sparklyshit99 · 5 years
Romance Situation Prompt List (2)
Master Prompt List 
1. He was born to unite the world. She was born to destroy it.
2. For two people who were so in love, they sure knew how to make it look like they weren’t.
3. From birth we were rivals. Always competing, always striving to be better than one another.
4. This is where the two lovers meet in secret. War has no place here.
5. They had pretty eyes, but nothing else about their face was remarkable.
6. Cupid shot them in the ass and they decided it was more painful than usual
7. They were a declared hero and the other was a declared unlicensed vigilante, who was wanted all over the world
8. They hated going out with their friends as the only single one however they can't help but get along with someone who was in one of those relationships.
9. They lived across the hall from each other but don't notice each other until their toddler storms into the others apartment. 
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haiky-u-lously · 5 years
Birthday Gift
Happy birthday @bbparker sorry I am a bit late. Hopefully it is okay. And, I hope even more that you enjoy this little thing. I’ve been wanting to get back into writing cause I feel like I have been failing that part of myself lately, so if there is anything you don’t like about this please let me know and I can try again with someone/something new. But anyways! Happy belated birthday! Questions/comments/likes/ideas always welcome!
–Admin red
You woke up feeling no better but no worse than you ever did, despite it being your birthday it felt like every other day of the year.
But this day was different, and this year was different. Because for this birthday, you were finally old enough for fate to give you the present you most desired.
Unmistakable proof that you were destined with someone.
A clear mark, currently hiding somewhere on your body, of where your soulmate will intentionally touch you for the first time. Once you remembered this little tidbit, you found yourself springing from your bed and sprinting towards the bathroom to find your new mark.
Finding it left you confused. How in the world could your soulmate intend for their first contact with you to be a ripe ole spanking…you found yourself wondering. As you looked over your entire body again, double checking what you had already seen.
You were still wondering what could the mark possibly mean for you and your relationship with your soulmate when you heard the ringing of your doorbell.
You through some clothes on and went to answer it quickly.
“Happy Birthday (Y/N)!” Was screamed at you before the door was full opened, and you welcomed in your friend through laughter at the sudden tone they used. “Now, I know you said you didn’t want a party or anything because…well everything new that’s been happening, but I sort of spilled the news to Tony, and now he is absolutely furious you didn’t let him plan a big blow out so he is making you a…and please know I am quoting him on this…a unescapable old fashioned high school bash. Where he will invite only those he trusts and anyone you want to add to the list. Also,” She added giving you a smirk and a nice once over, “Did you already find your soulmate mark?”
Rolling your eyes, you finally moved to close the door behind your pair, ushering Pepper further into your new apartment. “Look Pepper,” You started, leading her towards the table so you could talk through everything explicitly. “I said I didn’t want a party because I had to leave everyone I knew and loved behind when these stupid new powers started to manifest. And, I only agreed to hang out with you because at least when I have someone around, I don’t feel like I am losing myself.”
She let her lips forma tight line as she listened to you seriously, at your final statement she quirked a smile and shook her head out, bangs running over her forehead as she looked back at you and declared, “I understand, and I told Tony that, well the first half anyway. But you know how he gets. I’m really sorry (Y/N). If it is any consolation, you let him do this without any complaints, just play along for his sake even though we all know it’s your birthday and should be all about what you want and how you want to celebrate, I will help you enact revenge on Tony for his next birthday.”
An inspired idea came to mind almost immediately, and your smirked at her, questioning, “Serious?”
Her smile in return was all the answer you needed and you stuck your hand out to shake on the agreement.
“Now!” She happily moved on, with a clap of her hands before slamming them down on her thighs and leaning closer to you, “Tell me, (Y/N). Where’s your new soul mark?”
You rolled your eyes and left the table, moving into the kitchen to get some form of breakfast started, “If I tell you, you will either a.) laugh your ass off, or b.) be exactly like me and wonder what the hell is wrong with my soulmate.”
“Oh, now I have to know.” She countered, following you into the kitchen.
Pointing to your ass, your face contorted into an annoyed expression, explaining exactly what the mark looked to be.
True to your expectations, Pepper laughed. Hard. Almost lost her balance as she leaned forward over her arms as they crossed her stomach in an attempt to hold some of the expression inside. By the time she had calmed down you were digging into your bowl of cereal. “Wait wait wait,” she commented as she finally straightened up. “So, you mean to tell me, that the first time…hahaha your soulmate…hahahaha your soulmate intentionally touches you…hahhahaha he is spanking your ass?!” Saying it herself sent her into another fit of laughter.  You just rolled your eyes and continued eating your cereal.
“Told you,” You threw out at her as you finished your breakfast and put the bowl into the sink. “Anyway, when is this whole shit with Tony happening?”
“Oh right!” She said, sobering up faster than should have been possible with how hysterical her laughing fit had seemed to you. “Tony said since he was asking you to go against your wishes for the day, he would pay for everything we wanted to do until we arrived at 8 tonight. I already called ahead to the spa. Got us 2-hour full body massages booked, manis and pedis whether you want color or not is up to you (Y/N), but if you think you are going another day with those caveman-like nails you are sorely mistaken. Figured haircut and style wouldn’t hurt either. Dinner at your favorite place and then we’ll head over there. Sound good?”
The surprised expression on your features was only a small indicator of how amazed you were by your friend’s spiel. Words coming to you after you realized she asked a question, you answered, “Yea, sure. Wow you really thought this out huh?”
“Well, I know you’ve been stressed lately.” She kind of threw over her shoulder as she pushed around you to wash your bowel and spoon, telling you to go get dressed and to bring clothes to change into for the party. Screaming at you after you had started to walk back to your room, “Remember! It is a high school bash themed party. So, just dress in something that both looks nice but is also either practical or comfy.”
Hearing her, you understand what she meant, but you made no move to respond. Just went about getting ready for the day and packing for the inevitable sleepover at the Stark Tower.
It was just past eight as Pepper and you were walking out of the elevator at Stark Tower. A screaming match hitting both pairs of ears, you gave each other a worried look.
“You cannot just decide what someone is doing for their birthday for them Tony! Do you know how rude and condescending that is?!”
The statements hit you clearly, and you found yourself smiling at the consideration of the speaker. On your side, Pepper shook her head before saying, “Gracious, those two can’t go a day with arguing about something, can they?” You questioned her with your eyebrows and she answered with a smile on her face, “Tony and Steve. I feel like they are always arguing. Guess that shows just how close they really are though, anyway. Let’s introduce you to everyone, yea?”
Next thing you knew you were in the expansive room holding the so-called birthday party. There were what looked to be thirteen people and two other creatures. Once Tony Stark saw you though, his halted his argument with who you presumed to be Steve and engulfed you into a hug.
“(Y/N)! So glad you could make it!” He all but shouted.
You scoffed in response, before adding, “Not like you really gave me much of a choice, huh Stark? Good thing I like Pepper here and she’s got your back.”
He pulled away from you just to replace the person between his arms with the woman in question. Exclaiming about how Pepper was the best thing to happen in his life and he is more than willing to recognize it.
After a show of fake disgust at his being too cutesy, he finally made to introduce you to everyone that had gather around.
“Now, (Y/N), knowing how new you are to everything and the fact that you probably only know Pepper and I…Being the gracious and honorable host that I am, I will introduce you to everyone.” While Tony spoke, you locked eyes with Pepper and rolled them towards his comments. She just laughed and motioned for you to pay attention as the billionaire continued, “So visiting from far off in space we of course have Point Break, and—”
The long haired blonde corrected Tony quickly, “He means Thor. Odinson. Of Asgard.”
“Sure, whatever you say Rapunzel.” Tony chided, getting attention back to himself. “Also, from far off lands there is Groot, he is a tree. Rocket,” After saying this name Tony leaned in closer to your face to whisper in your ear, “He is the raccoon but he hates being called a raccoon even though he doesn’t even know what a raccoon is apparently.” Clapping his hands and standing straight up, he speech continued at a normal level. “Then there is green Gamora, and her psycho blue sister Nebula. Drax is the brick with no shirt, and boy does that one NOT understand sarcasm, so be careful your Highness—”
Drax took a step forward and interrupted Tony, causing you to laugh that the man had been interrupted twice in a matter of moments in his own place. “I understand everything Stark, do not lie to a member of your Planet’s royalty. It is highly disrespectful.”
You lost it at his statement but then decided to play along with it, since it would allow you to tease Tony some, “Exactly Tony. You shouldn’t be rude to those that run the planet.” You heard others laughing and sent a closed eyed smile to the group.
Tony grumbled under his breath a bit before deciding to move on. “Anyway!” He started again, “The last member of team space is Quill. And Quill before you get your panties in a twist. We can’t have two Peters at this party and you know the kid takes priority.” The man Tony had indicated just rolled his eyes before shrugging for Tony to move on. Obviously not wanting to interrupt him so that the introduction phase of the evening could get over quicker. This made Tony smile and he excitedly continued his spiel, “That being said, the kid here is Peter, he is from New York. Next to him is Legolas, and before Natasha gets her panties in a twist, his real name is Clint, I just call him Legolas because he uses a bow and arrow like the elf. Natasha is the short but deadly red head that is looking at me like she wants to stick her gun in my mouth and see what color the wall behind me gets painted! Pepper!!!”
Pepper laughed as she held her hands up between the scared male and approaching female, “Come on Natasha you can get him back in training tomorrow, lets just get this over with, all right?”
Natasha smiled innocently at Pepper and nodded before saying, “You really are lucky you have a girl like that to protect you Tony. Maybe if you didn’t act so stupid, she could actually relax for a night.” Everyone laughed at this, except Tony who stuck his tongue out like a four-year-old would.
“Moving on, that’s Steven, he’s a doctor, but he is also an asshole. Every good high school party needs the school asshole though, doesn’t it?” No one remarked and thankfully Tony moved on of his own accord. “Then there is the guy who killed my parents when he was brainwashed by a secret organization, and the man my father thought the world of, they just happen to be best friends so I am trying my best to keep things civil you know.” This made both the blond and brunette males contort their facial features, but before either could say anything Tony added, “Well at least that’s how I would have introduced them before. Now, this dude is Bucky. He wants to be a science geek but he has a lot to learn before he is anywhere near even Peter’s skill level. But interest is what counts my friend. Interest is where it all starts. The blondie is the good ole solider, Steve Rodgers. But you will probably only hear us call him Cap. Because well its easier. So you know.” Pepper elbowed him in the gut and Tony sent a short glare her way before bowing out of the silent argument. “Steve is basically my brother with how much we know about each other and how Pepper says we act towards one another. However! I like to think of Banner as my brother.” As he said this Tony ran from Pepper and leaned over a guy with glasses. But before he could continue whatever he was saying, you interrupted.
“Oh!” You exclaimed, before as calmly as possible saying, “You are Bruce Banner! One of the world’s most renowned scientists! You are great! I learned all about you and your work back in school! It’s such an honor to make your acquaintance sir!”
The scientist blushed at your gushing, and said his thanks for your kind words.
After that the party ‘got started’. Which basically meant everyone got into smaller groups and were having side conversations. It was actually really nice and you were really happy that it had not turned out like one of Tony’s more…elaborate parties that he had tricked you into attending.
That is, until Tony decided the easy portion of the night was over. As soon as he had sent Peter home for the evening, he had declared we could either play a card game he made up or truth or dare. Knowing Tony and his whims everyone voted for truth or dare.
You were sat in a circle one all the furniture had been moved, finding yourself sitting between Bucky and Pepper. Your friend was busy yelling at Tony and you decided to strike up a conversation with Bucky while you waited for the couple to hash out all the details of the game.
“So, Bucky…that is a very interesting nickname. How’d you come up with it?” You asked, knowing there was no way a person would actual name their son that.
This caused him to crack a small smile and he explained, very quietly, how Steve had given the nickname to him back when they were kids after learning his full name. He asked you how you knew Pepper and Tony and the conversation took off from there. Soon your pair were play fighting over what color was the best in the world.
Only halting once Tony took attention back to himself to explain his and Pepper’s decisions. “So basically, we are all adults here. If you are actually against something obviously don’t do it. Your dare will just be turned to two truths. Cool? Great, lets get started. (Y/N), since its your birthday, I will be kind enough to let you go first. Now, who do you choose??” The giddiness in his voice told you, he more than expected you to choose him.
With a wide grin to him you slowly looked around the room, “Well now who should I pick…let’s see…” You let your eyes linger on Tony before suddenly facing and pointing to Bucky sitting next to you. “Bucky! Truth or dare?” After saying your intended’s name, you glanced at Tony to watch his face fall with the failure that became of his expectations.
Bucky thought for a moment before stating he chose dare.
You smiled at him, and decided to start off easy, “I dare you to…suck on your thumb like an infant for 10 seconds.”
The man rolled his eyes but stuck his thumb in his mouth, you laughed at the ridiculousness that stood before you and very slowly counted to ten as all his friends took photos to tease him with later.
As soon as the countdown ended, Bucky cleaned his thumb off on your t-shirt, telling you, “That’s what you get for making me do that! Now, let’s see. Natasha. Truth or dare?”
It was actually a good idea. The game that was. Everyone was having fun, and it was hilarious how hard everyone was going out of their way to not name Tony for a turn. You’d heard some deep dark secrets, some lies that were told as if they were deep dark secrets, some random facts, saw some crazy ass shit, saw these grown adults act like 15-year olds in their teasing, and saw some exceptional super hero bods as dares were made for strip tease shows. But of course, with all good things, there is a limit to how much fun could be had from one game.
The game had been going on for a while with everyone having had multiple turns and Tony having none, he was sulking around yet another glass of liquor, when Bruce finally caved to the man. “Okay okay okay, Tony. Truth or dare?”
Tony perked up immediately, and yelled dare.
Bruce smiled sweetly before stating, “I dare you to let everyone in the room punch you without putting your suit on.”
Everyone in the group immediately agreed and Tony smiled proudly as he stood up and took a superhero pose. As if he was saying ‘try it’ to us. Everyone took their chance, a couple individuals making him flinch in just their swing, and a couple of those causing an immediate bruise which made those that were left to move to hit a different spot. Yourself and Pepper going last. Catching each other’s eyes, you smiled and she nodded. You both swung at the same time and hit him in his freshly made bruises on either arm.
Tony was grumbling about how mean we were but he gave Pepper a kiss about how proud he was of her strength. It was quite touching and you laughed at how cute the couple was as you went to sit down again.
“Alright!” Tony exclaimed, rubbing his hands together as it was finally, finally his turn. “Cap, truth or dare?”
Steve stood up, “I am honestly more afraid of whatever truth you would ask of me, so let’s go with dare.” The captain’s comment made you nod as you realized you would be too if you were on the receiving end of this question from the billionaire.
“Very well,” Tony smiled mischievously, “I dare you to give the birthday girl her spankings for the day.”
Everyone in the group went up in arms over his comment, Steve just stood there with an astonished look on his face. Pepper walked over and punched him a few times again on his bruises to say how stupid she thought his dare was.
You just rolled your eyes, “Seriously, Tony? Why?”
He just gave you a grin for stepping in, “Well, I am not going to give you your birthday spankings and how else do you expect to get that extra inch of growth.”
“Oh my god, you actually want him to pinch my ass too?” You exclaimed, laughing as you did so.
Tony’s face just fueled your laughter further. “Come on, (Y/N). It’s your birthday after all, and you have to remember this being a thing.”
You waved off the slight concern in his voice, the approaching thoughts he was having about this actually pissing you off rather than being the funny joke he thought of it as. “Fine fine fine. Steve, if you want to go through with it, my ass is yours to spank.”
The others ooed and awed at your sudden bluntness, causing you to laugh as you leaned over a chair that had been pushed off to the side.
“I am so sorry on behalf on Tony. But I was serious when I said I am more afraid of answering any of his truths.” The blond informed you as he came up behind your leaning form.
You weren’t sure how many times he was going to spank you, if it was one for each year like expected, or if he was just going to do a couple to get Tony off his back, but the first slap made you see colors as something in you twisted and turned and you realized that Steve, the captain, the man currently spanking you in front of a group of people, was indeed your soulmate.
His hand retreated and before he could do anything else, or spank you again, you turned and placed your hands against his hips. Using them as a station to pick yourself up enough to kiss him directly on the lips. You could tell when his connection had ended ad he kissed you back.
You heard the whooping and hollering behind you but paid it no mind, until you felt like you’d exhausted all your breath.
Pulling away you looked into crystal blue eyes, and saw the smile playing on the lips below them. “Hello soulmate. Glad you aren’t some creep who goes around spanking people.”
He laughed, “I’m glad you didn’t have to live to long with that being the only thing connecting you to me, my dear soulmate. And hey, I’m just glad you weren’t actually trying to tear my pants off!”
You pulled further away and giggled out a, “what?!”
Steve showed you his marks by lifting his shirt a bit and pulling down the rim of one side of his jeans. You saw just the mark of your fingers that ended at his pant line. “Let’s just say Buck and I thought it always looked like my soulmate went to rip my pants off.”
Laughing too much, it took you a hot minute to notice everyone was clapping at your new-found partners.
“Guess now is as good as a time as any. Who’s ready for cake?” Tony called out, making everyone agree with the sentiment.
A few moments later, the room was back in functional order and there was a cake with lit candles in front of you. All your new acquaintances, your friends, and your soulmate singing happy birthday around you. They finished and you blew the candles out.
Pepper took the cake to go cut slices for everyone, and the group split into smaller ones again, making small talk as they waited for the cake to be ready.
Steve sat in the spot next to you and gave you a shy smile as he placed his arm across your shoulders, “So…um what’d you wish for?”
You cupped his face with one hand and turned it to face you, looking him dead in the eye as you whispered, “You.” And kissed him for the second time that night.
As he kissed you back, and you felt the heat and passion in his return, you realized that from now one you may not be the one initiating the kisses. And… you were pretty sure that you would be just fine with that.
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bbparker · 6 years
I think the time has come to admit that I probably will not be coming back to fanfic writing and though I have tried to keep writing over the months, I can’t bring myself to do it anymore.
I still love to read them and so instead I’ll be making pages dedicated to characters and fandoms that I am insanely in love with!
This I will still be dedication some time but I’ve moved a little on in life and undergoing some writing in the world via Graphic Novels!
One another note- this does not mean my ideas can be taken, re-written or published elsewhere- they still belong to me.
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greatpretending · 7 years
When I was in sixth grade I went to this school where 1st-2nd-3rd grades was all in one class and 4th-5th-6th grades was all one class. I had my very first boyfriend that year- and I hung out with him and his best friend a lot. We were a bit of a trio. Well, this best friend of his was in fourth grade, and he had a HUGE crush on me. He gave me jewelry and wrote me love letters all the time. I dealt with it as well as I could at 12- we were in the same class so I couldn’t just ignore him, but I tried to tell him that I didn’t like him that way.
Well, at some point we had a big science-fair type event and all the parents came, and I ran out to my locker to get something, and this kid’s mom FOLLOWED me out into the hallway and was like “Sydni, are you dating Cass?” and I was like “Uh, no?” and she made a pouty face and said “Why not??” and I had no idea what to say so I just ran away.
Send me a 😳 and I’ll tell you an embarrassing story
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You’re Meant to be dead
Chapter no./one shot: One shot
Summary: You were Loki’s lover before you thought he had died falling from the Bifrost (end of Thor: The Dark World). You had always hoped he was still alive, but when he reveals himself (start of Thor: Ragnarok) things don’t exactly go to plan.
Word Count: 393
A/N: Gah, so It’s not the BEST fanfic/one shot, but... it's my first Tumblr one so... yeah don’t be pissed off if its bad. I’ve warned you!
You stood in the audience as the routine theatre played out. It wasn’t mandatory to watch, but It was strongly... promoted. Though the man portraying Loki looked nothing like him, your heart still fluttered when his name was spoken. You felt as if you were seeing him all over again, the butterflies and excitement... and... and...
The person to your left began to shove you, dragging me out of your thoughts. You stumble with the crowd as they begin to part. A red-caped figure made his way through the separation. He walked to Odin with purpose and you immediately recognize him as Thor. He had returned.
Like clockwork, Odin jumped from his seat to stand face to face with his son. You tried to step closer to get a better look at the scene, but I was only pushed back further into the swarm. I wasn’t particularly tall and the masses in front of me blocked my vision. An occasional word or phrase would meet my ears but apart from that, I was oblivious to the event.
There was a sudden gasp from the people around me. You took the chance to move past the other civilians to see what was causing the reaction. Loki. He was standing right there! He was alive! Your joy quickly soured into anger. Why didn’t he tell me? Does he not care about me? I thought he loved me!
You shouldered your way to the front of the audience and stormed towards him.
“LOKI!“ You balled my fists and grit your teeth.
He edged backward putting his hands up defensively. “Y/N, love...” he smiled almost nervously. Out of everyone you knew, he knew your temper was one to avoid.  
“Why didn't you tell me?!” You shouted, unknowing to the tears soaking your cheeks. “You- You’ve been alive this whole time!?” You tried to charge at him but Thor held you back.
“Lady Y/N-” You managed to free yourself from Thor’s grip and run to Loki.
“I hate you!” You went to punch him but he caught your fist easily. Looking at him clearly, your anger calmed and he wiped away the tears covering your vision.  
You whispered so only he could hear, “I’ve missed you so, so, much” You fall into his chest and hug him like you'll never get the chance again.
"I've missed you too."
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Hey! I was wondering if there were any other parts of Barnes Traditional Get Together? Thanks xxx
Hey!  Not really, unfortunately.  I had a few ideas, but never got around to turning them into full pieces.  You can catch a few of them in this post here
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Barnes Traditional Get Together
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a-splash-of-stucky · 7 years
I just want to say that Starshine absolutely blew me away, like I can't ever comprehend it right now. The way you described everything (the sex scene too) was just a absolutely gob smacking. Like it was elegant, it was beauty and it felt like pure romance. I don't think I've ever read something so heartwarming and emotional in all my years. Just, thank you for that 💕💕
Awwww, sweetheart, thank you so much for this! Starshine is my baby, and I’m always especially happy when someone says nice things about it ☺️
Starshine (Steve x Reader)
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brownjet-archive · 7 years
Hello! Would you please tag me in the next park of the soulmate nine-nine series with NYPD Steve? Thank ya! ☺️☺️
Of course!!! I’m so glad you like it!!
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soulspideys · 7 years
Hey so I read some of your posts about your Junior year and then pressuring you to make a decision! I'm in my first year of university (fresh outta my Australian highschool RIP) and I honestly wish I took the time to figure myself and my identity out without some educating institution. If you don't feel like you should go to college and you wanna damn travel- girl you do you!
thanks babes
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Thank you so much for putting me on your fix recommendations! I actually appreciate people like you so much 💕🌸
Awwwwh sweetie ♥♥♥♥ I have the biggest grin right now reading this omg ♥
Okay, I flippin’ loved your prologue for 21st Century Girl!! The time displacement trope is one that I find so fascinating and I love seeing how different people handle the idea. I don’t know if I mentioned this or not, but I would love to be tagged in your future installments of it :)
And I know exactly how you feel about fic rec lists. I’m a writer myself and it always makes my day to see one of my works included on a list. I know how important it is to reblog works on here and that was why I decided to join the club and start my own list. I had fallen into the rut of just liking fics as a way of saving them to read later and then I’d forget to reblog them and then two weeks later I’d have to untangle the mess of what have I or have I not read/reblogged. The reading list helps me stay on top of that and better share those works :)
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greatpretending · 7 years
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buckysxgal · 3 years
Bucky Barnes - Fanfiction Recommendations
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Part 1
Infinity - bbparker
To Kiss or Kill - whatcouldgowrong-ohthat
Just in Time - chubbyreaderwriter
Miracles - caplanbuckybarnes
You Matter to Me - moonbeambucky
City Love [masterlist] - chrevastan
Five Confession Bucky Makes - captainrogerss
Someone To Watch Over Me - alternateafterthought
Questions - moonbeambucky
Princess Golden - thosekidswhohuntmonsters
Five Sweaters To Make You Want Me - sebbytrash
Feelings [Soulmate AU] - multific
Secrets - marvelous-heroimagines
Anytime - notimetoblog
Say That Again - justsomebucky
Homecoming - bbbarneswrites
Baby - ugh-supersoldiers
Build-A-Bear - vinyloider
No Peace - marvelous-heroimagines
Of A Good Partner - the-canary
Wanna Dance? - fanfixationramblings
Meet The Parents - ofstarsandvibranium
Aftermaths - starrysebastians
Photographs -buckitybarnes
Sanctuary - the-stories-in-my-head-95
Don't Sleep In Bucky's Bed - theraputicwritings
The Five Times You Fall Asleep On Bucky - captainrogerss
Perfect - theonewiththefanfics
Please Don't Let Me Fall - theonewiththefanfics
Hands - waitingfortherightpartner
The Right One [18+] - angryschnauzer
First (and Second) Kisses - samintonwilson
Brand New Day - soldatbarnes
Sad - softlybarnes
Everyday of the Week - huntermichelle
Bubble Baths - seventven
Steve's Little Sister [Masterlist] - imagineyourinmarvel
Don't Compare - soldatbarnes
Insecurities - storiesofthefandomlovers
Lettered - softlybarnes
Just Like The Old Days [Masterlist | 18+] - supernerdhonestly
Up In Flames - thosekidswhohuntmonsters
Remember [Soulmate AU] - captainrogerss
Reciprocated - theonewiththefanfics
I Love How Brave You Are - storiesnobodyreads
Through It All Together - 77marvelimagines
Metallic Scars - beefybuffybucky
Be With You - bbbarneswrites
Earthquakes - castletrash
Still You - marvel-girl-xo
A Million Dreams - fan-fantasies
Into The Sea - bbparker
The Five Times Bucky Picks You - captainrogerss
Anchor - statierogers
Valentine's (Mis)Delivery - i-am-a-closet-fanfic-fiend
Greaser Boy [All Parts in Post] - supernovabucky
Howlin' For You [Masterlist] - invisibleanonymousmonsters
The Mailbox - kaunis-sielu
Throwback Change - rustyspur
Moving In - storiesnobodyreads
Reunited - moonbeambucky
Would You Just Listen To Me - buckys-other-punk
Piece by Piece - theonefromyourdreams
Sleepiness - storiesnobodyreads
Flexability - icarus-fell-in-spring
Not Just A Date - storiesnobodyreads
Happy Birthday To Me - language-rxgers
Code Red. - bucky-made-me-do-it
Ring Finger - bxcknxsty
For Love [Masterlist | 18+] - moonbeambucky
Reunited Love Love Returned - theamazingworldoffandomfics
Secret Rendezvous [18+] - 221bshrlocked
Boyfriend Material - readerwriterbarnes
Womanizer? - hogwarts--imagines
Remember Me - bucksandroses
The Pain You Feel - meek-boy-rogers
Ashamed - andyl394
Death By War - dc-marvel-imagines
Saturday - moonbeambucky
F.R.I.E.N.D.S - captainrogerss
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melaninmarvel · 4 years
Steve Rogers Fic Recs
Angst 😭
Fluff 🥰
Smut 😈
Series 📚
Original character 👸🏽
Au meme 🎀
Social media edit 📱
Moodboard 💝
📚Myself Rot Tell Me In The Dark Save Me Voir Dire Voir Dire Alt ending 1 Voir Dire Alt ending 2 by @canumoveurseatup-no
Daddy Steve Rogers by @soft-angel-tears
Valentine by @shotsbyshae
Shin Kicks and Wall Sits bt @canyoumoveurseatup-no
😭Liar by @marvls
Introducing Him to Your Family by @blackgirlimaginesmarvel
 During Civil War by @spidervveb
😈Eye for an Eye 2 by @darkficsyouneveraskedfor
The Four Times Steve Almost Asks You Out and the One Time He Does by @pietrotheavenger
The Four Times You Cry in Front of Steve and The One Time He Cries In Front of You by @pietrotheavenger
📚Newest Addiction The Woman From Nowhere 1 by @steveslulbaby
Not Like That  by @captainstarkbucky
You Don't Know Pain by @sentimentswarrior
😈Velvet by @avintagekiss24
📚😈Lush 2 3 by @canyoumoveurseat-up
Hot for Teacher 2 3 by @blackmissfrizzle
🥰😭I Wouldn't by @pastelastronomy24
🥰😭Nothing More by @canyoumoveurseatup-no
📚Our Universe 2 3 by @bbparker
Sweet Thing  by @black-mcu-imagines
A New Chapter  by @black-mcu-imagines
😭🥰Always Leaving Good Enough by @black-mcu-imagines
Surprise by @black-mcu-imagines
Garden by @black-mcu-imagines
Avengers as Youtubers by @canyoumoveurseatup-no
Attempting to Do Their Daughter’s Hair by @canyoumoveurseatup-no
Wash Day by @canyoumoveurseatup-no
Depth by @shay-iamiam
😈Want & Need by @shay-iamiam
Vine References by @mcusocialimagines
😈Keep Me Warm by @caplangdon
🥰😭Marry Me by @canyoumoveurseatup-no
🥰The Accountant by @steveslulbaby
📚🥰😈Setback and Tattoos 2 3 4 5 by @pastelastronomy24
😭When I Close My Eyes by @non-stop-imagines
Please Let Me Kiss You by @imaginingbucky
👸🏽😈Musical Chairs by @getmelanin011
You Left Hard to Love by @black-mcu-imagines
🥰Who Would’ve Thought by @black-mcu-imagines
😭Sign of the Times by @black-mcu-imagines
Right Behind You by @unscriptedtimetraveler
😈Get Your Fix Withdrawal Placebo Prenatal by @darkficsyouneveraskedfor
😈Water Sport Hazing the New Recruit by @buckysthot
😈Somnophilia by @avintagekiss24
😈Yours,Mine, and Ours 2 3 4 by @darkficsyouneveraskedfor
😈Shower/Bath by @avintagekiss24
😈Cuckold by @avintagekiss24
😈Breeding by @avintagekiss24
😈Mistaken Identity by @avintagekiss24
🥰😈Date Day by @sherrybaby24
Dramatic by @knivesouts
😭The One that Got Away 2 by @crappyimagines
😈Cross Off by @redgillan
🥰Brat by @venusbarnes
🥰😭And Again by @venusbarnes
🥰Cleanse by @et-lesailes
Lazy Mornings with My Best Girl by @blahblahwritings
🥰First Dance by @pietro-capimagines
Coffee by @pietro-capimagines
Catch Me if You Can by @pietro-capimagines
😈Behind Closed Doors by @pietro-ccapimagines
📚😈Special Lessons 2 3 4 by @nastybuckybarnes
😈It Guy Not Yet by @golden-ariess
Lunch  by @theunofficialavenger
🥰😈Hot Girl Summer by @venusbarnes
More Than Words to Say I Love You by @black-mcu-imagines
📚😈Say Thank You 2 3 by @honeyhan-123
📚😈Getaway Homecoming Non Grata Adrift Crash Get Together Subterfuge by @darkficsyouneveraskedfor
😈I Do by @sherrybaby14
😈Living by @asadmarveltrashbag
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caroldanvers616 · 5 years
First Birthday
"Just blow out the candles you dork" "dont tell me how to live my life" for @bbparker birthday!!
Avengers x Reader
Summary:Surprise party!
Warnings: minor swears, some angst, mainly fluff though :)
Also sorry I suck at summaries lol.
You sighed as you walked up the stairs to the compound, you had been a part of the avengers for nearly a year now, been on countless missions and saved hundreds of lives yet for some reason they decided that you couldn't be apart of this 'secret project' and had made you run all over town fetching coffee, the newspaper and who could forget 'clints doughnuts from Claires Bakery,New Jersey' God forbid he doesn't get doughnuts.
You had already eaten half the packet in protest and hunger, today had been frustrating and you couldn't wait to sulk off to your room.
However it became apparent that the avengers had other plans for you when you opened the doors to enter and saw balloons everywhere and the only thing louder then the music was the yelling.
"More to the right! No my right!" Bucky yelled.
"Well if you're so clever why dont you put up the banner!" Snapped Sam.
Everyone stopped to turn towards you.
"Uh... surprise?" Tony said whilst setting off confetti cannons he and Bruce had spent the last half an hour wiring up.
"What's this for?" You questioned.
"Your birthday! Natasha was digging through the hydra files and found yours, you were born today so we decided to throw you a party as a surprise, that's why we were keeping you so busy but uh we clearly weren't quick enough as your here now and were still not ready..." Tony started rambling.
You had been born into hydra and raised as a weapon, celebrations couldn't be used in fights so why should they throw you a party? The fact that your friends had done this for you meant the world.
"Oh and we got you this outfit to so go upstairs and get changed and we'll be ready when you get down" Natasha said gently pushing a box in your hand.
The party was alot of fun it was just you and the avengers, and towards the end of the night they switched off all the lights and began singing.
As Rhodey lowered the cake in front of you, you began crying of happiness, no one had ever done anything like this for you before and you were so overwhelmed.
"Just blow out the candles you dork" Tony joked.
"Dont tell me how to live my life you ass" you retorted.
He smirked at you as you made a wish and blew out the candles.
You wished you could stay here with the avengers forever, with your family forever.
A/N ~ sorry this is abit late and if it isnt any good, but happy birthday!!! @bbparker
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imhereforbvcky · 5 years
Personal Mood Board Tag Game (#5)
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I liked this one, thanks for the tag @bitsandbobsandstuff! 😊
Realizing once again what a fucking hipster I am. Ah well.
I shall tag: @creideamhgradochas @feelmyroarrrr @givemethatgold @hellomissmabel @moonbeambucky @nataliarxmanxva @w1nterchild @angryschnauzer @bbparker @bolontiku @meleedamage
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sarahwroteathing · 4 years
Take A Chance (1)
[Sam Wilson x Reader]
Word Count: 604
Summary: Sam Wilson has unfortunately found himself crushing on a workaholic. At least he always knows where to find her.
Warnings: None
A/N: For @indominusregina​ who reminded me to sparkle
@star-spangled-bingo​ 2021 Square Fill: Free Space
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Sam knew you’d be working late tonight. You almost always were. But this time he wouldn’t let it stop him from doing what he needed to do. He was a man on a mission: suited up in the jacket you’d once told him looked “especially dreamy” and armed with an overstuffed bag of takeout. For better or worse, he was going to tell you how he felt tonight.
As expected, you were glued to your computer when Sam slipped into your office after a half-assed knock. 
“Any way I could convince you to come back later?” you asked absently, eyes darting rapidly over the information filling the screen.
“Anyone ever tell you that you work too much?”
You rolled your eyes, shifting slightly to rest your chin on your hand. 
“Yeah. This real annoying field agent who likes to pretend he’s never worked a 24-hour day in his life so he can lecture me.” 
Romantic plans immediately sidelined, Sam set the takeout bag on the ground and leaned over your desk, gently redirecting your gaze with a hand below your chin. 
“Are you working 24 hour days?” he asked quietly, heart constricting in his chest at the exhausted look in your eyes.
“Depends on what time it is,” you said with a rueful smile.
“Almost eleven.”
“Then we’re not even to 20 yet. I’m fine.” But you pushed back from your desk slightly as you spoke, rubbing your hands over your eyes and drawing in a deep breath. 
“In what world?” 
“Sam,” you sighed. “Let me do my job, so you can do yours. You can’t go after the bad guys if you don’t know who or where they are. Know how you find that out? Intel. And once you catch the evil bastards, you know what ensures a conviction and keeps them from worming their way out of an appropriate sentence?”
“Natasha with a very large knife?”
“Steve with his I’m-both-angry-and-disappointed eyebrows?”
“Sam,” you snorted. 
“A terrifyingly determined and incredibly sexy intelligence analyst?”
And alright, maybe that didn’t really come out the way he planned, but he had still been hoping for something better than a scrunched face and defeated groan. 
“Ugh. Sam, please tell me you’re not crushing on my boss. I know she’s six feet of righteous badass, but there’s this ancient proverb that goes ‘Don’t let your best friend sleep with your boss,’ and I take it very seriously.” 
“Your boss?” Sam repeated, trying to follow your leap in logic as you rubbed your temples..
“Also Nat was flirting with her last week, so I don’t know if you wanna go there.” 
“I definitely don’t, so it’s a good thing I was talking about you.” 
Your hand dropped away from your face as you blinked owlishly at him. After a moment, the shock faded, chased off by the curl of a poorly suppressed smirk. 
“Flattery won’t make me stop working, but I commend you for your creativity.”
Plan B, then.
“What about egg rolls?” Sam asked, hefting the takeout bag up onto your desk and thoroughly enjoying the way your eyes lit up at the sight. “Dumplings… fried rice… soup… should I keep going?”
He caught your hand as you reached for a carton, nodding his head towards your still-illuminated screen.
“Shut down the computer. And promise to go home and sleep for at least eight hours, or I’ll eat all of this in front of you.” 
“You’re a cold, cruel man, Sam Wilson.”
But you squeezed his hand as you said it, and Sam allowed himself to think that maybe the night wasn’t a total loss after all.
Yay! Hope you guys enjoyed it! At the moment this is shaping up to be a little mini series. Let me know what you think, and what you’d like to see!
Comments, reblogs, and asks make the world go round!
Chapter 2
Tags: @shifutheshihtzu​ @internalbullshit @lilasiannerd-blog @kennadance14 @jaqui-has-a-conspiracy-theory @iwillbeinmynest @scotlandasshole @netflixa @hardcorehippos @singingprincessstudent @sophiealiice @blue1928 @tinuviel015 @jacks-on-krack @a-book-pressed-rose @fvckjamesbarnes @bbparker @battlebunnyteardropsinthesun @feelmyroarrrr @breezy1415 @orangespocks
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