#batman takes a loong time to realize it
robinrequiems · 3 years
hey any1 want some superman jon and batman Damian hcs? too bad cause you’re getting them
• damian realized why no one wanted to be batman when he turned 18 and Bruce decided to give him batman when he was 22.
• jon realized why jon didn’t want to be superman when he also turned 18
• oh and right, by gave, I mean bruce sorta can’t be batman anymore. medical reasons…
• damian sorta uh. persuaded clark into giving jon superman.
Damian: look. I don’t wanna be worlds finest with you, old man.
Clark: im- im not old—
Damian: listen here, jon and i? we are gonna surpass you and my dad. so give it to jon and let me prove it.
Clark: this doesn’t seem like a good idea— you aren’t ready— neither is jon
Damian: wait- wait, you don’t believe in your son and i??? wow. WOOOW. okay. i see.
Clark: that’s not it!-
Damian: sure. sure. don’t worry. I see now.
Clark: wait I do!
Damian: no, no you don’t.. it’s— it’s okay, I get it, it’s me, huh?
Clark: no!
Damian: I get it
Clark: please i do! I’ll - oh my rao, you’re playing me
Damian: i am. i cant do this without jon though. please, Clark.
Clark: *sigh, how did he get manipulated by a kid he used to babysit* okay.
• okay so now jon may be a little overwhelmed because one day he’s flamebird, the next, he’s becoming superman? huH. it’s extremely uh. worrying. and really just? wow.
• does Damian feel bad? oh yeah. he does. so bad. but he really can’t do it alone. they always dreamed of being their parents. or being better than them. but they grew up and realized that they really didn’t want to be their parents.
• but here they were, getting fitted for their suits and adding their own details to it.
jon: hey, you look hot
damian: please. shut up.
• they could do this. they could do this. shoot they can’t do this.
• damians own anxiety was going 50 mph. look, okay? remember before heretic when Bruce thought that Damian would become a satanic batman and basically rain hell all over gotham? yeah. that’s what is going on in damians mind.
• he doesn’t want to be that. ( “you won’t be like that, cmon, d, we’re gonna be better.” ) and how Damian wants to believe jon so bad..
• he doesn’t want to become obsessed with Batman like his father did, he still wants to have a life. he doesn’t want to isolate himself away and adopt kids as a coping mechanism. that’s why he needs jon to be superman. jon helps him, he helps him not go off into his own little world and stay there. he believes that with Jon, he’ll be okay. he has to be. maybe he uses jon as his own coping mechanism, but that isn’t the point.
• together, they will outshine their parents. the supersons can do this. they are the next generation, and it’s not like they are alone. they have so many other people to help them. they’ll be okay.
• they have been preparing for this their whole life, but they both feel like they got it too soon. they thought they had more time. Damian does feel guilty when he hears jon talking about how stressed he is about superman and not living up to whatever the hell he has to live up to, but Damian does fear what would. or could. have happened if he didn’t have jon with him. becoming batman took a lot out of him, more than he would like to admit. he just got constant flashbacks to heretic and that whole fiasco he thought he put behind him a loong time ago.
Jon: are you sure you’re okay?
Damian: yes idiot, quit worrying.
Jon: I’ll always worry about, d.
• jon somehow becomes MORE sappier when he becomes superman.
• okay, also, funny story. ( Clark and Bruce don’t find it funny AT ALL ) superman and batman? yeah they sorta kissed after an almost alien invasion. in their suits. uh. in front of an alien who they were arresting for the green lanterns. most people believe that when people say it, it’s a lie, kidding. no they don’t. there were pictures.
bruce: you want to explain this?
damian: not really, no.
• the public knows there’s a new Batman and Superman since yk. Jon’s face is public and was seen as superboy flamebird and now superman, and batman was slightly smaller and had some different moves
• but here’s their main line up: batman ( dami wamie, obvi ), superman ( jonnyboy kent ), nobody ( maya:)) ), green lantern ( tai pham, my baby boy ), lace ( wallace west 2, he goes by lace instead of flash because i said so. ), and shazam ( billy b ).
• fun fact, they have a den mother even though they are all in their 20s. poor dinah.. yeah black canary is their den mother. ( stole it from from yj )
• dinah makes sure they get their injuries checked out, train regularly, and you know. don’t blow up a building.
• again.
• ( when damian and jon were younger, in their teen years, they stupidly accidentally blowed up a building. in their defense, the building was owned by the penguin. and there were no civilians in the area. but they also got a lot of men sent after them.. oops. )
• they are very chaotic. they are the definition of dumbass energy sometimes.
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• damian tries to keep the pda down whenever he’s batman, BUT JON DOESNT KNOW HOW TO DO THAT
• hence the amount of photos of jon hugging Damian or kissing him
• damian has never once initiated one in suits
• ( that one time jon almost died does not count )
Damian: thought you were gonna be batman.
Tim: nah, i don’t wanna be bruce. i saw what it did to dick. I would’ve became just like him.
Damian: am i like him??
Tim: god no, bruce would never kiss superman or date him or spray paint the new justice league logo— nice logo, by the way— onto villains bases
Damian: is that a good or bad thing?
Tim; good, that means you probably won’t be a total emotional stunted person using crime fighting as an outlet for unresolved childhood trauma.
Damian: you do realize why i became Robin right
Tim: .. not the point im trying to make. I mean now, brat.
• sometimes you can see some of the heroes dropping by to surprise kids, they heard that their old mentors used to go to children’s hospitals to visit sick kids, so they did that too. on a rare day where there isn’t any crime, which is really rare, they go to a school and talk if it’s a weekday, or they drop by an orphanage to hang out with kids.
• they have gotten into a lot of trouble though. they’re still learning how to work as a team. jon and damian are used to being solo and working with each other, Tai had tagged along a few times when they were younger and knows how they work, along with maya, but billy and Wallace do not.
• they often all get into arguments.
• damian lacks a filter and will criticize everyone if they mess up. and he often goes off alone or is too blunt.
• it takes a long time before they all realize that Damian is just: Damian, he doesnt mean to be mean. ( surprisingly )
• billy is used to being the big kid stuck at the kids table, it’s funny that he’s actually the second oldest when he used to be the youngest. ( lace is like.. 27? shazam is 25.. nobody 24. & the supersons 22. pulled all those ages outta my ass. you’re welcome. )
• dinah is also their therapist. poor dinah.
• like really giving pity to dinah. but dinah loves those kids, she has known some since they were kids. she used to take damian out for ice cream and train with him, and also babysit him. ( AUNT DINAH IS MY FAVORITE GOODBYE ). and she did the same with Jon.
• dinah actually does help a lot of them get over their trauma, not completely, but most have finally spoken about it. they began talking after they all got hit with fear gas.
• that was a bad night.
• they had almost disbanded before when they thought lace had died by the hands of captain cold. they had been arguing all day, and if they didn’t, they might’ve saved him:
• but turns out he wasn’t dead.
• but the argument was still there, and it was strong. it took a while for them to actually work together without dinah forcing them.
• then soon came another new member after maya left to go do some undercover mission for the justice league regarding some alien tech being distributed some place. it was a sad goodbye, but she would be back and she would have a place here.
• welcoming: yara flor. yara was a bit headstrong and wild. damian has screamed at her a lot and almost got into a fist fight with her before being dragged off by his boyfriend 💋
• but she settled in fine. minus the fact damian really wanted to shove a batarang up— anyways. she just had to learn teamwork and shit, she was used to being a solo and she was somewhat new. so they helped her out and she became a solid member of the team.
• sometimes damian and jon just go and sit on a rooftop like they did as kids togeyher. just alone with each other. thinking about how their life changed so quickly.
Damian: i thought we’d ruin our fathers’ legacies and plummet to the ground.
Jon: *he coughed* ..what?
Damian: yeah. i didn’t think we’d get this far, but here we are.
Jon: of course we got this far, and we’re gonna get further.
Damian: i know.
• oh yeah. so. superman. fucking proposed after they defeated darkseid. ( the battle was long, so many people were left injured and on the brick of death, Damian and jon had been separated when it all started. Damian had stayed on earth at first before going to apokolips. Damn he hadn’t seen it since he got resurrected.
Darkseid: oh. I remember you.
Damian: mhm?
Darkseid: ah yes, the little boy who was resurrected here.. the chaos share, your father used it on you.
Damian: i know. i remember what happened. I was there afterall.
Darkseid: I wonder if you are as smart as the original batman.
Damian: i am.
• damian was buying time. he was waiting for reinforcements, namely the people who had powers and could take him down. damian wasn’t stupid. he realized darkseid liked to talk. his friends were fighting off the female furys or whatever they were called. he just had to wait and entertain.
Darkseid: quite the ego there.
Damian: i saved the justice league when i was 13, i deserve to have an ego.
Darkseid: oh, you are by far more talkative than the original.
Damian: thanks.
Darkseid: not a compliment, you fool.
• yeah so. darkseid tried to kill damian, with a beam thing. Damian was about to flip away like the baddie he is, but. jon. went out and yk. took the hit. dumbass.
Damian: you have such a big hero complex.
Jon: wow I just saved you and that’s what you say?????
Damian: yes.
• anyways, after they defeat darkseid, jon pops out a ring from his pocket and asks damian to marry him on apokolips.
Damian: you seriously couldn’t wait til we got on earth?
Jon: dames you almost died. what if- what if something happens, I’ve been putting this off for so long. cmon please?
Damian: you’re seriously asking me to marry you here where, I’m pretty sure, a lot of shit happened to our parents here.
Jon: no time like the present.
Damian: fair. okay.
Jon: just okay???
Damian: im sorry, do you want me to cry or something?
Jon: ughh, you can be so extra and petty sometimes.
Damian: i am not being petty.
Jon: just because I ask you to marry me here you wanna be like “okay” and that’s it
Damian: you’re so dramatic. I’ll marry you. I wanna marry you. Better?
Jon: yeah:)
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bluegarners · 4 years
So this is kind of like a part 2 to this post I made earlier. This is just a quick overview of Talons, not super duper detailed
What is a Talon?
So this question can get a little weird when trying to determine what context it’s in, but basically, they are highly trained/super-human/mutant assassins that work for the Court of Owls. “Work for” is a general statement, as most were originally kidnapped children inducted into the Court that were then raised to be loyal and carry out the Court’s wishes, so enslaved assassins is a better term for description. When referring to a singular assassin, you can say “A Talon” or “The Talon”, or just call them by their actual name if provided. But, when referring to the league/group of them all, it’s typically just “Talons” or “The Talons”
Going back to the whole kidnapped and enslaved as a child part, Talons are typically given an electrum infusion that gives them superhuman abilities, such as super-human strength, immortal like healing abilities and endurance. DC never specifically says who they are trained by, but it can be assumed that the Court hires or teaches the Talons themselves, and then past Talons can teach later/newer Talons. Their specific abilites that don't fall under the electrum infusion powers are unique to the Talon in question themselves, as some, like Calvin Rose, were known for their ability to escape virtually any trap or enclosure they were palced in.
How is a Talon made?
Talons are given a serum infused with the mystical element electrum (which is a chemical compound that can reanimate dead tissue and heal living tissue over and over again; it is fueled by body heat), granting them superhuman endurance, strength and speed. Their abilities, however, begin to fade if they’re cut off from their regular electrum infusions, which means the Court must be strategic in their usage, as the element is rare and expensive.
Something you may not know is that many of the Talons, unfortunately, are provided by Haly’s Circus. In the New 52, Haly’s is revealed to be an operation run by the Court of Owls and its purpose was to raise or find youth to be an assassin for the Court. Some of the Talons that resulted from Haly’s Circus include: Mary Turner, William Cobb, and Calvin Rose. It’s been speculated that the death of Dick Grayson’s parents was orchestrated by the Court so they could easily take the child without anyone really noticing. Had it not been for Bruce Wayne taking in Dick, Dick would have most likely become a Talon and followed in his great-grandfather's footsteps.
What is a Talon like?
Talon’s are almost immune to pain, have super healing, endurance, strength, and speed and can be preserved to be resurrected from death. They are excellent marksmen that work with blades, but the ability can be applied to other objects. Their only known weaknesses are cold temperatures (slowing the regeneration process) or severe death, meaning total decapitation with the head being removed away from the body, or injuries severe enough for healing to be impossible. In order to take the main position of Talon, the chosen Talon must best the previous in a battle. The former Head Talon will then be killed (if they weren’t already), and will either be preserved for later usage or disposed of. They are essentially immortal assassins, relentless with pursuing their targets/given missions. The former main and defeated Talon must fight in order to keep their mantle after being deemed unfit by the Court.
Because of the electrum infusion and insane healing abilities, Talons can recover and continue fighting even after being dealt a deadly blow. This also comes as a double edged sword as they can be kept alive for hundreds of years and continue working for as long as the Court needs them to. What makes them lethal isn’t their fighting capability (which is still extremely deadly) but the fact that they can continue fighting without the hindrance of pain or an injury to stop them.
Misconceptions about Talons
Often in fanon or fanfiction, Talons are depicted as these robotic like beings that have no real thoughts or emotions. However, this is untrue. They are capable of personal thought and feeling, but have unwavering loyalty to the Court, putting their mission first and having unquestionable faith in their Court. This loyalty comes from being raised and reared by the Court, as many of them are kidnapped from a young age and raised to serve the Court. This lifestyle is all they know, and outside of missions, they have not been exposed to anything else their entire lives. 
Additionally, not all Talons have been men. Mary Turner was a Talon, her first appearance being in Batgirl #9 2012 and was offered a position with the Birds of Prey after escaping the Court during a mission/transportation gone wrong.
Who has been a Talon?
One of the more famous and most used Talons is William Cobb, AKA the great-grandfather of Dick Grayson. As of right now, William Cobb is considered the Head Talon, or The Talon when Talons are thought of. However, William Cobb was not supposed to be the Head Talon initially. It was another man named Alton Carver, who was one of the best Talons, but the Court of Owls felt that Carver had become sloppy in his kills and missions and threatened to replace him with his successor (which would mean death for Carver). During this time period, it is revealed that Dick Grayson is to be Carver’s successor; at this moment, Dick is still a child performing with Haly’s Circus. Seeing Dick’s olympic level abilities at such a young age without the help of any enhancements (like electrum) first hand, Carver realizes that Dick would eventually outmatch him. Carver weighs the thought of killing Dick then and there, but debates too long on the subject and is spotted and pursued by Batman (nothing really results in this chase however, and Carver gets away). The Court, seeing how Carver had disobeyed their orders, retires him and only re-awakens him for the attack on Gotham City. This is when William Cobb takes over as the prime Talon.
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Here is a quick timeline of all the Talons that we know of:
1600s: Uriah Bone, the oldest surviving Talon of the Court of Owls
1666: Ephriam Newhouse
1840s: Henry Ballard
1850s: Alexander Staunton
1940s: Mary Turner, joined Bird of Prey
1950s: Alton Carver
1980s: Xiao Loong
1990s: William Cobb, great-grandfather of Dick Grayson and considered to be the most formidable Talon the Court of Owls has ever produced
Current Talon: Calvin Rose, the only Talon ever to escape from the Court maze
There are many other facts/specific features that I've left out for the sake of keeping this post to the point, so feel free to add what you know. Maybe later, I'll make another post about backgrounds/history of a few of the Talons
Something I find cool about Dick Grayson’s lineage is that “Grayson” isn’t actually his last name. The name is a play on words for “The gray son of Gotham”, referring to the gray area that divides the rich and the poor. Cobb was scorned by his lover's father for being poor, and after willingly joining the Court of Owls, William stole his first born son and brought him to Haly’s Circus to be raised and hopefully become a Talon. This son was the father of John Grayson, Dick Grayson’s father. This is why you’ll see Dick Grayson be referred to as “The Gray Son of Gotham”, as Cobb had originally hoped his son, and now great-grandson, would be the one to blur the lines between the class divides. 
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imjustaweirdo93 · 5 years
As my first post here I want to talk about the awesomeness that is Avengers: Endgame, because I had couple of days to fully absorbe it and get out of the depression, so I need to write down my thoughts.
First of all … don’t really look much deep into it. Everyone is talking about loopholes and silly aspects of the film, but really…time travel isn’t real (well not yet) so there is no scientific proof of how it should work. Stop questioning it, just enjoy the movie and accept the explanation we got from Banner. For me it was really easy to understand.
Now, I want to really give the biggest credit to the rat, you know which rat. Without it Ant-man would be probably stuck in the quantum realm forever and there will be no one to think about time travel, so yaaay, hero was born (maybe give it a movie marvel?)
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So one of the thing that I really liked about the movie and was probably the biggest surprise for me, was Thor. Yeah, didn’t see that one coming and oooh it was sooo good. Not that I enjoy depressed superheroes, but it was interesting change to the character, like….we know him as this unstoppable strong god who already lost so much, but still didn’t break and kept going and now…now he did break, he was a broken man and was going through it like we normal humans do. I don’t really get the hate, plus it was insanely hilarious.
Another thing I loved was Professor Hulk. Him, Rhodey, Ant-man and Thor were the funny core of this film and I didn’t expect that at all. It was interesting to see him as this peaceful, calm, funny being giving his previous struggle with Hulk. Who knew huh.
Ooooh and the best scene of course - Avengers Assemble. That was just pure orgasm guys. That was the reason we all watched all those movies right? To get moment like this and it was totally worth it. 
Let’s talk about endings….
For her I never really had some emotional bond, but in Endgame they finally give her some space to really show her true colors, to shine and when she died I was heartbroken. As soon as they reveal that she and Clint were going for the soul stone everyone must have known what will happen. Clint wanted his family back and she wanted to save everyone. It was her purpose and it kind of makes me happy in the end. Not the fact she died, but the reason behind all of it. Also the whole scene between them, who will die and who will live, was great. There was no romantic love between them but it felt more real and raw than some romance. I wasn’t hyped for the Black Widow movie, but after this I am.
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The reason why I like him is because he’s one of the few parental figures in marvel movies. Someone here wrote something about people not caring for Hawkeye’s family, which is not true, I cared. The first scene hit me hard and I was thinking to myself “they want to torment us from the start?!” and yeah, I already felt terrible. Also, people saying Clint should have been the one to die and not Natasha, because what he did in those 5 years?? They both did bad things, that’s life, but each of them had different purpose in life, so I’m glad there weren’t more children without father in the end.
I really never was a big fan of Cap. I respect him, he is THE MAN, great leader and role model, I also love Chris Evans, but other than that I always found him a little boring. That changed during the Infinity war (yeah, the beard helped) and in Endgame I just enjoyed every minute of him. Maybe it is because he is no longer some naive boy, we-have-to-do-it-right boy. He has grown a lot and been through a lot, he knows better now. Also he apparently swears now and that gives me life. Anyway, since Age of Ultron I just knew that one of the great trio will die eventually, but for some reason I never thought they will rid of Thor, which left Tony and Steve. I was really really sure they will kill Steve, because it just felt there is nothing for him in the future unlike Tony who wanted to start a family and till the end of the movie I really thought they will go with the reasonable choice, not the most heartbreaking. Boy was I wrong. A lot of people said they ruined Cap’s character, that he wouldn’t just go live with the love of his life into the past, that he wouldn’t just stop fighting. But that was all he had, he never had a chance with Peggy and as I see it? He wanted to honor Tony and Natasha and live a life that they couldn’t anymore…he wanted to rest too and that makes me happy. He deserves it. 
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I bet a lot of people thought that in the end, he will be the great king he was supposed to be from the start, but like from the first Thor movie it was clear that it wasn’t what he wants anyway and I never really saw him as a king, so him going into the space with Guardians, trying to find his place in the universe is in my opinion great ending for our beloved God of Thunder. Maybe people think they ruined all his character developement, but just remember Thor at the start of this epic journey. He went from his worst to his best and then to his lowest and I really hope that means Thor will stick around for a little while longer as Chris Hemsworth expressed interest in playing Thor again in the future. Maybe he will join Guardians and that would be totally awesome, right??!!
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Ugh….this one still hurts. Let me tell you this, I have a Top 5 favourite list of superheroes which are Spiderman, Daredevil, Batman, Guardians of the Galaxy (yes, I take them as one, because I just love all of those assholes to death!) AND Iron Man, so….yeah. When I was watching the movie I was so focused on the moment when they’ll kill off Captain America (mainly because I read some fake spoiler about him dying) that this shit hit me out of nowhere. Once I saw him holding all those stones I knew it’s over for him and from that moment I tried really hard not to sob for the rest of the movie. Ooh and when the dying scene came up I couldn’t look, it broke me. I was Thor-level broken. When we were leaving the theatre I remembered the moment between Tony and Strange, where he show him just one finger, one possibility and that broke me again, because in that moment Tony realized what he must do and why Stranger wanted Thanos to spare his life, so he can save all of them. He knew there was no other way than sacrificing himself. Geeez I thought I got over it, but I’m still too emotional. Anyway his end was epic, heroic, selfless and the last goodbye was beautiful. Thank you Tony, yes, you are Iron Man.
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Gosh I was so happy they showed us Guardians at the end, ready for next adventure like the last five years didn’t happen. I think I like them more than Avengers. The biggest and maybe my only issue with this film was not bringing original Gamora to life. I was hoping the whole year thay they’ll find a way to bring her back and in a way they did, but still, it hurts me that the real Gamora, with all the memories and love for Peter is gone forever. At least Quill was searching for her in the end, so let’s hope it was foreshadowing of the Guardians of the galaxy 3, where they’ll find the past Gamora and make her part of the team once again (and fell in love with Peter again, because they’re like my all time favourite MCU couple).
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Well, for me it was really amazing experience. I had no expectations, I just wanted to see anything they got for us and I wasn’t disappointed. There was everything. Fun, love, sadness, hope, happiness, action, drama and I’m really sad that I can’t see it for the first time one more time. So thank you Marvel, thank you Stan Lee and thank you Robert Downey Jr.
Love you all three thousand 
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