#bavarian doughnuts
fullcravings · 27 days
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Bavarian Cream Doughnuts with Apricot Preserves
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diemauermoved · 9 months
@lupaeus liked [ . . . ]
" while you're here , you should try the schmalznudel. "
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carlos-in-glasses · 11 months
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Thank you so much for tag lovely @alrightbuckaroo @strandnreyes @paperstorm @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut @jesuisici33 @lemonlyman-dotcom @three-drink-amy and @thisbuildinghasfeelings 🧡
A section from chapter 1 of Flashback Fic - which I'm aiming to start posting on either 11th or 12th November! We'll see! Hopefully only a month's time, anyway! Here, our heroes are feeling a little tense...
Softly instructed by TK, Carlos takes a seat over in the darkest corner of the bar and near to a fire exit, while TK orders two Cokes. Usually, Carlos would have an ale in such a place, but he’s nauseated.
He sits at the round wooden table, which is the same dark wood as the walls, floor and ceiling. The place is styled to look like somewhere in the Bavarian alps, but it makes Carlos feel like he’s in a coffin that also contains a billiard table and two slovenly drunks at the bar arguing over the superiority of pistachios versus salted peanuts.
TK joins Carlos with their Cokes, ice clinking loudly in the glasses, and a pre-empted bottled beer for their guest.
“I asked for a slice of lemon each,” he says quietly, handing Carlos’ Coke over, “And the barman said this isn’t a gay bar, you know. So, I think we need to be careful.”
Contrary to what he just said, TK sits next to Carlos instead of opposite him, and holds his hand under the table.
“He’s late,” Carlos says, checking his watch for the eighth time since they entered, and then glares at the door like the door itself has any control over who enters or exits.
“You think everyone’s late when they haven’t arrived after two minutes.”
“Well, technically I’m not wrong about that, am I?” Carlos grumbles.
“All right, Poindexter.”
“We are not about to have our first fight as husbands here and now, TK.”
“Babe, we had a fight on our wedding night.”
“No we didn’t.”
“Yes we did.”
“We disagreed over who should be the big spoon, yet again.”
“You got quite upset about it, baby.”
“I was tired.”
“I know. Which is why I should have been the big spoon,” TK says firmly.
Carlos pulls a face and takes a deep breath like he’s about to launch into a tirade about his rightful big spoonness, when the door swings open on its creaking hinge.
Tags under the line and open tag for anyone who sees this and wants to share!
Dedicating this snippet to @goodways , with whom I shared my headcanon about spooning arguments, and she wrote Back It Up, Baby about it.
I'm a little late so sorry if you've done it and I have seen yet! But tagging with no pressure ever: @reyesstrand @lightningboltreader @orchidscript @freneticfloetry @bonheur-cafe @goodways @ladytessa74 @welcometololaland @rmd-writes @ladytessa74 @never-blooms @heartstringsduet @liminalmemories21 @sanjuwrites @kiloskywalker @theghostofashton @chicgeekgirl89 @rosedavid @taralaurel @sugdenlovesdingle @noxsoulmate @catanisspicy @wandering-night19 @ambiguouspenny @herefortarlos @mikibwrites @louis-ii-reyes-strand @redshirt2 @whatsintheboxmh @inkweedandlizards - if you want to share/haven't already! ❤️🧡 💛 💚 💙 💜
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kpopscruggles · 4 months
i'm curious. what do you think are sangyeon's favorite positions and spots to turn you into his wet and overflowing bavarian doughnut? why? - 📔
my own wording just made me leak 😭
I think he’s favorite positions are more simple, he likes anything where your facing him, that can be missionary, cowgirl, mating press (his intimate favorite), etc. reason being is because he loves to see you fall apart on his cock or that little gasp you’ll give when he file you with his cum!
I think he’s a big person on teasing so he’s never gonna touch you where you need it immediately, I think he’s gonna praise you, tell you how good you look sprawled out in front of him while kissing your neck and rubbing the perfect circle on your tits but never actually touching your nipple and if you try to move him he’ll chuckle “not yeah baby~ we gotta take our time..”
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olderthannetfic · 2 years
I would like to chime in as a person who is not from the US as to why it rubs people the wrong way when you say, "I'm from [US-state]." Most of all other countries are also structured in 'states'. Germany has 16 federal states, India has 28 federal states, Brazil has 26 federal states. When you ask people from those places where they're from, they will first reply with the country, not some federal state that people might not know about. It's just polite. There’s regional and local rivalries in every country. That's not special for the US. As a northern German, I wouldn't want anyone to think I was Bavarian or Hessian or Saxonian. (Ever heard of those places? Probably not, and that's fine because you're not German.) Still, when I'm aware that I am talking to people from other countries (including EU neighbours), I say that I'm from Germany and not give them the German city or state that I'm from. I don't presume that anyone knows where that is. And that's just it. When Americans reply with their state, it just sounds like they're presuming that everyone knows what that is. It seems presumptious and arrogant. Many people around the world take the concious decision to state their country first when they are talking to people from other countries, because that's the entity that's the easiest to understand for everyone. Everyone, but US-Americans who just seem to ask everyone to know all the details about their country. That's just the impression people get when US-Americans act that way. If the people you're talking to know about your country or are interested in it, then they ask about more details like the exact region or state when the conversation progresses.
TBH, I find it really weird when people only answer with their country. Of course I probably don't know much about a person's country's geography, but I'm still expecting more than just a country name. That's the cultural difference, not that I expect you to know where most US states are. I'm expecting us to both smile and nod when we hear the more specific info that means nothing to us. If we're actually curious, we can google it later.
And yes, of course I've heard of those places. From doughnuts and from boots in Regency romances, but still. Unlike states of India, parts of Germany turn up in all kinds of names of things and bits of Western history I'm likely to run across. I couldn't find them on a map, and it's only Bavaria I know anything about culturally, but I certainly know the names.
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teacasket · 2 years
cavities, fillings, and feelings
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genre: fluff au: college au, bakery au warnings: none word count: 0.6k   pairing: f!reader x yang jeongin
There is a great irony in being a dental student and walking out of a dental practice with three filled cavities. It’s also embarrassing, especially when you got them filled by another student. You and Minho aren’t in the same cohort, thank God, but you see him enough that you wished to sink into the ground when he showed you your x-rays.
Mortification aside, you’re fine. You could brush better at the back of your mouth, but there’s nothing concerning since the cavities were small. Somehow, in the fog of relief, your brain decides that you should celebrate with a doughnut. The sweet, indulgent thing that may be the reason for your downfall.
Back Door Bakery is situated near your dental school, which means you can always stop by for a doughnut and coffee in the morning. Not that you always do, but you’re there often enough that the workers know you by name and you, theirs.
Jeongin is working today, and he waves hello from the register as you walk in, the chime of the door announcing your presence. He dyed his hair pink for the upcoming Valentine’s Day, and the late afternoon sun streaming through the windows makes it look rosier.
“Let me guess,” he says as you approach him, “Boston cream?”
Your mouth waters at the thought of chocolate frosting and custard filling. However, despite giving into your temptations, you still have some restraint. “No, not today. Just a regular twisted doughnut, please.”
“Coming right up.”
It doesn’t take long for him to grab a cinnamon-and-sugar encrusted doughnut from the display case. You pay, take a large comical bite, and are about to bid him goodbye when he says, “Make sure you come by on Valentine’s Day.”
"Is something happening?"
He smiles a secret smile and says, “You'll see.”
With an invitation like that, how can you resist? You’re at the bakery by seven in the morning, concealing your yawns with your hoodie sleeve. The line is longer than usual, likely because of whatever is happening today, but Back Door looks the same from the outside. You peer at the customers leaving and realize that all of their treats are themed specifically for the holiday. Heart-shaped doughnuts, red-glazed crullers, strawberry-topped éclairs—your teeth hurt just from looking at all of the sugary confections. Nevertheless, it doesn’t stop you from studying the display case with fascination.
You’ve settled on an éclair and your usual latte by the time it’s your turn at the register. Jeongin, working the register like always, asks what you think about the doughnuts today.
“I’m getting cavities just looking at them, so I love it,” you laugh. Remembering your last encounter to the dentist, you tongue your back molars as if you’ve just eaten. “I see so many future clients here. Thanks.”
He grins at your silly joke, and you feel your heart jump. Then he says, “This is for you, by the way,” and your heart does cartwheels.
“Fresh strawberries, strawberry frosting, Bavarian cream filling," he says to your starry-eyed face. “Specially made for you and on the house. Also, your latte should be ready at the pick-up counter.”
“God, I love you,” you reply without thinking.
You blush, and he does too, turning the same color as his hair. “It’s nothing,” he says. “I always like you seeing here, so I wanted to make sure you’d stick around. Happy Valentine's Day.”
“Happy Valentine's Day.”
On your walk to your first class of the day, you contemplate on whether you should eat the doughnut now or later. Or possibly never. It’s pretty in a way that shouldn’t be applicable to doughnuts, and you can’t tell if your own feelings are coloring that opinion. Nevertheless, you can't hide your smile as you think back to Jeongin’s face.
for more valentine's day shenanigans: flowers for you // candy hearts // stupid cupid
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beatricebidelaire · 6 months
“Let's try to think,” Klaus said. “What did Hal say about the file? We know it has to do with Jacques Snicket, and with fire.”
“Prem!” Sunny said, which meant “But we looked under Snicket, Jacques, and Fire already.”
“There must be something else,” Violet said. “We have to find this file. It has crucial information about Jacques Snicket and V.F.D.”
“And about us,” Klaus said. “Don't forget that.”
The three children looked at one another.
“Baudelaire!” Sunny whispered.
Without another word, the orphans ran to the B aisle, and hurried past Babbitt to Babylon, Bacteria to Ballet, and Bamboo to Baskerville, stopping at Bat Mitzvah to Bavarian Cream. As the door continued to fissle behind them, Klaus tried nine keys in a row before finally opening the cabinet, and there, between the Jewish coming-of-age ceremony for young women, and the delicious filling of certain doughnuts, the children found a folder marked “Baudelaire.”
“It's here,” Klaus said, taking it out of the drawer with trembling hands.
“What does it say? What does it say?” Violet asked in excitement.
“Look,” Klaus said. “There's a note on the front.”
“Read it!” Sunny said in a frantic whisper, as the door began to shake violently on its hinges.
Whoever was on the other side of the door was obviously getting frustrated with trying to pick the lock.
Klaus held up the file so he could see what the note said in the dim light of the room. “'All thirteen pages of the Snicket file,'” he read, '“have been removed from the Library of Records for the official investigation.'” He looked up at his sisters, and they could see that, behind his glasses, his eyes were filling with tears. “That must be when Hal saw our picture,” he said. “When he removed the file and gave it to the official investigators.” He dropped the file on the floor and then sat down beside it in despair. “There's nothing here.”
“Yes there is!” Violet said. “Look!”
The Baudelaires looked at the file where Klaus had dropped it on the ground. There, behind the note, was a single sheet of paper. “It's page thirteen,” Violet said, looking at a number typed in a corner of the paper. “The investigators must have left it behind by mistake.”
“That's why you should keep paper clips on papers that belong together,” Klaus said, “even when you file them. But what does the page say?”
With a long crackle!and a loud bang,the door to the Library of Records was knocked off its hinges, and fell to the floor of the enormous room as if it had fainted. But the children paid no attention. Violet, Klaus, and Sunny all sat and looked at page thirteen of the file, too amazed to even listen to the odd, teetering footsteps as the intruder entered the room and began to walk along the aisles of file cabinets.
Page thirteen of the Baudelaire file was not a crowded sheet of paper-there was just one photograph stapled into place, below one sentence of type. But sometimes it takes only a photograph and a sentence to make an author cry himself to sleep even years after the photograph was taken, or to make three siblings sit and stare at a page for a long time, as if an entire book were printed on one sheet of paper.
There were four people in the photograph, standing together outside a building the Baudelaires recognized immediately. It was 667 Dark Avenue , where the orphans had lived with Jerome and Esmé Squalor for a brief time, until it became another place too treacherous for the children to stay.
The first person in the photograph was Jacques Snicket, who was looking at the photographer and smiling. Standing next to Jacques was a man who was turned away from the camera, so the children could not see his face, only one of his hands, which was clutching a notebook and pen, as if the obscured man were a writer of some sort.
The children had not seen Jacques Snicket since he was murdered, of course, and the writer appeared to be someone they had never seen at all. But standing next to these two people were another two people the Baudelaire children thought they would never see again.
Bundled up in long coats, looking cold but happy, were the Baudelaire parents.
-- the hostile hospital
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slowlyfadingdown · 2 months
Food log 7/11/24
I lowkey went wayyy over my calorie intake on Wednesday so I did a lot better today.
Skipped- 0 cal
Sausage and cheese kolache- 326 cal
Bavarian filled doughnut- 220 cal
Skipped- 0 cals
Total- 546 cal
Burned- 151 cal
Net- 395
Now I’m currently trying to complete a 24 hour fast so wish me luck!!
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funnyfooddatabase · 1 year
Universal Orlando Resort Pride Month Offerings
Food AND Drink
Type of Funny Food: Seasonal
Introduced: June 2023
Location: Universal Orlando Resort
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During the month of June in 2023, Universal Orlando Resort offered a number of pride-related food and drink at their parks and CityWalk shopping and dining center.
For food, this included:
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the Pride Shake at Toothsome's Chocolate Emporium, a milkshake made with Fruity Pebbles ice cream topped with Nerds and Nerds Rope candy, whipped cream, and a slice of rainbow-colored cake,
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the Pride Petit Cake at Croissant Moon Bakery and San Francisco Pastry Company, a layered combo of rainbow cake and Fruity Pebbles-flavored frosting all topped with a rope of rainbow sour candy,
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the Pride Bar at Voodoo Doughnut, a yeast bar covered in rainbow and white icing and filled with Bavarian cream,
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the Pride Cake at the Today Cafe, a slightly larger version of the cake at Toothsome's,
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and the Pride Roll at Cowfish, a dessert sushi made with sweet rice filled with lemon curd, strawberry compote, and vanilla cheesecake and topped with kiwi, mango, pop rocks, cantaloupe, and strawberry.
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For drinks, multiple venues across the resort, such as Bob Marley - A Tribute to Freedom and Red Cocunut Club offered themed cocktails. These were Rainbow Vacation (a layered cocktail of coco cream, orange bitters, mango, pineapple, lime juice, and turmeric topped with dragonfruit boba and Bitter Truth's Creme de Violette float) and Blue Dazzle (New Amsterdam gin, St. Germaine liqueur, simple syrup, lemon juice, edible blue glitter, mint, and cucumber).
Image of the Pride Shake is mine! Was soooo good- already miss it. Image of the drink list is also mine, though I'm not a drinker so I didn't order any of the themed alcohol!
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fullcravings · 10 months
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Easy Bavarian Cream Doughnuts
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snowy-bones · 2 years
I was curious what kind of doughnut does doughnut enjoy the most? I lo e the Bavarian cream ones
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just can't resist'em! heh heh heh...but all are equal in my soul heh!
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mcalhenwrites · 1 year
Things I could use badly at this time: Reassurance Bavarian cream filled chocolate doughnuts At least one update on any of the fics I'm currently following atm (or even those authors to post works I'm interested in) Reassurance??? New comments on any of my writing to wake up to A hug from a friend Overnight interest increased in my writing so that I actually have at least a fraction of a career in writing
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asknarashikari · 2 years
GeatsCast and Riders react to Ace having one of his horny visions again.
Keiwa: *takes a sushi roll from a box* 2 rolls is enough to fill a person but why did sis made 6. Oh well. Itadakimasu. Ace: *hands trembling with filling a donut with Bavarian Kreme* Keiwa: Hmmm... Oh this a kimbap. Delicious. That crunch from the radish and carrots. Yum. Ace: Ooooo.... *stops filling the donuts as he hard squeeze the bag* Oh Shit... What a waste... I even got some one my apron and it's empty. Time to make some more... hehehe... *dashes away*
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What the frick frack dallywhack is going on in that brain of his to conjure... that whole scenario... as a vision of the future
Meanwhile, Haruto is railing on Ace for the sin of eating a doughnut that is not plain sugar. Yes, his priorities are skewed
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giftdubaionline · 1 year
The Story of Doughnut and Arabic Sweets Abu Dhabi- Gift Dubai Online
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Arabic Sweets Online
How is this Creamy, savory, and Tasty Doughnut been Loved by the Arabs? Does the phrase “Doughnut time” belong only to Native Americans? How did Doughnuts become so popular? Let’s Discover all the Answers to these delicious doughnuts and Also find their relationship with the Savoury and Delicious Bavarian Arabic Sweets.
The History of Doughnut
Back in the 19th Century there lived a lovely lady who was the mother of a captain of the New England Ship named Elizabeth Gregory. She made deep-fried dough and used to add nutmeg and cinnamon along with lemon rind from her son’s (Captain Hanson Gregory) spice cargo.
She made this fried dough so that her son and his crew could store the pastry on long voyages. Eventually, Mrs. Gregory added Walnuts and Hazelnuts in the center which made the pastries to be called doughnuts.
The Credit for the Doughnut's shape which is the Hole in the center goes to Captain Gregory. He used to Screw his mom’s doughnuts on the spoke of his ship’s wheel while steering through the storm which required both his hands to steer. Thus the Doughnuts had a hole in its center and the Doughnut was Born.
Fun Fact
In 1937 Vernon and his two friends ended up having 25$ in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. They borrowed potatoes, sugar, and milk from a caring shopkeeper and started baking thus creating a recipe that would change the world forever. They baked the first batch of Krispy Kremes that July.
Arabic Sweet Abu Dhabi - Tale & Origin
The History of Arabic sweet goes back to the Ottomans and Mamluks when the ancient Arabs made some delicate sweets and desserts that preserves the tradition till Now.
A lot of love and care are poured into the recipes that are transmitted from mothers to daughters! Arabic sweets are very different from foreign pastries.
The Origin of Arabic Sweet consists of Four major Desserts namely Basbousa, Halvah, Sweet Umm Ali & Kunafa.
Since Gregory is from the Netherlands the taste of Dutch Doughnuts became popular in Middle Eastern Countries. In UAE Countries doughnuts started to get popular and everyone who had a bite fell in love with the Middle Eastern doughnut.
Is the doughnut really a part of Sweets, Well the answer is No but still doughnut is still a favorite dessert for many people across UAE. If you are a Doughnut lover and wish to gift the best doughnut time to your friends and family across UAE then try the GDO’s delicious doughnuts from Dubai and also indulge yourself with the GDO’s famous traditional Arabic Sweets Dubai. Get Your Gift and Treat Today with same day delivery from Gift Dubai Online.
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bimbospace · 1 year
got all my ingridence for a lovely brioche dough to make doughnuts with a bavarian cream filling
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kaylamagazine · 1 year
These donuts literally melts in the mouth, give it a try #bavariancreamdoughnuts #bavariancreamdonuts #bavariancreamdonut #bavariancreamdoughnut
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