#ive never actually drawn either of them but i want to maek so much content now
curiouskurona · 2 years
do you think epel and kalim would get along ? i mean kalim lieks everyone , but epel might find him a bit too overbearing . then again , i cant get them as friends outta my head ndkBKQKWKGA smth smth abt southern hospitality and kalim's love of parties ( i know epel is only a Country Boy in tha eng localization but , as a southerner , let me have this lol ) . i just want kalim to buy a bunch of apples from epel's orchard for a fruit party or smth , and ofc epel is invited , and maybe they have a moment of quiet contemplation together wen kalim asks for epel's help unloading boxes of apples / juice . epel is THRILLED that kalim considers him strong enough to ask , hes thrilled that someone is relying on him , asking him for help . so he opens up to tha idea of talking to this guy . they maek small talk , they laugh lightly , and as theyre almost done maybe kalim gets a splinter or something , maybe he cuts his thumb on a protruding nail .
n epel asks if he should get a scarbia student ( epel doesnt know where tha bandaids are kept ) , and kalim is immediately liek " nO-- " GSJAJJDKGKGA . hes liek . no . i wanted to do this by myself ,, i wanted jamil to enjoy tha party without worrying about me . and epel sees how kalim just . deflates . and he'd sit down next to him , give him sana sana ( im throwing in latine epel bc why not [ im latine ] ) , and ask him liek . " jamil ? ya mean that guy thats always ordering you around ? " with a real sour look on his face . and kalim is just DUMBFOUNDED QJJDKGKGKKGA liek WHAT ?? jamil doesnt " order him around " !! but epel points out that jamil is always herding kalim away from things , saying ' you cant do this , ill do it ' and ' stay away from that ' and ' just listen to what i say ' . it reminds epel an awful lot of vil . epel really doesnt care too much for jamil , actually .
and kalim would tell epel that jamil is only looking out for him . and epel would scoff and say , yeah , thats what vil tells him too . i feel liek theyd go back and forth a bit , epel is plenty stubborn and kalim can be wen it comes to defending jamil . but they come out of it pretty close , because in maeking their arguments theyve actually vented a lot of frustrations about their situations . kalim and his guilt , his regret . epel and his indignance , his humiliation . both of them sharing tha fact that they feel inadequate , and ashamed .
i feel liek epel would kinda wanna " watch over " kalim a bit moar . he's really running with that high from kalim asking for help lifting boxes jskfkkfJSLAJXKKFA . and he feels a sense of " i cant fight back against vil rn but im gonna do what i can to help kalim " ( THIS IS EPEL'S PERCEPTION HAJFJKG im sure his opinion of jamil mellows out as he gets to know them better ) . and really its only half that . being friends with kalim is probably a lamp in tha dark room that is epel's teen angst . no one understands him and he hates answering to vil and why cant he just be who he wants to be without putting on this performance to earn an ounce of respect from people , its so frustrating and exhausting and-- oh kalim wants him to go watch him do a backflip , floyd just taught him and he's really excited . epel is on his way
and as for kalim's side of things . epel is there to listen to him and help him and support him and understand him , no strings attached , no judgement , no baggage , no nothing . no LIES . epel has no problem telling kalim his honest opinion about things , which is a blessing to someone who has had people talking around and sugar coating things his whole lief . wen he's with epel , he knows that his words are true , and that epel isn't gonna suck up to him or be scared of upsetting him . epel thinks all that class / status stuff is bogus anyways . and you know what . maybe jamil DID do some things wrong . kalim loves jamil , he loves him so so much , but he cant keep sweeping away tha fact that jamil hypnotized and manupilated / gaslit him . maybe epel is right , about a few things . tha guilt is heavy , it feels liek a crime to even THINK anything negative about jamil after tha pain kalim put him through . but its not healthy to spend tha rest of his lief groveling , or putting jamil on this pedestal . i think epel encouraging kalim to get closure and bring up some things will definitely strengthen kalim and jamil's relationship , they NEED to talk some things out , but kalim might feel liek he doesn't deserve to bring up how jamil has maed him feel .
idk . i just think they have a lot in common , and that they could support eachother in different ways , and that theyd have a good tiem together . epel would be happy to help kalim out on his journey to be moar self sufficient ( " epel i told jamil id fold my own laundry but i forgot how and i dont wanna ask him again can u show me PLZ 🙏 " ) , and kalim would be happy to create a space where epel is comfortable and can be himself ( " i tell ya what , it was mighty kind a ya ta let me study here-- its easier ta work wen i dont gotta filter my questions to prissy talk , lest i get scolded " )
also i think its rlly funny that kalim has been poisoned so much he has a poison checker and epel is litcherally a representation of a poison apple jskxBAKJQKSJDNKQKFHAKKA
tha nobleman and tha country hick . wouldnt it be funnie if jamil didn't liek epel either . bc jamil is kalim's poison checker and epel is a poison apple . maybe hes worried kalim hanging around epel would reflect poorly on the asim family ( epel teaching kalim tha Country Boy way of lief ,, or teachin him swears ,, jamil catches kalim sayin " boy howdy is it fuckin hot in here " and almost has a heart attack ) , and therefore reflect poorly on him . i love those dyamics where two ppl dont get along but they suck it up bc theyre mutual friends with one person jxjfGAKJANDKFKKVA but this post is long enough already . anyways . epel and kalim
i bet epel also resents / is jealous of tha fact that jamil can have long hair but no one ever mistakes JAMIL for a girl-- OKAY ENOUGH NAKSJFKKVKVA . this post is about how great epel and kalim would be as friends , not how funnie an epel n jamil rivalry(?) would be .
anyways .
epel and kalim .
moar please 🙏 orz
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