#bathroom furniture australia
hrsports1 · 2 years
Hr sports offer small to large bathroom furniture sets at a low price. Buy online modern bathroom vanity and cabinet storage with Afterpay, Zippay, and PayPal.
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yourlocaldilemma · 1 year
Golden Thoughts {part 4} (ln4)
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Lando Norris x fem!sprinter!reader
word count: 2.1k
part 4/? part one, part two, part three, part four, part five
warnings: not edited
a/n: comment and reblog :) feedback is much appreciated! ______________________________________________
The cold corners, minimal furniture and stark white paint of Lando’s flat are the exact opposite of the bubbly boy that stands in front of you.
“Sooooo?” He drags out the word while bouncing on the balls of his feet. You’re standing in the kitchen, the ocean infront of you, cooking space behind you and his large flat spanning further to the right. 
“It’s completely lovely, it’s just not as you as I thought it would be.”
“Were you expecting a university frat boys place?” He tosses a smirk in your direction.
His response pulls a smile to your face. “I was expecting some art on the walls, maybe some of your merch lying around.”
“There’s merch in a closet somewhere,” he chuckles, “a lot of it.”
His voices softens into a curious tone. “As for the art, it’s complicated, but sometimes it feels easier to-, it’s almost-, I feel like-,”
“Like if you personalize it then it feels like home, and when it feels like home it be becomes that much more impossible to be away so much.” You finish his thought for him.
“Exactly.” A shared look of understanding flashes from your face to his. The sport may be different but you share a similar lifestyle.
Tapping your nails on the quartz counter to end the weighted silence, you seat yourself on one of the barstools placed beneath the kitchen island. 
“I cooked last time.” You explain after he makes no effort to move. 
Hesitantly he begins to pull utensils from shelves, looking severely out of place even in his own kitchen. There’s very little food in the large fridge, and less than 30 seconds into watching him try to slice a cucumber you decide to take over. His cuts are uneven, messy, and his fingers seem at high risk. 
“You don’t cook much do you.” 
“You’re judging! No judging!” He whines and laughs, rubbing his hands over his face. 
You join him behind the counter as you regain the same easy dance of cooking and conversation as in Australia. You learn that he always has chicken and salad before race day, he’s always wanted a kitten and you pick up on his habit of wringing his hands when he’s nervous or excited. By the time you finish cooking, you know more about him than you ever thought possible.
Lando takes a running leap onto the couch like an overexcited puppy.   
“Where’s your bathroom?”
“Down that hallway to the right.” He points with a nod. Humming a thanks, you walk down the hallway he directed. The bathroom, not unlike the rest of the house, is almost completely white with only small silver features. The counter is scattered with what you assume to be an assortment of Lando’s colognes. 
You wander back into the living room to find Landos eyebrows scrunched and a twinkling light of amusement in his eyes as he looks down, features accentuated by the glow of a screen . The edges of your lips turn up in a slow smile at his childlike expression before you recognize the phone case as yours. Your heart skips a beat in advance of dropping into your suddenly cold stomach. 
Only after he raises his head to look at you do you realize you’ve been standing at the hallway entrance for long seconds. 
“Care to explain?” He twerks an eyebrow upwards and nods at your phone. Your rapidly beating heart doesn’t slow as you amble your way over to sit next to him on the couch, overly nervous for no exact reason.
When he flips the phone around to let you analyze the screen, The Notification Centre is overflowing with alerts. The first three pop ups that catch your eye are all courtesy of the F1 app. News Headlines and reports from qualifying sided with little pictures span the screen. 
“I don’t see what you find so entertaining. I never read those articles anyway.”
“Sometimes I do,” Lando ventures with a roll of his shoulders, “to know what people are mad at me for. That’s not what I was talking about though.”
You meet his ocean blue orbs as his deep pink lips stretch into a grin. what would it feel like to have them on your-
“You have my Instagram notifications on.” He stated proudly.
You lash out to snatch your phone from his grip, swiping to clear everything from your Lock Screen. 
Pointing your nose upwards dramatically, you reply with a sarcastic flourish. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Lando just hums a sunshiney tune under his breath and stares at you with a bright smile, like you just solved global hunger. 
“I’m going to find a movie now and you’re going to braid my hair.” You salute him behind his back as he moves to let you begin to braid. 
“How does the little mermaid sound?”
“Amazing.” You giggle at his choice. 
Not 20 minutes into the movie, you feel Landos now braid-adorned head drop onto your shoulder. You expect to see him grinning cheekily up at you but when you look down his eyes are closed, and he’s taking little soft breaths. 99.9 percent of you wants to shake him until he wakes up but with his race tomorrow you decided you can let him get some sleep. 
You focus on the movie, but feeling your phone vibrating in your pocket breaks your concentration. You see four messages from Charles and cross your fingers he doesn’t somehow know you’re at Landos as you unlock your phone. 
You know Lando is awake again when you feel tingling breaths on your neck as he peeks over you shoulder to look at your phone. Even though the texts are all written in French, it isn’t hard to translate the angry meaning of the emojis and multiple uses of Landos name. You can see him frown in the reflection of your phone and his mouth twitches as if he can’t decide what to say.
“He’s going to hate me forever.” You complain.
“He will never hate you. He just needs to get the fact that you’re not only his anymore through his thick head.” Lando wiggles further back into the couch. “He will, on the other hand, hate me forever, which might cause some problems for my PR team.”
A breathy laugh escapes your mouth as you tip your head back to meet the couch cushion. 
“I don’t think I was his in the first place.” You scold Lando with a sarcastic undertone that he doesn’t seem to catch seeing how quickly he sits up to look at you.
“I didn’t mean it like that of course you weren’t his, you’re nobody’s I just mean,” his rambling pauses thoughtfully, “I think he kept you a secret for more reasons then he told you.”
You roll your eyes. “What are you talking about Lando?”
“I mean look at you. You’re absolutely gorgeous,body and soul. And you’re brilliant, and hilarious and independent, and I think you care a lot more than you let on. Charles knew that anyone who met you would never want to leave you alone, meaning he would lose more of you. So he kept you to himself.” 
Looking down at his lap, Landos flushed a deep rose colour that blooms from his neck to the tips of his ears. You can feel your face prickling with heat alike his. Those were not words that were exchanged by “just friends”. Your breaths sync as the room goes completely silent around you. 
“Thank you, Lando. That was beautiful. No one has said anything like that about me in a very, very long time,” you whisper, as his forehead swims closer and closer to yours in the thick air that filled the room as he spoke. 
“It’s true.”
“Lando.” You meant it as a warning but it comes out as more of a gentle whimper as you look up through your lashes to see his eyes, sapphire swirled with pastel teal and flecks of powder blue all in one. 
You watch his Addams apple bobs as he swallows and pulls away. 
“Don’t be.” 
You both return to watching the movie but the colors blur together and a grainy glaze slides over your eyes. The feeling of Lando being so close to you has a hazy veil over you. You’re still close enough you can feel his soft hoodie brushing against your arm.
“I should probably go soon. I have a really early flight tomorrow.”
“You could sleep here.”
He suggests it so easily, like you’d slept over at his place time and time again. 
“Lando, I barely know you and you barley know me.”
“I’d like to though.”
A hopeful smile makes your eyes crinkle as you look at him and Lando, who returns it, extends his legs to lie down on the couch. When he catches your pursed lips and the skepticism that roles off you in waves, he sighs. 
“One hour. It’s not that late and I’ll drive you back after.”
“Lando, I'm not good with things like this. I’ve always been someone who’s better alone. I didn’t have many friends growing up and track never helped with that much. And over time, I realized it’s better that way!”
“Because you won’t get hurt?”
“If you love someone or something, you’re giving them the ability to hurt you. I love sprinting with my entire soul, so that already one thing,” you shrug, “it’s just easier.”
“I get that. I truly do. But what I’ve learned is that if you don’t take the risk you could miss out on loving something that could make you happy.”
He catches your eyes and you can’t tear your gaze away from the jewels of his eyes. 
“Just an hour?” His dimples show as he gives you an endearing smile. 
You can feel bright sunlight on your eyelids and a warm entity encircling your body in a way that feels comfy and safe. The light only seems to grow until you inwardly moan and flip around in a fruitless attempt to escape the suns beams. Disoriented and tired, you split your eyes open the tiniest bit to allow the world to fade into view. 
The sun directly in your face once again, you shift again. A low groan rings from behind you and your memory returns in one fast SnapBack to reality. 
the comforting warm blanket Lando groans again as you try to sit up. His hand is wrapped low and tight around your waist which must of happened sometime during the night. 
The night you weren’t supposed to spend at his house in the first place.
You hiss at him. “Lando! I have a flight this morning!”
He makes a noise of protest but releases his grip on you. 
You scramble around, swearing in multiple languages while trying to find your phone. Lando watches you, still not half awake, from the couch. When you find your phone face down on the floor, you turn it on to nine missed notifications from Charles and a clock reading 5:30 am. 
Heaving a sigh of partial relief you sit up straight and immediately notice the kinks in your back. You were going to pay for yesterday in more ways than one. 
“I still have two hours before I have to leave for the airport.” You state to no one in particular, your brain working a thousand miles a minute. 
“So things aren’t as bad as they seem. I’m still fucked mind you, just not as deeply. All my stuff is at my hotel still. Oh my-“ you pull at your hair as blood rushes to your head when you stand up. 
Lando pats the spot you were lying in only moments earlier. 
“Shit is going to get fucked either way Y/N. come back to bed.”
“Just for 3 minutes? I’ll drive you to the airport after?” 
After running around like a chicken with its head cut off, you make it to the airport seven minutes earlier then you wanted to. As you pull the luggage out of the boot of Landos car, you can see him fiddling with his hands again, pulling his rings on and off. 
Peeking his head over the dark tinted windows, he meets your eyes. 
“Thank you for having me for dinner. Even if you did trick me into spending the night at your place.” 
“Best sleep I’ve had in a while.” He smirks.
“Not goodbye.” 
You raise an arched eyebrow at him.
“I’ll see you soon.”
“You seem sure of that Mr. Norris.”
“I am.” He turns on his car and begins to inch away
You call after the slowly moving car. “Oh and Lando? Good luck tomorrow!” 
The morning sun glints off the top of his dark McLaren, the brake lights blinking red as he slows to peek his messy morning curls out the window. 
“I got my braid!”
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leopoldainter · 3 months
Buffer lament no ti.me to cry. CradleOfilth
Those hellos, come helps that bathroom toilet paper. In the hotel underShad3really walk way and come closer say happy birthday to the sight of smell herpes Hell ya herpes
Coffin Fodder but more muffled nobchat cradolOfilth
Assuming you haven't first heard the one about the storied jackass and restless nuzzleGuit
How about over Ander Joanna previously bridget
Ba ba black sheep, it came with the night stand there as a kid craflOfilth cuz I wasn't gennveer Good9
Ok can someone explain how much of Australia is minable because we got that coal thing goingfog foggy
You gotta try at least another charm before Moses takes his stick out
An indoor swing I feel soreclpwered to the ground
Now try something with chamber in the title and no one standingalert by the ball floor courtyard it came with his own ride away from here
-anonymous squikybuffChic, there's a Frenchman at the intersection by the chiropractor selling furniture. Don't belivevNotreDameKane deMbrun Ontario French Public ro Ad Norms moms place they open a week after English grSmasTennisKvE
Pfft course I have I have a canoe leaning on my fence, have taken a look at the river. I sanded my oars with love for Christmas or the other one eks hug me I'm blind ono
-justa nona
It's very dirty water. You can see the brown of the dirt on,the bridge you tame past regulation out of district street funded coFunded by the good people at wraptalmond chocolate 2$
5 bill
I voted for the other one!; and raison
Ok where the gd girl
We got table cloths hun
B a
M a
Moved away flew away gave away one fell out
Save the singing
Schools have breakfast.
Only if she's from russia
Just like that tap tap,but only if you logged in early and show up with I don't know say every moonless in neopets, but maybe yours are allowed to watch in the library when ut rains always squid oops seatbeltw pukeSplat tight d'exNeyeLook glued
How boar this bluenose dolt xeip sail boat huh look it says enjoy tge ride to Montreal the whol
Because they used to wipe the toll bowl things
Be honest,
I cry deeply
And cough, I do smoke so you know why there's a sign by the upright brightEdge some links of An of the chains you leave when you decide the cars not worth the fight with chiropractor over whether Ohip covers neakbriegessage and x ray work a Santa week yay what the plow
The plow does the parking lots through we assumed you heard Norms moms sick of seeing snow from the bridge in the river, she's got paddle boats cooling by there
-cepretPractice secretary with debit combine lost the walkie in the parking lot with her kids hearing aids and glove
Omygosh you were with Josh last weekend
Beg a tiny hippo fuck yeah then some pbBath tub
Are you ok
She wants to know how fat your knuckles clump mom are we getting a new puppy or mayonaissr
Mi lufa
I don't even like any food
Stairs! Are you ok it's so many sides andsqarees and even rainbows.Im coming in321 are u p AfoxTrot ok there
Here I lie I'm staring at clouds in shapes of pogs in caps in flare aa weapon Travis tele o it was an accident he walked into straight one is longer and I'm holding it at an angle some splash some yell some people get there wallets stolen. Some people buy the Swatch from the stand still open.
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faegoddessog · 1 year
 Seventy Two Hours of Bliss Ch. 20/41
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Chapter 20: Le Roi
Chapter Warnings: Explicitly mature content, 18+ only, fellatio, gagging, titty fucking, fingering, pearl necklace, masturbating.
Series Masterlist
Series Summary:
You are neighbors with Austin Butler on the Gold Coast of Australia just prior to shooting Elvis. You become just friends because he is taken. However, after he is single again, you both find out just how attracted you are to one another and things get unrelentingly hot.
SERIES WARNING: Explicitly mature content, 18+ only,  here there be lemons.
Authors Notes: I started writing this while remodeling my kitchen, so that informed the slightly quirky narrative. It starts slow, but once it heats up, it is on fire. I have tried to pull facts from RL as much as I could, but obviously there are some assumptions and flat out dreamy wishes  involved here. 
Chapter 20: Le Roi
You come to awareness a while later. You hear the shower going in the bathroom. You stretch and get up from the bed, button down shirt still hanging on your shoulders. You gotta pee, you decide to use the guest bathroom.
As you walk back to the bedroom, you take in Austin’s apartment. It looks like a sex bomb went off. The line from Princess Bride enters your mind, “It ranged all over. They were both masters.”
It may be the dopamine, but it just strikes you as enormously funny. You are cackling as you walk into the bedroom.
“Hey sleepyhead, come on in”, you hear Austin from the shower.
You walk in trying to contain yourself. The steamy outline of him is letting the hot water beat down. You drop the shirt to the floor and step into the large glass stall.
He greets you by gathering you under the hot water for shower kisses. Steamy Shower kisses. Damn. You two need some kind of intervention. This much desire is criminal.
Soaking, you come up for air.
“Babe, we -” you say.
“Need to not?" he interrupts.
You both laugh. At least you are on the same page.
After showering and stealing yet another of Austin’s shirts, you two set about cleaning up his apartment. You start laughing again about ‘ranging all over’.
“What's so funny?” he asks.
You tell him about the Princess Bride line. He doesn’t think it’s as funny as you do.
“I mean, take a look,” you wave your hand, “we DID range all over!”
“Well, I mean you are not wrong,” he admits, “we did have a LOT of sex.”
“Yes, yes we did,” you come behind him, wrapping your arms around his waist. “The best sex I’ve ever had in my life, in fact."
“Ditto,” he turns around in your embrace, hugging you to his chest.
You guys finally get the place cleaned, sheets changed, furniture put back, clothes picked up.
“Okay love, we have to rip this band aid off,” you say.
“Yeah, I’m sorry to have to say it, but I have to get my mind right for tomorrow. I may be having a quiet panic attack because I didn’t do any real Elvis study this weekend,” he takes in a big shuddering breath.
“Look at it this way," you rationalize, “ you just did a different kind of studying for Elvis this weekend. You fucked me as Elvis several times. You practically channeled him when you were spanking me. Apparently he gets off on a good spanking.”
“He actually was supposed to be really good at oral sex,” Austin is getting on your bandwagon.
“Well you’ve got that in the bag babe. Anytime you want to practice, you know where I am, “ you say.
He laughs.
“No really, any time,” you are definitely not joking.
He insists on walking you ‘home’.
“So you don’t feel like it’s a walk of shame,” he says when you stop outside your door.
“Y’know, you are so sweet, but understand that I feel no shame whatsoever,” you declare, “and I’m carrying a filthy dress, my heels AND a bag of sex toys wearing a shirt that I stole from you.”
“My dirty girl,” he says with a smile and leans down to kiss you…and kiss you. His hands slide into the shirt to your waist, discovering that the button-down is all you have on.
“Hoh, you are so… fuck, woman,” he growls, pulling you into him. His kiss is passionate and lustful as his hands cup your bare ass. Well I guess you know what getting more sex does to him, makes him just want it even more.
“Austin, hunny, ” you pant, pulling away from him, “you had better go work on Elivs, or I am going to require you on the other side of this door.” Just thinking about it and you find your hand migrating towards the crotch of his pants. You ball your fist tight to stop it.. “If we do that, we are both gonna end up in the hospital.”
“I know, I know, you are right,” he shakes his head. You grab him by the hand and look him in the eye.
“Why don’t you come by tomorrow when you get home and tell me about how it all went and I will feed you,” you suggest.
“I would really like that, although I have no idea when we’ll get done. Filming is like that,” he warns.
“No worries, just text me when you are on the way back from the studio. I will be here.”
“Ok,” he nods his head.
“I'll see you tomorrow babe,” you lean up and kiss his cheek, trying to keep your goodbye chill. You open the door and turn to go inside, he grabs your hand and brings it to his mouth, kissing the back.
“Love you,” he says, staring into your soul. Your heart melts. You find yourself throwing your arms around his neck in a huge hug.
“Love you too hunny,” you say in his ear. You break away, turn and force yourself through your open door before you get stuck in a loop of wanting, denying, goodbyeing; wash, rinse, repeat.
You turn around to close the door and he has taken a couple steps backwards.
“Break a leg tomorrow!” you say.
“Thanks,” he says with a little wave.
You close the door, and lean on it, much like that night after Tom and Rita’s. Today, though, you just let out a huge contented sigh and whisper ‘Austin’. ….
At first you are not sure what to do with yourself. You wander around the apartment, with the intention to tidy up. Everywhere you look reminds you of Austin.
The shower: making him cum with your finger on his prostate, his tongue in your mouth as water poured over you, his tongue on your clit; The bedroom: Austin fucking you like a dark deity in the middle of the night, the feel of his cock in your ass for the first time, the quiet of the morning as he moved inside of you; The couch: watching movies and sucking him off, his relentless fingering of your clit, laying on his lap encased in a sphere of bliss, simply hanging out laughing and tickling and kissing… oh god the kissing!
You spend the evening eating leftover pizza and writing it all down so you never forget.
Your phone jangles.
Austin: Goodnight darlin’
You can’t help how big the smile on your face is.
Me: Goodnight lover, sleep well. XOXO
A contented smile is plastered on your face as you crawl into bed. You miss having Austin’s arms wrapped around you, so his shirt will have to do.
The next day you have a zoom meeting with your uncle to talk about progress in the early morning. You had forgotten about it until the alarm you had set previously to wake you up an hour before goes off. Thank you former self!
You are thankful that Austin didn’t stay the night either, you didn’t need to explain that. Your family has been bugging you about ‘settling down’ for a while now. It’s the juxtaposition of you having a near death experience and needing to get out and not waste a moment, while they almost lost you and want to hold on tight.
You show him the guest bathroom you have been working on. You had ripped out the old tub and shower and put in a walk-in, marble tiled shower with a rain shower head and handheld combo. You just have to grout and caulk. Next you will tile the floor and install a new vanity and toilet. It should be done in less than 2 weeks. After that, you’ll work on the master bath, probably 3-4 weeks, then start the big demo on the kitchen and bedrooms. He’s happy, so that’s a good thing. You finalize the design and layout of the kitchen. Mostly he trusts your choices and just wants you to stay as close to the budget as you can. Cool.
Your mind is never far from how Austin is doing on set today. He hasn’t texted, which you totally expected.
You decide to grout the shower today to keep you busy. Once that is done and washed off you caulk it. You actually really like to caulk, you find it soothing and meditative. It’s afternoon when you finish. You clean up and decide to head out to get some shopping done. When you get back, it’s evening.
You hadn’t realized how much you were waiting for his text until your heart skips a beat when your text tone goes off as you are cooking dinner.
Austin: done for the day c u in an hour?
Me: yay! dinner?
Austin: ys pls X
Me: you got it XOXO
In an hour there is a knock at your door. Your chest tightens. You open the door. Austin is freshly showered and in sweats and a hoodie with a bottle of bourbon.
“Hey you!” you smile, opening your arms to him.
“Hey baby!” he wraps you in a hug.
“How was it?” you ask, closing the door.
“It was unreal. Baz changed almost everything we had already rehearsed. It really threw me for a loop. But I really think it ended up better.” He grabs glasses from the cupboard and pours you each two fingers of the brown liquor over an ice cube. He hands you one and clinks them together.
“Here’s to the first day down,” he says. You both drink and shiver at the first taste.
“Y’know, sipping liquor reminds me of kissing. It’s not the first one that you should judge on, it’s the second that really shows the quality.” You take that second sip and a step closer to him, then put your glass on the counter.
“Hmm,” he keeps his eyes on you as he drinks again. ”I see what you mean,” he sets his glass down. “Speaking of quality kisses,” he grabs your waist and pulls you in close, “I missed having yours this morning.”
He presses his mouth to yours. Your mouth opens automatically to his probing tongue. Your hands are on the back of his neck, body pressed close to his. The caramel taste of the bourbon mingles on your slightly numb tongues. You close your lips together, only to open and go deeper, breathing deeply through your noses, enhancing the ‘whiskey kiss’. Your lips vibrate with little vocalizations that you can't’ help making.
He pulls away, licking his lips.
A shiver goes down your spine. “ I forgot how much I like whiskey-kisses.”
“It’s bourbon,” he tries to correct you.
“I know, I just call them whiskey kisses, it rolls off the tongue better,” you explain.
“You do have a spectacular tongue,” he kisses you more.
“You hungry?” you ask when you pull back, one eyebrow cocked with a sly smile on your face.
“Yes, I am,” his hands glide around your hips, thumbs settling on your hip bones, “I’d like to eat first, if that’s ok.”
Over dinner you talk about your call with your uncle and some of the plans you hammered out. He is quiet at first and just listens. He is so amazing at listening. He asks some questions about grout and tiling.
You ask if he wants to talk about his day. As he picks up the dishes, and takes them to the sink, he starts talking. He pours another two fingers of bourbon for each of you and transitions the conversation to the couch. He talks about the shoot, his nerves and how they connected him to Elvis. You just listen, sipping your drink. Clearly he needs to process everything he went through today.
“I want to apologize for not being able to text more, I was so sucked into character and shooting….” he says holding your hand.
“Whoa,” you hold up your other hand, “I do not need an apology, lover. You got work to do. I get that. I don’t expect you to call or text me when you are shooting. Remember this is supposed to be a non-codependent thing. I love hearing from you, but no pressure.”
“Ok good, I just wanted to make sure in case you felt neglected,” he smiles sheepishly.
You throw back the rest of your drink and climb onto his lap, sitting sideways with your arm around his shoulders.
“Did YOU feel neglected? Cuz I didn’t want to bother you,” you ask, combing your fingers through his hair.
“Baby, you are never a bother. Honestly I didn’t have the spoons to feel much more than nerves today,” he admits, ” but I also don’t mind hearing from you.”
“You got it love, I won’t be afraid to text you and I won’t freak out if you don’t text back right away,” you assure him.
“I’m also gonna be really, really busy, so I don’t know how much time I will have for you,” he looks at you, biting his lip in worry.
“I know,” you take your thumb and pull his bottom lip away from his teeth, easing his worried face, “hence the serious-adjacent situationship. I will joyfully cherish whatever time I can get,” you plant a kiss on his forehead.
“How are you so amazing?” he asks, looking into your eyes.
You shrug, “It’s easy, I’m with you.”
He buries his face in your neck and hair hugging you tight, breathing in the scent of you.
“Baby, you seem to have had a long day,” you decide not to push him for sex tonight.
“Yeah, I did not sleep well last night. I was so nervous. Tonight will be better though,” he says with a smile.
“Why is that?” you ask.
“Cuz… you,” he pulls you in for delicious slow whiskey-kisses. Several minutes later your lips part.
“Are YOU hungry?” he asks with a devilish smile.
“For you? Always. But if you need to rest or study for tomorrow, I totally understand,” you smile at him.
He traces your jawline with his fingertip.
“What I think I need tonight, is you,“ he kisses your neck lightly. “Would it be weird if I sleep here? I have an early call and will probably be gone before you get up. But… I enjoy having you next to me.”
You stand up from his lap, pulling him up to stand with you. “Not weird at all. Now, is sleeping all you need tonight? Or do you want more?” you ask as you lead him into the bedroom.
“Well, I might sleep better if you’d help me get off,” he steps to you, wrapping you in a deep kiss. You can feel your vagina start to tingle with moisture.
“I’m not opposed,” you pull his hoodie up over his head, kissing his chest, licking one of his nipples.
He shudders.
“Do you like that, on your nipples?” you ask.
He nods, “I like more too, biting, sucking,”
“Like this?” you take one in your mouth and gently suck on it.
“Harder,” he says.
You increase your suction.
“Mmm,” his hands go to your head, holding you to him. You take it between your teeth and bite, gently. He moans and grips your head. You pull away, smiling up at him. Excited for a new way to get him going.
“Do the other one,” he pulls your head to his other nipple.
You suck this one a little harder at first and let your hand migrate down to the tentpole at his crotch. You realize he has nothing under his sweatpants. Such a fucking turn on that he made himself so easily accessed.
“Oh god, that’s good,” he is saying. He pulls your head up to meet his, clashing his mouth against yours in heightened need, his tongue thrusting and curling against your own.
He pulls your shirt off over your head and in a flash has your bra off and your shorts pulled down, you too made sure he had easy access.
“What, no unicorn undies for me today?” He chuckles as he runs his hands over your naked ass.
“I’ll be sure to show you my collection sometime,” you say, “however, right now I have other plans.” You pull his waistband up and over the head of his cock, his hard rod bouncing as the rest fall to the floor.
You sit down on the bench at the foot of the bed and immediately take him into your mouth. His velvety smoothness is intoxicating on your bourbon flavored tongue. You slide down his shaft, bobbing your head up and down his length.
“Oh god, yes,” he moans. He grabs your head and pushes himself deep into your throat. Fucking your soft palate just a little, making you gag, then pulling back. You look up at him.
“I love hearing that sound when my cock is in your mouth,” his eyes are fierce with lust.
You suck greedily and nod, your mouth too full of him to agree any other way.
He drives in again, gagging you longer and deeper. You suck in a breath as he pulls out of your mouth, wet with thick spit. Your hand is on him, spreading the wetness. You look up at him, one lip curled up. He wipes your mouth with his thumb. You capture it in your mouth, sucking while you pump his cock with your fist. You? Orally fixated? Nah.
“Here, try this,” you say when he takes his thumb out of your mouth.
You pull his dick to your sternum, and push your tits together around it. Looking down you let a long string of saliva drop into your cleavage. He starts sliding up and down, both hands on your shoulders for balance. The head of his cock is peeking out the top of your squished together breasts with each thrust.
“Oh. My. That is fucking hot to watch, ” he says a little surprised. Maybe he’s never titty fucked anyone before.
You look up into his face, licking your lips, thirst in your eyes. His brows are knit together, his voluptuous bottom lip slack, letting his breath escape in unvoiced “oh’s”. He is watching himself sliding up to your neck and back again through half lidded eyes. Fuck he is so hot when he’s in the throes of pleasure. His eyes lift to find yours, one eyebrow twitches up and as does one the corner of his mouth.
“You wan’ me t’ cum, baby,” he asks breathless, just before his front teeth ruthlessly capture that lower lip.
“Uh huh, right here,” you nod, “give me those pearls, mon Roi de chatte.”
Your hips are rocking onto the seat, dripping onto the smooth wood of the bench. You lean down, open mouthed, your tongue lashing his head each time it crests your tits, teasing his tip. He speeds up.
“OOOHHH YEAH, HAAAAAH!! HAAAAAH!!” He bellows through clenched teeth.
Thick white cream spills all over your tongue and neck and tits. You are practically bouncing on the bench, pussy desperate for attention.
You lean back, moaning, on the foot of the bed, putting your feet up on the bench, knees bent. Your hips are trembling against your wet hand which is rubbing his cum into your clit hard and fast.
Austin is panting, trying to recover.
He leans over you, slips two fingers inside your wetness. You are a little sore, but you really don’t care right now. He starts sliding in and out. His other hand snakes around the back of your head, his forehead planted on yours.
“Fuck baby, you are so hot dripping with my cum.” He intones between puffs of breath.
What pushes you over the edge is the feeling of his cum dripping down your neck and along your sides. You arch, head pushed back against his hand, he pushes deep inside you and flicks those long fingers against your g spot. “Ohhh Yaaaaaaahhhhssss,” you wail, hips shaking against his hand.
You grab his hand as he starts sliding in and out again.
“No, no stop, I’m good,” you pant, “thank you lover.”
He answers you with a sweet, loving kiss, which you return.
“What did you call me? Just before I came, wah dushat?” Austin asks.
“Oh, did I say that?” you press your lips together, slightly embarrassed.
“Uh oh, what does it mean? Do I need to take offense?” he jokes.
“No no. It’s just a little corny. It means King of my Pussy,” you start laughing.
“I’m not mad at that, I think you should call me that all the time,” he laughs.
After yet another shower, you climb into bed. Austin pulls out papers from his hoodie pocket and climbs in next to you. Propped up on a pillow and one arm around you he pulls you in close.
“Oh yes, this is much better than last night,” he says under his breath.
“Whatcha got there?” you ask, indicating the papers.
“Script pages for tomorrow, although who knows what Baz will actually have me doing,” he says.
“Are you allowed to read them to me?” you ask.
“Technically no, since you haven’t signed any waiver, but I trust you. Do you want to read the other part with me?” he offers.
“I can try. It may not be good,” you are a little apprehensive.
“Doesn't matter, it just helps to have someone read the other lines,” he assures you.
Curled up on his chest, reading from the same pages, you go over the scene a few times. At first you are tentative. You ask a few questions about who’s lines these are, then throw caution to the wind and get into it.
“Damn baby, you are doing great! Your southern accent is spot on,” he says, impressed.
"Thanks babe,” you wag your tail, smiling.
“If you want, I could talk to Baz and get you on set as an extra. I mean it’d not be talking but… “ he offers.
“Oh, no no.” You roll on top of him to be face to face. “ I am the thing that is NOT Elvis in your life right now. Plus, I don’t think I could bear watching you be Elvis and not have your hands on me. When this movie comes out, I may not be able to see it in a theatre cuz it’s gonna make me so fucking horny. I will leave the seat wet!”
“Or we could just rent out the whole theater and I could play with your pussy the whole time,” he smiles and bites his lip.
“Oh that is happening for sure,” you smile wickedly.
“That’s an experience I look forward to, after all I’m the King of your pussy,” he says giggling.
“Oui, Mon Roi, et je suis ton chaton excité.” you lick your lips and kiss him.
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fascinationex · 1 year
Take 2! How is Sealstorm handling the heat in Australia when he visits with Percy?
He's a creative problem solver :)
(takes place not long after this short I think)
Perceptor didn't know when the power went out. For one, it happened some time after two in the morning, when he was fast asleep. He had probably slept better after the relentless cold of the hotel room had melted away.
The first he knew about the power outage was at 6 in the morning when he opened his eyes to clean white sheets and a wide expanse of white ceiling.
His first thought was that Brainstorm was... absent. Odd, since he liked to wake Perceptor up with a suffocating reminder that he weighed at least three regular people.
His second thought was that it was strange that he wasn't freezing. Despite his best efforts on this trip, he usually woke with icecubes for toes and fingers gone terribly stiff with cold.
Preceptor blinked at the white hotel ceiling for a second. Then leaned over to pat the bedside table until his glasses materialised in his hand. His phone was next. There was an SMS, which had come through in silence at 2:31 AM: Dear valued guest, hotel management has been made aware that the electricity supply to this block is currently unavailable...
That wasn't good. Perceptor knew Brainstorm would probably be fine even if the power stayed out for a while, but his belly still did a nervous little flip about it. Getting too hot would be bad news for a polar mermaid.
Brainstorm was truly a creature of the ice and cold, well-armed with all his weight of blubber and fur to swim in waters that would kill Perceptor in minutes. But that meant that he couldn't tolerate a lot of heat. Sixteen degrees was fine, but eighteen was pushing it, and over twenty made him feel sick, which in turn made him cranky and rude.
It being high summer, their selection criteria for hotels on this trip had pretty much started and stopped at climate control. And now, evidently, the power was out.
Perceptor skimmed the rest of the message: utilities supplier working on it, management apologises for the inconvenience. Right. He turned the phone screen dark.
"Brainstorm?" He rolled out of the bed. It was a tall, luxurious hotel bed, set so high off the ground that he kind of just spilled into a standing position. He'd taken to sleeping in soft trousers and a hooded sweater, in red and black respectively, for the cold. They were warm and cosy—a little too warm now, actually. He pulled the sweater off and left it on top of the rumpled covers.
Outside the master bedroom, which was pretty much 90% enormous bed, the hotel suite was... kind of a mess. There were long snaking trails of water over the floor and furniture displaced at random. He glanced into the kitchenette and found the refrigerator and freezer units completely absent, but most of their contents spread across the benches.
"... Brainstorm?" he called, a little louder. Weirdly, the hotel room didn't sound as though the power was out. The heavily glazed windows kept most of the traffic muted outside but he could hear the dull humming of something. "Are you alright?"
"Bath tub!"
The sound of his voice was a relief. Perceptor turned towards the bathroom instead. It was, like the rest of the suite, perfectly palatial and on-trend. In this case that meant it was an awful lot of big marble slabs, and that the room came fitted with the strange, voyeuristic vibe of walls that were half clear glass.
That meant that Perceptor should have been able to see in straight away, but he couldn't: what had once been clear glass had evidently not remained so, and when he touched the surface he pulled his fingers back fast at the biting cold of it. It had become frosted the hard way, he guessed.
A mass of dark smudgy shapes were vaguely visible on the floor. One of them, he assumed, had to be Brainstorm's furred back flippers and tail.
Perceptor was more curious than worried, now. He opened the door and paused in the threshold, and although he was braced for the temperature change, it still smacked into him like a wall of frost. He was suddenly very, very awake.
It was freezing in here.
The remains of several kitchen appliances lay strewn about, cannibalised. Strange mechanical parts littered the marble floors, the exposed organs of systems he rarely contemplated right out in the open. The humming was louder than he expected. There was evidently no grid power in use. Instead, Brainstorm had rigged something with a system of wires, boxes, electrical tape and mysterious coloured fluids: crude chemical batteries, he supposed.
In the sunken tub itself, Brainstorm was half-buried beneath icy water. His long claws were delicately manipulating a length of copper wire that Perceptor felt probably did not belong around so much moisture.
He rolled around when Perceptor came in, turning so he could prop his spined elbow on the lip of the tub and rest his chin upon his hand.
"Percy! Good morning," he crowed, letting the wire tumble from his off-hand casually. His attention was suddenly laser-focused on Perceptor. Heady. "Come inside, you're letting all the cool out."
Perceptor looked at the machinery. His toes already hated him, but he took a step inside the bathroom and closed the door.
"This looks..." Advanced. Dangerous. Necessary, perhaps. Also, very much like an inappropriate use of hotel property. "... creative," Perceptor suggested, instead of any of those things.
"What, this old thing?" Brainstorm crooned, picking up a chunk of ice, examining it and letting it splash back into the water. "I'm a creative problem solver. Also, it started getting really hot at about three am and I had to put my unmatched genius to the task. Are you coming over here?"
Perceptor eyed the icy water in the tub. It was very, very cold in here. At some point, there had been a bath mat, which might have insulated his toes a little—but it was basically a block of ice, so he assumed that had gotten soaked at some point before the... unmatched genius situation... had unfolded in here.
He took another step closer to the tub. One of Brainstorm's damp hands wrapped around his ankle. His claws were as cold as steel in winter and the chill bit straight into Perceptor's skin.
"I won't be able to stay in here for too long," he cautioned, hoping to manage Brainstorm's expectations. He knew Brainstorm loved to brag about his successful inventions, but Perceptor might have to listen from the other side of the glass.
"That's a shame. That looks interesting." Brainstorm nodded at Perceptor's chest, where his nipples had beaded up tightly, obvious under his tee-shirt. He pressed his thumb gently into the big muscle of Perceptor's calf. Beneath the sting of the cold, it felt nice.
Perceptor hummed. "Freezing is less sexually interesting to me than you may imagine."
Brainstorm let his ankle go, rolling his yellow eyes extravagantly.
"I've heard," he said, sounding perilously close to whining. "Believe me, I've heard."
Perceptor's teeth were starting to chatter. He leaned down just enough to smooth his hand over the cold bone of Brainstorm's helm. "It's very impressive. I'm glad you're not overheating."
"Of course! I'm just that good." Brainstorm beamed "Let me know when they get the electricity on again?"
"Certainly." And that was about all Perceptor could manage, barefoot in this cold. He shut the bathroom door behind him, feeling the warmth of the rest of the hotel suite hit him like a wall. He shivered all over and his glasses fogged at the edges.
At least that meant Brainstorm was still taken care of. Perceptor headed into the carnage of the kitchenette to make his depredations on the steadily warming contents of the fridge. It would go too waste, otherwise.
Probably, he should be more concerned about who was going to take care of the bill for damages to an absurdly expensive hotel room. Brainstorm seemed unlikely. The university, possibly. Insurance, maybe. Wasn't the tourism department sponsoring part of this trip...?
Perceptor deftly avoided the spilled water on his way back to bed with his breakfast.
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Courtyard House in #Earlwood, Australia by Nathalie Scipioni Architects @nathaliescipioniarchitects. Read more: Link in bio! Photography: Kat Lucas Nathalie Scipioni Architects: The renovation was committed to preserving and integrating the existing cottage into the contemporary extension. This was achieved through the retention of traditional elements, such as the original stove that has been carved into the modern bathroom as a reminder of the properties history. The counterbalanced roof form of the pavilion was determined by the offset hipped roofs on the front facade to reinforce the relationship throughout the dwelling… #pool #australia #архитектура www.amazingarchitecture.com ✔ A collection of the best contemporary architecture to inspire you. #design #architecture #amazingarchitecture #architect #arquitectura #luxury #realestate #life #cute #architettura #interiordesign #photooftheday #love #travel #construction #furniture #instagood #fashion #beautiful #archilovers #home #house ‎#amazing #picoftheday #architecturephotography ‎#معماری (at Earlwood Nsw) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnSPoxAuC2O/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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hanoiapartment · 2 years
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Very nice and shiny 2 – bedroom apartment in Van Cao street, Ba Dinh district for rent
[ID: 508]
The building is located in Van Cao street, Ba Dinh district. It’s close to Lotte Center, Embassy of Australia, Embassy of Japan, West lake…
-          Good location. Safe and quiet area. Very friendly owner.
-          Bright and airy apartment with many glass windows and a lovely balcony.
-          Brand – new and nice apartment with full furniture.
-          85 sqm
-          2 bedrooms
-          2 bathrooms
-          Price: 12,000,000 VNĐ (~ US $500) per month (including high – speed internet, cable TV, usage water and house – keeping service).
 Please feel free to contact me to see this one and others in this area:
-          Ms An: +84 94 159 4262  (Whatsapp, Viber, Zalo)
-          Email: [email protected]
-          https://sunshinehousing.net/modern-2-bedroom-apartment-with-balcony-in-van-cao-street-ba-dinh-district-for-rent.html
 #sunshinehousing #hanoihousing  #hanoihousingexpat  #apartmentforrentinhanoi  #hanoiservicedapartment #niceservicedapartmentinbadinh #niceflatinbadinh #brandnewapartmentinbadinh #brandnewflatinbadinh #modernapartmentinbadinh #modernflatinbadinh #2bedroomapartmentinbadinh #2bedroomflatinbadinh #apartmentwithbalconyinbadinh #flatwithbalconyinbadinh #brightapartmentinbadinh #brightflatinbadinh
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aunoahsblog · 2 days
Why PVC Plantation Shutters Are Ideal for Australian Homes
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Australian homes face unique challenges, from intense sunlight to fluctuating temperatures and coastal moisture. As such, selecting the right window treatments is crucial to ensure comfort and durability. PVC plantation shutters from OZ Plantation Shutters are ideally suited for the Australian climate, offering numerous benefits that make them a preferred choice for homeowners across the country.
Heat Resistance Australia is known for its scorching summers, and managing indoor temperatures can be a challenge. PVC plantation shutters are designed to resist heat, helping to maintain cooler indoor temperatures. Unlike fabric curtains that allow heat to penetrate the room, these shutters effectively block out the sun's rays, reducing the need for air conditioning and cutting down on energy consumption. This heat resistance makes them a practical solution for homeowners looking to create a more energy-efficient living environment.
Moisture Resistance for Coastal Areas For those living near the coast, moisture and humidity can be a constant concern. Wooden shutters are prone to warping and swelling in such conditions, but PVC plantation shutters are completely resistant to moisture. This makes them an excellent choice for homes in coastal regions or any space where humidity levels are high, such as bathrooms or kitchens. With PVC shutters from OZ Plantation Shutters, you can be confident that your window treatments will retain their shape and appearance, regardless of environmental conditions.
UV Protection The Australian sun is notorious for its harsh UV rays, which can cause damage to furniture, flooring, and even artwork. PVC plantation shutters provide excellent UV protection by blocking harmful rays from entering your home. By minimizing exposure to UV light, they help preserve the quality and color of your interior décor, ensuring your home remains beautiful for longer. This UV-blocking capability also contributes to a cooler indoor environment, as it prevents the sun from heating the room through windows.
Customizable to Fit Any Style Whether your home has a modern design or a more traditional aesthetic, PVC plantation shutters can be customized to match. At OZ Plantation Shutters, we offer a variety of color options, louver sizes, and frame styles to ensure your shutters seamlessly blend with your interior décor. This flexibility makes them a versatile choice for any room in the home, from the living room to the bedroom. No matter your design preference, PVC plantation shutters can be tailored to meet your specific needs and taste.
Noise Reduction Another benefit of PVC plantation shutters is their ability to reduce noise. Whether you live in a bustling city or a noisy suburban neighborhood, these shutters help block out external sounds, creating a quieter, more peaceful indoor environment. This is especially beneficial for homes located near busy roads or airports, where constant noise can disrupt your daily life. By installing PVC plantation shutters, you can enjoy a more tranquil living space, free from the distractions of the outside world.
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decorworks · 10 days
An Light and Airy Guesthouse in a Former Potting Shed
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Hej kompisar! I hope you had a lovely, relaxing weekend. I mentioned last week that I'd been chasing my tail, and it seems this week is set to continue - I arrived in Gothenburg late last night as I'm set to present on stage at Möbelmässan (the Gothenburg furniture fair) this afternoon. Eeeeek! During my research, I've learnt a lot about 2025 interior design trends which I'd love to share with you soon. In the meantime, I thought I'd start the blog week with a total reset in the form of a white shed, also known as The Potting Shed. Set in the grounds of Bunya House in Bowral, Queensland Australia, I found myself immediately drawn to it today as a) it's far away 2) it's on Airbnb so we can actually book it! 3) it's small - and if you've seen the tour of our tiny cabin, you know I love small and finally 4) it oozes simplicity. The shed is made up of one main room with a sink, small table and bed as well as a bathroom. Since it's hard to tell from the pictures - as you walk in the door seen above, the sink is immediately to your right and the table straight ahead. The bed is to the left. Ready to take a little tour of this simple, airy guesthouse? 
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Could you imagine staying here and filling it with your holiday wardrobe and food picked up at the local market? Perhaps we could meet there: the main house is also available to rent through Airbnb. Now there's an idea for a Monday! I already see a spot for that glass of wine (Australian of course!). Is there anything that stood out to you about this little cottage? I'd love to hear below! Although I mainly show Scandinavian homes, you'll have noticed I do have a particular penchant for Australian properties (I must visit one day, never been!). You can see all the tours from the past here. Right friends, I need to get ready for this talk now, wish me luck and have a fab start to the week. Kram Read the full article
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toyslink · 16 days
Australia's Finest Wooden Doll House Furniture Your Child Will Love
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Children love playing with wooden dollhouses and furniture, allowing them to create their imaginative worlds. If you're looking for high-quality Wooden Doll House Furniture Australia for your child's collection, look no further than ToysLink. Our collection includes diverse furniture, from dining sets and sofa sets to bedroom and bathroom furniture. Uniquely designed, our miniature pieces boast exquisite craftsmanship, ensuring each item is safe and aesthetically pleasing for the dollhouse. Give your child a perfect playtime with this fancy and trendy wooden doll house furniture available online in Australia. Visit Toyslink to browse through the whole range.
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elenagold236 · 2 months
Transform Your Home with Bohemian Rugs in Australia
In the world of interior design, bohemian style has made a significant mark with its eclectic mix of colors, patterns, and textures. A key element of this design trend is the use of bohemian rugs, which add warmth, personality, and a sense of global chic to any space. Whether you're looking to infuse a room with vibrant energy or create a cozy, laid-back atmosphere, bohemian rugs are the perfect solution. For those in Australia looking to embrace this trend, finding the right bohemian rugs in Australia can elevate your home decor to a new level.
What is Bohemian Style?
The bohemian style, often referred to as "boho," is a design trend that celebrates creativity, individuality, and a carefree spirit. It draws inspiration from a variety of cultures, incorporating elements from different parts of the world. This style is characterized by its rich color palettes, layered textures, and a mix of patterns that might seem mismatched but come together beautifully. The goal of bohemian decor is to create a space that feels personal, comfortable, and full of life.
Why Choose Bohemian Rugs?
Bohemian rugs are a staple in boho-inspired interiors. They bring a sense of warmth and comfort to a room while also adding visual interest. Here are some reasons why bohemian rugs are a great addition to any home:
Rich Colors and Patterns: Bohemian rugs are known for their vibrant colors and intricate patterns. Whether you're drawn to bold hues like red, orange, and turquoise or prefer more subdued tones like earthy browns and muted blues, there is a bohemian rug to suit every taste. These rugs often feature traditional patterns from various cultures, such as Moroccan, Persian, or Turkish designs, adding a sense of history and authenticity to your space.
Versatility: One of the best things about bohemian rugs is their versatility. They can be used in almost any room, from the living room and bedroom to the dining room and even outdoor spaces. Their eclectic nature means they can easily blend with various decor styles, including modern, rustic, and vintage.
Layering and Texture: Bohemian rugs add texture to a room, which is essential in creating a cozy, lived-in feel. They can be layered with other rugs for added depth and dimension or used on their own as a statement piece. The combination of different textures, such as wool, jute, and cotton, can make a room feel more inviting and comfortable.
Personal Expression: The bohemian style is all about expressing your individuality, and bohemian rugs are a perfect way to do that. With their unique patterns and colors, these rugs allow you to showcase your personality and create a space that feels uniquely yours.
Finding the Perfect Bohemian Rug in Australia
When searching for the ideal bohemian rug for your home, there are several factors to consider:
Size and Placement: Before purchasing a rug, measure the area where you plan to place it. Consider how the rug will fit with your furniture and the overall layout of the room. A large rug can anchor a seating area, while a smaller one might work better in a cozy reading nook or under a coffee table.
Material: Bohemian rugs come in a variety of materials, each with its own benefits. Wool rugs are durable and soft, making them ideal for high-traffic areas like the living room. Cotton rugs are lightweight and easy to clean, making them a good choice for kitchens or bathrooms. Jute rugs add a natural, earthy feel and are perfect for creating a laid-back, boho vibe.
Color and Pattern: Choose a rug that complements your existing decor. If your room already has a lot of patterns and colors, opt for a rug with a more subdued design. On the other hand, if your space is relatively neutral, a bold, colorful rug can add the perfect pop of color and personality.
Budget: Bohemian rugs are available at various price points, so it's essential to set a budget before you start shopping. While it's tempting to splurge on a luxurious rug, there are plenty of affordable options that can still make a big impact in your space.
Caring for Your Bohemian Rug
To keep your bohemian rug looking its best, follow these care tips:
Regular Vacuuming: Vacuum your rug regularly to remove dust and dirt. Use a vacuum with a brushless attachment to avoid damaging the fibers.
Spot Cleaning: In case of spills, blot the area immediately with a clean, dry cloth. Avoid rubbing, as this can cause the stain to spread or set deeper into the fibers.
Rotate Your Rug: To ensure even wear, rotate your rug every few months. This is especially important if the rug is placed in a high-traffic area.
Professional Cleaning: Depending on the material and how much use your rug gets, consider having it professionally cleaned once or twice a year. This will help remove deep-seated dirt and restore the rug's vibrant colors.
Conclusion: Elevate Your Space with Bohemian Rugs in Australia
Bohemian rugs are more than just floor coverings—they are an expression of creativity, culture, and comfort. By incorporating a bohemian rug in Australia into your home, you can create a space that is warm, inviting, and uniquely yours. Whether you’re drawn to bold patterns or prefer subtle textures, there is a bohemian rug that will perfectly complement your decor. Explore the wide range of options available and find the perfect rug to transform your home into a boho-inspired haven.
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starcleaning · 2 months
Vacate Cleaning Services: 7 Star Clean's Top-to-Bottom Approach to a Stress-Free Move
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Moving out of a rental property in Australia can be a whirlwind of activity. Amidst packing boxes, arranging utilities transfers, and finalizing paperwork, one crucial task often gets relegated to the bottom of the to-do list until the eleventh hour – the vacate cleaning. This end-of-lease cleaning isn't merely about presenting a tidy home; it's often a requirement for getting your bond back in full and leaving a positive impression on the property manager. If the thought of deep cleaning your entire home feels daunting, fear not! 7 Star Clean is here to guide you through the intricacies of vacate cleaning with our meticulous top-to-bottom approach, ensuring a smooth and stress-free transition out of your rental property.
Why Professional Vacate Cleaning Services are Worth Every Penny
While the idea of tackling the vacate cleaning yourself might seem appealing from a cost-saving perspective, it often leads to more headaches and potential conflicts down the line. Professional vacate cleaning services, like those offered by 7 Star Clean, bring a wealth of advantages to the table:
Impeccable Results: Professional cleaners are equipped with the experience, specialized cleaning agents, and industry-grade equipment to achieve a level of cleanliness that surpasses DIY efforts. They have a keen eye for detail and know precisely what property managers and landlords expect in a vacate clean.
Time and Energy Savings: Moving house is already a physically and emotionally draining process. Entrusting the vacate cleaning to professionals frees up your valuable time and energy to focus on other critical aspects of the move, such as packing, organizing, and settling into your new home.
Bond Back Guarantee: Reputable vacate cleaning companies, including 7 Star Clean, stand behind the quality of their work with bond back guarantees. This means if your property manager identifies any cleaning deficiencies, the company will return to rectify them at no extra cost, ensuring you receive your full bond back.
Reduced Stress and Peace of Mind: Knowing that your property has been meticulously cleaned to meet the stringent standards of a vacate inspection provides immense peace of mind during an otherwise stressful period. You can rest assured that you've fulfilled your end-of-lease cleaning obligations, minimizing the risk of bond deductions or disputes.
Specialized Cleaning Expertise: Vacate cleaning goes beyond everyday tidying. It involves tackling built-up grime, removing stubborn stains, and addressing areas often neglected during regular cleaning routines. Professional cleaners are adept at handling these challenges, ensuring a truly comprehensive clean.
7 Star Clean's Top-to-Bottom Vacate Cleaning Checklist: Leaving No Stone Unturned
At 7 Star Clean, we understand that each property is unique, and vacate cleaning requirements can vary. Our comprehensive vacate cleaning checklist is designed to leave no stone unturned, encompassing every corner of your home:
Thorough cleaning of oven interiors, stovetops, range hoods, and grills, removing baked-on grease and grime.
Deep cleaning and sanitizing of sinks, countertops, splashbacks, and faucets.
Cleaning inside and outside of cupboards, drawers, and pantry shelves, removing dust and debris.
Mopping and polishing floors, including tile grout cleaning and stain removal.
Disinfecting and scrubbing of showers, bathtubs, sinks, and toilets, eliminating soap scum, mold, and mildew.
Polishing mirrors, tiles, and chrome fixtures to a sparkling finish.
Cleaning exhaust fans and light fixtures to remove dust and grime buildup.
Mopping and sanitizing floors, paying attention to corners and crevices.
Bedrooms and Living Areas:
Dusting and wiping all surfaces, including furniture, skirting boards, window sills, and blinds.
Vacuuming carpets and mopping hard floors to remove dirt, dust, and allergens.
Cleaning inside built-in wardrobes and cupboards, including shelves and drawers.
Dusting light fixtures, ceiling fans, and air conditioning vents.
Additional Areas:
Thorough cleaning of windows, tracks, and frames, both inside and out.
Cleaning doors and door frames, including handles and hinges.
Cleaning of the laundry area, including washing machine, dryer, and sinks.
Removal of cobwebs from walls, ceilings, and corners.
Cleaning of balconies, patios, or other outdoor areas.
7 Star Clean's Bond Back Guarantee: Your Peace of Mind
We're so confident in the quality and thoroughness of our vacate cleaning services that we offer a comprehensive bond back guarantee. If your property manager or landlord raises any concerns regarding the cleanliness of the property, we'll promptly return to address the issues, free of charge. Our commitment to your satisfaction and your bond refund is unwavering.
Why 7 Star Clean Should Be Your Go-To for Vacate Cleaning
Seasoned Professionals: Our team consists of highly experienced cleaners who specialize in vacate cleaning, understanding the unique requirements and expectations of Australian rental properties.
Meticulous Attention to Detail: We leave no detail overlooked. Our cleaners are meticulous in their approach, ensuring every corner of your property is spotless and ready for inspection.
Eco-Friendly Practices: We prioritize the use of eco-friendly cleaning products that are safe for your family, pets, and the environment. We believe in cleaning responsibly while achieving exceptional results.
Competitive Pricing: Our vacate cleaning services are competitively priced to provide you with exceptional value for your investment. We offer transparent pricing with no hidden costs, so you know exactly what to expect.  
Exceptional Customer Service: Your satisfaction is our top priority. We strive to provide outstanding customer service from the moment you inquire to the completion of the cleaning. We're always here to address your questions and concerns.
Book Your Vacate Cleaning with 7 Star Clean Today
Moving out of your rental property should be a time of excitement and new beginnings, not a period of stress and anxiety. Let 7 Star Clean alleviate the burden of vacate cleaning with our top-to-bottom approach, allowing you to focus on your next chapter. Contact us today for a free, no-obligation quote and discover why we're the preferred choice for vacate cleaning services in Australia.
Follow us on our Facebook page.
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joyner111 · 3 months
What you might find when looking for oak furniture
Oak furniture is renowned for its durability, attractive grain, and timeless appeal, making it a popular choice for a variety of home furnishings. Here's an overview of what you might find when looking for oak furniture, based on the search results provided:
Manufacturers and Suppliers: There are numerous manufacturers and suppliers of oak furniture in China, such as Qingdao Minfeng Wood Co., Ltd., which specializes in natural oak furniture for various rooms in the house .
Types of Oak Furniture: The range of oak furniture available includes bedroom sets, occasional furniture, dining sets, living room furniture, and bathroom furniture. Companies like Sinoah offer a wide range of designs and produce furniture in various wood materials, including oak .
Customization: Many suppliers are open to working with customers' designs, allowing for a personalized touch to the furniture. Shandong Native Produce Furniture Co., Ltd., for example, is known for its willingness to collaborate with customers on design .
Quality and Craftsmanship: High-quality oak furniture often features fine workmanship and a natural wood feel. Simple lines with a modern design are a mainstay of oak furniture aesthetics, as emphasized by Shandong Native Produce Furniture Co., Ltd. .
Markets: The main export markets for oak furniture include Europe, North America, and Australia, indicating the global demand and appreciation for this type of furniture .
Material Options: While solid oak is a primary material, some companies also work with veneer combined with solid oak to cater to different price points and customer requirements .
Geographical Advantages: The location of some manufacturers, such as Qingdao Minfeng Wood Co., Ltd., near ports allows for fast shipments and access to high-quality timber imported from Europe and North America .
Experience and Expertise: Companies like Shandong Native Produce Furniture have decades of experience in the industry, ensuring a high level of expertise in crafting oak furniture .
Product Range: The product range of oak furniture is extensive, including items such as coffee tables, TV cabinets, kitchen furniture, dining furniture, living room cabinets, and more, as offered by various manufacturers .
Services: Some companies provide additional services like OEM support, although it varies from one manufacturer to another .
When choosing oak furniture, it's essential to consider the quality of craftsmanship, the reputation of the manufacturer, customization options, and the specific style that suits your home's aesthetic.
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robertnelson2-blog · 4 months
Elevate Your Living Space with Premium Home Fragrance
Creating a home that feels inviting, relaxing, and uniquely yours involves more than just choosing the right furniture and décor. One often-overlooked aspect of home design is the power of fragrance. Premium home fragrances not only enhance the atmosphere of your living space but also have the potential to influence your mood and wellbeing. In this blog post, we’ll explore the benefits of using premium home fragrances, tips on selecting the perfect scent for your home, and some of the top products on the market. Premium Home Fragrance
The Benefits of Premium Home Fragrance
Mood Enhancement:
Scents can significantly affect your mood and emotions. For instance, lavender and chamomile are known for their calming properties, making them ideal for bedrooms or relaxation spaces. Citrus scents like lemon and orange are invigorating and can help boost energy levels, perfect for living rooms and kitchens.
Creating Ambiance:
The right fragrance can set the tone for any occasion. Hosting a dinner party? Consider warm, inviting scents like vanilla or cinnamon. For a quiet evening alone, opt for soothing, subtle aromas like sandalwood or cedarwood.
Personal Expression:
Just as your home décor reflects your personal style, so too can your choice of home fragrance. Whether you prefer floral, woody, spicy, or fresh scents, there’s a premium fragrance that aligns with your personality and preferences.
Improved Wellbeing:
High-quality home fragrances can contribute to a sense of well-being. Aromatherapy benefits are well-documented, with certain scents known to reduce stress, improve sleep quality, and even alleviate symptoms of anxiety and depression. Fragrance Dispenser Australia
Tips for Choosing the Perfect Home Fragrance
Consider the Space:
Different areas of your home might benefit from different scents. Fresh, clean fragrances are ideal for bathrooms, while richer, more complex scents can add depth to living areas.
Seasonal Scents:
Just as you change your wardrobe with the seasons, consider switching up your home fragrances. Light, floral scents are perfect for spring and summer, while warm, spicy scents are more suited to fall and winter.
Test Before You Buy:
If possible, try to sample a fragrance before committing to a full-sized product. Many premium brands offer sample sizes or discovery sets.
Layering Scents:
For a more sophisticated fragrance experience, consider layering different scents. This can be achieved by using complementary products such as candles, reed diffusers, and room sprays within the same scent family.
Investing in premium home fragrances is a simple yet impactful way to elevate your living space. Whether you seek to create a serene sanctuary or a vibrant entertaining space, the right scent can make all the difference. Experiment with different fragrances, pay attention to the moods they evoke, and enjoy the process of curating a home that smells as beautiful as it looks.
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roverrvcaravans · 4 months
Custom-made Caravans for Sale in Australia: Tailored Luxury on Wheels
Australia's vast landscapes make it a haven for caravan enthusiasts seeking adventure and exploration. For those who crave the freedom of the open road combined with the comforts of home, custom-made caravans offer the perfect solution. 
The Appeal of Custom-made Caravans 
Custom-made caravans are gaining popularity in Australia due to their ability to cater to specific requirements and lifestyles. Here are some reasons why they are highly sought after: 
Personalization: Custom built caravans allow owners to tailor every aspect of their mobile home, from layout and design to features and amenities. Whether you need extra storage, a spacious kitchen, or a luxurious bathroom, customization ensures your caravan meets your exact needs. 
Optimal Use of Space: Customization allows for the efficient use of space, ensuring that every square meter is utilized effectively. This is particularly beneficial for families or long-term travelers who need to maximize their living area. 
Enhanced Comfort: Custom built caravans can be equipped with advanced features and luxury amenities such as climate control, high-end appliances, and bespoke furniture, providing a comfortable and enjoyable travel experience. 
Rover RV offers a unique and personalized way to explore Australia’s stunning landscapes. With the ability to tailor every aspect of your caravan to your needs and preferences, these Rover RV caravans provide an unparalleled travel experience. Whether you’re seeking luxury, comfort, or functionality, custom-built caravans are the ideal choice for discerning travellers looking to hit the road in style.
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tinyhomes1 · 4 months
5 Clever Storage Solutions for Tiny Homes
In the city of tiny homes, there are many challenges, one of which is finding storage space for all your belongings. Conversely, when space is at a premium, it becomes critical to be innovative with your storage. Luckily, using some creativity and smart design tips, you can pack a big punch in your small home by ensuring that storage is plentiful and fashion and function are not deprived.
In the following blog post, you will be shown five smart storage tips for tiny homes in Australia, from Melbourne to Victoria and other States. Whether you are a tiny house dweller and own a mobile home, a container home, or your own custom built tiny home, these storage ideas will allow you to maximize your small space.
1. Vertical Storage
Install shelves, hooks, and other vertical storage aids to optimize any available space in your tiny house. Depending on your style, this could mean a pegboard wall in your kitchen, floating shelves, or even a ceiling-mounted storage rack.
2. Multi-functional Furniture
Search for furniture that can serve as a multi-functional source, for example, a sofa with integrated storage or a coffee table with hidden compartments. Another way is to choose storage pieces, such as a Murphy bed or a drop-leaf dining table, which can fold when not used.
3. Under-Floor Storage
If you live in a custom-built tiny home, you might have the available possibility to create space under your floor for storage. This may include special drawers underneath the bed or sofa, a trap door in the living room or even a cellar for wine below the kitchen.
4. Magnetic Solutions
A magnet will let you keep your things on walls or vertical elements, and as a result, the floor space won't be covered. Make use of magnetic strips or boards to hold items such as kitchen cutlery, spices, and bathroom and office tools.
5. Hanging Flower Baskets and Bags
Try to use a fruit basket made of wire mesh that you can hang in the kitchen for easy access to the fruit, or make a laundry bag out of mesh and hang it in the bathroom to keep your clothes off the floor. This can be done by using hanging organizers in the closet to keep hats, shoes, or accessories.
Don't get me wrong, though; little homes do not prohibit you from the presence of your favorite belongings or keeping your place clutter-free. With these five smart solutions to storage, your tiny homescan take advantage of all the storage capacity available and instead of being cluttered and disorganized, it can be both neat and functional. At https://www.tinyhouse.com.au/, we make small-space living a reality and have people experience big living within those confines. Our website is full of information about tiny homes in Australia. So, if you are looking for a way to lead a more simple and organized life, start your journey now
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