#bc i threaten him that he has to brush his teeth
itneverendshere · 9 days
pogue reader getting sick but she can’t call out, but rafes fr mad at you about it
changed it a bit just bc i want to show reader's progress regarding her hyper-independence, they're already dating and past the "i love you" phase, i felt like some progress had to be made by this point, especially bc this is after their big fight in this. hope you enjoy <3
don't want less, don't want more - r.c
pairing: rafe x pogue!reader (bartender!reader universe)
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The floor beneath you feels like it's tilting, moving under your feet like a boat rocking on rough water. You blink a couple of times, hoping that’ll shake the haze taking over your vision, but it doesn’t do much. 
The bar lights over your head are too bright, and the music thumping from the speakers makes your head feel like it’s trapped in a vice. The clink of glass, every laugh, every order shouted at you feels like a hammer driving nails straight into your skull.
You swallow hard, trying not to gag. Your throat’s raw, and your chest feels tight, but you’re powering through it because you don’t have much of a choice. Not a choice at all.
"Whiskey sour, extra sour!" some country club douchebag yells from the other side of the bar.
His voice is like nails on a chalkboard. You force a smile and nod, reaching for the bottle, but your hands are shaky. You catch yourself on the edge of the bar before you can drop it.
This morning, you could barely get out of bed. Fever burning through you like you were standing too close to a bonfire, throat too sore to talk, and your head pounding so hard you thought you were going to pass out just brushing your teeth. 
You tried calling in. Tried. Told your manager, Greg, that you were sick as hell, couldn’t make it, but the guy just grunted like he always does. "Can’t afford anyone calling out today," he said. Like the world was going to end if you didn’t show up to sling drinks for a bunch of rich assholes.
So here you are.
You rub the back of your neck, trying to loosen up some of the tension building there, but it doesn’t help. Nothing really does at this point.
"Hey!" The guy who ordered the whiskey sour snaps his fingers in your face. "You deaf or something? Whiskey. Sour."
"Got it," You mutter, trying not to let your voice crack as you finally pour his drink. 
Your vision swims a little as you set it down in front of him, and for a second, you think you might actually faint right here at the bar.
That’d be something. Faceplant into a bunch of overpriced cocktails in front of half of the Kooks on this island. Greg would probably just step over you and ask you to get back to work.
You lean against the bar for a second. Your stomach rolls, threatening to revolt, but you choke it back. You can’t afford to be sick here. Not when you’re already in trouble with your manager for barely making it on time. You think back to the half-assed breakfast you tried to eat—if you can call a slice of toast breakfast—and how your stomach rejected it like poison.
Out of the corner of your eye, you spot Rafe coming in. And suddenly, you’re even more aware of how wrecked you are.
You know he still struggles with how independent you are sometimes. You’ve always been the kind of girl who handles things on her own, and Rafe has this tendency to think that means you don’t need him.
Today, though? You need him more than ever, but you couldn’t bring yourself to call for help.
You immediately know it’s gonna be a thing.
His eyes lock onto you from across the bar, and even through the fog in your head, you can see that look on his face. He’s pissed. Of course, he’s pissed. His jaw’s clenched like he’s biting back whatever rant he’s about to drop on you, and you can already feel the tension creeping up your neck.
Great, as if you didn’t feel bad enough already.
You try to stand a little straighter, look a little less like you're one second from collapsing, but your legs are jelly, and the room’s still spinning like you’re on some messed-up carnival ride.
You don’t want him to see how bad you’re hurting right now. But today? You’re too out of it to even try and explain.
He strides up to the bar, looking sharp, as usual. Meanwhile, you probably look like death warmed over. His eyes are scanning you, taking in the pale face, the way you’re gripping the edge of the bar like you’re about to keel over. You see his lips tighten, and yeah, he’s definitely about to lay into you.
“You didn’t call,” he says, voice low but definitely annoyed. He leans in, trying to keep this between just the two of you, but with how loud the bar is, it still feels like a confrontation.
“I’m fine,” you lie, forcing a smile that probably looks more like a grimace. 
Rafe’s eyes narrow. He’s not buying it. “You look like you’re about to pass out. Why didn’t you call me?”
You hate that you feel guilty.
“Because I’m handling it,” you say, voice softer now. But even you can hear how weak you sound.
It’s not convincing. Hell, you’re not even convinced.
He crosses his arms, looking down at you like you’re a puzzle he can’t figure out. “Handling it? Baby, you can barely stand.”
You let out a sigh, trying not to let it turn into a cough.
"I’m fine," you repeat, but even you know it sounds pathetic at this point. Your head feels like it's full of cotton, you’re not sure if you’ll make it through the next few minutes, let alone your entire shift.
But pride’s a bitch.
Rafe just stands there, arms crossed, staring at you like he’s waiting for you to come clean. You can feel his frustration, but there’s something else, too. Worry. It’s in the way his eyes keep flicking over your face, how his fingers are tapping against his arm like he’s holding himself back from just scooping you up and carrying you out of here.
"I heard from Topper," he finally says, like he’s been holding that card in his back pocket. You blink, trying to keep up. "He saw you at the club earlier, said you didn’t look right."
Great. Freaking Topper. Of course, idiot couldn’t mind his own business. You can almost picture him, all dressed up in some preppy golf outfit, spotting you from across the course and making a note to text Rafe the second he saw something off.
Rafe’s still watching you, waiting for a reaction.
You open your mouth, trying to come up with some excuse, some way to brush it off, but your brain’s too foggy, and all you manage is a weak, "I was fine then."
He raises an eyebrow. "Yeah? 'Cause Top said you looked like you were about to hurl on the 9th hole." He’s trying to keep his voice low, but you can tell he’s annoyed. Not at Topper, not even really at you—just at the whole situation.
You want to snap back, tell him you’re fine, that you’ve got it under control. But instead, all that comes out is another tired sigh. “Greg wouldn’t let me call out. Said they needed me.”
“You serious?”
Rafe’s jaw clenches so tight you think you hear his teeth grind. His hands come out of his pockets, flexing like he’s about to hit something—or someone. He runs a hand through his hair like he’s trying to calm himself down before he says something he’ll regret.
But you know him—he’s never been great at holding back when he’s pissed. And right now? He’s definitely pissed.
“Greg said that?” His voice is low, but there’s this dangerous edge to it, like he’s two seconds away from losing it, “You should’ve called me. I would’ve come down here, I would’ve—”
“I know.” You cut him off because you do know.
He would’ve dropped everything and come running. That’s exactly why you didn’t call. You didn’t want to be the a burden again. Like you said, you’re still working on yourself.
Rafe leans against the bar, his whole body radiating this intensity that makes you feel both comforted and nervous.
“So, let me get this straight,” he says, voice louder now, not even bothering to keep it low-key anymore. “You’re sick as hell, and that asshole wouldn’t let you stay home?”
You wince. He’s drawing attention now, people at the bar starting to glance over. You hate seeing him like this, but you don’t have the energy to smooth things over.
“Rafe, please—” you start, but he cuts you off.
“No, seriously. What kind of fucking manager forces someone to come in when they’re this sick?” His voice carries, and a couple of the other bartenders are giving you looks, like they can’t decide if they’re more surprised or impressed by Rafe’s audacity, "You’re killing yourself for this job, and he doesn’t give a fuck.”
You glance toward the back, hoping Greg’s still in the office and not witnessing this meltdown. The last thing you need right now is more heat from him. But of course, your luck sucks, because just as Rafe’s ramping up, Greg strides out from the back, clipboard in hand, that same stupid scowl on his face like he’s already annoyed at everything.
Rafe spots him instantly, and if you thought he was mad before, now he’s on a whole other level.
"Greg!" Rafe calls out, loud enough that half the bar turns to look. Your stomach sinks. This is about to get ugly.
Greg stops dead in his tracks, his eyes flicking to Rafe and then back to you. He knows. He knows exactly what’s about to happen, and he’s already losing the upper hand.
“Yeah, Rafe?” Greg’s voice is weak, almost shaky. Like he’s trying to keep it together, but he knows he’s got no chance. Rafe’s family literally owns half the island—Greg’s just some middle manager with too much attitude.
Your boyfriend steps forward, slow and deliberate, closing the space between them like he’s already won this thing.
“You made her come in today?” His voice is calm, but it’s that scary kind of calm that’s worse than yelling. The kind that makes your stomach drop because you know the person holding it together is barely holding back.
Greg opens his mouth to respond, but all that comes out is this pathetic mumble. “We… we were short-staffed.”
Rafe raises an eyebrow, his lips pulling into this cold, humorless smile. “Short-staffed?” He glances at you, and you feel the heat rising in your cheeks. You really didn’t want this to turn into a scene, but here you are. “You see how she looks right now? You made her come in like this?”
Greg’s eyes flick back and forth between you and Rafe, and you can see the panic starting to set in. He’s sweating now, probably realizing that this little power trip he’s on is about to bite him in the ass. “She didn’t… uh… say she couldn’t work…”
“She told you she was sick,” Rafe cuts him off, voice like steel. “You’re the manager, right? Thought that meant taking care of your staff. Guess I was wrong.”
Greg’s mouth opens and closes like he’s trying to think of something to say, but nothing’s coming. He looks like a deer caught in headlights, knowing any move he makes right now could get him fired. Hell, maybe even blacklisted from every job on the island. The Cameron’s have that kind of pull.
“I-I didn’t realize how bad it was,” Greg finally stammers, but even he doesn’t sound convinced by his own excuse.
Rafe takes another step forward, practically towering over Greg now. “You didn’t realize?” He laughs, but there’s no warmth in it. “Look at her, man. How could you not realize?”
You wince as the room seems to get quieter, everyone watching this power struggle unfold. You’d rather be anywhere but here right now, but you also know that Rafe’s not letting this slide.
Greg takes a step back, wiping the sweat off his forehead with the back of his hand. 
“I-I was just trying to keep things running. We… we were slammed.”
Rafe’s smile drops, and now it’s just pure ice. “You think that’s a good enough reason to put my girlfriend’s health at risk?”
Greg looks like he’s about to pass out himself at this point, but he manages to mutter, “No… no, I—I didn’t mean…”
“Here’s the deal, Greg,” Rafe says, voice low but dangerous. “You’re gonna back off. Let her finish this shift if she wants. If she doesn’t? She’s out, no questions asked. And next time, when she says she’s sick, you listen.”
Greg nods so fast it’s like his head’s on a swivel. “Of course, of course, Rafe. I didn’t mean any disrespect. I just—”
“Good,” Rafe interrupts, already turning away like he’s done with this conversation. “Glad we’re on the same page.”
Greg just stands there, wide-eyed and frozen, clearly too scared to even argue. He stammers some half-hearted apology, but Rafe’s already turning back to you, brushing the whole thing off like it was nothing.
You look up at him, still in shock at how quickly Greg folded. “You really didn’t need to do that.”
He shrugs, leaning back against the bar with that easy confidence he always has. “Yeah, I did,” he says, his tone softening now that it’s just the two of you. “I’m not gonna let some nobody push you around like that.”
You sigh, feeling both relieved and slightly embarrassed. “You know he’s probably gonna hate me even more now.”
Rafe smirks, like that’s the least of his concerns. “Who cares? He won’t say a fuckin’ thing. Trust me.”
“Everyone’s going to say a thing, baby. They’re gonna think I have some kind of privilege because I’m dating you.”
Rafe’s smirk softens. He steps a little closer, lowering his voice so only you can hear him over the dull roar of the bar.
“Let them think whatever they want,” he says, his hand brushing against yours. “You’ve been busting your ass here long before I ever stepped in. Nobody can take that from you.”
You bite your lip, feeling everyone’s eyes on you, judgment and curiosity. He’s right in a way—you’ve been working extra hard. But still, it’s hard to ignore the feeling that now, everyone’s going to assume you’ve got some special treatment just because of Rafe’s name.
“It’s not about that,” you murmur, “I just—don’t want people thinking I can’t stand on my own. I don’t want to be the girl who hides behind her boyfriend’s power.”
Rafe tilts his head, studying you with that look he always gives when he knows you're holding back.
“You think that’s what this is?” His voice is steady, his tone a little softer now. “This wasn’t about power, baby. This was about someone treating you like you didn’t matter. And I’m not letting anyone—anyone—do that to you.”
He’s not wrong.
Greg didn’t give a damn about how sick you were, only about keeping the bar running, like you were replaceable. And you hate how right Rafe is, how much you needed someone to step in, even if it makes you feel a little helpless. You swallow hard, the tightness in your chest easing slightly, though your body still feels like it’s been run over by a truck.
“And you’re not working anymore today, or the next week for that matter. You’re gonna get your ass in my car and we’re going to the doctor.”
You nod, knowing there’s no arguing with Rafe when he’s like this, but part of you still feels guilty.
Not for needing help exactly, but for not being able to handle it all on your own. You've always been the girl who grits her teeth and gets through it, but today? Your body is screaming at you that you just can’t. Not anymore.
Rafe’s watching you closely, like he’s waiting for you to argue, but you don’t. You’re too drained. The adrenaline from the confrontation with Greg is wearing off, and now all you feel is this bone-deep exhaustion.
“I’m not going to a doctor,” you say, even though you know you probably should. “Just home. I just need to sleep.”
He narrows his eyes like he’s trying to read between the lines of what you’re saying, but then he just nods. “Fine. But if you’re not better by tomorrow, I’m dragging you to urgent care. No arguments.”
You give him a weak smile, trying to show you appreciate it even though you feel like crap.
Without another word, he moves around the bar, ignoring Greg’s gawking and the way everyone’s still sneaking glances at you two. He gently takes the towel out of your hand, sets it on the counter, and slips an arm around your waist.
It’s the first time you’ve felt stable all day, leaning into him like you might actually make it to the car without collapsing.
“I don’t think I can afford an appointment.”
He looks at you like you’ve just said the most ridiculous thing in the world. His arm tightens around your waist, steadying you as you start to sway a little on your feet.
"Not worried about the money.”
You try to shake your head, but the movement makes you dizzy, and you stop, letting out a breath you didn’t realize you were holding.
"I just don’t want to be that person, you know? Relying on you for everything."
He gives you a side glance, eyebrows raised.
"Baby, you’re not relying on me for everything. You’re literally sick, and I’m not about to let you tough it out just because you’re too stubborn to ask for help. We’ve talked about this a million times.”
"I guess," you mumble, letting your head rest against his shoulder as you walk towards the door.
"No guessing about it," he says, softer now, his fingers brushing your arm in a way that makes you feel more grounded. "You’ve been holding down the fort for too long. Let me take care of you for once."
The air outside hits you like a slap, but Rafe keeps you close, leading you toward his car. Your legs are weak, the fever still simmering under your skin, but his body warmth keeps you upright.
"Thanks," you whisper, even though it feels weird to say. You’re not used to thanking people for basic care, but with Rafe, it feels different.
He pauses, opening the passenger door for you.
"You don’t gotta thank me, okay? I’m just doing what anyone who loves you would do."
Your heart skips at that. You’re still not used to how easily he says stuff like that, like it’s no big deal. But he’s rubbing off on you, because you can say it just as easily now.
“I love you too, sorry for being a pain in your ass.”
Rafe chuckles as he helps you into the car, leaning down to make sure you’re settled before he shuts the door. He bends down and presses a gentle kiss to your forehead.
"You're always a pain in my ass," he murmurs against your skin, grinning as he pulls back just enough to look at you. "But you’re my pain in the ass, and that’s what matters."
You can’t help but roll your eyes, but there’s a smile tugging at your lips despite how wrecked you feel. The fever, the headache, the exhaustion—it all takes a backseat, at least for a moment. 
Knowing Rafe’s always got your back? That makes it a little easier to breathe.
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chososdiscordkitten · 7 months
...No Sex?
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Synopsis: Mutual masturbation w Choso with a lil sum extra
Pairing: Choso x fem!reader Content: porn w/ sum feelings, established relationship, no penetrative sex bcs no protection, Choso isnt a virgin!!!! fingering, handjob, mutual masturbation, multiple orgasms, oral (F), overstim if you squint (F), Choso has a big cock, spit, cum eating, Choso munch propaganda, a sprinkle of dirty talk, Choso king of consent!!!
(a.n) finally I write something where it isnt raw intercourse, r u proud? it took everything in me to not write the end with a creampie👍🏽
It was that uneasy step in a developing relationship, where you could spend day and night together but still be shy to instigate a deeper kiss. And when the topic of intimacy came up- both of you agreed to take things slow in that department.
It was supposed to just be a movie night- supposed to be sinless, just two people having a sleepover. But somewhere between the sex scene blaring on the tv and the discarded dialogue, you found yourself straddling Choso’s thighs. Your knees bent on the cushions of the couch as your hands held onto the sides of his face desperately. Teeth clashing against each other trying to find solace on the others lips.
His hands were massaging your hips, threatening to rise up the bottom of your t-shirt, your core pressing down on the forming bulge in his sweats with a low moan vibrating into your mouth. Choso trailed his hand to the side of your neck, pulling away from you and soaking in the neediness in your eyes. 
“I thought-” he murmured in a whisper, his lips pink from how desperate the kiss was. “I thought we were gonna wait.” he finished- his hand making note of how warm your cheek felt in his palm.
You sighed, rolling your hips lightly, feeling the mound of his cock brush against your aching core. You furrowed your eyebrows, scanning his expression. Though his eyebrows were pinched in worry, and his words were laced with a pained tone- his eyes contradicted them. Dark, full of need and lust that you had only seen glimmers of before now.  
You bit your lip softly, recalling the conversation Choso was referring to. “...No sex?” he reminded, causing your hips to press firmer onto his pained bulge in frustration. Being able to feel how hard he was- even through the layers of clothes. 
“We don't have to have sex,” you whispered, taking a hand from his neck and placing it to the one on your hip.
Guiding it to trail to the front of your torso, slowly leaning in closer with parted lips. “You can touch me.” you breathed, leading his hand to cup the underside of your breast. Choso unwillingly let out a breathy grunt, feeling your clothed breast fill his palm. Dragging your hips against the bulk in his bottoms as you looked into his eyes, your lips brushed against his as you left his hand on your tit, placing your own onto his thick bicep. 
Choso closed his eyes with a sigh before connecting his lips with yours again. Sloppy and unpatterned as your tongue wasted no time in slipping into his mouth again. Softly rolling your hips against his, Choso’s hand lightly squeezed the clothed curve of your breast, feeling your nipple harden beneath the fabric. Cursing you for not even thinking of wearing a bra.
He pulled away from you again, the blush on his cheeks darkening. Practically whined into the air between you as your hips refused to quicken their slow pace. 
Choso grazed his thumb over the little pebble formed beneath your t-shirt, “Is this okay?” he whispered with a light squeeze, earning a small whimper to escape your lips with a nod. His eyebrows slightly creased as the hand on your waist tightened its grip, following your small drags before guiding you to press down further. “And this?” he huffed, feeling the warmth of your cunt radiate onto his strained cock.
You leaned in to kiss him, admiration filled breaths at his need for permission and guidance. You felt the hand on your hip roam up the bottom of your shirt, his warm fingertips lightly grazing your back as you pulled away from him, taking your hands from his neck and going for the hem of your shirt. 
Desperation filled the movement of you taking off your oversized t-shirt, wasting no time in pressing your lips back onto Choso’s. His hands weren’t as confident as before, resting on the upper part of your hips, refusing to go back to the place they were held above the fabric. 
Your hand trailed from his shoulder down to the one on your hip- repeating the guidance from earlier and feeling his calloused hand graze your torso. Choso pulled away from you, lightly exhaling as he felt the warmth of your bare breast fill his palm. Eye to eye as his other hand pressed onto your side. 
Choso turned himself over with you on his lap, holding onto you as he eased you to lay on your back, your thighs on either side of his hips as he straightened his spine. Leaving Choso on top, his knees bent as he held his hands on your hips. Choso looked down at your bare chest with a gulp. Unknowing if he'd be able to keep up his end of the agreement. 
His hands traveled to the hem of his own shirt, pulling it off at an alarming speed before leaning down to kiss you again. Chest to chest as your hands snaked past his pale waist and onto his broad back, grazing your nails lightly against the skin causing him to shiver. His happy trail tickling your tummy.
Choso’s alarmingly hard cock pressed against the thin fabric of your own bottoms, his hips threatened- threatened to buck into you. 
You whined into his mouth from the lack of stimulation against the ache between your thighs. Causing you to push against his unmoving hips with a fussy whimper, noting how the lack of friction was excruciating. 
So much so, that when you pulled away from him, a line of spit was drawn between your lip and his as Choso looked into your bleary eyes- it was almost painful the way you whimpered, “Please touch me.” with a burning tone. 
Choso placed one firm wet kiss onto your lips before straightening his back again, looking down to your hands that all but snapped to the drawstring of your pants. Tugging on the thin string before going to pull the band down, Choso’s hands rested atop the thin pajama fabric before helping you pull them off as you swung your leg to meet with the other on one side of his thigh.
Yanking the bottom off of you before you spread your legs once more, lifting your hips slightly so your bottom could rest on his lower thighs, giving him an unobstructed view of your clothed cunt. 
Choso’s lips parted in amazement, the mouth watering sight of your damp panties causing his cock to twitch beneath the two unavoidable layers of fabric in reaction. He flashed his eyes up at you- shining and pleading. Silently, ‘can I?’ he mouthed, earning your eyebrows to furrow at his request. 
His hands rested on your bare thighs, softly gripping and kneading the plush as he waited for your answer. 
You nodded your head, looking at his large hand against the thickness as he trailed it to your inner thigh. He gulped looking at the contour of your cunt against the thin fabric of your panties. The wetness that created a growing dark spot on them, accentuated the little mound where your clit was. 
It was almost obscene the way his mouth watered by just looking at your clothed cunt. Choso raised his hand from your inner thigh, trailing the other onto your hip and kneading it softly. His hand slowly closed the space between his fingers and your damp panties. 
You let out a small sigh feeling his thumb press against the covered source of the slick. Feeling him drag it up to where your clit peaked beneath the wet fabric, watching with burning eyes as he lightly circled his thumb onto your clit. Looking up at you before whispering, “You're so wet-” 
Sucking in his breath as he watched as your hips slightly twitch from the light circles. Choso was so sure he could cum untouched if he just touched you like this. 
Only your hand trailed up the side of his clothed thigh, urging him to undo his own pants. He didn't hesitate in removing his palm on your thigh and placing it to the band of his strained sweats, shoving it down with a gruff as the wet spot on his briefs hit the air. 
Your hips unwillingly pushed into his thumb from seeing the large bulge in more detail. Parting your lips from the sudden pressure, “Need more Cho-” you murmured, seeing his eyes bat up to look at you, the look of excitement was evident on his features- almost mortified from the ease in which you said that. 
Choso didn't know how he could give you more without it leading to sex. So to urge him, you traced your hand down your bare torso and meeting it to your damp panties.
He pulled his thumb away from your clothed clit and examined as you hooked your fingers to the side of your panties, pulling the crotch aside to reveal your cunt to him. 
Choso’s jaw fell ever so slightly with a dreamy sigh as his eyes engulfed the sight of your glistening cunt. Taking a few seconds to admire it as his cock throbbed in his briefs before you looked at him, raising your eyebrows to coax him to do the same. 
He hesitantly laid his fingers onto the band of his briefs, being able to feel your gaze on his bulge. Gently tugging down the band as his cock flung from the fabric. 
You furrowed your eyebrows and parted your lips as you scanned it. His reddening tip leaking small tears of pre, pale shaft with a pretty curve upwards, dark, trimmed pubes that blended into his happy trail. Choso watched you with his jaw clenched, trying to gauge what you were thinking as you looked at it. 
You knew he was on the bigger side- the times where he'd wear sweats with no underwear (slut), it would've been a crime not to look at the print. But looking at it now, unclothed and hard- he was so fucking hard. It had your cunt clenching around nothing, feeling a splash of bittersweetness knowing that actual intercourse wasn't on the docket. And god, how thick-
“You okay?” he spoke up in a murmur, his shoulders shifting from you gawking at his member. You flashed your eyes back up to him, “We can stop if you-” 
“I'm fine-” you sighed, nodding your head almost too eager as he breathed deeply, “I’m fine.” you recited. A small tear of clear pre oozing from his tip from your words. A deep blush on his cheeks with a clenched jaw adorning his face.
Choso could feel his blushed cheeks tingle from the words he thought of saying, “Can I-” he inhaled, feeling his tip twitch against the air at the question, “Can I touch you?” As though touching you through a barrier of clothing was one thing- but skin to skin. No, being able to feel you- feel your unmasked skin against his fingers, how soft you'd be. How wet you are- Choso could practically feel your slick against his fingers by just thinking about it. 
You let out a shuddered breath, a light whine in the shape of an ‘Mhm’ with a nod. Scanning his expression as he looked back down to your cunt. Bordering on frenzy as he pressed the tips of his middle and ring finger to the source of your slick. You sighed a quiet whimper, watching his eyes ogle your cunt in disbelief.
A low groan fell from his parted lips as he trailed his fingers up your cunt, gliding with ease as they reached your perched clit. You bit your lip with a whimper as he looked back at your face, keeping a light touch on your cunt as he rubbed gente circles on the tip of your clit. 
He didn't know much- but he knew where you needed to be touched from the porn he watched to ‘study’, fearing for the day to come and he not know what to do with you. Though he wasn't a virgin, a handful of drunken one night stands he barely remembered. But now, he was painfully sober, all too nervous of his actions and too concerned if he was doing everything correctly. 
You huffed a ragged breath as you watched his bottom lip quiver, trailing your sight down to his reddening tip- thinking it had to be painful right now. But Choso couldn't feel it- he was too distracted by the way your cunt pulsed from the light circles his fingers made against your clit. 
Choso wanted to feel you from the inside- stopping the light touches on your clit, trailing them down to your entrance that invited him in with every clench your cunt unwillingly made. He flashed his eyes back up at you, pressing the tips of his fingers to the source of your slick- being able to feel it pulse against his fingers. 
Almost asking permission, Choso circled the tips of his thick digits at your entrance- God you were practically sucking them in. You nodded your head- not wanting to even speak, scared it would come out needy and whiny. 
Choso looked back down to your sopping cunt, pushing in his middle finger and hearing you huff out. He furrowed his eyebrows feeling your walls surround his finger, pushing in slowly till his knuckle couldn't push any further. You observed his expression with a nibbled lip as you awaited him to take care of himself. Wanting to watch him stroke his cock. Needing to see it.
Full of pure delirium as he tried pulling his finger from your cunt- only to feel you sucking it back in with every flutter. “so pretty.” he mumbled, you only whined his name in response- embarrassed by the compliment. You reached your hands out to him, pulling him close as he curled his finger up. Connecting your lips to his again as you reached for his cock. 
Soft moans coming from Choso’s lips and rumbling onto yours as you grasped his shaft- his warmth filling your palm. Stroking him gradually as he slowly slid his finger out of you, pressing it to his ring finger and pushing in again, breaking the kiss with a gasp at the sudden change in thickness. 
Hands locked in his hair as you stared into his eyes. Softly moaning as he pushed his fingers into you, the loud sounds of the movie discarded as he slipped his fingers in- God. It was obscene the noises your cunt made. Even over the volume of the tv.
Your hand on his cock slowing its motion- unable to focus as he curled his fingers up trying to find that special spot-
A shuddering gasp left your lips with pinched eyebrows, his eyes widening at the sudden clench around his fingers. Unavoidable was the thought of how it would feel around his cock. 
Choso wanted to hear more- he wanted to see that expression on your face again. 
Almost greedily he nudged into the spongy spot inside of you- grasping even harder on his scalp in return as he slowly pumped into the spot your own fingers could barely reach.
As you held his cock in your hand, you sighed- wanting it inside so desperately. You pressed your lips against his, hoping those thoughts would leave you, knowing it was too soon. 
Even if your hand was waning its strokes, Choso found pleasure in your warm cunt- in the small inhaling moans you’d take as you pressed your tongue against his. 
You couldn't take it- the twitching of his cock in your hand, unable to shake away the words. You pulled away from his lips, looking into his eyes as you let out a small moan- his slow pumping fingers making it difficult to filter the plea- “Put it in, Choso-” you sighed, watching his eyebrows pinch at your request. 
It was tempting, but Choso couldn't find the gall to do it, “But you said-” he mumbled, keeping the slow pace of his fingers, ignoring your hand that lightly squeezed his shaft.
“I don’t care-” you whined, pressing a kiss against his lips feeling your thighs lightly quake beside his hips. “Please.” you whimpered, bucking your hips into his fingers and pouting your lip. As you did that, Choso felt the last reservation of being polite- leave him. 
“Okay-” he huffed, needing very little convincing before connecting his lips to yours almost feverishly and situating himself properly between your thighs, keeping his fingers inside of you as his cock rested daringly close to your cunt. 
You pulled away from him once more, “Do you have anything?” you muttered, small moans leaving your lips as his fingers pressed into your sweet spot gently, feeling your lips brush against his with every word.
Choso nodded his head ‘no’, “Do you?” he whispered, almost pained. You sighed against his lips, nodding your head ‘no’. He murmured “Are you on anything?” trying to find some kind of justification for actually fucking you raw. You almost let out a whimper as you nodded, clenching your cunt around Choso’s fingers in shame at the words you dared say. 
“Can you pull out in time?” you huffed, feeling his tip inch closer and closer to your slick. So desperate to just feel him - how you’d feel so full once he was inside. Choso exhaled feeling your cunt clench around his fingers, recalling the times he's tried to time his orgasms to see if he could rely on that method. 
It never worked. 
Knowing he wasn’t be able to time his orgasms by himself, let alone pull out of your welcoming cunt in time if he was actually fucking you.
Choso nodded his head ‘no’ with a disappointed sigh, if he couldn’t fuck you- he would make sure you were satisfied rather than leave you like this. So he pressed a kiss to your lips, trying to soothe the disappointment decorating your face as you thought if plan b’s were actually an efficient form of contraceptives. 
He straightened his back, determined to make his fingers be enough for you. You watched him place his hand onto your upper thigh- almost as though he was contemplating what he was about to do. 
You gave him soft moans as he kept up the slow pace- urging him to do as he pleased in that moment.
Choso raised his hand from your thigh, keeping a steady pace with his digits as he splayed four fingers atop your belly, you inhaled with a whimper as his thumb rested on your clit, watching your expression to gauge if this was okay. 
Only it was more than okay- it was fucking astronomically okay. Your back arched in the slightest, pressing your knuckles to your parted lips as he started rubbing small circles on your clit.
Being able to hear your cunt squelch around his fingers as you clenched, “Does-” he whispered, fully ignoring his cock that was screaming at him for attention- “Does it feel good?” He murmured, barely legible from the action scene on the tv. 
You moaned a curse, toes threatening to curl against the couch as you fluttered your eyes closed, his thumb dragging out the circles on your clit. Moaning softly before, “F-feels s’fucking good.” you slurred, feeling Choso’s hands pick up the pace at your assurement.
Since your cunt was plugged by his fingers, the slick gathered by your clit was waning- and not wanting it to hurt, Choso mindlessly gathered the spit that pooled in his mouth as he watched your cunt. Pulling his thumb from your clit and aiming. 
Your body jolted in response- unknowing where the sudden spurt of liquid that fell directly onto your clit came from.
You opened your eyes, seeing the expression on Choso’s face return back to the petrified one he wore earlier. His lips were parted, and that's when you realized he just spit onto your clit- Choso flashed his eyes back up to you, trying to see if you were okay with it, even if it was already done. 
You reached your hand down to the one on your tummy. Shakily reaching down to where he spit and started moving your fingers against your clit, mixing his saliva with your mess. “Touch yourself Choso- please.” you whimpered, being able to feel the ache his cock must've felt at that point from just looking at it. Watching his astounded eyes gawk at your face. Not understanding how you were able to voice what you wanted with such ease. 
And as you asked of him, Choso placed his hand onto his base, making sure not to falter the steady pumps with his right hand. Now that he was forced to acknowledge it, he could feel the ache on his purpling tip from how ignored it was. 
Your eyes followed his hand, watching as he slowly stroked his shaft- though he's jacked off before, this was the first time he did it with his non-dominant hand.
A sigh of satisfaction filled with ecstasy left your lips, watching him slowly stroke his pretty cock. It didn't take long for Choso to get to the same place you were- all he had to do was pretend his fingers that were pumping inside your twitching cunt were replaced by his cock. 
Your fingers on your clit fastened, chest heaving and going slack jawed. Choso gathered you were close and wanted to finish with you. Your cunt twitching around his hard working fingers in a way he would have never been able to picture before now. 
“Choso-” you called his name in a pant, trying to keep your eyes open as you watched his hand sloppily stroke himself. Your moans sounded like a hymn to Choso- even more so when you sprinkled his name between them.
With a few more nudges into that spot that forced your eyes closed, you gasped- back arching with a churned face. Your cunt fluttered around his fingers as you halted the circles on your clit. Choso fisted himself quicker, groaning loudly and unashamed as his cum oozed from his cockhead. His teeth clenched as he stroked past his dribbling tip. 
Unwillingly his seed dripped on the damp fabric of your panties, and onto your cunt- coating your fingers and his own. Mixing with your own mess as he pulled his fingers from your cunt. 
As you tried catching your breath, you opened your eyes, looking down to see Choso staring at your messied cunt with prideful eyes. You bit your lip as he placed his index and middle finger onto your cunts lips, spreading them the tiniest bit and watching his cum trickle down your pulsing entrance. 
It was carnal the way his mouth watered at the sight. All it took was for you to clench absentmindedly, causing a quiet squelch to come from it, for Choso to shift off of the couch. His messy hands on your hips as he kneeled on the ground. Moving you with him as he did what was calling at him since you were in his lap. 
His hands pulled your dirty panties from you, wanting there to be nothing between you and him, even if they were pushed to the side.
And as he came face to face with your cunt, you furrowed your eyebrows, “Choso you don't ha-” you tried saying, only for his tongue to run up your sloppy cunt- his eyes closing with a light moan as he tasted his seed mixed with your slick. 
It wasn't enough time to fully come down from the first orgasm he pulled from you, not on purpose- but he was starting to over work you as he latched his lips onto your clit. 
Your hips tried to wiggle from his grasp, only for him to hold you in place with his strong arms. Greedily lapping up the mess you created with him. You thralled your head back into the cushions, grabbing a fistful of his hair and pulling lightly. ‘jesus f-fuck-’ you managed, unwillingly bucking your hips against his face. Which only caused starved groans to vibrate against you. 
In some odd way Choso was thinking up ways to justify what he was doing. Just trying to clean you up? Make sure you were satisfied? 
No, the only right answer was that from the moment he saw your drenched panties- he needed to taste you. Uncaring if his seed was lathered thick on your cunt, mixing with the silk seeping from your entrance. 
You snapped your hand down to his that held your thigh- his grip so tight he was creating indents with his fingertips. Choso stared up at you- eyes dark and fucking starved as he laced his fingers with yours. It didn't take long for him to push you into another orgasm, barely recuperated from the first one.
Feeling your grip tighten against his hand, Choso watched your face churned the way it did earlier- already memorizing it and knowing it meant you were close. 
Even if his cock was already hard again- even if every brain cell in his mind was telling him to pull away from you and relieve the ache between his legs, not caring if there wasn't any protection. Choso would stay between your thick thighs if it meant he got to see that expression on your face, over and over again. 
The moans that fell from your lips were guttural- gasping for air as your thighs pressed against the side of his face, back arching as he lapped at anything that came from your cunt. 
Your hips  started twitching as his mouth refused to part from you. Accidentally overstimulating you, eyes closed as though he was gaining pleasure from this, “Choso-” you panted with a whine, lightly pulling on his hair to pull him from you. 
He opened his eyes, releasing your clit from his mouth and looking at you to see what was wrong. His cheeks, his chin, and his lips glistening with your slick, “Did you-” he asked, already knowing the answer but wanting to hear it from you. 
You sighed, almost in disbelief at how he could ask that. Furrowing your eyebrows and resting back onto the couch as he loosened his grip on your thighs. Trying to catch your breath as he placed one last kiss to your clit, earning your shoulders to jolt from the contact. Trailing kisses onto your inner thighs as he worked his way up your torso.
Moving your thighs back onto the couch before laying atop you, steadying your breath as he moved you to lay on your side, holding you close to his chest. “I literally almost died and you have to ask me if I came.” you scoffed, hearing a small laugh puff from his nose. 
You exhaled, closing your eyes and melting into his grasp. “Remind me to pick up condoms tomorrow.” You murmured against his chest, being able to feel it quicken against your temple at the request.
⋆ ˚。 ⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。 ⋆
though this was a lil more tame, still was fucking hot to write heheheheh
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holy-puckslibrary · 8 months
━ 𝐛𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡 𝐛𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐤𝐞𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐚 𝐛𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐞. 
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pairing(s) — JAMIE DRYSDALE x reader (est. relationship) wc — 1.5k synopsis — jamie can’t keep his hands to himself, and neither can his girlfriend. (prompted on this ask)
note — title’s from summertime by bon jovi + yes, this is a re-upload from the main blog (@holy-pucks) since nothing of mine posted there shows up in the tags. if you’ve already liked or shared that post, i would really appreciate you doing the same with this new one :) thx a million in advance! xx 
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specific content warnings listed below the cut.
cw — alcohol consumption/tipsy!reader x tipsy!jamie, accidental exhibitionism (jamie getting handsy at a bonfire bc he just can't resist lol), suggestive lang + innuendo, + general fluffy filth but nothing super explicit really, pretty tame for me tbh 
jamie drysdale has never been so pleased to have lost a fight in his entire life.
he didn't think it'd get cold enough to warrant lugging around an extra blanket (meaning him, not you—he's a gentleman). you thought otherwise, and pestered him until there was one neatly folded in the backseat.
objectively speaking, jamie was right; it wasn't even chilly. he was actually a little warm, if he was being honest, but that had a lot more to do with his wandering, beer-soaked mind than the weather or a superfluous layer.
—and he had a tent in his pants to prove it.
it's his own fault. he pulled you into his lap when there were more than enough lawn chairs scattered around the blazing fire, knowing full-well you fidget when you're tipsy. jamie knows you can't sit still to save your life, yet he sat you across his thighs anyway. and now he—and his raging hard-on—are paying the price.
he isn't embarrassed he's turned on, that's not the problem. that's never the problem. you've been dating for years, and anyone who's shocked by the effect you have on him has bigger problems than jamie's attraction to his own girlfriend.
it's the fact that he's about ten seconds away from pulling your suit to the side and rutting into you in the middle of a public beach with his friends not even a foot away.
someone across the half-moon crowd says something that makes you laugh—makes you wiggle. jamie's hands tighten on your hips to keep you still, but, by this point in the night, his body is too lax to be of much help. if anything, the impassioned touch eggs you on, and it isn't long before his hips are moving to match your mostly-involuntary movements.
jamie hisses through gritted teeth, jaw clenched so tight it aches. "baby, quit it—please."
fluttering half-lidded eyes meet his, clock his internal struggle, and immediately twinkle with mischief. under the guise of shifting your attention, you rub the outside of your thigh against the bulge threatening to tear his trunks.
"quit what?" you ask with a demure smile, your hands looping themselves around his neck. warm fingertips play with the feathered locks tickling his sunburnt neck, making him shiver.
"you know what," he glares. "i don't know when we'll get back home, and you're driving me insane."
"touch me here."
blinking in disbelief, he balks. "w-what?"
"touch. me. here."
each word is punctuated with a chaste peck to his ever-reddening cheek. the succinct affection bounces you in his lap, and jamie can't help but slide his hands further beneath the sandy blanket. at first, to halt the infuriating friction but, like usual, once his hands wander he just can't stop. consequences—and shyness—be damned.
"s'not a good idea." jamie nips your jaw, dotting a line of warm kisses along your neck, stopping once his nose brushes your ear. "my baby's loud as shit, and i'd rather not have an audience."
you swat his chest in offense, but giggle nonetheless. "am not!"
"are too." he smiles up at you.
"i can be quiet," you huff, determination furrowing your brow.
jamie reaches up to smooth the crease with his thumb. you catch his arm and press a sweet peck to the inside of his wrist. he shudders.
you hum into his skin, "i think you're projecting."
"that right?" your boyfriend feigns ignorance, amused.
"let me prove it," you whisper before leaning in to kiss the tip of his nose. with your forehead flush to his, you try again. "please, jamie. i can't wait anymore—and i certainly can't wait until t strikes out with whoever he's obsessed with this week."
jamie snorts.
you make a solid point; it could be another ten minutes or upwards of two hours. his guess was as good as any—trevor himself included. jamie's really starting to hate that him finally fucking his own girlfriend hinges on his best friend's ability—or inability—to seal the deal.
"you make even a peep, and i stop. got it?"
what's the worst that could happen if he indulges you a bit? no one's even paying attention to either of you, anyway.
you nod, bottom lip pinched between your teeth. jamie tugs it free, fingertip dancing over the fresh indentations. your tongue slips out to tease his sun-soaked skin, and it isn't long before the digit is flush to your hot tongue.
jamie's eyes are almost black with lust as they watch your lips welcome and release his finger over and over again. your eyelids fall as he slips into a trance, mesmerized by your mouth.
"words, baby. gimme words," he prods, the words barely audible.
you surrender his hand with a faint pop, blinking down at him like you're already teetering on the precipice. "no sounds or you stop—i got it," you parrot. "now are you going to touch me?"
"needy, needy, baby," jamie teases after stealing a kiss. "i've spoiled you rotten, haven't i? can't even go a couple hours without begging me to touch you... s'alright, i can barely keep my hands of you. 'specially when i've got you sittin' all pretty in my lap like this."
"—jamie, please, just... just touch me already—need t'feel you."
chuckling to himself, jamie mercifully pushes the sodden material out of the way. he nearly moans at what he finds.
how much of it is from the evening dip you took with a couple of the other girlfriends, it's hard to tell, but he'd put good money on it being little to none. no, the damp patch growing in his lap is all you. sweet and warm, and perfectly you.
you gasp when he collects some of the escaped arousal with a few of his fingers. jamie raises a brow in your direction and you cover your mouth apologetically. he bites the inside of his cheek to keep from laughing. you're trying so hard to keep quiet, it's adorable.
"—haven't even done anything and you're already breaking your promise," he chides. "how am i supposed to give you what you want when you're already misbehaving?"
"the other one," you breathe. confused, jamie hesitates. "give me your other hand."
you fish his free hand out from between your bodies and bring it up to your mouth. his eyes bulge out of their sockets once your intentions become obvious; you mean to silence yourself by sucking on his middle and marriage as he fucks you with the other hand. your back is mostly to the group, but he's still paranoid as all hell.
yet, jamie can't bring himself to deny you—or himself.
"you're gonna be the death of me," he groans as your head dips.
too turned on to care, jamie relents and slips a gentle finger into you. your eyes pinch shut, teeth catching on his other hand, but no sound leaves you. as a reward for your good behavior, he sinks in even further, until he's knuckle-deep at both ends.
his movements are much slower than normal, but, somehow, it doesn't matter. jamie's thumb seeks out your clit, sensitive and swollen despite its neglect, and he traces lazy circles between deep, measured thrusts. all the while, he mouths at your neck with little concern for what evidence he might leave behind. jamie's sole focus is making you feel as good as he does right now with his half-naked, hot-as-hell girlfriend writhing in his lap, her pretty pussy clenching around his lucky fingers.
"—j-jamie," you warble around his drenched hand, hips bucking into the other with what little leverage you have positioned like this. "—close, s'close."
oh, he knows. he can tell. jamie knows your body better than you do; he's a diligent student.
"are you, baby?" jamie can't resist a bit of taunting. you're too far gone to push back. "poor thing, what do you need from me? tell me what you need to get there."
you're slow to answer, overwhelmed by the sensations attacking your mind from all angles. somewhere along the line, a second finger was added... and then a third. the burning stretch aches so good your vision blurs.
jamie, jamie, jamie—the beginning, middle, and end of your thoughts—jamie, through and though. he's everywhere, but it's still not enough.
"my n-neck," you eventually gasp. "please—kiss my neck again."
your boyfriend is more than happy to oblige. lips latched to the tender spot just below your ear, jamie lets his hand take control of the pace; he's no longer content to drag this out. it's been a long day, and all he wants is to watch his pretty girlfriend fall to pieces in his lap.
your peak is ushered in by a series of pitiful little whines and whimpers, mostly muffled by his spit-stained hand, but jamie doesn't have the heart—or the sanity—to chastise you for it. if he had it his way, his mind would play those beautiful, broken sounds on a loop.
but the reverie is too good to last. it always is.
"get a room, you two!"
a chorus of laughter and vulgar remarks succeed trevor's call-out. and, hot under the collar, jamie's cheeks burn pink as he buries his face in the safety of your neck.
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All of the stories and fantasies written or discussed on this blog by the owner or by followers are purely fictional and are not intended to offend any parties.
©2024 holy-pucks, all rights reserved. I do not give consent for any of my work to be copied, re-posted, or translated here, on Tumblr, or on any other platform. Reproduction of any content from this blog is considered plagiarism.
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aklaustaleteller · 2 months
Hi sweetie! Hope you're doing well. Could you write a Klaus Mikaelson x reader (the reader is Hope's bio mom, so the whole Dahlia betrayal didn't happen and no one was turned into a wolf) where it's set in season 3, the reader and Klaus are married and happy until Aurora comes along, and with her jealousy she makes y/n believe she and Klaus slept together (they didn't) so they have a big fight where Klaus didn't deny he slept with her (cause he was hurt she didn't trust him and stuff) causing them to split out. They only saw each other because of Hope, and they were verbally hostile towards each other (not much, just petty arguments) and after a while he kills Aurora bcs she threatened yn (or something similar) and they go back together and it's all fluff.
Have a great day!
Said Yes To Heaven
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Y/n and Klaus are in love, happy and overwhelmed, especially since having welcomed their newborn baby only weeks ago. But what happens when an unwanted guest appears on their doorstep out of the blue, and suddenly Y/n isn't sure if she's just going crazy or there truly has been some infidelity?
Warnings - Mentions of pregnancy, blood, thoughts + scenes of trying to unalive someone else, and some light after-birth changes/affects our reader is going through. Word Count - 4.6k
So, long time no see, everyone? Hahah, it's surreal to me how you have stuck around, but I'm very glad at the same time :) Thank you for sending in this request, anon, and I'm sorry for taking so long! This is part 1/2 and this mainly has fluff, as I wanted to show you the happiness and all about this family before I tore it down in the next part (just so it'd hurt a little better, yanno?) Anyways, I'm a little rusty but I hope you'll enjoy this one even a little and I'll let you go now! Have fun reading <3
UPDATE: You can now read part two here!
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Klaus took a few steps back from his doorstep, looking rather unpleasant to see his guest for the day. Because of course, out of the very blue, his ex-lover had been reminded of him. On the very day he had woken up to a crying baby and a cranky wife who was high on hormones after just having given birth.
Some days, he just couldn't get it right. But today was going to be the hardest of it all and he was not ready to face the music.
"Aurora," Y/n spoke from somewhere behind Klaus, her voice carrying a threatening echo. "To what do we owe the pleasure?" She was approaching the door slowly, her eyes and tone an exact contrast to the welcoming words falling out of her mouth like sweet honey.
Klaus' shoulders relaxed when Y/n brushed against him while she moved past to stand in front of him, making him lean against the doorframe.
"It's a lovely day, isn't it?" Aurora spoke, her voice like a little girl’s – sweet and gentle. But Klaus saw straight through it as well as the tick in his wife's jaw. "Heard that you gave birth to a baby g --"
Before Aurora could've finished, Y/n had her pinned to the doorframe opposite to the one Klaus was leaning against.
"Don't you even dare speak of my family," Y/n snarled, her fingers digging into the woman's throat as everything in her told her to rip it out. But before she could've, Klaus' lulling voice began slipping into her ears.
"Now, love," He said softly, grabbing a hold of her shoulders and bringing her back into him, knowing fully well that this wasn't something she truly wanted to do. Then, tucking her lone hair strand back into her braid, he cupped her cheeks – "Why taint the porch with her blood, hm?"
"Because I'd rather see her dead than listen to that filth for another second," she smiled sweetly, her anger evident in the grit of her teeth.
And she'd just begun turning to take a look at an embarrassingly flushed Aurora, when a cry tore through the silent household. For a small second, both Klaus and Y/n shut their eyes, taking a deep breath simultaneously before Y/n was walking back into the house.
"Take a nap with her, why don't you?" Klaus proposed, his back facing the unwanted guest. "I'll take care of this and join you two in a bit," he nodded, passing the exhausted mother of his little girl a sweet smile, encouraging her.
Then he turned back around, almost shutting the door behind him to keep whatever noise was to come at bay.
"What do you think you're doing here, Aurora?"
"I just wanted to see you, Niklaus," she muttered softly, taking a step closer to him. "I miss you," she confessed, reaching to place her hands on his chest.
He backed away just in time, releasing a sharp breath. "I didn't suspect you to be so idiotic and careless with your life," he said sharply.
"Only for you, Klaus." She was looking up at him with a million emotions swirling in her eyes. But Klaus knew better than to not notice malice being one of them.
"Whatever you're planning to do, drop it," he gritted through his teeth. "And stay far, far away, from my family," he warned her as he walked her off their porch and out of their house’ perimeter, tempting the woman in front of him to backtrack.
"Don't test me against this Aurora,” he started, his hands placed behind his back but his frame remained all the more intimidating.
“I will kill you if you even bat an eye in the direction of this house," he was almost beginning to shake now, trying his best to keep his anger at bay and not cause any destruction out here while his little family rested inside the house not too far away.
Leaving her standing, Klaus turned to get back in the house when Aurora called out his name.
"You love me, though! You know you love me," she shouted at him, and Klaus' eyes glowed golden, knowing exactly what she was trying to do here.
And the moment she saw his eyes, she stumbled a little.
"I know you love me, do you not?" She managed to croak out just before Klaus had his hand wrapped around her throat, enhancing the bruising his wife had marked earlier.
"This is your final warning," he growled in her ear before slamming her against the wall behind her, walking away and trying to lose his temper at the same time as he entered the house and shut the door behind him, wincing when a baby's wails followed the noise.
As the next morning rolled around, so did the first official day of Summer.
With Hope's little frame already covered in fresh grass, Y/n couldn't foresee the day getting any better. A loud laugh escaped her when Klaus pretended for it to have been hard work getting a hold of the very frantic Hope, who was as happy to see the sun as Y/n was.
"Look who's gotten herself all dirty," Y/n pouted, dusting off as much dirt as she could off of Hope's onesie, while Klaus softly wiped her face.
"Just learned to crawl and of course she's abusing the skill," Klaus murmured, only making his wife laugh again.
Y/n kept Hope caged in her lap with one arm, leaning back on the other one to soak in the sun. She exhaled a deep breath, before turning to look at Klaus, who was already smiling at her.
"You've been such a good father, have I told you that?"
He laughed at that, looking down to hide the blush creeping up his neck, and nodding with his eyes still set on the little ducklings printed on the blanket they were sitting on.
"You have," he began softly. "Many times, actually," huffing out a laugh, he looked up again, now catching Hope's big wondrous eyes as well.
With a light groan, Klaus moved to lay beside her. "Hope couldn't have a better mum, though."
"Wouldn't want her to have another mum anyways," she laughed, leaning in just a bit to press a chaste kiss to the corner of his mouth that was curled in a grin.
And as the beautiful day passed them by, with Hope's full cheeks turned red due to the amount of fun she'd had, and Y/n's heart swollen with all the love she couldn't muster up properly at all, no matter how hard she tried – and Klaus knew that he could give it his all and still be unable to put this keen feeling rushing under his skin upon a canvas.
They'd truly said yes to heaven, when they'd said yes to each other on that one day in particular.
So, once they had shuffled back inside their house due to the chilliness increasing, Klaus made his way straight to the kitchen to heat up the leftovers while Y/n changed Hope’s clothes upstairs, in their bedroom. It didn't take long for the tired little girl to slip into sleep's arms and for her head to lull to the side, while Y/n was rocking her back and forth. So she stacked pillows around Hope’s body and went back down to Klaus, reaching just in time when a there was a knock on the door.
Now, with whatever Y/n had been expecting to come across, Aurora Martel at her door once again, was not it.
As she stood still on her ground, looking into the very woman's eyes who was not even supposed to be here anymore, her eyes began to fade to black only for the golden rim of a Hybrid to come through -- to caution the vampire standing in front of her before she attacked.
Because while Y/n hadn’t mentioned it to Klaus, she had heard her fake little love confession to Klaus yesterday and thought about the multiple ways she could unalive Aurora. 
But she decided against putting in such effort and put her body through another wave of pain for the day. She was going to go about his normally, after all, she was the mother of the very man's child that this woman had clearly come after. And his wife, as well.
"Aurora De Martel, the hopeless-romantic human, who only grew more daring once turned into a vampire, at my doorstep all over again," Y/n began, walking to complete a circle around the woman.
"Not an ounce of stupidity was shred in the process-- you know, of your turning; I suppose, since you're clearly still in possession of it," Y/n continued. 
Once she was in front of Aurora again, she took a step closer, the gaze of a predator still present in her eyes.
"Cat got your tongue darling?" She spoke, tilting her head to the side. "Where's that feisty little Vampire that I remember, hm?"
"I'm not that person anymore," Aurora began, struggling once Y/n had her in a choke hold again.
"No need to be a stinking liar, Aurora." Y/n gritted, dropping the choking one on the ground. "I can smell your intentions from miles away."
Y/n didn't tend to be such a threatening and volatile person, that was the reason that she'd fit so well with Klaus. And yet, she wasn't quite sure as to why she'd brought up this side of hers. She knew she wasn’t afraid or insecure that Aurora might get to Klaus; not at all.
But what she did know was that Klaus’ lovers popping back up only made her heart thud because of the potential danger they put Hope in.
She scoffed when Aurora scrambled to her feet, hands around her neck as she swallowed thickly.
“How are you, Y/n?” She croaked out, looking ahead of her despite the fact that Y/n was right by her side, now making another round around her. 
“Hm, concerned, I’d say,” Y/n hummed. “For you, of course.”
Maybe the pregnancy had changed more about her than she’d originally thought. Or maybe, and hopefully, Y/n thought, it was just the hormones. 
“How’s Klaus?” Aurora asked, mustering up the courage to turn and look Y/n in the eyes. “I supposed he’d be here,” she shrugged, "with you." The venom in her voice could be well detected, especially when she mentioned Y/n. And while her guards were high up, prepared for the hybrid to rip her to shreds -- she still held the fake confidence that that won't happen. 
“Why don’t you ask him yourself? I’m sure he’d love to have a chat,” Y/n smiled at her before she walked into the house, towards the room she knew Klaus was putting away Hope’s stray toys in – but not before passing Aurora a cautioning glare, warning her against doing something stupid in her absence. 
“Klaus?” She asked softly, entering the dark room, her eyes already following his figure as he put away the box of toys.
“We have a guest, I hear?” Klaus asked, walking up to her with a lazy smile. One of his arms snuck around her waist to pull her into him to press a kiss on her mouth. 
“No actually – we have a doting lover on our door,” Y/n chuckled. “She’s eager to see you again,” she shrugged, quickly going back to press a kiss on Hope’s forehead before grabbing a very confused Klaus’ hand, leading him outside. 
“Aurora,” he realised in annoyance, a deep frown in between his brows as he caught her sight from the top of the stairs. His mind was racing through a million things, the loudest question in there was, what in the hell was she doing here again? Didn't he warn her just yesterday?
“Isn’t it a pleasant surprise?” Y/n smiled brightly, coming to a halt herself. “I’ll leave you two to it,” she said, ignoring Klaus’ pleading look with an inner laugh as she turned away, most likely to arrange the dishes for their awaiting and heated dinner.
"Just make sure she doesn't ever dare to lose her way and end up here, again," she said, looking straight into Aurora's eyes before crossing over to the kitchen. 
And from the corner of her eye, she saw Klaus shut the door behind him. So, trusting him against making a mess, she quickly cleaned up the kitchen before she was making her way upstairs to Hope’s room, to now feed her some formula and put her to sleep for the night. 
"Are you in there, little wolf?" Y/n spoke from just outside the door, a silly grin on her face as she waited for the same reply she got everyday.
A random babbling noise that showed that Hope was indeed hungry. 
Despite Hope's loud squeak and the sounds of her rolling around in her crib, Y/n walked into the room with the same look on her face – the pretended to have caught her daughter, awake, red handed.
"Hope! You don't wake up once I put you to sleep!" She gasped, swallowing a laugh and reaching with one hand to pick up the little girl, bringing her to sit on her lap while she backed to sit on the rocking chair.
With loud giggles, Hope hit her chest a couple times, grinning up at her while drool began pooling on the boundary of her mouth.
"Uh ah!" Y/n laughed, closing the baby's mouth and watching as she squealed again, this time her palm landing flat on Y/n’s cheek.
Risking a mess by placing the small bowl on her thigh, Y/n held Hope up with her back against her chest and lifted a spoonful.
"Yes!" She cheered when Hope took in the bite without closing her mouth halfway and spilling the rest down her chin.
Slowly and steadily, she let the girl swallow her meal before making her burp.
"Did I get you sleepy, little wolf?" Y/n giggled watching Hope's eyes droop.
"You're so sleepy all the time!" She pouted. "Never got the time on your hands to play with your mummy," chuckling and shaking her head, she got off the chair and walked over to the crib placed near Klaus’ side of the bed upon his insistence, putting the already asleep girl inside.
Lowering with her, Y/n pressed a chaste kiss on her full cheeks that now hung low. Silently, she walked over and peeked out of the door to see if the matter down the stairs had been sorted out.
But she didn't catch sight of either Klaus or Aurora. So, with a sharp frown between her brows and an anxious tick among her fingers, she hurried down the stairs -- only to confirm her first realisation, it seemed.
Knowing that Klaus couldn't have been hurt in any way, she headed back into the master bedroom to get herself into a nice bath and take some time off to relax. 
She lit the candle that Freya had gifted her some time ago, and stepped into the bathtub full of soap foams. Her head lulled back and her eyes shut off, and she began to think of all the time she had been spending building this new little family recently. 
It still felt so surreal, that Hope was finally here. It was all so new and overwhelming, but Y/n knew that neither her nor Klaus would trade this period of their life for anything. It was almost as if everything had fallen into pieces to fit a puzzle the moment they had welcomed their little daughter into this world. 
There was no other source of light in the bathroom apart from the flickering candle, Y/n didn't feel like turning on the bright white light. And, as she began to tune into Hope’s breathing, she felt her heart begin to beat in sync with hers. It would’ve only been silence to human ears, but Y/n could hear the little puffs and the little movements of her mouth that she made in her sleep. 
She could picture Hope’s head lulled to the side, her mouth slightly ajar and her small frame rising and lowering with each breath that she took. Then, Klaus faded into the photo and she could see Hope’s drool slipping onto his arm and drying up there, because of course Klaus had fallen asleep with her on the rocking chair. 
And finally, she entered the picture herself and took the two of them into the master bedroom, laying Hope between the two of them and pressing kisses on both of their foreheads. After turning off the lights, she was looking at the two pieces of her heart sleeping peacefully, because she felt like she couldn’t miss this sight, because she probably won’t feel the time pass before Hope had to be put to sleep in a crib in her own room. 
Just the idea of that brought tears to her eyes. Everything made her cry these days, and she does realise that it’s because of the hormones. But she doesn’t know how to explain the exhaustion of it all. The untrue and mean thoughts she got throughout the day, whether it was regarding her body or her new journey of being a mother and feeling scared that she’d go wrong somewhere and be hated by her own family for the rest of her life. 
Just the energy it took to shut all those thoughts down and to reassure herself, remind herself of what was true and what wasn’t – took so much out of her that when Klaus held her in his arms at the end of the day, she just wanted to let go and fall into pieces, so that he’d bunch her up and tell her or show her stupid brain that Y/n was indeed right and that the thoughts were just her mind playing games. 
Taking in a deep breath, Y/n rose and washed the soap off of her. She could think about this all day and all night, and she could drown in her sorrows for way too long than healthy. But right now, she needed to go and eat dinner if she wanted to sleep on time. 
Which reminded her – she hadn’t heard Klaus come home. Had she missed it, or had he genuinely not come home yet? She began to focus on her hearing, and only came across Hope’s breaths, nothing else. 
Maybe something had occupied him, she thought, wrapping a towel around her and exiting the bathroom. 
Klaus was walking in their backyard with Hope in his arms, asleep, as always. He couldn’t balme her though – she was a newborn, after all, and had a lot to register in her brain in the couple hours that she was awake during the day. 
She had been a calm baby so far. The midnight tantrums weren’t as frequent as others had warned him and Y/n about, maybe because they had way more stamina than an average human.
Y/n, right when she had woken up, had been dragged out by Rebekah and Freya. Trust me, Y/n, I’ve been through what you’re going through and it’s been two weeks since you’ve left the house with us! He had heard Rebekah say to Y/n in the kitchen, and he had agreed a hundred percent. 
They had gone out for brunch, and maybe it was because they had a lot to catch up on, that Y/n hadn’t yet come home and it was nearing lunch time. 
And Y/n, as much as she was enjoying her time out in as much sun as New Orleans got on an average, she was dying to go home. She was missing Hope and Klaus and before she could’ve said anything, Rebekah had herself proposed that they should have some dessert already because Klaus and Hope are probably seeing your sight on the doorstep, she’d laughed. 
“I think I’m gonna walk home, the weather’s really nice,” Y/n said when Rebekah began to try and convince her for a lift in her car. 
“Oh, okay!” Rebekah laughed. “You have come out after a long time, so sure!”
Y/n just passed the woman a narrow-eyed glare as she was hugging Freya. 
“Juut text us when you reach home,” Freys said, walking off towards her car. 
Y/n nodded, bidding goodbye and watching the two drive off before she dropped her smile and sighed. God, her cheeks hurt from how much she’d been smiling and laughing. 
She had only walked a couple paces away from their eating spot when she heard footsteps. It was a busy time, a nice day, so many people were out and about. The city was kind of bustling. But still, Y/n turned to look and immediately, she groaned, coming to a pause. 
“Seriously, Aurora?” She almost whined. “You take annoying someone to a whole another scale,” she said with a face that was genuinely twisted into annoyance and irritation. 
“C’mon Y/n,” Aurora said with a newfound confidence, drawing Y/n’s attention right away. “Can’t you have a chat with me, too? Just us girls?” She grinned, and then rolled her eyes when she saw that flash of Hybrid golden in Y/n’s eyes. 
“I’m not here to fight,” she said. “I’m here to make friends with you,” shrugging, she dared to take a step closer, testing the waters. 
“Don’t be so over confident, Aurora,” Y/n gritted, having pinned the woman on a wall. “It almost got you killed, right this moment,” she said, giving her a final flash of her eyes before getting up and walking away. She was not in the mood to kill today, especially not after the amazing brunch she’d had not too long ago. 
But of course, Aurora was too dumb to get that, Y/n noted as she heard feet jogging to catch up to her pace. 
“Just talk to me this once, and I swear I’ll never show you my face ever again,” Aurora rushed to speak, desperate to get Y/n to stop.
They were still a little far from her home, Y/n realised. She could very conveniently kill her right now, and not get blood anywhere near her family home. 
“What?” She asked instead, coming to a stop. 
“I get why you married Klaus now,” Aurora spoke, a smile creeping up on her mouth. Y/n didn’t want to admit that there was a blush as well. It was probably sunburn, she told herself. 
With a slight roll of her eyes, Y/n forced herself to focus. “What do you mean, Aurora?” She asked her, ready to snap her neck if she tried to beat around the bush once more. 
“I mean, you two got together, had a baby so early on in your marriage. I now realise that it’s because he is so good in bed, you had to lock him down somehow, didn’t you?” She laughed, not noticing the gold swarming Y/n’s eyes as she smiled at the ground, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear. 
“I would too. Guess I got a bit late, huh?” She continued with a joke, and then stopped. 
Y/n didn’t even talk to her girlfriends like this. How dare this dumb little piece of work, dare to speak of her and Klaus in such a manner? So, she sped through her movements and sunk her fingers in Aurora’s throat, cleansing her insides.
“I rushed. Think I would’ve liked ripping out your dirty fucking tongue instead,” Y/n hissed, her mouth right next to Aurora’s ear and she was so close she could hear the loud thudding of her heart. It made her feel good, and she almost didn’t want to kill her becuase that noise was music to her ears right now. 
Aurora couldn’t say anything, the only noise she could muster up was the sound of choking, because she was. And she was pretty sure her blood was rushing to places inside her where it shouldn’t be. 
But then, something came over Y/n and she slipped her hand out of Aurora’s throat, leaving it intact as she wiped the blood on the very woman’s clothing. “Sleep good. Maybe some rest will knock some sense into you. After all, all this stalking and annoying someone must be exhausting,” Y/n spoke with an understanding shake in her head. 
And then, before Aurora could even realise much, Y/n had her hand placed near her throat and with that, she snapped her neck, quickly rushing to put her back in her house. She wasn’t cruel or angry enough to leave her asleep in the middle of nowhere. 
But she was riled up enough that she needed to rush home and ask Klaus some questions before her mind could get the better of her. 
She knew that this was the time Hope was usually asleep, and she was praying to the gods above that today wouldn’t be any different. And she opened the door to the house, quickly sensing that Hope was, indeed, asleep but she could hear that Klaus wasn’t.
The shower was running. 
Removing her shoes, she walked to the kitchen and washed her hands in the sink. Then, tiredly, walked over and sat on the sofa in the living room, knowing that Hope was in the master bedroom and they couldn’t talk, potentially argue, there. 
A lot was taken out of her today, and she needed Klaus to reassure her so that she wouldn’t have a breakdown somewhere in the house because it felt like she was going crazy. She knew that he hadn’t done it, knew that he couldn’t have done it. 
But just for the sake of her brain, she needed him to say it. Needed the words to come out of his mouth so that she would know for sure. For she trusted him more than she trusted herself. 
Because right now, her brain was telling her that she had heard Aurora’s love confession that day, but she hadn’t heard Klaus’ reply. Or that Klaus mostly shut the door when she left him with Aurora or how that one night he had come home late after she had left the two of them alone for Klaus to sort out the matters, and he’d told her not to worry about it – that it was nothing and he had taken care of it.
She knew that it truly was nothing. But once, just once, she wanted him to tell her that. 
Waiting and waiting for the shower to turn off, Y/n slipped into a slumber. So when she felt someone close to her, she caught Kalus leaning in to pick her up, probably to carry her to their bedroom. 
“Ah, you’re awake,” he smiled, his gaze so soft and his dimples evident as he instead pressed a kiss to her forehead and stood up straight. “The girls tired you out, hm?” He asked her, raising her head and placing it on his lap once he had sat himself. 
Y/n only mumbled something, before turning to hide her face in his hip area. She couldn’t bring herself to talk to him about this when he was caressing her hair so gingerly, but she knew she had to. 
“I wanted to talk to you about something,” she said then, looked up at him. 
“What is it, love?”
God, this was going to be hard. She sat up and fixed her bed head with her fingers before she looked at him again, this time with a wavering sigh. 
“Did you sleep with Aurora?” 
Klaus’ eyes hardened then – the exact response Y/n hadn’t been longing to receive. 
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deafsignifcantother · 2 months
my husband and I
♥ summary: alastor is an amazing husband, but the tone in the house starts to shift when you learn that he is the serial killer you feared. ♥ relationships: human alastor x deaf gender neutral reader ♥ word count: 1.6k ♥ warnings: big power dynamic issue, reactive abuse, murder, visualization of deafness and dependency, but they still have cute moments bc they're married and love each other ♥ a/n: A VERY SHAMELESS REPOST OF A YEARS OLD FIC THAT'S NOWHERE NEAR HAZBIN RELATED LMFAO
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There are so many things running through your mind. You think about the smiles and how they always appear like a cocky smirk. Then, there's the way he laughs, even if it's a short chuckle, he bares his teeth. So many things could have alerted you to his danger. Are you stupid for not detecting it before?
When you think back, you are sure he had tried confessing his hobby (hobby, what a simplistic way to describe it) to you. He had made past comments about how he'd kill people, but you thought it was dramatics, and you had brushed it off.
He knows that you know now. The energy in the house had shifted—from both parties—and became hostile. The hospitality within your home had dissipated alongside the innocent eyes he would give you in the morning.
That night, before he undresses himself to slip into bed, he holds a threatening hand to your neck. He doesn't grab it or tighten his grip, but the implication is there. He signs with one hand,
"Without me, you have nothing, so don't you ever forget that, darling."
It's true. Your job, friends, the chance of a future being single, the idea of making money without him—it's all gone. It has been for a while. Your time in the house is all day, every day, and even if you wanted to leave, you had no car to drive. He keeps you here. It has kept you sane and safe up until now.
"I won't tell anyone." You sign with an empty facial expression. It feels pointless. With him, you feel like a walking corpse, somebody who is already dead.
His hand moves up to your cheek, where he pats you, tilting his head with a smile. "I know."
And after that, he stopped treating you differently. He returned to kissing your face every morning, leaving the house after cooking you breakfast, and doing all the husband-y things he was doing before. The days went on and on, and you were beginning to get used to the dial-back.
But you jump whenever he walks up behind you and places his hands on your hips. He has gotten quieter, sneakier. Is he planning something?
When you're alone in the house, you eye the phone, wondering if, in another life, you could pick it up, call someone, and leave the house without having to worry about what would happen. In a perfect reality, you could talk to the police about everything.
You can't even imagine Alastor in jail.
It would be your fault if anything happened to him. Would you be able to deal with that?
How could he even hurt someone? You try to imagine yourself doing it, standing in the forest and torturing someone.
It has been you and him for the last couple of years. He was all you needed and all you cared for. You didn't notice that he was stripping you of all your relations, your friends and family, stripping you of your independence and the things that made you human. He gave you enough in return. Your social life is spent with his coworkers while he interprets for you. You go to dinners, ones that his job hosted. You are always flashed as if you are a prized possession.
Maybe that's all you are.
You read his facial expressions even closer now. The furrow of his brow or the dropping of his eyelids always makes your whole body tighten. What will he do if he's mad at you? Will he hurt you?
You try to search in your memory: has he hurt you before? No, you realize. He hasn't. A sadistic twitch in his eye only appears in your romantic life. His hands have a consistent way of touching your body as if he is examining it.
You think about these things while you do the housework, while waiting for him to come home from work. Throughout everything: the fear, the sorrow, the guilt, you continue sticking by him. What else is there to do?
When he comes home from work, he puts his jacket around the shoulders of a chair, stepping close to you. You can feel his body—his warmth and his touch. He rolls up his sleeves and helps you with dinner without saying a thing. When you look up to him, he doesn't allow his eyes to look at you. A part of that makes your cheeks warm.
That night, he signs, "It's your turn."
You are too busy gazing into his eyes to realize he has taken his turn.
It was when you first moved in with him that you brought, in boxes, your board games. Whenever Alastor would bring company, he would force you to bring them out and be friendly as he played with them. Now, alone with you, he is being competitive. It's cute. And it's the Alastor you have known.
When you move your piece, he eyes it, tilting his head. Your breath stops. There it is again: he's examining you.
"What's work like?" You ask.
"Same as it has been."
You nod your head, glancing at his hands, trying to think of how many lives they must have taken. Does he shoot people? You can imagine that. The thought of him using his bare hands is beyond you; you've never seen him be violent like that. What about knives? His cooking - skilled, far off from clumsy… he may use knives.
He lifts his chin. His eyes ask the question: what are you thinking about?
There's a vacant space and a lack of words between you. You are chewing the inside of your mouth, grinding your teeth before you raise your hands.
"Do you use knives?"
He straightens his shoulders.
"In the forest."
He smiles. The one that looks like a smirk.
You just nod, your cheeks warming. He's a killer. It's true; he admits it and doesn't shy away from the fact. But still, in your head, you can't seem to force yourself to be too worried about it. He hasn't hurt you, not unconsentually, and this thought taunts you like a loaded gun.
What do you have to be scared of?
A lot, you remind yourself. He's the danger: the stranger in your house that you need to be cautious of. Yet, ever since he had been revealed to you, he has done little to further the narrative of psycho-serial danger. He's still your husband. He's still the one you belong to.
That's why, when he comes home bloody, you shower with him before helping him bandage himself. You're the one who ruffles the towel through his hair and against his shoulders, catching the spare droplets. The two of you hardly even talk to each other as you press bandaids against his skin. You kiss each one.
Your lips touch the skin of his bicep, and then you peck upward, continuing to his neck, where you linger in the space between his cheek and his ear. His hand falls to your thigh, cupping the side of it, and he rubs the skin up and down. He doesn't move it from there, doing nothing salacious, not without your direct intention stated to him. It makes your heart race. At that moment, you forget about everything violent about him. But with those kisses, with the way his lips suck on your skin, you wonder if it is contagious. The violence, the wrath, and the war seeped into your skin like poison. You felt it corrupting you: the innocent front you had began to melt away, and suddenly, you were exposed.
Because when one of his victims enters through the backdoor: your home, your safety net, you do what you know Alastor would do if he made it in time. You grab a knife, hiding behind a wall, feeling their footsteps as they step closer. And when they round the corner, you strike them in the face with the back, knocking them down before holding the blade above your head.
You get a good look at their weak body, imagining your kitchen tiles as dirt, a leaf-covered ground, and the walls around you as arrays of trees.
You think about the times Alastor had held you behind him when people tried to talk to you. You think about the times he would protect you from the outside world, the ways he would drive himself insane to make sure you were safe.
He did so much for you, and what have you given him in return? A home filled with paranoia and unnecessary caution? It is unfair to him. You have been lashing out for nothing. So, you decide to gift him this: a new sense of ego—a pride that cannot be hidden, developed from a realization.
In this lifetime, you have one beam of hope: him. With those vows, you both swore to stick together. Through sickness and health, through life and death.
He is your husband; this is the house where you will spend the rest of your life.
When Alastor stands in front of the dead body, he places both hands on his hips, tapping his fingers before signing.
"Is the mess for me?"
You are still breathing heavily. He can see it in your eyes, the way they are wide and craved, the way the person's blood still stained your hair and the skin of your cheek. Your serenity is in the dark gloom yonder.
But you argue against him and his assumptions. When he asks if you are okay, you just smile and nod. "It feels good."
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sh1-n0bu · 2 years
Can u do yandere Beel-obey me with a impulsive/lil crazy mc/reader? In a minute she is calm and in the other she tries to kill a random demon. May u can do him a lil masochist too? Pretty pleaseee 🙏
✿ 𝙨𝙝𝙚’𝙨 𝙘𝙧𝙖𝙯𝙮 𝙗𝙪𝙩 𝙨𝙝𝙚’𝙨 𝙢𝙞𝙣𝙚 ✿
characters: yandere!beel x fem!reader
warnings: generally darker undertones bc it’s a yandere, description of fighting, injuries, mentions of blood, yandere thoughts and acts, masochism, hinted that mc have signs of anger issues and bipolarity, some suggestive things
notes: ‘m so so so sorry for the late response hun. i just couldn’t rlly think of a good scenarios for this one😔 hope it’s to your liking!
everyone experiences bipolarity and anger issues differently. i am no mental health expert and i wrote this with my own anger issues experience and a friend's bipolarity. if some things seem wrong or unlikely then pls let me know.
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since mc is literally living with demons, there definitely will be some darker/gruesome moments brushed off as a normal thing bc they’re demons
so with that in mind, being possessive, protective, a bit too overbearing or controlling is seen as a normal thing in a relationship for them
however beel is much more chill and softer when it comes to such things
it’s bc he has great GREAT amount of trust in you plus he knows no sane, lower demon would never dare and approach you
either bc of the pact markings of the 7 demon lords of devildom or
your impulsive self.
that’s the reason.
at first meeting and the first few days or weeks into mc’s stay in devildom, the brothers either find mc’s impulsiveness and anger issues relatable, amusing or just downright annoying
as for beel he didn’t really care. as long as you didn’t get yourself killed or gravely injured
if anything in the beginning it low-key reminded beel of his twin, belphie
mc’s dark humor, threatening back demons about how they will puck out their teeth, boil it into a soup and shove it down their throat while it’s still steaming hot were first annoying to most of the brothers
however to beel, it just reminded him of how his brother would always snap back at the other demons and more specifically, lucifer
perhaps that little resemblance is what led beel to be protective and possessive over mc
it started out slow and barely noticeable lingering hands over their shoulders, small worried glances, giving them ice package to put over their bruised knuckles
soon it developed into beel constantly hovering around mc, threatening to eat the other lesser demons who even dared to gaze at them to scenting
when scenting your partner in a demon relationship, it usually involves leaving visible marks on each other since demons all have different distinguishable markings
whether it be carving their marks into their s/o’s flesh with their claws, leaving a bloody bite mark or sometimes even their pact markings on each other
however, considering the fact beel is more gentler than the other demons and your a human, he simply decided that cuddling with you for so long to the point that others could smell beel’s sin and scent on you or just draping his large, fluffy orange jacket over you was enough
unfortunately, demons are beings that generally have a darker mindset than humans so one day some lesser, cocky demon mocked you for being “beel’s pet” while you were alone
mc paid that demon back with a broken nose and a broken arm that bent the wrong way (like this __^__🫴)
the terrified screeching of the onlookers and the anguish filled cries of the cocky bastard alongside the blood dripping from the claw marks the demon left on mc called upon the attention of the brothers
when arriving at the scene beel couldn’t help but feel an odd feeling within him
something hot, mushy and dizzying feeling pooling in his stomach, his mind getting hazy, eyes half lidded with the only focus of attention being on you
asmo sensed his brother’s sudden arousal and dragged him off from the crowd, sitting him down in one of the empty classrooms and having a talk with him. helping him calm down and explaining to his little brother that sometimes people get aroused by people who are stronger than them
since that little incident with mc and the cocky demon, beel has never went a day without his mind wandering to the scene he saw
you standing tall and proud with a bloody claw mark running from your chin to your neck with an odd triumphant grin while the lower insect screeched, holding his broken arm
and when he lets his daydreaming go wild, the sixth brother finds himself fantasizing about you sitting on him with the same grin, carving your initials on his chest
the scent of blood oozing around the room, the quiet giggles that would slip out of your lips as he groans and whimpers at the odd yet pleasant feeling
and when his imaginations go further than that, the avatar of sin of gluttony finds himself choking on his breath, pants tightening and the room feeling hotter than the usual
perhaps paying a visit to your room this night won’t be such a bad idea…
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teddybeartoji · 24 days
me and suguru me and suguru me and suguru... mm maybe it's a few days after our first kiss (which isn't even a proper kiss btw i'll talk abt that soon too dw) and the air between us is just a little weird bc neither of us has yet to bring it up....
and now we haven't seen each other for the whole day too bc we both had stuff to do but. we have this Event in the evening and we're both supposed to attend alongside with satoru and shoko...
suguru's the last to arrive and by that time all three of us are a little tipsy already, laughing loudly at one of the tables together. he sees me throwing my head back, cackling at one of satoru's stupid jokes and suguru pokes the side of his cheek with his tongue. he hasn't seen me in a dress. ever. and now he's forced to take all of that in with the side of me boosting satoru's ego by going along with everything he says.
when he finally joins the table, his hand rests on the backrest of mine, his body towering over me as he teases satoru over smth aaand when i tilt my head back to look at him he glances at me and i die. thank you for listening to my tedtalk. no but yeah i blush and just try to keep my composure bc that shit is embarrassing as fuck he should not be having such an effect on me jfc.
he sits way too close to me too. mind you, we haven't talked properly in like two days. his hand stays behind my back for the rest of the night, his thigh bumping against mine as he manspreads on his seat (😒😒) but the second he sees me roll my shoulders and squeeze my eyes shut, the first signs of me getting tired, he leans closer to, his lips brushing against my ear. "want to go outside, hm?"
shoko gives me an awfully Knowing smirk but i go with him anyway (obviously).
(his hand stays glued to my lower back for the entire time he guides me through the crowd.)
i rest against the wall of the building and he stands in front of me, a few strands of his hair falling from their slicked back place as he places a cig between his lips. he lights it while keeping eye-contact. he's got that grin on his face. i hate it (he looks so fucking good).
he takes a step, now standing tall and proud right there in my own personal space. he's way too close. but it's not like i'd ever push him away. so he stays; inhales the smoke and then exhales it to the side. and then he's raising his hand to me and places the stick between my lips without a word. he watches how i breathe it in in slow motion. he can smell my perfume. i blow the smoke in his face and all he does is stare at me with that look on his face.
"you gonna kiss me again?"
"you want me to?"
i want to punch him.
"oh, fuck off."
he hums, his eyes flicking to my lips when he sees the corners twitching, an annoyed smile threatening to break out.
"you look really pretty... " his words trail off, his eyes heavy as they meet mine.
"yeah... " his fingertips dance on my waist, treading on thin ice, on the thin fabric of my dress and i just wish i could crack open his head and see what he's thinking about. i swear he's even closer now; i can hear him taking in another puff of the cigarette and i can feel the warmth of his body against mine. i can feel his thigh pressing against mine. "i missed you, you know?"
okay, so i really want to punch him.
"and who's fault is that, hm?"
his grin stretches wider. he likes it when i push back, talk back. fight back. it makes this little game of his even more fun.
but before he can trap me with his sweet, honeyed words, the door slams open and out stumble shoko and satoru, their arms locked as they talk way too loudly. i turn to look at them, suguru doesn't. inhale.
he hums to himself again as he holds back on the urge to push my hair behind my shoulder to expose even more of my skin, his teeth itching at the mere thought.
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kittensinribbons · 8 months
you find a stray cat lingering around the barracks, and ghost tries to act like he doesn't care. | pt. 2
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wc: 637
ghost's love language being physical touch and action <3 but not knowing how to voice it
cw: no caps bc this is more of a drabble!
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she was a mangy little thing; you could see it the moment you saw her. she lowered her body to the ground the moment you made eye contact. her lips pulled back into a hiss, white teeth threatening to bite. you didn't doubt they could. but the feral look in her eyes- nobody was born that way. it came from something, it always did.
so, slowly, you began to draw the little thing in. you left out a bit a food from every meal to get her interested. bits of meat (if you could call whatever slop came out of the can that), bread, anything. you would tear it off as you ate and throw it somewhere nobody could step on it, but somewhere she could see.
the other soldiers were a little too busy tearing into their meals to care, but ghost, ever-watchful of you, does. "'s just a cat. you need to eat," he told you, voice low and serious.
but you just smiled, that damn smile that always melted him to his core. "so does she," you replied.
and ghost couldn't find it in himself to say otherwise.
you watched her slink out of the shadows and give the chunk of meat a few sniffs. she finally sank her teeth into it and ran off once more. it didn't take ghost long to notice that your eyebrows were furrowed.
"spit it out," he said, making you turn to him, confused. "you're worried abou' somethin'. out with it."
the rough way he speaks makes you (affectionately) roll your eyes. ghost has never been good at expressing how much he loves you through more than touch. his words are always a little rough, but his hands are always gentle. "well, we're moving bases soon," you remind him, having another bite of your food- a simple stew that more resembles slop. "i don't want to leave her."
although ghost rolls his eyes right back, he can't help but feel himself grow soft. it's a perfect reminder of why he fell in love with you in the first place. despite being this, despite being a soldier, you have a love for life that makes ghost want to hold you and never let go. "we can bring her with us."
his words make you raise your eyebrows. "i thought she was just a mangy cat," you reply, smiling as you repeat (mock) his words.
ghost grumbles something under his breath as he wraps an arm around your waist. "don't like seein' you worry," is all he says.
without hesitance, you lean into him in the way you always do- your head on his shoulder, hand on his. you know ghost doesn't always know how to express how much he loves you in any way but this. and you'll take it. you lift his hand to press a kiss to his knuckles and lift your head so he can see your smile. so you can see his eyes, softening like butter beneath the summer sun. "well, i don't want to scare her," you tell him. then you raise yourself higher to press a kiss to his cheek, even though his face is covered by the mask. "but thank you. that was sweet."
ghost grumbles something you can't quite make out other than "just a cat," making you giggle. the sound makes him lower every single defense he's ever had around you. he can't help it; he's a military man. he's defensive. but when it's you... everything becomes different. ghost brushes your bangs out of your eyes so he can stare into them a moment longer. before price gets you all up and running again. before you two have to exist anywhere outside of this moment.
his squeezes you to make sure you're really there.
"anything to make you happy, love."
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maaaariii · 11 months
Smoking head canons for my tokyo revengers cigarette boys ☆★
Characters- Hanma shuji, Takeomi Akashi, Shinichiro sano
Hanma shuji ♡
atomic smoker.
definitely definitely already has smokers cough- and i know its the most driest filthiest cough ever smh
prefers heavier stronger cigs..and definitely has no trouble buying them (threatening poor cashiers)
i just know he reeks of tobacco..like its literally in his skin after he showers and its not even in a sexy way ffs
has a busted up lighter..its probably been run over, blown up and put in the microwave (someone pls buy him a new one)
has crusty lips.
doesn't give af if you dont like smoke-will shamelessly smoke in your face so get used to it
in fact he prefers to hang around people who also smoke or dont mind his habit bc he cba to be bitched at for such a 'harmless' thing (his words)
smokes everywhere- in his room,on his couch,in the bathroom, in the middle of a fight
Takeomi akashi
bougie king
only smokes the 'good quality stuff' (the most expensive ones he can find)
doesn't have a too bad smokers cough like hanma, but definitely wheezes..like you can hear his dry ass throat crackling when he laughs
he smells like tobacco but in a nice sexy way...like mixed with a bit of cologne..(hes so fbdhf)
has a little collection of few good quality lighters..
like its not over the top but there is a nice range depending on where hes going or who hes hanging out with
If you don't like smoke he'll try to knock it off (hes a sucker for a pretty lady)...but i know he blows smoke into all his friends faces
Shinichiro sano
cute little guy
hes a heavy smoker for sure
i dont think hes really into the strong stuff...just started bc he thought it was cool and kinda became addicted
has a light lingering smell of tobacco but the smell of motor oil is stronger smh
if you dont like smoke, he'll never smoke around you
like if you stay the night at his he'll only take 1 quick smoke on the balcony and brush his teeth before returning to you
gets too engrossed in his work that sometimes he forgets to actually light it and it just hangs in his mouth unlit
owns 1 lighter but frequently replaces it if he feels its running out
always has a packet in his back pocket
doesnt like smoking in his home, prefers to smoke in his workshop or outside (or atleast out of a window)
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ddejavvu · 2 years
no bc what about bodyguard!tangerine needing to go undercover and poses as readers boyfriend at an event and he’s having too much fun with the lingering touches, open flirting etc
today is multiverse monday! send me any au you can think of :)
Tangerine's hand is way too low on your waist. It shouldn't be anywhere near your waist, or, it usually isn't, but tonight he needs to go undercover. You'd suggested shaving his mustache, but he threatened to take you out for the creep following you around if you ever tried putting a razor near his face.
Instead he has a wig on, tight fitted and curly. It suits him, but you like his longer hair better. There's a few minor prosthetics on his face, glued to his skin and blended in to look authentic, and if you didn't know his eyes well enough, you wouldn't recognize him.
"Tan," You stiffen as his finger brushes the curve of your ass, "We're in public. And- and you're not really my boyfriend."
"Well of course not," He squeezes, reaching for a drink that a nearby waiter walks past with, "But this has got to be believable, don't it? So Mr. Peeping Tom comes out of the woodwork? You think he's gonna do that if he's not jealous."
"But the cameras are outside," You hiss, stealing the olive from his glass and gnashing it between your teeth, "You can stop pretending in here!"
"No, darling," He tuts, only tugging you tighter to his chest, "I'm certain I saw someone with a camera over there."
"Over where?"
"There," He doesn't point, and he's looking at you, "Just.. like, in the general direction of.. over there."
"In the general direction of my ass," You scoff, but your snark backfires when Tangerine squeezes it, "And stop touching it!"
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the-bi-space-ace · 6 months
Hi. I went to the dentist today and I was very brave about it so headcanons about the clone boys and the dentist for you.
Echo: hates the dentist quite like any other medical thing. He will put off going as long as possible and refuses to go alone. He does however floss every day and take very good care of his teeth. The routine of it all is something he loves doing and it makes him feel put together.
Hunter: honestly just knock him out if you’re taking him to a dentist. His senses hate it here. It’s bright. Everything inside his mouth hurts. There’s too many things happening. Stop. Stop it all. Brushes regularly but won’t floss.
Crosshair: has constant jaw pain and the dentist keeps telling him that the toothpicks are bad for his teeth but he refuses to stop. Bit the dentist as a kid and threatens to do it even as an adult. Worst patient. Insists on a little treat afterwards (Echo always takes him to go get a little treat bc they go together each and every time)
Tech: prepared man. Knows each step and how much it’ll cost before he even books the appointment. He is that Ron Swanson ‘I know more than you’ meme. Him and Echo have a nighttime routine together so they both have excellent check ups.
Wrecker: sweet man loves his candy! He has a few cavities here and there but he does brush regularly! Hates flossing! Has accidentally swallowed mouthwash like it was a shot before though (this isn’t based on previous experience what do you mean shut up)
Cody: if he misses a step he will start over. Doesn’t feel clean without it. Has never had a cavity and thinks it’s some kind of competition. He goes every six months because they recommended it to him in his first adult visit and he just… does it. He wants to win at dentist which is perfectly reasonable and a thing you can accomplish.
Rex: has to be dragged and grumbles the whole time. Is bitter about Cody ‘winning’ at the dentist. Takes decent enough care of his teeth but hasn’t been to a dentist in five years. Cody tells him he’s ’setting a bad example’.
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everythingdenied · 1 year
leaves fallen sparse-dad!matty
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a/n: lil blurb inspired by the fact that matty has been looking painfully dilfy atm...and also bc i am hormonal & freezing and feel like i haven't posted anything in agesssss. also promptober YAY!! tysm @abiiors u have reminded me i don't hate writing.
wc: 620
"Fuck me, i'm freezing my tits off. Can we not just...go home?"
I turned my head, walking a few paces ahead of Matty to try and keep up with the very enthusiastic toddler wobbling along the cobblestone in front of me. Amelie had only learnt to walk less than a month ago but, from the minute she'd figured out how, she'd been eager to use those little legs of hers, putting both me and her dad on pins whenever she decided to toddle anywhere near the edge of the coffee table at home.
"Matty..." I scolded, glaring at the man as he grumpily shoved his hand's into the pockets of his trench coat, kicking at a pile of dried, amber leaves at his feet. "You were literally the one who suggested this."
He rolled his eyes and puffed out a dramatic sigh, jogging the few steps forward to catch up with Amelie and I.
"Yeah. Didn't think it'd be this cold" he grumbled. "I feel like Scott of the fuckin' antarctic."
Matty dug his hands deeper into his pockets, pouting when he found no relief from the crips autumn air, nor any sympathy for me, who only breathed a quiet laugh at his melodrama and pulled him into my side. His teeth chattered, clicking against each other exaggeratedly, and he nuzzled into the crook of my neck, whimpering like a small child.
"You are such a man child sometimes, jesus christ" i giggled, but gave in to his fawning, placating him with a soft kiss to the tip of his rosy nose, only pulling back when I felt something bump against my leg.
Looking down, I noticed our nearly two year old had stopped dead in the middle of the pavement, crouched down to inspect something she'd found between the cobbles.
"Careful, baby..." I hummed, the momentary concern I felt dissipating when I squatted down beside her to take a proper look at what had captured her attention so desperately she'd felt the need to stop walking. "What've you got, Am?"
Clutched in my little one's hand was a leaf; a perfectly shaped, dried out, copper leaf, reminiscent of the one's you'd see on some slightly kitsch advert for a pumpkin spice latte. It wasn't anything particularly magnificent, it was just a leaf, the same you could find sparsely peppering every street in England after the month of October, and yet Amelie stared at it in awe, her mouth agape as if she'd just discovered a new planet.
"Leaf!" she giggled happily and held it out for me to take. Her eyes flit between Matty and I, presumably waiting for the two of us to catch up on the joy this leaf was supposedly meant to bring us, and she prompted me once more to take it from her.
"Well done, baby" I smiled and gingerly took the singular piece of foliage from her, careful not to crinkle it as she grinned toothlessly. "S'pretty, huh?"
Amelie nodded vigorously, her little mustard bobble hat threatening to tip off her hid, and pointed once more.
"Pretty leaf..." she babbled thoughtfully, gazing up at Matty as I settled her woollen hat back in its rightful position, sitting perfectly atop her mop of dark ringlets she could have only inherited from one place. "Daddy, look! Pretty leaf."
Matty laughed warmly, his heart swelling tenfold, and crouched down to pick Amelie up in his arms, hugging her little frame to his chest as her elated squeal bounced through the empty estate.
"Mhm...'s a very pretty leaf" he nodded, and reached out to grasp her tiny hand in his own, his lips brushing over her knuckles as she wriggled in his arms. "But not nearly as pretty as you, my littlest darlin..."
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ladylooch · 11 months
Omg this soft nico and lex thoughts 🤭🤭 where do the roles reverse like maybe its lexs birthday and all of the hischier kids and her husband surprise her and shower her with love bc shes the best momma ever…. She definetly cries 🥹
⚠️ TW: miscarriage and grief
So, me, realizing in the shower this morning as I’m pondering this.. that I gave our sweet Neeks and Lex a robbery, broken collar bone, and miscarriage in a year… 🥺 why am I so mean to them!? What did they do to me!?
Lexi does not care one bit about her birthday this year. It’s another year of being older. Another reminder of how precious life actually is, as if losing their baby wasn’t enough.  She lays in bed on her 29th birthday, staring blankly out the window. Nico has been up with the girls for about an hour. Lexi had attempted to get up with him, but her husband had pinned her down, tucking her into the blankets and insisting she stay here. 
Fine by her. Getting out of bed wasn’t high on her list of wants today.
Her hand ghosts down to her stomach. Today, she would be four months pregnant. They would be telling people. They would be making plans. The raw anguish of failure swoops through her. She turns to her back, staring up at the ceiling as it blurs from her tears. Lexi claws at her chest above the tightness that threatens to take her under. 
“Mommy!” An electric Lucie suddenly bursts through the door. 
“Luc!” Nico yelps in a whisper. “I said gentle!” He stands in the doorway, balancing a tray of food along with a babbling Mack. Lexi sits up, opening her arms to Lucie who crawls over to her.
“Mommy! I made you something!!!” She grins, her little teeth looking aggressive from her excitement.
“Oh?” Lexi murmurs, brushing her daughter's wild, bed head hair away. She watches her husband’s approach to the bed, drinking in his floppy locks and toned body. He’s shirtless, with a week of a beard, and looks so good with that baby on his chest that she thinks she swoons.
The darkness begins to lift, releasing the room and allowing streaks of sunlight through. 
“Is it… waffles?” Lexi begins to guess, even though she can see it is pancakes. 
“No!” Lucie clasps her hand over her mouth in an attempt to keep the surprise in a little longer. She shakes with excitement causing a hearty chuckle from Nico.
“Is it… oatmeal?”
“Yuck!” Lucie retorts. Nico pauses with Mack and the tray a few feet away. “One more guess!”
“Oh…” Lexi trails off, contemplating hard. “Is it… soup!”
“No!!!!” Lucie yells. “Pancakes! Pancakes! Pancakes!” Lucie crawls to her feet, jumping up and down before she throws herself onto her back. She bunches up Nico’s pillow, staring at her mommy in pure joy. 
“What kind of pancakes?!”
“Lucie pancakes!” Lucie pancakes are banana pancakes with sprinkles and a dollop of whipped cream.
“She counted 13 sprinkles for each one.” Nico widens his eyes at his wife.
“For daddy?” She asks her daughter.
“Yeah.” Lucie beams.
Nico sets the tray over her lap, then leans down to kiss his wife. He lingers, sensing the ache in her without her even needing to tell him. He holds her neck, keeping her against his lips when she tries to pull away too soon for him. Mack pats at their faces then leans in, inserting her face between them. Her parents laugh.
“Happy birthday, baby.” Nico says. “Another year of our favorite person.” Lexi feels her bottom lip start to tremble. Nico gives a sympathetic tilt of his lips. “We love you, mama.” He reaches out for her cheek, capturing the tear before their daughters see it.
“I made you a card too! Auntie Em helped with the glitter.”
“She did! She loves glitter.” Lexi murmurs, turning away from Nico. “Okay, I have so many pancakes here. I dont think I can eat all of these. Can you help, Luc?”
“Yeah!” Her brown eyes go wide at the prospect of sugar. “I want that one because it has the most whipped cream.”
“Oh okay.”
“Luc, is it your birthday?” Nico teases, setting Mack down so she can crawl about the bed.
“In two more months.”
“No! Less than two months!” Lexi laughs heartily at their smart, insistent daughter.
She puts a bite on her fork, feeding each of the babies a bite before she takes one herself, tending to their needs before her own as mom’s tend to do. Nico’s hand goes to her thigh as Lucie begin to tell her every single one of the presents downstairs waiting for her and the surprise balloons and banner. Nico is glad he kept the necklace to himself. It’s a new one, gold, with his and the girls initials, and a dainty heart for the baby they never got to name.
Nico doesn’t know, but it will heal a little bit more of the hole in Lexi’s heart she never thought would close.
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zmwrites · 2 years
Tag: Find the Vibe
This is a FANTASTIC new tag game, and I was tagged by @ashen-crest and given the vibe “who did this to you?”
Rules: find an excerpt from your WIP that fits a vibe. There is a full set of rules but that’s the gist of it.
This is from Just Jane and tbh I’m not even sure if it’s going to fit into the story since it’s so far in the future from where I am, but it’s the first thing that came to mind when I got the prompt.
“Here,” Nic said, and offered a handkerchief wrapped around a clump of snow.
Jane accepted it and pressed it to her cheek. The cold was nice, and dulled the pain enough to think through. Her right eye was starting to swell. She spat more blood into the bucket Pavia had found, then rinsed her mouth from the glass of water and spat again. Pavia passed her a handful of gauze that she wedged between her cheek and her teeth to try to stop the bleeding.
Someone knocked on the door. Nic answered it. 
Kell’s voice floated from the hall. “Are any of you planning on attending the meeting? It’s starting now.”
Nic sighed. “I’ll go. Pavia, you stay with Jane.”
“Why does Jane need babysitting?” Kell demanded. “What happened?”
“Nothing!” she called, the word slurred by her numbed cheek and the gauze in her mouth.
The door opened wider and Kell stepped inside. His eyes skipped around, taking in the scene. The pack of snow on her face, the bucket of blood and spit, the gauze, the blooming bruises. His expression shifted to anger. 
“I didn’t do it on purpose. I didn’t think he’d react like that,” she said. She hated how intensely she needed to defend herself to him. What did she care if he thought she was an idiot who threw herself into danger?
Kell’s fingers were alarmingly gentle as they brushed along her jaw, lifting her cheek into the light so he could see it better. His voice was chilled with rage. “What happened?”
“He must have found out that I was the one who gave the letter to Florence. He’s threatened to hit me before but I didn’t think he’d actually do it,” she replied. He was going to chastise her. A pit of misery was already forming in her stomach. 
“Who did this to you?”
“Does it matter?” Why did he care who she’d provoked?
“Yes.” The word was sharp. His teeth were clenched, his eyes murderous. “Jane. Who did this to you?”
She wanted to look to Pavia for guidance but couldn’t tear her gaze from his. “Lord Annesley.”
His jaw flexed and he gave a curt nod. His hand fell away and he turned on his heel, stalking out of the room.
What had that been about?
“Nic.” Pavia said his name like an order, and he seemed to understand it as he raced out of the room after Kell.
“What’s happening?” Jane asked. 
“Kell’s about to do something stupid,” Pavia replied.
“Why? Usually he tells me to stop being dense and moves on.”
She looked up with something bordering on pity in her eyes. “He’s not mad at you. He’s mad for you.”
Someone has to punch Lord Annesley back and the other three aren’t of high enough rank to get away with it.
I tag @bloodlessheirbyjacques, @pga-books, @dotr-rose-love, and anyone else who wants to play. Also CCing @sleepyowlwrites bc these are her blorbos. Your vibe is: “this can’t be real.” As always, no pressure!
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darkicedragon · 9 months
darkicedragon https://twitter.com/rahaeli/status/1655019750487912448 azure M like =^= when he allows for tummy brushes also, the delivery guy AU with M imagine Franken and Muzaka work together and suddenly after a full moon night Muzaka comes to work with his hair flawless and brushed "uh, yeah, so the guy I asked to look after me thought my fur was matted and brushed me the whole night. gave him a good tip." meanwhile M is like "this dude's dog was a mess. gotta remember to bring clippers next time because I couldn't trim his claws too' and Tao is dying darkicedragon 'it was that or keep scrolling thru youtube so i thought i may as well do something. had to take out the bins bc he shed EVERYWHERE. im going to crap the stuff out for a WEEK'
frankenstein like 'can i give him more money so he does this more regularly' 'i only transform once a month??' 'hmmmmm' muzaka waking up w a lil bandana around his neck azure imagine Muzaka is =A= bc sleepy and he's also running late so he doesn't even notice the bandana until he meets with Franken and Franken is v much amused "I didn't know you started accessorizing." and Muzaka is like??? until he looks down and notices is and it's a silly bandana prolly from Tao that says "best good boy" darkicedragon yessss XDDD 'and ARE you a good boy?' :) 'oi' darkicedragon also, muzaka finding messages on his phone like 'i THINK i caught him most of the time, but your dog kept trying to eat plastic?? so just keep an eye on him if he starts feeling poorly' azure OH MY GOD YES AHAHHA XDDD Franken and Muzaka having to work together to keep the peace in the city but they tease each other uwu bc Franken looking at his phone and giggling "You're quite cute, you know?" "hah?" and shows him a pic M took of him sleeping on his back with his paws in the air and tongue out like a husky darkicedragon m grumbling if he can ask for more money for ear plugs, bc ffs, that dog is LOUD azure — 07/05/2023 10:18 ['he's mad I won't let him eat the actual bag of chips'] [vid of Muzaka going Husky Drama™️ bc M won't allow him to eat a bag] darkicedragon XDDD also m w bruises the first time, bc muzaka just BARELLING into him, and used to frankenstein being able to catch him ....also m going to the gym bc hes DETERMINED to get strong enough to actually be able to lift muzaka and thats how he meets kentas maybe XD and kentas just like //sniff sniff// o^o? 'what' azure YESSSS XDDD azure "uh, do I still stink? must still be stinking of wet dog. sorry, I was dog sitting the other night and the dog ate an entire bag of cheetos. had to give him a bath. there was cheetos dust everywhere." darkicedragon 'dogsitting' 'yeh' 'can you take me their house?' 'fuck off???' darkicedragon m threatens to brush muzakas teeth bc he has Dog Breath azure ahahahah XDDD Muzaka comes to work with his breath fresh and minty ✨ 'What the hell happened? You smell like a dentist's clinic." "He brushed my teeth too." darkicedragon frankenstein like 'youre very domesticated if you let him do all that' ^-^ 'if i thought i was gonna atk him, i wouldnta asked him to be there!!'
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rafecameronzwhore · 1 year
Don't read if ur not Ezamay
Ezamay woke up this morning confused as to why she couldn't feel those 2 pairs of familiar arms around her
After looking for her lovers all over the room
She decided to brush her teeth and hair and to get dressed to go downstairs
As she walked downstairs
The smell of chocolate pancakes filled her nose
Ezamay walked into the kitchen to see her 2 beautiful boyfriends near the stove
Childe was making pancakes
And al haitham was leaning on the counter
As soon as they saw her
Al haitham walked up to Ezamay and wrapped his arms around her
He kissed her and greeted her goodmorning
"G'morning beautiful"
"Morning" ezamay says burying her head into his chest as al haitham holds her close
Soon after she felt another pair of arms wrap around her
Ezamay immediately knew who it was and turned around to greet childe
"Morning princess" he says
"Morning" she says while she pulls childe closer to her so that she could kiss him
"Do yall remember what day it issss" ezamay said with the biggest smile possible on her face
"Its Saturday, why?" Al haitham replied
"Oh" ezamays smile dropped
The boys were about to ask what happened but then ezamays phone started ringing
Ezamay walked over to her phone and answered it
Ezamay couldn't be more relived that someone remembered
Time skip
Ezamay and radiyah went shopping and etc
Before going home radiyah suggested to go to the beach and that's what they did
As they walked onto the beach talking
Ezamay felt her heart race and her eyes tear when she saw what was in front of her
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[What was in front of Ezamay, chose the pic bc my bestie deserves the best and only the bestests of best!]
She saw childe and al haitham holding bouquets of flowers
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[The 💐's bc once again my bestie deserve the bestests of best]
They both looked nervous and so was I
I looked to my side and Radiyah hugged me and said
"Happy birthday, I hope u name the childe [pun intended] after me!" she screamed as she ran away
Ezamay couldn't hold the blush that crept onto her face
[😉 😏]
And then walked over to the boys who looked like they were about to pass out because of how nervous they are
Ezamay kissed both boys and saw how they seemed to relax a bit
"Happy birthday bAbYgIrL" both of them said
"Thank you bABybOys"
Both the boys took ezamays hands and led her over to the picnic date they had set out
And ezamay couldn't control how hard she was smiling
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[Ezamay ^^^^]
They sat her down and started eating
After eating the boys started giving her gifts
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[One of the many gifts ezamay got 😉]
After ezamay opened all her gifts
She noticed that the Boyd were nervous again
So she pulled them both close to her
"What happened?" She had asked
Both boys took a step back from her leaving ezamay confused
Then they both grapped one of ezamays hands
"Ezamay Aviu you are the besti thing that has happened to us-" [al haitham]
"We can never imagine our lives without you, the thought alone of not being with you is something we despise-" [childe]
"We love you-" [al haitham]
"With everything we have-" [childe]
Soon they were both on there knees and with a velvet box in both of there hands
Ezamay couldn't help but tear up
"Ezamay aviu will you marry us" [both]
"YES YES YES YES" ezamay screamed more then happy
With tears in her eyes
Both boys slid a ring on each of her hands and then picked Ezamay up and twirled her around
All of a sudden they heard
"YEAHHH WAHOOOOO" and they all turned around to see that radiyah recorded it all
They all laughed it off
"You know what's funny" childe said
Ezamay gave a confused looked
"She threatened us before all this and said that she'll make sure that we can never have babies if we break your heart" al haitham added on
Ezamay couldn't help but laugh
I hope you liked it sorry if you didn't or if it came out as cringe but I really wanted to get this done since it's your birthday and I felt bad that I can't come with yall to the night market.
Ezamay I know this year hasn't been the best but I want you to know that I truly love you and that I am so proud of how far you have come since we first met, I remember that you used to be so shy and you didn't like to put your hand up to answer questions but now you do and I am so incredibly proud of you for that.
I really value our friendship and I admire how no matter how many times we fight we always figure it out in the end.
I love you so incredibly much ezamay that words nor numbers can describe.
I wish you the happiest of birthdays my beautiful, drop dead gorgeous [and all other words that mean pretty] bestie.
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