#bath scrubbies
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shadesofmauve · 16 days ago
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Great news, everyone! Krogan fit in the shower! \o/
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y2kbeautyandother2000sstuff · 4 months ago
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Bath and Body Works Rawhide Scrubby Buddy (he is so cute!!!)
Found on Ebay, user kimscottage
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aeide-thea · 2 years ago
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Anne Tochka Isolation No. 05, 2020 Gouache on paper 9″ x 12″
⸻ Prints are available on the artist's website.
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thecrochetcrowd · 1 year ago
Crochet Scrubby Bath Pouf + Tutorial
Scrubby Bath Pouf The Crochet Bath Pouf is super quick and easy to crochet. Even with Red Heart Scrubby, fast to follow to finish. This is actually a long row that consists of 100 stitches after the first row. In row 2, we are creating loops in which the hanging chain is fed through to form the pouf. I would strongly suggest for the hanging chain to be 100% cotton-like Bernat Handicrafter, Lily…
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bambipaige · 2 years ago
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teaboot · 3 months ago
why should i use shower scrubbers instead of just washing with me hands
The flat smooth skin of your palms and fingertips isn't super great at lathering or scrubbing, and while it may be okay for washing small areas, it's a much slower and less effective process than just having a washcloth.
Your fingernails might scratch dead skin and dirt off pretty well, but your fingernails hold onto dirt and fungus, and using your nails to scrub yourself can transport that nasty shit to other parts of your body, especially if you're giving yourself microabrasians or scratch-scrubbing too hard.
Watching yourself with your nails would admittedly be much more hygienic if your nails were cleaned of these things first, but if you're going to do THAT, you'll need something to wash under your nails with. Like, say... a scrubber. And at that point you've already brought a scrubber into the equation.
If you ONLY use your hands to wash, then you have resigned yourself to either washing your ass and genitals DEAD LAST or you're washing your only human face with your butt scrubbing hands and that's between you and your god
Warm wet scrubby feel good on face, good on skin. Get a nice warm soapy massage all over? Love me that shit
Scrubber go in laundry, get nice and clean, fresh for next time
Idk about anyone else but if I go to someone's house and use their bathroom and see they got face towel and bath towel separate AND some kinda loofah or scrubby or lil scratchy shower towel out for themselves then that is a Green Flag. I trust you with a baby and I trust you with my phone and I sure as fuck trust you not to give me fuckin jaundice or some shit shaking hands. I imagine you to be an upstanding and respectable citizen with a pure soul and a clean ass. Good day
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jenthebug · 5 months ago
Husband: “We’re still on for hanging out with my coworkers downtown tomorrow, right?”
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I do not remember agreeing to this!
I mean, I’ll go, I like hanging out with my husband, and the plan is Mexican food and margaritas, but WHAT AM I GONNA WEAR
Seriously, my wardrobe consists of uniforms, pajamas, and couch goblin loungewear (t-shirts, sweatpants, cargo sweats lol, scrub pants). I have a cool hoodie. I can wear that. I’m VERY hesitant to go to the thrift store and buy better pants because my waist is going to change shape in less than two months (aaaaaaaa).
I have some long skirts that might work. One of them might even look like some cool, intentional pattern mixing, especially if I wear my chonky work boots with it.
I got this.
I know my husband is proud of me and I don’t want to show up looking like a potato who just rolled out of bed (even though that will be the case). Also, the social anxiety is definitely doing its thing.
I’ll do an exfoliating mask and a scrubby bath tonight.
I wonder how many strangers will be there.
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sparkmender · 3 months ago
How do we feel about mechanimal symbiosis…………..
Not like, carrier/deployer stuff, but more along the lines of remora and sharks or cleaner birds and gators?
I keep thinking about Rung’s tank of pipe cleaner scrubby shrimp, which help keep the baths at the pools in good condition. It would probably be really silly but helpful to have a boxer crab with buffer pads for fists, or a critter that will eat/preen off debris and old oil etc from places a bigger mech can’t reach like their backs
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vivarthur · 5 months ago
ive been using a dish sponge as a bath washcloth. i was told this is "terrifying." i want to know tumblr's opinon. i use the scrubby side as an exfoliator for my face and shit, while i use the soft side for like. easily pained parts.
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tomorrowsgardennc · 2 months ago
chicken update // january 12th
doesn't LOOK like a lot has happened, but it has!
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since this was previously a garden bed table, i had to do a ton of prep work before painting. i scrubbed, bleached, sun bathed, then sanded the chicken nursery before bringing it in for painting. this was all done before the winter lows came in - too cold to leave outside for painting.
i was putting off scrubbing for over a week because i knew it would kill me, with my AS acting up before the cold front. took me over a week to mention that to hubs, who reminded me he bought me a scrubby tool a long time ago for that very reason. meant more for cleaning inside, but still applies here. i did all the cleaning the next day, no major issues at all with my AS flair up.
it felt great, too. been buying tools here and there as they go on sale at the bug orange box store. hubs works there, he texts me when a tool gets discontinued or clearance, i ask the bank account yay or nay, and i trust hubs to know if that tool is useful or not. never ask questions on what it is. but for prepping the chicken nursery for painting - after being sad and confiding in him that i couldn't physically do it, he asked what the steps were and then proceeded to show me all the tools he's been slowly buying these past 4 years at his job and how they all make what i want to do easier. and he said they're all for me this whole time.
so lesson learned on my end. stop hiding the sads, hubs already has me covered 💚
also - wear a mask when dealing with mold. ok carrying on.
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no garage, no shed with lights, so into the kitchen the chicken nursery currently resides. cats are all loving it, using it as a jungle gym.
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not visually a lot different between these two photos, but once i brought this inside i did a coat of Kilz mold & mildew just in case, after all that prep work, something still is hanging around in between the cracks. i even did 2 coats of kilz in some places. probably overkill, but that just left 1 coat of the enamel paint to do. leftover white paint i bought for the outdoor house trim. tomorrow is painting the bottom with the last coat of paint. then it all starts to really come together.
as far as the chickens are concerned... i had a talk with a local breeder who has rare varieties - sometimes for sale, otherwise for ag shoes across the region. *sigh* idk why i thought chicken breeders would be different than any other type of animal breeder, but alas. only willing to sell "retired show birds" or ones that are teenagers and have no qualities to win awards. which my chickens won't be for that, but i don't want to support that kind of thinking. these chickens will be a part of the family, not "judt an animal".
after this discussion with the breeder, i decided i am 100% buying from the local hardware store. their chicken schedule is supposed to be released at the end of the month. hubs and i talked more about the plan for the chicken run and coop (that work will be started in 2 weeks) and we decided on getting a rooster, too. anything to help aid in scaring predators away. so 5 chickens, 1 roost. unless some absolutely amazing breed is bring sold at the hardware store, all olive eggers too. will finalize the breed once that schedule is out.
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y2kbeautyandother2000sstuff · 7 months ago
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BBW Bowser Scrubby Buddies Bath Toy
late 1990s-early 2000s
Found on Mercari, user Angie M
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missamyrisa2 · 1 year ago
(That cleaning ask made me want to pull this mini story back out and write some more~!!)
I don't want to post it here because I'm sure it'll get flagged but you can view the artwork I had done for this scenario here:
Miss Amy struggled and squirmed. She tried and failed to stifle her voice again, and such futile fighting only encouraged her tormentor further. Her outfit hung neatly on a rack nearby. The gentle fuzzy fabric of her cropped sweater and the flirty short length of her denim skirt with the wide belt and flower buckle were by no means a tickle-proof outfit, but anything would be better than the total exposure she faced now.
At times in her giggly delirium the reflection in the many video feeds offering multiple angles of her plight seemed so far away, like it was another helplessly ticklish girl ensnared in this fiendish machine. "Navel cavity is at 43 point! tooo percent lint coverage. Proceeding with water cleanse" the robotic voice chimed with child-like enthusiasm and feminine flirtations. "No not again! Not the waterrrr!!"
Amy pleaded as with a mechanical wind a thick arm lowered and extended a metal nozel, carefully positioning itself as the padded cuffs on Amy's wrists and ankles moved her gently. She summoned her strength to wiggle away from the tip, but the incoming tool simply recalibrated. Amy watched in giggly horror as the water flowed freely into the attached tube, and with a little kick, the apparatus began blasting her sensitive divot with a concentrated stream.
It was like an endless parade of poking fingertips, with droplets scattering on her outer belly like teasing after touches. She shrieked and struggled, the jet following a strategic pattern to clean every tiny bit of her bellybutton. A familiar chime dinged into the bathing room and Amy shook her head, wiggling her toes and fingers.
"No no no!!"
"Feet. And Underarms. Have become layered in sweat. Recommend additional scrub."
"Don't scrub me again!!"
"Scrub approved. Cutie."
Amy shook her head as the cleansing machine's teasing voice and digital face smiled brightly. Mechanical whirls started up as spinning soft brushes spun into view and targeted her feet. The machine gently bent her legs back to hold her soles up for the incoming tools. She cackled out feeling the suds dripping from high into the crevice under her toes, and squealed madly as the brushes moved in to work their tickly cleansing magic.
Next, a gloved hand appeared in front of her and wiggled its big fingers. The robotic hand mercilessly coated her sensitive underarms with soap, careful to ensure the deepest crevice and all the edges were coated before moving to the next as a scrubby brush whizzed down and began merrily shuffling in circles.
How long had the cleaning been going on? Amy lost track a while ago. Certainly a trap set by one of her archenemies, the machine was possibly designed with noble purposes. But whoever set it here loaded a routine which Amy could not break, goals it couldn't fulfill. The cleaning at her belly caused sweat. The cleaning at her feet and underarms put dust and bubbles into her midsection.
Maybe the machine was purposefully doing so? Was it sentient? Such thoughts were lost when she realized her body was giving away a secret. She tried desperately to keep it down, her mind flooding with awful imagery to resist the touch, that soft tease. But it was a losing battle.
Another mechanical whirl as a scanning eye passed down her belly and between her legs with a tingly pink beam. Amy blushed hotly, she didn't want to acknowledge what all this slippery tickling and teasing had been doing to her body, and certainly couldn't hide it.
"Miss Amy is aroused. Controlled ticklegasm is recommended."
There was no doubt the intent of this cruel cleaning machine now.
"Erotic hydrotherapy approved."
The machine dinged happily as two new implements sprung out from under the digital smirking face. A gentle sponge began slowly grazing her royal jewels, and a fluffy cloth on a robotic appendage started draping against Amy's swollen princess part. She squeaked a gigglemoan, pulling uselessly against the padded cuffs. Her body gyrated and tried to resist the soft supply slick affections.
The soft cloth draped up to the underside of her tip and mercilessly stimulated it with the tickliest of touches, like the flirty kiss of a lover. The sponge kept moving back and forth, cleansing again and again under her most royal areas. Her thighs quivered. The robotic hands began buffing her nipples with detail brushes, and occasionally sneakily tweaking and rubbing earnestly to make her really let out throaty moans.
Her resistance worn down, Amy soon tumbled into a soft ticklegasm amid the flying suds, gigglemoaning herself silly. Her head lay low, body going loose as the sensations rocketed all over her body, her royal milk coaxed out in perky spurts. Every peak of the ticklegasm had her screaming, struggling in the cuffs, and the machine never relented its gentle cleansing extraction and tickly touches.
And the beeps continued as scans rolled over her trembling body.
"High likelihood of residual ticklegasm honey. Engage drainage procedure."
Amy gasped and squealed out her words, trying madly to find any strength to stop as her body was moved into another position.
"Don't you dareeee you ffffff nnnnhh stupid bucket of boltss turn it offfff!!"
But she was helpless to resist as the machine flipped her around and gently spread her legs. From above a large vibrating began descending, and from the side a soft flexible tendril spun into view. Both were shiny and pink, both emblazoned with cute names. The wand was labeled "Finessa" and the tendril named "Caressa".
"Oh what the actual fuuuuuuuuuuckk~!! fuck fuck fuckkk!!!" She started whining and was soon nothing but a stream of desperate laughing moaning f-bombs as Finessa quickly went to work buzzing the underside of her still-throbbing princess part while Caressa was glistening with lubricant applied by the robot hands before diving in between Amy's legs to probe up to her honeyspot.
Her body shook and shivered and struggled and bounced, the sister tools working in tandem to tease Amy along into a further fuzzy ticklegasm with their vibrating tickly touches. As Amy bucked up, Finessa followed and grazed that death spot. When she pulled back, Caressa was there gliding along inside to stroke carefully on that most hidden of tickle spots.
All around, the cleaning tools gradually re-engaged. Scrubbing brushes taunted at Amy's feet. Sponges slid along her ribs and under her arms. The jets tauntingly sprayed whenever Amy was in the middle of a deep belly moan, targeting her navel and thighs mostly but also making sure to get her nipples and toes too. The sudsy jet floated freely, almost whimsically depositing its sparkly tingly bubbles all about this teased helpless body.
This time around, the machine made Amy ticklegasm hard. She was nothing but nonsense and cussing, her body quaking with overload, stuck in an arch as Caressa relentlessly dipped in and out while Finessa held taut but barely touching on the underside of her tip. They tickled and tickled until Amy released all her princess milk, indeed draining every bit.
"Ticklegasm has resulted in a messy Miss Amy. Recommend an extension of cleansing procedure."
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swapmeetsimming · 2 years ago
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Part 1 for this month's items -
This Month's Catalog - pt.1
Bathroom Patron Release 08/14 - Public Release 09/04 This is the bathroom in it's entirety. The bathroom toys came in two sets(or more) with the Tub being it's own set, unless you got the deluxe version, in which you got everything. So, I guess this would be the deluxe set. I think.
The Bathroom comes with:
The Toilet - fully functional, slots on the back.
The Bath chest - lots of slots in the cubbyholes and some on the top.
The Towel Rack - this came in three colors and two towel colors(that I've seen), so it has all the swatches.
The Tub 
the clutter that came with The Tub - 3 bottles, a bath brush, a scrubby thing, a soap dish, and a bar of soap. All clutter comes in the different toy colors of Blue, Yellow, and White.
Special Thank-You gift for my Patrons 
This will be released with the bathroom, but public release will be on 09/18 I'll be putting up previews of the bathroom and page 2 of this month's catalog, featuring the kitchen!
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writing-good-vibes · 5 months ago
being here with you: a halloween ends drabble
this is sort of like a thematic companion piece to my first corey fic, mother is the name for god. it's a very short 'what if?' drabble, where corey never meets michael and his failed date with allyson is the first and last attempt he makes at venturing back into the world.
WARNINGS for corey's mommy issues, joan's total disregard for boundaries and implied child abuse.
Corey wakes up cold. The scrubby grass beneath him was wet with dew; the sky a crisp, stark grey above him. For a moment, everything feels good. The air in his lungs. The quiet stillness of the early morning. He felt alive. Then he feels the pounding in his head. His skull tender with concussion. The ache in his joints as he tries to sit up but can't quite manage it. He lies there for a long time, watching the clouds shift, listening to the rumble of traffic over the bridge.
He barely remembers walking home, stumbling back from a part of town he doesn't know that well, the part he hasn't had much of an excuse to go to before. Until last night, when a pretty girl asked him out and he let himself think it wouldn't be so bad if he agreed, just this once. Just this once.
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Momma is furious with him. Why didn't he call? Where has he been all night? Why didn't he come home?
He looks himself over in the bathroom mirror, unfamiliar and bare without his glasses. There's blood beneath his nose, though he doesn't remember what happened for it to have been bleeding. The stitches in his palm have pulled, he can feel it throb beneath the bandage, grey with dirt from stumbling back up the embankment and onto the road. Corey finally unlocks the door.
"You were right, Momma. I should have stayed at home with you."
Momma softens, because that's all she's ever wanted from him. For him to see that she was right all along. All she's ever wanted is for Corey to stay with her, where he is safe. All she wants is to know exactly where he is, and what he's doing, and what he's thinking.
The bathroom is cold as Momma helps him out of his dusty clothes. The bandage is discarded in the sink, the long gash that splits his palm is red and raw and Corey cradles it against his bare chest. Goosebumps raise on Corey's arms as he sits, miserable, on the edge of the tub. Steam begins to rise as she runs the bath for him. Once it's full he climbs in, sits there and cries into the hot water.
He's still crying when she turns his face towards her, her hand gripping his chin tightly, when she wipes the blood from beneath his nose, the tears from his eyes, and then scrubs his face pink with a washcloth.
"Head back," Momma says, and Corey does as he's told. He lets her pour water over his hair, lets her wash it with firm fingers that comb through his soaked curls. When she rinses out the shampoo, he holds his breath and squeezes his eyes tight shut, water rushing over him so it's all that he can hear.
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Another missed call from Allyson. His phone lights up again, silent, illuminating the room with it's blue light. He lets it ring off.
He's supposed to be asleep. Tucked up in bed, a kiss pressed to his forehead. Momma had watched until he's breathing levelled out, until she thought for sure he was asleep.
I don't think it's going to work out. Corey types. I'm sorry.
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songofsilentechoes · 2 months ago
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The baby blocks allow friend fairy to give them the scrubbies! Happy baby blocks! Seem like they're strangely easy to bathe, as they are not big, and also they are not that dirty.
But they are curious about this strangely shaped poro! Chitter happily back! Want to be friends! After all, like friends!
The guinea pig does not seem to be against this idea of being friends with the poros, and seems content to be snuggled in the water.
The fairy finishes bathing the poros and goes to get a towel to lay on the floor near the bucket for them. The guinea pig scrambles from the bucket and onto the towel to dry.
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hellpmeimobsessed · 1 year ago
Hello friend! So, so, now hear me out, how about giving syzoth (reptile) scratches at the end of his shed? Like, at this point, all of the big pieces are off and now he's just working on getting out the little bits that got stuck in between his scales, nothing bad just the little bits that got pinched off because he was twisting to get another bit of skin. But now he's been doing this for hours and he's exhausted and you come in with this soft bristled scrubby brush and just start giving him the Best Back Scratches of his Life.
"DAMN IT!! Ugh, I give up. I'm going to be itchy for the rest of my life."
"You mean until your next shed." "WHICH COULD TAKE A LIFETIME!!" Syzoth was in distress as his shed hadn't gone as smoothly as it usually did. Thanks to the stress of near-constant combat and having to settle into his new life, as well as relatively arid surroundings, it had come off in flaky patches instead of one smooth and soft piece. Now, he had pieces stuck in places he couldn't reach, and you were going to hear about it.
In fact, it's all you'd been hearing since the Zaterran started late in the night, hearing all the bellowing and other forms of reptilian vocalizing he'd been doing while removing it, along with all the moving around. It had been a sleepless night for both of you. As you rolled your eyes at his antics, you spotted a brush you used while bathing to reach your back. It had relatively hard bristles, and you had an idea.
"Syzoth, do me a favor and shift fully, please." "Huh?" "Zaterran form, stat." "Fine, alright!" He threw his hands up in exasperation and shifted into the huge reptilian form, lowly bellowing in annoyance. You made a motion with your hand for him to turn around and he did. You took the brush to his back and began to scrub, and his legs gave out as he lay on the floor.
"Sy, you alright?" You hurried to the ground only to find his eye staring at you expectantly with the biggest smile a reptile could manage. You laughed and sat on the floor, continuing to scrub at his scales, mindful of his tail beginning to shake in glee. You had to convince him to roll over so you could get near his cloaca, and he was slightly embarrassed until you reminded him of the dangers of leaving it and your familiarity with earthrealm reptiles.
"Please, you want embarrasing? Try being my crested gecko when he got moss stuck in it and I had to pull it out." Syzoth hissed a laugh as he complied and rolled over. He got up when he felt no more stuck shed and stretched on all fours. While he was elongated, you gave his tail a quick once-over and found no stuck shed, and he shifted back, immediately stretching out on the couch and sighing in relief.
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