liquidlightz · 3 years
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Cuddled-up under their cozy Wakandan blanket and the warm heavy weight of Steve’s loving gaze, Bucky drifts off into peaceful dreams.
This time last year I painted my first digital piece, for the @buckybarnesbingo Fluffathon 2020 💖, and ticked-off my first ever bingo card squares!  🥳  The prompts were “admire” and “cuddling”.
I think we need all the tooth-rotting Stucky goodness right about now 💞🍬 so I’m finally posting it 🙃 
along with the awesome event badge... created by @phoenixgryphon​
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riotwritesthings · 4 years
Things That Keep You Warm
WinterIron, T, 1k, just sleepy neighbor boys
For the @buckybarnesbingo fluffathon, day 3 prompts: More, Mine
(Part 1, Part 2)
“Tony,” Bucky says quietly, peeking down at him and wiggling his shoulder a little where Tony is leaning heavily against him, hoping to get his attention without actually dislodging him. “Tony, you’re missing the end of the movie. Don’t you want to know what happens?”
Tony makes a sleepy, grumbly noise that’s way more adorable than it has any right to be, and smashes his face a little harder into Bucky's shoulder. “I don’t want to know how it ends,” he grumbles, “I’m going to have nightmares. Why would you want to make that any worse.”
“You just don’ appreciate good cinema,” Bucky says with a sniff and grins when Tony lets out a reluctant huff of laughter, his breath warm through Bucky’s shirt.
“Sure, if that’s what you want to call it,” Tony says and Bucky can practically hear the eyeroll that goes with it. Tony turns a little further into Bucky’s side, folding his legs up into Bucky’s lap and settling in even as he asks “is there more pizza?”
“There is not,” Bucky says, shooting a look at the empty boxes on the coffee table, because it’s way easier than focusing on all the borderline-cuddling, “you ate most of it by yourself. I want t’ be mad, but honestly I’m jus’ too impressed.”
“Well I did pay for it,” Tony says, shamelessly, and it really is too bad he doesn’t look up to appreciate the unimpressed look Bucky is trying to level at him.
“I’m lettin’ you sleep on my couch,” Bucky points out, though that was true even before Tony ordered them food. He doesn’t point out that Tony is more on him than on the couch at this point, and oh would you look at that, Bucky’s arm is wrapped around Tony’s shoulders in return, and Bucky really can’t find it in himself to pull away.
“That you are,” Tony agrees happily and slings one arm around Bucky’s middle, snuggling into his side like Bucky is an oversized stuffed animal, his hair tickling at Bucky’s chin and his breath warm again Bucky’s throat. “And for that, I owe you my life. Please take good care of it.”
“Oh hell no,” Bucky says with a laugh, hesitantly dragging his hand down Tony’s side and getting a little bolder when Tony somehow melts against him even more. “I’ve seen you stumblin’ around yelling math at people when you don’t get your caffeine. Way too much responsibility for me.”
Tony shifts enough to finally look up at him with a pout, even though the effect is kind of ruined by the fact that he still looks on the edge of falling asleep, his eyes half lidded. Bucky's chest gives a dangerous clench.
“Unfair,” Tony says, and Bucky was right to be suspicious of the hint of teasing lurking behind Tony’s expression, because the next thing he says is “I totally saw you almost fall down the satis because you were arguing with that bird that one time, and I still like you.”
“I can’t believe you saw that,” Bucky groans miserably, ad has to fight down his smile when he feels Tony shaking with laughter against him. “That bird he totally had it coming, for the record,” he adds, because talking shit about asshole pigeons is definitely the safer option here. Asking Tony if he means it while they’re both half asleep maybe isn’t the best plan. That’s probably a morning type question. Assuming Bucky even remembers this. And doesn’t chicken out.
“I’m sure he did,” Tony says, patting at his stomach and dropping his head to Bucky’s shoulder again with a yawn.
The end credits have finished rolling and looped back to the DVD menu, Tony is heavy against him, and that’s probably the sign Bucky should kick himself out of Tony’s temporary bed and go get in his own instead. No matter how reluctant he is to lose the warmth of Tony against him.
“Okay, time for bed,” Bucky says, leaning forward just enough to grab the remote and get everything turned off. Once the room has been plunged into darkness, Tony still doesn’t move, and Bucky wonders if he should just... tip him the other direction. There’s still plenty of space that way considering they’re crowded up against one of the arms of the couch, but that still seems rude. Finally he settles for gently pointing out “Tony, you have t’move so I can get up.”
Tony makes an unhappy whining sound, tightening his arm around Bucky and pressing his face deeper into the curve of Bucky's neck. Bucky fights down a smile, gives him a little nudge, and Tony clings tighter, finally grumbling out “mine.”
“We’re not both going to fit on this couch,” Bucky points out, as reasonably as he can considering the way his heart is trying to jump up into his throat. When Tony just makes another slurred noise of complaint, fingers tangling into the fabric of Bucky’s shirt, Bucky decides maybe it’s time to take another whack at that ‘not thinking’ thing. And he certainly knows what he wants to do. So he turns sideways, gets his arms looped securely around Tony, and then stands up.
“Wha?” Tony asks, still not lifting his head even as he shifts to wrap his arms around Bucky's shoulders instead.
“Bed time,” Bucky says again, then easily carries Tony into his room and tumbles them both in to bed with a creak of the old frame.
Bucky has no idea what he’s doing, but Tony makes another little happy sighing noise that make Bucky’s chest warm, wiggles until he’s sprawled out basically entirely on top of Bucky, and then falls immediately sleep. Bucky isn’t far behind, and he lets his eyes fall closed figuring well, if this turns out to be a terrible idea, he can deal with it in the morning.
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imma-new-soul · 4 years
Lucky Number Six
This is R for day One (Feb 23rd) of @buckybarnesbingo 's ROMANCE Fluffathon Week. The Prompt word I used was Red. I hope you like it.
Summary: y/n has a few too many drinks and never wants the party to end
Pairing: Bucky Barnes X Reader Masterlist
Warning: mention of Alcohol consumption and FLUFF.
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Four drinks seemed like a bad idea, so when Bucky watched you chug your sixth cup of Rosè of the evening he knew he was in for a long night.
With one or two drinks in your system you became happy and bubbly, laughing at everything way too loudly even though it was only mildly fun. By three or four you turned into a sobbing, overly sensitive mess. But by five or six drinks the party really started.
Nothing seemed to bother six drink y/n, she was flirty and fun and 100% unfiltered. You really didn't give a crap what anyone thought and you loved it. It wasn't very often that you were able to let loose so you took full advantage. 
The red strobe lights whisked around the room adding to the haze that was forming in your head. The hours washed away far to quickly. 
It was nearing 2am, the club was closing and after hours of watching you dance on top of the bar table in your skin tight red dress Bucky thought it was about time he got you home and into your warm bed. In one swift motion Bucky placed his hands on both your hips, pulling you down from the bar and close to his chest.
"Come on, It's time to go" Bucky said starting to lead you towards the door but you didn't want the party to end even if Bucky Buzzkill Barnes said so. You planted your feet to the ground, crossing your arms to your chest as you pouted. Bucky wiped his head back towards you and a low chuckle escaped his lips 
"Fine I guess I just have to carry you out" Bucky replied
"Go ahead Bucky Boi sweep me off my feet" you challenged and a moment later Bucky was throwing you over his shoulder with ease and walking you out of the club. 
"BUCKY I wasn't serious, if you don't Put me down so help me i-" you detested before Bucky cut you off by placing you back onto the pavement. 
"What could you possibly do to me doll?" Bucky smiled, cocked his head to the side and wrinkled his nose teasingly. 
Even though he was your bestfriend and your relationship had been strictly platonic up until this point, the way his blue eyes squinted playfully at you and the way his soft red lips formed the most gorgeous smile in the world had your head spinning and left you wondering if you wanted more then just friendship
You couldn't tell if it was the heat of the moment or that liquid courage that your blood was drowning in but without a second thought you placed your hand at the nape of his neck and pulled him in, your lips pressed softly onto his.
At first Bucky went stiff, surprised at your sudden action but a moment later his body relaxed pulling you closer in and kissing you deeper. The rest of the night was a blur a faded memory that weaved it's way in and out of your head.
The sun shining from your window woke you from your deep sleep. The covers and pillows were thrown haphazardly around the bed and your legs were tangled up in the mess, the signs of a well needed rest very present. Lifting your head from the pillow you smiled at the sight of a red Gatorade, aspirin, roses and a note from Bucky that read
"Lunch at 1pm don't be late beautiful"
@this-kitten-is-smitten @perpetually-tuned-out @ironlady1993 @sebbbystaaan @criminal-cookies   @babiiface95 @mushyjellybeans @sunmoonandbucky @sherrybaby14 @valkyriesryde @mypassionsarenysins   @honeyvbarnes  @becausewhyknotme @theladyoffangorn @justmebeingtheweirdmeiam
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writing-mermaid · 4 years
Shades of blue
Summary : When a young artist is fascinated by the shade of blue in the eyes of the posing model.
Pairing : Bucky Barnes x reader; Steve Rogers x Peggy Carter
Warnings : None
Word Count : 2067
Square Filled : @star-spangled-bingo : Model AU
Author’s note : Also written for @buckybarnesbingo ‘s fluffathon, with the prompts Admire, Art, After, Nuzzle, Cutie and Chocolate. Don’t forget that feedback is appreciated and really important.
Song of the title : Shades of Cool - Lana Del Rey
Star Spangled Bingo masterlist
Bucky Barnes Bingo masterlist
Buy me a ☕
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Steve Rogers walks through the room, slaloming between the easels of his “students” of the day, while looking at their paper sheets. In the meantime, he looks at the model, his best friend James Barnes, who accepted to pose a few times a week because he needed the money for college. Steve understood why, because he too, had to look for a job to pay for his school fees. When he found that job, he knew it was the perfect one as he is majoring in arts.
Concerning James Barnes, rather Bucky, he needed it to continue his literature studies, his parents still had to pay for his five little sisters’ studies, and he couldn’t ask for them to have one more loan, since he lost his last job. When Steve told him about the model job, he frowned and said that he would try, even if he doesn’t think that this would be his thing, but he needed to eat and pay for his books. That’s how, for the first time in his life, Bucky finds himself naked in a room full of strangers, drawing him.
Sitting front row, Y/N Y/L/N is studying the handsome model’s eyes color. She cannot decide what color they are. Blue, definitely blue, but what shade ? Because it seems that the color changes when the light changes. At some point his eyes are bright blue, a minute later they can have the color of the sea, and a few seconds later, the color of a stormy sky. She’s concentrated on his face, and his face only, the rest of his body doesn’t interest her, just his face, his blue eyes, his red and kissable lips, that three days stubble, his short chestnut hair, her charcoal scratching the surface of the white sheet in front of her.
Steve stops by the Y/H/C haired girl sitting at the front row. He admires her work. Unlike a lot of people in the room who drew Bucky full or his body, or some parts, she’s only drawing his face. Steve looks at the precise lines she’s drawing. She seems to be mesmerized by Bucky’s eyes and Steve can understand why, his best friend’s eyes are sort of a mystery to themselves. Her gaze doesn’t live his and it seems that Bucky noticed. The way she looks at him above the easel makes Steve think about that scene from Titanic where Jack draws a naked Rose like as she says, “one of his French girls”. Steve works here for a few months now, and it’s the first time that he sees her. She puts down her black charcoal, searching for a blue one.
“This is an amazing work”, Steve suddenly says, making her froze.
“Thank you”, she answers, slightly blushing at the compliment.
“You really managed to capture everything of his face. His gaze, his mouth, nose, freckles. Though, you seem to be in trouble with the color of his eyes. I must admit that I myself never managed to find the good color.”
“How do you know that I have trouble with finding the model’s eye color ?”, Y/N asks, curious to know.
“Oh, Bucky is my best friend, and he was my very first model when I started to draw when I was a kid. Even now, when I happen to draw him, I still don’t find the right color, so I make drawings of my girlfriend Peggy or of landscapes, that’s less complicated”, Steve explains. “I’m Steve Rogers by the way”, he adds, extending his hand.
“Y/N Y/L/N”, she replies. “Sorry, I won’t shake your hand, or you’ll have charcoal everywhere.”
“Don’t worry, I’m used to it. Anyway, if you want to, I can introduce you to him after this session, which will be finished in fifteen minutes”, Steve adds, checking his watch.
“Thank you, Steve”, she smiles at him.
The last fifteen minutes pass like a blink of an eye and Steve thanks everyone for attending to his lesson and listening to his advice. Y/N starts to clean her easel, closes her sketchbook and puts her charcoals back in their box. Meanwhile, Bucky slips back the robe that he abandoned two hours ago on a stool next to him. At the second Y/N left the room to wash her hands, Bucky walks to Steve, who’s cleaning the leftovers.
“Who’s she ?”, he asks his blond friend.
“New one, just like you. Very good one though. She’s the only one that drew your face and not your body. I even saw one or two people very busy to draw your…”
“Please no, this is really embarrassing”, Bucky face palms himself.
“You should wait for her to come back; I think she has something to ask you. I told her that you were my best friend and that I can introduce you to her.”
“Please don’t tell me she wanna draw my wienie”, Bucky whines.
“Who wants to draw your wienie ?”, a beautiful brunette says, entering the room, making a beeline to Steve before kissing his lips.
“A new girl, very good artist, and I really don’t think she wants to draw his wienie”, Steve explains.
Steve tells Peggy about Y/N and her skills, saying he hoped that she would be okay to show her work to them. Y/N finally comes back in the room. Steve introduces her to Peggy and Bucky.
“Do you think you can show us your work ? If you want to of course.”
“Yes, sure, after all this is an art class and you are the model”, Y/N says, motioning to Bucky.
She opens her sketchbook again, revealing a few previous drawings before she finally found the one of Bucky she made barely an hour ago.
“This is really amazing”, Peggy whispers, as she’s afraid of saying this out loud.
Bucky looks at the drawing, speechless. He cannot believe how a drawing could look like him so much. It’s almost like he’s looking at himself in the mirror. Everything his perfect, every line, every freckle, his three days stumble, everything is there.
“May I ask you something ?”, Y/N questions, making Bucky getting out of his bubble.
“Yes, sure.”
“Would you accept to pose for me ? I mean not here but in private, I wanted to work on your eyes and it’s not possible in a room full of people. Of course, I will compensate you for your time.”
“I… I don’t know, it’s the first time I’m doing this, isn’t it unprofessional ?”, he asks Steve, turning to him.
“Not necessarily, you’re free to do what you want. You can pose for Y/N if you want to.”
“So yes, I’d love to”, Bucky says, turning to the young Y/H/C haired woman in front of him.
“Great”, she exclaims, “this is my phone number”, she adds, handing him a little piece of paper with her phone number.
And then, a week later, Bucky finds himself in a tiny apartment, under the rooftop. It’s a very small place but Y/N managed to make it her home. She even have sort of a balcony.
“Please make yourself comfortable”, she says from the kitchenette, “I’m coming as soon as the tea is ready.”
Bucky looks at the room, it’s a medium open space. In a corner, there is Y/N’s bed, a pile of book at its feet, not far from it, her desk, with a laptop and a few pictures of her friends and family, he supposes. In the middle of the room, there’s a couch and a tiny red table facing a small television. In the opposite corner of the bed, there’s an easel, a stool, a tiny chest of drawers and drawing material. A ginger cat walks along the window’s low wall before scratching the pane.
“Oh, that’s my cat, Oliver, can you open the window for him please ?”, Y/N asks Bucky.
Bucky nods and lets the cat in. Oliver rises his head towards Bucky, smells his hand and purrs when Bucky scratches him behind his hears.
“Here we are”, Y/N says, coming back in the room, carrying a tray with two mugs, a tea pot, different flavors of tea, and chocolate biscuits, along with a bowl of milk for Oliver. “Please, serve yourself”, she adds, while putting down Oliver’s bowl.
They talk about everything and nothing, whilst drinking the tea when Bucky finally comes back to the main subject.
“So, tell me exactly why you want me to do for you ?”
“Well, as I told you, I’d like you to pose for me. See last week during Steve’s lesson, I draw your face and I had a problem for your eyes. I mean, the light changed so many times and your eyes color changed with it. I’d like to find the best light to do them justice. Your eyes are really unique.”
The next week, Bucky comes back at Y/N’s apartment, to find her painting on her balcony when he enters her home. A few minutes later, he finds himself sitting face to face with her, under the natural light. It takes a few hours for Y/N to make a new portrait of Bucky with the accurate eye color. But then, it became a habit for the two to have posing seances. First, she works on his eyes, then she moves to his nose, lips, chin, hair after a few seances. During it, they both start to know each other, the more time they spend together, the more they start to fall for one another.
Y/N decides after a few weeks that she’d like to move on to his body if he’s still okay to pose for her. Bucky agrees, without admitting yet that he loves spending time with her. And when Bucky poses half naked, Y/N notices what she didn’t during Steve’s class, Bucky’s broad shoulders, his perfect abs, his strong arms, his beautiful hands. Oh, his hands, Y/N starts to think about what they would feel on her body if he used them on her. Oh jeez, she thinks, I start to have sinful thoughts, this is really no good.
One evening, after a long day of posing, Bucky sits on one of the low walls of Y/N’s balcony, one of his legs hanging in the air, leaning his back on one of the walls. The days has been quite hot, and the evening is still warm. Y/N comes back from the kitchen with two beers, Bucky is partially turned away, Oliver on his lap. Y/N smiles at the sight, thinking that she could get used to this.
“Yes, you’re a cutie”, Bucky is patting the cat’s back. “You’re the best kitty in the world.”
“Don’t start this with him, he’s gonna beg for it the next time you’ll be here.”
“I don’t matter”, Bucky says, “I like this little fellow, after all, he accepted me here, he didn’t have to at first, he could have thought that I would still his pretty mom from him.”
Y/N blushes at Bucky’s word. She sits in front of him, handing him a beer. She mirrors his position on the wall while the sun is going down. In the sunset light, Bucky’s gaze is more intense than in any other light she has seen him before. Oliver jumps of Bucky’s leg when Y/N moves closer to him. Y/N turns her head to the setting sun, her left hand on her leg. Bucky looks at her, she’s glowing in the sunlight and Bucky finds her more beautiful than he did before. She was so adorable with those stains of paint. Bucky moves closer, he wants to kiss her so bad. He extends his hand to lace his fingers with Y/N’s one. Y/N turns her face back to Bucky, their gaze meeting. Bucky leans towards Y/N who meets him halfway. Their lips touch softly, Y/N slides a little closer, climbing on Bucky’s lap. Once there, she deepens the kiss, sliding her fingers into Bucky’s hair. After a few minutes, she pulls away, catching her breath, her forehead against his.
“What about now ?”, Bucky asks.
Y/N doesn’t answer, she just gets up and grabs Bucky’s hand to lead him to her bed.
The next morning, Bucky wakes up nuzzling Y/N’s hair, her bare back to his bare chest. He props his head on his elbow, looking at her peacefully sleeping, silently thanking Steve for the model job.
Taglist : 
@the-geeky-engineer, @feelmyroarrrr, @bakugou–katsukii, @hellomissmabel, @mandy19875, @howlingbarnes, @belleetlabeast, @theashhole, @sebbytrash, @crazychick010, @bionic-buckyb, @callamint, @just-another-fangirl777, @learisa, @hello-sweetie-get-the-salt, @mokacoconut, @marvelbase001-blog, @thefiregypsy, @snowyseba, @theycallmebucky, @buckysberrie, @speakcroissant, @fangirlwithasweettooth, @tequilavet, @iamwarrenspeace, @melconnor2007, @buckybarnesappreciationsociety, @mrshopkirk, @poealsobucky, @maiden-of-gondor, @jurassicbarnes, @abovethesmokestacks, @thisismysecrethappyplace, @arawynn, @sebbys-girl, @captainrogerss, @murdocksmartinis, @supersoldierslover, @totallynotashieldagent​, @crazy-little-thing-called-buck​, @4theluvofall​, @supernaturaldean67​, @prettyyoungtragedy​, @papi-chulo-bucky​, @just-a-kj-blog​, @lenavonschweetz​,  @forever-graphically-frozen​,  @buckysglow​, @winterscldicr​, @whothehellisbella​, @bethanystan​, @asirenscalling​, @after-avenging-hours​, @winchester-with-wings​, @angryschnauzer​,  @callingmrsbarnes​, @suz-123​, @writingruna​, @sugardaddytonystark​, @angelicthor​, @thatawkwardtinyperson​, @themistsofmyavalon​, @redgillan​, @loricameback​, @star-spangled-man-with-a-plan​, @farfromjustordinary​, @you-and-buckyb​, @bucky-made-me-do-it​, @lovelykhaleesiii​, @newmooneyfanfiction​, @lovely-geek​, @fanfictionjunkie1112​, @thefanficfaerie​, @littlemarvelfics​, @cordytriestowrite​, @firefly-in-darkness​, @caplanreads​, @my-emotional-self​, @imaginingbarnes​, @searchingforbuckyfavs​, 
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buckybarnesbingo · 4 years
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Happy Valentine’s/Palentine’s Day!  We have missed you!  And all the fantastic Bucky content we got on a regular basis!  We’re all kinds of antsy for the next round to start, so in honor of our signups opening for Round Two on March 1st, we’re gonna do something fun!
ROMANCE Week Fluffathon!
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Here’s how it’s gonna work:
Starting on Sunday the 23rd and going through Saturday the 29th, we will be giving you a few prompts each day that start with a letter of the word “romance”.  The 23rd will be R, the 24th will be O, the 25th with be M, you get it.
For example, R might have the prompts red, roses, and ramen.  You can use one, two, or all three.  Be creative and have fun!  We will post each day’s prompt here on Tumblr and also on our Discord.  If you decide to participate, make sure you tag us here so we can find and share what you do!
This is a no signup event, anyone can join!  So spread the word!  Bring your friends onto the Bucky Love Train!  Join us in celebrating our favorite warm and fuzzy Soldier!  And, just saying, there miiiiiight be something of a prize involved for those that participate...
If you’ve got questions, send ‘em in!  We’re excited for this, and also for when signups for Round Two start!
Love, the Mods
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lbibliophile-mcu · 4 years
Duckling Therapy
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Bucky loves this little piece of forest. His pocket universe; the only voices, the whispering trees and chattering stream.
And the ducks.
The first time, a half dozen came waddling up to warily inspect the strange man sitting on the mossy bank.
They are much friendlier on his next visit, when they find him surrounded by scattered seeds. Soon they are eating from his hand.
Seasons change, and one day the flock is joined by a dozen balls of brown fluff. Fearless - fragile, trusting - they crowd around his warmth.
Stroking the downy feathers with gentle fingers, he smiles.
For the @buckybarnesbingo​ Fluffathon - day 4: gif [stream with mossy banks running through a forest] Also on AO3
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ibelieveinturtles · 4 years
Bedtime Story
Bucky settles himself carefully onto the bed, taking the book that is pushed unceremoniously into his hand.
“Read this one tonight, Daddy!” his daughter demands.
“Gimme a look at this,” he replies. “What’s it about?”
“It’s about me!” the little girl says, almost vibrating with excitement as she wriggles into his side. “Mommy made it special!”
“Did she now? Well, I guess we’d better find out what you’re up to, eh?” Lifting one arm, Bucky pulls her into his lap and holds her tight.
Opening the book, Bucky starts reading.
“Rose and The Red Rainboots. Page one.”
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There wasn’t anything particularly special about the day.  It wasn't a holiday or birthday or anniversary. It was a normal Thursday afternoon.  One that most might describe as dreary or gloomy.  The rain had come in during the night before and didn’t look to be leaving any time soon. Heavy enough to drench a hapless pedestrian in seconds and drive the children of the city back indoors at the behest of concerned parents.
From inside, away from the distractions of the televisions and other invasive technologies, it tapped a soothing beat against the large windows as the large drops hit the panes. The sound music-like in its steady cadence. Nature’s version of a lullaby. The drops streamed down the large windows in steady rivets, hypnotizing in their own right.
The lights were left off, a small handful of candles lit, pillows and bedding had been pulled from the bedrooms to be stretched out on the floor of the living room in just the right place to be able to see and hear the steady storm push its way through. Emptied plates and cutlery were left abandoned on the coffee table to be cleaned later, likely not until the following day. The thick layers of sheets and comforters provided enough cushion between the bodies curled on top and the hard floor beneath.  Even if it didn’t, Bucky wasn’t sure either would take notice.
Not today.
Lying there, strong arms and body coiled around his, pressed together skin to skin and a steady heartbeat beneath his ear. Just being. They didn’t speak but they didn’t have to. They hadn’t had to since they were boys, not really, not in moments like this, at least. Stolen as those moments might have been once upon a time.  A press of soft lips against his, the tightening of an arm around him, and the soft sigh spoke just as loudly as any word or phrase Steve might have voiced aloud.  
The room darkened around them as the last of day and candlelight died out.  Bucky was content to stay right where he was and Steve didn’t seem keen to move either.  Maybe it wasn’t the most elegant way to spend an evening but as far as Bucky was concerned, it was better that way.  More real. More right for them.
Because, while there wasn’t anything particularly special about that day, it was all the more special for it and Bucky had missed it even when he hadn’t known there was something to be missed. @buckybarnesbingo​
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your-ginger-angel · 4 years
Music Make You Lose Control
More fic from me?  Whaaaaat?  What can I tell you? This BBB Fluffathon that @buckybarnesbingo is putting on has got me inspired.  
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/22912012/chapters/54764467 Title: Music Make You Lose Control Author: Ginger Pairing: Bucky/Steve Rating: M (chapter 1 is T, the other 3 chapters might go up to M) Warning: none Summary: Bucky loves modern music. Steve loves Bucky. So Steve will listen to whatever Bucky wants to play him. These are just a few slice-of-life chapters that correspond to songs that I think Bucky might like. Prepare to get domestic with these two boys.
I’ve got 4 chapters planned out so far and the first one is up now!  I’m hoping to have the second one posted sometime today.  If you have suggestions for more Bucky-centric songs, let me know and I may be able to write something short (under 1k for each chapter is my goal).
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minka-g · 4 years
 Every morning he'd see him waiting at the stop…
Written for day one of the Bucky Barnes Bingo fluffathon week.  Rain, Red, Roses, and a really random song on repeat.
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rebelmeg · 4 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Captain America (Movies), The Avengers (Marvel Movies) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Bucky Barnes/Unspecified Romantic Partner Characters: James "Bucky" Barnes, choose your own character - Character Additional Tags: Romantic Bucky Barnes, Romantic Fluff, Just a little bit steamy, pick whoever you want to be Bucky's other half, I left it deliberately open for interpretation, Fluff and Humor, Bucky deserves good things Summary:
Soft, sweet, steamy, and romantic vignettes of Bucky and his other half. Who is his other half? You pick.
Written for the @buckybarnesbingo ROMANCE Fluffathon!
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riotwritesthings · 4 years
Things You Wake Up To
WinterIron, T, >1k, lazy mornings
For the @buckybarnesbingo fluffathon event! Day 4 Prompts: Admire, After
(Part 1, Part 2, Part 3)
Bucky wakes up to the sound of rain still pouring down outside, and Tony still sprawled out across his chest. He has no idea what time it is, the room is still dark like it’s early morning but that could just as easily be the rain. Bucky certainly still feels exhausted, but that’s what he gets for staying up until the crack of dawn with the cute neighbor boy.
The cute neighbor boy who, when Bucky glances down at him, appears to be drooling on his chest ever so slightly, and Bucky really is in trouble because he doesn’t even mind. He just thinks it’s adorable. There’s just enough light for him to make out the fan of Tony’s eyelashes across his cheeks, long and dark, the faint freckles across the bridge of his nose that’s Bucky’s never noticed before now. Tony is never this still when he’s awake, he’s always in motion, always talking, and as much as Bucky likes listening to him talk (whether he understands a word of it or not), this is something else altogether. Tony in motion is a force of nature, truly something to behold, but Tony still is breathtaking and Bucky tries his best to file away every little detail, just in case he never gets this chance again. At least he’ll always know the freckles across Tony’s left cheek nearly form the shape of the Little Dipper.
Bucky isn’t sure how long he just lays there staring, but it’s long enough that Tony starts twitching his way awake. It starts with his fingers tapping against Bucky’s shoulder, his nose wrinkling adorably as he clearly tries to will himself back to sleep, and then, finally, his eyelids flutter open. His gaze moves around the room quickly and then settles on Bucky, and the smile that spreads across his face is small but no less heart-stopping.
“Go back to sleep,” Tony grumbles, voice rough and soft in the quiet of the room, and his smile doesn’t waiver even as he narrows his eyes. “Why are you awake, it can’t possibly be time to wake up now.”
“Oh, you know that for sure?” Bucky can’t help teasing, tightening the arm he must have slung around Tony’s back at some point, holding him just a little closer.
“Very sure,” Tony says happily, turning his head to smash his face more firmly into Bucky’s chest. “My internal clock is perfect, and it says we should definitely still be sleeping.”
Bucky can't help a soft huff of laughter, because he knows for a fact that’s not true. “I’ve seen you eatin’ cereal and wishin’ people ‘good morning’ at ten at night,” he points out, hesitating only a little before allowing himself to drag one palm up the deceptively strong line of Tony’s back to play with the fluffy curls at the base of Tony’s skill.
Tony turns back just enough to shoot Bucky a betrayed look, pressing the back of his head a little more firmly into Bucky’s palm in the process, and says “extenuating circumstances. I had spent three days in a programming hole, time had become irrelevant. And cereal is a wonderful all-times meal.”
“Sure,” Bucky says easily, and smiles a wider when Tony fixes him and an unimpressed look. He pushes his fingers a little harder though Tony’s hair, watches the way Tony’s eyes fall half-closed again. Bucky opens his mouth, no idea what he plans to say, and then cuts off as he hears the soft but unmistakable sound of his alarm going off in the living room, where he must have left his phone last night. They let out nearly simultaneous groans of complaint, and then Bucky sighs out “okay, time t’ get up.”
“No,” Tony whines, burying his face in Bucky’s chest again and clinging tighter to his shirt. “I refuse. You can’t make me.”
“You don’t have anythin’ to do today?” Bucky asks skeptically, and there’s an incredibly telling silence from Tony. After a second Bucky smugly adds “‘s what I thought. Plus, I have t’ work.”
Tony props his chin up on Bucky’s chest, to better pout at him, and otherwise doesn't move. Bucky pinches his ear, then laughs and pets his hair again instead when Tony gives an offended squawk. “Fine, but what are you doing after?” Tony asks, sighing heavily and rolling his eyes like getting out of Bucky’s bed is the most inconvenient thing that’s ever happened to him.
“After work?” Bucky repeats dumbly, and tells himself Tony’s grin isn’t getting wider because he can totally feel the way Bucky’s heart just started going double time. “At midnight, you mean? Comin’ home, why?”
“Because it’s time for payback, and I’m gonna make you watch my favorite movie,” Tony says, and Bucky should probably be worried about he evil smirk spreading across Tony’s face, but he’s too busy smiling back helplessly and convincing himself not to trace his thumb along the dark circles below Tony’s eyes, the shadows cast by his insane lower lashes.
“Okay,” Bucky says softly, scratches his nails lightly against Tony’s scalp instead and grinning when Tony practically purrs, “after work.”
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fuckyeahdarcylewis · 4 years
Hothouse Flowers
by ibelieveinturtles
Bucky sees something new at the Avengers Compound.
Words: 1420, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 37 of Donuts in My Bra and Other Stories
Fandoms: Captain America (Movies), Thor (Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: James "Bucky" Barnes, Darcy Lewis
Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Darcy Lewis
Additional Tags: buckybarnesbingo, bbbfluffathon, BBB2020, Day 2, Day 3, Orchids, outside, Music, mine
from AO3 works tagged 'James "Bucky" Barnes/Darcy Lewis' https://ift.tt/3cePyiv via IFTTT
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writing-mermaid · 4 years
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Written for @buckybarnesbingo​ ‘s Fluffathon, with the prompt Roses.
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Bucky stops in front of the white building. Once more he checks the little paper in his jeans pocket. He has it for month, that little sheet of paper, fold in two on his room’s desk, he has it since Tony found where Rebecca lives.
Rebecca, his little sister, the youngest of the family. Bucky pushed away that moment for so long, visiting his sister, the last living member of his family.
When he started to feel better, he asked the genius and billionaire to look for his family. In less than two days, Tony found everything about the Barnes family and the last member. In barely few minutes, Bucky learned everything about his family, their lives after he “died” and their extended family.
Rebecca lived at the Forget Me Not Retirement Home in Brooklyn. She got married to a man named Ronald Proctor, they never had children, and Rebecca chose to go to a retirement house when she realized she couldn’t take care of herself anymore.
Bucky sighs, his sister life has been full. She knew happiness and sadness. He looks on his right, to the bouquet of pink roses he bought for her. Her favorite flowers. He remembered when he was at the flower shop. He offered her a bunch like this one for her tenth birthday in 1941 along with tickets to see the brand-new Disney movie, Dumbo. He remembers the huge smile on her tiny face, she was so happy. He worked so long and so hard to get the money to take her. She was so young when he enlisted for war and was declared dead. One of the first memories that came back to him was how close he was to the youngest of his sisters who looks like at him so much, same stormy bleu eyes, same chestnuts hair. How old was she now ? Something like 90 years old.
After a few minutes, he finally decides to go outside of his car. The rain is pouring and by the time he arrives to the front desk, he’s soaked. Behind the desk, there’s a woman with a nametag saying “Daisy”.
 “Hello”, he says. “I’m here to see Rebecca Proctor please.”
“You are mister Barnes, aren’t you ?”, Daisy asks. Bucky just nods. “So, I’m the one you had on the telephone. I told your sister you were going to visit. She was very happy. But as I told you on the phone, I must warn you that she isn’t always lucid. She remembers a lot of things about you from before the war.” Bucky nods again. “As you look like the picture she has on her nightstand she should recognize you and maybe not realize that more than eighty years have passed. Follow me now please”, she concludes, making Bucky following her in many corridors of the retirement home.
  Walking behind her, Bucky can observe a lot of old persons, thinking that if he haven’t gone to war nor being tortured by HYDRA for more than seventy years, he would have been in some house like this, Steve alongside him, probably waiting for his children or grandchildren to come and see him. Bucky sweeps that thought of his head. None of this happened, and now something illogical is happening, he looks younger than his little sister and he’s the one visiting her in an old people house.
Daisy stops in front of a door and knocks on it.
  “Rebecca, can I come in ? It’s Daisy, I have a visitor for you”, she adds when she opens the door.
  Daisy moves aside to let Bucky in. His gaze embrace the whole room. Rebecca is watching outside, her back to the door, long grey hair falling on her shoulders covered by a black cardigan. Daisy quietly goes outside of the room while Bucky walks towards his sister.
  “Hi Becca”, he gently says.
Rebecca turns her head and a huge smile appears on her face. “James you’re here.”
“Yes”, he answers, crouching in front of her. “I’m sorry it took me so long to come and see you. I brought you flowers”, he adds, showing her the bouquet in his hands. “And I have a surprise for you”, he takes out of a small bag a DVD.
“Dumbo !”, Rebecca shouts, behaving like the ten years old she was when Bucky told her she was going to see the movie when for her birthday.
“A brand-new version”, Bucky tells her. “You will love it, I’m sure. Let’s watch it”, he says, helping Rebecca on her feet towards her bed.
  She sits on it, excited like a small child, holding on a tiny Dumbo plush. Bucky remembers that Steve offered it to Rebecca for her tenth birthday, like Bucky for the movie tickets, Steve worked a lot to get Becca that precious present, without knowing that she would cherish this little elephant plush her whole life. Bucky comes back by the bed after putting the DVD in. He sits next to her and after a few minutes in the movie, Rebecca’s head falls on his shoulder, her hand searching for his, just like when she was a child. And it was like they were back in 1941, no war, no Winter Soldier, no old lady, no retirement home, just a brother and his little sister, a bunch of roses and a flying elephant.
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buckybarnesbingo · 4 years
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AND SO IT BEGINS!  The event has officially started!  Pick one or more or even all of the word or gif prompts each day, and share your Bucky love!  Be sure to tag us when you post your creations!
Day One - R
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The prompts can be interpreted however you wish, but should be Bucky-centric, and have at least some fluff.  Because Fluffathon.
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ao3feed-wintershock · 4 years
Hothouse Flowers
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3cePyiv
by ibelieveinturtles
Bucky sees something new at the Avengers Compound.
Words: 1420, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 37 of Donuts in My Bra and Other Stories
Fandoms: Captain America (Movies), Thor (Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: James "Bucky" Barnes, Darcy Lewis
Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Darcy Lewis
Additional Tags: buckybarnesbingo, bbbfluffathon, BBB2020, Day 2, Day 3, Orchids, outside, Music, mine
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3cePyiv
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