#bc i think thats gonna be the thing that makes ruby break
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constantvariations · 2 years ago
Pro tip: never let someone who doesn’t understand the RP in RPG run a DnD campaign
Post Ep: quite possibly the best episode of the season so far. Things actually happened for once, and it was all character focused. By V9 standards this is an absolute masterpiece
Hey the OP changed to show Jaune’s ugly ass breaking the 4th wall. Don’t care about your sad face dude
Oh goddammit not this 1st POV shit again. I get doing it for Ruby bc yknow. Main character. Show’s named after her and everything. Jaune? Not so much
So we don’t even get an indication of when Jaune originally showed up? Where even is he?
Ah yes, let’s just skip right past the trauma of someone waiting literally decades for people he knows are coming but not when to have some silly whoosh sound effects and bullet fast questions
One thing I will say is I much prefer this voice to his usual. It’s far more natural and far less grating on my soul
Like, if she’d shown any interest in an older man before this then, fine, Weiss would be into older men, but this is coming from literally fucking nowhere and feels like, yet again, the writers are catering to themselves via their pet rather than thinking about what the characters would actually do
“We got everybody out” think you’re missing a few dozen folks. Yknow. The ones who Cinder exploded off the bridge? Even if the explosion killed all of them, which is statistically unlikely, there would still be bodies somewhere. Thanks to the timey whimey fuckery, we could see them falling from the sky at any time, which would be gruesome as fuck but a very poignant moment of failure for them all
Aaaaaand once again the team’s attempts to have a proper fucking discussion about their past actions and the subsequent consequences interrupted. By fucking Jaune. Goddammit
“What cat?” Does Jaune not know the story or is he attempting to clarify it’s Curious instead of some other resident? Also, damn that was actually a good bit of voice acting. Is this Luna or is someone else playing Elder Banana Boy?
The framing of Curious Cat under clear skies to Jaune under dark clouds is really fucking good. Wonder if the protruding jackalope antlers means something or if it’s just too big to leave out of frame
“This place really is the pits” I’m not entirely sure this is something Weiss would say, but punderful crossroads ig
So the tree is the source of the Againing? I feel it’d be more impactful if residents went to the tree willingly, like a sacred pilgrimage, rather than being dropped through a hole
Though this does present an interesting choice for Ruby: go to the tree and become someone new or continue with the choices and responsibilities. It must be incredibly tempting
“[Yang and Blake] must’ve had something bigger to work out.” Shut the fuck up their romance isn’t even tied to any character arcs or thematic problems; they’ve just been circling each other for fucking seasons while ignoring everything and everyone else. This is NOT bigger than what’s already at hand
Ah yes, the perfect solution to force a romantic confession: dangling people on a rickety bridge in high winds. Guess that brings a new meaning to “falling for you”
“So, what, Alyx lied?” Damn sure would be nice to know the actual story so we can feel the same betrayal the characters do
God can I just skip over the high rise bumblebee moments? I’m cringing so hard my intestines are straightening out. Also is it just me or is the animation around these parts really strange? I can’t put my finger on it but it’s wigging me out
Not entirely sure how I’m feeling about this Alyx reveal. Would it really have been so wrong for an innocent, naive girl in strange and overwhelming circumstances to make terrible mistakes? Wouldn’t that be far more relevant to Ruby’s own journey, especially if Alyx never learned to take responsibility? Especially if one of those mistakes cost her a brother she never spoke of again, perhaps eventually even forgot due to the guilt?
Idk this kinda feels like another complicated, morally grey situation being boiled down to “bad person hurt good person so we hate the bad person." Also, not great that she and the dead bro are the only ones darker than milk this season. Gr8 representation rt
“You have cat ears!” ...why are we alive? Just to suffer? I swear this volume has made more of a fuss about Blake’s status as a “non-human” than all other volumes combined. SHE IS JUST A HUMAN WITH CAT EARS I’M GOING TO EAT A FUCKING FRIDGE
“Maybe it’s saying things we’ve never said to each other.” Damn y’all haven’t really done any talking about anything so if that’s the rule y’all could reach the platform by straight up talking about the weather or books and videogames
Also this forced confession feels really icky. They’re basically hostages to the environment. It’s not cute that the confession is coming out of this situation, it’s fucking appalling. Especially when you consider how much better and more natural it would’ve been in V6 or V7. Hell, I’d take a wildly out of place kiss in V8 rather than this
I think Blake should’ve been the one to say it first. She’s the one with the running away problem, so her being the one to step up and face her fears in such a personal manner would be far better for her character arc than urging Yang to take the leap instead
“You never give up on people, even when they hurt you.” Adam Taurus and every White Fang member she’s killed is calling bullshit. Blake never tried reaching out to any of these people and clearly had no problem slicing and dicing them for the sake of humans who give zero shits about faunus rights
“You never give up” I think her retreat in V4 counts as giving up, Yang, but you wouldn’t know that because you’ve NEVER FUCKING TALKED
Huzzah, a kiss! Now, how about a proper, healthy relationship?
So Curious knew the story all along? Which means we didn’t have to suffer that obnoxious, self-righteous snore of a “love letter to the fandom” because it was required for the plot. We suffered it because the writers wanted us to suffer. Thanks I hate it
I really like the checkers going dull when Curious gets sad. They’re genuinely the best part of this volume, followed only by that gorgeous mushroom forest. I just wish their colors were better. There’s a difference between bright and eyestrain, and they very much are the latter
“You used me in the same way I’ve only seen [indecipherable] for knowledge and entertainment.” Firstly, can I get some goddamn captions please my family is starving. Secondly, go get em baby I got yo flower
Damn did they rip that house straight from the ps2? What the fuck
Ah, bathos. Possibly the worst literary crime possible. Why would we ever ruminate on the fact that Ruby and co. have been using people and making lives worse everywhere they go when we can watch Blake and Yang suck face?
Also, I’m fairly certain that, out of the two of them, Yang would be the one to pop a leg
“I think Alyx traded [Louis] to the tree [in order to leave]” Is that what Ruby’s gonna propose? Being traded so everyone else can go home? Doubt the tree will allow such an uneven trade to begin with, but, once again, a tempting idea
Why is Ruby having an episode over Cresent Rose’s return? Is it the reminder of what happened at the V8 crossroads? The responsibility it represents? The identity she no longer has?
This would be easier to understand if we had any build up. If the return of her weapon is going to be this heavy, then the loss of it at the beginning should have made a serious impact. But it didn’t. She didn’t even look for it. Never once talked about it. Outside of fights, Cresent Rose’s absence has been completely ignored
And why is no one seeing her very clear and obvious distress yet AGAIN? WBY cheer when she gets it back, but it makes them seem ignorant to the point of callousness. Par for the course this volume, but the longer it goes on, the less I actually care about any of this
If her supposed friends, including the overprotective sister who apparently raised her, don’t notice Ruby waving more red flags than Sayaka Miki, then why should I be bothered whenever it’s happening? If the story keeps dragging her symptoms out episode after episode, cutting the scene any time it feels like we’re about to get somewhere, then why should I invest any energy into it? If the story doesn’t care, why should I?
Luna is, indeed, still the voice of Jaune. Great improvement, boyo, keep this voice for him forever
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autisticlalna · 2 months ago
skyblock kingdoms species headcanons v3
follow up to my previous posts on this (v1 / v2), here's the overview of my takes on the cubitos as of now!
under cut bc this is gonna be. long.
secret catboy. ears are hidden under hat.
tail is probably shorter than i draw it
does have some cat instincts he tries to cover. can purr
i wanna start drawing him with glasses i just need to figure out a good design for em
normal human
...to point of canceling out the weirdness of anyone around him
this applies to himself. god knows what he's like when he's not self-nullified
mimic, copies vibe of whoever she spends a lot of time with
baseline form is... mostly human.
gemstone hair and he cracks and chips instead of bleeds
(basically like the gems from land of the lustrous)
allay wings were injured at start of sbk, didnt heal for a while
looks like a faun with a tree branch unicorn horn
flowers are physically a part of her
clone of ruby's baseline form, so is human-passing with wings
not a mimic
started human and then he got Worse
the deeper he got into dark magic, the more it changed him.
white streak from his stint in incendium
monkeyvid is soulfire reshaped into a physical form. similar situation with ruby where he's organic until something breaks
avoid has a x-shaped scar where olm ripped out his soul
human, then monkey, then human again
is a normal guy but, like, For Real. he's chill
was human once
soul spots are big cracks like broken pottery
bleeds liquid gold
librarian still has the cracks but is iridescent
basically a cartoon character
shapeshifter For The Bit
can completely copy people but keeps the mustache on purpose bc, like, why wouldnt he. thats his brand
cannot be killed in a way that matters
also a slapstick cartoon character but more cringefail
can, unfortunately, be killed in a way that matters
(alien with pointy ears, glowing freckles, tail)
elytra is ender dragon wings
also an alien
something adjacent to a piglin
im gonna be real my thoughts on marm are constantly changing. for the love of god please help me
current take is some kind of weird swamp gargoyle thing
void exposure made her more monstrous over time but has since evened out
very fluffy anthro cat
i dont know how to explain it. tea just has the vibes
was human once. isnt anymore.
is either "was human and was turned into an eldritch horror", "is an eldritch horror that took the original trog's place", or somewhere inbetween
does not feel like trying to make the distinction anymore
sometimes explodes into triangles when stressed/startled
the other sbkers wave it off. trog has always been like this, its fine
red panda hybrid
is able to ignite at-will
i still wanna keep her partially sculked i think. flammable red panda warden human mix
raccoon mask is functionally her face
start of season: fairly ordinary. maybe just a tanuki
got hit hard with spruce adaption after the void jump, is now an abstract combo of winter-associated animals
im still attached to anathrabot but Canon Hologram Anathra has overtaken it
minor visual glitches now and then
sometimes has trouble with briefly clipping through things or otherwise being solid
freezing cold to the touch
herobrine :D
looks fairly human but has strong cryptid energy. also the stereotypical glowing eyes when he wants to scare people
anathra runs cold, elffe runs hot. space heater of a man.
crimson vines growing on him. hes not very bothered by it.
symbiotic relationship with the mushrooms (red, brown, crimson, warped) growing on her
Weird Vibes. something is just off with nethershroom
retro cyborg. very funky.
was very run-down when found, has since fixed himself up
penguin :3
not anthropomorphic but scaled up to a "human but short" size
got scrungled SO HARD by the ender corruption. still some remnants of it even after olm transferred it
probably would have even more thoughts if i actually. drew most of these guys. i do wanna do a lineup eventually but thats 23 (24 if you count avoid) people. hrk
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liopleurodean · 2 years ago
Season 4, Episode 14: Sex And Violence
Yay, a meat tenderizer
Oh, this'll end well
Something's up with him
Is Dean snoring?
Dean is not the kiddo here
DAs- I think that's a new one
Good cop/bad cop
That's extreme
This is weird
Kids: don't ever kill someone for a relationship
Poor guy
Okay then
That's convenient
Uh oh
Interesting development
Sounds like she has experience
Ooh, he just got blown off
That's Dean's advice
Wasn't his fault
Honey Wagon? Like honeypot?
Explains the oxytocin
Dean is very excited
Stay on target, Dean
Well that's great
Hey, Dean's read the Odyssey!
Ramble On?
This'll be fun
That'll make things harder
Aurora, Jasmine, and Ariel, and now Belle? It's a siren, posing as a STRIPPER, using DISNEY PRINCESS NAMES. Talk about death of your childhood
Breaking the pattern
That's horrifying
He is so out of it
Poor guy
Dean, you look like you want to set the phone on fire
I understood it, you need the blood of a victim
And that's where the oxytocin comes in
Uh oh
Bobby, I'll bet
Called it
How's this gonna play out?
That'll go well
We know, Dean
Oh, that'll get him on his good side
That's not good
And now they're bonding over music. New best friends
Wait, how did he know it was one guy?
Likes the car, likes the music, knew about the case? It's gotta be the fed
Oh, he has
Sure it is
Come on, Sam
I'm sure
That can't be comfortable
That is suspicious
That won't end well
Maybe I was wrong about the fed
That is kind of weird
I still think I'm right
Why would he say that?
'brothers,' yeah right
Not to Dean, apparently
That is so weird
This is not going to end well
To Ruby? Yeah
The sad thing is? He's not even lying
Now THATS a lie
That was close
When has that stopped them?
A true Dean copy
Dean, you liar
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majoringinsarcasm · 2 years ago
He’s gonna be rude about the gift, about Penny’s sword, and Ruby is gonna be pissed isn’t she? Guess this has become a running commentary fjdjdndnd
So it’s like a combination of Chess, bc of the term Pawn, and checkers, bc of the movement? I know you take pieces in each game but I’m less familiar with how chess works
Also those poor white and gold ones look so battered they look like little salt shakers 🥺
Something something Ruby is once again tasked with leading her team to not just victory but also safety only now they are Her Pawns. My girl is not catching a break anytime soon is she?
Little. I love Little so much.
The white team has been beaten down not just in skill but also in team moral. It looks like they aren’t patched up after the games or replaced which is why they’re so dirty and broken. They’re used to losing so they want to get it over with. But team rwby being so confident in themselves and Ruby’s leadership in this moment make the pawns believe in her too and that’s what’s giving them the guts to fight back with their full power again.
Pardon me as I weep
…… so I’m gonna guess that some humans before them killed the red king and also like fucked shit up in the Ever After. But I’m not sure if it’s Neo and Jaune or other humans.
Also yes I loved this OST in the trailer it’s so fun
WAIT LYRICS AHHHHHH CRUNCHYROLL WHERE ARE THE FUCKING SUBTITLES ok wait so. They are selected. But for whatever reason the only ones that aren’t working are English the ones for other languages seem to be working so. MAYBE MEXT WEEK the English ones will work? Has this been a problem for English dubs on CR before I’m so confused
Also even tho they are tiny rn how helpless must Ruby feel without having her weapon. She can’t catch a break even in the tiny-verse I’m
Blake running to help Yang and getting punched back I’m gonna scream. If anyone says “she’s too focused on her it’s why she got hurt” but still calls Bees queerbait I’m gonna block them so hard their internet crashes
Sorry the cat is very distracting but it sounds like. We gotta make a change bc it’s time for a change
RUBES 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 I think that’s the first time we’ve ever heard a nickname for any of them aside from Klein calling Weiss his little snowflake 🥺🥺🥺🥺
Hi Neo
So. My question is. Did she fall WAAAAY after the others, or did she fall at the same time and we are seeing like a flashback?
Uhhhhh is she doing this on purpose or is her semblance going haywire?? She looks a little surprised
Anyway that fucking ruled it’s stupid how good this volume is it was 100% worth the wait we have Neo now all I personally need is MY BOY JAUNE WHERE IS HE IS HE LOST FOREVER LIKE CRESCENT ROSE
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dumbbitch89 · 4 years ago
RWBY V8 E1 thoughts- SPOILERS
yall im rewatching it and i have so many feelings like yall wtf.
yang and blake get speaking roles that affect the plot wtf, im so used to the action scenes im pleasantly suprised by the amount of dialogue being used. adding onto that, everyone is speaking more in general and i love it.
yang is showing some personality by finally standing up for something instead of following orders
blake said something for once, weiss’ hair isnt that lumpy anymore, not suprised about the ruby/yang conflict but ruby rly does needa broaden her horizons when leading, im glad juane stepped in and the ruby/yang conflict didnt turn into a fight although with all the back and forth shots i can assume the conflict is still gonna play a part in the plot.
im pretty biased but im going team yang for this one, even though i agree with ruby as well. the communications tower thing needs to be finished but the priority is always the civilians, which is why i prefer yangs group (also i love yang “wow op i couldnt tell at all” yeah ik ik i have a huge bias)
penny being so sad makes me sad but robot girl go brrrrrr
the longing looks from blake and weiss as yang leaves have my bees schnees heart oozing but at the same time whiterose has been seen together more than twice for a whole season so im rooting for them too. also ladybug?????? has had more interactions in one episode than like all of last volume so hell yeah for anyone who ships them
the animation in general has gotten sm better and i love it, the style in faces and everything else is a lot more consistent and there are less wonky moments and it makes close up shots more appealing now that its cleaner and it makes everything flow a lot better.
im gonna touch on this again because yk its a main plot point, i know the divided teams were like forcibly hinted at last season but at the same time, nora was always for putting mantle first above ironwood, but then she doesnt go to help evacute them first and protect mantle? like i understand the bigger picture but you would think it would be the opposite way around with nora and ren considering last volume but eh oh well its just something i noticed. maybe they did that for a specific reason that will change everything later on or not who knows.
the opening is a whole monster in itself its great i love it.
i love the two moments where whiterose’s weapons r together and so r bumbleby’s and i LOVE that they finally remember that theyre partners like fuck yeah finally give weiss and ruby some partner time together. and like its just looks so pretty and like idk i just love it.
youll notice im not talking about the villains bc idk i simply dont rly have an interest in them like other ppl which is fine, you do you, i just dont care to talk about them when i can talk about the one character that never leaves my head. yang yang yang yang yang yang yang. but anyways neo is cool and the only villain i can stand
winter looks hot af in the opening and im glad that the opening is covering all aspects and storylines like its not just the main conflict in the opening its all the side plots as well like nora/ren conflict, the schnee family as a whole, yang/blake and nora/ren having symbolic moments that r literally the same thing and i am losing my mind they really said here shippers go wild.
the scene in the opening with penny and the mirror breaking hurt, i will admit to that.
the final clips of the opening where team rwby falls thru the ice and everything after that is very cool and i would like the personally thank whoever made that part specifically like holy shit. the symbolism not only in the fact that their weapons r lost, but that fact that it looks cool as fuck and it hints that the end wont be as simple as they believe it to be. but im glad that its just team rwby because we need team bonding time pronto.
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luvuwite · 4 years ago
all, go
i hate you
1. What was the last present you gave?
uMMMM probably a commission i gave to pancake (archie/vivi)
 2. What was the last present you received? 
i dunno? if its a doodle then i got that a week back!
3. What animal best represents your personality? 
from the oOoOO spirit animal tests i took im a snek
4. What are you most afraid of? 
sometimes my own mind EYES EMOJI
5. Who is your favourite villain? 
HMMMMMMM probably like,, megamind i love him
6. Who is your favourite family member? (we all have one, admit it)
7. If you could name your own planet what would it be called? 
8. Stars or Moon? 
9. Do you have/want kinds? 
if my other partner wants them, sure
10. What is your greatest life goal? 
making it this far
11. What is something you can’t live without? 
12. What is a place you associate with your childhood? 
one of the parks near the store-area
13. How was your first kiss/how would you like your first kiss to go? 
i never kissed, so i wouldn’t know, but pls,,,ask for consent,,, and warn me if we gonna kiss or not,,,,,
14. What is some life advice you have acquired? 
ive learned a lil’ bit, but one of em probably has to be to just be like,, dont cry over something you know is fake, at least thats what i remember atm HAHA
15. Who in history has influenced you? 
bruh i dont like history idk
16. What is something strange that you think about often? 
h,,,hopless romantic noISIJEIORQ AHHAHA i like to think about weird scenarios in my head basically
17. Baths or Showers? 
showrr i get shy with myself in baths
18. Tea of Coffee? 
19. Alcohol or soft drink? 
alchohol bad brisk brisk brisk
20. Writing or typing? 
typing since its easier
21. What is you most favourite thing in your bedroom? 
my bed its sexy and comfy
22. Spontaneous holiday! Where are you going and with who? 
wait what UH I DONT KNOW probably just close close friends and family
23. Introverted or Extraverted? 
i have my moments with both
24. Describe yourself in two words. 
small and aggressive
31. What do you think of when you hear ‘portrait’? 
a picture or image of someone/something
32. Tell me about your partner/ideal partner? 
i mean no one is perfect yeah? i just want them to be honest with me and accept my AHEM struGGLES with relationships since im not the best partner
33. Tell me about your siblings, if you have any? 
my sister is what you call a “girly girl”, she likes disney movies, outdoors, being loud and running around, yknow just like any other child ever
35. What are you a big advocate for? 
my friends!!
36. If you’re comfortable to answer, what is the sickest you have ever been?
migraine + stomach bug + mental in trash +  stomach pains + lil appendix pain
37. When were you the most scared in your life? 
when i broke my arm
38. Ever had a paranormal experience? 
ACTUALLY YEAH i thought i heard someone yelling help outside my window and i peaked out and realized it was nothing and i figured i was just tired but i was still kinda freaked
39. Biggest celebrity crush at the moment? 
im not like other girls,,,,....
40. What is something happening in your life right now? 
uhhh just general anxiousness/paranoia(?) tbh
41. What is your favourite mythological creature? 
42. Marvel or DC?
dont know what those are
43. What object would be on your family’s banner? 
44. Favourite flower? 
pink rose
45. One characteristic you like in a partner? 
s,,,support/reassurance pls
46. What planet/star would you travel to if it were possible? 
i wanna,,,, actually i dont know i think i would just enjoy floating around in general 
47. What is your favourite meal… ever? 
48. First time…. doing anything. Describe your first time doing something? 
first time i drew was twiggit sperkl and that was the most proudest i ever felt
49. Who is your favourite superhero? 
50. What is your favourite poem? Recite it?
i dont read
51. What is an exercise you despise doing. 
52. Secret talent? 
53. Current song on replay replay replay? 
55. If you weren’t in your current occupation what would you be doing? 
sleeping probably
56. What is the first thing you notice about the person you fancy?
,,y,yo they kinda,,,, scrumptious,,, AHUIWRWQI 
57. If you had one wish that would definitely come true, what would it be? 
58. If you could time travel, when and where would you visit? 
i would go to future bc i wanna see what i look like
59. What is your lucky number? 
60. If you adopt a pet what would it be and what would you name it? 
a cat!! and i actually am planning a name and calling them clementine!! 
61. Do you believe in fate/everything happens for a reason?
i believe your fate is decided by ur own actions/words
 62. What is your favourite thing about your personality? 
im not too hard to get along with,, i hope
63. What is your favourite thing about your appearance? 
64. What is your favourite clothing store? 
primark bc everything is like 2 bucks
65. What is your favourite online store? 
i dont do online shopping too much
66. Use one word to describe your most favourite person? 
67. How do you usually have your hair?
down with a clip, then ponytail next day
 68. What was your favourite subject in high school? 
69. What makes you feel empowered? 
power over something/someone(as a joke/in games, not in a bad way)
70. What motivates you to do something? 
a prize at the end
71. What advice would you give someone who is going through a rough time? 
it gets worse before it gets better, and in the worse ill be there for you so you dont have to go through this alone
72. Ideal date? 
wendys!!! sweater weather!!! cuddle!!! left 4 dead!!! comfy clothes!!!
73. What is the best date night movie? 
i am not that attractive to be taken out on a date
74. What is something you are currently looking forward to? 
nothing atm tbh im just here bc i have to beIEOJRWIOE
75. Tell me a funny joke? 
oo wa oh wa ooh
76. Do you like musicals? If so, what’s your favourite? 
never listened to one actually
77. What is your favourite song currently? 
sweater weather. always.
78. What song never fails to make you dance? 
79. What is your favourite “classic?”
gnomeo and juliet
 80. What is the best advice you have ever been given? 
obese paragraph and comfort doodles? lets go
81. Where did you ancestors come from? 
puerto rico
82. What have you learned from your parents/guardians? 
be tough nugget and dont take shit seriously till you have to
83. What is a phrase you heard a lot growing up? 
dont step on the crack or youll break ur mothers back
84. Do you believe in magic? 
85. What reminds you of your best friend? 
86. What are you passionate about? 
dance dance dance
87. Tell me a story from middle school? 
one time
the end
88. Who was your favourite teacher and why?
i love my bio teacher rn bro shes such a sweetheart
 89. Can you roll your tongue? 
90. What made you pursue what you are studying? (including school subjects) 
my little pony
91. Where would you like to travel to? 
japan for those toys gimme gimme
92. What is something on your bucket-list? 
i wanna see coral reef
93. What is home to you? 
place that brings feeling of comfort/security
94. What do you do in your free time? 
95. If you could buy anything right now, what would it be? 
96. If you could see anyone, living or dead, right now, who would it be? 
probs one of my online friends
97. If you could choose, what would your last meal be? 
soup dumplings brisk and rice
98. How would you like to die? 
99. List five of your favourite pieces of art (paintings, books, songs etc) 
ruby eyes / sweater weather / ponyo / wall-e / idk
100. What would you change about this world?
global warming SHOOO U FAT
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anti-pasto · 5 years ago
for the 200 ask thingy, i actually dare you to do all of them. :D
delgaskarthalexhere we go, anon: 
200: My crush’s name is: I don’t have one right now, I don’t get them often (if I ever had a crush at all)
199: I was born in: 2003
198: I am really: A 2005 emo kid x a 2008 scene kid x a 2014 tumblr fangirl x Kyle himself
 197: My cellphone company is: Apple
194: My ring size is: Honestly? No idea. Propose to me with a sword.
 193: My height is: Somewhere between 5′7″ and 5′8″
192: I am allergic to: Nothing I’m aware of 
191: My 1st car was:  94 Station Wagon, by request
190: My 1st job was: being this funny is a full-time gig
 189: Last book you read: Bone Gap by Laura Ruby
188: My bed is: “made”
187: My pet: I have a cat, I love her very much and I will show her to you if you dm me a cursed image
186: My best friend: We don’t use “best friend” for personal reasons, but they’ve been with me since I was 5 so, my one and only Bro
185: My favorite shampoo is: anything with “silky smooth” or “strawberries” on the bottle. i’m not that picky anymore.
184: Xbox or ps3: xbox or ps4  xbox
183: Piggy banks are: really useful
 182: In my pockets: wallet, keys, phone, earbuds, black pen/pencil, earplugs, mini flashlight
 181: On my calendar:  i’m meeting a friend for smoothies tomorrow
 180: Marriage is: something we shouldn’t push so much onto people. it’s a declaration of love, not an end-all fix-all to your life. i can’t ever see myself getting married but who knows!
 179: Spongebob can: continue to be a relevant meme
178: My mom: i mean. we function. i can’t really complain about my family at large but i am defiantly looking forward to living literally as far away from them as i can. 
 177: The last three songs I bought were? psh, you think i pay for music? (folie a deux, lake effect kid, believers never die volume two) (those are albums but its okay)
176: Last YouTube video watched: I watched Markiplier play Uno
175: How many cousins do you have? 11? 12? I lost count
174: Do you have any siblings? I have a brother
 173: Are your parents divorced? Nope!
172: Are you taller than your mom? Yes, I have been for a while
171: Do you play an instrument? dude HECK yeah! i vibe on piano, guitar, ukulele, clarinet, and im a drum major
170: What did you do yesterday? I went on a drive by myself.
 [ I Believe In ] 
169: Love at first sight: Nope.
168: Luck: Yes, but luck is something that can be engineered
167: Fate: To an extent
 166: Yourself: I’d say overall, yeah. I still have doubts tho
165: Aliens: Mmmmmm yeah
 164: Heaven: Yes
163: Hell: Yes
162: God: Yeup
 161: Horoscopes: without an ounce of truth, they would have died a long time ago
160: Soul mates: the greeks had seven words for love. i think we have multiple soul mates to fit each of those categories. there are definitely people we’re just meant to vibe with
159: Ghosts: i want to say yes but i really dont know
158: Gay Marriage: yes. its 2020. grow up.
157: War: in theory? no. war is kinda messed up. in reality? not everyone is going to be down to nice diplomatic conflict resolution, and not everyone is just gonna leave people *countries* they don’t like alone, so...
156: Orbs: ??? energies are real
155: Magic: vibes are real
 [ This or That ]
 154: Hugs or Kisses: hugs
153: Drunk or High: i am a child of jesus
152: Phone or Online: online
 151: Red heads or Black haired:  irdc but black hair bc i am Emo
150: Blondes or Brunettes: blonde?? ig?? easier to dye
149: Hot or cold: hot weather + cold rooms
148: Summer or winter: summer
147: Autumn or Spring: autum (screw spring)
 146: Chocolate or vanilla: vanilla
145: Night or Day: night
 144: Oranges or Apples: oranges (better to share with homies)
 143: Curly or Straight hair: i dont care but curly
 142: McDonalds or Burger King: mcdonald give iced coffee
141: White Chocolate or Milk Chocolate: dark chocolate
 140: Mac or PC: pc for vidgya gaemes
139: Flip flops or high heals: ...converse. please. i cant walk properly in either of those
 138: Ugly and rich OR sweet and poor: sweet and poor 
 137: Coke or Pepsi: pepsi
136: Hillary or Obama: this is kinda outdated but obama
135: Burried or cremated: cremated i aint watch spn for nothin
134: Singing or Dancing: singing. at least that gets better with practice
133: Coach or Chanel: chanel (thank u mr frank ocean and also the neighborhood)
 132: Kat McPhee or Taylor Hicks: whomst
 131: Small town or Big city: big city and if you say small town you’ve never lived in a small town
 130: Wal-Mart or Target: target
 129: Ben Stiller or Adam Sandler: who tf is this
 128: Manicure or Pedicure: idk dude probably pedicure i don’t like people touching my hands and i use them for too much to get my nails done
127: East Coast or West Coast: hnngggggggg west coast has more to do but east coast has better beaches and 
126: Your Birthday or Christmas: birthday 
125: Chocolate or Flowers: chocolate bc then i can give u some
124: Disney or Six Flags: ive only been to disney so disney (though i AM a HARDCORE rollercoaster stan so it wouldnt take much for me to say six flags)
123: Yankees or Red Sox: what 
 [ Here’s What I Think About ]
 122: War: unfortunately sometimes necessary but not as a first resort i went over this already 
 121: George Bush: is that the shoe guy?
 120: Gay Marriage:  be gay. do crime. kiss wife. or husband. or partner. basically, hell yeah
119: The presidential election: america need 2 b single and focus on herself
 118: Abortion: pro-choice and that choice should be made by the one carrying the baby
117: MySpace: tumblr’s dad
116: Reality TV: don’t talk to about abt this
 115: Parents: disgusting. go to therapy. 
114: Back stabbers: if you’re gonna stab me in the back, pull my lungs through my ribcage bc that’s what my ancestor’s ghosts are gonna do to you (thanks great (x a few times) grandma viking ily thanks for the hair:) )
113: Ebay: good for merch and selling books
 112: Facebook: zuck my dick, data-theif
111: Work: i like doing work? like- i enjoy completing tasks and seeing my hard work pay off? it’s not that bad?
110: My Neighbors: old. boring. want me to babysit for free.
109: Gas Prices: i cant really complain rn they’re kinda low and im a little broke so
108: Designer Clothes: i vibe to them, honestly
 107: College: not for everyone but definitely for me
106: Sports: marching band is a sport marching band is a sport marching band is a sport marching band is a sport marching band is a sport but only technically speaking though you can make fair comparisons to sports such as cheer, and gymnastics where the idea is to put on a show and receive a score in the form of competition. 
 105: My family: disgusting
104: The future: the future doesn’t exist
 [ Last time I ] 
103: Hugged someone: god, don’t ask me this
 102: Last time you ate: uhhh like 9 hours ago? it was dinner and i had pizza
 101: Saw someone I haven’t seen in awhile: three or four weeks ago by best bro came to visit and we vibed
100: Cried in front of someone: i finished twist and shout at school at the end of a very bad week. it was only a few tears but that’s as close as i get to crying
99: Went to a movie theater: whenever the last star wars movie came out
98: Took a vacation: last year i went to dc over summer break to see the Smithsonian, it was a lot of fun. i was supposed to go to altanta and florida this year but that didn’t happen for reasons
 97: Swam in a pool: last week
 96: Changed a diaper: never
 95: Got my nails done: never
 94: Went to a wedding: its been at least 6 years dude
93: Broke a bone: never, somehow
 92: Got a peircing: nope
91: Broke the law: technically, yesterday. 55 is too slow
90: Texted: just now
 [ MISC ] 
89: Who makes you laugh the most: the person in my snap named “junior”
88: Something I will really miss when I leave home is: my cat
87: The last movie I saw: probably into the spiderverse
86: The thing that I’m looking forward to the most: things going back to normal. or somewhat normal. i need school to have a schedule bc i absolutely cannot force myself to function without outside influence
 85: The thing im not looking forward to: ironically, school in the fall. the way we’re going back is going to wreck me more than lockdown already has
 84: People call me: i only ft one of my bros and they know who tf they are if you ask to ft you’re getting fuckin blocked mate i dont do that shit video calls are for WORK and SCHOOL thats IT. but ppl call me by my nickname irl, i go by screech on here. 
83: The most difficult thing to do is: listen to my parent’s political opinions? live in a small town? force myself to be productive without a physical influence and reminder? put up with that one dude?
82: I have gotten a speeding ticket: nope
 81: My zodiac sign is: scoprio/leo/gemini
80: The first person i talked to today was: the potential bassist for our potential band? 
79: First time you had a crush: uhh im still not sure if it was a crush but i wanted them to myself and they wanted (and got) someone better. we were just friends so it doesn’t really matter
 78: The one person who i can’t hide things from: the person on snap named “the great oracle”
77: Last time someone said something you were thinking: yesterday, it was my brother
 76: Right now I am talking to: in order of snap names, “vibin ~[^.^]~”, “russian umbrella”, and “mom” (not really)
75: What are you going to do when you grow up: hopefully, a job that makes me happy
74: I have/will get a job: as soon as i know what’s going on with school. but like as an adult? wherever will hire me and pay my fairly. being a barista would be fun, but at a local place (not in my current town)
73: Tomorrow: ???? time for bad poetry: tomorrow i will see my friend/ admist this lasting chaos/ we will be each other’s solitude/ while sharing fruity drinks/ and when we both come home/ a smile we will bring
72: Today: idk what this means so more poetry: today i will be sleep deprived as always/ i will think of them and weep/ but no tears will fall from my eyes/ for i know there is a reason/ we went our own way
 71: Next Summer: i fr dont know whats goin on so: next summer i will be/ as happy as can be/ because i will be in pain no longer/ the earth is sure to heal/ and i will heal with her/ so i can enjoy/ the heatwave of next summer
70: Next Weekend: next weekend i will spend/ my days wasting away/ maybe ill finish hannibal/ again/ not that serial killers make the dopamine stay/ i will not see my friends/ or talk to my family/ i will seldom eat/ and live off coffee/ this has been my life/ all quarintine/ god someone please help me
 69: I have these pets: i have four cats, three chickens, and a dog
 68: The worst sound in the world: my dad and grandpa talking
 67: The person that makes me cry the most is: Them
 66: People that make you happy: snap name time: the great oracle, junior, vibin ~[^.^]~, russian umbrella, mom, hero, booby-king 48, go to bed, son, pooper trooper, mac&cheese, plain egg biscuit, apple pie
 65: Last time I cried: i dont cry bitch (last week over officals that cant make up they gottdamned mindes)
64: My friends are: my family and i would die for each and all of them
 63: My computer is: an old hp but it play gaemes real good so it okie
 62: My School: is trash but the band pops off
61: My Car: old, fast, clean
60: I lose all respect for people who: are my dad
 59: The movie I cried at was: i cried over big hero six
 58: Your hair color is: blonde
57: TV shows you watch: supernatural, good omens, hannibal, parks and rec
56: Favorite web site: this hellsite or youtube
 55: Your dream vacation: out of the country with beautiful beaches, amazing food, and my best friend
54: The worst pain I was ever in was: the time i split the back of my head open, the time i split my chin open, and the time my then best friend said they didn’t want to talk to me anymore. i’ll let you guess which one hurt the most and which one i think about every fucking day
53: How do you like your steak cooked: medium or medium well. 
52: My room is: clean and a reflection of myself, or so i’ve been told
51: My favorite celebrity is: i do not engage in celebrity worship. ill follow them and reblog gifs/interviews but i dont really have a favorite. the less i know abt them the better.
 50: Where would you like to be: my own apartment in nyc
49: Do you want children: FUCK THEM KIDS BRO
 48: Ever been in love: i dont know if it was love. i dont know if it was a crush. what i do know id that i was attached and they didn’t feel the same, and why would they?
 47: Who’s your best friend: we dont really use best friend bc but “the great oracle” “junior” and “vibin ~[^.^]~”
46: More guy friends or girl friends: its 50/50
45: One thing that makes you feel great is: goin fast, the beach, playin video games
44: One person that you wish you could see right now: them
43: Do you have a 5 year plan: go to college, earn degree
 42: Have you made a list of things to do before you die: commit arson
 41: Have you pre-named your children: FUCK. THEM. KIDS. BRO.
40: Last person I got mad at: they do not understand that they do not know everything about something they’re not even involved in yet
39: I would like to move to: new zealand
38: I wish I was a professional: artist? musican? youtuber? who knows
 [ My Favorites ] 
37: Candy: nerds
36: Vehicle: 1970 mustang gt
 35: President: jfk only bc his assassination is the only good thing abt american history the rest of it is fucked up and shouldn’t have happened. also jfk’s song in assassians the musical goes hard
34: State visited: california
 33: Cellphone provider: verizon? apple? idfk
32: Athlete: what is sport
31: Actor: i don't watch shows or movies
30: Actress: i do not consume media
29: Singer: alex gaskarth or alexander deleon
 28: Band: fall out boy 
 27: Clothing store: hot topic (i will not apologize)
 26: Grocery store: okay harris teeter fucks but lidil’s has aloe vera juice and target at 9 pm energy so idk man 
25: TV show: supernatural...
24: Movie: big hero 6
 23: Website: tumblr or youtube
 22: Animal: snow leopard 
 21: Theme park: busch gardens bc roller coaster go fast
20: Holiday: christmas
19: Sport to watch: snowboarding bc its like skateboarding but on snow
18: Sport to play: anything with havy footwork (marching band is a sport)
17: Magazine: i do not condume media
16: Book: the ranger’s apprentice series as a whole makes up my all-time one favorite book
 15: Day of the week: friday bc its game day baybey
14: Beach: cocoa beach in florida but also i have so much left to experience 
13: Concert attended: i havent been to any notable gigs but i was supposed to go to hella mega
 12: Thing to cook: pancakes
11: Food: pizza or shushi
 10: Restaurant: chiplote
 9: Radio station: i like my local rock station and my local edm/top 40 station
8: Yankee candle scent: anything smoky or vanilla idc
7: Perfume: chanel no. 5 if i even wear it
6: Flower: Hydrangea
5: Color: orange
 4: Talk show host: cecil palmer
 3: Comedian: john maulaney
 2: Dog breed: yes
1: Did you answer all these truthfully? ;)
That was a trip. But it was fun, please do things like this more often. Also, I don’t consume media by choice. I’m not sheltered I just can’t be bothered, and I have enough going on. That being said I will now be sleeping. Thanks again, Anon, I hope you have fun reading this :D
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larksinging · 6 years ago
what are some of your favorite yang headcanons? since i don’t often talk to you about rwby stuff
me tripping over pages and pages of yang headcanons: 
okay im not gonna talk about her disability stuff because fuck it thats CANON people just didnt notice it because it was subtle
wait okay let me instead talk about another one of my favorite things to analyze: where do you think ruby learned to never talk about her problems ever!!
okay i have a lot of thoughts about the fact that yang.... is actually a super reserved person? she puts on this outgoing positive attitude but i think thats very much something she puts on. everything about the yellow trailer screams “theres more going onto yang than it looks like”, and yet 90% of the fandom cant see past that. but anyway. i dont think her beacon-era personality is a LIE, per say, but its... exaggerated. 
i mean god i think people forget that the only times we see her open up are 1) to blake in burning the candle, when she uses her personal story as a means of convincing blake to her point and not actually to open up. shes being clever here and appealing to something serious. and 2) in vol 5 to weiss when shes already incredibly emotionally unstable and she knows like, ruby and weiss saw her outburst and now weiss kinda has her in a corner. thats not the kind of behavior from someone who is used to and comfortable talking about herself!
anyway i dont think its really all the surprising consider she gets hit by abandonment issues AND having to basically take care of her little sister at a young age. so yang closes up her own feelings because she thinks thats best (which ruby clearly learns from and then, whoops, youve got two sisters with issues opening up)
buuut moreso than ruby i read yang as someone who... spent a lot of time making herself palatable. like cmon she’s a prep, at first glance she seems easy to understand and digest, shes friendly and caring but doesnt really ask much of herself. THATS someone who doesnt want to be a hassle or complicated or an issue because shes worried people will leave her. except that’s kind of mixed in with... letting people make assumptions about her and not really bothering to correct them, bc its easier if people leave because they had a shallow view than if they leave bc they knew the REAL you 
i mean we see a lot of this break down after beacon. parts of vol 5 and later 6 she hits a more even like... occasionally being cheerful, but not the overwhelmingly sunny she was in beacon, so thats propely closer to an actually healthy place for her. but in vol 5 after dealing with raven and the front half of vol 6 shes... very irritable and frustrated and... dour. i mean talking about vol4 and yang’s depression and mental health is like a post all in of itself so ill stop before i get sidetracked
ANYWAY yeah i think people dont appreciate how much of yang is actually kind of constructed because she thinks itll protect herself and people around her but what can you do
SOME LIGHTER HEADCANONS yang is the only one of team rwby who can cook. ruby and blake could probably cook enough to survive in a pinch but yang is the only one who can like, cook an edible Meal 
coco was her lesbian awakening, because of course
its a little note but yang has this particular look when shes... insecure thats head down + looking up so her eyes are almost hidden by her bangs (it happens twice i swear) and it could be nothing but also i think yang has a tendency to want to hide her eyes when emotionally volatile because. well. when your eyes are a LITERALLY tell to your emotions, and you kind of like to keep your intense emotions locked up....
tl;dr yang xiao long is a disaster who doesnt know how to be honest about her feelings and maybe that was a bad idea
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jordaneberle · 5 years ago
Me? Doing another tag thing so I can talk about myself? Unheard of. I was tagged by Beth @officialwylanvaneck to do this thanks Beth u the real mvp
Rules: answer the questions, then add one of your own! Tag 5 people to do it too!
1. Who is/are your idol(s)? 
I’d give Jacinda Ardern a strong 10/10. My mum is also pretty great
2. If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go?
Canada and Iceland baybee I want to ski and live among the shaggy ponies on the glaciers and wear a big fuzzy coat and hat and no one will recognise me
3. What decorates the walls of your room?
I used to have this weird Bart Simpson painting but now I have strings w photos of me and my friends and also my bookshelves.
4. Favourite colour combination?
I’m artistically inept so I’m just gonna go w the rainbow for gay rights (although the bi flag is pre sick now that im thinking along these lines)
5. What’s on the top of your bucket list?
Apparently as of this morning its visit Kristen in DC but also like go skiing somewhere there is real snow and go to an nhl game probably. I’d also like to go back to NZ and Italy
6. Height?
170cm, have fun figuring that one out Americans
7.  Favourite animals?
Dolphins, penguins, horses, anything that looks kind of funky that isnt a sting ray
8. What’s the last song you listened to?
I’m currently listening to Everyday’s The Weekend by Alex Lahey because its on one of my nhl playlists. You should go and listen to my Atlantic Division playlists bc they are funny and also slap
9. How many/what kind of pets do you have?
I have a Bernese Mountain Dog called Ruby and she is Large and Soft and Lazy
10. Last movie you saw in theatres?
Probably something super dumb. Maybe Spiderman or Booksmart or something
11. Comfort food or favourite food?
Popcorn from the movies is the BEST
12. Why did the chicken cross the road?
To get to the other side. Why was this ever made a joke its super dumb and unfunny who created this I need t speak with them
13. Book you’re currently reading?
I’m not reading anything atm but I’ll definitely chug Call Down The Hawk by Maggie Stiefvater when thats out.
14. Your favourite season and three things you like about it?
Winter: skiing, warm clothes, snow, the cold, Aussie hockey, a break from nhl hockey bc by the time June rolls around I’m exhausted
15. You are about to get into a fight, what song comes on as your soundtrack?
Ok a la brie larson in captain marvel either Just A Girl by No Doubt or like some song by the wombats or some australian song that’ll make me go feral enough to WIN
16. (+1) If you won the lottery tomorrow, what is the first thing you would buy yourself?
A bloody flight to Vancouver
17. (+1) What fictional world would you want to live in?
Not to be on brand or anything but the Percy Jackson universe or alternately: the timeline where nhl players are valid
18. (+1) If you had to learn a completely new language, what would be?
Well I know Italian and Latin (sort of I guess) so probably Spanish or French, though part of me wants to learn something incredibly useless like Sicilian dialect or Icelandic
19. (+1) If you were a cartoon character stuck in the same outfit forever, what would it be?
Jeans, docs, a hoodie. I am basic but it is comfortable.
20. (+1) What is your favourite thing about your hometown?
I love the weather in winter and how passionate everyone is about sports and also the fact that its the best Australian city out there 
I tag @trevrmoore @mcstr0me @austonthotthews @justhockey @hockeyauzzie
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christiavn-blog · 6 years ago
Tumblr media
╰ ♡ ✧ ˖ jung jaehyun. 23. he/him. have you seen christian park? they used to be so humorous before their heart got broken. now they just seem to be very cold. i think it had something to do with his ex boyfriend leaving him for someone else, but who knows how accurate that is. i know, we should get them a new car to help cheer them up! maybe then they’ll start acting like smiling at strangers, helping someone off the ground, listening to a soft playlist. ( ruby, 19, pst, they/them )
hello ! jfkdsls first of all, thank u for reading 
christian’s always been a big Family person ! he’s very close with his dad and looks up to him :^) his mom passed away when he was little in a car accident and he doesn’t remember much of her. but he did know that she loved palm beach and would always go there with dad. he’s originally from jacksonville !!
anyways he and his dad bonded over Cars & christian is such a stereotypical manly man . he loves cars and working out and jogging in the morning. he just emits dad / big brother energy to everyone he comes in contact w. he used to be very happy go lucky, laughing all the time, smiling at strangers, making jokes ,,,,, being an overall crackhead. 
he’s bisexual and it was hard for him to come to terms w/  that at first because he’s like bro im not gay ? im Manly man ....,, but he eventually was like alright, what abt it ?
he was scared to tell his dad at first but his dad was very accepting of him and proud of him for being able to come out ! 
christian used to go around looking for parts so he could fix up a ‘67 chevy impala (weird flex but ok)  he found (its his dream car) and one day he just saw this CUTE ASS DUDE at like a car repair shop. and he was just huge heart eyes & it was a mess. the dude had like his shirt off, wiping down the car hood,, it was like a movie scene from an 80′s romcom
any christian decided to say fuck it and started talking w him, and was like asking if he would help him fix up the impala ? and the dude (his name was oliver) was like ye bruh
so everyday they’d kind of work on the car together and accidentally touch hands or christian would stare a little too long at him,, sublte flirting,, and christian eventually learned he was Gay so it was iconic ? ‘cause oliver was casually like “yeah my ex boyfriend...” and christian was like oh word ? haha .
and they started hanging out,, went on some dates,, and boom they were boyfriends !! and they’d make out in cars all the time and be super cute ,, go the movies,, wow
and sometime,, like 5 months into this relationship, there’s this new Gay dude in town . and he becomes friends w the two of them. but,,, as u may have guessed it,, he starts to try to steal christian’s mans. they hang out all the time,, and he even confesses to oliver like hey bro i got a crush on u haha *blush emoji* and oliver’s like oh ? thats so crazy haha.... but me and christian r boyfriends so :^) ? 
but the new kid doesnt give a fuck. he keeps trying to steal oliver and christian NOTICES and is like fuck no ? and hates this new kid. but oliver is like christian stop ur being mean :/
and christians like huh. what do u -- what do you mean he’s trying to steal u like......literally..........
and christian kind of shuts off a bit and distances himself from them bc they’re getting close and hes being made to be an asshole if he says anything abt it ? and next thing u kno: “christian we need to talk.”
and he breaks up with him. 
christian fixes up the chevy by himself. and after that he feels empty. he got into a bad depression and would drink a lot or drive recklessly in his new car ( like speeding ) 
and his dad was like bro. stop. and christian decided he was gonna move somewhere else to get away from it all. 
and that’s how he ended up in palm beach ! 
he’s very kind, gentle, n soft,, like a giant mastiff puppy. he looks scary but he isn’t. but if you piss him off or get on his nerves he WILL throw his beefy hands at you. 
has a tendency to be pessimistic now a days. and harder to open up to. tends to shut new people out and isn’t open to dating bc he’s in his feelings smh.
he would marry his car if he could. he LOVES that thing and if anybody tries to go between him and his car he’ll bite ur hand off.  it’s his most prized possession and when he’s angry he’ll go to wash his car until he cools off. or he’ll go for a drive. 
he likes soft playlists,, as u could tell.
uhmmm,, thats it ? i have some wanted connections here but if nothing floats ur boat we can brainstorm ! :)
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pearlblues · 6 years ago
Holy fuck.. the emotional roller coaster I just fucking went on. I'd have to write an essay to get it all out of my system. I screamed so much and the ending literally made me cry. if i didn’t know we had the movie and more seasons coming i’d think that could’ve constituted for the series finale. I was staying off my phone the whole episode so I wouldn't be distracted so here's my thoughts.
the flashback with rose and pink omg!! The little rainbow worms were adorable. And I lost it when blue said that white would take pinks pearl away. THATS why she lost her original pearl. She misbehaved.
I was seriously not expecting blue and yellow to fight each other but I was rly happy they made up. Also I wasn't expecting whites ship to open its eyes THAT was creepy but the way the head looked at the gems when they spoke was rly funny. I was floored when she controlled blue and yellow like that.
Also EVERYONE'S NEW CLOTHES ARE AMAZING!! I cant even begin to describe how much I love them. I was a bit let down that peridot didn't have star shaped hair but at least she's still our dorito lol. seriously everyone’s new clothes are so cute, they look more human in them as well! lapis is wearing pants and shoes.. pearls jacket.. garnet and peri’s visors.. amethyst’s shorts! GHAHFDASUFH!!! i wonder what ruby and sapphire look like!
AND ALL THE FUSIONS!! SMOKEY AND RAINBOW QUARTZ AND SUNSTONE AND OBSIDIAN?!?! maybe obsidian is the thing Rebecca said she wanted to show in the 10th ep? HMM! 
i love how sunstone is like a retro kid’s PSA character they’re so cool
also garnet got to keep her wedding rings! i was seriously worried she lost them after yellow poofed her
peridot flying around on a trashcan 10/10
i seriously lost it when white pulled out steven’s gem. literally. during the commercial break i was literally on the floor losing my shit bc i started wondering “what if rose just chose to stay in there? the gem popped out so easily. what if she just comes right out?” 
the next scene proved the point that was made in “3 gems and a baby” where they said that steven was a fusion between rose and greg since he literally fused with his gem. 
the part where steven’s gemself screamed “SHE’S GONE!” was SO hardcore omfg
it was super creepy to see white controlling everyone like marionettes. watching everyone get brainwashed by her made me realize that it was possible for us to see “white” pearl normal again. 
steven making everyone blush was rly cute and i was SO HAPPY TO SEE WHITE PEARL TURNED BACK TO NORMAL!!!!! 
i was hoping lars and the off colors would make an appearance but figured they weren’t going to but then they arrived at the best time lol. rhodonite’s “no more diamonds!” and then the diamonds all looked Right At Her was fantastic
i seriously cried when it played “we are the crystal gems” and all the corrupted gems were turned back to normal. all the new designs are so adorable, like the little heaven/earth beetles and biggs jasper and the nephrites
it was adorable how centipeetle recognized steven when he swam over to her
AND OUR JASPER!!!! her new design is absolutely beautiful shes so adorable!!! she looks like lum from urusei yatsura with her horns omg and it was sweet how amethyst came over to talk to her
yellow making the diamond ship do a peace sign before flying off was great
and the ending shot that was just like the opening... beautiful. 
i don’t know where the series would go from here. what’s the movie even gonna be ABOUT? is it gonna be rebuilding homeworld? what’s gonna happen with all the new uncorrupted gems? what’s the antagonist going to do? 
and my biggest problem with the episode... WHAT ABOUT JADE?! what happened to her?! where’d she go? is she ok? i wanna know what happened to her!!! 
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hitomishiga · 7 years ago
hell yeaaah im not gonna do em justice but mm tastey..
Gives nose/forehead kisses: ruby and you know it. you know this already. ruby giving leah a nose kiss is such a aesthetique and a half. however, leah is more likely to go for the lips first, i think. surprisingly.
Gets jealous the most: leah!! even tho theyre both spoiled younger sisters leah seems like the more bratty of the two. god girl just admit ur feelings. idiot.
Picks the other up from the bar when they’re too drunk to drive: its a funny but implausible mental image either way bc they both have big sister chauffeurs. sister battle. also i dont see either of them as drinking too much without thinking of precautions + drivers, so
Takes care of on sick days: this could go either way ruby has a very caring and distinctly maternal feel, idk how to desribe it, but she’d know what to do if u were sick. leah may or may not be as well acquainted with all these remedies but she tries her best, dammit. maybe a little too much?
Drags the other person out into the water on beach day: ruby!! shes a ray of sunshine and her gf is a fucking goth! its dichotomy.
Gives unprompted massages: i mean i wanna say ruby again, but like.... only once shes suuper comfortable bc shes still just a nervous lil angel yknow? leah feels a lil more confident abt this kinda stuff so...
Drives/rides shotgun: the concept of either of them driving is funny but like. leah would drive? i feel? ruby likes having control of the music and u cant do that WHILE you’re driving thats illegal leah-chan,
Brings the other lunch at work: u think itd be ruby, but leah like, works at a restaurant or w/e doesnt she.... she loves stupid grand gestures of romance when it makes ruby happy. just not all the time
Has the better parental relationship: ?????????????? whom?????????? id say leah only bc we arent sure what the kazuno family sitch is even like
Tries to start role-playing in bed: im crying trying to think abt this question with these two!
Embarrassingly drunk dancer: theyre both lightweights but leah moreso, either bc she cant handle it or just like, overestimates her capacity. idk if shed be an embarrassing dancer. maybe she initiates rap battles when shes drunk.
Still cries watching Titanic: both but mostly rubles, she just thinks its so poignant and beautiful
Firmly believes in couples costumes: this is soooo difficult bc like, ofc ruby would. but is it just to see leah in a cute costume? absolutely! does it go equally the other way? yes!
Breaks the expensive gift rule during Christmas: ruby is the richest but idk what the financial status of the kazunos is. i feel like they both would, every year. they say they wont buy any expensive presents but then ruby comes back with like twenty different plushies and love hearts and shit and leah has this exquisite necklace and they both just. Oh You!
Makes the other eat breakfast: take turns. they have to take turns! i dont know why thats just what im feeling! maybe they even make breakfast together sometimes! theyre sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo halmark
Remembers anniversaries: i wanna say they both do, again. ruby wouldnt forget important things like that, surely. theyd probably have their own ‘anniversary’ dates that theyd each remember, real stupid ones like ‘remember our first date in the summer?’ or ‘todays the six month anniversary since you won me that prize at the festival!’ stuff like that
Brings up having kids: leah thinks she’s bein savvy when she brings it up but really, rubys been leading onto this for ages now.
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I love Supergirl 3x12
Ngl this episode was a real turn around for supergirl (not just bc of the supercorp gold) but i loved it. Melissa Benoist is so great as Kara it makes me cry. She balances the naivete (i dont know how to spell) of kara and her strength and dedication as well as her empathy and need to take care of those around her and damn is it just awesome. I relate to her and always have as a character whether you think she's gay or straight etc. She shows characteristics that anyone who's felt isolated,abandoned and without hope can relate to and shows that you can get through it even if it still lingers.
Trauma can be so subtle and then just weigh down on u at the drop of a hat and the idea of supergirl in general and this season shows that. It makes me so happy to see complex emotions played on screen especially for a female character. We never get to see how anger really affects women. Maybe in terms of a fight with a love interest but the anger at being oppressed and undermined as well as anger from trauma are never touched upon. Women aren't allowed to show realistic responses to trauma a lot of the time in media and supergirl has always shown that.
I know supergirl has made ppl irritated (trust me, i never wanna watch an interview again) and pissed off but i really don't want to see it get cancelled.
If it gets cancelled then what does that do? We got angry abt mon el so they cut his screen time and made him less irritating, lema gets to have a complex story and episodes centred around her, winn is getting a centric ep, alex and sam are gonna have something happen (probably) or we get to see alex be there for ruby which will be interesting as fuck. Mehacad gets to play chraming and james gets to be giardian more recently (still more improvememt needed there).
When theres a group of dudes directing and writing a show abt strong women or different sexualities and races (ik sg isnt very diverse at all and that should change) then they will make mistakes. "For good " had a female director.
A step in the right direction.
Telling writers to die and calling misunderstanding male writers terrible or misogynistic bc they wrote a shitty dude in a cw show isn't the way to go. We just look insane. It's a cw show, they want teen girls who cant get their boyfriends to shave their neck beards to drool over mon el and tune in every week with their mums. That's why he's there! He's bait and somehow turned into an annoying love interest. They could have done so many things differently ! And they are. There are improvements to be made but with the success of black lightning hopefully the cw's other shows will follow. We can hope and compliment progress and be fans who promote the good shit rather than nit picking. Draw guardian fan art and tweet the shit abt it as much as we do supercorp. Even if they wont acknowledge subtext the increased screen time for it shows they know the relationship (even as friends) is important. We're spending more time on shit thats never gonna happen rather promoting more of what we got. Tweet abt the lena centric eps so much (with less of calling katie mcgrath a dyke), tweet abt how cool guradian is and the stunts, how great kara's reactiom to lena being poisoned was
Tell the world that you think agent reign is cute as shit .
We need to build up rather than break down bc ship wars are always gonna be seen as insane.
Becausee they are.
Everyone ends up thinking the lesbians are crazy bc of a bad few and rampant homophobia on the other side gets ignored bc someone tweets at married actresses that they should raw their female costars in an instagram livestream.
It happens in every fucking fandom and i get it dont get me wrong, i'll look at anti-mon el memes til my lungs give out ( bc they're hilarious ) but damn we need to quell some of the hatred bc it won't get us anywhere.
It's not everyone and i'm not innocent but progress breeds progress and progress rn now would be to chill.
(Also can we stop calling actresses dykes bc even if they were out as lesbians that's not a cool word like we aren't throwing fag around abt male actors we think r gay)
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apenapaperandadoofus · 4 years ago
AIGHT SO I’m like super high on caffeine and chocolate rn so I mighty write a lil Christmas one shot (it’s still December let me be pft)
But first a lil song I found a few days ago and has been stuck in my head ñon stop!
It’s from a musical called 35MM, they make up songs and stories from photos this one guy took, they’re amazing!
The song of called “Leave Luannne”
Warnings! There are mentions of abuse, r*pe, and such! So if you feel uncomfortable by that please don’t read this!
Now on to the song;:
Luanne's fat lip is drying, The bastard's bacon frying, The shiner on her eye's gone bust and bleeding. He shouts, "Girl, set the table!" But he knows she ain't able. Her arm's done broke, Hung limp like yolk,
AHHH we get the picture pretty clear from the beginning. i can always imagine Luanne on the floor, all bruised up and close to tears....
And softly she's repeating...
"Leave, Luanne. Why don't you march out that door? Southern woman, he ain't no good to you. Leave, Luanne. Louisiana wants war, But it's you dying on her ruby plains."
And yet, loyal Luanne remains. Ever since he got him laid off, His sanity's just made off. No, he was never nice, but now he's cruel.
So first, ahhhhfhrjehrn THE VIOLINS ARE AMAZING AND THE VOCALS TOO also we can see why Luanne doesnt leave the dude. I can see her internal debate, telling herself to leave but not being able to.
He rapes her, and he beats her, She don't 'fess how he treats her, 'Cause a Bible verse Says it won't get worse, And she won't be a fool. "You won't never leave, Luanne,
And then theres this part about the bible, i dont exactly know what verse theyre talking about, but we see that Luanne is super religious, which makes her internal debate even harder. Should she leave or stay? She has been taught probably her whole life with that idea, and probably doesnt want to end up in hell due to her beliefs and what she’s been told.
'Cause if you walk out that door His truck will be gunning for you.
No, you won't leave, Luanne, Or he'll give you 'What for?' You got heart where you should have had brains."
This part always makes me sad bc Luanne may still love that asshole, which sucks, but she still does and is pretty loyal to him makes it even harder for her to make a decision too
And so, loyal Luanne remains. Someone's howling, Screams like sighing with battered breath Grating, growling, Never dying In a fate worse than death. But months of such conditions Turn laymen to logicians And tonight the bastard's sleeping like a log. So she plucks the kitchen cleaver,
Creeps up toward his roped-up lab retriever,
AND THE VIOLINS MAKE THE TENSION AMAZING. It makes you so nervous about whats going to happen. You can imagine Luanne finally making a decision, tired of everything. Its dark at night and she slowly makes her way to the kitchen, trying so quietly to not wake him up.
And she cuts the rope, And hope on hope, She starts to shout, "Your dog's got out!" She's got her chance. With no back glance She runs out to the bog, Screaming, screaming: "Leave, Luanne!" "Leave, Luanne. You've got a life left to live In a house hanging off the Golden Coast! Leave, Luanne. You won't forget nor forgive, " And she don't feel the stings, the rips, and scrapes As finally Luanne escapes.
And the way you can FEEL the tension, the way you can see her running and your heart starts speeding up, wishing she can escape, that she can lead a better and happier life, shes doing her best, not feeling the pain. You can tell how desperate she is. You can see her running through the woods, leaves and branches getting tangled in her hair, sometimes cutting her, but she still keeps going due through sheer determination, ignoring how her feet hurt and how much shes running out of breath. All the way through shes making a promise to herself, that she will NEVER let go what the asshole did to her.
Swim, Luanne! Swim, Luanne! And in the swamp of beeches, Oh, as the preacher preaches, As the light In the night Holds through the marsh and brushes As the blood inside you rushes Left and right, Hold on tight—
And then you can feel the hope, the relief that she has managed to get out, the violins making a sort of country dancey song (?) pft and youre like YAS GIRL RUN AND LIVDE YOUR LIFE its amazing, its so happy from the depressing music we heard before, Luanne gets out of the place, some people help her, she becomes happy again, meeting people and dancing all night at parties, maybe she even finds someone new and starts dating them, having a new life with someone who loves her....but then....
—Until you reach the bank And you crawl onto the bank, 'Til you feel a little yank on your hair And, stricken, stare at the bastard Who beat you there.
the guy just yanks her hair and gives her a horrible smirk, and Luanna can only look in horror, her heart breaking and all her dreams vanishing as she realizes that she...she didnt make it.
The bastard lies in bed now, Half-sad his wife is dead now. She drowned herself in a swamp in wild despair.
I actually want to know wether if he killed her, or if she killed herself. To make it more angsty i like to think she actually drowned herlsef, because its so heartbreaking to see how her hopes die and she just...gives up. Gosh its so friggen, ahhhh. Once Luanne sees the guy she shrieks and tries to pull away, falling backwards. Either the bastard hit her, or something but she ends up  being paralyzed and unable to move. She reacts desperatly but the bastard refuses to help, and then she slowly gives up, letting the water fill her lungs, and slowly closing her eyes and accepting her faith.
He thinks he used to love her, But push it came to shove her, A wife disposed, A wife case closed, And no one seems to care,
And the violins are amazing. He doesnt care. No one knows shes dead. Luanne is left without no one there to remember her, to grieve her. Its just....so heartbreaking.
To grieve Luanne. Now no one's on his shoulder, But his mattress don't feel colder,
And in fact, it's hellish hot, and the air is dank and steaming. Yet his body starts to shiver When the window cracks a sliver And a fiery fog From the miry bog Pours in the room In a sticky gloom And there the man Sees dead Luanne.
Luanne makes her way to the house, fulfilling her promise of getting her revenge, of not forgiving the asshole for everything he did. And then, when she gets there, dripping, the bastard only stares.
He's terrified, But he keeps his pride, 'Cause he knows that he ain't dreaming. And he starts screaming, "Leave, Luanne. Hell sent you back here for more, 'Cause ain't no one ever loved you."
THIS, THISSSSS. ITS BY FAR MY FAVORITE PART. When hes the one telling her to leave, when its HIM. Just- the nerve of this man. And i know i keep saying this byt LISTEN TO THE VIOLINS. They are perfect, the tension, the way they just- the way they make you feel, the way they always give you shivers and make you go oh fuck shits about to go down.
He is just cockily smirking trying to act as if hes not afraid. And then he has the audacity to tell her to LEAVE. The thing shes been trying to do for so long, but now...its too late. Her eyes widen in rage and she stands straight, lifting her chin and glaring at him.
But said Luanne, "I've come to settle a score, " And she shows him her feet are bound in chains.
Shes stuck there. But this time, the roles are reversed. This time Luanne will be the one feared. She will now hold the power.
And loyal Luanne remains And remains And remains And remains!
I like to think that shes also got it stuck in her head that she cant leave, and shes now torturing the bastard by STAYING, the way it just changes fro, what it was at the beginning, HOLY SHIT AHH. And as the remains get louder she gets angrier and the room start getting hotter and hotter, and Luanne just smiles and you see the bastard cowering more and more in fear.
Someone's howling, Screams like sighing With battered breath. Grating, growling, Never dying In a fate worse than death. Luanne, She cries her miserable wail So the bastards will never sleep again!
And she is CRYING. Tears make their way down her face, crying and asking how dare he, why would he, all she wanted was to be happy.
No, no reprieve, Luanne, She brings their souls down to hell, A caution to the cruelest of men: God loves Luanne! Praised be! Amen!
The ending is so good, she gets her revenge, makes the guy regret what shes done. i always imagine the whole place setting in fire and Luanne getting angrier and angrier, thr bastard finally realizing what the hell hes actually done. This is amazing, i love this song so much. Not only the story but also the way you can imagine and feel everything. this song is so freaking good istg
Theyre in HELL. She used to be so religious, and thats the fate she didnt want. She never wanted to be in hell, yet there she is, getting her revenge. I dont know if God went like aight here ya go gurl, get your revenge, or smth like DAMN, so good.
In conclusion, amazing song, so good, i swearrr. This musical is amazing, they have other amazing songs like Sarah Berry, or Piece of Me.
Some of them range from being depressing, to adorable, to HILAROUS like Caralee lmfao that one is amazing lol
I really hope yall take a listen hehe, im sorry for rambling so much, im just trying to keep myself distracted from everything going on at home and with my dog. Hope yall have a good day and ill write more things, I promise!
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jodqriel · 7 years ago
other sg thoughts
im actually loving the sam/kara/lena alliance, its super interesting (although of course they had to add the “we’re like sisters no homo!!” bullshit at the end)
ruby: “i like your friends”
sam: “i like them too”
me: girl thats a lil gay
actually now that im thinking about it.......... wheres the sam/lena or sam/lena/kara bedsharing fic as they support lena...... bc i wanna read it
im also way too invested in sam!! theyre actually doing a great job making us like her so hopefully she’s still a good villain
s3: the season of enjoying sanvers scenes completely out of context
like of course we only them drinking and dancing together and stumbling into bed and talking after sex... while theyre breaking up. what bs
the last scene made me so fucking sad.......... but the point that theyve changed each other is still so good, and something i hope people try to preserve in fic lmao.
but...... maggie going out with her leather jacket... her armor...... :CCC the rest was bullshit but that and “see you around, danvers” and alex’s “mags” fucked me UP
i still cant wrap my mind around this alex and kids thing????? its so fucking stupid i just literally cant comprehend who pitched this and who agreed it was totally character consistent lmao. double bs
regardless of whether or not theyre gonna try to force james/lena..... i might be able to get on board with that?? i like their initial tension, and i like them in james/lena/kara so i might be able to support just the two of them together...... again, aside from the whole “no homo” thing going on
idk how much longer im gonna watch but the flashback ep actually looks interesting so.... at least through next week i guess lmao.
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thedaycourts · 8 years ago
(completed) acowar liveblog
spoilers will be ahead... you have been warned
feel free to message me to talk about the book!
5/1/17 11:22pm- someone help me I've literally preordered the ebook and the hardcover (which hasn't even shipped yet ugh) and I'm so prepared 
5/1/17 11:31pm- I've read the first 8 sample chapters so. many. times... i'm ready for the real thing now pls thx bye
chapters 1-8: i kinda like jurian actually (maybe ill regret saying that idk), lucien being protective of elain is making my heart warm, tamlin makes me wanna kill someone, feyre shouldve cut ianthe’s throat tbh, the twins give out such weird vibes, AND OMG rhys and feyre sending images of themselves sticking their tongues out is my moodboard i love it so much
chapter 9: “Blood rubies or no, you will always have one friend in the Summer Court.” My throat bobbed. “And you will always have one in mine,” I promised her. She knew which court I meant. And did not look afraid. I LOVE ALIS OK SHE IS ACCEPTING AND PROTECTIVE AND AMAZING
ianthe needs to get her filthy hands off of lucien before i strangle her
chapter 12: @luciens brothers can you go die pls ok thx bye
“i am the high lady of the night court” hECK YES YOU ARE
the tender cassian and feyre hug made me sob even more and then the mor hug hauidfghuajkshcdfa the feels
also omg just imagine lucien watching this reunion bc i think his expression would be absolutely priceless
chapter 15: “I was in love with Feyre,” Rhys said quietly, “long before she ever returned the feeling.” whats that noise??? oh yeah its just the sound of my heart breaking no big deal
“I revealed the mating bond months later—and she gave me hell for it, don’t worry.” hA 
chapter 16: poor nesta and elain omg no 
i really need to know whats going on between nesta and cassian bc theres def something there hehe
chapter 18: “defending the female he loved”  PLS JUST GET TOGETHER ALREADY @MOR @AZRIEL 
“It was the first time you had looked … peaceful. Like you were indeed awake, alive again. I was so relieved I thought I’d puke right onto the table.” GUYS RHYS CARES SO MUCH ABOUT FEYRE LIKE PLS REALIZE HE WAS SO ECSTATIC THAT SHE LOOKED ALIVE AGAIN HE WANTED TO PUKE BC HE CARES ABOUT HER SO. FREAKING. MUCH.
“I will fight with everything I have, too, Rhys. Everything.” why do i have the feeling this is foreshadowing something that i am not going to like at all
chapter 19: “Why should I be scared of an oversized bat who likes to throw temper tantrums?” this is how true love starts out 400% you go nesta 
chapter 21: oh dang it here goes the nightmares starting up again
chapter 22: feyre sees the bone carver as their son omg what can this please happen
chapter 23: “Nothing about Nesta could frighten me.” *cue me audibly going awwwwww*
chapter 24: “She was the most beautiful female he’d ever seen.” This seems to be a common way of thinking when people look at their mates hehe throwback to acotar
az is such a bean like who else is awesome enough to wait 500 years for the girl he loves 
chapter 27: mor being depressed bc of what she witnessed at the meeting makes me wanna cry
omg the inner court arguing what is this
chapter 29: tbh az reminds me of myself so much and i think we have the same MBTI personality type((:
chapter 30: the heck is hybern’s little minions doing in velaris nonunion go home you aren't allowed here
chapter 33: “He did not glance back at Elain. Did not see the half step she took toward the stairs—as if she’d speak to him. Stop him.” elucien for rulers of the autumn court pls
chapter 34: varian warning amren??? they're friends?? so they keep in touch?? hmmmmmmm sounds suspicious(((;
oh jk he wasn't really there oops
chapter 38: I think tarquin should forgive them especially since they came to his rescue but hey thats just me
chapter 39: “And it was precisely because of it that I said, “I love you.” His head lifted, eyes churning. “There was a time when I dreamed of hearing that,” he murmured. “When I never thought I’d hear it from you.” 
nesta being worried ab cassian ahhhhhh
chapter 42: nesta being named emissary omg i love it
“And to my eternal shock, a smile tugged at Nesta’s mouth.” ahaha
chapter 43: this viviane girl seems cool.. i hope she doesn't end up stabbing my babies in the back:)))
ew no i was perfectly fine with having tamlin absent for the remainder of the book
same @feyre who is 500% done with tamlin and his crap 
chapter 47: I'm beginning to really like helion
chapter 48: too bad i already saw spoilers so i knew helion was luciens dad smhhhhhhh
ok but like if nesta thinks something is wrong, shouldn't you have learned by now that something is usually wrong???????
wow would ya look at that...something was wrong *scowls*
chapter 52: where the frick frackle jensen ackle did jurian come from 
chapter 53: ok but i totally called jurian being good
....tamlin still being a tool i see 
chapter 55: they keep mentioning their dad so i have a feeling he's in trouble/being held captive
chapter 56: nesta helping heal cass omg yes
chapter 58: I've never wanted ianthe dead more,,,,WHO DARES SHOOT MY GIRL SURI HREIAOFHJAKEF FIGHT ME
chapter 60: i literally bawled so much when suri died omg i sounded like a dying horse
chapter 61: this episode of honestly hour features feyre and mor going head-to-head about decisions and relationships... stay tuned for the next episode
chapter 62: amren and varian kissing hm how do i feel ab this
chapter 63: ELAIN IS AN ACTUAL SUNSHINE WHO DARES TAKE HER AWAY (of course its az my little bean who notices she's gone)
also I'm betting ten bucks lucien will find her and save her (prolly not gonna happen but it would be cute if he did)
rhys and feyre’s goodbyes felt more like a pep talk than a sad goodbye but thats just me
ok thanks for saving feyre @tamlin but for the record i still hate you
chapter 65: omg nesta hugging feyre and all the sisters being all nice and cuddly makes me so happy
chapter 66: the moriel shipping part of me is very sad but yunno maybe this means i can keep az for myself (or elain can have him idk which direction sarah will take this) and mor can be eternally happy((:
sooooo does this mean elain x az is now gonna happen bc like az is gonna need someone to help heal the hole in his heart and elain is such a sweetie but what about lucien????
chapter 68: but are we ever gonna know what feyre saw in the mirror?
chapter 69: tender az and elain moment omg that was so cute i love my smol beans
“I would have waited five hundred more years for you. A thousand years. And if this was all the time we were allowed to have … The wait was worth it.” AWEEE
rhys and his lil speeches to everyone dang what is this
chapter 70: “And then Nesta began screaming. Not in pain. But a name. Over and over. “CASSIAN.” IM SUCH NESSIAN TRASH IDOFHAJDKFA
chapter 71: “This was it. The last moments … the last time I would see them all.” nothings even happened yet and I'm already crying
“He told me that he’s got three daughters who live here. And that he failed them for many years. But he would not fail them this time.” well shoot i have no words rn and tbh i kinda forgot their dad existed the past few chapters
chapter 72: “She wrapped her arms tightly around Cassian, those gray-blue eyes bright, then they were gone.” THEY GIVE ME LIFEEEE YESSSS
chapter 73: OK AMREN WHAT ARE YA DOIN???
chapter 74: ....welp... bye bye mr archeron thanks for saving my babies and also wHERE THE FRICK DID YOU COME FROM?? nesta and elain and feyre being sad is making me sad
OK WHY IS CASSIANS WINGS GETTING HURT AGAIN??? i feel like this is sarah starting a new thing like “hey! lets just end every book with cassian’s wings getting ripped to shreds!!”
“I have no regrets in my life, but this.” His voice shook with every word. “That we did not have time. That I did not have time with you, Nesta.” FRICK OMG THIS IS IT. THIS IS THE MOMENT I BECAME COMPLETE NESSIAN TRASH. AND THEN THE KISS. OH MY. I CANT. I JUST LOVE THEM SO MUCH.
and elain coming to the rescue omg heck to the yes
chapter 75: nesta stabbing the king is tHE BEST. i can't just feel the pure rage and emotion radiating out of her as she twists the blade in his neck. think of the people she's doing it for. her dad, her sisters, her new family, cassian. this scene gives me so many feels
amren saying she's glad she met feyre awe
chapter 77: feyre screaming for rhys nononononono i feel my soul shattering
rhys was DEAD and he comes back making a JOKE....why is this not surprising
chapter 78: lucien is back ahhhh it feels like he was gone for the whole book tbh
yes drakon and miryam hauifheajkdfhajfha
talking about feyre’s “beautiful laugh” ahhhhhh they're sooooo cuteeee
chapter 82: i LOVE the fact the book ended with them all peaceful. they deserve it. i love everyone. i am happy. goodbye.
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