massivesleepcycle · 2 years
Facts you should know about Battle of Badr {Battle of badr-17th Ramadan; 2 A.H.}
The Battle of Badr was a major event in which the Muslims defeated a powerful Quraysh army against all odds after being driven out from their homes in Makkah. The battle of badr holds a great significance in Islamic history. It was the battle that proved that the strength of army and weapons are useless untill you have Allah's help with you. It was a great victory for muslims. It was the fruit of their patience and firm belief in Allah. The battle of badar was the first major battle fought by the muslims against the enemies of islam durings our prophet saw's life. a small group of muslim believers (313men 2horses and 70 camels) were rewarded with a remarkable victory in the battle of badr against disbelievers (1000men). And 14 of our believers were martyrd in the battle. The facts from the Battle of Badr which we believe have significance. Some Facts I have extracted a few lessons from the famous incident of Badr for all to benefit. ________ 1. How Many People Fought at Badr? In this battle, an army of only 313 humble Muslims defeated an army of 1000 well-equipped soldiers. “And already had Allah given you victory at Badr while you were few in number. Then fear Allah ; perhaps you will be grateful.” Quran 3:123 “How many a small company has overcome a large company by permission of Allah. And Allah is with the patient.” Quran 2:249 ______________ 2. Victory is only from Allah. After winning the Battle, Allah reminded the believers that it was only through His will, they were victorious. “And you did not kill them, but it was Allah who killed them. And you threw not, [O Muhammad], when you threw, but it was Allah who threw that He might test the believers with a good test. Indeed, Allah is Hearing and Knowing.” Quran 8:17 “And Allah made it not except as [a sign of] good tidings for you and to reassure your hearts thereby. And victory is not except from Allah, the Exalted in Might, the Wise” Quran 3:126.
3. Never undermine your prayers. Prior to the Battle, the Prophet prayed immensely for Allah’s support. He would say “Oh Lord, if we are defeated, You will not be worshiped at all on Earth”. [Remember] when you asked help of your Lord, and He answered you, “Indeed, I will reinforce you with a thousand from the angels, rank after rank.” Quran 8:9 This prayer was not only answered, but the Battle proved pivotal in the survival of Islam until our current day.
4. The Power of Allah is Endless By Allah’s decree, Angels descending from Heaven came to assist the Muslims in this battle. A handful of dust in the Prophet’s hand was also transformed into a gigantic whirlwind that dispersed the enemy. “Yes, if you remain patient and conscious of Allah and the enemy come upon you [attacking] in rage, your Lord will reinforce you with five thousand angels having marks [of distinction]” Quran 3:125 Rabee’ ibn Anas says: “Allah aided the Muslims on the day of Badr with 1000 [angels], then He increased them in help, so they were 3000, then He increased them in help, so they were 5000.” Ali Ibn Talha narrates from Abdullah Ibn Abbas, that the Messenger of Allah raised his hands on the Day of Badr, saying “Oh Lord, if this group is destroyed, you will not be worshipped on this world at all”. Angel Gabriel then instructed him to take a handful of dust and throw it in their faces. So the Prophet took a single handful of dust and threw it in the direction of their faces. There wasn’t a single disbeliever (from the enemy) left except that this single handful of dust entered his eyes, nose, and mouth. They were all then left on their backs dispersed.
5. How did the Muslims win? The Prophet Muhammad’s struggle alongside his Ummah proved victorious in this battle due to their ability to stand firm, steadfast and united. While the Quraish proved frail and hence easily dispersed after being misled by Satan. And [remember] when Satan made their deeds pleasing to them and said, “No one can overcome you today from among the people, and indeed, I am your protector.” But when the two armies sighted each other, he turned on his heels and said, “Indeed, I am disassociated from you. Indeed, I see what you do not see; indeed I fear Allah. And Allah is severe in penalty.” Quran 8:48
6. It is mentioned in Quran The Battle of Badr is alluded to in several verses in the Qur’an, it is mentioned by name is Surah Aal-‘Imran: 3:123 – Allah helped you at Badr when you were very weak. Be mindful of Allah, so that you may be grateful. 3:124 – Remember when you said to the believers, ‘Will you be satisfied if your Lord reinforces you by sending down three thousand angels? 3:125 – Well, if you are steadfast and mindful of Allah, your Lord will reinforce you with five thousand swooping angels if the enemy should suddenly attack you!’ 3:126 – and Allah arranged it so, as a message of hope for you [believers] to put your hearts at rest- help comes only from Allah, the Mighty, the Wise-
7. Angels assisted the Muslims in battle : 5,000 angels helped the Muslims achieve victory over the Quraysh who were better equipped in terms of weaponry, camels and war-horses. Allah says in the Qur’an:3:125 – Well, if you are steadfast and mindful of Allah, your Lord will reinforce you with five thousand swooping angels if the enemy should suddenly attack you!’
8. 14 companions were martyred in the battle. 70 men from the army of the Quraysh were killed including Abu Jahl, one of their commanders. Many others were taken as prisoners of war by the Muslims who were later ransomed.
The prisoners of war were treated with dignity and respect. An incident demonstrating this is mentioned in Sahih Al-Bukhari:
Jâbir relates: “After the Battle of Badr, prisoners of war were brought. Among them was al-`Abbas. He did not have a shirt on, so the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) looked for a shirt for him. It turned out that a shirt of `Abdullah b. `Ubayy was the right size, so the Prophet gave it to al-`Abbas to wear and compensated `Abdullah with his own shirt.”
Allah the Most Merciful granted the Muslims victory after the prophet (be upon him) made intense dua to His Lord May we all become like those strong Muslims who stood alongside the prophet peace be upon out of True Love for Allah and the Prophet peace be upon him Our battles are the struggles of our nafs/ego and the struggles of everyday life which we pray we can control better, so through our character the world can see the beauty of this great faith! Our hearts have become dark due to our sins. We can remove this darkness and replace it with light through repentance and remembrance of Allah subhan wa tallah and our beloved Prophet (saw).
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maryamjazeem · 3 years
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#masjidalaqsa is under attack. #palestinelivesmatter . Hasbunallaha Wa nihmal Wakeel. Let’s all make sincere #Dua. Yaa Rab! protect #AlAqsa from those who seek to harm it and give your help to those who defend it. Help them the way you helped in the #battleofbadr #FreePalestine https://www.instagram.com/p/COnIJkEjK7e/?igshid=15k3tnm0aodnh
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muftimgrbsn · 4 years
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17 RAMADAN THE BATTLE Of THE BADR سرزمین پر کفر کا اسلام سے پہلا معرکہ 17 رمضان المبارک براہ راست تذکرہ غزوۂ بدر علماء اہلسنت کے ساتھ. خود بھی شرکت کریں اور دوسروں کو بھی دعوت دیں. . . #muftimgrbsn #badr #battleofbadr #masjid #masjidilharam #old #lovemakkah #islam #aqidah #Ramadan #ramadan_kareem #Rozah #urduposts #urdupost #masjid #sambhal #Facebook #online #live #muslim #muslimah #aqeeda #aqeedah #aqidahahlusunnahwaljamaah #speech #islamicspeech #dinislam #islamicvideo #islamicpost #islamicvideos ##battle https://www.instagram.com/p/CAB0Y-eFpJZ/?igshid=gkvpqjyuxn9e
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#deen #ramadan #muslim #battleofbadr #smak78 #داعيه_شان #q8 #islam https://www.instagram.com/p/Bxz-xH8Bu6s/?igshid=c4mwg51nn0yu
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ahlulbaytnetworks · 3 years
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The Battle of Badr 🗡
The first of these battles was Badr.
It took place in the month of Ramazan, in 2 A.H. Muslims were not prepared for a battle and could ill-afford to fight against superior forces.
But Medina was being invaded and the Holy Prophet (s) was forced to defend himself and his followers. He decided to leave Medina and fight out the battle in an open field. He had only 313 Muslims who were not adequately armed for a battle, many of them were nervous of an encounter, and were suffering from inferiority complex.
The Quraish had come with an army of about 1000 warriors and had frightened the Muslims even more. The battle took place and 36 Quraish were killed by Imam Ali (a), some of them were famous warriors of Quraish and most of them were the same who had surrounded the house of the Prophet (s) on the night of migration.
During the encounter, he was wounded, but by his bravery and courage, he brought home to Muslims that he would act as the first line of defence for Islam, that they had no cause to suffer from inferiority complex and that Allah would defend them against heavy odds.
Amongst Quraish, there were two sworn enemies of Islam, Abu Jahl and Abu Sufyan and in this battle, Abu Jahl was killed.
Imam Ali Alaihisalaams was the hero of this battle and brought the first victory to Islam in armed encounters with its enemies.
#BattleofBadr #ImamAli #islam #ProphetMuhammad #history #sufism #sunni #17Ramadan
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izaag9 · 5 years
Badr Battlefield Area Ghazawe Badr Saudi Arabia
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peacebeuponhim786 · 7 years
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With true love for Allah and His Messenger ﷺ you will be able fulfil the commandments of Allah and gain victory over your lower selves, over your desires and caprice, over this deceptive worldly life and over those who disbelieve from the devils of mankind and jinn. . Among the Companions in Battle of Badr were youths, some of them only fifteen or seventeen years old. One of those was Sayyiduna Harithah, who was one of the fourteen Companions martyred at Badr. His mother came to the Messenger of Allah ﷺ upon his return to Medina. She asked him ﷺ: . “Where is my son? If he is in the Garden I will be content but if not you will see how I behave!” . The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said to her: . “Umm Harithah, do not be foolish – it is not one garden, but many, and your son has entered the highest garden of Firdaws!” . O people who are planning for the future, is there any future greater than this? Let us make firm the foundation of love so that we follow the path of those Companions, may Allah be well pleased with them. . O Allah we love them for Your sake so show us their faces on the Day of Judgement and in Paradise Allahumma A'ameen . . Let there be nothing in our houses which displeases Your Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, whether it be on our screens or in our behaviour. Help us to give this month its due and enable us to follow the Chosen One, honouring the covenant between us and You. . Invoke abundant blessings upon him because this is what will bring you close to him on that day. As he ﷺ said: . “The closest people to me on the Day of Judgement are the ones who invoke the most blessings upon me.” Habib Umar may Allah protect them and benefit us from them #Salawat #BattleOfBadr #Ramadhan1438
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massivesleepcycle · 4 years
The strength of Army and weapons are useless untill you have Allah's help with you.
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maryamjazeem · 3 years
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Alhamthulillah ❤️. I so excited to participate in an unmissable evening this Ramadhan for the whole family!! Join us for a *FREE* Super Online event *this Friday* Register your spot 🎟 asap 📅 Date : Friday 30th April ⏲️ Time : 9pm Empowered in Ramadhan Evening packed with Exclusives, Ramadhan Reminders & Tips, Real Talk, Comedy, Nasheeds, Auction and much more for the whole family! Auction includes - - Flight & Accommodation to Masjid Al Aqsa, Jerusalem This great event is being Hosted by sister Shreen Mahmood @justshreen In sha Allah I will be reciting the portion of my favourite Surah from the Holy Quran . Ramadhan Reminders by Alima Ashfaq , Muslimah Renaissance Exclusive Interview Noreen Khan , BBC Asian Network Exclusive Nasheed Performance Amira Unplugged, American Idol Golden Ticket *Book your Place NOW 🎟* https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/empowered-in-ramadhan-tickets-149465516383 This is an online event, all welcome to attend ! Charity partners @humanappeal #inspire #empower #motivate #quran #RamadanReflection #Ramadan2021 #femalequranreciter #QuranReciter #ramadanreflection #ChildQuranEeciter #empowerment #battleofbadr #MaryamJazeem https://www.instagram.com/p/CORFLZlDcRi/?igshid=w1c0uys90k2y
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naviwala1974 · 7 years
I need you to share this everywhere! The battle of Badr took place on this day. We are Muslims today because of 313 heroes. (PLEASE SHARE) #battleofbadr #islam #muslimah #muslima
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muslimahsistersblog · 3 years
We should remember the sahaba's who sacrificed there life's on the way of Al -Haqq...
Our martyrs our pride..
The stars of our beloved Rasool mohammad saw✨
May Allah swt be pleased with them all...
So i wanted to share some important facts regarding this auspicious day before it's arrival...
There is so much to take from this incident of battle of badr..
That sabr and tawwakkul can make things on our side when everything seems against ✨
Reference - article from @ilmfeed
#muslimah #reelislam #islam #deen #islamic #reminder #islamicreminders
#islamicquotes #islamicpost #islamdaily #islamicstatus #hadees #ramadan #prophetmuhammadﷺ #allahﷻ #dawah #hadith #islamicposts #prophetmuhammad #islamicreel #ramadan2021 #faith #ramzanmubarak #ramzan #ramadankareem #instaislam #islamicvideo #battleofbadr #pray #allah
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phungthaihy · 4 years
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Being Muslim in Academia | Shaykh Dr. Yasir Qadhi & Ashher Masood http://ehelpdesk.tk/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/logo-header.png [ad_1] Original Podcast: Bottled Petric... #academics #allah #battleofbadr #becomingashaykh #becominganimam #bukhari #calculus #chineselanguage #companionsoftheprophet #datastructures #englishconversation #englishgrammar #englishlanguage #frenchlanguage #germanlanguage #god #hadith #hajj #ielts #islam #islamic #islamichistory #islamicknowledge #islamiclecture #islamicrolemodels #japaneselanguage #linearalgebra #livesofthesahabas #love #makkah #math #medinah #mercy #messengersofallah #muslim #muslimacademia #muslimmatters #official #peace #prayer #probability #prophetmuhammad #qadhi #quran #religion #salah #scholar #shaykhdr.yasirqadhi #signlanguage #spanishlanguage #statistics #studyingislam #sunnah #taif #teaching #thebible #umrah #unityindiversity #yasir #zakat
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mi95aman · 4 years
Some interesting facts about battle of Badr.
Some interesting facts about battle of Badr. #Ramadan #BattleOfBadr #islam
Some interesting facts about battle of Badr.
Every civilisation commemorates certain historic battles which have played a significant role in it’s history. For Muslims, the Battle of Badr was a major event in which the Muslims defeated a powerful Quraysh army against all odds after being driven out from their homes in Makkah following economic sanctions and persecution.
Some interesting…
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peacebeuponhim786 · 7 years
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Do you know what your Prophet ﷺ was doing on this night? Do you know about his struggles. his tears, his concern, his care, his compassion on the night of the 17th Ramadan? It was on this night that the Beloved of Allah ﷺ stood in his tent in the area of Badr all night long weeping profusely and calling upon Allah with extreme humility and humbleness. Whilst all of his companions rested, he stood and cried in-front of His Lord asking Him for victory, openings, success, felicity, mercy, blessings and protection for his entire ummah. He lifted his blessed arms high in supplication, tears left his beautiful eyes, and he made du'a after du'a. What did he ask for? What did he say? 'O Allah, if you destroy this small group of men (313 men) then no one will worship You ever again!' -Look at the powerful nature of that du'a! . . Sayyiduna Abu Bakr ‎رضي الله ﺗﻌﺎﻟﯽٰ عنه stood and guarded the tent all night long and when he saw the Prophet ﷺ in this state, he embraced him and hugged him and told him that Allah will surely accept his du'as. That supplication was made 1400 years ago and it is only because of it that we are Muslim today. How much do we owe such a merciful master who stood for us? How much do we call unto Allah? Many of us have one million problems - Some of us have marriage problems, family problems, some of us are in debt, we can't find a job and others of us don't have children- The night of Badr teaches us that nothing is impossible. Cry in front of your Lord with brokenness, faith, iman and with certitude and Allah will give you solutions, gift you with openings and grant you everything that you need #BattleOfBadr #17thRamadhan
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maryamjazeem · 3 years
Do you want to make impossible into possible in your life ? Today is the #battleofbadr day which teaches us great lesson to us. On this day (17th #Ramadan) the #BattleofBadr took place. The battle where 313 believers were victorious over 950 disbelievers ! Have strong faith in Almighty Allah, Work Hard, Keep Making Duas. Allah will impossible into possible in sha Allah #islamicreminder #islamiccalendar #islamichistory #islam. #ramadanreflection #MotivationalTalk #ramadanwisdom #FemaleReciters #MaryamJazeem வாழ்க்கையில் நீங்கள் சாத்தியமில்லாது என்று கருதும் எதையும் எப்படி சாத்தியமாகிக் கொள்ளலாம் ? மகள் மர்யம் ஜெஸீம் Maryam Jazeem டிக் டொக் தளத்தில் இன்றைய ரமழான் 17 ஆம் நாளில் நடைபெற்ற பத்ர் யுத்த தினத்தை நினைவூட்டி வழங்கிய படிப்பினை காணொளி https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMeXkqcpN/ https://www.instagram.com/p/COQwKRhD21Q/?igshid=8m1e80qc34zi
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muslimahsistersblog · 3 years
Tomorrow is 17th Ramadan inshallah.. So i wanted to share some important facts regarding this auspicious day before it's arrival... There is so much to take from this incident of battle of badr.. That sabr and tawwakkul can make things on our side when everything seems against ✨ #islam #deen #islamic #reminder #islamicreminders #islamicquotes #islamicpost #islamdaily #islamicstatus #hadees #ramadan #prophetmuhammadﷺ #dawateislam #dawah #hadith #islamicposts #prophetmuhammad #jummeraat #wazifa #ramadan2021 #ramadan17 #ramzanmubarak #ramzan #ramadankareem #gooddeeds #ayats #ayat #battleofbadr #badr #17ramadhan https://www.instagram.com/p/COOmBOQBPw7/?igshid=9dy7ktfn9ywi
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