have alligator + kangaroo burger once, (they weren't mixed they were two separate burgers had on different days).
25 (Unusual) Street Food Options From Around The World
7: Sweeney and Todd Pie Brand - List of Sweeney and Todds Pies
8: Other Movies with humans as food:
Directed by Richard Fleischer and Snowpiercer food bar: Protein bars | Snowpiercer Wiki
They didn't eat their victims but also.... Burke and Hare, grave robbers and murderers
9: Other foods:
Sustainability - the ortolan bunting is being hunted into extinction because it is prized as delicacy and eaten whole. A French delicacy being eaten to death
I don't think this is okay, as we have already made so many species already extinct, instead it should be protected as any other endangered species and should have a law to allow for the number of its species to grow back. We have the same problem with cod and other fish as some are being over-fished. This shouldn't happen to other species either.
10: SCI-FI Films:
Mos Espa is one of the cities on the outer rime of Tatoonie. It's a vast shopping area which you could find various fruits, meats and beverages. The main three places known in Mos Espa are Gragra's gorgmonger booth, Akim's Munch outdoor café and Jira's fruits stall.
The troll market set was made in a Hungarian mine cave. It was made into a vibrant and busy environment. Many of the characters from the show are unique in their own was as either facial structure or body structure have been proportioned in many different ways, which make them very different from humans whilst is the main aim of it. Out of these characters I find the organ grinder quite appealing as the were made to be the same size as a human even though they are supposed to be smaller.
It was said that the mechanics of this character was quite hard as you had to find just the person to be able to get into the costume and then be able to more the animatronics of the costume too.
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Ideas I got from this clip were that for vendors and sellers are protective of their customers, this maybe to make sure there is still a way that the customer will come back again. The coloured lighting used fit the settings of each scene as well, as the darker lighting with some vibrant parts fit well with the situation going on at the time.
11: ArtWork
Guillermo del Toro's Cabinet of Curiosities
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This is one of the pages from his 4th notebook, pages 37A and 37B. These show some character art from Hellboy 2 and ideas he's had. I think that this is a useful way when doing this kind of work. As I've done this myself sometimes and I think it is quite helpful.
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This is from the 3rd notebook, pages 22A and 22B. There a splotches of fake blood and symbols around some artwork. This sort of works like the other page but has more of an eerie feel to it, as some when first seeing it might mistake the blood for the real thing, instead of noticing that it is actually fake. Which in a way helps as it conveys many different ideas in many different peoples minds of the reasoning of him using fake blood on these pages.
12: Sculptures:
HR Giger was an artist mainly worked in blending human physique with machines with air-brushing and he became very well known as of it. Most people will know his work from the Alien movie, he was inspired by the creature from the two lines in The Necronomicon, as it was pictured as a metallic-looking freakish creature with an eggplant-shaped head.
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(a more modern version of the Alien)
Guillermo Del Toro's movie Mimic sort of goes on the same basis as The Alien movies as it has a weird creature in it which effects what happens to the characters int the movie. In his movie though he uses cockroaches which are normal to this world, but they're harmful as they are carrying the 'Strickler's Disease". This way of utilising bugs in his works make sense as many people believe that certain bugs are harmful as of disease whilst some are but because they carry poison in their system to help protect them from predators.
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The designs of these creatures is that the cockroaches have in a way mutated to the disease they are carrying, like how some species do when in a highly radiated area. Whilst the Alien is very much built for the planet it came from, but has now been transported to Earth and now has to adapt to the environments of the planet and the creatures on it. It doesn't really get any physical changes but I think in the way the creature thinks it has become more strategic.
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The pricing of some of the works on this page is understandable, as for simpler projects which don't take much time will cost less and once more difficulty, time and materials are being used the price will rise as it should and it is reasonable. There are quite a few different designs used, as some are simple with being just a keychain of a paw from a creature whilst some are full-body characters. I think the methods used when making are close to what we have done with some of our projects but instead are more precise so when being mass produced they may have a silicone mold of the design so that they can stick close to the original project, as much as they can.
For this artist their work is different with the style, as it has a slight more cartoony feel to it than the realistic feel you get from The Monster Sandbox. The has been some realism in some of their work, which I think helps with the feel of the character. The quality of work is very good, as you can tell they have taken the time to make sure their work is at the best standard that it can be at. The scale of their work ranges in many different ways as they are able to make big figures to simple illustrations. Their paint work is exceptional as they have the understanding of how the paint will be effected by natural light and which pieces will need lighter colouring than other places. With outcomes they have made, each piece has probably been check to make sure it is at the best quality and from what is seen it is at that.
13: Tutorials
When making my snake head I did look at a sculptor on Youtube that I've known about for quite a while now. I used this video with helping my work, as the head shape is close to what I wanted for my snake.
I think for these tutorials as a whole, they use many different techniques which will help people depending on what they're making and what effects they want shown on their sculpture/figurine.
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discocandles · 2 years ago
Jason Todd, but he's not around the batfamily very often, bc i can.
It's not unusual for Jason to just kind of be gone for anything bat-esque for a while. Sure he'll still be in Gotham doing some crime fighting, but just not make many appearances in Wayne Manor/the Batcave.
And it's not out of sheer spite, surprisingly enough. its bc after being a crime lord then quitting to be an anti-hero, he came to the realization that being Red Hood couldn't be the only thing he was using his life for. he would end up like Bruce, only using a civilian identity when he absolutely had to. But Jason Todd was legally dead, so he wouldn't ever have to be a civilian, but at the cost of losing himself to a vigilante identity. I don't believe Jason would want to take that risk.
So he makes a fake identity so he can live in a (shaky) routine as a civilian. He still goes by Jason, given its a common enough name. but he changes his last name to Devoss, as it has the same meaning as todd but is of Dutch decent rather than english, bc I'm the kind of nerd that still wants names to mean the same thing even it's not the point whatsoever, so Jason is too. Plus its better than most of the name changes DC has done.
Anyway. Jason's "routine". The only reason it could be considered a routine is bc he typically goes to the same places. he drops by the same coffee shop at least three times a week, frequents the same gym, and visits the library about once a week. he's in the bare minnimum of consistency & sticks to it.
Despite being given enough money from Bruce to count as a solid income, Jason still lives in walking distance of Crime Alley. the landlords there don't care who you are so long as you pay rent, bc who wants to live near Crime Alley? barely anyone. Later he gets a job, which actually cements his routine. he works as a chef in a chain restaurant, and he's so good at it, it's like hes being petty about it.
Actually, being petty is the most common thread most of the people who know Jason Devoss as an aquaintance have. He's petty about entitled customers who start screaming in at his regular coffee stop, if someone he tends to work out with has a cheating partner and the assholeperson has a hole in thier can of mace and their knife is suddenly dull(neccessities in Gotham), Jason has no clue how someone could manage that. Absolutely none.
Ok, back to Jason getting a job. So like I said earlier, Jason gets a job as a line cook, bc they really dont keep people from the job unless you're actively supposed to be in Arkham(exemptions can be made for blackgate). Which is why having a civilian identity is helpful, bc being both legally dead and spending some time as a mob boss probably wouldn't jive with any hiring manager ever. But he's able to make himself a normal part of the scenery, and makes the most effective closing shift, totally not be he has patrol that he's already late for. He begins to have to switch between taking orders and making food.
And this is how he ends up meeting Bernard, bc they have to work together to figure out what Tim would want. Jason realizes that this isn't some other kid named Tim he thinks "oh this is going to be rich." bc no one in the family has been to his work so far since he started working in the front of house, and he hasn't mentioned it to them.
So Tim walks in, and sees his bf, then he sees Jason, who just says "Oh, you must be Bernard's boyfriend. Nice to meet you." Smiling like he's never done anything remotely wrong in his whole life. Now Tim is questioning everything and can only repond with something akin to "Mhmm yup. Nice to meet you too." & is on edge for the rest of the date, bc his brother is being paid to watch his date, and will interrupt them for refills or other nonsense when he was beginning to forget Jason was there.
Bonus points if it's before Tim introduces Bernard to the family.
The batfamily knows where he is, and he knows they know. No one who has met Batman once can have him be unaware of their whole family tree, of course he knows where his son is. Jason will sometimes get visits, most often from Duke, be despite the fact that Crime Alley is mostly terrible, the sunset view is pretty dang good.
Duke will just be sitting on his couch when he gets home, like "you wanted to talk?" to which he and Jason will simply chat. and jason will often give critiques to Duke's technique.
The other common visitor is steph, but that's most ofting in the form of her ding dong ditching him,
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to-the-stars8 · 2 years ago
Playing Pretend
Jason Todd x Reader
Summary; Your neighbor offers to be your pretend boyfriend to get your family off your back about your relationship status. As the two of you are getting ready for Thanksgiving dinner with your family, things go a way you didn't expect.
A/N; just a little fun one-shot bc I really do love this trope.
“Okay, and what’s your middle name again?” You asked, squeezing your eyes shut so you could focus on his answer. 
“Peter, sweetheart.”
“That’s right, Peter. Peter.” You repeated as you continued to walk down the sidewalk. 
Things were going great. And by great, you meant totally the opposite. Every single year, without missing a beat, your family asked you when you were getting a boyfriend. You had managed to sway their questions with excuses of being too busy or not really interested in dating until they started to comment on how you would end up dying alone. Not in so many words, but the message was clear. This year you were determined to finally show them that you wouldn’t die alone by lying that you had a boyfriend. You realized quickly it all didn’t make sense, but your seriousness in making them think you proved them wrong was greater. 
Fortunately enough, you had an amazing next-door neighbor named Jason. You had known Jason for a while as an acquaintance, and perhaps a little less. The two of you talked in the hall sometimes about the weather or the annoying neighbor downstairs who had crazy loud sex, but usually nothing more than that. Until, after lamenting your struggles with your family, he made you an offer. 
Jason had told you he had no plans for Thanksgiving, especially since he was estranged from his family, and offered to pretend to be your boyfriend. You would get your family off your back for one year, and he would get a free, warm meal. It was nothing but a win-win situation, so you had to agree. 
“Should we run through our cover story one last time?” You asked. 
Jason thought for a second before saying, “Sure. Only because I feel like it’s for your sake.”
“How sweet,” You sarcastically remarked. “Anyway, we met at school. You’re a postgrad student studying…”
You turned to him, surprised. “Wait, I thought we agreed on you studying law?”
“What are you? My mother? I want to study English,” Despite how mean the words were intended to sound there was a smile on his face. Nonetheless, you relented because it wouldn’t make that much of a difference. 
“Fine. What do you do for work?” You asked, stopping for a moment as he pondered the answer. 
Jason scratched his chin and looked up at the evening sky as he thought about what you two had rehearsed. You were about to answer for him when he cut you off. “I’m an English literature tutor.”
That wasn’t what the two of you had planned to say, but you felt like pushing against anything else he suggested would just be a dead end. You agreed before moving on, and you could see your parent's house in the distance. For a moment you wondered if Jason was as nervous as you, and, when you looked at him, you were sure that if he was there was no way for you to tell. He seemed stoic like he was trying to hide his feelings. 
“Hold on,” Jason said, stopping. 
You did as he requested, turning to look at him fully. There was no doubt that he was extremely handsome, and you had to admit to yourself that you were attracted to him. Yet, you told yourself you didn’t stand a chance because he seemed way out of your league. 
“Shouldn’t I hold your hand or something?” He asked.
“Oh,” You said. You hadn’t really thought of the intimacy part of it. Slowly, you reached forward and put your hand into his. “Is this okay?”
He didn’t hear you at first, staring down at your hand in his, and subconsciously ran his thumb over your cold knuckles. When he didn’t respond you asked him again, making him snap his attention to you, and he nodded. 
“Should we kiss, too?” He asked. “You know, just to make sure they believe it.”
You glanced down at his lips. “Yeah, I don’t think a peck or two would hurt.”
Stepping forward, Jason brought both of his hands to your cheeks, “I was thinking maybe three or four…” He said before pulling you forward to meet his lips. They were warm, hotter than fire almost, and chapped. It was just the kind of cocktail you needed for courage. Then, he pulled back a bit, smirking. “Maybe more, if you’ll let me.”
“I don’t know,” You said, stepping back. You needed to remember the original goal of all this. “We’re not even dating.”
“You’re right,” Jason said, grabbing your hand to continue walking. “Maybe this will just have to be the real thing then.”
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 2 months ago
Bats and bones
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/j2ZY7Ec by PumpkinIsSleeping After a grueling time in the labyrinth, Nico ends up in a cemetery with a strange ghost, who gives him some helpful advice about how to get his sister back. He just needs to trade some guy named Jason’s soul, and Bruce just needs the new little orphan who showed up in Gotham recently. Words: 1339, Chapters: 3/?, Language: English Fandoms: Percy Jackson and the Olympians & Related Fandoms - All Media Types, Batman - All Media Types, Batman Beyond, Batman: Wayne Family Adventures (Webcomic), Young Justice (Cartoon) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Characters: Nico di Angelo, Minos (Percy Jackson), Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Tim Drake (DCU), Damian Wayne, Duke Thomas, Stephanie Brown, Barbara Gordon, Cassandra Cain, Terry McGinnis Relationships: Nico di Angelo & Bruce Wayne, Nico di Angelo & Dick Grayson, Nico di Angelo & Jason Todd, Nico di Angelo & Tim Drake (DCU), Nico di Angelo & Damian Wayne, Nico di Angelo & Duke Thomas, Batfamily Members (DCU) & Nico di Angelo Additional Tags: Crossover, Batfamily (DCU), terry is here bc I got attached, Probably ooc, Angst, Fluff, Fluff and Angst, will add tags as time goes on read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/j2ZY7Ec
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