#bastian steel
madamefluffnstuff · 1 year
I have since decided; here's a list of all of my current ESO characters!
 1. Ebonymist - My main and longest running Vestige. She's a Khajiit Nightblade with a black tabby coat and baby blue eyes. Eye of the Queen and Champion of Anequina and Blackwood. Bows and arrows are her specialty, along with alchemy (specifically Invisibility potions) and lockpicking. However she's not part of the Thieves Guild or Dark Brotherhood. 
She's a very sweet and motherly Khajiit who firmly believes in the Found Family trope. Her friends are her family, her gaggle of pets are her family, Taznasi and co. from The Stitches are her family, etc. Her most recent "adoptees" are Fennorian, Ember, and Isobel. Razum Dar and her were as close to being a couple without actually being a couple. Now Ebonymist is working up the nerve to confess her feelings to Bastian Hallix. 
She tends to be more on the sentimental side, holding on to anything of value (like her Urn from Coldharbor, a shield that was gifted to her by a friend who fell in battle, Jakarn's dagger he gave as thanks for helping, the like).  As well as pretty much any remotely shiny object or fascinating knick knack she finds. She collects.
2. Brenda Steel-Heart - Tall, blonde, can hold her mead, and can swing a greatsword with the best, Brenda is a Nordic Dragonknight warmaiden. She is fiercely loyal to the Ebonheart Pact and her homeland of Eastern Skyrim. In fact Brenda's loyalty is so strong and she's helped the cause so much, Prince Irnskar has dubbed her "The King's Arrow".
The concept of family and friends is weird to her- she doesn't remember her biological family (since Mannimarco wiped her memories), and she moves around so much she doesn't have time to make friends. Instead she considers her fellow Pact soldiers her Shield Brothers and Sisters. Centurion Gjakil and his wife Irna are the closest thing Brenda has to a "family" family, after she helped save their farm. (And her dogs, of course! All five of them.)
As far as romance goes, her heart is open. Woman or man, lady or lord, Dunmer or Nord, she doesn't care. Strangely enough she has a thing for Dark Elves. Specifically one Morag Tong assassin. Which would definitely be breaking some protocols if word got out, so they have a long distance relationship and exchange letters as often as they can.
3. Ursalie Fanstiana - Bretons are known for their innate ability for magic. Ursalie is no exception. She is a skilled mage in her own right, though she is just starting out and getting her feet under her. "Dark" magic and crystal magic seems to be her specialty, but she has been known to summon the odd unstable minor daedra or two (whether its intentional or not is unknown). 
She is terribly shy and has always had trouble making friends. Her summoned familiars are her more preferred company, though she's been making more efforts to open up more. Unfortunately her lack of experience in friendships has led to a few mishaps of not reading the room; Poor Ursalie has fallen for Jakarn's silky smooth words on more than one occasion, and Darien Gautier's shameless flirting has had her staying up overthinking conversations more times than she cares to admit. Crafty Lerisa has been helping her though.
Ursalie is the least developed of my Vetiges, as I haven’t played much of the Daggerfall Covenant storyline yet but I still adore her.~
4. Reldaleyna and Peliion - Reldaleyna comes from a long line of respectable  Altmer mages. From a young age she excelled at the arcane arts, and was trained by her grandparents in the art of upper echelon etiquette and borderline royalty manners. She is very popular amongst her family's circle of nobles. 
Peliion, on the other hand, is a feral gremlin of a Wood Elf with absolutely no concept of social graces or presence of manners. He claims he was raised "in the woods" (which would not be entirely unusual for a Bosmer, but he also claims he was raised by wolves). Thankfully very few people take his claims seriously.
They are dating and very much in love. 
Special thanks to @gortrash @arisenlicious and @alaxon <3
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dear-indies · 1 year
hey! can i ask if you have suggestions for indonesian men fcs (full or biracial) who are in their 20s? thank you!
Jordan Connor (1991) Chinese, Vietnamese, Thai, Indonesian, Papua New Guinean, Samoan / Croatian, Spanish, Greek, Italian.
Kevin Julio (1993) Indonesian, Dutch.
Refal Hady (1993) Indonesian.
Harris Illano Vriza (1993) Indonesian.
Anwar Sanjaya (1993) Indonesian.
Stefan William (1993) Indonesian / White.
Alex Rio (1993) Indonesian.
Giorgino Abraham (1994) Indonesian, Dutch.
Chicco Kurniawan (1994) Indonesian.
Arbani Yasiz (1994) Indonesian.
Jourdy Pranata (1994) Indonesian.
Esa Septian Pramudha Sigit (1994) Indonesian.
Indra Brotolaras (1994) Indonesian.
Fajar Nugra (1995) Indonesian.
Omar Daniel (1995) Indonesian.
Ardhito Pramono (1995) Indonesian.
Achmad Megantara (1996) Indonesian.
Shandy William (1996) Indonesian.
Aliando Syarief (1996) Indonesian.
Verrell Bramasta (1996) Indonesian.
Rizky Nazar (1996) Indonesian.
Sidik Eduard (1997) Indonesian.
Ahmad Al Ghazali (1997) Indonesian.
Emir Mahira (1997) Indonesian.
Axel Matthew Thomas (1997) Indonesian.
Christoffer Nelwan (1997) Indonesian.
Anrez Putra Adelio (1997) Indonesian.
Bara Valentino (1997) Indonesian, Turkish.
Cinta Brian (1997) Indonesian / English.
Daffa Wardhana (1998) Indonesian.
Jeff Smith (1998) Indonesian / White.
Elgi Purnama (1998) Indonesian.
Debo Andryos (1998) Indonesian.
Rey Mbayang (1998) Indonesian.
Randy Martin (1998) Indonesian.
Teuku Ryzki (1998) Indonesian.
Antonio Blanco Jr (1999) Indonesian, 1/4 Spanish.
Yusuf Mahardika (1999) Indonesian.
Naufal Samudra (1999) Indonesian.
Kevin Ardilova (1999) Indonesian.
Bastian Steel (1999) Indonesian.
Giulio Parengkuan (1999) Indonesian.
Jefri Nichol (1999) Indonesian.
Iqbaal Ramadhan (1999) Indonesian.
Angga Aldi Yunanda (2000) Indonesian.
Alzi Markers (2000) Indonesian.
Fadly Faisal (2000) Indonesian.
Bryan Domani (2000) Indonesian / German.
Aditya Zoni (2000) Indonesian.
Abidzar Al Ghifari (2001) Indonesian.
Ari Irham (2001) Indonesian.
Agoye Mahendra (2001) Indonesian.
Ajil Ditto (2001) Indonesian.
Here you go!
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rockislandadultreads · 10 months
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New Title Tuesday: Romance Picks
Iris Kelly Doesn't Date by Ashley Herring Blake
Everyone around Iris Kelly is in love. Her best friends are all coupled up, her siblings have partners that are perfect for them, her parents are still in marital bliss. And she’s happy for all of them, truly. So what if she usually cries in her Lyft on the way home. So what if she misses her friends, who are so busy with their own wonderful love lives, they don’t really notice Iris is spiraling. At least she has a brand-new career writing romance novels (yes, she realizes the irony of it). She is now working on her second book but has one problem: she is completely out of ideas after having spent all of her romantic energy on her debut.
Perfectly happy to ignore her problems as per usual, Iris goes to a bar in Portland and meets a sexy stranger, Stefania, and a night of dancing and making out turns into the worst one-night stand Iris has had in her life (vomit and crying are regretfully involved). To get her mind off everything and overcome her writer's block, Iris tries out for a local play, but comes face-to-face with Stefania—or, Stevie, her real name. When Stevie desperately asks Iris to play along as her girlfriend, Iris is shocked, but goes along with it because maybe this fake relationship will actually get her creative juices flowing and she can get her book written. As the two women play the part of a couple, they turn into a constant state of hot-and-bothered and soon it just comes down to who will make the real first move…
This is the third volume of the "Bright Falls" series.
Wreck the Halls by Tessa Bailey
Melody Gallard may be the daughter of music royalty, but her world is far from glamorous. She spends her days restoring old books and avoiding the limelight (one awkward tabloid photo was enough, thanks). But when a producer offers her a lot of money to reunite her mother’s band on live tv, Mel begins to wonder if it’s time to rattle the cage, shake up her quiet life… and see him again. The only other person who could wrangle the rock and roll divas.
Beat Dawkins, the lead singer’s son, is Melody’s opposite—the camera loves him, he could charm the pants off anyone, and his mom is not a potential cult leader. Still, they might have been best friends if not for the legendary feud that broke up the band. When they met as teenagers, Mel felt an instant spark, but it’s nothing compared to the wild, intense attraction that builds as they embark on a madcap mission to convince their mothers to perform one last show.
While dealing with rock star shenanigans, a 24-hour film crew, brawling Santas, and mobs of adoring fans, Mel starts to step out of her comfort zone. With Beat by her side, cheering her on, she’s never felt so understood. But Christmas Eve is fast approaching, and a decades-old scandal is poised to wreck everything—the Steel Birds reunion, their relationships with their mothers, and their newfound love. 
The Witch is Back by Sophie H. Morgan
There’s nothing wrong with being a wallflower. Not to Emmaline Bluewater, anyway. Emma may have been born into witch society, but her days of trying to fit in where she doesn’t belong are over—they ended seven years ago, when the man she’d hoped to marry left town without a word. She’s much happier now, living a delightfully mundane human life in Chicago and running her bar, Toil and Trouble.
Until Bastian Truenote walks through the door and announces that he wants her back.
Bastian had his reasons for leaving—even if he can’t tell Emma what they are. Now, to win Emma’s heart, he’s got to face down an adorably goofy dog familiar, a best friend who’s all too eager to hit him with a carefully aimed hex, and a woman who’s far from the meek witch he remembers.
Magical contracts aren’t easily broken, but as far as Emma’s concerned, not even a marriage of convenience will have her falling under Bastian’s spell again…
10 Things That Never Happened by Alexis Hall
Sam Becker loves―or, okay, likes―his job. Sure, managing a bed and bath retailer isn't exactly glamorous, but it's good work and he gets on well with the band of misfits who keep the store running. He could see himself being content here for the long haul. Too bad, then, that the owner is an infuriating git.
Jonathan Forest should never have hired Sam. It was a sentimental decision, and Jonathan didn't get where he is by following his heart. Determined to set things right, Jonathan orders Sam down to London for a difficult talk…only for a panicking Sam to trip, bump his head, and maybe accidentally imply he doesn't remember anything?
Faking amnesia seemed like a good idea when Sam was afraid he was getting sacked, but now he has to deal with the reality of Jonathan's guilt―as well as the unsettling fact that his surly boss might have a softer side to him. There's an unexpected freedom in getting a second shot at a first impression…but as Sam and Jonathan grow closer, can Sam really bring himself to tell the truth, or will their future be built entirely on one impulsive lie?
This is the first volume of the "Material World" series.
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amitieos · 2 years
a prayer for hope
Elincia may not worship at the Goddess of Fodlan’s altar, brings no offerings of gold or honey; yet she is granted a sense of peace whilst stood in front of it, eyes glazed over and dreaming of another life.
Before she was Queen Elincia (the Devoted, Bastian insists when he’s feeling egregiously poetic) or even Crown Princess Elincia, heir to the Crimean throne, she was Elincia, servant to the Goddess Ashera. Attending church was the one time a week she was permitted to leave the grounds of the royal villa. To see her father’s people their gentle faces and shining eyes that sparkles with so much hope and joy. Of course, she was suitably warned not to say too much to them. Not to spill out the secret truths of her identity. Yet she still cherished every moment - every handshake, each hello and all the friendly old ladies who would pet her hair and sneak her boiled sweets when the bishop turned his back.
She’d try her hardest to supress a giggle, not wishing to interrupt his sermons. Even when she was too young to truly understand the meaning, Elincia enjoyed basking in the man’s hushed, gentle tone. His gaze soft as he looked out upon the congregation.
At the age of eleven, Elincia was formally affirmed as a priest in training. Father and Mother both agreed, what better way to serve Crimea and it’s people than by devoting herself to the church. To the worship of Ashera and tending to the sick and in need. Furthermore, for the young, bright-eyed Elincia, it was a glimpse of freedom. Of community - of all the wonderful, gallant souls that surrounded her. Her world was still small, minute in comparison to the rich and wild experiences that others had but still it nourished her own heart. Made it stronger and wide open.
Even the studying, pouring over religious texts and medical treatises alike was exciting. Joyful, even. Anything she could do for others would bring her closer to them. Entwine her own life with a potential myriad of new faces, each with a story to tell and a heart to uplift. Applying herself as best as she could, her skills came on leaps and bounds. Never was she more comfortable than with a staff in hand.
(Until the one night where everything changed. One cannot heal the dead, not with magic, not with tears and nor with the ardent wish to join them too--)
Her first battles, grizzly and gruesome, managed not to harden her but simply steel her resolve. If she could save one person, surely that would be enough.
Yet the mantle of leadership demands so much more than that, especially from one so young. One person could never be enough. Not compared to an entire nation, let alone the people beyond it. She had learned that the hard way, almost. Had it not been for precious allies, no, skilled and talented friends she would have lost everything. Everyone she held most dear. Been plunged into grayscale forevermore, condemned to continue on with the guilt of her own terrible but necessary choice. Elincia understands now, how heavy a burden the crown truly is.
One she’d never asked for, never coveted, but accepted willingly, for the good of her people. For the will of Ashunera must surely have had a hand in such a series of events. If not she’d be in a church in rural Crimea right now, singing with the choir, leading sermons from the pulpit herself. Instead she’s at Garreg Mach, refining her skills and authority so as to best serve the land that made her who she is. To be Crimea’s warm and beating heart.
Her hand grazes against Sothis’ altar and whilst she has no devotions to give, she offers a quiet prayer. To whoever is listening, whoever lead her here. Please, help me watch over them all. Help me be what they need.
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poxsonmenace · 2 months
[ SHAVE ]: ~ Seb
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It wasn't the FIRST TIME that HIS SNIPER had doted on HIM when IT came to mundane tasks and he knew IT wouldn't be the last. If he allowed IT and DIDN'T swat the hand away, the man would FIX TIES and shave stubble for all ETERNITY. Such a DOMESTICATED man for someone so rugged.
"Catch my SKIN 'BASTIAN and I'll catch yours RIGHT back," he warned through a purr as he TIPPED HIS head back for HIM once he had watched HIM straddle HIS lap, the cut-throat razor LIKE cold steel AGAINST HIS neck.
[ @salvationofsouls ]
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gondar007 · 3 months
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trendwanita · 4 months
Selamat, Bastian Steel Lamar Sitha Marino!
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iviarellereads · 1 year
The Neverending Story, Chapter 14 - The Desert of Colors
(Curious what I'm doing here? Read this post! For the link index and a primer on The Neverending Story, read this one! Like what you see? Send me a Ko-Fi.)
In which the world expands.
Never(1) had Bastian slept so soundly as in that glowing red blossom.
He wakes feeling rested, and very strong. He begins also to take this for granted, and forgets he was ever weak or clumsy. Now, physical strength and good looks are not enough for him.(2) He wishes to be tough like Atreyu was.(3) Only, how can he become tough in such a lush jungle?
Dawn begins on the horizon, and Bastian decides that to explore a desert would suffice for his needs and make him proud of himself.(4) Suddenly, the great tree quakes, and cracks, and falls to the ground. The jungle has become a desert, the plants all dead and dying and crumbling to dust. The sand shifts before Bastian's eyes, in all shades of the rainbow. He names it "Goab, the Desert of Colors."
Bastian journeys through the desert, where his strength is of no use, though he finds no water nor food. Soon, he learns how to travel the desert, and his will becomes hard as steel. He remembers being discouraged in the past, and giving up at the first sign of difficulty out of fear of hardship. Now, all that is behind him.
No one before him had dared to cross Goab, the Desert of Colors,(5) on foot, nor would anyone undertake to do so in the future. And most likely no one would ever hear of his exploit. This last thought saddened Bastian.
He knows that if he doesn't come to the end of the desert, he will meet his end, but it doesn't frighten him. Still, just in case someone back in his world is reading the book he left behind, he writes his initials in red sand on a blue dune. Someone would know that he had been here.
He sits on the red dune, and rests, and forgets that he was ever a crybaby. And then, his endurance is not enough, and he wishes for an adventure to prove his courage and daring.
Before he can finish saying what he might want to encounter, he hears a roar, and turns, and sees what might be a ball of fire. He hides between the dunes, then overcomes his fear, and climbs back up again to see.
The figure has come near enough to make introductions. He is the lion Grograman, Lord of the Desert of Colors. Bastian asks for help escaping the desert, but the lion carries the desert with him, and cannot leave. Besides, Bastian is the first person Grograman has ever spoken to, because everyone else burns up in his presence, but Bastian is protected by Auryn. Bastian asks to find something to drink, and the lion invites Bastian back to his palace.
Bastian climbs on Grograman's back, and the lion asks him to promise that he will never take off the gem that protects him while he's in Grograman's domain. Bastian promises, and they go across the desert to the palace. When they arrive, it's nearly night, and Grograman asks Bastian to see if he can explain why something happens to Grograman at night. Inside, Bastian finds sustenance, and a bath to wash in. He leaves only Auryn on while he cleans up.
However, as soon as he finishes, dries, and clothes himself again, he hears a cracking, grinding noise. He approaches Grograman, and finds him turned to stone. Bastian looks outside, and finds Perilin regrowing. He can sense that the transformation is connected to the forest-desert cycle, and returns to the cave, throwing his arms around the stone lion.
The lion's eyes were black and as dead as the rock. Grograman had turned to stone. The lights flared for an instant and went out, leaving the cave in total darkness. Bastian wept bitterly.(6) The stone lion was wet with his tears. In the end, the boy curled up between the great paws and fell asleep!
(1) Handsome Bastian in one upper corner, with Grograman the lion below. (2) I kind of want to make a semi-cynical commentary on patriarchy here, but I'm not sure it would land the way I want it to. Like, there does seem to be a bit of a drive, among certain subsets of people, that makes them feel as though they are never enough, no matter their accomplishments or status. They cannot be satisfied with what they have. They will always wish for more. (3) This is both an extension of the be careful what you wish for theme, and an interesting look into different readings of a character. I don't know that I would call Atreyu particularly "inured to hardship". He had a quest and he endured terrible things to complete it, but "tough" carries certain implications to me, which I can believe a child like Bastian would apply to his interpretation of Atreyu but that I know I wouldn't. I'm unsure if this is a translation quirk or a genuine story element, though the final effect is the same either way, because it's the reading I'm getting. (Once again, VERY eager to hear from anyone with another translation!) (4) Would it? Would it really, Bastian? (5) The phrasing of this amuses me, because it wouldn't have been possible for anyone to cross this specific Desert of Colors before, since Bastian just made it up. Part of it is an archetypal part of Fantastica, but it's also his Goab. (6) Why do you think Bastian cries here? Not that "it's been a heck of a dang day" isn't enough, mind.
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whatsonmedia · 1 year
Thrilling Thursday Extravaganza: 10 Summer Fest Frenzy!
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Celebrate the kaleidoscope of life as July unfurls its vibrant petals, revealing a symphony of music festivals, mouthwatering gastronomic wonders, and mesmerizing cultural fiestas. This month is a kaleidoscope of possibilities, ready to paint your memories with an eternal brushstroke. Step into the rhythm of the festivities, savor every delectable moment, and let the enchanting allure of July's magic whisk you away on an extraordinary journey. Get ready to dance to a tune only July knows, for this month promises a symphony of experiences like no other! Elrow Town 22 July Photographer: www.lukedyson.com Awarding-winning Spanish super clubbing brand Elrow hosts one of its famous mega summer outdoor parties.  It's likely to be a sell-out event where 25,000, party-loving people all up for an epic time this weekend. The party is taking place in the UK's capital city for one big marathon dance extravaganza where no expense has been left-out on the production set up, that includes mammoth stages, elaborate décor, stellar entertainers and also, so much more, ensuring Elrow Town is one of the unforgettable dance music parties for the summer of 23, and one that is not to be missed on your dream clubbing bucket list. However, Elrow Town fans know this is one of the stand-out festival, where the party crowd like to go all out on dressing up to the nines.  Festival golden tickets holders can expect a carnival clubbing atmosphere like you've never experienced.   Everything is OTT from this prestigious super-club event brand.  The DJ line-up is off the chart with DJs flying in from all over the globe and also includes some of the finest UK DJ royalty such as Gorgon City, Patrick Topping, Armand Van Helden, Alisha, Toni Varga, Dj Yoda, Ariel Free, Bamboleo, Bastian Bux, Ben Hemsley, DJ Paulette, Florentia, Nicolas Caprile, Oh My God Its The Church, Raw Silk, The Brothers Macklovitch are just a few to mention of the vast list of entertainers.For Tickets & More Info> elrow.com On The Beach When> 22 July The annual dance music pilgrimage is back by demand.  The truest dance music lovers are heading out from all corners to take Brighton by storm this Saturday to see one of the biggest and legendary king of the DJ turntables. Carl Cox takes over Brighton’s famous pebbled beach setting the south coast on fire for one of the biggest beach parties in the UK this summer.  The last two beach parties were so successful they both sold out in record-time those that missed out on this golden ticket event were begging and blagging to get their mitts on these special tickets.Carl Cox has a reputation that has seen him travel the globe 10-fold for his non-stop DJ touring road-trip making him a superstar in a league of his own.  What he brings to the turntables and dance floor is a party where you keep dancing all night-long.  And to make this open-air music feast the best it can be is for the sun is shining high in the sky again this year to give it the Ibiza festival feel. It’s another golden ticket event for Brighton On The Beach summer series that has become a highlight on the festival calender. And the DJ master on helm of the wheels of steel won't be going solo this Saturday as Carl brings some of his best DJ friends to make this one unforgettable dance events on the beach. The line-up also features the one and only Franky WAH, Syeeta, Keeq, Russell Small, Sasha & John Digweed and maybe a few surprises. It’s going to be a big one!For Tickets & More Info> carlcoxbright.com Nozstock The Hidden Valley 20 – 23 July Nozstock The Hidden Valley is one of the best festivals of the summer season. Held in the rural outback of Herefordshire, the festival features a relaxed vibe and a lineup that includes a mix of big named music artists and up-and-coming talent. The music genres range from pop, ska, folk, funk, soul, indie, drum and bass, psytrance, and house music. There is truly something for everyone at Nozstock The Hidden Valley. The festival also features a wide variety of food and drink options, as well as plenty of activities and events to keep you entertained. From circus acts and theater performances to comedy and dance, there is something for everyone to enjoy. Nozstock The Hidden Valley is the perfect place to let loose and have a good time. Dress down or dress to impress, but a little bit of glitter wouldn't go amiss! 2023's lineup is so huge, it's going to be off the charts in terms of music entertainment. The lineup features a host of UK and international music artists, including Sister Sledge, Andy C, Bill Bailey, Gentleman's Dub Club, Submotion Orchestra, The Craig Charles Funk & Soul Club, Ibibio Sound Machine, Calyx & Teebee, Lx One, Flava D, Dirty Dike, DJ Sammy, Huey Morgan, Stanton Warriors, Dillinja, 24HR Garage Girls, Mollie Collins, Nicky Blackmarket, Kanine, Randall, Levela, Total Science, Nu:Motive, Utah Saints, Sonny Wharton, Dark Arts Club, Dom Kane, Phil Kay, Dity Secretz, and Sonny Wharton. The festival is sure to be a great time for everyone, so don't miss out!For Tickets & More Info> nozstock.com Latitude Festival When> 20 - 23 JulyWhere> Suffolk Much more than just a music festival. Expect colorful sheep roaming the tufty fields, opera on the lake, clowns under canvas, dance troupes, and a huge children's area. Who> George Ezra, Kiefer Sutherland, Mimi Webb, James, Paolo Nutini, The Kooks, Paul Heaton & Jacqui Abbott, PulpMore Info> latitudefestival.com Standon Calling When> 20 – 23 JulyWhere> Hertfordshire Beautiful boutique festival, in beautiful surroundings, which hosts a stella line-upYears and Years, Self Esteem, Bloc Party, High Contrast, Faithless, LF System, The Human League, Anastacia, Confidence Man, Dylan, Katy B, KT Tunstall, Groove Armada. Scouting For Girls, Django Django, Caity Baser More Info> standon-calling.com Tramlines When> 21 – 22 JulyWhere> Sheffield In its 15th year, Tramlines has become one of the best sell-out festivals in the region of Sheffield.  It's a festival that packs a punch, delivering on all the festival expectations and beyond.  Moving to its new destination at Hillsborough Park for 2023, the festival is a firm favourite created by its big atmosphere and the mega artist line-up outdoing itself each year.  This is one of the festivals that reaches a capacity sell-out. So, get your tickets quick The line- up features Richard Ashcroft, Courteeners & Paul Heaton and Jacqui Abbott, DMA'S, Blossoms, Kaiser Chiefs, Sugababes, Bloc Party, Sea Girls, Circa Waves, The Enemy (Special Guests), Pale Waves, Beabadoobee, Kate Nash, Katy B, Reverend and the Makers, The Zutons (Special Guests), Black Honey, Spector, Omid Djalili, Jonathan Pie, Paul Smith Scott Bennett, Raul Kohli, Myq Kaplin, Harry Stachini and more More Info> tramlines.org.uk Junction 2 When> 21 – 22 JulyWhere> Brentwood London Hosting the most iconic stage productions Junction 2 returns to its birthplace for the ultimate two-day festival packed with all the festival features in the heart of the UK summer alongside one of the best festival line-ups that dance music and festivals fans could wish for.  Taking up the ante this is one festival that sounds out in a crowd. The line-up features Underworld, Adam Beyer & Cirez D, Asch Pintura, DJ Tennis, Charlotte de Witte, Dixon, FJAAK, Hessle Audio Trio, Jeff Mills, Skin on Skin, Margaret Dygas, Sonja Moonear, Midland, Mona Yim, Nina Kraviz, DJ Stingray 313 More Info> junction2.london Bluedot When> 20 – 23 JulyWhere> Cheshire After a two-year break, this unique festival is an experience that offers a full-on program of music, science, arts, technology, culture, and film, similarly to no other open-air event around the globe. Expect off-the-chart live performances, DJ sets, conversations, workshops, hands-on experiments, exhibitions, and new experiences.The weekend line-up features 2ManyDJs, Adam Buxton, Annie Mac, Belief, Big Joanie, Black Country, New Road,  David Holmes, Divorce, Django Django, Grace Jones, Gwenno, Leftfield, Matt Winning, Max Cooper, Max Richter, Nihiloxia, Nish Kumar, Nubya Garcia, Pavement, Roisin Murphy, Supernature Disco and many moreMore Info> discoverthebluedot.com Penn Festival When> 21 – 22 JulyWhere> Buckinghamshire Taking place in the quintessential Penn village, the camping family-friendly festival with one of the best boutique festival DJ line-ups and top music artists to keep you having a top weekend.  Throw together workshops for the curative types, and upmarket food stalls to this returning festival with a cracking atmosphere. The line-up features 24 Hour Garage Girls, Artful Dodger, Bad Manners, Bastille, Brandon Block, Corinne Bailey Rae, Craig Charles, Dj Fresh, Dj Luck And Mc Neat, Ellis Dee, Embrace, Gaz Coombes, Johnny Marr, Jumping Jack Frost, Kenny Ken, Mr. C, Mr. Wilsons Second Liners, Musical Youth, My Nu Leng, Noel Gallagher, Not3s, Sub Low Hz, The Cuban Brothers, The Skinner BrothersMore Info> pennfest.net Truck Festival When> 21 – 23 JulyWhere> Hill Oxfordshire Truck Festival has announced its lineup for 2023, with Royal Blood, Two Door Cinema Club, and Alt-J headlining. Other acts on the bill include The Wombats, DMA's, The Vaccines, Self Esteem, Maisie Peters, Everything Everything, and Beabadoobee. Truck Festival is a three-day camping festival that takes place in Hill Farm, Steventon, Oxfordshire. The festival is known for its diverse lineup, friendly atmosphere, and relaxed vibe. Tickets for Truck Festival 2023 are on sale now.More Info> truckfestival.com Read the full article
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Confined to bed rest for Mariano?
BTHB 2023 - Fill 15 - Confined to Bed Rest
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You know what anon, he sure fucking IS confined to bed rest after what Royal did to him! The team still belongs to @that-one-thespian and I've been having SO much fun hashing this out with them c:
The invitation - The party - The aftermath
TWs: broken bones, gore, aftermath of torture, concussions, effects of a traumatic brain injury on speaking, mention of drugs in a medical setting
Nine hours. It was nine hours from the time Archer all but ran inside the clinic with the bloody bundle of clothes he called Mariano to the time Jewel finally came out of surgery. Bastian didn't know people could look like that and still be alive later.
Mariano's chest had been bent the wrong way, like a dented car door. His hair had been a bloody, tangled mess. He was nothing but slack limbs and too-pale skin.
He'd looked dead.
Jewel wouldn't have asked for so many surgical packs and drapes to be set out for a corpse, though. She wouldn't have let Archer or Fletcher give that much blood to a corpse. She wouldn't have operated until well past sunset on a corpse.
Bastian couldn't even be in the building. He sat out in Elana's Feelings Clearing, seething, his chest just about broiling from how he wanted to raze things to the ground. "You need to stay." Archer had said when Wren had located where Royal was. "We need to be careful when we get Mariano out of there." He was firm, but not domineering. A steel wall of determination. "Keep the clinic safe. Please. We're going to need it."
In the end, Bastian had only stayed because he recognized the fury that Archer refused to let past his eyes. He'd seen that same look in Mariano's eyes before. He knew he'd had it in his own. Archer would tear apart that building with his bare hands before he let anything more happen to Mariano. The whole team would.
So Bastian stayed. He stayed, feeling that wavering, flickering connection to his Mariano hang on by a thread. And when the team got back, with Elana bleeding from the middle and Bastian's hands too unsteady to even help clean her up, he left for the clearing. Jewel didn't need more distractions to contend with while she worked.
Archer joined him not long after.
When the sun had sunk below the horizon, Bastian and Archer went back inside. Mariano was tucked into a bed, draped in a hospital gown instead of the loose pajamas the team usually kept on hand for injuries that needed surgery. He was less bloody, less...entirely wrong. His breathing was slow and deep, supported by the oxygen cannula at his nose. Most of the blood had been cleaned away, with bandages and stitches as the only clues to the warpath that Royal's bat had been on across his body.
Fletcher perched at his side on a chair, holding one of Mariano's hands in both of his own. Bastian could see the dried tear-tracks a mile away. "Hey." He said, one scaly hand coming to rest between Fletcher's shoulder blades.
"Hey." Fletcher said, his eyes never quite leaving Mariano.
"Jewel give a verdict?" Bastian asked after some quiet, watching the silent forming of peaks and valleys on Mariano's heart monitor. Jewel wouldn't lie to them, even if it was regarding a friend.
Fletcher nodded. "He's...she said tonight would be the...the hardest." His voice wavered, and Bastian felt him shiver under his palm. "And if...when he wakes up tomorrow, we'll know more." Wordlessly, he pulled Fletcher against his side, letting him press his face into Bastian's hip. His jeans had seen worse than tears and snot from people he liked a whole lot less.
Bastian settled into a chair beside Fletcher, giving him a shoulder to lean on that wasn't singed or bandaged. Archer took Mariano's other side, his laptop's glow carefully angled away from Mariano's face. Bastian couldn't even blame him. Even with enough drugs to keep a horse unconscious working through Mariano's body, Bastian habitually kept his phone's brightness on its lowest setting.
Bastian had never hated how Mariano slept more than he did that night. Hands folded at his stomach and still as a statue, he looked like he belonged on the pillow of a coffin instead of a clinic sickbed. Archer and Fletcher seemed to have the same idea, each of them taking one of his hands in their own. With his good arm at his side, he just seemed exhausted.
Exhausted, and as it turned out the next morning, deeply concussed. When Bastian woke up from an involuntary nap, Fletcher and Archer were already holding a drowsy Mariano between them like he was made of porcelain. He was awake, barely, but also visibly elated when his eyes met Bastian's. Jewel had to have drugged him up well.
"Bastian...good morning." Mariano said, drifting languidly from word to word. "How..." He struggled for a moment, and Bastian could see him searching, translating, and searching again when he couldn't come up with the phrases he wanted. "How are your...how is your...heart?"
Bastian stood with a snapping, popping stretch that made his sides shake and his head spin. "Don't worry about me right now." He sighed, rolling his shoulders as he leaned over the bed. His lips met Mariano's forehead carefully, one hand resting feather-light on one of his shoulders. He could feel the sturdy stitches under the thin gown. It felt like he could snap Mariano in half if he wasn't cautious. "You're the one who can't talk right."
Mariano snorted indignantly and tried to look away like he always did when Bastian teased him, only to groan and squeeze his eyes shut. "I...I speak just fine. It's the...the English words. Not my...brain that is the issue." He mumbled, not opening his eyes again. "Bats, no bats...it does not matter."
Bastian laughed, low and soft as he kissed Mariano's cheek this time. "Shh. English or bats, don't stress yourself out, stupid. Just relax." He straightened up, popping his back once again. "And don't even try to get outta that bed, or you'll have Archer, Fletcher, me, and Jewel after you."
"I do not think my...my legs know their jobs enough to do...that." Mariano muttered, beginning to relax again as one of Fletcher's hands started delicately combing through his hair. "I will, treasure...I will stay."
"So..." Bastian started, keeping his voice low as Mariano melted back into sleep. He tugged the blankets up to his mage's chin, not able to keep his eyes away from the clinic walls as his face heated up. He wasn't going to deal with that new pet name just then. Current Bastian simply did not have the capacity to process anything else. That was for later Bastian, who hadn't been run through an emotional blender by some weird, rich guy the day before. "So I'm gonna order breakfast. What's the doc's favorite? Figure we all deserve something nice today."
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geekiary · 2 years
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Tags: Heist. Found Family.
Finally got to watch Mencuri Raden Saleh (Stealing Raden Saleh) and to be honest, after the hype I witnessed last August, this movie is not as good as I expected.
Sure, I got to admit that the whole cast is amazing -- special kudos to Aghniny Haque, she fits well for action movie stars; in fact, she should be the next Bond girl. She is so awesome -- but the plot itself is not as good as the other heist-themed movies.
Maybe because I just finished watching the whole 5 seasons of Leverage and heist is my favorite trope, I can't help but nitpicking every detail -- even though in the story it is clearly stated that the heist crew is not professionals, they are just college students. But still.
And also, the whole drama with Piko's father? What is Piko's father's intention actually? There are still a lot of plot holes over that conflict.
And what irked me the most is the casting choice for Rama's actor. They should pick Bastian Steel to add more spiciness to it. But nooooo.
Anyway, despite what is lacking from this movie, the whole thing is quite enjoyable. But I still think that Angga Dwimas Sasongko should stick to the drama genre.
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kaypeace21 · 2 years
It’s kind of funny people are so worried that Will doesn’t have powers.
 I got alot of anons asking about this,recently . Guys-I’m saying this with love. Remember how in a podcast , after s3, the Duffers said even small set details are important narratively? Let’s run down -real quick all the prior set refs...
1)In s2 we see the ‘twighlight zone: the movie” next to Will. (it’s one of the 3 movies Jonathan offers to Will to choose from) .
One subplot in the flim is about a boy with a bowlcut who looks just like Will (who likes video-games) and can alter reality with his imagination: and creates monsters with his powers. *we see direct refs to s2/Will
- he  tells a monster (he created) to ‘go away’. similar to Will saying to the mindflayer to “go away”.
-the boy gets upset after finding a news paper clipping : where someone writes on it, anonomously saying he is a ‘monster’ . Aka like the newspaper, Will found, where someone wrote and referred to him as a "zombie boy".
-There’s birthday refs (for both boys).
- both are into arcade-games. we see the boy first introduced playing arcade games. Like how at the beginning of s2: Will and Co are first seen at the arcade .
- both talk to a girl in a void (Like Will does with El in s1).
2) wizard of earthsea:
*Suzie is seen reading the novel. And starts taking to dustin about the book- in s3.
the trilogy is about a pre-teen wizard named Ged  (who YES also has a bowl cut). The boy wizard casts a powerful spell, but the spell goes awry and instead he releases a shadow creature!The new Archmage, Gensher, describes the shadow as an ancient evil that wishes to possess Ged (like the mindflayer possessing Will, and dustin describing the mindflayer as a very old creature ) . But geshner was wrong- the boy wizard accidentally created the shadow monster, and it wasn't ancient at all. Ged had to face his metaphorical demons so he could take control of his shadow. And again... Will is a wizard.
3)Never ending story 
*suzie and dustin sing the og song from the film.
Bastian is bullied, likes to draw, ( and YES ALSO has a bowl cut- and is from single parent house hold) . He subconsciously creates a fantasy world being over run by a physical manifestation of ‘darkness’(symbolizing his loss of hope and dreams). Ya’ll Sebastian accidentally wrote “this story” . Will said about the drawing of the mindflayer (aka the shadow monster) is " for a story he's writing” .
One of the other characters is Atreyu (El). Atreyu ( was the child deemed the ‘chosen one'). Atreyu is knocked into the sea of possibilities (El and the beach). There he wakes on the shore of abandoned ruins (El and steel yard). And Gmorick (mindflayer) then latches his jaws onto Atreyu’s (El’s) leg.The Empress in the story later says, that despite others saying Atreyu (El) was the chosen one  like Nancy, Owens, Brenner, etc(he never was the chosen one) . And that it was always Bastian (Will) who was the chosen one-since his imagination created Fantasia (so he’s the only way to stop the darkness from over -running it). Bastian had to get over his grief/pain ( regarding a parent) to stop the physical darkness from taking over fantasia. "He restores fantasia's existence through his own imagination."
In the novel, Bastian even had an arc , like Will, where he temporarily loses his memories and became evil. Similar to what happened to Will in s2.
Doing all these refs is incredibly suspiscious if Will has no powers. I mean look at all these boys they’re clones XD. 
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Wizard Ged doesn’t look as similar ... but he still has the bowlcut lol
4) D. A. R. Y. L
Will goes to the movie theatre in s3. We see a theatre sign for the film daryl . Daryl is a boy who plays baseball, and is into computers + has signature bowl cut,just like Will. He even has his brain waves monitored like Will, in s2. Daryldoesn't remember he was part of failed supersoldier project and has super human abilities. Daryl's mother is also named Joyce.. yall. That's suspicious.
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5) Heck... Jonathan byers is named after John byers from the xfiles. One ep,in the series, is called "scary monsters": It's about a little boy with a bowl cut (who again looks like Will). He draws monsters that come to life and he even manifested fire powers . And made a small slug crawl under a woman's skin just like what happened to El. He even can create humans/ human dopplegangers. He's also the one thing the monsters won't kill because he created them.
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Lol both watching the boy draw with crayons... the shot is so similar.
Like... I'm supposed to believe they just threw in these refs for no reason? That Will has no powers despite all of this? Why do these parallels exist at all, if that was the case? DUFFERS , why would you parallel Will to boys with powers , if Will doesn't have them (and can only sense the mindflayer) ?! 😅
Not to mention, in d&d Wizards have the ability to summon monsters, specifically wizards can summon: demogorgans, mindflayers, and zombies (juju zombies from s3 Will discussed + vecna is undead/ Will is "zombie boy"). Ok. That's not suspicious at all .🤣
Like... talk about a wasted opportunity if Will doesn't have powers. Also ... boys with bowl cuts who have reality altering- imagination abilities (who create monsters /shadow creatures) is a whole a$$ trope . Who would have guessed. XD
Also, stephen king who the duffers cited as a huge inspiration for st- has written about several characters who can alter reality via drawings too(similar to the xfiles ep). "Patrick danville has the ability to draw pictures that become or alter reality.He plays a critical role in the defeat of the Crimson King. Patrick draws a picture of the King, only to erase it. Edgar Freemantle, in the novel Duma Key, has a similar artistic ability.Edgar gradually begins to understand that his paintings have a paranormal power that allow him to manipulate events, places and people."
Plus, duffers said Harry Potter is inspo for st . And they called the mindflayer :"the lord voldermort of our series ". Hello?!!! Harry Potter is "the boy who- lived". Will is "the boy who- came back to life". And again they're both wizards!!! And both boys have a psychic connection to the big-bad .
And I'm supposed to believe there's not something going on - and Will has no powers ? And isn't significant to the story at all ??? Nah,i'm skeptical. XD
But we just have to wait and see.
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madamefluffnstuff · 3 years
Wounded in Western Skyrim
Fandom: Elder Scrolls Online
Pairing: None- Platonic Bastian Hallix, Platonic Fennorian, Fem!Vestige who is a werewolf.
Rating: T
Warning(s): Mentions of blood, wounds, werewolf/supernatural transformation, mention of an attempted mugging by bandits in a fantasy medieval style setting (take from that what you will), hints at past torture via medieval-esque magic construct. (Let me know if I forgot any!)
Spoilers for The Elder Scrolls Online: Greymoor chapter.
Words: 1,587
Author's Note: I adore these two to bits and my Kahjiit main is absolutely an overprotective mom friend to them.
Of course since not everyone plays as a khajiit, the vestige is a race-ambiguous Female. Also this was done on my phone and over several nights I had trouble sleeping- please excuse any spelling errors that spellcheck missed.
And again, this has spoilers for Greymoor chapter of ESO. Read at your own risk of you haven't played that far yet.
The Blue Palace air was thick with a stunned, tense silence. Every so often a pained noise could be heard from Svana's room- a soft whimper. A high-pitched whine. A forced grunt.
Bastian sat on a bench just outside with his elbows propped on his knees. With his fingers interlaced, he rested his forehead on them and used his thumbs to rub his temples. He took the fact he could hear his friend making those sounds was a good thing. Nonetheless he was still worried sick.
After all, she had just saved his life.
They were traveling to Solitude to fetch a Harrowstorm elixir for Bastain- even though the main threat had been eliminated, there was still a chance for rogue storms. Neither wanted to take a chance of the mage becoming a mindless, feral puppet. But nearly there, they were set upon by a group of bandits. The duo were completely taken off guard, as these were no normal bandits. This was planned and executed by skilled mercenaries. And they were quickly overwhelmed.
Bastian realized during the insanity, his staff had been lost, and he was defenseless at the moment. The next thing he knew he was knocked forward with a boot on the back of his neck and his arms pinned behind him. He cried out and caught the attention of the Vestige.
The sight of her dear friend so close to potential death made something inside her snap. With a powerful, almost feral battle cry, she let her inner beast out. The bandits holding Bastian down let go from shock, and he took the opportunity to try to stand up. Unfortunately he was bowled over again as a charcoal gray furry missile launched at the ringleader.
With his staff still nowhere to be seen, he decided it would be best to let her handle it. This was not the first time he had seen her "wolf out"- as he heard her say once before- and his companion was quite the force to be reckoned with.
In his current defenseless state, he laced his fingers on the back of his head- protecting a vital spot- and waited. Whatever happened after that was a blur. Just as things finally started to quiet down, however, Bastian heard a sickening gurgling and a loud *thud*. He looked up just in time to see it was the Vestige, and she was no longer a werewolf.
And she had a sword in her belly.
The sound of a door opening startled the mage from his thoughts. It was Jarl Svana herself, following a healer down the hall and barking orders. Without thinking Bastian jumped up and approached the room, hand reaching for the smooth wood. He took a moment to steel himself before entering- he had no idea what his friend's state would be.
To his relief it was not quite as bad as he expected. The Vestige was on the bed- sound asleep- laying on her side, with rich, vibrant green blankets covering her from the waist down. The most noticeable part was her abdomen and chest which had been carefully and methodically wrapped in bandages. Said bandages, specifically the ones on her stomach, were starting to stain red, and a rather pungent smell Bastian recognized as a common healing salve tickled his nose.
Considering the situation she looked much better than she did a few hours ago.
Sitting next to her on the bed, watching her intently with a book in hand, was a very pale looking elf in traveling leathers. He had rather dark hair in contrast to his fair complexion, and Bastian could see a hint of red glow from his eyes.
Fennorian. He didn't even have to ask. The elf fit the description the Vestige had given him so many times before. A very dear and trusted friend, she explained to Bastian how the vampire had helped create the Harrowstorm elixir.
The vampire must have heard Bastian's footsteps, because he looked up and locked eyes with the mage.
"Oh, are you one of the healers?" He asked, genuinely curious with a hint of worry.
"Oh- uh, no, I'm afraid not," Bastian replied, caught a bit off guard. "You must be Fennorian."
"I am. Have we met before?"
Bastian shook his head and introduced himself, trying to ignore the eerie unnatural redness in Fenn's eyes. "I belive our mutual friend-" he nodded toward the sleeping woman, "-mentioned she'd be bringing me to get an elixir."
"Oh yes! The mage from Blackwood! Please, come on over. I'm sure she wouldn't mind if you joined us," the vampire let out a wry chuckle.
Bastian pulled over a chair from the nearby desk and placed himself next to the bed. The Vestige was still sound asleep, softly snoring. She didn't even seem to be in any pain. Had it not been for the stained bandages, one would think she was simply taking a nap.
"Oh, don't worry about her. We decided to give her a mild sedative potion while we waited for the salve to take effect," Fenn explained. "Normally it wouldn't be this bad, but... It was a silver sword. Wreaked havoc on her systems."
"What? Silver? How do you know?"
"Well, I take it you're aware of her... "condition", as it were. Similarly, mine as well."
Bastian nodded. "It was actually how she saved me when we were attacked this afternoon."
"So you're aware she is a creature of the night?"
"I am, yes. I've seen her call upon her gift several times. But it was always very controlled, she is quite in sync with her abilities. This time it seemed so, so... sudden. Like, it wasn't her choice. As if it were an instinctual transformation. "
Fennorian gave a slow, thoughtful nod. "I know precisely what you mean. I've also seen her use her werewolf abilities. It's quite remarkable- to have so much control over such a feral and unstable power... She's an incredibly strong-willed woman..."
There was a rather painful silence. During their travels the Vestige had mentioned the fiasco that was House Greymoor's attempted coup on Solitude. And how intimately involved the Altmer vampire was, sometimes not entirely of his own choice. Fennorian's face told Bastian all he needed to know about the endeavors.
He decided it would be better not to press details at the moment.
"Does... Does Lady- I mean, Jarl Svana know? About her being a werewolf, I mean," he asked, in an attempt to change the subject.
Fennorian thought for a moment. "...I'm inclined to believe yes. She'd almost have to, actually. When Matron Urgala-"
The two were interrupted by a sudden inhale and stirring from sleep. They startled a bit as they realized the Vestige was waking up. Fennorian leapt to his feet, called her name a few times, and gently shook her shoulder. She rotated a bit to look up at him, with bleary eyes still foggy from exhaustion.
"Fennor.... Fenn?" she croaked out.
"Wait here a moment, my friend. I'm going to get Svana."
He stood up from the bed and began making his way toward the door. On his way over, he stopped by Bastian and put a hand on his shoulder.
"You did the right thing, bringing her straight here. She'll be fine. And for that I'm grateful."
Bastian took a moment to let the words sink in- he, Bastain Hallix, saved someone? But his thoughts were again interrupted once he saw the Vestige reaching for him.
"Bastian, you're okay!" she was smiling ear to ear, "Oh I'm so relieved, you're okay and- ow! Oww ow-" she winced as she tried to move, the bandages pulling and causing a sting.
"Yes, I'm fine. And you are too. Or you will be," he let out a chuckle as he gently patted her arm.
"What about the ones who attacked us? Did I-"
"Your vampire friend told me someone named Lyris was going after them. Or whoever is left," Bastian assured her.
"...I can't say I'm surprised at that. Just wish she had waited for me..." she grumbled as she shifted positions to get comfortable again.
Before either could say anything else, Fennorian and Svana arrived- much quicker than they expected. The new Jarl must not have gone too far when she followed the other healer. Fenn took one look at the Vestige and proceeded to scold her for moving and messing with the bandages. "Have I not lectured you about this before? If you open up your wounds they won't heal."
The Vestige rolled her eyes and Bastian realized in that moment:
He didn't let her down. She didn't die. In fact, he saved her life, just as she saved his.
Everything was going to be okay.
This is the first time I've ever posted an actual writing piece that wasn't a headcanon list online. Like, ever. So, yeah it could probably use a little polishing but I'm really proud of it and I appreciate all the people who read it to the end. Thank you.
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defectivegembrain · 3 years
"taste our steel!" WHAT steel, Bastian? We're both wielding flame staffs
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anditabagas · 5 years
Bastian Steel Blak-blakan Soal di Hotel Bareng Shafa Harris, Tak Membantah - Dream
Bastian Steel Blak-blakan Soal di Hotel Bareng Shafa Harris, Tak Membantah – Dream
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Bastian Steel Dan Shafa Haris (Instagram @shafaharris)
Bastian memang tidak membantah berada di resort bersama Shafa Harris.
Dream –Bastian Steel akhirnya buka suara terkait tudingan menginap di resort di kawasan Kemang,JakartaSelatan, bersama Shafa Harris. Dia mengaku tidak akan ambilpusingdengan tudingan tersebut.
” Itu hal yang paling lucu menurut gue,kenapapada bisa ke situ (check…
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