#battle of karkar
biblicalarchaeology1 · 2 months
In 2003 or 2004, an ancient tomb was excavated near the mound by the Palestinian Antiquities Authority, and there was likely a spot excavation at the mound itself during this period. In 2016 and 2017, Meir Rotter from Bar-Ilan University conducted two assessments of the site's condition.
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jordanianroyals · 2 years
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18 April 2022: Crown Prince Hussein, the Regent, visited the First Prince Al Hussein bin Abdullah II Royal Mechanised Battalion, to mark the 81st anniversary of its formation.
He joined a number of the battalion’s former retired leaders for iftar after performing the maghreb prayer. The Regent expressed pride in serving in the battalion, which is the oldest formation in the Jordan Armed Forces-Arab Army, paying tribute to its celebrated history.
The battalion fought in 1948 in a number of battles in Tulkarm, Tal Alradar, and Khirbet Karkar, and in 1967 in Qabatya in Nablus, in addition to defending Arab territories in Syria’s Golan in the 1973 war.
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truecrimesstuff · 3 years
The Mumbai Attacks:
On 26 November 2008 ten terrorists entered Mumbai through the sea route and created havoc that lasted for 4 days. The terrorists were the members of Lashkar-e-Taiba, an Islamist terrorist organization from Pakistan. According to reports, around 174 people died and a further 300 were wounded during these attacks which shook entire India.
The 10 heavily armed men started from Karachi, Pakistan in a small boat on 22 November 2008. After 40 minutes they shifted to a larger boat known as "Al-Husseini" which belonged to the chief commander of the Lashkar-e-Taiba. On 23 November 2008, they noticed an Indian registered fishing boat "MV Kuber" docked beside "Al-Husseini". This boat had five crew members four of which were shifted to " Al-Husseini" and the captain of the trawler, Amar Singh Solanki was allowed to stay with them in the boat. The four other crew members who boarded the Al-Husseini were later killed by the members of Lashkar-e-Taiba. The terrorists boarded the "MV Kuber" and Solanki navigated the boat to point four nautical miles off Mumbai. The terrorists killed Solanki here and they traveled the last four miles in an inflatable speedboat reaching Badhwar Park, South Mumbai at about 8:00 P.M. The group of ten was subsequently divided into smaller groups as they set forth to attack the most popular areas across Mumbai.
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The places targetted during the attacks.
They first started their attack at the Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Terminus. The station being one of the busiest hubs in Mumbai was packed with people, some arriving at their destination while some others waiting to board their trains. Two terrorists Mohammad Ajmal Amir Kasab(20 years) and Dera Ismail Khan(25 years) entered the train station at about 9:20 P.M armed with grenades and AK-47. They open-fired at the people. A railway announcer named Vishnu Dattaram Zende immediately alerted the people through his announcements to leave the station and was able to save many lives. The attacks continued until 10:45 P.M and resultingly 58 people were killed and more than 100 were severely injured. They fled the scene all the while firing at the pedestrians and policemen.
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The aftermath of the attacks at the Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Terminus.
Their next target was the Cama and Albless Hospital, famous for its gynecology facilities. The two terrorists had barged into the hospital and had immediately killed two guards Bhanu Narkar and Baban Walu. As soon as the doctors and nurses got a whiff that the hospital was under attack, they immediately set into action. They locked all the ward doors, switched off the lights, and even prepared themselves to conduct deliveries in utmost silence. By the time the police arrived the terrorists had placed themselves on the terrace along with doctors who they held as hostages. They went on to haul grenades at the police and even indulged in an open fire. After 40-50 minutes of continuous firing, the terrorists fled from the scene. By this time an anti-terrorist squad led by police chief Hemant Karkare arrived near the Hospital. Kasab and Khan fired on their vehicle, and the police retaliated. Karkare, Vijay Salaskar, Ashok Kamte, and one of their officers were killed. The only survivor, Constable Arun Jadhav, was severely wounded. Kasab and Khan seized the police vehicle and fled from the scene but later abandoned it in the middle of the road and seized another passenger car. They then ran into a police roadblock. As soon as the terrorists and police came face to face a gun battle ensued which resulted in the death of Ismail Khan. After a physical struggle, Kasab was arrested. A police officer, Tukaram Omble, was martyred as he courageously tried to disarm Kasab by wrestling his weapon away from him.
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Bullet marks left on the walls of the Cama and Albless Hospital.
Another early site of the Mumbai attacks was the Leopold Cafe. Two terrorists namely Abu Abdar Rahman(25 years) and Abu Umar(23 years) open fired inside the restaurant which being a popular watering hole was packed with Indians and foreigners alike. They exploded a grenade in the cafe and killed 10 people and injured many others. They spent about 5 minutes in the restaurant and rushed towards the Taj Mahal Hotel. The cafe which was established in 1871 underwent extensive damage and even today one could see bullet marks still left on the walls from the attacks. Even after all this, the cafe reopened after 4 days to signify their war against terrorism.
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Bullet marks in Leopold Cafe which were never repaired and are kept as a reminder of the dark phase.
Around this time in other parts of the city there were two blasts in taxis caused by timer bombs. The first one occurred at 10:40 at Vile Parle which killed the driver and a passenger. The second explosion took place at Wadi Bunder between 10:20 and 10:25. Three people, including the driver of the taxi, were killed, and about 15 others were injured.
The Taj Mahal Palace Hotel and the Oberoi Trident were the next targetted locations. The Taj Mahal Hotel is a heritage building in Mumbai. Four terrorists namely Abu Saheb(21 years) and Abu Ali(22 years) along with the two who attacked Leopold cafe entered the hotel divided into two pairs. The first pair entered the main lobby at 9:38 P.M while the other entered the North Court entrance at 9:43 P.M. They started an open fire as soon as they entered the Hotel and even started hurling grenades. They moved from one floor to another killing any and everyone they crossed paths with. They even set fire to a part of the hotel causing massive damage to certain floors. The hotel staff showed presence of mind and tried alerting as many guests as possible regarding the attacks. There was a hostage situation due to the attacks as many guests locked themselves up in their room and many were isolated in different parts of the hotel. Even at these trying times, the hotel staff showed incredible courage and wisdom as they risked their own lives trying to save as many people as possible in any way present and materialized the famous Indian proverb "अतिथिदेवो भव" which means Guests are God. According to reports, none of the employees fled the scene at the face of danger to protect themselves, even when they had the option to do so. In the Taj Mahal Hotel, 32 people were killed with the majority being the hotel staff.
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The Taj Mahal Hotel under attack.
In the Oberoi Trident, at about 10:00 P.M two terrorists namely Abdul Rehman Chotta(21 years) and Fahadullah(23 years) entered through the front entrance and started indiscriminately firing at the people. Here, they detonated two IEDs and moved up towards the different floors to kill more people. On the 16th and 18th floor they collected some guests and kept them as hostages. Here, 33 persons were killed.
During the attacks, both hotels were surrounded by Rapid Action Force personnel and Marine Commandos (MARCOS) and National Security Guards (NSG) commandos. Security forces stormed both hotels, and all nine attackers were killed by the morning of 29 November. Major Sandeep Unnikrishnan of the NSG was martyred during the rescue of Commando Sunil Yadav, who was injured during the rescue operations.
The Nariman House, a Chabad Lubavitch Jewish center in Colaba known as the Mumbai Chabad House was occupied by a Rabbi and his family who generally accommodated visiting Jews. At about 10:25 P.M two terrorists, Abu Akasa(25 years) and Abu Umer(28 years) entered the five-storied building all the while firing in the air. Inside the house, they went from door to door searching for people to kill. Many of these people were taken as hostages and were bound and tortured. The terrorists during the attack in the Nariman House were involved in continuous fire with the police throughout the night of 26 November and up till the next day. The terrorists hurled grenades in the nearby lanes and even detonated an IED which blew away the rear wall of the house. Rescue operations were conducted and 14 people were rescued. 173 people were killed in the attacks along with the owners of the house Rabbi Gavriel Holtzberg and Rivka Holtzberg who was also 6 months pregnant during the attacks. Sandra Samuel, who was working in the center for the previous five years and was the nanny of Rabbi Gavriel Holtzberg's and Rivka Holtzberg's son Moshé Holtzberg showed incredible courage as she rescued the two-year-old Moshe from inside the house even when the terrorists were continuing their attacks.
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The destruction in the Nariman House due to the attacks.
On 28 November, NSG commandos came in to conduct rescue operations in the Nariman house, and a Naval helicopter took an aerial survey. During the first day, 9 hostages were rescued from the first floor. 22 NSG commandos on the following day fast-roped from helicopters onto the roof of the Nariman House, covered by snipers positioned in nearby buildings. NSG Commando Sergeant Gajender Singh Bisht was martyred after a long gun battle with the terrorists. Both the terrorists died here.
The NSG was successful in rescuing 250 people from the Oberoi, 300 from the Taj, and 60 people from Nariman House.
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The photo of Ajmal Kasab that Sebastian D’Souza captured in Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Terminus.
Ajmal Kasab was the only terrorist arrested alive by the police. His trial was initially delayed as no lawyer wanted to represent him. Later on, a lawyer was somehow found to represent him in court. On 25th February 2009 Indian investigators filed an 11000-page charge sheet against Kasab accusing him of murder, conspiracy, and waging war. On 3 May 2010, Kasab was found guilty of all 86 crimes. On 6th May 2010, he was sentenced to death by hanging. He further appealed in the Bombay High court. On 21 February 2011, the high court upheld the previous sentence. On 29th August 2012, the Supreme Court too upheld the death sentence for Kasab. On 21 November 2012, at 7:30 A.M Kasab was hanged in secret in Pune's Yerwada Jail.
Picture Courtesy: Wikipedia, Pinterest and various other sources.
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tareloin · 3 years
MapleStory/MapleStory2 comparisons [2/?]
Part 1
Comparisons under the cut:
Athena Pierce/Oska
Evan/Mika Wades
Again, disclaimer from the previous post still holds (but I'll be consulting the wiki too)!
===Athena Pierce/Oska===
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Oska grew up with her older brother Haster. It's implied that their parents are either dead or missing, as Oska mentions that he's the only family she has left. She's usually very calm and level-headed, but she's easily irritated at her brother's laziness when it comes to his duties (whether it be because he's a drunkard or for other reasons).
Oska is currently the leader of all the Green Hoods (essentially a vigilante force for Henesys), thus giving her the title of Militia Captain. Her troops love her.
While Oska is an elf, it's not very clear as to why she's in Henesys (predominantly human) as most elves in MS2 appear to be living in Ellinia.
For Athena Pierce's case, it seems that after Mercedes had entrusted her with the protection of Maple World, she set up residency in Henesys to train up-and-coming bowmen. However, unlike in MS2, there's no known queen of the elves and thus the kingdom of Elluel does not exist. Instead, they appear to live alongside other fairfolk.
Whatever the case may be, Oska and Athena Pierce hold similar roles in their own universe's Maple Alliance. As stated previously, Oska is the leader of the Green Hoods; however, she herself doesn't directly represent them and instead has a stand-in (Nairin).
Also, a little fun fact: while Athena Pierce and Oska's names appear to be completely separate, it seems that in the official MS2 archives that Oska is named Helena in the files-- the Korean name for Athena Pierce. Interestingly, Oska's name in KMS2 is still close to Oska (Oskar/Oskal).
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Varrekant is later found by the Black Mage and given the power he sought, which is pretty similar to how Magnus was granted power by Darmoor. It's unknown what Varrekant is doing right now, but I expectt
Varrekant appeared in Maple World (on Karkar Island, a separate place from Victoria Island) via some sort of dimensional rift seeking a dragon master (see Mika for more info) that would enable him to become the next kaiser of Grandis. It appears that the role of kaiser is not assigned by chance in this universe and may actually serve as the expected function of kaiser (an emperor), hence Varrekant's obsession with power.
He also says that if he can become kaiser in his own universe, then he'll also take over Maple World even if it's at the cost of the world's destruction. However, his plans are thwarted by the hero, who knocks him into the void of Lubelisk (his domain). This battle is also the one that cuts off a part of his horn and scars his face.
Varrekant is later found by the Black Mage and given the power he sought, which is pretty similar to how Magnus was granted power by Darmoor. It's unknown what Varrekant is doing now (as of December 28, 2021).
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===Evan/Mika Wades===
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Again, another character whose storyline I haven't visited in a while. Still, I'll try my best to explain what I can remember!
Visually, it's not quite as obvious that Mika is supposed to be the equivalent of Evan in MS2 until you see her dragon master uniform.
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However, this storyline appears to be deleted/unreleased, so we're not 100% sure as to how she "awakened" as the next dragon master.
Still, there are some similarities between the two of them.
Mika was one of four orphans that lived under the previous dragon master (ie the equivalent to Freud, probably). I can't remember his name at the moment, but I do believe his name was stated in-game. When he passed, he chose Mika to keep a necklace that... may or may not bear some plot-relevance. We don't know.
What we do know is that there was a race of dragons of Maple World called Lumarigons. I believe that while they are a "neutral" race, they served for the side of the Light during the war between the goddesses. However, most of the Lumarigons were wiped out when the war ended. Most. Like Mir, the last Lumarigon is still alive. However, he doesn't accompany Mika like Mir does with Evan.
Instead, the last remaining Lumarigon is with the Black Mage: specifically, with Madria (pictured below). The last Lumarigon is named Lukarax, shortened to Luka. He's Madria's pet dragon and even serves as a boss in two separate events during MS2's storyline.
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Side note: Madria is not a Nova. She used to be a human child (I know what you're thinking, and... yeah. I hate it too.) that died from an unnamed disease. She was supposed to be treated by Prime Minister Karl, but he either refused to (or couldn't) find treatment for her.
When she died, I believe that her anger towards the PM lingered to the point that the Black Mage felt that he could utilize it to his advantage. He brought her back to life, and Madria is now known as the commander of rage.
As for her current appearance, it's more likely than not that she's based of a succubus in terms of aesthetic. Not sure why else she'd have the wings unless it's some influence from the Lumarigons.
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xtruss · 4 years
Unsettling Questions Regarding The Mumbai Terror Attacks Of 2008
— By Elias Davidsson | 12 April, 2015 | Countercurrents.org
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The traumatic attacks in Mumbai in 26 November 2008 were described as India’s 9/11. The operation was unprecedented: ten young men battled hundreds of highly trained commandos for three days in a conflict that resembled David and Goliath. The huge media coverage created the impression that all the relevant facts about this event had been reported, but this impression is false.
Was anti-terror official Hemant Karkare deliberately killed on 26/11? Most probably. But what are we to make of the attacks on the Leopold café, the Taj, the Oberoi/Trident and the Jewish center at Nariman House, all unrelated to his demise?
Even those who suspect that Indian nationalists facilitated the assassination of Hemant Karkare continue to believe that the attacks on the other Mumbai targets were executed by Pakistani terrorists. According to this line of reasoning, Hindu nationalists joined with Pakistani terrorists to coordinate a double attack. Or one of these groups somehow obtained the exact details of the other group’s plans, including their date, time and location, and piggy-backed on them, praying that there would be no last-minute changes, delays or problems. Miracles do happen, they say.
As someone who does not believe in miracles, I have some pieces of information. This was all reported at the time, but has since been condemned to the memory hole. Each piece of information cracks the official legend of 26/11. Cumulatively, they shatter it.
1. The Number of Attackers
As the smoke of 26/11 dissipated, Indian authorities insisted that exactly ten young men had fought more than one thousand Marcos commandos, NSG commandos, police and security personnel for three days.
Yet, initially, the media reported that more than 20 attackers were involved. Vilasrao Deshmukh, for example, who was at the time the Maharashtra state chief, told Indian media on 27 November 2008 that 20 to 25 terrorists had entered Mumbai, and that many of them had escaped. He was not the only source for such figures. The New York Times reported on the 28 November 2008 that ‘the number of attackers have ranged from 20 to 40, with the number depending to a considerable extent on the number of boats involved.’ On the same day, USA Today reported, citing the Associated Press, that ‘more than 30 terrorists entered [Mumbai] by ship.’ Ha’aretz reported on 27 November 2008, that ‘nine members who were arrested...60 to 70 terrorists, some of whom came to Mumbai by boat, carried out the current attacks.’ Alex Neill, head of the Royal United Services Institute's Asia security programme, estimated that ‘up to 100 terrorists would have been involved in the planning and execution of the attack' and said 'it was surprising they had managed to keep it a secret.’
Who provided the media with these figures, on what basis, and for what purpose? Why has no journalist attempted to reconcile these initial figures with the ultimate tally of ten? Rakesh Maria, at the time the Mumbai Joint Commissioner of Police, had a ready answer: ‘This confusion is more or less a creation of the media.’
As the Mumbai authorities persisted in asserting that there had been only ten attackers, the New York Times wondered: ‘[P]erhaps the most troubling question to emerge for the Indian authorities was how, if official estimates are accurate, just 10 gunmen could have caused so much carnage and repelled Indian security forces for more than three days in three different buildings.’ But the paper of record did not follow up on this ‘troubling question.’ Was it a no-go zone?
2. Were Nine Attackers Arrested?
According to the official account, only one of ten attackers, later known as Kasab, remained alive. The other nine were reportedly killed in combat. But this was not what officials had initially said.
At first, the media reported that several ‘terrorists’ had been captured alive. P.D. Ghadge, a police officer at Mumbai's central control room, told the media on the first day of the attacks that ‘We have shot dead four terrorists and managed to arrest nine suspected terrorists.’ On 27 November, both Home Minister Shivraj Patil and Maharashtra Deputy Chief Minister R R Patil declared that at least nine terrorists were captured alive. Early on 27 November, the BBC quoted the Mumbai police: ‘four suspected terrorists have been killed and nine arrested.’ On 28 November, the third day of the attacks, the BBC cited R R Patil, again to the effect that ‘nine gunmen have been arrested.’ Meanwhile, The Hindu cited Chief Minister Vilasrao Deshmukh: ‘nine persons had been detained.’
As late as on 29 November, the Indian Express cited the Director General of Maharashtra Police, A N Roy, who said: ‘All I can tell you at this stage is that nine suspects are with us and that some of them were picked up from around the operational areas. Once we finish questioning them, many facts will emerge. The whole story will shortly unfold.’
Then nothing more was heard of these arrests. The same media that previously reported that up to nine attackers had been arrested insisted that only one ‘terrorist’ had been captured alive. This change of narrative was not accompanied by any explanation. Did public officials lie about the multiple arrests? Were they lied to? Were arrested terrorists executed in custody? These are disturbing questions that remain unanswered.
Whatever the ultimate truth, it is clear that the authorities lied to the public, either initially, or subsequently, or both. Knowing why they lied may help reveal the hidden truth behind 26/11.
3. Who Were the Alleged Attackers?
The public has been led to believe that the Mumbai attackers were properly identified. But were they?
To find out, it was necessary to determine, firstly, whether the bodies of the persons under police custody belonged to those who were observed by witnesses at the sites of killings; and secondly, the identities of the dead – from where they came, their real names, their birth dates, etc.
According to pathologists, the nine bodies presented to witnesses were burned beyond recognition. Whatever the state of the bodies, a visual identification of mutilated bodies, weeks after the events, under the prying eyes of police officials, cannot be considered a reliable exercise.
Nor were the real identities of the persons, whose bodies were held by police, determined. Their real names, birth dates, nationality and their residence addresses remain unknown. No family member came forward to identify either the bodies or the ‘sole living terrorist’, Kasab. His identity was based on what he allegedly told police officials behind closed doors.
Even the circumstances under which the nine ‘attackers’ died were not established by investigators or the Special Court. Did these alleged militants die in a military clash in Kashmir? Were they executed after being captured? Why are the precise circumstances in which they died kept a state secret?
4. Did the ‘Attackers’ Come By Sea?
A sub-story of the 26/11 legend is that the attackers arrived in Mumbai by sea. Did anyone witness their landing at the seashore?
Only one person, Bharat Tamore, testified at Kasab’s trial that he observed young men landing on the Mumbai seashore on the evening of 26 November 2008. Was his testimony credible?
Tamore said in court that at the time he was employed by the Taj Mahal Hotel. He said that on 26 November at about 9:15 pm, while he was walking to work at the Taj, located 15 minutes from his residence, he saw ‘a dinghy coming towards Badhwar Park.’ He said he saw 10 persons on the boat, wearing saffron-coloured life-saving jackets. He could see them because of the street light. According to him, they all were between 20-25 years old. Eight of the said ten persons removed their jackets and put them in the boat before getting out. Each had one haversack and one hand bag. Tamore said he saw two of the said ten persons quite closely while they were proceeding towards the main road. Since both of them were unknown in the locality, Tamore intercepted them. Both of them told him that they were students. He also saw the remaining six persons proceeding towards the main road. The two persons who were left out in the boat proceeded in the same boat towards Nariman Point. (Judgment, p. 264)
Tamore told the court that he returned home from the Taj at about 7.00 am next morning. At that time, he had seen about 3-4 policemen standing near Badhwar Park Railway Officers' colony: ‘The policemen were talking something about [an] inflatable boat. [Tamore] therefore narrated the incident witnessed by him to the said policemen’. (Judgment, p. 265) He also said he identified Kasab in an identification parade as the person who told him they were students. (Judgment, p. 266) Tamore admitted under cross-examination that he might have seen Kasab’s photograph on television before the identification parade was held. (Judgment, p. 267). The Supreme Court revealed that this identification parade was held on 28 December 2008, after Kasab’s photograph had been widely and repeatedly published (SC, p. 53). The High Court ‘[did] not attach much importance to this.’ (HC, p. 432)
The defence counsel challenged Tamore's account: it was high tide at the time, and therefore the dinghy Tamore claimed to have seen could not have reached the seashore. Tamore admitted that it was high tide at the time but did not explain how the dinghy reached the seashore (Judgment, p. 266).
When making his first report to the police, Tamore surprisingly did not mention anything regarding the incident at the Taj, where he allegedly spent the entire night (Judgment, p. 267). The court did not invite anyone to corroborate Tamore's narrative. No one, for example, confirmed that he was an employee of the Taj; that he spent the night confined in the basement of the hotel; that he did not see or hear any of the incident occurring in the hotel; that he exited the hotel shortly before 7:00 am; and that on his way home he met policemen at the shore discussing a boat. No one confirmed what he actually told the police and when he did so. These failures are particularly significant – and disturbing – because Tamore was the sole witness produced in court who claimed to have observed people landing on the Mumbai shore on the evening of 26 November 2008. These failures are compounded by the facts that he told media after the trial regarding his alleged ordeal at the Taj, facts that he apparently withheld from the court, unless he lied to the media. The court's failure to thoroughly examine Tamore's credibility can hardly be attributed to negligence or to difficulty in finding staff members of the Taj who could corroborate or invalidate his narrative. The court also did not ask the police officers with whom Tamore interacted to confirm his story. The court, obviously, did not wish anyone to challenge Tamore’s narrative.
Tamore’s name was widely publicised in the media shortly after the attacks as the key witness to the landing of the alleged terrorists at the seashore. India Today wrote on 29 November 2008, for example: ‘The six terrorists who got off at Machimar Nagar were first spotted by Bharat Tamore, a Koli (from the fishing community) who works as an assistant supervisor at the Taj.’ This report did not quote Tamore directly, and it was not revealed how India Today discovered Tamore.
After Kasab's trial, Tamore and his wife were interviewed by Rediff. In this interview, new information came to light about his alleged experience at the Taj during the first night of the attack. Here is an excerpt from that article:
When Tamore reached his locker [at the Taj] and changed at about 9.30 pm on November 26, he heard some strange thumping overhead in the hotel's coffee shop, the Shamiana. Surprisingly, it continued. And got louder and stranger in sound. Then hordes of terrified employees, on the run, came pouring back into the staff area, where Tamore still was, and shared breathless descriptions of the ongoing attack and the terrorists. ‘They recounted that they were wearing jeans, and 'sack bags' (rucksacks) on their backs and carrying bags in their hands‘ Suddenly with cold foreboding Tamore knew exactly who they were.
He then said that his experience at the Taj was not limited to what others told him:
‘They herded about 100, 150 of us into an area near the bakery and told us to stay here. At the time we thought it was a temporary attack and we would get out after it was over. Who knew they would be there for three days?! We had no water, no food. And no way of telling people at home that we were still safe. We had all turned our phones off.’
Going by this account, Tamore not only saw terrorists at the Taj and heard them giving orders, but was kept with 100 or 150 other people without water and food. Yet, surprisingly, he did not report anything about this traumatic experience to the police or the court. Indeed, the court actually affirmed that he ‘had not seen anything of the incident’ at the Taj (Judgment, p. 265-6). Did Tamore lie to the journalists, did the media invent his account or did he withhold information from the court?
Rediff finally disclosed that ‘much of early 2009 was marked by recording [Tamore’s] testimony, working with the Mumbai police's crime branch to have his deposition ready.’ Tamore added: ‘There is a little Hanuman temple near my home. Every day when I passed it I would pray that god would give me the strength to see this through properly. That I would give the right information in court. And do the whole thing correctly. It was an attack on my home, my livelihood, my country. I had to testify.’ It certainly required substantial mental and emotional strength to ‘do the whole thing correctly’ and avoid contradicting himself. Let’s hope the police were happy with his performance after having coached him for ‘much of early 2009.’
According to media reports, three further persons had seen the ‘terrorists’ landing on the Mumbai seashore: Anita Uraiyar (aka Uddaiya), who claims to have been taken secretly to the United States for debriefing after 26/11; Prashant Dhanu(r), a fisherman who testified in court but did not claim to have seen any of the attackers; and Sumit Supadia, who claimed in media interviews to have seen the attackers land on the seashore, but was not asked to testify in court.
In sum, the story of the ‘ten’ attackers landing on the Mumbai seashore rests on the testimony of a single witness who was coached by police for his court performance and whose credibility is questionable.
To enhance the credibility of the sea-landing legend, CNN-IBN reported on 27 November 2008 that seven fishermen has been arrested on the first night of the attack as suspects, reporting that ‘police found a boat loaded with explosives near the Taj Mahal.’ Nothing further was heard of that boat, the explosives or of the detained fishermen.
(5) Were the Individual Killings Investigated?
In a case of murder, criminal investigators must determine, as best they can, the circumstances under which the crime was perpetrated: who caused the victims’ injuries, when and where they were attacked, when they died and what type of injuries led to their death. The crime scene must also be documented in accordance with standardised rules.
While investigating the individual circumstances of more than 160 killings (the number of fatalities in the Mumbai events) was certainly a huge task, a great deal of significant information could easily have been assembled. There was no reason why the precise location of the bodies, when they were found, and who found them, could not be established. There was no reason why the exact circumstances in which the nine alleged attackers were killed could not be determined. There was no reason why investigators could not establish precise timelines of the unfolding of the individual episodes. There was no reason why it was impossible to determine the precise time at which the individual attacks started. These omissions had the effect of thwarting the reconstruction of the events. To compound these omissions, the authorities banned commandos, who participated in the operations, from testifying in court. Cumulatively, all these omissions indicated an intent to cover up the truth.
Surprisingly, the court found no witnesses for most of the killings – or perhaps it did not wish to find any.
The above account represents the tip of a deceptive iceberg regarding the mass-murder of 26/11. Some may find reopening this dossier uncomfortable. Yet both the victims and society as a whole are legally entitled to know the truth of this calamity. The Indian authorities have demonstrated a surprising reluctance to establish the truth by an independent commission of inquiry. Meanwhile, Indian governments have capitalised on 26/11 to increase military expenditure, establish a national infrastructure of mass surveillance and enhance their cooperation with the United States and Israel. India has become a national security state. Was 26/11 perpetrated to justify this development? This sinister question deserves to be examined.
(The present information was adapted from the author’s book The Betrayal of India, which is planned for publication at the end of 2015.)
Elias Davidsson is an Icelandic citizen, although he was born in Palestine in 1941 and his parents were German Jews who had to leave Nazi Germany due to the persecution of Jews. Davidsson has been a political activist for decades, beginning by opposing Iceland’s membership in NATO. He is a co-founder of the solidarity association Iceland-Palestine, and a veteran opponent of Zionism and imperialism. After publishing a ground-break book in 2013, “Hijacking America’s Mind on 9/11”, where he demonstrates the official account on 9/11 is a lie, now is finishing a comprehensive and critical study of 26/11 that may shatter many illusions. He can be reached at :
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bharatiyamedia-blog · 5 years
Battle for Bhopal - Nation Information
http://tinyurl.com/y55mvle7 The final time the Bhopal Lok Sabha election made information for its contestants was in 1991. The Congress had fielded former cricketer Mansoor Ali Khan Pataudi, a scion of Bhopal’s erstwhile ruling household on his mom’s aspect. He was trumped by the BJP’s S.C. Verma. The BJP, in a pointer to how properly entrenched its help base is, has held the seat for eight phrases. This time once more the battle for Bhopal has hit the nationwide headlines. A high-intensity contest is brewing with the BJP pitting Malegaon blasts accused Pragya Singh Thakur in opposition to Congress’s former chief minister Digvijaya Singh. On one aspect is a veteran politician with years of legislative expertise however whose political standing has been undermined, first, by BJP leaders who dubbed him bantadhar (liable for the ruined state of affairs in Madhya Pradesh) and anti-development and, later, the troll armies who attacked him as an enemy of the Hindus. Digvijaya tried to deal with the final accusation with a 3,300 km lengthy Narmada yatra and located himself politically rejuvenated with the Congress profitable the state after 15 yearsa activity during which he was a outstanding strategist. On the opposite aspect is Pragya, the Bhind-born sadhvi’, who was an accused within the 2008 Malegaon blasts that killed six individuals. She has been a member of the Durga Vahini and the Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad and not too long ago claimed that she had climbed atop the Babri mosque to demolish it. Pragya was launched on bail in April 2017, however continues to be an accused beneath the Illegal Actions (Prevention) Act. BJP insiders counsel that the RSS, which has had a pronounced function within the choice of candidates this time, and BJP president Amit Shah had been eager that Pragya be fielded in opposition to Digvijaya as a becoming response to the Congress fielding somebody they see as an anti-Hindu’ chief. Not everybody agreed, although, as a result of Digvijaya as a candidate can’t be taken evenly. After nearly a month of deliberations and with prime leaders like Shivraj Singh Chouhan and Uma Bharti refusing to contest from Bhopal, the BJP introduced Pragya’s candidature. Celebration insiders say that fielding Pragya might alienate a bit of its city vote. All those that voted for the BJP earlier due to its development-related guarantees, are questioning its selection of candidate now. They won’t vote for the BJP, says a BJP MLA. Sadhvi Pragya prays for victory (Picture: PANKAJ TIWARI) Pragya lacks organisational expertise, has little join with staff and leaders within the metropolis, and is closely depending on the Sangh to mobilise voters for her. Inside every week of her candidature, in a bid to polarise the voters, she attacked Ashok Chakra awardee, the late IPS officer Hemant Karkare, who, she mentioned, was killed as a result of she had cursed him. Karkare was the top of the Maharashtra Anti-Terrorism Squad that investigated the blasts. Her assertion triggered a furore, placing the BJP, which is utilizing nationalism as an electoral plank and invoking nationwide safety, on the again foot. The Babri Masjid declare got here a day later. The BJP went right into a harm management mode, and Chouhan had a chat together with her, explaining the intricacies of contesting a Lok Sabha election. Additional, her workforce is but to come back out with a doc stating what they intend to do for the event of Bhopal. Clearly, that’s not a precedence. There may be, nevertheless, a bit of the celebration management that believes Pragya will polarise the Hindu vote in rural areas within the BJP’s favour. The agricultural vote within the Sehore, Berasia and Huzur meeting segments beneath the Bhopal LS seat is about 30 per cent of the two.1 million voters. Modiji has given the message that saffron must be revered. This isn’t an election however a dharmayuddha, she mentioned on April 20. Pragya’s technique is clearly to polarise voters. Digvijaya has returned to the electoral enviornment after a spot of 19 years. He has, to this point, refused to touch upon Pragya’s Karkare and Babri Masjid remarks. As an alternative, he has launched a imaginative and prescient doc for Bhopal’s improvement. Most of his excursions start with temple visits. For the report, nevertheless, he says, My faith is my perception. I’ve by no means marketed my non secular acts, be it the Narmada and Govardhan parikramas or Pandharpur visits. The Hindutva of the Sangh doesn’t unite, it divides. Digvijaya additionally has a wonderful rapport with native BJP MLAs Krishna Gaur, Vishwas Sarang and Sudesh Rai; none of them was taken on board within the resolution to discipline Pragya from Bhopal. Bhopal has about 450,000 Muslim voters and 175,000 Scheduled Caste votes, the majority of which the Congress candidate expects will come to him. Get real-time alerts and all of the news in your cellphone with the all-new India In the present day app. Obtain from Source link
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lipwak · 6 years
VHS #363
Get Out Your Handkerchiefs, some PBS News Hour, Visions of England, I’ll Sing For You – Boubacar “KarKar” Traoré, Paradiso Life with Femi Kuti, Salif Kaita and Regis Gizavo, Iggy Pop – Passenger, Marc & Ann - A film by Les Blank, Alison Krauss and Union Station – Live, World Link TV music videos. *** Get Out Your Handkerchiefs (Préparez vos Mouchoirs)1:30, missed 1st 5:00, left 10:00 pad at end if I re-recordTrio with subtitles, nudity blurredrec 8/7/03, DirecTV It starts with the restaurant scene. The two men look at her in the hotel. https://youtu.be/KoIIC8XyYv0 *** PBS News Hour, Ch 138/7/03Ray SuarezCalifornia recall - Schwarzenegger bombing in Iraqattacks in BaghdadJakarta bombingIran denies building a nuclear bombWest Nile virus *** Visions of Englandaerial footage of England1 hr, pledge breaks edited out http://pbsinternational.org/programs/visions-of-england/ White cliffs of Dover, Dover Castle, (Greensleeves music), Martello Tower, Town of Battle, Bodiam Castle, Eastbourne Pier, Palace Pier, Brighton, Royal Pavilion, Needles - Isle of Wight, Carisbrooke Castle, Osborne House, Southampton Port, Salisbury Cathedral, Winchester, Winchester Cathedral, Stonehenge, Stourhead Garden, Stourhead House, Longleat House, Uffington White Horse, Hadrian’s Wall, Moon Pond Studley Royal, Fountains Abbey, Bempton Cliffs, Flamborough Lighthouse, Humber Bridge, York, York Minster, Castle Howard, Blackpool Tower, approach to Liverpool, Queen Square, Severn River Bridge, Exmoor National Park, Dunster Castle, Cheddar, Cheddar Gorge, Cathedral at Wells, Bath, Bath Cathedral, Roman Spa, Newmarket Racecourse, Cambridge American Cemetery, Cambridge, King’s College, Cotswold region, Stratford-Upon-Avon, Royal Shakespeare Theatre, Blenheim Palace, Oxford, Radcliffe Camera, Christ Church, Wimbledon, Thames River, Swiss Re building, New City Hall, Houses of Parliament, Buckingham Palace, Marble Arch, British Museum, Admiralty Arch, Trafalgar Square, Baker Street, Prince Albert Memorial, Royal Albert Hall, Covent Gardens, Hyde Park, Kensington Gardens, Kensington Palace, Kew Gardens, Regent’s Park Canal, Tower Bridge, Tower of London, Globe Theatre, Westminster Abbey, Harrod’s, Royal Naval College, Royal Observatory, Thames flood barrier, Canterbury Cathedral. *** I’ll Sing For You – Boubacar “KarKar" TraoréMalian guitarist1:16Jonathan Demme presented it.World LinkTV https://www.kanopy.com/product/ill-sing-you Some clips from it: https://youtu.be/kjya3aU2tUEhttps://youtu.be/EinV8Z3dyqk Opening: https://youtu.be/X4uJP6atMP8 Train trip (Not from this part but on the train: https://youtu.be/rpCYpQbr-fI), sings of independence for Mali, traditional dancing, one of the first to popularize the electric guitar in Mali, Kayes, The Santa Maria grin club, soccer game with several injured players being carried off the dirt field, Mopti (This clip: https://youtu.be/clbO4AEZ8Ls) kora, Dogon country, shooting guns on castle, mock battles, Bandiagana cemetery, kora, Mariana, Mothers, oh mothers…, plays with soccer ball, fort?/temple/mosque, Muslim call to prayer, Islam helped him get over his wife’s death, with Ali Farka Toure at temple, gets praised by women (griots?), Montreuil, Paris, people thought KarKar was dead, Emmigrant song. plays with Kélétigui Diabaté https://youtu.be/RI0sGKcX5RU With Ali Farka Tourehttps://youtu.be/r4-uq8cTF7o various songs I couldn’t figure out the names of *** Paradiso Life (from Holland)2002great african music and dancemissed beginning, 34:00(see #365 for the complete version) this version can be recycled, some video noise Femi Kuti! And Postive ForceBeng Beng Beng (https://youtu.be/CKpTYLQ5K9w) Not this clip.Walk On The Right Side (https://youtu.be/clcKKKpQhDM) Not this clip. hostSalif Kaita!Ignadjidje (https://youtu.be/iDMVaBed7BE) Not this clip. Femi talks with hostMusic will bring Africa back on the map Stop AIDS (https://youtu.be/1mT9orVTIjE) Not this clip. Host - Africa/accordion? Regis Gizavo! (Madagascar)Ho Anareo (https://youtu.be/p04pWCFkEeE) This clip!! (includes host intro!) Host talks with FemiIs your music African? Do Your Best (https://youtu.be/EBDObmk2yTM) Not this clip. Circular breathing! *** Fuji Rock Festival - Iggy Pop – Passenger (https://youtu.be/ZIJTyryvr5E) Not this clip.5:02 *** Marc & Ann (Savoy)A film by Les Blank19911/2 hr, missed ~2 min at beginning, do I have this already? duplicate? open (https://youtu.be/mrUqjbedlAM) Marc talks about coon sauce piquant, heard about friend who makes accordions, figures out how to make them, playing with Michael Doucet and Ann, Ann heard Clifton Chenier, picture of Marc with Bob McQuillan!, Octa Clark, her book, Dennis McGee - La Porte d'en Arrière, plays the way he heard it as a kid, A Prairie Home Companion, talk about playing Rhode Island, Eunice Art Festival, John Delafose, Dewey Balfa, he feels like he’s a caveman, chickens, ducks, turkeys, eggs, Ann keeps busy. Hackberry Ramblers in there. *** Alison Krauss and Union Station – Live in Louisville, KY2003missed 1st 1/2 hr, ~25:00, rec 8/20, 6:35 pmw/ commercials (Trio, Hot Summer Nights)some video noise See the whole thing here: https://youtu.be/HKgTra0QldE Ghost In This House In the commercial break (World Link TV music videos)Sister Carol - Dread Natty Conga (https://youtu.be/YuPISZOM1Ws) This clip.Angelique Kidjo - Wombo Lombo (https://youtu.be/MyMDHccQhzo) This clip. (Alison Krauss and Union Station – Live (in Louisville, KY)I Am A Man of Constant SorrowMaybe (World Link TV music videos)Udit Narayan - Phir Bhi Dil Hindustani (https://youtu.be/LySQy4XmZLg) This clip.Sheila Chandra - Ever So Lonely (https://youtu.be/bbcKO92OGNI) This clip. (Alison Krauss and Union Station – Live (in Louisville, KY)When You Say Nothing At AllOh, Atlanta *** World LinkTV music videosMary Jane Lamond - Charles Street Reel (aka Mo Ghille Mór Foghain’each) (https://youtu.be/sBLk-_4GaRE) Not this clip.Sheila Chandra - Ever So Lonely (https://youtu.be/bbcKO92OGNI) This clip. *** Emmylou Harris w/ Spyboy – The Maker (In The Eyes Of My Maker) (https://youtu.be/jVkUFjh01lk) This clip.1998~8 min Trio *** World Link TV music videosMaeri - Euphoria (https://youtu.be/Jf2HVLWFFx8) This clip.Jhatka Remix - Rang Barse (https://youtu.be/lYJhkbPrOFc) This clip. (indian music video w/ devil!, gorilla & dancing girls, great beat)Sevara Nazahraan - Gaider (https://youtu.be/7M4SZDMOH08) This clip.Tim & Wececa - Waipeipegu (New Caledonia) (https://youtu.be/Mk83vcWo634) This clip.
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The first events were detailed around 20:00 Indian Standard Time (IST) on 26 November, when 10 men in inflatable speedboats came ashore at two locations in Colaba. They reportedly told local Marathi-speaking fishermen who asked them who they were to “mind their own business” before they split up and headed two different ways. The fishermen’s subsequent report to police department received little response and local police were helpless. The Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Terminus (CSMT) was attacked by two gunmen, Ismail Khan and Ajmal Kasab. Kasab was later caught alive by the police and identified by eyewitnesses. The attacks began around 21:30 when the two men entered the passenger hall and opened fire, using AK-47 rifles. The attackers killed 58 people and injured 104 others, their assault ending at about 22:45. Security forces and emergency services arrived shortly afterwards. Announcements by a railway announcer, Vishnu Dattaram Zende, alerted passengers to leave the station and saved scores of lives. The two gunmen fled the scene and fired at pedestrians and police officers in the streets, killing eight police officers. The attackers passed a police station. Knowing that they were outgunned against the heavily armed terrorists, the police officers at the station, instead of confronting the terrorists, decided to switch off the lights and secure the gates. The attackers then headed towards Cama Hospital with an intention to kill patients, but the hospital staff locked all of the patient wards. A team of the Mumbai Anti-Terrorist Squad led by police chief Hemant Karkare searched the Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus and then left in pursuit of Kasab and Khan. Kasab and Khan opened fire on the vehicle in a lane next to the hospital, and received return fire in response. Karkare, Vijay Salaskar, Ashok Kamte and one of their officers were killed. The only survivor, Constable Arun Jadhav, was severely wounded. Kasab and Khan seized the police vehicle but later abandoned it and seized a passenger car instead. They then ran into a police roadblock, which had been set up after Jadhav radioed for help. A gun battle then ensued in which Khan was killed and Kasab was wounded. After a physical struggle, Kasab was arrested. A police officer, Tukaram Omble was also killed when he ran in front of Kasab to shoot him. The Leopold Cafe, a popular restaurant and bar on Colaba Causeway in South Mumbai, was one of the first sites to be attacked. Two attackers, Shoaib alias Soheb and Nazir alias Abu Umer, opened fire on the cafe on the evening of 26 November, killing at least 10 people, (including some foreigners), and injuring many more. There were two explosions in taxis caused by timer bombs. The first one occurred at 22:40 at Vile Parle, killing the driver and a passenger. The second explosion took place at Wadi Bunder between 22:20 and 22:25. Three people, including the driver of the taxi were killed, and about 15 others were injured.
TIMELINE OF 2008 MUMBAI ATTACKS : The first events were detailed around 20:00 Indian Standard Time (IST) on 26 November, when 10 men in inflatable speedboats came ashore at two locations in 
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biblicalarchaeology1 · 3 months
Unraveling the Mystery of the Battle of Qarqar: Insights from Biblical Archaeology
In the annals of ancient history lies a pivotal event that echoes through time: the Battle of Qarqar. Mentioned in ancient texts, including the Bible, this battle has captured the imaginations of historians and archaeologists alike. Its significance stretches beyond mere military strategy, offering a glimpse into the geopolitical landscape of the ancient Near East.
Unearthing the Historical Context
The Battle of Qarqar is believed to have taken place in the 9th century BCE, involving a coalition led by the Assyrian king Shalmaneser III. This coalition faced off against an alliance of several kingdoms, prominently including Ahab, king of Israel, and other regional powers. The clash occurred near the city of Qarqar, located in present-day Syria, marking a critical juncture in the struggle for supremacy in the region.
Biblical Accounts and Archaeological Evidence
References to the Battle of Qarqar are found in the Bible, particularly in passages recounting the reigns of various kings and their interactions with foreign powers. These biblical narratives, while offering valuable insights, are complemented and sometimes challenged by archaeological findings.
Recent excavations and scholarly studies have shed light on the broader context of this ancient conflict. Inscriptions and artifacts unearthed from sites across the Near East provide corroborating evidence of the military campaigns and alliances described in historical texts. For instance, Assyrian annals inscribed on clay tablets detail Shalmaneser III's conquests and the battles he waged, including the campaign culminating at Qarqar.
Significance in Biblical Archaeology
From a biblical archaeology perspective, the Battle of Qarqar serves as a pivotal case study in understanding the interconnectedness of biblical narratives with the broader historical and archaeological record. It underscores the intricate relationships between ancient kingdoms and their political maneuvers, which often shaped the destinies of nations and cultures.
Scholars and archaeologists continue to explore the ramifications of the Battle of Qarqar. By examining the material culture left behind—ranging from weaponry and armor fragments to inscriptions and royal decrees—they piece together a mosaic of ancient warfare and diplomacy. These discoveries not only enrich our understanding of military tactics but also illuminate the socio-political dynamics of the ancient world.
Modern Perspectives and Implications
The legacy of the Battle of Qarqar extends beyond academia. It prompts reflection on the enduring themes of power, conflict, and diplomacy that resonate throughout human history. Moreover, it underscores the importance of interdisciplinary approaches in unraveling the complexities of ancient civilizations.
As ongoing excavations and research initiatives uncover new evidence, the story of the Battle of Qarqar continues to evolve. Each artifact unearthed and each inscription deciphered adds another layer to our collective understanding of this pivotal moment in ancient history.
In conclusion, the Battle of Qarqar stands as a testament to the intersection of biblical narratives with archaeological discoveries. It exemplifies the rich tapestry of ancient warfare and diplomacy, offering invaluable insights into the geopolitical landscape of the ancient Near East. Through meticulous excavation and scholarly inquiry, archaeologists and historians continue to unravel its mysteries, providing a clearer picture of the forces that shaped the ancient world.
As we delve deeper into the annals of history, the Battle of Qarqar remains a compelling chapter—an enduring symbol of the triumphs and tribulations of ancient civilizations.
Source Url : https://biblicalarchaeology1.blogspot.com/2024/06/discovering-riches-of-jezreel-valley.html
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biblicalarchaeology1 · 3 months
Unveiling the Historic Significance of the Battle of Qarqar
The Battle of Qarqar stands as one of the most remarkable and well-documented conflicts in ancient history. Often mentioned in various historical and biblical contexts, this battle played a crucial role in shaping the political landscape of the ancient Near East. For enthusiasts of Biblical Archaeology Maps and Findings, understanding the Battle of Qarqar in the Bible provides deeper insights into the interconnectedness of ancient civilizations and biblical narratives.
Historical Context of the Battle
The Battle of Qarqar took place in 853 BC near the Orontes River in present-day Syria. It was a decisive confrontation between the forces of the Neo-Assyrian Empire, led by King Shalmaneser III, and a coalition of Syro-Palestinian states. This alliance included notable kingdoms such as Hamath, Aram-Damascus, and Israel, united under the leadership of King Hadadezer of Damascus and King Ahab of Israel. This coalition aimed to halt the westward expansion of the powerful Assyrian Empire.
The Battle of Qarqar in the Bible
While the Battle of Qarqar is not explicitly detailed in the biblical text, its significance can be inferred through the geopolitical events described in the Old Testament. The alliance between King Ahab of Israel and other regional powers against a common enemy echoes the biblical themes of cooperation and resistance against foreign domination. The Battle of Qarqar in the Bible can thus be seen as a reflection of the larger narrative of Israel's struggle for survival and sovereignty amidst powerful adversaries.
Archaeological Evidence
Archaeological findings play a pivotal role in corroborating the historical accounts of the Battle of Qarqar. Excavations at Qarqar have uncovered various artifacts and inscriptions that provide valuable insights into the battle's occurrence and scale. Notably, the Kurkh Monolith, an Assyrian stela, offers a detailed account of the battle from the perspective of Shalmaneser III. This artifact is instrumental for scholars in the field of Biblical Archaeology Maps and Findings, as it bridges the gap between historical records and biblical accounts.
The Course of the Battle
The Battle of Qarqar was characterized by its sheer scale and the diversity of the coalition forces. Shalmaneser III's army, boasting advanced weaponry and tactics, faced fierce resistance from the united front of the Syro-Palestinian states. Despite the Assyrian king's claims of victory, the battle effectively halted his westward expansion for several years. The resilience shown by the coalition forces at Qarqar is a testament to their strategic acumen and determination to defend their territories.
Impact and Legacy
The Qarqar battle had far-reaching consequences for the involved states. For the Neo-Assyrian Empire, the battle marked a temporary setback in their expansionist agenda. For the coalition members, it demonstrated the power of unity against a formidable adversary. The battle also set a precedent for future alliances among the Syro-Palestinian states in their ongoing struggle against Assyrian dominance.
The Battle of Karkar, as it is sometimes referred, is a crucial episode in the study of ancient Near Eastern history. Its implications extend beyond the immediate military outcomes, influencing the socio-political dynamics of the region for decades.
Battle of Qarqar: A Different Perspective
The Battle of Qarqar is also known in Spanish historiography as the Battle of Qarqar. This conflict not only resonates in biblical studies but also in historical analysis of ancient Middle Eastern civilizations. The Battle of Qarqar exemplifies the joint resistance of nations in the face of an invading power, underscoring the importance of strategic cooperation in ancient times.
The Battle of Qarqar is a seminal event that offers profound insights into the ancient Near East's complex political and military landscape. For those engaged in Biblical Archaeology Maps and Findings, this battle provides a tangible link between historical events and biblical narratives. By studying the Battle of Qarqar in the Bible and its archaeological corroborations, scholars and enthusiasts can gain a deeper appreciation of the intricate tapestry of ancient history and its enduring legacy.
As we continue to uncover and interpret findings from Qarqar, we enrich our understanding of the past, shedding light on the enduring themes of conflict, cooperation, and resilience that have shaped human civilization.
Source url: https://biblicalarchaeology1.blogspot.com/2024/06/discovering-riches-of-jezreel-valley.html
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biblicalarchaeology1 · 2 months
Unveiling the Battle of Qarqar: Insights from Biblical Archaeology
Biblical archaeology, the study of material remains related to the biblical world, often uncovers pivotal historical events that illuminate the ancient narratives found in religious texts. Among these events is the Battle of Qarqar (also spelled Karkar), a significant conflict in the 9th century BCE that provides crucial insights into the geopolitical landscape of the ancient Near East. This article delves into the Battle of Qarqar, exploring its historical context, archaeological evidence, and its implications for understanding ancient history.
Historical Context of the Battle of Qarqar
The Battle of Qarqar, also known as the Battle of Karkar, occurred in 853 BCE and is one of the most well-documented battles of the ancient Near East, primarily through Assyrian records. The battle was fought between the Assyrian Empire, led by King Shalmaneser III, and a coalition of twelve kingdoms that sought to resist Assyrian domination. This coalition was led by Hadadezer of Aram-Damascus and included notable figures such as Ahab of Israel and the king of the Phoenician city-state of Tyre.
The significance of this battle lies in its demonstration of the power struggle between emerging empires and established city-states. Assyria, under Shalmaneser III, was expanding its influence and sought to subdue neighboring regions to consolidate its control. The coalition's resistance illustrates the regional dynamics and alliances formed to counteract Assyrian aggression.
Archaeological Evidence and Discoveries
Archaeological research has played a crucial role in uncovering the details of the Battle of Qarqar and its broader implications. Several key discoveries contribute to our understanding of this historical event:
Assyrian Inscriptions: The primary source of information about the Battle of Qarqar comes from the annals of Shalmaneser III. These inscriptions, found on the Black Obelisk of Shalmaneser III, provide a detailed account of the battle, listing the coalition of twelve kings and describing the intensity of the conflict. The obelisk, now housed in the British Museum, is a vital artifact that offers insight into Assyrian military campaigns and their portrayal of victories.
Archaeological Sites: Excavations at ancient sites associated with the battle, such as Qarqar, have yielded artifacts that corroborate historical accounts. While the exact location of Qarqar remains uncertain, sites in the region have produced pottery, inscriptions, and other materials that date back to the 9th century BCE, helping to establish the historical and cultural context of the battle.
Biblical References: The Bible, particularly in the books of Kings and Chronicles, provides indirect references to the battle. Although the biblical text does not explicitly describe the Battle of Qarqar, it mentions alliances and conflicts involving Ahab of Israel, aligning with the historical accounts of the coalition against Assyria. These references are valuable for cross-referencing historical and archaeological data.
Regional Artifacts: Artifacts from the broader region, including those from Aram-Damascus and Israel, offer additional insights into the socio-political environment of the time. Items such as weapons, ceramics, and inscriptions help reconstruct the daily life and military capabilities of the participating kingdoms.
Implications for Understanding Ancient History
The Battle of Qarqar holds significant implications for our understanding of ancient Near Eastern history and biblical narratives:
Geopolitical Dynamics: The battle illustrates the complex geopolitical landscape of the 9th century BCE, characterized by shifting alliances and the rise of powerful empires. The resistance against Assyria highlights the strategic importance of regional kingdoms and their efforts to maintain autonomy in the face of imperial expansion.
Biblical Narratives: The involvement of biblical figures, such as Ahab of Israel, in the coalition against Assyria provides a historical context for biblical accounts. While the Bible may not provide a detailed description of the battle, it reflects the political and military realities of the time. This intersection of biblical and historical accounts helps scholars better understand the context of biblical events.
Cultural Interactions: The artifacts and inscriptions related to the Battle of Qarqar reveal interactions between different cultures and civilizations. The exchange of goods, ideas, and military technology across borders is evident from the archaeological record, showcasing the interconnectedness of ancient societies.
Historical Accuracy: The archaeological evidence and Assyrian records contribute to the accuracy and reliability of historical accounts. The corroboration of different sources helps establish a more comprehensive and nuanced understanding of historical events, reducing the reliance on any single account.
The Battle of Qarqar remains a significant event in the study of biblical archaeology, offering valuable insights into the ancient Near Eastern world. Through a combination of Assyrian inscriptions, archaeological findings, and biblical references, scholars can piece together the historical context of this conflict and its impact on regional politics. The ongoing exploration and study of this battle continue to enrich our understanding of ancient history and the dynamic interactions between empires and city-states.
Source Url : https://biblicalarchaeology1.blogspot.com/2024/06/discovering-riches-of-jezreel-valley.html
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