#bat halim
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humanoidhistory · 1 year ago
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The abandoned Haifa Bat Galim central bus station, Israel, built in 1968. Photo by Eli Singalavski. Via Domus.
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hurremsultanns · 2 days ago
Idk if you’ve watched Magnificent Century: Kosem yet but if you have, who are your favorite characters from the show? Are there any you love or admire as much as you do Hurrem or Nurbanu?
I have seen MC:K. My favourite characters are probably season 2 Kösem (doomed by the narrative in SUCH a compelling way), Cennet Kalfa (she was such an icon, an absolute joy to watch, and she deserved so much better than her fate), Esther Kira and Halime (I WILL go in to bat for her thank you very much!)
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bartholomaus · 1 month ago
Promit că ăsta e ultimul lung. Apoi nu mai vorbesc despre alegeri. Ne întoarcem la glume cu deget în cur și memărie.
Bă, oricine ar ieși președinte, pe mine vă puteți baza. Eu rămân mereu în opoziție. Mă urăște toată lumea că nu aplaud ca foca. Jumătate din public mă face putinist și cealaltă jumătate crede că sunt cârtiță progresistă. Probabil că sunt primul spion rus care a votat mereu pro-occident, antivaxxer vaccinat, creștinopat agnostic pro-LGBT din istoria serviciilor. Măcar n-am un CV plictisitor. Consider că e de datoria noastră, ca cetățeni, să-i criticăm pe toți. Să faultăm mereu elita arogantă ca să rămână cu picioarele pe pământ. Când ajung la putere, toți politicienii ne devin dușmani pentru că interesele lor și instinctele de supraviețuire vor avea întâietate asupra intereselor noastre. Nu am niciodată așteptări de la clasa politică. E bine să nu tragi speranță la proști ca să nu fii dezamăgit.
Singura mea dorință puerilă de viitor ar fi să nu ne mai implicăm în lovituri de stat și războaie, oricare ar fi ele. Să nu mai facem defilările rușinii cu trupe întoarse de la crimele altora de război. Afoni trebuie să fi fost conducătorii noștri ca să bage soldații pe sub arc, la întoarcerea din Afganistan. A fost cel mai rușinos debut al vreunei campanii pre-electorale. Politicienii își bat joc prea des de militari. Mi l-a spălat presa pe Ciucă de mi s-a făcut greață efectiv. Această căprioară blocată în lumina farurilor politice. Generalul care a scos tancurile pe străzi ca să lupte cu virusul. Un conțopist în uniformă ridicat la rang de erou. Un buflei obedient: Yes, sir! No, sir! Absolutely, sir! Strătejic partnăr! Olueiz Neito! Măcar Ciolacu putea fi respectat în calitate de valutist politic. Îmi provoca totuși un sentiment mai profund decât mila față de un melc politic, și-anume teama că ar fi în stare să ne ducă pe toți în portbagaj la pădure.
Aș fi preferat să ne vedem mai degrabă de nevoile noastre ca țară, decât de combinațiile politice ale altora. Să nu mai halim toate prostiile ca guguștiucii. Globalismul e un eșec total. Cine mai trage de el în momentul de față este idiot sau ticălos. Toată lumea s-a grăbit să-și dea industria pe mâna Chinei și să-și ia energia de la ruși, iar acum tragem ponoasele. Ăia care au exportat resursele, au sabotat producția internă și au liberalizat piața de energie merită arestați din punctul meu de vedere. Subminarea Economiei Naționale e poezia mea preferată din Codul Penal. PSD și PNL au devalizat o națiune. Au demontat-o bucăți și au vândut-o la fiare vechi, la preț de nimic. Și ei și vectorii care au aplaudat ticăloșiile astea drept europenism adevărat merită să fie colegi de celulă. Nici nu mă miră că crește sentimentul anti-european. Electoratul suveranist e aproape la 40% dacă îl aduni din toate cotloanele. Ni s-a promis independență și securitate, dar ni s-a livrat opusul. Ni s-a promis prosperitate, dar calitatea vieții din România a scăzut simțitor în ultimii ani. Acum ni se spune că trebuie să suferim mereu și să renunțăm la drepturi de dragul a ceva. De dragul planetei, al Ucrainei. al Europei, al unei normalități abstracte pe care nu ne-a definit-o nimeni altcumva decât prin taxe noi și pulan ideologic. Am și uitat a câta generație de sacrificiu sunt copiii noștri. Prefer să nu mai număr.
Din păcate sentimentul anti-european este prost țintit, ca să zic așa. Au grijă vectorii noștri să nu nimerim ținta niciodată. Nu-i vina europenilor. Puteam spune nu. Puteam avea discernământul necesar ca să negociem o relație sănătoasă cu aproape oricine. Uniunea Europeană este o idee fundamental bună, dar a fost deturnată efectiv. A fost parcată în curtea unor instituții complet opace și nedemocratice care nu răspund în fața nimănui. Nu avea de ce să nu ne placă conceptul de cooperare militară și socio-economică europeană. O Europă unită și suverană ar fi o idee genială în contextul în care suntem înconjurați de imperii. Păcat că toată chestia se frânge din pricina jocurilor de interese, a corupției și a sabotajului legislativ impus peste toți de-o dată. Europa nu este unită, ci se canibalizează din interior. Ăia de la Bruxelles sunt departamentul de marketing al unor corporații supra-naționale, nu lideri pe bune. Deciziile se iau în culisele puterii sau se pierd în marasmul birocratic din parlament. Dictatura aroganților e pe ventilație mecanică. Mi-e teamă să nu-și dea obștescul într-un război global. Sper să înțeleagă și să coboare de pe tronuri înainte să fie prea târziu.
Mai sper ca asociația PNLSD să obțină niște scoruri jalnice și la parlamentare. Merită din plin după ce a făcut în ultimii ani cu pandemia, cu armamentul și propaganda de război. A ajuns să ne ia inima când ne uităm la facturi. Pentru noi nu sunt bani, dar decartăm miliarde pe armament fără niciun sughiț. Dacă exista dreptate pe lume, reptilele astea din ultimii ani erau în spatele gratiilor, nu în parlament. De la orice partid ar fi fost ele. Măcar așa, de control, un an doi. Să simtă un pic de răcoare și flegmă pe anus. Sper ca următorul job al lui Ciolacu să fie la covrigărie, iar Ciucă să-i frământe aluatul. Să facă salmonela și să umble căcați pe ei toți ăia care cumpără covrigi de la el. Dar, pentru că nu există dreptate pe lume, costumele astea goale, boierașii ăștia obezi și divorțați de realitate vor primi pensii speciale și locuri călduțe prin cotloanele puterii. Să nu vă închipuiți că vreun partid îi va arunca vreodată în stradă. Toți se tem de ce soartă ar putea avea și ei la o adică. De șobolani ca ăștia nu putem scăpa nici măcar cu otravă electorală.
Rămân la părerea că alegerile din România sunt un teatru ieftin și, în ultimă instanță, inofensiv. Are multe măști tragice care țin publicul în tensiune, dar e un monstru fără dinți. Deciziile importante se iau în altă parte. Niciun candidat nu reprezintă pe nimeni, dar mai important decât orice, nu reprezintă o amenințare pentru profitul oligarhiei. Nu afectează ”bunul mers”. Undeva trebuia să existe un echilibru în mesaj și plan de acțiune, dar nu l-am văzut nicăieri. Toți au tras la unison, ca boii, într-o direcție. Plm... trăim într-o realitate care are 360 de grade. Nu găsiți alte direcții? Permiteți-mi să rămân cu tichia mea de staniol și să nu mai particip la circ. Nu vreau să fac rău nimănui, nici măcar accidental. Credeți-mă când vă spun că puteți fi naționaliști ortodocși sau progresiști gay. Nu vă urăsc, nu vă vreau răul. Vreau o cale de mijloc. Am prieteni din toate colțurile vieții și nu pot gândi în tușe atât de groase încât să am de ales între servilism total și fascism naționalist.
Acestea fiind spuse, cu Elena Lasconi nu pot vota. Este vârâtă pe gâtul electoratului ca și Iohannis - o soluție ”inevitabilă” ce reprezintă continuitatea oligarhiei arogante și a falimentului european. Ar trebui să o votăm de frica Rusiei sau ceva. Sunt prea bătrân ca să mai pun botul. Este reprezentanta mafiei de la Bruxelles care a îngenunchiat Uniunea cu măsurile de deindustrializare și sclavagism energetic. Ea și partidul ei luminat au fost cele mai înveninate toroipane din pandemie. Apoi cele mai înveninate toroipane ale ”reformelor” din energie. Apoi cele mai înveninate toroipane de război. Unde m-am uitat, numai toroipane. Au fost promotorii cenzurii, măsurilor punitive, amenințărilor și al șantajului pe criterii vaccinale. De la ei simt numai dezgust față de toți cei ce nu le sunt identici. Din partidul ăla n-am auzit decât otravă, hărțuire ideologică și aroganță în ultimii ani. Liberalizarea pieței de energie, să tăiem ajutoare sociale, să-i lăsăm fără asigurări pe ăia care nu vor să se supună, să cumpărăm armament, să închidem centrale, să închidem agricultura care poluează, să luptăm cu Rusia etcetera. Mai dă-vă și-n pula mea de psihopați, că nu se duc copiii voștri pe front! Dacă nu mă înșel sunt plecați din țară.
Lasconi e o reptilă care a descoperit ortodoxia în ceasul al șaișpelea ca să câștige niște capital politic. Aș fi respectat-o mai mult dacă recunoștea că o doare în cur. Aș fi acceptat-o mai ușor dacă n-o folosea pe fii-sa ca să dea exemple de progresism, în speranța că-i prostește pe tineri. O să-i prostească pentru că nu mai e greu în ziua de azi. Tot ce îți trebuie e o perucă de culoarea lor favorită sau un tricolor plin cu mici. S-a închis cercul analfabetismului funcțional după trei decenii de dezastru în educație. Sper ca ăștia tineri să nu ne sugrume la bătrânețe pentru dezastrul politic pe care l-am lăsat în urma noastră. Sunt o nouă generație pierdută. Elgebetismul Leanței mi se pare la fel de fals ca și ortodoxia ei de ziua a șaișpea. Și eu pot să pup oasele la biserică și-apoi să promit căsătorii de același sex, apoi să dau înapoi și să o las cotită. Asta nu mă face nici credincios, nici activist LGBT. Mă face ipocrit.
Am încrede în pocăința ei cum aveam și-n dreapta credință a lui Ciolacu. Ăștia pupă crucile sau steagurile în funcție de cine intră în cameră cu telefonul pornit. Ca politician este la fel de slabă și alfabetizată necorespunzător. Are un vocabular cleios și limitat. Zâmbește fals, e rigidă atât mental cât și fizic, arțăgoasă și iute la mânie. Are o cultură generală sărăcăcioasă care o face borderline funcțională. Nu dă semne că ar avea o înțelegere aprofundată a niciunui subiect. Ideile sunt puține și toate duc în același loc - în brațele aceleiași mafii de la Bruxelles pe ideile căreia falimentează Europa în ziua de azi. Astea nu sunt soluții. E ca și cum aș vrea să angajez pe cineva și-l întreb ce calificări are, iar el îmi răspunde: ”Știe tati ce am de făcut și mă sfătuiește el pentru că mă iubește foarte mult!”. Îhî. Ideal ar fi să te descurci singur când tati nu poate să te țină de mânuță, mai ales că nu e tac-tu pe bune și interesele lui s-ar putea să fie divergente mâine.
Nici cu Călin Georgescu nu pot vota. Nu mă sperie, dar mă cam sperie, nu știu cum să zic. Habar n-am dacă e rusofil, legionar sau orice altceva. În ziua de azi poți fi acuzat de putinism și pentru că nu-ți place piftia. Nu pot vota cu el pentru că este echivalentul unui yoghin politic care bagă vrăjeală naționalistă și bioenergii patriotice. E filosofia unui antrenor de wellness naționalist. Trebuie să am IQ 85 ca să pun botul la povețele lui tradiționale, rupte din veceul lui Ion Creangă. Ăsta vinde ulei de șarpe, să moară cipilan! Emulsie de ceață. Are o soluție filosofică pentru orice, mai puțin una politică. Nici măcar nu-l pot numi de dreapta, că n-are chestii suficient de specifice. E pasta pe care o emană toți generalissimii când n-au idei, dar trebuie să coaguleze un popor din ceva. O zeamă ce doar promite că face bine la oasele înțepenite ale unei națiuni care nu și-a înțeles niciodată istoria foarte bine. Nu contest că e deștept, lucid sau că este mai articulat decât Leanța, dar îmi pare așa... genul cu care te îmbeți într-o seară și te fute ideologic în somn. Dacă nu ești atent, ajungi să-i bei pișatul și să crezi că scapi de gută. Știu că am cititori suveraniști și nu vreau să vă jignesc preferințele. Votați cu cine vă place, dar cu tot respectul vă spun că nu rezonez la naționalismul lui abstract și ezoteric.
Am umblat suficient prin corporații și trusturi de media încât să miros un bullshit de la cinci kilometri. Călin e file de poveste. Te poartă duios pe valul unui românism idealizat, cu oile păscând liniștite pe deal și-o rază patriotică printre norii aducători de ploaie binecuvântată. E mișto de tot, pe trip cu pruncul Iisus în brațele lui Zalmoxis, cu tradiția milenară, cu dacii liberi, țăranul român cu mâinile crăpate pe sapă, ochii alburii ai bunicii care mă așteaptă în prispă. Sunt mișto de tot astea. Super tari! Le-am trăit personal copilărind la țară. Se numesc Branding. Exact cu asta mă ocup în 80% din timp. Să potrivesc culori, imagini și simboluri în pachetul perfect pentru larg consum. Amestec forme și nuanțe care să vă fure ochiul la raft, dar asta nu spune nimic despre calitatea produsului. Asta este Călin pentru mine. Produsul unui creativ de la agenția de patriotism. Rezultatul unei împachetări de calitate, promovate algoritmic și cu un marketing extrem de profesionist. Nu pot vota genul ăsta de exercițiu de branding. Știu că a fost ministru, raportor și plm. Deci e tot de-al lor, dintre rânduri. Un erou împins tare în față pe ultima sută, care se sprijină pe un aparat de promovare extrem de competent.
Cam atât gândesc eu și aici mă opresc definitiv cu gânditul. Dacă votez cu oricare din ăștia doi, aduc un deserviciu românilor. Legitimez una din două căi greșite. Mă puteți șterge liniștiți din listă dacă nu rezonați. Nu mi-a păsat de audiența aia mare de-atunci, d-apoi de asta mică de acum. Eu n-o să vă port pică și tot n-o să vă vreau răul. În rest, mult succes tuturor, indiferent cum ați vota în următoarele duminici.
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stillheresanctuary · 5 years ago
Hello, I found a boss bitty inside a box labeled "Useless Junk" in an alley. He didn't look too badly hurt, just a few scratches i healed but he has some serious mental trauma and probable PTSD, according to him he never got an official name so i've been calling him 'Bat'. His owner was emotionally abusive and wasn't home alot so hes very emotionally starved, he keeps crying whenever i go out the room so i thought i should bring him here. also hes terrified of thunderstorms (PTSD trigger).
I- Oh dear.
To reduce a Boss, all brave and strong and protective, to crying…?
Oh dear oh dear oh dear. I’m going to have to ask you to come with me until we get him settled, he might have imprinted on you a bit and he’ll probably freak out if you just leave him with us.
- - -
“Okay, just back here, thank you…”
Cell made sure to keep their voice low as they led the way deeper into the Sanctuary, keeping constant idle chatter so as to help the poor Boss get used to their being present. It was so strange to them to see a Boss of all bitties looking so visibly out of sorts, eyelights tiny intense pinpricks of pure red that flickered to and fro between them and the individual that had brought him to the Center.Boss bitties were supposed to be loud and brash and egotistical to the point of frustration with a heart of pure gold underneath all the bluster, not a skittish, anxiety riddled mess.
“Here we are, we’re just going to do a quick little check up with Halim and then we’ll do a little paperwork and find a safe spot for resting. You might be more comfortable up in my room with our Brassberry rescue, he’s a bit shy but he’s very nice and I know he’d be happy to make a new friend.”
Pushing open a plain looking door, a faintly antiseptic smell mixed with something sort of minty became apparent, and next to a low cot, the Center’s primary nurse looked up from where he was gently coaxing a woozy looking King lamia into drinking a bit of water. Halim’s currently green tinged eyelights brightened a bit at seeing the newcomers, offering a bright and friendly smile.
“Hello Friend-Cell! May I Help You With Something?”
The Papython was very careful about keeping his voice down, knowing that a raised voice would do more harm than good in a medical setting. Beside him, the King hissed softly, his one undamaged socket narrowing as he looked over the humans now present in the room.
Cell offered a warm smile of their own, stepping aside to allow their newest visitor and their precious charge to come into view.
“When you have a moment, would you mind terribly giving out new friend a quick check up? His name is Bat, at least for the time being, and he’s been treated very badly by someone. I’d like to be sure there aren’t any surprises for the future.”
“Certainly, Friend-Cell. I Am Nearly Done Helping Jasper, It’s His First Full Day Awake!”
Bat has been added to Residents.
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intrepid-scribblings · 3 years ago
Depths (Part 1)
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Notes: Special thank you to that one Tumblr post about “What if the ocean was replaced by the forest where the trees get taller the deeper you go in” (source). [Insert Link to Eventual Masterlist Here]. [Insert link to a brief appendix here]
Warnings: Descriptions of blood and gore and violence typical of medieval warfare so if that’s not your deal you may want to sit this out.
Genres: Fantasy/Dark Fantasy
Summary: It blanketed the known world in a carpet of trees that grew ever taller the deeper you went in and forced what was left of humanity to fight for survival in a few remaining cities. Havenhold stands proudly as the central city of the four bastions of humanity that stand against The Forest.  However their tenuous position will not last. Rienn - newly promoted Lieutenant of the Havenhold Guard - and Archmage of Havenhold - Halim - must work together to uncover the mysteries of The Forest and stop its spread before it destroys them all. 
Part 1
The signs of battle were still clear even a week later. 
The preceding days had seen no meaningful rain to wash the blood from the ground and walls, no cool weather to stave off the heavy stench of decay that settled over the small farm like an invisible fog. Tiny bits of armor and broken weaponry lay strewn about, being picked over by the haggard-looking peasants who stared at Rienn with a mix of suspicion and envy. 
They dare not mess with the golden-haired warrior who wore plate armor emblazoned with the crest of the city they lived outside of, lest they face the wrath of the entire city guard. Word had gotten around that the guards rather respected their new lieutenant and would be quick to retaliate if anything were to happen to them.
A man in a leather jerkin leaned casually against one of the crumbling stone fences that surrounded the farm, a strange-looking spear leaned up against the fence next to him. As Rienn neared, they noticed the spear was actually a large quill, hewn roughly off at the base. He grinned as he noticed them staring, “You like it?” he asked gruffly, his words almost slurring together though he didn’t appear to be drunk, “Ripped ‘er off the hog’s corpse. Nice and sharp this is,” he placed a loving hand on the spear, “No creature’s going to bother me or my family.”
“It’s … not bad,” Rienn said and then nodded to the farm where most of the damage was, “Were you there? When the attack happened?”
He nodded solemnly, “It’s my brother’s farm,” he said, “May the Fates deem him worthy of Rebirth into a good life.”
He bowed his head and drew a circle from his forehead down to his chest with his left hand.
“I’m sorry for your loss,” Rienn said.
He grunted, “Thanks m’lord… and yes I was here, that beast fought like it was possessed by a demon. It was as big as a bear...” 
Rienn raised an eyebrow, “What kind of bear?” they asked, crossing their arms. 
“A normal bear you’d find in the woods I suppose… but regular woods, not …” he looked over his shoulder at the forest beyond the farm, “Told him not to build so close to The Line…” 
He shook his head and scoffed, “As if there’s anywhere else to build.”
A light wind kicked up, doing little to dispel the heat of the summer day and only served to bring the sickly-sweet stench of decay over to where Rienn and the man were standing. They both barely batted an eye at the odor. Sweat trickled down Rienn’s forehead and they swiped at it before it could get into their eyes.
The man looked to Rienn, “So … what are you and your fancy guards going to do about this? Call it another ‘unfortunate risk’ of living out here?” 
“We’re increasing patrols,” Rienn said automatically as if reciting a written statement. Perhaps they were. 
The man certainly didn’t look convinced, “So you and your brutes can spy on us common folk? Keep us in line?”
“So we can keep you safe and creatures from that,” Rienn stared towards the trees beyond the farm, “Away.” 
The man glowered at Rienn and said, “You know what’d keep us safe? Letting us stay inside the city walls.” 
Rienn shrugged, “Not everyone can fit - we’d be overcrowded.”
They didn’t sound convinced or convincing. In the back of their mind, they had the image of the city towering over them on the small mountain it sat atop. Sure it wasn’t as large as the cities that used to dot the landscape but certainly, it could fit a few hundred more people inside its walls… 
“Right,” the man almost rolled his eyes, “You keep telling yourself that as you go back to your warm bed tonight behind the city walls, guard,” he pushed himself off the fence and grabbed the quill spear, “You really want to help us? Strengthen The Line… I may know little about magic but even I can tell that either it’s weakening or the Forest is strengthening. Neither is good for the future of us down here or your precious city up there.”
He walked away, leaving Rienn alone to stand among the carnage.
Rienn walked through the farm and took a look at the blood-soaked field and what was left of a giant carcass. Most of the meat had been cut away by the more hungry denizens of the villages that lay outside of the city walls. All that was left was a skeleton and its quill-laden skin hacked away from it. No one had any use for the leather and Rienn couldn’t tell if anyone else had the same idea the man had in taking a quill away as a spear.
They turned around and walked back towards the base of the mountain, through rather ramshackle-looking wooden shacks and some more substantial wattle and daub houses. As they neared the city, the buildings became more and more well built and maintained, stone houses began to appear. Then they reached the large, whitewashed stone walls of the city.
The gates were wide open, guards flanking each side of the massive gate, watching as people streamed in and out of the city with their wares. As Rienn stepped inside the gates and in the shade under the thick stone walls they felt a chill as the air temperature dropped several degrees. A wind seemed to be blowing past them and out into the hot summer air just beyond the wall. 
“Lieutenant!” a guard greeted Rienn as they passed by. Rienn nodded to the guard. 
“Ganther,” they said, “How goes your shift today? No trouble at the gate?”
He shook his head, “None so far. I didn’t know you were heading out of the city today.”
“Just taking a walk, wanted to see where the Captain and His Highness took down that forest hedgehog last week, barely anything left of that thing but bones and quills,” Rienn said. 
“We were lucky to make it through that fight with no losses,” Ganther harrumphed, “Still got several men out of commission for the next few weeks.” 
Rienn frowned, remembering the blood and the farmer’s brother, “No losses in our garrison,” they said, “But several of those villagers died before we could make it there.”
Ganther said with a shrug, “Shouldn’t have built so close to The Line.” 
“Perhaps…” Rienn said uncertainly, “Reminds me … I need to talk to Halim - Archmage Halim.” 
Ganther nodded, “Have a good day Lieutenant.”
Rienn found the archmage sitting atop one of the tallest towers that made up the wall surrounding the city. Looking rather bored with their posting, the guards up there didn’t seem to pay the stout and bespectacled young man much mind. Rather they scanned the fields and forests below the city with wary eyes. 
The city sat atop a small mountain, shielded in an alabaster wall, a white island above a sea of dark green forest. The forests surrounding the city were massive in both scope and scale, covering all the land as far as the eye could see. The trees in the forest grew progressively taller and taller as one walked further in, to the point that the tops of the tallest trees rivaled the height of the mountain the city sat on. 
Rienn knew in their childhood before the city had been built, they would come up to this mountain top and see the flat plains the towering trees now dominated. To go into the deepest depths of the forest now would be to walk into a dark world of giant horrors. They frowned at the sight and then turned their attention to the people on the tower.
The guards wore a uniform of sorts, a chainmail hauberk under a dark green and light blue tabard. Their nasal helms had cheek guards and a full aventail to protect their necks. Their stern and unyielding appearance was a stark contrast to the man who now leaned on one of the crenels, using it as a desk to hold his notebook as he sketched the scenes below. His loose and long dark hair framed his brown face and blew behind him in the light breeze. 
His leather-bound notebook was thick and well worn but his light blue robes were immaculate, well-tailored, and clean. 
The guards on the tower immediately stood to attention as they walked in, “Lieutenant.” 
They gave a curt nod to the guards before turning their attention to the man who had apparently not noticed the visitor, they cleared their throat loudly before saying, “Halim!”
The man started, turning around to see the lieutenant there with a stern expression on their face.
“Thought I’d find you up here,” they said, “Though you really shouldn’t be …” 
They gave a meaningful glance to the guards who suddenly became very busy with their interest in the landscape around them. Rienn had known Halim since he had stumbled into their city in the first years of construction. He had helped strengthen these walls, helped develop the sigils that warded off some of the more substantive threats that came from the Forests, and in the years that they had known each other they had become close.
“So who’d you bribe this time? Athred? Genneth?” 
“Neither,” the man said, “Though you wouldn’t need to worry about bribery if you paid your guards more,” he broke out into a grin, “But why’d I need to resort to bribery when my best friend is the lieutenant?” 
“Because said best friend told you that under no circumstances were you to be up here without my permission,” they crossed their arms, “Given what may happen to me if the archmage were to tumble off a parapet in an accident.”
The man rolled his eyes, “As if I’d be that foolish. King Oderan may think of me as an absent-minded academic but I do pay attention.” 
“Ri-ight,” the lieutenant didn’t seem very convinced as they leaned against the merlon, staring out over the forests that surrounded the city. Their forehead crinkled, their worry-lines standing out on their pale skin. 
“It’s been qu-,” Halim started to say.
“Shush,” the lieutenant said quickly, the guards within earshot shuffled nervously at their posts, “That word is forbidden.”
“Ohhhh, you can’t tell me that you believe in that old myth?” Halim argued, “As if saying q-,” he hesitated as the lieutenant fixed him with a withering stare, “Fine … ‘the q-word’ … summons trouble.” 
“Why tempt the fates?” 
“Fine, there’s been no sign of activity from the forests in several fortnights,” Halim said, looking back to the lands outside the city walls. The late afternoon sun cast an orange glow on the treetops, the sunset off to their left side in the west. 
The lieutenant nodded, “And we’d like to keep it that way. How has your research gone?” 
Halim looked annoyed, “Nothing of this makes sense - ever since the Eruption the forests and animals have been growing at a rate that challenges both contemporary scientific and magical theories!”
“While we’ve been pushed further and further into our last bastions,” Rienn scowled at the forest below, “Our patrols had to help a farm fight off a hedgehog the size of a bear last week.” 
“I thought you said things had been …” 
Rienn fixed him with a look.
“... non-noisy.”
“Compared to what we’ve dealt with in the past, that was only slightly out of the routine,” Rienn said, “But it’s becoming more and more routine as the seasons wear on… The villagers are worried about the state of The Line.” 
Halim scoffed, “As if they would know anything …” 
Rienn raised an eyebrow at their friend.
“... being untrained in the arcane arts like I am,” Halim continued, “I’m confident in the ability of The Line to hold - after all … I was the one who drew it, cast the proper anchoring spells, drew every single one of those runes that grace the perimeter. It will not fall and no one should have anything to fear from the Forest.”
A commotion at the front gate, which the tower overlooked, caught everyone’s attention. Rienn peered over the side, eyes locking onto the banner one of the knights held aloft. The image of a golden half sun emblazoned on the red fabric that fluttered in the wind. 
“They’re from Westhold,” Rienn said. 
Halim squinted, he was unable to make out many details in the dimming light but he recognized the garish red and gold robes from even way up on the tower and even more so, felt the immense power emanating from the individual. 
“They have a mage with them,” he said, “a powerful one at that.”
He wondered if it was the archmage, Inge, but that meant ... he hurried to the stairs, “Where has that scatterbrained assistant of mine gone off to?!” 
She was, in fact, waiting attentively at the bottom of the tower, fidgeting with a scroll in her hands. Her black hair was tied in a tight bun with not a stray lock out of place and she wore robes similar to Halim’s though less intricate in design. 
“Sir,” she handed him the scroll which he took and read over, eyes narrowing. 
“When was this sent?” 
“Early this morning, after you left,” she said. 
He stared at her, “And you didn’t come to tell me?” 
“You were at the top of the tower all day,” she said matter-of-factly, “... I wasn’t allowed up there.” 
Rienn couldn’t help but smirk at the indignant expression on Halim’s face, “By gods if you told them you were with me …” 
“You’re not supposed to be up there either?” 
“And you couldn’t have just handed the message to one of the guards?”
“The message clearly said that it was only for the eyes of the archmage and his associates, while I consider myself an associate - I do not consider the guards as such.”
The archmage sputtered, “We’ll talk about this later, just … take this as a lesson Zhen - you can bend the rules once in a while…” 
Zhen smiled ever so slightly as she said, “I know, I just would prefer not to.”
The archmage stalked away towards the castle where his study was, “Need to get ready to receive Inge … what type of tea did she prefer again? Did she even like tea? Or was it that bitter drink she liked?” 
Rienn followed closely behind, “Is there anything I should know?” 
“Know?” Halim looked at his friend with confusion.
Rienn looked at his scroll, “The missive you’ve received, is there anything I should know? If there’s any threat to our city the captain-”
“No, no,” Halim cut them off but immediately looked guilty at his rude answer, “Sorry, I … Inge is a powerful archmage, even more powerful than I. I’m just very concerned about making a good impression on her. There’s nothing in this letter that would concern the safety of the city, just theories on what caused the Eruption, King Oderan and the rest of the council are meeting with her tomorrow.”
“So why the secrecy?” Rienn raised an eyebrow. They neared the castle, the walls cast a long and dark shadow over them and the air chilled. 
Halim sighed, “People fear that which they do not understand, which can lead to some … messy situations. Magic is a complex field filled with theories that mortal minds were not meant to understand and only those blessed with the ability to study the arcane gift can even begin to scratch the surface of its inner complexities,” the archmage started to ramble.
Rienn crossed their arms, face betraying no emotion, “Above my station. Got it.” 
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to imply you were somehow lesser for not being a mage, I just … I,” Halim trailed off, trying desperately to find the right words to say as his face grew red in embarrassment. 
“Relax friend,” Rienn said with a laugh and patted him on the shoulder with a strong hand, “I am comfortable with my station. I don’t need to be an archmage or even a mage to be powerful,” they placed their hand casually on the hilt of the sword at their side, “Trust me.”
Rienn left to the barracks to help organize the perimeter patrols for that night while Halim ascended the steps to his study and residence. Zhen was already there, brewing a drink that smelled full and slightly nutty, Halim felt his mouth begin to water at the aroma that filled the room. His eyes lit up in recognition.
“Coffee! That’s what Inge prefers to drink! Coffee! Zhen, you are a lifesaver.”
“I know sir.”
Rienn ascended the battlement later that night, one last sweep of their solo patrol before they turned in for the night. The guards nodded at the lieutenant as they passed by. Rienn noted a lone figure on one of the walls, looking towards the west over the Forest. They cautiously approached, though the guards seemed to pay the figure no mind, Rienn was suspicious of anyone that wasn’t a guard hanging out on the battlements after dark. 
The clouds parted, revealing the full moon that illuminated the world in a milky white light. The gold embroidery in the figure’s red robes seemed to shimmer in the moon’s bright light. Inge, Archmage of Westhold was a fair-haired woman with fine features. She stood slightly taller than Rienn though her build was thinner, more lithe. Her pale skin almost glowed in the moonlight and her light brown - almost golden - eyes exuded warmth.
Rienn stepped beside Inge, staring at the same patch of forest the archmage of Westhold was staring at, “You shouldn’t be up here m’lady,” they said. 
“Your archmage said that you would be fine with it,” Inge raised an eyebrow at the lieutenant.
Rienn sighed, “Of course he did…” 
“I can leave,” Inge said, “If I’m not allowed up here.” 
Rienn said, “You can stay up here for a few more minutes,” they leaned against the wall, “As long as I’m here.” 
“Thank you …,” Inge trailed off.
“Lieutenant Rienn,” Rienn introduced themself, “Of the Havenhold Guard.” 
Inge smiled, “Well Lieutenant Rienn, you have a well-fortified city here, I shudder to think of the fate of any creature that would dare attack you.”
Rienn replied, “Havenhold itself hasn’t been attacked since the early days after the Eruption. A few smaller creatures have made it across The Line to attack the outlying villages.”
“Ah,” Inge smiled softly, “I’ve heard of your fabled magical defense against the Forest. Halim’s solution is quite famous amongst the mages.”
“The Line’s been holding the more dangerous creatures at bay … and we fortified the city well but haven’t had a real test of our physical defenses yet,” they felt at ease around this woman who radiated such power and confidence.
Inge nodded, “Well Lieutenant, I suppose I should take my leave now - early council meeting tomorrow.”
“Of course, Archmage,” Rienn bowed respectfully and then turned to a nearby guard, “You there, Grendar is it? Escort Archmage Inge back to her quarters.”
Inge waved off the guard, “Oh no need, I can find my way back just fine.” 
“M’lady I must insist,” Rienn said, “The walls can be rather treacherous to navigate in the dark.”
For a moment, Rienn could have sworn they saw a look of annoyance crossed Inge’s features but it was quickly replaced by a pleasant smile, “Of course Lieutenant. Grendar…” 
“M’lady,” the guard bowed respectfully before escorting the archmage off the wall. Rienn stared skyward for a moment before looking back over the Forest - leaves looking almost silver in the moonlight.
‘Mages, always stubborn as donkeys.’
The next day dawned still and hot, the sun shone weakly through a thick layer of haze as it rose above the horizon and cast an orange glow on the land. Rienn wiped the sweat from their brow as they took a few hearty swigs from their water skin. They hoped for a breeze or any kind of relief in the courtyard where they watched the recruits train but the air remained stubbornly calm. Idly they looked up to the tower where the king was meeting with the council and wondered if they could steal Halim for a moment and make him conjure a wind.
They smirked to themself, imagining the uproar that would cause, and banished the thought from their mind as they yelled at a pack of recruits to start another drill.
High above in the tower, the air was just as stifling - the windows had been opened to catch any whiff of a breeze but none came. Three large tables sat in the council room, forming a large “U”. At the center of the “U” was a map of the world, built into the floor. Servants with forked sticks stood at the edges of the room, ready to hand them to whoever at the council table needed them at the moment to move around the figurines that dotted the map. 
At the center of the map was the city, Havenhold, surrounded by the dark green that was the forest. Three lines radiated outward from Havenhold like spokes on a wheel, the safest routes for travelers to take, one line meandered its way northward towards the table at the bottom of the “U”, where the king lounged in a large chair, resting his chin on his right hand as he stared down at the map.
He was an aging man, with more silver in his hair than gold. His face was horrifically marred, four large scars etched their way diagonally across his left eye, down his nose, and through the right side of his mouth. Because of this scar, the right side of his mouth was permanently downturned into a pained scowl. His left eye, somehow having survived whatever attack left the grievous scar, stared out at the council table through a drooping eyelid.
He whispered something and the woman at his right stood up, she was dressed as regally as he was, her crown was silver instead of the gold one the king wore. 
“Both King Oderan and I, Queen Adelia, would like to welcome Archmage Inge of Westhold to this council meeting,” the woman said, her voice ringing out clear and loud over the room. She wore her authority like a cloak, chin held high as she spoke, her raven black hair was half up in several intricate braids that held back the loose portions of her hair. 
Inge bowed deeply to the couple, “Thank you, I am honored and humbled to be in the presence of such a great king and queen.” 
She continued, “For who was it that led humanity out of the dark after the Eruption? Who traveled to the heart of the event itself and brought back our only hope of countering this magic? It was you, King Oderan. We owe you a great debt.” 
Oderan looked rather flattered at her speech, Adelia’s eyes slightly narrowed but she said nothing. He spoke again and Adelia spoke for him. 
“You have a way with kind words as you do with magic Archmage,” Adelia said, “Now let us discuss the business which has brought us all here - the matter of The Forest. General Liu...” 
A middle-aged man with a long beard stood up.
“I hear you have a report for us?” “I do Your Highness,” the man said bowing respectfully to the king, “The scouting parties we’ve sent into the Forests have come back with troubling reports. Animals, larger than the ones we’ve fought before, are gathering closer and closer to the Line and our settlements. Prince Jaloc and Captain Aelder were on patrols a week ago when they came across a porcupine the size of a bear attacking a farmer near the Line. I fear that the creatures grow emboldened - something has them on the move.”
“‘Fear’ General?” a woman spoke up from across the tables - apparently not afraid to speak out of turn. She was younger looking than Liu, her brown hair was tied into a tight bun. Katerin’s most striking feature was her stormy blue-gray eyes that peered out from her tan and round face. She spoke slowly - as if she were still unsure of the language she was speaking - and her accent was almost as thick as the woodlands that surrounded them and forced her to move to Havenhold from the northern lands all those years ago.
The man looked momentarily annoyed, “Yes, Katerin, ‘fear’. Or do you not remember the last time Havenhold was attacked by the creatures of the Forest?” 
“I remember it very clearly,” Katerin said, “and I remember the defenses we put up to protect ourselves - defenses I designed and have full faith in that it will repel another attack.” 
Liu scoffed, “Hubris.”
“It’s better than sitting around in fear, General,” Katerin said. She and Liu obviously rarely saw eye-to-eye. As science advisor to the king, she and the general held equal positions of power in the council, and her aggressive attitude towards the Forest compared to the general’s more cautious approach saw them butting heads more than once. Adelia looked annoyed at the derailment of the general’s report but her husband sat quietly, watching the bickering continue with an unreadable expression on his face.
Liu scowled, “I don’t sit around in fear, m'lady. We’ve increased our patrols in the eastern sector,” he said, “I’ve also put forth a list of my best soldiers for an expedition.” 
A murmur went up in the council chambers. 
“An expedition?” Katerin raised an eyebrow.
“Archmage Halim and I have been talking,” Liu said. 
“A dangerous pastime,” a fiery-haired man chuckled from his seat at the end of the table. A few people laughed before Liu began to walk around the table to the map in the middle of the room. As he did so, he grabbed a stick from a waiting servant and used it to point towards a spot in the north-eastern half of the map where a large tree was depicted. 
“Another expedition to the Heart,” Liu said. 
Another murmur, louder this time, and people kept talking. 
“The Heart? What could we possibly gain?” “Suicide, absolute suicide.”
“Has General Liu gone mad?”
The King stared out at Liu, his brown eyes staring fiercely at the General as he whispered to his wife. Adelia repeated what he had said, “General Liu, whatever you think to find in the Heart better be worth the sacrifices that will need to be made. You remember the last time we ventured that far into the Forest, just after the Eruption… and you remember what we nearly lost - what we did lose in that expedition.”
Adelia fell quiet and the king reached out and squeezed her hand. 
“I remember it all too well, King Oderan, and I wouldn’t be asking to put forth this expedition if we didn’t have good reason to believe it will provide clues to the source of the Eruption. Perhaps even a way to reverse the effects,” Liu said, “Halim?” 
Halim stood up, “Your Highness, I was not there for your first expedition into the Forest but the tales have traveled far and wide of your triumphant gains and tragic losses. I can’t imagine what you and Queen Adelia have been through. However, Archmage Inge and I have been in correspondence for the past few months and have devised a way to potentially stop this … this curse from spreading across our land. I believe it may work.” 
Inge nodded, “He’s right, we can stop this if we send out a strong enough force and penetrate the Heart of the Forest. With our combined magics, it may be possible for us to seal the source away or even stop it entirely.” 
“And what is this source that you speak of?” Katerin asked. 
Inge and Halim looked at each other, “Well we’re not quite sure yet,” Halim admitted. 
“We’ll know it when we find it,” Inge said confidently. 
“And how many men will have to die before you do find it?” Adelia asked, “And what response may the Forest have to this transgression?” 
“‘Response’?” Inge repeated, “With all due respect Your Highness, it sounds as if you believe these creatures to be organized in some sense? Capable of fielding an army and launching counterattacks?” she scoffed. 
“You may jest Archmage but I know what I saw when I ventured into those cursed woods years ago,” Adelia spoke, her husband’s eyes glaring out at the Archmage as he whispered to the queen, “They may not have a kingdom you and I may recognize but there was something there, something sinister, and controlling.” 
He stood up with great difficulty, waving off his wife’s attempts to help him as he continued to whisper.
“I will consider your proposal for an expedition and let you know my decision by morn tomorrow. This council meeting is adjourned.”
With that he turned around and left through the door behind his chair, the queen following dutifully behind. 
As Halim left with Inge, he heard someone call out his name. Katerin stood just outside of the doorway, “Do you believe Halim? Or do you know?” 
The science advisor approached the archmage, “You said you believed your plan may work but how do you know? What proof have you?”
“Inge and I have come up with some theories,” Halim said. 
Katerin looked almost offended, “You didn’t consult with me about these theories, Halim,” she said. She was a fellow council member and also responsible with Halim for uncovering the secrets of the Forest. The fact that the Archmage hadn’t even thought about talking to her… 
“With all due respect Science Advisor, this is a matter of the arcane,” Halim said curtly, “Not to be explained by science.”
Katerin’s eyes narrowed, “You believe science can’t provide explanations for the arcane, that I have nothing to add to your theories?” 
Halim nodded, “Precisely. Science and magic are not of the same cloth, they are two separate fields. I don’t presume to invade your field and I expect the same courtesy from you Katerin.”
The scientist glared at Halim, one fist clenching and relaxing as she took a moment to collect her thoughts, “Archmage Halim,” she said calmly, “I respect your authority on the arcane. I also would like to posit that we are on the same side, despite the differences in our respective fields of study. We all want to stop the spread of the Forest, to be able to defend ourselves from the creatures that lie within, and provide safety for our future generations. I would appreciate in the future some more communication between you and me about our theories, as I have extended the same courtesy to you unless you haven’t been reading any of my missives.”
Halim made a mental note to check with Zhen on the missives he’d gotten from Katerin.
“Now I have to go and practice my field of study away from any … arcane influences,” Katerin’s voice dripped in sarcasm, “Good day to you and Archmage Inge.”
She turned around and stalked away through the still crowded hallway. The fiery-haired man from the council chambers, having seen the whole thing, coughed awkwardly to hide a laugh as he turned to study a particularly interesting banner that hung on the wall. 
“Rienn!” the voice cut through the din on the training yard. Immediately some of the recruits stopped to look at who was approaching, a few broke out into grins.
The lieutenant turned to see an imposing woman in plate armor walking towards them, “Just the lieutenant I wanted to see!” 
Rienn immediately stood at attention, “Captain!” 
Captain Aelder was older than Rienn and stood about a head taller, she wore her long brown hair in a braid that looped around her head like a crown. She had broad shoulders and a broad smile that never seemed to leave her face - even in the din of the fiercest of battles. Her attitude never failed to encourage even the most demoralized of troops. 
“Come, Lieutenant, let’s take a walk,” Aelder said as she motioned for Rienn to follow, “I want to know how you’re doing with your first week of service.” 
They walked out of the training yard and into the main square of the city, the city walls didn’t afford much of a view of the sky but Rienn had better visibility than in the training yard. Clouds were building around them, “I don’t need to be Halim to know it’s going to storm tonight,” they said as they looked at the billowing cumulus.
“Aye,” Aelder agreed, “Hopefully it’ll provide us relief from this heat. But I didn’t ask for a walk to discuss the weather, I want to know how you’re doing.” 
“Fine, Captain,” Rienn said, “I’m doing fine.” 
Aelder didn’t look convinced, “You looked unsure about my decision to promote you to Lieutenant, do you still have doubts?” 
“No … well,” Rienn paused, “I mean, yes? I just … I don’t know what you saw in me, Captain. I’m now second in command of the garrison here.” 
Aelder smiled patiently, “I know you are,” she said, “I know you to be a great warrior - but I also know you have great leadership skills, Lieutenant, and in time - with proper tutelage - you can become an amazing captain.” 
She slowed her pace, stopping so she could look Rienn in the eye, her expression was solemn. Rienn looked at their captain with concern, they had seen Aelder with that serious of an expression outside of battle only a few times in their career, “Ma’am?”
“I’ve talked to General Liu, given my reports of the patrols along the Line,” she said, “You and I both know how drastically the situation has changed over the past weeks. More and more attacks from large creatures, the magic is leaking into the settlements at a rate we haven’t experienced since…”
“Since the Eruption,” Rienn said. They shuddered, remembering those first months as Havenhold - barely a village surrounded by wooden palisades - fought for survival as the Forest encroached and threatened to swallow them whole. Only Halim’s arrival and the return of the First Expedition were able to stop the Forest at the Line and help Havenhold become the city it was today. However from what Aelder was saying, if The Line wasn’t holding back the magic … did Halim know? And why were they only just hearing of it now?
Aelder nodded, “I can’t say much,” she said as she leaned close and lowered her voice so that only Rienn could hear, “but you may be called upon for a special assignment. And when that day comes, I need you to be ready for it.” 
Rienn raised both eyebrows, confused and surprised, “What do you mean?” 
“Keep your voice low,” Aelder said, “None of this is set in stone and I don’t want to risk giving anyone more hope than they should have. Rienn, I was asked to put forward the names of the best warriors under my command and you’re near the top of the list. General Liu and I need more than good warriors though, we need leaders, and people we can trust. In those categories, there’s only you.”
Rienn was quiet, they weren’t sure what they could say or wanted to say for that matter. They knew they were good but surely there were better fighters in the garrison. For their captain to say they were near the top of any list both flattered and frightened them at the same time. What could they say to that? Well, the only thing they were concerned with aside from the protection of Havenhold… 
“Captain,” Rienn said - eyes narrowed in determination, “I won’t let you down.” 
Aelder smiled at her Lieutenant, “I expected no less from you Lieutenant,” she said, “We’ll have much to go over but you must return to your duties with the garrison and I must meet with the general. Tomorrow morning I’ll call on you for more personalized training.” 
Rienn returned to the training courtyard, their mind filled with thoughts as they drilled the recruits. The rookie soldiers noticed their Lieutenant’s distraction and one or two tried to get away with being slightly lazier in their shield wall formation …
“Yes, Lieutenant?!”
“You do like your friend next to you, Jasim, correct?” 
“Yes, Lieutenant!” 
“You should lift that shield higher then. Come on! Square your stance! That’s it. Now your friend won’t get stabbed in the face by an enemy spear, there you go!” 
As they trained into the evening, a storm billowed up over the mountain and the first raindrops began to fall. A cold wind blew in from the west and darkness fell with the setting sun.
Halim barely got any sleep that night, between the sheets of rain and hail pounding on the roof, the blinding flashes of lightning blazing through his window, and the howling wind that caused the tower to sway ever so slightly. He felt a sense of dread in the pit of his stomach and he wasn’t quite sure what was causing it. 
‘For the sake of the Fates above,’ he thought as he finally got up in frustration to brew a cup of sleep tea, ‘I am a storm mage!’ 
This was his kind of weather. He should feel right at home!
Instead, he felt anxious. There was an energy in the air that wasn’t caused by the storm and he felt it on the very edge of his senses. It was as if someone were lurking in his periphery, just out of sight, and every time he tried to turn to catch the interloper - they’d quickly disappear.
Sighing as he sat down with his cup of steaming hot tea, he took a few deep breaths. He needed to calm down and focus, meditate, and then perhaps he’d figure out what was awry. As he closed his eyes and took a deep breath in and let it out slowly, he attuned his senses to his surroundings. The rain was coming down as heavy as ever, the occasional hailstone hit his study window with a loud smack, thunder cracked loudly overhead and he could see the bright flash of the lightning through his eyelids. The tower swayed as a gust of wind hit and beneath his feet, he could feel rhythmic vibrations as if a giant were walking nearby.
His eyes flew open and as he stood up to go to the door and alert … well everyone … someone sounded the warning horn from a perimeter tower. Even over the din of the storm, he could hear the drone of the horns as the alarm went up from each tower and eventually someone rang the alarm bell on top of the main keep. 
There was a huge crash, louder than any thunder in the storm, and the sounds of yells and screams. Halim rushed to the window and cursed, he couldn’t see a damn thing in this torrent! 
He heard the guards running outside the study door, their chainmail clinking noisily and echoing down the stone halls. The archmage ran to the door, opening it as a guard ran past, “What’s going on?!” 
“I don’t know! But those horns were from the western towers!” the man yelled, “Stay in your room!” 
Down the hall, he heard more guards shouting orders, “Protect the King and Queen! Where’s Prince Jaloc?!” 
Halim went back into his room, turning towards his desk where his staff sat propped up against the wall. As he turned, he saw something glow out of the corner of his eye. Not just something… 
He walked over to the thing that was shrouded in cloth and removed the covering, revealing a giant, umber acorn that sat atop a pedestal. It was shimmering a greenish hue that glowed brighter with each passing moment.
As Halim hovered his hand over the large seed, he smelled the musty scent of dead leaves, felt a cool, humid breeze on his cheek, and faintly heard the rustle of the wind passing through the canopy overhead. He blinked and he was back in his study, the feeling of an interloper just out of view was back.
“It calls to its Mother and Father.”
He spun around to see Inge standing at the doorway, an unreadable expression on the Archmage of Westhold’s face as she slowly walked into the room, “It calls to home.”
Rienn was on the southern wall when the attack happened. They were knocked flat along with the majority of the guards on the wall when the west wall was slammed into by a massive force. They shook off their disorientation as they stared blearily into the rain, lightning fractured the sky in a brilliant flash that illuminated two dark antlers towering over the western wall. They could just make out the top of the head of the stag before it dipped its head for another charge. 
They stood up quickly, breath fogging in the cold air as they started to scream orders, “Everyone! To arms!!! Keep your eyes peeled! We might be attacked on this wall as well!”
They began to sprint towards the western wall and from what they could make out in the downpour - it was still intact. As they approached the corner tower, they saw Captain Aelder being supported by a fellow soldier as she continued to shout out orders. 
Aelder turned to face Rienn, a pained grimace on her face, “Go back to the south wall Lieutenant! I’ve got it handled here!” 
Aelder waved Rienn off, she wasn’t allowing for any argument on her order, “Where are the ballistae?!” 
“Still loading another salvo!” 
“Load faster! We haven’t much time before that thing charges again!!” 
Rienn could faintly hear the sounds of gears turning as the four massive ballistae that protected the western wall were reset for another salvo. The engineer in charge of the ballistae turned to Aelder, “We can’t aim well in this rain and dark Captain, I’m not sure how effective this is going to be…” 
“Well,” Aelder said in a pained huff as she looked at the damage the deer had caused to the wall and the looming form in the darkness, “That thing’s about as big as the damn mountain we’re sitting on - can’t be that hard to miss.” 
Rienn made their way towards the gate on the south wall, below they could see the torch lights from the guards that were on patrol and dozens of villagers who were trying to get in. One of the soldiers was pounding on the portcullis like a madman, his panicked voice barely audible, “For the love of everything let us through!”
Rienn yelled, “Open the gate! Let them through!” 
“Are you sure?” one of the guards at the gate, Rienn recognized him as Ganther, asked, “The western wall is close to here…” 
Rienn raised an eyebrow, “And you think a massive deer is going to be able to even fit through the gate? Our soldiers are out there - as are the people we’re supposed to be protecting. I’m ordering you to open the gate.”
Ganther nodded, running to the winch to pull up the massive portcullis. As he did so, two more guards grabbed the gate doors and began to pull them open, boots slipping on the wet cobblestone and mud. One of the guards opening the gate had grabbed onto a segment of wood, the material seemed to morph under his hand and he started to scream as the gate came alive in his hands. The wood warped and twisted, engulfing and crushing his hand and arm, the door rooted into the ground as the wood had come back to life as a tree. 
The last thing he saw before the wood swallowed him whole was the horrified expression on Rienn’s face. All around Rienn, anyone who had wooden weapons was suddenly affected by the strange phenomenon. Spears shafts exploded into poles of thorny branches that impaled their user’s hands and arms. Bows warped into vines, strangling the archers that tried to shoot with them while their arrows grew into saplings that rooted their blue corpses into place.
Rienn quickly cast their wooden kite shield aside as it exploded into a ball of thorns, they needed to gain control of the situation but they weren’t quite sure how. They stood frozen in place as they saw humanoid shapes emerge from behind the terrified villagers who were still at the gate. The figures were taller and lankier than the average human, they glowed with an unnatural green energy and Rienn didn’t need the benefit of a mage’s education to know that these were likely responsible for whatever was happening to their gate. 
Said gate now was two massive oak trees, rooted firmly in the entrance courtyard, blood leaked out of crevices in the bark. 
The lieutenant heard someone ask them for an order and they couldn’t answer, they stood staring at the figures and the gory scene around them - transfixed, hand resting limply on the hilt of their sword. A particularly loud clap of thunder crashed overhead and they flinched as shards of stone fell around them. They blinked, confused.
‘Since when does thunder explode into stones?’
They looked up to see the top of the tower where Halim resided had blown completely away. The rain began to slacken and the full moon peeked out between ragged clouds. The shadow of a bird passed overhead, landing on the remnants of the tower before flying off. On the western wall, Captain Aelder - barely clinging to consciousness - watched as the deer staggered forward. It was bleeding profusely from the wounds the ballistae had caused. She knew, however, that it wasn’t the ballistae that stopped the deer. 
Everyone could hear its bones creaking and cracking as it slowly collapsed under its own weight. Whatever magic from the Forest had kept it alive through its attack had left it now as it encroached on the human’s territory. Both the deer and the Captain fell to the ground at the same time.
Rienn, meanwhile, sprinted through the halls of the castle and up the half demolished tower.
“Halim!!! Halim!!! Gods damn it all!! Answer me Halim!!!!”
Zhen staggered out of the rubble, dragging a bruised and battered looking Halim with her, “Damn good thing I perfected that shield spell, sir,” she said. 
“Damn good thing,” Halim agreed tiredly, he looked at Rienn - distressed, “Rienn … it’s gone. She took it.” 
“Took what?” Rienn asked, “And who’s she?!”
Halim swallowed, his voice cracking as he said, “Inge, Inge took the Seed - the giant acorn the First Expedition brought back from the Forest. It’s gone,” he repeated, sounding angrier with every word, “She took it.”
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ottomanladies · 4 years ago
hi, ¿why do you think sultan Ahmed I decided to have more children with mahfiruz, maybe he had feeling for her or it was a customs of the harem, how was their relationship? (Sorry with my grammar, English is not my first language ^ - ^)
Don't worry about your English, it's very good!!
I don't know if Ahmed had particular feelings for Mahfiruz but if she was the concubine beaten up for offending Kösem (which I doubt because that woman seems to have been of low rank), the Venetian ambassador said that in the end, Ahmed had her treated because of the old love that there had been between them.
"And although it happened, as the very illustrious Bailo wrote a while ago, that another woman irritated the queen for I do not know what, he [Ahmed I], transported by his affection for her [Kösem], struck her with a bat but - regretting it - he ordered her to be very well taken care of, and that everyone keep silence about the accident, His Majesty's old love trumping his new disdain."
In any case, his father had already shattered conventions when both Halime and Handan had more than one son even though they weren't hasekis. Of course, if a sultan goes back to the same consort over and over, one would think there was some affection between them; Ahmed was in a great hurry to father children so having a larger pool of potential mothers would have made more sense. Ottaviano Bon, though, said in 1609 that Ahmed had children with three women: with Kösem he certainly had a bond of affection... maybe with Mahfiruz too? The third woman may have been a one-time mother, I don't know. Since Kösem dominated Ahmed I's reign, especially after Mahfiruz's death, I don't think that he had another beloved consort. All primary sources only talk about Kösem.
I probably blabbed too much but the thing is, unfortunately, we do not have anything about Ahmed and Mahfiruz's relationship.
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copper-coin-writing · 5 years ago
A close shave
Hello everyone!  I’m back again with another excerpt from Apocalypse FM, my project for this month.  This time, we have three of the gang scavenging for supplies in an abandoned house, when things start to go wrong...
Halim went for the kitchen, while Zuri took the stairs all the way up.  He assumed Liam would take the second storey.  The fridge was unpowered, as he’d anticipated, but when he twisted the knob on the stovetop, he heard the telltale hiss he was listening for.  Gas.  They still had gas.
It had taken the expertise, or lack thereof, of all four of them to devise a solution to the gas problem.  Their burners needed it, and they hadn’t enough.  Halim had collected empty cannisters, Liam crafting a transfer valve along with Zuri.  Lara had had the balloon idea.
It hadn’t been a normal balloon, of course.  That sort of thing wouldn’t have stretched nearly wide enough.  But there had been a toy store by the docks…
The end result was a collection of enormous balloons, quite capable of both having a neck the size of the pump nozzle as well as stretching over a gas ring.  From there it was a matter of attaching the nozzle to the cannister, tying a few elastic bands around the balloon mouth, and turning the gas up to full.  Halim crouched down to wait.  It was not a quick process.
Upstairs, Liam rummaged through yet another chest of draws full of gently mouldering clothes.  Those that hadn’t been munched on by moths, that was.  They didn’t seem to discriminate.  He held one up, checking it for size.  Shaking his head, he replaced it, dug beneath it.
His fingers closed on plastic and he lifted out what he’d found.  It was a battery pack.  The wires led off it, down the side of the draws and along the edge of the wall.  In the accumulated dust and debris he doubted he would have spotted them.
Tracing the wires with his fingers along the wall, he walked back towards the door he’d come in through.  Round the corner, down the stairs.  It stopped midway down, burrowing under the carpet.  Pulling his multitool from his pocket, he cut back the carpet.  He swore.
The attic had no hole through to the roof, somehow.  Zuri soon created one.  The roof was not designed to prevent a determined girl with a broken bedpost from breaking out.  It was designed for rain, not sieges.
She broke low down, on the theory that the solar panels would be higher up, as the wires seemed to indicate.  Those wires showed promise, as did the converter and battery, which she’d already taken wirecutters to.  Her backpack was heavy already.  If they worked, getting the panels back to base was going to be a challenge.
She climbed out carefully, testing the roof’s strength with a questing foot.  It held up to the pressure she hesitantly applied, so she put her weight on it.  It held.  She climbed out.
On inspection, the panels were even better than she might have hoped.  They looked like they might have been new not a few months before the end, and still seemed in good condition.  Surprising, honestly.  Digging in her backpack for her wrench, she got to work releasing them from their holdings.  She’d pulled two back through the attic hole when she heard frantic footfalls on the stairs.  Liam dashed in, some sort of electronic clutched in a clenched fist.  His normally pale face was red, his breathing rapid.
“What does this do, Zuri?  What is it?”
There was a desperate tone to his voice she didn’t like.  She took it, inspected it.
“A radio transmitter, a small one.  And a circuit board, and I presume these wires should be attached to some sort of switch.  A primitive radio, like Marconi might have used, except better.  Where did you find it?”
“Hidden under the carpet of the middle step of the stairs, in a specially made hollow.  There was some sort of setup of tinfoil on top.  It’s a pressure pad, Zuri.  And we set it off.”
Zuri felt the blood drain from her face, too.  Someone knew they were there.  Someone who was probably already on their way.
“Help me with these.  We need to get out of here.”
“Do they work?”
“No idea, I’ve had no time to test, and I won’t get time now.  Move!”
They hauled them down the stairs, the noise luring Halim out of the kitchen, his eyes widening and their frantic movements.  He glanced out the window and said something presumably explicit.  He pointed.
A group of six men was coming down the driveway.  Liam saw baseball bats, sledghammers, and two shotguns.  How the hell was there still ammo left!  All three of them dropped to their stomachs as one of the men turned towards the window.  Listening hard, Halim gestured towards the kitchen door.  The indication was clear, but Liam was reluctant.
It was only when he heard the front door open that he began to move in earnest.  They hauled the panels out, Halim going ahead to check the coast was clear.  Clearly the answer was ‘no’ because they heard a yell a few seconds later.
“Got him!” a man’s voice yelled.  “He was sneaking out the back!”
Zuri’s hammer caught him a sharp blow to the back of the head, shutting him up for the moment.  Liam turned to her and Halim.
“You two, head for the third house.  It’s the closest.  Hide the panels somewhere on the way, somewhere people won’t look.  Everyone got their packs and kit?”  He gestured to his backpack and multitool.  Halim nodded.
“Good.  Go.”
“What about you?  What are you going to do?”
“Halim, you left the balloon on the stove, right?  I thought I saw one in there.”
He mimed a balloon, then fire.  Halim’s eyes brightened and he nodded vigorously, staring daggers at the unconscious man on the ground.  Zuri grabbed his arm and pulled him back towards the panels.  Stacking the two, the pair hurried away as fast as their weight would allow.
Stowing his multitool back in his pocket, Liam drew out his lighter and flicked on the flame.  He grinned.  It was time to have some fun.
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Taglist: @eloandrianos​
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seslimeram · 5 years ago
Kimse Var Mı?
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Tahakküm etme hallerinin türlü çeşit yıkımla, ona ilaveten kötülükle birlikte işlendiği yeri bugün hakikat olarak yaşıyoruz. Bize, hepimiz için sahne kılınanın bir cerahat halinin ulu orta yeniden ve yeniden ve yeniden biçimlendirildiği yerde olmakta olan tahakküm etme hallerinin en açık / yalın yıkımıdır. Bu bahislerle bir yol / yön aramaya devam olunan tüm bu sahanın bir şimdisi yoktur artık. Her şey anın içerisinde zehirlenmekte, güven duygusu tahrif edilmekte, zorlamayla sonuna kadar zorla inatçı bir devlet geleneğinin benzersiz ola gelen tehditlerinin her gün mükemmelleştirildiği bir uzam karşımıza çıkartılır. Bunca açık bu kadar afaki bir biçimde şahsım efendinin tahayyülü olarak var edilenin bir çıkmazın ta kendisi olduğu meydana çıkar.
Artık ismen, kelamın karşılığı olarak adalet yoktur. Lafta dahi olsa bir demokrasi bahsine yer yoktur. Hürriyet derseniz çoktan tükenmiş, laiklik mefhumu üstünde tepine tepine en nihayetinde bir gölge kalmıştır. Yaşama bahsine düşürülen her gölgeleme bugünün iş bu sathı mahalde şimdinin esamesinin de okunmamasını sağlar. Erk, muktedir, iktidar eliyle ortak payda olarak çıkagelen yeni düzen, yeni ülke, limit aşımı yenilik bir biçimde tüm ol müşterek bahislerin de imhasını beraberinde getirir. Bugünün ülkesinin bunca alenen bir istikamet olarak karanlığı kestirmesi kendisine bütün bu yaptım ettim / yaptık oldular ile bir ve birlikte güncellenir. Sözün kısası, yaşama tahakkümle zehirlenirken, “biyopolitik” olandan medet umulan bir deney sahası bugünün gerçekliğini oluşturur.
Düpedüz baş amir eliyle oluşturulmuş, dikte edilmiş, adım adım uygulamaya çalışılmış ol hamlelerin yekunu demokratik bir ülkeyi değil tiranlığın ta kendisini göstere gelir. Şahsın, zatı şahanelerine münhasır ülkesinin dönüşüm parametreleri bu kesintisiz döngünün aleni bir biçimde güncellenmesinden ileri gelir. Çürüme artık gizlemeye hacet olmaksızın açık bir halle keskin bir devamlılıkla var edilir. Bugünlerin dünden karanlık, yarının şimdiden ve şu anda tüketiminin yolu da yönü de böylece arşınlanır. Bir kısır döngü içerisinde tüm o yaşam ihtimallerinin sınırlandırılması, bizatihi devletin bir numarası olanın aklı / zikrine rehineliği ile tahakküm hamlelerinin her neye mahal verdiği açığa düşmektedir. Açıktan, olası değil önümüzdeki günlerin özeti olarak bu katran karası hal artık sabit olunandır ki yol nereye sorusunun yanıtı o karanlığın dibinden ışımaktadır.
Mezopotamya Ajansı’ndan aktaralım: “Diyarbakır Cumhuriyet Başsavcılığı’nca başlatılan soruşturma kapsamında 33 kişi hakkında çıkarılan yakalama kararıyla Tevgera Jinen Azad (TJA) üyesi kadınlar başta olmak üzere birçok dernek ve sendikanın kadın üyesi 22 kişi gözaltına alındı. Aralarında Mezopotamya Kadın Gazeteciler Platformu Sözcüsü ve Jinnews editörü Ayşe Güney, Özgür Kadın Hareketi (TJA) Sözcüsü Ayşe Gökkan ve 70 yaşındaki Hayriye Türkekul’un (Demir) da aralarında bulunduğu 22 kişinin katıldıkları eylem ve etkinliklerle, tanık beyanları gerekçesiyle gözaltına alındığı öğrenildi. Diyarbakır Emniyet Müdürlüğü TEM Şubesi’nde tutulan 22 ismin dosyasında gizlilik kararı olduğu gerekçesiyle kendilerine ve avukatlarına soruşturma kapsamına dair bilgi verilmediği belirtildi.
Gözaltında bulunan müvekkilleriyle TEM Şube’de görüşen avukatlar müvekkillerinin sağlık durumunun iyi olduğunu ancak soruşturmada bulunan gizlilik kararı nedeniyle kendilerine bilgi verilemediğini kaydetti. Birçok sağlık sorunu da bulunan 70 yaşındaki Hayriye Türkekul’un avukatı, savcılıkla yaptığı görüşmede, müvekkilinin hastalıkları ve yaşı itibariyle gözaltı işlemlerinin hızlandırılmasını talep etse de, savcılık gözaltına alınmayan kişileri ve yoğunluğunu gerekçe göstererek talebi reddetti.
Diyarbakır Emniyet Müdürlüğü TEM Şubesi’nde tutulan bazı isimler şöyle: “Med Tutuklu ve Hükümlü Aileleri Hukuki ve Dayanışma Dernekleri Federasyonu (MED TUHAD-FED) Eşbaşkanı Elif Haran, Tutuklu Aileleri ile Yardımlaşma Derneği (TUAY-DER) üyesi Rabia Ataş, Bağlar Belediyesi meclis üyeleri Panayır Çelik ve Halime Bayram, Yenişehir Belediyesi Meclis üyeleri Gülşen Güneş ve Ronda Bat, HDP Yenişehir eski İlçe Eşbaşkanı Demet Özkaran, Sağlık ve Sosyal Hizmet Emekçileri Sendikası (SES) Diyarbakır Şubesi Yöneticisi Rozerin Çatak ve TJA aktivistleri Zekiye Güler, Figen Ekti, Emine Kaya, Dilan Yakut, Zeynep Suncak, Selma Metin ve Ruken Şehir ile 70 yaşındaki Hayriye Türkekul.”
Dahası da vardır; Yeni Yaşam Gazetesi’nden aktaralım: “Antep’te ise bu sabah çoğunluğu HDP ve DBP’li yönetici ve üyelerin adreslerine yönelik polis baskınları yapıldı. Antep Cumhuriyet Başsavcılığı’nca başlatılan soruşturma kapsamında yapılan operasyonda aralarında HDP Antep İl Eşbaşkanı Musa Aydın ile merkez Şahinbey ve Şehitkamil ilçe başkanları ile 2 mahalle muhtarı ve 1 avukatın da bulunduğu toplam 33 kişi gözaltına alındı.
Gözaltı gerekçesi öğrenilemeyen ve ismi belirlenen 26 siyasetçi: “Barış Anneleri Meclisi üyesi Sakine Behçet, HDP il eşbaşkanları Songül Koçdağı ile Musa Aydın, Şehitkamil İlçe Eşbaşkanı İbrahim Dağ, Şahinbey İlçe Eşbaşkanı Bahri Yarış, İslahiye ilçe Eşbaşkanı Yusuf Yiyen, HDP il yöneticisi Abdullah Acar, Demokratik Bölgeler Partisi (DBP) eski İl Eşbaşkanı Ali Şimsek, HDP eski il yöneticileri Yeliz Yılmaz, Birgül Yıldırım, HDP eski il eşbaşkanı Atiye Okay, HDP Büyükşehir Belediye Meclis üyesi Hurşit Besle, Meclis Üyesi ve aynı zamanda Özgürlükçü Hukuçular Derneği (ÖHD) üyesi avukat Adnan Erol, DBP ve HDP eski il yöneticisi Recai Yılmaz, SYKP İl Eşbaşkanı Mehmet Aşkar, Remziye Kuş, soy ismi öğrenilemeyen Barış adlı yurttaş, DBP eski İl Eşbaşkanı Habibe Tişkaya, Songül Akman, DBP İl yöneticisi Ayfer Doğan, Abdulmütallip Kılıç, Ali Koşmaz, Enver Özmen ve Ağrı’dan gözaltına alınan Antep Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi öğrencisi Cüneyt Kaya. Şehitkamil ilçesi Aydınlar Mahallesi Muhtarı Salih Birişik, DBP İl yöneticisi Necip Ateş.”
HDP Şahinbey ilçe yöneticisi Teyfik Yalçın’ın ise adresinde bulunamadığı için gözaltına alınmadığı öğrenildi. Gözaltına alınan 26 kişi Antep İl Emniyet Müdürlüğü’ne götürüldü. Baskınlar sırasında bazı evlerin kapıları koçbaşı ile kırıldı. Gözaltına alınan isimler İl Emniyet Müdürlüğü’ne götürüldü.”
Birbirini tamamlayan, birbiri ile örtüşen bir tahakküm etme halinin her neyi var ettiği artık çok açıktır. Türkiye denilen sahnedeki gerçek muhalefetin kökünün kazılması hal ve istenci 1915 karanlığındaki saldırganlığa benzeş ve birörnek olarak var edilir. Bunca açık, bu kadar kesintisiz bir biçimde sıradan olan insanların siyasetinin hem yolu, hem izi hiçbir biçimde kalmasın diye süreğen hamlelere girişilen yolun / yönün her nasıl bir yıkımı var ettiği ayan beyan günyüzü görendir. Bu kadar afaki kılınmış olan 70 yaşındaki Hayriye Demir gibi bastonla getirildiği adliyede çıkarıldığı mahkemece serbest bırakılan insanlara reva görülen işkencedir. Tahakküm etme hallerinin hiçbir surette düz ovada sesi ya da sözü savunmaya imkan tanımadığı bir ülke midir, yarınlar için güvence verecek olan. Bu kadar afaki düşmanlaştırma ve tehditle, aralıksız gözdağı ile mi Bakur Kürdistan sathındaki insanlar duyulacaktır, kardeşlik türküsü böyle mesellerin ardından çıkagelen bir riya değil midir, takdirinizedir!
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Mezopotamya Ajansı’ndan aktaralım: “Şırnak kent merkezinde bulunan bir sitede dün akşam 13 yaşında bir kız çocuğuna yönelik cinsel saldırı girişiminde bulunuldu. Ulaşılan bilgilere göre, kentte görev yapan bir uzman çavuş A.A., dün gece küç��k çocuğu cinsel saldırı girişiminde bulunmak isterken küçük çoğun çığlıkları duyan yurttaşlarca yakalandı.  
Yaşanan olay sonrasında yurttaşlarca çekilen kimi görüntüler sosyal medyada paylaşıldı. Saldırı girişimine dair ulaştığımız mağdur avukatı olayı doğruladı. Avukat, konuyla ilgili adliyede savcı ile görüşme halinde oldukları bilgisini paylaştı. Cinsel saldırı olayı, öğlen saatlerinde kent merkezinde toplanan bir grup tarafından protesto edildi.  Yaşanan durum özellikle sosyal medyada gündeme oturdu. Binlerce kullanıcı #susmaşırnak etiketi aştında yaptıkları paylaşımlarla olaya dair tepkilerini gösterdi.
HDP Şırnak Milletvekili Nuran İmir, çevredeki yurttaşlarca olay sonrasına dair çekilen görüntüleri Twitter hesabından “Çocuklarımızın geleceğini tacizcilere bırakmayacağız Dün gece Şırnak Şaranlar sitesinde bir uzman çavuş 10 yaşındaki bir çocuğu taciz etmiştir Görgü tanıkları da yaşanan taciz olayını teyit etmiştir Yargı derhal gereğini yapmalıdır Olayın peşini asla bırakmayacağız” ifadeleriyle paylaştı.
Zeynep Durgut'un Mezopotamya Ajansı'ndaki haberidir: "Şırnak 1. Jandarma Komando Tugayı’nda görevli olduğu öğrenilen uzman çavuş A.A.’nın emniyet sorgusunun ardından savcılığa sevk edildiği bilgisine ulaşıldı.  Mağdur küçük çocuk ise, Çocuk Şube Müdürlüğü’nde avukatı eşliğinde alınan ifadesinde yaşadıklarını anlatıp, şikayetçi oldu.
Küçük çocuğun kolluk tarafından ifadesi alınması sırasında pedagog bulundurulmadığı öğrenildi. Cinsel saldırıya maruz kalan küçük çocuk verdiği ifadesinde yaşadıklarını “Dün 23.00 sıralarında Z. ile evimizin bahçesinde otururken komşu ablamız bize evinde yemek olduğunu ve bizden getirmemizi istedi. 1’inci katta oturan komşumuzun dairesinin önüne geldiğimizde kapıyı açmaya çalıştığımız esnada daha önceden hiç tanımadığım ve görmediğim fakat görsem tanıyabileceğim 20’li yaşlarda 1.75 boylarında esmer tenli, siyah saçlı, bir şahıs benim boynum kısmından tutarak kendine çekmeye çalıştı. Ve bende bunun üzerine bağırmaya başladım. Beni kendine doğru çektiğinde hiçbir şey demedi ve benimle hiç konuşmadı. Ben bağırınca bu şahıs oradan hızlıca uzaklaşıp bahçeye gitti. Biz de bahçede oturan annelerimizin yanına gittik. O esnada şahıs bahçede dolanmaya devam ediyordu ve arada bir bize bakıyordu. Biz bunun üzerine olayı annelerimize ve orada bulunan komşularımıza anlattık” sözleriyle dile getirdi.
Mağdur çocuk ifadesinin devamında şunları anlattı: “Yan komşumuz ve diğer komşularımız bu şahsa başta sen kimsin neden buralarda geziyorsun dedi. Oda 5’inci katta bulunan arkadaşıma bakmaya geldim dedi. O katta oturan komşumuz o dairede kendisinin oturduğunu söyleyince ismini bilmediğim bu şahıs oradan uzaklaştı. Daha sonrasında biz Z. ile birlikte markete gittik, geldiğimizde bu şahıs yine bizim bahçenin içerisindeydi. Bu şahıs tekrar binaya girdi. Ve komşularımız asansörün önünde bu şahsa kim olduğunu ve kime geldiğini sordu. Bu şahıs 9. katta oturan tanıdığına geldiğini söyledi. Salih amca binanın 9 katlı olmadığını söyledi. Bu sefer 8. katta tanıdığına geldiğini söyledi. Bunu üzerine Salih amca binanın 7 katlı olduğunu söyledi. Bu ismini bilmediğim şahıs 7. kata geldiğini söyleyince Salih amca kendinin olduğunu söyledi. Salih amca bu şahsa bir daha buraya gelmemesini söyledi ve şahıs arabasına binerek Kent Market’in oraya park etti. Binada oturan komşularımız kamera kayıtlarına bakıp bu adamın yanına gittiler. Daha sonrasında orada kavga çıktı. Kavganın neden çıktığını bilmiyorum. Daha sonra polisler geldi. Ben polislere durumu anlattım. Ve şikayetçi olmak üzere babamla birlikte görevli polislerle çocuk şube müdürlüğüne geldik. Ben ismini olay sebebiyle öğrendiğim A.A. isimli şahıstan ensemden tutup beni zorla kendisine çektiği için şikayetçiyim.”
Tahakküm etme halinin devletten, devletliye ondan da onun emir eri olanlara uğradığı, var edildiği her sahnede bir kez daha yıkımın boyutu derinleştirilir. Bir çocuğun hayatına göz koyabilecek kadar gözü dönmüşlüğü, ardı arkası gelmiş bir taciz halinin her neyi var ettiği kelimelerin dağarcığından çok daha bariz bir biçimde akla kazınır. Devletin bu sathı mahalde kendinden saymadığı ol Kürd illerinde bir geçmişin bugünkü tezahürü olarak her durumda şiddeti, kötülüğü, yıldırı ve tahakkümü öne çekendir.
Bir çocuğun hayatına kastı cinsel tacizle şekillendiren kolluk personelinin “alkolle” kurtarılmaya çalışılmasından iş bu vaka gibi nicesinin “olay” denilip geçiştirilme hallerine Türkiye’nin nasıl bir cerahatle kuşatıldığı daha açık anlatılamazdı. Bugün, iş bu ahvalde hayatın zerre-i miskal değerinin bırakılmadığına daha açık iç kıyıcı bir örnek var mıdır? Çocuklar ölmesin, çocuk hakları gasp edilmesin, çocuk hayatlarına hiç gölge düşürülmesin denilirken ulaşılan seviyenin utancı her ne yana düşecektir, sahiden ama sahiden? Şırnak’ta var edilen karanlığın, bunca açık cüretin oluşturduğu bütün o çürüme halinin karşısında neresi 83 milyonu kollayan, eşit gören, hakkaniyetli ve hukuk devletidir bu saha!
JinNews'ün haberidir: “Batman’ın Beşiri ilçesinde dün şüpheli şekilde yaralanan ve Batman merkezde özel bir hastaneye kaldırılan 18 yaşındaki kadının hayati tehlikesi devam ediyor. Öte yandan dün yaptığımız araştırma kapsamında görüştüğümüz tanıklardan kadının yaklaşık 20 gün önce Siirt’te görev yapan uzman çavuş M.O. tarafından tecavüze uğradığı öğrenildi.
M.O.’nun kadını bayılttıktan sonra tecavüz ettiği ve kadının kendine geldikten sonra tecavüze uğradığını fark ettiği belirtildi. Annesinin anlatımlarına göre, tecavüzü fark eden kadın çığlık atarak yardım isterken, M.O.’ya “Seni şikayet edeceğim” dedi. Tecavüz faili M.O. ise “Nereye şikayet edersen et, kimse bana bir şey yapamaz. Daha önce de defalarca kez yaptım, kimse bir şey yapamadı” ifadelerini kullandı. Yine annenin anlatımlarına göre M.O. kadını, “Seni İzmir’e götüreceğim, orada seni satacağım. Bu halinle başka işe yaramazsın” diyerek tehdit etti. Bu olaydan sonra M.O.’nun kadını İzmir’e götürerek alıkoyduğu, bu sırada ailenin defalarca karakola ve resmi yerlere başvurduğu fakat dönüş alamadıkları da belirtilirken, kadının daha sonra ailenin baskısı sonucu Batman’a geri getirildiği söylendi.
Kadının annesi, olaya ilişkin şu bilgileri verdi: “Karakola dilekçe verdik, şikayetçi olduk fakat hiçbir şey yapmadılar. Kimse sahip çıkmadı bize. Kızımız 20 gün dayandı, direndi. Mücadele etti. Sesini duyurmak istedi. M.O. kızımızı tehdit ediyordu. Daha fazla dayanamadı, yaşadıkları ağır geldi. Silah sesi geldi, gittim baktım kızım yerde kanlar içinde. Bağırdım, gözü daha açıktı. Sessiz kalan herkes kızımın katilidir. Adalet ve hukuk bu mudur? Kızım ölüyor ama hala herkes sessiz. Yolda hastaneye götürürken bilinci yerindeydi. Bana ‘Ben sessiz kalmadım anne ama kimse sesimi duymadı. Herkes sustu. Başka yol bırakmadılar’ dedi.”
Kadının hastanede tedavisi devam ederken, doktorların verdiği bilgiye göre kadının bilinci hala kapalı ve hayati tehlikesi sürüyor. Yanı sıra fail M.O. Siirt Cumhuriyet Başsavcılığı tarafından başlatılan soruşturma kapsamında gözaltına alındı. Savcılık ifadesinin ardından "nitelikli cinsel istismar" suçundan tutuklama istemiyle Siirt Nöbetçi Sulh Ceza Hakimliği’ne sevk edilen tecavüz faili, yurtdışı yasağı ve adli kontrol tedbiri uygulanarak serbest bırakıldı. Daha önce uzman çavuş M.O. hakkında jandarma ve savcılığa yapılan şikayetin de işleme konulmadığı belirtildi. Öte yandan hastanede tedavi altına alınan kadının hayati tehlikesi sürüyor.” http://jinnews9.xyz/TUM-HABERLER/content/view/142846
İnsanım ben diyenin kanını dondurmaya kafi gelecek vahşetten bir kesit daha ortadadır. Bu sahnenin yaşamla olan ilintisinin köküne kibrit suyu dökülmesi gayretinde aralıksız bir halde cürümler var edilmektedir. Şırnak’tan sonra Batman’daki bu tecavüz halinin ol yıkımı var eden kolluk personelinin sırtının sıvazlanmasının ta kendisidir tahakküm etme hal ve istenci. Hayat bu sahada böyle bir halle, bu kadar afaki bir toplamda çürümeye en üst perdeden rehin edilirken, çocuk, kadın ama önce insan canını tehdit eden bir sarmalın ta kendisi hakikat kılınırken hiçbir şey yolunda değildir olamaz da!
Tahakküm etme hallerinin ortasına rehin kılınmış, dünü, günü ve olası yarınları zehirlenip eksiltilmeye devam olunan bir ülke gerçekliği karşısında ne dersek diyelim eksik kalacak, olanı izahata yetmeyecektir. Bir düzlem var ediliyor. İsmi yeni denilen tüm çürümüşlüğü, her türden hak gasbını yeniden ve yeniden üreterek / güncelleyerek yön belirleyen bir yeri anlatacak kelimeler tükenmektedir. Karanlık kendi iç sınırlarından ötelere taşınırken, her bir yanı kuşatırken, cerahat artık kokuşmuşluğu kesif bir kokuyu taşımaya devam ederken bir ülke meseli de geriye kalmamaktadır. Şahsım efendinin menzili artık salt / sadece bu tahayyül etmesi ağır bir kurşuni yıkımın sahasıdır. Var edilen karanlık döngü herkesi tüm o tahakküm hamleleri hepimiz için her günü kapsamaya devam etmektedir. Bir çıkış bahis ya da ihtimali geriye konulmazken ne getirecektir yarın, sahiden düşünüyor musunuz? Bu kadar ağır yıkım varken, hali hazırda güncellenirken iktidarın perdeleme siyasetinin, büyük ülkeyiz, asarız, keseriz, aşarız bahislerinin sıradan için nasıl bir cehennemi tahayyül olduğunu artık anlıyor musunuz? Orada kimse var mı, duyuyor musunuz?
Misak TUNÇBOYACI – İstan’2020
Görseller: Rain Room – Navid BARATY – Behance
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yvzyzc · 5 years ago
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#ayasofya Bana öyle geliyor ki; yalnız manayı anlasak, yalnız onu yerine getirebilsek, Ayasofya’nın kapıları sabır taşı gibi çatlar, kendi kendisine açılır. İsterse açılmasın; ondan sonra her şey, küçük bir tatbikat işinden ibaret kalır.  Biz kimden, neyi istiyoruz…  Yemen’den Viyana’ya, Fas’tan Kafkasya’ya kadar en aşağı 10 milyon kilometre karelik bir zemin üzerinde… Evet, böyle bir zemin üzerinde… Atalarımızın… Ata derken halimize bakıp başımızı dövdüğümüz nur insanların… Tohum atarcasına her tarafa serptiği kubbelerden birini… 700 bin kilometre kareye indikten ve bu hâlin ismine millî kurtuluş dedikten sonra… Evet, bütün bunlardan sonra… Toprağı kaybedilmiş kubbelerden birini mi istiyoruz?  İnsana gülerler!.. Herhangi bir yıldızda bu türlü iddialara girişen milletleri sürecek bir tımarhane olsa, bizi oraya sürerler.  Âlemde, cüceleşmiş devlerin, eski rollerini takınmasından daha çirkin bir tablo yoktur.  “Cüceleşmeyeydin! Şimdi devin hakkından nasıl bahsediyorsun?” derler böyle insanlara ve milletlere!..  Evet, sevgili gençler; bir manzumemde söylediğim gibi, kellelerimizi tırnaklarımızla yerinden söküp iki dizkapağımıza yerleştirmenin, sonra ikinci bir başla onu seyretmenin artık günü geldiğini kabul edelim ve avaz avaz haykıralım ki; bizi, şiltesi üç kıtayı kaplayan devi cüceleştirdiler. Sonra ona iki santim boy ilâve edip, Batının bat pazarı veya bit pazarı elbiselerini giydirdiler. Peşinden “İşte sana lâyık özgürlük ve uygarlık budur!” dediler.  Ayasofya… Bakın nedir Bizi bu hâle getiren, annemizin cennet kokulu başörtüsünü sarhoş kusmuğuna bez diye kullanan, ahlâkımızı Paris’in dünya çapındaki Şabane kerhanesinden daha aşağıya düşüren, millî kültürümüzü çöplüğe ve millî iktisadımızı kumarhaneye çeviren, zekâmızı maymunlaştıran ve kalbimizi kanserleştiren, tarihi 126 yıllık cereyanın, kendi öz evimizde, yüzümüze kapadığı oda, ruh ve mukaddesat odamız… Ayasofya budur!  #necipfazılkısakürek #üstad #abdulhamithan #fatihsultanmehmet #fetih #osmanlı #ottoman #yavuzyazıcı #yavuzyazici https://www.instagram.com/p/B4nepy8A17M/?igshid=6up1db96tqh3
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bartholomaus · 1 month ago
Promit că ăsta e ultimul lung. Apoi nu mai vorbesc despre alegeri. Ne întoarcem la glume cu deget în cur și memărie.
Bă, oricine ar ieși președinte, pe mine vă puteți baza. Eu rămân mereu în opoziție. Mă urăște toată lumea că nu aplaud ca foca. Jumătate din public mă face putinist și cealaltă jumătate crede că sunt cârtiță progresistă. Probabil că sunt primul spion rus care a votat mereu pro-occident, antivaxxer vaccinat, creștinopat agnostic pro-LGBT din istoria serviciilor. Măcar n-am un CV plictisitor. Consider că e de datoria noastră, ca cetățeni, să-i criticăm pe toți. Să faultăm mereu elita arogantă ca să rămână cu picioarele pe pământ. Când ajung la putere, toți politicienii ne devin dușmani pentru că interesele lor și instinctele de supraviețuire vor avea întâietate asupra intereselor noastre. Nu am niciodată așteptări de la clasa politică. E bine să nu tragi speranță la proști ca să nu fii dezamăgit.
Singura mea dorință puerilă de viitor ar fi să nu ne mai implicăm în lovituri de stat și războaie, oricare ar fi ele. Să nu mai facem defilările rușinii cu trupe întoarse de la crimele altora de război. Afoni trebuie să fi fost conducătorii noștri ca să bage soldații pe sub arc, la întoarcerea din Afganistan. A fost cel mai rușinos debut al vreunei campanii pre-electorale. Politicienii își bat joc prea des de militari. Mi l-a spălat presa pe Ciucă de mi s-a făcut greață efectiv. Această căprioară blocată în lumina farurilor politice. Generalul care a scos tancurile pe străzi ca să lupte cu virusul. Un conțopist în uniformă ridicat la rang de erou. Un buflei obedient: Yes, sir! No, sir! Absolutely, sir! Strătejic partnăr! Olueiz Neito! Măcar Ciolacu putea fi respectat în calitate de valutist politic. Îmi provoca totuși un sentiment mai profund decât mila față de un melc politic, și-anume teama că ar fi în stare să ne ducă pe toți în portbagaj la pădure.
Aș fi preferat să ne vedem mai degrabă de nevoile noastre ca țară, decât de combinațiile politice ale altora. Să nu mai halim toate prostiile ca guguștiucii. Globalismul e un eșec total. Cine mai trage de el în momentul de față este idiot sau ticălos. Toată lumea s-a grăbit să-și dea industria pe mâna Chinei și să-și ia energia de la ruși, iar acum tragem ponoasele. Ăia care au exportat resursele, au sabotat producția internă și au liberalizat piața de energie merită arestați din punctul meu de vedere. Subminarea Economiei Naționale e poezia mea preferată din Codul Penal. PSD și PNL au devalizat o națiune. Au demontat-o bucăți și au vândut-o la fiare vechi, la preț de nimic. Și ei și vectorii care au aplaudat ticăloșiile astea drept europenism adevărat merită să fie colegi de celulă. Nici nu mă miră că crește sentimentul anti-european. Electoratul suveranist e aproape la 40% dacă îl aduni din toate cotloanele. Ni s-a promis independență și securitate, dar ni s-a livrat opusul. Ni s-a promis prosperitate, dar calitatea vieții din România a scăzut simțitor în ultimii ani. Acum ni se spune că trebuie să suferim mereu și să renunțăm la drepturi de dragul a ceva. De dragul planetei, al Ucrainei. al Europei, al unei normalități abstracte pe care nu ne-a definit-o nimeni altcumva decât prin taxe noi și pulan ideologic. Am și uitat a câta generație de sacrificiu sunt copiii noștri. Prefer să nu mai număr.
Din păcate sentimentul anti-european este prost țintit, ca să zic așa. Au grijă vectorii noștri să nu nimerim ținta niciodată. Nu-i vina europenilor. Puteam spune nu. Puteam avea discernământul necesar ca să negociem o relație sănătoasă cu aproape oricine. Uniunea Europeană este o idee fundamental bună, dar a fost deturnată efectiv. A fost parcată în curtea unor instituții complet opace și nedemocratice care nu răspund în fața nimănui. Nu avea de ce să nu ne placă conceptul de cooperare militară și socio-economică europeană. O Europă unită și suverană ar fi o idee genială în contextul în care suntem înconjurați de imperii. Păcat că toată chestia se frânge din pricina jocurilor de interese, a corupției și a sabotajului legislativ impus peste toți de-o dată. Europa nu este unită, ci se canibalizează din interior. Ăia de la Bruxelles sunt departamentul de marketing al unor corporații supra-naționale, nu lideri pe bune. Deciziile se iau în culisele puterii sau se pierd în marasmul birocratic din parlament. Dictatura aroganților e pe ventilație mecanică. Mi-e teamă să nu-și dea obștescul într-un război global. Sper să înțeleagă și să coboare de pe tronuri înainte să fie prea târziu.
Mai sper ca asociația PNLSD să obțină niște scoruri jalnice și la parlamentare. Merită din plin după ce a făcut în ultimii ani cu pandemia, cu armamentul și propaganda de război. A ajuns să ne ia inima când ne uităm la facturi. Pentru noi nu sunt bani, dar decartăm miliarde pe armament fără niciun sughiț. Dacă exista dreptate pe lume, reptilele astea din ultimii ani erau în spatele gratiilor, nu în parlament. De la orice partid ar fi fost ele. Măcar așa, de control, un an doi. Să simtă un pic de răcoare și flegmă pe anus. Sper ca următorul job al lui Ciolacu să fie la covrigărie, iar Ciucă să-i frământe aluatul. Să facă salmonela și să umble căcați pe ei toți ăia care cumpără covrigi de la el. Dar, pentru că nu există dreptate pe lume, costumele astea goale, boierașii ăștia obezi și divorțați de realitate vor primi pensii speciale și locuri călduțe prin cotloanele puterii. Să nu vă închipuiți că vreun partid îi va arunca vreodată în stradă. Toți se tem de ce soartă ar putea avea și ei la o adică. De șobolani ca ăștia nu putem scăpa nici măcar cu otravă electorală.
Rămân la părerea că alegerile din România sunt un teatru ieftin și, în ultimă instanță, inofensiv. Are multe măști tragice care țin publicul în tensiune, dar e un monstru fără dinți. Deciziile importante se iau în altă parte. Niciun candidat nu reprezintă pe nimeni, dar mai important decât orice, nu reprezintă o amenințare pentru profitul oligarhiei. Nu afectează ”bunul mers”. Undeva trebuia să existe un echilibru în mesaj și plan de acțiune, dar nu l-am văzut nicăieri. Toți au tras la unison, ca boii, într-o direcție. Plm... trăim într-o realitate care are 360 de grade. Nu găsiți alte direcții? Permiteți-mi să rămân cu tichia mea de staniol și să nu mai particip la circ. Nu vreau să fac rău nimănui, nici măcar accidental. Credeți-mă când vă spun că puteți fi naționaliști ortodocși sau progresiști gay. Nu vă urăsc, nu vă vreau răul. Vreau o cale de mijloc. Am prieteni din toate colțurile vieții și nu pot gândi în tușe atât de groase încât să am de ales între servilism total și fascism naționalist.
Acestea fiind spuse, cu Elena Lasconi nu pot vota. Este vârâtă pe gâtul electoratului ca și Iohannis - o soluție ”inevitabilă” ce reprezintă continuitatea oligarhiei arogante și a falimentului european. Ar trebui să o votăm de frica Rusiei sau ceva. Sunt prea bătrân ca să mai pun botul. Este reprezentanta mafiei de la Bruxelles care a îngenunchiat Uniunea cu măsurile de deindustrializare și sclavagism energetic. Ea și partidul ei luminat au fost cele mai înveninate toroipane din pandemie. Apoi cele mai înveninate toroipane ale ”reformelor” din energie. Apoi cele mai înveninate toroipane de război. Unde m-am uitat, numai toroipane. Au fost promotorii cenzurii, măsurilor punitive, amenințărilor și al șantajului pe criterii vaccinale. De la ei simt numai dezgust față de toți cei ce nu le sunt identici. Din partidul ăla n-am auzit decât otravă, hărțuire ideologică și aroganță în ultimii ani. Liberalizarea pieței de energie, să tăiem ajutoare sociale, să-i lăsăm fără asigurări pe ăia care nu vor să se supună, să cumpărăm armament, să închidem centrale, să închidem agricultura care poluează, să luptăm cu Rusia etcetera. Mai dă-vă și-n pula mea de psihopați, că nu se duc copiii voștri pe front! Dacă nu mă înșel sunt plecați din țară.
Lasconi e o reptilă care a descoperit ortodoxia în ceasul al șaișpelea ca să câștige niște capital politic. Aș fi respectat-o mai mult dacă recunoștea că o doare în cur. Aș fi acceptat-o mai ușor dacă n-o folosea pe fii-sa ca să dea exemple de progresism, în speranța că-i prostește pe tineri. O să-i prostească pentru că nu mai e greu în ziua de azi. Tot ce îți trebuie e o perucă de culoarea lor favorită sau un tricolor plin cu mici. S-a închis cercul analfabetismului funcțional după trei decenii de dezastru în educație. Sper ca ăștia tineri să nu ne sugrume la bătrânețe pentru dezastrul politic pe care l-am lăsat în urma noastră. Sunt o nouă generație pierdută. Elgebetismul Leanței mi se pare la fel de fals ca și ortodoxia ei de ziua a șaișpea. Și eu pot să pup oasele la biserică și-apoi să promit căsătorii de același sex, apoi să dau înapoi și să o las cotită. Asta nu mă face nici credincios, nici activist LGBT. Mă face ipocrit.
Am încrede în pocăința ei cum aveam și-n dreapta credință a lui Ciolacu. Ăștia pupă crucile sau steagurile în funcție de cine intră în cameră cu telefonul pornit. Ca politician este la fel de slabă și alfabetizată necorespunzător. Are un vocabular cleios și limitat. Zâmbește fals, e rigidă atât mental cât și fizic, arțăgoasă și iute la mânie. Are o cultură generală sărăcăcioasă care o face borderline funcțională. Nu dă semne că ar avea o înțelegere aprofundată a niciunui subiect. Ideile sunt puține și toate duc în același loc - în brațele aceleiași mafii de la Bruxelles pe ideile căreia falimentează Europa în ziua de azi. Astea nu sunt soluții. E ca și cum aș vrea să angajez pe cineva și-l întreb ce calificări are, iar el îmi răspunde: ”Știe tati ce am de făcut și mă sfătuiește el pentru că mă iubește foarte mult!”. Îhî. Ideal ar fi să te descurci singur când tati nu poate să te țină de mânuță, mai ales că nu e tac-tu pe bune și interesele lui s-ar putea să fie divergente mâine.
Nici cu Călin Georgescu nu pot vota. Nu mă sperie, dar mă cam sperie, nu știu cum să zic. Habar n-am dacă e rusofil, legionar sau orice altceva. În ziua de azi poți fi acuzat de putinism și pentru că nu-ți place piftia. Nu pot vota cu el pentru că este echivalentul unui yoghin politic care bagă vrăjeală naționalistă și bioenergii patriotice. E filosofia unui antrenor de wellness naționalist. Trebuie să am IQ 85 ca să pun botul la povețele lui tradiționale, rupte din veceul lui Ion Creangă. Ăsta vinde ulei de șarpe, să moară cipilan! Emulsie de ceață. Are o soluție filosofică pentru orice, mai puțin una politică. Nici măcar nu-l pot numi de dreapta, că n-are chestii suficient de specifice. E pasta pe care o emană toți generalissimii când n-au idei, dar trebuie să coaguleze un popor din ceva. O zeamă ce doar promite că face bine la oasele înțepenite ale unei națiuni care nu și-a înțeles niciodată istoria foarte bine. Nu contest că e deștept, lucid sau că este mai articulat decât Leanța, dar îmi pare așa... genul cu care te îmbeți într-o seară și te fute ideologic în somn. Dacă nu ești atent, ajungi să-i bei pișatul și să crezi că scapi de gută. Știu că am cititori suveraniști și nu vreau să vă jignesc preferințele. Votați cu cine vă place, dar cu tot respectul vă spun că nu rezonez la naționalismul lui abstract și ezoteric.
Am umblat suficient prin corporații și trusturi de media încât să miros un bullshit de la cinci kilometri. Călin e file de poveste. Te poartă duios pe valul unui românism idealizat, cu oile păscând liniștite pe deal și-o rază patriotică printre norii aducători de ploaie binecuvântată. E mișto de tot, pe trip cu pruncul Iisus în brațele lui Zalmoxis, cu tradiția milenară, cu dacii liberi, țăranul român cu mâinile crăpate pe sapă, ochii alburii ai bunicii care mă așteaptă în prispă. Sunt mișto de tot astea. Super tari! Le-am trăit personal copilărind la țară. Se numesc Branding. Exact cu asta mă ocup în 80% din timp. Să potrivesc culori, imagini și simboluri în pachetul perfect pentru larg consum. Amestec forme și nuanțe care să vă fure ochiul la raft, dar asta nu spune nimic despre calitatea produsului. Asta este Călin pentru mine. Produsul unui creativ de la agenția de patriotism. Rezultatul unei împachetări de calitate, promovate algoritmic și cu un marketing extrem de profesionist. Nu pot vota genul ăsta de exercițiu de branding. Știu că a fost ministru, raportor și plm. Deci e tot de-al lor, dintre rânduri. Un erou împins tare în față pe ultima sută, care se sprijină pe un aparat de promovare extrem de competent.
Cam atât gândesc eu și aici mă opresc definitiv cu gânditul. Dacă votez cu oricare din ăștia doi, aduc un deserviciu românilor. Legitimez una din două căi greșite. Mă puteți șterge liniștiți din listă dacă nu rezonați. Nu mi-a păsat de audiența aia mare de-atunci, d-apoi de asta mică de acum. Eu n-o să vă port pică și tot n-o să vă vreau răul. În rest, mult succes tuturor, indiferent cum ați vota în următoarele duminici.
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fy-magnificentcentury · 8 years ago
Gulbahar: "everyone has a way to survive in this palace..." (which they abondon despite its evident success because ....TIMS writers!) You would think that kosem as the head of the harem can make it a living hell, a living hell for the irrelevant gulbahar. but for some reason she meets with sinan all the time without anyone batting an eye. you'd that kosem learnt a lesson after letting halime live which almost made her lose eveything, but no one have that skill in MYK.
GOOD POINT ANON!!!! I guess mck writers can’t write a good rival for ‘the main female character’ unless it’s another woman. I bet that woman like Kosem had many enemies among the pashas, they could have took the antagonist from there. and no, sinan isn’t a good example, he wants to be a pope? a grand vizer? destroy the ottoman empire? cause trouble cos’ he had a lot of free time???? idk. so many wasted potential in this show tbh.
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stillheresanctuary · 5 years ago
Hi! I was wondering if that boss bitty, bat is doing better? I want to say hi to him and possibly give him a hug
He’s… Improving.
The first day was the hardest, Bat was pretty much inconsolable when his rescuer had to go and he was left with us. I tried to get them to stay longer, since he’d decided to trust them and was obviously attached, but I think his clinging was scaring them and- Anyway, Bat was kind of a panicky mess that whole first day. I thank all the little gods and goddesses for Halim’s patience, he ended up basically toting Bat around the whole time so he wouldn’t feel quite so alone.
Oddly enough, Jasper, our resident King who’s been recovering in the medbay, seems to have become quite protective of the little fellow. Halim accidentally left him with Jasper when we had a few medical emergencies, and while I’m not a hundred percent sure what happened, Jasper apparently decided Bat was one of His and gets quite agitated when he has to do physical therapy and Bat can’t be with him in case he falls over.
We finally managed to get Bat cleaned up and in some new clothing just yesterday, he was too scared to get himself washed up by himself but was too embarrassed to ask anyone to stay, so he just wasn’t bathing there for a bit, but Saffron and Coil (mostly Coils) managed to coax him into the sink when they were visiting with Jasper. I think that was the calmest I’ve ever seen him, splashing around with that cheerful little Krait.
Anyway, you were asking if you could visit, and I’ll have to ask him, but I don’t see why he wouldn’t want to at least see who’s asking after him. Apologies in advance if he gets a bit clingy, it’s only been a week and separation anxiety is a persistent sort of issue.
- - -
“Hey Bat…?”
The Boss jolted slightly before looking up, sockets wide for a split second before he managed to calm himself. He’d been working on a rather complex puzzle, metal loops and bits of chain twined with small colored rubber pieces on a smooth wooden base, and he was reluctant to set it down even with Cell approaching him. Part of him desperately wanted to drop everything and run to the human, feel the warmth of their skin and Kind SOUL, but he was learning that doing so wasn’t entirely a good thing with his unbalanced mental state.
Thankfully, he wasn’t actually alone, as evidenced by the quiet hiss off to his left, blanket shuffling as the battered King flared his hood just enough to peer out from under his warm cocoon. Cell smiled at the singular deep red eyelight that peered out at them from under the blanket, lowering down to kneel next to the low cot where Jasper had been napping.
“Hello, Jasper, it’s good to see you too. Mind if I talk to Bat for a moment?”
A slight narrowing of the socket, and the full sized lamia glanced towards the Boss, though he didn’t much look like a Boss anymore in his slightly too big black turtleneck jumper and long short with knitted red leggings pulled up over his knees. The bitty’s gloves had been pretty much unsalvageable, ripped to bits from wear and anxiety, leaving him to wrap his hands in bandages until they managed to make a pair to fit him, and his large scarf was still being mended. Bat flexed his bandaged fingers, idly flicking one of the metal loops before he gave a nod, a motion Jasper copied before settling back down in his napping cocoon. Cell’s small smile softened, and Bat shivered a little, feeling a gentle wave of tenderness from the human’s magic aura.
It was no wonder the human managed to endear themselves to so many, what with their SOUL practically oozing comfort and good intentions with every breath. And, from what he’d overheard from the other bitties, this was them holding back!
“Well, Bat, this is entirely up to you and what you want to do, but there’s someone here who heard about what you’ve been through and they wanted to say hello. Would you be up for a visitor, or should I tell them to go home for now?”
Bat stared, puzzle forgotten. He had a what? Since when did- But he was- Why would-?!
Cell sat quiet, letting the Boss think things over, and smiled when he eventually gave a slow nod, setting down his puzzle to get to his feet. Jasper hissed softly, displeased to have his charge moving away, but he calmed when Cell offered Bat their hand rather than moving to grab like so many did, letting the bitty climb aboard at his own pace.
“I’ll keep an eye on everything, Jasper, don’t you fret. Honestly, I promise I’ll have someone come get you if Bat gets stressed, okay?”
The King eyed the human for a long moment, then gave a low grumble before fully secreting himself away under the blankets. It was hard not to trust a human that made that kind of promise, their SOUL practically shining through their skin…
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mikemortgage · 6 years ago
World-Leading Ethernet Cable Supplier Zhaolong Now Offers Spectra7 Based Active Copper Cable Assemblies
SAN JOSE, Calif. — Spectra7 Microsystems Inc. (TSX:SEV) (“Spectra7” or the “Company”), a leading provider of high-performance analog semiconductor products for broadband connectivity markets, today announced that Zhaolong Interconnect Technology Co. is now offering data center cable assemblies featuring Spectra7’s embedded GaugeChangerTM chips. Zhaolong is currently producing NRZ 25G SFP28 and 100G QSFP28, as well as PAM4 50G SFP56 and 200G QSFP56 versions with 400G QSFP-DD cables expected to be available later this quarter.
“China’s data center market is developing extremely fast, and at hyper-scale all data center customers are more sensitive to the power and cost of high-speed interconnects than before,” said Zhaolong Vice General Manager Tony Yao. “We are getting strong interest from them in Spectra7’s technology and our significantly smaller-gauge high-speed cables known as Microlink™ technology.”
There are three main challenges for 400G networking interconnects from the perspective of China’s largest hyperscalers, known as BAT (Baidu, Alibaba and Tencent). First and most challenging is the rapid increase in power dissipation of optical interconnects at these higher speeds. Second is the difficult challenge of the increased density. Finally, there is the serious issue of dramatically higher costs of optics at 400G.
Spectra7’s Active Copper Cable (ACC) technology addresses all three of these challenges by embedding small analog IC’s in copper cables to enable them to be thinner and longer, thus replacing Active Optical Cables (AOCs) for lengths up to 7m for 400G interconnects.
“We believe that early adopters and first movers in the China market will accelerate the acceptance of our data center products,” said Spectra7 CEO Raouf Halim. “We are thrilled to be working with a quality, high-volume manufacturer like Zhaolong and expect to see significant business with them.”
About GaugeChangerTM
GaugeChangerTM is an innovative and disruptive technology that allows copper to extend much longer lengths without the cost and power penalty of optics. It works equally well at 25Gbps NRZ and 50Gbps PAM4 enabling new connector standards of 100/200/400 Gbps.
About Zhaolong Interconnect Technology Co., Ltd.
Zhejiang Zhaolong Interconnect Technology Co., Ltd. was established in 1993 and has more than 25 years of experience in R&D and manufacturing of the cable and interconnects industry. It is a national high-tech enterprise in the cable industry. It is a national standard drafting unit and a research and production base of the Shanghai Electric Cable Research Institute. It is a full-fledged member of China Communications Standards Association, National Information Technology Standardization Association and China Robotics Association. Zhaolong has built a world-leading information and control cable and interconnects manufacturing base, covering an area of about 140,000 square meters. With an annual output of more than 3 million kilometers and 5 million units of various types of cable and interconnects. For more information, please visit www.zhaolong.com.cn.
About Spectra7 Microsystems Inc.
Spectra7 Microsystems Inc. is a high-performance analog semiconductor company delivering unprecedented bandwidth, speed and resolution to enable disruptive industrial design for leading electronics manufacturers in virtual reality, augmented reality, mixed reality, data centers and other connectivity markets. Spectra7 is based in San Jose, California with design centers in Markham, Ontario, Cork, Ireland, and Little Rock, Arkansas. For more information, please visit www.spectra7.com.
Cautionary Notes
Certain statements contained in this press release constitute “forward-looking statements”. All statements other than statements of historical fact contained in this press release, including, without limitation, those regarding the Company’s future financial position and results of operations, strategy, proposed acquisitions, plans, objectives, goals and targets, and any statements preceded by, followed by or that include the words “believe”, “expect”, “aim”, “intend”, “plan”, “continue”, “will”, “may”, “would”, “anticipate”, “estimate”, “forecast”, “predict”, “project”, “seek”, “should” or similar expressions or the negative thereof, are forward-looking statements. These statements are not historical facts but instead represent only the Company’s expectations, estimates and projections regarding future events. These statements are not guarantees of future performance and involve assumptions, risks and uncertainties that are difficult to predict. Therefore, actual results may differ materially from what is expressed, implied or forecasted in such forward-looking statements. Additional factors that could cause actual results, performance or achievements to differ materially include, but are not limited to the risk factors discussed in the Company’s annual MD&A for the year ended December 31, 2017. Management provides forward-looking statements because it believes they provide useful information to investors when considering their investment objectives and cautions investors not to place undue reliance on forward-looking information. Consequently, all of the forward-looking statements made in this press release are qualified by these cautionary statements and other cautionary statements or factors contained herein, and there can be no assurance that the actual results or developments will be realized or, even if substantially realized, that they will have the expected consequences to, or effects on, the Company. These forward-looking statements are made as of the date of this press release and the Company assumes no obligation to update or revise them to reflect subsequent information, events or circumstances or otherwise, except as required by law.
View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20180820005154/en/
Spectra7 Microsystems Inc. Sean Peasgood, 647-503-1034 Investor Relations [email protected] or Darren Ma, 669-284-3170 Chief Financial Officer [email protected]
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ettoiliste59 · 7 years ago
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Ouf ! Metlaoui respire. Grâce à un but d’Ayari, le club du Bassin minier renoue avec le succès après onze rencontres sans la moindre victoire. Une éternité... Stade municipal de Metlaoui. Temps printanier.  Pelouse en tartan. Affluence nombreuse.
ESM bat ASG (1-0). Score acquis à la mi-temps (1-0). But d’Aymen Ayari 26’. Arbitrage de Nidhal Letaief assisté de Yamen Malloulchi et Mohamed Mzid. Avertissements: Nafti 12’ et Kouassi 15’ (ASG) ESM: Souissi, Mezni, Salem, Abbès, Ayari, Khelij, Niang, Maâouani (Mhamedi), Baccouche (Lakhal), Lahkimi (Abdessalam), Meniaoui. ASG: Ben Saïd, Ben Brahim, Chaouch, Zrelli, Guechi, Nafti, Kouassi (Agrebi), Kacem, Ameur, Zakkar (Jerbi), Mezlini (Attia). On commençait vraiment à s’inquiéter pour la révélation des deux dernières saisons. Onze matches sans le moindre succès ont précipité l’ESM tout près de la zone rouge. Eh bien, Ayari a mis fin hier à cette série noire accentuée par l’élimination de la coupe de Tunisie. Mais malgré les nombreuses absences, la Zliza a su défendre crânement ses chances, passant plusieurs fois à côté de l’égalisation sur des contres meurtriers. Le bureau métlaouien décrète la gratuité de l’entrée au stade afin que les copains de Mohamed Jemaâ Khelij puissent bénéficier du soutien du plus grand nombre de fans. Ceux-ci n’attendent du reste qu’une victoire pour se réconcilier avec leurs favoris suite à la cruelle élimination de la coupe sur la pelouse des divisionnaires de l’AS Rejich, chasser le doute et éloigner la menace de la relégation. Le nouveau coach de l’ESM, Afouène Gharbi, relance le vieux lion Aymen Ayari, alors que son vis-à-vis Mahmoud Morsi préfère Béchir Ben Said à Ali Ayari dans les bois. Toutefois, il doit faire sans les joueurs suspendus au lendemain du derby gabésien, à savoir Nidhal Saïed, Saddam Ben Aziza, Halim Darragi et Marouène Saidi. La première occasion échoit à Lahkimi, servi par Meniaoui, mais le latéral droit de la Zliza, Ben Brahim, sauve d’une tête miraculeuse (5’). Nouvelle frayeur pour la Zliza quand le keeper Béchir Ben Saïd rate complètement sa sortie aérienne, ce dont ne sait pas profiter Niang (13’). L’ESM tient clairement les rênes du jeu et se montre plus entreprenante. Elle sera récompensée de ses débuts sur les chapeaux de roues à la 26e minute lorsque, suite à une remise en touche et à un service en retrait de la tête, œuvre de Baccouche, Aymen Ayari décoche à la limite de la surface un retourné acrobatique sur lequel le portier visiteur, en partie couvert par une meute de joueurs reste pantois (1-0). Ben Saïd assume une part de responsabilité sur ce but, le tir d’Ayari n’étant pas imparable. L’ASG, qui a moins de pression compte tenu de son meilleur classement que les Mineurs est tout près de remettre les pendules à l’heure, mais le heading de Mezlini trouve un Souissi vigilant. A cinq minutes de la pause, le portier métlaouien est imité par son collègue gabésien Ben Saïd qui repousse la tête de Hachem Abbès. Le brio de Ben Saïd Dès la reprise du jeu, Meniaoui s’en va menacer Ben Saïd qui sauve un but tout fait. Puis, la partie est suspendue durant trois petites minutes quand la colère du public local gronde contre le gardien remplaçant visiteur Ali Ayari pour un geste antisportif qu’il aurait commis. Fort heureusement, l’incident est vite circonscrit. En l’absence du head-coach gabésien, Mahmoud Morsi, suspendu et condamné à suivre la partie à partir des tribunes, son assistant Sabeur Sghaier procède à deux changements dans le dessein de booster le secteur offensif, Agrebi et Jerbi relevant Kouassi et Zakkar. La Zliza parvient ainsi à se montrer plus dangereuse, mais à chaque fois, l’expérimenté Souissi est là pour annihiler les tentatives de Slim Mezlini et Lamjed Ameur. A dix minutes de la fin, Lahkimi bénéficie d’une belle opportunité pour «tuer» le match, mais il perd son duel face à un brillant Ben Said (80). Idem pour Baccouche qui manque quelques instants plus tard l’immanquable face à une cage vide avant que Meniaoui, contrarié à deux reprises consécutives par Ben Said ne conclut ce festival d’occasions manquées. L’ESM sort la tête de l’eau et revient sur les talons de sa victime du jour. Elle s’assure surtout neuf bons points d’avance sur le barragiste et sur le premier relégable.
Auteur : T.G.
Ajouté le : 03-03-2018
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dekytrih-blog · 7 years ago
Ps: iya, itu videonya cuma teaser doang. Ntar kalo sempet ngedit ya Deky selesein Banyak sekali tugas Batman dan Robin (eh Robin cuma jadi terbelakang dan mastiin semua udah jalan deng). Sederhananya Deky yang paling depan dan paling awal buat ngelakuin apa-apa. Tugas pertama adalah mimpin Check In. Ya kita antri check in udah kayak antri wahaha gitu. Panjang bener. Karena Koperku gede. Yaudah, Deky duduk di koper. Capek bos. Abis check in kita keluar lagi buat foto sama banner selamat jalan. “Ya Ampun akhirnya bisa pegang banner ini!” -Sekar. Flight dari Soetta ke KL cuma bentar. 2 jam lebih dikit doang. Kita di KL kayak transit gitu. Tapi pesawatnya sama. Kita di KL cuma bentar doang. Sejam kali ya. Tapi masih ada yang sempet-sempetnya live Instagram. Screening disini udah mulai ketat. Kemarin kita disuruh copot sepatu disini. Dari KL menuju Schiphol lama banget dah. 12 jam. Kita cuma bobo doang disini. Sama ghibahin tetangga. Pake Bahasa Indonesia haha. Makanan pertama yang kita dapet tuh kayak snack tapi bikin kenyang. Kayak kebab gitu tapi kulitnya kayak pastel. Iya, pastry gitu. Terus isinya mashed potato dan lain-lain. Lah kalo kata Deky sih enak. Banget. Tapi kata Rangga sama Shinta ga enak banget. Jadi mereka berkali-kali ngomong “ini enak kok, ini enak!” Sambil makan keburu-buru banget. Katanya buat men-sugesti diri. Garaa-gara mereka. Deky jadi kayak tersugesti kalo ini gaenak. Tapi makanan selanjutnya ENAK BANGET!. Terutama dessert-nya. “Surga emang di langit ya” -Shinta. “Woeee, Belanda woety” -Rangga. Iya, kita sampe di Schiphol dengan keadaan. Seneng banyak capeknya:). Meskipun tidur mele, bangun cuma makan. Terus ghibah bentar terus tidur lagi. Udeh. Tapi punggung capek banget. Di sini kita bakal habiskan sekitar 6 jam. Lama? Banget. “Gaes, kita cuma bertujuh. Kalo mau kemana-mana. Jangan sendiri. Termasuk ke toilet. Inget. Jangan sendiri” -Batman. And see, mereka pada pergi berdua-dua. Dan gue sendiri nungguin tas yang si empunya pergi ke toilet. Eh ternyata enggak. Si Hadi dan Rangga merasa iba kepada batman. Mereka nemenin gue. Thank You! Appreciated!. Pas Halim sama Nabil balik dari toilet, eh mereka ketemu sama orang Jakarta. DAN KITA DITRAKTIR STARBUCKS!. Disaat kita nahan buat hemat eh ada yang beliin starbucks. Seneng bat dah. Terus kita pindah cari meeting points gitu. Jadi itu buat kalo kita nyebar dan ntar balik lagi ketempat itu pada waktu tertentu. Niat awalnya sih gitu. Taunya kita tetep bersama, bertujuh. Kompak emang. Kagak deng. Emang mager aja. Akhirnya kita boarding. Dan terbanggg!!!. Oiya tambahan. Kita adalah batch terhemat. Ya. Kita bertahan sampe sejam sebelum boarding. Karena Hadi Rangga Nabil kelaperan beli sandwich akhirnya. Di pesawat juga gitu lagi kek awal. Tidur dan bangun kalo ada makanan. Udeh. Enak. Eh tapi agak sedih. Deky kelewatan 1 meal. Bangun-bangun pada buang sampah. Kesel. AKHIRNYA KAKI Deky NAPAK DI AMERIKA!. And im the first person who stands in US of this batch!. Iyelah, Deky batman. Tapi abis ini Degdegan sangat. Iya, Waktunya Immigration Check. Deky degdegan parah. Apalagi yang pertama. Kalo gagal berefek pada semua rombongan. Alhamdulillah lancar. Dan akhirnya membantu rombongan sehingga beberapa dari mereka ga ditanyain apa apa soalnya udah Deky bikin yakin kalo kita imigran baik baik. Kita semua pass. Dan nyari koper masing-masing. Keluar. Dan ketemu sama volunteers. Dan kita ngumpul lagi sama anak negara lain. Kita kenalan bacod gitu. Sampe negara lain pada ditanyain kenapa pada diem. Dijawab capek perjalanan jauh. Dan volunteernya bilang kalo Indonesia itu negara terjauh dari kita semua. Tapi kita semangat. Kagak deng. Emang kitanya aja yang bacot. Hahaha. Kita naik shuttle bus ke hotel. Seneng banget. Hotelnya bintang 4. Di Amerika. Di Washington DC lagi. Gausah ditanyain berapa harganya. Deky juga gatau haha. Anyway, sebagai penutup. Deky kasih tips kalo perjalanan jauh. Lepas sepatu. Iya. Kaki gabakal capek. Terus pake celana sama baju yang ga ketat. Terus sebelumnya selagi dan sesudah jangan lupa minum vitamin. Biar sehat kuat.
0 notes
goharpoon-blog · 8 years ago
Kıbrıs Şehitleri:
KIBRIS BARIŞ HAREKÂTI ŞEHİTLERİ 1. Piyade Albay İbrahim Karaoğlanoğlu 2. Piyade Binbaşı Bünyamin Kasap
3. Piyade Kıdemli Yüzbaşı Sami Akbulut
4. Piyade Kıdemli Yüzbaşı Tuncer Güngör
5. Piyade Kıdemli Yüzbaşı Dursun Özsaraç
6. Piyade Üsteğmen Nizameddin Songur
7. Piyade Üsteğmen Oğuz Yener
8. Piyade Üsteğmen Nermi Tombul
9. Piyade Üsteğmen Nazmi Saatçi
10. Piyade Üsteğmen Ünal Genç
11. Tank Yüzbaşı Ramiz Turan
12. Tank Kd. Üsteğmen Yavuz Sokullu
13. Tank Üsteğmen Alpay Başaran
14. Tank Üsteğmen Hüseyin Akar
15. Topçu Pilot Albay Fahreddin Aksoy
16. Topçu Pilot Yarbay Selahattin Okbay
17. Topçu Yarbay Refik Cesur
18. Topçu Pilot Yarbay İlhan Akgün
19. Ordudonatım Teğmen Gürkan Işık
20. Tabib Üsteğmen Halil Akçiçek
21. Yedek Piyade Asteğmen İdris Doğan
22. Yedek Piyade Asteğmen Şakir Cezayir
23. Yedek Piyade Asteğmen Şevket Çil
24. Yedek Piyade Asteğmen Sıtkı Toksoy
25. Yedek Piyade Asteğmen Selçuk Ergen
26. Yedek Piyade Asteğmen M.Nafı Kıvanç
27. Yedek Piyade Asteğmen Celal Bekiroğlu
28. Yedek Piyade Asteğmen Mehmet Özel
29. Yedek Piyade Topçu Asteğmen Feyzullah Taşınsoy
30. Yedek Topçu Asteğmen Mustafa Uygur
31. Yedek Tank Asteğmen Ali Yavuz Yüce
32. Piyade Kıdemli Başçavuş Tahsin Yorgun
33. Piyade Kıdemli Başçavuş Kemal Yapar
34. Piyade Başçavuş A. Haydar Saban
35. Piyade Üsçavuş Cemal Yurdumgüzel
36. Piyade Üsçavuş Ramazan Ergin
37. Piyade Astsubay Çavuş Ahmet Pakdemir
38. Piyade Astsubay Çavuş Muammer Karaağaç
39. Piyade Astsubay Çavuş Hicret Akar
40. Piyade Astsubay Çavuş Mehmet Yıldız
41. Piyade Astsubay Çavuş AH Erdemir
42. Piyade Astsubay Çavuş Enver Erol
43. Tank Kıdemli Başçavuş Mehmet Yavuz
44. Tank Kıdemli Başçavuş Mehmet Macit
45. Tank Kıdemli Başçavuş Halim Şahin
46. Tank Üsçavuş Coşkun Tezelli
47. Top Kıdemli Başçavuş Aslan Demircam
48. Muhabere Başçavuş Kadir Gülseren
49. Muhabere Kıdemli Başçavuş Bayram Gümüş
50. İstihkâm Astsubay Çavuş Bahadır Yalçın
51. Sağlık Kıdemli Başçavuş İ.Hakkı Gedik
52. Piyade Eri Necmi Alimanoğlu
53. Piyade Çavuş Hüseyin Zont
54. Piyade Eri Ayçan Aksoy
55. Muhabere Çavuş Zeki Alpsoley
56. Piyade Eri Hasan Alkan
57. Piyade Eri M.Ali Arpa
58. Piyade Eri Nizamettin Aydın
59. Piyade Eri Kaya Afacan
60. Muhabere Eri Ülkü Akbulut
61. Piyade Eri Muharrem Aydın
62. Piyade Eri Hasan Anlatan
63. Piyade Çavuş Ali Alpaslan
64. Piyade Eri Şakir Ağaçkıran
65. Piyade Eri Süleyman Aydınlı
66. Piyade Eri Sıtkı Acar
67. Piyade Eri Ömer Abdal
68. Piyade Eri Mehmet Akdoğan
69. Piyade Eri Abdullah Altındağ
70. Piyade Eri ilyas Aydın
71. Piyade Eri Hüseyin Atıcı
72. Piyade Eri Ahmet Akbaş
73. Piyade Eri Lütfü Araş
74. Piyade Eri Alaaddin Aslan
75. Piyade Onbaşı Duran Akyüz
76. Piyade Onbaşı Ramazan Alim
77. Piyade Çavuş Kamil Alkan
78. Piyade Eri Cemal Altınok
79. Piyade Eri Ahmet Aydemir
80. Piyade Eri Bekir Aktaş
81. Piyade Eri Mevlüt Akça
82. Piyade Eri Mustafa Altınışık
83. Piyade Eri Rıdvan Aktarmaç
84. Piyade Çavuş Mustafa Aydoğdu
85. Piyade Eri Ali Aktaş
86. Piyade Eri Ali Alan
87. Piyade Eri Turan Arda
88. Piyade Eri Mehmet Avcu
89. Piyade Eri Bekir Aktaş
90. Piyade Eri Süleyman Avcı
91. Piyade Eri Muhsin Alptekin
92. Piyade Eri Halil Aslan
93. İstihkâm Eri Doğan Aydın
94. Sıhhiye Onbaşı Hüseyin Aydemir
95. Piyade Eri Ahmet Alçıkaya
96. Piyade Eri Ahmet Aydemir
97. İstihkâm Onbaşı Ali Alay
98. İstihkâm Eri Teslim Aydın
99. İstihkâm Eri Mustafa Ay
100. Piyade Eri Salih Altun
101. Piyade Eri Vahap Akbıyık
102. Top Eri Kadir Akdoğan 
103. Piyade Eri Mustafa Bakar
104. Piyade Çavuş Ali Beyoğulları
105. Piyade Eri Osman Bakır
106. Piyade Eri Ali Borçin
107. Piyade Eri Recep Bilge
108.Piyade Eri Fevzi Bingöl
109. Piyade Onbaşı Kamil Balkan
110. İstihkâm Eri Mehmet Buzlusun
111. Piyade Eri Şaban Balaban
112. Tank Eri Sadi Bal
113. Piyade Eri Cafer Bora
114. Piyade Eri Necati Balcı
115. Piyade Eri Mustafa Bingöl
116. Piyade Eri Bahattin Baklavacı
117. Piyade Eri Halil Bulut
118. Piyade Eri Muharrem Bingöl
119. Piyade Eri Süleyman Bayburt
120. Piyade Eri Kemal Balta
121. Piyade Eri Tahsin Bozkurt
122. Piyade Eri Necati Bat
123. Piyade Çavuş Maksut Birinci
124. Piyade Onbaşı Zeynel Bozgeyik
125. Piyade Eri Mustafa Çelik
126. Piyade Onbaşı Salih Cıbır
127. Piyade Eri Naim Çiftçi
128. Piyade Eri Kemal Ceylan
129. Piyade Çavuş Mehmet Ceyhan
130. Piyade Eri Hasan Çelik
131. İstihkâm Eri BAli Cansu
132. Piyade Eri Muharrem Calay
133. Piyade Eri Lütfü Çiftçibaşı
134. Piyade Eri Cemil Çelik
135. Piyade Eri Mehmet Can
136. Piyade Eri Kazım Çalışkan 
137. Tank Eri Zekeriya Çetin
138. Piyade Eri Osman Çelik
139. Piyade Eri Mahmut Çamaz
140. Piyade Eri Kasım Çelik
141. Piyade Eri Cemil Çelebi
142. Piyade Eri Yunus Canbaz
143. Sıhh’ıye Eri Namaz Çakmak
144. Muhabere Eri Hüsnü Demirkıran
145. Piyade Eri Mustafa Dinçer
146. Piyade Çavuş Necdet Diler
147. Piyade Eri Alihan Demir
148. Piyade Eri Hüsnü Doğu
149. Piyade Eri Nurettin Duman
150. Piyade Eri Mahmut Demirci
151. Piyade Eri Efrahim Demir
152. Piyade Onbaşı Bayram Demir
153. Piyade Eri Nuri Demir
154. Piyade Eri Tayyar Delen
155. Piyade Eri Mehmet Doğan
156. Muhabere Eri Bekir Doğan
157. Piyade Eri Eyüp Demir
158. Piyade Eri Akif Diktepe
159. Piyade Çavuş Ömer Doğan
160. Piyade Eri Osman Demir
161. Piyade Onbaşı İlyas Demirkıran
162. Piyade Eri Mehmet Döndü
163. Piyade Eri Mehmet Durmuş
164. Piyade Eri Mustafa Duman
165. Piyade Er Mehmet Demir
166. Piyade Eri Enver Dönmez
167. İstihkâm Eri Cafer Düzenli
168. Piyade Eri Adnan Damar
169. Piyade Eri Mehmet Dilber
170. Topçu Eri Bayram Demirezen 
171. Piyade Çavuş Muzaffer Demirci
172. Piyade Çavuş Ömer Demir
173. Tank Çavuş Mustafa Dim
174. Sıhhiye Onbaşı Şeref Demirci
175. Piyade Eri Ramazan Eroğlu
176. Piyade Onbaşı İrfan Ersoy
177. Piyade Onbaşı Ali Osman Ersen
178. Piyade Eri Celal Erken
179. Topçu Eri Mehmet Emik
180. Piyade Çavuş ABayram Erciyes
181. Piyade Onbaşı Hayrullah Ekşi
182. Piyade Eri Ramazan Arsan
183. Piyade Onbaşı Nevzat Ertuğrul
184. Piyade Eri Adem Erim
185. Piyade Eri Metin Ediz
186. Piyade Eri Rıdvan Erel
187. Tank Eri Osman Erhan
188. Piyade Eri Ali Ergün
189. Piyade Eri Hasan Ercan
190. Piyade Onbaşı Muzaffer Ekemen
191. İstihkâm Eri Hikmet Erikli
192. Piyade Eri Ömer Faydalı
193. Piyade Onbaşı Sebahattin Erdoğdu
194. Piyade Eri Hasan Gökboya
195. Piyade Çavuş İlhan Gürcan
196. Piyade Eri Cahit Gökalp
197. Piyade Çavuş Ömer Füvenç
198. Piyade Eri Sebahattin Gürsu
199. Tank Eri Yakup Gülen
200. Piyade Eri Bayram Gündüz
201. Piyade Eri Lütfü Gelen
202. Piyade Eri Hüseyin Göksel
203. Piyade Eri M. Ali Gümüş
204. Tank Onbaşı Mehmet Güneş
205. Sıhhiye Eri Mustafa Girgin
206. Piyade Eri Hicri Gümüş
207. Piyade Eri Bekir Güngör
208. Piyade Eri Sadi Güler
209. Piyade Eri Halil Gök
210. Piyade Eri Mahmut Haspolat
211. İstihkâm Eri Mahmut Haspolat
212. Piyade Eri Mustafa Işık
213. Piyade Eri Mustafa İldeniz
214. Piyade Eri Vahit İnce
215. Piyade Eri Mustafa İleli
216. Piyade Eri Necmettin inan
217. Tank Çavuş İsmail İnan
218. Piyade Onbaşı Şeref Kurt
219. Piyade Eri Hasan Kılıç
220. Piyade Eri Sami Küpeli
221. Piyade Çavuş Muhittin Küspeci
222. Piyade Eri Orhan Kürkçü
223. Piyade Eri Nazmi Köse
224. Muhabere Eri Kazım Köse
225. Piyade Onbaşı İsmail Kurtulmuş
226. Piyade Onbaşı Cengiz Kurtuluş
227. Piyade Eri Haydar Kara
228. Piyade Eri İbrahim Kuru
229. Piyade Eri H.İbrahimKocaaktaş
230. Piyade Çavuş Nazmi Konat
231. Piyade Eri Hacı Kaya
232. Topçu Çavuş Hikmet Koman
233. Tank Onbaşı Mehmet Kara
234. Piyade Çavuş Efrahim Kotan
235. Piyade Eri Mustafa Koçar
236. Piyade Onbaşı Hüseyin Koç
237. Piyade Eri Şeref Kavak
238. Piyade Çavuş Ali Karpuzcu
239. Piyade Eri Ali Kaya
240. Piyade Eri Hamdı Kiracı
241. Piyade Eri Mehmet Karcıl
242. Piyade Eri Hüseyin Kaçıkoğlu
243. Piyade Eri Alaaddin Karataş
244. Tank Çavuş Celal Kahraman
245. Piyade Eri Mustafa Kuş
246. Piyade Eri Bekir Karayeğen
247. Piyade Onbaşı Kemal Köse
248. Piyade Eri Mehmet Kemerli
249. Piyade Onbaşı İbrahim Konaşoğlu
250. Piyade Eri Hasan Karaağaç
251. Piyade Eri Hasan Karagül
252. Piyade Eri M.Şirin Kalas
253. Piyade Eri Musa Kazan
254. Piyade Eri Hüseyin Kurutuldu
255. Piyade Eri Halil Koç
256. Piyade Eri Hasan Kaplan
257. Piyade Eri Mehmet Kaplan
258. Piyade Eri Şefik Kaçar
259. Piyade Eri Ali Karaağaç
260. Piyade Eri Seçim Kılıçaslan
261. Piyade Eri İbrahim Karakoyun
262. Piyade Çavuş Ali Köken
263. Piyade Çavuş Lütfü Kıçı
264. Piyade Eri A.Rıza Karaoğlan
265. Piyade Eri Sebahattin Kundak
266. Piyade Onbaşı Fikret Kartal
267. Muhabere Eri Ali Kılıç
268. Piyade Eri Celal Keleş
269. İstihkâm Eri Bektaş Karaş
270. Piyade Eri Cemil Kılıç
271. İstihkâm Eri Ali Karaduman
272. İstihkâm Eri Hüseyin Kocatürk
273. Piyade Eri Dursun Kanlı
274. Tank Eri Recep Karaköse
275. Piyade Eri Mehmet Karaca
276. Piyade Eri Nazım Kara
277. Sıhhıye Eri Rıfat Kar
278. Tank Eri İbrahim Köse
279. Komando Çavuş Cuma Karadoğan
280. Piyade Çavuş Ali Kalay
281. Piyade Çavuş Sadettin Madencioğlu
282. Piyade Eri Mevlüt Mercan
283. Piyade Eri Kadir Maranlı
284. Piyade Hüsnü Nevruz
285. Tank Onbaşı Şefik Nur
286. Piyade Eri Ali Ocak
287. Piyade Eri Ahmet Özkan
288. Piyade Onbaşı Ekrem Özkaya
289. Piyade Çavuş Filiz Okandan
290. Piyade Eri Hüseyin Özyurt
291. Piyade Eri Süleyman Özkan
292. Piyade Eri Abdullah Ömür
293. Piyade Eri Remzi Özipek
294. Piyade Eri Nevzat Özbay
295. Piyade Eri Fevzi Öztürk
296. Piyade Eri Mehmet Özdemir
297. Piyade Eri Ali Özdemir
298. Piyade Eri Sebahattin Özipek
299. Piyade Eri Ferzande Özavcı
300. Piyade Eri Hüseyin Özbay
301. Piyade Eri Orhan Kurban
302. Ordonat Eri Atilla Öztürk
303. Topçu Eri Remzi Öz
304. Piyade Eri Murat Önoğlu
305. Piyade Çavuş Tahsin Öztürk
306. Topçu Eri Bulduk Polat 
307. İstihkâm Eri Ahmet Polat
308. Piyade Eri Mahmut Pınar
309. Piyade Eri Ali Pehlivan
310. Piyade Eri Ali Pınar
311. Piyade Eri Müslüm Polat
312. Tank Onbaşı Recep Pekmezci
313. Piyade Eri Emin Ren
314. Piyade Onbaşı Adnan Sipahi
315. Piyade Eri Hasan Ses
316. Piyade Eri Bilgi Serbest
317. Piyade Eri Cuma Sert
318. İstihkâm Eri Sabrı Soydemir
319. Piyade Eri Kazım Soydemir
320. Piyade Eri Mesut Şaban
321. Piyade Eri Salim Şinik
322. Piyade Eri Necati Şenol
323. Piyade Eri Cengiz Sarptürk
324. Piyade Eri Durak Sulu
325. Piyade Onbaşı Gültekin Sanal
326. Levazım Eri Hasan Sarıca
327. Piyade Çavuş Aslan Seçkin
328. Piyade Eri Celal Sulu
329. Piyade Eri Kazım Sungur
330. Piyade Eri Ziyafettin Sevinç
331. Piyade Eri M. Ali Şengül
332. Piyade Eri Necati Şenol
333. İstihkâm Eri Murat Şen
334. Piyade Onbaşı Yusuf Şahin
335. Piyade Onbaşı Yılmaz Şentürk
336. Piyade Eri Muhittin Satıoğlu
337. Piyade Eri Halim Soylu
338. Tank Eri Mustafa Soğana
339. Piyade Eri Hüseyin Süngü
340. Piyade Eri Necati Şentürk 
341. Piyade Çavuş Kazım Turan
342. Ordonat Eri Agah Top
343. Piyade Eri Halil Taşkın
344. Piyade Eri Tahsh Tunç
345. Piyade Eri Salih Tunç
346. Ulaştırma Eri İsmail Tosun
347. Piyade Çavuş İlhami Topçu
348. Piyade Eri Adem Turan
349. Topçu Çavuş Turan Türközen
350. Piyade Eri Hüseyin Tüfekçi
351. Piyade Çavuş Adnan Türker
352. Piyade Eri A. KadirTonguç
353. Piyade Eri Hasan Toyran
354. Piyade Eri Muhsin Tuğrul
355. Piyade Eri TahirTüzirılü
356. Piyade Eri Halit Tekin
357. Piyade Eri Gerevan Tomay
358. Piyade Onbaşı Hüseyin Topal
359. Piyade Çavuş Galip Taş
360. Piyade Eri Recep Tezel
361. Piyade Eri İbrahim Turan
362. Piyade Eri Teymur Tari
363. İstihkâm Çavuş Kasım Sanaslan
364. Piyade Çavuş Kazım Tunç
365. Piyade Eri M. Ali Tan
366. Piyade Eri Cuma Teymur
367. Piyade Eri Atilla Türk
368. Piyade Eri M.Emin Türker
369. Piyade Eri Hasan Torun
370. Piyade Eri İzzet Tunçer
371. Topçu Eri Necdet Turgut
372. Piyade Çavuş Salim Tekin
373. Piyade Çavuş Abdulkerim Uruk
374. Piyade Çavuş Hüsnü Uysal 
375. Piyade Eri İrfan Uzaldı
376. Sıhhye Eri Tevfik Uğur
377. Topçu Onbaşı Hüdaverdi Ulutaş
378. Piyade Eri Yusuf Uğur
379. Piyade Eri Rasrn Uygun
380. Piyade Eri Hasan Uğurlu
381. Piyade Çavuş Ömer Uçar
382. Piyade Eri Kemal Ünal
383. Piyade Eri Cevdet Öneş
384. Piyade Eri İlhan Ülgen
385. Piyade Eri Cavl Ülger
386. Piyade Eri İsmail Yüksel
387. Piyade Eri Erdoğan Yıldız
388. Piyade Eri Kemal Yıldırım
389. Piyade Eri Yılmaz Yıldız
390. Piyade Onbaşı Erol Yılmaz
391. Sıhhıye Eri Adnan Yıldız
392. Piyade Eri Cumhur Yüzü
393. Piyade Eri Ömer Yıldınm
394. Piyade Eri Arif Yiğitoğlu
395. Piyade Onbaşı Mustafa Yurdakadim
396. Piyade Eri Sebahattin Yılmaz
397. Piyade Eri Aziz Yılmaz
398. Piyade Eri Mehmet Yılmaz
399. Piyade Eri Hamdi Yılmaz
400. Piyade Onbaşı İbrahim Yalçın
401. Piyade Eri Ahmet Yıldız
402. Piyade Eri Mustafa Yerlioğlu
403. Piyade Eri İlyas Yener
404. Piyade Eri Ali Yaşar
405. Piyade Eri Mahir Yener
406. Piyade Eri Hasan Yalçın
407.Piyade Eri Osman Yıldınm
408. Piyade Eri Naci Varol
409. Piyade Onbaşı İbrahim Yolal Hava Kuvvetlerinde Şehit Olanlar:
410. Hava Pilot Binbaşı Fehmi Ercan
411. Hava Pilot Kıdemli Üsteğmen İlker Karter
412. Hava Pilot Üsteğmen İbrahim Çınar
413. Hava Pilot Üsteğmen Türker Aydın
414. Hava Trafik Kontrol Başçavuş Sami Emen Jandarma Genel Komutanlığı Şehit Olanlar:
415. Jandarma Kıdemli Başçavuş Kemal Dere
416. Jandarma Çavuş Ekrem Özmen
417. Jandarma Onbaşı Veli Atan
418. Jandarma Onbaşı Lütfü Özgen
419. Jandarma Eri İsa Aslan
420. Jandarma Eri Cemal Akıncı
421. Jandarma Eri Mesruh Şanlı
422. Jandarma Eri Muammer Cerah
423. Jandarma Eri Satılmış Tekel
424. Jandarma Eri Muştala Gök
425. Jandarma Eri Osman Ali Dal
426. Jandarma Eri Mahmut Nayir
427. Jandarma Eri Hasan Güven Deniz Kuvvetleri Komutanlığı Şehit Olanlar:
428. Deniz Piyade Onbaşı Hasan Dutlu
429. Deniz Piyade Eri Recep Akjıkaçtı
430. Deniz Piyade Eri Ali Yanatma
431. Deniz Piyade Eri Hüseyh Ersoy
432. Deniz Piyade Eri Rıdvan Çakır
433. Deniz Piyade Onbaşı Kenan Çepni
434. Deniz Piyade Onbaşı Harun Köse
435. Deniz Piyade Onbaşı Hüseyin Kapıcı 
436. Deniz Piyade Onbaşı Halil Aydemir
437. Deniz Piyade Onbaşı Osman Dağlı
438. Deniz Piyade Eri Sabri Tütüncü
439. Deniz Piyade Eri Hasan Özkapı
440. Deniz Sivil İşçi Ahmet Ersoy TCG Kocatepe Muhribinde Şehit Olanlar:
441. Deniz Kıdemli Binbaşı Metin Sülüs
442. Deniz Kıdemli Üsteğmen Necati Gürkaya
443. Deniz Teğmen Caner Gönyeli
444. Güverte Topçu Astsb.Bçvş.İsmet Yılmaz
445. İkmal Astsb.Bçvş.Temel Şimşir
446. Makina Kazan Astsb.Bçvş. İsmet Dülgeroğlu
447. Güverte Top Astsb.Üçvş. Aydın İncekara
448. Makina Çarkçı Astsb.Üçvş. Orhan Durusoy
449. Makina Elektrik Astsb.Üçvş. Mehmet Kurt
450. Makina Çarkçı Astsb.Çvş. Erhan Yıldınm
451. Güverte Top Astsb. Kd.Çvş. Hasan Diş
452. Makina Çarkçı Astsb.Çvş.Yahya Bakır
453. Makina Kazan Astsb.ÇvşAinan Mavidemir
454. Güverte Torpido Astsb.Çvş.Cemil Akın
455. Makina Kazan Astsb.Çvş.Nuri Urun
456. Teknisyen Astsb.Çvş.Mehmet Çetin
457. Makina Yarasavunma Astsb.Çvş.Nadir Güneş
458. Deniz Topçu Eri İbrahim Koçak
459. Deniz Topçu Eri Kenan Nazlı
460. Deniz Torpido Eri Naim Özkan
461. Deniz Radarcı Eri Osman Velet
462. Deniz Çarkçı Eri Abdullah Yıldız
463. Deniz Çarkçı Eri Hayati Sezer
464. Deniz Fırıncı Eri Hasan Bayraktar
465. Deniz Ahçı Eri Mevlit Ergüven
466. Deniz Vardabandra Eri Kadir Toraman 
467. Deniz Çarkçı Eri Uğur Tatlı
468. Deniz Topçu Eri İbrahim Parlar
469. Deniz Torpido Eri Mustafa Aydın
470. Deniz Porsun Eri Rahmi Tepebaş
471. Deniz Radarcı Eri Zafer Baydar
472. Deniz Çarkçı Eri Tamer Seyhan
473. Deniz Topçu Eri Bektaş Kocakafa
474. Deniz Torpido Eri Ali Türkmen
475. Deniz Sürdümen Eri Yusuf Cansevdi
476. Deniz Vardabandra Eri Mehmet Cihan
477. Deniz Topçu Eri Recep Balcı
478. Deniz Topçu Eri Hasan Sönmez
479. Deniz Topçu Eri Osman Nuri Ocak
480. Deniz Top Eri Ali Nihat Gerede
481. Deniz Radarcı Eri Nuri Öztop
482. Deniz Çarkçı Eri Mehmet Bozkurt
483. Deniz Kazancı Eri Hasan Özdemir
484. Deniz Telsiz Eri Cemal Yılmazsoy
485. Deniz Yarasavunma Eri Naci Kamış
486. Deniz Elektrik Eri Koray Manur
487. Deniz Topçu Eri Gaffur Kaynar
488. Deniz Top Eri Ömer Faruk Ercan
489. Deniz Torpido Eri Ahmet Uğur
490. Deniz Kazancı Eri Kenan Cansev
491. Deniz Vandabandra Eri Süleyman Teke
492. Deniz Vandabandra Eri Asım Özdemir
493. Deniz Serdümen Eri Halil Kalafatoğlu
494. Deniz Elektrik Eri Osman Çetiner
495. Deniz Piyade Astsb. Üçvş. Necati Sıvacılar
496.Sıhhıye Teknisyen (Dalgıç) Astsb. Bşçvş. Selçuk Yıldırım (15 Kasım 1974 günü dalgıç görevi sırasında şehit oldu.) ALLAH Rahmet Eyleye...
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