#bc I do love mechanic park but I imagine that was kind of a more freelance-ish thing during doodler hunting stuff
lunarrosette · 3 months
New headcanon that post s2 finale lark starts working as a safety captain at a hardware store
This was inspired by the fact that the safety captain and stuff at the store I work at still does merchandising work and I just think it would be very funny for lark to have to do some customer service work
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the-heaminator · 1 year
OKAY SO; Heinrich's mom died when he was young like 8-9, and his dad being a veteran of ww2 with ptsd & some pretty heavy survivors guilt & now a wife who just didn't wake up one morning turned to drinking. So Heinrich has this whole "after my mom died my dad was never sober, not as far as i remember, and yeah he went through a lot but I still resent him for not being there for me".
Heinrich's dad dies when Heinrich is just shy of 18. He has a little melt down, goes "i don't want to be here anymore". And with literally zero plan and two bags of his stuff just leaves. Ends up in the UK, with no job, barely anything to his name, and not sure if he's even going to stay there. (part of him thinks it's not far enough from Germany)
Romulus was a hippy through and through, he was all 'peace and free love ✌️' probably lived in a commune of sorts (just too many people in one house but hey it was home). He had run away from home when he was about 16 because his parents were ✨shitty✨, and was living his own found family trope.
Heinrich finds out finding a job when technically you're not there at all, and also homeless is harder than he thought. So he's on the streets for a solid two weeks until Romulus is walking home from a party and finds him. He tells Heinrich he can come stay with him and his 'family' and Heinrich has a moment of "i could get murdered if I go with him, i could also get murdered sleeping on a park bench" he goes with Romulus. They share a room (did I mention too many people in one house) and it's fine bc they're strictly homies, plus it's just for a few nights until Heinrich finds a job.
a few nights turns into a few months, about a month and a half in Romulus tells Heinrich "Listen, I don't mind you staying, but you should come with us to this march! It'll be fun, and it's for a good cause and I don't think it's much to ask on our part :\" While there some idiot says something, Romulus looks at Heinrich "Can kiss you?" "what?!" "Can I kiss you?" "...sure?" and Romulus kisses Heinrich right on the mouth for the cause of pissing off a homophobe.
a few nights later before bed "you know how you kissed me a few a days ago?" "Yeah, why? Did u like it :p?" "...yeah" "do you want me to kiss you again?" "...yes please" they never officially label their relationship but they sure are kissing a lot.
anyway six to eight months go by, Heinrich still hasn't found a job. And while he's grateful for a roof over his head, and he doesn't mind pitching in with housework, and Romulus sure isn't bad either, he gets tired of waiting around, and he gets real sick of the rest of the housemates.
One night he tells Heinrich they have to have a talk, he enlisted in the military. He was going to be an army mechanic, they get in a whole argument "I want a family Romulus!" "we are your family!" "no! I want a spouse! someone who's just mine, I want kids, I want my own house, I don't want to have to rely on kindness for food that night or money for rent," Romulus gets really quiet, "We're anti military, if you joined the military you can't live here anymore. Leave" Heinrich didn't say he expected anything else. He leaves.
He's going to get his wife, and his kids, and the house and a steady job. Romulus will too eventually, it would take him awhile longer though.
Then fifty years later they're both going to show up for some seniors game night and go "...oh fuck"
but anyway yeah thoughts?
thoughts. THOUGHTS?????
Imagine seeing the guy you lived with and kissed a couple times in a free love commune in the 80s 50 years later and you once again have the violent urge to kiss him after 50 fucking years even if the last time you saw him you had a massive argument.
And they're both widows, Heinrich at this point has a 7 year old Gilbert and a 3 year old Ludwig and needs help and Romulus is more than happy to provide it but over time they get really close again and Ludwig basically grow up with Romulus as Grandpa number 2 and so much of Gilbert's formative experiences with affection between adults comes from Heinrich and Romulus being fucking Weirdly Cuddly. Which is why later on he can't tell the difference between having a crush on Alfred and just being good friends.
But also imagine present day Gilbert going, hey, how did you two even meet?
Heinecih evades the question and Romulus flatly goes hippy free love commune. And blows Gilbert's mind.
"Opa, you weRE A HIPPY?
"NO, NO, I just needed a place to stay."
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silversatoru · 3 years
hi :) can i get some fluff with itadori for the quote #9? tysm <3
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yuuji + “your hands are so soft! what lotion do you use?”
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itadori yuuji x art major!reader
synopsis: you tutor yuuji for your painting class
t/w: gn!reader, college au, lots of fluff, quick drabble
a/n: thank u bc this is exactly who i envisioned with this quote,,, such an awkward dumbass
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“stroke your brush kind of like this,” you demonstrated a fluid stroke of your paintbrush across the pale white canvas.
“like this?” yuuji attempted to mimic your movement, but his brush stroke came out much sloppier than yours, a small pout forming on his face.
it was so stupid that he was required to take an art credit as a sports med major, and it was even stupider that he totally sucked at it. Intro to Painting: The Basics sounded like a complete walk in the park, an intro course, but it ended up being nearly impossible — or maybe yuuji was just that bad at painting.
the only upside to this whole art class thing was that he’d met you, and you happened to not only be the prettiest person he’d ever seen, but you were also an excellent painter. so when you’d offered to teach him a thing or two, how could he say no? you were completely his type, and you seemed really sweet (your art skills were just icing on an already delicious-looking cake).
“not quite,” you frowned, contemplating how you could get yuuji to understand the mechanics of holding a paintbrush (you’d never seen anyone grip a paintbrush like they were about to stab the canvas before).
“do you mind if i help you? that way you know what it’s supposed to feel like,” you made a hesitant offer, not sure how comfortable he’d be with you touching his hand.
“of course!” yuuji exclaimed a little too eagerly — he definitely hadn’t been imagining what holding your hand would be like for the past five minutes.
you let out a small giggle, shifting your chair closer to his and reaching out for his hand. your fingers were so gentle, carefully moving his fingers into the correct places and then wrapping your hand around his entirely. the tension in the air thickened quickly as you danced his brush across the canvas, your heart beat increasing as you realized how intimate the moment had became.
yuuji was glad you were so focused on the painting, because if you turned around and saw how red his face was, saw the way he was looking at you instead of your demonstration — “do you feel the difference, yuuji?”
fuck, now you were looking at him and you were expecting an answer too, and he’d been way too caught up in how pretty your side-profile was to even think about what you’d just shown him. what the fuck was he supposed to say? should he make something up? should he-
“your hands are so soft! what lotion do you use?” the ridiculous words composed of utter nonsense fell out of his mouth before he could think of anything better to say.
for a moment your eyebrows furrowed at him, but then your lips cracked into an amused grin, “i just bought a new one actually! it has shea butter and coconut in it!”
“well it works really well! they’re super soft!” yuuji exclaimed, the continuous flow of heat to his cheeks ever steady as he realized how awkward he’d made this entire situation.
“thanks,” you let out a soft chuckle, “but did you pay attention to what i was showing you?”
“ah, not really, sorry,” yuuji saw no point in lying, because as much as he didn’t want to, he still needed to learn how to paint so he could pass this goddamn class.
if this were any other sports med asshole you’d probably be offended, but something about yuuji made this kind of cute and endearing. plus, you didn’t offer to help him for no reason — he was always funny and charming during class, and the pink hair was an added bonus.
“i feel like we’re gonna need more than one session for you to get this down,” you cocked your head to the side and prepared to shoot your shot, “we could start meeting a couple times a week if you want?”
“uh, yeah? yeah! that would be great,” yuuji graciously accepted, “and maybe we could get food together sometime? so you could uh, i don’t know, talk to me about art?”
he was painfully awkward and obviously excited about this new proposal, and when you nodded your head yes his face broke out into the toothiest smile.
“yeah i would love that!”
and for the first time ever, yuuji was glad that his liberal arts college forced him to take an art credit.
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creacherkeeper · 2 years
happy sleepover saturday luka!!! all even numbers for the dnd asks go tf off bestie!!! (maxwell for character q's) :)))
omg thank u my boy
2. What is your NPC creation like?
i mostly create npcs to fill a needed role in the story, decide on some basic traits that fits or contradicts that roll, and then they flesh themselves out from there. my npcs tend to get a mind of their own very quickly so i have to do very little work
4. What's your favorite part of DMing?
creating characters or lore or scenes to Target Players i just love knowing whats going to drive them insane and then doing that on purpose as much as possible
6. Plot or character focused?
as a dm, very plot focused tbh. but i like to, as much as i can, create my plot around the pcs and players. lost has become more character driven because of choices the players have made and scenes they want to run
8. Do you prefer world or character creation?
for lost, ive actually been enjoying both fairly equally? im usually such a character bitch but making the world FOR the players & pcs and coming up with lore that will be interesting to them and tailoring it all to a wild west setting has been really fun and interesting. and my players have already started making secondary characters to explore and flesh out the world more so i guess its working!!!
10. How do you come up with characters?
i am VERY mechanics driven when it comes to pcs. i usually come up with class/subclass/multiclass first, then as i build the sheet try to figure out what kind of person they are based on the mechanical choices im making. personality and backstory usually come from that, but sometimes i do start with a basic concept or theme. i knew erley was a cowboy paladin, bo was going to be a ranger at a national park, and maxwell was an adhd mad scientist. but for example i decided that my new short shot character solare is very [redacted] because he has a +20 in [redacted]
12. What's your favorite part of playing DND?
when the other players are all really invested in the story and each others characters. like yeah we made all this up and we care so much!!! fuck yes!!! love getting emo about our little guys
14. Do you like to player characters with family?
i do!!!! i did notice a trend in my main game pcs of Only Children With MessyTM Relationships With Their Parents and we simply. arent going to examine that <3
16. Do you have any archetypes you tend to play?
not really? ive played a freakish amount of pcs at this point so they tend to be all over the place. i do love a Sad Boi tho <3
18. Do you prep for sessions?
daydreaming :))))) but thats it
(for maxwell)
20. Is your character religious?
he is!!!! he's a follower of burnlow, the god of fire, lightning, creation, and destruction. he truly does believe himself to be gods specialist little boy <3 im still trying to decide how/why he became a cleric though, waiting for my dm to help me flesh that out :) (i also decided the erley curse CANNOT continue so i gave max a +13 to religion)
22. How do they feel about the rest of the party?
he hasn't met them yet! but i do imagine it's going to be like "hello i am your new annoying gay best friend and you are Stuck with me as i have imprinted on you like a baby duck". maxwell doesnt really. have boundaries. he might have to work on those <3
24. If they were the god of anything, what would they be the god of?
26. What kind of music would they like?
tbh prob like heavy metal and screamo. he would love welcome to the jungle by guns n roses
28. What would they do if they were betrayed?
smash everything with his big hammer <3 bonk
30. What are their thoughts on justice? (highly specific now)
that bad people get whats coming to them and most people are bad people which is why the world is so fucked up and violent
32. If they were on GBBO, what kind of contestant would they be?
would burn literally everything he baked either on purpose bc he claims it tastes better that way or because he was talking to the hosts or other contestants and forgot to set a timer. he would be kicked out very early but would be a meme-ified fan favorite
34. What would their thoughts on the fall of Rome be?
that empires deserve to fall and things would be better if everyone just kept each other in check
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riskeith · 4 years
happy weekend dearest!
other than the snow angels, i haven’t done much.,, just been cozying it up with coffee and blankets at home hehe. 30 degrees... amazing. ideal feeling like a rotisserie chicken weather. 😌 bc of global warming we’ve been having some great summers these past few years. it even gets to 30 degrees as well which was unheard of tbh.
you’re so cute for caring ilysm <3 and aaa! a walk! do you have any perticular place you enjoy walking to or does the winds guide you, hehe? EDITING A FIC... 👀 i’m looking respectfully...... 👀 wait did the event open up for you already? i tried to play it earlier today but it wasn’t there yet... the lost riches one right?
bennett is best boy i still can’t believe it either!!! he’s seriously the cutest he just makes me so happy. when i need to explore and run around i always run with him bc i love his lines so much. what a bebie. you should go for it there are still some days left! + he’s a four star so he’s easier to get. GUOBA IS SO FUNNY he’s just.... a little fucking bear i can’t stop laughing... tbh the little creatures like amber’s bunny too just 😭 have you seen those yt clips of them dancing? obsession..
i need to ask you this bc when i found out i lost my mind: did you know that the japanese va for razor is also the va for tsukishima (haikyuu) and shigaraki (bnha)???? insane!!! it made me consider switch to japanese dub tbh.. which dub do you use?
maybe i’ll send you a little part and you can read or something shdkdhskdjdjf help 😳 it’s not edited or anything so it might take a while plus i’m super into writing bnha these days so.... but hey if You have any prompts you want to read maybe i’ll write a drabble for you. i don’t mind at all! <33333 ask for anything!!
(FIC-COLLAB!!:!/$:)!:&//&/!$:’sidnd HELP.... omg what kind of fic would we write....?)
exactly! i think when you realize that there’s nothing keeping you there anymore that brings you joy, that’s when you need to step back. social media is a bit fucked up that way imo. like you want to be there to be informed and to have fun but it takes so much.. hm. also you always tell me this but i wanna tell you to that YOU are the reason i enjoy social media these days so.. thank you <3
you relate to bakugou and lance? that’s super hot of you.. 🥵 my wifey is a self assured, super intense and talented person.. couldn’t ask for better tbh. i think out of them both i’m pretty much like todoroki.. we’re super similar in so many ways now that i think about it shsjdhdhdj.. how about we just stay c.r and m.a our dynamic is perfect as is LMAO
DOUBLE VENTI! I’D LOOOOVE THAT FOR US. bow users are difficult indeed but venti is one of the easier bow users it feels like... idk watching others game play he doesn’t have as much pushback as say amber for example. 12K PRIMOGEMS..... babe you’re getting your xiao!!!!!! how long have you been saving? also i seriously don’t mind if it comes down to it hakshddkhd i can be your genshin sugar mommy... ;) imagine a c6 venti though that seems insane. literal insanity.
SPEAKING OF SHIPPING.... THE POST YOU POSTED... THEY STOLE OUR IDEA AND IT LOOKS SO CUTE AND ITS CHONGYUN AND XINGYUN WHICH IS EVEN BETTER... THEY LOOK SOOOOO CUTE TOGETHER I’M OBSESSEDDDDD!!!! <3333 dude idk how but we are doing that co-op date somehow i’m super inspired i want that for us so badly... (also i need to say smth... my love language is when people say ‘i thought of you when i...’ and the fact that you said that just hsjdfhjdjdksk shit)
actually you’re right.. the only way we’d get a sequel is if they did something with the mfe fighters.. like kinkade james veronica nadia and ina. idk how attractive that would be tho...
i’m a lady, my dearest *dips* no but my pronouns are she/her!! sorry i didn’t mention it before i thought i made it clear shsjsjdkdj. ty for asking tho ♥️ super sweet!
AAA!!!!!!!!!! EEE!! i’m super super excited. if it’s like,, too public and you don’t just wanna post it i might think about exposing myself or smth... if that would make you more comfy. no matter what you do i’m just gonna be here buzzing, *hinata voice* one more one more one more.
oh!! i listen to everything but kpop sjdjdkdhdk i did have a semi-phase around like 2014-19 ish but dropped it pretty hard . now i have no clue what goes on there anymore i mostly enjoy rnb indie n rap/hip.. my gay ass was considering making a little playlist or smth for u but i want to make it with songs You’d like so i might pull up my old kpop faves hehe..
guess chilling is out of the question then, heh. hope you slept well!! i’m gonna try to wake up earlier so we’ll have a chance to send more messages during the weekend perhaps... mwah!!
YOURS, m.a. <3
happy weekend!!!! hope you can ease up a bit since there’s no school hehe
“feeling like a rotisserie chicken weather” FHSKFHKSDF yes!! but it honestly sucks when it gets any hotter bc we don’t have central cooling in our house so rip... and my laptop fan goes crazy ahaha. 30 degrees being unheard of.. can’t relate! fsdfjs. have you guys had to adjust to those changing temperatures? rip climate change tho :’(
<333 i do!! i usually walk to the local park and then the streets around that.. omg speaking of... do you play pokemon go? DHAFKHSDKFHSKDFHKSDH i got back into it again recently ahaha. it’s for a free bakudeku zine!! hehehe it’s out at the end of jan so 👀
i just checked and the event is open !!!!!!!!! good luck hehe !
yup lost riches!! and the event opens at 4am server time, so since i’m in asia i get it earlier hehe which colour seelie are you gonna go for tho omg i was debating it with my friend last night.. i’m gonna pick gold!!
baby bennett!! that’s true but i can’t risk getting a 5 star otherwise my pity will reset for xiao fhdskfhskjfhkjshkfj next time :(((( but albedo /is/ super pretty and i see a lot of people saying they like him... NO !!! xiao only >:( no omg i don’t think i’ve seen those clips ? is it mmd where they like dance to other songs and stuff ahah
yes i did!!!! and the VA for diluc is giorno from jjba and kuroko from knb!! omg wait and venti’s VA is hinata did you know that? fun fact i guessed it was him when i first heard his voice LOL that’s my secret talent 😩 and i use japanese dub!! i’ve considered using chinese too bc i can understand it but i just like the japanese voice actors tbh and also i can excuse it as “listening practice” AHAH
yes pls!! sending something bnha is fine too, or legit anything else lmao i’m open arms over here~~ 🤗👐 and ooft... it’s hard thinking of prompts that’s why i always ask others HSDKFJHSDKFHSD but i’ll let you know if i think of something!!!
(no clue!!!! but we could each write from a character’s POV so hopefully it’s more consistent 🤪🤪 idk i have no clue how fic collabs work AHAHA)
yeahhh one of my mutuals said “social media is a curse” and honestly hard agree.. we’re all kinda trapped in a way LMAO. and no pls don’t thank me.. you’re the one who found me first 😩💘 ily..
FSDHKJFS pls you’re making me blush come on 😳😳 but yes i love that for us... m.a. x c.r. the only valid ship 😩
woooo!!!! yeah you’re probably right, like given the fact he’s a 5 star his mechanics are probably different.. i know that diluc’s charged attack is different to the other claymore users so! IM GETTING MY XIAO!!!! and hm i’ve been saving since the middle of zhongli banner! so december 10 ish around then? dragonspine was a blessing tbh i reckon i got sooo many primogems from that. FGJKSHFKJSDHFKSDHSHKJFH my genshin sugar mummy 🥵🥵 c6 venti unstoppable..
AHAHAHA YEAH THEY LOOK /SO/ CUTE TOGETHER!!! i wonder how they got so many of the images tho like they must’ve been so in sync?!?!? ugh that could be us but no cross-server co-op be playin’.. (fhdskjfhdskjfhs um!! noted for future reference 🤪)
omg them.. i always forget about them LMAOOOOOOOOO ugh. actually i wouldn’t be mad if we got a prequel of like when keith was in the garrison... or even when shiro was with adam... ugh so much they could’ve given us and they chose not to
*waggles eyebrows* well hello there, m’lady ;) and it’s fine fhdskjf i had some inklings but didn’t wanna assume ya know? ahah :p
no!! it’s all g, i’ve thought about posting it before anyway. like, just releasing all of my WIPs and letting people do what they want with them HAAHA. (i could also just put the link under a read more and less people would see it, so it’s no biggie!) fkdshfkjs the hinata impression omg precious <33
FJHFDSKJ awks ahah which groups were you into tho! if it’s not like scarring for you to think back to LOL. and oooo i like indie too! i think.. or is it alt? honestly i don’t even know, tbh my music taste is pretty diverse and a mess, i can usually listen to a lot of things. except slow songs i don’t really like those hfdskj. and i don’t like rap too much either FHSDKJS whenever my friend gives me a rec i’m just like “oh i liked the singing parts in that” FDSKJF. a playlist tho huh 😳🥺
and pls!! if the weekend is your only chance to sleep in then do it.. for me 😩 i’ve been legit waking up at 12pm these past few days FKJHSKDF idek why like i’m sleeping 10 hours?? yikes. but as always i shall be waiting for your response <3 💌
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austennerdita2533 · 4 years
I'm so happy that you love Folklore too! It's not just my favorite Taylor Swift album, but easily one of by favorite albums, full stop :) Here's a fun challenge: which Folklore songs remind you of a certain ship? So is there a Folklore song that makes you think of literati? Another one that makes you think of a Grey's ship? A third that makes you think of Elizabeth/Darcy? A fourth that reminds you of Klaroline and - I'll shut up, you get the idea :) Pick any Folklore songs/ships you want!
Taylor Swift’s latest album is a masterclass of musical poetry and storytelling. Rarely do I download every song a musician puts out on a new album (I tend to pick and choose), but I can genuinely say I never hit DOWNLOAD so fast in my life before than I did with Folklore! I love all sixteen tracks! I’ve been listening to them on a loop for two days straight and I imagine that’s likely to continue for the foreseeable future.
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Also, YASSS! That is a fun challenge! It’s also one I can manage because I’ve been thinking about how certain songs/lyrics apply to many of my ships since I first started listening anyway. Prepare yourself. This is gonna be long. 😁
Okay SO, for Literati... 
If I’m angling to lean into s3-s6 angst that was Rory and Jess at that point in the OG series, then I’d say the 1 is a good fit. That song has the same energy as someone who’s writing a goodbye letter to a loved one that will never be sent. It’s cleansing. Cathartic. An exorcism of feeling. It absolutely reeks of regret and longing with just a touch of look-back-over-your-shoulder-and-wish, just wish, that things could have been different:
“But we were something, don't you think so?”
“And if my wishes came true It would've been you“
“But it would've been fun If you would've been the one”
However, if I’m in more of a They’ll Come Back to Each Other mood with Literati then I think this is me trying screams Rory and Jess. That song emanates nostalgia! It’s haunting in tone (with the echoes, with some slight vibrato). The lyrics bleed with feeling, with emotion that should have rusted long ago but hasn’t. Love is still as red as it was at the beginning of everything only now...only now there’s realization and an attempt at atonement for past mistakes...
“I didn't know if you'd care if I came back I have a lot of regrets about that Pulled the car off the road to the lookout Could've followed my fears all the way down And maybe I don't quite know what to say But I'm here in your doorway“
It's hard to be anywhere these days When all I want is you You're a flashback in a film reel On the one screen in my town (the town, of course, made me think of Stars Hollow)
I just wanted you to know That this is me trying At least I'm trying
For Darcy and Elizabeth, I think seven works well for them in spots. If you listen to the song, there’s a little bit of an echoey timber to the way Taylor sings it and that gave me the sense of how classic love stories/literature kind of ripple across time, you know? How the pages may crinkle or yellow over the years, but they still leave their mark. Plus, there’s also the piano in the background. Almost feather light. It mixes with what sounds like violins in places. Idk, it has a slight P&P 2005 vibe about it to me:
“Please picture me in the weeds Before I learned civility” >> (Because did Darcy learn civility before or after Lizzie eviscerated him mid-proposal at Rosings? Did Lizzie learn to temper her prejudice before or after Lydia ran away with Wickham?)
“Passed down like folk songs Our love lasts so long“ >> (Elizabeth says herself she’s going to be happier than Jane because “[she] laughs; [her sister] only smiles.”)
I have a couple for Klaroline, too. hoax jumped out at me for them first because it’s layered with darkness and angst. The imagery pops. It’s all smoking guns and eclipsed suns and screaming on cliffsides; which, for a pair of supernaturals, and for an Original who has a history of leaving blood in his wake, I think some visuals of misery and violence are a fitting thing. I’m also obsessed with the piano in this. The way she strokes her fingers over the keys - quick tap, tap, taps then a slow one or two in places - gives you a sense of running. It’s a great parallel to her lyric about “sleepless nights.” Here are some other Klaroline-heavy lyrics in this song:
“You knew it still hurts underneath my scars From when they pulled me apart But what you did was just as dark Darling, this was just as hard As when they pulled me apart” >> (This whole section just booms with “I’ve shown kindness. Forgiveness. Pity. For you, Caroline It was all for you” energy.)
“Your faithless love's the only hoax I believe in Don't want no other shade of blue But you No other sadness in the world would do“
peace is the other song that had me crying in Klaroline. I like the softness of it, the vulnerability. I imagine it more from Klaus’s perspective, though, because it strikes me as more confessional in nature. Like it’s a revelation that’s being dragged across his teeth and he wants to scream. Almost as if these aren’t necessarily feelings he wants to share, or wants known, but there’s just no holding them back now. He’s thrown off the lid. Caroline needs to be able to walk toward him with her eyes wide open, so he only speaks truth, he only speaks honesty now. Similar to hoax, this song has darker imagery as well. There’s fire and fences and trenches and all that jazz:
“Your integrity makes me seem small You paint dreamscapes on the wall“ >> (Same energy as “you’re strong, beautiful, full of light.”)
“And you know that I'd Swing with you for the fences Sit with you in the trenches” >> (basically a promise that he’d fight FOR her and WITH her)
“But I'm a fire and I'll keep your brittle heart warm If your cascade ocean wave blues come All these people think love's for show But I would die for you in secret“ >> (THIS IS THE PART THAT HITS ME THE MOST BC so much of Klaus’s love is shown not spoken, so yeah, he dies for her in secret all. the. time. already. There are 5 other ways I could interpret that as well. But I will spare you haha)
“The devil's in the details
“Would it be enough If I could never give you peace?” >>With supernatural enemies everywhere, there won’t be much peace, will there?
I get walloped with Braime/Jaime and Brienne feels every time I listen to epiphany. Like, it’s actually rude how much this song makes me think of them. I can close my eyes and hear their swords clanging, taste the blood of their injuries on my tongue; feel the ash claw their throats, sting their eyes. Just--ah! The two of them serving, fighting back-to-back, two knights with an unspoken oath to protect a love they haven’t even voiced out loud yet...*cries*
“Only twenty minutes to sleep But you dream of some epiphany Just one single glimpse of relief To make some sense of what you've seen
“With you, I serve With you, I fall down Down Watch you breathin' Watch you breathin' out Out“
invisible strings makes me think of Shirbert/Anne and Gilbert. I love the pluck of guitar strings and how it has this air of innocence and sunshine and green grasses about it even though it’s being told/sung from a hilltop of experience. There’s so much imagery in this song, so much color and figurative language, that I can’t help but think it’s perfect for our imaginative dreamy-eyed girl and the boy who’s adored her since he first tugged her pigtails and called her Carrots in that schoolroom:
“Green was the color of the grass Where I used to read at Centennial Park >> (Can’t you just picture Anne lying in the grass, a book in her hand, flowers in her hair?) I used to think I would meet somebody there Teal was the color of your shirt When you were sixteen at the yogurt shop“
“Time, curious time Gave me no compasses, gave me no signs Were there clues I didn't see?“
“Wool to brave the seasons One single thread of gold Tied me to you“ >> (Love the warmth and vibrancy of this. The wool makes me think of Avonlea blanketed in snow; the gold has me drinking sunshine, smelling goldenrod in October)
“Time, wondrous time Gave me the blues and then purple-pink skies“
“And isn't it just so pretty to think All along there was some Invisible string Tying you to me?“ (Love the idea of the string representing their friendship, how it never snipped. How it only braided together, growing tauter, closer, all the time.)
august hits me with a waterfall of Darvey/Donna and Harvey feels. There’s a wistfulness about this song that settles in my gut, twisting it with longing, with musings of all those Almosts in relationships that were so close to coming to fruition then never did. It’s so incredibly reminiscent of how Donna and Harvey toe the lie between friends and almost lovers who-are-nearly-there-but-not-quite for 12 years. IT HURTS SO GOOD.
“Back when we were still changin' for the better >> (THIS IS SO EMOTIONALLY RESONANT IT HURTS) Wanting was enough For me, it was enough To live for the hope of it all Canceled plans just in case you'd call”
But I can see us lost in the memory August slipped away into a moment in time 'Cause it was never mine And I can see us twisted in bedsheets August sipped away like a bottle of wine 'Cause you were never mine >> (Obviously I’m swimming in the angst of this until my fingers get all pruny.) 
Finally there’s mirrorball which is Jisbon/Jane and Lisbon all the way! It’s funny because when I first listened to Folkore I thought that’d be one of the last songs I’d pair with a ship?? YET HERE I AM. Jane was in the carnival circuit growing up and I cannot, for the life of me, stop attaching him to all the descriptions of the circus/revelry. So much of his schtick throughout the show comes down to trickery and observation, which he uses to size people up, and sarcasm, which he often employs as a defense mechanism to keep people at an emotional distance. I like the theme of this song for him and Lisbon. As the mirrorball, he’s shining his true self only for her. She’s the only person who sees his “shattered edges”; she’s not distracted by all his “glistening.” Here are my favorite lyrics that are applicable to them:
“I'm a mirrorball I'll show you every version of yourself tonight
“I can change everything about me to fit in You are not like the regulars The masquerade revelers Drunk as they watch my shattered edges glisten” >> (Okay, so this makes me think Jane’s on camera confession to Erica Flynn: “I’m looking for someone who…uh, someone I can trust. Someone strong. Someone at peace with themselves. Someone better than me. Someone who knows the…worst side of me and still loves me.")
“And they called off the circus, burned the disco down When they sent home the horses and the rodeo clowns I'm still on that tightrope I'm still trying everything to get you laughing at me”
“I'm still on that trapeze I'm still trying everything to keep you looking at me“
I will stop there because otherwise I could sit here analyzing songs and ships for the rest of my life, boring you to tears haha. Thanks for this, lovely! (And obviously I’d love to hear some of your song/ship matchups as well!) xx
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rvziels · 4 years
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𝙵𝙸𝙻𝙴    :    #ANG3L    //    STATS    »    aidan park,  ( appears to be )  twenty,  cis male,  he/him,  barista at white wings.    ATTRIBUTES    »    endearing,  volatile,  empathetic,  detached.    SEEN    »    quiet wishes pressed to the bark of trees,  handwritten notes on napkins stained by coffee,  sleeping with the window open.    DO NOT MISTAKE FOR    »    choi san.
hi hi i’m mar ( she / her ) n i’m rly excited to be here !! aidan’s a new muse/revamp that i’m dying to develop and write ! that said pls bear with me if he deviates a lil from this intro as my muses tend to change once i get writing dhgjkg. anyways, u can read more abt aidan & find some connection ideas under the cut !  
* loading… / ANGEL BACKGROUND 
TW: death mention 
as it says in the dossier, aidan became an angel when his soul was forgotten about in the human world. obv, he doesn’t rmbr/know anything abt that life and jst came to be an angel with the sole purpose of protecting humans
so aidan takes his duty as an angel seriously n does what he can to protect and better the lives of humans. ofc this becomes increasingly difficult as time goes on as he watches humans pass away while he remains. and it breaks his heart that he can do nothing abt the inevitable 
seeing generations come and go, he understands the existential despair humans endure -- each generation with their own struggles but ultimately the same questions go unanswered “why am i here? what is my purpose?”. it’s not something he can answer for them bt he empathizes and tries to ease their struggle in any way he can 
he kind of came to be with the knowledge of how the world works -- how corruption and injustice will always exist in this world and u can imagine the burden he feels when he can’t right every wrong, so he will go out of his way to try and make it softer here for humans 
if anything, observing humans and looking after them has made him reflect on his inner self / the duty of angels. though he was created with a purpose (n only that sole purpose) he has learnt to question things more deeply from humans, and question how he can be a better self 
he has def struggled with the temptations to abandon his post esp in dark times in the world, bt he continuously pushes himself to serve with good intentions and love. and it’s a promise he intends to keep
aidan’s angel name is raziel which roughly means ‘angel of mysteries’ 
* loading… / PERSONALITY   
so if it wasn’t clear from above aidan loves humans DHSJKD he thinks they’re special creatures n understands that life comes w both struggles n happiness 
v good at concealing his feelings, he’d swallow them before admit anything aloud esp negative ones. he’s just generally a v private, emotional person -- that said, he’s v friendly n chatty n it can make you think u know him bt it’s mostly all that he wants you to see like he will go out o his way to make sure u know he’s all good if u ever bring up concern over him fdhjgg
kind of a control freak ? like he gets rly upset when he loses control over a situation or things don’t go as planned and tends to take on the blame for things which is not . a healthy coping mechanism sgfdg. bears deep feelings of guilt for things he cannot change
quite sensitive n that’s both a flaw and a virtue. has the brightest smile bt quite sad eyes 
when he experiences love he lets it consume him,, like he will be in love with u forever
LOVES art in all forms, mostly occupies himself with drawing or painting. wants to learn piano as well. thinks art is a form of healing and rly admires humans for their art 
on other supernaturals: he doesn’t rly love or hate them, as long as they aren’t hurting humans... ur in his good books ! DHSJKD
working at the cafe white wings bc he enjoys that atmosphere n he gets to kind of blend in with humans while he observes (n draws !) them 
* loading… / EXTRAS
prefers warm days with cool breezes. likes to take naps n ends up falling asleep in obscure places rather than have like an actual sleeping schedule. is fluent in multiple languages. can be rly affectionate or closed off one minute to the next.
* loading… / PLOT IDEAS 
i have a pinterest board for him HERE which kind of has more details abt him & also some inspo for dynamics !!
i’m gonna be working on a more cohesive list of connection ideas which u can find on his blog under /wp. bt here are some ideas off the top of my head: old friend, co-workers, platonic soulmates, annoyances, muse, ex lover, confidants, bad/good influences, almost lovers, unlikely friends, love/hate, we can brainstorm,,,, the world is our oyster ! dm me or like this and i’ll come to u alright that’s it for now kith kith ! 
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rovvboat · 6 years
Abort Mission - Cable/Nathan Summers x Reader P.1
Part 1
Warnings: Smut, NSFW content, Angst. 
A/N: Hope you enjoy this angsty smutfest! It’s my first time writing smut and I didn’t think that I’d do it so soon, but it seemed so.. //NEEDED// for this storyline- AGAIN: this one’s a long one bc I’m trying to set the scene for part 2 - the smut in this is worth it!!! So indeed look out for p2 if you enjoyed this one - its gonna be much more fast-paced than this one is ;) Cheerio~!
Words: 4k 
Summary: Your team had been tipped off about a possible resurrection of an unnamed villain by Black Talon and his followers, which prompted a recon mission led by Cable. Long nights awake had driven you to the point of extreme agitation.The remote and small location didn’t help and neither did the fact that you easily become a restless mess; to add to the complexity, you have a crush on Cable. Things get heated when you could no longer keep it in.
You were chosen as the on-site medic – despite your reluctance – by Colossus; who cited your usefulness, where resources would be limited, as the reason why you were best for the job.
And the choice was ditto-ed by Wade, who cited your terrible crush on Cable as the reason why he voted for you. To your relief, Wade’s voting was done where Cable wasn’t within earshot – so there wasn’t much to worry about. The last thing in Cable’s mind would be a relationship, and you weren’t prepared to test out that theory.
Of course, your powers could mold things out of the materials around you and enhance the healing factor of anyone you willed and you could, with enough time, change the landscape of a limited area by accelerating certain reactions… Damn your powers. It was so easy for you to get chosen as the in-and-out-house ‘’medic’’ – especially because of how fast you could recovered between missions.
Your high energy was also a key factor in this long-haul mission - which was expected to take at least 2 weeks. You and Cable were thoroughly prepped and the both of you set off to the post in record time.
The land rover bounced up and down as it sped through the rough and uneven terrain. The uncontrollable bobbing was making you feel sick, but you tried your best to keep it in, putting one hand on the dashboard to keep yourself steady as the car made a rag-doll out of you.
You looked over to Cable in the driving seat, his eyes focused entirely on the far away destination.
‘’Hey, how long til’ we reach the spot?’’
‘’We’ll be arriving soon, don’t worry. You feeling okay?’’ Cable responded, without taking his eyes off the road
‘’Well, I’d feel better if this car could stop wobbling so damn much.’’ You said as you used a hand rub circles around your stomach in an attempt to soothe it, and tried to make yourself feel less sick.
It worked. Until the next big bump in the road almost threw you off the seat.
‘’Do they not have cars in the future, Cable? You suck at driving.’’
Cable chuckled.
‘’Alright, alright, stop your whining. We’re here.’’ He said as he put the rover in park.
‘’And where exactly is here, Mr. Can’t Drive? We’re still in the middle of nowhere.’’
‘’We gotta walk from here, kid. The cabin isn’t too far off, and we don’t want the engine noise to alert anyone that we’re here.’’
‘’Wow, I didn’t know we were having an affair.’’
‘’Yeah. Sure.’’ Cable scoffed. He was one of the only few people who could take your snark, and you didn’t know whether it made you happy, or annoyed that it wasn’t annoying to him.
‘’Hey, I have a question. Since you know my real name, can I know yours?’’ You asked with a mischievous tone in your voice.
‘’It’s Nathan. Nathan Summers. Now let’s get to work.‘’
You were surprised by his candid response.
‘’I honest to God did not think it would’ve been that easy.’’ You remarked.
You and Cable got to unloading the gear and rations you brought. As you do, you noticed that he had stopped unloading, and was looking intently at something. You walked over to see what had caught his attention, when he spoke up.
‘’Tell me again, how would… a long bolster pillow… help us get information from our enemies? You gonna smother them into talking?’’ He joked as he held up the long grey cushion in front of him.
‘’That’s for me, Nathaniel. I can’t sleep if I’m not hugging something.’’
Cable looked at the pillow, then back at you; the smirk on his face clearly showing his amusement at this revelation.
‘’What?’’ You said, snagging your lovely pillow away from him.
‘’Nothing. I expected as much. Now get a move on. We’re burning daylight.’’
You both began trekking away from the dirt path and into the forest.
The forest looked magical. The rays of sunlight filtered through the trees, and the vines seemed to dance with the light breeze, as you walked through it. The slight crunching sounds of your feet treading on the leaf litter against the sounds of the forest – alive and creaking and croaking and cawing – reminded you of how out of place you were.
While you were busy taking in the sights and sounds of your surroundings, Cable made sure to mark the way leading into undisclosed location using a knife, in order to make it easier for you to find your way back; in case you get lost during the mission. He was lucky that you were easily distracted, else you would be trying to annoy him out of boredom.
After what seemed like days of walking – though honestly it was only about 30 minutes or so – the sight of a dilapidated cabin finally came into view. It was big, but obviously couldn’t have been your place of residence for the mission, mostly due to the fact that it stood crushed under a gigantic tree.
‘’Holy shit. That looks so cool!’’ You exclaimed under your breath. Cable hummed a sound of agreement. The kind of hum that an older sibling would make whenever a younger sibling points out something mundane and routine with a sense of renewed awe.
‘’Don’t patronize me, old man Nathan!’’ You said with a light shove.
You walked ahead to inspect the house, and saw that it had moss and algae growing all over. There were shards of glass scattered around the entrance, and to top it all off, a heavily rusted metal fence barricaded the front door and windows.
You looked up at the huge tree that had fallen onto it. The weight of the tree had caved the roof in – who knows how long ago – and now looks almost as if it was part of the cabin.
‘’Home sweet home.’’ Cable quipped.
‘’This has got to be a joke, ri-‘’ You started, but Cable cut you off.
‘’Stop talking and follow my lead.’’
You held onto your bag straps and grudgingly tagged along. He strode over to the thick base of the ginormous fallen tree; where its roots were pointed in all directions. The tree looked awfully old yet sturdy, but something about it seemed awkwardly placed the more you looked at it.
Cable did some mental calculations and made his way to the underside of the tree, near the perimeter of the cabin and pulled on a loose vine.
The vine was connected to a stealthily hidden trap door, which gave way as Cable tugged at it. You hadn’t even noticed the way it curved into a kind of entrance, but it was perfectly camouflaged against the deep ashy brown of the fallen tree. The trap door opened into a narrow crawlspace that looked like something out of a zombie movie.
‘’Go on, get a move on. We don’t have all day, Y/N.’’ Cable urged. He took out something which looked like a gun from his fanny-pack – he could call it a utility bag all he wants, it wasn’t going to make it true – and pulled the trigger, which released something into the distance with a strong wisp. He did this a few times at different angles.
You furrowed your brows, but didn’t question it and got into an army crawl position, pushing yourself into the crawlspace. It turned out to be bigger than you expected; dust and tiny fiber particles swirled around you as you pushed your way deeper into it – using what little light that entered to guide you wherever you were headed. You heard Cable enter into the crawlspace behind you and cover up the entrance, instantly engulfing you both in darkness.
‘’Nice place you got here, Nathan. Where do I put up my reviews in Yelp?’’ You commented, turning your head back at him as he caught up with you.
‘’You talk too much Y/N,’’ he returned, ‘’Now hurry up and get to the end.’’
You hustled and reached the end. You stretched your hands out and felt a metal wall in front of you. Before you could ask, Cable voiced out.
‘’Okay, now you have to pull on the lever. Feel around for it, it should be to your left.’’ He instructed.
Using both your hands, you felt around the ground and finally discerned a hard, metallic smooth protrusion from the adjacent wall. You pushed it up and suddenly, the wall in front of you rose with a mechanical shunting and clunking noise.
The wall revealed behind it a wide-open space, fully furnished with a narrow kitchen – with a door that led into the world’s tiniest washroom – and a small living room with a slender sofa and a single-bed right behind it. It was quaint, but better than anything you could ever have expected.
‘’Dibs on the bed!’’ You called out as you got up out of the entrance and jumped on the bed. Cable just sighed as he got up. It’s hard to even imagine that you were an adult. But it was entertaining – to say the least.
You helped Cable bring in and set-up the equipment at the surveillance post; which turned out to be the two-way window in the kitchen that overlooked the abandoned military base a little ways off - past a few trees and shrubbery.
You let out a deep breath, thinking about how long of a mission you had in front of you, as Cable arranged for a surveillance schedule. He carefully divided up the timings such that he would do most of the night watch while you did mostly daytime. A switch happened every 4 days for effective exchange of notes and to ensure that you both were on your toes. Cable passed you a set of earpieces as you were setting up.
‘’These are our ears on the ground. If anything happens in there, we’re gonna hear it loud and clear. The team also has a set back home and they would be helping us keep track of Black Talon’s followers. They can hear us – and the recording device in the abandoned base – but we can’t hear them.’’ Cable explained.
‘’Is that so?’’ You took an earpiece. ‘’Fuck you, Wade! I know it was you who took my M&Ms from the fridge and made Colossus take the fall! Colossus, buddy, you did nothing wrong and I will make sure Wade suffers for this.’’ You dramatically exclaimed into the comms device. 
Cable stared at you in what seemed to be both reserved disappointment and met expectations. A hard line to cross, but you do it anyway.
The first few days had gone by without incident – and no sign of Black Talon or his followers. However, on the fourth day, there was a sudden influx of noise in the comms. The followers had planned a ritual to allow Black Talon’s return as well as preparation for a ‘resurrection’ of sorts. All details were captured on audio, which made it easier for an eventual ambush. However, one crucial detail had not been disclosed.
When was this ritual going to happen?
All signs pointed to the speculation that it was going to be a month away. But the team wanted the mission to proceed as normal for another week to ensure nothing new popped up.
 Both you and Cable were clearly getting antsy. A good 5 days had passed since the last appearance or instance of anyone around the base, and so far, nothing seemed to be happening. Even picking on each other didn’t seem to satisfy the accumulating energy from being stuck in such a small space.
You tried doing some on-the-spot jogging and star jumps but still felt restless.
‘’Maybe you should try to get some rest. I can take it from here.’’ Cable offered.
You dragged your body to the couch, stretching out one leg over the couch as you let yourself fall onto the comfortable fabric, and tried to get some shut eye.
After 20 minutes of tossing and turning, you got up off the couch and walked toward the kitchen window.
Cable had been diligently standing watch, making notes of any activities around the abandoned base. He looked up to acknowledge you and went right back to keeping watch.
‘’I can’t sleep’’
‘’Have you tried hugging your pillow?’’ Cable asked nonchalantly as he continued refocusing the night-vision binoculars.
You rolled your eyes at him, and meandered over to him. You tapped him on the shoulder, then motioned with your hands for him to step away from his post in front of the tinted windows. You picked up the binoculars and scanned the surroundings.
‘’Boy do I love looking at nothing happening!’’ You tittered as you set the binoculars onto the table.
‘’We didn’t come here for a fucking field trip now, did we? If you could stop your incessant whining for about 30 seconds, maybe we could’ve gotten our job here done quicker.’’ Cable snapped back at you. Your eyes widened in surprise.
‘’Yeah, cos I’m that useless right?’’ You glared at Cable and stormed out of the kitchen. Great, now you were both restless and frustrated.
‘’What the fuck are you talking about?’’ He called after you.
‘’Forget it.’’                                            
You suddenly felt a hand clasp around your wrist, pulling you in the opposite direction, until you came face to face with Cable. You held your breath, you whole body tensed, as he paused for a second; eyes locked onto yours like a magnet.
The tension weighed down heavy in the room, as if all the forest was spectating your little show from the outside; waiting to see what you would do.
This couldn’t go on any longer.
You swiftly took one step towards Cable, placing your free hand on his neck, and drew him into a deep kiss. He slowly let go of your wrist and pulled you closer to him. His cybernetic arm on the small of your back, easing you into it.
He tugged at your legs with a low growl, with a neediness, a desire.
A desire that filled you as well.
You instinctively wrap your legs around him and Cable immediately propped you up onto his waist; almost as if it was what he was waiting for the entire time.
You brought your hands up to his face, as you broke away from the kiss, heavy pants escaping your lips as you stared into him. He seemed hesitant to continue.
‘’Are you sure you want to do this?’’ Cable asked tentatively. His low, husky voice sending chills down your spine as you held onto him.
‘’Yeah. I’m sure.’’ You seductively whispered into his ear; which was enough to drive him wild.
He let both your bodies collapse onto the couch, you on your back, and him on top of you. You picked at his shirt trying to find the edge, and dragged it up off him as he lifted his torso up to pull it over his head. His attention focused right back at you, as he placed kisses from your lips, down to your neck – lingering at your collarbone, causing you to arch your back as you stifled a moan. His hands go to work on your shorts, yanking it off, leaving your panties exposed.
He pushed his body off of yours and shifted your body up a little to pull your shirt off, exposing your bare tits to the cold. He took a second to admire your almost-naked body, running his hands over your breasts and pinching one of your nipples between his fingers, pulling at it gently as his tongue played with the other. You were turned on beyond belief.
He brings his face up to yours, hastily meeting your lips, as if time had kept them apart for too long. Your tongues moving slowly, playfully, around each other – fully getting a taste of each other.
Cable breaks the kiss, rhythmic heavy pants escaping from both of you. He moves to unbuckle his pants, but you beat him to it – pulling the belt out of its metal confines and discarding it onto the floor so quickly that it made Cable let out a deep chuckle.
You ignored it and continue unzipping his pants and yanked it down together with his boxers, exposing his thick cock. You stroke his length with fervor, and watch as he melted into your hands – his brows furrowed and his eyes closed, focused intensely on the feeling of your pressure moving up and down around his shaft, as you felt him get harder against your palms.
‘’Oh fuck, darling, this is gonna end too soon if you continue like this.’’ He moaned against your slow lazy strokes. He brings his hand down to stop you; pulling arms up over your head, holding them together as his body closes the distance between you two. You relent, allowing him control.
‘’Good girl. Now let me return the favor.’’ He whispered into your ear, his hand sliding down your thigh, then over the fabric covering your pussy. His finger circling around, pressing down whenever it was directly above your clit.
‘’You’re already so wet for me, doll.’’
‘’Fuck, Nate. St- Stop teasing– ‘’ You moaned.
‘’Tell me what you want.’’ He said as he kissed that sensitive spot on your neck, making you dig your fingers into his back. When you finally spoke, your voice was raspy and strained.
‘’I want you. Right now.’’
He immediately yanked your panties off, and brought his hand to his hard member, positioning it at your entrance – leisurely teasing your pussy with the tip of his cock.
‘’Nate!’’ You whined.
With one swift move, he pushed himself inside you – painfully slowly – as if he was restraining himself. You writhed under him as you got used to his size entering you. You search for his body – unbearably absent from yours – and pull at his hands.
He immediately goes to kiss you again, rhythmically driving into you, as his tongue found yours.
Your body stiffened from the overstimulation, and as the tension accumulated, you whimpered and squirmed beneath him. You wanted nothing but release, but your body wasn’t allowing it.
‘’Nate, please- fuck I can’t.’’ You said as you gnawed gently at his neck; trying to rid of all the pent-up energy.
‘’Just hold out for me a little more, doll.’’ He growled, getting close to his own climax. He shifted his body closer to yours, quickening his thrusts.  He put his arms around you in an embrace. His face lying next to yours as his hand pushed your face closer to his.
‘’Oh fuck- Nate, please- I need to-‘’
‘’Shhh… It’s okay. It’s okay Y/N.’’ He whispered into your ear as he circled your clit with two fingers – with just the right amount of pressure – edging you closer and closer to a much-needed orgasm.
‘’That’s it babygirl. I want you to cum for me.’’ He coaxed. He continued gently pushing into you.
The thought of having him delving so deep into you, with his fingers making magic on your clit, finally pushed you over the edge.
‘’Nate I’m- Fuck- I’m coming!’’
The orgasm seared through you; leaving your body arched, toes curled and legs trembling. The contractions of your pussy against his hard cock, pushing him to his own climax.
As all the pent-up energy slowly dissipated in those moments of satisfaction, you lowered your body down onto the cushions.
Cable continued where he left off and thrust into you, hard and slow. You let him find his own orgasm as he promptly pulled out and came over your stomach with a moan.
His body collapsed onto yours, his breathing steady as his eyes closed. His hair drapes onto his forehead. You instinctively go to shift it out of the way; and slowly ran your fingers through his hair. You watched him as he fell asleep on top of you, the sound of his breathing lulling you to sleep as you finally, finally, fell into a deep slumber.
 You woke up to the sight of sunlight filtering into the room, with the sound of bird chirping and going about their day.
All of a sudden, you felt a drop in your stomach, as you noticed that your bolster had replaced where Cable had been. You also noticed that there was a blanket over you.
Was I dreaming…?
You looked around and saw your shorts, shirt and panties folded neatly on the coffee table. Last night had happened, so where was Cable now?
You quickly throw your clothes on – save for the panties which you stuffed into your daypack – washed up, and wandered into the kitchen.
You noticed Cable leaning against the window frame – staring out the window – with a coffee mug in hand. He looked relaxed, but somehow distant. As if he was deep in thought.
‘’Good morning.’’ You voiced as a yawn escaped you. You stretched your arms over you, your feet tiptoed in an automatic response.
Cable watched you tenderly, catching your morning yawn and stretch.
‘’Good morning, Y/N. There’s some coffee in the pot if you’d like.’’ He responded, looking back towards the window.
You brush your teeth then pour yourself a cup of coffee and settle down on the small dining table. Cable moved towards the dining table, taking the seat across you. There was a sudden seriousness to him that demanded your attention. He set his mug on the table before continuing.
‘’Y/N… I hope that it was clear that last night… was a one-time thing.’’ He stated. ‘’I don’t want you to think tha-‘’
‘’No, yeah, I get it. I didn’t expect anything from this.’’ You interrupted, taking a sip of your coffee.
‘’That’s good to hear. And hey, we can finally get out of this hellhole. I think we have all the information we need for the ambush.’’ He divulged as he stood up, taking a swig of coffee before moving to wash it in the sink.
You kept quiet. Your heart sank the moment the words ‘one-time thing’ spilled from his lips. You did all you could to seem like it didn’t affect you, to make it seem like the tears brimming over your eyes were no indication of how you felt. You abandoned your half-empty coffee cup and hastened to the shower, where you could let it all out under the running water.
 Once the coast was clear, you and Cable packed all the equipment and made your way back to the rover. You followed Cable through the forest, not once stopping to look at the surroundings; your eyes focused straight ahead, but on nothing in particular, looking slightly dazed.
Cable had noticed your lack of wit and conversation, but knowing better, he decided not to remark on your newfound silence.
When you finally reached the jeep, you hauled your gear onto the back and settled yourself in the front seat. You wanted to sit in the backseat, but thought against it, should it arouse suspicion in Cable. You brought your bolster along with you to the front seat to help you ease the bumps.
Once he was done securing the gear in the back, Cable took the drivers seat and began the drive back to the X-Mansion; as you held onto your pillow while watching each tree pass by you from the window. The slow bumps seemed to induce sleep as you drifted off – your eyelids as heavy as your heart was – whilst Cable did his best to drive as smoothly as possible through the uneven terrain to take you both back home.
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mochi-peaches · 6 years
i was tagged by the lovely @byunrelatable 💖💖💖
nickname: i don’t really have a nickname but sometimes i get called ames (said like aims) or [shudders] amylu because my middle name is louise 😣
gender: gender is a social construct and a spectrum goodnight [but for the purpose of this i go by she/her/or they pronouns]
sign: scorpio ♏ [and my moon is gemini and my asc is libra... jeez my full chart is on my about page]
height: i think i’m about 5′4
time: as i write this 19:18 british standard time lads
i’ll put the rest under a read more because i don’t wanna be annoying 😰😰
fave band(s): exo!!!! my main MEN!!!!! then also kpop wise pentagon, shinee, aoa, uniq, day6, f(x), nct, tvxq, btob, sistar, vixx... LOTS then others are like all time low, you me at six, mcfly, [cough] jonas brothers [cough]............ probably more i like a lot of different musicians tbh
fave solo artist(s): [i’ll also count like artists who have done solo stuff separate from their groups] ed sheeran, rihanna, hyuna, hayley kiyoko, halsey, ailee, jonghyun, amber, taemin, beyonce, dean, troye sivan, g-dragon, iu, jay park.......... so many
song stuck in my head: omg uhh i usually have a couple stuck in my head at any given time but???? you’ll be in my heart from the tarzan ost, dinner - suho & jang jane, sorry - the rose, one more night - pentagon
last show i watched: i’m re-watching brooklyn nine-nine and before that i’m watching this documentary called myths & monsters for coursework sdknfnv and fma:b
when did i create my blog?: uh... 2011? i think i had one in 2010 but i remade to this one... wow lame
what do i post?: my blog is as chaotic as my mind and personality but it’s mostly exo, some other groups, and things i find funny/cute/pretty!!!
last thing i googled?: i think i googled a pdf copy of ways of seeing by john berger... it was for coursework djkdwdfnkd 
do i have any other blog?: nope! i can barely manage 1!!!!! i might have two hands but i need both to control the steering wheel of this shit show!!!!!!!!!!!!
following: 158 [i wanna follow more people tbh]
followers: 572........ for some wild reason
average hours of sleep: hmm... 7? depends
lucky number: i don’t rly have a lucky number but i like the number 7
instruments: as every british person knows... the recorder... enforced upon you in infant and primary school... and i can kind of play piano but i can’t read sheet music ☹️
what am i wearing?: a grey thin jumper and pj bottoms that are peach pink with sheep on them [yixing if ur out there... this is for u my friend] and socks bc it’s COLD
dream job: i don’t really know what i want to do with my life my ideas change all the time tbh??? like i graduate... in like 2 months... and idk what to do!!!!!! i study photography and i would love to be able to travel the world taking photos :( i’m considering taking a course and becoming a qualified teacher to teach english abroad but idk i have rly bad anxiety and stutter a lot :(
dream trip: oh my god... i rly wanna go back to china!!!! but i also would loveee to travel around asia as a whole??? east asia definitely as a focus point. or new zealand please
fave food: omg... idk i love pasta dishes... and fruit... and dim sum... any and all varieties of dumplings/gyoza....... pls shut me up i love watching cooking shows too wdojfnfc
nationality: if i got any more english i would probably piss earl grey tea
fave song: of all time???? at the moment????? PLEASE DON’T DO THIS I CAN’T ANSWER
last book i read: i’ve not read in ages bc of uni so i’ve mostly read academic texts :(((( i’m still like part way through the dream thieves by maggie stiefvater and also vicious by v e schwab 
top three fictional universes i want to join: i would be lying if i said i didn’t want to go to hogwarts [i don’t claim jkr]....... or any of the fictional universes that i use as an escape that reside in my own mind ..... especially ones that involve me meeting exo and just thanking them and telling them i love them especially junmyeon.......... i use my imagination as a coping mechanism !!!!
i hate tagging i never know who to tag  and get anxious sjaidfkvk and also don’t feel like u have to!!!! but i’m tagging: @suhlo @suhoslady @starxiu @pixeldae @cyberksoo @lgbtsuho @zyxjs @kjm-l @xiuyeoltopia @bloomingdaes
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evanhunerberg · 4 years
10 deep-seated beliefs, and how to work with them
Preamble ramble: what are deep-seated beliefs?
Deep-seated beliefs are constantly guiding us. We make most decisions and judgements automatically, instinctively, without “thinking.” (Daniel Kahneman calls it System 1 Thinking). Obviously, this impacts our interest in brand and product communications. We reject without thinking. Or we jump on board impulsively. These are, in some ways, “subconscious” events.
Our life experiences etch deep, unspoken beliefs into our minds, and many of these experiences depend on the wider culture we grow up in. A person raised in Minnesota suburbs will have different experiences and beliefs about the world than someone who grew up in Karachi. Focusing on an individual’s experience is important for providing therapy, but in communications we’re trying to reach many people. We need to zoom out and widen our net … but not too far. The more we zoom out, the the more bland, uninteresting, and useless the beliefs become for building communications.
Ideally, you should be thinking about a defined audience as distinct culture. Understand them as a Nation of people, with their own shared customs, beliefs and rituals (which they might not even be aware of). This requires specific, dedicated research. For this article, we’ll be zooming all the way out to the “Western” beliefs that form the foundations for a lot of perception and decisions among people who grew up in North America, Europe, and Australia. You can see them at work in everything from court decisions to Disney movies to hiring decisions, and of course, how people choose to spend their money.
What you’ll find in here
10 cultural beliefs drawn from The Masks of God, Europe: A Cultural History, From Olympus to Camelot, and a bit from my own reading of Grimm’s Fairy Tales. I’ll quickly describe the roots of each belief, with a thought for addressing it.
Putting deep-seated beliefs to use
You can lean into them, or you can challenge them. You just can’t ignore them. You can adapt your story to the contours of these beliefs and use them to frame your brand and product. Or, you can attack them head-on with simple, brutal, and concrete logic. Stupidly simple attacks can make for really arresting advertising. Some of them conflict, so you can even wield them against each other. Just don’t resist or ignore these beliefs silently. If you don’t adapt to them or actively dismantle them, your communications will lack intuitive credibility. You’ll be pushing meaningless non-starters.
Most beliefs are invisible tools of Power. Many of these beliefs evolved as mechanisms for elite control, and they have oppressed many people. I’m definitely not supporting any of them. I am bringing their existence into the open, and I hope I can help you reconfigure them for better uses.)
10 deep-seated Western beliefs
Good deeds will always come back to you Roots Ever since our reliance on the cycles of the sun for agriculture, we’ve believed in a cosmic order and balance. Around 3000 years ago, we also started working morality into the picture. Recommendation If you’re pushing for behavioral change (especially an uncomfortable one), remind people that their actions are part of a bigger interconnected web.
There is a clear line dividing Good from Bad Roots The metaphysical division started in Persia and became a key component of Christianity. It’s been fading since the Scientific Revolution, but it’s hard to shake. It still shows up through our villains and heroes, and it’s exacerbating 2020s political disagreements. Recommendation In 2020, this trope is a little too prominent. You’ll probably have more success attacking this idea, reminding people about the gray areas, and snapping people out of tribal allegiances.
We all get to choose between doing the right thing and the wrong thing Roots According to ancient religions and a lot of Christianity, the cosmic war of Good vs Evil plays out in our daily lives. We participate everyday, and we all choose how to participate. This is the angel and the devil on your shoulders. Recommendation Provoke action in your audience by challenging them to take a clear position. A meaningful decision urges us to do something about it.
If you listen to your heart, you’ll make the right choice Roots As Roman and Catholic bureaucracy lost it’s grip over Europe, ethics and salvation became a more private activity—to understand what was right, you only had to look within. Half a millennium later, Anne Frank would write “I still believe, in spite of everything, that people are truly good at heart.” Recommendation If you’re asking for altruism, dissociate from any of the surface-level politics that might be in play, and urge your audience to follow their deepest values. They’ll probably have trouble recognizing anything but love and selflessness.
You have to forge your own path Roots As the scientific method started showing us how the world works, it became harder and harder to find our purpose written in the stars. As early as the Enlightenment, we started looking inside ourselves for meaning. We started living our own original adventures. Recommendation Sometimes we need to break our audience away from the herd. Consider if your cause can impel and help someone to live their own truth.
Wherever someone is, they deserve to be there Roots Ruling classes have always maintained that the socioeconomic order reflects a cosmic order. Everyone is where they “should” be, so don’t try to change things. Even now, too many people cling to the idea that someone’s status is an appropriate reflection of their own actions and innate abilities. Recommendation If life is good for you, it’s easy to justify that you deserve it that way. But (in America) our faith in “opportunity” makes it difficult to believe that someone (especially a child) deserves hardship. In your communications, it will probably be easier to argue certain people haven’t had a “fair” shot—especially if you represent that community with an individual person.
To the victor go the spoils Roots A cornerstone of Western fiction, The Iliad, starts with an argument between two “heroes” who are angry about giving up women they took as civilian POW sex slaves(!) And even today, when we walk past mansion estates and luxury cars, we carry a sense that the winners of society are entitled to whatever they can legally capture. Recommendation World-renowned luxury brands make their patrons feel like queens and kings, and it works. To challenge this belief effectively, frame the “victor” as someone much different than the audience.
Power corrupts Roots The late Roman emperors are good symbols for this idea (think Caligula and Nero). The New Testament infuses King Herod with this notion, and we imagine it happening during the height of the French aristocracy too. Recommendation We often envision corruption, decadence, and depravity together alongside tyranny. They’re indicators of leadership that’s fallen out of balance and decayed into something sinister. If you’re battling an entrenched status quo, consider linking some of their personal behaviors to their policies.
Nature needs to be chained down Roots Early farmers had a harmonious relationship with nature, but waves of horse-riding invaders had a different view. They saw nature as an unruly beast to wrestle under control. They put women in the same category, and we’re still dealing with the many effects of this worldview. Recommendation Government regulations can seem unnecessary and meddling. But, the same thing might feel more comforting as a leash on unchecked, untamed behaviors. Instead of framing it as a safety device or a punishment, you could discuss regulation as a harness for a dangerous wild force.
Nature is pure Roots Bronze Age (~3000 BC) and Abrahamic religions characterized the natural world as corrupt and unclean in contrast to God’s abstract perfection. But, nature worship persisted anyway for figures like the goat-legged Pan and the god Dionysus. And then, with the scientific method excusing all kinds of heresy, and industrialization pulling people away from their fields, Westerners developed a special appreciation for the purity and balance of nature. Recommendation This idea contributes a lot of the undertones in environmentalism, but there are many people who don’t identify with that whole package. It might be easier to drum up interest in preservation. America has a long and distinct tradition of preserving pure, wild, pristine land. While some people might not care about saving a far-off exotic animal, we might solicit a lot more care for the spaces in the National Parks that feel sacred.
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