#bc hes scared that if hes the one who has to be honest theyre going to hate who he is.
hananono · 1 year
night where i have thoughts but not the wherewithal to put them into words and must make do with just vaguely going Auhhg. Auhhg.
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lycankeyy · 3 months
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Jesus Christ these doodles already feel so old . I was not lying I really am using this fixation to speedrun learning to draw humans LMAO. Anyway I made some of those silly "understand ship in 5 minutes" memes with my Favorite pairings in funkycule au not ALL of them just the ones that I brainrot hardest about. If I did one for all of them we'd be here all day I'd probably hit image limit it's called the funkycule for a reason
ANYWAY infodumping/details under the cut:
I am a "BF and GF are Fucking Tall™️" truther because it's funny to me. With BF it's harder to tell because his posture is absolutely atrocious but GF is just So Fucking Tall
I'm going to be honest with the gender headcanon for BF. I guess I default to him being transmasc but I can see him as. Like. Anything. In fact I think he's just every gender. But I'm a coward so he's transmasc for the purposes of the chart. GF is a girl but identifying her as "cis" or "trans" doesn't mean much when demon genders don't really work like that. It's complicated. Pico is just a guy
Pico likes being the big spoon because he likes knowing that his partners are safe. However GF likes being the big spoon More. The result is Pico Sandwich. He will never admit it but Pico feels the safest he ever has in his entire life when he is being Pico Sandwiched
BF is very much a verbal affection type of guy. Yes he is nonverbal. His words of affection are various dubstep noises. His partners appreciate it so much
BF grew up kinda spoiled and never really learned how to cook. However after noticing that Pico is like extremely bad at feeding himself (canon six pack means nothing to me. That boy is skin and bones I won't be told otherwise /silly) he for the first time managed to convince himself to try it and he got Really into it he's actually good at it. He still loses his mind when GF makes him pb&j sammiches for dinner though it's his favorite thing in the world
Pico is Insanely overprotective mostly because he's extremely hypervigilant and sees potential danger in everything. BF is the exact opposite and even in situations where he's in immediate danger he'll be ironically more worried about Pico getting too worried about it. GF is also pretty ditzy about this due to her confidence that her boys can handle Anything but if either of them ever got hurt she would explode everyone in a 50 mile radius with her mind so like that counts for something
Random headcanon: the group's favorite date night activity is looking up an extremely bad movie and then commentating over it like old-school rage youtubers the whole time in an effort to see who can get the others to laugh the hardest. BF wins often because the flatness of the TTS voice he uses adds something to the humor of it
I kinda bounced around with what label to use for Darnell for a while. I definitely see him as arospec, with the stipulation that he does feel romantic attraction just like very not traditionally and after a Long Time. After going between quoiromantic and demiromantic for a bit I landed on grey bc it's open-ended enough to encompass it. The point is it took Darnell like 3 full years to realize that his feelings were less platonic than he thought and even then theyre still like. Only half-romantic lmao
Unfortunately as he cannot provide the Pico Sandwich Darnell is getting little spoon'd by a guy nearly a foot shorter than him. F
Pico and Darnell are pretty verbally coarse with each other in a way only people who've been through the amount of shit they have been together can be w/o jeopardizing their relationship. That being said they often express affection and insane amounts of trust through actions very frequently, sometimes even without either of them realizing. Them immediately making up after weekend 1 was one of those times lol
I put Pico on the "squashes the bug" end of both charts but in reality I think he just takes them outside unless it's like a gnat or something. Darnell isn't scared of bugs he just wonders what would happen if he set one on fire. Pico refuses to let him set them on fire
Even though Pico 2 is in a weird limbo state in funkycule just like it is irl, there's still some point in the timeline where Pico expressed protectiveness over Darnell, to the point where, years later, when Darnell heard Pico took down a whole army for BF and GF, he got jealous, because that was supposed to be their thing >:(. This was quickly followed by his Oh moment
Random headcanon: Pico and Darnell had been acquaintances for the whole time they were in school together, but they became friends when Pico (and Nene by proxy) were the only kids to continue hanging out with him after The Class Presentation Gone Wrong (Darnell Plays with Fire). To return the favor, Darnell stuck by Pico even after the events of PS fundamentally changed him as a person. Though their relationship can be messy, they've been virtually inseperable since.
The levels of toxicity of this are mostly dependant on When in the timeline by the time these two are like 21 they've normalized a bit dw lmao
Okay so like. I've made so much Lore. For Pico's School. For no reason. Anyway penilians have nothing against child soldiers so Cas was shipped off to infiltrate Earth at the penilian equivalent of 13. Also while on a surface level she's transfem in more depth it's like "all penilians are One Sex and have One Gender so technically she is xenogender, using neopronouns, and if you want to be extra silly with it, by the time she's 19 she's functionally alienkin but for humans as a coping mechanism for being banished to earth (dw abt it)"
[Projects my trauma and its side effects onto Nene] who said that
I didn't think much on the borrowing clothes thing until I realized that I draw Nene and Cassandra wearing the same style of turtlenecks I was like. Do you know what would be really funny
I don't have many intimate cute headcanons for these two Yet because I'm so early on in developing my shit and these two are Not cute at first. However I do like to imagine that Nene calls Cas all kinds of over-the-top cutesy or stupid nicknames just to get a reaction out of her. She called her a "vixen" as a furry joke + something between a compliment and insult once and she almost died
Nene is literally the only one in this entire cast who's never gotten her license suspended also she's somewhat good at car maintence which Cas find inexplicably hot
Giggles and kicks my feet at putting both Pico and Cassandra at the far end of the overprotectiveness spectrum. Anyway
Random headcanon: in the short period of time before Cas started ghosting Nene and FNF happening, they were in contact for One Christmas when they were like 15. Nene got Cas a cute little switchblade with hearts carved into the handle. Cas keeps it in a box by her bed and refuses to let anyone touch it or to let it ever get dirty.
If you have read this far I love you. Here is your reward should you choose to accept it:
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carpedzem · 1 year
questionnaire results that i didnt forget about at all
im okay so i forgot and then forgot again a few times. ANYWAY. enjoy the results!!
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i cant post every written answer, so heres my favourite :)
whats your favourite animal, be as specific as possible
Peregrine Falcon
domestic cat! specifically MY cats but any cat will do
your mom
Black bear. One tried to walk into my house recently and he was really cute but I had to tell him no :( (ARE YOU OK?)
Dumbo octopus
fancy rats
honestly i’ve always been too scared to settle on one animal as a favorite, because it feels like a question with no satisfying answer. like if i had to be honest it’s probably dogs? because i’ve grown up around them, they’re an animal i like beyond just aesthetic purposes. but when you hear this sort of question, you wonder if the asker wants to hear about something exotic, some random interest that caught the interviewees eye at a young age and never left their conscious. anyways i think it’s probably house cats
rainbow trout, luzon-bleeding hearts, and horses.. dogs too
emperor penguin
any type of liddol snake. I love them so
sea sheep
Long eared Jerboa
(most people chose cat)
george (42,5%)
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second place with also a lot of votes (37%)
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sapnap (45,7%)
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dream (44,1%)
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this is my favourite question and i cant believe i misspelled it
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you can put two of your mutuals against each other in a fight. who do you chose
i can’t answer this they all hate one another it’s too real. bellaya (bellaya was the most popular answer)
Lost and Kiuda. There can only be one (one of what)
Can I just give loyal a nice spa day? I'd like to give loyal a nice spa day
violence is never the answer
i would fight them all myself obviously
I fear that no matter who I put here they'd just give up and make out instead
I only have two moots I joined tumblr a day ago help (i wonder how this person likes it here so far)
Nunki "demonstars" vs Nov "sueñitos" for La Velada 2024
no fighting…. sharika shakira
Gogciety v powergnf battle of the golos
im giving you a gun with only one bullet. what do you do (vent section) (while a lot of answers made me laugh a lot im gonna skip ones that can get us in trouble LMAO. but remember you made ME laugh)
Listen would killing q give us usmp back? No. Would it make me feel SO MUCH BETTER??????? YES!!!!!! (i mean obv q took like half of the shots. the other popular answer was just lining everyone)
I give it to Sapnap. He has made it clear he will kill for Dream god bless
am i given a time machine? can i shoot someone already dead? does it have to be someone reasonably killable? the answer to these questions is irrelevant because no matter what i want it to be steve jobs.
shoot at internet cable
going to british land and the first dumbass cc i see gets it
use it to open a jar because my hands are very weak and im too embarrassed to ask anyone else to open it for me
only one :(?
Lay it carefully on the ground.
hand it to George he could judge more fairly than I (and hope he doesn't shoot Sapnap)
i send the gun and bullet to the dteam house as a secret gift with a note explaining that it's for sapnap and george only, and a letter stating to pass extras to the rest of the munchy squd. if we all donate our weapons to them, they'll be able to shoot all of dream's haters. the only obstacle is dream himself, which is why he can't know what's in the box.
Give it to gnf&sapnap and watch them fight over it
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top drolo 2023 - ones i forgot about
Radio statio guy
me. sorryyr i dont mean that
you (im soo not BUT THANK YOU)
I think all munchies deserve this spot, theyre all the best drolos :(( i love them
powergpu guy (jesse)
george deserves it tbh for slut smp (that is true, but i excluded snf bc i was afraid they will sweep...)
Lil nas X
THATS ALL. thank you everyone who took part in this AND ONCE AGAIN IM SORRY I FORGOT ABOUT IT.... ill be better next time o7
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cheeseblind · 1 year
Hello! Hope you're doing well and thanks for keeping us all posted!
Because sharing is caring - just wanted to muse that its nice to see a part of a fanbase actually dealing with this rather well? I've kind of removed myself from fandoms on the whole as spaces I've thought were progressive have turned on female survivors on a dime just for quietly posting about harassment. I dunno - guess I'm kind of scared now of liking anything to the point that instead of giving it up I'd choose to be sus of accusations just because I like a persona. But at least from what I can see as a lurker, you guys have all been really cool about it, despite how difficult it is to deal with once you've invested in making content and a community. Even as someone who has only been into NRB for a couple of months, the last few days have really sucked but this lil slice of tumblr has helped. So yay <3 faith: restored!
I think for me now my main concern is why Carley thought it was maybe being swept under the rug, and if they did infact, deal with the situation as soon as they were made aware. Certainly, the statement is promising, even if its impossible to know if we would have got one if it all hadn't blown up like it did.
I wonder as well, if Adam does sadly need to be let go, if it's not better for them just to keep the accusations vague for the sake of privacy and not opening it up for debate like last time where everyone comes out of the woodwork to defend abusive behaviour. But then again, maybe that just gets the cast harassed for further info, who knows. Not sure how they'd handle it if he does remain with NRB.
But ive rambled in your inbox enough! Hopefully 4 player communipoly will get me excited for NRB again even with these caveats, because right now I'm being productive instead of watching BOTC all day and ugh, gross.
Enjoy D20!
i agree! while i have seen a couple of gross comments by and large this fanbase has been a kind and supportive place since we found out, which is definitely very nice to see (also my recent big fanbases before (and alongside) this were all sports, imagine the hell that is) so comparatively yeah. not awful. its been nice bc it hasnt felt like an argument at any point which sometimes it can in worse fanbases.
and yeah, idk, i def dont like it at all that nothing was said before it became a big thing but also i understand that from a legal + pr pov ig? and yeah ig im just hoping their statement is completely honest + they werent gna fully ignore it if it never came up but we will never know that now ig
and honestly personally i would prefer we get details bc of who i am as a person, but idk what theyre gna decide and idrk how im gna react to anything anyway icl
<3 hope youre well
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pro-crastinate17 · 11 months
hello this will be a reaction to black friday starkid because i like to talk about the things i like
(it ended up only being act 1 bc it got super long lol)
ths is only my third time watching it and the first time was like. 2 years ago (the second time was only a few months ago but i didnt absorb enough or write this so here we go again)
will be VERY long btw
in the jingle when angelas sniggle says "we're the sniggles! don't be scared!" she winks when she says dont be scared. this is. foreshadowing :thumbsup:
never getting over "hes deep down in drowsy town, sleepng the dreamless sleep of the dead!"
also JAMES TOLBERT!!!!! his VOICE im so <3 [heart]
also oh my god im reading WAY too far into this but. "hes riding santas sleigh cause hes friends with all the elves" wigglys main allies are uncle wiley and linda monroe, who are played by joey and lauren, who both play elves in santa claus is going to high school!!!
OUGH i love the announcer whose voice is that?? it is reminiscent of big bill hells lol
"i wanted a salad, but now i have a child" never gets old lol. also the exposition in this scene is FLAWLESS mwah
THE LA DI DA DA DAY MOTIF IN THE BACKGROUND LMAO (it is definitely NOT a la di da da day)
"i do not get flashbacks!!! ...i remember bad things vividly." TOM IS SO ME CODED LOL
emma doing paul's "okay" thing gives me LIFE
DYLAN SAUNDERS APPRECIATION MOMENT i love tom houston so much i love dylan saunders oh my goodness gracious literally flawless acting !!! and his VOICE i cant even (also him holding up his hands like the steering wheel is such good foreshadowing for him having been the one driving!!)
tom is COMPLETELY unable to read sarcasm. tom houston autism confirmed. (/silly)
OK OK I KNOW that "bud" is a common way to refer to weed. however. lex smoking weed in hatchetfield and says "bud" specifically?? PERKYS BUDS REFERENCE!
the "to nordstrom? ah shiiit!" he sounds so canadian?? i cant be the only one hearing this lol what was that
COREY DORRIS APPRECIATION MOMENT!!!!! HIS VOICE HIS ACTING HES SOOOO <3 [heart] also the frank and uncle wiley interaction is SO FUNNY !!! and the condescension paired with calling lex "alexandra" is a rlly good way to make it obvious how icky frank is i love it
"honest?" "cross my heart, hope to die" BUT HE WAS LYING AND THEN HE DIES. I SEE WHAT YOU DID THERE STARKID
am i the only one whos curious about the gerald cinnabon story lmao. what did he DO that was so bad that gary goldstein attorney at law couldnt save him from the consequences?
"thats called a BRIBE and its ILLEGAL!!!" *skeptical look* "...or it SHOULD be." IM GIGGLING
im osrry the "my CHILDREN were accidents" line KILLS ME lmao. esp bc she literally IS making it everyone elses problem (by demanding 4 wigglys)!!
ik this fandom talks a lot about "stop crying gerald i wasnt talking to you" but i dont think we pay enough attention to lindas stanley monologue. like holy shit.
ALSO TOM TAKES THE SPOT BEHIND BECKY IN LINE AND DOESNT PAY ANYONE and no one even notces bc theyre all too busy gossiping lmao also what do you say is SUCH a good song aaaa!!! (why is the homeless man so invested on
"tHe YeArS hAvE pAsSeD"
unrelated but i just noticed curt (the farmer who has peanuts the hatchetfield pocket squirrel during what if tomorrow comes) does not currently have peanuts the hatchetfield pocket squirrel! how does he come to be in possession of peanuts? was peanuts also drawn to wiggly (since he is canonically a sentient being?) what is really going on here? maybe this was the real conspiracy all along /silly
JEFF BLIM WIGGLY HANDS (also distinctly resembles the wiggly hands jon does as wiggly in npmd!!)
also feast or famine is an INCREDIBLE song like actually AAAAAA !!! chaos reigns!!!
is ethan wearing a kilt? or a skirt?? also him saying "more bad" instead of worse GIGGLE
tom scaring gary off just by looking scary is PEAK comedy i take no criticism
"aHhH yUmMy!!!!!"
the resurgence of hello naughty list?? does sthat mean uncle wiley originally wanted lex to be the prophet. DOES THAT MEAN UNCLE WILEY ORIGINALLY WANTED LEX TO BE THE PROPHET.
i cant stop saying "i have pepper spray and i use it more than you can possibly imagine", also "ohh i dont know if you wanna wanna wanna wanna wanna wanna wanna FUCK with me miss monroe" ITS SO SILLY
when he sings the little "why should you give when you can get" BE STILL MY HEART (i have gender envy for joey richter)
"all you gotta do is just do what you do best-" "SHOP." "-be a mother." "...right." I LOVE THEIR DYNAMIC.
"yEs I fUcKiNg SeE hIm"
"iLL bItE yOuR nIpPLe OfF"
the way the wiggly is damaged is NOT what wouldve happened from being shot. but thats ok bc its my babygirl general john macnamara <3 [heart]
MONSTERS AND MEN IS SO GOOD. I LOVE JEFFS VOICE SM JEFF BLIM APPRECATION MOMENT !!!!! also he looks Rigjt at the camera when he says "its nothing on your phone" GIGGLE
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cartoonrival · 1 year
kakashi and ummmm spins wheel akane from r1/2
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i dont really talk about kakashi and theres not really a reason for that beyond i dont super have anything intelligent to say about him but i do really love him ToT i dont think he works BETTER as part of a dynamic bc that implies i dont care for him much on his own but i think his character shines BEST as part of a dynamic... in pt 1 he was one of the characters who most most emphasized how young the team 7 kids were and it makes me SICK it makes me sick seeing how much he loves them, the way he talks to them and about them like theyre really children and he cares about them so much and has loved watching them grow up and helping them train, i looove how the chidori becomes one of sasuke's signatures after kakashi taught it to him and how excited naruto gets about getting to train with kakashi again and how kakashi was disappointed at the start of shippuden that naruto and sakura werent as easily amazed by him anymore and he had them try and steal the bells from him again as a little welcome back exercise .... and when he watched the three of them defeat kaguya together he was thinking how much he loved them .... BWAAAAAAAA
and and. i think his relationship with guy honestly balances his relationship with the kids rly well because we get to see him as a protective figure with them but with guy he's talking to someone whos his age and on his level and who he's known for like 2 decades, obviously not to say he never lets loose or relaxes or is irresponsible with the kids but the way he is with guy and the childish competitiveness of their rivalry (which he acts like he's annoyed by but this is obviously not true) is just idk. i like seeing that other facet of him. i think the race through konoha that ended w guy giving him a bouquet was an anime original scene but idc it was so cute and i think it was lee and neji who said smth about them finally being able to have fun and let off steam or w/e. augh. yeah.
ALSO esp in the anime i love how noticeably his tone of voice shifts when he's talking to someone ranked above him when he's usually so nonchalant and casual its something something about how he used to be part of the black ops. idk idk i rly love him and i love how he has pretty distinct facets of himself that come out depending on who he's interacting with it makes him feel very real. he's laid back but on edge and kind and blunt. ill be honest though i dont care about the stuff w obito and rin im sick of that dead girl and that man whos still obsessed with her!!!! but its ok because i love you kakashi.
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SHES EVERYTHING .TO ME. as with all of r/2 i think her struggles with bisexuality (ambiguous) couldve been carried further and her martial arts abilities kind of fell off towards the end which SUCKSSSS AND MAKES ME SO MAAAAD but anyways. she gets a lot of hate for being a jerk BUT LIKE. YEAH? she's scared and angry all the time and doesn't know who she is and is afraid of who she is and everyone's telling her she's living wrong so she's forcing herself into a box where she doesn't fit because she's afraid of nonconformity and she takes that fear out on the person closest to her and the one person who might actually understand what she feels. because it is so scary to admit that you are not what you are supposed to be and intimacy and honesty are so much scarier than bullying someone who'll do it right back. she's been engaged at 16 years old and burdened with the expectation that she'll marry ranma and carry on the legacy of her father's beloved dojo, and now she's been thrown in to this situation where she is forced to confront her wayward sexuality head on and directly in front of her entire family.
will say though possibly unpopular opinion. i dont like transmasc akane reads .. i think shes cis. she has a tomboy thing going on (meaning characters (mostly ranma) make fun of her for being boyish and violent and she has an arc about cutting her hair and no longer growing it out as assurance of her own femininity even though she really prefers it short) but i dont think taking "this female character has some issues with not being seen as feminine enough because of her behavior/struggles with not tying her worth to how feminine she is" should be immediately taken as "this character is not a girl" because i think the potential for her gender nonconformity (esp in relation to her bisexuality) is just as valuable a theme, especially considering r/2 already has very potent transfem (ranma) and transmasc (ukyo) stories. idk "this character has some not traditionally feminine tendencies -> cannot be a girl" doesnt sit right with me. in any series other than r/2 it wouldn't bother me because people can take little tidbits of possible transgenderism as they'd like, but since the trans themes are already so potent in r/2 i tend to lean towards more realistic interpretations of the characters and i dont feel like "akane doesnt fit into traditional femininity and is therefore not [fully] a girl" is reaaally a win. expectations and gender roles are a huge theme in r/2 and i think its valuable seeing how they impact a cis girl as it is how they impact trans people in terms of determining what even MAKES someone a girl or a boy. is it what you wear? what you do? how you talk? these are genuine questions that r/2 asks and i feeeeel that transmasc reads of akane kind of respond to these questions in a really surface level way. this is the reason for the slash over the everyone else is wrong box. because not everybody thinks this and i know some reliable akaneheads (hi jordan)
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ktzart · 2 months
1, 3, 5, & 7
going to answer for each category. bc im like th ejoker (all 1s already done)
Appearance 3: Is there something about your character's appearance that they would change if possible?
Bishop would erase every single scar she has.
Kero has the transgender factor I suppose although the changes they want to make are in fact extremely physically possible just not to a girlie who is constantly running for their life and killing demons. hard to save up for a vaginoplasty when there's beasts
Appearance 5: What are your character's opinion on scars?
Jax , low-key has a fetish for this [thumbs up emoji]
Appearance 7: Is there someone your character tries to look similar to?
Harlow is trying to look like every single rival influencer who ever pops up on their feed, but BETTER, OBVIOUSLY,
Objects 3: What type of object is likely to catch your character's attention?
Wormwood is incredibly intrigued by anything where Parts Fit Together (clocks, jigsaw puzzles, traffic circles, knee joints). and If Those Parts That Fit Together Also Move? Holy Fuck
Anna likes things that are brightly colored or otherwise visually obnoxious. particularly pink ones
Objects 5: Would your character ever try to haggle?
dagmar will because that's how mama raised her. also she's at the moment broker than she's been in a very long time
Objects 7: Does your character ever spend more than they have?
Dagmar, The Divorce, It Was Very Hard On Her, You See
Food+Drink 3: Is there a food or drink your character is unwilling to try?
I think Bishop is kind of scared of shellfish. all those legs....
Food+Drink 5: Does your character consider eating fun?
Nina: Sinful Harlow: An Unfortunate Addiction Jax: :/
Rosier loves eating! they dont need to do it! but gosh the texture of a warm, nearly still quivering liver. unbeatable.
Food+Drink: Is there food that has made your character sick?
Harlow can't eat anything besides blood anymore B) theyll throw it up B)
Weather+Nature 3: What season would your character say they're most similar to?
Harlow gets this question on their Instagram stories and says theyre autumn because theyre a fucking liar who needs to keep up appearances and the only association theyre thinking of is Halloween:Goth. in fact they are a winter where it's bitterly cold but never snows. it only turns icy and wet.
Kero says summer and they are 100% correct
Weather+Nature 5: Has your character ever had an animal phase?
Anna is very actively a furry.
Community+Relationships 3: How comfortable would your character be singing and dancing in front of others?
Khris is a great dancer. he goes out dancing several times a week. this is without exception a shock to every single one of his coworkers when they find out. he would never sing though
Sadie obviously has to be fine with singing in public. the best girl can have a little of attention-hogging. if she wants it
Community+Relationships 5: Who would your character first seek if they needed medical help?
Bishop: the first aid kit in the back of her truck,
Harlow: no one, waits to die while overcome by equally strong feelings of titillation and terror,
Everyone Else: The Doctor,
Community+Relationships 7: Who is your character most honest with?
basically the only person Jax won't lie to is his sister Alice. luckily for his self destructive impulses she lives in massachusetts now and it's way easier to sidestep uncomfortable conversations over the phone
Kero is honest with basically everyone, they think lying is unethical and are a believer in #communication
Khris is also honest with basically everyone, he thinks lying creates more problems than it can solve and is a believer in #efficiency
Mind, Body, Soul 3: Is your character more prone to fight or flight?
if we take this to mean in a situation where they genuinely feel in physical danger:
Anna: fight. Dagmar: fight. Erin: fight. Nina: fight. Harlow: flight. Jax: fawn. Kero: flight. Khris: freeze. Martine: fight. Riddick: flight. Rosier: fawn. Bishop: fight. Sadie: fight. Wormwood: fight.
in a situation more about emotional stress:
Anna: fight. Dagmar: fight. Erin: fight. Nina: freeze. Harlow: flight. Jax: fawn. Kero: fight. Khris: fight. Martine: freeze. Riddick: flight. Rosier: fawn. Bishop: flight. Sadie: freeze. Wormwood: freeze.
Mind, Body, Soul 5: What words could tear your character down?
people have had great success dealing emotional damage to Sadie by saying that she's Not Enough, that everyone sees her as a joke, that nobody seriously likes her.
Mind, Body, Soul 7: Is your character good at practicing self-care?
I don't even need to specify a character. No
Hobbies+Activities 3: What is a talent your character wishes they had?
Harlow is 100% killing themself 24/7 because they arent a famous singer i think. generally the only talents my OCs desire are the talents of Being Normal or Being Loved (cringe)
Hobbies+Activities 5: Which does your character try to prioritize more, work or hobbies?
Khrs my beloved token workaholic. guy who schedules his hookups on his calendar
Hobbies+Activities 7: What is a talent that your character is proud of?
Sadie feels, often to her emotional detriment, that her singing is the only thing she Truly has going for her as a valuable person
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theories for chain of thorns
i had these posted on my gr from like december, im just posting them here
- lucie will now be an antagonist lets be honest we all know it. necromancers are NOT good people and thats the path lucie chose for herself by wanting to save jesse
- someone major will die idk who it is yet, but my instincts tell me its matthew or alistair. the second wouldnt make sense tho – if alistair dies, how would the carstairs line continue down to emma??? hopefully itll be tatiana that bitch
- jamie x daisy its inevitable guys, have you seen the snippets? im rooting for them theyre perfect
- thomas and alistair are NOT gonna end up together this was a gut feeling when i wrote it but as of jan 5 i have a legible reason as to why they would not be happy and its the next theory
- IM SCARED THOMAS IS GONNA DIE the “found family tree” says that thomas died TWO YEARS before barbara. i understand cassie has repeatedly stated that its been manipulated (she hinted that it was changed by the silent brothers) and isnt reliable. but isnt that disturbing?? esp considering theres at least part of it thats reliable, and thats the fact that alistair will 100% go on to marry a woman despite being gay. if alistair doesnt have kids, and cordelias children are all herondales, then the carstairs family would die out and emma would not be related to jem (even tho its been stated that they are related by blood). “oH bUt SoNa iS pReGnAnT mAyBe ShEs GoNnA GiVe BiRtH tO a bOy” first of all, theres a chance the baby is born a girl second of all, the baby might die third of all, where is the son on the family tree? fourth of all, SONA IS, ACCORDING TO THE TREE, DEAD BEFORE THOMAS. PLEASE.
- grace x christopher i despise grace but she acts like a different person around kit… maybe he can fix her
- anna x ariadne she cant fuck up ALL the gay relationships, now can she?
- the merry thieves are gonna forgive alistair (specifically matthew) bro he literally made out with one of them TWICE. if matthew doesnt think “well shits gonna get awkward if i dont forgive the sorry bastard” istg~ 💀
- this is more of a hope than a theory MATTHEW FAIRCHILD SHALL ACHIEVE THE HAPPINESS HE DESERVES smth tells me he wont get a happy ending tho… i mean, if my above theory abt thomas is correct~
- SO DOES ALISTAIR I MEAN CMON GUYS #justiceforalistair he regrets the shit hes pulled and therefore your hate against him for it is invalid PLUS HE GOT BULLIED BY RACIST PIECES OF SHIT HE DID WHAT HE COULD TO MAKE IT STOP
- matthew will open up abt his secret its like a routine at this point, in every shadowhunters series. a character has a secret that nearly kills them outta despair, they open up to friends, theyre met with love and support. jace loving his “sister”. wills “curse”. emma and jules’ relationship. ty bringing back livvy. alec being gay. you get used to it lol
- either lucie or matthew would have their marks stripped lucie for attempting/committing necromancy, and matthew because sobh said he doesnt have a specified death date (also i think cassie just hates him)
- jesse will be evil bro wouldnt that be cruel… like imagine after lucie brings him back hes like “haha i manipulated you to bring me back i never loved you” and then sHe GETS HER RUNES STRIPPED FOR NECROMANCY and its worse bc the shadowhunters are already out to get the herondales bc they refuse to accept tessa as anything but a warlock no but in that case she would prolly go to live with wills parents OKAY BUT IMAGINE HOW HEARTBROKEN CHARLOTTE WOULD BE WHILE DOING IT WHILE JAMIE IS CRYING AND MATTHEW SCREAMING AT HER NOT TO AND WILL TELLS HIM TO STOP WHILE TEARS ARE GOING DOWN HIS FACE
- a “seven husbands of evelyn hugo” thing with anna x ariadne and thomas x alistair (credit to my good friend wiz/nisha for saying this) maybe cassie is going to have thomas marry ariadne and anna marry alistair so that they could have a good old switcheroo, so they can swap lovers?? obviously it cant be anna and thomas lmao theyre cousins but thomas and ARIADNE…
- matthew and cordelia ARE going to kiss at one point HOL’ UP I DONT SHIP EM, i think its gonna be a climon kinda thing where they kiss and dont like it as much as they thought they would, and end up deciding to stay friends i think thats the best way cassie could deal with matthews crush on her without breaking anyones heart, i hope to god it wont be like him confessing and her rejecting him plz oml
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h5eavenly · 5 months
The whole situation is so complicated 😭😭😭 like all characters are soooo so complex, especially y/n :((
Tbh yes, Yeji has low key bene a bit mean to y/n and stuff even before she found out the truth, but that’s justifiable bc she was defending her friend, aka Hyunjin! And ofc if I put myself in her shoes, if my friends’ ex left my bff all heart broken, ofc I would have some sort of sour feelings :((. But ofc it’s always important to note that when a relationship ends, it’s not ab finding who to blame! I relationship ends bc it’s simply not meant and that’s ok, that’s just life ://. So imo I do think Yeji is valid for not being all for y/n and Hyunjin BUT idt she needed to be a bitch ab it. However !!! The way she reacted to the news ab the bet and SEUNGMIN, I get that bc in her perspective she was trying to look after Hyunjin.
For Hyunjin’s POV, idk I think it rlly depends on the person. Bc yes y/n did a lot of questionable things, and tbh he rlly does have the option to not listen to her bc tbh if I were in his shoes I wouldn’t either AKSJSKSJA bc like wth !!! I’m online w h and turns out ur doing sm shiz behind my back like ?!?! However, when his own friends shit talked y/n, I thought that was below the belt. It’s natural they don’t like her for what she had done, but Hyunjin still loves her, and love doesn’t just go away. Bc idk maybe it’s a me thing, but when my friends jus breakup w an ex, I make it a point to never talk shit, even if I rlly want to in the first few weeks or so bc it’ll also hurt my friend bc they still love them! That’s why I did find it a bit weird that Hyunjin didn’t rlly tell them to stop but we r all different and deal w our feelings differently. I think it was normal he blocked her bc he needs to heal and get some space fr. Like I said it’s rlly up to him if he wants to listen to y/n. Bc I’m 100% sure she has her reasons but ofc it’ll be hard to listen to her bc he did give her chances to admit the truth but she was scared and never took the chance, so that’s on her.
Tbh I think all of them are just acting immaturely which is rlly normal and human of them! Like I don’t rlly support how some of them r dealing w it, especially w Hyunjin’s friends talking shot ab y/n, the girl he still has feelings for IN FRONT OF HIS FACE :((. Idk like I said, for me I think it’s below the belt bc one, he did love her once :((. Valid for them to not like her but they should give Hyunjin some space from the situation bc it just seems like they’re making it ab themselves. They could’ve just asked how he was and continued from there :((. Idk :((
And for y/n I cannot stress this enough, she should’ve said smthg :(( everyone’s been telling her to come clean and Hyunjin even gave her the chance but she never did, so it rlly gave d impression dat she was playing w Hyunjin and his friends. I think she should’ve said smthg sooner and should’ve jus been honest from the get go. Bc I’m sure Hyunjin would’ve been hurt by what happened and what she did, but at least it would give Hyunjin reassurance that she is honest w him. And it’s understandable that y/n is sort of acting dis way bc of her own personal issues, but dat doesn’t justify her reasons, and doesn’t justify hurting someone else whom is harmless. So I think y/n is in a place of reflection and hopefully she finds some peace :)).
Mad for Chan, I mean ofc he will tell Yeji AKSNWM she is his friend and ofc all the shiz he found out was rlly like messed up so ofc he will tell her, it’s a normal response. I mean he could’ve clarified it w wooyoung, Yuma, and y/n, but idt they’re close to begin w so AKSNAKANA.
Long story short, theyre all just rlly emotional and I think they’re all sort of acting impulsively which is normal :)).
Idk how this whole situation is gonna unfold but I’m rlly hoping for the best for all of them!!
yess this is why i kept saying this is so complicated bc its one of these situations where we could go back and forth on what everyone could have said and did when everything the characters do doesn't always have to be morally correct when they have different personalities and feelings/past judgements are involved thats just very unrealistic i also mentioned to keep note of the pain being so fresh and the shock is settling in bc yk sadness and pain are such complex emotions they could turn into rage or have you thinking differently/irrationally. if this was after a while maybe i could for sure see felix or hyunjin being like "okay guys this is not cool stop it" bc time could have passed and their opinion on yn wouldnt just bc focused on this one bad thing she did
I do agree w u that this felt selfish to hyunjin i think his feelings are not being validated in this situation, his friends are only validating yejis side which is that yn is100% a villain in her story so the first thing she feels for yn is anger and just that. where for hyunjin the way he feels about yn is soso complex bc this is a person who he loved and still loves, shares a past with and thought of her as his soulmate thats why it made so much sense for me that he's isolating himself he doesnt feel like he has a safe space to talk about yn and express his grief and the complexity of still missing her,loving her its similar to the start where he couldnt talk abour his feelings for yn w yeji and only talked about them to lix
Also the whole bangchan situation i do think if someone else heard them things would be different i do believe if it was changbin in that situation he would have 100% talk to yuna and woo first but with chan he had showed multiple times that he doesnt really care about yn and her friends like that and it had been shown also that he's not really a logically thinking person like he had said questionable things throughout the series so
omg thank you for writing ur thoughts to me in detail this is so fun to read and i lovee getting to discuss everything so i hope ur feeling the same as i said its so interesting to see so many different opinions and views this just goes to show how complex we are as humans!! i love it🥹🩷🩷
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upsidedowngrass · 1 year
reading your and jaspers posts about bryce with silent admiration because im too scared to contribute but i really love bryce so much hes my girlfriend and my husband and i like hearing u guys talk about him because youre Right. especially as someone who struggled from grief and trauma and being abused i think bryce's case interests me more than any of the other characters (even though liam is my favorite, and it says a lot because i find all of them interesting) because there is so much to him. i doubt he has processed a single thing about what happened. i think stellas death was recent too honestly, within the last few years at least, and he copes by... not coping. burying himself in work and drinking in the hopes to forget about it. not even to mention the fact that in episode 7 it showed him driving home drunk personally i feel he was past the point of caring to the point of engaging in risky/dangerous behaviors (this speaks for itself, i dont think i need to say why). i think that the plane impacted him so much that within those 7 months after leaving he got his shit together. i cant speak for if hes totally sober or not but at the very least he doesn't drink as much as he used to and i doubt he's putting himself in danger anymore. to be honest i think bryce is one of the characters who has changed the most because of the plane, which makes him being rejoined all the more interesting to me. im probably just making shit up but i like to read into it a little more than "bryce and liam were getting along but now theyre separated and liam has to fix it oh no". sorry this ask is kind of word vomit im not in the headspace to tidy it up but i hope you get what i mean
i think if one had continued for longer than it did it would have been interesting to explore bryce finally accepting and coming to terms with his past (him not seeing his childhood home in the wr anymore kind of representing this). i love bryce and he deserves to heal
TY!!!!!!! im glad my thoughts warrant admiration to you :D!!!!!!!!!!! (i will say tho that every time uve ever posted YOURE thoughts i am like ohhhhh.... ur SO RIGHT. i think u have some of the BEST interpretations of the one characters ive seen!!!!!)
(talked SOOO so much .so there is a readmore :) )
brcye really IS such an interesting character???? ik ive said it before but i AM biased towards protagonists so i usually focus on liam but like ...... bryce really IS probably one of the more. indepth ? characters in one in terms of like. background and how he Acts. i think ALL of teh characters are written really incredibly but i think, given how much of his bg is clarified (esp in contrast with how little is shown of the other characters lives pre-one) his motives, personality, emotions all end up being SUPER super elaborate and i REALLY love how he was written ??
(that said i think the reason he IS elaborated on sm is bc like. one doesnt elaborate on character backgrounds like MOST of the time. even charlotte is mostly left up to interpretation, bc one is more about the HOW people respond rather than WHAT made them respond that way. but charlotte and bryce are both outliers, and bryce ESPECIALLY so. because both obviously have Things they havent worked through properly, but bryce is directly just. Living in it. its the fact that he WONT acknowledge the actual Things that hapepned enough to heal that warrants the elaboration. while the other characters stop acknowledging ANYTHING about their lives , save for charlotte, who gradually works out her issues themselves, because THATS whats effecting her, bryce is CONSTANTLY just. he Needs to go back, but his problems ARE about what happened, and the fact that his life outside of the plane was what MATTERED to him, but that even then, he just Wouldnt acknowledge that life when he Needed to. idk if that makes sense but ohhh i think about the decision to elaborate on some characters and to not on others bc it feels Important)
hes so. he mirrors all of the contestants in some ways, but he mirrors amelia a LOT in that both of them respond to trauma by Setting It Aside. like That Trauma Cant Affect Me If I Dont Look At It. like. ur right bryce has NOT processed ANY of his trauma. which like it makes SENSE bc. it prob feels so much easier to him to not think about it by drinking instead, because its a Lot to think about. its a Lot to come to terms with. but bc he WONT acknowledge it but its still AFFECTING him he just gets More and More miserable (the detail about him driving home drunk and not even caring is so. :( )
what IS one of the most. compelling? aspects of his character to me is the way he responded to Everything after getting eliminated. bc it just feels So Real. because he IS healing, not completely, and not in the best way, but he clearly like. started putting SO much work into improving his life??? (the detail of him finally getting an end table for his bed instead of just... using a cardboard box ALWAYS gets to me. and that + the fact that the photo of stella is put up makes it seem like. THATS what was in that box. he LITERALLY started Unpacking thigns. its like poetry to me.) because it IS hard, and i think hes still putting things to the side, shoving the trauma from the plane to the side now instead of all his other grief and trauma. and the removal of the cans from his room yknow?? that hes getting up for work on time now?? its like. yeah i agree idk if hes necessarily SOBER yet but he really does seem like hes working really hard
its not perfect, but its BETTER and it feels. correct?? (and tbh? trying to brush off the plane as a dream isnt even teh worst thing he couldve done with that, i think, bc reasonably what WAS he supposed to do w that experience?? i dont think there WAS a good answer) bc the plane was a whole new kind of trauma. and i think surface level, one would THINK hed get WORSE after further trauma but like. i think he DID in some ways but in the ways that actually affected how he acknowledged and responded to his pre-existing trauma DID get better bc, as he puts it, hed Thrown his life away before, and didnt want to do it again. bc this time, he very well couldve died. and while he was on the plane, being home, on earth was SO much better than the plane, and it recontextualized Everything. hell, maybe after that, the earth finally felt Less daunting, like somewhere he Wanted to be, because for once, he WANTED to be back, and rationalizing That and the fact that he got Lucky, that something Worse couldve just full on Killed Him Forever really DID mean he didnt WANT the worse to come, at least not as much as before. but that meant he HAD to start actually Working on improving things, and i think he may not have Intended to acknowledge Worse things, but simply because the things he had to do to improve his life, like drinking less, making his house more Livable, they all Forced him to think about things More. hes still certainly not thinking about them as much as he Should, hes still not Processing things, but hes Heading in the right direction . he really was SO changed by ONE
and then liam showing up forces him, once again, to think about something he tried to push to the side. aaaaaaaandd then he rejoins and its so. it feels thematically fitting and IS so so SO interessting. because for once in his life hes REALLY facing his trauma head on. but then is brought straight back into it. and i need to think about that aspect more bc those thoughts are a bit less Focused than my other thoughts but given how complex his writing is after he gets OUT, its. SO interesting to think about how being BACK affects him
esp bc like. him starting ep 18 Pissed Off- which historically his responses to trauma are to either just Be Shocked, as depicted a LOT in ep 14, or to get Very Vocally pissed, as shown through the first half of s1, esp ep 6, and ep 11, and ep 13, and ep 18. ive seen it written as 'he doesnt have anywhere to direct the sheer amnt of STRESS and fear so he just. ends up yelling at people bc what else CAN he do' and i think thats?? probably fairly accurate. i dont think hes as Constantly Irritable and Irrationally Angry as fanon presents him , bc it tends to be. excessive. but he DOES get reasonably angry in response to stress !!! i always think abt how his body language in the 'credits' scene of ep 6 look like hes yelling at airy. and im. lays on the ground. i dont even know if thats ever as much 'just anger' as it is Fear and it FUCKS ME UP
but the way i see it, that ties to ep 18 a LOT. because he was really Getting better. hell, what he thought was the WORST that could happen HAPPENED (dying) but he. came out OKAY? its like he was being forced to think about and work through his trauma and he survived and was ok. but being sent back is like. 'oh god i did that all for nothing.' but i think it also sort of?? serves as the Last Push for him to really, REALLY acknowledge the plane (which is why it makes sense so thematically for him to be the rejoiner. he WAS the only contestant whod Chosen to ignore it all. but that has nothing to do with the plane, he cant choose if the plane ignores Him.) past talking about its affects, how its affected people. because after everything hed worked toward, hes Back. hes back, and everyone else is STILL HERE. liam had said they were all still There but seeing them there is a whole other thing. hed SEEN the effects of making it out after 7 months. but he never saw what it was like to still BE there after all that time. and bryce CARES about them (fanon sometimes treats him as if he is a bit. coldhearted? but i think people misattribute him being unhappy with liam as him not caring. i think the problem is that he maybe cares too much, and was affected a LOT, but didnt and doesnt know how to handle that. so he WANTS to ignore it, because it was all he could do, and haaving to backtrack on his haphazard healing from the plane is. highly daunting and uncommfortable and terrifying. thats not being cold though, thats VERY different) and now he HAS to acknowledge Everything, has to be a part of it Again. and i think its a combination of 'liam was here for 7 months after we all thought itd only be a few weeks. Anything could happen. who knows how long ill be here for?' and 'liam didnt have anything when he came back. will I have anything when i come back?? will i have worked so, so hard to heal and fix my life for Nothing?' and 'i dont WANT to be here again.' and 'oh my god all of them Really Really Are Here. Theyve been here the whole time.' and i think all that culminates in an appropriate amount of horror, and that prompts him to do what hes STARTED doing, which was All He Can. and hes pissed off cus hes terrified, so he spurs everyone into pulling out the plug. and then. it doesnt work. it doesnt work and thats the LAST of what he had, and i think iirc hes the LAST one to close his eyes afterwards. because hed BEEN off the plane, hes the one of them who had any hope to give them anymore. and it didnt work
(i also think a lot about how it mustve felt seeing the contestants all so. resigned. because bryce was like that before all this, but ever since one began he was stubborn, and didnt WANT to give up. and i think finding out that these people youd seen try so, so hard just to Handle Any Of This be SO resigned would be. so fucked up. he knew amelia when she was so determined to leave, and while charlotte seems a bit saddened by her resignation, bryce was there BEFORE that happened. he wasnt there like liam or charlotte was to see it gradually develop, and to develop that despair alongside them. all hes seen is that amelia was so determined. and that he may not have known her THAT well before, he knows shes different. he knows she Gave Up and like. GOD. and also i think abt how he mustve Felt seeing the plug for the first time because ehs the only one of them who hadnt seen it before (given its likely all the other characters had, since they casually refer to it). and given the short time frame between him getting there, and the contestants trying to pull the plug? it almost seems that that was like. the last straw. and ive never posted it but i once drew stuff abt it bc. the damage to it is noticable. and i think hes already aware liam was fucked up, but this is like. a tangible, permanent record of that on the plane. and he cares about liam, and has been grappling with all the things liams told him, but thats. thats something he can See. And i think it all of it culminates in him deciding that what hes been avoiding is doing Soemthing about all this, because before he couldnt, and then it was. an awful idea to, and then he didnt have many choices BUT to help. but now theres hardly anything to do, but he has to try. he doesnt want to give up. and it makes me soooooooooooooooooo. head in hands.)
anyway that was a LONG tangent the point is. YEAH. i think rejoining would be. very very significant for his character i dont think youre making shit up its DEFINENTLY a topic w a lot of things to discuss about it
but god. yeah it wouldve been SO nice to see him come to terms with everything hed been through before one. i think the show purposefully included what it did and ended when it did because it makes more sense thematically for it to go unresolved, because the point was that NOTHING was able to be resolved nicely because unfortunately, many things are Out Of Their Control. things COULDVE resolved almost perfect but enough things went wrong at just the right (or more fitting, wrong) time for all of that to not work. i think him no longer seeing the suburbs may have signalled more that maybe, just maybe, he could Do something to help the other contestants even if HE was Dead, that now he finally HAS a goal, if that makes sense (though i think even in the timeline of the series it still wouldve taken way longer for him to process everything Fully, they WERE only in the waiting room for probably about a day) but the idea of finally seeing the waiting room as it is bc hed finally worked through everything .... man.............. man
ik ive already said it though but i DO think it is sooooo so possible for him to heal post canon. im a firm believer that no matter what, at LEAST bryce and ameliaa get home (liam and charlotte have more room for error but i DO generally interpret the ending as them both getting home too, theres just less room for things to go wrong w amelia and bryce). and i think after everything? hed be able to heal. it would SUCK but i think hes, shockingly, in a better place Logistically for things to improve, because he has a support system, he has what hed already worked on in those 7 months, he has so much to aim for. it would be rough and take long but i think ultimately? hed be able to heal :) and its what he deserves
#ask#got SO rambly in this answer . this ask made me think SO MUCH#man tho. the theme of people responding to Trauma in one is legitimately so.#it feels so significant and i think it was done SO well#like. fun fact but ep 6 was what REALLY sold me on the show when i first watched it#which SOUNDS morbid but it was the post credits scene that Got me#because it jsut. sounded so much like how trauma is discussed irl. when liam like#says 'i was riding home on my bike when it happened' i remember i was so. Ohhh My God#bc i was. oh this show is just. having characters naturally respond to and discuss trauma#like it wasnt just an element of the series anymore it clicked that the show was developing a literary THEME and it made me sooooo emotiona#like it esp hit hard bc . discussing trauma is a LOT and seeing them Talk Abt It like that hit me so hard.#and to this day that scene is just so. emotionally impactful#AND sidenote its so. at that pt in the series nothing has been Revealed abt bryces life before one#but the fact that hed Been Through Shit Before makes the scene feel so important.#because bryce has been through a LOT of trauma already. and bc of that? of course hes the one talking to liam. because he *gets it.*#of course he talks about it so naturally. he may not have really worked through anything but he KNOWS this#and whether or not liams been through stuff before doesnt matter here. because this isnt something he knows how to live through#but bryce has experience with living through things. hes the only one able and willing to talk eith liam through it because he Gets it#and it makes me so. AUUUGHGG#alcohol#ask to tag#(also as silly as it is liam abruptly cutting the convo off to talk abt the grass is like. yeah. yeah#emotional convos with friends abt trauma can very often end abruptly for completely unrelated reasons#at least in my exp#which is prob bc eventually theres nothing TO say bc the topic sorta. speaks for itself?? and that feels like what happened in their convo#though i think liam prob ALSO mentions it bc. id imagine its unnerving to notice . like this place would just FEEL so abnormal#and it was prob on his mind bc the two of them were already talking abt fucked up things about the plane#and its a small detail but. a detail about the plane nonetheless)
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compacflt · 2 years
this is so random but i can’t stop thinking about your use of music…like Cactus Tree playing while ice and carole are talking and the fic ending with those lines from Summer, Highland Falls??? my compliments to the chef because YOU GET IT!!! it IS either sadness or euphoria!!! our reason DOES co-exist with our insanity!!! UGH!!!
see this is so embarrassing bc my first edit to that fic was axing the “summer highland falls” epigraph 😭 however it’s getting replaced by lyrics from a song that is imo even more pertinent, which is “seabird” (1977) i would recommend innovations’ version of it
it pains me so bad that I can’t link my Spotify here for obvious reasons but my playlist for this series is verging on 11 hours long and i could talk about every song on it for days. some other extremely relevant songs (based on lyrics not vibes) are the following if you’re interested: “august (acoustic)” by flipturn (for obvious reasons) / “ends of the earth” by lord huron (about ice’s ambition, + the line ‘just ‘cause i’m ready to die for you baby / doesn’t mean i’m ready to stay’) / “good guy” by julia jacklin (basically the soundtrack to icemav’s Venice excursion) / “something big” by burt bacharach (literally my #1 tom kazansky song, you pick whether the ‘something big’ is mav or that fourth star) / “kids” by busty and the bass (about bradley and parental responsibility) / “cold hearted” by zac brown band (im not a country fan i swear but god this one hits like a sucker punch. mav-centric desire for revenge) / “last time” by adam melchor (“every time you go I’m scared it’s gonna be the last time”) / “overs” by simon & garfunkel (the entirety of the airplane one-shot was written according to this song) / “aeroplane” by greer (just-before-the-mission vibes)
re: cactus tree—obv ice is the sailor out searching “in a decade full of dreams,” and peep the line “he has kissed her with his freedom…” but also it’s a song about a woman who “only means to please” the men her life revolves around, “and her heart is full and hollow…” It’s mostly a song about carole.
my favoritest piece of diegetic music in the fic is when ice & mav are driving home listening to the rolling stones’ “beast of burden.” i really don’t mean to over-analyze my own fic or suck my own dick too much but it’s one of those moments that shows the difference in honesty between ice’s narration & mav’s— ice just says theyre listening to the stones, mav is honest enough to tell us it’s a song specifically about “making love” and not feeling good enough for your partner. further on in the song (these are the lyrics i should’ve used, i realize) there’s the line: “there’s one thing, baby, / i don’t understand. / you keep on telling me / i ain’t your kind of man.” & that’s kind of the point, isn’t it?
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pilotheather · 2 years
also love these designs for real
actually take that back this cunts just come into focus
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i justsaw the spiky arm bits those looked class to me
i'll be real i think one thing i will say is like.. i dont completely RATE the visuals of the chibnall era-and ive said why, with a lot of them ultimately bein very shallow despite being pretty, yada yada, BUT... i like how theyre not DARK-dark. u kno what i mean. they are always very colours and gorgeous even if a lot of the time its just sort of silly.
okay funny bit why does no one appreciate dans funny bit
okay sorry liveblogging so theres a kid. cool. wtf was that. timeless child stuff? maybe .
alright break time
hang on now we're getting a fucking dan moment. nevermind. fi-
oh classic are we going to get more funny whittaker era flimsy morals. sorry thats mean. but also come on man. you know what i mean. arghgh dont fucking genocide the daleks [willlater genocide the daleks]
is this the master....
the joker ⤵️
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KIND OF EATING... I HAVE TO BE HONEST. the headpiece is still really .. dodgy . it looks like someones got a doily, stiffened it and wacked it onto the back of its head with a pritt stick.
okay this was my concern just jumping about like a mad man okay holy shit theres one thing like its ONE thing to like ... purposefully try to, like, be a bit insane and disjointed but god the way theyrejust ....
yaz: 😬
hang on
wow! im sure that staticky thing will have no relevance later! really fucking subtle, writers!
alright master. sure.
"pinky promisey" i like that
god the pacing on this gthing is bloody boring
we've had 30 minutes of fucking setup. epic. and we're setting MORE up. i told you fucking hell too much SHITE packed in....
"you were HALF CAT." "mans allowed to experiemnt 😼" okay that made me grin. miaow.
okay but for real how is there so much fluff here and yet its just random jumping about and yaz is so right just going from point a to b with no explanation also like if this is what ur trying to evoke FROM the episode ur just not pulling it off man its like so dry thus far i dont even CARE sorry . SORRY
i dont get why they bring old companions back sometimes, man. it just feels so... pointless-0
i think the traitor storyline could have been actually interesting sorry who gives a damn about the rest of this crap. i dont know. i suppose actually having an idea and investing it and exploring it to any deeper level than having shit randomly fucking fly across the screen would be too much to fucking ask
SORRY IM just. i dont care . im so sorry i dont even want to pretend to careany more its going to be over in 50 minutes
i forgot ...that guy was there...
also the rasputin bit its slaying a bit actually i will give them that but nothing about the delivery of it its like the lights and dancing this could
it would be so funny if literally whittaker never came back after this bit
anwyay as i wanted to say earlier. i dont GET why they bring back old companions, just.... because. do you know what i fucking mean? like- when sarah jane first came back, that was the story. it had the space to explore that properly... it had intention. now we justfucking drag em in . do the obligatory "woah, you LEFT us. lets make the other companion feel like shit also." and thats it and they never... and ITS LIKE SORRY BUT WHAT IS THEIR STORY ACTUALLY CONTRIBUTING TO THIS EPISODE? OTHER THAN TAKING UP TIME?
even graham coming back. what is he going to BRING to it. like- i dont know man. we had the end of s5, where they all came together, but it was so much better paced over those two episodes where they all had a solid purpose in the thing and their own proper story instead of just standing there and saying hohhh im HERE. [makes a reference] . and their stories all connected properly whereas like
now its just a load of fucking
okay im going to be honest
i stopped talking in here now bc i started rambling on discord but literally
i dont. czare i dont even care
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corin pushing past his own comfort zone to allow patrick the comfort of touch during a deeply traumatic time for p like literally im so fragile right now i can’t even begin to explain all of what’s going thru my mind. but i will.
like i think the biggest reason this mental image is so important to me is that andrew rowe’s writing with patrick (and mara tbh) has always held so much nuance & tenderness, like here’s this golden retriever type of boy who holds so much love and positivity in his heart, here’s this little nerd who loves the world he lives in & loves his friends so much theyre family (again, same goes for mara who im p sure was the one who said she needed family time while they were discussing blackstone banditry but it could very well have been sera which is still a win for me bc all these characters are so fantastic*) & he would do ANYTHING for coring — remember him being the first person to stand up to magnus for corin ?? remember corin being hit & his first thoughts are thank fuck patrick saw this? cause i dont think he’d have felt that way if it were anyone else, not even mara or sera or even derek or keras (though derek & keras ymmv bc they are still adults in this situation so theyd be far more likely to be able to do anything, but still theres the shame of it which i think would be more pronounced w them than it is w patrick bc he’s just such an unbelievably kind hearted character)
he doesn’t have the same sway over corin’s emotional intelligence as sera does but he still offers guidance by just being so emotionally intelligent himself, and anyway these are all his perfect traits but then not only that he’s also vulnerable (which is still a perfect trait but you get what i mean) and its not the first time he gets to be vulnerable but for the tables to have turned so severely that now its corin who has to be the brave, kindhearted one.... when patrick gets to be fr scared and hurt and young it’s by far one of the best parts of the books that happens outside of the story, because theyre ALL like that, bc in silence of unworthy gods im pretty sure theyre still only 18 (and you can tell the difference btwn an 18yr old who grew up in an awful family, an 18 yr old who grew up practically without a full family/her current family, an 18 yr old who had the best family but other circumstances denied her certain privileges and an 18 yr old whose home life idk jackshit about but i feel like it was probably pretty good bc a) how could u not adore patrick and b) well he came out bright as sunshine so you know, but anyway theres nuances in their maturity and patrick is by far the youngest but theyre ALL young & scared & inexperienced & going through far too much... i mean like read wobm keras is 21 in that im p sure and like ok yes he does go through a whole thing in book 1 fighting gods or whatever (overachiever) but his actual training is a piece of cake in comparison to what these guys go through)
anyway idk where that was going so nvm but its not only corin, it’s keras who .. ok to be honest i havent read more than the first book in 6ss which i need to get to bc i feel like im missing some context lately but keras clearly is in a very bad very stressed out place right now & mara telling him he needs to fucking COOL IT &&&& all of this being done through the medium of touch, which is such a taboo topic in AA because its from corin’s perspective and corin is you know. traumatised to hell and back.
its fucking magnificent. andrew rowe is so fucking good, not just for his worldbuilding but for his characters and his KINDNESS towards them, UGH !
* i was gonna go in depth on that but this is long enough so lemme just say im also loving sheridan this book i mean i loved them before but now that theyre like a more established type of love interest (.. sorta ??) it just makes me giggle bc there is no one for coring to end up with without me adoring the shit out of it. jin? im so down. cecily? i feel like itd be a little sad & they need to build to it but i LOVE cecily so sure !!! sheridan? literally i’d scream itd be so funny and SO good, LUTE ??? i mean. no ones even hinting at that happening but yes 100% yes.
plus i feel like corin has a crush on keras in that ‘thisman is 26 and beautiful & knows so much’ kind of way. anyway. AH !!! 
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thesolotomyhan · 3 years
amado carrillo fuentes nsfw alphabet
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a/n: mira nomas quien llego- something for mi amor amado that i enjoyed a little too much writing for but nonetheless its por fin here so i hope you guys enjoy? ?? and thank you so much to who requested this >:)
warnings: its fucking p*rn at this point yall,, plus its 4.9k words long and i hope thats ok bc im scared i didnt do this right lol
a- aftercare (what theyre like after sex)
amado  wouldve never thought to be into aftercare to be honest. but for YOU, el amor de su VIDA,,, this man would literally become putty in your hands ok,,, he would do just about anything to care for you and make sure youre ok or if you need anything, probably while he softly laughs down at you,, watching the way your smiling drunken  form is still trying to catch your breath,, your legs shaking when he unwraps them from his hips,, his cock still buried deep inside of your leaking folds as he runs his hands down your body- i ok im sorry 
but after he makes sure your taken care of he just lives for the moments where he’ll pull you on top of him so that you’re resting your head on his chest,, as he looks down at you in this amazement,,literal fucking heart eyes,, because you have this afterglow to you, your hair all messed up from his hold on it,, the dark marks he left on your skin beginning to show all over you as he feels your wobbly legs tangle with his. and he’s just running one of his hands up and down your back,, his other hand tangling with one of your own and just playing with your fingers,, him kissing the top of your head until he sees that you drifted off to sleep,, a small smile on your face has him c o n t e n t when he pulls you closer on top of him
b- body part (favorite body part)
when it comes to his favorite body part on you, it would probably be your hands. and like it doesnt even have to be an intense moment, it can literally just be having your hands resting on his shoulders, tenderly massaging away all his stress from the pendejadas he has to put up with. or it can be just simply you placing your hands on his face, pulling him down to kiss you,, just the way you’ll caress his cheeks when you pull away has him falling in love with you all over again,,, or even him holding your hands,, kissing your knuckles always makes him go soft :(,, your hands are just softer compared to his, it makes him go lovesick with the way you affectionately hold him with just one touch from you. lo vuelves pendejo 
ok but wow,, nothing can beat the feeling of having your hands running through his hair, chingadole el  peinado while you grab fistfuls of his hair when hes going down on you,, spreading you open with his tongue and nibbling your clit while youre grasping onto his hair in your tight hold,, your hips cant help but rise, your whines of his name filling up the room when you feel him moan into you, the scruff of his beard burning against your inner thighs and the tight pulls you give him on his hair driving him fucking crazy,, it just makes him further bury his face into you- wow
but also the feeling of your hands when you palm him through this pants,, because i just imagine him coming home all annoyed from putting up with acosta all day or mannys bs and just seeing the way you walk up to him, como this angel,, your hand pulling him into you by his belt, your other hand coming to wrap around the back of his neck like “let me help you relax mi amor”- as he feels your hand that was on his belt beginning to slide down on the front of his pants to his already rising hard on- im sorry but the way you begin to unbuckle his belt,, your hand pulling him out and just the way your hand starts to slowly pump him,, his head coming down to yours,, groaning while he holds your hips in this tight hold,, your words making him fucking throb as you lead him back to sit down- “como te extrane hoy mi amor” your voice sounding so pure against him while your hand works on him- “dejame ayudarte relajar”- ok excuse me
c- cum (anything to do with cum)
listen,,, even though i have a feeling he has a thing for seeing you covered in his cum and wont hesitate to cover you wherever you want if you ask him or vice versa,but  nothing and i mean nothing will ever change his mind from cumming inside of you if you let him,, just  feeling the way your clenching hole squeezes around him until he cums in you,, your cry of his name as your body thrashes beneath him,,and just- the memory of him looking down and seeing the way his cum runs down your legs and onto the bedsheets, its just something he lives to see and wont stop his thrusts until he sees that, and if he sees his cum slowly running out of your folds, he would be pushing it back in, holding your legs open if you try to close them from how sore he leaves you because apart from loving the feeling of cumming inside of you,, he definitely has a fucking thing for watching your pussy swallow it too-  iM SORRY
d- dirty secret (a dirty secret of theirs)
when youre acting up,,
and before anyone says anything,, i know its not such a big secret but he never admits to it that he has a thing for it you know? youll see what i mean in a minute but anyways alright like i keep saying, in his eyes youre this fucking reina he will worship, nada de defectos, but he cant help but love it when youre being bratty with him, provoking him into being beyond frustrated with you, encabronado if you will, and just getting on his last nerves to the point where hes going to be tossing you around like a rag doll on the bed,, fucking you into the bed until youre a sobbing mess,, his name not even coherent until youre stuttering out youre sorry for making him mad. like you cant tell me he isnt going to be pushing you to all fucks limit,, making you try to writhe away from him before hes pulling you closer to him and pushing his cock into you again,, your swollen and overstimulated clit being played with by his fingers just making you to try and close your legs but wow the way he would just toss your legs over his shoulder and bend your body in half when he leans down towards you - just fucking pounding you into next week until you behave is a thing he would love doing to you i dont make the rules here
e- experience (is he experienced or not?)
este cabron literally had a scene talking about getting his dick sucked in s3, trying to get with sofia in mexico in S2,, comparing women to planes?? just outright trying to flex anything about himself to get with women??  so yeah im sure hes had a handful of women hes had in his bed. but wow that just mean he knows exactly what he’s doing when he has you laid out for him on him,, so yes he knows exactly what to do and say to get you built up for him even before hes inside of you - 
f- favorite position (basically his favorite position)
good god- i could go on for a good minute on this mans favorite position and really he does not mind at all on the position,, it really depends on the mood ok? because for starters? you can never go wrong on missionary with him because no matter the mood,, he makes sure to just fucking ruin you,, bending your legs as far up as they can go, him staring down at you at the way you react to his movements,, whimpering his name out when he keeps rocking his hips into you, bringing his fingers down to your throbbing clit to play with it just to hear you cry out and throw your head back,,, the way your nails dig into his arms a little harder each time your pussy swallows him,, the sound of your slick filling up the room when he bottoms out making him grunt out- wow ,, but also?? doggy style is another favorite of his because him fucking you but at the same time being able to stare at your ass is a combination he loves,, him being able to bring his hand down and slap your ass,, gripping onto them when he drives into you and groaning out when he watches them jiggle in time with each thrust of his hips into you , i  ok- 
wait no, esperanse for minute because ive wanted to share this thought and right now is the perfect time because no offense but,, reverse cowgirl??? like i imagine him sitting on the end of the bed,, your back to his chest as he looks at you through this mirror that he  propped in front of you both, him biting your shoulder until its fucking red as he holds your neck with one hand so you can look at yourself as he drives his hips up into you,, his other hands intertwining with yours as he helps you rub harsh circles onto your swollen clit, him chuckling into you when he sees the way your hips rise to chase your fingers and stuttering when you meet his thrusts halfway i- the way the scruff of his beard feels against your shoulder as he talks to you,, kissing your neck and just encouraging you to keep going wow  im sorry but when he makes you cum, just him slowly thrusting his cock in and out of you,, his fingers still casually stroking your clit, as he kisses your shoulder,, telling you to look at shaking and ruined form  like “mira, tu cuerpo todavia me necesita dentro de ti mi cielo” f-his other hand massaging your breast as he stares into your blurry eyes,, him groaning out to you when he sees your cum and his dribbling out of you,, making you squeeze impossibly tighter around him and feeling him go hard again- goodBYE
g- goofy (are they more serious or goofy during the act?)
while i dont think he would outright be making jokes while he plows you into next month,, he would definitely be more lighthearted with you, because he gives me the feeling that when he has you in front of him,, naked, laid out, and moaning out for him he would be solely and entirely too focused on you to be making some dumbass comment,,but  i do just see him making some cocky remark while smirking down at you beneath him all amused when your moans become all silent like “que paso mi reina, no que me querias dentro de ti-“ him softly chuckling as he lazily rubs your clit with his thumb,, rocking his hips into your helpless form- wow 
i- intimacy (how are they during the moment?)
i will forever stand by the statement that he would love to show his intimacy and how much he loves you out in public more than he does when he has you in bed,, but dont get me wrong when hes pounding into you hes still muttering how much he loves you and covers you in random besos,,  and afterwards will always say everything on his mind during aftercare but i just feel like he would lean into being such a fucking romantico in front of others,, just showing you as off as his reina in public,, holding you by your hand or by your waist all of the time,,b ut all that sappiness just goes out the fucking window as soon as he has you under him whimpering his name because hes here to ruin you and make you go cockdumb 
j- jack off (how often does he jack off)
get this- phone sex??? anyone? because oh my g o d this would be his favorite time to jack off to you when hes away on business and doesnt have you close, because could you imagine him jacking off to the sound of your voice moaning over the phone for him,, you telling him how much you miss him, his gruff and raspy voice telling you what he would do to you if you were right there with him wow him ordering you what he wants you to do to yourself him throwing his head back and groaning when he hears you chant his name over and over just him looking down to where his hand is fisted around himself imagining your hand around him instead of his or just wishing he could have youre pretty lips wrapped him as you look up at him all teary eyed while his cock hits the back of your throat- bye IM DONE but those times he would be away from you on business are the times he would jack off because he would rather wait for you if he has you nearby- 
k- kink (one or more of their kinks)
alright i could debate any day to anyone about what amados favorite kink would be but you cannot argue with me that atleast his top ones arent the daddy and chocking kink alright??? he takes the fucking crown on those because first of all? the choking kink where he would be pounding you into the bed where you cant even feel your legs anymore because he would have his hands holding the underside of your thighs pushing your legs as far apart as they can and having his body fit in between your legs is just wow,, and him having his hand wander around your writhing body and bringing it up to grip your neck,, squeezing his hand everytime he feels you clench around him crying his name out and seeing you become more and more breathless by the second ,,, your moans becoming more desperate has him gripping your throat harder- im
but yall,, the daddy kink ?? that would be such a fucking weakness to him because there is no way he isnt blowing your back out after he hears that come out of you like a total different switch didnt just flip inside of him because you could say it in a teasing or even innocent tone and hes already flipping you onto your stomach,, bringing you up by your hips,, pushing your upper body down into the pillows forcibly and slamming his hips into you,, slapping your ass after he hears you moan into the mattress him coming to drape his body over you moving your face to his and just wanting to hear you say it again,, his hand coming around your lower body and moving to touch your clit while he keeps thrusting into you,, his other arm holding your body close to him when he feels you buckle under him,, smirking at you when he sees your fists gripping the bedsheets while you moan out to him-
l- location (his favorite location to have sex)
ok listen,, everyone that knows him would honestly think he reserves being intimate with you when hes at home, alone with you and in the privacy of your bedroom right? because he seems like a private person ?? well they have it all fucking wrong because this insatiable mf is having you screaming his name and curling up on yourself on his plane,, at the construction site in s2, his pinshe unfinished house in s3 ,, even on the kitchen counter at 9 in the morning,, you name it he probably has had his way with you there. he really would not discriminate where he can have you as long as its kind of “private” where he knows no one is going to walk in ,, which is why he leans into waiting to take you home to fuck you into next year,, but as long as he can have your legs around his waist and watch the way he glides in and out of you hes happy-
m- motivation (what motivates him)
alright wow,, as ive said before,, hes insatiable, and honestly you dont even have to try at all to get him riled up because you could downright just look at him in a certain way and hes already sitting up straight,, forgetting what he was doing in that moment with his full attention on you and it might be because of how much hes whipped by you or it might be because he just cant get enough of you and your soft pussy but either way hes always motivated when he sees you. he also ?? loves seeing you walk around the house in his shirts or in lingerie because as soon as he sees you hes already getting hard just by that sight alone because there is no way hes letting you walk another foot away from him since hes already calling you over and pulling you down to sit on his lap ,, groaning out like “tu sabes como me pones cuando te vistes asi mi reina” his hands wandering over your legs and burying his face into your neck to keep himself grounded before hes carrying you to the bedroom. 
n- no (something he wont do)
sharing you with someone else 
like this honestly applies to everyone of our favorites here, but for amado?? even the idea of someone looking at you for too long makes him start to bounce his leg anxiously and angrily,, staring holes into their heads for looking at his mujer the way that they are and ayy no if he even sees some mf trying to talk you up or touch your arm , internally hes about to lose his shit with the way hes clenching his jaw tight, the grip on his drink has his knuckles going white but since hes not one to cause scenes,, he would just calmly walk up to you gently pull you behind him and just smugly smile down to whoever was trying to get with you like “te puedo ayudar en algo?” - i cant,, but just know he definitely makes it known to you that youre the only one for him when hes buried inside of you like “mi pinshe reina, dime de quien eres , mi amor” wanting you to reassure him you also feel the same way as he does - 
o- oral (is he into oral, receiving , giving?)
this letter,, the letter o?? It was made for him because there will never be a single moment he doesnt pass up the opportunity to see you on your knees and have your lips around him, letting him push your head down by your hair to where your gagging on him and your eyes have streaks of tears rolling down your cheeks, because if you let him do that and letting him  engrain that into his memory he will give you anything and everything in the world because there is no better feeling for him,, he just loves receiving,,  but he’s also not selfish with you because he would go down on you like no tomorrow because he gets pleasure off of that,,,  that he can take care of you too,,, he loves the feeling of your desperate moans filling the room your back arching off of the bed and him placing one of his hands under you to keep you in the air while he grunts into your dripping pussy your hands coming to tangle through his hair,, him proudly watching your chest rise up and down rapidly, you just cant help but love the scratches of his beard in both your soft inner thighs and glistening pussy. 
p- pace (is he slow and sweet? fast and rough?) 
i feel like he leans more into fast and rough all the time,, like even with your first time with him he might have tried to go slow and take his time with you but it just gradually progressed into him picking his pace up because he gets too mesmerized when he sees you naked for him he cant help but just want to ruin you,, like the times he comes home frustrated ? hes just wrecking you and taking it all out onto you and especially when he comes back home to you after being gone for so long,,,  like hes just not so soft when it comes to his pace,,  and if he ever actually does slow down the pace of his thrusts its because he sees you trying to cover your mouth with your hand to muffle your loud moaning,, and thats when hell just slowly begin to pull out of you and steadily ram his hips back up into you continuously ,, encouraging you to kee p saying his name until he has you dropping your hand and throwing your head back,, his pacing going back to pounding into you while his name is the only thing leaving your lips 
q- quickies (is he into quickies?) 
quickies are definitely a regular occurrence in your relationship because hes just always so damn busy and his need for you just glues this concept for you both and while he prefers to take his time more with you, sometimes he just cant put a pause on his business especially when things are tight,, but he always makes sure to plan some time off in the near future to make it up to you but in other times hes always being a cocky and needy mf that hes had you bent over the counter in the kitchen in the early mornings,, or him picking you up in his arms your back pushed up against the shower wall while youre showering because “he wants to start off his long day good” ,, sometimes he would have you on top of him inside of his car before he heads off somewhere wow,, just in any convenience where he sees he can fuck you really quick hes taking it - and :)) it always comes out a win -win for you both because :))) the next time he sees you and is taking you out :) to make it up to you :))) hes spending the whole night :)) making you roll your eyes back :)) 
r- risk (does he take risks or experiment?)
alright,, if were talking about experimentations in bed,, i feel like hes not one to right away say yes to an idea you may have,, it might take some convincing but it just depends on what you ask as long as it doesnt hurt either of you,, then hes all for it to give it a try,, but if were talking risky as in public sex,, then i would bet money hes always doing it because the idea of him holding your legs in his arms while he picks you up and pushing you up against the wall of some boring party he had to come to or some club he took you on a date for,, he lives for that because the two of you caught up in giving eachother desperate kisses,, your skirt or dress that you have on being hiked up around your waist,  your underwear pushed to the side while he drives his cock up into you,, him sucking on your skin on your throat when you let your head roll back onto the wall behind you,, your arms draped around his shoulders to hold yourself while he thrusts into you,, the both of you trying to stifle your moans so no one hears you- wow yes hes always up for it 
s- stamina (how long can he last?)
it depends but sometimes he cant last long but in other times he really can,, like i would think he could last for quite a bit to make you cum more than once everytime, and especially if hes been gone a while and its been weeks since he last had you, his stamina would be increased,, but during the times he would have you on the daily like when he takes you on vacation for example,, you would be making this mf sore,, just smugly groaning up at you when you sit on his lap,, your arms holding him by his shoulders and hearing him slightly moan at the stinging sensation on his back from your nails last night,, you making him laugh when you ask him if hes really sore,, your lips ghosting his while your teasingly snickering and him going “pues es que tu si sabes como dejarme todo adolorido mi reina, no se como chingados le haces para convencerme” - i 
u- unfair (how often does he tease?)
begging kink anyone?? because thats where it would come from for him because everytime he has the chance to take his time with you and do some foreplay he wouldnt stop teasing you until he hears how desperate your whines would get,, building you up to where youre arching off of the bed trying to chase his hand from a simple whisper he would make to you,, getting you to the point where youre just on the verge of giving up when he ghosts his hands everywhere, his kisses following his hand movements,, chuckling into your skin when he hears you slightly whimper out to him,, wow it just makes him love to tease you everytime he can - 
but adding on?? there is no way you dont do it back to him either when youre out here walking around in just his shirts or something he loves seeing you in that it makes him weak everytime,,, like  you doing it while hes on a phone call or doing something important just to get his attention or :) when he makes you mad :)) you not letting him touch you :))) or you building him up:) only to pull away at the last second :))
v- volume (is he loud while doing it?)
amado isnt one to be that loud, he’ll grunt into your ear every now and then when he’s deep inside of you or when he feels your scratch down his back but thats about it unless you count the random comments hell make when hes thrusting into you and feeling you squeeze around him like “igual de pinshe apretatida como siempre” or when youre on top of him,, his hands helping you guide your movements by your hips ,, hell be groaning out softly and praising you,, just telling you how good you make him feel. 
w- wild card (something random)
-LISTEN I HAVE HAD THIS THOUGHT HAUNTING ME FOR THE LONGEST TIME- so  just hear me out alright because do you guys remember that one scene in s3 of narcos where amado was on the back of his cargo plane to meet pacho,, the stacks of money behind him? wow if any of you know me i live and breathe for that scene but  the thought of him fucking you in the back of one of his planes with his money stacked to the roof??  SOMEONE SIGN ME UP- because in my head i would imagine you wearing this sundress waiting for him at the airstrip,, you smiling at him and walking up to him when hes just standing there his smile matching yours and just picking you up and spinning you around when youre in front of him going “mi rechulada reina, como te extrane-” just him carrying you and setting you down on one of the stacks nearby,, him leaning down to kiss you ,, and just you leaning back and bringing him with you,, your hips moving against his telling him you missed him too wow - im so sorry but i just have this idea of him having your legs wrapped around him,, his hands encaging you in between him,, your body bouncing along with his thrusts while you place your hands on top of his forearms ,, him leaning down to kiss along your chest murmuring something about how all of this money is nada mas for you - i making it his pinshe goal to have your cum drip down below you onto his money I AM SORRY BYEE
LisTEN all im going to say is that i just know hes packing, like theres no way he isn’t making you feel full when hes fucking you, hitting so deep into you that he makes you feel empty once he starts to pull out - im sorry you can fight me on this but he’s going to leave you walking and sitting weird all day for the rest of the week ,, that is all im going to say 
yearning (how high is his sex drive?)
he’s got an average to high-ish sex drive because when hes busy his focus is solely on whats in front of him and thats it,, but when he has you around he can be normal and really he can just happy with your attention on him and his yearning hits him out of nowhere because all you have to do is look at him in a way or even say something to him to provoke him and hes gone,, the only times his yearning is really so high up is when hes been gone for a while on business like ive said before  and he hasnt seen you in what feels like forever,, thats when his yearning really kicks in for him and resorts to calling you and trying to get whatever hes doing done faster just to go home to you  
zzz (how quickly does he fall asleep afterwards?)
i sort of see him being the one to not fall asleep until you do and he knows youre taken care of,,  like after sex he would always have your head resting on his chest, his hand resting on your arm  as his thumb rubs small circles into you, kissing the top of your head as he just watches you in this mesmerizing view. And most of the time he talks with you and in other times he just wants to watch you but hes not closing his eyes until he sees you doze off first and making sure to say something like “te amo mi chula”,, bringing one of his hands to intertwine with yours
taglist: @coaxium-captain-rex @visintaes​ @sheeshgivemeabreak @artemiseamoon @afterneptune @wtfisgoingonlol @sxndythinkstoomuch @avatar-m0m0 
amado taglist: @mylovepedro 
let me know if you want to be added! 
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Hello! Ive veen reading your writings and i love your work! May i please request a trans!reader dating Jason Todd but only realizing theyre trans (ftm) somewhere during the relationship and then breaking up with him bc theyre scared Jason wont like them anymore. Eventually when reader doesnt want to give an explanation they crack and tell him. Jason being Jason just comforts reader and tells them its okay he loves them anyways. Pls i am so sorry if this is too long and specific i was definitely in an angst with comfort mood while typing this. Of course it is completely your choice to write this! Thank you for reading and I hope you have an amazing and a wonderful day! :)
Jason Todd X Trans!Reader
!Warnings!- if you aren't comfortable reading fics about a trans read, then keep scrolling! other than that maybe some angst and comfort.
I hope I did this request some justice, and I hope readers enjoy it.
Dating Jason has been one of the best times in your life, it was almost the perfect relationship for you guys.
Dates were fun and well thought out
He had trust in you, which for him is rare
You guys had met through his older brother Dick, you were being targeted by someone for god knows what. But you needed protection, and Jason has many places to lay low. and from there the relationship formed.
after a few years of dating, you noticed that you weren't being honest with yourself. The outside appearance did not match the inside, to be honest, it scared you a little bit. And in this panic, you had decided it would be better to leave Jason, and maybe navigate what you were feeling alone.
Breaking up with Jason was hard,
"Jason, I know this is coming from out of left field but I think it's best that we break up."
"Why? was it something I did? is this because I'm the red hood?"
"No Jason, it really has nothing to do with you, this is because of me. you've done nothing wrong"
"Can I know what you think you've done? I need a clear answer"
"I don't have a clear answer, I don't really understand what's going on with me yet either."
"so no explanation?"
"I'm sorry"
it took a lot for you to walk out of the door, and drive yourself back home, you stared in the mirror a lot, and then looked away. it wasn't easy, the break up with one of the sweetest men you've ever known, and to see that the outside is not what you feel it should be.
You used an ace bandage to wrap over your sports bra, as a makeshift chest binder, You had know you were trans right now, but that didn't make your feelings any better, only slightly better.
But a week after the breakup Jason had enough, he needed to know what is going on. He drove to your place to see you, he knocked on the door instead of using the key he still had, and when you came to the door Jason had a spike of fear in him, you looked like you've been kinda upset. But you let him in.
"Hi Jay, What are you doing here?"
"I, I just need an answer as to what is exactly happened. we were happy or so I thought and then suddenly you end it. I just need to know why''
"Jason, I'm"
"I want an answer and not just some runaround."
''Jay I'm transgender"
he looked at you and then let out a laugh
"that's why you broke up with me?"
"I was scared Jay, That's why I did what I did. I was scared about what you would think about me, and I was just scared about what it means for my life. it's not a small change. I thought it was better to go about this on my own."
Jason just pulled you into his arms and cradled you pressing your head to his chest
"I love you, but sometimes you're stupid. I love you, and you being trans isn't going to stop me from loving you. You won't be going through this alone, I love you. And I'm not going to leave you alone, besides who else is going to make inappropriate jokes."
you let out a small chuckle, he of course will make terrible jokes at the worst timing.
"I know Jay, and I'm sorry for just breaking up with you."
"No it's okay, you were scared and I don't blame you. I wish you would've just talked to me first but I totally get it. I can't judge you, I came back from the dead and decided I wanted Bruce dead instead of being rational. Fear can make us do strange things"
and he did get it, he was by your side for everything
If you want to cut your hair? he's right there cheering you on
buying new clothes? he's there to provide his opinion and cheer you on
thinking about making surgical changes or not? he's right by your side, he's supportive no matter what you choose.
he's right by your side for all of your changes.
if/when you're ready to change your name? he's there making jokes about you choosing the name Jason.
"common it's an awesome name, and have you met me!"
"I'm not picking Jason as a name, that would be kinda awkward in bed"
"Alright, fair point that would be weird"
his family is ready to fight anyone who wants to purposely misgender you or deadname you.
He's by your side no matter what.
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curiouskurona · 2 years
do you think epel and kalim would get along ? i mean kalim lieks everyone , but epel might find him a bit too overbearing . then again , i cant get them as friends outta my head ndkBKQKWKGA smth smth abt southern hospitality and kalim's love of parties ( i know epel is only a Country Boy in tha eng localization but , as a southerner , let me have this lol ) . i just want kalim to buy a bunch of apples from epel's orchard for a fruit party or smth , and ofc epel is invited , and maybe they have a moment of quiet contemplation together wen kalim asks for epel's help unloading boxes of apples / juice . epel is THRILLED that kalim considers him strong enough to ask , hes thrilled that someone is relying on him , asking him for help . so he opens up to tha idea of talking to this guy . they maek small talk , they laugh lightly , and as theyre almost done maybe kalim gets a splinter or something , maybe he cuts his thumb on a protruding nail .
n epel asks if he should get a scarbia student ( epel doesnt know where tha bandaids are kept ) , and kalim is immediately liek " nO-- " GSJAJJDKGKGA . hes liek . no . i wanted to do this by myself ,, i wanted jamil to enjoy tha party without worrying about me . and epel sees how kalim just . deflates . and he'd sit down next to him , give him sana sana ( im throwing in latine epel bc why not [ im latine ] ) , and ask him liek . " jamil ? ya mean that guy thats always ordering you around ? " with a real sour look on his face . and kalim is just DUMBFOUNDED QJJDKGKGKKGA liek WHAT ?? jamil doesnt " order him around " !! but epel points out that jamil is always herding kalim away from things , saying ' you cant do this , ill do it ' and ' stay away from that ' and ' just listen to what i say ' . it reminds epel an awful lot of vil . epel really doesnt care too much for jamil , actually .
and kalim would tell epel that jamil is only looking out for him . and epel would scoff and say , yeah , thats what vil tells him too . i feel liek theyd go back and forth a bit , epel is plenty stubborn and kalim can be wen it comes to defending jamil . but they come out of it pretty close , because in maeking their arguments theyve actually vented a lot of frustrations about their situations . kalim and his guilt , his regret . epel and his indignance , his humiliation . both of them sharing tha fact that they feel inadequate , and ashamed .
i feel liek epel would kinda wanna " watch over " kalim a bit moar . he's really running with that high from kalim asking for help lifting boxes jskfkkfJSLAJXKKFA . and he feels a sense of " i cant fight back against vil rn but im gonna do what i can to help kalim " ( THIS IS EPEL'S PERCEPTION HAJFJKG im sure his opinion of jamil mellows out as he gets to know them better ) . and really its only half that . being friends with kalim is probably a lamp in tha dark room that is epel's teen angst . no one understands him and he hates answering to vil and why cant he just be who he wants to be without putting on this performance to earn an ounce of respect from people , its so frustrating and exhausting and-- oh kalim wants him to go watch him do a backflip , floyd just taught him and he's really excited . epel is on his way
and as for kalim's side of things . epel is there to listen to him and help him and support him and understand him , no strings attached , no judgement , no baggage , no nothing . no LIES . epel has no problem telling kalim his honest opinion about things , which is a blessing to someone who has had people talking around and sugar coating things his whole lief . wen he's with epel , he knows that his words are true , and that epel isn't gonna suck up to him or be scared of upsetting him . epel thinks all that class / status stuff is bogus anyways . and you know what . maybe jamil DID do some things wrong . kalim loves jamil , he loves him so so much , but he cant keep sweeping away tha fact that jamil hypnotized and manupilated / gaslit him . maybe epel is right , about a few things . tha guilt is heavy , it feels liek a crime to even THINK anything negative about jamil after tha pain kalim put him through . but its not healthy to spend tha rest of his lief groveling , or putting jamil on this pedestal . i think epel encouraging kalim to get closure and bring up some things will definitely strengthen kalim and jamil's relationship , they NEED to talk some things out , but kalim might feel liek he doesn't deserve to bring up how jamil has maed him feel .
idk . i just think they have a lot in common , and that they could support eachother in different ways , and that theyd have a good tiem together . epel would be happy to help kalim out on his journey to be moar self sufficient ( " epel i told jamil id fold my own laundry but i forgot how and i dont wanna ask him again can u show me PLZ 🙏 " ) , and kalim would be happy to create a space where epel is comfortable and can be himself ( " i tell ya what , it was mighty kind a ya ta let me study here-- its easier ta work wen i dont gotta filter my questions to prissy talk , lest i get scolded " )
also i think its rlly funny that kalim has been poisoned so much he has a poison checker and epel is litcherally a representation of a poison apple jskxBAKJQKSJDNKQKFHAKKA
tha nobleman and tha country hick . wouldnt it be funnie if jamil didn't liek epel either . bc jamil is kalim's poison checker and epel is a poison apple . maybe hes worried kalim hanging around epel would reflect poorly on the asim family ( epel teaching kalim tha Country Boy way of lief ,, or teachin him swears ,, jamil catches kalim sayin " boy howdy is it fuckin hot in here " and almost has a heart attack ) , and therefore reflect poorly on him . i love those dyamics where two ppl dont get along but they suck it up bc theyre mutual friends with one person jxjfGAKJANDKFKKVA but this post is long enough already . anyways . epel and kalim
i bet epel also resents / is jealous of tha fact that jamil can have long hair but no one ever mistakes JAMIL for a girl-- OKAY ENOUGH NAKSJFKKVKVA . this post is about how great epel and kalim would be as friends , not how funnie an epel n jamil rivalry(?) would be .
anyways .
epel and kalim .
moar please 🙏 orz
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