#bc imma be very unhinged i think
gojoest · 2 years
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deezbignutz · 2 months
Imma talk abt yanderes in Redacted real quick (it might not be real quick, idk yet)
Short version, I actually really like them, but I've always liked yanderes even outside of Redacted so mmyeah. I don't like all of them, but I like them 😎👍
Long version 👇
I think I like yanderes bc I want to feel needed/wanted and the thought of someone being so obsessed with me to the point of wasting their days just to get a glimpse of me is kinda reassuring that I'm not just a waste of space (it's unheathly, I know, but that's not the point I'm trying to get at). That is to say that that statement "I like yanderes" only applies to the ones don't outright harm me, don't have bad intentions, or don't have a good concept of common sense. Now I'll be listing all the yandere (all characters explicitly said to be yanderes, so not Kody) characters and my thoughts on them as a yandere. :)))
I don't like him much, but that's to say I haven't finished his yandere playlist yet soooo yeah... The main reason I feel this way is mainly that he is very willing to beat the shit out of me if it means he can keep me in his house, which is a big red flag (yes I know all these yanderes r red flags, but beating the person you're obsessed with up? that a WHOLE other level of fucked up red flag). The character himself and all his voice acting and depth is very cool and interesting, he just isn't my type in terms of yanderes.
No, no, no. Absolutely not, no thank you please. I also haven't finished his playlist and I don't think I will. He is like Ivan just a tad a lot a bit too much unhinged when he does what he does. Don't get me wrong, the character on its own is a very unique concept, I just can't handle him in action. He goes into the category "doesn't have a good concept of common sense" because all the fucked up shit stuff he does to his victim (idk what his listener's name is :\). So yeah, not my type thank you very much.
Yes, immaculate, I'll take this to go please. He is very sweet and is willing to destroy the entire universe and another to save me and I think thats very cute of him to do for me. No, what he did isn't very cool for the redacted universe, but he he went to death and back for me, and that makes me feel very special thx for that pooks. The first audio of his that I listened to was his confession one and by golly I was hooked already. He knows he's problematic and he knows his limits, and knows it's a lot for someone to handle and doesn't want me to have to have him around in a romantic way bc he knows he won't be able to give me space and that's just so very hot. AND he's a friends to lovers, which is one of my favourite tropes, so of course I like him. 10/10, would give him many kith kith on the lips.
Hehehhhehehhehehe, hi babes 🥰. 10000000000000/10, voice is like an angle, actions are non-existent, but he makes up for it by ordering me around and that is so very hot. And if I dare say, he has at least some common sense, that of which being him holding himself back from something and saying "...but not yet" in his cute little emo voice. He's a patient guy and that is very admirable, but he also knows how to be assertive which is also admirable and hot. Yes he’s scary, but he’s scary in a “oh shit he could do something really bad, but like, he’s kinda hot” way. He’s got no face, no name, yet I’d still let him boss me around and tell want to do. Also he gives me major Ghostface vibes and I’m LIVNG for that shit. Love this guy, he’s a sigma, would let him break through my walls and take me away to his torture dungeon, absolute smash, can’t get enough of him, give him kith kith on the lips and more, favourite yandere by far.
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mayisgoingnuts · 14 days
FHDHD like how you appear if i say roy/silly
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you insane mf you dont know what your getting into
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IT IRRITATES ME SO FUCKING MUCH. Kevs can be awkward we seen it but hes not a complete mess and hes not that much of a god damn loser and strebs isnt just a flirty or uwu soft boy or a god damn angst hog. hes more than that yeah he lost his arm and is fucking traumatized but you see in strebs rehearsal hes sassy and hes a gremlin.
No one ever fucking draws or writes them as more chaotic or like fucking irriated with eachother they arent all cupcakes and rainbows or just pure darkness and sadness! Its not just fucking that!! They probably get on eachother nerves, strebs probably be a lil ass to kevs sometimes. YOU KNOW WHY I LOVE STALECANDY? ITS BASICALLY MY CANDIBATZ. LEGIT ITS EXACTLY HOW I WANT CANDIBATZ TO BE.
ill admit its understandable a few people dislike candibatz since it was showed everywhere and it was mostly mostly bc of the background gag. but if you do think about it the relationship can get veryyy interesting!! if you think on strebs more you get SOOOO MUCH ROOM TO GO NUTS. KEVS ABOUT TO GET A SHORT SO WE WILL KNOW MORE ABOUT HIM!! BUT STREBS- STREBS- YOU CAN GO SO FUCKING NUTS.
im unhealthy about them and they mean so much to me. Ik you don't really like strebs which is totally fine your just on my hitlist for hating my boyfriend/silly/j
but like..he is very interesting when you think about the free space you got! and thats why it makes candibatz so much more interesting to me bc you can go unhinged- fjdj
tldr: they mischaracterize the characters alot and only fluff, angst or horni shit and it just flat from most people dhdjdj
W..wait hitlist....... shaking on my boots/silly
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"Like when I say Roy" sighhhh this is slander/j
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neptuniadoesstuff · 3 months
The Hyyders Squad!
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Welp, I'm finally done with this. Yeh I literally made more of my frend Al's OCs into ASGD characters BCS I CAN!
Also them by themselves bcs frik u:
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SOOOOOOO...... From left to right we HAVE! (I did update some of their names since the last time I introduced them fully.):
Gerald Lyconoth ((Dad of originally 1 but now is a dad of 2 after the 300 year permafrost. Is a very nervous nerd guy but does have some unspoken problems (based on his original self's Canon lore). Also the supposed leader of the Hyyders Squad. Mayhaps is 42? No one knows, his id just says hes 40+. A Earth Human.))
Joslyne Roregiz Shepard ((Angy lady who's was also a retired military officer but now lives with a old lady who she calls a boomer. Does not care whatsoever if she's hurting you, she's only a "bite first questions last" type of person. Basically the fighter of the squad but really thinks she the leader due to thinking Gerald is not actually capable to be a leader even though the squad is a... research team... Is 35. Also a Earth human but a bit unhinged.))
Triss Fallison ((Guy with low self esteem & may have a identity crisis every now & then (poor guy). Is oddly innocent & kinda doesn't know what is going on but he hold some pretty dark secrets only his adopted family knows. Is around 24 but his past still sometimes gets to him. Is one of newer members of the group & he is mainly the harvester & collector (although may have been threatened by Joslyne many times that she WILL use him as a meat shield so he is kinda scared of her). Jelly Boi but was raised by a Serpenskolk couple who is now trying to fit into human society.))
Dyan'nah Laemeria Kon'sai ((Old lady who for some reason has a major immunity to poisons & the effects of eating tainted food. Is a no bs person who is also tired of Joslyne's (her current roommate) rampant bs & wishes that lady who's like in her 30s stop acting like a child BECAUSE SHE KNOWS SHE WAS A MILITARY OFFICER! Is teh pharmacist/nurse of the group & often test the herbs that Triss brings in. May look like in her late 40s but is actually a lot older than that but due to mechanical science she looks pretty young by her standards. The last person of a now extinct race of exo-humans but she was born in a lab owned by Stellowbark.))
Yes this is in fact them. Now these guys do have a major role in ASGD bcs this main role happens to take place 300 years later (aka the time ASGD's storyline takes place) & yeh they are uh... on a icey planet bcs the kid of Gerald ACCIDENTALLY let out a frikin demonic being named Mesmer & now the planet they were researching about is now a icey horrorland.
Btw if you wanna see their squad logo uh.... its in the link under here:
So yeh, I hope you enjoy looking at this. ANYWAYS IMMA GO PUT THESE ON TH NOW & SEND THEM TO MY FREND AL-
Characters aren't mine, while designed by me, their colors ARE DIRECTLY BASED ON the Characters they're AUs of. (As they still belong to Al who is my frend)
Art: Mine.
Program: Ibispaint x
Bubs' TOS: Plz don't repost/steal, trace, or recolor my art WITHOUT MY PERMISSION! If you do, I'll take yur femur and pelvis.. SO, DON'T THINK ABOUT IT! (The PNS on my blog's pinned post clearly means "Please No Steal" plz follow that rule.) If you do post my art on anything like yur blog or somewhere else (With my permission) PLEASE CREDIT ME!
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smallnico · 3 months
8 and 9 for the durgetash asks!
eyyy thank u for asking! <3 under the cut bc long.
8. Both Gortash and Durge are sadistic little gremlins, so when it comes down to it, who's better at torture? And did they make a competition out of it?
weird thing to say for a durgetash person, but torture squicks me out, so i'm going to make this brief (... brief for me, anyway.)
esper and gortash are never not competing, even when they're actively collaborating, in part because framing the collaboration as competition and manipulation is the only way they can really get away with just working together without invoking the wrath of their patrons (mostly bhaal, since bane actually thinks esper is respectable, even if he chooses not to respect them). so if they ever had cause to "interrogate" someone together, any and all suggestions would be framed as one-upmanship or taunts.
independantly, the point for sadism definitely goes to gortash, since he generally has more of an incentive to make people suffer to get what he wants out of them rather than killing them outright, unlike esper.
esper doesn't actially like the rush of murder dopamine/euphoria that bhaal supplies his faithful with when they kill -- it makes esper feel out of control, and both pre- and post-tadpole acting on the impulse for unspeakable violence without tempering it first makes them feel base and shitty -- so as good as esper is at killing people, they're equally good at not killing people when the situation calls for it. esper is much more detached and efficient, very much a "this is what you do to kill someone. hit everywhere but there and you're good" kind of operator, not averse to sadism but not particularly drawn to it either. but, like i said, they also do have the ability to manipulate emotions and intentions (ratcheting up fear, encouraging calm and compliance, etc.) so they really don't find much need for torture to begin with when they're not having fun + playing working with their friend fellow associate enver gortash.
9. The Steelwatch Foundry. Did they ever visit it together, what was it like? How many people died afterwards and how many of them were banites?
like i said in other answers, the steel watch is gortash's baby, but esper was very involved in bringing the project to fruition. very much mostly by getting the right people dead or replaced by shapechangers, as well as the odd bit of unsolicited political advice and acting as an equally violent sounding board to some of gortash's more unhinged ideas, just making sure he knows what's actually in the realm of doable and practical. heaven knows he needs it.
that said, esper liked to hang out there invisible in the rafters to watch people come and go, as kind of an unofficial shift monitor. occasionally they'd mark someone for death or extortion if they thought the person would be a good target for the bhaalists, but they did promise to avoid killing baneites when it would be inconvenient for gortash for them to do so * -- this as part of the original truce between the temple of bhaal and gortash's cult of bane -- so the number of baneite deaths was pretty low all things considered.
gortash gave esper an official tour of the premesis once, though it was before the factory officially started operating. this would've been after the hell heist, since while the steel watch's organic and psionic operations were part of the design since karlach's engine (it's implied that her engine served as a prototype steel watcher engine, and my headcanon is that gortash sold her to zariel through the same connection he uses to get infernal metal in exchange for having the designs and test results shared with him) the design didn't get to the point it's at in the game until gortash could put into practice the whole tadpoling a brain/body in the machine/controlling the brain with psionics from a distance idea that makes the whole thing work. that little private tour was the moment esper knew they'd really fucked up everything when they finally made out with gortash during the hell heist and truly initiated the downward spiral that led to orin 'killing' them.
*this didn't apply to trespassers on or near temple grounds, or the guards gortash stationed outside particular entry points to his offices, who he put there Because they'd been bothering him because esper would tend to kill them on the way in if they tried to stop them from entering.
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xplrvibes · 6 months
*sigh* ive seen a comment that bugs me so imma rant
she knows children follow her so why is she posting naked photos - paraphrasing a twitter comment about malia’s bath pic.
first of all, does she know? really? she has 120k followers. you think she age checks every single one?
secondly, did she ask for children/minors to follow her? does she promote herself as a kid friendly account?
thirdly, its her account and she can post whatever the fk she wants. she owes absolutely no one an explanation.
lastly, and i will die on this fkn hill, parents should be aware of what their underage children are doing on the internet. they don’t have to be a helicopter parents about it, but they absolutely should be able to take a peak and keep an eye on things. this abyss is not regulated enough for child safety and so much slips unnoticed despite going against an app or websites guidelines. it’s up the parents/guardians to ensure their childs safety.
do not blame creators/individuals for what YOUR underage child/friend/relative is looking up.
this is a topic that has always bugged me. its not up to creators to regulate their stuff. its up to parents to have open conversations with their children and encourage and enforce safe online activity. have conversations with your childrens friend’s parents, too.
i also do not like this idea of promoting who is underage. like please do not put ‘i’m a minor/underage/(actual minor age)’in your bio. PLEASE. you are inviting creeps to manipulate their way to you and this is how we end up with 15 year old girls meeting up with their online friends who turn out to be predators and they’re never seen again.
tldl; bath pic was hot and people are mad bc they don’t wanna admit it 😂
- aussie anon
Colby and Malia 🤝 being falsely accused of inappropriate conduct on their instagrams by jealous puritains on the internet.
Maybe that's why they enjoy each other's company so much. 🤣
Seriously, though: some people really needs to chill when it comes to the extremely slut shamey, gross, misogynstic things they are saying about this woman (and Colby too, actually). Dislike her all you want, but all this body shaming and pearl clutching cause she's posting sexy photos of herself that do NOT violate instagram's community guidelines and are no better or worse than anything that other people - including Colby himself - are posting is just unnecessary and is serving to make everyone appear unhinged.
Also, picking and choosing who you say this stuff about - for example, Amber posts very similar content all the time - really just shows that the true issue you have isn't with her content, it's with who she's got in her comment section calling her "the cutest" and thats just hypocritical.
Just dislike her cause she's hitting that shit. I'll judge you a lot less.
*all of the you's in the last two paragraphs were not targeted towards anyone! they were Judy general statement you's*
And yes, I very much agree with your third (and fourth) point. Bravo!
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jinkicake · 2 years
Sigh as it’s kazuha’s belated birthday I have let him take up residence in my head😔 so he’s rotting my brain. I absolutely adore how unhinged he is like he can be all flowery and softboy but he likes surprises so he just flips between his 12 personality traits so when you think you know him he says uno reverse and makes you think he’s a stranger again. Like he gives true switch behavior bc he FR doesn’t care he just wants to feel good and make his partner feel good, like he’s all about getting lost in the passion. Loves to see his lovers face contort in pleasure and tears gather at the corners of their eyes that are pleading him to touch them, and on the flip side teasing them unfairly so they will top him just as hard😔💕 like he’s an undercover brat so he pretends to follow instructions but with a smirk on his face that makes you feel your not really who’s in control here so you gotta break him. Definitely into drunk sex and that summer event proves it he’s a handsy drunk. Feel like he’s good at hiding how tipsy he is so when your head gets fuzzy he’s leaning in to tell you how good you look. Bc he’s a soft looking boy I imagine people are taken by surprise but he’s been traveling and w Beido no less so he’s SEEN some stuff. Will be calm and steady when coming onto people so they can back out anytime but also bc he wants you to say it. He really gives “ I said what I said vibes” so he will look you straight in the eye all bored while enjoying the weather and Be like
“ I can only imagine how cute you would look underneath me. Unless you’d rather be on top? You don’t have to be so gentle with me. You can hurt me if you’d like. After all, I don’t break very easily”
Like i would like to volunteer my throat for this man if he needs to blow off steam😮‍💨 like he is very upfront with his feelings and needs, he is down for anything you want to try and FR probably has more experience than you. Want to try bondage? Well he just so happens to have studied shibari for a while 😊 how convenient. I can feel his stare across the room like my god dude people are out here??? Walk up and wraps his around around you and you like oh normal conversation! NOPE without even FLINCHING kazuha is just casually talking about how deep he wants to be inside you like he’s talking about the weather. While his patience is not thin he does have buttons you can press to get him to “discipline” you🥰 like oh no he wants this to REALLY teach you a lesson so he’s gunna rail you behind some boxes like the crew aren’t just out of earshot. Won’t even attempt to cover you mouth, like nah you can be quiet yourself 🥴 if anyone comes over they definitely know not to unless they want to see you get filled up by him:// listening to the wind for footsteps >>> on the flip side my patience IS very thin so he definitely works my nerves and when it’s like “ I’m gunna fuck you up chill out” he will just give you this smug ass look that’s like “please do💕” so ig I have no choice🙄😒 likes to be restrained or told he can’t touch bc he will beg for permission. Literally a slut I will not debate will be under you w his hair down and clothes just open like an unwrapped present. Literally the type of little shit to make you cockwarm him at like dinner surrounded by everyone and they’re like “awww he wants to be close to you how cute” Beidou is starring right at you right in the eyes as kazuha gives a sudden thrust and she’s struggling not to laugh( they can share me respectfully 😔 captain gets to have everything on their ship) imma bite him. Also bc I saw this comic where the shogun has him tied up and is like “🙄 your friend was better” so I can put aside my deep dislike for her so that she can tease me infront of kazuha as he is unable to get free as he watches helplessly “look at you. i’ve only started using my fingers and you’re already shakin, humans are very intresting” AYO ACTUALLY BC THE PUPPET IS MEAN EI CAN BE THERE 💕 she’s nicer😔🙏🏿
happy late birthday dear kazuha LOL ~~~
on his birthday i literally thought about you and the scenario of beidou pegging him LMFAOOOOOOOOO i hope he enjoys that bc i know i certainly would.
we all saw how aggressive he was in fighting raiden (the puppet?, i dont fucking remember LMAO) so yeah he's both sweet sub and sweet dom,,,, mmm yeah! also HEAVYYYY ON THE DRUNK SEX,,,,, YEAHHHHHH we know how he gets out of it in two seconds like come on he'll be on you in two sips with his hands roaming up and down your sides,, he'd be so needy!!!! your in-depth analysis of switch!kazuha is one i can get behind! also heavy on the bondage hed do that
i feel like kazuha would fuck you in front of everyone on the ship also.... as a punishment.... i dunnooooooo,,, i dunoo would he be into that?!
YOU DONT LIKE THE SHOGUN EITHERRRR???? damn this is like the first person ive found to dislike her besides ME... dont get me wrong shes hot but i have my reasons but also..... mean puppet, i kinda dont hate it? ei also pisses me off but not as much LOL fine id fuck the puppet there i said it
kazuha would CRY REAL TEARS if the puppet was pleasuring you and he could do nothing about it like i feel like he'd rage lose his mind and go fucking psycho-.... that actually sounds like a good idea.... hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm maybe it just sounds like a good idea since i like the psychos?
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X, Y, & Z!
lol hey just remembered that i had these from dec 19th lol i think i was just so mentally unwell at the time that i couldn't actually process the fact that i had asks and was capable of answering them even tho i literally reblogged the ask game lol anyways was going through my drafts and saw this and i'm MUCH better now so i went through and found the game and imma do it now <3
x - a trope which you are almost certain to love in any fandom.
hahhaahhaha character with an inferiority complex learning/being told that they're enough on their own/when those characters get in character content made of them ijuhygtfguiouygf because a lot of times they get misinterpreted or ignored </3 also. hanahaki <3
y - what are your secondhand fandoms (i.e., fandoms you aren’t in personally but are tangentially familiar with because your friends/people on your dash are in them)?
OH! my number one secondhand fandom is wwdts thanks to @chasvchalilah <3 i have my Guy (colin robinson) and i feel like i basically know the whole plot thanks to shira and her incredible patience for all my questions and her kindness in telling me like. literally everything lol actually this reminds me i think the colin post shira tagged me in is in my drafts and that i actually forgot to reblog it. hm. gonna go find it after i post this lol also csm because grace watched it and i know it's not really a show that i'd like so i'm living it vicariously through them and moth and the other csm moots <3
z - just ramble about something fan-related, go go go! (Prompts optional but encouraged.)
ah this is dangerous omg okay oh gosh okay what do i choose okay so this is a very random thing to rant about, but it's fan-related so. but i lowkey hate in chatfics how writers always give characters different contact names. more often than not, i look at them and say "they would never choose that name" / "they would never name that person that" / "they would throw a fit if their name got changed to that" and like. it's just so irritating. i honestly think most blorbos would just call each other by their names in their contacts like. and if you're going to give them "silly" names (bc most times they just... aren't even funny to me personally), they don't even specify who is who! most of the time, i see them say something MAYBE at either the beginning or end of the first chapter and then usually never again even if the characters start changing each other's names! so it's just hard to keep up. i actually love chatfics and think they're such a cool idea and a great creative writing exercise, but they HAVE to be done right because they can go poorly/ooc SO quickly. not all characters use correct grammar, but some do. some will use capitalization and punctuation while others don't. some characters will use emojis or send memes and recite memes, OTHERS WON'T and you NEED to be able to figure this stuff out. also it is SO unrealistic for all the characters to constantly trauma dump because half these characters refuse to "show weakness" or don't know How to talk to people about what's wrong. oH AND ALSO not all characters are so unhinged in chatfics my God the way people write certain characters in how they text and what they text is so icky because it's just too unhinged we gotta stop giving characters that treatment ugh uh anyways also kenji is underused in the show and underrated by fans. there should be more kenji content. also unpopular opinion, but kenji is a more interesting character than chuuya and how does chuuya have like... 20k more fics in the chuuya tag than kenji has in his own tag? nothing against chuuya - i like him! i do! but why is he treated more like a main character than kenji:( maybe i'm just sad bc kenji is my favorite and barely has ANY content. there are SO few kenji-centric fics out there and a lot of them also are kenji & chuuya friendship which... admittedly, i LOVE but i feel like there's more kenji & chuuya than kenji & the ada members which is so sad??? also he deserves better in the show! smh he wasn't even in the s5 trailer (neither were junichiro and naomi ugh so upset about that) like pls. let everyone treat kenji more like an important member of the team bC HE IS😭
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ohlovxr · 3 years
season 2 of the punisher just makes me think of Frank keeping you tied up to a bed 🤧🤧🤧 oh to be his captive
fuck dude this is all i could think about when watching season two. it just stuck. one thousand percent i see this happening in two scenarios that i’ve kinda mentioned before but i’m going with the dark one here
imma make this lowkey a continuation of my other post so this is all about being held captive by a very, very, overprotective and desperately lovesick frank castle.
he’s got you to tied up to a bed in some random motel room, trying to convince you that the two of you are right, and that there’s no one else that cares about you and could protect you more than him - trying to avoid actually having to take you somewhere.
at first, it’s scary to watch. he’s pissed off, pacing around the room, berating you about how stupid you have to be to start distancing yourself from him after you knew about all his enemies, after he’s done everything to protect you. everything.
it isn’t until his voice raises as his pacing around the room turns to pacing next to the side of the bed that he’s got you tied to do you flinch. at the same time that he thinks it’s ridiculous, how you don’t seem to understand that all of this is happening bc he can’t stand to see a hair on your head touched by another soul, his heart cracks a little when he sees the way your eyes squeeze closed, the way you physically attempt to pull yourself away from his towering form, and the way breath escapes your lips so shakily.
so, when he kneels by your side of the bed and brings rough hand to your face - one that he regrettably has to quickly move down to cup your jaw and force your gaze to his direction when you turn away from the initial touch -, he insists that he’d never harm you. that if you’d just let him protect you, let him love you the way he wants - the way he knows you’d want if you’d just try to understand -, that the both of you would be so happy again.
you spend a week in that motel. and when he told you that you couldn’t stay there forever, when he said he can’t leave you unprotected - so you could choose either to understand, or keep resisting and give him no other choice but to take the matter into his hands entirely. the scoff you’d let out at that, as if he hadn’t already done so, had a brief sadness flash through his otherwise neutral expression.
those were the two options, you knew they were the two options bc there could never be a third. there’s no reality where someone could escape a man like frank castle.
you’d scorned yourself for the way you heart skipped a beat at the thought of a life without him, though.
part of you, a huge part, just wanted to let him do what he wanted. go back to being as free as he deemed alright and loved, fully and happily. bc despite it all, he could make you happy - you knew it. it wasn’t even half way through the week that you had come to terms that you missed him. you missed his touch, the way he smiled and the way he laughed, the way he’d always, always, spoken so softly to you, and the way his lips pressed against yours.
but the other part of you, hated you for wanting it. not the part about how you could shamefully forgive and forget so quickly just to sate him and go back to living your life blissfully. you hated how selfish the first choice would make you. how you’d know about all the people he’d hurt and kill in your lifetime if they so much as gave you the wrong look. the part of you that wondered if you’d be able to handle the guilt of going back to loving a man so completely unhinged wanted to let him take you away - somewhere that you knew he’d make sure no one would find you. somewhere that he’d have you all to himself, safe and tucked away. somewhere that you wouldn’t have to have any more blood on your hands.
you knew which one you’d pick. a huge part of you wanted the first, but that wasn’t the tie breaker. it was the way he finally held you, shushed you and cooed so sweetly into your ear, when you’d finally let tears escape your eyes and sobs wrack your body when he’d given you your choices. it was when he finally untied you from the bed and tended to your sore wrists, pressing a soft kiss to each. it was when he drew you a bath and washed your hair, letting his hands run over ever inch of your skin as if he knew about just how much you missed it. it was when he pulled one of his shirts onto you and promised your favourite takeout as he pressed his lips to your temple, holding you close from there on and just breathing you in as if you’d been lost this entire time and he’d finally found you.
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straighttxhell · 3 years
Kkk, so, I don’t wanna fill your inbox all at once so Imma explain the thought process a bit, (Imma just do spoilers here cause you said you don’t like watching them) first, ikwydls, it’s basically a story about 4 high schoolers, they were out partying, the driver was drunk, they hit someone, thought they killed him, and dumped him in a nearby body of water, the next year around the same time of the incident they start getting threatening notes and weird stuff happens to them, cannon Courtney would 100% fulfil the rol of the killer here because the logic is very flawed but she’s still cool (and let’s be honest, vengeful). Then we have Jigsaw, I said Izzy because she’s definitely smart enough to actuallly make all the traps though now I’m not so sure about the moral code part of things. Prom is basically a movie where we see these three kids in their senior prom (week? I think?), and basically, when they were kids they bullied and killed a girl, promised they wouldn’t tell anyone, but now someone knows and is trying to kill them. It’s the girls brother who actually saw how they killed his sister and I fully believe Duncan would hold that grudge and wait until he was strong enough to take revenge. The original version of scream 3 had the killers be fans of the movie (in universe the tragedies of the first one are turned into a horror franchise) that try to replicate the movie, I think if you make Zoey a horror movie fan and a bit more unhinged she’d totally mange to convince part of the roti cast to do this shot with her. Then we have scape room which is basically, scape room, but deadly, there are complicated puzzles, if you can’t solve them in time you die, and people that are related by something get put there, there’s different reasons to be a designer but Noah has just the perfect mix of smarts and “fuck others, I put myself first” to make a killer room
Honestly I don't really care about the roti cast cause I never watched that season,,, so I'm sorry that I don't have any thoughts on that hehe
But I love everything else, I mean sure, I haven't watched any of those movies, I watched like the first 30 minutes of scream before falling asleep bc it was 4 am.
I love all your analysis like you really get their personalities and yes I can totally see them doing that, especially the Duncan one, he would definitely hold that grudge.
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gild-and-fire · 4 years
ggweek 2020: All About Rio
Tagged by the wonderful @inyoursheets and absurd @sothischickshe
Tagging (but no pressure!!) @fairhairedkings​ @missmaxime​ @briosgina​ @mrslackles​ 
Questions from here and I think I added a read more?
Why do I personally like or dislike Rio? (I added this one for fun)
A few different elements of Good Girls drew me in (humor, acting, UST, etc) and I have been hyperfixated hooked since! And not to get too real on the main--jk imma bare it all out here on the internet--I found Good Girls in a time when I didn’t really have much independence or agency in my life. So, obviously, beth being a boss bitch and rio being straight-up unhinged definitely satiated me.
Specifically, other than the fact that he is very very handsome and i would give him my life savings if he just said the word “muhney”, I love that he takes calculated risks (ie any risk he takes on beth), has fun being a prick (“what’s up, you miss me?”, “it’s too good, ma”, “need another bathroom break?”, “we’re consolidating”), has amazing outfits (no further comment), uses his charisma to cajole and charm people into compliance (rip Gil & Lucy), and yeah i just think he’s neat
What are your headcanons about Rio’s and Mick’s relationship? Did they meet through crime? Are they lifelong friends?
OH definitely best buds for LIFE who met during crime and then like just trusted each other’s judgement. I think Demon follows orders without a second thought (which Rio loves), Rio laughs manically whenever Demon says something sassy or rude (which Demon loves), and they neither one takes life too seriously, ya know? They’re both just having a good time and appreciate that the other is on the same wavelength.
Now that’s what is probable. What isn’t probable BUT I want dearly??
Mick barbeques every other month and Rio brings Marcus everytime
Rio and Mick have matching tattoos on their ankles from a very fun night in Canada
They play basketball together and the winner rubs the victory in the other’s face for the rest of the week. Rio always dunks on Mick, but Mick is surprisingly agile and good at stealing (bc he’s not wearing a tiny leather jacket duh)
Mick has tried to set Rio up with his many cousins by bringing them to the bar “coincidentally” at the same time Rio is there
They text each other pictures of their food and share restaurant/food truck suggestions
What are Rio’s hobbies outside of work and Marcus? What do you think he’d get up to on a day with absolutely no responsibilities?
ART! ART! ART! I will not accept any answers except for boxing/basketball and art. That man’s apartment was wayyy to gorgeous, and have you seen his hands?? I can only imagine the things he can do with a paintbrush
What do you think Rio’s goals for the future are?
Total mayhem and destruction (at the Boland residence)
What do you think Rio is bad at (cooking, dancing, singing, etc.)? How come?
There’s NO way he’s good at singing, but i would bet everything i have that he is a good dancer. I mean,, I could stare at the way he walks allllll day.
Why do you think Rio is drawn to Beth? + Why do you think Rio didn’t kill Beth?
Before I joined the fandom, I really questioned why either one was attracted to the other, and oftentimes, I was convinced that they simply were using each other for selfish reasons and for the sake of manipulating the other. Now, I still believe that they use each for selfish business reasons, but that genuine feelings and interests have also developed since around 1.06 and it has been challenging for both ever since business and personal have mixed.
I think the fact that they are two sides of the same coin makes their attraction so delicious for a viewer, but I think that they are both distrustful individuals and thus are destined to always second guess the other’s motivation even if they are being genuine. It kinda reminds me of Epifanio and Camila’s marriage in Queen of the South: they love each other, but the clash of their individual ambitions make it difficult to trust each other.
But, back to the question lol. I think Rio is drawn to Beth and hasn’t killed her because he understands her, sees himself in her, and enjoys how she challenges him. Specifically, they are both motivated by the desire to provide for their kid(s) and their love for crime. Beth hustles hard, leverages her unfortunate situations into advantageous ones, and only trusts herself--I think the same can be said for Rio and that he admires these parts of Beth.
What are your headcanons about Rio’s family? Siblings? Parents? Lifestyle growing up?
This is a tough one bc I absolutely love the different OCs created for Rio’s family and I think it’s so fun to see his older sisters clown him on the daily. However, I’m inclined to think he has one older sister because he drinks his respect women juice and has STRONG younger sibling vibes (re: constantly causing trouble but always acquitted). In my limited experience, I think older siblings have to be more responsible, and Rio plays it a little more fast and loose.
I would also venture a guess that if he had a “stable”/”traditional” childhood, he likely wouldn’t have fallen into crime? I have a hard time placing what his parents and upbringing was like, because I only have my frame of reference and like who thinks that’s sound judgement lol. But I suppose that Manny’s own backstory would be a good starting point: he grew up in a rough area, has traditional grandparents (who likely supervised Rio when his parents were working/not home), and is hustling to move up in the world. I also think that he is someone who has come to discover and define his own style over time, but wasn’t able to when he was younger.
Do you think Rio’s been arrested before Beth got him arrested in 1.10? When, and what for?
MY bby? My “too smart for his own good”, “two-steps-ahead” bby??? ABSOLUTEL Y  NOT  i think the shutdown episode is such a good example of why not, and i think we know that beth is a BIG, glaring exception in his normal business dealings, so getting arrested doesn’t happen often, if ever
If Rio weren’t a crime boss, what jobs do you think he’d be good at? Why?
OK so I went back and forth on this one. Let me explain my thoughts
I think he is well-suited for being a PM in tech because it requires “disruption” and Rio definitely loves to disrupt things lol, and he is a natural leader who can motivate a team to follow his lead.
I DO not think that working at a consulting firm or law firm or something businessy like that would be up his alley bc its way too stuffy and too many rules (ethics & compliance training, what the fuck?) But Rio is also good at being a snake
Maybe a math teacher? Before you laugh, hear me out. He’s good with kids, he’s good at math, and we know he likes to give lessons!! (does he do it well? Idk but obviously beth was ready to shoot boomer in S2 and then taught Max in s3, so there’s that lol)
But yeah, I think an entrepreneur in tech is perf bc is requires a certain degree of rule-breaking, a certain degree of charisma, and strong math/science skills.
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sasukeisawake · 4 years
ariiiii!!!! idk if there's anything i wanna tell u that u don't know already bc i have no filter lol but imma say this anyways! your writing is so ethereal and transcendent, and i feel like whenever i read something you've written, no matter what it's about, it speaks to some little part of my soul. i don't know how to describe it, but the words you weave onto the page speak to some cosmic thread that runs through the very essence of what it means to be human and yeah i just think that's neat :)
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KITTTTTT come catch this kith you absolute sweetheart!!! <333 this is fjalkfsdjflk SUCH a lovely compliment and so beautifully articulate i honestly don’t even know what to say i’m just sitting here like me???? i am the recipient of such beautiful words??? in all seriousness it really means the world to me that my writing speaks to you, that’s all i’ve ever wanted to achieve as a writer!!! :’))) 
and now for something that want to tell you before 2020 ends: meeting you (and the rest of the atlas gang) has been a real highlight of my year!! you’re so sweet and thoughtful and supportive, i honestly so admire how you always have a kind word for everyone and are always willing to listen to my unhinged ramblings on writing, kdramas and sports anime alike! you’ve got a really kind, beautiful soul, and i wish nothing but the best for you going into this new year!! ily bby, and happy new year!! <333
ask game: before 2020 ends tell me something you’ve always wanted to tell me
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dilfbatman · 4 years
Hi. I love your headcanons! Can I have some dark!Perseus ones? Thank you x
thank you so much! & OOH DARK!PERSEUS!! absolutely & remember i dont want him to have to face the trauma of getting there/experiencing this hurt YET i have always loved dark versions of characters SO HERE’S A FEW! :’) i’m new here so like i’m sure this has been done a million times but fkdndmxn here you go!
- dark!perseus is a master at manipulation and is an ace at detecting someone’s weakness in seconds while simultaneously assessing their strengths and envisioning how he can use it towards his advantage
- he is a master fighter and is well versed in nearly all types of battle (judo, jujitsu, sambo, savate, aikido etc...) think of black widow & john wick mixed together in a fight and you get perseus
- can bloodbend and very quickly disarm someone like that, has the ability to kill someone like that + the body is made up of water & liquids so any liquid i think he’s able to control. if you can poison a goddess in the depths of tartarus, truly a mere demigod/mortal/monster is nothing to you
- also has the powers of geokinesis and can cause mass earthquakes + has hydrokinesis so ofc he can cause hurricanes, tsunamis, typhoons & i think he can cause the air someone is breathing to cease bc i’m pretty sure there are some water molecules in the air so i think with enough mastery of his powers he can cut off oxygen
- imagine how ruthless and unstoppable he could be if he still beared the curse of achilles - to be impenetrable and near godlike? wild and chaos would ensue simply for the fun of it - you don’t wanna be near him/be the person who provokes him bc it will not end well for you
- he would be wrathful, chaotic, vengeful - and remember sciron? he was kind of like the antithesis of percy, while percy is kind, loyal, and has morals/fights for good, sciron was a bandit who manipulated, played, and tricked people to their deaths!
- but if imma keep it real as much as i LOVE dark sides to a character and see them be ruthless & unhinged i would hate for perseus to go through enough trauma to cause him to do such a thing, go through w causing pain/being pained enough to do such a thing, and deal w the aftermath! I Love Him Too Much
hope you enjoyed friend! this was my first time doing dark!percy djjdjdnd love you & thanks for the ask!
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phoebehalliwell · 5 years
don't you think that the leads lost their charm in later seasons? prue was actually very annoying bc of her 'imma superwitch i'll save everyone yadayadayada'. piper's development was great, but costume department made her look boring bc of wearing almost the same clothes. phoebe.. no offence, but no, although she's my fave. paige was a bit better, but i needed more facts. and leo, my poor guy, you were promising. what's your opinion? thank you 😘
i know the popular belief in the show was “they left s3 open ended so they could figure out whether or not they were firing shannen or alyssa” but let’s be real,,, s3 had a strong focus on phoebe, especially in regards to her love interest, and that was strongly implied in the s3 finale to continue to be an ongoing thing, whereas prue wouldn’t get a li to stick around from more than like two episode. i strongly believe that the writers knew they were killing off prue and because of this they put her character on the back burner, giving piper an offensive power and phoebe a complex li, and only really bringing prue to the forefront for “death takes a halliwell”. 
i really like piper’s development, i know some people argue that she sorta does s4 than stops but i think her growing as a sister and a mother wer both very strong plotlines (that being said almost every single “i want a life without magic” kick sucked but hey you can’t win em all). but in this you’ve actually hit on one of my key beefs with the show which is MAKE PIPER HOT. they were all running around like phoebe’s so sexy paige is so sexy, piper’s a mom like?????? they consistently played piper as the dowdy unimpressive one like pardon?? have you seen hmc????? now, my lil conspiracy theory was this was actually strongly driven by the fact that piper was first a) a married woman and b) a mother, and because of that, she shouldn’t be stuntin on em hoes, but this isn’t the 1950s yknow like if prue could range from neutral tones and practical cardigans to classic 90s crop tops there is simply no reason piper couldn’t as well.
phoebe............ oh phoebe what did they do to you? all i have to say is once brad kern took over phoebe tanked. her relationship with cole being her driving factor for like two seasons, then the desperate need for a child for the next two, it was like some horrible sexist caricature of what phoebe once was. i really do think alyssa tried to salvage phoebe and really keep her spirit alive when the writed simply proceeded to yeet her from one love interest to another, but the actresses themselves complained that they were all very far removed from the writing + creative processes as a whole, even as producers (it bc brad kern hates women!!)
paige’s development on the show was... fine, i guess, but its nothing compared to what they didn’t show us. punk rock alcoholic paige who witnesses her parents death, lands herself in uc berkely, cleans up her act, become a successful if not scatterbrained social worker And Then finds a long lost family?? yeah we barely got any of that. we got some growth in like,, responsiblity + opening up to family, but the fact that her pendulum tended to swing so violently from full-time witch to grand purpose outside of magic just felt like they never really had a true vision of who paige was at her core.
and then, of course, leo. ...... he was uhh.. y’know like what’s leo’s signature personality trait? what’s at his core? kind? because they definitely lost sight of that in the later seasons. loves piper? in almost every alternate timeline they were like divorce (which is another thing i have beef with). the thing with leo is he was either a deus ex machina or filler. we never truly got to see him shine out on his own as all of his plotlines were almost always tied to his relationship with piper. furthermore, i think he had a big case personality by plot, in which he would be come unnecessarily rude and/or unhinged in the later seasons, and i thought the original vision of a loving + supportive and genuinely kind man at his core was so severely betrayed by a certain showrunner who only knew how to move his plots forward through relationship drama.....................
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