#bbgirl asking for a break
tcmptvtions · 2 years
@localdilfs​. / ft. BUCKY.
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           𝑷𝑹𝑨𝑪𝑻𝑰𝑪𝑬 𝑴𝑨𝑲𝑬𝑺 𝑷𝑬𝑹𝑭𝑬𝑪𝑻. vienna knows this all too well. isn’t normally intimidated by the amount of effort it takes to hone a skill, but at the moment is about as far removed from ‘normal circumstances’ as a girl can possibly get. tasked with learning to please her CAPTOR, an absolute mess is being made in the attempt. he’s r a v a g i n g a throat already sore from the previous day’s abuse, reflexive tears wetting ruddy cheeks and mixing with saliva dripping down her chin and chest onto the floor beneath. there’s an internal struggle writ plainly across pained features: IT’S TOO MUCH. fingers tap frantically against his thigh to convey this, eyes widening when muffled pleas are ignored and instead head is shoved further down until her nose rests flush against his pelvis. held there a few long moments as she gurgles and c h o k e s, a dark haze creeps over her mind. panic flares up knowing it won’t make a difference to him. not when he’s already proven that she doesn’t even have to be conscious to be of use to him. the next moment, though, he’s gripping the nape of her neck and yanking her mouth off of him. the girl devolves into a coughing fit, cobwebs of spittle glistening and stretching between her lips and his cock. ❝ please– ❞ she sobs in between pulls of breath, salted droplets flowing freely down her cheeks. ❝ – please, it H U R T S. ❞ the strain of being pushed past her limits is right there in the rasp of her voice, in the way she begs him with her teary gaze. ❝ i-i’m trying, it’s just . . it’s too much. ❞ but who gets to decide that now ?? not her and when it comes to him, clearly too much is never enough. ❝ can i - can i please take a break ?? ❞ 
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elizabethsnuts · 3 months
HI! I just came across your blog and I'm already so obsessed, are you able to do a FanFiction where F!Y/N(winterwidow child ofc) and Peter were dating, but one day Y/N comes into her parents room(they were at the verge of making out..) crying and she basically explains how Peter dumped her(Events before Homecoming, No one knows Peter is spiderman and he's just scared if anyone realizes his spiderman they will go for Y/N. He's just looking out for her and hasn't stopped loving her. He just thinks it's for the best 🥹).
basically— winterwidow comforting their bbgirl through her first heartbreak while fighting the urge to beat up Peter)
WinterWidow x Daughter!Reader
Summary: Peter suddenly dumps you, Natasha and Bucky are determined to find out why.
A/N: Thank you for supporting my work! I’m glad you love my blog 🫶🏻💕
You suddenly burst into your parents' room, tears streaming down your face, your sobs filling the quiet night. Natasha and Bucky, both trained to wake at the slightest sound, were instantly alert. They sat up in bed, concern etching deep lines into their faces as they saw your distress.
"Y/N? Dorogoy, what happened?" Natasha asked, her voice soft and soothing as she reached out to you.
You didn't respond immediately, your body wracked with sobs. You climbed onto the bed, seeking the comfort and safety that your parents provided. Bucky wrapped an arm around you, pulling you close while Natasha gently stroked your hair.
"Shh, it's okay, we're here," Bucky murmured, his voice a low rumble that usually calmed you down. But tonight, your heartache was too raw, too overwhelming.
Finally, between sobs, you managed to speak. "Peter... Peter… he broke up with me." Saying it only made you start sobbing harder.
Natasha and Bucky exchanged a glance over your head. They knew how much you cared for Peter. The two of you had been inseparable since meeting, and your relationship was young love. The news of your breakup was unexpected and deeply troubling.
"What happened, N/N?" Natasha asked, her voice still gentle but tinged with the protective edge of a mother ready to defend her child.
You took a shuddering breath, trying to steady yourself. "He... he said he didn't want to be with me anymore. That it was too dangerous. But he didn't explain why. I don't understand, Mum. I thought he loved me."
Bucky's jaw clenched, his blue eyes flashing with anger. He wanted to march over to Peter’s place and demand answers, but he knew that wouldn't help you right now. Natasha, sensing Bucky's rising anger, placed a hand on his arm to calm him.
"Y/N, listen to me," Natasha said, her tone gentle and caring. "Sometimes people make decisions that hurt us, but it's not always about us."
"But why won't he tell me?" You cried. "Why would he just end things like this?"
Bucky sighed, pulling you closer. "I don't know why Peter did what he did. But I do know that you're amazing, and anyone would be lucky to have you. If Peter can't see that right now, it's his loss."
You buried your face in your father's chest, your sobs quieter now but still heart-wrenching. Natasha continued to stroke your hair, your mind racing. She was angry, angry that Peter broke your heart and left without a reason. She tried to think of a reason to reassure you.
"Maybe Peter thought he was protecting you," Natasha said softly. "You know how much he worries about the people he cares about."
"But I don't need protecting," You whispered. "I just need him."
Bucky kissed the top of your head. "I know, sweetheart. But sometimes people think they're doing the right thing, even if it's not what we want."
Natasha's eyes narrowed slightly. She made a mental note to have a private conversation with Peter later. If he had a reason for breaking your heart, she intended to find out what it was. For now, their priority was comforting you.
They spent the next hour talking with you, reassuring you that you were loved and that they would always be there for you, no matter what. Slowly, your sobs subsided, and you drifted off to sleep, nestled between your parents.
Once you were asleep, Bucky and Natasha carefully removed themselves from the bed. They moved to the living room, their faces grim.
"I want to know what the hell Parker was thinking," Bucky growled, his anger no longer contained.
Natasha nodded, her eyes hard. "We'll talk to him. But we need to be careful. If Peter did this to protect her, there’s a reason. We need to understand it before we act."
Bucky took a deep breath, trying to calm his raging emotions. "I just hate seeing her like this, Nat."
"I know," Natasha said, placing a hand on his arm. "But we'll get to the bottom of it. Together."
The next day, Natasha arranged a meeting with Peter. She and Bucky waited in the training room of the Avengers compound, their expressions stern. When Peter arrived, he looked nervous, his eyes darting between them.
"Mr. Barnes, Ms. Romanoff," Peter greeted, his voice tentative.
"Peter," Natasha said, her voice cool. "We need to talk."
Peter swallowed hard, already knowing what this was about. "I... I know you're upset. But I had to do it."
"Had to break our daughter's heart?" Bucky snapped, his fists clenched at his sides.
Peter flinched, stuttering as he tried to explain himself. "Y- Yeah- Yes! I had to! I don’t want her to get hurt. I’m Spiderman! I just want to keep her safe…"
There was a long silence, Peter was shifting awkwardly on his feet under the piercing gaze of Natasha and Bucky. Finally, Nat spoke up,
"What does being Spider-Man have to do with breaking up with Y/N?" Natasha asked, her tone sharp.
Peter took a deep breath. "If anyone finds out who I am, they'll go after the people I care about. Y/N would be a target. I can't let that happen. I thought... I thought if I broke up with her, she'd be safer."
Bucky's anger softened slightly, understanding dawning in his eyes. Anger was still clearly lingering. "You did it to protect her."
Peter nodded, tears welling up in his eyes. "I love her. I still love her. But I can't put her in danger."
Natasha sighed, her expression softening as well. "Peter, I understand your intentions, but you should have talked to us. We could have found a way to keep her safe without breaking her heart."
Peter looked down, guilt etched into his features. "I know. I just... I panicked. I’ll tell her. I promise."
Later that evening, Peter sat down with you, explaining everything. How he thought that him being Spider-Man would endanger you, how sorry he was and most importantly telling you that he still loved you. You realized that Peter's actions, though painful, came from a place of love and protection.
With time, you and Peter found a way to rebuild your relationship with each other and while the urge to protect you was always there, Peter knew he didn’t have to worry anymore.

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Pookie, what do you think of ptn characters being self aware au?? I need another platonic for that😍😍😍
Pookie 😿 The way that I wanted to answer this right away, but I ended up thinking about it for half a day, since today I had to finish counting tears in a plastic bottle (life update, today was my GRD and they had me recite 50 STEPS 😀 Changing patient gown and iv infusion + insertion 😢 But I SLAYED because I got perfect and one mistake in the other 😎) - Idk about ya'll but... You probably found out about the game based on the ad that had MISS 🤭 MAAM 🥰 Zoya... You guys don't understand the GRIP 😩 it had on me when I saw the ad for the first time... So, after watching THE ad that saved LIVES 🤩 including mine ofc 😊 You downloaded the app, despite having ZERO experience playing a tower defense game... 😶 That was me, highkey projecting rn... 😔😔😔 - So after days of getting used to the game, you started watching the interrogation since you were quite curious about the sinners backstory... 🤔🤔🤔 After finishing part of Hella's interrogation, you started to notice weird things happening in the game.
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- If you put Zoya as your display character, she starts getting too real about asking you how your day was. And telling you stuff like; You better level me first 😤😤😤 because I'm the only who can protect you bbgirl... 🐺 Girl... This wasn't here before 🤨 so you definitely looked it up, but to no avail... So you probably felt special... 😍😍😍 Like, for me??? 🥺 Oh my gah 😱 I'm never letting you go POOKIE 🤭 Though you got jumpscared by the way Zoya suddenly responded with, That's right... I'm your pookie now... 😈 Making you press the home button on your phone due to how much you are FOLDING rn... 😳😳😳 Zoya canonically RIZZING you up pookie... *Sighs in not being able to relate because I'm not You pookie... 😞* But lmao imagine saying words like, Pookie 😍, Rizz 😏, and Bbgirl 🐺 to THE Zoya, like this is sending me rn... The way that I giggled a lil bit too hard writing this, feeling a lil EMBARAZZED picturing how Zoya would probably react to this... She's probably amused at you fangirling about her character, gives me FANSERVICE queen vibes like??? 😳 She knows how to play her role TOO well... 🥵
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If you decide to put Adela as your display chara... (Though, what you know about my POOKIE Adela??? 🤨 Maam, I probably need to see that I.D for verification that you are INDEED another Pookie of Adela's... 🧐🧐🧐 /j I SEE 👀 you that one Adela pookie in my comments rn... So, this one's for you 🥰 and a lil bit of a spoiler pooks, if you see this rn... I'm writing another installment to our fav hair stylist soon...) - Adela would DEFINITELY give you good advice about hair... Me thinks my girl Adela knows FASHION 💃 Because, you cannot convince ME that this girl doesn't know how to dress up, like??? Her default outfit? SLAYED THE BOOTS DOWN 👢💥 So, rest assured you guys chose the right girl to display because this girl DON'T play around with both SERVING looks and SLAYING in one setting like girl... Me thinks if you like asmr, and had it on playing in the background and she hears and sees how it relaxes you... She probably would replicate it, like girlie had a secret career brewing and thought that we didn't notice??? 😯 Pookie, at this point, if you want to sleep or just relax... Hop on the game rn... Adela's doing 💈✂ barber shop 💇‍♀️ asmr... 😴😴😴 Adela havers be having a good night sleep, being blessed every night with her calming atmosphere... (Average Adela fan spotted, I will YAP when I hear her name...) Her voice lines would make you feel that you guys were besties from the start, or it's either like she's your mom friend and you guys get to hanggg around when she's not too busy SERVING the customers 💅
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Not the soul siren 😭 but if you guys put her as your display character and you eat in front of her during a break... Sis will ROAST you like she's a copy of Gordon Ramsay, but more CUNTIER 💋 Girl acts like you are one of her 5 star chef and DEMANDS that you eat something else... 🙄 Babes really think you're rich 💳✨ and have MONEYYY to eat ✨exquisite✨ food... Only the best food for her caretaker. Girl really said that like you was her maid or something like??? WHAT? 😭😭😭 Lowkey judges you like you're BROKE or smth, same thing applies if you're actually not broke or like... College student tingssss, which makes it even WORSE because sister manages to convince you to buy her skins every time or pull copies of her... Pookie, I think she's a secret marketing agent of AISNO... 🤨 Girl WILL be obsessed with you the moment you max her, forfeit all moral possessions for her, and HER exclusively... 🤐🤐🤐 Sis does not leave you alone even after all that... She's hard to please 😞, in short but she warms up to you when you show significant improvement in your life... It's giving... Strict asian parents vibes 😶 Though, for realsys she isn't mean but like she's hard to predict pookie... I think she's kinda more on the practical side of things... When I mean practical, like your cooking skills... Critiques you as if you're in culinary school... 😃 Tough love for you pookie 💔 But dw, she'll change... When you manage to impress her with your cooking skills, of course 😇 Extra An: Pooks, if ya'll want more... 🤭 Comment which characters you want to see in this series or request other stuff that you want to see... The more KRAZY 🤪 it is, the more likely I am able to EAT 🍴 it up (Though, your pooks wouldn't be active much/still brewing some ideas 🧍‍♀️) TOODLES!
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xxcherrycherixx · 11 months
fuck it, we always talk about the apple hate but we never talk about the blondie hate-
that is my bbgirl my best friend, she's my pal. she's my home boy, my rotten soldier. shes my sweet cheese, my good time boy
and ppl always be bashing her for being "annoying and sticking her nose into shit" like bestie im sorry she's not another copy of literally all the other princesses- like yall want her to be holly? who is like forgettable af but hey shes not "annoying" (sorry holly enjoyers, but i legit forget about her existence so much)
she's such a fun character! her entire shit is be gay do crimes hun, she breaks into houses on the regular and just vibes there, she has like 4 restraining orders against her- she picks locks so good that people regularly just go to her when they need to sneak into places
she looks at girls with this face!
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queen shit.
she wants to fit in so bad!!! she wants friends!!! she is my sad little meow meow!! she wants to become a reporter probably because her momma would tell her about how she use to work on the school newspaper!! And her momma would be so proud of her if she became a big time reporter!!🥺
she is so desperate to fit in, she's so ashamed that shes not real royalty like all her friends are that she feels she has to lie about it, and in blondie branches out where she tells a slightly more accurate version of her family and apple calls it a just right royal story, she's so happy and she looks so sweet!! she needs some validation babes!!!
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she just wants friends!! the way she lies about her lineage is always to try to get the other royals to like her, she thinks she has to be like them for them to want to be her friends!! there's a hierarchy in ever after high that gets more detail in the books, royalty gets treated like celebrities with specialty seating and other perks. blondie is like every child who grew up in a fancy school when your family didn't have much, you see your friends constantly going on about their big house with a pool or the new shoes that cost more than your entire wardrobe and you start to feel alienated from the group. once more she needs some validation!!! help my girlie out!!!!
and the way she breaks into the bears homes, she believes they're her friends. so to her its fine to come over and ask momma if she has anything to eat, and the bears themselves don't really tell her to her face that shes not welcome. it seems baby bears outburst is the first time the bears have openly reacted negatively to her presence and blondie just thinks it was something to do with the other girls.
she cant understand social cues and is a perfectionist, her special interest is her show, she is picky when it comes to food preferring her safe food of porridge. this girl is a dead ringer for a bitch on the spectrum (this is coming from a bitch on many specrtrums including the autistic one) the thing is what i hate most is that when people hate on blondie, they're hating her for her neurodivergent traits. they might not realize it but that's completely what it is. "she's nosy and rude" she doesn't understand that what she is doing is rude, she cant tell when she crosses a line, i have done shit like that so many times like saying things i see as true and upsetting the other person and not realizing why.
she also has very strong signs of adhd with how much and how fast she talks and her lack of focus as shown in just sweet, just sweet shows these traits so perfectly, it was the episode that truly made it clear that this girl isn't neurotypical at all. i feel people call her annoying because of this, she talks so much and pair that with her autistic traits and she becomes unlikable for so many, but she's such a sweet girl underneath, there's a reason people still willingly hang out with her and that's because despite the fact she has these traits that come off as negative. she's still a kind girl happy to help her friends, she refuses to out ashlynns and hunters relationship because she can recognize that would be mean to her friends, she accepts helping raven out despite the fact her and the rebel haven't always been on the best terms, she invites poppy to the blue moon forest fest and is implied to help holly with picking locked doors enough for holly to consider her a close friend.
blondie is not your typical perfect character like so many of the cast is, but that's a good thing because if she was then she would just be another background character to forget about. she has her own personality and she has her own interests, she is one of the most neurodivergent coded characters in the series.
did i mention this girl has to be a woman enjoyer? because i swear she has to be- at some point she has to realize that maybe her extreme pickiness when it comes to boys is less about that individual not being just right but instead boys as a whole not being just right for her. do i need to show the heart eyes picture again?
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sameschmidtdiffname · 7 months
i recently had a thought about the reader's online friend!josh futterman, like if these two actually KNOW each other irl but have no idea about it because they use nicknames
i'd really appreciate it if you'd write something like this and I hope my description of it makes sense i used a translator for this lol
in love with your writing btw !!! <3
Bbgirl I gotCHUUUUU
Familiar Strangers
A Josh Futturman x Gender Neutral! Reader Series
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Summery: They always say you never know when you'll meet Mister Right. But damn. This is a new level.
Tags: No use of Y/N, no gender specific pronouns for Reader, coffee shop AU, Josh never wins 'Biotic Wars' AU, fluff, meet cute, online friends who don't realize they're friends irl as well, brief mentions of smut, otherwise SFW.
Notes: Alright, first actually planned series! Is it gonna be a slowburn with twenty parts? A mini series? Who the fuck knows! Not me! Let's pray, mfers.
"Please tell me there's a chance for us," she says with baited breath. "Don't tell me you're walking away."
The atmosphere of the small, brick walled coffee shop is calm for 10 o'clock in the morning, but I'm not complaining. God knows I prefer this over the alternative anyways.
"You know that I can't answer that," Oshua says to Tiger, agitated.
This guy, always trying to be mysterious.
"I've waited for you my whole life. You could give me a goddamn-"
The ring of the shop bell tears me from my reading, my head darting up to see who has come to disturb my morning of peace and fiction.
"Hi!" The customer says in overly bright voice. One look at the man and I already know he's the chatty type, not willing to just duck in and out, keys jingling from the black belt on his hip as he flashes a bright, genuine smile, waving his hand enthusiastically while keeping the other in his pants pocket.
"Hi!" I try to return with the same bright smile and tone, but I feel irritation spike into my chest as I hear the soft 'click' of my phone shutting off. "Welcome to Maggie's, what can I get you?"
Gentle sunlight streams in through the permanently clouded bay windows of the shop, illuminating the store in its warm glow that just makes a morning feel particularly peaceful. There isn't much foot at this point in the morning, most people already having arrived to work an hour or so earlier, myself included. It was a busy enough part of town, a good location for a coffee shop to thrive, especially with the loyal flow of customers from Kronish Laboratory, a tall, dull building dedicated to scientific research, and the little coffee shop that signs my checks often had the pleasures (read: irritations) of dealing with said researchers and keeping them alive while they work on the miracle cure for herpes. Most of them being particularly rude and short about their orders, usually in a rush for a regular cup of black coffee and swiping it from my hand before storming out to resume their endless work typing away at a computer to log their samples after what must be their too short lunch break. Or maybe too long. Can never tell with those assholes. Most of which I know through mental nicknames. It's partially because I'm no good at actual names. And partially my own form of disrespect and entertainment. Come on, you do it too.
"I don't know," the unfamiliar man says brightly, placing his hands on his hips as he looks at the chalkboard sign hanging behind my head. "What do you like?"
'Whatever gets you out of here the fastest,' I think. But instead I say "Well, what exactly are you looking for? Tea, coffee," the door, "smoothies?"
"Hit me-" gladly. "-with a tea," the bright man says just so... brightly.
Thank you for being so descriptive. "What kind?" I ask, trying to keep my smile sweet.
"Whatever you like," he says with a shrug.
"Vanilla chai?"
I need to stop being so irritable when someone interrupts my reading. I'm not even allowed to be on my phone at work technically, except the manager generally doesn't care so long as I at least make half an effort to hide it and don't do it in front of customers. And maybe I wouldn't even really care about the interruption except I've been waiting for the release of this part for two weeks, and Nick had been so secretive about the ending he didn't even let me beta read the work before posting.
"What's got you in such a mood?" I ask the smiling man, turning to begin making the drink. Oh, size.
"What do you mean?" He asks, raising his brows, still smiling. Brightly.
"You're like a big... ball of sunshine," I say, gesturing towards him before holding up a small and large cup, now gesturing the two like they were on scales to silently ask his preference.
"Oh, I'm just excited this morning. I'm not usually like this," he says, laughing a little as a small blush grows on his nose, glancing down at the floor before returning his gaze to the cups, pointing at the small.
"Yeah?" I ask, putting the large cup away.
"Yeah. Finished a big project this morning, so I'm like," he shrugs, now scratching the back of his head as he tries to subdue his smile, pressing his lips together and now crossing his subtly built arms across his chest.
"Well, congrats," I say. There's a small moment of slightly awkward silence as the tea quickly brews, both of us not really sure what to say next. This is the part I hate about customer service. I feel bad if I'm not constantly keeping them engaged, but if they're constantly talking I wish they would shut the fuck up. I already can't read regular conversation cues, there's just no winning with this shit.
"I like your uh..." the man I've decided will henceforth be known as Sunshine drawls. "Apron."
I look down at myself, taking note of the dandelion yellow cloth stained with coffee at the bottom from an hour ago when it accidently dipped into a puddle of the stuff while I was cleaning up a spill someone hadn't even told me about only half an hour after opening.
"Thanks," I say, looking back up. "Company issued."
"Oh, we match!" Sunshine jokes, pointing at his grey jumpsuit. Alright, the man may be way too energetic for the morning, but at least he's entertaining about it. I take an actual look at his attire now, a janitors outfit with what I should've expected to be a Kronish Laboratory logo right above his name sewn onto the suit.
"That we do..." I glance at his nametag. "Futturman."
"Fut-turman, not Foot-turman," Sunshine corrects me.
"Oh shit. Shoot. Sorry, man," I laugh awkwardly, offering an apologetic smile as I pour the warm, steeped tea over the ice.
"Iced in Febuary?" He asks, giving me enough grace to not focus on the subject.
I feel my own blush creep onto my skin, a side effect from the name jumble and realizing I hadn't asked his preference. Get your head in the game, idiot.
"I can make you another, if you'd like," I offer sheepishly.
"No!" He blurts, straightening his posture and leaning against the counter. "I mean-" he coughs awkwardly, glancing away. "No, iced is good. I like iced, just uh- figured you... wouldn't have the same preference."
Please, God. It's too early for this.
"I don't like the hot to room temperature texture," I say awkwardly, searching for a lid. "Too... I don't know. Iced to room temperature is better."
"Totally agree," Sunshine says quickly.
Glad to know neither of us can interact with humans properly.
Another moment of awkward silence, except I know what to say this time.
"So, you work at the lab?" I ask. For the small moment I didn't have his attention, he seemed to be surveying the small cakes on display inside the counter beside me, looking at a little white cake with strawberry coating on top before turning back to me.
"Oh! Yeah, no, I just- Carl told me about the place, said I had to try it out," he says, shifting his weight as he stands. "Good vibes and all that."
"Carl..." I say, trying to remember if I've known a Carl.
"Big, like," he gestures his hands long then wide. "Works security, looks like," he makes a sort of stern, almost mean mug face. At that it clicks.
"Oh! Carl!" Deftones Guy. "Yeah, I know him," I say with a more relaxed smile, chuckling a little.
"Yeah, said you guys discuss music sometimes," he says, nodding enthusiastically like he's glad we know the same person.
"A little," I say, placing the drink on the counter. "Alright, Mr. Futturman. $6.70 is your total."
The dark haired man nods, pulling out a green wallet with an emblem on the front from one of his deep pockets. I try to get a clear look simply out of curiosity, but his large, tanned hand covers it too much for me to see what it is.
"Here you are," he says, handing me his card. There's more silence, this time comfortable as I swipe it, our machine beeping twice in decline. At the third beep, Sunshine begins to shift his weight again, licking and biting his bottom lip nervously.
"There should be money on there," he says with a nervous chuckle.
"Oh, it's the machine. It doesn't like working," I clarify. "One sec."
Quickly, I pound my palm into the righthand top corner of the device, right under the chip reader before inserting the blue, cloud covered card once more and waiting for the transaction to clear. At the much more calm, non-nuclear level beep we both breathe a sigh of relief as I return the card to him with a smile.
"Alright," he says with that bright tone to his voice once more. "Now I can see what's up."
We both can.
"I hope you have a good day, Mr. Futturman," I say brightly, still a tad pink from leftover embarrassment.
Sunshine nods and smiles at me, toasting his drink before turning from me and beginning to walk away, taking a sip of his drink and humming in approval, turning quickly and giving me a thumbs up before tripping over his own foot and stumbling into the door like a bit of an idiot, making me giggle slightly before I make myself look away to give him the same grace he'd given me earlier. And with that last exchange he's gone, and I'm free to return to my art.
The tall man looked sadly at- ah shit, I jumped ahead.
"I've waited for you my whole life. You could give me a goddamn answer, Future Man!" Tiger spat in anger and frustration, forcing the emotions she could barely even allow herself to feel overwhelm her in her attempts to communicate.
Emotional angst for my bright morning. God bless, Nick.
As I push open the door to my apartment, my phone is buzzing with still silent notifications of what I can guarantee are Tumblr sourced. More specifically, Tumblr messaging sourced. As I push the door shut with my foot, one glance at my old, outdated phone confirms my thoughts.
felinehusband: Okay, give it to me straight.
I smile at the notification, allowing my oversized bag filled with too many items to clatter to the ground loudly, unlocking my phone and responding quickly.
icanfixhimdotorg: Dude.
I walk as I type, entering the kitchen and opening the door to the small freezer to see which cheap meal I'll try not to nuke tonight.
felinehusband: Dude? ,:)
I smile at the message, picking out chicken teriyaki as I hit send.
icanfixhimdotorg: Worth. The. Wait.
I cross to the beaten microwave, the appliance cheap and secondhand from Facebook marketplace. It's honestly a miracle the thing hasn't blown up in my face or given me detectable cancer, but despite the large dent on the side, still usable. Google said if the door still seals and there's no opening, it was safe. And it got that dent from me dropping it on the way inside the apartment on move in day after I already paid $50 for it after getting it from some overworked mom who hardly wanted to even charge that low. I sure as hell wasn't gonna get a refund, or anything functional for cheaper.
I leave my phone on the counter as I open the frozen meal, vent the film and slap it inside. Now to wait for seven minutes.
felinehusband: Oh thank GOD. I've been anxious all day.
I chuckle softly, smiling as I lean against the permanently grimy counter.
icanfixhimdotorg: I don't know why!! You always post such good work :)
felinehusband: Well, I post work that always has good reception.
icanfixhimdotorg: The difference?
felinehusband: ... I'll get back to you on that one lol
I tap my foot against the floor, listening to the muffled echo mix with the loud hum of the microwave as I stare ahead at the mint green, poorly painted wall in front of me.
icanfixhimdotorg: No cervix penetration?
There's plenty of ways to meet friends. I didn't not bank on responding to a request for beta readers for fanfiction for some moderate, slowly dying game fandom to be one of them.
felinehusband: ONE TIME!
The quick response makes me laugh, clicking off my phone as I turn my attention now to my waiting meal that I'm going to devour much too quickly while working lines for my production.
Nick and I started chatting about six months ago. I had already been following him for some of his shit posts, midnight blogging, and when he started posting fanfiction I was one of his first readers.
'Biotic Wars' doesn't have a particularly big following on Tumblr as it used to. When the game first came out, people were going insane over how to beat the final level. The community thrived from memes, overly elaborate theories, fanfiction, you name it. It helped that there was a huge boost in the gaming community in general around the time it came out, what with 'Five Nights at Freddy's' cranking out sequels faster than anyone could keep up with, 'Undertale' breaking out onto the scene a little bit later. The gaming side of Tumblr was alive and thriving, and the amount of overlapping there was between fandoms only made it bigger. That was how I found the fandom personally. That and binging several different speed-running videos.
At the point Nick came onto the scene, most had generally lost their interest in the unbeatable 'Biotic Wars.' The fans that remained did so out of genuine interest or hyperfixation instead of temporary trends, and while good work was still being posted, everyone had at that point either begun to shift their own writing focuses, lost time to post frequently, or shifted to other platforms such as Archive of Our Own and had stopped crossposting to their Tumblr. So a decent, well paced, new angst fic following a lone Wolf and Tiger reminiscing on their old journies together as they attempted to survive a bitter winter night without any supplies other than an old tarp being used as their only attempt of shelter as they attempt to ride out a storm after a mission gone wrong popped onto the scene, people were immediately captivated. And even though it was a one-shot, the work received enough attention that a spin-off fic was posted within the following 48 hours. And once those two had blown up, Nick was quickly recognized in the community for his content, shitposts and fics alike. And he was very lucky to have overwhelming positive feedback. Until his first smut, that is.
icanfixhimdotorg: Nico, baby. It's an important first step for every smut writer.
Oh, it was brutal. First, he decided to go off the deep end by just jumping straight into some tenticle situation for poor Tiger. Now, granted, he did post a poll before hand asking if we readers would enjoy the consumption of some outrageous shit, to which 78.8% of voters said yes, myself included. But when reading a 'baby's first smut' fic, one doesn't really expect... that. But I'll admit, it was surprisingly good quality. Until the cervix penetration.
"Coiling in her womb." Yeah, Tumblr had a fun day with that one.
It took less than a day for him to post that he was searching for smut consultants and beta readers, to which I responded both out of genuine interest and a bit of pity since I was sure his ask box was filling with several new comments. No one was surprised when he ended up turning off anon for a few days. And since I had responded to quite a few of his works/posts already, I was one of the lucky few selected for such a job since he recognized me. And once the doorway was opened for casual chatter, both of us just kind of never stopped. Either by constantly responding to each others posts, automatic reblogs at each notification of a new post, or messaging each other about our days kept us both sane as we tried to just survive each new day as adults.
I look up from my notebook where my tragic script is scratched across the $0.75 college notebook as I lazily attempt to memorize my lines while mostly keeping my eyes trained on the old TV in front of me to check the buzz from my phone, swiping it open to read the new message.
felinehusband: So how's season four going?
icanfixhimdotorg: Dude.
I watch the screen until I feel the phone buzz once more in my hand.
felinehusband: No spoilers!! I'm still trying to push through season three for you ;)
Nick was sweet. Good for a joke, claims he's a little awkward, but a good friend. Sweet enough that about two months ago he'd let it slip he'd begun watching my favorite show simply because "If I have to see you go insane over animated anthropomorphic animals interacting with humans again without context, I'm gonna lose it."
icanfixhimdotorg: Binge it!! You're gonna lose your mind!!
felinehusband: You're gonna delay part 10 lmao
As I take the last bite of my meal, I realize the time, sighing as I begin to do the mental math of how long I have until practice tonight. Knowing how little time I have to prepare, I pause the episode and type one last quick text.
icanfixhimdotorg: If it does, it's worth it honestly. You won't believe this shit, Nick.
As I stand from the sagging, horrendously textured couch I catch his parting message while I stretch, popping about five different spots in my back.
felinehusband: Okayokay, if it means I can read your over the top rants again, it's worth it :)
icanfixhimdotorg: Excellent. Got to go, showering for practice tonight.
I trail quickly through the small apartment, grabbing whatever clothes are passable in public while remaining comfortable enough to sleep in when I immediately collapse into my bed around 11 tonight, an old, tattered, turquoise towel I'd stolen from my parents when I moved out, and grabbing my soap from the kitchen sink before making my way to the bathroom. Listen, Seventh Generation is cheap and works just as good on the human body as it does on dishes, alright? I'm trying to get a mortgage one day.
As I wait for the water to shift from its arctic temperature to something more bearable, I check my phone one more time to quickly reblog a gifset and read Nick's departing message.
felinehusband: Knock 'em dead, Mercutio :)
felinehusband: Also, I need some input later tonight for this like. Slowburn thing. May be an AU. Not sure, we'll see. I'm thinking coffee shop
Ah, yes.
icanfixhimdotorg: A classic.
I'm making no current promises on how frequently I update this series. Hopefully it'll be something I can work on while working and such, but we'll see what happens. My current hope is to post at minimum one request and hopefully one part for this series per week. However I will warn one of my current projects is about to wrap up, meaning I'm going to have to focus on that next week as much as possible, meaning I probably won't get anything done writing wise next week unless I aim for a drabble or headcanons. And even then I'm not sure I'll have time for actually editing and such, so don't be surprised if the only content you get next week is some rambles like I've been doing for Peeta lately or nothing at all. Alright, love y'all!! Stay safe, stay healthy <33 see you next time.
@cassiecasluciluce @gh0u1ishly @joshhutchersons-slut @schmidtsbimbo @sugarevans @wompwompwomp57 . Thank you for your support pookies!!! <3
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expectiations · 2 months
Idk bout you all but between the Doctor and River, River cannot cook to save her life. She's just chaos in the kitchen. She was raised to be a weapon. Weapons don't cook. And during her uni years, there's the school canteen but she doesn't think it's cool enough. OH WAIT–considering she's such a huge nerd, she's probably one of those who are so caught up in reading/studying that they forget to eat and drink.
The elder Ponds stage an intervention (the Doctor took them to Luna after being thoroughly threatened by Amelia). Amy remembers how Mels would be picky with her food but ate anything offered to her by Rory and Brian. And true enough when they get to the library where River has been cooped up in, River hasn't eaten nor drunk water for a good while now. When asked about it, she complains that the canteen never gets the dishes right (Luna's canteen has one of the best chefs in that era. River just said that because it wasn't cooked by Rory or Brian).
They make sure she constantly has a steady supply of her favorite dishes afterwards with the Doctor in charge of ensuring it never runs out. Which he does with all seriousness, never once missing. He'd definitely deny that the gleaming sword on display in the elder Ponds' living room helped. A LOT. He even enlisted the TARDIS' help by setting reminders.
He missed a couple of times (he's the Doctor after all) but another version of him would swoop in to save his ass. River notices of course and calls him out on it. He pleads mercy. She makes him pay by dragging him to help her study firsthand. And by firsthand, she meant him taking her to the actual events. He learns early on not to grouse about archeology in front of her that young because she goes 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 and then refuses to talk to him afterwards.
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The Doctor also upgrades the elder Ponds' phones so they can call River despite having literal millennia between them.
Older versions of River learned a few dishes but the Doctor is so used to being the one who cooks her meals that he sulked and had a tantrum when she refused to let him cook. (Years later on Darillium, the Doctor would bring it up. River: THAT WAS JUST ONCE. ARE YOU NEVER LETTING THAT GO? GIVE A GIRL A BREAK 🙄)
But then it would be fun for River to have something she can never be good at. Like she aces everything else EXCEPT for that one thing. And I vote for cooking. It's just funny to me that she's this ultracool being–the daughter of the Last Centurion and the Girl Who Waited, the Child of Death and Time–but simply cannot cook to save her life.
She's just spoiled bbgirl. Give her a break.
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trigunwritings · 2 years
Hi! Thanks for your quick reply and sorry again for bothering you if I did 🙈🙈
I’d like to ask for a afab!reader x vash nsfw (can be whatever format you’d prefer it to write in) where reader is very bubbly, cute and friendly in daily life, and overall personality is also kinda similar to him, but when they have sex the first time, it turns out she’s kinda more of a soft don with him. Can be Vash’s reactions to this, or just a nsfw fic, whatever you’d prefer. Thanks! ❤️ Vash is such a bbgirl that he opened a new side of me unknown to myself 🤭
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A lot can be said about a person when nobody is looking at them.
In the quiet moments of solace—far from the eyes of friends and strangers alike—the mask of expectation can finally fall away. Secrets, insecurities, even fears are left bare and raw beneath the burning suns, with the hope that they too will one day be swallowed by the sands like the person within which they reside.
Everyone has a skeleton in their closet or a past they��d sooner like to forget, and Vash the Stampede—a man who one might mistake as a childish, gullible fool upon meeting him—is by far no exception. The mask he wears is as heavy as iron and nearly impossible to break.
He’d sooner be on the edge of death than to admit for even a moment that things weren’t okay, that he couldn’t uphold a promise or make things better for someone else.
He who refuses to kill, and yet is burdened by the deaths of thousands, can never truly remove the mask he wears; but there are times that you get close to seeing the true face of Vash, even if they are rare and fleeting, sometimes muddled by the taste of alcohol as it lingers on your tongue by morning.
But it is worth it. You understand what it feels like to hold up the weight of all the emotions that constantly threaten to strangle your heart, to put up a front and smile despite the stress and fear alike.
Happiness is not innate, but instead it is a struggle to keep.
And so it means all the more to see the man like this: layers of insecurity and guilt peeled away to reveal the raw emotions of a man who wants nothing more than to love and be loved in return. You kneel over him, one hand carefully pinning his wrists above his head, the other stroking a nonsensical pattern over the scarred expanse of his lower stomach.
“Please…” is all Vash can whisper. His face is rosy and his eyes shine brilliantly beneath the soft glow of the moon—made worse by the tears welling up in them as he looks at you. Not tears of pain or fear, but of want. A want for your touch, your praise, your forgiveness for the sins that you have no authority to give and yet you give it anyway.
Fingertips skim across his belly once more before finally allowing him the pleasure of your touch where he craves it the most, cock hard and aching from the moment you had pinned him down in this forgotten corner of an old inn. The roof and windows are broken, but it’s plenty good enough to shield the two of you from the hard gusts of sand-laden wind that kick up at night.
Besides, the stream of moonlight across the man’s face is beautiful enough to make it worth it. How his back arches and his hips shift, trying to hurry your languid pace.
“No,” is all you say in response, soft and sweet despite the fact that it is the third time over you’d kept Vash from reaching his climax. “Not yet. A little more for me, okay?”
Some of it is from pure selfishness. You love to see the man want you, need you, beg for you. There’s a sense of exhilaration in making him whimper and beg for release, a high no drug can mimic. Love? Lust? Perhaps both, maybe neither. Maybe everything all at once.
But there is also an aspect of compassion in the act, since you know Vash finds some genuine emotional catharsis in being, if only for a moment, completely beneath the will of another person. He doesn’t have to be anything in these moments of intimacy with you; he is not Vash the Stampede, not the Humanoid Typhoon, not anything at all—
Just a man, raw and vulnerable, who cries so softly for your touch.
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hell-drabbles · 9 months
Raquel sounds cool! And kinda bbgirl If Mc manage to go home, will Raquel go with then or he will stay in hell? Since you mention that mc is his god now, would he be act similar to the angels?
Rules of Hell and Heaven be damned, Raqiel is following the Reader no matter where they go. Certainly, by that point in time, the devils will probably tolerate and might even be a little protective of Raqiel since he's such a patient man who's temper is basically nonexistent, so they'll probably tell him not to break these rules, but Raqiel will not stay. Wherever the Reader goes, he will follow. Which will probably kind of hurt the devils that have grown attached to him since this shows how little attachment he has to Hell.
Raqiel is kind, certainly, and doesn't really hold a single grudge towards them, but he doesn't have any close relationships with them either. In fact, he keeps everyone at a distance intentionally since getting kicked out of Heaven was horrible on his mental state. He's really gotta unpack that but is refusing to.
Raqiel probably gets along real well with Ppyong actually. Adorable little guy that pays a lot of attention to the Reader and does everything that they say. Raqiel will find a peer in Ppyong because of that dedication.
As for if Raqiel will act similar to the angels now that he has a god to pray to: he does, in a way. He's not openly fanatic where a single word of praise will make him orgasm on the spot. He acts more like a devoted butler while subtly stuffing his more... extreme side of things under the surface. He shows everyone politeness and manners no matter how unhinged or weird anyone is. A devil could rip off his skin and Raqiel would laugh it off like a parent to a rowdy child and that kind of pisses off said devils. However, if you say to "give an eye for an eye," to Raqiel, he would not hesitate to rip off that devil's skin. All while smiling in that weird kind but empty way.
His devotion shows up in the clean way he executes your orders. He doesn't linger or torture anyone for his own self satisfaction, he just does what is needed and goes back to you. Though, obviously, there will be moments where Raqiel will act on his own, where he'll excuse himself in order to take care of situations that will force a permanent separation from you. He needs to sever his ties with the angels in Heaven after all, the ones that believe that his treatment was unjust.
Oh and Raqiel doesn't have a possessive bone in his body, if you're wondering. If anything, he becomes proud when the Reader's attention renders any devils or angels mind numb. That, too, is a type of devotion to him.
And Raqiel's more extreme masochistic side is openly shown towards you when you ask. If you ask what kind of reward he wants, he will not hold back on how he wants to be hurt and humiliated. Walk him around naked, shove a vibrator in him, snap a whip against his dick. Just, ruin him.
And then the next day, he's back to his composed and polite self like you haven't presented him to all the devils in the vicinity. What a fun whore he is, this angel of mine.
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golden-bk · 3 months
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Fun fact I've been trying to post this for the past few months but the progress on my draft keeps fucking resetting🔥🧍‍♀️🔥
Anyway refs for my bbgirl's many outfits. The first two are his old look during most of KIU while the third is his current look since he's in a ✨coma✨
You are going to hear more about him this is a threat (I'm gonna lore dump teehee🧙‍♂️⚡💥⚡💥⚡💥⚡💥⚡💥)
Yuè was the previous moon god and ruler of Yutu prior to his younger sister, Bélalune. He was literally born and raised to take up this position after his dad retired, even moreso bc he was basically a child prodigy with his magical abilities. Bc of that, there was a lot of pressure put on him to dedicate a lot of time into training. He rarely had time to have a normal childhood(fork in sink moment bc he's literally space royalty), and if he had the choice he'd be doing literally anything else like studying plants or making weapons.
People were banking hard on Yuè being That Bitch who would one day dictate the future of Yutu for centuries to come, while the second in line and younger child, Bélalune, was free to do whatever. Because of that, he'd have some misguided resentment towards her for a while, and would go out of his way to avoid her as much as possible.
The one reason they were able to find common ground was when Bélalune started picking up weapon forging and asked Yuè to mentor her. This helped break the ice between them and get them to actually get along as siblings for the first time in years. The resentment would slowly subside after that(especially since it was outside forces that really put a rift between them, something something doomed by birth yap yap)
So yea shits cool now-
Sike, aliens now. Also their next door neighbor The Lunar Sanctum recently got destroyed, and it's (one) prisoner flees to Yutu and holes into the palace's walls while most of Yutu's army is occupied with the Aurum. The Chaos Kin pretty much tries to do a test run of what it's going to later do to Palutena and possesses Yuè. Mid-possession, he tries to kill his sister, but she wakes up and retaliates.
With the Chaos Kin already doing a lot of damage to him and Bélalune not knowing how to break its control and attacking him for the most part, Yuè doesn't know if he'll even get out of this alive. So while he has a bit of control over his body, he gives his powers to her so she can finally break its control over him and keep his godly powers in safer hands. Which she successfully does, but all the injuries cause him to go into a coma.
With Yuè out of commission, Bélalune, the least experienced of the two, becomes the next moon god and ruler of Yutu. By the time KI:R rolls around, she's getting desperate to wake him up, and this desperation causes some of the plot points in the story🤸
So yeah that's my eepy king Yuè. I hope this is all legible bc I typed a good chunk of this down at 4am
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sanderssidesthehouse · 2 months
for the bingo thing?? how about logan??
- lots of love, rayn 🤍
Thanks for the ask, Ryan! I can absolutely do my favorite boy, apologies for my lack of hinges.
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I think Logan is probably the most trustworthy, not bc none of the others wouldn't try their darnedest, but bc he also wouldn't get distracted and he's very capable and nor very impulsive generally.
I don't think anyone can quantify the sheer amount of Logan angst I have read, which is a fantastic marker for how much I like him. I relate to him so hard. I was always smart (and got called a robot frequently) but I have trouble with the emotional stuff. Identifying emotions is not my strong suit so sometimes I'll be straight chilling but start crying and have no idea why.
Also he has eldest daughter syndrome for real. Someone please help my boy.
Also one of the few cases where we could fix each other. If Logan Sanders told me he was proud of me I would shatter into a million pieces and reform into a better person. If he gave me a pat on the back and told me everything would be ok I'd say I'm yours in whatever way you want me. Lab partner? Done, I'll bring PPE. Help with work? I'm not that smart but I'll try. Wanna make out about it? My tongue's already in his mouth. Who said that?
Also, hi, he is so fucking tragic. Everytime he is ignored he takes it as a personal failure and if anything ever happened to c!Thomas that he could have prevented if he had been listened to it would destroy him, even if he literally did everything he could. c!Thomas cannot function without his Logic, we all know this. He's trying so hard, but he's not getting far at all and it really does matter. And this is why he feels like he can't ever be silly or have fun bc the weight of his world is on his shoulders and I'm not crying about it I swear.
I also need everyone to acknowledge the growth he's gone through. Whenever something gets brought to his attention and he sees that he needs to work on it, it doesn't happen that episode sometimes, but he does change his methods or behavior. He's trying so hard. That's what really gets me is his genuine, honest, whole-hearted effort that he puts into everything he does. That's my BOY.
Another thing really gets me is how absolutely tender Logan can be. Like Mr. No Emotions rolls up and does his best to provide comfort and care even though it's not his strong suit and he knows it (though he will try to defer to someone who's better at it if possible). This is absolutely related to how genuine he can be, which makes his current state devastating to me. Bitter cynicism is not what I want him to feel like he has to do! He's always been a little sarcastic and a little petty, but like in a way that didn't make me concerned for his mental health. He had such a beautiful outlook at the beginning but it's long since started to crumble. I hope he's not left with ruins.
I have so much to say, I don't think I'll ever be done. I really want to talk about what a dork he is. 'Cogitating cap'? I'm in love with him. I could never argue with him like 'whatever you say bbgirl'. Except for when he's doing that 'I don't have emotions' routine. I need all of them to stop lying to each other and themselves.
Right, so current state of canon thoughts. I need him to have the bitchiest, pettiest, rawest break down imaginable. He deserves to let it out and I want it to be explosive. I want him to do something they can't ignore.
Just in case I want to be clear, I don't think he's perfect and he's not the only one getting ignored. He is absolutely not the only one denying his feelings and I need ALL of them to cut that shit out. Also any annoyance expressed is at the character as a 'person' not the narrative, I really like how everything is being written and explored. That 'done dirty by canon' mark was hesitant and now I can't even remember why I put it there. I'm sure I'll remember in the middle of the night, I've had a long day lol.
Thanks again for the ask, and as always, absolutely anyone and everyone is welcome and invited to agree or disagree or ask for clarifications or expansions. I tried to keep it short and tbh compared to the amount of thoughts I have, I succeeded.
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multiplefandomsblog · 4 years
Celeste x reader x Kirigiri SFW & NSFW head-canons
request; celeste x reader x kirigiri? :o
warnings; fluff, i really don’t think there’s any explicit warnings in the sfw part, nsfw section: handcuffs, edging, i didn’t put any explicit descriptions of sex nor scenarios, degrading names, gn!reader, vanilla, mention of vampire roleplay, biting, unedited.
note; sorry i took so long!! I had to study their wiki pages and shit to remember their characters, its been some time since I’ve played THH. anyway, thank you for requesting. also sorry if this was a bit lazy, i feel like i didn’t do this one as well as the others, i’m really sorry.
◊ Okay, I feel like Celestia would be the one to spoil the both of you rotten. She’s always buying all three of you matching clothes so you could go out together looking ✨fly✨
◊ If you or Kyoko ever tried denying her outfits, she’d be a bit flustered and upset though she wouldn’t show it. Buuut eventually, you both cave in because you can notice the difference in her attitude, however slight it may be.
◊ “S/o, Kyoko, my darlings. I may have gotten carried away, but I think you both would look wondrous in these- Oh. You don’t… want them? I see. *sad face* Alright then, I guess I’ll just… I..” Yuuuup, you broke her. Congratulations, you jerk. 
◊ Whatever gender you may be, it doesn’t matter, she will buy you a huge fluffy dress (But if you’re not comfortable with it, she’d totally be willing to get you something else).
◊ Celestia calls you both her darlings. She’s always saying hers, or mine in front of your names and/or pet names.
◊ Kyoko isn’t big on pet names, whether she’s on the receiving end or serving; though she doesn’t mind it when either of you calls her one. Just nothing too ridiculous, she’ll flush an adorable shade of red but scold you for it later. She prefers just calling you both by name.
◊ The caring one of the relationship would either have to be you or Celestia. Kyoko doesn’t take care of herself too well, as she’s very passionate about her job; so passionate to the point where she forgets that she’s human and that her very human body needs food and sleep.
◊ Celestia takes care of herself extremely well, I imagine she has a very strict skin routine and diet. But since she’s also passionate about her job, I imagine there would be times where a round of gambling goes extremely long or tie, but she’d be very adamant on winning so she’d go a little over the top and stay there for days, weeks if she had to. 
◊ That being said, they are both very passionate about their jobs so I feel that they are unfortunately prone to neglecting you at times. But don’t worry! They always make it up to you 10x more, and it’s always worth it.
◊ Kyoko would probably make it up to you both by trying to be a bit more affectionate with you. She is well aware that she isn’t always affectionate, so she thinks if she gives you guys a bit more affection, you’ll forgive her? ...Please?
◊ Bbgirl is trying-
◊ Most likely though, she’d talk to you first. A formal apology and everything, if you’re lucky, she’ll buy you a stuffed animal or flowers as she apologizes. 
◊ Since Celestia is just, a very fancy and aesthetic person, I feel like all dates with her would reflect that same fancy aesthetic. She goes out of her way to set up a fancy table at a reserved place where none of you can be disturbed. Expensive teas, china, scones, sweets, those little stands with the layers of pastries; she has it all ready for you two. 
◊ You’d all be sitting on cute chairs sipping tea in cute cups, butlers at your every need, it’s a really cute almost dream-like date. Kyoko would talk about her cases(leaving out things that are confidential of course,) you’d talk about everything and anything, and Celestia would just quietly listen to you both talk, a small smile adorning her face. She loves taking care of the both of you, the reason why she has dates like these are for, 
She wants to spend time with her darlings because she misses them.
She wants you both to relax and destress, she hates the idea of either of you overworking or forgetting to take care of yourself.
◊ Though if you’re not into that, the closest thing that isn’t fancy or organized(though it would take some time for her to practice not being organized) would be a picnic date. With a very very wide blanket. That’s thick. And lots of bug spray. 
◊ Dates with Kyoko would probably be short coffee breaks, she doesn’t have a lot of time sadly, so halfway through the date, she finishes her coffee and leaves early, leaving you and Celestia to spend the rest of the time together.
◊ Dates with her would mostly just be when all three of you go to bed, talking about each other’s days or just talking about stuff that has zero meaning as you all fall asleep.
◊ It kind of makes her a bit upset when you and Celestia have an inside joke or seem a bit closer; as much as she loves seeing you both happy with each other, she can’t help but want to be in on it too. She feels a bit guilty for being so busy with her job.
◊ So when she does feel a bit left out, I think a way to make her feel more included would be small little ‘I love you’ texts while she’s working or even better, surprising her by picking her up on her lunch date to get a quick lunch. 
◊ I think something domestic Kyoko enjoys a lot, is when either of you cooks a bento for her. You can really cook something terrible for her, or even ugly, she doesn’t care; she loves it so much. It’s the thought that you would cook for her that gets her. When she comes back home, the first thing she will do is thank you and hug you real tight. It’s one of the more rare moments where she actually displays feelings of love and gratitude.
◊ Despite getting judgemental looks from Byakuya and aw’s from Hina, in the end, Kyoko doesn’t care one bit. She will eat and enjoy the food in its entirety, she doesn’t care if it affects her reputation as a cold person, she just wants to eat the food.
◊ Though she is unfazed by practically everything, she gets a bit taken aback that you cooked food for her, the shock is evident on her face when you hand it to her before she goes, or drop it off at lunch hour. I don’t think she ever had anyone cook meals for her, or at least, doesn’t remember it; so she’s always pretty shocked when you do. She feels her heart palpitate a little louder and maybe smiles a little smile when you’re not looking. She appreciates it a lot.
◊ Though Celestia doesn’t cook, I think you’d have to be the one to cook for Kirigiri. Celestia enjoys gyoza a whole lot, so if you were ever to cook gyoza for her… well, she’d probably be brutally honest about what she thinks about it. Though she’d give you constructive criticism, and eventually you’d get it right through trial and error and Celestia’s taste buds.
◊ Celestia isn’t big on public areas for dates, like movie theatres, for example. If you ever wanted to watch a movie, she’d probably rent an entire movie theatre for just you three to chill in. As you can see, she’s not too big on being with large groups of people, or just anywhere that isn’t exactly ‘clean’. 
◊ I don’t think either of them would be one for PDA either. Other than mild flirting from Celestia, you all don’t do PDA at all. But there’s this intimate vibe that you all seem to share that has people assume you’re all on a date together. It’s like this bubble, it’s quite peculiar. 
◊ Celestia would never lose her cool because of you both, only for you both. But even so, she avoids losing it in front of your eyes. If she ever had to fight someone for you or intimidate them, she would probably ask you to go occupy yourselves with something else so she could go off without hesitating.
◊ Though if she was ever about to lose it and either of you notices it, a simple hold of her hand calms her down immediately. Her rage wordlessly disappears. She’ll even give you guys a small little forehead kiss in thanks.
◊ Kyoko’s an ‘it’s the thought that counts’ kind of person. So whenever you or Celestia spoil her with expensive gifts, she’ll enjoy it but she’s a bit concerned about how you’re spending so much money on her. She honestly prefers handmade gifts; whether they’re crafty or a bit imperfect, she cherishes them more than you know. 
◊ Oh boy. *cracks knuckles* here we go.
◊ Kyoko hides her moans and expressions, she was raised not to show any unsightly emotions and so, that(sadly) comes into play in bed.
◊ Oh but Celestia teases her until she does, to get that satisfying plead out of Kyoko Kirigiri of all people, it drives her near mad in love. 
◊ Kyoko is definitely vanilla, and would probably want to stay vanilla. There aren’t many things she’s into, as a result of not knowing any kinks. I don’t think she’d be too willing to try any kinks either. Unless you explain it to her, then maybe. Just maybe. 
◊ Kyoko is a soft dom- HAH just kidding! The moment you admit just a little bit of top energy on her, she submits easily. Not in the typical way you’d think, but she’d let you do all the work, you’d have to guide her. I don’t think she has any sexual experience, so she’d have sex relying on you both(for once). 
◊ That’s where Celestia comes into play. I don’t know if this is canon or you know, but I head-canon that she has a surprising amount of sexual knowledge and kinks. 
◊ Kyoko isn’t the biggest fan of you and Celestia having intercourse without her, as I mentioned earlier, she does get a little left out, so knowing that you left her out of something as intimate as sex gets her mad for a couple of days. Even holds a small grudge. 
◊ But it wouldn’t last long, you both would eventually make it up to her since she doesn’t exactly enjoy discussing her feelings, you would have to be the one to speak up first. 
◊ Celeste would definitely ask you both if you were ever interested in trying out role-play with her, specifically; vampire role-play.
◊ Speaking of vampires, she really enjoys it when you lightly bite her. Not enough to leave a mark, if you leave marks on her she’ll get mad. Though she enjoys leaving marks on you both, she enjoys those short moments where someone stares at you guys’ hickeys and she just,, gives them a knowing, intense glare.
◊ Celestia isn’t big on degrading you both unless it’s something like, “My good little mutt.” Degrading names, sure. But not full-on degrading. She lies all the time but lying about this doesn’t sit right with her, she doesn’t want to hurt you both in any way. 
◊ Celestia enjoys being praised, it definitely gets her to spare you an orgasm if she’s edging you. You really have to praise her about everything about her for her to actually let you get off; although Kyoko is known to be silent, Celestia somehow gets her to plead for her. As a result of teasing lies like, “If you don’t obey, you won’t get to get off darling.”
◊ Celestia dominates both of you, simultaneously. Kyoko doesn’t have enough confidence in her ability to please you both to top, and unless you are somehow able to overpower her, she’s always going to be the one who orders you to do things. 
◊ I can totally imagine Kyoko littering millions of butterfly kisses on both your bodies, but they’re so soft and cute you both start to giggle a bit. “Why are you laughing? Is it bad?” She looks genuinely confused and a little sad- and then that both shocks you into showering her with reassurances, any leftover lick of laughter completely vanished.
◊ Celestia is a huge tease- like, just, the biggest tease. She’ll hover her lips over yours, blow at where you need it most, foreplay lasts longer than you would want it to, but in all honesty, it definitely makes the first stroke of pleasure well worth it. All that anticipation, build-up, is all worth it as she finally gives you what you want.
◊ Kyoko is more intimate, every moment with her is just, so full of love it gives you whiplash from Celestia’s little fun. She always has a hand on your back. It’s such a soft and fleeting touch, you both sometimes wonder if it’s even there.
◊ Something I could imagine happening is Celestia just- pulling out soft hand-cuffs from nowhere as a surprise for the two of you, asking you to tie her up. Seeing as how Kyoko is usually around handcuffs often from her detective work, she’s a little confused as to why people would get turned on from that or even introduce that to the bedroom. It’s the last thing she’d expect. She’s a bit nervous to use them(receiving and serving), and doesn’t see the purpose, but when she caves in and says yes anyway, she finds she actually likes them? 
◊ She wouldn’t admit it though. And it definitely ruins her image of handcuffs; any time she sees a perp in handcuffs, she can just see the pleased looks on your and Celestia’s faces.
◊ Celestia would look down at you with this red gaze that leaves the two of you utterly speechless and aroused, even as she’s bottoming, her piercing gaze reminds you who’s in charge.
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littlefreya · 3 years
BEAUTIFUL PERSON AWARD! Once you are given this award you're supposed to paste it in the asks of 8 people who deserve it. If you break the chain nothing happens, but it's sweet to know someone think you're beautiful inside and out! 💖💖💖💖
AH!! Lexie!!! Love you so much bbgirl!!!! Off to read part 2 of your story because I’ve been keeping it for my break!  💖💖💖💖
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thi5mu5tb3th3pl4ce · 5 years
I have not been my 100% self these past few days, admittedly because of the valiums I took the other day and two nights ago...the effects were felt longer than expected. I’ve been very groggy and sleepy during the day and whenever I try to take a nap, it ends up lasting ten hours. My mood has also been just been numb.
I passed by Tona’s and honestly they were talking to me as if they were hiding something or had something to say but wouldn’t. It was just filled with small talk and awkward silences whenever I wouldn't be asking them how they were and what’s been going on with them. They would just say they were good. They wouldn’t ask about how I was. 
Good thing I only stopped by for less than 30 minutes because my driver was just waiting outside. I’d honestly be more pissed and disappointed at how they acted towards me if I didn’t feel this numb. I might see them for a bit again later, though, before stopping by my cousin’s place. I really hope I get to be alone with Tona and not have Geo there being an unwanted buffer.
The numbness I feel goes away whenever I think of either you or the fact that I get to hang out with my cousins tonight. 
I felt a strange calmness when you showed me the view from outside your bus! It was so pretty and reminded me of the views from going on road trips to different states over there. And the weather looked really nice (at least from my screen). The secondhand excitement I felt from somehow being with you on the bus is also slowly breaking my numbness. Much like how falling for you this year broke the numbness inside me that has been there since the time I lost myself in 2014.
Honestly, the other night after putting down the phone when I (sort of) cried to you on FaceTime after waking up from my Valium slumber, I briefly felt disgusted by myself and embarrassed—a knee-jerk reaction, I suppose, and a residue from the feelings I am used to, like my disgust at the thought of crying to people about anything or bothering anyone about these things in general. I realized that I only ever cry when I’m alone, and though I have friends that I know will listen (Celest, Matti, etc.) I never, ever bother anyone about things like this. Crying to someone else is new to me and perhaps that is why I felt embarrassed at first...but only at first. I quickly remembered that I was talking to you. No gives me great comfort the way you do. No one makes me feel loved the way you do. Although breaking out of my shell of solitude is still taking time, I feel like it’s happening effortlessly with you, because I’ve never met anyone in my life I regard as this special. Also, I am crazy about you. Duh.
After the premiere, we had a short evaluation meeting that quickly turned into an inuman. That was the time my other crewmates playfully outed me to the other directors, and they proceeded to tease me and I proceeded to feel nice and warm inside. Lol. Then one of them started playing Bbgirl and Minimize.....which I also didn’t mind at all. I spent the rest of the night not minding them that much, I was just having too much fun talking to you on Messenger while you were at the terminal waiting to leave for the second time. Of course they’d tease me about it too, but I didn’t mind because I just wanted to spend more time with you (through chat, anyway!). I love talking to you, baby. It makes me miss you less and more, simultaneously. 
I really can’t wait to hear about today’s adventure. You pretty much already know what’s gonna happen in my day, but I also can’t wait to tell you all about it. You will have just woken up by the time I’ll be drinking with my cousins. I hope we get to talk to each other then. I’d love to see you wake up in the morning in your tent, and maybe my cousins will barge in our phone call and start saying hi to you. If they do, then you will be formally introduced as my girlfriend, and I will love saying it. You are my girlfriend!  (●´ω`●)
I love you.
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littlefreya · 4 years
BEAUTIFUL PERSON AWARD! Once you are given this award you’re supposed to paste it in the asks of 8 people who deserve it. If you break the chain nothing happens, but it’s sweet to know someone thinks you’re beautiful inside and out 💕💕💕
You are the beautiful person here 😻🖤! Thank you so much, bbgirl.
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littlefreya · 5 years
🏆 This is the Amazing Person Award 🏆 ✨💛 Once you are given this award you are supposed to paste it in the ask of eight different people, who, in your opinion, deserve it. If you break the chain nothing will happen, but it is sweet to know someone thinks you're amazing inside and out 💛✨
Thank you bbgirl! <3 Right back at ya
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