#bbh killed me for real
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So happy that the eggs got their saturday off to go to Le Mans ! Huevos cheering up our favorite Swiss duck BAGHERAAAA
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The race will start at 18:35 PARIS TIME but the event is all day long.
Come cheer Baghera in 8 hours at
(My coping mechanism is not thinking about the eggs and just think about the RACE 🏁)
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becca4leafclover · 10 months
I just woke up and got blasted with the info one of the teams is going down [headinhands]
I'm SO sad it's probably SoulFire because all of my favorite cubitos are there ALL OF THEIR STORIES WILL JUDT DROP DEAD?? PLEASE NO
It sounds like both teams are down to like 2-ish players who can be active today but Green Gay Ninjas I think are both more willing and more capable to do what it takes to win- versus SoulFire is trying to tie it but I don't think it'll happen 😭
I'm just like???? There'd gotta be a trick here. The admin team wouldn't permakill their most active and influential players on normal QSMP would they???????
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beelzebubsis · 7 months
oh god the way bbh is portraying this so similarly to dementia is killing me. like him remember and forgetting constantly and him half remembering things but confusing them for things in the past. the part with the villagers was so sad, cause him getting upset over something he'd done yesterday but not remembering it and it upsetting him is such a real thing that happens with people with dementia. i also really like that he's recalling memories in vague way so pomme is having to piece together what he's actually talking about, like the part with the train w/ max and foolish.
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etoilesbienne · 1 year
Hi guys I got curious just a little bit so here's the age of every QSMP CC (I wanted to know who the oldest & youngest people were lol curiosity killed this cat) anyway here's the list
under the cut
hi everybody who got linked here from twitter. minecraft yaoi‼️ also the roier quackity spreen maknae line is real. roier the golden maknae 🫶
FWIW it is very possible I got one or two wrong (ESPECIALLY the non-english CC) if you have a correction feel free to tell me.
Luzu: 37
Phil: 35
Aypierre: 35
Vegetta: 34
Rubius: 33
Fit: 33
Antoine Daniel: 33
DanTDM: 31
Missa: 29
Felps: 28
BBH: 28
Maxo: 28
Pac: 28
Baghera: 28
Forever: 27
Mike: 27
Kameto: 27
Wilbur: 26
Cellbit: 26
Etoiles: 26
Jaiden: 25
Mariana: 24
Slimecicle: 24 (shockingly he is ~15 days younger than Mariana LOL)
Foolish: 24
Spreen: 22
Quackity: 22
Roier: 21 (He's the youngest!) (also only four months older than me wtf)
off topic but this image kept showing up on every search i attempted in spanish and its making me lose it
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cheese-water · 11 months
Charlie is right.
Bolas Rojos won today. They got their revenge after yesterday’s beating. They’ve proven themselves as real competitors. They have literally won the battle today.
But they themselves have orchestrated the war.
Peace is no longer an option. All bridges have been burned for the red team. Any sympathy or pity from the other groups was gone as soon as they cemented first place. And even worse, there were many witnesses to their carnage. Primarily ElQuackity on green, who faced them head-on (so much for blaming the base raid on Bad), but Pol and Tina on blue saw those same chat messages. Like Charlie said, in situations like these, people will never forget. These are how grudges are formed, how small decisions lead to larger repercussions, and how consequences end up mattering after all is said and done.
The Bolas can’t go back now. They’ve made their bed of destruction and warfare, and now they have to lie in it. While the actions of the others may have led them down this path, do not get me wrong. They were not backed into a corner. There are many opportunities to do something different. For instance, the trader village or going full-on cult mode were genuinely viable options. Due to the lack of players on today and the players that were online’s motivation for the competition visibly waning, the red team could have easily isolated them each and indoctrinated them into the group.
To be honest, the Reds’ resistance to joining general vc only furthered their “us against the world” and “peace was never an option” mentality. Disregarding everything pre-purgatory, the only person who actually has positive relationships with the others is Foolish, who made an effort to interact outside of the team (1v1 with Étoiles, chatting with Tina and BBH, etc.). Unlike his teammates, Foolish really has set himself up well for the future, be it for trading, secret alliances, or if, for whatever reason, teams switch. And in games like these, that's how you gain credibility; that’s how you end up being pitied; that's how you survive.
And today, guess who won in that regard? The team in last place, SoulFire. Which thank god they did, because steamrolling the competition two days in a row is how you get majorly targeted. Their lack of progress (which was definitely unintentional lmao), the gen vc basically being BadBoyHalo’s “apology” tour for a bit (which again, very unintentionally focused the blame off of the six kills from their equally bloodthirsty leader), but most importantly, keeping Étoiles, the skilled and need I mention literal leader of the enemy team, company when his team was gone has more impact than even they might not realize. I mean, talk about damage control lol. Like going into Day 3, my bets on who’s group will form an alliance first are solely on green and blue.
Anyway, I am happy not only about the Reds getting the win they rightly deserve but also about the fact that they are aware of what they are doing. The moves they have and will make are purposeful, self-aware of their own “let’s all be peaceful” hypocrisy.
On Day 1, Blue and Green got to be the bad guys.
On Day 2, Charlie can’t help but question his own morality while doing the same terrible things that sent him down this spiral to ElQuackity tonight.
But I guess it's the burden that first place has to bear. I’m sure they’ll all get used to it eventually :)
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creechurrr · 5 months
OKAY OKAY, SO. Thank you to @/ultra-raging-ghost for straightening out a bit of the BBH lore timeline for me, because now that I know dsmp egg lore and the qsmp take place in the same universe, I'm going to go crazy and take advantage of it at every moment possible.
In the dsmp, Bad started getting memory problems after being fully under the egg’s influence. He’d have visual and auditory hallucinations (presumably, as reportedly c!Skeppy reacted to Sam Bucket as just another of Bad’s "imaginary friends"). Bad would also have drastic mood swings, from being terrified of the egg, to trying to lure people down towards it. Foolish would have to ask Bad "are you yourself?" Sam seemingly understood that Bad was unstable as well, and thought that Bad was imagining Sam Bucket.
So now we have the qsmp, which is an unknown amount of time after the dsmp egg arc. The last time we saw everyone involved, Skeppy had tried (and succeeded) to secretly lure all of Bad’s friends to the egg so that it could hatch; he made a deal to keep Bad safe if he did that. Unfortunately Bad was still caught up in the crossfire, and a freshly egg-ified Puffy began hacking him with an axe.
So Bad made it out alive with Skeppy somehow.
Bad also became colourless when he was fully corrupted under the egg. Maybe when he has really strong devastating emotions, he's more suseptible to corruption (i.e., the soul vultures infecting him, and his loss of red).
Bad has recently had drastic mood swings, such as scaring Missa (much like he did to people when under the egg), killing Bobniho and not remembering, ect. ect. The time Cucurucho invaded his house is also something we don't yet know was real or not. Bad still seems somewhat suseptible to hallucinations and memory loss. I don't know how much of this cc!Bad plans to be connected, and if q!Bad is experiencing all of this for purely different reasons. But I’m still not over egg lore, so here we are, and maybe even if q!Bad has these issues for a different reason, perhaps he’s more suseptible to it after what he went through under the egg. I wouldn’t be surprised if little bits of his attitude changed because of his corruption.
q!Skephalo better look out, because now I have even more of an excuse to keep torturing them with egg lore, and not just the delusions and voices in my head 👍
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the-crimson · 1 year
Gosh I’m just so incredibly torn. This reveal today was amazing and I genuinely have no idea what is going to happen next.
There were so many things about the visit that just felt… off but at the same time it was so sweet and great to see and I’d love for this to be real. It kind of felt like a dream and now I’m wishing for the dream to never end.
All this has got me thinking of two things cc!bbh said recently. 1- the lore is gonna get even more unhinged soon and 2- there is something no one has picked up on that he’s been hinting at for a while
I think the thing people haven’t been paying attention to is the massive head wound under his hood that is causing the change in his eye color. This wound is probably the source of his memory loss and the hallucinations and the longer it goes unchecked, the worse both are going to get. When bad took his hood off the other day to wear the meature I almost had a heart attack because I wanted foolish to see the wound in his head SO BAD because it feels so incredibly important.
We know Bad’s memory loss is getting worse. Regardless of whether or not Ron is real, Bad made this house and he doesn’t remember. Bad said on stream (in character) that he was building a new place for Ron before Ron’s fate became a mystery but now, bbh doesn’t remember. That’s weeks ago that he’s forgetting things - before the break, before something happened to Ron.
The paranoia spiral could have been a one off psychological break or it could have been the damn breaking and the start of even more hallucinations. Ron could be a hallucination created out of Bad’s guilt for either killing him or losing him. Bad’s previous hallucinations were born from fear and paranoia and thus were terrifying. This hallucination could be born from guilt and the sorrow of Dapper’s birthday passing- as Ron was acting very similar to Dapper in many ways and Bad even pointed out how the plants outside reminded him of Dapper and thus the hallucinations were much more pleasant.
His memory is getting worse. I wouldn’t be surprised in the slightest if his hallucinations get worse as well.
But I’m not fully convinced this is a hallucination either. What ever path cc!bbh takes us down I’m confident will be a satisfying and gripping story and I can’t wait for tomorrow to gain another piece of the puzzle.
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daisyychainssj · 11 months
* I have some thoughts about this event as a whole and it might be classed as like crit or neg so just want to pre-warn in case people want to avoid it! *
I understand that this is purgatory and the point is for everyone to be ruthless and sad and it’s hard and bad and difficult for a reason etc etc I understand. I just think that the general over arching story of the qsmp for the past few months has been so so angsty and dark with very few wins or hope. The eggs are missing, parents are grieving, Cellbit is on a murder spree and pushing everyone except roier away, Phil was kidnapped and is now never sure what’s real or not, BBH has just been continuously spiralling since the eggs left, Pac has suffered about a million traumas and so much more like it doesn’t really matter who you watch there’s not a lot of hope rn. So to then throw in this really intense “everything is supposed to be bad and hard and kill and die” it’s honestly kind of draining, for me personally anyway. Like I’ve been watching since day 1, I love this server sm so I’m saying all of this because I want to keep loving this server and the stories. I really think some sort of reprieve needs to happen soon, it doesn’t need to be happy, fun, sunshine and rainbows 24/7 but maybe just some pay off for some of the mysteries or something that shows that their is hope for the eggs or the islanders literally anything. I genuinely think that’s why so many people are only really watching the red team povs because they’re not taking the event too seriously and they’re making it fun and silly in the ways that they can. Idk just my thoughts on it all and I like to just vent sometimes 🫶🏻
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fruit-sauce · 1 year
I hope BBH and Dapper’s security and stuff don’t get thrown aside now that they’re very much a part of the lore now, both in a realistic sense and as a viewer who wants to see things happen, I don’t want it to be “we did something but you are so prepared that, instead of breaking in, we used our admin powers to make it happen” like. Firstly, that’s not interesting, and secondly, it would just not make any sense.
I want something to happen to them that’s catastrophic, that weapon Cellbit mentioned that makes the person who got hit drop the item in their hand AND does 25 damage? Perfect! A giant explosion or mob attack? Love it! I want to see BBH eat through health potions and totems until his armor breaks (like the Pomme “nightmare”, that was incredible, it brought real emotions out of me)
I love q!BBH and Dapper, they’re my favorites, if Dapper dies I will cry, no doubt, but there is so much potential that could be used and I hope it is used (I also love angst and q!BBH having some type of villain/revenge arc, I need him to kill, he deserves it)
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comradeboyhalo · 10 months
Today is such an upsetting day to be a bbh fan and watching him get so dejected and going 'oh they'll kill me if I tell them i want my stuff back peacefully' and then him dying from roier as he tries to get his stuff back and the others telling him to get out when he typed general because he just wanted someone to speak too, ughhh
i think what sucks the most is that bad just had nothing to do all day but run. he took a risk for content and yeah it benefited everyone content-wise but then he was still left with even less to do. and i dont blame red for wanting him out of their base but if he cant even do lore with them then theres just nothing 💀 and now he has to rush an enchanted shovel for tubbo while having 0 motivation himself
edit: tbh this day wasnt that bad for me (probably cause i joined real late) and the fight was super cool, but i can see how it just got super exhausting if you were tuned in for hours of this
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nid-pysgodyn · 10 months
I'm so torn about q!bbh.
On the one hand, conceptually the character is pretty fucking good. The idea of a nice person throwing throwing morals away and letting out their darker tendencies the moment someone hurts who they love is a good concept. It's a character trope people do like to see. And the idea of q!bbh using previously very innocent behaviours (like his point-blank dismissal of things said against him) in the context of what he does in purgatory is a pretty cool idea. Most of all, I love all of the potential implications this will have for after purgatory. How will everyone treat him after this? Will people still trust him with their eggs? Will people want their eggs around him? How will this affect Dapper?
The problem for me is in the execution. To quote another post "The war crimes are fake but the annoyance I feel is real.". We have had fucked up but likeable characters on qsmp, like ElQuackity. q!bbh when he first kidnapped Ron also falls into this. For me personally, the problem is that q!bbh's purgatory crimes feel weirdly annoying moreso than fucked up and I'm not totally sure why. Maybe it's the point-blank dodging and ignoring of everyone's problems with him? (e.g. q!bbh acting chill with Tubbo during the draft despite what happened the day before). Maybe I dislike q!bbh and like q!ElQ because q!ElQ denies having committed crimes while admitting those crimes would be wrong, whereas q!bbh denies that the actions are wrong to begin with? I don't totally know. I just know that, for some reason, watching q!bbh now makes me annoyed when it didn't previously. It doesn't feel like the trope of a good person letting out their dark side. It feels like a character's bit being played too much to the point that it's not fun to watch?
And then outside of roleplay, it is a little difficult to ignore that the way the character is played does affect other people's content. I don't like watching spawn-killing because I know the other player isn't going to be totally happy about it but simultaneously can't do shit, not because of a lack of skill, but just because of what it is. I haven't enjoyed watching anyone searching for people's bases because it's genuinely just boring to watch for me and it results in bases not being permanent and not having time to be proper cool things. Like, BarrigunhaMole decorated Phil's bee farm for him, and now red team is moving again so now that decoration isn't going to be seen again, and that sucks. I don't enjoy knowing the outcome of a competition. It is not fun to see a team winning, and know with absolute certainty that they will win. I want the other team to matter. Same goes for the losing team. I want to think they have a chance. Because it makes the competition more fun to watch when I don't know what will happen, but q!bbh's willingness to keep punching down actively prevents this.
NB This is just how I vaguely feel about watching q!bbh. This is not commenting on anyone else. It's just a dumb rant on my experience watching q!bbh.
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carpedzem · 1 year
questionnaire results that i didnt forget about at all
im okay so i forgot and then forgot again a few times. ANYWAY. enjoy the results!!
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i cant post every written answer, so heres my favourite :)
whats your favourite animal, be as specific as possible
Peregrine Falcon
domestic cat! specifically MY cats but any cat will do
your mom
Black bear. One tried to walk into my house recently and he was really cute but I had to tell him no :( (ARE YOU OK?)
Dumbo octopus
fancy rats
honestly i’ve always been too scared to settle on one animal as a favorite, because it feels like a question with no satisfying answer. like if i had to be honest it’s probably dogs? because i’ve grown up around them, they’re an animal i like beyond just aesthetic purposes. but when you hear this sort of question, you wonder if the asker wants to hear about something exotic, some random interest that caught the interviewees eye at a young age and never left their conscious. anyways i think it’s probably house cats
rainbow trout, luzon-bleeding hearts, and horses.. dogs too
emperor penguin
any type of liddol snake. I love them so
sea sheep
Long eared Jerboa
(most people chose cat)
george (42,5%)
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second place with also a lot of votes (37%)
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sapnap (45,7%)
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dream (44,1%)
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this is my favourite question and i cant believe i misspelled it
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you can put two of your mutuals against each other in a fight. who do you chose
i can’t answer this they all hate one another it’s too real. bellaya (bellaya was the most popular answer)
Lost and Kiuda. There can only be one (one of what)
Can I just give loyal a nice spa day? I'd like to give loyal a nice spa day
violence is never the answer
i would fight them all myself obviously
I fear that no matter who I put here they'd just give up and make out instead
I only have two moots I joined tumblr a day ago help (i wonder how this person likes it here so far)
Nunki "demonstars" vs Nov "sueñitos" for La Velada 2024
no fighting…. sharika shakira
Gogciety v powergnf battle of the golos
im giving you a gun with only one bullet. what do you do (vent section) (while a lot of answers made me laugh a lot im gonna skip ones that can get us in trouble LMAO. but remember you made ME laugh)
Listen would killing q give us usmp back? No. Would it make me feel SO MUCH BETTER??????? YES!!!!!! (i mean obv q took like half of the shots. the other popular answer was just lining everyone)
I give it to Sapnap. He has made it clear he will kill for Dream god bless
am i given a time machine? can i shoot someone already dead? does it have to be someone reasonably killable? the answer to these questions is irrelevant because no matter what i want it to be steve jobs.
shoot at internet cable
going to british land and the first dumbass cc i see gets it
use it to open a jar because my hands are very weak and im too embarrassed to ask anyone else to open it for me
only one :(?
Lay it carefully on the ground.
hand it to George he could judge more fairly than I (and hope he doesn't shoot Sapnap)
i send the gun and bullet to the dteam house as a secret gift with a note explaining that it's for sapnap and george only, and a letter stating to pass extras to the rest of the munchy squd. if we all donate our weapons to them, they'll be able to shoot all of dream's haters. the only obstacle is dream himself, which is why he can't know what's in the box.
Give it to gnf&sapnap and watch them fight over it
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top drolo 2023 - ones i forgot about
Radio statio guy
me. sorryyr i dont mean that
you (im soo not BUT THANK YOU)
I think all munchies deserve this spot, theyre all the best drolos :(( i love them
powergpu guy (jesse)
george deserves it tbh for slut smp (that is true, but i excluded snf bc i was afraid they will sweep...)
Lil nas X
THATS ALL. thank you everyone who took part in this AND ONCE AGAIN IM SORRY I FORGOT ABOUT IT.... ill be better next time o7
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etoilesbienne · 9 months
had some thoughts that aren't as serious and nothing to do with the allegations but i want to talk about them before theyre irrelevant for the rest of time so i will readmore them ok
i really really hated it back when the marriage proposal happened and everyone made it out into this cutesy romantic thing 😭 that shit was so uncomfortable. like if you want a deranged forced marriage thats cool i had nothing against that! but every take that was like "they have a fake wedding to kill forever and then everyone just takes it as a real marriage and calls them husbands" and i was like wow thats horrifically fucked up i hope that doesn't happen jesus christ. i would hope their friends wouldnt do that to either of them?? like murder wedding? cool! forced marriage? cool! acting like bbh would want a marriage and not be miserable? nnnnnooo???????? genuinely a nightmare? this drove me insaaaane during the wedding thing i just did not get why people wanted 4halo to be this cutesy romance like dawg i saw people comparing it to pissa and wanting that for them. i did not want pissa that sounds like kinda horrific given 4halo's history?
anyway besides that during the election arc i was always annoyed with the accusation bbh wouldnt let people vote if they were okay with skeppy being added. and then he clarified he would let people vote to approve whoever his new addition was. but then literally no one else had to do that? nobody else gave a fuck about the other islanders voting for a new addition? for the record i would not trade bagi for skeppy. skeppy would not be logging on much at all and bagi is by far such an active and fun character. it was just the fact that was a point of contention that only ever applied to bbh that pissed me off
ok and finally: forever using dapper who was at the time missing to get information out of bbh about the kidnapped worker was extremely fucked up and people taking it as a romantic gesture was fucking weird as hell. like first of all who gives a shit about a worker why would you /EVER/ use someone's missing child you have NO INFORMATION ON to lie to get information out of them. THAT SHIT WAS FUCKED I DO NOT GET HOW PEOPLE SAW IT AS CUTE AND ROMANTIC?
also forever's voting system sucked it got nothing done except ban furniture and literally no recommendations to improve it were ever taken into account. and he wasn't even online enough during his presidency to like actually do anything with it. bbh was right about how to do the voting system and tubbo independently coming up with a similar voting system suggestion to bbh's when he saw it was wildly vindicating
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miloss-world · 10 months
Gonna be completely honest 4 a minute, not the biggest fan of the purgatory event...like the idea is great the admins and the team are doing amazing stuff with this event!
Its just not my thing i dont like pvp minecraft game play personally and seeing the real life people of the cubitos get stressed ove the purgatory event is just not for me...ill still like watch Tubbos and Phils as well BBH's pov, but just not commit y'know?
Plus the way some people on here and twitter are taking everything to heart without thinking is crazy too me imo, seeing people on twitter get mad at others for opionons that dont mean anything
Cause in reality, at the end of the event there still friends, they still will meet up irl, its not like the players will hate another cause of the spawn killing,
Because guess what!, Its just a game
so yeah those are my opinions on the event..
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youphoriaot7 · 1 year
QSMP RECAP : DAY 198 (10/6)
FIT found black concrete at tallulah’s house
FIT, TUBBO, and PAC found a grainy photo of pomme at the structure near tubbo’s factory
TUBBO had a mental breakdown* (*all his minecraft textures broke. yes this update was vital stfu.)
KAMETO returned to the qsmp! (WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK)
KAMETO has been working for the federation in his absence (CONTINUED WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK)
everyone found a book in french near kameto’s cell (talking about the black structures)
everyone (i don’t remember who specifically) found a set of photographs near kameto’s cell (of islanders and areas around the island)
BAGI realized (other people too that’s just who i remember) that the “audio bug” of the photographs being taken all across the island may not have been such a bug.
BAGI told cellbit some of the information she’s found about her brother
PHILZA keeps thinking he’s hallucinating birds (they’re real; my man is just severely traumatized
BAGI showed cellbit, pac, and forever her investigation base
CELLBIT and BAGI theorized about a variety of things
NIHACHU rolled the dice! she won. (ticket #0029)
(i am a qcellbit main which means i have to include this) CELLBIT and BAGI had a bit of an argument about trust and working for the federation (and it was epic)
BBH suspected pac kept the picture of pomme that the morning crew found, and so he and bagi killed pac to try and get it
CELLBIT and BBH (with forever’s input) talked about bbh kidnapping a federation worker
CELLBIT gave bbh his knife
FOREVER figured out bbh is colorblind
BBH started to realize he is colorblind
BBH found the picture of pomme on one of the old structures (the one near luzu’s house i think, but don’t quote me on that)
FOREVER sent bbh to have therapy with nihachu (it Did Not Go Well)
(i think phil and fit also went back to the cage for a cage area to check things out again, but i’m not sure if this was day 197, 198, or 199.)
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demodraws0606 · 10 months
Warning : Salty Rant below
. .
This is gonna be slightly irrational but this weekend has been very shit and I need to rant right now.
The amount of salt I have for the horrendous q!BBH takes that have come ever since his team has been betrayed is enormous right now.
Lord help me to conjure all the self control I have not to yell at people that maybe they should listen to cc!BBH when he says that "he would kill the ENTIRE SERVER if it means getting the eggs back".
I was so happy to see cc!BBH gaining another reason to make his character spiteful against the other islanders but now I can't stumble into Tumblr without people making q!BBH out to be this pillar of morality again.
Like I'm sorry that I think q!BBH indiscriminatly terrorising people like q!Slime and killing them is like worse morally than killing a Stone Egg that we have no evidence to believe is actually connected to the real eggs (even more so that in some people's case they think they would've been forced to do it anyways).
It was shit that they betrayed their words and I do like how it kinda flipped the q!BBH's dynamic with the entire server on it's head making him look like the only rational one.
Even then GGN didn't even think they were betraying the deal since they were going by the logic that if they didn't kill the egg it was fine (at least q!Etoiles did)
However now I'm stuck again with the fandom treating BBH's characters like poor little victims who did nothing wrong which is a thing that I hated ever since the DSMP. Except now there is even less justification for it because the cc! straight up told us in our face that his character isn't moral by any means.
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