monstriiss · 2 years
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FRIENDSHIP.     childhood friends  /  work buddies or coworkers  /  family friends  /  friends with benefits  /  smoking buddies  /  adventure buddies  /  fake friends  /  recently friends  /  party buddies  /  friendship of need  /  dying friendship  /  circumstantial friendship  /  partners in crime  /  old friendship  /  [ your muse ] is the good influence  /  [ your muse ] is the bad influence  /  [ my muse ] is the good influence  /  [ my muse ] is the bad influence  /  opposites attract  /  ride or die  /  frenemies  /  roommates or flatmates  /  penpals  /  exes to friends  /  enemies to friends  /  other
ROMANCE.     childhood sweethearts  /  [ your muse is mines ] childhood crush  /  [ my muse is yours ] childhood crush  /  exes  /  exes to lovers  /  forbidden lovers  /  highschool sweethearts  /  secret relationship  /  opposites attract  /  long distance  /  unrequited [ from your muses side ]  /  unrequited [ from my muses side ]  /  unrequited [ from both sides ]  /  skinny love  /  friends to lovers  /  enemies to lovers  /  spurious relationship  /  power couple  /  newly entered  /  soulmates [ metaphorical ]  /  soulmates  [ literal ]  /  awkward  /  turning toxic  /  toxic love  /  cheating [ on your muse ]  /  cheating [ with your muse ]  /  other 
FAMILIAL.     siblings [ half ]  /  siblings [ step ]  /  [ my muse ] is an older sibling figure to your younger sibling figure  /  [ my muse ] is a younger sibling figure to your older sibling figure muse  /  [ my muse ] is a parental figure to yours  /  [ my muse ] is a child figure to your muse  /  guardian figure  /  legal guardian  /  adoptive child  /  foster child  /  [ your muse ] is taken under mines wing  /  [ my muse ] is taken under yours wing  /  other
ANTAGONISTIC.     dangerous to each other  /  dangerous to others  /  unpredictable  /  rivals  /  petty  /  developing into sexual or romantic tension  /  based off family matters  /  based of off circumstance  /  based of professional matters  /  based off misunderstanding or lies  /  conflict of ideology  /  betrayal  /  hero - villain dynamic  /  enemies  /  fight club  /  friends turned enemies  /  lovers turned enemies  /  exes turned enemies  /  other 
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destinysbounty · 8 months
Hey wait why doesn't Mechanic x Vangelis have a cool cryptic ship name like Glacier, Hotwire, etc? Until someone comes up with a better idea, I tentatively dub them bastardshipping (for obvious reasons).
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mrsdesaulnier-moved · 4 years
when miss rona is over you Will show me sonic adventure. also uh *flower emoji* for whomever
Dude I will gladly show you SA, that game and SA2 were my childhood 👏👀❤️ As for the 🌺, how about the panini man??
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Antonio isn’t my most talked about f/o, sure, but he’s still an important part of the big polyship ❤️ Might I also just say that this guy is like 7 feet tall and sold his soul to the devil so that his violin skills would leave him unmatched?? That’s cool as hell, like where do I sign up to smooch this man 👀❤️ And going up against an Antonio that knows how to use him well whilst hearing a distant violin signalling your impending doom?? Oof- 😳👀❤️ Just sucks that I can’t play him for shit D:
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apothecarywormcrud · 4 years
❤️🧡💜 for whoevers hitting the sick dab in ur icon
❤️ - How affectionate is your f/o?
more affectionate than astoria likes, especially when they’re trying to focus on something or out on business. captain hazama is a cad and a bastard with no qualms about abusing the fuck out of the fact that his corporal is kinda into him. astoria, likewise, has no qualms about gently stabbing the man if he gets too forward. (this is considered completely acceptable behavior. sometimes your superior officer kisses you on the cheek to be a little bastard and you knife him in the kidney and that’s just how it be.)
💜 - How do your f/o and s/i flirt?
astoria doesn’t flirt on purpose, but they can never resist a snide comeback. hazama “flirts” by pointing out behaviors that could be considered, how you say, kinda gay. also by killing them repeatedly but like, in a sexy kinda way.
🧡 - What’s an unpopular opinion you have about your f/o?
dan i am SO glad you asked and also i’d like to apologize in advance because boy do i have some THOUGHTS. on hazama’s wasted potential. he gets written off as your standard edgy bastard out to cause problems on purpose, which is true, but he could’ve had a really interesting character arc, had mori not completely dropped the ball on centralfiction. 
up until centralfiction, hazama has spent his entire life as the host for a god of destruction. their souls were meant to merge, but didn’t, and hazama remained functionally his own person (though a lot of characters refer to him as terumi regardless of who’s fronting, and hazama frequently refers to things terumi has felt or done as though they were his own experiences. that’s something for a whole different analysis). 
it’s only at the end of the third game that he’s fully severed from terumi, and the attack responsible brought us titty hole tuesday and marks the first time he’s felt true physical pain. this is ALSO the point when being mistaken for terumi starts annoying him. and like, the concept of “vessel split from the being he was made to house finally has the opportunity to discover who he is an individual” is fucking fascinating, but because this is the last game and we’ve wasted all our time on spinoff character cameos nobody cares about and need to wrap things up, let’s just throw all that into the trash and have one of our primary antagonists spend his last few moments torturing someone for no clearly-defined reason other than like, “for funsies,” before throwing himself into an interdimensional gateway to effectively die. 
*deep breath* AND ANOTHER THING—
the main issue with throwing yourself into the Boundary is that unless you have a strong enough will, it will destroy your identity. you’ll forget who you are and your soul will dissolve, which is a particularly cruel end for a character whose most recent plotline involved, y’know, finally getting to have an individual identity. also like. it’s the least interesting way he could’ve gone out. toshimichi mori your video game ending fucking sucks (this part is definitely not an unpopular opinion). 
anyways thanks for coming to my ted talk
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yourfaveisagayman · 4 years
could i get a fuckin uhhhhhhh gay sean macguire blease 🥺
working on it ! 
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transmimir · 4 years
endive and limerance with strauss. get flustered motherfucker
Okay ngl this ask made me spend like two hrs on blog maintenance bc i realized strauss isnt on the blog yet, then realized bumi wasnt either and that i hated my blogs current theme, so i just went thru and revamped like the Whole Thing lmfao. but! now i can answer!
Endive: IF I COULD DO ANYTHING WITH HIM FOR A DAY W/O MONEY ID TAKE HIM AND RUN THE FUCK AWAY FROM THE GANG LMFAO!! He is so anxious and sad about everything and i worry so much for him i just wanna take care of him and what he needs is a way out!!! he needs a normal life WAAAAAAAAH!!!! I’d buy a train ticket to somewhere far away and when we get wherever we’re going to ill buy a nice lil farm and then we’ll have a place to live happily ever after and its all OKAY FOREVER 
and now to answer limerance as hot n fresh new s/i, heres a letter from Zachariah Bell to Strauss ;)
Dear Leopold,
Now that I have started this, I’ve realized I do not actually know what I want to say. Hopefully, the things I will say will not come as a surprise. I mean, if the other folks here are starting to realize, I would think you would have too. And even more hopefully, you will feel the same way.
Leopold, I think you are the most wonderful man I have ever met. I think you are intelligent, and I know that you are not the man people say you are. You are not a good man, but I am not one either. It makes me more mad than you know that people hate you for what you do, when none of us are any better. We kill and rob people on the daily. We are all doing bad things, there is no reason you are worse than us. 
I am also defensive of you, because I know that my feelings are not that of friends. I have never felt as strongly for anyone like I’ve felt for you. Leopold, I am in love with you. Completely and truly. If other people want to see that as a heinous action, I am not afraid of it. I am already hated for the crimes I have committed. I am already hated for the way I feel about things. I am already hated just for the things I want to wear. I do not care if anyone hates me for the simple action of loving you.
I cannot tell if you feel the way for me that I feel for you. If you do not, I am sorry for ever writing this. We can forget about it completely if that is what you want, or if you just hate me after reading this, then I will stay away from you forever if you wish. If you do however feel this way for me, then please, let us talk in person about it sometime. Whenever you want to meet alone, just let me know. I look forward to your response.
With best regards (and with love, if you will allow it),
Zachariah Bell 
this deadass just turned into writing a confession letter huh. im gay ..,,.,,,
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jocelynships · 4 years
jaq and mary with steelbeak !
Thanks for the ask!!
Jaq and Mary: What’s something one of you has done in attempt to impress the other?
Here’s the thing about Scarlet, she doesn’t go out of her way to impress people. She doesn’t really need to try in all honesty. Steelbeak wasn’t too crazy about her when they first met, but those feelings turned around once she started standing up for him and told him she saw potential in him.
So that’s where Steelbeak starts to try and impress Scarlet.
She already sees potential in him, but he starts showing off whenever he can. He’ll swoop in and start fighting off their enemies even if Scarlet has it. He’ll flex his muscles (not very) subtly. He’ll wink and try to smooth talk her, even if it fails. He’s going to flaunt everything in his skill set just to try and get her to be more than acquaintances.
It kind of annoys her at first, but she starts growing a soft spot for him and his dumbassery. She finds it rather endearing.
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dracwife · 4 years
🌺 !!!
time 4 saw polyship rights bc im off the shits for my poor babes today
ok so first off. adam is an apprentice and amanda went back and saved him after he was left to die so jot that down
and he and amanda and i are big trauma but also each others support system ?? its a very slow burn type of sort of enemies to friends to lovers trope .... and now we do be vibin tryina just live and get back whatever semblance of humanity and happiness we lost bc of our games / john ....bro...im EMO over these two i just want to kiSS THEM
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bonus: my fav pic of them together
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Just two guys having a nice, platonic walk with platonic intentions and planning a platonic lunch date so one of them can be more acquainted with the other's son and totally keep a platonic, professional relationship with his dad who is also his platonic co-worker.
And then they kiss. Platonically.
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bunjywunjy · 5 years
If I have a major and two science minors, does that mean I'm a triple science bastard?
bastardship isn't cumulative but if you go to school for four more years you get to be the Master Bastard
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kiddphel · 4 years
*lightbulb* fr yakuza !!
I briefly mentioned this, but my Yakuza s/i is actually a fox spirit running around as a human to cause trouble. He’s a celtic fox spirit, so why is he in Japan? He got lost. Now he doesn’t know how to get back home so he’s just chilling in Sotenbori. Sometimes he sees other spirits around and talks to them because “oh cool we’re all spirits” but even the native spirits see him as a weird tourist and don’t really talk to him lksdajfkd
Yakuza is already such a weird game that I thought, why the hell couldn’t Kiryu talk to a fox spirit? Why the hell not?
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mrsdesaulnier-moved · 4 years
assign me a bastard and/or bear 🔪
Hmm how about a very big bastard man then~ Like Aldrich from the Seven Deadly Sins 👀
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dadbodsarehot · 4 years
kaz vs. dazai choose who will win, cage fight this sunday
(also i dont make the rules u CAn choose both and then tell me to fuck off ajfsjdf) --
yknow for the record i DID think about telling you to fuck off but the thought of kaz and dazai in an actual fight?? its so fucking funny and im so sorry dazai is gonna lose that fight 
and like. even if youre asking me to choose one personally dazai is still gonna lose. everyone who goes up against kaz will lose. my last two brain cells are in kazs back pocket 
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apothecarywormcrud · 4 years
☕️🎟 with the pink scientist lad !!
☕️ what are your mornings like while you’re both at home? (who wakes up first? are you morning people? coffee or tea?)
there’s no morning in hueco mundo, so szayel and masato both just sleep when they’re tired and wake up whenever. sometimes these times happen to sync up, but szayel also requires a lot less sleep and skips it entirely when he’s particularly focused on something, so it doesn’t happen very often. 
in the human world and soul society, szayel is an instinctively early riser and is usually neck-deep in his business for the day by the time masato stumbles out of bed at anywhere from 10 AM to 2 in the afternoon (when they’re not working, anyways). masato would like to be a morning person, but it’s never going to happen. 
szayel drinks black coffee with an ungodly amount of sugar. masato drinks hot cocoa.  
🎟 it’s friday after what feels like the longest week of your life, and you’re both free! how do you spend the day/evening? (going out or staying in? elaborate plans or just a simple date?)
masato spends most of the day sleeping, and the rest of it playing video games. szayel tinkers with personal projects. and then maybe they go out for dinner or something. 
(ngl i honestly don’t remember how i feel about spending time with people at the end of a long week because i live alone. when quarantine ends the burst of serotonin that hits my brain when i see a friend will be powerful enough to strike me dead on the spot). 
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cenntaur-remaking · 5 years
Do your oc ships have fancy names, like would Edgar x Nori be... bastardshipping? (I love them I swear)
they’d probably be based n the animal motif the chars tend to ave
edgar/nori would prob be like. SpiderBear Shipping
emily/edgar...spiderfly sihpping (bc butterfly and spider)
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transmimir · 4 years
huntress and jonathan *gets you*
For huntress her gender is assigned mother at birth. I think it would be valid of her to be trans of gender but also like not even really a “””woman””” she doesnt get gender as a whole she just wants to be Mom so she presents like her mom did. As for sexuality shes jamiesexual. Only attracted to me :^)
Jonathan is a cis guy (rip) and bi as HELL. Ultimate bi. The original bicon. VamBIre. And like thats so valid of him imo
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